HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-12-01, Page 2kk 7 Ulm" Tat CAroux Almo , 871 has resolied Tbb Arruagamoutt have been invAol tit soon U rAo rox I GMT*! Agad BY bun. ftom thopulJohers. Messrs. Copp. Clark &Co., of.. yor the Ibiqual! Till, x3mr. Zr xov.,. W, Salt k drutk, far putting in a plain con Torouto. through Mr. T. $.Moor louse. wholl%84t f9r .0d - tu =tar of the Xk7w I ?4wnw _.Ver pan. As Wera is affinity between the The Ulowing the 440000140 witkby sale., The Almanac coutaIns 120 Vkgosof valuable' -XV WDOLTAIN SUM Ar3rdex III- well.asWrtod i - oulleal-TolitleA PAUSSIAIq WAlt implNoits. - the chair. nromiation, &stroll a 131w, In vestardo xaixifaf the Clintoh-vew, were nfe =d to, the A R4 o4 tA A o% r% o% 0%0% constituent properties of silt Anll. iron and %10 -this 4114 aresses of the X. P, R.'s and M. Ws, 1310�lini VOY, 26,—Iu Goram%fi is wrong in suppos- qilindry amDutts on At the, islands Aid too -JAL Thedd, -or, 16rial thaprovinces. tWOMeem of tbevArtoux dv parliament to-d�y a Bill. grIanting, credit fog that thquegtion of th6 -abolition of CCiiAsl 1Wr# Old W80118i 00*,gr Astir old fAtuil. figures .'later Itrgy of every denomination, Re isothoughttlisth6use of for 100,000,000 tholers 'mas raia twice. Tolls Was dalettedat the last lestion, it Tow'rdtbtetodoy my bat ftellwouad: a by BIr SIOTIVOW, W.Qitd#k Nj Uri WDERIOR& D84 anono�bOtWeen t1tose, of salt and copp. vate" ouliroitition, �Aufl ..Make the 'Very number of barrels 44 ilied by aseV -�Z. and complete rust jokes lurortaitiontroswitial sidil There were -only* t 00 *OtO, ll Suminer, wbejtL6 stn was wam and bnSlAt. hr a �V~ "t,the Evk:lior be luialcuctedl sainst, the S rest a"Ur6d tW it was the #A loys lot tho not AOOK404 out of sight W E*L pard 200 James to in time railway times, when one I - , ., But now (like frieuilghiptbat we oneel x0c) as. con- I --purest salt. an dou)tf %o -the I'll. brin for Xk0W *W0fAW-' LaQzor. a`ro ding; elightof the Northern GravelAosd whkb Carttees Local TIte, Afinonsions, of the p Wi$91nW, 160 T y U t tba country, - W4 te 0f Tolls as last W;. Sauiideti NO' thee f ire 'Poox U worw more ur town the principle I Jo be. 100 feet loug,and 13 foot2inchoo, t #1tV8SIA,_XX IAVY-106. Sball be My beA, My Warilltit friend, tent at Kle CAUM rA autlillm 17;sp�sAw Maused the ooulbined question to be thc� vatta routbe '0 WiRe. -The waterswill be 31esars, - BO-OJIL Donald, 200. -,, Allan N Astray 20 H tAgn hq prler6, n, thousand I hAv4i left PArIll, fasted. - Xf 4he GovsfY 0ouloil beF th,# t Arly.11110000unwilt do mevervics in the. end, �jn, 226 - 16rheison 225 ; 11 Watts 13�tz 4 WW I coule I =not put thee on, and th-m Abaltgo, to of zuruar a V01 I Zr 311juing Only .& Sou,, of Torent6. Copper .11M been a . , X. -won TAxa.-Thfs was con4uctAa dest d. slefitimeg of thew cotatituenU, they 200; Ron 225 ;� 0 T)rcssi by Xbe blidges in their rip,ai. viere roye i 'Zo Xeld lot fhAa the 4cold sad dtiffing sinow. vzv alaveil by Taftj Duough to mAa�bi* derl�e dakness V*ble,� for to Englana All ell e6to the - 3r. 7r) A. X. RosN Eak�, County Trooiurer, on Wednesday, ohow their 04tammiSM KGAAAe� - 160 R. 23rdiust.. and WAs one of fte briakest we" were ever ))IVIDZD co P, by d0VWt1q 0 Th.oup wel-11 kauw thes now wi!lstkk to tW, Auto leirl'Ab 4 1116 Pan, 6 to a foot vif 26 ;- - Nov. 2t -4 n6waps Dlish tho Tolls, glad to stick to mc %U40d. On acatiullb Ohio, pruent av� Au the lots in Oodealch wmketulr.004� per oor- adome M ab, 4j;& at the SaM As long" zlwu art X ing readily ondt in thickne 40 is rotchid killey 160-', peted for, a qyarter 4if 4. qp4rtet ara be to tL atter of Z-110 rousinefillation to, 16ad 0 A brick t jejopogdolit at Vliroaille� livA nterviewed time do justk� to Cvlbonta ard Wtst Waw - A Sti a7O taken for tloutsia $.-one salifilijue. In- t1lo toet added forthe pwlioso Of distributhiT -Haya2.00 ker ZO ;, 0 gurra , nd!mg tRxe Butgop,what'allmi, dlyidual Wingeontoutwith ifteen-Aiteenths of ons- B jea 40 f tbottivestmentlaiwA." mid the tile head equ:%Ily ov,4r the, 141010 pn, aLeod, 170'; Mrs1taAloy.200.; Drd- ismarril;,dn tho subjea foot?wtll. IdwIsra.1trlustbeRo. the, -i out, of one kog-fiale into anot1wr lelAellff WOM .. :�Now SiA. Z theirst to finda; foult-tu ibee. next m Ing knowin wheiiyou leave ilia an �X 31c.Kenito 125, ; D) cwm s'inVaXt10u1Xr_,a tbawaringener thin'kgoVerjd 4 A - - . ganoratly considend sufficient for the 'taxes. of Part When am so glalow C=**t to Comfort me t %ayb�d the Uorburns 100 S BIllann, 125 i Alartin, brouhout3he county. ne laellydo&URWIttin AL He Nap the plan of Starving P%litOut corribined in defeating the By -Law. jfy yoot, tile Anit to,give tile wfUnding blow ca,Z ft-�At in the tinto tho Tro i4ypuccobdo are fell hi, oue'weel'; t w1v webopo he will poseaute that-forume malflas branch V 11 Molt 4. HoAheltsd In the first plsoe�.thorais Still a coliald- Well, I believe d'er all the -world W $0. A a take no, fnrehez action expectations af the epergWo g64tildnion, 50 Detiviller 74- N, Mlis Is 1g. not his, but V66 XbIt 'bI9 Road, And I'll be no ex-eeption to the J X t�l ackour security 1411 find him the next;I Nye woXifil rd- Mal at *OUI sit been rs IUG On tho, Gravel Miller r461 at, s tosh 26, 1 � J Up that, who uro CarryiTigit On. rrisou 100 his WAV. jil t1le, ndaffiou to. hia uaine otibe % 00 ; Dr - Beatop. 116. MW mes- No- IkDIAlf�81iUMP..hu voritably'vorne. t ed, Bataere'suglti at- Lloniago; at. a d0fted A direct debt; 4Ur coldness that I feel, litheroUneath my keol. Lake Brit, to Lak fairoin, Ints b a on Paris be a inariah north- 2nd. Thi peOple 41 a whole were not AU In one ") T Fhm&y, 23th- Nov. �iiistly- earnea, appellation of'M11 o4ha h150. Tis jill show,0sam,,of abq4t, ast - Vitae. m6re eautifnL day#$ than advanc i(ow, rAlm it be that I bave let t1m.81k ay -0 'day, Kona t to aditAurumentil n g to notice the coal 830.0001retoued from -tub, wators of� L*e, 'Sunc ay, and Tueid ould- not word - thit he, stong]X esired -bombyrd- prep,%k6a for the 6anger. Huron in- abo -Tho�or lobed. The. air is quite balmy I ah. ex-,. Sia. - Many wepo 'We "fall' it amusin ment, attii4k, 'ut h Uttely been mosituatea vist they I lit-t:lim tnoutbs.' tdb*' VV;arau OnfArio. it rMage Froin fhf7foioor-ofz be w drivenAo.m. -poor hL - , 14 1 �,coun Murauca witill whichl, as he is - r of lnibgt all A, OUS 1716' didnotneed,,to use -the road much and Walmofthei, wb t w *01n Reeve of with the groafuea troaewas: g6od, of white lish, o grow 0 cluded:, it, Ilk at ot annoxbx Alsace, wereafraid that the extra Taxes wouia Because I did not noedthee, friend before I q of lid . herring alfogothaj.a f�ouray , solthlit, the out fak squalls. I reaa and-refe M__a to Firkauca cola VIM= to post. lie contillaesto, assOrt-tht d1vtoelashamodoldsoole �W-Vjght, 0 and tba.glorioult prostects to deal that the v -t For. afteralltImIdudn"s *twts nol light -iced a the latter twolvincb will this sbas- or b0i%i ar amount,to,more thauthe ON they would. DUWfl, DAY Conios round rtertrt of rituance, Qmalnittee was red,, It'ho futurahasia atorb,,aud-is buSi. P, On be bighl- . lt.-'io�goherally ilibughti b7y u i cati� A of n ich 44 have to pay. Thy checks #fthou but badin them)mustbartibur44 Wedn"ilak, soth, inst.1 Scotsmen ate not, As mine did yesterday. wbeit some one turned. 11zovea by -lit Young, 711onded. by Mr le 'For onea-peacoofraindin the preaucQ those whO- Understind-l-bo - question that ared Ito' aV.1ted r it.,.tUrangh 'i euthusaitiaeuldilgh in ibis secti.)n to colo,, onl�r 4 . - t� y 1p'rnwn, 'khat no t7 of th Pittance Rep not I*iWg kept ii, as gobId Tobake my hand, aud Seemed so good slid kt*A OE waamintous efeat,, tharels, no more, of -the catire 143LO to L*e; the 116ing season ought to 'ba, .1060a.'at lot b t� ne the fear of 'Go Asf1didnotknow.theybadin miA, ft . 1rato it in - publfi A - we prestu aer the --ton VAtem. To ask a favorwilen A week before. thp .'TheIVranas-Tironrsare'roo MiZingun- atste.ofrepair as u6i etrectnal'subatitute for loggic7aud-c6mmor.- Witt, the Swincat uwans,dr­ locomotion, O'etabori gs theriffter spawning 1doq- wiored The ldhaesneered0we, U=%wV*pw. d on 19 ilonthat of collecting" One of those manUis hr spaui�' tion: Of- if f 4flionest sonsio � ze- of the t'nio-h' �hetr r1i Kelp tiliml, (What 1,,p ould sinorfiadoj an prose pobi irs. %.aibnoy has 5t. Certain luminaries in 'godetich. faU TaIZ of twelve cents w1a with, =naa than self -complacent C&OUtery. The Verb this �privgta. taVi 4,ofzni)or1dr 01fied Id. year. by -yeAr T5wnship and Stanley- atumpea'aw Town- a4ta-Wirea Thorlouerofth. two, lation lilbh� ovettal-O' Ala time. been Rroatly, inhanded. -They at she rivilegaf returning toU free at any VY. pmesses A Dza ,an, milke freq.abut capture sief Frussliku'traino �ship, tryingtolinprossthe Ele' art mi latter *quality ol: coutompar aviwo Owacti—A literary togtolimmet will be given in small bodies tho'behof thd-the county would et the Ali, so with thee. I've liyen thee eulTs, and knooks, -ale M. of thri night of ther iodically,. for -the. deh6tatiou oruballe in baund1m, Dienute so liat thia prayer, and munitionsAud fightins 40ved_4y f 11 -Full many times, WL g that box I in his b alf, �.and. ana-lituir.. 4nimils that �of tha�W6sloyaq Churght kindly -granteri Larm on VL6iau,tpMMAUt_ road for -,nothing, that it, would soon 1 4 mthomr, Supper to 10aae inflid sorious &-sree thinking then ot the*, rusbedalong, Gre-examv, si -Ovo�iag at "oderich, Until the cold foreed me 0 putthee on. cnndeA_�b7 '4%1r Brown, That, ula f rgmllle tiller an Thurs&y luxilrite in Ilcoinors,,?' wa Eho fbi' - purpoib,� intathohauds-ofthe i�bwu of 6 ftT ?labi Weii oks diftioJ16. Butlook.-ftwou to dam for the _,,dis -4tr6us effectSto trade ana tbab the County Colinon.could thou nds I'll trvsobxrd Taicallimser a COUA 8001OAllar 66 oxiiesi beiaelit ofa 4ept L V And mend thy blartthe best I 4unwith 3Tsm— would be a, useleas aplieWon of itevo#9ji- Sequent on the. exo dea'11, Jfi' jb.ol ;a WE 'Adker throw off the Iollsi�ind that doa6rich to B1111, murbearts when woundedalways kel, ltecia4t$iud OL6 mice -Banavol6nt Soeiety, �f ial �Qf'Eogllsh fib- Ingot � us., Thb�Gbrman plank fot the, investment of aae,_3iu hin.*�elf bkv any kind, a tn�graatsi .. "ieceittly arrived; anic As f the proteat herself, wakild have, to follow Suit. The little burtx, w4slights that vill not h" utit,�iw Aye as I feel toward m al energy. Ilia twe:ing blimp ofelP lei`160 that WO�la ro1Vf0I16*.-,B which MT. Predrick vias ' yworldlytdend - origInater, r0*01- Odos.ns- hive fallouln the -hand - � Uovecl by Mr Shannon, see. T.46UWiy. (lid iioiiiiake- A Sing a 6th. Fully-morbfrombiii- e for Paying his occiput.wo Idne-veri he -ex0craned Of Stroog.. an4 hokihy 04US5 than So AG6 wiltr4yer xhowhoulat W aWnd. vad' 'his d to tetirctiftistances were �b7 mr.memev the tim on, -eparture from Goderich French, .0ther-hostility towards the Town of h, Wo. 13: P the County ratet *no*le4go:a defdt'. While ohow their -tebrn Ibidentally.disootered td be vo� distrew ba evten%led to Ist Feb., evelopment thatsqpks,� to ma ovoy, be.�eno­ I S forhim 15y a gathbriner X9,10318. �Goderich. and fear that it would llow him to d Imi Mentz t Ste -Wfiistle, not Ing and- it ialhojiek OUY;_ I lit *tlient, kgog augoo ' UP not thik4lay Queen Victor!* has tow nine grandsons 3 31, 1, ani thA tzle� oterk be instructed to the equally' prominent- bump of aequwL- township vocaf�ith lia, am acquaintances around a are "P�Ai4 at Coulmleres Ateaby ihe ob., gj6on.. 1011 tiiT�M out i �and r -a tifv the Treasn the a Outgo nunibers. Oral. one will deny that' the � people between and eight granddaughters, together seven rail t44_wcl�l board.,', Oh Thurs avening,� a rf (iol,'tiveneas woutil proyeat- him quarrelling ladies az� 'A vimornyroB 1!112 "ZIMOM L a teen grandchildren; of whom the Crown iand we am glaa of it, When we oieO 60,.geutletnen a d ';e�tleniexi 7 Ara prqared .116 4 1 -, Goderich ana,Luckn6w had not as, -good unmu * M"'aild every df_� 97,Au; z4awalifit fook right to gravelrq4s �6 those NoRth. of Peinioves Of -Prusail kives fire (o i by- Ur uirvin, sacoude by gr with mifiisterial 'broad and butter� what" r4 315 Not, ned ad in Temn-r Th -4t; ty-a council appoint a Com- The opp6rtunity or aking, our t or aye slipper in the C, vist6phor -forb. will be made to"nialto the programme place -on Saba rday) at, B6vo*;,.near A miens; dflniiq6 and Seaf6rtfi, nd that the roads the Prined" -of Wales five, the laver nan$aolls dosro ka might to. dwal-, thii central- lolbon� Ha'tol. Ch Orabb; I- ai. iThb disbursing Of the Uedthe - Germaps t And the Queen -r ika P11Irpir3a of ebuddering 8�ma I;afiiiri Nupport, plowsing 01 The Fkanch troops ve" ouaknow wouldavii been. built by the Princess Helenstwo. has 16tw along withit, We dar not� write for niile$ of� couttuont� it U time for tz5ines! ondt, Thiailiss . 41ants sulffered nstill unmarded children e lv�;Ltsb! a mv%us of eving the -Townsbips ad lon, the -right .'hk the gliest of thwevenal proceeds, for the, benefit; f the family' bo- his- roki-ination, which is hopeless, but i�iW bay if the Nottherti Gravel Road, J0Q_ '111ba We of West wawanwl�, Colborne. and Ask- med to do a, little,laota tha%i SIC oa ille left bi Air Elijah. Xeore� 'm tycei ;charge -ea7bn iche, zlil� 61by Xial ge"k a times:llz Ali y iw tho, hadnotdone No, The wife ofajourneyinsubskerresidino I that� oncii enter ject, 7their- cyea;aiid1Gdk�'- Mon-troal, onto Presidant,bf the Society. - The edibles Du and1liss Bu4ga.�' Amilens m -fair equivalent fortile ratecliarg--d French, The army inAnd Al. I wa might not bd-acamea Q4 by our silence An, , � � '' - aiou I look upon this vion-ey-as, in a' essure O.Wr-SIAM for the c4ifistillati [ton - 'liave - �ravely &ced the having been Aene the fullest 1.ustice -at Rik's Crow Road,,. London, ng is va=tw. ancl 11ami AIM 4-lGlia, to bear; is "t, I' other day delivered of three fine healthy upan th-use 7 F of confid arancedtothecounty, And,whathsve -he Chainuan- 10yal fro '4%, tow shi =er occado ar d.t ps: t1irongh' t in yon tze in raitir tha onanty pavel a i Ira; propoiea the andthe Town niade-ITha 61iildran One #oy, very much 'TouriNov. 1%Dnitoue* says astonishment and con4ternation of: an a divislon by a maiari IM irls 'and .assertitan that the Liberal party of OubAo which."theyoffatoA stoo PMW4ye lost every dent 61 their 0 t1ke 'twof c STX. A-176irned to -4 p. m. fleally respondeta Then U04 Ali an amnesW` for valuing t76 pavilego OF ze6clug, the 1, gre at bittle ht $17'7"0 and ari now mortkagod for Arroars the journoym ba r. ing so foAds Thar reanmad at 4 v. m.. tlia -produee.Apeech. in which he'paised a-deservei! d "in of the ��f 1uterostdubJ;heTown. I the recl-baiidea iphels et Fort Garr. That margia� botireen, t1wo prices- ( ftos Ayontli atbis granamothees funeral lie Chair. 1870, .08 'Mr. � Fredri�k.as the founder tiono It V7 denint lly-Law-Wo E I eal Fietch. The Prnssianil demoutdrat6d- to- - V -)ie Tosvu advaneed 464,000 for '*hi charge he is now cqmpelwa toAepart. fram, . 0 at low and central inarkets-, hs�o ontri- f thi% lnst� At,( ebuked a tender-hearted boy who took tho ratel, of I t iiii,.-whigh".bad -done 'SO a t - would Ord & bacendeavow to. ID rdo toll on the". 15'�* f Va I aten an butoro-, boetwountermi QOeWhad the make his, desc6nt I . - T _RU88I6-PRiy03UW TRZATJrv* d. 'The 01ounty on ft 'other. rty 't* participate -with moist eyes ana for inany 'Of US. 6�mb0r& in: the ith!� oblii WO v have gt bated haildoome, llppxiaes to-' the vailous L ads was read ak I 'ad a, rpsls!ta ,a& 'them. to jlp.usel - much- ee V f faqnt� Gravel Ro a" - boa erchie in the exercises of the vocs. � as eap J�r -Xinself as possible�, kv s1y�' calapnieX. Lou, Oil is now AL itiug, f0i ulittee. wag meOf sickniso and doatlij.ali ans of ;attack,' Theviloved itid woul gat road; valliad f, Repult of lha L�Itintin- cam 4 change their p by, iheii "Shut X liub ThaeWHI. ran thenod to-M.,e, Huron, 7�lng hini as -it, honest ma 210 -to, vracura 4-par4o -hichwiff _n �neorai yer It Aiet MOU& A* a 900 cl 7- KULKNTIONS�: XROX BERLI a �orbion-bf their t f,316 roopll; rom for $40,000. And the Irthe Radicl!tdid not U aUd,, by'-�Tieaus -,of the Port of dead Y�&nng, Tb�t of therint- zeni igood.mechaniq, and looking 60 OV40 mother 11 �fhr Wel'rciN t1tW 01try i�i c=5urke4r*oua 1cr the 4ght, a rwhelm- the S&mg.iogd won ave vost''the 'Vounv rderma back for recOA-,, titem. in ordertii'�vva q. rea o=b% fault to 111111 sith tapiartosa,,conheat'our oft waters with rein, THE UUTPURE IN1,111 ah life, whic loo �xtendad Ao be Likela ie� 'No, doubi A Western 06ruslis thus maternaDyad. r V80,0Wb taiilrilefojided. The Oneliy,s, movement erao"ll itbeenenba&d.-in th bhe 0ed-of the-oveninge-. roads6home. Astarialthe dromes, her eldest. jewel-, 'My daughter, 1"at the Libc=1N_did w&. to aiA_ in %IIingg The ionte, bu receiving t e peaessary wo tot, say., thaf ltwas:wa are now fifteen years of ago vtOy re - L wasinm;chforcethattherehad, v6 be a Counti uo�ncld t the Off ACES OF PEACE AND, WR. w god aittea -,v*v read wid d0pted. I ge , engs prerzathig Cartier, Uacdonala & GO -Wo [a gu3pntees, will esgerly. contr'but a01C. Xr. 'Fre zra�xtverned large You W Q� eiv in dim drlck� in an -to Tesist it. -of $110 pu id, and, without & fro" on ae, County surer wa% heavy cocentration of troops rchassand to be mArric L-, clarincr ta outz, �timbnt of all the Wetannot'sgree, widt thorreePress e'v jv*jority were a to Finance aj)m. age, the seq interesting, his- Chateid D , tin was in tote6enc left un- tfi6abojition of yourface. Ihave done m7duty.1 a'. lkttle -- 11701tL M6 Toll yteint And I tima-'of h1ov V 'pen captured. can izczum, excepta S�cttou of Qubbec� by th,%tthqtwQfoot:g4vgeaf` th tory -of his life� up to the. rer'Xi mepo Ueancrial of'Wm Clak was r --'ad and a not Aeo how they cin, find a x4ple *nd Voloh I ubeing I at A citixen of Evansville, Ind., the other zara=ed fca Finance, Gain. apanly gmuting the amu!esty which Partior roadamoliithe GodnriW_�t�e moral UTribun '!Iho.prussiaus ;a. Thukd�y bombowdea more equitable Solution �f the 4ifllculty mb& orresvonaent day, borrowed: money of a girl to who my any w4 *bo -is- tvillink to. wor an Qusiy proinised, t' Riel and Co., - = e Vieunk a Ajreuve,4� 'by W mess2r. 3rr �Jiad -Proel real, Neumv. was embodieci, iwth* ywlAw-VIAcil was engaged, in oriler to pay for a m insist that thwiWx Father igichot. On therlat, mat 4-�f the only iihpl�rtant 'consideration. i�a c64 pays- that -som-6 diploradists ar. '01 a Y. B a 6 junt Enaineer be � to do justice betweeii loan an man That -ther Cc Father-, 'chat-and-hisLp4shi( of at, White itis �01. iighttliat-theiaes,-Ofmalchiff MARMIMa AZOXO. been Ilefeatpil. riage l!"noe, and expended the money in examina the I tl- Ther toast of a ase', -Noir. 2Z.—A s, at Itus.,ia analhiis'141ave *dea�ordt' t illonla arniau,forao�, with' ToOrs truly procuring a license to. inarg =Other'**. ji� treaty. is mk Great 3farrizak=% awl'repnrt, to, thig - Norbert Pitente4 an �d&es% to, London grana railway termit was gvel,, f to M p ka Mr the. W41r ri -OB whichcontainkilthe bililklirgeli'in denizens on i�i 0 -the Ulan. uthw minds of the. and'Mr'Donaghy of The ill ribube's! larm- pravalls -amongthe j4hubitants. y meafin., a% f 61 enterprising ojty,L.OUtsider$ in tWISL the Star 'P.P --fil Of a 3lor OX6, # lowing, clau�4 W. T H�Is, Esq., X Frid4y" 'sgys 'thit isotbing defiito iS�j OT11TVARY. bFa= TW1J1nqTerM p I . 11 _ . . . . e- rleoti,�u vriR 6Xpeob iha� n1aw line to bomado a. 46 (Ont, ele" erm us -,,v in tt oribbas been u ours correspondent f1eIagftPbs­26t-h­ On 'Thursday �aVaf await alklgohwaytottk -that k f the pro ma404 Iotwea I I . utiAi _tVith this 07), pithy reply t6 the toast, -of th %,!�10, s "Keyr, York Nor. ii,_7ihe %viroilcre. tLkat walack yet one mora ess Cangbey. That the En&neer =c:amvMa vtitce;t-aln is ke 1tt"'"y of X6r' 1870- 1 bogto Intimate -to the subscribers =a -OmOtemOf the 201FOmO yoted old ana. o lm, - tret bdk' the! T "Trou t -!-. in the- 2 to t yo a r f her age, lane beloved ject in view, 41'd Pi 94 t t that a great a via, qry was. wonyes ei "That, rNIDUO iaOie Ot to, make 0 follow halklacabuiU, and intoudIe4 Quxfda and eldest daughter to nat an extra =tiu�� of -mvel in depth 1 1 , 3 — uj their minds to aaopt. the Alipporters vf the Weekly and Semi-W"k o two in th�aftemo James CrowfinljI of P tAlbert, She a ext;idingthrozx h day Abar Vendome, Thi Wtloegun at' wifeof Robert Port Staialey, moug always tOL- -a Atli ly Mqnd that X bave sold the business anci Clint-= staoctin thasettlementta�bethe 'amnesty, hi irb.0 tho. Rotiod ON whon-the tomans of pramik-_zT by . Cokrfler-1 Riahot 3161llIg'- without traushipment. id to tqx the, I material of the same to Mr. Abrabani caz and by n4t-apica to partik6 arize attempt ninthel _A1,kU)C,-Of-DjP31_ an the 16th day of rebruary have Tribituelo B_ Aft. We do not kno* Ivrliai new light -the -mass hich lal Smith, for whom 1 wraild betpeak Icon* Scott, Rialiatto'hiaffook. - othiftoattsaud.speecliesi but znusiivalx_� FAdaij _gIves;An - scoau aain6s, lorcei 0 eXto & l'TO, amount Of 9 At 'of irelatiool 1, yVdoa!;onj the 0hartres orbly afterm A got a, cold )a G Gode- r tinumee cf the generubpatron 31r Gir -a burrow- 36otihgo,01inasy. nightin0avat'Vwn Of - 69Th. ommerce o -At Vena6meR B 'quideri Garet. I roni th enVir6by ded _A- �foriometbing,tohidohis i�a tboi, iii'lluast& and. Prom 9.� a �offi m fh� argr� b,.i� at present the following' t6 too for eightyears past. Iirouldal- vm-_r ta pnt ths Rtiaga over tha gmtkin III I = I rich7"! coupleil -with the 61 Messrs. itidaiiiwaro j�e itea) siif-� rec r bebirj4 will 4ena a local ( I -illo "PiVe6lit V aste b! 1) activOrp atWtB 10 ID Far GQrt� Pr pulsed� inil dverea, bi!tr wasted away br degrees tilt 3r oints: lk d f JVerb.,tTe&lbLL tL -Town!? de - ,a al firin- awl-weto �pi trouble SQU.than�, *ho, both g great l6siz hat have am' �'d ratect the , ar6li-sectional4ea 0 Platt, H Detlor irsuid - -6*11, death: erded her so notify mydebtorsandcreditors tbatl vi of Fast antl Uikey to p 1i'ag afipparters frora iion of their t illness -utz Wavrlk�asli in a P-zo r stato state of the bidign field, Cliutdn� Kincar4lue, 110' wi on "They- )m rds'. bore her i mitlio qne my books and bookibbts in Any of the fore: their I murmur, ros'gn' tTust to Mr. Abraham Seith and 3(r. ie ini -Collin gaveruttorauce 6 ch. er to" 6aliod. towa lior atten- .gwo6cL u he brid-a is in an unsafe state a 0 cannot influerm 2 T ii Oares, erofinj �W fitsmaesectidl . e of 'that The JimeaYonng, whoplonerondwrisiataI mofHurozij':andw1 Won air fort . L .0 '1 t out ale depirtUre loi the�geit of war. th 'her Got! travelz- La3t on a division by Cartie-es electi ;on but se can knock from Iii4ycoulct ma !Oefnment ha' Alop ,des1!at0he5 an� L �tijjn to making her peacewi portedbythisdetiolak-nowavo.. iclected at *hOmL collect accounts And pay claims in that bo - z =1mity of Adjaigrued_ uder hiza, the' props, such I as the `Wu! und assurod, tidien'ca they, -in- Renwa 1ty­:'OfKuSdk -was t- a principa 'V1101e'L j0fr nodue vemen,�slom in her last hour she laolifidently half. Jeo o eg -ind-'Gortscha miolli's liu�aj, xffirmed she was vall. -M 26th- X07. ,31aedou�ddst. whichlie, has hithirto, been Lndbvw-intheint4i�es-l�oft!�k.t-seetion,.Wo, tended to spend. their, money pdgriah. ob ofkffiffs,� front and anbothIlaulcomfDo scarcely. think Colli,agwix)d L can hava:beon pared to ds, W. COX, lot$, tho� J4 then,. tis rowa me vaunna meti paran2it, ta a4journ� I abler' borrow ftoui among us to keep him which - in -Syt r.afor neatralit of lbamiaJail of, which raiultdin iviatories' for. the Shib lexies a large: dtilmo , Of Iffien to to seriously thought of a - forPinus. A The subscribers, n raferencs to the line runhing in irecti to t InIftate3 of -_VesterJay wera retd zU44p- or­PthWv13 eUb part'of th Pariii A "WOrIl Tours k1unasy Lard%anciffk their xorfb�k hafr ra czlAir. eLiti�flO,60"fuliibitruts;a�na 'a cars Aqmd6dod'the,`acquiase i F C - inent her e4rly -ampArture. gay the 3nent, ffie NVA-r&n in th The �ereeb -and fhat every lovil-113du In on would be an 61-4wbantes Benevolen noo-or r a 11 ran ec: ie attamptL 'to reverse, the L natniol t4u% of oe'the --sboli0on'' P� *bove,;would m*t tirge, %U who 0� do�. a s to, Heasts E Atoore on ll aWng they may b6 prepsi�d to meet fully rraire, jtc�ort of tbasaloiruatiolt entirely. -, I, KtAkl6t w vfor%& 'Ru lilght --ses--fis good"No t"t -lap �or 'The -oni westAobao and reaty V6 sets �Ueping a d owethiSkn4lafficer, for either :—, (t1m uadi, wych is -ft 'pr6pogitig 1hp fielilthf Xr. - I T -no avacarriecleve'ry, her oA"i4ittbr�ght4orewhere-�sigliingau -was reta ancl adouted, abA' repoi 01 � worthy Of *ur sonteruporat 10. omall. amounts, to pay U - Pciciarich from�evar 131kok isinarck enter. ' hearts Could -not succeed. to this date with Ad also reporbLiberds) wishidlu heir immost 'thing, The rie to tr. the Sorro` -mover She zi*ot return a would," b6 superior, to "nion.: Audi, pOssibre.", Creditors %r* V1 Ott thMe C, a any h Wind pn a th Ing b lines solithamptori. '�uhderstodd thit vourb House C�mmltteer. �zhat the, parklon would be granted.1--After osodthwiieces ity ofgoing irAd CeP the Prop t Vr'"lien on the Loire,', via hor.—COX -younto requested to send in their claims, w1delt atary Teport f t1ii Finance i this malicioua taveution, we Shall nqt be The oute 64.*of the, clai' of 'a - the efdotf 114 their left at, ha MA Sapplome, h firsg'�t pillbWdly put for- win be liquidated out 4 the collections. woUla ba feasible: one And meet *1t sibulcataniv groundless'sind step lihiob., fterthe'prosbpti6n Of Rui;iilkitiould a X=q'710 of LOZ40- Creditors may dependthot a diligence, vard ao tnePc( oz.-OrRel hV Mr That in amena-", tomptibU accusation th& �Org%M may in, general Support, provided it d'd' not PA - 'Saltouterpri*lioul&7 c6nduoa m4te i6lolon- OE,poao6 between A.- Tho"chair agunpro- tiofthe t6w. 0 M vendom will'be, exeWwa in collecting Accounts and toi� far weal inthe county, ind if a D%4* to the pr4peli 'Fkf - men,�L to W�z $a 3114 94of the E1041106 Be— dulge in, Thd Imperial'shane is prawN :iaa kritl6o. By, 617r, .,A,' oil' AePXA'RA5Cl0GVQUZX thevomp� 11 ­ - thiS L arran Lore was NVICTOares u,r, might tattling 01aimal.. Pratch coil Thb: minend What did �ha Int: ';&kh iset to' Tnsn"�iud. "Hostud. EfosteW' duly A3E3nAX3_AaK JSNU3�11 port referting tD, matter of NVIMLms - and' y paraded. -m- Vith tl!0� at 41 foster th- Salt iracj;_7:� houoiedwith'butAperi,: JokesUnumo*- tich French. -4ovs back 6 0� are over to, �do, I Thi aan a -a tok- anu- fAi ionOdrtwo� S;�L do . Clark, that the same her Wid perial government By so a o to fie a IM IS 'X0'V1V4%. aroL alom, wfilt ablik were "em6kid'; excelleA so*� wore BOO prilloneii.. a pme -the str rAzatin- aul alga that tha T"Murez host of Our own nobler WeXtbrn Ramuncursates, in a Londo oileri6h, 15th August, MO. Onf h4clUeh. Idt fotIhe- efbiloe br.the ATIO. AN fer,, as perhaps 15 take, n3r Fzwaza ga agailist Kerr audr v unteers, and Tluclu reg"JACK 06 a. 111flk �14 Kippon; on the London;road, theroift E Great e bten equally well unt after said meeting. T th4 could mot have 'oil of bil ADA agre Out� Marqqisof Lotpe an the,oialfin IOU done Uy would. be bable t6al"Ad.wara thO Cho guitar and for the be-ki latter, while, - i - t bli. Duickham, on the.Gun­ was 0-nable to sett. etime 1WIMISSIDON LX&V8. t XA.UXZM done 'by f he otgares skidilio zest in -the House -of Vommom.' -understand- rt bg -i - -, s�.LALjJlpjtcbj - I . iupport of )Sto&ea,, . %bbraa and "gay. 0'111197 0! -,'the `Xr� Aanoro 11 44reqe1v*4,L o liolne 4 our. r to Brown, That views as Imporid -weip6tis-ibil Boyou& mosf deleoieble By this It xq�� ilbt be uninteresting t U that, pZk4 thi controv�M Will ca"J"a"Oursea 'iloff tU !rates, �So "erielf"Nor. P, 1870. or, is aita iltogethor thisiipp6r was 9 ia�& pot Onty frout Washinkton Ari Mr., Vashburnli, *ak1wneatv4Aiy of AuWa res&in� - 'Be looked,' Says Mr. the and lrdliainsto,,,correot, Canada, tbroqh-..h bbo' Maktn4 the termiulls-UMAOICI -a ....... 1:08 r S at -1 coutmeL 0 wark on x prayz�f a tho, Blyffi, Fis s- mgst�genk%l, cordial and ffien, ly, Ater Jdled, with, three,-fo, thesupporiCf Stin1by, secured blit� Gottschakoff- had' e'#dA'- 11vin.,, birit paimission t� 1jiVe p_Afig. very young, and reemed determined to FAUVheo. of theC�nxii- lox dition. 8C_ i finie AtS WeL have-,ever*Useld 19rosent at. TIA A. gA4 Sp ' 1z Wheat -I- ra- orinteudence, of a military ax to rostriia� Aust4a Iron looko�� very old coin OD woulcl lose7tba.44P acceptedand -the tory- that' shoul be d a Stopptag. at clint.,01i We caiQrnot ouclude withofit'.-comin 6�504tng ged himself ink finelly cut And ......... ...... 5:50 be t ures ; - ty Ellgineer 1mr nt th nt 6f Stanley -and g he xuppork'of Ater onfaiX betweed Prumilt and. France. -nallwaymbound Ataxater. -p .34 04% VM- it th. P _,%In t _Jbty as ...... 1. 0. 311101101.9. of work done. - be m..dite4,`, We grant tha the Vichanics Benevolent Soi ., i I-, iilightnA mustsoho his only fad a4,)m- 14 usin Peace. the v-Wao,%- itselL While turning fr" worthy �ot - , the - attention of &movoaks2va the Oabin4of St. Peters, Mort. tU monaY wor not t our A. in acting in la!�06r of rallwaytelleme inont;lg Peas ............. 4.... 0:50 iC4 0-57' -am time to J.!Mm on their re3p0Q!iT`0 ave U tner _ enuine, Rufus lo ks ;.small ean, Jd t vilre would lose tiv� 'k& of A peacewas abt)U - __11h Any St4OP mo' t it - 'ram . London northwW 'Xas .-hold at 31an .00 ;A 0:87 gages, to the Vauactl and th3-t the 'rest of expediflom there anysooner.;* lintalittle, it to be made Kippen, Z`�ards Ainlay 41, t 1166, tp Barley ................ 0:40 Cv� 0.43 ad tpPeL Support of , tanIoybutuo, doubt most -prosperous_��ud thiW'or%ai4:a6Qn promanrely,, '6d ih silence was-bralo, -6u- Wedn day -4 0;40 re effietency, and a little less Ir Drevez -ff - . I in t -71 a a ur e,--; e a b a F r o -V d z k, ga 1 n � 5 an d t h t - i r ;,_Of 0 . 0 1 � .. , a] Exotarl . . N4& " the air, and a gilt which ex- Potatoes. U ­ 'I" 1 .01; . , CA 11&ted. LOA On, [itud routine in goverment artxnge sea from TuckeralialthAcKillOP, guards agaih3t the. � p6gsibilli_ "T It Igng of r-, ssia. A. elvanin - Therei warepresbut—loaseCarl- prossod generallys, lidleonsciousness Of zMactive, amounts be p ments bdrigboum loft Grey, Turnberry and- whatever townships irning thff 'y � in want. I - - ' _ -A -25 G." -40n bir a U13 -in a through; OnLtho W. its memberibeing distressiv ; MvCower4lifessrx, therthis -ndtitlexandbelonsinp ofthe 'Egg$--------: ..... .. T=kv 6f �19. Moved n1cL all an earlierpay antof the .Osrmt4� to on"p�rehendsl,war. 0. ir love. y to- I 6AT-' might be pass wet 11.00 ton. i6tt, 1; Achesbr4 Dnkedoih of -A —isuchw4athe Marquis HS; 4P ton ......... .00 firt1ter ilk sinondmleu� pu;0I)as plac yori rgyk by Ur Lftklei sec� a r passav a w surofhIi Sodety.will, Nei _Wov. ,��Count.Catii 6s Fi6karcL'R.'Z. E ';th*mp .1 i H1 as (green) ..... Ii.,00 5:00 little delay in come toits meMbprehip, ovary. -good and he appeared to Tae from the d topstitution, a Ad the proi- �41101usoian Minister, now in thil city, D. John$, E. DrewjW Zusoni Drew4. �Of Lorne, -%Ye� ir6iilrl respectflilly -iiiiiii tfi, , -. �� 1.,. 1 - - Let me Wood ....... 3:W 3175 amendeit kv talkih;c no awla for `j�sendo-governor to Put on un- - sober maninthe commum. adafs, shd sevoiral Other gpexkWogallerY. add that --hwis �; .. . - I . - ition to -dal t zaor4b, — Sal _W 7:0 m6te&- that. Goderich is-* pointwhich �4 oQuers 4t itueli go r2na.1111: di _h vat- videly popular in likownsetan -that one Beef$ parawt . ........ 6. at quite -so n ch assump�_ boovirlooke in. -an all sides his US, hilb nature, In OW6 of Kerr�slld Arm- necessaxy sirsi u lu. _ onght'not, if trouible, to a o4a joifrom,tlia,popitlolk gentlemen. IsasO Cailiig� Biq.,,'" A and Fork ...... : ............ 6:00 eii strong until after January m 0 i w en, of ultanthofmil tubthority on hit alust compli ad into the chair. The a J rman saialthat fies,13 - - i�� iiian oils. T-hag6miiinentissl), a Uatdken., Englaua-1 th di. chickens pdrpair ...... 0.30 000 'the, repors was again xubmli. a end- part, olittle Ism stirring uF disaffectiork Ab Aline,, like a procee ngs at the. London Board of tine which will bir Improved bl 10A L P" -A . . . . . . -inculc4tion of 16yalty'021 Ont tomike it tb e� beat harbor on, Lake with the-,- demilida-ofG6ttichakoffis mote 1 -In to-daj'i wine.2 Wool ... .... 0:W 0�09 led sn4 adoptecL Rovoid Ity and a, little more yreo6ot 1he salt -works are, Trade, toportei seemuded Toy Mr Pattount Tha t a the parb of minister -Howe who piecedecl Huron. At AGAINST XUAIXT 1)Ay-�A!horost:,orw*r is inevitable. i been isid wilth th' te t interestin ............ 3.00 4.00 borrehL-Of Solt '4 hac a 2:* 2.25, -savings � Oank li4s bedir` ope London, ItusilAii-Maso. Zzoter.' 'The people of ieter know.' the, -Inalde P&AW JI �of the-Couzzaff be given to the ineinbersvf hint, would have rendered the expedition turmug out lver'00 per - it foi ttka Press� who bAre kindly furnished us unneemaryalt day aud, when-tho S-nevr blvoka, now'beips its S1 -Ap 0_*�Y.furlought to, portallob,of thopropo 64raiIW&Yv 0: 0 0;55 �4ther. The *IptlemAes tructed, aft -in - operation the produo devail ince, lit . ril 1868- � T grAnts tonip troops, of im London -and -earty BA' t Goderi* &U, wliolemU. f4o.b. �*r ', 137P tb 'ratis lk as he thinks, the c' posits haye W Part. B Thers invinage to arrivo from Psris, At witliviwspapers during issessiong gentlemaie may ta I wouiajivoh 011,witi rue tol2w barrels. Here in an W 187 it 172 and'M' __ _: . Z_ _=rLod. Moyed by 51r Horton, sm by wgent'lowan" whose brand heZeats would a fni� the imarket whereUndon, Xer01bAAUaThbi- Tarto.314 March t869 '$76.M*611. _Gortsoh4k01FsT41ytoGranVi11e main- in SAY , Alosaures for b , u ing, the- line Iontaild 6cortafit intorliAls, and through lir Cresswoll, That four additional Reaves like 1ilm to, but CAW% vill - hold 187L6 9tao.60-' shridbi JL the,pr&sriour in tiousto, have a bindiumakinitheir city the 'yogi to Sillit blarch. _ ' Z that Air, Chit Arom, London, odium of billoot% items taing the, position jWauinoa iii -the first loada which throwdightion the he bag, call0d a fewirl Acly eavljoes suppmterx responsible forthe 8(k 501a 'With". E*fdtar, -of affleull - -within tU b*1 ared be Appciintod along with throb alro tt- rebellion, respoitsiblefor the murderef .06 ftbUji mothivk* 9f oorr pondence uomin", to sidst the, Engineer in le centreOf *9dof6rWestGm,0ntniopau'b4t tear and, withdraws tOgbthbj:to;hbar from thstgantleman what state 6ags - A - , to OnAl Ms. NOT. "I N* -ioceptiotijbfthe urchoottioirsupplietof',.tbialai!We. �� -,Tb000 aggregates- couns.r., 1,84 -be- oantilvei to throw L 'don was capital 6f lArance. The general toue of Greenbacks and NowTorict c as *t at iuqthei- tes. Ilie0juncit nominated, Szott, responsible for the tloculfar gdroltllej,�jj o. doing in the'liatter.' Ifthey lu�. b y n for in ilway, anxioni top foster coramercovith Baling at 89 Or salliboo Xesszs�� Rally Leckie, Bishop and Simp- murderoe* accessories, respotisible in- frotn#t 00 upwards; Alma ire prinq in es an": h %. Silver- buTing onus- of eommfOicling,'� hostiliti aaknotin-ofitearlierin �the, day, they ibese, lattersis ' d4opondexif. The people 51 discouut;� Ermill-buying alatigoi. selling at 7 dw., ism. ThalCound1thenadjourned. our American neighbors, could vemunera, workiiii�� men t6d. 09110ii had a meetini'bf WO Or 400 having -experienced the I salting and ignoring the loyal settlorsand tbelavings or, N6&A., The b4iiiIOt itlhold anotbor -wbfilillia;vo 6itternow of -the eount. res(xinsible formakingaFre hrZoTinc, tivelyLriinalinobf'Pro�eUe.robenc%tath6. no those which ealf0bg Only ordin&ry W#,g-'w- -Bellides forlil ilaoding On" Monday$ iffien &:floal people� Exeter felbilo. much interettrin the shopadeforrod Fhiah malieth the bexrt we'stern States). in addlitiou to of 3Un' As 06 Sarnis- Obserwr we )jAet L i lutoduoe Xr- Robs. matWr. He. beggea W iiAl mom to hive settled down to that T1telS%dmXurd8r- unning, these aepmts, *quitil a quikwty. of :decia&z 'W"Ift ClUltoll llar�mts. remarks in another counactiont przv�te Companies couUmplate 2 be riaAeat, The -091 Ch a ot 06 future, which and Vrrt Staulay would no d4ubt.tol;plote Pi6per-ty, in the a of * ho6e anai6to will' e0t. t160 qaqon%0ou0ei14tWiadjwr sold , careleano, In 'elf .4wowereamougheirst'in Ontario to 0. iDhutcher"�a hisliTISA to Uater augurs,�bWy for a Our readers will remember that rather , o the, Canadian GGvernmot is ro. the connection by runnin b -this oloa-.l6r, a agy; , - , . - .- - - the initial polley g desinerx to hai been purchased- I . P r-. 'on Tit" -wrought deliverance. I Such providentL hibits ite a grtti , - ' Tf a :tm er �.of her We f Cooped up witlAin this walls, 444 shut *At anothersesson, som, Prussia Is On Hehad, no auth- _iitli� the outer W Special T4349raph for 111i Aww'T more thm thresyears, zZo a yollE9 1441 of iiti5n, to� the p Olinton, Nov. 29 1$70" �w at and eoustry of the Nortb-West- Ohioand Saw York. By itigbofor4th6mj but, be- 3, a JA Or#y, ogs2pear from personal ikereourse weak miaid, who was raiding with her Thed-Zer5whick f"thetima threatened nbellio', Ole, Fail whoh. 0 0 0 4 ...... 1:0 -1& sumnierHtitol be built heragapable f, - - r t1te -TerritorJr. were kleaftlfftes0u, AuEl Wut4 yIng io4witiork of the -style of Poo Vvfficoi - is "m6diator betweali UtWIS and ini'herej he thought he 'might 110, XOA1Z wotId, the pao the ;Ilolo bohav- -0 1 Uak Indeed.nal 100G bi io L town -ot tho other jo�wb,,.r Thizilhals on whic!) Spring do ....... ....... 1-10 LAG trotbor, the Bow. Mr. Blain, at Duckin, :hIngeould kgve been inugned or ofoaaomodatjn� guests, w ch v nX 9 oomi)�seil 3ti, tarling and ions plallnek bdur calculatedto excits theliditility0f IS chiefly service by � seeing ing well, considering they, are Parisianx, an importsilib aid to pauouger traSo.- 0;36 4;38, bails, diiappoared under very sus gle b".breeft Agfivattb6peo111eXnd (;oyersmaut;#)r be, oVioposol iS '%do er - a Unka own. f A ndx. ' After some'general remarks on 'table in :k �Wjfr, rie Kineordinaiindbortbern �TazXrgAzo SBAW015 of 11W Xelf 'th - m and citizens of tho alost oxii and that her bo&y wa% twthe mettie. An the trsde of J he meritsof the projuied lina, he tzprak- Europe. In.suoh a state of things, man Barley ...... * ...... 040 <t* *45 theoriXinal schem . Um ly comes Coptlection _ . . a 0.. Afforwards na in the river U'6vr4L W. Aeut oftils xfttk-feilt difficall1w, co fed'bY tba por*as far as Soutlisnipton,alrew be hold, On 84b--� NOW Yoikj Mir. 26.--�Tha "W0r1d'A!' stetsf&djon at the evidontin- pe"..._ ......... 4.... 0:59 55 two leadiug minbers of the CoAlitiolt at ottaws., Church. will I y iodbia grelit, genotallythrowoff6eirasonined, andap- JW*in waturestaidl, tried at Ayliner, and 3r Ft* was UlA to pace, and the w1wla VoliCY Of to Goderich. and could ba, competed for by, bath at thp, usultl hours - An d at its 0 -*&A thii 06=66� potat"s ....... 06 ...... 0.30 0-40 forest. shown by the people ofIgzater, and pear in iheir trui characters ; the -lights Ev! am!xr, at once so -nowlina. The taketfuronfiShtmili, -ThoserniOno Will' w- 'A6 good brity . for igested that &'oomwittee should be and shadows Am strouglywutr"ted ; -Ivan Jd sr.fAU64. %1t*W$iuf0M0d that & f3W ji-, chn A� 3facdonald wasof AL Ch the at 7.0p. ni re o&ja,,,1n!4herq is o r .......... *40.00.. 6.00 &W. Mo U4c=ztiJut1oq4*.bat thaL Only Won. both sanimer ind (614 -it becoming an im- Lonlon, 4na ttef. ........ *. 0.18 049 days sirce be died in Cincinnati, and on uu-British And i tilt half -breads am loyal to iWir I aa -hi lv. G. uichadsoo of stati6gthat i tonfireno, Ofthe Poweis, fQimod, to W-Oporate with London. humor isillowed to show i bself, but there 13a L m4tia Ilis. d"th bed publie monse safirce a Monday andromed �y IVIW, -his �,?ii a 'tied is Ow Pork..... 6:5D couressed that Ike was guilty IL of weattli, and am all be tho meetingo at a, f ItAtkeerinse; that his ShUe* coni-litiOu 141cert Be bvought into Odderieh; and theise arp 411 And'severii local clorgymin. ondon) gr olo's '.Xi1.,FWlsrdaxpre06Cb= approvalof 4 ATilArms zbOnt ib which is h 14.1is 4,naestoilaw titiry"coin. 'the matteri and I rem"W.from ferocity. 0. ke 9f vas, q4itei prepaia-d. -to glib- dogroes' wass wretched sAd. hopeless one, and that The whole ruatter, by the AdVI y sourms of traffieinidditio *hiAh, Cartier and with anything butthe interest* 4,1trAot'di'llar, Njow Coxxxotim-q So arAz.—AtImilli -n%w tn !y proance, tradie., Ais fair . I plo'hael Act& scribe hindoombly to:i bc�dus, aid. would div be- hold, in' tWs , Church, on Woda�td Ad in J$xeter vil*e for Tug Caz"jwr Fkvmzmx Or ATz.---J� aftfortil Mom" of -of the Dominiort in view,'%*" inteAtiOu- to the ordillal IMPM tir M&Y men- The I'M givaiumelent"Lgroli Lin and all eouseeW wit4 her, ;1#1 that, silly mismanaged, from firob to Inst Sol the indisatim 44 our p evening first id 11-00 Tonklux, Wjomlus, pa: I find A great P' M railway station. K. Ay rdat Imarplote At(ntsws, willbs, requirod the oalls," Company ju ro, 6a Sund 00moon at' Telwavilto the ia waor to Vt ria of the bnriloq of trouble bf� tion the Acti6a of have St. petersbu air ther *ko 'in a deal said about a certain machine for dry�- &*I annoyal" $he entow upon hiln he tho priee ot land hold. b�y thm 130 Nit. LzoxAxD!o PAoPXLTzz;-�W1b- 3_o1a)oaJ:, Xaysatoeko� Are ali� - �&Gxiity i - Severil a gentleman 0 Boafortb, NOT 29,1870, Nook - 2 the people, in pq the pLwWsy attiabed to r"W"I simil4raw" whetaiin fo ltk� ing fmit, and its cost is only % thousand or Lad himself driven her in A, 1114igh t$* to Of the trust reposed in tjwrA pw cent. W Tiei of this, would it be I ti. tht � betv" stm�ftfon,of buis vessil-tho-yery t to felt' mong diploingtift0l onoeraiing the mon was mar�a 1A r, k ni 4 Irtznatitussix. - J I.prul, vNedt, of the ltuogan'WWO lit 19139h6d. bu An inriull- ftit on a only $5. ftll Wheat now ....... 0:80 (4 1-00 rivw &M throwsher in through a hole in, by ike wift to stop, tbo NNe at olinton and Ova led -'two dollars. Andanothirrawhivatodry Xiilge7Prloof ............ 0:00 0 Aw Afda another amp%ay the opportnuit - be built in Canada Oil the gompbelto JKr. 1). jolm efput . I f" immo and wooden, lsu�ft qOw I w wto-dry fruit with Spring Wboat ........... 1:00 1:1& p nw.. The peace KinistiU, . booked �yjho 14y in tell you he 5:()0 ting on 4*4* a tariff, on ilte 12 Milo from elp 4 0 Iran t4 Mo this r4looting cva3wty UMV91 9*"& Godprich to Clinton, as would choke. off All the iu� XTO now on Fr"U4 0011utetINO-Of the 4 D�, eadeaiii -to - twolvea-'That - hxring a muhm7e still lima expensive. Take ona Flour - ver be ...... 5:50 The iran' ribs *oighing 8 tous - have Ar-. rek-aij front a varlike tone by in - sru'd.!- he" frilm Mr. 01sra ­ Of tlie - sation two tbroe, flya, or tan muxh-mad leaves Oats .................. e.44 (4 0:42 HA%VLIFM VML, trade between London and Godericht- 0.46 ad from Liver 4'. ant I keal, �04 n *40 lnU (lPriany uemiqo stUr a I Without dedring to dimparage any other rW the most that xii,&4 ealalvit act upoil Z6 the Board of Trade - of Londe , of Is same sQ thelawier end of the Barley ... 0. PO( a to the con4meAft )4tha next, Potatoes ........... 1.. 0-35 0:35 gth lis A #aid Moore of a rallway -kwp ofoup fit into the tol ajq�llgdft, tl�o f01kWjK 100601k 0% SaWriday1*6 boring boa "A40d route, we ask the promoters of the niw feet in 1811 , I jw been - th" 4hay Vu4 -44" actS to dspik *1416 f"L The wellof fresh VA- saswe to think w-ciously before deddi-_ Strachan & MbKinnm we to put the imn note, I ' - *om that Osoil ftdrtkw" to 0028 Point likb the jointa of a stove pi As f"t as P*" -* ....... 055 0.60 ,w& *greed to :-"X*Yed by W. Young, U9 he war, ad m ro I Hatte-.....0a ........ 0:10 0:16 tQ :ffow at London vii Rippqm toGode- work together ind hire uis4i W t1to hol t XU�� t"Oroo,'t B., Laka. Huran, fully imppro citv- =4 the fruit is prepared fill t * sieves %ad about 120 feet to iAuom us. I h1a; dWopti6k-' -..L live"A" by R Srewj�, that No 77 of ter which beg&4 webably ware the grsmftt sarows and uitc :!,pr thoputpose 01 temparlwas amnm oft 'Waoi., and herali -pie - - xtxok them, ii other witbiwpork.�....* .... ...... 5-0 0 5.00 E the it - yt _4% itself to ao� men them tog 1W ruwx*3 KeP0`t (wUA "Oomm""l has Xmd=lly 'Wreas4d 'a volam#, is now, riehw.0ttild tirade, until the lbw couli be work Mr. Le� Ess Im from tbv operafi heortily,odtfiw altizans of Lon7 ftitw or wire, so that they are assily ad- - 1199s .......... ms (4, 0 --la Ported _U here- jljoW. Septyonrot%ok on the store at that the Tolls reasis as &0Y or*) be rising simmi 3 feet &M- the surf"'i, an' furthw extindea from Kippou via Ainley- States a banding plate Of' tho vAll:iecof Th# flWorlivl 4b*dn opat& styk c'16a to take wh Ution ad' may swasl4ed loy ekwlbwg the PVW" systeas ag, !�O�ing to oalctilationt " yingf;o Southampton, SM 00 wad hW# urchased. * pnnabing it is the �oplfilon in va". - eirel" to -night -&ftai oonsMered dcoirable.,. nfght, k"p a slow heat by bs4king the XONTOMAX, 3LLRXW8- - par r. machine worth 090.00, and evoryt*ng that tbgra Will. bo,so" *ar_;At 10&o- Mr, Elliott rocomweadied thai va"quilia ozd rwove your frokin the morn -- of 04"isIx Tolls, to " of ealkeoug a 10.800i feei hot or 09,W Xclatreal, Xov 29, 1810. wa NA -ST WAWAN08H. willUaprooeodoaiith withtlidutolostex the VoWt,. ineating should be nalleI 3gze�or, The top sieve'should servo as & oov- wyes upid'aadoim -able if a depilitation, or. Turn the u6st of a' MY A"" TOWM* to this %pal M Tell of 12 401As 00 'KaT 00d tb& Wwivl& in 2t hAmrsindfiawing away witIL a 4iat it would U dash powers 0( pstaraWg Tell free wkbia 48 were i, mlsa� York, *m Lou" would Mrbhurch-,onoeanh=rdurt4th*dsy. lAyspaper Milo hour. We cob*= ROOM, Nov. UTH, Mo. by 11r. Henry Maidon who qeve '0c up attend I'll 1110"As fivall"All _.p " itisatesi4lithe.,,or soared the 1moeting that London would 6ver the top to as to k4op out dust and to FWVR-811114mior Xxtra SawdaetiAku with the Wt�: ftmaw. uce&' of th- Cthe Purpose, a tastin t6 m4w&bdi- ThA Ov=ail met this dwr bw that' tMr8 ard to IK* 89AW Alm por"Faut to do &H in ita power to foi maq the vwTA z the uriw This other .......... ..... 6:% (4 4.35 CW040 Air TAWS "Way, WN)"M do w4 1*t# a w*mr-po~ ; &dj*srnwmmt. All the . 14 Is voryl miftL tro- m . t in ty of tal membom, peasmt. A STxamro ODUMOXV01 - #6401MI -two"),04 ways of Arling Falser .................. 5:50 (!4 5:80 0" Jo AM,001� roadlity M% is"ty, weaw be so Im T1W Tharsdlsy nigkt, the OtBij* at t�s 0ouns' The people ot the vi4ao szo fillet With wbia, to aiiawtax of IM6 nt"ft ware read and inmalrk&bte t6 no that on I a Sup. A" No I (Unsda W. . 5AD (4 6:55 n""k *4 kaft tak," Tabams, OLM a sah, va aud *mid be sp. The "*win$ upmnie were at the. very LoAr die last. issile Of1h0l &Or SzAtam=t a enthusissm, on the lengili to ".4tarday aw Thom" Oxrlyla wrilmo at great 69 No 1 W4*orn Wheat. 5:40 @ 5-60 to 4he "1 -4 t Was passing ihip�� tbz sha 2 #&Y Ff anew to be p4d, VIX 4Z-TA"W R9prSOG 040satw mAnifestoww guy .0 the Tiwa'ot Now. 18tb, cal the xm�,i�qf No ...... 5:15 (C -g 5:90 Aesk Q - SM - 1 WVen Fisnot zPA Prussia. He rAOW 2.40 AS* _-i___LA 2L- rpm* of Ake 4W A for WO* fore, -it wig 1p r7""Ho"!- T� - - --'- 6baoli tb. or Fq" WF of Brav tie war bs� -.--&A- &I J�ko )m P, on I _14W a F . ,i uwsqng of that b94y ou'", , 0" 1011111181111*w Or to "y H&VE. wtoroi '14.4 thaA France, &fWr an experience of ........ 240 ab" W we kwrt bom at. iisidi, hrtrae back, -om' dV lost 1011ims i-Fali ­_­ 4*4A.61h. .121 �Yvn iii the history ofthe W16& OaVirlet. Wiwi, .15 wX# - maksc a near four oentaxisis, is alm-lo & Again what she a" ;A 09, Rumouril'in owt and wgh"4- perwasl Pi I� 134. ina - 4*4balt Wi* I" F�a� in d of did bafmo, whan*e rwov on front the of *VAIWIMS"Kalm hassVWdsed =47a; '! ro di&W Western .............. IX I rna Vy W11= tac" of 44 war therotore nises *he *Pong"ho!''o was rx%g. -Un- Per ft 5 ........ (0.42 0:60 VW61 901i" he "Y j3AXT T-Per4alb.. ta"rh 1* h ram 498., - ��Rbz�k�qn t6 ?=Wv!WtW *#1 sea raegal pr"- BU ti -Dai 0,03"7 .19 W*, WWAr r=kw§*"TdU#s, whore .49 still 131' :16 1.76 ........... "*ef ageef Hot peada.. .... - 00 YS L A fort- iuoA PSI ............ 320040.00 ........... hft wsd Mary ds.- r2m ......... thosa Alsese a otx C63W TV11 to asy of MW4 of fabe seryke at bon V10m, womr" 05.40 htee, small 0" at 4 #Ak* 9-319 f0%Dd in tip a *ft" vX104as J* Que, UKY it I *two; bat 90041WRA01106 4%0 P"o- graAft we of ompw%u Uh&MM Qrain-W=nQ in AbUMS 44 tMM01' 6401 .4 tW. &*Sy's anIa 4N T -A 61 Ain't 110 wl'yt vpeniklt-r�' I'll let her &L-fili�der thev Jok, box a hankern, tbat wty., 'N-&pSnft is purchase land f or a celflt� Jk Bank i's to be etta:b­ winilipej,1011). Ernf�'i i3 a V) so arto'CIM!"'IF i., E3 Ei co"i-prel IlEa'!'a 'r A f&-je� zints lwy 31r. A G N i cl.,J"Nier, I �F -s re ulluagenlep't CE ilia 0na-_7;a1 3 T, I)h ih e Tia figs C at, 5 e C a F, n 111-1 SM. -,)ng JLo cz, *zyrnr,) Cf ITT"T, �el -,rc 2E rtmeciescalL 7- , pilme jarlr:�vs i p. y-ymiin Ji-, klr._C�7 ngg"j, ct Plpp­p�_ rrz:�EI fit 5) P, Q�­ -C 16 A Wet Ina';Lignal't tvl*- oy ferpor. is very v ETA' In . vk1alty, Xany eatt4haric rured. L�Atte fam0iy f)f ,Qtevart, alent, f ve f"T 1,,!Ie IVIng 'I' at CUL il �, ADMOV, TA7_ out thhe sekjol L' 17flllarton and WIZra it-Zafim.ed in Ge hex-rilse,! cf wzac" W 4CUNd O'Cr-1- .4ir- tion, CT some CtIX2 farm offt"Irqu-7 lbefare VLe ana W, Goo duaLl ancLy Irke A?* 19 10 t') of lturon,,Ontarin on ,a 'Noy, 1-870, WLHUM J0 11. Trum=6101 WS r o3o. "field. LUDS IN THE 001 or Aft Goay, et. 42, - 0 l7Mr.AJ.T to A DWWr" phgnoexy in t" esuoe, cl Oetober, A� V, WO, rwC Estate, wi)i be ,BY PU, BL FU By T. ATCIN'80Y. -Ai io Town of, 13rantro as folloWs, 4 wo Alp ., bati-wr of — YAwreueel sist& f6rd.102 Or. W, 4#.-% here: 4 L,ANDS IN PERTH ANI ,O,a $andayj 17M day 0 -A. 3). WO at NOW* %*W, iG tif V -Iftt4ecouityof 1. F.L .4117yal)POLaNdforaw "rlow, PAUCEL X0. AU sad filetifit "t 07,ertAir r`f _�V;11= i. the CA)unl), f_� 40nt&rj9, 04 bOW4 t - - - tile f0wo eoseAwpw OIVIP lmolvo ar�l oftIsiruW bl- adviWILtWert, more or low, Tfwerf *M abrUt f00' "C sarel , mw um 15� Unew'd wi:�s We bw_k6i�uk-le', W liffibev ifvf!' betwoor twO Or -"M tbriti,wrlawe's"fonk, Tiivif�: vow ar d' .J4rAxnc1LAw%1PUrPoW4r,Qt PARCELNO. AUAsol si"niar that 0r4it, prelow attaw_1 1piw aud� iie ,it TadwWtWl I't tile C.4ZWHT Of -of OAW$0, #Ad hk - OOM I Vie Of To*& it, t1f, Ta V*&bfttthInV reW Q'T it is w4ft #mod IrL # NeAd vilkiiiii. X04W,4iQVr, Witt uftwth? - T%t cousiAi% of bwk- sapif and *Anz, TeryVA10416k, oflex6ellni ildailtv for 4.i�kkltrin, *t wit"i4i for 14C lumf eamvalwe� Ther -P #A & i 01i tW WL TWA iot 1rh unjapav"Ism of two vars W fte., PAP*CXL NO, Al1NW2*KiQ . Md p"Wom 0 1 1"Luk, I of T a e k ~ i W I a t i ,PM �11 I I! �0fosUowasilbwWwo - of C~eW"*(Mw wd- T.,-wash;p, orkm am betiroft llffoat�� &ad t fim awwred aad well %W*d , '.4 4cvsrv4 withwaable Pbard-vwk bo rf"Rtq twilt *L fm" heust, ", about 41 of is IyAwAd� of boag W1011a t4fte Dili" of .fortb W Mile of t1w bwriie, LANDS IN SIN(! on welawday, W Treat YJ - A, D, itiv, ax Kqoel� All and "AP14r, illu 0"Wv .jbip of foossierlb, As %kh# CAM yreviw of Qatarw Aad UpuW Pl%%kbWFftE11it1WF0%lr0- (1*C 10=1 1W the" swu Mort wo WuA of wr �-,r A woll waWred AKd fvne*i�, ZMd coutaixt a food dimiang U- mdotw,"W VARCE4 NO Armil JW FiIWW jW ILW Of J -)Wel MW b"rathir bad 4 'b� 26M or last, fam is w*U tiasbviel with YmuLow i: Tb1&WVf)V-df Wt rumm, owmaks" sad wam, COVDiTIONS OF r"PWM­­NWLMt1W " ft"Oft 0 U0 propwo" T W %, nww t4 VW WSW# 4*4nw, vo pwebw " 0a wtsew. e(J". A V. 47L Is omw re AbMAW coad"Aaas of 6"We WK 0 ask of *be ow" 6(CbP0Kf aw bc oftaiwo of 4. W Aw"S"t 0" b"t UK Low eaft Xes.. T � - - n "botm. M4 me* ot ofty o(Twoaw Nw- W - tow* o(Go6awk r if smftw.,w� & Keem U&ywit ;ONXPR A, DONOVAN. C -i" sated at wagerd Wo A#A U70