HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-01-17, Page 2..... ..... 4,k -Grilofiier4yl nbw,p)v al Ithelbirdil W0111- AMBERLY. ta iLe I v conducted, the incompeltont Victory, as the. ruinist ry moll That 1yont. to, ing sio -aver-ily books I lit I -bill o re organs.1 11: . I . �hplblrlog unoksehajr 0110koa With 4rtft--.'; 'Uder tile memberS ra -weeded out, hitrber slaries I are'now dnin,, bey aro in thpiv TurSr,Asow. TheNew-Yearwas, onSuir-, go w.,Qirfily-611 I' holy taws. and tbL- Jt�p thelf st"end W1 adjourned. 'seemd Liu a�qiitrenients. ilt is very essentil (if that, oil this occasion, Mr TV. T. 11 6fruigence, whiall, oul� for the snowy �vcst,tire­ titake thoir I? �k W -4 , Sl , r A le. a ski or or tw6oth uitin a i ome at d to cllrokk'ol� day.ittatigurittt-.dbyanalinostdazzlin(tsijl*a- the jousk; A shwald F t�he: C 11 R, IS member- for- North Huron, although of the landscape, any oneimAiLitiat :5 fit. callim, lil'e work Wit we do :aks of nature in her TGrontv 'Tan. 12, 17, 167.1 not think dispensitti6lx' '141ost.Alrt the w reDO . 1. I usually a sapportor or the Government, fickle frti �.. I --; .1 o. -0-d 0 X Ric 'ved that t4 this by a snperannuation 114.ity ha,vo. Y(Jr tir�y ;wlth their-, iiII9044"Ifito t - 113 - �,� _. eI Marrinae oil the part of the I `I!raCA I tho Huron -Mted and poke squarvly against them, of a Canadian Winter, wouldKe 11r.Lortht MO construed into theggligiten cements His remarke as reported, were as ful. 'Wor,lave rioe -en. by the Com. ar 11ch,;61 be I pecuniary 1111.111 )W to yoxing men would best nee of an April 1,11 shft I it y:,ung women, tit radia athe- -nmger than the lows the olle of those caprictons chUd-ren of t a3 after matter was rdmarred+) the Printin,- 'Com' To _t1l I �' f, I r, motion for r -,torn # t they hadcontributed afewyears to HAYS 9A I 11 11.1;uiity suppor'.ed t ,vat' I war settlers Lielidine w ULO t 43S adoptell. Alt fact ithose visital too frequeoly, deno reii r n44 tlieas!e.lan(Iiiidi!,retitoftlieitel*ttsg- tile Glive ninent, but oil A1111 Q. the presnittikinship to abQisterous getrerition,f d; for i"tUritS n lon free' grap �.ttis s 't tile lonlyser�e to excite our relish of e, income frft�,'Glln 14 r 'Kerr, Grilcar* sore,isbin he sli-,ulil have to sup,101 est trl �anlard and the sal method of see h_h ot 4 grOr4d` U* th, b f lirill" - , I rtluntl�jlai�r . Off Abe 6 sincelie believ.d. that the experience of out -do W, g et &h 4 0 L, t 6 be' :p3id, and -will jt�tatCIYACD llllport�tk�t sphere and keeph 1p eflo6ut in no 91' r- ru - Sqw,m will be Ig i�l the It, reli-A should be cxtendud ta a or or to make its feelore I 11 work of V64i�a 'dited, re-ienue to: the 1�eellliftr ge 1, , � 0 � 1%y Vary Iachh of id In his co(Litituency all eries whi�h its ldndri4 of tb6 se &pted ha­ibe, � express it enifq * sit I 'lli.,n of the Common and Gramar out. to illilict, at* what�' in .06m I ab Mon saftofthm W-49 __rla Mofaf-bligid f�n the )$Y,L Treas �Cbi�iiotiw - . �-!represmtsd ve tile off -Oct Of neLtiving were reill, d,und Ili, thought it woald that satftrsda *dft land 'Indeed face, 00 in- phrase we denominate Pet Days; pffttiare yeps. will h0e 'It's 9 ipal and 00.0 I�Jto cc&s, oflany competitl y have existetl be util'air to nve r6 iuf to one and ubt the forcill ii- ,rIriUAx -d e that 11A e stva 'it; London prei j between th two. The C�Lnirkoii SvIll-I i, for tl 0 PORT on which ma more Is illustration of the trath of I'le nvotild a.4k Ran. 001110 t116 c.111 llow -.A It, i4h-, bY 110" a it ol d proverb, will occupy its true position as Od a lam" tim" and the tui.-sianvr whether It,., hA any right to maV a saminer, it has seldolia. been Gallia of pdrallaiion 1`0 # earl ier thall tl -,Uom. Ant er 67., an. Talm-sAnt2d, bY th rodtfice 'tie price of' cicr�vy Iall-ls e 3,1 "')t ) witness far Sunday with: its ma,�.y. tory institution, from the higher classes (if ."'r L ­ . .#- - scve�A C16,laill - - " rl k measuree of*e1i&4 to onor* It- .. A t o t lie A AO Ya were bich alone piipils will be remove !air' promise; ,T!inds 0 High School and only adillitte,l I MR. 111011AIlDS said ih,ire was not. [i ope-in spi. ring aspect, and f so had scarcely retired bey4jild the curtain of "$took, Aorigi in tes sOd the 'TL, 0 i 8_7 SEA'S -ry e NIEL. UAYSasked il'tilt, im .,* THI meaed, ta.oratt tile there after a stl ic .1-c -was -,my ca night, till its blustoriu-, bellowing brother of antiquity -ill, bieser-lods,,ii �xferlded ti), this Is"ottle ted01je. _LLCrj:gSP In -au .01111. 011 rL Sdidl Taudis:" aoinday came tearing along, a;verr tI lit ulhich load k)een male?" I 'thatbiie lip to OtAr sn b-, examintion, so that vKo tilav CxPcet to puffing and ji ed' part- iilAe ;of 'prciert' illit. Ricamilis lie reffictubered I . I? nieraiiit alid PrinciPokir- hw.r no more of the anoinialy of 31, ai%6 tiin� (A 4 Pay�,Off biAll i' blo%ving ; and hurling.his frigid miss es in t( tr Sttheoirentil- 4' tcd,t'ito trgumejits whi0iti be.otight fov lar$io we I 11 & I, :DT, tory or or% In I it i I I E n gl ish cl,38 'y i t 11 one in -.(" arletofi Cotin IV. 71i& whel-4 of iiul� _-Alla All everybody's face, whorn. either recreatiOlL havi. . a fi'bobw be- fulxd. ligidl jold withou hGra-minax school. Ma. 'E1AYs believed tlial� others hi in I'L Iliafn N%, a crib tosettlers wittio While we do not wish could or necessity called aut Qf doors.. Next in self :and Iiis btea-tii I 7virith, ods se Doth intvr�st. - dnesdaY, holdi Ill ita'Brii Pa14- n disparge the results of a clssical tra'11- be (ound il' tho Government looked. Tile succession came 1116adaY 9111 Nre iectbd!�AW .by th'i"wV --G, 11-, of Jar, witb erfi& burdens of snow,'filling lid' Ub" Id" )in ,was b st -behind. Yfi� debol e;f N n!"'we are giaLl to see that in Grammar hal-I chief trouble in Iiii district Nias nol� So laden was found ',I;e ��Ily D be, all our sidi�a,of,tha waiters, '6 ara a N, _14,o ta*u,4 an tip P.h. almost impassable drifts 7i, M 0 0 R H O'U S E -or. pro- be bir - '-d' ab bilt, ow sellooL lnc )4n zhools the udy of Latin is to be npti,aial much to (t relief frnt tile " th to made 'ice 'O )t oil X# Arar. enients, re r ughfares; prodird- 6 haft resto 114 expeditiotns�y, t land as too get posse ision of Min t it inthe'j4e��bridvs ao-oise 41111111 %ticesall el- the _s� 'AV U I I it Of S 1000, all 1pkI arranL, p -.,toads, lanes and thoro -And sted , I -coninler,111 i av *d been IT rling a hi-_,Iier En,,Iish and ing, in many hist -totr. here ll the The question s�4k.LU b.., look impijkta,nO6, L it. (Ile ',I TOMInd ADVUC- a at -ru tiobt. dneation. It is riglot that linstarld threatening to bury up emerything c%116d; Benbecula, whero its necessary tools should be put into the and tile sativ- W�fit extendud to all." Oil which fortuitous dir- it: relief volfl(l extend- �_re-sujn6d oh ia, ffutrart and coccilpy tile I dead or alive. Oh 7 how I hate this and, louilshcd the -Acib3ft� --wii" 'b un handsof thase who -ire to Thankful fbAti�s excroisetoof indepon- -bur bexo .'rests t1g�im!d- verylow.ja thege'lawd4j, -but it'lVas, if gmarlod adpuckeredwiatter.` On account cumsta*e Blageig, res61trtiom'to �e HAS GilEATTF duc I A'in 'the z* Id 1� t . 1-6 - renders t tie ordinary and tin professionl Wlks f life. I dence and common scuse on a matter of of the rouLh state of.the roads oil Koriday bein�' ibe Aineotl -'Ii e the.-Xtt.- by 41'4.o (The for in,tki n provision is I nd Ambedy, oldes`t dai� of We are sorry all usual New -year sports,sron he to see th-.tt no intercst to his constituency, we should the by' diffioll. tyl,arkV �Iig from 'was �aricd� a a(tvance 0 1 _ I Tknawn to t ion of -than th maile for tie higher edricat now like o see Mr. Uays use his vivn we'�o�at a -sorry discount ; there were no shiid pearsi me �bds bavin� to, forNorth. a the 1e paidtoe--Nifilifitin H'&bil 4CE ha patran. ge I-arlais.of to LLED ALL HIS PRX- t0hrim we shoulti" like to see fitted in ed by'theIN. ;cepi fIr sion and 11tv weiiiiier AV Div. 1916ke are deter- I. 1jdgineat am e oblli- was mero'ly�- L ustruction . rieril weasures., social meetings : except in private family sent e last narriddyl. 0 schools for their position by i tinkle of qver� solltiewha lilie th voted with tile Goverflii:tcilt.)f his 'P�Jt 0 to e,, to mrit _i6a _�. A10ft-t cir-,Ies ; and eyen the happy A at in- lrian phiv a trifle 1. u , t�oyed the seZon tis =s and .it the youth latplv set his eyes oil fl� c Iy.T0 6- d Ldonce of -the Legisl4ftrre) tervals "few and far between" like aTe, culian. s ecilre in. epell, 'jiA in �ood whom I 11-0 ODiik at a Y'6f IU 3 EFFOE"m to English, French, i-ti3io -tit different) out Benble readingr I k- "a i n,- Why should n ileigh bells, was only to be heat 8 eaked t -dam 61, i N k* a clear attli t sexes receive tit the. same institutil in , voices ; and even Tavern life 3�of. n, the neighbor] ma 1pg arguro taiii auLL tile st,-itloii on 1hos'o 11A the liberal trainin suited to their frittirel dead gaine, fairly played out by the in- he aliw-to bewellbesto% folvdipi-of the Ad4tiibn a measure. 'he daiightertA-,aBi�tl�'h:Qlieezi Gb-V rnm6rf� -could -M a -hg on The A�ttomey re�lied;lt lellky ��A GIETTING Together AN -t � 6 tl H6 avocations ? As for the boys it is well clemency of !IT weather ; and save one chattels no+ a his Gen. jid'be prepared Tuu Friday even- want of confidence in dis Ai-rzis those who are desiroils ahot. free fi,,ht at the! rival Village of Delhi, over lout of'k!- well- to-do Cnadian faIrMer-AVith tljdrsubjeet. Mr Mon saw a vote of -lit ing last, file Court Elovise was wt a poor nnforrun�te Tailor this el besides the clll,,wer 61 pesonal. ow pn., To r 11 e -i�om- niversity ill filled darnz ai�id_. mOv3,eL1.the,;8ix months' hoist. the way, when to proceed hence to the U plyrociative alidielled. T to fi d anather"dower"' PI we) -a es of bribery ikers (whih beM47 he expected n aint h Y, c 19o.,e AIr Boyd'jaye .severul lstand 'VARIETY with it is also well.thmt-others'not lul,ving tha Ith all at e read got denuded, of one of his wh tit voiRd be,bet- a eduicied:. in ings were appareatly suitabie to the taste ot I my deatination shotild rather b factal decorations he had wo right to wear) of which her-doubtles8ly 11,Y .. ch till this coftfitry'and in England, ana. argu- some occurrence, marred rjqf; proycr-. tei ostn%. TeV.4?4' nseful acquirements than in the milinient- dr, listenerl�; for we heard more than usual dramatic the need-ols Celtic Chiettailis.are now ed that the Edislature shopild be indepen- is ,essed with 1hem. h bially rich—r4z* _�ajjd C1 tt 0_ ililchcabl lgftaf� ViftiW 'twenfy..� I-16overr.ment. Mr -Fiaier -OF- of tl ary lore of the schools ; aud while bf satiplactionxpi Tile rea& Tollqr -A dent : of .,the monotony of out' othersvise, oral neig at es. are t-wgbt bourbood. Tjio)rcstilt of dr tting on all ilel,�c6. ' 'Tile ocoftp tit$ of those 1, as afr I ss;�ry that the n-t,tral lihilosopby, mechanics I ers -were Garrow, Yourk.m. Keating municif)al cordingly, one 46,� lately, - PIA thought t w high y ece n c' 6y''tillhould piss. T Fancy Articles, Jewelry. Silver -Plated not the ,irls .liiler, and Givne-ron. These -eutlemen, tiviltnitim lobs statits and not soctislied, for they, were alfraiii th , Dr. angl clientistry, why should electio'ns was trufavurable to ill f resh the disruity I ebe nloleted,b,* Orden; be'�Jebate was cont i - mdre triodeit ilvin their predee,�s&)119, did not ;nity- All here isms without the foible might at =.rtim es tu a m,)ro grace spirants towards magisterial dirl ditary pp$efis' ed Ware, Kaick-Knacks; Tys, &c., tant receive equal advantag I . in it -until one o'cl6dk, when efflvision took: lu(;Ullt the ."Throne of instce," but were "board of of previous Rea place on the Att. Gea's matioxi for a six &c. suitable for Xmas Presents fill direction 7 the members of our last, years' ll��came boldly to Conlicill ri :'He is' -proposal, ta the Itich Is 41der- We are sorry 11r. -Blake bad little c-)ntent w:th the Clerlil of Courts e evation C.uncillvrs having doneptrong canvassing the scratch and'hia;de hi ardssaia that tbq.scho91 In pr mouth's hoist, which was cIlriiZed by 41 to Having imported the bulk Of his StOCIC a of her parents, situated in the Tichfst put tons, in their owN coveted fair one in presenc a of �he" 46"u- 33. (Both members far Huron -voting good to say for a Bill that b as some blem- wid were much better heard in conseluence. n I 0 - work for some time prev elieve try, It direet be is enabled to ofFer Aid ishes, but many excellent features. And Vocal music, of a very superior a d ei j ya and ad.beensgl(I.At,92.antLoi*.�-Thp wiftto We government.) The Ifouse ad- his goods at prices mqch and each other's interest enabled thein which.py.opoELI-would the reader b were not Aigposea 'to Thake, - gvc� should hav� liked if Dr. Ryerson lia(l ble ch.macter, ws provided hy Mrs. R, 13 s- scornfully rejected by 'both Government ed at a quarter past one, below those of any to after a considerable series. of efforts, to it ?-wit on on thespUilkfi, for there -was Journ written in reply with a little less crimotiv. Stuith nod nertha rrainer;-Cant Thom. trug,gle into office again;which is the more pargrits and the bgirl herself, who told him any reducti Toront6 Jan 13. houge, in town. 01, -Lnd r a n smith. Mr to eci 1114� A.Tespect to, - thein as Macdonald The venerable Stiperintendent's --vigifrous son, Mr C!atk usle 0 r Lauder After routine. Att. Gen be regretted, esp ally as regards the ia-terjns� as eloquent as the wonderment of not so much urge J�E[ diatribes might more apprc piately have been Windiis. Rx-aresFor or instrumental in Reeve ; as it themoment would permit that shecould there wao in respect fo Others, _-Y presentd a report of the Staudinl-y Com- offices of Reeve and Deputy . � 1i '- . derided by milton, played several selections in % matrimonial attacked Mr Blatie, -who.wps d the against the notorious inca:pacity from H etty e,% ident t Aiiected . must be prue a a,11 who po8e$s not trust herself to enter oil, ��-�,ruson attake4 mittee on Railways, reporting that a very bii1liatit manner. ESS, - can of life with one of the bilr McKellar. r T M, it lRailway Co. handle, the question shown by Mr. *tidn voyae on thec I Streetsville and Port Cred PF tD�' - the tact uf appreciating public spiri, )f and dQfend-' hadpassed with certain amen&ments.- ALBUMS, of the new malke, holding 50 to wio took chanto of the Bill, than I THF '-\TFXT PE -%NY RKADDSGS.-Weare re- r mental capacity, that the unsuccessful posterity of an individual- whom Noah the amendment 100 or 200 portraits fie ed fille rotlilutions-pit tb� Government.- dose 11 -like W110 had a u Ron I Carling introduced a Bill td en candi'dates, for both offices, w iust Mr. 81 perfect right q ested to say tbat the en tertairoment on Pri ould havd, if could not trust in his ark, along with t Mr Sw: nrton conle'viained that three coun- ps, in d6no day, 27th inst , will take place in the Tem- d other wild beasts ! I - t6 city of Lon- ATHOORHOUSE, S critioiseiit, though perha, ' 80, electeJ, raised considerably the standar Le sigh did ties, Gruy, Hur-ni and Bruce, ba'd occupied a part of Church street, in orporation. .1. rather too much of a pa V parauce Hll ns formerly. A ood pro- of ur municipal board. Dankfoonderd he was, but no don, and to invest it in the c heagsumer 0 0 The debate rdroma is being prepared. I-,UpRtjV EMENTS.—Itr. Fraser of Amberly he gie all the time,i, f tile session In reply to Alr Boyd Hon I Carling sai a " De - rode can- 44 c0llti-'�llled - bV Lount, Sinclair Public Works A We hope the Government. will be pre- EI.ECTION OF Smoot, TTUSTEEs.-Tte has ju3t cimpleted the erection of a large H motinted his naig nd he that the report of the HrayS r HOME; J S Macdonald and t 1p . arel -nd Boyd.' partment would be presented early next BROO'Es, inGold, Ivery, Jet, Glass, c to accept amendments an(I that after I iovis frame stable in connec- nilie election on Wednesday, Ilth inst., resulted and comn od bas passed I -n of tbefvllowingm,iientlemen:- tion with his mills. This will prove a very But often he tbio'ch't as his r Gov- weelc ; also, the reports of the Departments Spa, Tortoise -shell, Bqgg-oak, Pearl, &c. titeasure 1rocili the ..i the retui oad home he OV'.teron defended tile co rse (if the ion, a A BiH it will ers who Qrnment, ane, affer, further discuss' of Immigration and Agriculture. amrial firs cd a committee, St David's Ward, C Crabb- St Patrick's %Vd. great boon to his nilmerons custom. taen a- T11 aaout re St Andre -'s Ward, G Sranst; may roqiitre She was daft, torefusotaancitr,tMcL-. 4ivisir)n i6vas tooken- with 27 for and 48 to aiithorize t certain regis fined (J its dr3s,-; _aeceptable D Ferguson; stabling at the same time he deliver� of HEAP and isite Oil and Water-cclor The Holm then vent into Com - 0 , 8 Ward, J V Dedor. that it quite en The Registrar of Deeds of Wayne county, in f t Ge q e' hances the appearance If The TempIg.rs open- their -,e W Livigo on' gainst. the commilmity., wid to the teac ers try books in the (jaunty of Ess -x to the chromo-paintings and pictures. art- ing 'with a 24 zent sc;lree. Trive mittee sid passed the resolutions. reflectimr as it does an. imp F Province. SOCIAL.- The ladies of Le New Connection Church the place, 'ri.,daye;n 0.25. -of on the locality. the State of _Alicilitan, onef the U. f3tates, House adjourned at 1, condemnation of the measilire to ove'e aive a Sullial iii �he Baienieut on Friday evening antir of impr in P 'he Council of Public fustmetion -at 7,30 o'clock. lominittee.-: t - THE L 0 T. have jikst erected a very SINGULAR �OOT 7�;A.LLING-In last weeks Toronto, Jan. 11. of America, passed through C e ence 1 mentione Iion of Att. Gen Ma4i 0 AL, One snug little Edifice., or Lodge, or T triple fas correspond e on mot -DOLLS, in Wax, China and Cotopocsite �MILTI p,)%Ver' and that power Dr. AGRICULTUr -The Annual Meeting of the mem (I the ca e of Ai'ter TDittine, Ron. Mr. Cameron The Hous IV ittee on the B every style, size and price at If thisis so, re-qonstrnet the bers of the AshfivId and Wawannsh Branch vgrieut. all iree terms seem familiarto that osten- poor itinez,­ t kvight of the Goose',and �turn relating to the squat- dopald, went into Comm in prescrited a I-.(. to ame liezinstritetion- De -centra- ti;ral Society was field at Mr. A. Black's Hall, jDun- .11 n Thur6day. tile 12th day al' January sible fraternity) on the so nd the law relating to election peti- of Pub isn' uth-east co-rIner Scissol-s wne bad undergone acertain-a- nd as to tions, and for providing effectually for the OORHOUS� UIS 'meFl for that body if -er's account ters in ;'I a ; ai Owers dal Ajidito"' report of the Tit asui of Mr. Mouuaoh's lot,and closely adjoining moun'to�,',C Inaltreatment ata certain Hostelry rson iled statement ofthe proceedings of the "Clackitt stre Mr. Affile .3 a not let viluable and a detz arrears ;I tbat district. cessary. But d let" on which it is devoutlY to nOtf,.&r&vTy-' Poor Whip Stitch, seems to orevention of �.orrupt practices at election i5ociety foe tile pait 3--earw-ere laid befuse the officers ia� ultimately reflect a little f this nature ititrodue-d a Bill further to secare the for the Legislati�e Assembjy of Ontario, ta miscarry indefinitely, 6 --cause and direc ors. which were �pproved, b ' coth of which be hoped, it -0 ha,ee been born to trouble a ]&VERY novelty not mentioned in thio lis� y as in a ver r and w ' ds, fUr'on the independence of Parliament; also, ofte Mr Eyre in the chair. The various clauses will be found at t d L' otperhaps.the were convincing pr,iuf that the Siieiet The following gentlemen werya b tter credit than some of the othe !�.s the drops fall down ar ek ell is n - -ant on$ condition. )itod with amendment, pro-ip offer for the ensu= y,-ar - - older institutions in We w . - to that neighborhood afternoon of-Moildwr last, at the same relatiou'Fo tavarn and shop licenses. Mr. having been ad( MOORHOUSES d in . 1). j%lellwaill, Presidant; C. Givvin,VieePresidemt: the Committee rose; reported, and asked did, and on account of which it first becarto tilrem-es in phicli it is Ivell. known, be daced a Bill l.elting to the Carnegie intro T. 31. Rcobei$s, Seer-tary, R Clendenning, Esq., 0 woutinto er. D1reL4oxs. T. Anderson, Pent an a locality "famous in sing So r"te, `-t bP- 'pends almost all the dimes -he eoirns, he - Mr. BIOAe then moved Leave to sit. The House then Tr assessment law. I the Bill to render the 'ord, J, G. Truax, W. Hayden, appears to have giyen some offence to the (;Ommlttee on 1RTS--CLAS Electroplated poonsj CO]huliElee dIl;ick,1_Ro�c,J..A1eDean. Afiditors,J,Whyard. MATRIMONIAL, NATAL AND 13BIZOAZY lofty feelings -of Bonifacl� himself ; who that the House should g6 int6 JDCTI�her of the Law Societj elective, Bir Fforks, &c., Lc., all waranted, at rthur. We have -bad only two weddim,,s in our af . ter a few words of previous banter;ng of the- Whole to consider the resolutions Eyre in the the chair. After a discussion, X00RHOUSE'g. outside' respect ery,,pt.c., at elections. The on J S Macdonald consented to with - r SOCIAL. -A social takes pla e vicinity since the advent of the New7-yeaF, followed the poor fellow to the' I in bri I H ting the election OE eyan Church this (Tnesday) It requires considerable hirdihood, and a wherenot content with fallina him on the- 'first resolution stated that it was. expe- draw clause 5 respec d without .30 o'clock. Great prepara- [,IOOCI to at ts at bribery , Bviichers by members within an Very strengthy current of amiti7e 1, frozeu ground, he also admin4ered a kick dient' to provide ae GOLDTNE is the name of the new material een made to make it,pleasarit induce parties to enter into M�6trkmonial lie bar. The election will now be open or two, which has since rendered the ua- undue inflaen and otber illetgal pTao-_ the fwhichmauy attOes zf JevvelrV WO niii.g. We hope it will be well- engagements, 74 to, the mck ot, sitow ; and -fortunate TaiJor a subject for medical treat-, tiocs at elections,for the Legislative AE- tothe whole bar. The committee rose now mkdi�irk varietv at the lzrreatot credit is tlieref,)re due to our unish- and reported, and asked leave UP sit again. NOORHOUSE, S ment being badly injured about the left I- -The -Post Office here and two quondam friends 'Mr. Jas. Brdwn - - region of the heart. Being sembly should be prohibited and p- The Grand Junction Railway Bill was read breast, in the er- by imprisonindnt4, also, for thi 0� . of Mr. MeDirmott w e and Mr. ArthurTwitilel for the -fortitude a -person of - weakly constitution, it seems able a liecond time. The Muskoka, Junction ed by fire on Thursday last. the have both ev;,aced in takincy the Boreal a great hardship.that lie should waste his appointment of election aullitorsunatlia t Biif was read a third time and passed. On �O insurance $400. y o, Ide t4eir health and his earnin-as on a set of Bully- no expense- should be paid except through the motion --of Mr Cameron - that tile 11ouse UHNDTs.BRCHIEF and Glove boxes, in Bull by the hQ?')Is and Cflting lit the J."L Nlorocco, and all hitilds of kare arid cotitly saltud lip baAhelonhips, by iakin- to their In case 4. an payment adourn, V r Blake, enquired abo of last week, - lign-aes, and I hope their hearts 0 also -f or ing Bravos who have no better return to the auditor. ill. loir Cameron replied that he woods. I make than knock him down and then kick being otherwise made, the ele tion to be School B ed awv the ex -(viz one aT)iece) of i) 0 quired the assistance of Air Ryeron,but better, for worse, two VO, d It was al nately that gentleman was 111. The which covore,, ' him for falling. so proposed that an oath re ji,.,110 the sonsiest of Mother Eve's fair feminine The Annual school m6etizigin 11 Poverly ' * unfortu INK -STANDS in Silver, Bronze, E bony. (fe ws 0 should be taken bX the candidate that 0 . ,ogeny As for Births, they come with House then adjourned. ozen enor,all to PI Section" came If to-dav with0lat any of the regulationt had not b6n;' contravened, .L.Walnut'Le-1 ac. muuh better grace in the spring time of the usual teerf"linatory' exhibitions of For the year ; it is the tiatuml season altho' a small Mr. Blake sapportid the principle of the Fr,,O%V'-' COAPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOP1101SPUrrits Will enc of t1je, week A foriner years I think there seems the evil not only supply tile waste going on in the brain, but ly, freez- not much adhered to by general cusforn ray from the dawri of better times beginn- resolution, contending that O.CHES, chains, neeldets, car - will enable the mied to endure a gmater tax than be- JET BRO The people tip here, are beginning to look ing to penetrate thegloom. Therewere which now existed would be cured by it- fore. it will impart vig-orand pr-muote clear concep �rmgs, as it touched the a effort& made o part Of There was no doubt that i tion to 'he intellect. It will Strengthen the nerves after theix- interests front 'more rational and give power to all the involuntary as well as the lowed and we ire now , 11 this time on th f a constituene view than mevl�, and voluntary museles of the body. 1. are ratep ers, of trying the strength of their became debauc!,ed that it �otild remain igbing. PO '0 ty than ay ng each other rdin-fashion. Sold' by apothe rALBIDOSCOPES, for the wonder and a a little Ina , u kn prtttutll rer i Prien $1.50 a bOttle; 6 for 87.50. went to sleep -as the skulls irt btinti corrupt for a great number of years. A cries and by F. Candill. &.Co., .whalesal�agcats K delectationofthe youn,.-folh-s- 'chat of fisher in& into the world in seasons - as now reviVd and if� -reat deal of money was sent by can- Biontrea.. Wks his poor little naked bipeds when in Pord-woo& and rl�,rk fact tre is scarcely it possibility of d*s didates' fyiends, which was calealated to -oVrJ?.ErF-7TI01;, either of body or mind. -preduces secure good pr1ces.- orldisbetiea'th- Log-rislature of Ontario. coverir V-15 exercise undue influence, and would be debility a;d disease. The usual remedy is to take OTS ofew goods never before soon in t how far dowr the w some stimulant, the effect Of which is the same as who began. to look 0 With respect to tired horse Cie whip instead of oats. L Goderich and which cannot be ceen the frozen snow drifts. Toronto, Jan. 9th. stopped by the adoption of the principle giving A The call ntenames wreathed wisely def erred dition of the true way i,.1 to fortify the sysbetu with a nermanent oppinpuound in their- burials also, they are alike of the res9lution. 'The co tonie,Uike tile Peruvian Syrup(aprotoxj(fe ofiron), anywhBre, at until, a More congenial gie-ason. After. routine business, report'of tbe I wealth of t116 country wa which gives strength and vigor to the whole system, SoIREE.-Notwithstanding the rigoar of Macdonald. presented a there was great Ilanger that the enormous has a large assortment forenoon as the hissing snow storm, which raged in- _R'IilwaY Committee, * respecting the .0 IffOORLIOUSE, I n ed at elections would have THc Honsr­' Of tbc great numDer of anitnals - c now ,,vikirebeing hrougbt into- tensely on the evening of Titesday the 3rd Peterborough & Haldimand Railway e�penses ineurr ember 'iderthp control of inan, tht the horse is uiiikuestiou� f ornaments in th thb result of making such a M ably thd inost serviceable ;" but Is it not strange thap ""began urging their inst, the members of 't'lie U. P.. conrega- Company. Rod. Mr. Cameron iniro- 0 anxious to recompense himself by mearis so ulany ho own hoyses, and who are dependent on Ing' to get ahead of the tion qf the Towkiship of Huron, together duced a bill incorporating-_ the Queen uity teirlaborfor a livifig, should r.eglict to give them n iBpared to 14 oi)p,isito Mr. Henry ft - re be would gain by being that care and altentiiin whiel, their own interebt no pains or expellse has bee 9 with their friends, held a soiree in their Fire Insurance Company, and the News -',Of the patronag . j. S. less than tile safety aild comfort of the horse demarids. heep z-hend of all competitrs at e'load upset and Nlri. new church on the Saugeen line for the boys'Lodgin,g and Industrial Rome Hon. amember of that House. Hon The brest niedicirie for horses is -Darley's Arabian DiO011aOUSE'S. field, the owner of it I understand, of clearing off a C�ed Macdonald mo ciao o1us ther plirpose, acdonald introdu abill to 1' o d" n di I iven; portion of the d: C '" a Ade eais " g t ved in am6'adment, that �m�4y 's d b -it -a -"That d .. tha i_Lia f antilder, cansing dislo ourred by its J -..ib t expilses in Law Society the fodowing be substitute R h The meeting 4 _ Co. 0 h tthq hich Dr. McDougall T Was well attended. render the benches of the sious H rd n a s this iWistratiort of erection, of elective. Mr, Blake -Private bill ? this House isofopinion thattheprov W.rtlI,.p Lyin, st ei 0. , _P_Pritr. rJROIDE­CaA1ff, have 'the allll'�arauee I Mai Speed' will ho�ve n a ably prdsided over by Mr. Stewarl, centailied in the election law f 1863 may f'or the C .. da.. . Sold by a , llta�, i.. dealers. aud,wear of 1�olid gold, a varietY at Huron, a gentleman of -happy temper and (Lauhter.) Hon. Mr. Cameron presented Of preventing the a good and very versatile orator, in the returns respectiom- the disallowance of be taken as sufficient, proteption 11.-aiust. A tree planted B. C. i.3 said to grow and of horses within the - ncr bribery or undue inflaenee at elections, absence of the late pastor, Mr. I Iis who the Supply.Bill'of l?G9. 2Mr. Lount flourish in Central India, mincousequence until il�isclearly demonstrated tolhe was -deterred fromattending s moved, in 1he absence of -Mr. Cumber. contended W I pE UH&pS if you were to drop in, YOa I We find by the Ot- of indisposition. The tea service and it land, the second readin.- of the Tor6ntoj contrar Air. Macdonald BRYANS miq lit see something suitable fora present licomitant refei much credit L. - the Toronto Glubc has co' ian's did . tion that the. resolutions of the 14on. gentle remedy.) have now been in use over r To J .!end4o at Harvey and Kormann, b to -cookg all wotrds, 9. icoe &. Muskoka Railway Jane ur sweethedIt or It Bill. In - reply to a question fro*rki Uri, won 6 uncalled 'for. They Ahould twenty years, hence it cotanot be saia that fo County of Bruce), at -otb d ste - and the Sia wer hey a on trial. They bavii been. musical depariment,00nsiBting of a very `wsit an4 see how the provielons now in , re t 163.169; a sum which harmoniouslyarranged little Wcoir,rendred Blake, Ha. J. S. aclonald s -aid that tborug lily tried, and pronounced (ion the. O' force opiirated, when applied by the the sates with pleasant effect * 0, choice variety of the government would not submit any authority of those whose lives and health ler��c4p you bu PreEentatiou tt riace of re si.rad pieces; led by Mrs- Cameron of plan for ealing with the municipal loan, court about to be establishea under the they, have preserved) to be a cure, harm. �UERX, 171 y sed. - trial of the Controverted E lec- 1. s and eminently salutary preparation goods the 60*est 2 -why-at -We are compelled, Am6erl3r, who % ith her rich sweet voice, fund indebtedness until after the elections / propo B100HEIOUSSIS. .0 them over to next and Melodeon accompartimefit,ecintrill-ited Ho J. S. Macdonald moved that to. tion . Allt. The AtIbriley.General TO' and if taken in season will invariably cure much to the pleasure of all present. The nise go into.Committee of forred to the course of the Reform.PkirtY colds, conhs;sore throat, and all Broil- Bass wVs alse). admirbly executed in the morrow the Hc Rrantin- at the time when Mr. D)rion7 Proposed a chial affections. One fair trial ilul the pro,gress madO 'a ra will be duly sent. - Edmund Ross of the ' Whole on ttre subject of ,convince the most skepLical. Sold -by -all VA Se 'Ube oullfssion. ilig voic� of mr. lat- Ottu ' Bill securing pou' ee'lions, which ae wa rily.at el an- instructor in relicf to the suff6rers by the d RE4 rich durin, -the F(14131]3211007, *40 0 ose adjoins dealers, at 25 cts. T)er box. Gode direet atteriii,oa to Zhi3yeld whose taleilts as- iay- fires.- -He read several they then . That law had been in special correspondent of the 11 Times," Edia, mkisical aknowledgedfaet." ' and Sagueti pp edBost-swro, go me theory, is tin a, be passed by the Holise under" his leador- our 3100RHOUSEs The ouly piece Of G;Okilar music, Was the letters which had passed between t ere'aissatidied HAPPINESS. -True happiness, iTi if you wist tv EGO A irs.4ay., nexit the offi. popular, . and . favorite son- of. "The Old ember for Chicuut,ins in the - Dominion ship ; but tl�le Opposition w . Ion, consists of the,following named tO 2 will be ,1 0 wk --of the the su.Ljcet of and' under I the promptings or-ille Globe OP'n e little Vife g At the requ( 0 1 actieles A itic 0 Lym Chh, sun Parliament and himself ion r1smile filling your six 'months, Dis audience by Mrs Peter hield$ of Amberly wished to �o still.farther. I He defended 'S, and pio- ',Agiter. taste and feeling- I here relief to the sufferers by the Sao'iielay n - our kn�e, her trusting neat little STBABOSCOPE'S DnW' Vie` eE5vWj0ty. Ince will c with ezo s a letter from - Mr. Bl4ke "ayinn, his position as a Reformer,, an(I called on minci with happy thoughts, a t1ures for the Lbum in endl -A it Oy�tevsuppjervowinli il shortand, pithy orations by fire; �al _o I, le 1 -he su p -porters of the Government to vQte room- tidily furnished,- and a bottle of WerQ ses erl all of which con- that that geutle3an would upport th th6chairniaii aiia others, r. down thii resolution.- Mr. Blake replied "'Canadian Pain Destroyer"in. theoup- Ty. -We are glad (riblitedui loT bwardst-he general fund of governnint in �ivin,g relielto tile sule hard ready for instant use - Nothing at to4he argumeqts of the Attorriby-GenerAll )e aull, yei prides aro always uyearly ropon print., our and 'gtat668,6011- understand ers.—He claimed that tile government better for, sudden colds, sprains, burns, yy 1 3�00RIIOUSEIS. in ov -to much low, at I', . that iltis, so,,iety is ti -le proceeds of tile meetingy after dedutr had acted iu a 6onstitutionut mauner in' and s4id. he desired nothi i and all kinds of aches ind pains. Price 2.5 mounted to s selssibl as that the Houlie'should go lilldeondhion. The in;- iner a few trifling, expenses ar what thev had done. AIr. Blake blamed cents per bottle. - Sold by all. medicine d by -it itrid the fri W. B. into Committee of tbe Who%, on those dealers. 'endly n Attorney -General- f6r tirawing -U1X1VPsBSAL aaMi!7aflOu 17"s �a�li fifty dollars. jo flill resolutina-1, wbich,ff th6y becomelavif a an visitors this spaeon) OIJKare yaluable aids to TA Ta, -Well, -the TItZ WEATHER, Na distinction. between. thosb whose byll Jour AmerlC �'Iit -41L the con T. T011.0NT0 MONEY ZLW.=X:ET- thii 'collection 'of .,pretty tbingtl ar.6, 3 _should seem- O'havo got olil� January thaw a destroyed by fire. d, tbose ivotild be a boon to n'tty. Mr at Vast it certainly feel barns were* 'an last - for 'which we., MUE Ferguson oconsidered that the pr6sent 10Y l.who laad nothi - in their barns. . He Jan. 10, 1871 � Iso cheap you knove at regrot. to hrvQ to record �thankful batl� to Providence and Ayers ITIV,, t for overdraw- was st.ringenf enough for all purposes. d ew York Exchange. 'buying at �90 NOOR11OUSE's -whidt'conjointly it musit be ad- denounced the governmen Silver-bilvilig IVze at5i; .9011ingat lill-l"t inother of Roll. Almanac, provid, Ron. Mr.-Woo(I opposed the resolution. 4� elling at 6 idis- (3f - at '-�o ADarlit., itted brought abont, -such an important mir the . fund to e farn.t6re and ying ait' 8 ; s Afr. JAft because the twesent law-would.be. quite intiat. atmospherical iedt.4 -chana had the -Li , overndr 'Old .1, andlosedat!1:01 -its, Tfuron, "which roo a ; f6r sumuuous: �arp.06 for . - , for c..d.at UoP,. V�SE aid Toilet sc' a � of thspub jtbr6e weeks con-. sufficient. The House then rose t'oltn W=. tile ov,euill" of Nan:, tempertitur 'boiii;4 and., ye -t- juffer our C Cad terra - 7 Howland's.. following laelan marbl roold require ppen�y district to xecess, and in resurniner the tian�d much longer, it v n measures pretty ade, to dig oklr��V# dowli to country' wooa were read d second th4e; No inatter front what point diOUf StatVatiorf- * Hot the -Terra FIrKa- it. M.r. inmend the- act4neorporating the 11liter- I arof the ompass . the wind cilmli, the guilty fended tbd-icdon Of thli. gol�ckllnier' stoch at st- s e' ea ever Tr�wlls 1ili to aiand the act for the boron. -Ir' -and, 11alibartoo Railway 10010- MUS110 cases, a very It 310OW10usrils. gspirit. of 'the, bla 8 ill �dral; bokl- pany ; to consolidate and amend tile laws The AdvW1;8er crifeHy bent on pilinll On; -Kth oillnost 1111- 'ellecouraggeineat of am-alva F LETCHER'S c1a93 f -pr intfractidu in thil intents of instrumental Alusic. inects cvery the, chillil3g, essence of 6ferring' to matual Are iiisgranca cOM­ ]AIk;ad w3saiinourrtbe very remittinn'. rigoar,. culture, virts, and man0fadtares, WAS read P(T -1 * ,?Ivin� 7, making a second time. BT quarter. driet I Itiyed his ftir dililv and � he * nrly more Blake!s bill to de- pauie� doing tusiness n Ontario i to saturdvY At 2D'e1061", P- - gulato tile vale of poisons by 'chemists Tan loth, 18,00; *52-tf_ at tlPx- and Thore intolerable: the blocked lill path ic .construction of the l3th'of rq A6 in the I)OLitinjon- avid -the e6ngealidi � oldre the tr aria 4pcthebaries ; to amend tpe aut, . NOORROUSEs. I it httj- bccOM6 of burnari'lintereourso, [!� Had I J.'Eliza-beth," entitled An, , aet ft.-ainst l galt & aprassutdP,y,. Th affairs in ew. was Tepecting the conveyance of real esta w, 1 -our Barrel ere state of life"i difuleat deddil, a rueutory can revert jt Littlyaoitle like 1heauth= Ottho I fjot uliarried women. The Hoaw then. ps. been a P4 -a as eeond.thne and r6ferred 1) a, uzqc- 0 bellows, 5 bfow I Loves of lh$ Stich a seasco read a F I i liallas lit tb 's bill on went into committee and passed tWO . the forests coveiec hing jacusly,b. ut uter all-MOD-ib"90 19 iforlbed. 1 would -,,write SOUtet select corialnitice. � X. Blake 'O's of Watford loavo constantly 0 tifter I sturoi and build. above de ofTitlesi wa-w- reada rivate. bilig. The resol-ifflou of the like the' folthwing, whiob, thei reader will' Ili C&1'MZaL.Td".nj, buying Green. H60riZ ishead.quaner�for CVCrY;NC lMit7 to 4he AdVe 00111trAtteeof WaysandMeanaastoa vote Nabave`0vcr200,009f0r saloat present, A,prlyboy be pleased 0. observe, Is s very,clo4e yle or thei style e0on1 �zime aria ,refinrea cor.credit iva's caft'atr4bd 1 "hy,the Rduse utter to Ca ation of the Tounvs6n, at oin mitice. �p r. Boultees -bill to aradfid -,%VArbrdp January M. P; for ofatty otherpoOta who aspires.- Wthoilp her 0 The Attorricy-General. urrence 17.OUNDB� I sing. I I-zllve nin throw� gelect 'in th TED e P0 residence the, bill riespeoting dentistry -was refid A I I moved c6ne arny -ParAby� for a OR= e rejrtf the committee rautin- STRA AA the AlpMlbtt;�dyet uz�� 1* 'O alks'of N second timi�, and Tderred It at gi4 to the0attawa and Saguena a tithe O doviomme-ut eniolumentper-aliAmin. _V siifierw, Ated ibe Ofacei has, inatrue'ted; Stitt It. blows,an4-9till It allows - TheHouseroso -could INTO the piernises of the tinders;x1ed and irf_�reply to MT. Blike said ho �lao of � r and Wilms i la-st su framer a year-ofa beife hi .fo tifioativaF showif and Vow"; tlows Torolato, Nan. 10. )ney was to bli r,, W �0 KWL es I -not exactly say how the tac 33iting vbnortrutly our to ear, The �owo d;r thickest booO 4nd lioge I :rRykertint,ro district, thbugh red Split ,Am W I Atefibintin6businesa,11 - �'4istfibuted in the Ottawt 'ice *11%L Thro the London All c a universal 'strike ;ar tilooit Will sam berrozel ducca 1W_ Bill to incorporate- the, -and thumbs Allbu. lRovernment would etercise , some questd to pay for this not And our ougers awt6y. NV. FIN LAX. re of �U, S. Ruroli aria BrU06 Itillway Co-. A n. 1V11r. - Tremblot# � would be Ashlield, 0- on. 10, Tjot 5. vW%�_* 00hrick De 12,,lij.070- esercelly, can b10* Our ft"e- Kiedonald introduced a B111 to estalij I 1 supervisto t 'O Ith respecting thedis- Tanuary. ITth, 147 I.. Re a amend.1bolumqui at a w* nistry offices in -acall Buffo *_A 8p"ey re 'The census WI; r t Ridings, and t A. d�.ed Tile Rouse having 90110 trill t the 83 I St rl A, ot. t A 4 -i IThe <",Wt 0 kit A@0 1. 111; in, V4C- C C,V:l4V,0 It A# ti It 4*ie" FC&sz-- TiA our "i,AfioN' fA 1�011l` y I a aaffi_lt. Z3 td th N5 ter"'n ally ar t1ii t'a to da this amin your to No. 78 �al q, a it ell P, ccmfL�v flao Ica!< Y� V-;7 Tj Zz�i