HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-12-08, Page 3_7 �al V 3111 71 Oherry, MICI Lrl J011111 UaUt. s. u. PUTT&TOILV Co.,. n rARX var Duom" or tba ThImt OM4 ROW. VnW YORK, Aril)� OEO P. 7P A GO. -1, 11 CHEMICAL PREt )DF suab A* coughs, CQUA, R101VELL L-Col,402ARK ItOW, NEW Irmo. 'R.E W I N T ER cough, Brondbitill, OZ�A d1ty.'snptlea and on reasonable te _& " j TPE C'= GV Tar RXMWAV QUESTION.—We presumu YORX� J. S.14INCLAM;l3artliter; P. -aud ConwiwpUon. 8_711 -ax POUR -inteftat tv our,A10tl1Os0lGnq6nt'1f4th2r Week' I cbrcn�i =1,7=t: thiswill be of safficieu� iy and-Senfl-Weekly _GOd0r1chiN Y ­2W, 1W.; rer beforo in th* pmbi &tn::jg- raaders, to Save 11i the 1126e3illty of makili- 1 !64-4- f!I that citY. dad wra atithorlad to coatfor t wo=Vid r1yolitid 20 i1juc 46 143 for -9 A Ott owast ash U% SMT mpo, the confidenCe of n klnd,4&s i .,,of 0�7 inp apology for devotin: r t U. t rl c 7;--- Br�4e"T_ Z. il rateg. Advertisers in that city aM irelftestod to leave 4 a s 4&., 70. b-,� a-- apace to it. -thairfavors wittelther of t4aabovo bonsqs 0 gorTITLY ;,PLTR' ories of ya#1 =FW.S.-fit, of Zwe rGM11 TuE HArX0r. CowpacT.-The Toronto, SUNG ITANING R igher in wir glojcgrapL reported that Mr- Brown's too- Tho. NFw DommmT MONTHLY for 1871 ellasedtheaboveMills,1,0.-sto Intimate that 110 jAiOd,Xa it I= beconte better known. Its *3 illusti:,ted, which Wlllcompri�e two;�X_ MERCHANT TAILOR &CLOTURI: I sjdgt got lawarkirig ordera now. and: rltaraetcr Andpower to Cure the vftrious .6d been accepted. We pri3sume this 4 th"tj 11979 ulade it know der _T TREM, 8 T - UK 0U.- oftheUMPSIX _R ,f ZD� --S W011 a% rk. resnit, as he has all iho laigo and ftofpjqte _rotector againct umewof 384 double column pag 8 _QU is likely to be tho7 - ops, -or 76 11118 IjUlt reediVed A IM -PRO V D FAR IVIERS9 0 L Wase and to younw Children, pages in the year, will only cost one dollar nilderforins Ofdi izzdaf to-. tLo train facilities for carrying it out to tho'boat intisraetion. Ile swetime.tqe 3110A elTeCtual rem dy TT if ordered bitlubs of five. This map' Zino 3TQCK OF r. ildh lie is cound nr. will give eve Tt,-' U advantage; although we are inaline47to h -4 'baA 80,yearae oxiierfancelit 9111Q �a ffattft�,� 8�,#Ven rur�uei lent cOn8u tio econdtonone. g If We -nnu, ;ovh: "L"GV�0 oussfecticilBo et ataudluug0, a scation 02 numbers among its contributors se'veral of THING i �liimself that be is s er J. U -am eh 7 n,ex; iiho patrbifte him mayrely on belug, the malaulationsare not yet finished. the best writorsin-th Dominion,.anditis lifloalt 0 P it 0ink WINM 01i CLOTHS ��iy dealt With. -v VAinct svAden. attae , of W!*,_ 1; m "p, every farail , Rua 26(114 Z cybw, I 0drecefilugasanploof bekeption hand in in Ritgtora. CffrUS=A$ FnUIT.-Sea G. McKenzie's selected tnutter'4 from the best writers of - 1 - rlfj I;A',Nitz�p AND suj)jeet to 'Col IS and coug , I a lis 'dotqfollthera. V-7 C.IZV juial(lbegrovi in (led deFfig, I., 6nj r n (m is 1ho T,n�l ara rush, qnot%tions, the world. The price, when ordered 31 1 ALSO..: A-.. '.FEW 1"DEWCOATS - PAKT5 A�01 PLOUR T, HA CANT 13V W sometimes 'In ju� -_ - : 74762,�l Tan Pu,"z v RLADixas.-Thla entertain- is $1.50 ; but a itub of five will be add Alfboug Eettl G E N T- Si'F'A NOYM 0 0 D S - I *119rcatnumber" cuie3 9 y c(LwelojZ81t, res Curable,01 tnexit has acquired a popularity which its sed so rately for five dollars, and in ail All orwhichlwillbo sold MCELIED V:a pa turtd, enj, jj6ned fettled, have been coul letely by -promoters neverunticipated. 'Last F riday cases the postage of the magazine is paid V EST $7 ''AT C-fw%QQ—T*-. the V [ I "' mind _stlent TM&ed to iiound e0W gsj Rectorca. So,eomplete is Its nwitery 4! Cqpz ��gc!3 r'. ZX z =.Ir; JIT r P". f t, 147 Ch -Of the Lu- OVID 'tail night the Tempemuce Hall was crowded to by the Publishers. This In ga2ine, -the GREAP FOR -64%0 'IN THE COUNTY t . &orders Ir,3 and Throbt, Ildt '19 14111 2" D INDED file most obmtm fg =zZy e3zzt. the door andover 100 people sought no- only li VIONTALY in th'e' Dominion to of t1icMYjQ1d to It. Whell Ifolh, D'v3= ana V;N'a OnLl auccessfully toobtiain. admission. At least shojild ring his iiheat for grhititig and ids warbe else c6idd reach them, under tho Vherry.Pao. supported, T" Irm I -in., he Winoey ShirTjj* g for 011() dol gW, chmingo the at L%T% *400 persoms must have been present. 6 avv. L ;11411 at Of 0 Arl toral 1heY,6ubsIdo and diiijappear sy I The ws 11nd _cs ct Dff A, P E 0 than the CHAPEL- 30sl 3' ii,,, ald publio ffpcaAx Erea pro. I r VLn c-_ra ol cc-_gN�s. p%pertella of ad readers were 11iss, Dixon, Messrs Mullens, An Indiana lawyer Ilier:. who charged- a client $19 for. collecting $9; GQderich, Nov. 28th, 1870, *43- STE:AM' MILL tection from A. Cameron, JamesToung,. B. L. D,yle 4-aiways renevea and offen irliaLr bg all 'In almostalt case farmervill get their but said he would liot press hi dbyi& 'curel by IaMug tife) nod R. acdermott ; and Mr. Harry - in to pay the Rig; overcoats you'll buy. hit is gener other'dollar for a fair RISTS H( I days, if it would be- IfYOU only go and try. ME 119H SAME DAY Smith sangl several capital Comic sougs. )O%Tfor Cir wa�e-,3 tu more convenient for him to let it stand. AC".JL.JSON S Ti, -B.-All Grists In an,:mt. 0 e are its virtues imown that we Aml The genuine bit of Irish humor andbro-tio A large stock of Y ertificates of thern oc hekeor4ornore TowuCustom-respectfully, solletted, and orders care 11 that its qualluos =0 1huy 110 Af read by Mr. AlneDeginott ana the spicy, ru,,ly attended to cash price paldibr` =L0 WARAIM11Y. Pea Ja0kets, aiD. .. . r- natrimonial dialogue between Mr. and Is an 'Afra. Bradley (Miss Dixon and Mr. Came J.B. 440-MERVILIX rs Uuder Co6ts, I DAILY -ATJCTION- -Ptb� 1670� S -DY -On `110th - LEF.-CRAB33 Wectriesday, the I I Sept swo-tt L.'Elwood, at, the on) were special features of theevening. Nov, by the P and Pants and Vests- Ayer' Ague Oure, The Committee will have . tok secure some V P --j AAX A6 Wi 1 3EM71. 4CW14. Mi, W3FLj 'idence-of the bride's father, Matilds rE Its more Commodious Place of nie�ting. res Fa ffhdbos6ra shirts Por Inever and Asme, Thtermittent 7ever, _�of Goderich) F cyp ll_w..I Flannel Shirts -AT THE OLD STAND Remittent Vver, Pumb daughter of C. Crabb, Esq, 1� P.v A d Drawers Chill Fever *cvl or .13irtous Pover; &-a.,. R==DEP. ! The Concert in aid of the to W. Lee, Escl., of Godoijoh, Produce' D from the comitio'ns adjoiningthepremiseg Ague psrja tc-_C,l: orgran fund of St. George's Church- takes Merchant, Yolell buy I wise, Of tteundersignedI, Blockl) Lake road. Colborne -and !deed sU the IffectlOns which w-1110 thi� wasting bcdy theouglL mlarc t mscoltar�l its. ut 4ast week of j�ept�ember. threa 4eifers risinz 3 from nUd94oU2j, 13�, or place on Wednesday niglit in Hall of Brit- I -I I d.-oliespottedwhiteand red, one briglitred poisoniii, SARSAPARILUAK nE:_*LVa4T ish Exchange Elotel-enterin fram South FROM TRURSDAY 17th- I NST - -1, 0�j- LAST;THOUGH NOT LEAST 'its stripe down the 'back, and one white and Any On 'vi infornlVtionas ivill As Its m9tild Juil)1jes, it Aaos ng Such St. Some raxe Went both musical and elb- 3D -fail. 40ontainingneither�Anenic�QnL*fme,Bismt�tb, e theirxecove - I ba sultablKreWarded. JOB , -LIS Pli VOR inc, nor anyothLr G, 18'6'0, 11 T 0 3* 11), 7 r -r C> 10 doderla]III Nov. 21st,'1870. gw2l Whatever, it in mowiser Injures any patient. 4ne Tim Wtrmr. has been a, wonder of 9- ARABIAN -0 1 L 11 __ - ; - -W - lumber and oft,,ince ofitg c6es ffitheaguetuB- 111amalf WOMX*i", Iricts. are liter )evondccoimt,andwo believe cmes *.,I jt-;*-;.. wv*1 IN Z without a parall -03 -dayW duration, bright and, beautiful-ouer "CALLAND SEE I Goderieh, Nov. 15th, 1810. :63 Zin ibe biritory-0 J Remember the Stand Our i,of the few opportiluities a than has of be- -FOR HORSES & CATT 5:510 On the left hand pride Is jjjj�ed by the acknOlvlcqrgment[� we 'neewd Y11,01isfinate in. sure- of Indian Summer. Now how- From Horton's Grocery Store, receive of the rattlent cures c 0:35 0-.40 ever, the barometer is down to 11 h 21 Call as you pass the door. cases, and where otherreinedles IM11tholly failefl. i 1LWNT4JV19A&.iA �0 o angeo Unaccliniated Versou0s either I�Pjddeut 1% or. GLko 0:55 0:5& 'M '.the place, the public think, IWAVMwe A NL FAILING REMEDY. Th -ft and the reigri of slop and mud has- begun. gh im 0:40 0.40; e hope soon to see aleighino, and a rush To suit your tastA andiav& the chink. AaZW f!VjZr3 daily. '-poxi ver complain ansing froul.ti) 1dify ,)fire from the countrv.. of the Liver itig in, eXCC entremedyAunT j, a 'A. G -S3 Od,, 0-4& 8VALuAlmn PnEpiR.amoz; comi"s Godeneb 'Nh. �870. an atm -9 0:15 Ithemedicinat virtues of those articles which VAt 8`jljL clear a -a,% 4;0 BRING OUT YOVE, CANI)IDATES -It is ong!-.xperieuce has Pruved to posselt the most safe one 6 Lfvernl� healthy activity- lahits, itis lk AverConip For Bilious Disorders and TA efficient Propertieo for the care ornesh wounds, 0:25 rrm., - A N, time the electors had made tip iheir minds Sprains, Bruises,. Galls of ail Innas, Cracked Heels, an excellent remedy. roduging many trulv Te. &-06- fic S T11E. HONOR (WAN1\70'UNCTINT1 inarimble cures, whero, other iiiedidneshad fdirei, astothe -ominz mem" Thennin Pone. SPavin. Lwlous,Fiitul% smeney, Prepared by Dn. J. 0. A"=, P, A Co., I'Mcdcol It CHI -06 Gan L-ill"s of Poisons. Scratches or Grease, strams,� lameness, AT., -THE -111 Vfcnl-- Iriter.. VA inatioris POCKET & OFFIO ;that he hasenrered into possession Of the stand 4" toud- take place on H�nday, 19th - inst. I and a Mange, Whittows2 Cornso Sand Crac�s, red 'sm 0 tical Chemiets,towellrllus-;, dFOIdIr S.-75- - Wid Analy Faunde occupied for theastf� yearsby all roun�l Ille world. d man' .K other disieaSeS Which horsies and In tile are subject to. - J%1417W, 5-00 0, 7-60 fortitight is slaort enotigh time for the dis- Feei, Horn Distemper, Swellings, an , (C, 66D cus3ion of the question- This celebrated Liniment has been used fo ,it. p,s,, poetical yeas, nd its curalive properties t -ffE has purchased an entirelv new and careftipy 7 NOP-TI1 Newcastle, Ont horoughly PoE= hopes that ATMOORffOUSEIS.- ant it 13 conceded to be tho cheapest and,mot "re-� 11,�-selectedtockvf agentsfoiCanada, Thee !a not n w�)man c 1v,vo-oj . 0:60 0-63 talent will not be allowed 0 lie neglected. able remedy tor all external'oomplaints ever offierd old in Goderfeli by Parkler & Cattle"and ly��?Zed . :00 4-00 another season, like the "Woollen Sock;" faithe publie-it never fails when timely. used aul'.1, 3Dmrw3LnC>X;L gTELLERY, WATCHES AND i Gardiner & Ca, Bayfleld. Zone l3er,thu faitbtu%,applied. jr -ea !a ten. Secerd, Littknovj L. 134clism, . 2__ 2!25 which lines were capitally written ia a late To�bf-jbad of all Drugglas and Country -Merchants OLOCK�f M=-s a COX. throughout the Dominion. Price 25c.p.erbqttle. HAVE RECEIVED A THIRD SUPPLY OF TEIOSE alrkediclue Dgalm. sus number of the Signal, I'ANADIANIIIii- tratedv,& NORTHRUP& LYMA im Vows ol�aljquoliltles and prices suitable. for the trade of 0 f b. p bT> CREDrr WI&NImr).-We have no obection me Q tas uffptoprietoTs this - section receive I as soon as publi.sibed, to the Editor of the New Bra cutting as Sold in Goderich dy Pa - Cattl Jorclun ; Ciardiner & Coa 'Ba vfiell.; 3ames IS. inq� PREPARED T%GrVE CUSTOM- liberallv from ofir columns as he plZes ATZOORHOUSE WhM MOWN EMPn"ESS CLOTHS b-Utn bo 40"Ar --,00red to or 0= Bentham, Rodgerville; J. Pickard Exeter 'form s that 2WW ill ill Z -g vjitjuj',-Cd f-l'oln the He was quite welcome to the use he' made efsold.nia4itewthesameum -atisfaction J. a. Combe, Clinton; Secord, Luc which 31r, Fredrick has sb long ddue. Having.had 5 me Lu-mis. KID of our County Uouncil. report, which eu- no�r- E;. Hickson, Seaforttj and all MedicS n c� v�o Z-��2F� years experience as- d tbLwf abled him home in Clinton and neaLem 35ots ner. Yar, interruided HT, I Dec- 6, 1847 _--ndud his WArCH-MAKER & JEWE But every time fie SF_V in Seathind and,23rears I ith 'Mr. Frodrick he Is pro', of Usszk uz. ,ndmit td TL -C, 0 �Icuts from the S�� we want our cotem. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY ALL, NEW -OVELO '�-ekrf, 10;t nfntler �lvw !vV74ac, -ERAL PRICES -bi entrusted to him in a work- ei:v can lip bro-..;;ht to say so. Own up t as scion a1 issued, piredtoexecutealljo azrico�ab_ manlikemannerand o�ttftd most moderate rates. J�r N -T 011 Job Moses' Periodical Pills. ind THE: BEN-avoLENT E.vxzRTAINME AT MOORHOlYSE'g. vntove 1:a ytMLntWQn. U atteded and tst w-th r 'the above. I h HU. ESSEDUTAf Tnursday night, was we Fim d S a-teens'at 25 ets Peryard. worth 40 ni -ple. I re erinee to avereat %sure In produced about $16.00 for the destitute ritimsixVALUABLE MEDICINE ISUNPAILING certir3-ing thdt . Douglas me * Is was inmyem- hecure ofad those painful and dangerous pfovinentfortwoyearsand the leonsiderb' afirst- -DTTIE�H AMERICAN BV.Q;jNE9S COLLEGE ND fainfly of English immigrants for whom it discase NOTE= GRAY COTTONS as wor any V Telegraphic Institute. The only rtpreseutth'i6in od @:M in I s to which, the female constitution is siibject. c sjowellertapableof doing goo as Chat', was got up. it moderates all excess bd roinoves all obstructions, n West OfTor6utd, Ontarjoof the Bryaut:� Stratton Intornati Ps(nsTRATioiq AcT.-Parties who have and a speedy cure mar be relled on. f Colleges. neglected to register births, deathsand TO STARP, LDO -One Case M'a:dder Prints at .1 M ots, Worth 16 CtS MiA IF I Rcl EDRUCK41 The Theory Departaftnt is tltorongbly adfziltedp dere'r,-cl short Itispecullarlysultid. Itwill, Ina time, bring NEW --Bf-ICAKS, oeys, B1=11der ey W*:�4g; ti;i Aha.6 dip - those who wish to layt.lictoundatio bu4j-, marriage are warned to take heed to the gn the monthly period with regularity. God ck Nov. I?th, 11870. cr�5cs in their -_.0Qu ban bo The practlaal ilepa:rh , P -1 ty the Uav W DivisiaifRegstraiPs warning in our advert- n. Pu7s shouU not be tken by Farmles durin,- the New Biblesi world, whereeacb, student performs all the routine and er' JUNK ae utis a mintature isin-columnsand ave themselves from FIBST THREE HONTRS of Pregnancy, as they are A THIRD'SUPPLY OF. 1 ETS I' TO LET 80kV:ZZ* ar,01118U. - I . . I , . 1, . duty:of office Work, suchs -buylug, salling,xhipPilig , X.ALZtX VIE CHA011- sure to bringorsaftwarrtage,&W at any dther time tU11 9 BRICK Cottage with Ia-",e orc!Ltrd and nine acres `ominisaton, mid. drawing note% *art?3 -d-,ebeeks- A I., � legal pmce&dinz&, are szfe. ]Few St A LARGE . WANT= -OF "BIA SCARFS FRO19 2p'cts of land oil South Street. Goderich. V�,,Itilar B.=k of Issue Uld connectap with this opMt- A penr,n zvi�rd veri 10�:lrcxp ttf Ad 'We are in all Cases of Nervous ad Spinal ATections, rain i I . . I (5� 181M, SANDFIELD's LnmN.- very Iad yj - mefitf *Ith, bewutffall� migrilved baulf ,notes -%';hidh is, Live;-, . the Backand Limbs, Fati.,ue oa slightexerfion, Falpila- Ifew Fan Goods, Apply -to W.1D. ALLEN. as peifetfTilts-detalisas the vr, VDI-i(V77 2.11; 0-.00 to live ihe assidrauce of the St" that. zion. of the heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills 12 DOZE N, CANADA SHIRTS& DRAWE-JIS". �,Goderlcli Oct, 17tb, 1870. awl7-tf thins in the rjiarlge in lu FW rof hr-Mcl x1flo1r srspal �A fild T. Hays Esq. did not write that, wid effect a care wl?= all oilier means have failed;, Life Febolar-- 1111A* -2a Tholroirgh Ingtriletl6in -4e; 1:60 L V1doVe alro-ty, "till aurw- Ic In Immellso Vari hipsgoud Culle.,es. For berins, address ollax�l` article. The Str doe§ not dispute and althouzh a powerful ninedy, do not contmu iron, OtT ifn ihat theremy be some subtle elective eahimel�- antimony, or anything hurtful to the -constilu- L4C>ZNX 00 OtM, ..AXE MAKING,- -ODELL & 'TROUT, TOVOWO. flic d tion. and offered at lowest prices, 4 5:59 "0. affinity between him and Mr. Hays w1kich Fulltlirectionsin'the pamphlet around each package.. Sept. 18th. 1870, 0 which sho-ildbecarefidly preserved. AT MO O'�'E CASE RUS GOODS AT"J01 PRIGgS produced the astonishing identity ofspoken OR46UgEis. 0:42 04% that eventful JOB MOSES, ;Ew YO=, SoLX Pao R] n. night. $1.03 and 121 cents for postage, ex o Northrop matter Elk, the. 0_050 and written word on :e 300 Pairs Boots &.Shoes at 0weit 0-951 CIO Gode-rich Nov. 18th 1870, -Perhaps the trueexplanation of the t� 13 & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., gene) itir for the vtc C�*;Va is thatIlI like a Youthful Saul, the Star h3d Dominion, will histire a bottlaj�ontaiaing ver 50 rills, Llb-ST PRIn S in both business =6 ornamental - -were awarded If -to us nt the -late. toy leziiii7tv been sitting shortly before, at the feet of by re -a mail- & CHIT ponmaimbip 6.C) 3� (D =3 NORTHRUP&I YUAN, LA -PIES' G"JEN JUD"1110JUNSTELT 0VEV Provincial E xhibition, ToroAto. This is thosevenfil atGhimaliel anddrinkincrin his -rlaq the Gre year in succession that webaye obtained lirstrizes inReamanshipi TIbuilgmenshouldbearluMindtliat wise saws about linen and the m0sb strik- Newcastle, G..W.,genera %gentiorCanads S3 IX 4.C> 30- G3 the two Premium Fenmeu 43f Canada are -engaged at X insr modem instance of its use. 7(n,ing Sold in Godench by Parker V Cattle ano institution intenellingthoSpencerlan system. ts ADvA.NTAGF,.4 or ADvrRiysixG.-Ths Fjordan; Gajdini-jroG_Co.,Bavt1.!ld; James 100 BOXES W LAYER RAISINS AT 2.0 er BOX rE Subscriber to inforin the publici-lbathe exIsIbited utthe Provincial BA11151ion, which was the thaJ ye - Tis still In a4miration ofall. belolders, carry gathe A_X0 Manufactory in Vzeaf �(M 1R. C, i I other week Air. Passmore lost a little filly Berithum RoXerville �; J. Pickard;F!ieter -, J. R. and advertised, - it in Tuesday s &Mi- Glinton. S, cord, Lveknow; E. Hi 1-soldstandn Lightilousestreet, Goderiah. 11eis combe, ek, c�mfident with the experience he has, that he can fira gou. amfbrth. and rk 1: Mediamaj)edars. w3S -DETLOR'"O. STRAY C&TT'9. WeWy. A constant reader ofthe Signal, nigh a betteraxetimuls sold byanynthormAterj­ !End car"teW011 Vi 1�lva him a trial before purehashig elsewhere, on perusing the description, recognized in OF OsderIch, Nov. Mth, 1870- QTWtED frot'd the PfemideTof flas su'li9clin My Axes emu be.obtained at itacey'k ilardware her- fX1f"-r- it that of a filly whidh in driving, around stola, cituton, 0 Lot 10,4 -con. Ashfield, about the -end or'lotgy-4 xv]). LANDS1YTHE 1GOUNTIM' he%d,,of battle, olonsisting of -4 two year Old 8tacts towu, he had. noticed shut int6 a field. le�r Vide-setbornsand the t­.vr2td=d; P, e, 0:;fj stow R.W eke ne � - 'ja Wait morning he told Mr Passmors and OF 5:80� RERUCTION N, RICES I white withbolos cul,La in irlihb she RSON. hd eenther before afternoon colt and owner were re- JOHN MOPHE -white Vottediedwid Ariyono giving -mW=tivn stored to each other, to their mutua 'TO THE EILECTORS pErl"ff . if's I de- Godaricb, Nov-9tii, 2870. i7eading-to their xiieavery will be snitIdbly" mwurded. :4 Ike hghk .-JOILN REID, WMI, fa 4"d 14F 5:!2iy - Itte;zIeU Wsm�a 1[LLI;,3=A2aD AN-wu.&T. oF PnmmN- a e- , in Ashfield-octt1b, 18fd. IrTe, :21 ' OLOGY AND PHYgIOGNOMY, FOR 1871. Be- TOWN, OF GODERMI. Mr.Goay, et. al. -vs. Mullady, d. al.' ar�, . f WE _R -D YTEEDSUBSORrBERAVRCiRT,&LBEP.TUIL'L$�, GCIN, sides Portraifs�Characters and Biograpinds; IONLEW D_ Y GOO S BA Miller capable of taking chargIa, of a Gristing re Lt. flip VIE, AND b for J*ticularE6 Apply. in person to -of numerous distingnished Xen and Wo- ,�On MAYOR, REEE PURSUANT TO A nE=E Or, THE COURT OF omrNILTION K, C1 Depl� Ree be keld on Monday, the 19th Chancery In ig dato the 12th day Viiank -tins thirteen, National Types � , 1. t -this cause. bearli men, it cont. C of October, A. D. 2.870,'thelher6nafter.:meationed har, NL #A ashe forenoon, at Victoria 870. Beauty ; Organs of the Brain Hall, crabws ek, 16 Fema, az�;n Street A CHOICE SEtECTION of -NEW anU BEAUTIFUt GOODS iS 'JUST T0,21AND `90Ailbert Nov, Ist, _T Real Eoij. win -be sold VIA tu and defined ; 'What dan t Dn Town Clerk d VAiA for by the T How to Enter West Point as a Ift, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, 19 ownqrf�, by the 25th inst., wilf be !Sold tu ply ajiq UK, VjCnej*eajjjj Ph bera W12 I ------ cl % Ist. Student; ;Porsonal Beauty, how Attain,- Goaorich,'Aprill=1810- ks. ulmit to 1110 TIO"Itn jLq -follows, i(with theapprobation. of George Welle-fliV forAhe cost of repai 61,111altiar Disc, s(Xien 184 11bo-stlowls AMI What, is the use of Aiienolo-V It JnEff iwrenee. Esquire, Master of the said Court at Strat- DEBTD'AS -PLEASE PA -It -L-1-AT! vthrrv�aetsof thit'. SY46trokk how rany 25 16rd, at 12 o'clock noon, bri the days and at tholaces thing fimlearner3. A rich LMID AND LOAN I 22.906� the and cant book sent first post. Addreia- Office, heriiinaft& specified. ONCE; 1r011% site afte- 411", th* Golerich 4%1�0.�: 110 9W22 0a -PHRiN010GICAL OURAL, 389 Broadway, ney 'to Tend , 03M lKorm 41, LANDS IN PERTH A -ND H GAIVIDIAN PAIN DENTROTER Tic WaKk XFOIA-t quie New _'York. MoAt as low Tates as can be obtained anywh . I . - I - Werios lit t1tv Vicsltq Twitors, Aso lit* 'LEEU2_-,3� t�� repDrt-0 "-Lauds bought and gold. Townandvillagolo Oil Satuday, 170 day of December, MO HEMR ASTRAY..' wlilb, land all svc*ukptw� mial W g3 -:-L_ JM�K un- COUNTY LUMRAMM.-We onlitted. to fo, A..Family MWicinej well afidfavorablyknown PU __r I - —0— Senforth, fortlib pa8t ten years one in e ori af�$&4a . iffoticer, in i�nr last issue, the recommeudo�_ sats. of Canada Companys Lots Negottated and A� 1870, at, Kno'es Hotel, In Via Village of verfalling in a s tion of the, Finance Committee, approved -latest-Lists Df Lands to be seen at the office of the - County of Huron, by J. 11. Bring, Auction TO !inu V1, Tim tgoi I-.. -'s (of tile LIft, 1Alf, rates subscriber. in th . _ car, mitance to give perniarient, %fielie vheti timely LE kjvlgned,,Lot.142:C6n Aslifie'dTowuslif ILO, C1=aliW I-AngQ 'Of UIP NA"APHIA1401" r NEW' AND FA-8-HIONA P �i"L"Itl �of by -the County ConncilIto grant $00r.00 LEWIS W. ORD, -duly. in dforthat purpose. -and we have never knowh a aningle ease Augusta belfor rfshig thrce, yearg ld.,. T�jc sez- - o. used, to trroj F aliz It Cori-ither of thelit" rW�.y to the relief of. the sufferers by the fires Westlitreet;11cderich. PARCEL NO. 1. repeidel a j ar Its liotelk"1101wer to covilu*21w rdthe ave been. and take it away. ite ratel.- hY,;4 =11L Decerdhor 2nd, 1870. ol dWatisfaction who reations; If iu tho Ottawa district. N6taxipyer will Allaml slugqlarthat cortaiiiparcel and tract ofland UAe, lyingand being in the Township for6perlytonowed baton -the eoutrary ll are aDRE SS G 0'_ " tdge this contribution to so deser7ing a -of i all of VIC LTI jerktS Ogloc� 2n,� I&I njouen, In the qouuty.,of Perth and Provinyc lips DM, 1870. delighted -with its operations, and speak.in tbe A shileld ari NDv,. V0. 9= ffinited, tram au Object.. Ontario. and being egmijoied, Of lot number thirty Ili UVUcys, wa"44� lk'al'SY4 bat efrects', Dial -efts, r -mi oil . XV11-1 art arld bbritam-mig by- sfReasurement, one bundredsores. DEESTROYE,& U more or less. Thera avd� 41111vu ly vowVC3 nX*tj th%.f0urtbeonce4qioiL Of the saldtownshlo ofHlbbert. Alghest tfirms of tis 7irtue ajid Magi AN OzD OGAN.�­The organ. at present MTC>W10:B; - SAT are about 20 acresmordotlem 'baswonloritselfarepatatfoitasa blood pun Lt 13unwo in usein St. Georges Church is over 120 D; clearei;tluifal�n Is ne 'IV fe ed and well timberea vilth iurpassi6ttl injhe OR QAL15 I N 4Vj"fCCtAjT4' 1y Cilttlj thirtitt_F-11L 0 L beech and maple ;,the- t(mbe 4114- Assoithi -worfcoff by the �fingerinz oftheperformers. k ps and Deaths, and who. lot lies within one joije of th I a Buffalo and But vntl�4a bN R years old,the ivory on the- keys nearly all L THOSE WHOSE DUTY I^r&-r BE TO ris very.vaidable as the 0 er, alteratme stomach ton 6, upe RegisterBirtfisIXarrisi. Lakelturon histoty-of mbdica) prepatttlon4. It seldom I B I 10 (05 X�S. b N R ILWAY; Railway-, land betwien'two or three miles from the tqcuri�Dyspesiai Rlbady- for Whiter. ad - ][f, itill preserve& a marvellouasweetiess, of have failed to do it. will, be prOsectited according to , Law, ortaudafter the 15th lust. thriving Village of Seaforth.. Ths�aud Is well suiite(T tionilleartburnSickReadache, XidnibyOcrm- the Corporation cf Gofleewh, one -athe, intended repairs are forAgricultuf7l PuTPOS d. tilaints,AcidStornitchPlithTsic-or Asthiiiiij-ducT nomflnRio. aud wo J7,AM STHOMSON, es and excellently w4tirc Divnion Registm-, putan jb, rill be saperior4o most. modern PARCEL NO. 2- restorestovillalactivity,the system delitifftted rolw ISquare and tomididing a leadin6 Ws"t goderleb. NEW. -F-relteh NeJrIn011 instruments. by sufferingand disease. rbldtq An and singular that certal r parcel or iract of land 371cyard,- ... - *1 � - 'doeivdi ULili, A=3 cri his c:Aer cir Ili; inagical dad wonderial success in curins -Has now largm stock wriship, 'Cit;o V -he T a Jwe:.-w 1 11 and premises altdate-lYing and beingilt t NEW U16,11 Flaii -Thls; Is i5no 0i 6,6 'Most ytuaac CAUTION. of Hu, wand Provi_q suddP4 colds, Bore throat, -.Coughs, Diptheria f Tackers) fka -tobih to uith in the County peryw. locations for $&It 111orL gehomer of siffing between,1;07rUand.and PERSON 6R PERSONS. FOUND TREE- of Ontario an& being comoued of 4 _111theeft P in the -al e,liont4 andbac.neuralgial tedal NIEW, satleeit. iciots_-�rBa­�tittnr Winter rw r". Liverp6ol for eu3ning, Winter of th� Mlssit�g or cuttlng7ttmb�r. on West half of lot 14, concesslol'or the. Towuship. of Irackersinith Id thal ad e,rheu ati.ciabdotherpaiinsid any part -of ltectibn�-foi of teariling A111 tl16'WjnoM!(!1 4 3 07 13 71MRa Ir- 9th Cou.� W. Wawan"ll, will bi prosecuted according- County of Huron and Province ct ontiprioi and conz has glyfin it Inl goods, I Meltons, ulary 014y a' . Rcii, vAr cause, 0. -ean Stea;rship's. the body And 6ornhafe __pitrahasoof wood. V , farthel 11artl Rtur". 114, 3ffontrda OC ... I's SL&LC0L3j STEWART.' Its& There are aoutthirty.acr69 ofthisfarm. cleared, THE SIONAL FF10 8," tafaing by admeasurement, one hundred acres move or a place in eve hou0ehofd,andJa1h3i sujiirs�A- NEW Serges� AePVX_ & IL-astirts, 0ve*rc9at1hg1t&0' very clu!ap! -0111 ga �tbirpreparttic)noof-th�elciiid. y 10 Nov. -good condition and a portion Rend iftrilet vn t 3d Dec. :W6.3m#: it, igwelt f *hIchhelsprepaxedtomaeup;j eaced� in a I -derleh, x0y, loth, 106. aa� It is alio,awe ec-lAial aad'jiiompt`reinea� fol? kE.W B st 1870. jVt - -tilt, S-- f0r boderich Dec. I ded down,with timothy . The. timber on, the lot cV,Lu0ittbs�,1lVe Ito 80 -a��Utc %mil W -Ver., 17' loth see inspleanct eini., and is c6nsidered Se 8 is a Ifw� 10t, eQnsbts of beech, as;' Btfriis,.-Brmseg , praias.. per yard. ti -.11, uti: 1011C rV A.Nt 771 D 21 17th veryValuable, Thelarmis Well. witerednd the, land I' ty xor agne. ur Lt to lera mo rbu 'Neistairi4a - rost 11ites, CrainIpA. Ili, he istomach�,Diarhcea,, EW Ilk -1fro "REDITORS. orexcelleat qualf ult 'd or stock raisin ts3j3ilhousChofjc. Cholera Infau. -N ft_ Oct =_71 sz-Affm- icandinavian ISE Dec. NOTICE to tar m:'ne yetai-s, v4i curca *Z v, cQ4Z)V lips. tilau-TV, 24th one, pose0liethellitles for the -latter as recirdswater, loth, Dysentery, &d. d lviiiI. -A-- I' f6 pur 'small oust with TO4i0p24DVf!Z . 'i :PerUviltt 19th ofthe estate. ARRICKI &a.; being unrivalled., There Is a TLARVEY I "071E ekses'p,jr! PriceoiiiylbVenls oriibitle_. Silk P -40P1111 '1yr LoJL laftofthe_To oe, 10,4 can. GoaiQh P Huron. F,,quiM 00laileb. Nor. 23rd IS70, i*28 tf�_, rnshjpof AUddim-the Cqgtityyor the loi of �ANDIIEVC f�jau W* � , This lot is Aubject to, i, lease H 15th . Z San. =O'd"term, oftwo yew to one �xmesXeb 1w4c> 22d 1-t -Decease& I The cre,ditora of :Amdrew Cer4olk late of 3., 0 - ADY 4F 21 29th -GeneralAgentfor the tow I oi k&d of land -Jan. 28 t*0JR- . 1juiridIved ^.ver�rs3leetstoo 'whichhe 'Will el t54n4inxviari 12 4 Feb. ina are on or before 11 joid province F. Jordaii-, AGaWiner Co� es U leage VZ I fin jg7j' toleavowith oriand- inbV�post.pretald to bf T Bentham""Rodgtivill -ard,..Exleter; J.%� tile Wineteetith dayofTanuM 4 n a1dTowaship Bayfield, Jam 16'cefit& - - luckerstalth: in the Conuty-of Huro 70PORVASI�, 2festorian usbip, oflUlifleld In the County ofHuron., "_-$old i GoderichbiTaiker &Vatfl d pxb�ss oiteiurie't, Usquirewhor died in or abouttheonth of Deeembw ndpreftibes situate lying and being I n Falaidy - FlInAilelis Irrew: 1WA un i Paw L.Ift, :Per visa, reta Frank 'Walker of the Town 46f GoderichAn. said fOtAr1OAud1)eln9,c0-PO48d6f Lot.N.21athefird e;J. Pick jums� -of inex fliryt, 1��T, a: -iii jonoftbo saidTownship, containing byad- bo2y1bet'Clititon; ;SecordpLuck6ow,-BJAickgarir 25 cents Tatd; in �4ri Moravian 29 18j; County "TheSolicitor - of William Cftrlok-06 the ConewE UE=i PATENT TownsMly cf Hay Iwthe. said County. Yeoman, the hundred Acres of land morek ess, and'all 3ja&jiib: 90aters. W3S. jVjjjEj Atilly he w4g meamemelit OnOF _of wille4rorrOm Go .1 a I rd: cf STMAS dinjuisfmfor of thi deceand, their Christian aijil. There, are between twenty and thirtlacres of this Oall and see styles and prices. dAltd,79re.1fenced, the.-mainder Iswell, Pjtjunfs of -wear fmAVis �Vbm i 3�ti-xt aim- 3bft Pi-^11ft CF. X. TMemans'SOieRegister. And deseripittors-i 04 fdu patio, farin. cleare 012 1 acconotj timId.. Thereisa. ()Cf. i7th. 1870; -w39-tf One ny"wh r 13n r,�,ry tb 1, f �I* 6"Is TOWNSH1 Or 100LMME f��O esch. 'i� A 611LAPAND caiars of their claims; a- statement of their flybjult ottlib farm, *ith a oodhouse, recen a lilt gad.the nature of ther speurities. if any� held by them, f.4,�bru, jjehqtu;o6st*,bOUtS1.2W Tft V1 hi d A Oil Be4d, lanIkets ftow Qf 211"ry, wi) 4" 0111 ejerlptioli for a 'N Irwin -lot orinderatatthereorthe:3ald a ministrator iWIlVdio- 'r FlevoIr 1 -3)ec. gricul wr. OLVEN! AOT ot �8"&'1869. 12-Farmstock, Richard, I in= 0 1 --East tribute the assets Ot 1118-sidd decess ing. thb of th�vn Ust d liom� biirc Lv;�-, wi it, all kilid, 4 sure#,- edjunt Th&jtjadjoInsP al a % both Ve I 'D 44, lst'=4. Gravel Roa&. parties entitled thereto of whoge eighns Its may then 'and lse lwatera4. A"MEETINQ :WILL -BN �REL -AT A I- i threemilea Of ft( tit 6 of Sea; I G0n1DR S SCHOOL�; W4;wanosb,me%rAlauehes&er. notico._-F - Hecilrity IF fthembeingvItbil 06a6"jLj — e._ _a 7617 creditor holding guy ei Townhall, �mitws,� Hit] n THE L A out Mille of the j3dftlor ail iTTEP. Q10, in the fortil lidId PU.P-Lld iiftLims -Olt xw"tfw &c�, Joseph Givenj, to producethe, saint befora meat! pffics ) 10AIS11. P410jg, F7 EDMONDj Insolvent. . - 0 1 Isupt *A% ju Qj 01, 6S ofr,. 110w;9T 6; 996h�rarmsto the 10ih -d�y ecembelf, no Uild, -near Dun;. atL-twQ6.o cickison for tho:_p4 0 Dividend Sh eath day of AlWAIr GO'doriell on tfLe a. Mond DWLLIN, lot 4, 4th con. M r ja7l sit ten o'clock in tb6 forOnoon, being the cot has Weit p -bott Cof It -41 WAI 'S inicIappainted , - edrabor, 13tirnivir either wiNd oroll. SOLVENT Tanum - LAI gannoh� for adjudidatinifin: tha 01almiL onwed Ueeve and f6ur, do billorg nisdey, flie-Twelity-first day of Ile nomin4th un .�.�B t�jff-Tgt S"RSAPARiLLIAN RC PuGA-MoIr Oze. 21st--Countr TbIl Gatis ter 1871 P F IVALKER � f iadford 'Jim -year 187L - An4i fil We _f all a DiVidend will be �Sid. --.tre­r to 'C (kooyio, cnrwi,�% %V"t. iGIG6i fox WiR Carrlcic� A, D,1870,at Bi1l9bRtQ?sHOt4IUtbs`tO%ft 0 ve fotlthd 0 Godedeb.7111*t t3lo VArties In this section Auliotiter t6 gir of fiimeW bXX Atkin st Clintion. Administratof_: IT], the son, - ov -election will be'- ljpolotedrforthat'� IT08ft oll -�beipg rivired,-tho. Date(tat0ocle6chihisgOtttlm()Veml)kris7o.�;w6-ot uly 4 Ptir oif Moudky_the;,2& Ljt ]ff(Yt ARCEL, �TO. 4 held Assij�nee. Apply tp Vie ptmitAft *i) b- At !;IV fub;e� vn�� n I; iit 2�% e next at 9 0'01ack in the fore- -jiskillkiHINn Its 9.4 _f i 6111n The.Sainglar Lige, dodee,611, Ttov. _Odtli, loia. OW29-2t- ctOflAnd: 0 rv. andpremises,sltiiate�][Ybl atud�belngfnthetowu- Ii M- _VXPAL M" OT -TON, :..NOTICE OF NOVA14 n 114" I w'-ift lij,inkfol A!# -4f `0 fh,� I Tecumseth.-In ttle0010ity OfShip aaiik TAMEb TF Dr 'a . zh ailezted a& I e iver, Thisfiathubeeahighly Indorseil for itges. ship b0foorl,* NOV; 18tlip e 1, vA moo fix which weigh upon rproducedill: x6ng or awakened from proiluis of Onf*4o find eing eoinposed o ve'-L'4 W qt� W Al, -0 �C I IeT' *11� hegi.ii -18� Vbn. 7. , e awanost(41 H HEESE vers coca,- � 1YL his bffift to Mr. Hugh Dunlop's ljoIldinZ next n'tileption kave of rim. by the, touch of auwt- lquiltharsourift the,fGrth Voncetision of the -salit �k.4rmhtrong, ]'.and Ags*� bgs rWorM it In dive" WVT%- W14 PArtictilarly upon. di the muto key T 1 *UL BE HELD At tOT, .1 rit FrKeric ISTRILY IMFER And UQW 89 firm V.11 -i 6rV*(1!lw t ,ns,.gr"tstud_infDr. lUdwiy-, and tert the' Lotis TAnds, ft We ial Money to Lban on lietyroWvisblex 'A is elevsting tathe tsste�. raluffliff in itffiriftinice Townshi coutedninkliyadmesburement, Otis hundred terior coast _EE Onef the riche door t6 The P first I l0arip, said Wild SiMViED from the prewlscs� cf tilt maderidpedl, _4enjoyments itexablithe-privilege aereaof itud,bathasamemorliorlm fr tao Lut yesuaga, 110 of'sitybouseliclill - topoqgess, Yet how -tiny deny WiththsexcePtl of nw.r t1fe OUtarino jiboat *ad nf fkwb^-r, fk"ova t., imIrt triumphant. useholdsthis Tareat of luxurfeti cleared,well wateg dfoaced. The Afthasbeon been tinder illefrCAtillelit (1 tii secret to the pobjo, them"I'vesand th6lrho abmwalicifer, rjs1:ig2ycays6'd,1sitb whitebiDd 498 UpidaYth619 no Jr-neA fr -ni sA ide, the same, withoutmak- 'for a uumfbaraf46W ift'll, high, state �dtdulttritljojl 9451white tip 01i 116 tail, white d6i OA her roft, JWW wh*ye groply ghleto proV Godde4, key; vs and eyes and noow, Auvol, Unlit he eom�;*a UN -JAW ur r f, B�T4�tNg F3% Nuch might be good dweUb%hot*j Wo.bari4aWb. Shopht-rd -&StreichaU y, with its dli- inigginglerwrifle, but our SpaWWAI Serve UIS i isandout-buiXtrig8p and speedy care, le . . - . -IIT temiltably xeivardea. TUONAS 0)W LR said Qfthe VAIVA and contatim A I i . putipode *yNbeloatin a eev�e, 91vingsuch informatton as wiii i2ad to I'M T66WIT fHu ST otmusle nextior V LE GUO 014M GODS31011 Comilleccial AweK JOL40 zhm PiM%, ka,3wd warld-wile m �On% Great Parg&- PARCE4 -NO. uty Reev -and tbie& -Couilditors."to bf r*W one tiep E "Wich, Nov. 2Ast, IVO., WUft% They ortritot ofland ' I I -, I PNW) forq TV. All and singii UtAl. vart8fl, And in c�6 a VK I 'ited serve f6r I e saveliftfrornbeing Sacrificed by delay, jeInforci. so B _10 0APPo V .- ii�ie Agemd at.. h eld The' Canada Buduess n;thaVyarawj=jik*2Utjt* in Va+ has in a tait t7. g fit -sale of the. 7011 SALZi r, SM4 � =TROLL OvercOmir d [orjbh for the oerebratea Voll being required the Election 411 b1sh [A by ra, r, Indigestion, of Slincoe, aforesaid Ll 0(1 1, 1870- theor=tsof 04estioltlif er leoocop kbi Ic aft ant Ili of One stoxy Iml -tlia )c Nawsp"t Mudd 6QMVO6KL_ofLotNo.6Ia a0tli,con. sion fthe 1�xete aj t1je.simer �J%de on Xonday tile 2nd of just received of des to - uld towl0hili 011dCOU ri ja�njary next at 9 o"Clock in Ike f0tim, Of W,th bA", bo"kas. V I t&% t I ,41 410% QaadrillaW tutra deftTera '14poied.- jkt. Ahs Factor* 14AIWILTON9; ON Y&TIOUS ituids! FgerssrW Pr"MW to Aborblife; comprulug Sov- wo, sor",moreorleo. A 14004 vhitvl�aot ts Inff noz .9 h ill %Mae inaka t menial pi;m xUofw cb a 'There ;M about- ten wresolexrod, ud the ralliall 4111111 Torneoly ww_up'e4 by Ur ChariC5 _hem#efV_4 Price " The raukdwill be fiouAdto.be i�weiitfmbers1wItIt.y&Iu&bl6 cedar. (Laf4 J�Oygi b0ftiftiOn a tNMO ffleo) -ft. bj:fig pxUuV*f1srodt& NeWimOrPrOsttation, for, as t an 4itetions thiii The bovolauds are Wall Wofth th# Attention of ash, VI,V. is ortlleREVIC. tiwwretivo o;94u*. They he �tha pro th i8b. tA 13"tiv& ensueli. Their terlor off' TS T19RVIT OlVeN Tn* APPLIC %1%WX "WL C612. tateh"(earerl Witl, Sweet jP#meysC4pltal1sWjmdqotb$rN- , . - .1 I ; - PBTZE PEN WaX k7' r.Wridt I*pt. Urd, 19.0 "yo -art bUw T-r-piwi G tip" Se"av STEER ASTRAY, JL bIp umle, C1 1AW, lkiftltv G BTAINED TWO TVZEgrog COXDITIOWS gara), therefore,never sicken, or 'stable 6derich, AU915, 18W ifer. pe; a Tft tray He jigiiiij, LtIO2, W%ea&nshlp at ths histProvineW L whintlqn, corrosive cmpmud free fir. r cle purehasar swrL at the. thna of -3416, r. . �hibam of AV Ito. Cu= ftasltht' the PrOPOrHOIX 6f ten do tS 4 at", riging tVrIa MR toilie enaosure of the U nder Th ne%Co1le TYPI10141 and of Ro M8, pe T. 'ji CwAj4 v4sw Nervous VbUlty, Geuml Auih�rs,-XttslOSWU-It-ld-Alluttra" udead Aplitts or the urclim I - - I e, U tho a&& U10WOUS DL for md most largely DUUWI Qf Any C0f, CIL )in lop* Town ip, of ColWr nt lat 0, t. T iiioney to the Venda 0 gmZ[ Uka WLW&Y. a "d bet gy"VA aid, ThC*%re-r1j;re- ff, EXATTY, Agw.with othar alim"tt tjIfty pill Refreiab=ejit Ift 414 &Igo theattly Btuiltim- College rond*W-Wita "mix LAW dG.-tar Strings of-StAllatlY in -t6Ckaudf')r'40 e4 Solieltor, Aid.ths remidlider of it"ted �o "rienced Jewuntant. The us U=a* farpersons tr- Xdt k 8`016000 thsVorchminoitayonorbe" Me twentrIlrat day --loth. 1870. linum - prolro Ile taketer "td toe A*10rito, WhjX,�L*rV6rVQ -fu�gMrrednetfcn� otjan. A, D. 2871. In othsr T apeeta,, aodelde= I -KZ G, larlit qu to % Ott I fm. go iis MIS I � W at&,, p braosIs B001% t aws Toronto ow "Ptdad mtho oldy -9dicia- b A. 23AAV j0XrA.1 Xbovethe couditiolix of $41OW thiXtUlIXIM700" bulne" system U Ingle ut AIL ClAY164000, 'OIL Wedby of tutwidu Attention itick of 10 peizent vU be a d N(W. 104. *W.V-3t_* FurtbW VArbOU rres arbPa"16 Wdbrmjy r"eivec tU XXoUnVorae. of aide oftIM COUrt 0101143140M me, zo-q..'Xiiater L bl'EkJIS STRIAYM go- volet to"* the APO& at, pst4for argm-i may be obtained of 0, W,' TAWrf OWL FOR 99A, 1AW. spallfa* lig, 4 WAWED4 lbottlew for stratior& *Adj4 the IL* Offiotf loeephA. Dmov*a In thej&N� 3 - leodyBOW ZcttPWb*tW., Pilia WcUpw bock$. Dr%fbi, andors Solicitor, andAGISM. tMler & Irowof AN� iff PI&ONOGRAPHY GRA T1tATMfr%mth# 1W FnW Bea liar. ICU, U10. swi0m V 12 op AM L WiC(j3rafTcrOatoI:Xe0M Do* and SqU40ulth* TA4 S 44. LAt F]MOhnii". 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