HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-12-08, Page 1• - ' 1311911ttOS ..13txtttora. r. 14..tetlottgall WILL ns. AT ROME FOR CONSULTATION Vf Lipton etelock, a. in. everr clay. Wal Visit deals ailitay hour aftert.vards, !lighter day W49 04.0. Shannon jf.D. GousIttort, C. W Pl£07..."M.A.N., PttYSICIAN, SURGEON. CORONER, &c. Mee and Residence third door east of CentralSchool. 40 It*. M. MelK Eci-CING-, M. ID. • ICRNIIATE COLLEGU PHYSICIANS .1.2a) SUR, -L4 GOONS. C. E. Residence. the bOtiSti formerly eneapied by 31r. 3. V. C. Raidan; Elgin Street. sm„ cAss-Asyv, (of McGill College) P EITSICIAN. SURGEON,tc.. 0450, oVerlim Drag tore, Geticricla, Ontario. „ sw102 Atedica,le '• •••••••ft `.11".."". ,••••,• • 4. • ••-• A 0Q1). - wee only 7 eezete end atoll:Atria ' while the French lost 1,639 ita priseteen alone. The Fretiela have beet 'badly bee4 ten near Ainien& Their army Ii118 tetiii& , routed, ond. lied toward Arms. Fu/le 'Feerich griDS were recaptured. On Mote flay, the 28th, the rac.intadyoftladkrench , army of the Loire attempted. to force a :_. passage toward'Fontainebleate by a lieaeYt Iand generalattack. Theyenconlateteel the 10th Prussian corpe, at Batteals2U miles north of Orleans. The tiessaelas? I were enichly ;pa/stoned lei% the isilieise: 'entry and 1st cavalry divieions, Tho'. French ouslauglitwas repels:ea witla aibavy • loss in killed, vounied mei pritemere; , YOUNG especially the latter. Felling in Ea% eV JAMES Editor. I ..1101111•011111M. . . GEO. COX &ABRAHAM SMITH, Proprietors. $1.00 PER AWN* IN' ArevASreetio, $2.00 es.er OXP er, 1. • I I "The Greatest Possible Gooto the aieatest ppssik.ivumber." v•-•- ; 41.716-7 GObERICH, ONTARIO, D.C., TITURSDAX, DEO. 8, 187(Yr ' • tempt, the army 4 the Loire withdreve QUITE PROBAilii. London, Nov. *SO, 9.30 is. "Globe" this afternoon pub blies lid ARD110011E, PRYSICIAN.SURGEON awn 13 M • CS ID trettO rp • .5- ▪ to ACcoucheur. Mauchoster, C. W. February tht. 1867. IsSyr 8. WALDEN, 1. 13. PEITSICIAN; SURGEON. l'ACCOUVREUR OfCce and Residence (Late Widow MaeThersou's Hotel). Amberly Oat., November2/st /370. r a Eat:Avis. DARIIISTER AND ATTOWNEY,AT-LAW, ono • S'ar..titoNia•Clartcerv,-Connty Crown Attorne71 Goderich,ConadaWeet. (Mice in Court House. v14n40 r744 -61n. M. 0- Cameron, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, CONVF.YANCER, Singsten et.. Gederich, Ont, w49 Careterott .55 CA -arrow. DARTIISTERS, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, kc. Oce, Kingston stet% Goderich. M. C. CA-UM:WE, *5 3. T. Gannoir. wan II. 67-Grac3e, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW,SOLICITOR1N CILANCERY it. Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c., &c., Goderich, Ont., (Mice, on the south side of West Street, third door from Const -House Swore. w49 • Isdac E, 'roiaas, liDAIIRISTER, ATTORNEY- a P -LAW, SOLICITOR 1,1 in Chancery. An., Goderieh, Ontario. Office— c.bb's bleak, Kingston street sw77 4 1:1<syle IS -gaiter, epenereas AND aTronsaes, SOLICITORS - D in aneer e. Goderich, Ont. E. L. Donn. sw5 W. R. Soma. B.A. P • F WALKER • Attorney -at -Law 3, Solicitor -hi -Chan - %Conveyancer, Notary Public, &e. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Court Rouse, Goder- oh Ontario. sw94, _mays do Elwood, DARRIS'TER 5:i ATTORNEYS -AT -LA IV, sou- l) chars in Chaucer, & I resolvency,Ccnvecr • r car, &c. Money to Lend- OFTICS : Crabb's El ck, over Mr. Arehilall's Store. -R-• 13 min, rt. A. riff ANC= AND LAW OFFICE. CRARE'S NEW tj buticliUgs, Kingston, Street Goderie.h. N. R. ,Coaveyancing, Money lent on reasonabie erros. Disgatoaarld defective utles to real estate quieted- Goderich. Aug. 14 1889. w30 31. NICIECOLSON; SURGEOIV DENTIST. Rooms over th.ePost Office, West Street, Gederich. Augxst 14th, 1870 vraOtf GIFFORD ELLIOT. 1 Otttittess il)irectorp. MERRY & illiESS-MACK. MISSES STWART DEG TO INTIMATE THAT THEY HIVE RENTED 1.)The Store on the Market Square, next door to Mrs. Maek's Confectionery Store, Where they are prepared to execute allorders for millinery and dress -making in The Newest -Styles and with Despatch N. B. Several -apprentices wanted immediately. Goderich 12 Sent, 1870. sw7-6m B. MCOORMOK, TAILOR, 8"1. • MO-kEY-T-0.1.END ON.EASY TERMS INCORPORATED] TIM A. D. 180 - F -OL. nouneement .of the capitniielots or Ws - IA To the -Editor of Vie Signal $6afinnt $2 ; Robert Johnston job on 15th the people north wish .to continue it, Isay ean be traced to no authentic tettece, LU Imo cop 8, $30 ; Thos. Simpson lob 11.,4 them clo it as far.as they choose. What Donald rePairer. culvert,. con. 6 and 7 'squashing us. Of Course if in a few were entire are; yoDeITTtihoes 0Lov vireA.ms*T. h • NOW IS YOU& CHANCE THE ,MAInt ElEWER. ire Sta.-A few hints thrown ent at this at Greys bridge, 23,Peter Cantlons job 'London requires is small dicap road a time hi reference to the e011StilictiOn of the on B. line, $13.86 e David Logam's.job on through a country. that we are likely to do 1n .171 $:- a, „e effortof Aurelles to veneb sevier mieht be beneficial, or otherwise, to side lone 50 and 51, lst con. $16, John ' businessin; if it couldfbe built for m000. 'the relief of Parie have failed, no pro-- s : ad 0 e-1 • the Ratepayers The Councilhas nota- McEwan job on B.lrne 68 45 „lobs _re- !per mile, it would do. We Want a road visions of Paris 'are nlmost eaansaet: 0 yet committed themselves hy =meting ported.let Ituf not finished, S Lockridge a Ito benefit London, and not one to benefit scarcely a fortnight's supply is remember • - sow , any tender, as I believe the tenders werejob of crosswaying on con. B. amount $27- !the Kineaidine people at our expense. - PROPOSED RESTO7RATION of T E EMPIRE': M not opened lest Iiight, as it -was generally 55 and Edisard Fair a job on side line 5 !Again, if you ask the Londoners t() vote _ . . 1_3 undesstood they were to be Should the and 6, Core 6, gravelling, an.ount $11. for $100,000 for a road that Would cast, New York, Noy30.-The LendoiO following stiggestiori meet the eye -of any Moved 'by Mr Scott, see by -Mr Moffatt / before it was -in running order, about 62,- "Times' says :-Importanrunners are! S.-- - 'one of our Oity Fathers it might change that the account of W Irwin forCenstabletsi 000,000, they *would vote nay, butirask a afloat, to-- the effset that ismerctr hes? s = ,, ....re they read. ! his mind as to carrying, ont the proposed fees,: be -paid amount $3.10—Carried. reasonable amount for a benefit oild theY or;irsetunhincohedBliefahiaeoliliiti ;polTtvantelri:71,Toroaestttborii:ttiihnled plan of Sewer. • Take the specifications a l'flovedjg Mr. Scott, sem by Me Hogg that c are ready and Willing. I like progress, The Society paysits Solicitor's charges. Anv Own of refering to the letter of J. W. C. Brownat but am not willing to go into it blind. 1 ' HURON & '`ERIE SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIETY. ..") oAPIrAL, - egoopo. Clan ADVANGES*MONEY ON SEMI 124 91-1.ft,rSo? Real Estate, and on 'Terms very favorable <I to borrowers. Al4 • • NO L ANYERS' COSTS ARE CHA.RGED. e' ellinlal•Imp • Cedar piles cannot be driven -at the Esn. in xefirrence to the road conveyed to thank you for the time and Space. "Tilll S'1 S t mouey, from $200 upwards, is lent ft r any number of . • v ternsinus ; as the river bed is of flat rock. the bonne' Turitberry by John Fisher Yours truly, CHAS. LILLEY. Vs, arms* (If Peace -have' al" any time with little ornn delay beyond the time oc- -• - years, from one to fifteen. Money may lie obtained at . Prices to Suit the TnftePe ready been settled, if not signed,. with,' An Open Stone (totter ieliable to be re- that the said conveyance be riot returned London, Nov. 29, • movedfrom its bel by -the filteringof water to Mr Fisher, nor the money paid to him . maple& in investigating the title end preparing the . • . Nappleon at Wilhelmshohe,wheiebyeapear (MOLEANS OLD STAND, EAST Se.) tertelf e, the rap ?Irv/hick • is. paid by theukter. PREVIOUSLY CUTTER, TO J. 0, DETL011, & Co TESTIMONIAL repo his loan by yearly half- 1 or month' pay- • spongy springy places and where earth has but that the one b i 11M1•11•11 M.011...001•••1111 • amouti o t e oan la advanced -no dedue on hotographs reduced te '11.00 per Doz 'through the seams of .the paving, and also till the exiating Mortgage toThomas Galt . A /Breen 1.33,021 WpopiA31: ofteu add so materially to the cost of :loan from • the basis of theeession of the strotagholdd being =defer commission or other downs. which *P• from land slides which cannot be prevent- on said property is discharged asqar as the of Strasbourg wad Metz to Gernereaye - other Societies or from Individuals. The borrower ean Olt 75cts. PER H•ALF DOZEN. ed on a hill side, where there are so many Road is codeerned,described in said Deed, Wingbam, Nov. 26, 1870. Napoleon and his Marsbals, Maciklahoag ODERICHI9rst, SEPT. 1869, Mr. McCORMICK _IX has been in our employment as Cutter for over 1 year. Hc is capable of cutting for any first class establishment. We bespeak for him the confidence of any who may employ him. 701EIN C. DETLOR & Co • - • INT _w Waggon and Carriage A 1TORNEY-at Law, Solicitor in Chancery. Cos - Jot vevancer, WINGRAM, Or. Money to lend. Disputed Titks quieted. Crown L and Patents obtained cheaply; • ,Ittly 25th. 1870. 727-111 'T. B. Stokes, . A GENT FOR STRATFORD AGRICULTURAL worim. (Joseph Sharman. proprietor). Residence, iyaeld Road. - - - v,11-13-gp S. Maleoiralfson, DARRIsraeuCATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, tsc.,/ce. 1..1 Chino:4,0m w85 MONEY TO LEND. - Strong .St Swaim% r• EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS, NO. 11, 6. Arerale Building, Buffalo, N. Y. LUSTS 0. 9sRO.I1E, Attorney -at -Law. H. R. BrlinEll. , Aug. 13th 18I0. _ .re.esiersoiseeeli r ICENSED ATCTIONEER, BAYFIELD, County of L.4 Elnron. Salem village or country punctually at - no to. 1.4. 11aant1111, • /11171lg „MIGDIEER AND SURNEVOR, LAND kJ amend Conveyancer. llniratrdine. 1 -W. G. WILSON Tamar of Marriage_ Licenses, Insurance 8t Real Estate Agout neesnatneIONEle re; B. B. MODS, MORTGAGES!, &co Drawn' AND EXEetrfluD, MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 per cent. Oct 18th;1870. sw17-ly =MIL Out. BRADEN AND CLUCAS; HOUR, Sign Sir Ornamental Painters, ApRyt-FranmsandlmitatorSofWeeds andMarble • 11..1.2•TG18T01117 Street. • Ca. /CV 330-331 XL X Cf 35C. Agents for Sackson'a universal 'Mop and Wringer:, • Opposite. &raiders HardwardeStore. Gradeli,Ang..17.18742. lyw31 • 'kali LONDON COMMERCIAL pOLLEGE AND TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, FACTORY. •••••••=mi Emiv men . The periodical instalments include, be,a des twee Photograph Reduce in to be made hp to receive the gutter. The Bank till said Mortgage is released -Car- city isbecom tig alive to the importance head of the reinnante of the leaperie tinguished. an the mortgage disehamed as the end of Also will make the kroestPlintographs made in Goder about a000. Now why smt substitute an Haugh th.a6the Collector's Bondbe accept- it. 4 Year Y.m y e depositedn e interest, a small sum for prineipal, and they are so• divided that by their payment tbe debt is entirely ex- Pro tortion. , stone gutter as laid down in plan will cost ried. Moved by Mr Scott, see. b• y Mr. of•a railway to connect Lake Huron with Guard end the 300,000 li'rench prisoners* Mn. WII.L1AiRS,-44A.R.Stn,-4 see your Razaine, Ls. Bumf and eareebert, at the time stipulated. Joh, very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar now counecil its Germany, who are td iron tube of sufficent dimensions to. carry ad b3r the1.0cnineil with Gibson and R. • n wards at TEXA.11/1PLIEB.-A Vorrovver obtains $500 for P 15 years ; fays $66,70 each year. ,and at the end of D. CAMPBELL'S off the water say one foot in diameter. AlGraham. 1as sureities--Oarried. ,Moved should be d ne nd Wilt do t d • 1 am sure shell a work is the thing that have their arms restored,. vie! mereh - the time his Mortgage is paid off. The rapidly in- oreasin business of this Society is the best indication Goderich, Ang.-15th, 1870. German venni. now before 1Paris. They vise vioutd discharee the water farther than a benture beetranted to. James McGuire for _ else.-------- iS te only -thing to save lisrd w The cost of an Iron tube would be about Moved by :Mr. Scott,„ sec. by Mr Moffatt built, I, for one would do all my busi- superseded by the French, will returni BATHS & ELLIOTT HAVE pleasure inintimat- Ing to the public of town ,[4. na d eountry that they have N ‘'IIIIIIIlr:;;:' .... opened a Waggonard Carriage -... '4i7v le V Shop on St. 13arvicl se st, -- (Lewis Elliott's old arand,) im- mediately adloining the Western HoteL B. & E, attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, and ige prepared to turn out Waggons, Buggies, - Cutters, Sleighs, and everything in their line, of the very best material and workmanship and at the very lowest remunerative rates, CO MI Mt X 1\T art • Promptly attended to. ON HAND, a large assortment of ffit C.:4r 3E -3C which will be sold Cheap for Cash or Cord.. wootl Goderich, Aug 1 1870. w30 rr NEW:GROCERPSTOliE• W tirrE.LAY & ELLIOTT Dee rents IN GROCERIES., PROVISIONS', WINES 86 LIQUORS. Corner Kingston Street .S; Market Square GODERICH, Goderiek June 20811 1870. sw874f MRS. DAYS' HOTEL WROKBTER. (IN the direct road trom •Seaforth to A., Walkerton. Every necessary accom modation tor the travelling pubic. •; HANNAH DAYS. Wroxeter. Aug. 15; 18g7.: w30 HURON :HOTEL,.. mime, co. nereciet JOHN PRANG, Proprietor. This house is fitted up with every convenience for thetra.velling public, • tgrgoodStabliiig and promptattendance. Aug 15. 1870. w15-tf PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per' Dozen. Photograph Gallery. Witli the greaefall the pipe would have it by Mr ScWZ Ott seo. by Mr Haugh that a de- pageant, from 'the Rhine,and relieve the; vel the t ade of the city than anything r o , a Tnore o 9 - of tbe vor vita which it is regarded by the farming community. and its popularity will become greater as the merits of its system oflending become better knOwn • and understood By the small payments of prinelpal included in tbe yearly instalment, the borrower gradu- ally, and without trouble, pays .off his loan -thus avoiding the risk °nosing his property, which to often happens when the pnneipal falls due in a large Silla at the end of the term, Re lean, at any time, pay °This loan in advance on favorable terms (which can be set- tled at any monthly meeting by the Directors. on the application of the borrower,) and interest at six per 'cent. per annum willbe allowed °nail paqmonts invaucead? Full particulars and loan table maybe obtained at ths Society's -Office. or by letter postpaid, addressed to the Secretary, or from any of the Society's valuators CIIARLES FERMIUM. Valuator at • doderich drain 'four times its size • could carry die goods giv to Mrs Blanchard -Carried. London feein. the complete loss of the wilt forethe capitulation ef thecapitale water at foot on the I00 of a descent. Mre-Blenc as. granted $10 as charity, trade with the north. 'It a railroad was The German troops besieging Paris being GRAND DISPLAY 2.10 ppoesritroont wrouunlndinng-otmee3cacseuerde 65.00 per. tthheatluvnotetiep1aof tEheieretenpaoyfersoobnenctutkoersn to sfaess, I think, iii'London, as it would' be home, except thoseWhose presence will be: foot which would be a savang of over half coasts:1er the property ofremodellmg the • of the cost of the. stone pafing, be more School &Wens in thisTownship-Carried. - MONEY TO LE -ND Atereatly reduce Rotes of Interest. TflHE undersigned has any amount of money to loan from two to fifteen years, at a lowrate of interest and favourable terms of repayment, payable by yearly histalmentarate of expenses will defy competitoii. HORACE 'LORTON, &PPratser for the Canada Per.. inanent Building Jiz Savingsne Society., of Toronto. INSURANCE CARD. The Subscriber is agent for the following first-class Insurance Coraparaies PHOENIXof London, England. HARTFORD of Hartford. PROVINCIAL of Toronto. BRITISH AMERICA, of fToronto. Fire do PCLarine business done lat thelowest ates 11011ACE HORTON: Office Market Snare, Sept 26th, 1870. D. FERCUrN HAS OP,ENED - OUT. - IN DRY GOODS . substantial,andsupply all therequirements Moved by 3Ir Scott, sec. by IYIr Moffat • • THE BEST QU A LITIES /foef the stone gutter in carrying off the that the BY -Law authorizing the Trustees vey water) will flow through a dram of 3x4‘ slides, frests, stc. As to the cedar box Schoolliouse in said section for the terns • drain, let any of our City Fathers draw at it, he will imagine he has drawn some Let him calculate how mabh water (for! believe the 'maypole of the drain is to con - of its getting out of repair by leaks, land- ffuna of $300 to build an addition to the water, and there would be no•pessibility of S. S. td. 8, (Wingham) to borrow the modern barn door instead •of a box drain. each section of box drain full size and look with a descent of one foot in 100 and littE LATEST STYLR THE CHOICEST PATIEHNS AT THE LOWEST PRICES His Factories & Sheetings it will pay you r TO DRIVE 20 MILES TO PURCHASE ,For tiheapness is he will come to the conclusion that the drain would be too small to -convey tre water of the Maitland river, but entirely too lerge: to carry off -the water :of this town. A drain 2.1.2 feet will be more than sufficient; be less expensive .and leave no room for doubt as to its. strength, if beilt of 3 inch cedar plank. And there is some room for doubtaboutthe strength of a 3x4feetcediaboxcenstructedaii described it specification. The great liability of the box is to collapse from the preasUre -of earth from outside. The cost of 2x2 feet and quality all his stook drain Would be about $10 per rod, and Unequalled. the one proposed. would cost about $20 per rod. Now why throw away so much moneyon the large drain ? Why not build the 2x2 feet drain at one /half the cost? Neither of the drains will last more than 20 years, and by that vitae they will all be surpassed by good brick or stone sewer. Yours, she - A RATEPAYER. Goderich. w36 -1y. " 0 ,,..ig „ ;4 I4 -„-, 0 OA Nr in fi A Pci:+1..1mI , Poi ,412 TO CALL `.ROVNO, TO HIS eF" Pi Vt Eani / 114 . 0 2 ,,,,,,, STTCORAIM to ON HAMILTON STREET . - El fel o •r1 before completing your pureheee,s.1 ' LOT OF COTTON YARNS BSr.r QUALITY AZ MILL prams IN BOOTS ar SHOES CANNOT BE COMPETED WITH HIS GROCERIES Are equal in all respects to those vihich have gained him he reputation of", ; keening - THE MOST RELIABbE FAMILY 'GROOVRY ITI Jp011 • 13 42001Z-Tir IDEPILSTGi-BY NGL.AND • Dotibto Entry, taught by a superior plan- of Actual Ekisinw_a Transactions. Ttorongli inatruetiOn iLa Commercial low, Aritinnefie. Busraess'eerres- ploodecrii, Penmanship, Betddfig, Telegraphing-, pliort road W4ting,- tce, For follintormation„, Adiress; JONES. ik tEr4p, London, Ontario. 7tIon,ey to Lend, "rourgetziwo Apoyto T.,. Dona, eavgespe5rilt out -Goderieh.'An415.1670- eInd ItIONU- TO 1,1 PrALFDOZENPROMBACKNEGATIaen 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from hack negative 87 cents, postage free;to any address. - HE CHARGES NOTHING FOR 'SHOWING GOODS AND -YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM • Das ParticularAttention fild to Copy- ing old trabrotypes; - For eldiarlarge or small photographi.The subacfiler in returning thanks for the liberal patronage loretefore ettensled to him, wouldjust. say that he haa made suet- iin-. provementainhiigalleryaa will -Merles -con- tinuance °film same. tr,' A: Great- -Redaction :» Large Photographs. JOkINS0N. GoaetiCheAtig:15; 1870. waff _ Lazarus, IffOrris& Co. — D. FERG- SON Oiderieb, Aug 15,1870 • w30 if IMPROV.ED FARMS, ,&12 8 PEL CENT -1 --Auor Some to Invogr In Town Property, 1.B GORDO.N.e Barrister.4a.,Godericin Go *rick, Aug 15, 1870' awl :PIANO TORTE A7111% -r • =383 anvost ocrarn, Fora rens(' Rosevrocd Piano,by Weber for id.'ety iir")tarICE. Wads, Pano rotten/id orgr r trier ; ire %tenet British Z.v4urtge Hotel Goder-cli. Oth-AsiPtSt. _ • -COLBORN E HOTEL, CODER1CH. ,.,•■•■•••••111... MAHTIN, Proprietor. esi.mmilsermo 30 RIR! GROCER Isla -tura FOR irs CONVENIENT SITUATION RELIABLE STOCK MODERA.TEPRICES AND CONSTANT - °C1VeLITY. The La.rgeituaineap "done b OPtiCians eltd Vittlists, the 1117-,41.-Becurell 511P1317 mircsxyirTirtamazi,, ,1111it11-4-4-11 ;1; 11.11--; • TO THE WORKING CLASS. -Weare nowpZirekto •lionislialleluseswitheonstantemployinensed hCallettlia ; -whole of giethne or for the spare 'momenta. Ikoinessnew, Remand profitable. &mons Ofeithersexently earufkom. . We. to Wilier etming,and a cropoitionsi sum by devotbig their whole time tothe butinesa. • gctlae.rnjiesroj as rauclissraen• Thatallwhe see this notiee maysenath • address...line teat the badness, we nuke tide -unparalleled -.eery Toeuehiuutre n ot well sarewill send 411 to pay • for the tronbliefiniting. Full ..n.lres,a valtuiblasani. le whip will de to COMMeneeworkon, and asopy of The People,irlterary Costpanims.-one of the largest and • &rally newspapers published -74a sent *en by man. trim want_permanent, profitable _Werk_addree. Arara= vo, anausr4.)i - oyes Stoves 1 t2.1 - ti$ 0 0 rA PF ..610reelid for ItTelebra'ted Penh !Pea GROCEEMS ALWAYS. ,Fag,sfk,. MAGNTOICENT- 4ocar..- SpectaCles, appointed Ir. JORDON, chemist and Druggist, Oodericir, Ont - as Ibex 13o.e Agent rot this Plate. They have takeitoare to give all needfulinstnittions. an have coaseence in the ability A ot their Agents to the requirements of 'all customers. -21 An opportunity wilt be -thus earded to Mein*. Is si tirnes,Spesteoles unequalled by any for their strength - Slung and preserving qualities. isT sensation, bin, on ths cornrary;-frorti the peculiar con. 3 et,_ `,on „ the ordinary glasseswom. There is no glimmering, E or/menage-the sight, dizziness, or other roligrossa ^ • , • Too mur-li eennot be amides la theft superiority over OF CROCK %wetland' theLanses,they ans soothing, end pleasant, Astral* rara u'lltioWera Dsna TIT all pat.. causing* feeling ofrehenotte /sorer, aitAtrod,__ .nolusterns, styles ancl priees. Theist., adman:1 &sleet 'vision, go in the Pathlin ratutrali t took • PRESERVE AS WELL ALASSIST THE A from a sight. Theism:4M* only Speeneles ear. geg g Miovm to choose 1-1 SIGHT. - *TA:ELS tti day &rani* taaapett teams Ottani, ;derail kigas °• P. neeGLASSSTITE&AEI mawyearswieoatun*asetsnOTH:N- (11 orcum).6..N, • _ * - &go AgentOr Godgnscia Igtontio47104 ran& Feat 4411100 ad' link W18 &MI /14 _ en440Y Pacaars.• .w,ABE • aooa AraolantodatiOnse Ample Stable Boom. rt. This is s tadq1s First elates house kept in Gooa Style. evrI-tt Cesusiteretitiliegel,Miebei le. IV Mak TWO TUCKS, Proprietor. This h tis • issretesil booth:moo until le Wester Osgeases,sei sweet; es essoisestess say Hants ettsoPeopneter. GootstibLnigfer lieseem UMW* smICarnstol for ilrism florliottistior; B. Frew tikell for Tower Coneroa-The regular meeting was held on IstPec. Present, the Mayor' in the- chair, Reeve, Passmore, Howell, Sinitb, Seymotin Cameron, Sinclair, Detlor, McKay, Runciman, Clifford and Watson. Miautes of previous meeting were ready approved and signed. Sundry relief Petitions were disposed of. A Petition was presented by Att. E Heater, praying for -a remission: of part of the license fee on hisnew peeinises. Moved by Mr. Seymour, seconded by Mr. Watson that the petition be received and. fyled, carried. The amendment Of Mr Gardiner, seconded by Mr. Smith that half the amount be refunded being lost. A Petition praying for a column lathe assess- ment roll to allow the ratepayers at the coming elections to yote_ " saloons"or " no saloons" was granted. Sundry 'ac- counts 'were read and passed. Report of the Street Inspector, !showing among ather things that -the grading of Maitland. Road which, was tendered for at $1.75 per rod , but the tenders not accepted, was nominee: lbest place to locate the terminus. There cal at $1.10 per rod by day labor; was read was set good harbor ,about to be and ordered. tobofyled. /loved by -Mr. made at _ that point, on - which the Sinclair, seconded by Mr. Cameron that. gorrerninent were ahoutaWaipend a large, the tenders of which there were 8) for the amount of money, and the county of Huron construction of Main Sewer be opened by it had also appropriated a grant to aid in the Committee of the Road and Bridge Cern- zonstruntioniof a harbor of refuge. Water raittee, withlhe addition of theReeve and colunniieation of the best kind could be Deputy Reeve; Oommittee to Meet on Friday night. ity-Laar No. 8 appointing returning officers was passed as follows e- ar David's Ward, B HazIenuit at brabb's Bali; - St, George's Ward; - D. Gorden at Waxerooms,' West° ; St. Patrick's Ward, -S. Pentland at Fireman's EaBt, St ; and St. Andrew's Ward Eric Meliayat Cabinet' shop,..West St. -Moved by Mr, Cameron, seconded by Mr. Smith, that if • tlee. Northern Gravel att.ieadrs,dtohneybet ohpapyriouctee4lecdastag$aliOni00;_of thirAd- journed. to meet on the call of. the Mayer. ni3e3e(t)inAltpg of,h8e651,137a,tdThivliBa7-Bit-ldA, BiPti-e.atihael Chairman'; office. to consider the applica- tion of Mr, "Andrew Patterson, for a situa- eon as teacher ; itt the ,Central School. After mature consideration,' his testimoni- als being all of the highes,t order; and in - chiding's reconlinendation fromile. Sangs- ter, lie Was engaged at a" salary of 4400 per annum. The -Regular meeting of the Lefroy in the clatir,MeistseCtablee Kay, Bieeorrrgua.,d,w9ansl A. , ineoldc.474.1sortat,py;ec. out -Mr. Bniot,anct. The iinnutes of laitregular and especial meetings were read' and approved. Sundry accounts Were prceenterIaucl orderedto paid. Moved by Mr. Crabb, seconded by Nairn .;•111110,tillissDizonteatipoints ed teacher, in room of Itlias Morgan -at Salary of$22.5.00. Moved in -.amendment by Mr. Kay 'occluded by Mr. McKay That Miss Emma Bally' (recommended trom the Normal School) het -appointed= it it Salary of 0250.00; Moved _further in aniendinent by VIre Ferguson, seeeindeelby Mr; .Elliot a --That _miss E. Donee', leo appointed itt it salary of': $225,00. The amendment be' the amendreene was put •and lost; The anienclment was- then put ainst; the motion, and: carried; Miss of 5 years Mr Scott, s be pa.ssed f e passed-Cerried. Moved by c. by Mr Moffat that a By-law r holding the Nomination and Election o Councillors for the year 1871, at Lot 15, con. 7, and appointing J6,mes Johnston, 1 Returning officer -Carried. Moved bylir Scott,see. by Mr F1augh that the Council do now. adjourn to meet at Foster's Hall, Lower 'Winghe,na, on Tues- day the 27,th day of December neit a,t 10 o'clock a. di. JAMES JOHNSTON T'p Clerk. Title Northern Railway. We think it svould be advisable that a meeting of the rate -payers should. Ie called for ithe purpose_ of interchanging opinions in reference to the Louden and Lake, Hurn Railway. Let our business- men get u a requisition to the -Mayor to this end and let the meeting he on an early day. f The interests .of the town, in this dittotion, demand some, action on the part of our. citizens. The following view` of rho case was expressed at London by Isaac dailing Esq., M. P. P. for the Smith Riding eee- , Mr. Catling on ascending the platform i t so was received with load cheers.- Ile said- -Mr. Mayor and citizens of London,--, I Tome bete, in company with two or three friends, to see whae you had to say about the Matter of building a railroad to the north. The people of Exeter take a deep 1 interest i theeonstruetion ofthe proposed road, and are prepared to give liberally tow rd accomplishing the object in view. But withoutthehelpof the Exeter wauld stand-. but although [ the ratepayers would give a bonus in proportion to their worth, at all events t - their assented value; They- wereexc edieg anxious to have a railwa.y ut est in, misting the citizens of London cennruct d, and.Would co-operate to their in the enterprise. From the netiye manner in which it has-been taken holdef, I have no doubt but that the road will be con8teuct4d, and that without any delay. My view . is that Goderich would be the city of London, a poor chance, --Efailv being appointed.' Moved by. Mr. Heed and unanunonsly resolved that -the lye services „of Mr. .1nnes Thoinpson, as teacher, will not be reentred after tbe 54' expiration of his present engagement and "7 that tbe Secretary notify him accordingly. Moved by Mr. Ferguson, seconded by Mr. Elliot and unanimonaly resolved:-That Miss S. Dixon be appointed in ethe 4 Celt- trarstbool, ati Salary .of $225:00. The --meeteng then adjourned.. Aprp,F.A.Nuw - - goods at Clash Yalu& TOM/BEERY. Buy THE 12s WASHING le, .VSTnf• T -he boun'on. ease at Mrs Day's Nov.- 17h DODS northecast of that. A small roid ja force. On Tuesday the Parisians • 3r X' . • •e a present. You 0 II° necessary 0 hold the ceded move now, the other railwa,yei will get the n „ . „ 13. 11434 Times onsiders the story dilileula start of you, and. the trade once diverted, to believe, tut the difficulties of Bismerell it wouldbe hand work to recover it. lne Nanoleon may hue rendered thone this part you may depend upon it we will aul do our best to Secure a good bonus for the careless of the eedisaille11228, or caused; railesay, should the raatter be brought for- them to iliadly overlook &tine ward. • As you arerthoroughly acquainted with the country you ,will know that the best route would be through Wingham, as filets 're...est. nwraastiolte it would be the most direct north,c,ould be .41...""P` '/U1 easily made, and would pass through a RussiA. Gtvrt, simene,, good country throughout, and' as you aro TORY EXPLANATION:, aware, thisevillage has natural advantages in its ;into privileges superior :to any other, place in the eounty,se that a railevay ene PpSITIOX 43/A TB19-E,sir4t, large. mminfacturing trade, .and tie cause here is the only thingneeded to devireIiotep4e his place ta become a flourishing a town, - DIPLOMACY TO LET : • pax., St. Petersburg, No.. 30;-Piopeeliteriti tPrr,vd°s; for it Oonference mi the Eastern 'Qnestiores *. to be held at London,. are mesh. favonehlye r 212 - received here. Russia will give a satisfaetery expiators tion of Oortsaliakeff's first circular. St, Petersburg, Nov. nil,The G.overn,c . 'Menthe in receipt 4 -addresse.a fromi - -parts ot the Empire, which ehow that thee T. G. JACKSON. loyally of .the people makes, Russia mews. saielble ond fea-rless of any hoetile allisineee London,Nisv. Lyons.isnwalter ing the eleeisSion -of the'Toues, Government() Blyth, Nov. 240 1876: as to the matter of sending Di -1401431-1Ditikv tlary to the Conference Louden. A Vienna despatch says Biemarelelaproe _ pcsal for a Votiference was made :after ION had arrived = previous nuderstaudinge. with Gortsehekolt ordersliave beein given -LT tne Emperor of Auetriit for thee formation of a new Catinet. Grettepnenti-e tics ed -Corn have been. 'Weight in Dennbiain, • ports on aecountof the Russian g:71- The Ressien tinnier hex pradneeitgeoaV :alarm at Bucharest. The government is; h.elplessiand turns oneyeeysideforarIvieee Att agent .of the . Porte has arrived tet. Bucharest to propose it offensive mot de.. feneive alliance with, :the, iSultan, tea*, ditiou that the Rouinanien troUris elialibbee entirely at tbe .4isposal of the Porte:. The fortresses ,ef the Danube, are beim rapidlyarmed. Thethira 'neiner corps me ordered to 'Rousebehoule. Verna, and!, - Silietria.- A great. number of horses hare) -been bought in Anstela 'rtis.- Tarkisia. cat airy. - The Turkish tket ready tot' T4dhei;sit.l0' ta.ken Pruseie on the East., The ."Heralel'e" TJOR4on eeeelei sane • aae era question, and whicliairobabiy will be) communicated. to the British cabinet to-= day, is as follows :-e-Prue-eia maintains) thatelike Italy, having -eigned :only -the-3 treaty Of the 13th of Markle" Me0 whie4). was concluder; es Mentioned in the !titre-, duction prefaeang the treaty, foe the pura • pose of guarauteeing, the independence end!, - lategtity of the Turniels.Erapire,,.ehe itot like England, Prance- Ititd- Austria, who: 'conclude:10m additional treaty eta the 17thee of April, 1:8110,by which they bound theme Selves to -coesidee any. hafrection JAY' onneof the etticidatiott8 of tine treattesof tine ith of Meech as a en -Am -bet% and obliged. themselves to tight for the tnaintainanee eV - a .clamse to which groat power 'cannot :submit for ever, and which does not itlunYi way infrineu on the principle of the Cut:, treaty, es:a far :as Prussia, is vine,crited., 'Therefore, Lots nut regard. tine Ruesiam .tioSition ris oue tlireatentrig,' war, beeausep „ . S. . „„„ . 'the St Petersbute celitte; does not iit tcud to7ondauger the independenee or, riategrity'a Tnekey. etabesinen of: know that you are a publie-s an; and I hope 09 700. Yalue the erity of the wholesale and general Loisdon, tha,t you will use all yo iluence-in endeavoring to bring this enter- prise to n suecessful. issue. I trust you will have a good meeting, and that some- thing tangible will be done. Yours re- spectfully, A LETTArt, FROM BETTIE. MT DEAR VV/EEAMG,-I UM much pleased to see that your city, with which I was so long and am yet identified, has serValon, . - at last asrakenea to a sense of 'self pre - Bow, in respect to the route of -the contemplated road, a few of us here have the thing all cut and -dry for you. In out wisdom, We lay the line to run from your city, through London giddalph, *Morse, Tuckersmith, Hallett, Morris Turaberrye CuIrdse, Greenock and Kincardine town- ships to Kincardine; suppose the lino to ‘ .1 terminate at Iiiucardine, touching at Arya, Birr, Elginfield‘Lucan;Maryetewial Adare, DOM', Exeter; Hay, Itodgerville, Brucefield, Clinton, liondabero, Blyth, Beigrave, Winghant. Teeswater, Rivers - dale, Bervie and Kincardine.- - We view this route to be the best for the two following reasons :- 1st. The easiest to be builk and 2nd. The best paying, being a. suitable distance from the take, running through the garden of -Canada, and -sure to -draw to the line all (he trade west of in and is sikre to draw all the trade from 16 to 20 miles east and north Of Seefortlx back to the terninns. , . There is litO doubt but that all,the above inimicipalities and villages will, oeeordi_ng to their ability, .cheerfully grant bonuses to' the enterprise, and t have uo hesitation he saying that a line of railroad such as I have itedicated will pay as well had there, and although there were many as WU' line in the Dentinione For many other placeswhere -a good harbor mita be 'years,' Cordwood can be get here for a; built, I am of the opiniOn tnat Goderich were ZakrItelle, and within a onartelof it irrait its position and standing would be ealleV our village there is an inn:pease the most fitting place for the proposed line peat deposit -.of:' the finest deserinton that to ' terminate , The - several townships . . . - 7 1 . ''' could -be utilized wino wood gets seam. would grant liberal, bonuses. Their credit a; . . - _e ancy the continuous stream of teams eras good; and they would pay every Ail-. ling as it became due:- (Clients.) The ?assing-rover this road ad the winter, and county of Huron also would aid in the Deafly all the year round on the way to completien of the undertaking, and will I the Winton station, and markets 'Send' mil, certain co-operate bealtily with the citi- Fancy the droves of cattle; sheep and pip zees of London in this enterpehne ''SQ'n° that are driven through from the north. feat's were expressed that 100 miles would be too much to construct at one time, but . Picture in yoni mind's eye the thousands . 11111sla--4eciared than allY athlacallaa CD11- i griesb bt t knitory was undesirable, Sandi f b r el f a: It th t will veI h ve to find if 100 coal& net be successfully competed, ° a r s ° -a a ' e a ' also relinclulshed the idea of erecting the% a way from here, to a eouthero. market, ' oq cowl whether the broad or narrow P Greek Empire at Constantino* tinder, gauge Wio best, 1 am not prepared to say, and you will form something Of MleStilnates but r will do all in My power to father of thewerth of the line indicated, leaving the sohe ` e Which bus been set afoot, be _ out of veiw altogether' the iunnense lieeing that it Willniaterially beneAt the dear sir traffic over this natl. I am, tliffereo localities through which it will s , pass. The people of. Exeter were waiting _ for London to make a start and I know they usetheirutmost endeavors to conibine, with you in furtherance of his • s tome. If you vannot.carty a bonus in t e.city:of London it would be impossible do so -in Exeter. I shall be moat happy ' to ben the charter' through. '(Cheers.) HE. AVYFIGHTING BEFORE PARIS. Tours truly, . W. D. flAirems-D, Ete War =••••,M1..IMP, Russian protection. 'Neither do, they in- tend to establisl7 au extensive naval _ alon the coast of the Black Sea. UllaPP• - fitesO cireemstauees,it is confidently retiedi on, tbat, .bydiploma:tie. means, are under- staudiiagwifl ba arrived at by whis:11 the3 powers Odell signed the teeaty o par's, win :0.9.cecloto. the nussian .reluest roger -L -1.- '41r the natitralization of the Mack. S,ca, To, .h.s end, Pra aa offers niediaCon- Nothing w: s lime ER the Cebisitt to-aar.. - -aartskakeirs eirenlar is still withiwids Prussia's Englandirs .r .„ Levee VIvh...t and Oaeclwell -nee ready, • iirrrElts. - A soft= ATTEMPTED -73'ENCII IMIVEN to keep peeie on may eernee, bowever, nem w LIU -HEAVY Loss; ' humiliniin., they may be A. break -UP Lirran Pion g10ASrak.. tae tabmet It aail lainrement. f ' RUMORED CAPITULATION OF THE LONDON AND LAirol HURON RAIL-' ARY MOF THE LOIRE. The Yolvertten Maraingne I WAY; _ - To thEtEditor of thermortessi , TAM Or.rAD, itlItItENDBUING The Reeetel (England) 1.9/..mes has thes following remarks :-The deati o,f lora 'Darin brae -altering been presene at the ' FERTHES PARTHILTZAES GET= BAIMDATTLE. 1AI-trans1.m raises a amens veld perplazinee meeting heat nightel was suprised to hear'in the intertetion of len. II -Xi, so little sound argdmelit in favor of a Berlin, Nov se.-LThe Queen has reeeivelfluepre sliwi Teolltior and Kintatdote • -tead. from those leiadmth:e_folloveing dispatch from Nene. Wileirlogo lawta• • Pn, 'sunt-n3nor In thk tail), estates is Arajor Yeiverten, the here ss2 the rho adFooatedit. Now, .if We aro tc'have Charles reports a coinpletn defeat of 'the . 149112,.vmrth-l.ell.'ell°4 tim'alice,, Ow tticer's a Nortlyon Roads let, Kincardine be for- -lip Tuesday, Nov 29th.-teroTlericle `, Irish one. and !ly tlfe vercret 0E' gi?tten for the present, let us be content ire army iii the battle of Monday, in aga il an thop arirl tears.of law Miss Lungworth is with asmall Northern Road, say to Bid- babl .the 1.8th a,n.d.a portion which the French ban the 20th corpsapeo- n I of elle 15th t110 Wife of 5reeor Yelvvrtro.c. She it the people north "will help liberally, hat . by all means do not_tap the Buffalo and French were foundtlead °n tahe field, four wifo 010) 'ilTrish lJeek5 is VEttleti o and.YIfith eorps -engaged A.- thousand 'illaregcies La'll %. -. cud/ us thn 14 Ells difficulty 19 bc, dulph, gay, $tauley,•or a little further if -.C4oderieh. Road,. When yon -do that the thou.salia were evounden and sbdeen him- 'i6illt124 H°14' tired taken prisoners. Gen. Aurelles is .1.!,?,ttlecl 3 03 .-t-Y18` ,!"-1.'3° rit St' qc ?t'ge.r* peophs.will trade east; no person won -logo_ , reportea wounded. -The German loss was "amae thc svlat"'" cf Pr",ftrsz"r I or neSlg , . west tcf trade. You might SO Won try and , eut thousand, among them le pejo/floors. , Lard vonciore'fs srEfe ; ea hvgand Mote London, Nov A -Tim following dated ' itvinrs rth is Ps vlik 4F1. Ls . English gee the 1:4nelph trade is to try and get that Of, Kute.ardme after.the Toronto,Wel- Versailles early this morning., elas Jodi and S :deli *do Lae !wither. title nor leurton and BruceRoad18finielied to Kin. been receifved by way of Berlin ;..--On. Mon- A status. It le a nerzeletzeg peel= for a, day end. Tuesday the bees .aro-und pude, gentle ante Aaid laimeeif ill. Bat whae -cart:line. Toronto will have that -a -there is not a shadow of thence for London.- articularly those to the aotith; maiiitaiti.kits Ma Pbsition in Clillparziou withaat of ,London :may getsorne west ef -Goderieh,but l'a a furious -cannonade merely to corer it the 101 11.5 Wife and no wife, linsbanst MACHINE, COAL purnant to adjournment, Members all or 50 reties north-west of this is better to Jeanie out tows,rd L'Hay, supported by read of 40- miles going through A ValIntry London -then M. -miles north-east. A ear eennel =prier us their gunboats in the Seine. At this - nresent..The Res.'s* in the chair. Minutes and n isbaud 1• _ _ Patriele land bailifft9 Caistait4 . - ladwell has been stoned. to death neer IttONTRIIAL 0,0)31k N sotauron • „,..4 ititlioLgs.& TAIT' 'af last meetin read and proved. The omit the posit -ten of the Sixth Prussian itg AND , • • it f k aF that will trade with us would cost say • t k d fie I it Templeraore. 1401111111TheaN * HOWELL. Fonriourre stsi.sseb,kl.eles=140,roaprptf Jo money toLn 071 Real Estate, termini exchange, ;AO Old I n hoag d benta tea f the 11.4°°!.°°°- Landon Irot14 grin from. the boiindary to the gravel . road f the "CiMe(t taneouslyother eorties were made in tit Lo E b 627"alar WillreANY• oaai oil Lam followin eobw work were reporte . corps t er was at ac e ree y, rin C*PPets Oasis W001 Pickings, and.Sheeli Skin game, Porter'ajoles on. 25thside line getting, 030.-9,eueree taken la - n directions, procebly te preventreinforee- teution to give X20,000 to tlia Iterna na ne To Anis an e res gran or believe there weula be little difficulty e p stock and o er an 0 on? as announce s Monts toethe Sixth corps. Li aii eases (Church. Trustasit ; STORY, latch' - b nun north. Ilion Fle artni14 hatre a 'however, the French were repulsed and -The Lash Church Convoestiou olose4 , eguidirsok nalitar - ° l'ainatat mix Or Sign of tit Lame Ceel Barrel anth eide 4/1-2; war m te ,Laidoiree' without being in danger of Thu 1,4tiec reveleis toes la this encounter 401, orewsow br lam Elttotie Loan orapeny r. CA awn." $48 ; li!s7r j9eb?at, 41°411 °he -AP road ant'Wer orerY ItutPos° enriven beck beblud their fortifieationer-a its second seseioneral 114 44.4t4.,Ct2S On Mils • G BUZ r - Secietlekt Aug 1810 ire.# 101 Atestoteguate oeienek Gederioh Aug 1,6 .uenerds. beaver ne•dow $10: el x. csl ' 4. ...A.L.tie.Lc_ •