HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-12-08, Page 2 W1, - IT""I"Wl"M T.- -,:, . t-, "41 " .%J!%Or - 9 "- 7- 7 ' ,- - - - - 1* , , 5. ., I - . .& ; - I - ! . ; . I - j;17 ,, , , -- 1 ,7 - - - " -A I I I , - 't, 'i -'t 4 - .r , . , ,W . - , 1:.. I . , - - . , .... - . .- - I .. 'IV . I . ;-, , , Z .- - T '. I - W-1 I." I---'-'- - . . - ­ . 1, ­ % . .11 , ­-", - -1 I * I 11 - .. , I I I I - - 31 `­ - ", ' ' ' - F . -'11; ; -s- I .. . . - . '. .. , . P ,­ I . -!, .,:::, -- - .1 %­ , -, . 11 [-., . .1k -1 . . . . - I ?Z - -- . ` ­­ .. .. - I -,­.,;,X -- "Ill, W, . , V ,-, -,!- I 40", . M j7 .. , , Z 6- -- , . .. . ­ . , -.,4 ,,, , 'IF .., I - ... .. I - z . I , , I -. - . I ­ - . 1."', , . . . ,., . - -!tWi . - * ­ . - I I I' I!- i.l ­ I : I ­i. z­,.­ - ,'' . I - -- -1 . . . - ­ , ., - .1 - I-!..' I , I I . . ­ - r 1 . , . -A 1-1-1 " I . . ­ I ­ . . . I . 1. I - *1 I I 0 1 1 . - Wl I - . . . # ,Z . . - . " , I I- - 1-1 -';, . -: ! .. ,-,r*,%, -., - , - . .. , , . f . - , .- I I I*L. w . I I . ;1 "I L'A' , -i ' I .. I . .". - . .­ t-, - ., - .-P, " ,- .,4 ,'I - ,t3- "... 114---, - . ­ ­ I "' , , - - I- . . 0 , ­ .. ., . , ,-, , I ­ I i I . . , ­ . I . . . :11 . 4 11 -1 , . . I I 10- , " . If , I I --T-Twm" ,", - :'W" - , . -..i , --, ` - , ­ -". - I . . 1- .* . . . I . . .. I I - ,,-­1,5 .4: AC. - ' ­­­. .. .. - 4 -. - `%, . . -- " -, ij,2K, - 1. . , ", :-1 4 - t-. --- . ' , ,-,, ,- , - '',- .. , . kl -, -i I . .. .1 - , - ­ . . -1 .1-. 1- 4, - I - I - : ­ , . , . --* . A , - - . .i -: , it , ,- . I - ­ " , -1 ­ . ­,:::rk;. - I I . 1 - I - . . - ., . ,­ i . ­­ ., - : . . I .- I . . . I I . 1. I ­ . I - ., - -f , ­ z . - - 't ,. ­ I , . I . , - . .. . , . ,:-- 4, . I I ­ , , - I - I- - - ;, i I . . . f - . . , : , , . I I t-,. 1W I I , , . . -. ,, , , . 40 - . , , I . , . r­. . * 0 k . - . : . '. I . . I . - . I., ,-` -- ..", . .. .1 -. I a ­ I 0 . . .. , - I . .: , . :,- 3 r ;' "..,­ , , .., . I ­- I .. . -1 ' o - I . ­- . I , - . . . . , I -, . I . .. I I , , Z . - I ­ ­ , - - . .: : - t , . - I I - 411. I—, -.r: . - i - , I . I., ­; t;f. #1*1 , ..,- 1:1 1' a 1'., t, ­. . L.a ,,, --11. - . I - - ";'4',-% - . I ­ .1, . ­ , ; , ­ - . !;­., - ., - .. I ­ . - , I . . - 1;2 I . ` . . ­ . . . , '7 . .",, t .. , , ­ - - 11. + . f . , - I . . - . , , : . '. '&-ILI -- 1: ­ - #- --------. - -----, ­ -- - I - --- - - --.----, - ­ -­- -­ - ---- I --- ­ -- -- I ­--il., w -.10. - ­­ ­ - - --" , . 10- ?z­--kr-A­' ----* i"- - %" - ­ -.--- -- I . - 11e,,.'­Nbr­, ------- ­ - I 1% I " , t - ------ - ------- - - I—' -,, ­ qv-!' .4 9- , 1 ,7 ­ go 6 _ - R, M- F 0 IRIP,PW . X- I ­ . ... I ,r -IW-, ---Z4 7-=- ---7­ -­A 4. -1 y - - - - -, " -,,- if . , -'r, , - %mym 1,11- 14-a= "I 1, ~w- R.-W.Or- I I 11 , ­ - 7 & - 00M -- ­­ T011!11 . -1i - I ,% . Alwo - ' I - i i - ­ . Amw 0 OU" an the (havil Rr^d quovtioa . At wenta say an M00AW lat, that,of" now , FROM i b iln,, .. ,...I ,,,U-e Uas More -.". * : T- ­­ . , " I r %-. -,'-.I-- - .. 1 1 - . IWA %0 "s, for the iultiragow of . I be dmo In " way until mom I ... . I - % " the berlining of the owupsip the W*$0- . ' I Property 11 . . . I it I - . . tw I ago __m - qmp_mp%_ I-VIRM VTq U1011 I _ throut a frW t svA psweaj%r, by ' , Qu*GOW, NOVA-U33M lftx; ln.Ov 3s, azired ; and thus for1em liwoft" -alovwrw: - 444W 4 I I - 1 ,W;7 : Al - - t -trock aw1gratelated the preas (A the Coull- Tt r . -.1" . - - W '­... 4J t - : 1 I I ­ AIZ: I I I - 1, '­, . - -.6.^^0%0% irq A, .^ ty on its Unanimity and sAded its colil sAd W 1=64h Xrt tanley and Detroit. R = a :wv U bafre to make hoovy oat4sp . I I-,-- -- ymwiw - I . - . . I .UldliOrOfth" " u fPd-m ' tstara -su4-bys ttwo .:. . P.4. 41 Ating st Godarkill. would w Mai , yerAm U& .:. , . 'o I - caufloas lnits in aid 6f the ob*k By A line termizz - .. .By .. . 11 I — - . w 60 r- 11 GODEJUPD11 tra-&j mn the rkh country. to jh* eouthwardg . Sm.-As promised Impy last. I obw a" I selpame, 1, . 1W* # ow sit I- I I a - NO- MI 1670- =& by* it bl= to,-49wW*" sad re wfit tam and if the trearw5lavy 1 ft. I -, , - I ." - Gila . .. . . . ..,ft - — and. thall, out is came Giur the VO4 7uw 1 i - daW - I ... I Ae W )"'"A I #%0%o1~ .. s000modato - such important villag" " Vmwd 0 give yon some account of our manage& I bs6eve evwn the I - - r I . I . . I I . . I r2A "Off. Ow & ­' I Tbs Northern rtadvmy Zzater, save the new ro%&from. becoming ..My - iV?PrQvWnafut soliame , a" as, an will nob be serious; wUW In a, =n. . a6d - -- --A A ­10 — — 0110 . - . . . bfwsxbsx, 91fiat-lootodl-And Unnaerins . ' - - - - - I ------- ,w I 1 I , - . . . to dem - , book* a fador to, the Grand 14-a fm athat- tekiW , . r AdmNIAN, . . - -I.- * I lunoetht BY -low and Pat out Air at the point , morst point of viow the Uneld ­ --wl - improysmeat adliente, impliwsomething , to I AA60N& ON& MW nekona ; don Oourwbo* gow 'A. 1 . . ,t ,X . - -U a- -U , I., I . , , -oaflort wave - uaf4ou northwards to sy bad introduce the xubj* by Uken. that In no, part - of the city AOU ,04 publk Ig U hdo"Midiss,:, .- , . I I *06 the . L--. -.-- -, I - 2r, " , . S-6me embroevan huadre4ratepayers the vpponents of Free Uxt&4 f& is 00"W. of intersection, and onable, Lon V"Ug)I m prove hiagonlible Nze is of , 11 , , ­ Is 4: J 4W , I of I present at,& invelin; held; rwwa Wft they th#Ywra in the ovwuy compete for the b _ I I i W 46M A .01cosale" a " amm , I . . i)ii3tona.ty,28th;nitq...Fort,hs 'rpnga, And noir,, bubbling over with laaltans. y0f, KhmArdine and &uthampton, by the pp- some rf6fareaoe to what requirsd mmand- snah "Imildles o' hou4W1 exist again. 'us.. 1 w#*sstonbJ*d'tq#X4 ,. If 004M04 AhNs as 6644 &ad IMN do 44 , . Pu -. Cb=mL- =ld wour Me belsebed No a opohme &-, ; I " I - t the ftrvik tha.,Y#4 Zra haa raiiinat"I on, PO -11m trAdiuX to. mud. from Godaric-h ; mant. Itouses must not now be crowded too the-ilpeaktrs, witk tb# ox= ;lr"** welat" W the 4 lg!; The fact is Glaisgow has for, many V,- . Iftu hNNN hevM44M " " I lei expivains their feeling* an - to, the twil. f ulore, ,than &-week; and in i4iffe no, eheap*r or more easily oonstmcik - . 6wely vpm sach. oUw,. nor must the oe- lsmw QWi , :::4 *4 1 -1 Ill , onr articlim for years, subrad from oomplioattompf in- %J 204*441 " OIL, Our clomm . Way mpooeatt"Tan (Mut Unaon'tilsome a, suputs oromL tioo. closely in the houses. to the advali,tages AV -, I 42whis Aw, 00 2" = RbML - -09MV&SCbm" is 40Wg - in' Khofts. ­ -.,-, . this issue presents its rexdprs, wAh a few ad- route could probablyl'be marked out. , 11A *Ai In tiow Abood at I na . . . I point on We Nown. The princiral,, words picl-od out here, a few plakod out, Ontilido 4DapiWfifA* ho.vo- inVestoil some tervaldisorders. Notwithstanding-herfreah Henod&th, the humbleo of our fionim of ths ioad #A the Vwu- of, I . 11 I - -- -- -- footo: on R"al'. , . . % i, : . I - My owaATinion U, Mr 1XW4 a . "RUNNINgn- Asam 24brecer"beelt 0004* an Pwhbg , 1 114nej ,meft took part in the distuW1,1n, there, a few more distorted by being put 0 000 in Giiasrloh withW the year ;,and andhealthyaxtarioritrequired noyeq.dow inuib get a fair share of the air and the ­ I vice- * ,-. I . I i "", 10 As g " Maskookeis b" I . - - ill,t%lice with vdishonest, jpageiry, ;44iA within the Ynoath so -feral, vaen of ln"na impaction to discover decided' ymptoms lot a bes"n. .- 'What they lased most lim U rail way running .. 1 I t "MM, " . "OftiaL I : I but ,noffing wu eliciftea pavtleiil rkv dif- asing disessewithim SI& by side witligrowing . it* promotim ik to X. 0 - . ;: - ; f *I at Bh- 1 G - . . ad to are purob Is a. Similar matilsewn, 'With the bleadul mmat, if " Pod 'M . .J. JXAM5014 it. . - , .p . - totliew,iixthibteattsaitt)rtoAhot,tth, %t the hs"MAT in wulud . us 21611 eXUAL-rokle Coma ism mom" I* - - I r into wealth -Imars U no Now -sad A. Nalutooll- The AA tm 1WU a , - - wim is ow U;A I firent, from the expreetan of opjhiiou at; Si mj In no*. In,A, hootift.&ttitilds, to ths, property and. proceeding, tof auto and in the fam Of no stinted W* charities of 1, common life free intercourse lioi successful, V mLtoaorwh I r -f, is ' . I - . theReeUnA, ol tha R.* an- nera prolp . art Y is nevolende pimparism' was inweam* mbre betwoet tbam,and the higher gradotof ' my min d,. that Godarich wook be ()OVtWtta9 kayo to report : ever owin up" Alsoft N 6 480b, , I 4rd of Traciv, -.dmaikv I rateMem of. the, county,. We gra,vot busin .. A tido of go I - ly onbaric, -- 14w; 404 vift ­ . 1. upWy than popoUtion. The death: rate "eq. 6111, 5 - I We am breaking, down th a tzi= AwaWbotes be 0 " ro"Oft *4 %*= ag 06, I - rabUhe,lby u3. The following vwrvtho *Xhamad. that we advocated tha ninchase setting in which,will make this town one wittah nat JA racy uusnilno agreed to: fix the Aw'"' ""M %my P 1 m 0 1 Tortherit ptosdan,l thaX wa* 0 ropo on of thw-,L _ Ojfir;;Of. 0 the intat im000w I physical barriers which. have bitherto 6apt but even the Wvit4rnzoa Southawn fstateo- UM46arty limit* (A th* road under the Y*WAK it to-kimew *at I man 4C ft 1! - -1 pt poinUivi the jrast -, ling h the " ' rU , and . . ii . . 110411"ka -- - - re '-fl- to .-- ln Mw - ftr . , : resoluflonsag. . V. - Most uuouMle reputation. iftav&miaary a I . dvoper. fts "M W . . . 4olls. We are not ashamed Ao ackuoiv, sad We spiri.ask the projector, to think . 9 Is part. from riespeatability, will yet have to reeeivt their supplies of ptle"i no" far' i cbMtec a or. saw , '* rpof&H would taf,W that.some -11 rz44. mighty- x4L I . Brocessid, anit tbA its future northerly rw i I -1 i, MovedlivX.Aii,lervin, mmiAed t)r Iiftpth,t wave defeated,anc M NUOS (1, , I - . - - I that- only- wellbefors iiPoring Godikrioh as at lout 019%50 -crim*, Mice - =T:!": 6""" I . I . . isaft"tw "Oak 1,Aw. ZWA& y - . . Q% : - 3-AlAeAt CI R-:-'UAF ' Relolved,-That 64, ane tormitift of their line. We arepleas. k I, . to good in wild oonfuslov overwide ; leyet also the point net in rest WWbw aWm r bettic -1 , 16777 rat,apk-mrs, out of 3478 Who, iotd4 - from the AdvedUr that 'letter- bi ilt lik Irom: the eight- of busy? wiad!-' would. , AdOftntftiOulk - ram &wlira there Are- Other x0diODS 111 oxtsasiow frout th" m a 9 U # at 0644-P . . : - - Ineatin-'r in of ophlion that it wovdil Mated-: ed, to hear I Uniets. wbith. 1 -Aas and libar-W6th have thc oofunty:,d Huron where salt is prodoo- mosepre depend upon theon0wear's. .Z- I were on. Our sitTe., .But we ard ashamed toL , b!F tie ,n 101" to .. 1 1. . :. I , I I I . I 011 & Beemebw F ; c , a r , UQU "' _ *s- - ally bume'di tW401ty, and t1toconatry aur -And a,t 010118Y -W& ing rAqw ,Y. . -The ffity I - 1441ing . ,ounty contompo ar ly at Any ; ly. -short routs terminating at Qo4orioh MOU" raised . betwaej , them ;­ snd k - ed,:Ouk the great Ulk, of it is produced in - dw sulbout &.support oftea ­ , a Its L rap1#A."=OWtb it had , :0 --km , X4Xj1hq-,Amzl tit tN-, 11W11 of it, to have a - .7 Nat . . wow NO= ". I I - I Ill" 'time toimthiiuwiiaitddiefigtii*o4rw6rd,i I lojitallo& mallialphlitiss. - Lr NE - , -,, 4ftwato be growing ir. favor.1 r . among. the bl&er -classes the flams, Pf Gooled* a#d it *. there that itipitah0a a= hot P"WA 1140 a Ir . _ . L L - =Uwaveonatrnntel- fcaut Lf.nd,6U101%9meAf h mastication anil-disfigurAtion I .. - -. - - - - - swallowod up numerous neigh!RPurinq beavett!bofa-chisrity, lead themdu=K76out Mlilyaadq fhsk'#% And AS User the AU 00: %oft "Nia"M WA%" I - - T Such . . . 1%, . L it! . - . 2nd. TI -At without ootai,uf tn &,&OA@d k--ia, Off li-dowman arrodkift 4" dil % - 7 . 111i"t aa, Lako Efuron, andhillyappruves'lic.,. secure a little cheap. popularOy- I Towg Couxon" . Inunicipall as ;.and asthAs oontined. to alaoug', theii rer brethren Alfilaing - harbor, as possil3le. conclusion they We of opinion that tbs ftsky . QW4000NNA Aw Umm be$ it$"a .- 1-1 I I - in - of al applintiazi. to the Le-labdam of . . _ Live and grow i4ternallyas .*ell 4o extQr, there the als,12ing, because humanitizig - , Mr.. Uawlqy, the principal m4taur should be of the narrowed possible ' *a 144 t~7 yon%, W" now Uw I'll - t-- " - eharter 1he pecl#s having spoken.wi are reaAY to . ­ __ L (- AV~ . -1L. . a a , 417 ' I , , . - he new ', A, mooting of the - o n I I . 11 .,, the taturd play of the vit*1 Organ& and MMINOM or A* - I ..., _ 'Urssy 2 feet 6 luohe , if found to , ­ CV. .Wsneh put- , _ a fin submit, -ind were glad to And that t J0 U cl cbrhtimisioj ,4ufluenosaj of loving Detroi% wA A SaWsmsm of very Ism be Om N" ]"imb" tiwm" bm"O A Ow- AdAm" l lllllilllilll,lil!!,ILI I I - If to "Ist in, zulx% at- I waahald On ,won impeda4,14or'bid action ensuad, and - - means, has *ouklz th4m, ahit In t of 4 , it"It tW tbey 11,11iii'viii no . -. ranet W pti'agesite - .)Pow to, collect & fil - - 5klk Doceniber, inat., at '8 P, in" Rengralls if not mortification imperve . and. I hearts, Lftd lillplug hsudx ButaWtalas, tere$ prac cable 1-vurm"4Z - -1 t ; .. ., Pr ill toll one WAYi 04 Monday, - W I ­ . the esstern'sky dAMLUOt 'YetehOV the Qfoaar1oh:d-1suchj*aat importance tUthe -3rd. That no time ou& to be roe In sa* Usebew r -aft - tba- . %ntof*L,*&h1Q0tzT1W-1Xb. ­ the countv roads, withtu 48- - houn, was Prment, theMayorin the cliair,the.Reavel. Oiii a - re bold by ormy , . oved 11. . I , , Qo dealvy It. F. treeta were all righkapaciolps.compar- br*4 g of ths: milleauml MOM It 'It. is about to 9 Wd $W,000 in sinkioswells obtaining on anginver's report . of ths, "'wes"= a P""'"t m - .." . considered ty all partion fair aUd aml m%ble. Nears.0lifford$ Runciman, Wrt n, De . I . 14 = US MP90Abk SWM VIW"Stl. k , I'M . - . . - -bir F,uira Is . I . . I - at , or the greatly t ad to. those of most towns. -The very ol"I"t breaks- in the eastivii- A411 bars ibbefore -his intentApa being ostvr= at waUpK bm I A not More, deserves the credit 6' 11% PASlaor% Gardiner, Smith 'and Wsit- of them be 't , t , _ to 4export the Wt to cha"t, and most practicable rou* and I -­ I - , iu-.Wxv2a maiation, ana itf. amutani3tea thiaxt Or .eatimily ,in thMAXPe"o to 'yoii, tbaV# one very selfieb:,cobjeolatlon b6 the Uniied States. I It is true that the milt theastimstadoostoftherVixtofway.the - , I --- - , , , ension of time froulft to 49 hours, son. - A commurAostioi wgrrepA from the ' . , . . Q , 'em Bra, than 0anW&0ompaliy,raqi1estlng,t* know bf Butunfoviounielyin,,thshurryof 1, n - - I I - f H' Wag I ! W - Ath in thk couuttze3 af, Bzuce. RUrOa 'I a i ! 11A by thii N the liberal visw,t of -theF original burghors L. YouM Ac., , XONAD NoUUNG0. , . . dixt4ict extailds over a - - o the " we'll THR U A r., - ,­., . . ani xidmexc I x, -,m well as tha vreryextendve , . I bd W L .. - , . . ­ . tL I ; - - I (nie=eGate-I'Man, in tho, moon.1 Tait Scott wU+. Aocituentary authority, the t*wn . . 9 . I I coun.7 0 , VJ, lout a 11 , TZOM its I . - - nlarLU&,Cc,411rinf,t,iyktc,restaot treats were sousetiniss forptien altogeN 6 `A Udeuv.lo= tba Otma-"Won, m: st in6yiftbly be the it was I I : . . m:1re"tile-mid ­ . SOX10im - . rst :?hfit:69 Godarich. Doe. 6, IM. I . I in I I ; . - or. longroftothouog wore, eract6d so- - . - Ippi POL t from I^ke RUM to All agrobd to defer tht.formation of sub-com-- F&U Wheat ............ 91:N I I -As E, i Of Wlnghwn and Xdhu Messer of -Bla6vide helc ext, car '1111= I the lot on East Ar on, which a . -- -Lo'city of Lait -1 - tLe A;Ing viffal,`4 were ffie champion& of this eh uxe. * )NA6 tain town property- is built. Moved, b$ -__"oo'WL -L . - o C 'Jun mul . _ long leading thorougliftras ,enclosing % ., . at o. Xjihi ?I f WrYing Out B * Whout .......... a 1.06 1:12 .. I I - navth- Aa L -lits 1fdroa, be it ther4im rc like Such o . largill - ­ . - witerp Statim aai -Ontario. mitts", for the purpose, 0 PrIng pponents as these -two gentle- W Rortou, an6d -by Ur Deflor, That ireis of ground ompty,or only partly built ' ' ut is; about to expand r" - of the Board, or to take In - ` - - _ - I - N WIN MLLXD I a the ,-. ."Ivia ,that tMa meating licarfily colacurs 1 men *hii, when tho. - are fighbial' ; - YOU. -.. I.TRU . -QAX8,1W . 4 rho Gov= instructions our .......... ...... 5:60 940 i 1, . as tb% 0OUaQU W haIll the lot for school ppon. At building-grovad, . ; , -LOW in making it. a hatbo* of roto , i . I A I . I I I - . L.. 1, % &e dealrepility of e eoustructiolk Or a I I "" mysluo -, I ,0XNX4AL-D%0TJ& ftlow. . _ gel sn.y other Steps : -- - -- th Aoulder. S U. L F fill after the meeting. with O&U.....**....a ...... 00 0.49 1 1 1 - Strike tight frota the, OMAR$ purposes 34 oe-W jears, without -luestion. . - I .. 11 ­ I, , r L paces became .1416401Y . I L . !., I L _ . - -- - jUd6pondso ­­ 1 - - * . rmlMkv froift thia city, ot Landon, in the Aroulld, a, comer, kovreverI. in a sneakin , that the, Afayar, and Reave. - these ancloseat I . pa#' . -­-' , . ---- ' L , spenc an of tl is,, it 4 now the Mine the Committee of the City - Oouucil -.Ad- pa"......"....****.. em OAS - iv t v n! mimuelax, to Soma poi - isort of Way L AuU otk'thO ed. with: heterogenebusedilices, leaving .. I . 1. I . r 1113a at OU , . L. . I I -, "tJ " : ]) 2 - Pat harbor the fQ#asdisa aide Of 14ke vergur, . . .40 ­ : and got ex- L - ton, -- - # . Barley ................ 0. OAF , the method C mpany, whom in Toronto,- -a - - - I I . . - Lik, -Ravou. in the Coma 'n preferred by the 011,tty-tho smalleatipossible - - - - 4 . i I tyof tlurauor Cllutoa Y - . . . pace for'conv Ruron Th itemiAtuelisof Lgre" im . . Potatoes .............. *.% 0.4w c . emEra. =d he ilrwalcometo . ; . I 11 . ,planition: of the riatter-cariied. A He. nication sanit"y4oadiudiii_ being ,,Ito. . A fb4ffal' .aollision oecurrail on tho and in " A .. I , mu POrtXa00 in a pr*luction of salt. %an= trow Xr. X40k1ft Rutter. ........ w., -­ 0:19 fdo , 1, F-tralle, ­ .porLwas read fro an ­ - Ing row grand Trunk tea Muss w0d thisrespack 2 . . I i TIAW resat-16kn of Ur Aulerzon Was the'l I d *!* gether ignored, AC one -build I . thig loded -h ban an - - i;i =a. thasystonAoWn,heavex content, ut tha Rolid Sailway Ill im - MW I - — . - - I -P la;iZ eid- , I : 11 I I - . - .. Oommittod.- The Tande;% received for . 10116 Upoll &ft I -- Rgp-iiw ............ 0:X ­ 4. -. I I I 11 L . .1 c .- other .th age left be-, of Brighton. - about 11 -6,4100k. last Digh - .. -1 , 11 - , U CPA -- * ifiland pla ! . . I . the Maill -sewer ware an.fuff6ws -. n tween was tightly vhrii6nad a clon t;0 fivtght, it, ­ botK sides of I 954, 1ANDON. 4. ­ -... 0:00 11.0 - 4 L 1, BrOr , -6 Pus vantap a *kia having the :0110 W3jXJA]M , - . Tral . .I.L ttl- 41 no 11 I . . - ,040 be- tween - trainsi by whl&- - 11 , -. I - t here .Jf 41 -- - , .i I . - ,%a tejj4j way, terq. - - ,whols coast it . - - r. t . 11 L- I I . .wOrk oloie.'opened into -- , lt t ! , . . L I Rt460JfJ& - U from 1whicu J)XAX JSM -4 have- jot ftiew - I Vim Az,UMlbW,Utd30,, - Cedar Box. . another that into S3 rft *. I ­ dreli to In. ' I . . . RIIWS. - . . ­ , tb rh,4is were lost, attathe whole train to receive . ; . wood ................. 3:50 3.15 . .1 _L I . lwrrad. tuira, 4114. 1 f, . . of J . fj ,! . "g the stoolitit of the railway . 1,4 auntiug, nai tlia 04 -Airman dV-IAF0dU,- - anotiierealumn, we publish, ad AU I Alfred Brown, ' so On *rmlT,19 a JAbyriuth sa4 ootpgta de trojod),Pxocl t one freight . Beef, per Cwt . ......... fiw 7-0 ; , I - - . - . 432,75-115508 '427' : . - . A direct , ... to "erI4 pelu - .. ­ . I . . ;7- " L : - would make U a I , dalsa by bis Q-34ting valte -24 mui`kY mazes betweOu 141r,dividaa streeia' 1 C16 tbs- distributing meetiog .on Manday nighk andlama p)rk ................ . . carm 'letter, written tor thim- Free P w bf W S.- -.- IV X savage 00W 4migo 2f. - OM .' L* _ , , , , . 50 a 4 0 . - t . I - L I L ­ . i . L tuenthdmerchantbfUnd- : 3'David. RuncIlmall not) 46W 00 - 18,00 in which to strangorcouia And his w ya d a.. poi t f toall , as I We idisapWateil to sea* the position that ,..I I I After ezinailerab'Ui ,d&;saltirry 'IV' Smitfi,jasq* &-ninti n Th4trACk flottW0,11110ditd- Yards is M, in or ,:p West as far 1i Obiokerso pwpair ...... OM Oft V . . . I L. I I I ' ike on the Wog ................. 0:0 a.= e wttlall it wal , - . 4-9died Sharman 2992 3049,44 :19.36 'where neither sunshine noir fresh air ever I - 0hatham, e t tQ Woodstock, and to near- the inclorhy of the speakers ti withont,apatticle, ofazaggerxtion d 00OU04 miss&of burning eam. goob, and Y ly iag to -." ,23.410'. J! I - - ' . - a. - P"e#y An r I - ". J. , ly the wU _ -0 -W 1 , A by f I' r" L oa' i'lkl S , 00 -entered. Itt&oae buiT6w­, ­ I DIS f the:ooilutr five still very slawS bbpef Sheep ................ 3. & . 3i 'Fea by D 01M. sewmiI, 5 lEtarvey Howell 1650 ri 02. . L the route, but I . - - ha pniisanta a tormidable -arlay, 6 Thcf Johnato '- -LJ723 T)60 ao found shel horses, I ­ ,­- I . .., . 1, , I id tbatAf It is -finally eoncluded to r*n to lambi .............. 2.-W VU , -- XcDonald,thatt:lia membersor piral'imerit, of futs to, 13 ,39 - 29,00t 'Or"' , ter and colicealmenbl slid L . . . L .L "th of us, ndw; ddpro a0saLft"llUe ",4: 1 1 . a -- I I f lr the VOT13titnemles; through Which tLzo zhow why Goderiah should be loide & ter- T B Trainer . 10W 4an.00 -19..90, thusaroses, idwo of popolstiouresi out L The n - or thV killed are Thos. to the line a atlaot#Wper 4y. ........ ::: I : , , . - , . ame.0 y will be obligcd to come Apple* - . . . 0:50 0:0, - . 1. . - . - . . ­ - I ­ . _ Mneardine, the 4., - , ­. rV311imy U tor paw%aud the re4vez of tha, ta;neg of the, London to Lila Huron' Rait. 8 John Rut(dulan $K 3672.0 U.00 cut Ar from the very bity W.. which * t .. ­ .... k engineer ;-- X6tgomery.. cattle ,Thero is a6athermatter of the -grask st- - I ­ I ­ this w4y, from an economical point of Goaakich Salts wholem* Vo.b. Pat; bV . * , -fot- , - .1 lived. Broodiag over t4eir . , r.r. . r- - luiportanc LOA sioveral town4hip!96 tozeffier with the -­ jiul doortan -a the cit of Tiondon, namal I WAY. GlAll tO See mr progreft so intellit- I The. Committee recommended tl atf the burrowing with their guilt, 1. . I _ Xtya " a the firemsui nAmi unknown. _ IL ' . ' Y9 * .1 11 . I In*zu,t genfl-micu, .- iGiW J. Wrillit, J. tender of John RuncimAn, being the low- I he y ofKbutgofaarywaa recovered the supply urah4r.' -As far aiJ van *law, to s.ty nothing' of the additheal L -ft . ,----­ .,.A I . . 1 z4 J. M Ohusiftst G. 314orlicaa, J. I ituderstood. ana appreciAW by an iverecutoff fionz agenial a A J%re$t,1Iintb0deb)*.. L_ I a of eouutry openod, up. Oce t4 , , ! E Mo . -1 -be accepto(L , A dii ssiou thed - 'And ' L . . . * 1eAr14 the Upply: L of . JUmber . . _JMM * eSt$L . took OOUL _ cumtm A9XTft*t& I It 1 I - I%IdAu7, A J&nstonf NY,, 31cB44--, D: outerprising Inudoner. - -- ' . I 1, L 02 I L , , L . I . of 16' -by ­ . -- t , 916111fly L lien he Ot or two, depth I I of rse, Sauk lower an or an I neighborbova gereoll. And FAU06taft routs. ', Proposed -, a. ir. nopossidt . i - place i1r, the (kinnoll " to the ez' "O'tllo; ihe,dens, and the denizensalike became - I - , .- t. I - L .. zn$ prob- g*ue#Tin iflieu to w' occur # - idkidh- AnA Cedar,BoxAur1 durability Of -the Stone. 3,%U1V1rzRJ?&RTIdULA1"- - ' , niusti, in theieouvso of sifew *e on i g d It! 111 a few .. . . Glam J IEL FLDcl-,G t* Xagae,W Hilliard t, To supply the Wants of CIA -of civilization. . - - -- -, . , .I. -Xiaziton) Dec. 3- , ablynot moV ba 'four or five, become toila$ . ]BY "011W "W"A ft 64 AWOL , , , '%ate, a arntalwa . . - I :=d R1,"Ste-Un-44-cousti , c the disXr4m and the to - .r vicinity"Our to an 'a Gibbous and Smith a t " -north of Oliatoo, at Manchester - I- i . . r , ItTi,ths, Cify 043RUcato,", - - 3chanics re' "i ing you her* & - 'nj Mlowir ulatt- li4va been almost entirsly e Ill not I ., . orchailts dw , -. --vork. Messrs, tDom-6, ISM - co -opm 10aftni)t_raftia-froin ' * ' ' ta I gN %4usted, ,and we - must ; _ tow: 1 r commending tho, r6ductiou,of tbeabi6of . . . . g par , itenUo i Ing , *n nit' _ I do I mthof Asra; thatmi rall,WbAnt ............. 1-.00 Lik iL:I* I ­ TMOU34aparth ,f busWassaredrivi discriptiou'O Such localitifm Lb . . I . I I t , I- in . - .1 - Mr , 0i bbon . a m I ove , and v.ec6ivad' Ofthe -railioz& ooddent then look to the,n6rth shore of the Georoi- got over, and which do not; spring do. .1-10 (4 146 . - k. - atabring a charter . - y .th4j'. fla 9% , any sa rm tb - the Cedar Box. d . , - near , ". , &prosparoui trade,.StAik-iUS*Wlr-,%,TeragO,-. L , Lig, . " Ju, ' 51 - 1i -1 am - in. **..*..*..... - 1' t , fwrin wvsorum. Carrie& laorts1.18hophord." (His widowdlerlyester. ' An. Boy f r oiir TV .'W ­ . . XrGardinor sawnded, that the matter I 11 aton, ogr-TWO frekht- . am .. I ' - k 10 the c6olmitten, f , day fl,5tk) at Linlithgow a, d 81) of tbs- L , Wt - isorni ­ th 'td . ly 00"r on tbisroute, If lKincer4i" Is Oats ....... *. ......*'.. 0:38 (4) 4:0 "Ve . -- i , ,V . - US , - - 'we am 'gat'sfi0tt t"f4 Alli Y011f, bi refbrred bu I- too highly t1sins'-11TO& 10ani is 74h I formed, ,arsiaLsu dent ' F1 - the o1dactimro 1wint, then the eilsia" route B&Adry ................. 0.40F (4 0:46 -1 V TUB XRvV,3sLrua=u-7, - 'W'U-' " kc tai-.'l Ths picture may'be , I a former going this wection *Ith lumber f4 the L ]ZaXb ff * - + fX to anyt, *UKL L Pon ................... 0:54 0M -- - — . , mports ,amount' * t ' -- at suit witli'the Engineer. ,aciftheralwof - I eatit, agathe lhtter weii,r yeays. Direct raM y-oothmtlzicatiohwith to build, altiodgh a few miles longer, as - A i . . ­ poloared for ,U existing noir-&-4sys I eqMfively, Ten 1. - * 6- I lit IntoLes r I Rr isiliN w4st'Of Go4erich Ouldgife us'tho SAL miltap of no to - iog diffieultles would oesur of ' . . l.iirefei-ent,-,to,th,&thr6atenedintenglt)ixilaaxt a n0lort,-9f dollars; *V4,:y.SmSA the. box -could. tW reducids, . su4 greater bufti# n6t.long nude the origin& nug ch othe aboaL fo -- wI I PO4,845" ................ 0.30 9-W .,-e ! .. - d bil't Itliv Temient, secared, . - - ' ' I have been seen both iA Me Gooie-iiabs and Brightonj at a plane on the road eallea t tial Our flaolbor';bjr the A orteat; possibIr, any im"nae, would be 1py striking of E Uttw .................. 0:16 0:0, I L - r inipw , _ gumn t -, . - . Flow ..*.*..#..*ao.--... lk," sm I . I zoit, rec - - I 0 . 1% . ­ . . 4 - U -Yor C a _Watsou Ima - tixarlocaliiieff. - . - "kThe 04W -VA -0' The vi6lenoo of the voute, and J . Al consti Kilra Vhe Lileed. - I i ' " of the Co4tiongavernment to,'ur, _ pur&sxes, for somik yeaze- put, h0a, been _r- . tutionally dissalve both U"I and Domin. I raAda from ths mkolmals, raerchautli of make , don the dist, - . . I I the. I 6bugug sxy from Rodgerville, or a little West of PM* ................... 5.46 046 .*T - betr4-ararr merhaiiiie'voudemn' the 'Plan .; The - gose-dubs e .G1JWpw.- Oi' site, I wagoofesiffil th l000motives' itlor T t .11 ' London ; but if that, I were directly I I collision lit vam I whdl ,: c Eon -PAr1Umzn ta*imn1t3neo,mdy, the Mat. city -TheMayor -ad wbAt, a hub- - I = ." . ---- I of roakint the: box in Sections. what & huddlh ol howics, a tion. I 1. I TOX th" .$Outhcrm sec' that, to iSeaforth., WaIton aid Ainleyville, v6p ...... ..... *.....a O.ins 0.16 ; ' I - wo "Oppocvr ipntirol yxuch 4p - were literally- Ruinhed to-pipa". . - to I -- - . -bj Bit and ears' - Aws Rinner speaks as follows .- connected with us iv ah closer cum U14 30tallsof the .b the* angle onow Winghsn , and - - . I ­ , uUo-- -;l odausat 1 wbztelsrtycloisiss and,piled promiscuouslyupon, theu' - Am4 son . Them at* Urge quantifies , 4 I g"rorm JI&ANA" at : ,Yhe natoblectof the proprseadism- [ merciatrelationx wobld dgubthm beform- plans , and . specif[cations - prepared narrowin. aw9T -and. 4arkonin down ine : uk f Ush shipped fron .-Godirick which would the.ne*40 Kifloardlue. Xud I alanot"a * - -. I IL ' . T, I I - . , '-* __ , - . i , I In6on- is qnilef tranisparent. Ujiler thi , ad Tietwoon Loud h on e , Oi6bmi# stracht, and someserpeutins into gtbeu a mom of. lifumlu$ tuins; seventse0of" Yield aeousiderablt revenue to the rind. - what.great vfatteiAit going to be gaiued Isy 3PNW-T1r*VW*i0 ow %PW . : . ,4n Wholesale, metvh=4 th dta 'lar - - ., ght, -the 1w J 66 _g4t.w-;. tata aind suict tholiars vio. their. contents, beiag'silb.,, It is also 4 woopownfactibst, Go"ch b I ,- C*hfednatioix i6t 431 and Goderich distributors". - . I middins, viomin wW-4e&d - _ y going to BrurAeld. 1 In this way, a . I -­ - -Act. it is providea i - Indeads mi.. I SWorth, Dar- 4, 1870, sova 0 . soon as that Census of 1rT1 is o6iilplated, a bT A Wateou, thought It was f, two large $boon, and ra sequen3y ifistroyed by Jiro oommunfoated, - ' -1-V clak Place in lorge bonus would be smrod from Groy Mi . . of erier#, London might and that therliles, -Ora Inau'vilis. into t _ gx , 1 61 potticosts - thathad'i . I is now the most popu Mate _ 0 I rxrvaribution of the coustituences RhA;Pmparamoua t WAs nu obaor 'O itty. been wom till theyf Ualf -,and waa Near,' fircTm thir,wracked engins. Th' ,w ._Ppi,oa... 8:00 (4 - 0 0 .: , , a . . roe tasa, Western Ontario. i During the put Is f - take pface , Uy whmh Ontario would of !bewmotho whol*k-distributing.centre 1dralft to 6181111, i _at& abso I . to I can Touch for)$ I rom *Orris, Fill ,Vihoat 31;;;*.7.,.7M 1:00 L.* -. - vears on a" langer;'And. then quid the tuxdd*24,, were killedoutrigbt,, wbile.two others yea= UP . I , . Mr. Smith waited t6know what In I 0 Jpne* hundred families ast Wrivanosh, and Turaborry: liko- -Wag Wleat ........... L-08 J. -W ", - I arsay, rather surtoundit4 the S f, in difibre Amationavitin bays avAe . . 410=14a. gain a large riquiber of lumabers, 1or all this section, . Present triinsactions. Wool& do when he got into, the, draini if M.tc nt. :*its seriously injilrid. . The usmas of . , . , ­ . . . I I .give but a very faint idea' of the store . wheel out . I . -11 0 IA, i i a ' Ir I i. - and if a new electiozi takes place nott: ral stapsutdood o? foIxie, the wundowsV% th I 19101ir so rimidefios, in -tact the Visa& small bouae from Culrom%f and* Floor por 24 ............ &.80 &W . would take a wheol-75sirrow to, , 7t, so killedare,Thomms'Wri& engine r; ----- - , 9pv111Sr* it follows that the Second Parlii- &," ODOR4 f6r"aea-brt, thoyca ,-, SOMO WL', or of ,I$- only limited. thrmt,li gooa bonus from Kinlow Kincardtas Oats ................... 0.41 0:0 - . I . - 0 , - ': I businem tbatwill be &rnahere, when the. the - or coumf # U. Chaloner, firemau'; and ... "' thawant of *0per a4conimodwou-4 want ,lawrialilp and town, stud Nal0lop, &a. PArI4Y . , Juent taunt be. 416aw from Zone _ it oat iu Mi pocket. The - . or I . *..sit.***.*..... 0:49 *" , , , the litu- Government Harbor Works god Alunici- JU th -lit it w uld be quietsa-wall.tq 'Pan&. 0"' 9b"'And panes - gomery, an Amorlean cattle buyer. The that w Potak" .............. 0:X encies as at F:, wnt arranged- '1116 Act.'pd Drain; - o. operations arev conalienced au=L?Ftgt%.Xngiu0ar-'shoi1d g,f bick I abouk some wP .*hsk, W ance boon . in be provided for in & Tort stiort forthaud, TookstsmW soathorus. I -": :,,; I . . _ _ -ig _ I I -.UmQ what had b eu 4 traok cannot be cleared of the debtis for I pqse....-X ............ # 1,7; provides that Quebec xhall always h3ve"65 a hat in ihis bble jqd- time. With! a direotlineto, Goder14 = nj an Orris Datw., ,:" - . usit spring. A host of hands wiU then to . - . JMOW theme,-townshipg Grey aM ' ,, I .1 x to alter hb7phnv.. -Mi. Hott . #-Ir - . s&964v .** I ... v.4.. 05:15 1 411-f mombers. and the Other Provinces shall hays, to b 3- , plur N&Fm- in that hole, aid Some' !rith, twp or three days ; in the toe4nume sr. - Of th , )10 *oil& be ioduced. to visit ill I . imported, is there Is not ,% on thought &good dad XWilkas sizb _ of $ would ­ out strong with bonuses. I jWk ................... 6:" * 6AW -1 I I I . - ba autitUd to as many a% will - bear the -, . I oat,loxeuo 9 thagithar; and, ilian .11100410 rangement will be aected 'whereby tosilo, , Lou= "jaml by th1W- nipans a large surA of eme . , bimn uut ' , ­ . I . single laborer in the town in excen" of thetirsilikkaA fiefte, faces ci` Uds tbaz had - tialleted An do not know that much can be ,low by zM ....... ;....&.....w. 41-.I& rAl 044 . X3M.a propodim to the n1amber of its Pa. I present demand for such servica. . - ite., 1611 be 0OU'Veyed over that point, Money woul aanuidly'bs Spent in this 1 .- . . p . -1 -a& show that Lon d TAID4.The Kayorth iaghtiftb6di%in W"not I . I . ,city; While the'suimnor . .in writing or bdierwin now, until a pre .- ; . ,=an (awertairied by each downum ,Thefollowin', wim kespin themselves draiik' 36cht- and . dummento 4- I_ , p t OP, to, boboldt 'y the plan it shr,uldl er5farrod without delay. 1 . I . - I I I I ) an the numbeAW bears ta the eyon compared with Montre4 would ha7lvri day on the. bounty -money, before -ordered . .1 .. - I I fored bv our monufaeturers woUUb0 the liminary Parval takes Place, aampavy 3KONTJUIAL MAXXAM- - .- , awrAoMentA>'taket,hwe,opisionkat to , , th , , ant *, the Wast L - - Us si I f .jam 6 rwla _ , JUdice . I I - I - ­.. - - lgagrj of do wini'soonstdarsbia. trade ftm Ntmed, and a charter obtaino& But I .-. , - . Mnz , at present, sixty-mambers- in Que- freighk to bow - a I dime the* yall favor 1. Asid What , - - . - Mir , " - - munabor -of the population Of Qudbea.- a fair chance the lowness of ib -Would, v 0 a or .60 XODU004 Do& S. 1670. r . . through , * ekctioos. He . ow., cl­ - .. - &:hongst the waZtlty fArmets of Ast xecL tertaluljr think that si great nuntibor of , .1 - 110100urgrainma*et. Thaf. a driAn ofaless sift as itf odard not be n' . . I . , *-- . - I I - I I #,- bee allo%a about one to arary 17,000, and ,juOtstiong we give me thosoof Itiday, fou4cuistamoFlim%ers,lik&'&edomovs, ' .- ­ I ; I - IUOI14 . . the speakem at tbs Into meeting do not ft ape" rdw"k fa ow WOW) . . . tep "-4 to Amy away the sawarage -from is .. t 44wainto debau6bary, and - . — ". . ,. . I 1'. I . , " the xamoreprowulation of dumb ra allows, 2nc - " I o , I jDacember.., . . hivsei oellm and *vlos and vio-uld, be I i - . Lennox Doe 3.-Adviw fro P It may beimp _s as that a road even do themselves justise. They seem - . po_odby-s6u YLOUR--suporior, Xxtra - -1 _-_ , A . I haudis. M there, i4 in a-vioo when- they running thro, ill CUutbu such, as was ad- OAWW82ioembem Takingther,averqp vtiusiewilo the ratepayers. Xr.-Gibboas -- __j towo zwr 30", Xtea tha A = = I ,uj , to be" tiefittle'Donfidenae in themselva . talsof increase in each Provism, d"g -60dfliek- TA.ag,L 39*fttzft ^a it WX-j a has. got n them down, --and. wad y4a boon issued torthe prang to the afrwt oat vooat*4 bysomo'okhe a*wdkor% on Mon. ig:­ _ - I . the P64 ten Years as im the ton years Pro- . . nly intended to carry *way a, . u and dommin one alzither's , . . Von gLY6 Us &a the *4v=- its a oity sad Asnot ses beyond t1w Zxtm ............. t.` ' - sm (4 ca . X.; , 5pring do-... s ' 11 : a', ILI I 'UP 1 " surface water *nd ths, usi of so invich lam- .belies'e't' * Aflitaff movements. And pactioulars - hot dAY"OffInfliti. U i .. &:so (4 am * - , _ "& *- and Quebeez sizty-02 mambors: cab ............ Us .40 41a eall, andt­ then lauchip, and tqu' to loo'k tages that a linsf IoW trade of a few townships batipso Panay ................. t 11, I - - 4$ 42 Urwotdd.bes:%hsarwlide*f money. Mr. lossome ssw by, the Govsm&a oflicialsare . b Of tb"# towns be Lov ddh and the ST. R. Now, I am- Sup Am NO I Lums" .- ', -- . WOU14. each, aftarthenoxt covans iistaken, . ....... 40a 43 4$& 62 a and, J" rl 10-4 " 100113 like not to be publishadjf'under pain of su,ppres- would offer, ;On' I , W. - 64:14,00 (4 ai: , . I , ropreownt about 22,000. With oze, menz- .. ....... at " - oft at 64 PA"more thought it was too late to raise " . - . 11 NO I Womem Wheat. I mt - ' these 016jections- Hsi 'would go byths, lax-SIZ. Div* down anither olose And sim ,, . I ing already ouivaAad by the Gmud Trunk sider this a very cootradea view, am 4( rb 2 49 ,, . ho to *vs"- WAN, Ontario would be on- &POCially in VUW of the qnick-ftturw yon hear *uisa iourderin, his Zol UP The military authoritieshave Inede pub- lWisray ; but a, momenVs amideration from a London Standpoint ; and I trust' ...... 5:16 6:w -1 - to I --an- ­ pr' Engineer%opinion. Mi. Clifford baff-al- I Floor ........ 24# $0 " - .,which Goderl& skippers ipiolct ware Is Of ' Of Such an Wumgut, tb promozers, a* well as the company to -- - UW U Aiaaty, 'nluf prowntativeg iit4m ill * PML - A;'*t slief, ROM OPOU He the following, datei -roceat events WX show the fiff.W. . 4 . ,on au.frolm 19moost and the itopetris that ways advocated a main sawar'sinoo he had tbs door at the staireh"d and the mut&- wound 0, city : - the I Lf Is quite clear wilrtaor` Fell .... 1:124 1:15 *- . d. - .- . . . would be given to- .. mitten at the Board, bui lispould not go I I I . It th I 2M, at da - I , , whatever route may be lbrined, will yet come to we the matter spring ... L20 04V .. I . Loridoid I nawsay, 87 ,drsephiw?bluld, AIIUP break:acanuou"awasope d frouil. be selected, i A IMPTOW g4W6 UM , - . : . Maw in t1% *14diau next Spring, C - . for a fourinA affair, it would not clean i6ff ass 1 - . ni i will . I in the pr*r light in due time. Will wsWwm .............. 1:1* I:L# I 2` , , , .. dledoutof bw in *will. Ale, eirort t* secure the trade. We cannot bersel fras the Up step ct the RWU to tke joition the South of tbseity. On the next 40W it WVU be rd to xqppo*e that _ for are years. and noariy. hai s, lh . on boast of a lary what buduesa this me, the filth from the ceflars. W.,-VA"alore . alt, luhlbe , also shipped you kipdly writs me, and give no youir OATS- Per 22 th........ 0042 OAS .1.1, of - _ wayt and into -the tifti*tr chaziye A*r,-"w&'Yi4oy, Blixeiival and d%g. X (owe -1 housai toiring in rwtaAW terror - and cal I from God " -4 to i n by tbs Grand I - L ', -the oople loft prnctically -unrepresented ion, except what -i has boom import, moY4 seconded by Mr. Clifrord, that the . - candid views of the situation. Heanwhils. B&P.LZT-?* 48 Th.. - -.0046 om , P _ I d front Chicago and miffed here; for we Reporf. of the Committee be adopted. Mr in fora - preaux moved Out Of tbs fOrtifi0%tiO1K On aw- . I - ..... . - 11 in the Federal PArliament. We can !A I - . constable to tnks Q,a e bat a, ..raccanciggenes. South T i . I,- . pod there. L remain yours truly, Dv....*"A ...100:1Y . " I . ine, tbs Countr of Huron has not Rundmatt Was a metubor of Road and of Uffar and. To we, Store ;= .......... 0:1U3 1 . demati who hat --threatened to di Mt *#t;iofioii- me of ipment 1, scamdy believe the gwernment, bad and "mag , 11 tug, Oboisy-le-Rqy they attacked thi position; , Tbs J. Lz=rz. . L "NoMpt as it* will dim toporpetrats such POWRO10re'Via,aitlownbread. Brid"Committs : Us wanted tobeat, for brains wi! ek-barumer or out bar throat ,. .. ASUBS-Paie ............ 5.0 * 6.0 . . Still, the the, OP L ..- A of -the wou either thro, his who of th the . -. I : , wouthU msrk6tham good and thO I ' f the tandeM A nioatin pwuis - - , ,4150010 an 611tragm, buttko ovidencesars so strong pric . .WU% 0 - gof Wk a razorl". 11 Prusel" and carried them. The ! I& i;16 - hsnis of the OG - P.fJ.--.Y*% ocruinly Itave given . a4 scaredw to leave room for dodbL . we k"a, puntased and shipped our fall Uummittee was,xrr=W at W Past Prussi"swere, also dislodged *A Otaavff- It% I sly obtain a most intelligent views both in jrmr letter pORK1i;N;* , *:,::* ": -:U300 4 O:" b buch wsstho4tate of matters with which liate. Thair low was severe. I . I!ru* or -our roadi could o ' ** , " " I I - "By hobling buth, the elections at once, $hard;. Grain buyers, in and around, Un- sevelt on -F#da,v n4ft xild'it was7chm-ged out Magistrabo and 'Vown 0ouncil under-- to tU shut at an& low r#n as would be i and in your spem" that I have am pXAS ........ ........... vi (A of I t , L' U"ox, Dec. &--A telegram . . rmn- . . ft the P"mier and his axe -grinding approu- dou, would approcide the facilities *h" to half put oni6 in, the afternoon without 400k to dad some. four years W. The TOagraph says that none of the.Prumisfi *us, The Gr^nd 1 OOMPOW would yet'and nomania 1"WonobDuldknow F eur receipts 19% bWa. §10406 11" . I - I I , ­ -- apermgZalraycommunicationtododer. . were some silterr oth the sonntry wtor than yourselE J. L. with secrasly I , - to .. . I -Uft will be onabw to kun& ilt PAIM SiA 110, . , I disease Was deoperste, and they nimie up Siege guns beffifre PArig srs-y.et in. #mition. no 4OUbt act an ge*ro -way " any at, any - . - - - will havearepatition ofthopmeso xkil- j& saa Sarills would gLyo-thow, to import Ations, he WOU recommend and. he their mui4s,for a deiperge remody- All London., Dec. 3. -The Duke Of Xfooklau- but ii would be expoetingLtoo MWU to linp. Alaleyville, Nor. 30, I W. R&toe of do Pact iew &41 4:=. ,; I , . lit from ChLno sta el"where" - when thou6t, it would- be beist to refer it blok* the W . ahapso& Western as IOU 84 96.40 -- '­ I , fully p)Ayod at tie ImA election. In erwy gra vmb 10mlitiet ware sm"T484 404, burg umkes the folloWingroport:-Yester would 0.' mk line al or I parLor 0,gstitumsey.two Tury czadid&t4ft (one f4 the prim shouJA happen to be in, their The vote wax *a follows :-For Mr. .* - I . I , 1. Zm prepared shewing whareproperties',day inarning-s, battle oolinwec to I . Qff# y Urge dutyp"L 000- - U-sim-aW lk -t i 0, Pmmm*% *rAsudaftt; 7 for thwsilotion __ _ , na near * , . I., I , I., So Commons, and one for the LoW) will, favor an they, have bams &'Ibjs to be pulled down, no* streets open- Bszochos-Lei Haute& After athot f& Of * I TO this Om- According to Foci Gavette, $hi Garmar Ami Pro' - -1 1 ' . se wn TAwp nal. immes heavy. Pwk aW P11 : . ..J . . -be fiAndXr. lAn Rumiman A00(wa _ . portion of ing M retag way at W* ko.plaosdiathaf fieli, and we will And q0WIRWOf thi liAter grAlue doW4 ingly ad up" alow reu4erid Is" clo3e, favor .the Iftk pronch Army Corps,wiw 4fe" neetiou of tb's : Trunk- PAilway with soldiers now ia Franc* and fit for wrim 0 hT .. I SawilfieUthoRehmmar (,) and John A. shipped Ifolit this, markat to Londom - got tke oQuh**. , - i ths-BuWo, A Its o 11uroa FAilway has liuvaber M,000, wbile i1en ace 115D ;& for kost WMA4 zk" - N 2he account deas dliOnoliahsdvand v011ucls Ysn9i%t`0& lmd wxw drivin twjk to Art - - - - . the -Firame esnwg _ _&y. OOD There waroidziope4 from this point this Of q for - - an . and the . - V;S . _ - . Rag" - - - I 'bob done God 7gooc azid washould borem. The Azily Vquiro* W4166hed, vKhmarable A" seas" "PidoL I . - the OnwervatiM usting every meaus to - An *4 4f Parliament w3f Obtained coast! - 161h 'Preach Army 0% s - r $,000 head of cattle - NW head of Afteefim K&W wss,orgUrad to ibe paict, tatiag the Town _ I* driven beyond 96011# L . . mia of U;;@ . . elect, tbom, baih. The ,no party' tud lair Y" Coundl R. lid4orthlm: and indeaftor tothays, s1 line which, would be foram a" 260,000 ,losives; - IS Lard UINC od. Rutter limaw tAVAIL :., h" r ­ triararies will be trioil on a , be& sheop; IQ M drama K46 -i and Ur" also ti" of J.'eroallie * -00.'. for lumber. Loiguy. -, &#" hundrq4 -4 k"Wi. M I ... SSW* Ifts thau - qualitities, ot wool and other prod The Mayor add if f1se olsdiih 4id their purpoeas' authoriaiaf them tO` r4i" by - eleven guns ware, taken. Itolle: lulix entirely independoit of it ior of any other Oxon, .too owt. of bacten, &WorwL of - sallim" at MO to Vk - 0 140 .. come mcs, . taxation, and -bOrrOwi-u .. *M Owens - =A llawW2 &A . . _ ,but we hope with Im secom 9 90MO A1,200,0W - low is considerable. Our loss is calmolva. lille- I MA from no ill- 160,M0,quarts of br y, and 40 aw R"i*O" . I or &At." - _ But All these things we kmk upon, only do, wouk probably nerer am them Audi expand the some in purshWaq som- but is much Smaller th&n that - of the feeling towar he Trunk Yg Alffs,Y oofos NAM ewl. of her, and law Ashes dall. at 1*4 afte. I . I -UW Am Occasi , ' - 11 den 1. . ­. ifla - * , I I Usuar I 0 jum- M . "h bmvwk. staUxiliaziastothe,prosperity ofGIxletjak an i4sit ITO thoilot.theyoufIlt to compli- , -- . . - . = .. or I & mon tities Of Oats and stmw. I - ft - . 11FDAfy, old , ;u thool, alle my. , I . . or its oMoials, wh ­- . . ­ . ,-- . 4 f . 4 1 which dopands mainly on oUwr wmrom of ment their inspector, 1dr. !honiss HOO& per" sea I .;- ­ . ., Wons tl,*T ocaupy- tiouble yon, a Ran I is wMM. . . init roeonstruZagg, thal k" I - wall "Hoodfor 4 PM . .1 . ?be (MAURI W wealth. - . go much inipmvement had been done, that . On . , - IV— . -.--- . . . - . "Mit"T PIS= and Principles. I , . Puln oir =a Wiww ei wais ,Its -r Z F. So Ste Fun& Kanager, I we* ft - - - - -01 ill lits - Td of W4 blowlt old, old story, Runyan ])?AriUg th* Past 610YOU 100UNIX, 41114131lip. they ornild see, that be thought he dew. Town, 0011 I I I .. i . , The prattler the fast and Zack, the . ; menu of "It halo - -, vad groat credit. He thought meats the 61oil- b600me WOM6- TRIOIC 8HXp1,WM.1 ......... 1 1W ,,a- haveknownforrma yssrs , and a b,Atar easier it gets up stalrx. I I I his "'*ry tors for a time of,& -large extent 6[grjun d 'tains _tbs name of Mr _ the position could wA be found. a"Eff..".4't , t T' 1, OW I Ima I man for . I . dwadbes a sbal1ing imAividowl so am barrolis alatoxt d"b IM. Ought tobe raised jif he owitinued, another , I' - I le of and house property. - Th motor on a - - 's Jitmax %MI The Oh.W Superiutendoiit Mr. Spicer Lstest ft4ion for evening aostams I- J f , . watern"kilt T- onwj )rportwnwsawadommUhipp6ddur- Ye"- AAjO4m`1a`L ey I i4oworthe'Rurisk SbeehoWHordeath ,has TO WK"L "W"=# ­ _ - WbW "Vasidtatber was a J Q1 - - . ­ 5teat Property xpeculatim, - but it is not w . at all times shown & wilingoses toadi, anoe The akes, of day, - . —:a" I I I * plaft - :- looking ft* 1MY Md Irewifts the other.!, 12i the Past oilhb lamtba, Frow the im- 801ERTEMNU TO IWAU Or. iliteuded to beA paying one; they par&sso tim yesterday l5h No at Linlithgow - the interests of the W and we we all Tbm auvqvito, as a iwWk *Mw, Arswx W -A I I or UPWAINW or is TRAM Mo . , I MTM*nt& tho existing works, sad UM property to destroy IL - Viban,41ij pVopw in praftnee of her,oulY 064,'Who lettireed, - aware that our 1=aql t, Mr Tharp, in "I butc-nevar Wivu xxtidatotiou. , A. , bow% b* am" ouloolow . I . _ _ _ = . -; Wo aft't widt to at" the "scalars of - nor bl. now in process or 604droolaou Mr. Ra t4e In the South ad impro%6meati are nudd, the grairaid about two years ago rfrora lndia and by ,the right man in t4a right 0AM!- in ip..,w 9= 4"Mov of *I*- I . ! . I I When women foometo sit i ths' box, nzaarc. 6 ­ "D XNAUH,ma : bially selfish, on etwoom I -1 tbs saw Ora$ 4yow sm, wt, if1w &a liad wh will be in ooaip A& rwudvg Riding represents the Worth Riding, left over will be sold, it is expected at an her three surviving &ughtft- , two of ,But oorpotationsalm prover '1= in dod at on at swom Z T - - . possilAy infadta may gpok .to be .1k '' ft so 00, . . I , order in a few months, the pcioduatioi will OW &sA therposetfarewell supper advanced rate on account 4 the imPrOve* Vhom we minim -one d 4hem- bdAg and hones the necessity in bmIding thix oomt VWL loop, as I - - five to hold ourselves as wepeadeaA of . "I I - I so& i I I- 41 tbs ewpoaq 6(blewinshot and be doubled. In Mi a maz*ot will be re took - AM.,WfkpZb* IV, "go. , I ' to, Mr Fradri* Of G0415r*l to boa&i of me'As sZ"W­sAd to" t's oNt WM be Mrs &b -k 4110AM of ih"ty. The: WAR an reviralir like : W. 11 Ilk odd ia Anuals broadw, by natural quirad for 250, OOD barre* liagidw for _ . . I woe"" ; thay 01" - i * hizin&v#"fenes. He bAd in the course I ps;rdy. refundad, bit of - aoutte a Urge -1 them as possible. . X=%W26.2 L11 I'. T - - ---.T- jor am wbo has WV qu"tity of Fine Table Salt whJ& venershle WT -Was iA the 810year,or, Itisoca rattle ptvdixiously whm *me is sodtmg . ,t-. t - of three fall soosivile Tow eickteez times deficit will remain to be covered by -the feafta by -many that by adopt- Nember %I im W" fin . -1 At . yanewa-la", he aertawy, can now baturned out here to peffeatkma. . tier age mash& "WM4 wis indarl4ad in tholft. - 614.rd r0W" swo thm middle Iiis. As Mr. Smith wall somms-why u.1t again" Sandfiald, MaDou&W. Du tell I It 10lift'41 Oomainuibr. no vnilartaiin - , , , ing the ronter QU,ougloolimea or - So4orth 1111 ­ 7 I , k, a la tut -*a 8&**Ud I Ibs am ' : in TOWT asbo iq 4W he OOHU have .Fp one, and beset with many lit! to tba lut, oemplote pw"Wto of all her Jo Kinosrdius , i wbo is very urbams to'his wife <A -C> R" I I I . 0homwouderfulpslAeoemy is thatrespeek snake Landon the vmtrt of the Wt Tia" v &ultie& * Xot the 19&4 of thase lissin the Iseult* WIM i&;0*x0mt- and- In 'gro. =1 I before siningws, irp"ray her ba" be. Im ,., -Z no' for western Ontario f . tx jousof danierous a prr ssi' - , 'qr Of *0 d18%*A *V01011414 lwnmm. k an. . ' I.: , ` ddm to whia we an ampare . L"- time noomasr- for its ammPliAmaq ' Me ft its w*Yat1W,*igJ4W,.I am not of hW tbob hackc , - I -- ' Tb" is widt 1wPur'-dr. W -ah ortch a vivid I soulis rwp* w - * - r basrka ekareter. , - - I - - . - V Uotlarich is now, and can be keA the he" qj t& *nni* W "a he - voted Grest as am t9e bonefits wish way be con- A" W *ry'wsf &1M9"16"7 and she thst opimon. '71w.di4wWon of that Why is an an undardam liks aa #a as Fb3'g I -. . I - -11 tha Aiw X"s " a" ot Cbm sublime Ignpamn of the Fish *sdek, The &ker- XuaficUL it WW be an awy task f,D M*xtly anticipsted, it reqatras grait ' . _ I traffie is ssat slid, . "we do, due ovardone I Beavana it is hordiy dome. 1. . ; , - .- deljq ,46,aiia;6k, hii,lgiftas w#11 . . -. md&d* r4saftes. " 0" do SaPAM V40a haikag froca thisgort omigbi in the = 4w mxny tiow -he rat 401V" ."", 6-4 #=d high U%ocal emn4wit . - -- . d I Is fOr A aux usawd Tam utard" a eonaW of , poR CMItjolfftAg . I of a #184manypsw ImUdler,forkiek ft- samaw UNng#A5,W worth"Ainthe *in his - tMMbbaW*W&W.,'Afl=0trmin&nz, ""it&, it would be I I * . ­ . Uvar. it -Mr. Hoyt wi 11 furala = VU 4M olimmy ofrertsx community tQ Aim* Od 16t IKANRWIVM Affioodatw us to ffivert it sad WrAt -Me "me Masks on the ?sib th" ­ Gmo X"d . I . ­ --: I I .- I or, Od- - I . odowsbutMen duix.W*l* GsAirestion hill M090 wee4k - sad Ut000 boate 43006 mik of teen nt#w,omb4a thsm"IYU "M wore ha`AvUY for & .h - - tam deoww4w Another. 7 It U I T. . - , " 4ITao4 rMoutin, . . . - , .., .- 'Go same. ras I A , to PIL *Wftu 0: - - - lilz - - I road XcOAnglikessmAdto, kunUs a m". .­ ,--- . .. .1 . how wbbob4he a - bho", &*go tho " kA* "00A at U04 40 = 01. , Via, -resuita of wbjch 1. -9440"L - Dwivf 'the IV*, J ego north fro* r ­ .1. --"- 009* M"No As small CLUmto , . . .4--N., * W"Atoot t6rhar.1tre -,*sspj.y.a . I i MI- - MR , WW doom #or msd 4wwv kwasty -- othk an - in proplualF -- ,, I ' y mmt ook I ni Quhdde , .. -, - -1 I I_t-r_ a ad 1*0 do , ' , Rb Omt* owe to bda%. Minn. ta, itia rsur UTXR BLUM ftem per powd .L . portfin " '= 11 41nrod Am loftl uvo VN%6 so mork" I i i h%1:601144C.. of the Poona ptvlum , 0. .1 so - - 0 , WVL Tbs ' T aro- 55L, - i I is, 60 V*,d a I I rad . ! .-" " . dad fe ----- Arew 004410i0A. . . . r - .. . . I . = to (Me *00".) #4 TAXAMNA -9 8 at ac - our selvow,6A wo.- y mv" iAm of The K1mr.Tmerj*j Off*Wbubsed. -A= L vrX show that im - xm^*N I ; ­ . . 1301wiromirra trb".16M W1101 . - I I ftere will be in" re 1. I I ­ ity. nia - - :- . *" *.a P*S. OftkA#h**. L tam to GO&W hJ0*whft au"M 46 5NARNI" k 10 . 40 Of I ii,. " W *0 was "'dor ift - ,'the -as b* -W "" W *0 W ;;;j -UW gym 4.4 , I Y"O" "a- -"w 60darink kabor, kaik is as"" #1 - I .. - I - - I - "W SWU&JOnt &"&"",It . ."big %O W" in ­= to - Be . ' ' . , ,:;r= X _U VM U(A Lw -- Al " '.. %ft - --- -- Ser at - J"41 vb 4 001601* I"U*C* W" I rm"D t" Owl ; , . . L husbanju. I.*8 pot* $"ors lurdw . L . 0 Aut: P- It- - - -14 hwAw an , -6, I W FA , . I . ind I &d"..i-1 i % Woompsudedp9allwAvu. - .' akilieff , aso, UW it *"a"**# arr, - I U t"b:0WAMr-W6r"Ab?k * somxd 000p, ; to"410a,40 _-Qr - PW . - Am IT - - ftV 0 . "W -- - . A-A -M- 44"Wfl "­T"Ale =I - " fj* = - % J A -M-- - , .. z ----,- 'AM I" - ISM *111.- , ,W - 1=19 1 4, 4"* - . VAMAN - . . 4,A* be aoso .& rJiW&ft&" W hw*& ***w in- 001, . ­ .. %1!4 pw . a, , - I . — - I - . . J& 470NOM ­- AadgroA- wng , th*l vus" to - ism"W: Thme in -1 .. ­ %W mail 1. -L& - -- L —A--- ika *M I ;Ovw " - - -t— A , iZ7, I . - --.--- ---- .A . . . I" jii ;* OL A "-- t .A; !7- I wonA pas - and ed "*I" we I L fe 010 - N' Abi,w U) .-.,, h v "*W101 Nor* hem of 1* Ifts I - ,M644 40 *we I I 11 k 4 I I I 11 1 170vww - """ U'r o" -- 1 . ­ ff- .11 F 1p --A. -A- c1b"b" a" I , - . - "' I , - , . MA . ? 11 k If ift4k _ @ , -41. . ft W ­ . mo 3100t an' . ­ *611% 1. kiv* tb*ft tk4 - "No vk& Ot ldajt IM OM. W. DIV. 001A(=X ; N - -A % - I LLL , L . 1 - MROMMIM I ­ I . - , , 1, X, ., I hasunhwe V*W. WK fA 11 I .. , r I " 1111"fF . A, -.. .- ` % -it I I'm : AN 0 .at. . 1 - _, I_ t X160elpe -- . Ic U4 - -law -a - " -AMW* *1 9 us. Of . or W& d " 69 ON64 be fallovot VW Of - -*-)*I,— - . - - .- Q .1 -.A. v !!M! , 0 a --- I.AaM a" - I .. Am- i4k; . . . I ': . I ,11- , " . 68 x0vow, of 7"R in the oftme 0( 1, e,t., . 1 I --- - .-.#V- so !.:, T" JAW Wtaw *04 Yur- . - FOIL i .. " Map or . -Ai1.'16,1r16r­1A,-1 :1 - -. r -. MY- - . V"ITANA F A - ­ 0"6 * -310 fibou MAW .L. -A . . " t-1-1-^- .- As 110, 4101011! 1 sw - ­ "iff "t I:* *mi I 1P - z bybqort I At a UOINN" 10 6 in " a" i . is - 1: -Un .;. .. I , Aft,01020,0 6" -1141PRNNM filftm h" 11 -.. L R"V** P** *is Wea : "&"* - - - - - .W1 , - I ­ I goat. sit, r V68 Am , - .. * 0. a "*,&%*in1m do L --. .-- ­ - . -sm a *0 , " - . * W. W , ow* - - L , , 7 LLLLL I _ I , POW ­ I..&..&. t ,.j"%,. - ­­C -k­s - . I- I - I . a"- 00" - RU R UM . - . , US & I L z 0*11, . A U . .. so .ft I - I o to MO$z - -, ite- I —0. - == IASW . 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N - . 1, . . - . . ,_1 ,. ­ - . - .- - . .11 '7,. : ; LL z ­ - L ' . -1 , , ,Z __ _ . -1 ;, ;­ . . - ­ - 4 . . , , — - i as" a or ­w ­­ . Tax UZILWAY QUIM tkis win be a( sodlew . roadore, to save at zbe I asip apekw for d*T04 space to iL Tom if &asofs Cox" r4dpvp* mported th* dse-U4 bose ace"god. is likely to be She v - v toadi"" kw MaTift advastA09; slthk fmgh I think tM ft"%LMi,L,i. a CRUMVAS FRML- '40(AstmMC I Tam Ps"Y R&&Dl1r4 tnont has "Uim a pe" proftot" aerarantvAj night the Ttepersaft I t6s dc -,r and ovw I% i successfully 6* *bW& a, 30 Persona M"A have, r$GA*m won, Kin Dim A. Cei.aoaron. James To $Z4 W XAO&Wwov,it Smi "021tweveral ft The nine bit at Irtv "eA Mr. Kael)tmi imatm--,wriol dialogvw I 'Mrs- firadfov ('Kd* Dix on) ore ap" featus The Gmultwo will ki alarm A001111 RMRK"vt , Th co Orraft fund of St. Geor" Place on wedriewwT vim . - ish ZZ4"r Hot" St. Sow rav ugem W 'Catkaw.r. I I Txs WzATm b" b *days' da"ou, brigb( i '01 the few oppartuiaiti ing sure ,,of Indian kiu ever, Ow baramew as i and the r** of slop Wi We hope so" to an from am country, - I B=# Ocy ror z, 4 CIA* the soloows kad N ' as to the 113salbW 10414 0 901 T t is Rion mou'l asesion, of the q3"tion, . POMUT hopes, tw !' talout will " be awsr, ainother season, Us thJ, Which ham won OWW slumber of the 84%4L ) CzXDftWAYn0.-" to the Uttar of tho N4 liberallw from our o" He woo qtlite wowsese I of our 040aty Uow"a i abled kiss to AW at Im saind his bostams. 8 fasts from the 8i"d W ,tosayso. Own up! Tait Bmmv*LwT A Taunday sighk was % , I=good 61"Wt ULW Y of RUNINA Was got up. . 'JD1%"JAr11L&rW 'im. - negisew to agwol, nmrwp aft "a t, I)i--- viaxisftar% 6 . 1 isi- I - - med earq f42 proft"iftyL UnwiveLp's Imm, fA have L1W 1 , eol:7T. 0 K", AW vwt . __ _ *rtiols. Tbo slist dwas a" be 9 saniq b8i P him .---. mi's I des ---- -- ; wrisma wwd ast porkwe t6s --- is th&L, iiko a 1 =00" - I wpm about tuese a wenoders, i --Gfi "TANTAMN Of I other we" Mr. Pe- awd odyet it i WoWl. A oriw6sat ,on Perusing . il thl" Of any towu ba kL Noticed Wait eftersom 0* sumd to sash = I*kt 1 Wm&#S U., , - *Lon "M PUTUG"a ftiam pfttvsssl 4. . . !-& ­ raen, it I—- ­ j ot yonsis aftliq : illushrewd MA 40660d; Rest 11 Row to student ; 4- od " wbat b Use ses th#.thing for lenessm. 0 *ant be* saft AM 1P , Jew Now To& coup" a%ofiso, in 4m=r Use Of on YWO ce -of 1ey do Oasmtr 09w to dw4ww of des sal Ar I@ thboseldbeft 441 06jest. Air OL& O"Ax.-T is use in sk 0ow1we years OKOW ivory am vere vt % ,r tbs lbWen It Ott, a m4A town wban tbs- ,w psa4sa it, P& be *up* I . . I . Go'beene of asiung I Uvorppel fjr ouse Wieland 00ift Pam Auft4m. - . - 10 Ihm 0 .... 17 ]JOAMias, .. a& i fismaAfigampian tat I J;;A;-ft- —, so molmim - Lft . . I.. 2" " Shk . NMO"d" G A 512 rdonvina.. as Kedw"... 26 - - CL U. T"AdEMNAN — Doe. IS-4Nwo Steek, . 6k 1A * ow W&WO&Amb, so@ VOL SM-Fam lot 4 4A em Is V w ScMenty I A* Canoe. I i 2%0 - . -- alifteadefts - = 700 wbz=z= meow " an " pre4mum no N Conk k" bwksa oft 0. h" mut.lia'. 0M ROL "me W"" -W6 =11ift boa . oft emerl" Iwo an . — -v- at 04 ---- - OqPMNL . ba, no NNA01 #6 SOM *00 aw -PW "W—R-k N r — — -- -- lni h -- - is 4" , N-ownsft" — - ­ As . I T"60 to - - ­ -- -7 . VFI . - - - - - I . - - -- - - I I " - I — - - I 1 .41 . - . I - - - , - ­ . . . .""A", -1 - I - - . I - - . L. A ,C , . , " F '17, ". n, - -- - - , 4­ . - , ­ * , 1' , , - A. 4 ". . .r , ­ , , e - -4 4, -- . - . - - , - 4 N - , --v:l 0 . ,# 1; -