HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-24, Page 4 (2)'
, 8T lt.E TT 0
a!saat KINGSLEY.
• t
""`"14""not ••irk",=• tie • 7
nOwing, as the Maynarda atti life, has more chance of hapPilletouthan atm at Dior- POItTA14 T NOTICE
aehing. Wad for it, onti young na
Me • • ' -
_we other Mod human cares are invent
itlis, or Roy Shroysitira thlittl c""-tnt" far him; he has plenty to d ,o le t to
hay, told him, that the Shand* la ‘I think about, and his ivork is brdPreig te 4D° Pt1 thia; hildnonyY:0''ttaaeltwen!e,ohealtt17 - ., it e . e .
Motel:Mute only quarrelled botWeell .hott his hand. t I cannot honceive of arty Mao. her elder trother-= P 11 1VIANN
fkir.., Ina that, hfcasa of an DINES -Or t of finer chances than &rich yoong squire-- Might' Comet?' " ' • 11011S0 Sign 8d - Carriage , Pointer
mord4unt ,bviw,„ a .1 d .11 y Way hyd the world and its temptations Beare t 'AT ' d `u Mordattnt • 'We __
e, 041 e 1 all .
he has fitted np a shop oa North street next to the
t . .4.s, I
imp outsider (even a hlaynard ot a Mere" .
gy ly nta -es 11, .4 1.1 MOO 0 it toot , Yount: Mordatint ha sax is In
outof the way II
it e artilltrfi's °Lae- irthefietniente d 't w parcel of girls with tut.'
in ant a - di •a•• tid . • 1 Methodist Chorea, with -varnish -room at -
f --
I •
t (0 11(.1 to nze., I ant not gieng to have title,
i',41Inclitly clarinet the Iteyolutiont t.ile sea ondthe Morning after their 'arrival eister, as her Wont was, h
Suu. LIzzaor re80. uVr Itelts thoother would at did° There was 110 blot on the t f
prospeo sheer r klessues9 e hp e tin W ;Oa his arT,TellaceEsiTorgeltetelsevrraet,Ps4ereo`tittatilignalifiticiordheer8rtel°%PntaleYe'
wroatoinn to if, EL,P 4.2110 t1108e tiMeS (lid nothing Dim home, any more ttifill there wee a deed tet it ta him. Ho WAS ra
3.4.q..ttliZay, told 'awe tho weealuese- to. t oe Atte oceette, and defy. creation. te the y011_,Mt Mordatints or the young EVa'n. ••• ee -V/RUld have glonn ofthe test ayeare solicits a vontinuaucoof the same,
r:/kr thing in, the rendeti:St o„„re4 f; Evens ore
er astonished, Now is the time to Paint ydur Cutters,
vet 4 thane wateh. hist eaettlent neiglIttodt the dune oky, w
- ,
'len bad better hear ray errettelqwee Mordeaut e and dating the Resterattett, sittest of
*I wild not apenk to you. Go out W t Morclaunt nothind MOre thug hell possihilitiee of any distmbing causes seem- ' said
gowinus, otoodlois bloe. All imperial Sister turned gently to tate and -
atretehed overhead a and wery much ashamed, When hie -
1:- Sleighs, and*Carriages, • -
_ itriGravit from country Carriageshops attended to
- • s
rat '
1 .....-,.....-
. ,
bullding,Lots No+s 4.0, 486,
9f '''' fence, ITO acres olczr of stilav -eta 213 4 t2gb -rirle -c2
, &id niimr. It contains :212 4:37CS. ale aorcs nce..er
'.111:fivIta t3lEttr'llalltrail7roSciICIalrebrasas'el?Prilca5rfg7fy(clinlicii:'
7.' ill 36....:2111111ecrirtgsh.::251}PttlurlitYalt:31:blaiTS74;111.Cr-gaelicslitifIrere:c'Ecivas!..17:1111zwilla :- enifti-vsatknviltoen„talethyvtwlayo iiio,a,m,,; assakeli, gcsabaraweoll
Bate two -very "valtinble PAS/Wsiall''''I'l°131 • ii,e_ Loolilvt,eisin'L',...,,art'og.'-`illittlVervms.c.hoisne:"3.a.Vrral
I sent etWodedel 13.-40 pr relit ex tatt rat ced e ruldeel 'Itidel‘w; ede 8 em, 1 , . ci: ree:ialiepote sti rthein: tier,:ii.e711:f1 , s. eat, ts:te:iyi 0... tot a:he oa i seems, frgitre .1. on: tleezt ze :st ehent,, me 0112.4:afty!stfeet!wa:
. .
.nagest 15, 1870 • ' .- - •IY,)" Tole is aware opportatity to memo a toal fonnonalo ' .
- ' " i ill thaufartherinkrad. Apply to
.- .
or -6 31:5.12.1YENANW,LinallA6 i3Lgoni4t,r'lefileitrafol '
. , ... " F_ Altil FOR • .SA,Lfi.)
Anguet 15,1870 ter,0
, , wtt,_
FOR SAIir• Glenburnie kann, tbr
ont et yen like,' 'began Ales. (tatter. For. traitoroue*-- nelohbor -Iftvantis• -seaditalbtisn°iItuot,nitilleolgeitv'' CItlie°4 44're 41: Weonittlee much in your way, ji.mn1W.
71ElthigntiPs'Paainting 0 -taint -Jig, 5 Grazing. Paper- jay ..-tEIA-TE*3Etib...,"'sA
'Yon may get your eervonte t011a
Obligations in this wnt,twere- mutual; an - • ney wes to I .d - f st as any of an ing. Iza,
an e ar an a 8 a g
.r.rt Shalt Wit g, ,L.A;
t. tenet en. onto ea we . 1. h • h tee he had for the pickingeptehey. bate
kept tuck ran • • ' et tutu „ spne s; t o world
duitazy-,, t„ 3,, 1W fit is more to the purpote they 0 ,
„ e wss teen ot aunt -alto 2 • 1- 1
• ptospeets, health hid), 't h yen And you too haOe been -a weary . . F. R. MANN.
satti Aunt Eleanot. Anti its 411.6 roso tilie dS nada then le waa theirs in a -way if the t • while away • let mo see something of you Goderiche Aug, 15, 1870
/oohed so estremelv dike doing it, heads on the.r. shoulders, and; what con- into and quo t y. are o go ,
• E- 3311\T a- BMA. S
cae ; or they failed, here heWt Let tue come, Jimmrt • ,
mew ettay tereee wawa, eoe ono hit .eeens. us mustj thar hoases over their were ewe homea of hneieat peace ready for dr, believe,' said, yelps, bit/Haunt, inn
rr 3E-1 Westside of Market $quare,
acesht‘d. anti broke into o londlautib, heads. te. , them to come hack tesi. Misfortune,thanks petuausly, 'that I ant the- greatest brute
. Godericht SOtli 1.87 O.
tongue, tem. 'ills woman will yon 'little up the hill a long masa 0., -d-
ro sit gray, to have become itopossibte,
'neat eo came about. There le rot bad hiaetret will h Oak ww-i 13°. The ItTordattats had come over to break -
to settled old eider,
rad she $cail 1. 'and 1 11- Iit;id Inv 80 that now as of old, StrettonstOod A eamehlin -theireases on earth • of course you arc ta COMO. I NEW GROCERY STORE.
. d mine the Evansen and Maynard w
vaca ton Wit you follows, and let us get the horoes.'
blood between us, Eleatrar • t tilt? yen It- t roses., cm an _ fest with
shoo dnq go if you didn't. Come on, n
tIM ttetter for pea auger,' latitzhe one b • • d •
MP • i,m1.1•11,41.-
in and elpets. of monde et spending the firstpart'of his t'" -e'hs Atd away they all went 't°wards the WHITEL.ir & ELLIO
Onle— ehand , while before it, his beloved Mildred Evans. Ann't Eisen -
the eenpale stables.
ere, „m seek:thew' weetweeteeteAtorh stooped down, Wee e &Rade Of gmehn or had come front Ptilverbateh to seether • And Ethel following; passed Aunt
darling Eddy: and So they were all as- Eleanor, pretending to weed a Rimer -tied,
pew. ewe ta tete „ewe latv to. have tut ft into the valley, unaltered sine t e
time of Henry VII. For a similar reason, sembled in the morniateroom at Strethon. and Aunt Eleanor stud - • PROVISION'S; Goderiens Atte.
A ...tv sigh, and a droppittn, or rather the dark red-Drick, dames the First house Aunt Eleanor was he first person who
then ?'
dribbling, of 1u:tau-sweet werdls reminded of Mordatint, buried anion.,
o int? the bright, blazing sun. '4'he hoys
, 'Sid yoa are bent on going with him
sauntered out throwele the open window
?ter that rhinis :tiyrzlo was still seated du and. oaks, en the -other side of -the ,
•e t. , o ethe-c- , to. ant her heed
- . - h • , its dense elms
,I stale behold, eating -more, and yet mote,. And Ethel said, 'I can't help t_W, One
nom onesi,le to the Esther), wad using her • -
kept its form unaltered thmugh- ":"1 of marmalade and honey, and the
others numnei.s day beside hitn id not
- p.tinicalehanges. sat because they- were contented, until at lOng
wok e t- hand kerehief.
last Eddy cried out, "There is Aunt El- much to ask out Of eternity.'
1 -div ' ne,,an Mrs. gentle : tentlanious ats i OUSSeSsithEIS Which, 'o P •
., _ ,
'You may o ell sav dared, myelear young , e-
t Either house, or - either estate, were
eanor having a row with Deacon 'Weeding- burtuntfolirlteyaonuorr hsaaeldk,w‘ l'hiocuti ayroeubiwaidffitfitgacal
t oor folks, seem
expletive, "Fiddle-tle-dee," was plainly
dear Mrs. Gray can he, I Revco thnught : almesdfabutous. Yet awey ;" and indeed, Aunt Eleanor's. usual hard to catty hefore you have done with
she'd -have btost out on this day of ali as efooti, or meek better to be seen any
. . e there are daousatids
, borne to the ears of the Assembled -eom- it. I know, and your . father knows too :
days in the year. And witch you may whtre. Oue of my.neig la berS, a commoner,
pany. .though he alight have kept his tongue
well sew Nitss Eleanor ; witch sr
th would has R2t) WO a yea r ; .
b 'f ' 111-/ h 1 t another, just in "Let's go andhearthe funryou fellows,"
said. the younger Moadaunt-a proposition bentween his teeth this blessed day. Are
which, as it stood, was innocent enotigh, you bent on going?'
'011 yes, Miss Evans. Let me go ?'
but might bave been carried out withlese : 'I am not stopping you. Which way
boisterousness. They.need not all of them are you acting to ride ?'
lime rushed tothe window atonew LOA -
between Eddy Eva s and young Mort • • , , -
wise, there was no n;cessity of a free fight 'And so on to Maynard Barton- to-
'Over°Lotigmytici, to look at thegroused
daunt, which ended' Eddy being cast on imen, repined Aunt -Eleanor. • 'Go, by
ums, with young Mordaunt atop of hint. MI means.
'They said nothing ofMaynard Barton,'
Ins back in the muld e of a bed of guard -
However, they soon were beside Aunt El- said Ethel. 'We shall hardly get so far.' ,
eau.; determined to. back her through ' *Yoe foolish- child,' said Aunt Eleanor.
Whiek and thin ea:limit Deacon Macdinga- • Why, if you had set out this aay to ride
o ,
tray. . i whim heed the younger Mor over CI:trade° or Lawley, if you had set
daunt, on arriving at the seene of action, out to ride to the top of the Wrekin, your.
by way of taking a formidable position,
said to Itittedingaway, t'She did nothing deslination Would have been the same.
.. , . . wa tee her
Bat i: audt biting things in a pipkin ns ° ' t
sieht , has £60,000; anothen also a cam -
makes a withh-ne, my dear LIUm.1 forbid! ‘invnerattrwti within tbur miles, has just died
If she asked -me for black stlfs once, she - _ £5,000-,000. The figures, . with
has asked use a dczeu times, and Fre:plied regard to the Evans and tho Mordaunt
to her, 'Mrs. Gray, 1 don't use them, : 1 properties; drop terribly from those real,
am old, aWd I think •tf my soul r And she l et ery-day" sums. Mr. .i.orchaul Was
sail to m; -Bat, you fool,yen knew thear, reputed to have about £7000 a year, and
us, IlLayea help me, 1 clo. And -I have
set her eff wan white spelln, for ;IA -minus Squire Chatles Evano£S000. We have
nnd hing.s evil. But now she LI goiiis fur only to do with the last estate, and 1 only
gnoa, awl all, end how her plans grandson mention figures to show that It was a very
still liRe it, I can't say, desirable one for a moderate men. Though
t 'As 1 was saying, my dear ydnug lady, not by any meane as good as the "%New
she coraes to me, and she scone trion half- York Hearald," and butrittle bettel than
hearted witch,' she szsys,
ail the same, if yon non't eve, me a black
qta tvill here Yon • Mr. Ward Beecher's church, it was worth
. figh tine for.
spell. It yon won t lot pm Intake acquain3 . TheL was a pleasant, orderly luxury
about the place which was extremely
agreeable, and was rather wonderful to
contemplate, when one considered the
beggarly income. It is perleatly certain
that uharl, s Evans could never have done
-, whtil he did with his limited means, btu
for hue thing.: he never went to Landon,
except to lodgings, and Mrs. Evaus did'
But he did every tbing else. To begin
with, he sat in Parliament, for one thine
three electiens, which somewhat took the
gloss off his income ; and then he sat a
fourth at, a greater expense than before -
an expense which made even him open
his eyes, and brought in a furious re-
monstrance from Eleanor. lie sat, I say,
a fourth time, for tkne weeks, after which
tune he was unseated in d' seendalous
manner. There was no doubt at all
ebout it Outraged Britannia held up
her bands to shoer horror ; and six
thousands odd ofgood money gone to the
bad for nothing ! After this, Charles
Evans retired into private life, eursino
his attoreey, consoling himself with the
fact that "the other fellow" had spent
more money than he had, aud so let pub -
he affairs go to the deuce as they liked,
mother, nowan glory. aed the squire as •
knows a certain part of the truth ; and Consequently, Orthough he kept the
there is no one but my own self knows the ' hatmds at his own expense, his estate was
- whole and. entire truth. Ste thinks she not -injured in any way. Hounds can be
tioes but she don't. The Lord heIp yaw -kept very well for £2000 a year ; and he
if ell did. ' kert them till he made the 'milli -ant dis
-What do you meaaby the whole truths covery that you could get as much sport
Mra. Myrtle l' said Eleanor. - 'out of them if eou let ohne one else keep
‘Parcellincr all tegethend said Mra.
te them and ontyjgalloped after them your -
Myrtle. 'hoot parte and parr.eis, but the . / -
self. So he gave up his- houtids.
• toinds biting.' . .
_ -
'Well,' said Aunt Eeattor, rubbing her Then he bfed race -horses, and, indeed,
nose„...1 suppose yon had better have tire he woo the Oaks, to Eleanor's intense ex -
cottage rent-free. I need twee:time mat- asperationw "Now we are done. for," she
teranith yon. It le of great importance said : 'this is the &deb. and end of us at
that my -brother's .first marriage should, not last.' Bat she was dedeived Charles
ice talked of--'
That silly old trot, mulls aurae, was bred dealt, such. a colt hs was netter seen
ee • •
down on her knees beforeherin an instant. and he, a coesam mate horseman, taught '
'Shedotet know oo that, my ladv., Oh 1 one Of his stable -boys to ride it, and he
for Heaven's sake keepit from her for , won the Two Thowsand, and Eleanor
eeerat ,, • . 1 gave the' horse ue f4r lost ; hut no, He
-T,(!esalie Believe tar brother tt vilielU, came/ beano her the next 'clay, very:
thenee- said Eleaztoriddignantly. - quietly, and told. her that he sold his
'Oh .! let helieee wee my lady. C.- 1.1- -I f°r hors* with its engagemento for L5000
the sake of the -Mother that bore you, and and '''''nad netted £14,000 in bets. "You
the brother von /ave. Int her believe so-.
Listen tame, a foolish -old woman. Think are not going oth thent't she said. 'No;the"
of what her ziainas would be if she knew 'answered t '16 le BO ehtie '
ft ; anal rotbedy knowa the.t much key= Sailinglachts eat nothing and so his
and 1- na one alive. Think, dear Miss rich,im-, cost him Little. A'nd now that
Eleanor, what wouNlba- tife effect of brilq- his PLliameniary career Was done with
ing it toe now-howr ..quire Uharies had and fini .o, d, his sale dissipation -was his.
- imatle a shameful marriage inScotlarid over -
tha hrooulatEok, hut Iogat Thio„„ of what . yacht at we berystwithe His was a m lit
2.1adana rgvaran would say when she found ,degirable property,. perfectly unencutii-
-, it had been kept grain her. Think of the : mud, all readY tor Roland, who seented
eitecton the boys. , Think of -my darlin., r to be worthy or if. . .
Roland, whor.al armed,: "how his head ;. -
would, raa 1;w -ea ; and think of your ...um , Most ., worthy-- The good Dbetortst
iittlo r4 dy,.. Tim:k af hitp, 12,003. Lrozet estimate of his cliaracter wig beinn eel -
tome %arta yonr master, atall events give
me a white one. And _I I would do
any thing neighberly, not against my
conscieuee, wary that .1 should want a new
crownpiece. Then- she told, ma what -the
wanted. She says, in her own words.
want a love -spell. That girl Ethel Mor -
daunt is in love with youngPioland Evans,
fur 1 have watched them, and he don't
care for her. And I. want something to
put in his wine, or his drink, to make him
love her ; for there will be mischief [afoot
if he marries her before. they have studied
one anothe's eharauter. They will fight
fur the mastery, and there will be your
master to par.' And I gave her some dill -
water, and she put it in his drink.'
Eleanor groaned. The secret she had
found out that day was known to tbig ter-
rible Gray ; and how many others- ?
"Therefore, my dear young lady, it is as
welt that she goes away. it is indeed.'
'Is she going away ?' ' -
"Her .,g-randson has offered her a. home in
London, my dear yonaglatlyeand she (roes
to ham, and a nice mess they will make of
at to -tether.'
ed. you two come here • td tell me of
this to -day ?" asked Eleanor.
`;;Yes,iny-dear lady, partly. And partly
to ask if I might have her cottage. There
is no one but us two knows any thing, and
no one brat I arid -yourself, and your dear
Oorner Kingston Street & Market Square
Goderich June 20th 1870. • sw87•tf
Ontario Carriage S4op-
(Hamilton St ;:Goderich.
. . LOT 24. CON 4.- FARM rcat EA.TIE
obi oant° 5dir.hIcelirser eltattariedni1,1-9 8° 1747e't , '
Towns .hip
LiMrap gGRAVEL 1101D -
qsTottr CON-CRDTB ROUSE; ON TOE GROOT 12 A:':.teres, no of vaach nye eeared. a ever ..fili14:0
.. - Tnri it 1-Yre;Bis 1:::;:11).5:6:: rn'llni In' 51 12;1:1 1}1 l ler 2°I:fn:erduemr i I irLi 1 °14 n irtldrili°71:1 I iii .bsi t.eKitf rSid rntOcigilltich Itlei I l: 118::: n;inni4Dfl Intl:: ideteafirBolf!Oet ini"hrr leec";:ler: r: ati:vi i jesli lie°trti aboraonact'i 1 agil 3bher a touilt text :Ibeeinti r5idcas.siyi 3 fraTi21401:101:1 .to°1,;:ti:osrpiTinit:tta:07 yttiesiPr:
ajCible for 'wheat or fruitgrozing. The lot will be sold
for particulars and icons, opply to G. EL
END. n.bifcGruinerdiditbnetrtliiclialicenih,eii.ke:alsoonrm000adnuliotil,hcaliwagaicienoeegp:lart.leevutelialr.nlioTtioanaiht:rdelo:vtiovilerv‘ora-, lepleStmele15:tytTweGgns3otsocewisuoardpeemans:deririczeu.ithowyr..
-QpAiftethb4)rkS or -to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderach.
eheapand oneasy toms. Rossecsiort ean be .giren let
son: Esq., -on- the proem. minesnorutogmAN
Goderieht Aug'15, 1870
Goderieh.A112 IL 1870
Farm_for Sale
15, lit70 swl
18 still in mu operation, and is taming outsuperio"
Carriages, suggies, Wagons_
°fall kinds, SLEIGHS CUTTERS. to.
mber of first class:Buggies on hand, and for sale
A nu
cheap for cash Prices of all articles in the tine that
will confPare favorably with any in the COunty '
tfli• All work warranted
Particular attention pald to Wagonand Caniage Re -
of tholind." Roland can ntake these boyt g6 where he akin
. BARRISTER, Geduld),
- Guelph, Aug 15, 1870 WOO
August 120, swl-tf
Macdingaway was the head Seotch gaid chooses, and some time, in the day you
dener, who, in an era. moment for him, would have found yourselves by SOME* es- Godericlo Aug 15, 1870 • w30 -
Lars 53 and C4, Bny.field Concession, In tfie
TOT 10, CON. 10, V. D. COLBORNE, 100 ACRES,
.1 90 cleared, good dwelling house, flue' 22x30.
with a commodious hitelve attached. also goodbarn
and shed accommodation, good livarirg orchard, well
_ watered by two erects runningthrongh the fcffin, anind
gaod wells. One Mile from gravel road. 5 miles fro
Goderich. For particulars apply on the premises to
undersigned, orto D Ferguson, grocer. Godexich.
August 15. 1870 lc" STRWW3ARO
To•tynship-OlOcclench Contoming CS Acres,
1 et these over CO acres cleared with i'ocid Frame
Barn, nail Log Rome., about 21 wiles from
Clinton. For Terms ot sole opply at tbe Division -
Court office at Goclerich, or to 151r. WIGGING
TON en the premises.
Godetich, Aug 15, 1870 , w80
ACRES,East 3- of Lot '20, 10th eon. Cizilross, Co.
- LAND- 8 FOR'SALE 51,0
era the remainderm4 aiAmBnalRm5171:utsiErvith interest
ie or t tle for 63.00 cash or for Van one third down
13.race. 7 acmes cleared and good. lc; house.
. ,_ , at:taupe:en: tntht p:eripata7n1tru.7:7178340,1
.. •
Merchant Tailor.
......., -..,...
LI Township otGoderich, comprising 146 acres ofthe
TS UNRIVALLED fee Purity and Cheapness. It, testquINV of land, withtn about 2 miles of the Marche
-I. -saves l'186s, Butter Milk, etc, midis warrante- to place of the Town °Mayfield, Thera. ma clearane o
fr: saibseriber offem for salIoEfo. ur eleigi- ItTo lots ifs '
contain nothinietointionssbNowisanleobevtili.Be Lertoe,ers. , 23 acres which could readily be preparedror crop. The
Agents for Goderieh, cpeflbleehetchroaandapinaassPeise run twbeor:lidessploefnIdgrropyth'erty. lavulielcx11-
:8es:tub:di:all tanheoliacinadnisd liosieslyettcl:dv. ereredisi:ibthour70:ast
good frame dwerling. bani and -s•incitar factleiy, For
• Chemists. London, Ont .A.1.4s0.-L Lot 14, Range A Township Stanley, particulars applyto -
containing 30 acres*/ well reserved timber land, which
wohld pr_ocloce a large quantity of firewood to the acre. Croderich, July 12th ISM.
....i. -in the Wane of Bayfield. On the erem'sves.tr: at ,
14' XTENSTVE _ waterfa. which could lie madeavallablefor milting or THE RIDGE TO LET
The o runs o e iver ayfie with * considerab e
J ' inarn:rfacternisturinagpppurply tot::s. zAm
Guelph. `
b. S. GOODING .:,
had confessed to oue Of these macicaps-that cuse at Maynard Barton, and would have .
o ,
he had held an office 'in his church, after found Roland talking to Mary Mitynard. Extensive New Premises
which they had chris ened him "Deacon." Wel veto! i
you on now, yea fool ?'
He turned on young- ordaunt and said„ d.
"liar ladyship three it-"
Yes I yes I- It is twelve miles to SPLENDID NEW STOCK
"That 1 emphatisally• deny " struck in Maynard Barton, and twelve miles is
Eddynwho had got his breath. • ' somethino It would have been seme-
s " Her ladyship threepit that the roses thing to Yon &Tice, Miss Evans.'
should no have been budded till the first 'Heaven -knows it would I'. said Aunt
week in Joky," said the inexorable Mac- Eleanor. ' Well, My dear, when it is all
dingaway; !Wald I -took the liberty to dis-
. over, and you want to cal your own heaht
agree with her."
in peace and quietness, come to the old
" That •alters the case altogether, bf man at Pulverhatcht and beain a new
course," said Eddy. "You are quite right, w°
Deacon. Aunt, you havemot got a leg to lith with her. You won't die over it, yon
stand on, you know. Yon had bitter leave know- yeti have too mach chest, and are
him alone: he has much the best of the ar- too active in sour habits ; but if two
gument. Here are the others: let as come think you are gotng to get out of this with -
to, them." out deep pain and misery,you are raistak-
As they went away from him old Mac-
dingaway shook his clever old head. "A'
folly tegether," he said. "If your father
had. na lived before ye, where would ye
be f"
All the others were now standing on the
terrace. Squire Charles -Evans, a hand-
some man of fitty in a short velvet coat,
perfectly cut trowsers aud well -made
litee-up booth; very gay; with slight grae
whiskers and inustathe. Sertire Slordaintt,
a hill -reeked, brown -faced, thick -set man,
without a haar on hie face, in gray breech-
es and gaiters, with a, gray shooting -coat.
Ile • was a very bucolic -looking Man, this
Squire Mordaunt, hut he had a shrewd,
deep-set eye underhis heavy eyebrows too.
He stood_looking at the group ai =they ap-
proached, With his head thrust- forward,
and his hands holding a whip Afor he had
ridden over) behind hie back; and he was
the first who spoke.
"What new trouble has. My friend Miss
Evans been getting int(' r he asked, in a
rather grating voice, "She !teem to be
borne back in triumph; frorn some new vie -
tory by these four foblish hope"
• Nothing but a- dispute- With My deal
'friend and adMirer, Macdinga.way, George
Mgdaunt," she replied, with her head in
the air; "nothing Worse than that this
"1 gkdd of tha ," said Squire Mor -
daunt. "Edvraed, yoa- can come opt ef
your aunt's pocket. L My dear Miss Evans,
once mime, will you let me have that right
of way threugh your two orchards for
watering my horses at Gweline Farm ?".
No, I won't," said Aunt Eleanor, with
a dangerous Iook in hoe face. Stroking
Edward's bareenrlst who. although he was
not in her pocken twat cettainly leaning
idly against her, "Islo, I won't. '
• But why not, iny dedr Miss Evans ?"
said 8quire Mordannt.
'Because vett asIr. me,..end because you.
:ask me teith .that look in your face. I -
would sooner let leenty gipay on the
eountfy-side e,arop there than. let onnof
yourdogs thronglr, if - you look at me like
that, and ask 'me • like that, now then!
let that vmnian think there was Mina . age. rine a.y :y day, The Dean, hatrgettr .What do you think ' of that. for instance !?
Yon hare emu:ea/ell before. Go ' o eon- out of big way to write to Squire Evanel'
, . . -this ; hut hire SVane ttho was eg
- The othei boys had heard nothing bf
calling : it Ls no new sin. Think of Eddy, ',sillolat,- Ills tWe sons : they were notn of a pretty weie4n .alleyfrvmordatint- ,, who
Ns:- .
. them katterns (in spite of ashglitteadehaS wae not pretty, 'bat clever, interposed.
'You plead well,' said Aunt Eleanor. I ,to• boisteronsness), but Roland. whs a
think ywa areanaffietionafe woraansthough . - 'Surely; said Una Mordatint, 'I shall
!Amgen • The SehObtS,, and conseluently has* to quote ,Dante Onicklywn.yott.two
37'3 rt2t13t °Wn• Yrilir3°If t° be a` Weal; 1001. the world, were at Ins fe-et-he might do same dart Yoe eau- not sa.tve Heaven
Will that woman, Gray,speakthin&, yen ?.' i an
y thing -there was riever any thing well, that you. never collie together with -
''N'''' ulY I34Y ; s4e i3 " Vrainil ; "a In li'M Old blordaunt wrote•lo his
eze don't know alt. I did npt think aeyou . ' `e 1 - • ,...f u , vcluctAcillaw"fiefalitlig:omparet; I alb PI 1 tig 01 1 Ihti: g her W' ay,;
knew as antah as yoo di& I thoedbt you ,_itttiter: riloly Evans has won. the ni.
said Squire iti,ordaunt. - '. t
thought as she thoagrat. Bat 1 ara the veraity snubs, end has made it blase& fine 'And indeed she niust,', saidAnat Elean-
- only one tame knows all. Leave well alone, speech at the Union: /heard it. There oh " ‘YOR never qsaid a truer 'word than
may My.' ain't a -man to held a candle te hino here. that. r ain geing after the boyso
tLeave ill slots, you mean. Wen 1 siip- . ti .• te isil.erfnge vi_.3p ' RIM f *tiered • tat 1 ' roniig Maynard and Mildred Evans had
pose Iliad better. Yon eau have the cot- tionti twak they win apait. lams!, 1 .
tage.s t 'Marched off, and weretourting some Aare
=Well, aunt,' said. 3iildred, 'coming in I Jim hlortlaunt. 1.11t/ WrO Le to hi* sister. or,,,...anpker oliere remained otdy the four
with her arm round Ethe;'s waist, 'are the ',Lk hardly /UMW why, but 1 feel as if I was betys and , Ethel Mordannt, yam were
two. wretches one r - violating. eenfidened in writilk4 dow2i,that shinding together, and apparentlyrall'
Won't talk t`-) W e fCir a thrice You tW9' lie wrote.. It rari thus:— , toking at oace,:' The Mordatints,
Kis; play, fail in tore, quarrel, do any i -
tiaing you like, hat never givs youtselvas . Ws - bas done i thing : five hundred with the exception, of Mrs. -Morditint„,
toa deecit, It will grow out of a little et-- e, - ` • wt. • Lai ridden over, and se Ethel MOrdaunt
times gr-ater rian Wiiiiiinct lb!. Uniftritity
-the thin 00%114 &lamer, darkeninet, till ' dit2"1--°- • her ridlOW l.haltit,' tbougli hare-.
1 r my part .1 hate to see him Wagin
i; breaks, in ruin and contusion? 1 rowing. The que-stiort before the house headed. Aunt:Met noi, * she approached
'Iras. the Eestern warlancl the ultra rialehtle thein, hea*rd thai ' the,tour beys were
were against it ; aim Roland got oa bis discussing what they' woOld do with them-
beral side, and did sa cast selves ou this happy summer'S day, and
011APTE14 Xl. -legs, on the h
. _ . - about his beautifnl, lotions woids about saw that Ethel vas listening . to theni t
Se/Barra-2r Cast -Le ?ay °tithe north side national death and national dielionor, she,ialso in hor riding habit Ewa bare.'
4of the val:ey,undirLonginynd ; Mordannt -that he carried the house with him. Yon heaued, stooped, and' 'retended to weed
v y , k u se es nearly fac, t, IA t. , ,.. one of 61acdingaway's: ell -weeded flower-
s:4u... :Ave Steil the way he raiseu ins _ .I- -: '' ' -
ilia it, with earadec at its back. oeds. , •
head and sent the well-throught-out - , . ., e ei,", tee e _,,,s_
When the havanses and the Yordannta syllogisms ,rattling through his .w bite '. I'vt)te; saw VaThg 'maul.' -°14 .!'e` nue.
first came into that part of- the country, '
and began eresereuelot is wet be the midst teeth: it Wee a sight I (Johnny -says -that inta Sh b h : ' d th
rews ury, arlimes, an see e
of antiquity. All down through th• his- hid high" was all fishy in the major terra, b°114 8.0- And we m4ht buy,a piece Or
tory of the/ /minty, however, you will find End that his whole argument was bosh ; Sainifint aPa anntY Mtl!datintmitahtbrillg
that the Zymase:and the Mord:mute ' did but you know Jobany. As for me, 1 It 11°In° in bis Peek(ltlk? ' -
nothing bet squabble, and now and then , would sooner here Roland's buncombe
intermarry, mainly for the purpose 'I wouldn't be * fotj if I ille In yonr
it? up s worse quarrel then num:. now -
44' than any one elies 00133V1011 sense. So place.' said the youngel Mordaunt. 'Ton.
ins. however, geserally such a furi- you, iny sister. They are all have'had plenty of op4rtonities cleating
hulyburly shout marriage settlements, tattering hint; but they will nefer spoil , yourself blind at the tiniveriity ; and ;,
slower lauds, apparagts, and 11Q fOrtit,thst MIA* .1, got up a fight with him and hie Inn sure WO have bad boating enongle '
the rusemtv had been found to he worse brother to -night. Pretenuiug to cut '' 'Let, wig° fish,' isaid the elder Nior
tbsa Ow disuse, and hsd ham tacitly Eddy's hair, while I was flourishing the daunt: 'What do pi , Ruland V -
I. ispetee bad bete set, scissors I got the melosed off his head. lila taa bright fo
U04 Pi* lab" i* th•tiitatiretindt with fie is in an awful wet with me, for he ;aid Roland i. l'I'll tell
VaPielele the /Deed"' *ad 'nth rect "ta.Ps las e missed but earl: he little dreams be inclined to propose.
ha Chewer) ; bet at last tba obi isaloaaa• I
sail aortas had &ad sok and 44- sys-,--gs- where it hu goee. Mind yott nev.er, onr old Irish pointer,
eressedrowly good friends ma last ems aiskr asif Airaomakoceir let him tobe'lt ; the Itonginynd and
a estiaitiotdmotwors the ittosisos mu whoa hit irosid-wewe breve Ble are. :What doyen th'
iCibli ot 1111% Idurkal,lisix;eitil? balid 50 atm twit now& first ten* they 'I think that won
soil ipso sow. an ssus .bssh, tail of hops, health, and said lithe!.
rue shil Nis this wets hi.* te their two beautiful homes. * is certainly
-11, r 0 1 jibilta tke MOM in the world, a Eddy's proposal of es
ley -
lies 624; meg ecentry geetteele, of good finny, -and iter
isso,,o/ good :spa* at taisrabie Weill- johogrfts Kis*
1* utilise sios000titk pod loosith, &Oil insossitt w
' • !
- •
fishing, Johnny,'
on what- I should
Let us sake ItOry,
ride away over
hat grouse there
I{thel 7'
wry piteasst,
impravesseat oa
lea to filtiairs-
Met at going
- •
C. Barry 8L Bro.,
Cabinet Makers, Undertakers tit, Wood
• Turners,
imaitariLiTC01%.1" SSW,
El, ave removed across tile street to the i-ttore next door
to Win. Acheson's Harness ShoP, where will be found
Bingston and St. Daidd's St. adjoining Crab%
' Block, with the
tiLarge a e Taictirn
Known as the WesternIlAnotelmi, annAmolothelrEfiaildingsth.ere-
on. For terms mid particulars -apply to
Merchant Tailor.
Goderieh 12 September 1870,
of Kitchen, Bedroomi Diningropm, and „Parlor Fur - -
en. See, they are calling fer you, Run
my dear -and put the knife in delicatel; TABLES.
CHAIRS. (hair, cane and wood seated.)`
nitnre, such as
under your fifth rib.'
She did not bear the last sentence ; but - WASH STANDS, '
runnier" up to the door, found her mother MATTRESSES,
with 1Zr hat ready for her, and immedi- SOFAS
ately afterwards, having !shelved a tre- WHATNOTS, LOOKING GLASSES,'
mendous kiss of reconciliation from her
brother Jim ynua pitched- on her horse h
him, and they all went away -through the
lanes towards the mountain.
113.• G. B 4- B. are-Trepared to sell everythingfin
. their line
' _
• Cheap for Cash.
The horses were of course good, and N. B. A compl t assortment of Coffins arid Shrouds
they all rode well (according to the always on hand aen;13 a Hearsetothe ; all on reasonable
compared with that of South Ainerica). terlim. -A CALL SOLICITED. ,
Thhy could, however, ride better titan Goderich, 15th Ang, 1870
Freech people, and their horses were well- ,
trairtedtand quiet : so they enjoyed them: .
selves. • -
They were soon through the lanes, and sigli AND 100R
out on the heather: Roland Evans and _. •
English standard -a ridiculously low one
• vr30-tf
John Mordauat rodeoin front and the
old pointer was sent ont before deem. Be- •
hind them rodo abreast Eddy, eri Mor.
daunt, and his sister Ethel, who were /1111E undertigned having•pnrchasee the Main- . THE,BIZEST
more than once cautiened by the two L log' Mill and Sash Factory owneu, and oc-
To -ms
a 9
1.3 the village of Mattlandville nide from Goderich
. the centre tif the Goderich Salt Works. House ana
- Store entirelyne tv, and commodious -with good Stone
„ Cellar arid Lot in Excellent condition. Terms easy.
Apply to H. SPENCE, •Goderich P. O.
or W STANBURRY, Burgessville; I'. 0:
Convenient to the Market.
• ...••••
nt, 147 ACRES-, libilE-01-t* LESS, ABOUT 110
acres cleared and the balancegood hardwood. tim-
ber, a comfortable house and'first-elass frame barns, a
good orchaid, and Well watered, Nest ot the land is
excellent' clay. The farm is' let 30,- 5theen.,Goderich
Township. °miles frem Gederich and 7from Clinton. 1
On payment of part carp, good terms will bagmen for
,the balance. For particulars apply on the prenusesuo
or to G. M. TRIJEMAN,
Land Office, Godeneli,
A ug. 15.1870 V360tf: Porter's Hills fP,0
Kis stook .of stoves &c,
f-ra' P hisTline8 %Weave Mr onOel: by iiIrsTPRIeetinlIlt
tock before purchasi g elsewhere .
Goderielx, 1st July,18 0. ' - wi2eW
copied by Donald Cumming, are now prepared
elders in front about makina so much to Carry on the busniess ot manufacturing
and fantastic in their horseplay,and Ethel 9' - 'WEST Ot•F TORONTO,
1 teenth concession of Ilullett, on the' boundary
Iline between 13lythe and Walton,post -office each way:
Good„hardwood ; watered -With ,a ne er 1 iling creek.
and never failing spring.' - Also welltioscisly the house
Forty acres cleared. weR fenced, l'Prieres m sIL Log
lions° and barn a thrivitr• orchard- S kinds of plains
iggoaoeseilurite3s l'IoEr!fililAa:rwit gcalutrrselpliyci leitcTe'
a p .
premises. TO RANKIN,LA.WSON and his Mother.
Atig15th, 1870. - . wilft-tf
noise ; for Eddy and Jim were furious Sash- Doors, Blinds
laughed loud and long at them.
'They iliera jolly behind there, those skiing
'Very jolly. Keep quiet there ; we I /, L, re- w calct
three; said John Mordanat.
and all kinds of
shall have the birds up,' said Roland. such as Circle and ort;thie Sash and Frames
'Quiet there; ilthel,'-said the :elder They think from their oxperience in Factory
Mordaunt, nailing beck to them. Work, that they can give satisfaction to all wile
The old dog had pointed five times on ni eilr.ini.v° a. fibers dimionnt to the trade.
the south slope of the Longmynd, and
had been whistled away. "I here are at 20 060,feet of Dry inch and a quarter
Fldorinn on hand. •
least four paeks here; said Roland. t . 0 , ,
'And we are not half over the south b DAVID LAWSON,
side,' sahr stolid old Jphn Movdaunt. 'We ' .
shall spot at. few four or packs more on
Goderich, Aug 15, 1870. - . w30 - .
Ins south side : send the dog on.' - -
'I should like to try the north side,'
said Roland. "Have you any objection
I -Not in thnleast,' said the elder Mor -
daunt. 'Yon 'Mean "towards Maynard
Barten haVe not the slightest ob-
jection to going there or nnywhere, as
long as 'one understands ' where one is
going. .I.Forthward, ho 1 you three
owers. %We are goibg to beat among the
bilberry slobes towards -Maynard Barton.
Ethel, you miad the blind ruts., w We
will lunch withold Mother Maynard, d'ye
hear ?' ' -
tAre fon geing tit -Maynard Barton to
inneh?' asked Roland, . • •
• tWe bid better I think 'Bata the 'elder
• 1.
Mordaunt. 'We shall know how thins
stand.' ' •
'I don't understand you; said Roland,
"I don't think you do,' said John Mor -
daunt. -
'Twelve Miles out Of ill eternity/ she
said, and here was her 'reward. It Ot one
single word from him during the. whole
ride; nothing but the tomfooleries alter
brother and Eddy Evans: Aud ,at the
lair, when they found themselves "
niountina n front of the low dark -red
• jilOSITE B.41N-k OF
utorm ntspnctFuLLy AN-
' nounce that he lias opened a
newshop in the above line. on West street -opposite
the Bank of Alontreal. svliera he will keep constantly
oa-handormake to order
Having on hand an assortment 1s1 , Upholiitering
material, he will be prepared Milli PromptIyallorders-
in t.hat line. ; ; ,
tri..; A quantity of Gilt andRosewnad lionldings
facture - F ANu
Ped.r ilr3,:rif all Unit, .•
and -every thing in Um -on the 0o -rifest notice.
Repairing of all kinds Ivoatirrane ontathe shorti estnotic:, and
(in, rear. Of 'F. -Jordan's, Drug..Store.)
f - i‘ C. lileINTOsli.
Goaerich Aagnst8t144870.• w29-bni7.-
1 •
• - .
vAxt.ag. being Likt--,3, concessien 5, Eastern
Division, Township -of -Colborne containing 100acres
more or less, of which 65 acres are elemed. Ties°
premmes are situated in the midst lit a flourishing
farming community and are about 5 miles from the
Town of Goderith. 1. or terms -of sale apply to
,TAVES £1. FINLAY, Bank natMontreal,
Sept. 26th, Ivo. wstialt "Godelich.
INecvniaon, gWea. wanApovshiy, toblarirtoecs..secfnilielitiwrinsjeje.i: 1r,(1)
W 4t
rrHE subscriber being determined to sell.,
d- invites any man in quest of a good
farm to examine tbe Er Lot 29, eon 8, East
Wawenosh, 100 acres 'which is one of tbe
st, 'and one of the most beautiful farms m
the Township. It is 18 miles from Gode-
rielt. and 'Gullies from Wineham, a pro-
tiosed station et the T. G. -13; B. R.
'rheree are cn the place, good building, a
good orchard hearing, a never failing spr.•
ing and about 55 acres cleared.
,TERMS ---from to east, the balance
to suit purchasers. ,
Fordyce, P. 0.
Sept. 5th, 1870, Av83-Sm
.*Pleture Fratning to Order.-
t.3•11e trusts by strict attention falbliziness:to
mr,eriva esnliaz Ao fur 11i5,c1panotronage. 20444--
RH Subscriber
heed Wuron an
facade oftearly the oldest and perhaps vi-rA-.L41.4 _
only this .forAwelve miks ride. Mary : •
the most p csperoas of Shropshire houses, • - •
Maynard, wonderfully pretty, and silly &O.
almost to idlotcy; and Roland bending WHOLESALE &RETAIL -
t cs
ennounce to tbe pule
*dee, that he isnow
first-class •
Carriagesi aggousp Sleighs;
CrtittoriEtt Ced -
which wilt he sold CgRA.P rint cASEI,
i -1
e Tictoria Street, Goderieli
'GOaerich, Ang II) 1870 -- *30 , -°'
over this doll. this foal, with hia „really ,
fine genius /lashing from hie eyeif. Nr 1FUTLEWS, 1,1:HE
To be continued. • .441113 GLOBE
Late advices from- soatipArneries show. A Beautifu, AsSo, rtment 1 N,S R A LC E 6-13 I" A N
that a revolutionary crisis was impending „, - " dhur"infaaatIPMterall iTahildrlYea-tolaeaveexacr8eldlilig
at tfoutendeo. - JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS 'Five and a hnalf poundosterling,
During the -past fhir days no fewer
than 700 Frenchmen, fleeing Yrom their
country, atrived at Jersey.
There are Shoat 200,000 Jews in the U.
Staten, .
There IS An catenates pale esfiablisi-
meat ontWest 'tarried on by thefirm •or
Gra,y St Lunt. More than ,Naif tho
letters received hy this firm hear the'
signilleeet address, "Lay Ea Grunt."
JUST RE.Oki v k.11;,
and.. to be sold
011E AP* Bt.TT*.ati'S.
I ' Thodisbuisemeet of this enormous kun over
4 wide area, has Witt:tent xiOubt - con tributer, to
the.establufinnent of this Institution,- in the
Con4dence ot Cotworations, Merchants,
Hoftsehoidera, and -Mennen men generally,
Wherever 1 is represented.
In /islet y ar, 1825, the Fire Premmilis
Fishing --TAckles
nlooe a ounted-tu . •-•-• 49,9h0
W -,wen HINDS; ilONERSTING OP *BEE_ Lig; it* 34:410thh yyeeaarr: 11884666: :.0 4g‘ : 48...z".497.3$73623
20th year 1856 " " X222279
One year later- , 1867, 4c • (4 • X818,055
- funs
- -
and -
The Fire Reserv• Fund is zow 34.72•4464 .
fo 4 The Life Reserve Fund is now e9,2$2,468
' Two: Irishm•en Were 4ravilling, when - 'Ecncertorkinc. The company s represented throughout On.
they stopped ta "examine a iaide-board. - AND- fano and- ttnebee, by influential Agents, to
' WhOM appheauon for insurance may bemade.
"Twelve miles to Portland,- said one. fit LLIAIC- itT COsir Mid till, Resident -Secretary,
"Just six miles apiece," eazd the other. • - ' tionewseo
aAsdt t heIllormayalltrudistanoedged oni apparently sett oiled_ eoderieb, nth Aug,..is7A...! BUTLE.B:041. gila...141trRECZSetr ,Agfe.uNt, i'voratioCode„) iroicrwslihfort,
eederich*Aug 18, 1870
Cit• 033EitiCIT•
furtkeveryllatteringeneouragemen the has
ahlouleefrorrttitvie lpsYreedarsto' ItmendnbteugseotniranansurgeeTheomftlithaehl sceivedinnee he commenced business an agile .1
patronage, his anxious study wlii tosuppiy ich,not
VIM Subscriber haviniiemoved Seim lately
Post Offic ,e wishes to thank ins friends tend ihe puhr.c, RETURN- - 17-"", •"*""""
J. occupied -by A. Naysmith,. West Street,oppasitethe -,,o 3c), 4•14-
-ot the liberalsimport with which they have 'favored
'_Watehes Cloaks and. Jewelery heowierebrought to Inni lastnetio
beamogwasbelectiumedrxeteciutiellz: one -ba 3 o
n avntg
z ntOST.59/i0BliETHANKS
Thb far-famed and reliable Catherine's Nursery
house Plants Grapainest Zee.
Any steel: not on hand, ordered on the -shortest
notice. Honse--31aiti,Ifdville. Goderieh P. 0
Goderich, Aug 15, 1-870 w319
ArOTICE Ise:alay given that The Partnership here-
." tofore eadeti g between the maim -signed as
General Merchan in the Town of GOderich, Intlen
the style or fuvn of Martin mid Robertson, is ads day
dissolvedlry mutual consent. All debts due the Enid
tir6 to be paid to A. Moyfin who will settle the
liabilities of the same. -
Goderich Ang 70. JOHN ROBERTSON.
4 With reference above the subscriber begsto
,dy- that he villhereafter caret, onthe business, minis
Wu account, in all les depnrtments and. wooklrespect•
soricita-contronnone of!, ublie patenage.
Goderich Auaust 1.01h. 187e. w80-tf
Xr0TiCE HEREBY -GIVEN that the Partnership
heretofore existing betiteeia EARKER.PCATTLE
as Chemists and ore_,-,isto in Owen SOrtnfl, Durk=
and Goderttela, has been this day -dissolved by tratual
,Alldebts owing to the said Partnership in Sciterleli
are to be paid to GEORGE CATTLE (who will cen-
time° the Business in the old stand), and all ciaias
against said. Partnership an Colloids me to Itepresent-
-ed saiclgeorge Cattle, by oleos tho same Will be
e e
sDated in Godirciris the TOth July. 1370 brip5If
he is prepared to sharpen saws ofevery EsserIgioo
in a workmardilumnanner. Allwo 'rk entreated tblituca
be promptly oxecated;
Goderieh 8rdjuly, 1870. E.:astwf2t1c4-0cs=1.*
GARpINER, cots.
AIS Goderich 25 Jitlyt 1870. w27 tf
Money to Tioan. on Rea,i zstate,
A PERAISERto the Tin/gelid LosinCompany
4-1. of Upper Canaria,
kasa•t Stmore Cetleneh
Mailer Great European lierb-Remedy
rpHosE sullen rig win, Consumption.Rbetima-
1. limn, Dyspepsia., headaelle, Loss of Ap-
petite, Bad Digestion, 'Catarrh and lgoiQes
the Head. ore advised to tr1,- this Remedy, in
Bilious, Inver, and Stomach Complaint. It suc-
ceeds when others fell, me -ever ond nue. cold'
sweatsand shills. ft was never knoWn to tad.
RecoraniendedhoPlrysicianstbrougliql Otter.
This is no humbug est one bottle of herniedicane
wilrprove . Do no/ sutler when yen can get
ease, ,tar olasultinig Madame Taylor at room
No 8,Colboree Hotel, Codersch. Ladies uueble
to dot wilibe attended Et their CI NA acmes.
liederip Atig 1L 1Z70 wEB
Farmers, Livery Stable
Bring oa all Your Lame Mmes.
1. a tert-wen+y-onevc,r
xpe ferience rreparal t 'TIC "
I.G.TodAerinch, AuOgR,
N B.-11crLesomanedlui 8e -ea
1.0 RIN G
Which wilt give satisfaction to the purchaser, and as all
"zrbavinAggiotodwassoll ertxemceutent Gold and Plated Jewelry/
4ePend arrying011 ROSS h eosin y
work hasheen done by rayselCcustomere may
'Watches, Clocks Am, always on hand. and trugoying none but first-enum tradesmen
doderich Aug. 15th 18'10. - V30 '
VOIR TICKETS to and from LiverpooILondorder •
or Glasgo* by the above Steamship Co'y, apply to
• , P. H. CARTER.
Agent, Grand Trank Railway
Godericb, Aug 15, 1870 w30
-CA round corner Roscriood Piano, by Weber it Co.,
forage by Mr•Itia/k E. Wade, rum Fortaand (kw 4
mar to be Seertat British Earthange Hetet
Goderich'I fithAugust, 1870 wa"'
A tid as . A. b eiteveshisexpenene.e as Cutter as
Outten:lone of t he PrincipalE stabl ishmen sill
Sdinburgh,Seodand, he eanesslystate to a.
131:::s7agZuilieneblieuat itozheighes Ertabliali
---k"1—eed-1 V ee41/ 1
a-crsix izi,,mcm:cv-mx:)-
. AT
Shepherd & Strachan'er
Cheap for Cash.
Caul.* Aug 18, 1870, awl-
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• W. :
40 et,
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