HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-24, Page 1 (2)flt?DItectorn. . It) stli. arit03 Ott :^4 Cal r.s&r110MU POE. CONSULTATION V zip oW.o.;.k., a. tin eeery flay. Will visit ti eats at atly h eat all& wards, night or day w-19---- C•le" S`lrom.b.raciat M.13. parstotAN-,SURTiLiON,t.tc.i&e.,Goninumi,C. W 13:40-ly ara Xtelf„..1M notrima.N.---sonazoN. conoriEn. &c. Office -I- and Res:at:nee third door cost uCcntra1ctioo1. 49 12. nonroicirisiost-, ' 4 4, S. ••••••••••*7,...m.saVow., ••,•• lereVelgrAllIMW"rrefiriaM ‘1 rtiericeire•MilMtrellitePririgSTS11....71...*Pat4t.". • as. • : .1 - • eteeee - -1, 11.111.111gObrovelsigEssiA7 cereal -we piecehei "Van fortime leo tete • 't • aerweericeacemseaterte N MVP (13LLEGE PHYSICIANS AND SUR. - oz•za?ied SA` -F. C. Holden, P.Igiu Street. WS. r. Rear:ten:ie. the house formerly GM). 00.3. & Propriet.ors. . • . • . (of AeCill College) 91.00 AisTN, xist .A.TYVA.WPE, W.5.00 eaa" MUNI) C1)"` . ItYstl‘'T-t-N• SUR5C)Noke.. Wee, overitis Drug Oaterich, Ontario. sw102 AIetli. cal . 111104. ICI' At! it 11 )011,R. PHYSICIA.>:, SURGEON Aim Mum -Mester, C. W. Po:T..137y ' vase W. G. WILSON Issuer of Marrine UateraliSe. 5 1,21Surtmee (S-3 ilea Estate A' cut COMI!.ISSIONER IN 13. R. lapRTGAGES, &c., . DRAWN AND F.XECUTED, MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 pee tent. cot. the, ewe s-erete ZURICU, Ont. M Waggon .13c11. Carriage ;FACTOFLY & ELLIOTT AVE pleasure in intimat- Mg to the public of town and country that they have opened a Wag on ad arriage Shop on Rt• 1 3rivid's st, - (Lewis El clott's old stand,) im- n▪ ict- liate4y relioining the Western Hotel. B. 61 E. attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, aml are prepared to nun out Waggons, uPgies, Critters, Sllghs, an I every:thine. their line, of the very hest material an 1 workmanship and at the very lowest remunerative ta.tes, I al" 00-1 Promptly -attended to. 'ON HAND, a large assortment of v.rin se sold Cheap for Cash or Ccrd- wood. C;:deriela, Aug 1 1870. - wa0 Oldest Establishmult ill Town. 0119 mess MirettorD. Conn naerciaillotealLitchei 1C.W [OHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th targestand bestCoantry Rotel In Wetter Janada.and enarges as inoderateas any Hone in Mitchel I . itage Proprtetor. Good stabbngfor 100 Horses Rorses and Carriages for Hue on 4orteatN once 14t7 R,s, YS' - HOTEL ROX_ETER, OIN the direct road from Seafortli to Walkerton. „Every -necessary accom modation tor the travellicol te Fl NNA.H. DAYS. Wroxeter. Aue. 3 e. w30 11U RON HOTEL, ZURICH, CO. HURON. • JOHN PRANG, This holm is fitted up with every the travelling, public, W -Ui]MItir.-4"Yr 3-01)19CtioThi " The Greatest .Possible Good to ths Greatest PossibleNumber." _ GODERICH, ONTARIO, D.O.; THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1870. 13 ligint00 Elireclorp PRIVATE BOARD - NOW IS YOU CHANCE gsAjm BOARD aDppciyaisngbe had for three or foam to this Office. Godench, July 25th 1870. mv974 CRABB'S Prices to Suit the Time!ig Photographs reduced te 6,1.00 per Doz.,' olt,175cts. nil, HALE DOZiN. • proprietor. Laige Photograph Reduced in Pro mrtion. - Also willmake the largestPlietograpbs made in Goder convenience for ich. very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar-- apwardsat fr Good itabling and nrompt sttendance Aug t5, 1870 w15 - CAMPBELL'S Photograph Gallery. Goderieh, Aug. 15th. 1870. MILLINERY & DIESS-MANG, . MISSES STEWART • DEG TO INTIMATE otter THEY HAVE RENTED .1_,The Store on the Market Square, next door to Mrs. 3lack's Confectionery Store, where they are prepared to execute allorders for millinery aud dress -Making in' _ The Newest Styles and with Despatch N. B. Several apprentices wanted immediately. Cr:cleric-it 12 Sera, 1870. sw7-6m r'ATN LING • BRADEN AND GLUGAS. MARTIN AMANN fl EC=S TO I N7ORM HIS OL CUSTOMERS „LI that is till able to sell for cash, at the ovw st rates, ALL KUM OF FURNITURE. At his shop on Kingston Street, opposite the Huron Rotel, Goderich. -Give ium a call . Goderich. Aug 15, 1870 w30 House, Sign & Ornamental Painters, PAM &rag r41Vgatiixtsroef eWtoo. ds and Marble C:21 2Et. Agents for Jackson's universal 'Mop and . Wringer' Cpposite Saunders liaidwarde Store.) Goierich, Aug 17th, 1870. lyw31 Lazarus, Morris & Co. MIlLODEONS, HOUSE ORGANS, CRUP,CH ORGANS, - Plate Stools, &c., &o„ Marrofactured try the celebrated Firm os R. S. WILLIAMS & CO., _ Tonotero. 'Bie most extensive makers in the- Dominion. xrelE undersigned Imes to intimate that he -has teen .d_ appointed agent for Goderieh andthe surrounding country of the above justly celebrated firm, and,i4, pre- pared to sell all articles made by them, at.." Atn7 ns CTITRE PitICE-S, QAT:eV-se:ay oe seen rued terms aseertain? sub- Ware-Roorns, West Stmt.! DAN1EL GORDON. Goderich Aug 15, In° w30 -MONEY TO LEND ON EASY TEHliffi INCORPOILATED '1"-"JEC A. D. 1864 HURON & EIRT.E EAVING3 84 LOAN SOCIETY% C API - - 9700,000. mats SOMMY ADVANCES MONEY ON SECU- 1„ tit! of Real Estate, and on Terms very favorable to borrowers. - NOLA WYERS' COSTS AR,B CHARGED. Toe Society its Solicitor's charps_ AriV sum of ?money, from 5299 upwaras, is lent r any number of years. from one to fifteen. Honey may be obtained at any time with little or no delay beyond the time cm= -IL-opted mve..cligating the title and preparing the Mortga-,•--, the c_st of which is lila by the'Society. The fall amount of the loan is advancea-no deduction being male for commission or other chages. which cfm. add an matenelly to the cost of a loan frene liner Societies or front individnoire The borrower esti repay his loan by yearly, half -yearly. or monthly pay - meta. The pertodteal instalments include, :besideS interest,"zemell sum. for principal.. and they( ere SO Mirlied that by their payment the debt is entirely.ez- • tingoished, =dna:ow:tangs diecharged flathead of the Mine stipulated. -A Borrower obtains 4500 for Sears; ha pays .Z8.7ilt each year. and at the end Of the time his Llorterge is paid of! l The rapidly In, -,- tag bets:nese ot tins Soziety ts the hest inelliztiou -of net:war :nth which it is rertied by Die farthing ommonity. anii its pcpalarity beeoraegrmteras the me:its of Raw, offending beconte bettee /mina and undeeetood By. the melt payments of principal intitece. -te the yearly instalineat,,,the borrower gradu- ally, and without trouble, pays oir hisloaa--thus avoiding the risk °nosing his property, which to often hat -Ivens 1-7. the principal falls due in alarge sum at tlntenilot Cie term. Ha can. at an time, pay o.T his brantin calvanec.: or:favorable terms which eau be set- thnlatt exty monthly meeting by the Directors, on the - application of the' borrower4 and interest siz per -cent. per =aura willTesallowed paYmentsinad- r=ee. partienlars and /0antablq maybe Obtained at ea.S2.eietrs 02ce.orby totter postpaid, addressed to the Eseretifty, orfrom any of the Society's valuators MEABLES FLETOPITI. Valuator at Gayle:rich al II El DIARKET GROOBBY IS FAMOUS. FOR ITS CONVENIENT SITUATION RELIABLE sTOPIE 110DERA.TEPRICES A.ND CON$TANT CJVILITY. L • Opticians and Oculists, XVIC:MTTIELMACOC.4 flAVE. WITH A VIE 1- TO MEET THE FR - IA CREASED demand for the celebrated Perfected Spectacles, appointed F JORDON, chemist and Druggist, Goderich, Out , as_ the.r -Sole Agent for this place. They have taken care to give ali needful instructions. and have confidence in the a " rty re' or their Agents to tbe requirements of all cust ers. Au opportrouty isoll be thus afforded to procure, at al. times. Spectacles Impelled by any tor thiif!,..syength- ening and presennirg qualities. Teo much cannot be saidas to their superionty over the ordinary glasses worn. rhere is no glimmenng, wavenug of the sight, dizziness, or other unpleasant serisclion, Ian, on the contrary, from the peculiar con- su uction of the Lenses, they are soothing. and pleasabt, causing a feeling of relief to ti.e wearer, and producing a elearard distinct vision, as •hi the niaural healthy sight. (They are the only Sic -melee Mt PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT. they_are the cheapest because the best, always lasting many years xvithotit. change being necessary. employ no Pedlars. F. JORDAN, Scle Agent for tiodench Goderich Aug 15 1870 •tv13 • THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE 1' R SILVEU TS a coating of pure silver overtheratsr ,ItIonE. plated bythe patent piocess ofIdessrs Flking- ton ik Co.. and is beyond all comparison. the very beat article uext to sterling silver that canbe employed as - such either usefully or ornamentally, as by no possible test een, it he distinguished from real silver. • " SIGNAL" OFFICE Goderieh • A. complete set, gnarranteed of firstquality for finisk • and darability. as follows : - Fiddle ot,D old silver patten • Bead Xing's -Thread pattern pattern pattern - ' $ ets. TS cts. 1040..12.0t 10,00.. MOO Y 50 . 8.50 750 .... 8 50 5 00 . -5 50 289 . .280 240 . .240 2 Gra,try Spoon 200 240 .240 . Salt 'gilt bowls 60 - Ace ....1.0o I Mustard- " " 40 . * 50 .... 50 1 goapladle 2-.50 278 300 800 6 Ehigar Sperm 50 ...... 55 .. ... 60 65 - - - -- 44.60 48 05 52.85 89 25 . .=•-•--- - ApyOf the above articles to be -rd singly at same p ces. N. 13.-THEREST QUALITY ONLY of above kept in stock. Inferior goods entirely exclude& Profits oasedpn the ready money principle -al credit. 8 Ots.'S ets.p MONEY TO LEND At Greatly reducer]. Rates of Interest. ^ MHE undersigned has any amoant of money to loan 1 from two to fifteen years, at a lew rate of interest and favourable terms of repayment, payable by yearly instalment -state of expenses will defy competiton. HORACE HORTON Appraiser for the Canada Per. manent Building & Savings Society. of Toronto. INSURANCE CARD 1 The Subscriber is agent for the following flistedass Insurance Ow-apes:ties -- MOEN IlEof London, England. HARTFORD of Hartford. PROVINCIAL of Toronto. BRITISH AMERICA, of Toronto. Fire ter Marine business done !at the lowest ates HORACE HORTON . Office Market Square, Goderich. Sept 26th, 1870. . e16 -1y. TO THE WORKING CLASS. -We are now prepinecito furnish all classes with constant employment at home,the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Bit:Illegal:ft, llghtand profitable. Persoos-ofeither sexually earn from We. to ;Seer eyening,and gt proportional sum by devoting , their whole -time to the boldness. Boys and girls earn nearii as muchaamen. Thataliwbesee this notlmmyeend their address, and test the. business, we make turparalleled offer: Tokueb as are not welleatigied.wwwill ten d ilrover for the trouble ofiniting. Full menials, valuable gem. pia wilth.itiaty3 to eoc=enanfea work oenzndhitt copy ot tiriffirt.agyeonaewsp7ers pultil4ed7olltiebtt.444. zdre .86 ' Y. e,. et CO AIGIUSTAs MADIX• 2Table.Forks 60 050 12 Table Sp000ns 905 950 -6.50 Itesert Forks 6.00 12 Dessert Spoons 6.00 12 Tea Spoons 400 450 250 Egg kilt bowls 240. 2 eo t Sauce Ladles 200 220 90 . aNE PRIOR ONLY • TERMS CASit- . - T.e.f•MOOntiOUSN. Goderieb, Aug. -1611870 • w30 MOTOGRAPHS $1.06 Per Dozen. The Largo Business done by. - the firm secures a supply GROCERIES ALWAYS1 6 FRESI-I. A MAGNIFICENT ger-0 ct,ix. -• OF C .110VKERIT Xamp a snit Glassware on hated of 'all pat- ternse styles and prices. Thaler-. gest stock in -town to &ooze from of jr.A.rts GLASS, SToliE &EAII,THEN- WARS.; *DROVISION.4. Piaui:14 Feed dentinal at *AY ad - N. B. produce wren in Exchange for IMI.• I Great Redaction (ill - 4Ixea fax to wc. Large notagrapio. AT goads at Cash Value. xcullAT-racit ' R.L. JOHNSON. Goderieli.Aag. 15. 1870. HALFDOZSN'FROMBACENEGATIVE. 51 cents, postage free. One dozen Rom back negative87 centre postage free, teeny address. - ParikularAttention paid to•CoPy., • Ing Ambrotype. For eisher la rge or small photographs. The subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal patronage liItretofore extended- tie him; would knit sa..y that he had made such ire- •GRAND DISPLAY D. FERGUSON HAS, OPENED OUT IN DRY GOODS TO LATEST STYLfig THE CHOICEST PAT TERNS THE BEST QUALMES THE LOWEST PRICES His Factories & Sheethw,S, - it will pay yon • TO DRIVE 20 MILES To PURGEEASE For Cheapness and quality all MS stock is Unequalled. A LOT OF COTTON..YARNS BEST LitY • AT *XIII' PiEtWES IN SOOTS ANDi SHOES HE • CANNOT BE COMPETED WITH HIS GROCERIES • Are equal in all respecti to thoSe have gained him the mutatien of - keeping . TBEOST RELIABLE FATAILY GROCERY ME krin II) 'CALL 11110VN.0 TC • S 9C.0, ON'HAIVEILTON. STREET beforaiompletheyour put -chases.: " HE CHARGES -NOTHING FOR GROWINct GOODS • AND grall-WILI:i SAVE MOREY • )32' Bu X JOGFROIVI • • -FERGUSON • Jot' ot enter. Salutaition o±the Eea. Prom the German of Count Auersperg.] Boundless measnrelessand turt;ess, Type of that unknown To -be, Brulgohlyt 7nddcoatlemrnatihoeuen. spread'st before me, • Shall I come with tears to greet thee • - Tears that sorrow loves -to shed, • When she wanders through the grave yard Weeping o'er her precious dead. Fora still and mighty graveyard, One vast sepulchre thou art: Cold and pitiless thy waters Roll o'er many a hope andheart. ' 14either cress nor' gravestone whispers IThere they sleep in colm and storm Only on thy shore goes weeping - Many a mom:mental form. • Like still roamers through a garden, Ships across thy waters go. Seeking treasures, bringingrtreasures, Hopes and greetings, to and fro. Tears of woe. or tears ofraptute, Watch. old Ocean, shall be thine? Idle doubt -unmeatibig question - • Since, indeed, no choice is. mine Tearful eyes to Cod I lifted,- • 'Neath the great cathedral's dome ; And with tears I greeted lately My love -laud, my long-sortght home! Bathed in tears, my arms T opened, When my darling greeted•me ; On the hill I bowed me weeping. Where I first' caught sight' of Otto! - - - POLICE COURT: A LAw-YEs CHAITCERT. ASS A.IILT AN D BATTERY. The cidjourned trial, of MeSsrs George Gordon and James Doyle, on thecom,plaint of W. R. Bain Esq, Solicitor in Chi-nciern, for assault and battery alleged to ifave been committed o -n him, by the defendants, in his own office, was resumed before Christopher Crabb Esq, J. P. on Wedhee- day,ltith inst, at 9 a. m. J. S. Sinc1air8sq. for defendant. . EDWARD ARTETYR, sworn. Was present ori Friday, llth inst., when Gcrdon and Doyle came int le Mr. Bain's office. collects-Mr. Bann standing at a. desk look- ing at a piper, with a pen in his hand. Gordon came up, locked over Mr. Bainsi shoulder and grabbed .hold of the paper Mr. Bain was looking at, and threiv arm round Bain's neck. The next thing I saw -was Mr. Gorden poundin_g Bain. I saw Gordon strike several _ tithes. Saw injury clone and blood and marks on Mr. Bain's face, from the effect of tre blows - from Gorden. Doyle was present as: the time this took place. He was simply stand- ing lookingoin. Doyle came in with Gor- •-•.• j.A.RIES YOUNG, iior. VOL. X XIIIip-NO 44 •-:_, 4 while my hands were occupied in doing this Gordipe struck several blows tn succes- sion, the blows producing wounds on the War • arssat AND THE TREATY OP 556. forehean. I I gavono provocation for tbe - assault either by word or deed nor did 1 It is confirined that RUSSiG had asked _ for a revision of the treaty of 1856: -The °retaliate The defendent Doyle aceom pitied nterdon, was present throughout. provisions of this treaty forhin theltuesian After thentlows were struck Mr. Doyle fleets entering .the -Dardanelles and Bus - spoke appievinity of it. It wasinunediately phorus from the Black Sea, °and limit- the • after. Min Doyle said: He deserves all Russian fleet in the Black Sea to a small he got and lad notothalfenoughor words steamer. They aleci pooltibit Russia. and • to that elf4 _ Front the time they came Turkey maintaining orethe Black Seacoast into the ia ner. gve avoid ill it es they acted 1,50 violent man- anY mildary or marine arsenals,and gener• , thing was done on my part to ally neutealtze-the Black Sen, by tit inter - pod and anything enseemlte dtation front its waters of any vessels of Caoss 4.'D. 7 -Doyle came -first alone, .war beltinging to the Powers, possessing asking fothe assignment of, the articles. its coast, or any ether powder. This Witness a iced hien if t ho was ready 50 declaration on the part of Russia bas been comply *behalf of Mr. Gordon with st simultaneously made in Laudon -and by the letter written to witness by Mr. Gordon. Cabmets at Constantinople. Vienna and he Dthontyle'isotategr. Berlin is rbelieved hetet to indicate Russia's si‘wIre.r.BailsnirCitl PBeas innotthirnehmsehrn readiness to insist on the recognition of i her claime 1.);' force. home. Da ne: replied that he (Doyle) had The official journal at Constantinople not the $5 0 to give. • He said he would go and bhng Gordon.- - Doyle did not threetentstrike him at -That time. His manner, itvever, was , not respectful. He appeared4cited. He Made 110 1150 of im- proper language, called him no names,and 1 • made no f teats and menaces. Did not apprehend any one would dare to strike. If Mr. Sin lair had called he might have - been afr4 ;of him. The time when Doyle came in ith Gordon, he does not remem- -ber what le said. He did no violent act. s Int joining in the converse- r • b. the `assignment. Mr. &himself in no bodily menac- e. Anticipated- no violence front ' Mr. Gordon struck thim klisplayed loudness of tone and !gesture. He thinksDoylyhehad itp but nett° strike. When Mr. it his arm toned witness he [been standing -about 2 yards off. ' of Mr. Gordon was done very id not offer to resiet. Mr. ever attempted such a thing be- y went away immediately after O When he shook himself free !round and spoke to them and th wiles t ivalkedintohis own rdont. The fir4t hies ' produced no cut. Gordon struck se oral tbows hut they were so rapid he could lief, ! defend himself. Witness did ' not tear the assig,nment. Has it not here. Efad Nizecuted the • assignment butnotdtltirered it. He itnproperlyappend- ed his name to the articles and ge.yethem to Air. Dcw-le, but they had to be correct- ed. Jie tie el taken the affidavit of execu- tion befgre Mr. Elliot a commisaniner, but has not get it here. The affidavit is not. in witneitsP office. Presumes a part of it in his atone It was neceesary to make the affidavit teforder to render the assign.meet effective rut be undersfocd. Thinks the t torn dom u(eut produced is part of the affidavit, tached to what he believes to be the ment of Mr. Gordon's articles, The wor ovember is in witness's band - writing. he articles Were not altered. by him f ro etime Oen they were delivered back b , , r. Gordon to bim, till the ' don and appeared to be in luscompany and time wh n they were destroyed in the row Doyle joined in the conversation. • , with Go on.There was no alteration made Owes EX4MINT,D.-James Doyle was byhimduiingthetieneof making theaffidav- there beforen. Mr. Gordon, asking Mr. - it Did peet remember of making any al Bain for aseignment of articles. Never teration loofore. After making the affidavit saw the articles. Didn't he'ax-Doyle ask he thouglt,from-their conduct he should Mr: Bain for -anything. Mr. Bain refused examine *eat carefully before giving them to give the articles until Mr. Gordon com- up. Henteade the affidavit after thelperu- - plied with terms of letter. Doyle then sal 4_04 articles. Mr. Doyle was in the lett and shortly:after *r. Gordon and he retuned. Mr Gordon spoke- first and ask- ed him for the assignment of articles, Mr. Bain said_ he would give them if he gave him $5.00.• 'At first Mr Gordon ref ed to give the $5 00. Does not know cause of refusal. Saw James Doyle -give Mr. Bain CJ the $5 for Mr. Gordon. Mr Bain teok the CL '4')C' $5 and slaw Mr. Bain with the artieleein 3 his hand. Mr. Bain had a pen in his hand. He was thee. in A° outer office having - come out Of his room closely followed by Mr Gordon to a high •deelt beside the wall. Witness was sitting down and could not see wt at was being done on the desk. Saw Mr. Bain put thedoemnents on the desk and stand unlookin,g at them. , only for he purpose of gettin,g affidavit or Mr Gordon stood alongside the desk. Saw - execiitioD inade. He ine.de no objection Mr Gordon " take hold of the articles, and ' except that he wanted. the ,O5.-00! referred threw his ante around his neck. Does not to, Wittiess paid him the .$5.00. Bain think it wai a, grasp of affeetien. Saw Mr then wedaIrom hfs owe door toOds table, Gordon next striking Mr. Bain. Suppos- picked upithe penturned •over the .paper ed when Mr. Gordon put his arm round and seetned•ab.out techesomething Gordon Bain'it neck, ha wanted to take the articles asked hitiilphat he was going to I do, He - ftom him. Did net see the articles . agent lettfor aeSecond and third -desk and made' until he saw part of thein lying a dash is -Millis penes if strikingeomething tteige. • on :he finite. The torn - assignment out. 114ves he attempted to strike . in somethi i4olut. GOrdon= took shoved the lay till Doyle • came" 9 i ,- again,he said holed lost $5.00 and picked hand off P which he had the pen* Bain - up part of the articles.lying on tbe floor. picked ugthe artieleaand tore them inetwo. Witness picked up one part and put it on 'limn Go eon -struck him. ' Mr, Bain re - Mr, Bain's table. Has not seen it since. -Wined weetof the pieces. He said to witness Mr Doyle did not get the $5.00 beck. Mr, he wantedntod was notteltake it away. Mr. Bain got the $5 00. was present when Gordon need all reasonable means to get Mr. Bain agreed to give the assignment the artichee and did net strike him until for $5.00. Saw, Mr. Bain's signature on after he \ore -the papers. Gordon:Could. I the assigroment Mi. Bain had the Den in , not have got The paper -unless hohadettuat his hand, put the articles onethe: desk bot him. B sin held it tight. . did not give them to Mr Gordon, When Cooss-ExemneRD by Mr. Beine-eVirben Mr. Gorden pit his atm round MO. Bain's witness -took awav the articles sigued, Mr Re meinb tion cone Doyle pl • ing attit either un they bo violence his hende Gordon would hat The assaii rapidly. Gordon tzi fete. The 15 courre he turn SIGN OF *THE BI JP4.13.X.A3 ant says the Sublime POrtions new able to re- sist any attack; that he has 600,000 men and 12 armoured frigates. - STILL ADVANCING. Londoe, 1 p. tn. Nd -v. 16.-A despateh from Versailles, dated last evening, states thit th-d Prussian at -my a the north has oecapied Chancey in the department of Aisne, from that point they threaten Ombra', Peery la Fere and other forti- fied places in that neighborhood. FRENCH MILITARY MOVEMENTS. London, Nov. 16--eThe "Times" this afternoon has several telegrams from Berlin dated to -day which contaia the following intelligence.: -The French movement toward Chartres is•apparently intended as preliminary to an attack on the• western flank of the German army tow investing Paris. London „Note, 16. -Gen. Garibaldi • is abandoning the lino of the cosoes. The Prussian o hav6 consequently ad6vanced to Dole: ADVICES PROM TOURS. Tours, Nov. 16.-Adviees from Or- leans state that ameng-the prisoners eap- tured near there an the 9th, were, the minim of the Prussian conunander Tan Der Taua, and a Gpneral of the Prus- sians, .who was governoe of Orleans duriug their late occupation of that city. Thi city of ChartrO, capital of the Department .of the Euro et Loire, has again been occupied by the French. Dreaux, Nov. 15. -The Prussians now investing Paris Re forcing Freneh peas- ants into their service. • The latter are comitelled to take - their own horses aud Waggons to work on the Prussian defences, under fire bf the forte at Paris. Dreux has been occupied by the French forces. Lyons,. Nov. 11 -Dijon has been reoccupied by the Prussians in heave force. Montargisi Nov. 15. -The Prussians have. burned the railway station aud several . other buildings ate licmours, in the Department of the Sein et Marne. , NEUTRALITY (n. New York, Nov. lee -Another large • shipment of arms to Flume will be made room whea be signed the assignment and by tne Ville daParie. he handee it back to him signed. A MOTION CONTEMPLATED. • J: S. $1.--iclair Esq. addressed the Court ma behalf:4 the defendant James Doyle The "World's" eorrespondentat Tours asking his dismissal. Mr. Doyle was die= under date of yesterday sends the fol - missed aec.ordingly, his Worship giving a lowing -The-'government here is ih written enclennent. possession Of the information that Prince • james-I Doyle, sworn, 'went with Mr. Frederick (Maclean!, army is advancing to Gordon tel Beintraoffice day of assault. Had no premeditated intention to assault reinforce the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg - Schwerin who is now in command -at Mr. Bailin Mr. Gordon expresses no such Tours. rThe Prince cannot possibly reach mtentiomi The object in going to the . of assignitiiint. Mr. Bain had finally exe- there until the 23rd." . PRUSSIAN MOVEMEMTS. office w.00 get the affidavit of •execution cuted thti ssignment previously. It had A epodei correspondent telegraphs been ret Pped to Mr. Bainbv Mr. Gordon. ham Brastels on the 16th that the fiat army, under Gen. Manteuffel, moved in two columns- one proceeding along the Belgian , frontier and is new at' Reicroy, and the, other, having reached Sansone, neck to grab the articles, Mr. Bain said Bain spot° about some dates inhe dna- nothing and. he did -not see him aftempt to avit whicit eve afterwards altered., The defend himself. lar, Gordon displayed a only alteration in the assignment was the belligerent disposition when came, but insertiOP of a clause by Mte. 13eie that he -Mr. Bain was quiet as a lamb. From the shonla net have to .pay Mr Gordon salary XGARDINER & Co-, • place where the signature was affixed to due • Mr. Bents name was appeuded the high desk spoken of was just across when they were returned to Mr, Gordon.. Market.Square, Goderioh the room.. -.Does not know howl Gordon _ RE- ea -a -After Mr. Gordon had . • -struck Bam. Saw the marks of a blow on - sinned ro Bain inserted a clause • before Atie, 26th 1870. . thasiderof his face. . ' • he signe it that be should not have to pay Stoves 4 - BE-EleD BY Ku. BALtv.-Did4 not see Mr; Gordon any salary. MeGordon said . :first blow. Sive Gordonthrewhisumaround to witne that Ur Bain owed him $0.00, . Bain's neck and next thing he saw was the Salary.' , , pommelling. 85.00 was collected by Mr. Mr Si laical. contended that under the StOVe S 1 , circumst Macs the assault was justifiable, ' ....I Gordon. tvliqh he was in Mr. Bain's Office_ and Mr. Gordon gave a •receipt in Mr. that the issignment bad been duly execute - tzi Bain's Mine' When . Mr- Gordon - was ed, thai- it was the propettyof Mr. Gerd - 4 askedinithe 45.00 by witness he said he on, and tot -Mr Bain attempted to tnutilate 1.11 would Zot 0m it up. When ItIr; Bain theesaritineles, Mr. Gordon was justiOed in asked linn.forit he would not give .., it uf g the .attempt. _ • e ' 4.1 Mr. Bain insisted that !before he shou a • 5.; get the assignment he Should rnstore the Lis Wership sent the case again -St Mr. c`•__I Grnroeneety. to h.im,as he had to give ilt to Mr. i oGneo.regneteror rdinontotortehcoeg-Sucissasnioaness, for tr G5oirodg- i and twolsolveht ,suretiei for ear each. - III° " Catois ENA ' OD:..2.-Mr Gorden said to . r .,_ ,r; witness gr.Baln old. him wages. , Mr. - i'consc SPON-USST orTre' Lord; 22," Times,' 40 r_ Gordon never denied haying the 65.. The writing from lernailia,. gives an account of 111-0 mitne.YBajwir. hreeatediveefd. thgel'-iinteenasyslhhilees?,:e. _the tra a on the Suez Canal. He came 0 . da,y. 30 •,_ Gorden stayed. in, pie office through 't on board the Nestor, a, steamer X sometime afterwards; Does hot know : d40 foot long, and of 1,414 tons burden, that Mr. Gordon left Mr Bain'S office be- tahneapdasoravtginegil:?sufctentu. rsT, and tvbeSeseslwroawdee„ -4 ontieii h 11 t- et his wa es Noes ' -,•entangled. in et%) iceble. nol neatly, 20 tnetree, ',yet ett: zig, 5 eay, he had only e few elteee . brakes. Ina en* limb -wee broken, n'lle bailee; left to the direction of fhb its ether troselere-the diplotnatint two- and the pigeetatrainer-•eantineen ifs eitzteee, The gra/ailing-iron:1 caught the :grouted, e Another of the travelers, ZI Len:tette, was pitched out of the tar. • It remained oe• - tupied by the pigeen- inkier only., vlse, es- hibited, hoverer. the greaTest coeiricee.- notaliing tase elf thotopes whiel• eetuteeted • the car with Tho balloon, he clunlocenup to the latter, end opened it with a knife:43o pullen away large; Silre019, front it, amil nt last it ehtank encl.fell.- :Country vo.bp.le, to flie great numbtr of 209 then came litp, and 11.t was sthpped; i Trio Migititt Lad LW 13.0FfeYer, got the end of his troubles. Tho peasants mistook him for a Pruceianneud threatened him with onnamary went.. ."Do without) wbeteveryou Moen', _ he said, "4ent help, the -firetztestancee to Sa.V0 t -he cliepetchee -which I bring from Paris. Cut, destroy the halloo -re but hold •on by The car, evlileh contains -unpoetatat papers." Theee Words were epoken be tone. 1130 a, an. , Bricourt mule hishne peartince. He aided the traveler; ama helped him secure his value,bleteargo.-, SOonafter M Lefaivre tame up, he haehee followed at no very greatenlistance. it l,17.1.5 not known as' yet how Bertant haddarede but in a short time a peat:out tame Tune tang up, wbo brought the news Cult he had been eased, and at that weer time Lis his injuries were .being attended ta at a farm house at some distance. Three -qui -tree tors of an -hour afterward all the three. - ' travelers were dining with •51 Brieourte• and they were able -to reach Vambray thine, hours later and einivey to the post-onice the five glen -moue, bags ef dispatelics whieb. they brought from Parir3, weeghing about 400 kilogmazimee, . The plate aa which this balloon came to the ground was, Avesnes, eight kilomettes from Cambray. Russia's Note Orits,,tes Caunterna- • •tioet among the Power. . • • • - Loadon, Nov. 15e --The Times' correee pendent telegraphs from Vienna to-dayet that Gortschakonnoteeiniscsgreaomteitee • ment in political circles. Count Von Beust: -will take immediate andseriousniplomatie steps. An alliance between - Englareln Austrne, Italy and Turkey, .is eeremsly contemplated by Count Von Beast and Count Andgrassey. DI eve Yorke Nov 16.-A npecial despatch from London to the Telegram. "Orders have been despetched for tbe, recall of vessels of war from every etatiote except sucti as Are needed in foreteen wee ters. A large concentration of ehips Portsmouth -is already one -trent, •atal thee greatest activity preveils en all the leaven •departments of the kingelom. • A posterfun fleet will be immediately despehhid toe the Mediterenean. In the 'beet reform& circles it is regaidea tthat in the preset4 ,pretentions Ruseia A „general nnestotkatie war is inevita,ble. A rupture lettweetie England anO Russia is looked upon at certain and irnitilineut It is also bait:mei; that Prussia is en close alliance with Rue. sia, against the rest of Europe." New YORE., Nov. 16:-A sPeenel tottlie .World dated London, Nov 16, says "Your correspondent to -day had a cone: Yersation with a member of the -govern:. meat crineerning the intentions ot thelatte ministration in regard to the demand of. Russia in the matter of the Paris treaty*. This gentleman sent peint ef fapt that: Russia asks nothing unreasonable, nothinne we should be unwilling to concede.- ant iee -useless to flea against destiny. Russia/re certain ultimately to aecomplish lee, - designee. 'May should we, by endeavour: ing to thwart her, involve ourselves .ite 1 - disastrous conflict n However, notwithee standing that Russiaevidently counts OM the peculiar eituation of Europe ot th' moment as soeuriog her a singlehande fight with Turkaynt is by no meanseertahe •that euch a, coniliet would result in a Ruse. elan triumph. Turkey is not weak: heret railways have been eonstructed with w. 'view to elefenceand they :Ida greatly to her strategetie advantages. Her unity is capable of extraordinary cleeds•of -vtilmare and endurance. Her fleet althongle. not sO' numerous is more powerful than thet. Russia. The army of Russe to -day mama a2baneyrdes.m:f_oetnir hnupnadrep saget;nortietyp-nflevocay flthrinoues4e: years.' and imperfectly equippen. Ituseie -is note ready for war, nor will ehe he for two ent.of the 'World Tailt.ing from Bruseds -2 New York, Nov, 16 -A correspond:: "A letter from 'Warsaw doted the Stk.. says that tho rese.nves of the Rateitilt army for some time • past, LeVe, been,. secretly _malted in. The temente-el wee; riot given in the uvuat open &antler, but secretly eo the chiefs of districts. Thoi, army tontract for bread -stuffs is Waco as, large for 1 en 'as ,for "last year. Thq manufacture -of arms in ell the foundrieS is proeeeding with uniteterrupted *nettle/ tamed north, striking loaou oa the rail, way at -Claanney, and advancing to La Fere, fitiy balks ecnith-west •ef Rocroy, The strength of both columns is 60,.1.)00 mon. VON 11101.,T/CeS HEALTH. - A report is correat here that Ton Moltke is seriously ill: - WAR IVEA.POS FOR PEARCE. The Freneh _steamship Larayette ts expected to leave this,port to -day, having and tlte float is being constantl:2 exercisad in the use of netv cannon ,at ronstadt: Mr. Olio Russell has informed Lord Granville thot Bismarck says Pra.esia hos, not been aed wili no - be 'tarty to the. abrogetum of the treaty of '564 Prussia: that Ggrtsehalterfin cireular heat itismarele by /Alf pfide7allti secret einderstantlintet exists between Prunera owl Russia, list, marek's epretettationS Bre Reeeirea wtah -incredulity by the hest informed oinks on board 220 cases of' United States rifle - -muskets - from the Troy ormory, and a large quantity ammo.nition- atol4qUip• mot, consigned to D. Herbert Kane & Co., Havre, Lonaoh, Nov. id.-Thel steamship Etna, from.New_ York, touchod Queen- ston this moruirg. - -A BALLOON -;.+701:ACM The Genette, Cambrey, givCS account here. ,.- Zove• Quakoro Itb,m was OnrCa: of' Butting. An hottest Int naker farmer in Betheitire • „. • . :county, Massachusetts, hail Taieedo lino large mastiff which he valued highly. Owen clay Tanbark Oliot Wee the dog's name unfoettinately got into:ban ompauy, aud. epee:gen in a eheep-killing eznaditior4 Having thus acquired tasto foo the eseit- ing :sport, and ior tho .frcelt mutton obtain -e of thearrivel at that place of the balloon ed. thereby, the dog, like all he, raee, did Washington, and el Ahejourney of the not possess enough' solf-denitit fo; -1,ot -- aeronante-from Pais. The Washington •therough. good whipping treevcan Lis left Peens at 7 coeleck en the morning of E ileigitig- in it- occasionally. °Me Onaalzer• the 12th. -It was under the care -of the .= was greatlygrievnd for lie lzafed to destroy. aeronaut Bertent and also euried Mg_ tlie ..Preeently Ina •hierod man, . Lefaiyre,. an .envoye -svith •Oesetehee to; Jones, suseetearat itigenious plan of cum-, Vienna, Meant. Van Itoosebitehe, a Benno, irigthedogof prepereentice ozi, whose liveability is, to rear and maeage, which the teudinalteuted,Quelterjoyfay. earrier pigeon. When the balloon ascend- adopted.. Ne will lot Mr. Jones tind tho ed, at Paris it stopped- at 501) metres, At tea of tlet etory. . • • • this elevation there was danger from the Wfi-591‘. f740 farm a Imwcrital ;An; Prussia)! ritlee, and limn, itideed, bullets= ram, soinewhet famous for butting, zen-a 1,„ were whistling 0.10 the tiers Of the travel- hen tried in ornate break Lim efintaie had? lets. Some oven lodged in the balloon, „ habit, 1 concluded if 1 shut up foe twe the, which, causing -it to 'sink buyer; nn- get.her-TanbarkJuul the rani -nue ar the., nleana diminished ;the dam..er. 15 was _ other would surely have to give in, ttad neeeeemox tp have recourse; to ex.treme • either the dog .wonla get took of E3lCC213- measuree. *411 the isackseof ballast WOW killing, or the ram of butting.; nun 1 vas thrown out, and. the ear rapidly rose from right. 1 shut titeria nre Over night in the • 1,200 to 1,500 metren.i • It then eeb 1st de- cow stablee and when 1 wint-out the• :fiance the. • bullets "Obi& fell elnat of it,: morning, I tousle poor Tonbarl. aeon:tally, But it was notatiti uut, ef roach of the hallo cured. To ram hoa ayetiF4ano sent after it. The wind rose awl all danger . of his 'brethren by brciting ovum bane in - neenled.At on med. It was not liowever, theebielyof the !anthem)/ deg. And wonder, fur half an lieur afterwards .tb._.; ba. loon fully uplifted vas the peewee:tons mutual, est.eart i passed over was 21 feet: The sank agoin. It hiring ever a twin evidently by Lis exotoit. . Iretee 1 of 'loam tented -0 notknow if Mr Bain charged lu.M. tvith the vihole cotst of passing. t1112,, sq. miles was occupied by the enemy fort invo-quarter4.3, by the dog,. os • I leael hove& his betting i• .s-1 $5.0) lte his books. '' Heard Mr Gordon' i14:_k ask Inc money oncC.and Alts...Bain, said "he 'allout 700,, Ana ni till? TIM'. She VeSsel of an hour; and was expesed to a coutinu- pr.operesitlee 1nel:tete:en co float kis Itteenalea, g would - se° hirn iagaill21' Nr- Gordon Was CeitId•make the voyage from Shangliae to :ohs fireeof mtiskeii-y. Sffoll, however, te became, intolerable ; he vas swot) pit -eh Londonliii two months. lie order to pay : high wind from the south rote, road the into witotosoever Whateneeer teett Ingle fait:. iltriatrklie., offimodsnaoathhegfoarre,..3mblit adinia_musekt ilmomaig _ ini,.orosis, la main. tam.. the works, 22 well as balloon, ,whirtng alma in a wild. matir.er, Mina I ;Ins ,,..,- • , ., CD se ee o 'toned. n I tia ".0 -- '' h G d f ' ii t d Make toe necessary improvements on the was .carried far out of reach a the enemy. annoyances toot I looked. alreal itir a, v.uw any w IntA:1:& :?4atTD .:1%; Li .7 - B. Bitg; sworn. On Friday, 11.th' Canal, a',u income of amillion sterling will It sank at lasf to within reach of the be neceilaary. This wouldreqtrire the daily ground. this was near the ra nay is a on 'to-•• - • . •tO lost in theafternoon,•DoyleGordon • Th tinnanee thesamp. "'mu- • - "- .• cants to inY 9ifioii colaPailY fFid after IYI,liage tif 0,850 tons.. As yet the actual at Cambray. 15 rose arid. EUlli age ti. e tralfiO is -under 21000, Au That it must in.- aeronaut thought the mothent fevorable " "Lr- IN)1. Nriir 30, 80111, conversation about assignment o. • provementitinhis gallery as will merit a con- - Goderick, Aug -15,254- . • crease. tliree-foId befora the Qlsreholslets to throw oat his gr.applineairon with ate - articles .1 had. tbe said assignment in my BUY THE $2i WASH-ING MACHINE, Iff' COME AND TRY US eitiNt. N& IlOWEIAL. 30t41410, avra.tf Goderieb, Au z 15, 1870 owl A 1,5111, 1840, Large -Cod Oil "'..00dErich,lign 15, 48'70 ' COAL OIL band 3ny fac43 being turned to the -wall. canspoajc pf the undertaking aa 4 puocess, 400 metres a cablc. lie wind WAS high, d lid= at. an .uprig y - -• - and there 'Was not a moment to epare. - . . . plan to tome, 8tinnineg ;rim crew., San' theastab. a knot heletti the side of tamp}, Ivomt.olattvatel,,1 hang, an old het get it. You c-atet elways tell. when - yon see a hat, whether there 2ean itt it or flog 1, haw then should ao-rain 11 The ram manta - at le fed butt, td. being a ,igood tootkAni..z.o,- v,30 bent clown andlooking at the Gord- Thoth= who shot and killed a boy in While ahigh gale WEB blowing be unwound from 1.4ow, praeticee toe bar brit:iv 4; . - LENT OIC MORTGACtIl• WHOLBSALE AND: ILET.Altf tk' tis • .. • • • . mine at iny back throw his ,arin round hie melon radii when called art cunt rapidly the rofe. 'The grappling -iron was! tween his lions teen eeeee eut . . • tana °ince Apply at . 0 _ 065- oal Oil amps tze. tto Old Irou may throat gave me a very heavy blow in for the deed, sai4 he did it in morel to the about to eiteli the ,trri)tir.31, na:d had it done tail. B. BAIN. 's -Copper Braes Wool:El:kings -an'd Sheep,sk-- the tem le Aufficient topartiallv ifun" bdy, who o-theiwis" might have died a so the jouriloy iwould have aided. But ititEGISTEM of .103Proond Fars:42nd Clianepry and Law Office, crobto4. brOpk, takee 0..xcainge• fai it moment., had drawn baelt a;step painfuldeath froni cholera, tiorhus. . no') 'rite aerouatd. was eaug4 in tho foixist A YorIng [Moto tde-;oiy-c:rtzr,, TRIMMANe - •owe h A P imad for Sate, Poderieb. hk- -twit " ire/natter-Feta vial; int- firt; has destroied: goods in limes • I ot the rope which hail got =Deka, and he :1 a elothing e i was sottc, o j the: t :teeatie e.e.eatte Bartelmedaelyoffutno dpetrevmeynt my faeistr ikiurit, Montrealito tlie-eterit'of $s1h8,o-0e 0Of,'a.toryhw was dderaagthge-nd oet:10'of ntthn'etoCiaort ;lie ajatl • Tr„ ittIT 'o QW12.'Li *- 11 As, a - ,tettiene