Huron Signal, 1870-11-24, Page 3 (2)W 3.17 'Vlamas- an Ontr�_=b ,-V was Wear m her, he T"rouzj 0:i ev-ery <.'very utLer -Ito. -4 L: Zi i L Free �`l (Mends *der 11 t C��Zzk :S a surt of S, 0%-'s Cr U1. KIM. AN S UF H EAT - :L -a W,Ulks' SAME. L�!� day a� ., tt- "I'MONP a::Ic p_- - e -a =2 Cf ra'-d F-r-o-�i='a ef tL,_-t7 ia no hz=�rc d. a=e-% (;-- re5s t=ft-_-:ed affliz C3 th!;. UL Elum;m_ ?t c7 t=t of L-_11 7 �.,7fc7:- ca tts fc-t L9 C-- et�az; .:C2� 7= C2 D= in t��-_ t�wn- - t�:d c-' cwy C,4irzix 7- A. Lou-,Yla ;---T & 31 _s& of r �.v T & :Tor ou *0 nezedi, 00 Wvw#AD M AN, FLOUR &ORIST V )PTZ. AN 1) GLO P. r,,o W L? 11 Co., 4 0 P -11"M 110 17, EW ACHESONS %"Pntq fOr lvee!dy and S ml -we, ly ATEAX b7 Or= sestbArwinOrwas ever PIT & or, FIVIR, city. arvi ara lauthorinnd 113 I Wore so univerf for mi at oar lowest ewli IL in that city am niquested to leave 9 ly ltdopted into tise. in of tlie abova houses orp, uuUyaudzmo= ar 871 UCTION Ion Vc IN ies For 1 am, , A N1 -ING r1i LN4 IMNffs, 0% nvtrl P'Ciii.-ionze In ustag TlryW.,? rulmonle VEP, "Alt 3TAvn;O BE, 0"T"I"r Put but emcient R1137911tive im, The obvious rea- S 4vIt ltrovcd tlium to lis th most effectual ATHOORHSB's. I cred the above Mills$ bogsto intimate that he fat, e-xzro i-mtition of the thrnit, caused rrRI5,f11'A 1PT E PSEPA-RATION OB got in WorkIn.- oraer a new.ana AT THh 0 . L D. S�AXD .11 . T �,l ' lilibloandf#rn2oreeffiec; or nansual evertion of the vo I virtues of those a STDIUM B917-9jr1alf r;� an,t wdl find them es The Most 4te Ono 1IXPR0VEDFARXEp,,syj3oLT -zemedy tbalz 44Y ong experience, hasproved to P645 whv, have all pronerfleo, for tire cure of Fleslh b0nd$, witich 119 k�oou fident �11� other. Those -who have 0, in, offieizt qS,o Sprani3pBralsest, Glkilh Df all kindif, Cmc);e �Hee baft 20 jTars�txperlenc Must delicate A RIng3one, kr;.jb#in eney,, ntorit-, has Dill Villillg,43hd latteiv )w it tur* -1T4,F49tuIA, $-0 not ,low that jtj,,U1"thefne19hbars andft r.*Callol tfid %kn( aFROMTRURSDAY 171-1- INST. himself4batte is geemilto Nolte. z3f�rs r-rVaa!1i llnlnionil� or eoagh and CALTAM NXIInstrateditews z LL cuess,. aIlMOW that What irdoes once ftdoes alwayS I-,. art -I them to be bIld in esteam. AtIroisous, Scratt: jrnj�, Salla Cracks, Fou dqda it 19., -tritb = . petof DR. RAD7TAY 5S r fault or negL receive I as 90011 as publialled, whjrah�Wflyolim=V -thatittl Ct rjY4D be T*Iytdeall� u -;,,l 'tbem. Suld by all medirine .vin.;, a salliple Qf ver falls t1lrOtP Swellinf-, mid IR" and racei od sand$ UPOR"th011' t, Horn Dialemp we bjvke thou� maAable cures Of the AT AIOORHOUsEj8. W Ilk 7 r -O P -LOUR, T 14A CA_NT)31z' we lmoWn in any- follativiog--omp bmmenil 1=4 been used for but Buch care TUte kartn-'oZ Lige. Godaricb, Nov. i5tb, 1-870. vearj-, -,wait its curative properties tborod,011Y d sndVr8need1I0tPub1s"heM' 14;XCELU4 ID eveiimeiiUbcihqc,s";u-d:cOndit!Ong'u �Lll climates to thevaried Change' an I it 13 Conceded to be Jh6f cheapest and 'Adapted o so Din -11 as the eable iamedytor all external coiuplatnts�evOr COE TH _y Ltfit� dyj III indone fkr ages. IN T faithe- publit-it never fail& Avben timely use , Pi they may 0 WAU eafety by ATI W'1!0!1 V701,gh n Utlitulbrapillied. d and COUN LL .; , �L irveithem- _ . =s PURG, ­ VE PILL -Olt Pon sughrcostingr0- .61yVegetable �n Cri r.; p-1 up4lu divers occa. icibad-ofall Druggists and Country Merchants Goderich vul fid .1 T�` farinercoming to tf-k*l4hdvurt- OC) V -2 L 8 ut I Is .19 0 bring luswheat for grls5rg an Ib theta pleasant �0 I frout tjWjr USO jq Al ALL N L To�..t Price 25c. per bottle. _ y 1oxi!terior conse- Ithrou.110 he Doniinr-, -'CQame zio barm. can anse jailtlen oas soon ai issued, ORT#pUP & Lym A N, &4(tL Airch6plig-to the zhey operate by the- P11 -06 on tll* ,k� one grc out.. Proprietors y Ue blood mid istimAutet it No interda _jjlsocr�tD puff MATIMU 4ffn- :i'ary. Ymrsa;.I. he triumphant. saftbe in tb-2- se�'ret to the Nblie. RHousw'q. Sold in Goticri h P Cuttle and -1? t intoheaUraeffon-remov6tWdbt=��t,'Ou STEAM MILL other �orgaas,-Of the nuadaltrtion) Rdcra stomach, I)OWPIS. live]; Atnd aflo)"'46"ealtb, and Wr utardifteer 9 r : ',,' , �Vs T S P E -Cl I Al I E'l Jordn - _4Co. Ba In almost all casisfarium Will get their r 2, S, badv, Trith its dis. Benthaj. Rodgervflle- J.- Tickard xeter' body, restorng their irreSu rurpl'-" S CM11 the bD*C'--, �.Ul tLroz az wh. tt i 8 ca 1!�Ii in a cure and speedy cure, J. H. bomt�p, Clin-tou -, Secord, Lue by oorrectin crever thPY CAW's Elkell a $5 meat,,, As re irstorigm, Tg3 L�_a U13 Great Purga- AT THE now; E. Hickspa, Seafert' and all, Medici; 1(;.1aST8,11OS1E HW9911�'IjAy v1h, . ofilillass, tlinsaro given in the er ten fr,-,a all ther vathartics. They W1,. N. 13 -All Qdsts welghedbotlj In an Mt 'ArtnuW WE '.tf, �rgl owins comviout5., whi those foe the rurrme ci czrc, c? cm, C by reinforce s6 the box, for 0 foll ozd mad s T6ivu CuatomreE�pectfully lzollclted� and- orders earp Pius rapidly oura:- dlEease, rjo LUCTly rjrr,CQ hillyattendEd-to. 101 Highest cash pr;ce paid fu.' I For 30yxpe:PS1A r IDMU9141 'it'r inoperative, Md Xoss of Appetite, ow-r-om n,. Indigestion, gtion, lust I;v2r, -in-I make ni� LOOK AS N 0 K S ness, 3111a or a a inoderately-to 150 Di.,�­tionr,,maderlglrt :.the rftojild be We. prownted toabiorblife; Action. L Re7. Z FS a6bandrestoreltshealmYtOwima ni;14 while :acting Upon GEO, MNCKEN I Goderich-Sept gth� ISM 87134f FO,-. zaver complallas and its various SM for trae lreadaclwj, -P pain or pr-Istrtion, for, as lamp" Tb -y make thems,,Ives th k 10 o New Stationery 14�jmeiwv M1110"'- ANT- LLTIMTM p� lxzattve ensties. Their evterior TaUnUCe'­or 1&yBhOV1dbGju- �Ij -,,� ILL, t' -at Can ta M!xn fr t with sweet HAVE RECEIVED A THIRD SUPPLY OF TUOSE C*Uc nd 39MOUS *'elerlil etthedWased dielouslytakdr,%dr-gach case, to Cot= New 14 aucy Goodsq THUR-PLAGE To BUY acdon or rei IV 2110ROU RIEN;tS Coar� Dont,69 no spiltv or: move therobstractiffas wbiell cauFe Drc�j;zzjf and corrosive proper. but Quo mild Lzi�s of ppzetite, Cutabeou,% sheep--skja In solesq f roM Nor xxygolatelry orAPi&rrkvs% in thoh= � Lmly VatilrAdo a ai-Rocafe Debility, General In Immnse Varie- Tou " I ose is generally I *Allpf P7 T:p!i,)id and other malignant 3 WIDELBEPOWN EMPRiSLU38" U710THS as,=, aGiatt, Grarel� I - Womeng' strong lools from $1.10 For 3EM-.mal t _X.Ain gn the Ailide, tivG r -rg; L - ]a ]04 W0j:Zy:KF9 Sat'" of ltke'neal YAopad be contiatlouslY vf tho, D and qffered at lo t prices. m 6 6.00 21"k and IDeh", they thed, AM4Q:7CX1r4 Lwm HEA.�'Y Overcoats fro taken, as U! is4pedactionot, fred, to jas=;Mca cr.h4a AT MOORElouSE,S.. MIE Ns, Pea -Jackets from $5.00. IS AT THE f the *,stem. Wd-h $=04=. thoze t. e� 3y 1`7 1y _,I .11 the dL 35ots per. Yard, ';n aentiony hMNS'ALL-W . OOL TiveedSuits f- -59.'00, ForlDre a - d frequent dOges 0 Pro' Goderich Nov. 18th 1870- STARI OFFI03'-BOA M RE,,- t=3hd3ft4n" $1 per bot%9e. 6 bottles for 4C% TO &OUMbe triame an, ALL WOOL TWE ED F.R.Ox dace tho effectf4drasew9arge. Rell;ef :rj ets per bottle. Pillis 25 ets per where th lanest and cheaFest�ptock isso be (on"., Be should be tam bo,.z. OEVERAL PRICES - � i I comnla, Vr Rid ty's Remedies are sold by all Drugg%sts anti 43 CENTS PER YARD Yor Sapprmden a Wged% path3r, y as it'proditees the deShlred fIffectbY A6�ACKLTO1ALr,­VI-NDS, CONSISTING As a Mufter -PIU, take one Or and at Qr Radwav's Medical If, X�jjlii to pro- 4arn Maien Line _V WorthAA (ft., Cofton Yarn$ 1.60 pr, bundle ID ,zA,:,S T-1- u 7L FI8FfR)DS, LI -%ES. HAND NETS, 11AZXWS, e. Moto digestion and relleve the $t Wirt-l'o, Y and 430 St Faul St A,Intr a. 'i ed Sateens at 25 ets per yard e 50mach and Fa!seand True, DOUGLAS X 6=11 4. N Z IE -v 19 Rdijorom 25 cents to $5,0. and from Vfeet to 0 feet An occadonal dose Stimulates 1 29 bowelsint(), healthy actioup ZestO s thil st&-jte, 45x�eliclw to Dr J Raway Co., = st invigorates the systCM He 0 it is 01 4d' of rowe uc-ess. rPf% T7T Pnouws -de inferMaioa Worth thousands Will -GRAY-COTTONS G09D TOBACCO 28 cts per. vantageous w1wre no Berionsde xzmeg'su M" adose thloriglaafdr, TUm wct", em.-, but veryr, T 0 RARE ,e ft RODS _17 ef pc ent nR3- This is the effect efabolifflilng the Silver One Who feelS tolerably:, Il cp4p- don4de b er, 01 ILLso tnedialm-S tte. wo tvTled to aw cts Worth 16 ets Godex46, -itli-Nov. 1870. W19 renovatinz efe4t IT "Celve rnft-4;ez. AN 4Lcb common iils n4 ]R'V r one Case Madder Prints at 12 inifee dedde G�Iol Signs- It is a 9 -1 t, s,a a aian doingan he!, b ' a in ty t,) hi theleolor-of hdWth in a m:tn*s fa�'e. It is a good si6n P -ods repmed al raaSonabje Q.-tjr4D 4XZ_-t' aeL ofe, .4 f�. -It ii a good sign to see to s --,e n bnest m wearin., clothes, ,in,! the im- for -abase 14! 1- A muT 01" Y OF ANKETS ]Pries. r., a.,es .)r the Cana-lan Pain Destroyer, is a good 1% JL L rj�aWA PliU that spreparation, and properI3 LINDS FO Sit oiltm P. georai. TFIE HONOR OF ANNOUNC19GA LARGE QUANT17: OF NUMA SCARFS FROM 25cts NiCanada. . 11 riAgd-n. 0-AC=V1 =i t;Z45. a- ite I 1,y th-c So!d every wherd at 25 HA� 6tationeryi­&Faney Com %,gat6ble or inlizi "�-ats NEAR GODERIGH. R3- Sold In Goderich by Parker Cattle ad Many preparations that helvis enrered int- possession oftbestand JEWELL3Y IN WEIZE, ALACK. JVT, ordan. Gardiner& Co., 3dayfleld. jrmes peuthu an afterad-re. 10111d Lo rz­l rDj-,nInr, L--� i�3s vt�p!,: AS years by o,%u;twd for the fas 12 LE, SHIRTS & D &ND G11T SETS, Cheaper flian I D 'r7i"N CANADIA_ RAWER 0 BE SOLD I �OTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, 4-1i mistorediaO." THE MARKET�'Q_ S T ton. speord, Luc f;­irdmony, -Z�Iylr ;a 11 1S10 FREDRIC tU Medioine Dealen. Goderich, Nov. THE RIDGE PROPETY. preit loner. at faf A. _jc!17crtie�d j1RZ 22,1181,'0.- TTE has ptirchased !an entireN Dow and carefully Fall Whent ............ I. Q1.00 ra�- 1:08 J1A sele,td:,t,,A.f HES 4BRi ]j0Wjy rly #K�. S pgoog ATj0B CONT&INING SOAM 450 AQ laa- Dont forget to call at the TAK -v 1:00 '1 4 ! Spring Wheat .......... 8 JEWELLER -Boo7 �4 1:0 Y, WATUIES AND r moreor less Offles c Store. Flour ................ 5.50 (a,) 6:00 7 CLOCKS, 9A . The above property is beautifully situated overlook- I - Oats .................. 0:34 na 0:33 300 Pairs Boots'& Shoes at Lowest Prices CANERON'.S BLOCK RING- pua� fititlh 1-m It* %MLV, ea S' i w-aafire P, ,�u ing Lake Lfuxon, and contains so we splendid Building t! le�por the trade ot 21 *' I qualities and pi�lc supei; ...... 0:50 (, tab Peas ........... 0:56 1 of a, t is iSTON STREET, omrt!6s to the mos 0:40 Q 0:43 A Plan of the Property may be een. and forms of I r Barley ................ Medical Selonc,_ '14F Q!Ebr in every re -Veal td Potatoes -------------- 0:30 (a) 0:30 ND IS P REP&RED TO Q I VE CUSTO M LDIE5 GENTS C]�ILDRENS'FKT OVER ale learned by application to, all other Pills in coneral r_ -C. _a3tbo only 'TRONG. GOderich Augtist 1st*70, Butter .......... ..... 0:16 17:20 oi-I and new, the saine uniform satisfaction FREDERICK ARM,1, thQtBUITUCS AU;�ff:I�Ite for Eggs .................. 0:25 ® 0:00 wkich 31r, Fredrick' has so Ion., done. Having.had 5 �B 31-7 �El f3 Land �Igeut &c. West St. ........... 8:00 years expenence-as 100 BOXES NEW LAYER �.RAJSINS AT $2.50 par BOL GU I N N EVS In RADIVAr-is P11Is rcm haT13 616e I Hides (gree) .......... 5:00 Oa, 5:00 WANH-MIAKER & JEWELLER T,'LACHER WAR.C.&D. B f tg=,11, secure quicttr, mr-To noraz]Lh btl b3t e -Y ' - B QIN D-11CATiffi an will b,,g1rp;i h&-,' "i threa or div - Wood ................. 2:50 na 215 On SCHOOL SECTION. No 8, GODERICH, AND f4rant C, fthe IAC Beef,perewt. '5:00 rez, in Scotland an1 2 yeirs with Mr. Fmdrick he 4s pre 1) TLOR &CO. F U., LEBRATEDDUB0 POR, rERICA3 1;qINE1q5 COLLA.Tr prODfOfthis., You us I J41 Township. A usale teacher holding at least a . 1 00 e-xecute all jabs entrusted to hint in a. work- second-class. certificate. to cater on his duties on Ist' TER. itistitute. The only represeneative it. Dazterz -j Blue .............. 0:00- re, 0:00 manner and at the most moderate rates, prescrib'L Pork-. Januarr.1871. !Salary$23Q. Aply with testimonials, �.e A� Btratton International Chain St. -0=07 ("Mckens per pair ...... 0.30 (t)� 0:30 Goderich, Nov. 15th, 1870. of Colleges. ryant drastic _loctie tho t5eezA to the -Trustees. ortho blue 1411. yhls 104;&3 !,k JA21ES WAI-ITACK "PORTED DIRE: --T FR631 jME HAji0jCTUR_ The Theory Departinxii is thoroug-bly a4apt-ld in next given. era gentle Wool ................. 0:00 .00 0:03 With refer the above. I have great pleasure in (,EORGE WESTON. 1, orpLI sold extremely low by those who irisb to lay tho foundation of a somal Lust- 0FILADWY1321LIS 7 Sheep ................ 3:00 (t -z3 4:00 certifying that Mr. Doagglas MeRenzie was itt iny eni- Goderleb Township. 5th Nov. 1870. sW23-3t# Edneaticu. th=ormore preseriptic-n3 p!ovDient for two years and that I consider him a first- GEORGE GBANT, GRUCER, - "The practical departin-at is a minia' ure bus nes, 1,ambs ................ 2:00 od, 2:2- nM9 MW ridi ex ziauatng &6 tybere each Student pLrfuruis all the routine class jeweller, capable of doing as good work as any *ZST SIDE SWARE, GODBRICU. oe work. such ai buying, -sellin_- shippi Apples ............... 0:50 @, 0:55 man ivest of Toronto commismon, and drurring notes, dralts and cheeki. A �r MEONLY $1-75 PER DOZ. BOTTLES. regular Bank of issue is I. nnection with this do art - 1:20. men t, with beautifully eu;raved bank nottesq, w hi b Is- ivy Turn aw tvro pTindim E�11 02&-t in �_Tclv Goderich, Nor- 17Ab, 1811C. as perfect in its details a§ the best or4ganized iusttitu- per bb "Nuo - 4& 51mrPIS Goderich Salt, wholesale,:r XE' MAKING, UvRe humanbody; vaoisfL au Thorough intrurtlon InVelegrapIt. Life cch-ilar- TF '0s In the 'Cunt'" 01imton IffeeeTs. M. R STRAYED zhigsgo A In forty Collegas Fbr tr*s, address zcjectmil hy the nbsorbce zPJ laztonis au rerwllf ISp -ixI T� -3ph Good & Cheap LOST, STOIX4 ff 01 Fall ns. are 1jenour., Toro ..to, ROM the premises of the undersigne4 To be ffid in Woad tr'Bottle Clinton, Nov. 22, 1870. F Red Steer tour years old, lost about Sept t thOet.la.-L Any persongiving such he tio z 1e for the SigDaLl 'M rta vientitious Aplementsboc. -I matzlexif F aH Nneat ............. 1:00 1:10 information as%villleadto the recovery ofthesame, A�L rool Plaid from 45cts; 90%,% - 0a 110TELS PROMPLY SUPLIEP.1 Flmi Prize _in`e=ans1dp. adopted. For the rer-svol jS 4j�o EM &o irzr�nj Spring do ....... ....... 1:10 (a), 1:12 will be suitably rewarded by the owner- ......... ...... 0:36 ed A. B. BROWNSON, RENCH Merinos from 45 ets; HE 8dbscf1berbe_-'s,.te. inform the public lbs'.he; Goderich 6 '31 0:36 14t%, 187, 43-2t* Hafield. P . ept. 2 19TO. SW104f I - -VIRST PRIZES in both buidness. and ornanteptai 'bOtfc1sP 4'c-) 11cm =y ca=- 0, the Danntlerd Barley ................. 0-40 0:45 0. Tis still carrying gn the 4LKO MaUU&ctory in JL' penmanship were awarded to us atthe .............. ..... 0:57 0a 0.57 Flannel from 26 eta 1113old stand on Light Houss -tstreet, Goderich. Do is Provincial Exhibition, Toronto. This is the sevauth confident with the experit1hae, he has, thii' , `30 Yearin succession that we-h4vo 'obtaiw-d first p_-izes cfall Ld 0 0:35 SVenb C ;I =3 M &' PoL-Aoes ---------------- 0 (a) Dish a better axe than is'sold by any othE inPeammuship. Young Dieu should bear in mind that _aeq�evcr Floor .................. 6:00 (4 6:00 All wool shirtilig Flannel from 35 cts; Give him a trml before purchasing elsewhere. the tw-o Premium Peamen. of Canada are engaged at this purpo-qjD, t -here is r,,_TQ it tho gj�c' : B3- 31y Axes'eau be obtained at Racey's Hardware; SWJV aza rif RuttAr .................. 0:18 na 0:19 WEP VLEj&W I thIs ifistilution inteachingthe spenecrian system as MA3 =ICArC1U1MTP.Y thez�r store, Clinton. oxLlblted -atthe Provincial Exhibition, wi "Pork ................... 6-0) 7-00 PEA JACKETS,. Xenls� & Boys"over -coats. admiratioit ofn1I beholdert. dch liras tile Import =t %� salts E 0 tTortj;;VF, ULPPLY, zu,71 r, ..S .1 C4 0.15 1 1; REUCTION NTRICES 1 -such C= ORT za ..... ............ 0. 4 WHITNEY, Balmoral & Glengarry Caps OOX & MACDONALD'S STRAY CATTLE.,-- SeaforVa i OHN McPHERSON. Godarlieh, Nov. Oth, 1$70. IS THE rLACE To BUY QTRAYED from the prenilies af)he subserPier Q Lrot lu 6 con. Asbfield, about the end of =y-4 By spe-fal TeleTaphto the Signl? ok 'GOOD & CHEAP Itle, consistingof-2 old sta;x .BOOTS & SIR &C, BnOMS head of cat 11AIWATS FUL Seaforth, -Nov 22, 18,710 Noon Godericli Oct. '20th, H-7-0. HORSE LOST. (I brindle4 livithide-set burns, and the red and In RADWAY'S FMS, 17-P fm x7�ackle of 21.w�l thaxecs t or, from Lot 21.'Ist con. Gndetich Viril j wbitewithalittle-edabout-the uiT..I,, und the other edi ............ 0:00 0:00 TTIEY-114VIE A White with belfers, one s teaured 1:10 horse, 10 Tian old, off hind liog white ay:d spotted red and'%rYtto. -Any one iving information V -0 -U -Ty 8 buinorsthataro-cheeL Fall lVbLeat i2ev ...... 0:90 (a 13PLENDID SMYCt lbrough flao ..... 1:10 awhite apoton the btek. Any one gh to their iecovery will be sultb d' AmetIM 101-:f fiese formation ai will 16,td to its recovery, will be suitablyi REID, �Vurc Flo-Zww tts ........... 4-50 (a,), 0-:0- 0 reivarded. - DUINALD BRUCE BU04DM 001MEOU'RED AjDunggami everettons belong-ir tow rkZi2, Everi vzo tz. CA , A On, P- ternWitc-4. in the' r cscpo, thcy knm;ao 0:381 v, Oats .................. 0:37 (d, Go4erich No 14th, 1870. 0 shfield Oct, 29th. Wll. IY40-tf d%qyvtid depa cSition. ani manka Pz-,r;;cd, OF The of -a Firsklass Workman Barley ................ 0:45 &.47 Potatoes ............... 0:30 0.30 TO LET NEW,,' DRY GOOD81 nd me prepared to dolivar throughout Huron. and er,-s 11,11,crettens eftho S= Peaz 056 0:58 E Public are herebycauticv� Bruce Cttg. rebard andNino e ,a against tiog =at �cnq ,otiat- lril=ying a certain Uote niade by John Rayne An LI A -f land on South Street, Goderich. ........ 0:17 ?Xtr to act @ 0:17 Ana to Cliarles Milne or order saill note being 113%% M Apply to W.]D, ALI". 6:00 @ 6.W now i3ver due, and the same, IAnng beou lost or stolen a icavy. Broo 00defich Oct, 17tb, 3.870. SWII-If AL CHOICE SELECTION of NEW and BEAUT15% GOODS is JUST, TO HAND I z ................... 0.-15 0'!, 0:15 from me. OF VARIOUS GRAI)ES. CHARLES MILICE. nro inany con7litlea ff CO VrFMID TC2'-v* JOHN BAPRIS.' Nov. 10th. 1870- vv43-.3t- TARMI�FJO SALES `hg .2 * 6�5-. Merchants and others %T111 do well ta' at 4-1-d is hvr$03. W"4 XONTFMAL MARME!"T's. Goderich, Aprill2thiM. Wa befooe pumhasing, e4ewhere. TIE SOUTMIIALF 01? To zalibrin7_ from ; rTWO ID33ORS SOUTH OF T WANTED DF 9"E"FIA y T192; Lot* Inthe 11th Con. IW.Aera Div! on, Afhfiel-1 D I FF1 CULT0,44 n laa IN V, 01, Montres4 'Nov 2-9, 1970. ThE GREAT FEMALE REIREDY1 "I DISCIIAM; US of V,, 0 YTE119SUBSCtilBEI�ATPORT--kLBERT LLS Township, 450 acres, The land is partly clearedand BA blillor capable of taking charge of a GrIsting HURON HOTEL. Lo'. TO I"M con - Also 'the Sonth. hdlf of �ccssion, Western Division, AsIdIeld 100, zeros Pori er c &C, (By SpecW Tellegn-aph to the Job Moses' Perigidleal Pills. business. for particulars, Apply in person to L D I LrOTIC:z, JAMES CRA.WFOREL, Kinaston StreeL. FLOUR-15-uperior Extra M I L Appl DAV 0. , JOHNSTON. ALUARLE MEDICINE IS UXFAIL ING -AV ForkAlbert. NoV;.1st1r70- sW22't, Godeiich. Oct. id I'sTo. -SWI01-tf Q�t GRAIRDIS' I 'V j HERNRY give notice that as my vift 'jjsz%-t FUJI, I %, --nd In IS" - Goderich Ort 12M, ISTO. Ektra ------------- 6.01' r,, 6:20 Ta- the care of ad those puinful and daneroas JL has left my bed au?l heard without any j 119t cause. which the female constitution is subject. a, :75 t OF dis I hall. not hold my -self responsible for any debts she _4 Fancy ------------------ 5:75 0 in tes all excess and removes all obstructions, ar:aud Ihereby caution allpeZsonand'persons Read � for Whiter ()OW LOST.-Stmyed from the p 411S- yi 40" 1 Sup. fine No I Canada W. . 5:30 ra, 5:80 and a speedy cure W be relied. on. =nclaourib.- her. NABLE Laugh and 'row It.. re TO Aftyg= LADIES NEW AND 'FASH10 Ur �s of the subsefiber, on 'the n. 69 No I Westem Wheat. 5:45 od 5:70 It is pecaltarivstLited. It will, to a short time, briag� Southamiton, 4th Oct. 1870. IT. 3DT-11-T-E-01P Roati, -2boUt Satttraay, 24 Seph. a red tow, "zip 1, L 02 with large firbut ieats the 4ght one dry. o L110 1 N ...... 5;00 (d4 5:25 sw­3t mv z:lcl on the mouddy period with regularity. ar too V. ealz IJ2 tied -111027 Bs-tf F lOur .............. 2-40 R 'Pi11, should not DREL'SS GOODS %a . -About 8 years old. Any one giving, sulea 2:60 77,,-,,- be takeit by Pe=Us durj7ig70.e STEERS STRAYEJ)- Has now reee I ived W07iiLb�mda, FaU, 1:124 1:15 FIBST THERE MONTHS qfPregwncy, as they are infoad3ation a.9 ivill lead to hei� recoTer in iz Spring ... 1.29 0-00 " to h't at anv otur " c t' y 8TfU_YkD ft.4h. premises of the subaefiber North Winter vveeds, will be m4bl. V 1:1- are -fe. JUNPIN9, Wegem. ......... 1.12-� (9 a Z JA4 44, LIke Shore Ashfield. about the 22d day In all Cases of Neivous and Spinal Affectiops, Fain in of dept-� Jut a yoke of steers ; one red with hite & emu -u-' Nos. Meltons. .11ARVEY40XIVE LLI OATS- Per -32 lb ........ 00-4'211 Q'0:50 the Backad Umbs, Fatigue oa slightaxemon, PWpi!a- spot on forehead, the other white with red on both 1pjaOiG� I I - 0 -0yercoatings &d Qoje'n-ch,4th Oct. 1870. sl-tf BAPMEY-Per 43 Z ..... 00:65 a 0:"10 on ot the heart, Hystenest.,.wil Whtes, these Phis sides of head and neck. Anypartygivin i Will effect a cure wL--m at have fhMed g information ioj�p violent and TOVere*!_ BETIvIT-R-Dairy ........ 00:19 od OfY:20 leadibg to their recovery will be saitably rewarded,* Assortment Ujiusally Whih he I. P'rep�rfd to make� up, Calaveras County C9L and lthe.zli a powerul ramedy, do not contain iTno and any party detaining them after thl.% notice wW be rz:,p:W,v und 0.-14 C 0. Stor� Packed .......... ct 0:18 calumet antimony, or anything hurtful to the consuin- H MIS IN prosecated. ARTHUR TWITCHELL 5, t, n- X4.101MXC�-30. FEMME AND CRELP _85 g .():Go berl 0 2L �24 ...... 1 ---- in. the pamphlet around each Package. Am eY P. 0,� Oct. 25th 1870. w4l3t PlldiretiM ON 400 pages price only 1-0 common uws ................. 4:25 9, 0-.00 whiclisho-.ildbecurefally, preserved. NEW Frelf[Ch lNerlifflOs IVOM JJ TIP. about 20h Oct�, �ono 4a -h- bay THE SHORTEST 190TIO XUMC, With a, 'WhIM BpDt 111 the fiarChcad, Of the;9113110 ............ 2S. -060a 0:00. ion noses, -'.-= 'roax, SOLE rzopur=0R. roit sALE, OR TO RENT. alle yard, ;6fabaltmoon, s4od on front 114--tand rzsig� fouryors $1.00 and 121 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop Cian Plaids Ift NEI W to 704c M, 0a 90 �e -old. Undone. luall-sized ligh re Witil, t1C TOSIU t bay, in- h7Urjf41. ZE:d & Lym3A, Newcastle. -Ont., enerdl agentg for the per yard. t. % h� Wea 5.4 111110 t- -Tet, Receipft­wl�ed�3556 flour,166$. Ship- I)amftflon� will insure a bottlecontainin. rrID becoldorrented tofvteridolyearg.ascanl)ea�,,m3d inane shaveA offolk the backfter neck rising tbrep h fjL:_j, gover 50 r ills, Pauttfui T tlees, Lot -A EW S&tzaen elots-B N R_FA_DYI­MA�DES-�' HE Bome SA114?io THE 31081 old. - Apyonegiving suelt wiff t 0 rep=e ment_,�­wheat flour 33.26. Flour i;Y return mail- L upozi� That plendid Farm orjohn Har ful goods. UL received -a very solert stockwhiehhe wIll set ofan RTMWP, &I YUAN a-er W -n, 4-5) Lake road, WeA. Concession of leadtotUeixmoversi7iUltusait-f�blyroi7arded, Address ),a - r -;,y dar very du14-no, business of conseqneneare- RO _Mve VC fWro" W Tow�oslup of 4tanler in the Count y of Huron, .180 -NT. lit I lay rrov musing book zver qu a.,* f,�, newcastle, U.W.,gen�'ra inco u 0 NEW Seraesq rgeppfil ]L'UStress MEAPFORCASH bllsboii im AV 'cnly rted ;, 9=11 -93leS Of WeUand Cand-1 at btaTlo. Cofitaining.one hundred alld very cheap, angentforCanads twenty acres. of PrnaeCl�yLiid, outhesbordofTake 'A full assortment of s1drts,underelothing, ties,collar, talre.0 6V65 free. Any transaetions in -other, , Drb, one huAdirtdacres cleared, and under cultiva- NIEW'131ac-k -1-7c. to 80 jQ0 page OnIS 10 vents old in Goderich by-iParker V Clattle ana R lina Gents Furnishings generally. S, grades of a purely- retail character. Gm' tion, good fenees, Brjokdwelling honse6 Barg 9tables per ydrd. JDAts -.r a BayhAd ; James in" -F.Jordan; Gaidint tq. CaRau(I SP -6 ptyles and- PriCeS. these bboks fmailed to a�ygddrcsson.- Shedsandevery convenience fora f�irmi, with a god & -rates nomj�aljv Un- gentgum, Rog-eiville ; J. Pickard,EXeter; J.1j. Qrcliarl and withip fkva miles..of the most flouriA 'ng, no reported sales NEW -Black Silks from 80 MORTG'A",, 4SAIR changred. Pmvislonsdullaudheavj; but- Uombe, Glinton, &cord, Lucknow; H. Hich-� and prosperous village OfByfleld, where the highest yard. Oct. 17 70. W,39 tf 1--.1 -t4> ::j. �d :L0 wal ter te-ading 10V-er---Szle5 Of medium 15 to qou.&.af0rth..and al. W38 price is alwayi obtline'd In 4�ash for tbeprodAqe of -kq]UW Silk pqplin :Dresses prIces TE1XG:RAPR_ -DUIZSUA-,%-T to 6101N, the year ARP�Y13 mises to. low. the Po wer of Eale oriff1pedin fa h L Mortgage made by MICHALL CASUMN dud'wft 16a, and inferior at I -A, cho I ice takQn at 1.8 lo'BreHAMAY ' 19988, EDUCITION..' 'to trio Vendor, In pavole t - ntr which derholt I*en F 20- O'heesa qdiet. yEg 33ayfleisl, 001.2sth, 1.870, CALN"10 PhiN ID19STRO ran&, there will be sold IT Pablic, Lubtlor by NOW TO ME -f scarlet W.EST -MARIMT Se -at I&IsAuct CA COAL OIL- P]l So Flannels UAUIE� jeorge m 'rruerunn, Auctioneer, E0 7 1aALnKLT*' A Family Medicine, *ell and f The C ailzda Eusium- floointi, in the Tovu�of Goderleb. m q ", " "1 11 ; .rORONT Ioriblyknown 16 cents. rx- An dOLLWE� ocember 15,0 WAYS p1juEs of -ouda Fancy FJ MIS lr�014: 21, jS70 fort!iepast,tenye'ars�neVerfailinji-irL a -single any Book, ToQr, 3tipgIne or . Vage:13ub- IX I ike bib day vf A, 'f0a SA14B BY THE BARREL BY, r11j..t Afb so ritc�y and New Yok r-citanp. baling lat 00, instance to, give perinquenit relic ilka timely- 20 cents yard. 41AUT. N OUT Z: a :mnimq at 0,';- - Silver- 'bviig farge at 61; sellingat used, and we have never ku6vvn a m -le case PMES 071 Witticeysliro 60yard' -%,18 - 7 � TWELVE O'CLOOk N 4. ,5j Small-buy4; at 'ft,; selling at 7 dis­ i(Late Ooderleb, Vot-18th, 10. tllat�l% -ABR-AHAM S-M!T'H-' PMES or wool _4dt to rmn1G%,, cof dissatisfaction where the directions have been I8.kr0mi -11,Z96 lion or tuelt swtm Go�d opened at 110,i; andelozed at 110' God0rich, 4th N�r.. 1,910. $2.40 eveli. PR= being, Firstly the south half Of 1he wtst FToperlytollovirecl,buton the eontrary 0 are. FOR SAM bzzEk Or azUets uWV1 - riship ofAshheld, Coutty tiflitm. Vt dell;hlej with its oRaratioas,, and tlpeakta tlie of Bed R1 H18,00tLEGE-011TAMD 2 -W -Of PRIZE87" ftho Tow r- VV-7h*W0 =tan (to ?o:AW tb&, *I:z'r j4;zbj[bItlo t ltdiagf goattwAy Fegmaliship at the'ilastYrolUncial lftyacrcsi�orcorlcas. Sceon, El tile Town -M. Tktiam=s- Sa-fe Register. 7utue and M gie E ALL ,Tom&.. - The Canada B a at efrce% EESE usiness(Iollege,-Is _GOODSS()LD C derich, formealir Do f ales XWC CANAD-CANP-41N DESTROYBR -ofany0ollep'i 4p and oup!ed r C -b- udinostlargely patr6nized .1 - Cj:sslQnoftI4wcgte,D jai..Uun of CP_sa� t2I j�5ucted py 'Alele'Laulm * -.0 has womforitself-a reptitation,asa blood'. I stso the ottlyRusiness College cc Townhip of Ashfiel& Z-Farmsback, Jacob Crdzierj Lot fle'r, alterative Istonlach ton e, Ungar - issed in �he AT 10WEST PAM PRICES. experlancd 1ccountimt. The lusiness! course mw pftheREV,,1C. FJ,02!C4E1.ttr -binces BOOR -KEEPING, perreft bf purelzase Ila fix-W.1ezCe t1w Aptcht froffa tlzo Iteat Dan'- histOLyormedicalpreparations. -It seldomlails Godeb ft, -eDjpPpsj"iver Cohiplamis, Itifte-­ --Cominerm bor IM. gannen 0 TTU btWmbssostembydoubldab&singleentryA%Mine e, . 1 _P2 Shephard Strachall y , . . Inelfiding.-thetreatuctual ',. ' E74 alKnedouo 13 8,_6 Son. .4Shfidd, tl 4"k day t1-Vc(C=- 2. If a ;mZj,&n7,j geutlo aperj�:It =;_l laxw-ft* 16W RNIN �jjirce Ny id CtIlro. JWo to - -M 13aJo ofLands, Xiffiael tion, Heartburn, SieT.- Headache, X 11-ey 1Aw. Spoiling Reatlin nLq oP hu i 'Ac;d Stomach 111tthisle or sthain,'and' A7E been re-appoiked solii gents at ,QoheZ'4 1!; Mart 94 of the West 1). s to. vital activity the systeni debQ -&'-TELEGRAPHY GofirWh�for the sale of the C'dlebriteff XOTT(j)g; _1PLHj1f0CflA1r",!. A. 8 con. Ashfield. by sulleriag, and disease'. It6vembersth, 106. if merely AL dither upper';o, nuato Iromnto 1. . -Exetei-Factorj-.Cheese. TAUGAT UY RIES7CEDVASTERS. -or tlaae buo" to - Its m4cadand%onderidt stlecess . in i;urjb,-, .4 SPnmula��, oc4l -deale Dpayeisor-tbe owns P lifield, aft 0- Board can be obtained in MvatL Famillav it MV31ATES. THAT ra supplied at the airato-talmAotlee that the Collector a -s3jres. Y particulars send fr. callk and jim. -by *6 suddeueoldS, Sore thro2t,,Coughs, Diptheria. THE Hall Walljobs not - beteby I very- reasonable )i d for Ludknov 29h 6*neisjy. the 26.th & XEelu painin thesideion udb4loteuraloklooth, Price Will attend ar7tho-follovvin2 j)IaM- At ollege CiularilsqSpebinicus ofFemnaushiptoo" Bf b6iixild to pa dkz#_7 4re. ']DeeeMber. ]jDagantion The otheipaitisja guy part of orthelastmentionod 4#eallu] -r the cost -.0f rew the body 4nd font Whatbvdr aansp,'bas ;iven it 8 1th Docember. Aft to IT) Vol ON,, -In4o" nll.40ne Or tWO 1ARF. 1,3, r.N rP_*r_dM & RMTOR HE P HARD Ar STF A H-AXT. ov. lotit, is". -t8m .3lanugfr, Ire. PAY UL a plamirteveryhousehold and is IhAt! iqper*od� PadtaxesWjUjjopIac6a,jn tba hands af aconstib 6 AT SALT lor collection. 187f, - I . . Ash4 J. 611 otherpreparationS!Of tile rand. *30 - V43.12f Godmich, Augl ONGE. 'not only Like.) fan VD WZ - Itmalsoartelle(WaLand prpaWt renzeJytor .4u�jeetto=q - r OR AIX T 2,�01111 SW or 18balds, Barns, Rmises, SprailIs, Chilblains. Me iii6h 4tbNov-.1do X's. MWAY CiN batWill L /0 Traz;4 !==*-a oaWtla an& ad- Or or awakened from B1,00 ONr rrostBites, UmMI).* fit -tb& -StDln Xdtj. Diaritceh eed, n,-t::Z.C97po=t-1oa of Godeneh lit the mute li�� o6a, Pjau.o�by; tim touchofaunr- 0T10F. ea 1 ges OR. FcMr N3_ illb evm -=Market lu -atin, theiie 11 �4 not L m. -Ws�utery in sbhg gt thp undenigUll up 19 thb tioleraynorbus,BiltiousCholie.?hof�ra lialita- Meshine �4 tist, is elev -to teiast da W� go. LOT andolietifl Atsiteaubethi I II sea. By* Fa;atir.- 3� re:%&ux rwii only 25 deniser bottle.- EETING"FILL'ft HELb AT the richestenjosee Lut-we t*t as my -wife 3ErrirbaW*L afto. Rizzi _te -=aA;tg to%=. ROP 1,YMAN fliif, any housbbdd, to'llomiss. Y#b how big -left m I _y just,cause, thb y bed. and bo*d, without A -bouseboldsthisr4restof-l= 1 shail! *peuibl Nor-TH FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER NEXTAw %jor any <to 1. d emsolves, and �ffieir. liold 111pstif 4; - ovide the. zyId*,4n& I bU w Im% witho be �O.Qtfltft0i(ia i3f. her,. ho we amply able toirr 5; ane 13 it tit, 40, D1. n!sf, -of tha M03f, AGeneralgentfor0an no6n, frr it jujitlofl for.,q.31t WO A ffe 1A ROCKI'� rks. in 61 DYSPPESIA0 'by Parker & Catik an Roliday ofinuoib#gurspacevil I ser LEY _ 13L oMinfloderich, - In e5Av:n,-Cfte3m.S3 =1 the' F.'joidan; Gatdjotl�-&Ca, Bayfiellf;31=19 0&4, NOV. _5tb, j8* far tL --a I- at '0. SW24_ 91. 1 U uo" Ia Ine oti5redurlub, votamer-cing st mw%vk Keml , Fw-kard,rAxeteq F F A "Q 'THESIGN&L OFUGS," Ei be, Glinton; Semrd,,Litcknow; 9 Hickson. ne. Deputy t�eia� ana ifire 00-lrlp and all Radira%hMalerx. UIT of All. kindir in season, rastr-n -4 - �` , - ­ ' I L -,: : , TZXC=R'WANTXD. the UixerUmflatti, at the foutof 1VXrEn. �j .*39 C. At% . T1..,An,m.,caseqt _a 60A:-r-r._t*, NOT. 12tbi V'7 -Jr- -891�'.tf Id cagomers. 4t LOO STRUT-, -thenic, aloug iW west side 4 ��'mft be glad to seii hee 0 serve f6rL thp yearlS -By PUUngktoVM,fbat 'W. 3�*, Sjnarf, hit Poll being i*q4ired ther19160916a will bolield finst Teceired-,over Uooeopicz*.or _34w.%ept M gr CTIMN- No. t, TOV NS 't intersects lite the WA*13uildtfikbz1 th.k�jq`sy usie HOOLsE HIP )I? 2e,91- hil IV- �L_ "on atfWaxerloo Street uaiiii he I VMA 'oderich, 'Sept. sth, UUM a um". I y Q on -MoridarAtif Prailng.Mlg 1,4.Ualol)r* NElaurille A=00=13914 th-ELIGIN SrABET, V�q it. tba 4ame� place I of *hfoh -he� 1will. sell gt n- HaU f irst AJOY persoPAW -to - 12�4rth S; 11IMS Pere the onypm-a!!re, ,A janudry llexkat 0 6�01 m 11ri" 4�4 Tke musia u7A be. fbiandto be tjip, Vro� TrUte"', Fasterlyalong, the uorthsidevf0ghigtree%� th,, 'tlent and tonic inflilence. ductliins ofl�oaal Rn�lqwa (EAta W[doill 3faa;1eMyX.L CITRI -TZD -from the 3 ed; FAR -M 201LEALZ -SGOTT. �IIYSICI&Sr, SURIEON, 'Amalrearkm &c,. m3n*' pleeft"il ook t�i�n6tin. -110tel). _)remises oirtba. under'" JAI$ until if intersects the Fast Side )a Ueilt tb6 0atZrI0 $i1twelio about ind 4f,0=1 er, ZBeturnitit, Officer. 44 a$- __ A -6m, a brovirn heifer, r1sin12 years Lb white himl leg res behigVes' balf In 17,' On; ISM' irU td w4024 Jeremy e Aubvirn?,. 0,$ NOV. 110. -SM', -BEP before the firtday 48EPTENI . , I 'Id, ri 15 forsale, Mae t W StWx*4U0ih, Nov. STURET.-the work io, be eampletcd on cr omdorz -hit. dot -on herfor.- F4 W WAwanosli 40 acres deaTK 8 aereq Fall and white tip on herta% a �t oyeS &n(j noft L Any0na 'Wheat, 15 acres plou;bad ready -for. cij;I, f�co from *j HEIFER&. Issad, and inQusi-co' orr6and PLANS,and SPECIV ICATIONS viiin be . Tlivy 115�lZt tUPYtia their ri=­ giving such Inforitiation its will 164. tollitr recovery tbittles orotberrubbish. 10.0 cholo ftit trets, a wal . - : --- FOR S.UE DF 7auaz, vUl w suitably rew4rdeo. - MOXAS COWUERD. of excellent watterRith pramplin it. Framiedirelling' Ir. . I I NOTI I 'orember at thel Aqth&s,-V1vdc Books.--misicalngtramesU. Seen -on and after *3 5thN 0TRXIM13 ffC-d the GoderlA My. 2w" Ir. 6. w0 -tat" honst, TI*Me bam W230 mith stoma stabUng tinder- tMI-313 IVEN Office ot XY. T. Hays Esq., Xa_yer. alid.Guttai $tdn s constantly 'in stock and lo r sale mucy 6exhutly 'e, JrLwl $3 oft:'�a Tiudersigued. B'ack V take ro�ivl, ODIborne neath -Ibr.20. begd otcaftle, with joqtjjouso� yrtgme -OF 4681i' 1AND miadebythe Toromb Grey A 111thda Railway Z:Y UL -V, ssa:_1 Iree I _mc. '126, cheap. drlvi�� houal6and Tbi vare clance 1 Ir persons t. soleegon Corilpady to the legis4tioeof fuerwrince ofGawo, fbp Conneil do net fAnd Ikemielveg to -abalat %Aweek 0!S4ptMber. thm htifers'2131:10". COLT ISTRAYE'D ye= 013. red, mo briAt red Therlotis It: miles from Dmigaimon. A Steam Saw: T0WjSWP OF COL*)Rlqt; 7 MLES YBOX rjL*,zcttoamiudtheact,,%cor­ sceept* lowest or Am, tender. - : f janalbamaS IjYL _ftrre atthe UeXtA64411n, fol -For partigplaut. Appl_vt talting$1 wortlii,'& fir L.1 3fill at one comer of It, there is 4' nantity ofpffio Qoderl&. Of JOL 4UCtlo irita white#*�zpedawa the 'Cack and one WWA& at1' porzent willbe, allowede. p�)ratjng the Wd Compaq,* "dioliext4ml t46 POwgrii -A n I a e e or I qXtbe premisesof the undersigned,& little oorrel on it. Title Inflispatablo an(l. liumeXte poxsession. tzpowthexwL JAMES =03190 -Uv ouegivin't Will eiilLwith whitefwwand white feet. Any one W- l).AtL1W'j[urqzr-HoteL AV D.oA%,1b,%etthepI,cs at the ExobangeOfffee;' ionterra tawl,&U�I tilt! W -as S �,.,2uk%gcm � giving wh infornwion en.,.VortnrC-,�ri).artioulamapplytGJ.G,TRUAX . - L' , , . , , on- �T Towa Clerk. -atjj�r. t�Al by &it ;,:�l N11 W t4olr recaveryWill W suffibly rewArdel Westatreet, Goilerich-%fthestprift paidfor Gre III letil to Its"MmerT OA the flwa4 W. #. BEA0r. -premim, if Yj letter lirepaid. 4Vrr. 1krA at IV. J06F,P.H X()RhlS- wi.11 basultahly ro*xrdod JOHN [FAS$31ORK. I)a4gatioli, I�QV. loth. IST#. GeAeich oet'. 29:11 W-41 S -414m* 21st"ir'o. SWV 44, -I'L% 18,749. a OA -0= IrGALO XQT. othis"O. Uoitilch, woy.m, Irm Meg -if IF qft V%