HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-17, Page 4 (2)bim tharm'11t oat- iui�lm filenbilunie rarm f-ar Salo - *Wl that shol 111ould mlt� lot e i4own 'One hop �y kqult of the ract is tfut I 4,jl her hevd;inegi; t H00- .1mildIng Tbts Xces 486,'480, fog $7.0 IP ar Mk Ur AMthulf8trect Wid-St. Uforgel TPLwn or help it,' sfie s '0' with our. 61larlit'-:09, .111antil I and our, f4shil GOD 10B. pho sub la, �rei a tho 17attaosp tjloderlvh� Apply t6 I ' A 'Callender; Ekj,� _11mis, ath QrQ Wtow yol to to� vorla pfenea. f6 ua-� Iftof�aftrt-tun- :with thelie' -0 Edinburgh Sol C- efler, -h ana-0 Vrll*; from Cnntcy.,� -kip porttot 1461 f by -,that -boy it iTent tor*_ other coltbgda., f It 11 ate �1 0 a thq Urael Vu zz�n g rium Gri d e- Oodedch tell help it,,, 6314 Lliauol th4t.� our Auat. �Eli��orolxuakled.,ifitoi-nally, but waiia m4rkled arifl-,disihked netftwlt at It." atic--IV fenee, 70 acres tr.d in hih Elate It ardy.-� did- not-ldt tef lought6r show-ouw ybu, XlX1 _k 11 spoil lhimt said. bat is. SO Mu011 for. it .-Iblildred I AID gair 4� her broth,= _o4ld jo-ti kiti-Ily ba It It, I$ ch WatMd b two livwg n orcuard Ver. Town go"and see.wheatheri the -I Par 16,koloa, as -ei in VeZT (hc:u: 236% in nP-VQr Spoilt Y*Ali r 411 events flast-' t0a t4 racadows we' Picked u VE�0, PAzm,-" and Iral a few 13 %T48pet* moan;" be 116. d 04 ollt Blegno ood is., to go.up-stairs an r And Squir and.ktrafigtoll �Uou, the young 10 s'jet 1 11,01"usbio 91 full 131�2of thp ban Iertaick -ahool-* -window av e if -bat 1 T 61tfl- ro Ok out or;tho Xhis . U. Out in Ili$ Juan to- whont I ;aw tev, sillliKlrs Who I L 0sborety lew f7ait is much 3noO s_� 3, e cuss Mel �Sou arc ;k f_mofi twIlldi. Ims: olilf-ged. Wdmit that she tor-- bI on o of bi nt3l "TtOf Heaven's Ra*td taklli,34urelf oat of the'lliray, my Taur &N. oAj;m+, Buhl FOR PALE,:, guBt 15, !8�jo boy but I da said Jasp�r, "doult:begia- talking ot de ?1 ubt I aii�t like with the Imost vill- ar Ar tonl� (if -race. ova sorr FAI nT-wold to lind to be rid of your V _�o answer to young Gray fresh the boat - I as :Von, 'I can lundorstaud that, &until 84, -017 -to like 111fild let nz� hirn. to ess f th* 4n. if tile to-mon e me the addr is m laiighingi_ and slia out of the'. You, ud. of yotx Mildred, ccious letter in her LOT 24. YARX Litt I can* ., t4that-bright"little 20y 1)GW­ it. He is.11 frio ours Ile rooni, . With her pr OR SALE She was, a wonla, t1t, or iia there IWO wanted �ho address CON 4. - is of " Allaii� Gra4y,- foe hand, mikking tw� ittl"Ualsal ON THE _ pretty I id net -� t ­W-ANZER Eleanor E�ans not to shoW ter.%!- Ilot tl sides to �bat puipose 14 _h 80 acret THt 'vDaAtt m. _s me it to him hmto -Mrs. Alray and Mrs. Phillis Kyrtle as vilent; yet, V. hen She opend the i1ext Liter T RDDr.-Your letter give fo I h about -55 dcret clCared D fCxRAVZL ROADe, I r ave, not got it E -he 1-issed it tialling BAYFIM, 110tv 111ft'dieriest intel I co,ratulate Y wentbut whicli-thote good ladies i) STORY CONCRI-ME 11OUSM-ON TnE Gf[OTJN �ou He ha's she fcuna a, moved.$ td floor, Dining Itoomlly4rior, Kitchen, Hall and Bad, THiS LITTLE FAVORITE THE MOST -COMPLETE, %ill ha vo ��wt, after this my dear, in returjned,�'it�-& evc,rbne-es. ep re IN io said. Aunt Bleanor. ily hedroom, and four - other bedi rooin ; on t1ie7se0ond floor,- sittingoon FICI flr�tcoucession Goacric Dw You go. tc never yonn- All t1w bi .41y n�re P%Vtuer for life, I go 4,hiS a" -ooms Base BE rs fternolon to 1ACHINEA, 8%% Cet ns Nit V- -11 1 yourIather r ovr,, anx goig to stop where I am,' said Wut,�raft`.y 1�ooin, Fruit room,store room, meat room FAMILY SEW ILaland, MO Ill lsultuatcdon better, you Ill letter lva, ii troll, inother, whol will CVAPTIRR,�, 52X32feet. 7 miles from Plft.ton and 7frm the ra-el road about b mj,,�es ft= the town cfGod- no dou&, be 111141 Ethel Merd4unt, Godeleh. Goo4large'orchard ofove-� 300 superior EVER INTROMED INTO NORTH'AWRICA'OB EUROPE voch. 'The land is a rich clay Ionom. being very bmit, Q4 py sj� aFep clay, loam, juell-watered bS Eddv, and she read it i, ith c,)n,-eiitmt' 'AD aslam. Praygive my -dearest i able for �whent The lot v.111 bel ; p, Sn c Aunt Eleanoes w-jjting.t�bld in - -Whis- uotfit couli any for lor is not ftt t"O"l-k ell. -The property. is sitl . ] attention, !4, every ilove to your derone, andsay, th%t Ishall P springeree an owingw 4 0- cheap and On easy terms. ble and keeri. lady aer Um scmten_[ bb httppy to. receive her on visit' 'as 80011 thebay-window on(se- more, witli fit conly n yon.' ated It mil"ll Lake Huroli, of which a goodvie% LIED WITH TH19 MACHINE October, for,partienhzsaud pply to S. IL 4 jady fr 1elialltheaoor. Ajply to Jai7ues Wilkin- -OVER '15,000 li�AXILIE3 HAVE BEEN SUPP to J. DA%801Ir.t0r0.s' 4 Esq. r 'lady,' bu� not I am g9ing to s en bes 07 0 ces three or fou to extr �Aa %116 611boses, nd to present her to her writing ev4theleZ Iop wheTq le 6r themselves hoats:of friends, and ct t1feir Aunt witbiii the k*two years, and have 11naf oderich, Aug 15,187o W80 a -kilt Little.) �r M)w filther antl mother in law. Eleanor. The light of the window fell Iam. titmelever, aadwibh to atudy earned the reputation e machines are Patronize,, br allZradesf society .1eaniNg (4 which there %r G�, M. TRUEMAN , l an indispensable article. Theg 'Roya Zrillies Enrolle- M"t Kiii-h t her; 00 -re tbillk it Of all thin. oliaraoter. 14m(FOI Goderleh from the diodbst Fariserlls�l lVives and Daughters to the Nobill:i�, and I F Of asL k6ffn "a important that a ime, on the bead ot-tho most d Godericb) Aug 1Z, 18-70 w30 'Farm r .__fo� Sale attire s hers is Per!lZXP!,,*rsOI1 of a cliaracter so frivololls and cate little fairy evar seen 0' Yow� win go, if I tell yon, to go,' said ity as yours, a the head of - letter %%as inore sonsible, '6u mn her auut',aplilc Atint.9110-anoir. V,Il of orl; ism ore casilv managed. less liable 6 get ont ofrler. znd T 0TS 53 nnd 54, ftyfM1d Cmcesee b U14 I should early become in- th I I h ' n, Ite nonsense was infinitely &ar6r tf,. blZd, with t sense of responsibility, na t a as FOR SALE. Is ths simplest, Ill d th gTettes FeWiLg3ladhine.manufacturei zhip bi'Goderich Coultel i re ar" no aL be: a t runs 11gliter-i than any t rShuttlO 1. Eve*�3f�elilneiscoii'Plete,%vitltTucldllg JLJ Towns I Q U Y. Olathe. h 'OfoourBe; now have them iD4' I Oiler," oil Cau%lle(1`w1tIi oil, crew her. lead of 0 emmer. Self-Se'ver, Friller, Brr1dholder--,,Tbr d � �k% thfize grounds 4. v in delightedthat YOU �11 i I Ired VP_ .- I I . Gangs, Quilting Gange, I ca I 4as to enablenY Person to use ol these Over 50teres cleared Vah good Frame X_-LT.,-yU11 1 -now that irL bxv takeir this i%p And they came in. Two very different. _lr OT -10, CO set ofthread,afid Ptintedinstractio-so full 13;arn, and Log House, aWut 21 inges from _qrtan.t step. N-10,1V.D.COLBOR1%`E,100 ACRES, Driver, 4 Bobbins, 6 Ne�dleg, I SP hich ti� handso lookiug, woinau, Mrs. -Gray A, tall JLJ90 cleared, good dwelling house. frine 22x36. and keep theMachinel# order. rM (if Oldi' delightful, entifidential I hare not threshed out yet; the The, crO19 me Evans with a -commodious Ultelien attached. also good barn Every liaod blachlue is I tnted on allarblel and packed ins neatlittle case, and is 60141Or ... $2500 0111aton. 'For 21! gorsaleapp4ratibeDI :::: oo court office at (;Od 4, or to Mr. W11WING th�'l daV Vtm. in �Sf�amercOTIICStu-nllorrow; but I have found had m&do vi b the still more bnautiful, old w6man, with the remains of it certain and shed iccommiodation, good bel orchard, well LITTLE WANZER, on= Iron Stand, with Treadle ............ ................ a .... ........... .30 etit Sta 3200 TON On the premises. watered by two crealurrunningthrough the famn 'and lartrq -nd and WoodCase, ivithbrawers ............ ............................ lantnal plans For- the) futurc', t7aat oxx, -her dd sh .................. 40-00 Golileilch, Aug 1-5, 1870 �ah odd ten pounds. Do get out of that LNIeredith, had resulted'. a kind 6f.'aquiline beauty, veyj uprig. tp 'good wells, One roffi from ginvel road. 5 miles,from lar I)alf Case ...... .................... .... ........................... romises to fan, 4e ....... ............................... day: I must get a good Wife, -,Ind ennia, anf! foolishal (if giving your. money away Was verT splendid died � v and an' i in lier Goderich. For particulars apply on the in her %rria,? expression. P Ile very blonde ery mall, fiiC_e�a look- I ofcool undersigned, orto'h1r.'DFe rgson, grocer. Goderich. A MAROAIN. live w th you. You hinted that yen Wo Iikeabby. You Will probably hear from very frat, Inver"T' at,tiiiid� careless impudence, 0. STEWART. t. M. WANZER & In the emse of sli�h an cvent� mtT,_0 over yont f4ther the day a t r t -ino rO -on-the r iht either 'take the�., form of August 15. 1870 W30 KING AND CATHARINE g aceful; yet not without arather piqk_ hich in tile. main part ef your parswnal prckpatv to subject of your grand arliance. FACTOILY-CORNER MUM, East bofLat 2n, loth con. Culmsg, Ce. Me ; on 1v res 2m it-_- to you rself oil& Write th me, and tell me what Rolan d decisive way of changing rr6ift. -one pe ' contemptuous badinage, or, of utter scorn. r. IM - I , STIZEETS, HAJULTON, VATAR10. '50 33MCP- 7 2creag ekared allfl 900d 10�� hOUEe. 11A - Clear ltle for 6590 ka4ir f9r $WD 0 Iewu rememberthe lacritviruix, voull: gt: at success' is, and done, hat fectly unetudied-pose to anotherl She as very well ' dressedi and in guod i LANDS FOR -Q-ALE S 64 XMIC! STREET EAST. t share You h t. I can qllite un- W, ithout shadow; all li-hi-astaorning - meteflal- but ber Whole appearunce, �J-La - which I fell into the ad in to 0 "I - I ZHOW R601W at.6 pertent For amamm extZeMO auXietv I have o�daratand that Roland has done something right in hair, light irk Sapphire efo�,l striking as it was, was utterly repugnant Apply to o - AGPNT X :QODRIC 11 AT- SAYFIIELD. carry #tat your wishes. Consequentity I UneXaMpled in his0ry, for 1 believe Ro- in her dress. Slid had drl both to Eleanor and kiss Mordauut, for -SMITH9 ei in :ABRAHAX W bo capable of any thing-, the whifte, und.she had got a sed It self, different reasons- MERCROT have kept my tv eather eye open for -_bo,. Pink ro3o.frow w4-3mOs a fortui,�ht, an- Phillis Mvrtl6 was an entirely differout TOTS NO'$. 71 & 72 BYFIEN) UuNCESSION �Jamilton, Aug. Spthi 1870. I fer fon-and thing which puzzles 'Ile is that the garden and put it ill her lmir,,aud she JU,wusbip ofGoderich,coinprising 146abresoftbe Vi-LLAOE LOTS FOR SAM I am ble torIeglare luTsolf YOU sbould"hav had any hand in it. Writ() got a red rose sad put jt,� in. her bosom A little, round -about old lady� best quality of land, within about 2 miles oftbo Market f, -r and explain. I will do any tb ing at any �Weitrh"t 4ple face and a perpetual slnile�' = the Town ofBayfleld. There is a 'clearance of IN 13AM. and hd put a geranium and. roso, in a which could readily be preparedfor crop. The -'T.o;a wel.Lbalaced mind, Such na I b,, tim% my dear,. to give you pleasure. To Eleanor she'wis possible 1110170 TepUg- remainderofth6latidisclosoly covoredwith tl b t subscriber offers for Eclo -four kuZible loft It is - t thau. Mrs. Gray. lieve raino to be (it hs your lookout if it * turnips and her beasts, dtiring which she had set down, at our . unaympathetio -of beech and turpletimber of splendid an ex in tile "A age OfBayfield. Onft rwmtsmare a Ith, POI I Aunt It Was naturail that these tw-o—women celient road passes 90 twasides of the I sit WhN: zoodframedwelling, b= and fac-tDry. r -or ven beauty After a fevii pleasant days among her glass vase before her, and. hus fortified, - ild *11 settled neiglibourhood, !Ol nay, e was observed to h smile Of Eleanor's ddak, to write he ignant to her even Is sitnaled in an *IdA weigh as nothiz- in the bal' ave very of tun a anca in k - - r innocent little should be uttorly reptJ anills AT-aSO.-Lot 14, Range, A Township Stanley, Z10im CROOK Ece of this kind, in compal with .0 Goderleb, Zzly _1M emeut on her face, Aunt EteaaorgCit I Ve-letter, which the, reader wille glad if tkey. had been the most. estimablo -chal containing 39 acres of well- reserved timber land, which utitomers and the public Eddy's reply. H E dersigneai w4 of charcter. Gain thA, r- d producer; largequantity offirewQod to the a e, )uld be- to inform his numerous The oit runs to the River Baifield with I hare gained it. 'DrArt AUNT-Ifon are willing to do er 'THE RID to be spared. acters in the world. - ThAa two women won,, a considerl at his isbed when te' waterfall which -could be made liable for mflftg or I gelt She had just fin' wera theoll two loft who knew ol or thi "Of catirse I should not think of mov-; any-thill- to 1,ive me plessuro, you had door 'eared to remember, her brother Charles's manufacturing purposes. better a � d Zother llec- fcr ten poUndS was opened widely, and in came Aunt 5capade with Elsie Gray, , It was aseeret ew volen NaWnery is now in Fulipperitionand in First Class workillt wer 'Tb,' en - .. . I irgr dl�-finitively in snch an impo, you like tovaakeittweStv),because Eleanor, in a riding -habit For terms apply to,- 'JANES D. ALLEN, , - b. S- GOODING, eompallied between: them, though it was no% er men- Guelph. AND THAT 119 IUCEI BETTER oderleb, ter as tais "thOut cons'lltina "t's that ave me the dee it by a gtrl,also in a r1&'bg ' ac ARRISTE14 G more than m-therto whom I o pest pleasure, 93 -hubitwhOlOoked. tiOned at all ; neither of the thi, k or W, W. CONWOR, Esq. Bayfield. W"O' ranch. new; �ngust 22ad, -4870. lky-t��by, this 1-�st rl reminasme did. Iso toJimmy Moll We �ave exceedingly like Aunt -RleanGr!a ghost. how viuch the other know. Who knew: Guelp4, Aig 15, 1187Q V30 PUPAAF-D� TO. -EXECUTE - FARMER'S WORK EXPEDIIIOU�Iff 'fhat I m- - -apen some of it in riot and clis tly as ell o ra yo u a sipation,but A ery tall nuirl; with a - sifigularly �U. mot, w4 shall see. th" last season vhile starting his machinery all new. a life_10l an STEWART More' Yave stiU is' 'Yon hare JAXES whileurQ are at it. Roland hW- bona;i all Ome of it in hand. standing, carriage and a well -set -on head _. It was uoyance for -a -very LOTS OR SALE I 't . idea of the temptations of this place, 6 . custom R611 Card �ng,:FUIH4.& 010th Dressing my money because yoling orda, unt, and I no overed with fine�brown hair Yigh souled womeyl- yet it had.tobe.kept,:' gave alialf-sOVereig"Ir -apiece tolaycling the facilities of creclit, aixd the �easiuess combed ac�_ for,these'women had the power of annoy- MHAT DESIRABLE -PROPERTY CORNER OF �pinMng and XaU�UR10tUrh19t WHO Inan we f with which young men of m personal ap- into a knot ; a very fine girl, verylarge iharles. I I Moo. ton and St. David's bt, adjoinixig. Crabb2s -)und on the ErapinI roa-d, JU-g her brother seriously. Squire C pearl and, of my expectations -canT,im, nd stron- but not in the leab.c d Block with the will Teceil e pro now oniand the laTgest, �beat and cheapest Rh searcely sLoes to his feell jLfstzome- 1 -ad done well by Mrs. Gray. She live Inpt attention. Having. w I se oarse. ei So- do send me moncjy form the leaders, at-ruinous4nter- Ethel 'bl'odaunt, of whom her brothers -ju a out of Figs]) tal- cuttae rent-free; andhad a fixed all. large Frame Tavern., stockf of home.made. P. W. B 9 A DLr,, r; S q. some; ma-ke it a t- esl-- sent a son here. the first thing xised to say that she was the greatest brick lowance but Ae cottage was Eleanors, Known as theWelel, and otherbufldingsthere- : 1 enner, if you coa as n ]KINDS OP M For terms and W1JJCFJy-S1 FOR ALL I should talce care of -would b that ho was in Englknd, whom Squire U, hariles was 'aud-the allowance partic2228"No ULLOLOTH-9- TWEED F NELS11 nah mot -e as yon like. I am sure that )plied with tar sums of ready money, -was paid by Eleanor's .0 AB X M R St 'Iff respectfully reques you must have threshed out the ticks by sul Iola 11 -pt to Pronounce a triAe coarse, fit timeil harl Once, and once only, had the A) ergebI Tailor. everlef�r�-oii�reJtotILe��blicinthisP�rt0itheftof=e, hewould t those wishing. tol URM AND ORNAME NTAZ TREES GREEN. aml so kept from ill risk of tmptation. Goderich 12 September 1870. sw7-tf, their -woolto 6114ndj-dge-for themselves before appointing themselves cilseXl x iousePlants GmpeVmes,J&c,,&c. nou, an mns& be in cash. Don'to h Id thougti never within his sister's heario squire spoken to Mr.& Gray after his return exchange -e way yr,n 4 - Believe tile that such is my exp 91 from India, and that was W� say,, "Mrs. ters and agents geeking, rp Alfy Stock 120tOU 12=d, OrGIMcd oil the ELorUF your corn back in tL g lisiong 3&ience. and whom Aunt Eleanor pr9nounced to p. &-ile wouldlikelse CaRthe special -attentl Offamers to beware Oy WOolteams UJI Annoyance notice. the market on the piwr. Yo their wool for carding, as he has proved it from the experience offomerYe=-tObeaP9Tf-tsO 111OUsc--3Wt1ardvMe. GedeeehP.,0 u thresh out, 'With reTurd to the young Terson of Gray, our more recent iritercourse was a F -OR SAVE until perhaps too late toguardagalustit. whom I spc� be a perfect lady, fitr too good to marry, hat theyannot tee, pild send me a ten-paund note, arld I'll ke to you in my first letter (I , vory -sad one ; I think that the *isest �otbluvarious*aysf Uode�ch,. Aug, 15,_ 1810 44V of it never spoke to h , I doubt if she iW1 do. any one exceptEddy. quantity of 900d.Clea'n W01. b2in(v you a presen4 if there er) thing -we can do is zo forget one anothel J0- The highost Market Frice paidjor may She is a barmaid down the river., I aol This iou;g lady, still - Noldin-, her And Mo. Gray said, 'Your honor shall be TORE AND DWELLING HOUSE WITH LOT IN HO LOGAN. aw her, ol Nothing in and had accept. 81he village of Unalandvillie om roils from Goderielt - NSIVE ink she will do ; but, as you hive told riding -skirt under her leftarna, thl':� EXT -E- -ore 141 suppose t1ist w -t father, I will keep my eye on her, in Me centre ofthe rks. 71louse ana East Street H T)e teT 16rat in With a whip on 'the table, Ad a :ed her position. quite qdietly, murely .. Goderich Salt Wo Goderich ;id StorO ontirelypewl-and commodious with good tone. V301 mation 'you Will have had of our aplbndid 'iew of keeping her hanging oyer his head, 'Yea are t Wdl 15th Aug, 18701_ NEW PREMISES 0 �rlss ] ­ ­ F he best judge, courtesying to the squire when they met. Cellarand-LotinMidellent col Terms esI iGoderich Wol d keeping him ciN jL - Apply t It. SPEk6E, 'Go P. a succdg& Rfln-i �,as done such a thing an Dem- so much older and -Here she was now with old Phillis Myrtle, 0 STANBURRY, Burgeasvllle,�P. 0. "I'Ve never were frivolous so long togeth- wiser than I ain-, r 0 hich is simp�y umqualled ia hiAttory. To but even a girl just on th Qc 00 O ­t the tuirge., staring fixedly and bol at Out be contiued inournext, �Provja er bef,ire, aunt. t of e -, h l.r Miss Mordaunt as if'she was weighing, OF OVUEN W FAC 4v JL ed.you Suppose we drop it ; but has ah opinion, and. my opinion is t G this place is a perfect atmosphere of dhaff- you I Ilow bat appraising -herl and here, was Aliss Mor- stnd the money. your good nature. to bd abused daunt looking out of frindow 'instead of FARX FOR SALE. - 1; (KNOWN At$ PIPEWS MILP0 I don% like it half as well as the old place., "Yours lovin-1 ountenancin- these two women," returning her grize, and drumming with _y r�DWAZD EV 4_7�%,S. la c There, between -whiles A racket and hol 'I don't encol them. r horse -,whip. 147'ACRES bought a squirrel ofl cad play, we were sericlus. Well, there is not Mrs Gray.1s he id I MORE. OR LESS—,XBOIff�1_10 t respectable.' 11 am afrat yo kept you waiting,' %'cres und the balance good hardwood tim- in the mcdol vCho s_2i-J it Was tline. 03 much that is serious in what I am going to MOS -0 cleared ' IT.. ;1.1 li N C� bar, a comfortAble house and flrst�clags ftame barns, a dlin-lit tolourilaol bitmr.tot;4 -toayq)n except that old Roland hitesud- 'Is she?' said Miss'Morda -, lab I began Peanor. goAlorehmd,_ and well watered. Most otthe land is' to fal, 1 -Tot at all, miss I have been accl exceilentolay. Thetarm is lot 80, 6theon., GQderich 190"TFULLY ilatiniatea to farmers and others that they are, prparel 6ne�. and ran up The eiiimney. Tals is a denly become a kindof hero in the Univer. dare say she is. -Bat I ,don't. --like her, to waiz an -gentlefolks all my life, -and Townhip. 9 idles frbrd Goderich and 7from Clinton. I sity.- Roland is the fli-st man who ever for all that. I'don't like the On payment of part cash. good terms will beg' d�prg in i wicked Ond ungral world. I doubt, iven for Pb fal or way she tAks my husband's family have been vassals to thatfalance. For partiel apply on the premises�a A am alm, 4,y ni.-h weary of it" won the University sculls in his first term, to my Urothers, -for justinoe, thong- C, ht, yours for -cetittiries. Coming from the WEENZIE. and my share iii4fie victory was nning perhaps,'my. 'broth or to G. X TRUMUN� Q ARDIN M,- UFACTURINIC And Eleanor put this letter a4de, and alon- the:bank and howling at era may. dhe is both -manufacturing counties as I dothis vassa - :ROLL answered Land Office, Godel 0 us j)jeing, SatinOtts," dr�ys first. age seemed strange at firab, but I havegot Aug. 15,1870 WSW roxtees HHIB!P,04 easing, o tom. Spinnink, I need not remind you of the Doctol 11imilidr and slan used to it. The world uses yon.well,Xiss 1 th '31Y DZAR Xa. G=Y,�_i must beg, objectionsfa our having Robert Coombes' 'I don't know what on mean," pid . � . TO SELL - ' Q, 9 Wimp, Fbmnels: 31anketsy that in any f Eleanorand 1 fiGpe it will nise you as well. Mid: "'TO ith alure crmmuni-,atlons 10 me, to GloucE�teito teach us to row, and how Aunt Eleanor. IJE[eF grandson.and' Miss Xordalon'yotr'aro -as old -as L you WM emit mentioning any o.b]�Zations his objections were overcome byoar father sel her ?AST HALF OF MOT lil -S, FOURf at 5 exchange their vl�od for gooahome inade f were left in my care by my mother bliss Eleanor. Why, miss, yea are threli- MAth, concession fir L HUnett, on the bol On the shovtest PIDO , ties wishing b 'wh!ch you coiceiVe.you stillowe - and Mr. Mordattnt ; at all event, as far as L ) - - a Nie have alle to me. line betl Blythe and Waltofi;post offies each way, i9ods, will ll it interest . to ive is a 4'all. as wellre satiSfie money went. The fruits of that teaching and I have striven todo my duty by ihem; and -forty ; Ya must think of marrying Good hardwood; watered vith a ever failing creek timis certainly exigted-at one have come Put now. and slangy is not a nice' soon.) -and never failing i a " -Parties- coming from a distaum with wool -to get 'carded mav in t fieV- m- thrl ring. Also well close by the house good�you Y..quire. 'flme,, but the exist no longer. I therefore acres cleare well fenced, 77 acres in all, Log the iamo Aa 'The third clay we were here; Roland wol 'kam'sorry toay. that I'& uenrlv everfinstaulte'rel"h. gattiog their wool h6me with them y. hMy brothers use it. 11 a c, thel I 4and it bam a -thriving orchard, 8 kinds of plums, - rzquest. air, that they maybe no loD- for t, m y good Gray ; and as for thinki blk,an' and I %vent early in the day, before the en there is old 1"billis ildyrgo again., tug - 1 white and r6d currants, pears, red and yellow AQ -WORK WAIUMMI). 3M -115 Meat -Toned between us. . -of mal I hsTe thought of that all mj�. goo-eberries, Fgr further Tarticularo 7?ly on the ..others were on the river, and Roland be- 'Mrs- Al yr.tle has herfaultsl Said .4 premises, . TO 11UNKIN,LAWSON and is 'At My mother's dezi '1 .1. nut life and tlie more I think of it the . GDaerich WO4 Pactory, DAY ire, I did all gan trying sculling 13oats at the principal Eleanor; 'but theseare ina Mother. Uers rwso-tf rassiblycolou. Yolion Tour PartL place v, here they-afe let. He was. a lono which lik it.' Aug. 15th� #70. wo Ml you can not understand.' It was so good-humoremy 4aid- that Mrs., TOR SALE. 'd me at have repm housand fold tarnina" time Ildfare he found one to suit hird, an kept going tip and down in front of the, . 'Papa Says shlliliA -& tibsy old said Gray Smiled m gaunt smile, &lid continued Out Eca well, and by leadine1w, such a blame 1. 6 M. I MODIOUS -tb: Miss Afo-rdaunt,. A-IRIPS barges,trying, one after anather.aud chang- Miss INJordaunt. 'Look here, bliss Zvans ths onvorpation w 3P.&M-abeing Let's, coneessien 6, Eastem 1UT rROP9RTy KNOI AS 8 a3- little bird, 'You will poilfo iif� Colborlie -containing 100acres C BRICKRUILDING are cleared. 71 sefl, up in agal marriage, Miss Eleanor,' she went premises are situated in the pildst ot a -flourishing OS1T11 F 1011DAYS vras trom a.svnsa of d who, by-thia-by,,hadgot said one word. - DS--& -h time I uf)tic- jeelf ihere 2sjaot�our sweet Division, Wown'slilp andlhopn, �proVeroaslife ing frequently, during whi. T YOU crv, I,-adin,-,- What I did :for You edthatbo-wwsattmeting the attention of writia- her love -I tter, and dtes a Miss Mordaunt's mind more or less,of which65 acres MW uty, and not on any the people who were standinq by_ At lasf A ILIL (NEAMY OPP Whatan inaoc little on,4udacicusly. ',Beauty ae, bars shoitl ir community and !Lre about 5 miles from the_,' or you iad I never he found one which he said he could feel Oets to do so* e'ut TowuofGoderich. I -or terms ofsaleiipplyto -seatimental grounds, f fl c?d one nuotterrhich yOu. knowl ng, milly, Iny DRUOSTORIE) gg well and sent,% waterman -and myself to the" love it ig- Pat it in 4trd not Qro untised. - Morl an4 Evaasds 'JAMES R FINLAY, Bank of Montreal Plain aud 1Aucy, Printed at'City Rates as, I do if �rau three words to-pathside, at, which time I observed love. Leave no' doubt about the otate of muib not fail iii the land ; beauty, worth, Sept. 2011, 1870. W364 -b Godeilch. Convenient to the MisrUt, eran-1) I My' dear sir, now that th:16 principal boat-proprieturs, and at your sentiments, niv. dear. Don'tiet, 1im; val perfect. opennemb, and,perfect truth, est doabtl of. ou of stoves Acs other people, had cirossed have the slight aretoo, good I.qualities . to W lost id the XOR SALE. _ "I I least& dbzen His yoa have' r& -ea ta your present honorable r mutual land aikcl where are they to, boif6und an - N THE WO MU93 from aim jD ARTIESINWANT tinual ofgrathitae tourards a clio. kept as- iwaitiug, for a Ion- timei but 130 'aim J* Mk spec nee bliss Mordaunt mistress of woel Apply tbere to s. Follork, Esqj, or. to %ARM0,113- is line will save moI 14W and. -wire atndingabout,. or walkingslow- relations, and let me read it aften," HE SOUTH HALF OF LOT NO. 18, 1 ISLARGE AND, CONFIXTE PUSUIOU.� I -=Uittellou tLat these con- ly d' wn the tolw�path. . - ! . *_ �1�;s sealed up,' said Mildredl.turni less among Mordaunts and Evauses-1 Ah ! Tcoa-,Nt&wauosI acres, only t JL hi Wazaa 70U JLflike ara, nOt g6od 44 last be pamomtl&g 4q bare -logged round^and laughing. X-C. CA AMRON yet,' -Whereupon Miss Ethel, d _% . ol ton. �fLt a�pi�� "with ker orest -in the air, marched out of' V bliss Mordau-nt. and baia-headed,L alta racing pace ; and I the room; vith her , ridi h W 4t ALL KINDS !OF JOB WORK WILL BE ve &rmiLand&_JO^ok of high, cboI FARM 7 THE EAS USUAL �eople go, salil t-) maulf, 'I Aould like to see olln'lo "I have seen a few of. his. but I ne r saw nf; abit, up- ine of yours. dor"her' OR SALE;: DONE U uktorly saperl as. wg. are by every of thleseUniviraity oars.' - The"waternian C shouldlike to-sbe onei Godericblst.July,1870. and:Xgol1)Owa up- and. went dter Vluttel col - on 1br face. "I lot 2tery feeling should bd becaqse,l don't know how 1 aba-1have to. Villcoilito ballEyans,iyben this,wol U ers Lists aELd, as we wel T'h9ard, muttered Wl y6ur. brother Ei Uy. at n� 6 tha same work, that of 'he said ; bu� sho.wightal subscriber beinglieteTeined.Ltosel THE f 6 good st, and rowed over, era. le of B12t it is Eta. Iryo here, proroses to me. 00 �OQ.4*er Write ed halid L against the banist' m to eximaine the EJ Lot 2-9,con 9, entment, C, mations of wonder,' and �admirl driven to exasper�tiQa by your inAtes any m4n,in quest. r-Inerwralift.- tho a'andifflon of the loor. t1ba. , JfUlt 481fl Va3 the Prop�ietotqrd -aunt gone %�p-stairs without lAmising liereleiio&. 'U0 went aqwn to the starting -bo far a put me un-ior ered fly, tyou Wswal 100 acie No" .,�ppol vatemair. As 3venvare4thebaric.3 -we to Do dd Mri, Grall said zleanqg� 411gri �s whiehIs one of the OW MOL ho.'T I Qen fmn(j_ 01hC!is fTD'Z,-1adcn­4f ou wiR A us, And1tolafdrowirg more gGIV Yord I.': I ]eye it - 1:- WPAIP- t18 miN 'Only with li, Al is from i4dde- th wasap - itth of with a Ta I ain 'taking on -Igo crididly.al m1iinto. 11slast :wapld rush Nitmel, aro gidab liberties. bestland. otia -d the molltbeautiful farm& in rMIMperial fitati her a�sist you in 'your verY noble S21 to Wtite, noir", Ostia NU w0t.', and further hovr I can, ia casa of among .erfeets- a, 0 SHOP the boat-buildars and watormeir, Th love to make bne. of rich, andl0miles from.wingh &STABLISM 01 ey re bent a : dre R jl� Pr e TA G. your requiring eYP TOarsele. of h pecaniary h hareundc7stored, on busmess.anfl 'Tell him tha�Vjs. au�eg %L 'Alordaunts ptit'lheir heads in the -like 1`08id station," Athemselyes. Isaidto themala-a art, is� t. on There. are ctt theplalL. to SWEST OF TORONTO, 221815t Ye -P. I can admire you _*i6oui iuclh�ed:ta Comm e 'go as rich as'you, I belleve--: our union, and that L -if he Will 8 adder just bfoie he' itrikes - I �0 it. good n a C w1r) kA lot tha'boat to us, r fa 'My. -brother flitho-boyii; They are &.reTU4edo1d__9ood` orchard beat n, a neve OR kin you anJ,anitoldby lolls. - Ve the courage to, propo a FrInTafnan.* Ha nswered;A I 11ave t ri:.stfflblRdr I will U hi. --1 about 65' licres Whoml knowb3fare you, i"'t1fitiyopt t lot. 'N -hy, that joungest. ouei'Jimmy,hor ln�aud cleared. Umatoat,slr, but would earnestly,-te.-him to use 'codditionally.- III xre decreasing- lour own income- e Qs one, hels. In, and not change., x th He ust'ladd A .. Cubit ta brother nigh tortured your own . nophil ERMS-from-1 to J*, cash, t6 balance' ought,, of coursei tl;- of"ourgoing to bl; i-ival over the kL*Ith ; nod th ral Idea& . at school that . you ers.., llewas a&afd his stature, to begill ere Are gdvi to suit purobas, JAB# TISI i wat�r, till t1nt; rival came to mellll said .1 J should other conditions also. Will �yk *ri . know". Mactloviolaudbitter, h4le Iloya oit Ev . n. Of bsglaA Ofyouraud-oxa. 'sirl 0you urgayour to r1aval boatinwhIelt that for me? That, do yoi reei -Xito' t, 11 pr'daUnt. I I 0 a Its 11, '%Lven ATiii'Gray galt this letter he him, -an TEm uND"ns' N -ED 18 "R=Alw�ATO becould sliairhE% forma.3 well as ift that. Beg it U ol a forWight; to Uo Evans, will crown 111&rlub�e yon not to play With Sept: Sth, 1610- te tramol _WYEKS,Trinted Io Orders gir, not own�; �odr kind Plan.' 13 r010 with set Rp and - walked up and Evans,;ff jo, ple ea* down the room, 'A Fitter, btter, hud'. IL have noplan t C& my *1 wa% utter li if aa looked lmnd- Tfu had ocked, anor, and standing k her place, with no 114 with a- she -Evans. �Crael womau" lie, said; tali insd bgaand was falkin The -SHOT GUXS, had Inds, Ley U07: Me in. I toll therairlut I arm boryour �Aother 7 Ah I to, -a' co _;tin every, t%e univerp -to Jasper er riging-skir -Orders promptli Meld,' itter, Il tusiked.up under her lift- itUff- from the Weredithir. -Do _R E ILI T L .110 and Prices moderate. PISTOL19, of all k* ibt� of'it.c Well if Aq can, bp bi *0 I)e bit -ficar& ed steadily at Xiss.,X �you remom U -B ANVO ter too-" and so be 24,dowu land dauit, tandi0i in her phij is tho �her baled, with her 3MY6 elo-rrsuade your brother Ill go, $1 q hands hela -a and evM thirg inll line. on thc�zhcrtcst Ell WALL, wrote AlEX. ic� D MON, lilig answer Same aititude, stiadso 1661�lnj over her egd�Wel, doiet look liti� that kluds done on the Very x6udh regret that, a J�'Aat he W111jis' . ranagainst thW older nien. I WAW"AIKER AT THYRIGNAL OFFIGZA' W&tcbP`Jy0U t4;7OL tum mol xt Aunt- kutL tnd� cral It down as she L return all 10U. -Your I ed delgbi% me-aud i ha re, the v6fas. in th� ns, of parsonal gratitude; 40-frIDW 7011,aallsce F.glandroW-a JhIvg which Aunt., Elernor's sia ME few. expressic brother Ji'an- 19vaus. All the m6a-E ND TEWE' R Andlbave REMEMBER THE PLAOE-' -with lm� vhleh sinoe yourlast lcueralil no longer liftmhol hoarlithoweaft nxkifig-beti�onour throRtlopm t& swell and, 0e �sof t you, can do afij *hlng 1 40 .4114. YL �n rear �)f Tordan!s, J)rug Stc-re.) aa if haL youliko except resist -them when -the' 013 3rn ]:'P _U� '$a& Very Rcllnlil thePoiats 2n hi& body, aflush spread upwafdg overthio face f1ftshoul& kalled. yott' intreWVVaL h diep anisoyince Thodsaft be lils clicstbis thighs Plata. Yj�rfir�thr took biro- of my8oUS.'tSnE�M S6U r hwfng removed tothe Store Imeil jr �Itair justre, 14 -at inanner pfifyino anti kis morality.. until that face was searle"t. otie 4 JLL olem - West St . a 111 ean ",vii,thattho At; to Wsteilooi and only brought back smith" relet, "PoNfle th �k 'Th 1. . L . I I . i -a o"V�Wl ' L '' -,I mayor vueh & thing done as rarRslaud to go doWn ient forthii last 25 yearsi and begs io "m With regard to asy pemnal peom 01Y 14116deut. r won upL and� liUdUve nto-JIie, dayg: after orthe liberal support with -.which her on, thosh Ider, up in: her -set him -and tb"__�_*hy'L aiA:'thein - AhoWer 1im Uhe ifat will not iuppear.� time, Aqlfio t- Post Office, wishes to %ank his Mend ud& ubi*e .0 rogters, madam, th Antatuxrel 3rt1Sg�rl#18uMtOVW tolsehim ure them thei d L IVI Val tv!U iti-spared to tient ar-ofitinuance, f ibar, me once, My E - ax, your nephew Ediriid, 'kia no effo are in 90d ordar. �, lil lfhe-kWlieul- theorpresil sowi(-u F ND DISOUUTION d -PARTNERSM, t'h, With regard -to the JR�armge,'sadd oas -those cada Ar, patronal n33ouirstudywlbate SuPply I as Mach � Abol 1W would, never row again agol, long agor ; that'i's the rei Ok65 Your hair, Aiviod I � - jr -ftibl - oft 'W� y �V". IMI all - I L. I - I - old womal ind makes you, a wozali of. Wdeherj Mook IA. WT is3ierrbyVntbd the �P.RrtnerEb!p jtre,, ppey, ta us 3* you P lang only afone sW'oftyve question never TaArried,.; ewelery Will tee the) �tudersigqi 'eldEting f w ed dj�jtldi mino. �YOu Wait Jill_YU aft ftestyle, or !ivlo _hiafhtherbroka�;' done mySOIC mer 'u. iind Rhl is bo -he Which vill jiveUtisfaction lo'llid purci , aser, and as an General mercb=ts in me 2:ovm o 16t thou but' if yon fike. 'With regard- *lddhl "lonfrinskli myseX agains sW.4;r girl'said no to just as hople"es 'And tdour per3ona1r"*cs�--1n*dLxij,1-.�an The tabreak you L r heaft w. OUStO AMAY tiqland <D1 under roe, but O11w6tterfttr.' sildlsspsr. 'Theird E"ne, tnruiug--bund:f.iomjb8 -tab drihaving-it well �el of XvI only' PerA*JaI 111M to old, xnd see &r A gro# jtort All Alebts i1rottelsaict cilly �ajr, as wtuan who iiillir toll * lie Mont of Gold and rlatod Je.welrvT wbittap uddenfy*-. -)It of I him ipe A -ding 'your hard-eal money n. lim pre to bepil to A. 31artJA *lw will r&ttle #;0 _noliw lyffZktput on., ti - liabUlfiesthe same, 04t I rap"& and, revensw Y'QU deep Hodid w -A say Xut1sp4rwyonea* And havo�got 4 letter 6130fr�m Rolarx�l -them tUt. williliwpi4yo u. - wait till"p, ALEX. WALLA ZOI&W hu dropped to this is AD;. 01 I 9 JOIERTSON laighing, said., `1 suntot warethatl *in The blood: ed baok: 1ZOM Ethel set him e biontfor-yidar.'Alaith vao. going to row, xno I (Ion't Viluklaingdo tto, win I t It -Th. feflow h" got 0,. th Ti ff Mordiuntis faceus,rastAsit hadoo'la- and h%igremombtr *y w9rds.. I 10f reference OUS , Xd& 0111YknOw that Audta shot -to J9 1"" QMDslh�ss, on hif v. aaccount, in ion Us dibirtweiats and Wcul $TEMA th4in some inobey, and &v sad "o thella., -UteVedows pants over tb*ditcbM to xteerim. Tfie � that af" riiy etiJ of him for a timel I won land wOntside. audJJ=rny3(a-d*u*t andIranthiough eanor - bad -ne U. GIN —the or weU 31manor "but a brialstoll teiel� 'But hot -rowed, gmd hewon. Roliad lannitely the ) and tom j,6 story full ry ,which finuull )thins was sal done,. R*I&I rowad lilit - wan -a rnodni du g Zow wo come to tho answer t p6derich --mgmt Vol sad Zddvl& Hel Winner --down, and, an" the AiI old - i*yJ' and gm any a oU-N C- I M A N AL 7 childish -friendship -jipqni* itt '[71fted Stat.00A, *er, an Uw rejolly ta OW. AL bitf�r k#pthint wrklugon, hii wult. Altbdhgh he hA4 NOT1039 1071DISSOLUTIOIN' Ian Bitter Irupu. ractlied in publk,,�few belloved in or IYA jl�pinxs he Henley winse'r, omd the -elil the Woui&'S URER -OF J?ARTN=S1aP-J td"u bitter to om who h"wad her Way& V %eftitt. Ife eatilita the t1*lv*r%ltJ,-bax but odt, in indly-t Yp, Xm .-The Tri�t& 0on- #Arl t 4;thwX",&xd *y _&*, lfriwdlv indifferert000n 4- —, _. eirity day and all day that he disliked 14it t _ l she� cedes that Roftan is elected Obvel ATOTICE is HEREBY (i YEN tbitt fte r&r - ' Wit ow not all via, sir, 1 0 loll to her, but not& bit Bak" UA* by About is rei am *OT* floes lam,' though �urnea - m4jorit Two - ter WO830 I � am XUd I We wo%! The otbar heretofore el betweEn rARXEn&-uATTLV At, JQ11 Uve look shall never ratelIsr tiniof ay W01A and 4dds We hi IF LOURING as Chemists and Drug&ts thou& shrewd of fbonZue, - toward* the mamid; I xxvshl *,sualthinkyatt Monei ve4!* aw" fi� g.0w% kjounc worm. Was ship allirl eerWnl will witirthmawal I Andtluml UokRoIwidontof 4 -Out ofit� -eveii after,1 h kal neal the whole of it --in thi6 4ty rdZder1cb, hu bun tblE day d*solvad by zut* t Ys' wo Aood alme ad, kl Ajah -SaW-X41'1i9'8te= Falginesand.Boilem; -An debts xftmg a vidn" " UstaL 'Wag she weak f an thiibwv. Ucphri4tatecnt�'Ofi my 4 d Drool YU �s;ad lost it� again �bY Zpathy tothoss!d rartne"hip % sibe Was weakor then watisr-to some fe* 'Not a wul knew Ug pergOD&I[IlIr, and al hild F u rurid dial This - eloction has uot� -are to be pLkto (;FORGE CATTLE (who will 00I too bmt I Sol a sl Won Thr ­as adhi n ei�, e timleths s Im the -Vd *land), *nfl All cl&imx I Tom fow. She alould4ght and imro Aeyol6ped the'stiongth of obin x a Ines 41d pdrators�, lustsaid, PArtuenlipin4Werich aretobLl Id spak to u& wanted Ethel mordaunt uailaff Lrty, our lult vol hot out b, wu an U PA -3m*AX:rALo� t jcb to said. George Catfic, ty wh9m the SAX40 Will J* ettled top*tbesul�'butdiabot 1know wbom.wellearl 'a head on. har ads. P atubdiW muL TOMS Gri�y she thol aturns Irom. Xe�r' Jerwy, -&A in Goderich ie Ift irIv. U10 xw9stf to a* about it. We wers not likely to had her brother Jamei� *ho bmt as tho dut sudw her (�*t ; yet he 0 - W Pak t# man who W=ld not "k of Miabigal And Nevadtludiote: that thb�sio rpno 8146cmibar waidd -annouiwe io t1is PW 000E, lal MUll �v PL as w1(-t**W"d md m amtsar pout na IhmWt 8bled a# f to his head ho bleen bbefore 4 d is Sta� have g T111 ID DESIR-0 PRIVATE 0� &Und in OFGH 1BOAAD. "tild a TOMW =ft as WrAt ; you TnTl am head -.w#A very. * n6l 1$airu: , On ApntJ Wit _W With, ut or Stool Boards, Drill r1oughs, tung Flouills, dal6giraws4"s. Ttt Whom she 1"ad WOW* with -hU Up bm '(fbT &w� kanoes shoulder, bujn Wag Xuddlftl :n031FORTABLE BOARD IN A PA1VAyEAWLr U#W long and iWp&i01Wy' dr&*n 'OpI Ap WM milady ftla.�Aad anctimpor bWbwiuw aw In kvwsm). any. VmaybeWoureasonabletgrw. For 1*rticuUrW The 1�emomtk piol in. Now TO& Cultivat tand Rollers,, Straw Cutters,,. ablF Ul 0& ThUrl eyaning W&S IQngL enough to ..& . tI9_" UQ V* ObWU hm *Wed I an alils ny, bat tamil iowajcU �Wc _ �' I" the door WhIelk wlft*�" CHEAP F040ASEL uliliiiraFain�l Kettles, 8 al Salt Kettles, -Wagoix and Pipe Ao"., GO 111110 ftskiftli. li*re teschod from the Bal toTwenty- �Pftt ablu" wh "Wel P" A41 thnv& opened that door and 11f."11. thied XtM that it A" ROX STOVIS XW, 1W"_1 is Ift WOW% 'AMUR- I Money to Loan on Real Estato b'%w C0.0w Mi W0&,Z81=tj k Th# MiVUadmits $rat fiat it xyrtld� was 46 ftft& wiltiloal demonstral­ W a' Brass Castings r4ade, and BlacIrsmitleWark and Rep nnils W10"00 hdn it PASMORE, tthe moat improvedk)'A ainng PRRA him was I IWO of I UOIL 48TAW E�ayoneta VicioriaIstreetj Goderich h rt notice. � 0411 and see the. 8TPELM0ULD.B0AHD FLQ1V as you can X1- jUppevoapada. p Vith now *eke aw in at olam F1* bw I 39T to hightou t4o peoplo raUch. done OR3 0 & 2 cam ery theap1br 3ash. G M TRUMAN, 1_� b6mm $A 04de _JAUJ. 1ptV V. *&16d ''a rJ6, Auj, 1.$),. Is o Uaryt equare Vlederi 7 etub 0. k I %