HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-12-01, Page 1• Onsiness Directorg. leneTe. Iktol3oUgall • WILT* De. AT noels FOR CONSULTA.TION cip to ()react:, a. tn. every clay. WIII TIM tientsatauyhaittaaerwarcls, nigla order S Unknown. AT. XX VIEYSICLAN,SURGEON,&c.l&c,,Ootentrcu. W 14 . 13:40-1y <7 DU. Titer -MAW. leISIIISICT.1.75, SURGEON`, CORONER. &c. ()Mee andaesilenee titled door cast ofeeatralSchooL 4.4-• M. lictecUttliinctik, Z%X. T3. f ICIINTIATR COLLEGEPHYSICIANS atmSUR- GWINS. 0. E. Residence, the house ibrrnerly -occupied by ale 1. P. C. Hakim, Elgin Street. *1.00 Platt .A.ISTZT0.-11ST .A:TYVAZWibe DR, 0 en.SS neizent, (of 'Sicilia CU) -DITYSICIA7k.T, SURGEON,&c.. Wen, °verb's Drug $2.004.r NazTp Irernen.lre. J. tore. Goderieh, Ontario. sw102 .., ) GEO. 00X & ABRAHAM SMITH, Piopri4ors. Medical. - Imatta MOORE. FITYSICJ AN. SURGEON Aceottalteur. Manchester, C. NV. `Vehrmry 7th. 17. w3vr • - Ira Locals. BA1IU5TM% AND, Areonnav....or-naw, Soil:lilac-in. Clmacery, Comely Crotvn Attorney iGaderiett,CanadelVest. OSin CO011 110115e. 4141240 nx. C. Caineron, BESTER, ATTORNEY, CONVEYANCER, &c., KiegstMot,„ thrierIcia, Ont. vt49 Carixeron Liz C..4-weroatr. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. Oftlee, Ringatha street, Glederich- M. G. CAIIEIZON. w52 J. T0fALLICIOW• a onus 440in:ton, Trarensr-o.o-z-sw,somorroaneenEtalOnnY". Li_ Notary eobliceemeeavaneen &c, &c., Goderich, Ora., 0Mce or: the soialt side ofWest Street, third deer from &art -House Stave. w49 'sane V, Toms. TicanrasTnin ATTORNRY-A. ILLAW, SOLICITOR I)hzCharmry. &e., Gederleit. Ontario. Office- _ Ab' s hawk, alkratma street sW77 Squier, DARRISTERS AND ATTORNTES, SOLICITORS - LI et -chancery; &c. Gt.:detach. Ont. B. L. Dorr.r.) sw6 'W. R. Sounan.B.A. P. F.AVAIKER P°F6Y:at-Law obeator-in-Chait- -..Coaveyancer, Notary Pablie, &e. • Wiese/ the Clerk atlas Peace, Court House. Gorier- stv94 • " wh Guthrie. ss.a3rs •Se twood, ciamitianstit& ATTORNEYS...AT-LAW, SOLI-, MO ohms iraChancerv SL Insolveney,Cr nvev • r cer, &c. 3SIoney to Lend. OFFICn : Cratib's j ek, cm. era Stun:. swSl. • wereeeree. R. Raba, B. .A. r(HANcrDRY AND LAW OFFICE. cacon's aro; Nu:cgs:ton, Street Godericla. N. E. -Conveyancing, Money lona on reasonable cram. Dispute and defective tales to -real estate fleeted. Goderich, ng.14 1880. -w30. inTecProi....sorc SVIIGEON DENTIST. Rams over thePost Office, West Street, Goderich. .0.n:et lath, 1870 seas/ waste GIFFORD ELLIOT, onsintss Enuctorp. KAU & DIESS-MAKE,. ••••••••11••1 DIMES STEWART DEG TO in MATE THAT THEY ITANE =UDE 1.1The Store on the Market Square, next•door Slack's Confectionery Store, where they are prepared th execute allorders for millinery and dress -making in The NewestStylesund :with Despatch N. B. Several apprentices wanted immedlateltr• Godericla 1 Sept, 1870. sw7-dm B. MeCORMIJK, TAILOR, 8t.(4t (MeLEANS OLD STAND, EAST Se.) PREVIOUSLY CUTTER, TO J. C. DETLOR, & Co TESTIMONLAL ODERICH19m, SEPT. 11369. Mr, IdeCORMICK bas been ha our employment as Cutter for over 1 year. He is c,apable of cutting Or any 'first class establishme,nt. We bespeak for him. the confidence of any who mayeraploy him. rtnIN C. DETLOR &Co Waggon and Carriage FACTO-RY• - BATES & ELLIOTT - HAIIDT:trtresagi:Prrt:i and country that they have opened a Waggon amluarriage Shop on St. 1..)avid's (Lewis Elliotes old stand,) im-. inediateiy adioinirvr, the Western Hotel, -R .3c E, attend personally tg all the vrork entrusted to them, and are prepared to turn out Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, -Sleighs, and everything intheir line, of the very best material and warkmqnship and at the very lowestremunerative rates. c) its 33 x GI•4 Promptly attended to. ON RAND,,a large assortment of M X Gs- MC Et which will be sold Cheap for Catlx or Cori:14 veyancm^, 2. RIMY -at taw, Solicitor in Chancery. Com.: %coo& 112Goderieh, Aug 1 Mo. IVINGHAM,,,Ortr. Money to Iced. Disputed Titles quieted. Crown ta:ned eh 1 • ▪ July 25th,, 1870. Good Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. , Tlitifis adniitted to be a First class house kept in Good Style. Augnet 15E1,1870. swl-ti • PIEIEJO' w30 • • 1•••••, "SVMTKILAIL7--)Mil'IPION " The Greatest Possible GOotl- to the Greatest PossibleNantber.'i f GODERICH, ONTARIO.) 15.0., THURSDAY DEO. I, ISM BusineEtitectorg. NOW IS YOURH sour :earner.. TthoewnsihmipptornantheaCnditunrtaiepsidolyunnndg Cons suer lung ot e 1,1111.1.teit eI IC.111 EMA Der Voodmaie's .Answer. Bruce ; and that in view of the opening •ute of the North West Territory it is of ' - 2 •TO.DT31 mar POLITE BUT VOOLI411 11ZOITE4ST TO Brans the highestimporiance to this section of 0 . IA TORN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th c4 en— J tergeStand bestCountry Hotel in Wester •,- • - Secure the . Ottnada.and enarges as moderateas•any Hone * " e in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Goodatellingfor tn • Shadow ere the too Horsee Horses and Carnages for Hue, on Substance fades. , SaorteatNettee 1 — 147 04 MRS. DAYS' HOTEL -g > - WROXETER. • o — . . ' DAT DUEL, 1-3 ' Dat dreercanst sphere. 0• I must chop off each. pranch.; Fa it's no use sthanding dere, You'd best vamooSe cer ranch. Dat your forefatior'S hand, Set itiish nix tome, DkI eight faders dere sthand, I should cut down dat &eta • I Tat old vite oskdree, III root iternot mit now.: Dough powed mit age -it pe. 1-3 I'll chop efferypongb, — • • To dake mine ageaway, . You tax me noW in gain.; You've saw it plain -each day, Now getder-saw and plane. , Dirndl often mit Mine wow ' I've sat peueath its Ando, . . Yell sit upon it now, Ven intosthools its made. , A trunk thr,i11 make vor me, It's trunk ot bark bereft.; never leave aatdree Pro lot don.. • Vile dere ish one leaf Ieft. Also Will make the largestPhotographs made in Goder lob, very eleap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar upwards at Prices tt) Suit the Tilos ! AN -the direct road from Seaforth to ON Walkerton. Every necessary ammo - modation tor the travelling public. • HANNA.H DAYS. Photographs reduced te 1.004er D Wroxeter..Aug.16. I8A7. w30 • olt 756. PER HALF DOZEN. HURON 1HOTEL, Large Photograph Reduced • • 'ZURICH. CO. HIIR,Olq JOHN PRANG, ne • - Proprietor. Rents house is ted up with every convenie.nee for the travelling p lit, • Or Good Stabling and prompt Ittenclarice Aug 15. 1870. tr15.tf ttUEENIS HOTEL (OPPOSITE POLLEY'S LTVERY STABLE:) GODEEROOND Wirelit NS, PrIpriatort (LATE OF THE BRITISH EXCHANGE.) 133- This Houschaving been Thoroughly Refitted and Furnished Throughout, is now open to the Public. COOD STAEILING. oHov.,,B LIQUORS AT THE BAR, Goderich Alignst 4th, 1870. 9v29-tf COLBORNE HOTEL, copeRicH, 7 .. YEW GROCERPSTORE tr. B. stokes, AGENT FOR STRA.TFORD AGRICULTURAL' E tydald Eon w urr.r.a4Y & ELLIOTT works. lesiph SIvn-r-mo,, proprietor). Residence, lom•••••r. S. 1YLetlootxtmon, - DEALERS5N, BARRISTER, ATIORNEV, solacrros, tec:ene. GROCERIES. Canton, Out. w36 AIONEY TO LEND. PROVISIONS', WINES So LIQUORS. . Strong: Z4c Scranen- E. MARTIN, Proprietor. Corner -Kingston Street 'Market SquareLe REALESTATE ANDINSURANCE AGENTS, NO. 6, Armds Enficitag, Buffalo, N. Y. • GODERIOH, /aims C.Sraosc,„ Attorney -at -Law. E. R. SWIM. , Aug. 13th 1810. w80 Code:deb June 20th 1870. i). NI.go Dom:stall _WENS= ATGTIONEER, BATIolar,D, comity of „ K2 Huron. Sales na vinage or cotuatry punctually at - to. *11-1yr$ 14. 13. latanalint AND SURVEYOR, LAND caland Coaverancer.Kumrdine. 1 W. -G. WILSON 'Issuer of Marna' genieenses, Inficarance&Real, Estate Agent coareeresiowErt rer B. R. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, &e., DRAWN AND EXECOTha, MONEY 'TO LOAN AT 8 per cent. •oet. IStla:1873: wit' -1y .EURICH, Ont. BRADEN A ND-CLUCAS. Rouse, Sign & Ornamental Painters, pARIkkaas r&StIkto4s =Marble Jae 3:10-31111XL X -40 ME* *"genta for .Tackson'a univereal 'Mop and Wringer.' OppositeeSattinlers Hardwarde arms. „Ooderlah, Ang-17th, 1870, lyav31 TILE LONDON . CaTIVERRGIAL OgILEGA AN11) TtLEGRAPHIC1 INSTITUTE , :••••‘). DOo EPINGBr Doubie-Entry. taught. by a supitio? pleefi Actual Basirins Transactions. Tkorougla instimetion Itt Colima:v.:fat Law, Arithmetic. Business Cones- _ nominee. Penmanship, Banking,TelegraphingaShort d Writing, &A For fall intemationk. Addicen, ..$103.klES .4 BETZ, -London,. Ontaido. -TiyiPoRTANT isi0TICE P -R, MANN, - Zan Sign 14 ifilarriage hinter: MO'S TO- ACWAINT THE PUBLIC THAT JJ he latg fitted up- &shop on North etreetnextto the Weslmwe Methodist Church, with yarnlik room..st- tiew where ho prepmed to Int orders mural; end at reasonable picas. Thankful fortbe pat:Iowa _ oftbe last 7Yearasolleita matinttagee Of the same. Noels the ilme to Paint 3ront elate's, Sleighs, and :Carriage& sr Order& fromli;untalCanisgeshopsstteedatta!- teritirtiLlpatct. 43trn Agtfigg• arAiniggraGbarsX. 1%41'1 WOE. tr P. I. =NW. -tioderich, 15„ lazarust lion's& Ca Opticians and ikaiiStSt 34"2"1 -"hial° PUTTS PATENT EVAPORATOR, Avn. Wrier A vinW no MOLT TEM 13e sw87-tf - THE PERFECT SUBSTVUTE F 0 B, OT' siLvEic ••• C Ea All partieslindebted tOR.RuncimanSan acoating of pure silver overtbewsr A sionn, platedbythe patent plocess a/Messrs Airing- ton & Co., and is beyond all comparison, the very best - article next to sterling silver that canto employed as such either usefully or ornamentally, as by no.possibla Ci can it be distinguished/rout real. silyer. wen. urea BY NOTE OR ZOOK' A04- "countarthereleynodfiedethatimlessthey CALL ANTI PAY- UP AT ONCE they will.be sued, without furthernotiee B. ReNCIRAN, H-uronFoundary, Godexich, Out • Godericht Aug 15, 1870- swl OODEBIOR D. CAMPBELL'S 'Photograph Gallery. Goderich, Aug: 1501. 1870, w80 BAND DISPLAY D. FERGUSON HAS OPENED - OUT • Antie GOODS THE LATEST STYLES THE _CHOICEST "'AMENS THE BEST QUALITIES! AT THE LOWEST PRICES His Factories & Sheetinaes it will pay you TO DRIVE 20 MILES TO PURCHAig-E For Cheapness and quality all his stook is 'Unequal kd. A LOT OF COTTON YARNS BEST -QUALITY' ' AT,3 MILL PRICES • IN_ BOOTS AND-, SHOEa HE , apioT 13E, COMPETED WITH, . _ " SIGNAL" OFFICE Goderielt r A. complete set, guarranteed of fastquality, tor finial and durability, as follows.: Ilddleor Bead King's Thread •old saver ,pattern pattern pattern Tatter nets. cts. -sets. e 2TableTorks '9.00 0.50 .. IsTable Sp000rts 0 00 6.50 10,00..12.00 12 1)esert Forks 6.00 6.50 „MO 8.50 12 Dessert Spoons 6.00 650 750 ....880 12 Tea, Spoons • 100 „: 4 50 600 .5t0 2 Egg gilt bowls 240 • 250 280 . .280 1 SsanceLadles 2 60....... 2 20 240 ....240 2 Gravy Spoon zoo 220 -240. .240 Salt 'gat bowls 60 90 . 100 1 00 1 Alttstard " " 40 • 45 50 50 LSonpladlo 2.50 -• 276 300 300 6 Sugar SPoon. . 60 •65 . 44.60 - 48 05 52.85 59 25 _ Anyof the above articles at same • ,prices. ' in stock.illriferior goods entirely excluded., •.Prolitti 8:-TilEBESTQUALITY ONLY of above ke GAIIIIIET FURNISHING _ _ _ ONE PRIOR ONLY . °aged. on e reatlyraoney principle -not credit. WAR-M:110U SE -I - -. - - TERAIR CASee, : tro.r.etoternotlen. , DA.NIEL GORDON . Goderieh, Aug. 118?0 • w80 /- .A.EnNmt.r, wiusAcn,, . -1r21101•STBRUA r linddttakert tke" 8464 , AS now on bads 11. largo stoqk of in -every variety, which cannotfailtocoranutnd Vie -favor allihwant of furniture who -nmy favorite:oval!. &visit, mitether ft style ' or •••••• _ each Bureaus. Wood Mali's, -Cane Chairs, BecIsteadl, Sofas. - 1,ortoge‘ Tables, a:fool/eases, . Cupboards. FortenonTables,Easy Cbaire, Rocking Chairs Wardrore Side 'muds, Wash Stands, Kitchen Tables, - Stands. Sea Orals MattresSes.lrool do,' Most do- , Hair do, and 4 or 5 different khan Spring -Mattresses: N. B. --Keeps always 01:thazaid alarge aasortniont ot Washable end Rosewood Hatticling-talue.sa Mire or oval, made onthe shorteet notiee. 110396g made artaggements with JACQUES, &11.AY,Teronfo. can furnish. anything hero *Pr at their Wistrorooms in Termite, tiss **aye a coniptete assortment or Cons 84 Shrouds in the Latest Style. Aka, uskintEs to hire. - C113,45601, YOX 1.49015:12., noesticieluitet. WO. mil Maitland Salt Well CUOMO deemed for the celebrated ferfeeterl Soemetice, appointed T. JORDON, .elmailst priamist, Oodorleb, Om so their 211.ole ,agera for Misplace.. They here takesteare to small seedfal Mearseldoss. aid hero coadderase ia the ability cer Slam Ago.* to Om rermireaseass of all emiemem. A* opporamar will be Ilimitoreied to prow*, as ott .thismalrowernos asossallod by sorter their •••201, premorma malinee. 304, mairot be milt* to their immeicarlf aver Me oftlioarr giamee worm flare 14 10 glksatormat memenag of sae** diaMeers. or other itimpleamat wearies, het, ea Itio megrim from Ms poreliar eon. remearms of die Lotrazilletree arateethireg mod pfiremat, **Wag r se to tremor, wad tweisata eleacand Miami mehou:. ae the saw* heaiirf mak. nee an*, es* apostasies giat. MUERTE AS AS ASEST THE lOtalrlastaialwallottios UV. • beat• shave latakc 31341:4411111010, beicaertermary. 7. JQIIIDAY, ads Mistetlis tereinck• QOM* All if M. • The undersigned is repaired to PUB,NISE.Noi, 1 BALT, err teraatrarr net = Li e t ri e, =OK THE ABM ! • 0311rItterts Golievielt, Aug 16, MO *SO Ilieney taloa= on Italia Zeta* frItatialkatsesiaTsestaisaoaeCcatpeef ea II TWIN , etHpirerrtiousasla. - .11essestekinete Goiebeie W* • • PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. ALFDOZENFROMBAOKNEGATIVei 51 gentsepostage free.- One dozen fnim back negative 87 cents,postage free, loan/ addreSs. ° n • ". , ParticiilarAttention paid toCopy-- lug old AmbrotypeS. - For either large or smalIgiotographe. The Subscriber in returning OtiPirsforthe liberal :patronage ...heretofore . -extended to * Idea would just say that he hat omade such int- - prove:mints .galleryas will merit a cen- tinutturie of the same. 133"` A,: Great 4Itedaetteil in= -TA Large rhotographs. - P.14:JOliNSOL A4.10.1871% wea 111••••01MINIMMINIII HIS Gil ,OCERIES Are equal in all respects to them which have gained 'him the reputation of 'leering THE MOST RELIABLE FAMILY GItOGERY • nNT €1-tf)rnatt ][;cra • SURa TO . CALL BAlvip TO HIS ,Sam111011., ON HAMILTON STREET before completing,yourfarchaaes4 HE CHARGES NOT:fillia. FOlt MOM:1%T. GOODS YOtr. wcoNnt. BY -ttv /1413--213,02I- - IL FERGUSON Goderieb,Aug16,1870 v/80 If t4.4 T6 TILII WORKING:CLA86.-WearenowmaIlitedto tarnish all chose; with constanVemyloyment at home, the :whole of the time calor the 'Pare nivelents• Hatillwalmews. tend profitable, .Peniont ofelthersexesattparn front to eeper eyerger, and a proportional stun eeyouna their/thole time totEebusinee% BoYalandez eminent! '- as mochas men. natal litho see thianoace maysendtlair addreaA and test the •bwrInees, we make this .unparanelett cart Tostaltasarenotwellsalisdied,wetrilleendeltoiar for L'ke trouble of writtng. Fon peacculna, a valuable eon, Rio:retch anise toommeace workand a comer TM,' Feeple's Literary Ccompanione of. the buten and' Wifatandli newsPsotre otsbialted•-all sent free_iff-mail. ar,IryOn lf zprmantnt, profitable work Adam. ' zie•A14,114 VQ•a•latallsUatial••• • • 114- C-4 rea 14 oves oyes 1 Young man. ry shoifid yon lot Dat dree your heirt so Stir/ A gal you'd better get, And go make love mit her; Vipe offdat tearand take' Elome and prandy hot ; Pio trouble mit me make, Vor I Oal1 spare itnot. . _ Loudon to Lake Huron. :11.11LWAT MBETNG. Meg/e/INI=0 TOuNa Mong'Ontonttner eie.;eareAlenna, OnTuesdaylasbeartopen meeting naelreld, et Which Rev..R;Ure delivered -an ehle address on what rei.g,lit he called the "7,Eyi. deneneof Christianity." voiding °anionic) 1:M0A-es-which both the -.Ferman Catholie and Prntestant Claireletemate in this re- gard. Readings followed by 'Mr. -vet -row and Mr. Radeliffe,nutilwiehedloOliter Lonefellotion beautiful reeng of the "faleo and friendly" maident chaemingly 1C1001, - ed b,y Mrs, &mine. Germano A GOORMAND,---A well known epicure of this towie-fcli.inton serious lett take the other daye Hehnuglit eeeriettee of lamb, believing all the -time itnensegra JAMES VOTING, Editor - 'a. 083 -CM,. it fclrOVe170„1 -days ..,• to get the trzie altaroe Flaner:"Ase. hot' - , . it tooked in reetalar old English etYlened - :Robert kora& Ille Miasiount7- eiteenie it was, ;Fide Fkr7e, or Foul . After althea it he eou1d. rot tell whether' dished with them'elme honored eoneremitente .. . 317014; XXIII.—NO 5 . .. youeg, t_co e , • ,,,„ 1 • ‘ 4.1 '''' . t 4 GI t li seaAafaTellitteer71:ora. awrergitrtelarocuerienmliVifolra2 alma* -Fifty.four years- aeo a -man, Wonted, mnibitions, and inenired by In'stu-6 lee-lIty.3.111a4"aenr chvev tiz . . any-reserve...le AttuVlAyys! After ten eases religiotus feelings and.unconeuerable•ener- . country, that railway communication be- ev T rid for Afrjea on the sublime i mission of love. In 'the.boblest .spirit of --etween the .City of landonand one rdthe harbens on Lake Huron should Ire at once selftsaerifice he relinquished what twist, -established. That the London Board of of us.vv uld copsider, the pleasarevefAile Trade is of opinion that such a line of railway -would be the means of vastly in- ,- creaSing the -trade of the city, developing •the :resources of t the country through - which it passes and forming a direct route for the produce of the Worth to pass to Lake Erie, 'Teat this Board earnestly ad- voCates the immediate constructioo of a _ _ mongst gress And savage tribes, it the ,, votino till the Gravel Road My -Law. : enietter from Sheriff Mnetionald VITa'-' . line ef-railway directfrom London to 80MS en aeavour to - .edueitte,- reclaim., and aiwitse - - - • the earnest efforts jof the citizens, and them. For uprrards of' half a century &- point on Lake Huron and would request a Langmuir, Inspect:or ofGrailii. Befeered reed, neeerepereeds 'by Report ream Me; enepeciallyo of the businese community of bus laboured at his self-appointed task to Gaol aticrUOUrt iloune Committee. • London and neighborhood to aid m its with unwearied assiduity, And now cones _ formation. - back to find himself maid a strange (hut : AHAifuen2lic ;laser rlepueuetle,greiDTitIarfej:1sDceitionloi,„ Mr. Tiernan -Before puttingthat motion, not unfriendly9tpeotile-a new gerieratiOre corotatfa; . --pros eets of fortune, social' pillion', fame,the cumpany of pleasant frtends,ancl the sodety of eeholais and men of scienee -all, indeed,which commonly supposed to render life worth living, he wllilngly gave up,to spend his life in unceasino toil WaS Tettir1104 WW1 .41313".kipifiCaRt DR- tiometnent :-`Nono •Lod Napier 131,0 epealinee, eefent Inancleiqn-ehief of the Attlee .erinee njaa lord Lnlien will command the Cavalry:. C -OT I" COUNCIL OF Illatt f••••••••••••••••••• t The Clerk submitted A RePort of the '(P rein Lonclon Free ,Press.) The London Board of Trade hold their qdarterly meeting yesterday after- noon -at the hour of three O'clock. The attendance was ranch larger than is usual, -in view cf the important- special subject' proposed for consideration, viz„ the building of a new railway between London and some point on Lake -Huron. After, other business. , . The President brought before the meeting the special business which they' had met to consider -the expediency of ionnv Ted building a railway to the North. Re rotheettemr.em hers to give their views Mr, Churehee pr9ceeded at -some length to advocate- the claims of a -northirn rail- way running from London to some point on Lake Buren, in the county of Bruce. The question presented itself to his mind as one of the utmost importance. He did not think that any questioa that had yet come before the people of London bad fe- eeived such general approbation as this... The only question was Whether Or not they would be able to carry it out. Per- hape they would muoh strengthen their inclination to carry it out by intelligently eonsidering the vast wealth whidh such .i, communication would open up, if not at' once, in the future. If they =could calm - iseturete emus Awes* - -re DMA, to Gotlanclibne: etelV:61: , 110NET TO L Mr. :Chairman, 1 may, say anew words. -It from which he miss s t f th Id • seems to me that to build a railway from familiar faces of his youth. He left this. e most o e o. The Connell then edepereed I till • , this eity ;to compete witle Hamilton and country shortly after the. collapse of tbes Aredricsdatinorning at 10 ice -chick, e follY. The :pods or produce destined for Torento-for the •eastward trkde would be 'First Empire, with Napoleon L a captive 6 .mm.1 rupire, Na129-; preem4 the Wierleinin the telieir ;Mesiti through London. They are .now building r' aPisir • P•,,,„ Wiedneeday23 NeV 4370. in St. Helena • he has returned to see _the 4,- %Queen .rt- ''.m' to .edteeiten' tineeec.en the -eastern seaboard could -not be diverted 11.• f th d E " are's(' from Toronto to Saugeen or South- .eon . a, ,captivetin Dure Armstrong Dalton Farrell lreiteer Horton, Sheppard, Paton, Leckie, Me - Donald, Brown, Carrick, Peekine,, Wade; Morrow, Seel], Shennon; -Geveraoele; Kelly, Hingstoh, . McCaughey, Soel:A .tiestie, Greenway,:, Yearly, Oresswell,; ., Messer, "Tait Scot1/4 BisTiep; Willis, Scutt,Girvin .end Gatiet; - &st6-iday were tail - and epprofd. • • • .SursdryiePerts of Local Superihiend: -nuts •were. i'eferred to •Selioel Commit -ft°. , The followingletter from, Mr, alylittnA Was read and .ordered to be fyled;-- , my DE manEf:_amilton June 21 1$70 Your aonation • of .6'50 oanio ;to itena. for which. edeaee eenveyray elecere to lour. ,Couned the nintortitn,; whom at., *101 .Iieatted n421064 'rarn npeeimene fthe litunau *form of 'Ontario, Thieonly way by uhich I ban excite the* practical :sympathy" -for thedeefand dumb fie "pit -citing iota their, netineality and rather than beer gallipg, renlaks on that. point, they beeanie re.ry liberanwheietbni own poeltet is not t oucked--it is moat': the fact and. experienCe tolielliirg solten in Ontario, Bay I arti right. ljeucceeded other cases by similar dodge* tho;:t.lo. oT Middlesex excepted. Now please to Olix servo that ornonly tlardf jok-e and hatr earnest" white at the spew -time 3 ornist eiek I feel truly grateful to iny frienelS, rand doWt-thankilieScotelawheee nationol to lus native vountryolde-:grey hewed,' and thataiterietie ono to mitigate -Inman bent down. with the incessant 3.aboons, of eufiering in ell its forme end phasee eaupt half 4 century amongst. .savage tribes e.riton exeepted.- This, Closes Mir corree- g his a sence t e whole political confer- amPton, Almost in a straight line, and ewhat a mation of the Continent hes beep reiroliz- man havin grain at Saugeen wonld -ship tionised-bnundaries have been altered, via Londoreto lYforitrealwhen-by so doing _ King,sdethroned, Empiree overthrown ; he .would turning along way out of his yet we questi4if any really greeter work path? Let us ''buitcl. a road, not to com- has been done in Europe during all -these Fete for 8110h a trade,' but build it west Df Gocierich, and then we will have some years than that which has been aecompli.sh- I chance. ,,The east is the destiny of every-, ed without the accessories or porap of thing comtnerom the east ornorth, and senate -hoose or battle -field by • Robert with - the Toronto, Grey and Brnce railroad Ivloffat. Austerlitz, Waterloo, 'Trafalgar, v in existence -it is :impossible that we can and Sedan were ;splendid ictories, and divert that trade round by London. If will ever beaccoupted such bran) histori- an ; but the victories gallica by this hum - we thilikto benefit London, we -must tap ble Christian; alone and singlehanded,-tb' the west. , We cannot divert the trade from thenorth tollamilton, 'or between Ermictangn: ittNatiraqua Land, and in the eilmanae here and Hamilton. toLondon. One great cotintry, if they Will not be ae- " ecatuted greater by the avritere of history, rdoeopdenadteandee, usi n do oe west. let sotoi eheffi4tebuildaus.Wae will certainly be valued infinitely by Him must be contented. with the western trade. -who makes and controls both history and Mr. Atkinson -The resolution does nob historians. Mr. Moffat, in his address on Thersdaynigbt in the Queen's Rooms, commit us to the expectation of a large alluded to his labours ; how he had fohnd amouttt of trade froen the north. lt looks to a short and expeditious roubethrotigh the Bechitaniens ignorant and neted,with- London to Lake Eine, via the L. & P. S. out a written languige and utterly debits-. R. . ed, and how he heti leit them to a certain extent eacuated and clothed, with a writ - Mr. Williams -I hem intended to' be. ten langnage and the feundation of a understood as wishing to draw trade froth the east.The route prone° vtould run- liteloture - too certain. extent eiviliSed. nearly north and south. The men I ma. - *Ihe audience, especially th.e old -friends oi n with . up there say London Is the best - In e speaker, if any were there, must have markefor poik and wool, and that the been deeply affected and iiripresSed to find t that Mr. Moffat had. elinest forgottert hots railway -was built, and Reciprocity' rester - to use his native tongue.- So utterly out. ed, wewould." be ph the direct .,`ronte to Buffalo. and able to dispute our title to (alas he hoed from English and civilised some of the eastern traffic. society that it is only ;with great difficulty now that he ean-speak theEnglish tonne _ Mr. Ohurcher-Thereis no idea to draw l all front the east. 'London is now a greatSurely the oman who went out youngand. ! strong, Tull of vigor ana liftn-tocome back centre, and the produce- .ottlie north is wanted here, and if we have no railway we shall get none of it; all will go to Toronto and Hamilton, but if we had a railway wo shallgdt all.we wont. We pay as high an Toronto: A „proininent produce late the Out or an approximate benefit 1,merchanttelleme the 'expense Of shipping that would accrue to London' if they e'nuld put down as sum in round numbers or say elooj000 a year, oranyother sum,; the might arrive at some conclusiont; If Londonfolds her hands. and looks on indifferently; Toronto will run a railway from that city to the West, rule that whole traffic, and 'draw all ofit from LOn'cron: Such a railway would prove a dyke &harriers -to prevent any of that trade coming to London. Tf-We neglect the opportunity we must expectLondon to standstillin its growth, but .if we seizeit we shall draw immense 'wealth to this' part of the country. That wealth, w. All its advantages, would more than d u le our Population in a sttort time. The property of this nity is now worth some $3,000,000. We could, by the object proposed, increase it by 50 per cent., giving us ans interest of a million and'a half, He hoped the Board would !Au... ously.consider the .proposition, and no t separate without giving a practical shape -theewhole business. (Applaueo). 'Mr. Johti Wilharas was next invited to speak-: The said 'be had lately travelled in ktittenorthern region, 'and had -conversed with. many intelligent gentleraeu, amongst Whom -Mr. John Leckie, of Ainleyyille, hatter, Cheese; •-.from -here to Liver- pool, is lent a cent a pound. Toronto -can- not. -beat that.. We are not .gettleg suf-: 'Rent &these things,' and want-irgreet -ex- tent of country opened to us. Mr Williams -Hamilton. end. Toronto are putting for that trade, And therefore we should. Mr. Leckie tells me if we had a railway, the 'business men of Ainleyville will run dowp to London, and give us the benefit of their bUsiness. If we don't do that; Sekforth may go ahead of Loudon. ;The President;e-We -Ican.get our goods Iaid down in London just as Cheaply. as they can in Toronto or Montreal., Mr Olinrcher-The route ptoposed is not east, but one north from London. -Mr. ilyman.-1 Wane .to zee .the road built, but not in that direction. . Mr Ohisholm-There is .one matter 'that has not as Yet been thought of -and that is, how far the municipalities are'commit- tedto .the Termite, -Grey & Bruce, and •Hamilten & Wellington etailways. Per - baps, if they have .green large bonuses to them, they will not to un 1 would 110113- faVer nf a railway ninning due north to Southampton. Hamilton antL. Toronto Are doing all they can to bring' down the Northern trade, and .1 think it 'would he rerr, foolish for -London to stay Still and; The Prussians threaten Istogent Le Ito- this one ; awl besides thet'e nee the poet - say we -Will doAething to get Zane of ito-7" trou and -Le Maus with foroo3.1000 strona -log of Bid., Stationers and Poeta:gee nr- Thohrattht!..latot ti3hetheeallstatIlthalecvhe3anollediefuvb°14, bthaet.) who gave 'ever c uragement to ti • s y. en o 'Brucerfie d thatwouldbe greatly benefitted AITICBILAT there ina.large country between here and tolthxerre, taking in Dreux. vaiTahIntelierinrain%en%isexmitoonYaifigro°21LAregInotbalri Itki!r:odarg°11vv4i117at,exiTlleleTeorra e'c.%-flitot,;.‘42r for the use of it. At ono HMO VetCM idea, and was confident that if London row To *newetami. IyOTO very tairbuleutaud threatening, ArA Ana rriy could depend %ion a that trade. . .the request of the Reeve eepainteee Beelin,Nov.23--The electionizi ••wo ons ables, %'._:v...of eneree havo itte.; generally resulted inIevor, of .these candidates who supportthe propositionier annexation.to Denmark. • deserves the warmest welcome which countrymen can accord -him. We are glad to find that heliaareeeivedsticha welcome,' and, in common with the -civilised world, trnsttliat his illustrious son-in-law, Dr. LiVingitton, -will also -return to find that gfroms pondence. Inyon,unrl ciallour and Treasures, 1 have found .gatliituen in every ;wines .of the Fors.L I " l'EezikiktItur..4An. NM. • A communication from Mr Mom Derete greetinlicountrymen to which lin t labours so !reit entitle him,e-Greaeom 'ere1rifilocrstthinegs8Stilne keeaecp"41c4cafarnpnotr0tr..b4Tecnij, , ments was read and referred to Gael ae Court 1101180 Committee. A letter feat -tithe CQUll kr Of Itia referred to Valerie° Corrinattee'en: sulroliehe-Ilperdierautert aue.'%-titlittigt:ErreereeT3retil end to Finanto Committer, along win" the; followirig letter from ItIrm._;t1Tehitme-Ie olv.lisiieios.en, PETER- ADAMSON DSO Co. tgerk Goderieh: DnenSui . • - ...I enclose the liet of yoteri leactia on the By -Lew the Towiiship of Norris on the 141h inst. duly eertifiel. . • a.: I am not mite whether it IS tba Count* or each Township Muuicipelity th6n It wveotoiapanyo.ttla 1eieuse of re 411* Eo e. Mt War MORE PRUSSIAN ItrynnsEs, RAIMORS 014.1TOTHER AnexiSTICS CORFU; ISIED I STILL ANOTHER GREAT IATTL'E IMAIINENT. •••••••••11 • vslainnt correrrfoer or Rots. PEOPLELIVING ON RITS,VAT$ AND GUINEA PIGS. 4. 1,800 Deems WEEKLY, TATER IMOM TOURS. Londoil, Nov. 23r -Advices from, Timm up to Tuesday, 22nd inst., state.e-The Mobile ,Glardsf. en th2et opposedth Prussians foe -r ours befoe iinghe a Ship beviug four or five, voting pleccr mew pay than a tewnship lio.vieg only nee; fee, if one clpenthe work. a finer or l3vo our tviezt.... , eorteinly.togets , it.uela ° 1 get kr Me' ieweship neetieree, and ezpeet that much or reore fnr set the ball in motion the townships along the route would eaeli give a good. bonus.! He (Mr. 1Y.) believed -Such a railway would be ofenitenie advantage to I.tond- Every man here should exert himself to get,that road. built. (Rear, hear.) ;- Mr Ala. M Anderson here entered the room and Was invited to express his views. fie lima that ten ortwelve years ago be had on. if reeipromtk should he restored it and got a Charter to built a wmorn.lIdomaaki:onheadtrpaciroenitisereeddentobilenioxelniel; ltaaPalltodatrya old, in connection with the his- neighborhood,. and let. him (Mr. Ty.). le &P. S. R., but the heed times came on, and it was not acted, nfon, and in time know about what would. be the amount that Might' he expected inebonuses. t.He did not think that any ,,gentleman conver- sant with the business of London would hesitate on the subject. He considered it becante obsolete: He had always felt that a great trade was to be cultivated from: that district, and three mo ago -he had applied for o fresh *titter teebuild a line from London to mune poliit On Lake Rh= on. . 'Kincardine wan the point, they 'OCT Forum:No. ere - On the 13th inst. sharpshooters in Gene- ral Trocliti's army inade TeeOlutoiSant0 from Paris as .tar u Charopeigny, At that point a tlar,ge body of P.russians were en- tountered. After a sharp ration the Prussians were &dodged, and the stone collected there destroyed. The Parisians returned td camp without seriens lose, MOUE PEACE RUMORS. bo paid. Mr. Kely AIM OSIVIL'in Cie tlat., ter to you, and, if he leek,. se &sensed, I*, assure ypu he can give yOli 4 Vcyy geetthirt description of the whole effitie, end 'the extraordinary didir.uitice had tto with. if the County Connell elieuld even. agaiterequire a vote of the reeple reseeete ingany little niatternpun which no melee berg, in their gloat wirdona, ieny ere tit to, disagree, it would bo Well if it cc -mid be, ec3) arranged:theta() votive shot hi takeeirOer in the season of 0ne weather, and :iet et a, time when it is cliffienit t ) denide lel:ether, would.revra„Td usito PaY a, dafrble'tax far should aim at, tt a most deSitable -0411111)rg are in eiren.lation that one we- over the roadie a It IS beat° take a beat or a beeny te get twoyeare an Artier that a large bonus - . • ff route pasuive tlirough Olmten. Tile e orts -for an samstzoo hart lutelY been might he given toreard a ra way on the ----------------- peen.° CM ICE/f„,i,stm0y, charter, which he would. obtain at next made. s . law loving and quiet, and to e.ceeluit foo Mite- be:proposed, from. Londonto13ruee- seadou, -would enable him to build as far . . annual aniiele. ' their aemdentaltieearture fn.= tieelt gerOt 'field or •Sonthampton, about 100 miles to a Clinton, and at next session a.ehatter _ The een- (nation °ilex/twee to the North lenalitieS -131, b ilSinstanw I trLily., intgami the latter place.: Another route 'had for the necessary extension oollid beta)" ' derinanConfederatinn ,isimndeent. The ethijaritIseryteltl:tf iitife.tv,,oTertu clot„TaPtilealctetlItA.:, been soutane:lit As they Might beVe013-- gtaeillutteadm. enliqiularicutdo.u.00rranosap0xnedoencomiv-7.alythi rmoegaxattion.n4aItreaty ivith. Wurtembeig yea • fence corner, and the rliecoverere, end. teeee served by a- letter Bayfield. -. Of tLs'lil' htliee-d13‘Rid.. EnBotPltaprasproivt: and al,°:".ral-baticallea 00 ilinl„ "itifiitrknel:29s7ea.ry thot oneo-oro' Loon?, alx`ilt %and' " env.toes lion' rents.' friends reed as if they had' Yietenelt ile, he preseoted, I renttinese thii knew will ;M- inter fihr may ,neelearn,-- toles :tally , TilOi`dAS 110.L7Ini -, - - 'r...-. tt Itetereine ertieer. e Tlic Council then adjourned tairnIeredae morning at In rieloen, ,,, ey limners y say d erent own- • • • Bayfield was knieo„village; and had some afirwilt- willirm te „lye bomeee. All foreigners., including neutrals, Tome nice people - but was incapable dieing to -it eisonaon ,joiskr ot ore 'nee a been forbidden to ienie Parli. The Frns- made a harbor of toy consequence, espeaially in view of the government un.. provementi in the port of Gederiob. In - good bonus, but take an aenenee in Aeons - eiens hail -already refueed to permit the 1 -le Wen in, favor of a narrowsnage.ranway, . to pass theirlinek. ' 1, • at being leo expensiVe. A large and in- * A Versailleit deipalili of' tb61,3id inisf.. lo ittential men along -the prepeeedline bad ituantud dmnPanY bad Baia If *Pin* "a Several skirinishen have eceiirred matted ivifiingness tse grant built they would stock and ritit it. No Le - F.,„ expressed their 1101190U:2On all which the French •0 sufficient bonuses to give the preject ttythiffpas,h..trogylensb4Latumd was ...a°mroutigihe Ivere saccessfut 'The Germans have ,00. a start, _ The road would pave ,through tee which itnase, the stock would. be Teadity entied Nogent he Rotrou. without re- townilips, but Mr, Blackburn had count- ed up thirteen, were therm t?,ken up in the Market. He be. eiatanee. • • p p hered the railway could be built. In the ,r,litieStitr EBVEliSE.S. _ .C:1- duced and, referred to, when) , eerporsation. he -belonged to -there was not Aho 4‘irprO 8". flavrospeeial sang that MrAtkinsonthoughttheBoareoughttogive only earriestuesa but a good deal of An- yesterday s' column of Prussians 143,1301) . .. inntrallt- '-'5. . es. . , , The Coaaell met paraercit to adjeuree merit Preeentt, the wizi-cle-a in Vile eioir,. Messrs Areeetreise,o' 13altenr,Farrati, Yeenee". Horatio, Shepherd, Pettee. Leetne. Mo - Weald, Brewn, Carrie'e, Peehine, Wen, 14 astrontopinion uponit.I.hesucceas of the thusiasm about at The country to be strone. 'Advanced =from Nantes alonn the Morrow St- 12 .2 a..J. railway project was of vitalimpertance to opened up was the fineskin Canada. ..- n . o' -1 ee• , ,,e !,,,e„1 -102n „,"--,Fninvonc.e,I;o174 north hank nf me Seine to Vernon, where n.1„1-nn-Atoln tuszt-alleoten. 2.tentee. eastre I London andthe voinatry north ef et. He lir Atkinson's re -Solidi.* trasarried uti- - w was well, acquainted with the riches and;- animously, - they were ,nbontaterell by, * detachment "raumn3', Zef?-t-iy, Crews et LI, bele:: Aleaser Sent Illehon, Seriet,' tor -the artily of the North routed, ZiOlY, Ghtviritatia G. resou of the etnintry, and reganded it Mr °hunter thekniened, ascended by , „ being killed and a bomber taken Fir:oilers. The mieet6.01.1.„eztuur wcr,6 teas richeet part- of our Proeinee. That, Mr -Chisholm, and • go PLAIN eliallete144,13r tn. trade, would lee mein importint eo tia than: - Resolved, That a ionintittee be formed .Fe BATTIM 131241Ntwr. r +hale the West it ere dead eueneen in af..- toetteuireeinteehe beet ref:defer arailway The 41Vorld'e" epeeiel from Tours Oa elovel by Tait Streit; sezontlea by zsT VET 416, 3st, 311, Herm and Bruenerere the first and fore-- ron, the probable 43NA-et-different pages, arrived bete from Lille to eoramlind the c,idsaicutheatilliellartoetitiliz(csattirailk;;rs'entwi)ralt.temt.1%efil;_, rtelp)calrt'. :-;7?rkiera., 'Trainer, ler eerie; ef. Weiehts ireentires was reed ana orkler- eirtte7'pb:riCticef4"1.1:0".. Ceamiy rnon'ticer maa' rat.i awl referred t*..2 Graca Luau approved. r eear.n „ON Imp/toy:a) PAitliS. etteir Pzh, opIT --A,L0004. Some to pives,t In. Town Property - -GORDON,. Flarristeretet,Goderieb. Go *rick Aug /5,1870 evil . - trading it here. The two- counties 'of -from London to 201110 rint on Lake En- Tuesday night Bays Burbski has just ", Cerriaii that David &tett MI. "km (gril, ii0LUSALB A.143) $op- anti Oil Imps, in, Ice. km Iron Copper, Riess, Weal Pickings, gad SheeP fikOr, • , eat fluxTh a t erre unnary eteps to fo a 0012I- • . • . red mileswitheut peyingspt of,toli ;and. that the copuratee co-operate, with the enemy's centre it Etamps by anolunin oft as Mr Marcher -bad aptly reinarkid, the conuiaittee appothtedhy the City Council .t10,ii(i0 sneving from Angeryille, wltiit peende there are tedieiderably in advance and the London. A Port &antes Railway, ,sinuilteneous attacks wili be Mown thn qf tut in that respect Ile had *apnea a, and the foltewincgentieweei be s, commit- weete e:t• his attenuated. Mee west and most progr country. e „ - finest system of gravel rikvis was in then pally for the purpose of nuntung a road, , 1.8th corps. A great battle is nututaent. seems to bo to 'ince the eountifee . Yon Aeuld trearelfer onehunde and to report Menial to this Bova; and The 40411 takeem ezeinunte.. 3.1-6 ar:seroiti, - Sign a al Letts goal oitBarrels- min& would leaveto the meitin ''for, sided% Vico-Presi Secretary, John- resalutioh ustaehighisignageas he cotild tee :77 -Meer$ .1,-% Mien% itynistr, Lsing, north-ea:4 Etanips.: icaureaito nd, and he Wished it wait; itrenenr, A Chisholm, Birrel4Stitherland, the-Pre- Merieli,Ang /S, 1140 - swl • oonsideiition. Mr Atkinsceilierere the app; Reid; Plaremer and MeIntosh. PIANO FORTS • nut cizas—: 12. YOTtlad cornet Boortood Plaae, Ilfeher fa Oa, IW sale by Nr.litatir S. Wade, Photo 7oits teal Orgy mar ; *a be seenat British trItange Hotel ataterlehe SthAllguat. lee Vat • Saindr! *commis were. referred to the Finance Counnit1ee. basi tile world. got a tail P lurked an fileved by Mr., Browo. second hy Mr. y------------5 f reeolutidin seeped mt. reeotutioli wee akin uneluneonely. Tan. of bis f''il* replied Brown eecontic I le A o rig • --------------- silults4 "%NW. Itesolvedhat the' tied bite bt f res - . ,. • , I.t round t w y ireee red tut.. Lae 1.7 -111...? u imam th4 ..t.of London. and surrounding, dile4 The Cern eropof the United Stites for 1 ' 11- - the DisPEr ensble them to be awn tikittinienidaltinklainiCtionititit .1870 is iittiiiiged at:2,514000 ash 414o wage the world,' if it hasn'tgot *tit I, institutioe. ve4- tad ta Wig t Italia; Mike* A agottmen. of improveil p Ltimi lor Sate, G M Chadwick Aue,155 13/0 , tlei lather; 'how e,ould it bitie one when grant be oontinued to th8 ;knell to. - ow .;i1journed tot. 3 p. ••• a