Huron Signal, 1870-11-17, Page 2 (2)I ZV
'A owl 409 A90 Ilies RUNNING A NEWSFAI-LT..
AcdmrNr.-'-At noon recess t"' 'Photnt�j Itei, that this -Ontincil' do tiow XbW A-OIM41 011 thtS. 00=1114312t- F*TAL MMAXE.,A
41y mot War
dameet at N , - - 9 1 1 1 91. OrL, ho)a boy Moloswortll, attendinfIrtV Er. Vxoa'A� Hotel,: Dircover.'sr-of a tiestitiful a.= Raoliel Rellarr, ofth& town,
There is more -truth -than poetry in thc
Grammer $dha6l, -While wres TQX1)oX, NJ) 6 a'vo been
itlitlg4itlthis trudefieldi6�thelastNIc�ndayiii.D comb, V. 16i��Mvt wib can alrafre.. loke$'county 0i Yorik "me t6 "Or d0sth
!Iowa, fel his qm. It inCarried. roceived' by billo6li ftai reumstncels:, follosviug paragraph, ivbich 0ailles frolu x,
eclOck, Ress"a Geo'190, G�i4ott und pjayfe I and bioke. 0 Lit 10 eblook ath A gentleman who th under -the follolvViox,f
�iaful 8 exchange. It may be
IT g %Prepared tonio 51timphi
AAM its m6gown0a the par.. Supp6dng she wxx takii LVO
a _d rribly stW
resuntatives aftee in fteiO ypsigoll, the bottle from goitive to tnvnv nowspaWr publishers,
clerks in town, -were charged before. iO hA
GOIDYSIGPILI, NOV. 17*t�a 67 0, ames Doyle, two, reapectable, young iw was takeh into the School anazttindCid t 3 Ples Favre It isstiod;a c�r'dular to swallowed a to some of our rea erg it is te
.1 . . ragilt'fr4ty, Fort- Buford,, say
once. , - - ,�r the diseo0r04 thst
herep a the Sfirinx
Vhria- TiDVV�i1s,91-P O, G Daily. Timis,, givet, lie the fbIlowing
dzve=ment 11arbor Works Z or Ltwps ion. T _7�Njr dountries," asourktig them ItAt 9, Prtloala, dr,%
tollher Crabb, Eaq, J.P., at th6 instance of AL Ixbs we infi _vught of dej v6nd T he Avlmhe, say's -
must asiume thcr6s mutation regarding a apectesoif -animat wbielt it wite t4koa-boing unlab011ed
the n
W. & Bain Estl, -B., A�. Solicitor in Chan, remind our readers. thaf the Salo df Lafida ri, -gov Qbh A 10 ponsibility of 'hitherto'unktit�wn on 14 By some iluaccountabld in
d btte 8 assault all for raxes takes place at the Court Ittillse a �uf ail arini0ace Ptuss'6 in resembling in its content& tv a e contain' of facto,illera is a claw of people
the person inst, (!am Allow, bep.n coilinlifted oix, - says 4arve, in rejeotilig the. ch without 9, slon
ormiatice,,that gild. 111h4va,wai for Zliglish. Araly, been label. Theost VwArffil Antidotes �rer�r ill the world who thinks that itursts, little;
Cery &o. with ry - said 'to ull;m, A111105 ingfie tonic, whi
-sq., Of the epart- have of th6 Geiderich oil Widneiiday'23d -The Council, MOT b� apedial R E D ersorial
aintiff. Thd defendant Doyle not appear- e66.' Prb3ent,.'tbe the last year in berNajostyis 4 appeared tiibave or nothing to ransi uvwSpaper, and if they
mencing at, r p. in. h' -rely; � wi not ft)r,tho `at -Once aflininistered. ie
a10189, vilL
-,-,;ent of lh.bftc Worlmi pr�scut 111 tile inveFt4gitioll, oil th6 application lilt tv --Reavo, aud Cunnuillosi, areinignV pro, a, ua in the office -Roevor Devil -call appArently hl�- Northern yince soculithat the sys- buya copy frota the newsboy, when t(iD
c1l, na IR to be, for -last meet- -ford- wi.1.1i, an nimal of _,,� are �cauty, and d with the fat frum the office to come and beg one,
led tyl Chuch. but it
Ford, 6a, iN ust(i, -3111,111tes of tool bad' becomb impregnate
�l and Approve never before caught- on ibis continent, nor )twithstauding,� the most viu'- they are regular patrons n
nf the Grand Trunk- ZleTator, %vith tile day morning at 9 o'8o&*. - All in lt 'was rbsofvad the. pratQih Tof.
toresting We have received tho forty-flfth-�uljual,: Ill a r f 6 IW h vitcost& Poison, andW d entitled to
K�Jeruta may be then expected. �assW, enipoworing rip as it'been Inown lill'late'yenis that this th kiplimited favors. Bien call eVety flay &t
for. the Dominion ille�es Report . of the -unary Society the i destruction, And - orous applixn0ls C1 medivi skill, de.3
mir _j I .. . X , corporation (if tife Tow-iiship oi . . 0 in1his'coOntry... it is Of . (ter
HaTzwra of on Hit )n anI Br.Av uLS.Vow.-Acouple of fon, Cou'noitofthe 'Will �6 sat - fled with- vothing IoA4 pecies ikisted: t�rmiaated the youna, newspaperffices to geta copy of the daily
r( of snow fell n Monday night, and the which we reprint a sumin y, of the t6� Prcure 1�otxx Any tcairce Fltve the same family -as the g �Itffe,� or,cmel Isidys career. a age" paper, jutfromthe press,- for uothiaf
of G�Aerich, who
for the f explaining tIlam. �oio4s f6'.la� before''the" OP- 14 day is intense agony, at -the early
French- ard,.of Aft a . cousin, would never dream of begging a POCLet
t)aroniefer and the c- Gr, i6a, 4nds kiloUzi td natufalists eig
louds this (Tuesday) t of 17years.-'ThO
.y's operations as follows':- authq; deceased was
,.ised by etatute tiAbossidors the, dotailed'g6ou it 'of I `vgoiiirelia. Thdj� andWerchief from a dry intenain- cont-tactor.3; front wholu foronoon both indicate further fall. . 'as 'ihb T
lie Society is n w mat Timbor, or atiyother road 1 9 L a -'knowa to 'bf te, 9,,. of Luck- h a store, an
tntaining,-- -negotittfioni � with Bismarck for all unrea, re.,
- edloi the purpose -!in roY�n inhabit thVIligh, tablela�ds of � Cipliale ' .,no forlyierly of
enders arc to b�., macired, up to 0 -4th TErn FALL F ISHING.—We cannot got an 6MIS-410natodI)esettlevaof of makingi P 9t aemailuot the Prussian aiihori- wl lrincardine..�-Biace Be- apple fr(im a fruit,, stalid, or a piece of
7 &c,, the pit]Slio.r6ada iw'sail ndHindooRcish, but Ardmore frequen'Lly caudy from d -confectionei
accurate statement of the Top irr .4 - - "even on the
-result, until the British Columbia and :sivx- that Prussians.' -since th
refused lo -rial Plea of 'Old AcTiAlfitan
Vto contemplated huprovenients on hist 3 or 4 boats, expected to return fr6m Red River, and-�__8Mi83jolilieg. Resolved that the-, Nomination fill, of e e seen ou the high peaks �f tho: Himalaya the Empire, bave'twico - -Thie.inilitgry itorealcft-by Ae Jrznpe ce, having, bought
-Is all
for the Blection of QOuncillors*be held, at listen to The 'Annual j w taken,whell . 7
harborare.zks.;tlllovrs:-Theline of the ishinds end of this week, arrive here. 27 To the tidians'of the the -. oterthres '; edianating � fr6m o_.,6rn.ueat on. St. -� Hilen a I A are somethip." oncebffore. Onepaperisvot
While gur Nhermon Are generall & the bouse -61 Mr 11dward-Kelly,-Holmoo- nliowvier, - uite young, an(! ia,thotolldhly�, domesti-, much, but a hundred a day amounts to
y %tishad Baskateliewan,.H.B. Ter. After Paris has qion
the old is V;.S. W.,bayio_ been with their queoess, the catch Ville on Afdndar 1he 19th proxo. Resolvm- cated,, and follows I& aAoi, - -ieingiransferredtotheDomi " Govern- itbinginthevourseof time. Bat -this
has been.. 13. Columbia, atid the been bomiegod, for 50 -davai with dw- "It is ofily.four uI44s old, and 6rdlnaRly _meu6 linder tho. superintoildence of Limit.- f0m�
foutd: to rendcr the harbor 'dift! ed iiat the folldNyingpem6ns be Roturu�
cult and principally 0out, nothing like the -1 al Ing any E is a mall drain -comparod with the free
isu. Provinges of Ontario jut., Officers iigns of weaknas%.Prussii se aAds.01 . colonel Wiley.
of to vress%�Is running for quantity if herriu' 'for � the waros in this di;osed aut vefoot hig'!h
M sians but is capable advertising , news
and white fislir having and Q-4ebec, and 1�2 . I I Tientsin state -that Ihe a 'paper is to do. Sowo
to, negotiate. The PAri it, vi
from north ster' les,in which beensecured' 140 Doine!jtic �ljssioas i the township for the year calls q enso of the AeT of raising its head -two e t, W. 10 nia. e Ad ces, rom people Wo - hav� -two dollars atlau
breakingoutof ;b un e to' ;xtract
y _�Vard Xo� L lion tiivitWh the aninial sevemfeeb when-aldinling �iect. #�enqk Envoy -f being bI ,�aid
direttion t�ie sever�,.st storniT on L%ke TnE Coi?rix- OPlom-t-For the satisfac- Pro. of -On. Qu..and 168 Viz :-T. B. STOKI irrthecity,.ha'yecrojtddd Gov ' '0 early- period of Vo for an advertisement
U ig of A&RI'libr or use-polor, &rthorAtonemout for the late butragehas'
ugh 2 moutof d lgrge terijas offo d by the -Chinexe worth fourr five appear. to think they are
7T tton 4 friends, the coffin, containing the. 4'Xisiions to French a Cd A Tho.s. AleQu ofeuqe; which the zeutral powers Di - in -ve of it I re
the lia of the new piers will ainains of o�rlte respected citizen Thom- Thontro, Woods o E tire -ought lb redo�nizd as vyglltfl�l. prqj�dtink eyes,- 81 11 stockholders in thlo establishment for etr-
r 4.To the Germans,.,. 4 O boinagrowing v�on4Mul (kdVernmeay.
4 Prussiw has, already: re�ognized that QVv-
beWN-- VW Soubl, pier co'notelicillIt s Logan Esq. wits opened it the grave oxi — James Richardson, nity. They Cl�mand the,publicatiouof all
al was caught of 4ke -AMI6liasca;. qabbath aftetnoon. There waa 'a leaden 181 Missions, and .206-Mip'aries. Job n Rudd, crilinent.' Farve -'s-AyS that higoti' The demAnd for eattle by American* marriage and funeral noticesi,6 ks
at DatWs; corner will be carried out hito on the ' wAters of MalaKe e'o iver. 'It
On the Indian' Missions thero ive 22 Iti- The following acconAtS were ordered to 'for an armistice o " * - eljiu�gr in the - graseing.section And family -episodes, fort
izje 1430 feet ; an tne N-,rth coffin itiside the wanden Gne and the body w re Ir L� buyers is t he next kwty
pler kterruptoa byTt hil Be bas A cmw sinl - t- -th 14 m;'41 which
ilar a e
Was found � to b� in an excellent state - of teroreters; 21 Day Schools lippliod by 21 be paid, -viz :-.--G. Elliott, $30 Peter refusal of-the-Germins, to pormit the T8- P 0,1,ys yj3ars. Speak of pay anc
stwdna nearly oppoait e will be 1500 feet means it tanariy far back, 'f Kipgs6n. The ews � - grow inaig
presevation, the face being'i G Me Allialt of -Falis durnig theterm4lof if- obarcely. aay passes . but largo *oves nant. ',4Dou% I P�troa� Your paper P
perf�ctiv *fe- Teachers and 4 � Local Assistants to Mw- Ato ce, $12�; R. Math so , 81; R - w �victu
ia The dditional 101) feet of coglisablc:1�0-p present. This w-tsbetter stonaqps, i ot ��,]Ken:ile, $5.25 ; Jollu Fox, 60 cts -, J�qkn th d6ys. It. is 'very fledt, beltig able1olof
kinga totat-paid Agency arifileV16. � He says lie araugil with
will muse north than coulct 1��ve been expected, consider- 253; to whmh� may be Aided 'Rudd, K, �*. McCartney, $14 ; Williain the GO foot- thelastest horse in the bountry, The 'nifly. be seen 6d their way. to the Ui,ited 'Yes; but you received �he wotth of your
a number of rinait authorities 'in favour of ioney for what yon say*
6 black dapper 01)ots on--thetriCh'. b'rowncolor'-statos io 'the steamer
-ents. b) tonaYthe entrance ul ing that t�ie deceased expired on 9 laborers acting under the difection of�-Donaghy,'$37.75. - RoiscIved +hat Motion necessity. III, Wate�toiz' L2r9e the[patron, 'it will uot cost you anything
0 . and proprietv of such re-vitua - � I I
westerIV enrx h Oct. 'aha' recently been purchased as
-ad that the corpse had been -..ns 'hairitien. The niembars in connection No 80, be rescinde4. at this Council ngl�abivithout makes it onQ of the ino;Ft beautriful ani- aun�bex vlo toptit thisin,l which. is justbaridiculous
and th ling, showi sueft, concession
th annel t an ailelZtrike o from tr. ported ( on the th�aarmj#i m&1A in exis+ence, mOr"'Outifill thaii the ihrpast as Perth. aad a I riven As. to ask a man to grind your axe onhig
era some 40OW miles, hy sea and landfrom the with I the Church at the differei# Mission lb, now adjourir: to meet again ce i�oula be no Armistice, at nli,� leopard . of the. Chinesei ngle. Sir John cr�sa tho
pier to Pier, &a that, their force will be Islandof jer' tations, are ap, follows -second Monday in Decatube but continuedlwar,, The*prolyisition Zou0tryat the rate of t�n or'flfte'en miles grimd-stono, and graciously tell kink it
�sey, in the English chaun( . rproxo 71s did 'nov, consider - it o. trAnsprt his - ,
te) the pl;e if interment. '6'8ettlers in British Colu�4ia and Red' T B. STOKES,'T'p Clerk. rejectdd. Xe�ot tionswere then brought _wodt cost him a cent. It takes money to
broken beffira they reach the basin, lire a, day,. until the
River ............. ;t ........... 301' pet by watei dowz the.� � S !Wlasipi River, _y r6ach �heir destivatioii.
venhn- anr avell thar, inight be datigarons toltit'enk because tlieY clearly, showed' fearincr, the I uncertain na ion aQ the Good,-eattle are rfovibecomingquitesbarce, -run olit &.newopa#.e-_r -as welL as auy other
forget that Iw$imns intho Sashatcliewan,Britiall Amexide Hoporable. that I ussia -was -seeking deitr�j the business, and -no Pape '11'anoceed finan-
r wi
P10, vussels within the harbar. The piers. the next et&t-%inment takes, place fix he VnIumbia, 1judson's Bay Ter*rl- Fre great-.6hang6 of climate:fr ta-the lianitob% Add prices �are ddrrespandingly high.
nch army, and was ejualt alixioto to to the suuqv Iiouth' . as, therefore cially , that carries 9. 6ead head �_yste 'in.
are to, be conatr ucted of substantill crib- Temperanc_o�Haill- on Fritl 18th inst., tory, and the Provinces of' Outa"�- To the i�3 TAE Vrdawss or CHoLERA.—W&. have Any mention of the ;people's affairs, that,
I . Editor of the.81.-nal destroy _' the French people; ohe ahe wbuld wisel-i concludd- to gi) by -way -of St Paul
at 7.30. Mot an I 16'report the still fakther Progress
wark. with a co- innous stpQrstrucl tire ot. Ject ;co, the
-it rio and Qnebdt. 2 015.1 GoDERLOH, Nov. W11 1870 bf the non mbataatsof P1 of chol y are anxious to see in print, is wortk
sAlinii The cominand�i , FoA ]BUford era 'The information we possessed it the p4ing for, and . when-prinfiad is generally -
pine, and they. will rary in width frorn 20 Directors OiithaDo7)zestieMissio?tsiathoPrr,- - 9-tit.-Respectipg' the note which ap- to the7. h4r6fa of faftlinei,' : The neiltral f urnishes him anescort,
met htst to- consider the request vincen ofOntario and Quobec...,. �15,065 peared over my signature in our issue of powers of Europe has dmanded th a cAlle trip -- fie time of ur'last report showed tbat - the s goad- as any other invttmeatf the,
a, aP' will then proceed,thr6u n- -.
to 25and &tAly 30 fLetas they run out am i� - -gh! Canada to 310 fitsease
from7 flie 'T(hru Council that the funds of On the Ge) n andFrench Missiovs� 31.8 'Ne 23rd 86pti last, I r�ned, tht parbunity be -afforded for the assembling treal where lie4illshiphiethargatou Kbrtch, ar, Rost.or on. �anlo amount,
intatleepwater. Theheadof the north the lustitute;esboilld accompany the Grain- Mr. Alex. Nisiuvth fakes -the ch-argetherle- Of.the F�ndh deputies,. -in, order that the iaad4i, he. Don, at Tagaur6g, 'and at , Odessa. Theewspo'porbu.piness 16 very exactilig
pier is to be 60 feet square, and on it a mar School property offered to the town 17,69 in to hiniself. From what has since trans- queatib _L�ster news prove& that the - opidmi� w" it, find the pay is
0.4 of peace, might ber colisider4d.- n all connected in
lim,hthouse will be erecied- it the head for the erecO'onof allalL ttwasresolved The numbers attending the'congrega- pired, I do not believe that Nlr. Nasmyth This demand has ben denied by-Pruisia, moie widely extended than- the earlier comparativ isk
ely3mall; thoroprietorsil
tq t-rrant 4 4eed of the property to the tions, with the membership, -are at I or practically denied by being clogged wit SIR F. B. laEA:D ONI'THE� ne' indicated, and tat4t; is stillextend- more money- for smaller poln
tit . e piers the depth' of water r. ill be to - east took the fruit or had anythin'a to do with . h WAR. . We ts. suathe
x vh wn, as far �s tile riLilits -of the Institute 90,000. a sib! conditions. The -ru5si #—, I -
the niat�er, and I regret that, misled by 1111POS - %11 tog. At the present momebt,theepidemic editors and Toporters and printers 'work
abont V's feet. rhe channel will have a were coqeraed, and to grant the funds Total Tneome. ..,593,615.33 -information I had recei 'ved, I sh6uld ],are charge that the absende I f the Fr6 ch Sir F, B. Head, formerly Lieut. Gov o
� P - preivalla along the nwh le coast f the bea harder, and cheaper, than the,same nam -
unUomat breadth uf 0200 feet and a & th (amountirig tobout 6300.00)to the town Expenaitare.,.._. 84,935.61 he feelings or reputation *Df Mr Government obliges her to starve Paeis is anada, writ of Azov, -on the north-eastF-rn coast ofthe ber 4 menn. any othpr profe ' requir-
P - 'I by alsei nor of.Upper 0. - es as follows 'to 881011 -
of 1�0 towa f. The Prussian itojotidtions, whi6h the Londoii. Times oli 6e subject of the Black Sea' it as broken out in the
r�t water of 15 feet.' An' area rds Efic fAiud fuz the erection of a Hall, Wajs mr"y'lfh that communication. itig thegivenamount Dfiarelligence' sud
Yours ELN MOSELI ect. tar the Frpnch war Crimea, and at Odessa.,- it prevails t v .drudgery.
HAWLP.Y'--;; SALT WELt,-Wearebapp Ashileld Council. very truly, bra z , before with feriata, reap a al
the water level of Octuber, to 1' -'al REmARxs.-We have great pleasure in Opor- 41 As many of the mmist-intelligent of ekal, points in
=Xes ia to be dre(iged to a d,�pth of I& feet y people, clPses with a-refi
�,the %�ork is progffressiu� with entire asal'of an a South R10ka, and 'Little
success. The��casing was p Russia.; t one point at least of the to
tunity to he4r.them. M -Yr6 concludes Your riBadeis-on:tertain-��th.e.b6-nevolent uth- Tho'69th Regiment was pr6sent*d by
wms faIlly.- two feet Ini7er than the ut in on Wednes- The Council met this day (Nov. 7th) publiq1ting the above, and would add our as follows, -"An armi - tic is the only and
&-tsin %7iII ba about. (lay morning nd the boring has now is e opiuics4that the inbabil:An�a of 'Alsace and era part of Great Russia <Sogokodik),
pres�mt le-.eL- The f e, pursuant to a asmyth is altogether has the - thecitizens.of Quebee with a testimonts
12J13 feet in length ftom, the end of the reiched A: depth of 100 et -being a daily - - djournment, all the members conviction. that Mr. N, tneans whereby And expresision, of tho Lorraineought not, against to oxtendadaerass . continent to St.
enL Tho minutes of last mecting incapable of such a paltry act. We had French people on th of its unifo]Ttn g�odouducb. Vol 13&g6t;
progress (if 20 feet since the liniestone rock pre8 a c6nsequences of Im- betr�nsferredllfkesheaidof-egittle:,io.alPeteri;'6urg, Acdordiogtoofficialiiiturns,
,t�,hnnnel, to its enstern linjit, 200 feet Or made a feeling reply.
uf ' he Grand rrunk freight shed with .i 'was reached.* wore read mid appioved. A letter.was not the alightest idea against whom Mr.' perial crimb can be obtai ed. PxJissia new le you i' wili -be pleased: the number of personsatfacked by
In . master ' I hop. . .0
directea., and practically asks OH to lay down out! -J%rm iq'St.- Petersburg,. from August 29 to: - '%in!t it wicked to rob thischicen'
width at- the-- cer.tre of 550 itWz. The 'Outt FxsHqr=--f are now daily drapping read from A. bl. Ross, Psq,, asking the Waply� -accusation was a to &110.17 me, To subiiiit 1_0 them, -as an. awk -
as a, nfeliminary to the . September 20, . was 627.
consultation of thEr 'livard act, that the inlial$iiant-i (Spaiiioh Of 'these, 252 Dick V 'Dat"s a great raoral ittestidn
c�dl for the completion of all in from the Island, having met with go6d Council to authorize bi& to accept from published his tortnier letter, only with the J, � $
P . - rkati4nal will, And that the populati6n Utah f th4 followm* had died. The appearatice of -the 4isease, nmo, and weinit no time to argafy it;
the worl by Ist October, 1872. The sua- luck. wo $ball be able to publish the H g Johnst n, Esq , the sum of* twelv- of French, D
n fA in next issue. nh .0 e deire to discotiraget-be-pilferin-which�is aris, men, women anit childieli,-,'iliall, British giltbat con. was first officially re�orte.4 on Septhinber 'now ; -]land don anoder Pullet.*
cessfnr contrctor wUfimve tha winter bo, actual res I -witVaut0eili ' g
THE dollars, for the redemption of certain lot- unfortunately too common at st;obo shows starve pending the vote. We-callriAt sideration forAheir h&bAs,:attachiu6nt% 1. but so"yne cases had occurred previoush -ty see
fm -e him in which to take out the neces- Y- Law is like a sieve : you in
BxTTA-LroN BAvD,under the leader or u 'Signal. nszty timber, and We lit -EW expect to see a ship of Mr,-Dncicbam, played on the in Drurylane, Port Albert, said loti having -as the 11- ticult I justice to witness. against them. )Ger- br religion (piiucipaliy -0tb6lio,) have, Compared with the eLdemie of 184S. it i;; through it, but yon must be -considerably
many herself if coq;ultedl, will c emn- one aftorandthei, been sbddehly, dubbed of a mild nature. This year he mouth of du'
whole arm h gn4 re cea before you can get through it.
(�f laborers ar, work when the square last (Thursday) night, much to the been sold last -year for taxes. he Coun them. T e Gov�rnment will aithfully dubjects'of the Trotestalit $,6vereifra of Au&st has been exceptionally w6t-in Rus -
spring set- in. The Town Couned will dalight of the citizens, Ao hare inisserl oil refused. A letter was read frord . Mr THEZ VOTFNG ON THF, BY-LAw,- was can- attempt to render peacLe possible, . anit in Gr Bia rain, having fa onjo of its The 'Peruviare was elaj-ed in CDM'M,-
dudted here, witholif the slightest excite- that it ' eat Britain. 11 - IIq4 on twenty -
have t�) he ready to repair the crib -work this1recreation very mu6. We hope tbe W ,yarray c�Hing' the attention of the -,will have'the cu -operation of the �ozo da';siatlioneig-bborhoodofSt. Pofersbur,,p up, the &, Lawrence -by a severe Enow,
ahing the- wharf, whichis atpreentina cOm- will give its one more opportunity of listen- ment, on hionday.14th inst' Every citiz�m Pari�s ails By 0ouquest---:GibrAItAr; -MAlta pietelydilapidated conditiiin�' We- only ingt' Council to the state of the road Ladina to Armyof rance. Meanwhile, ape of Good F16�e,16we*T' Canada.'ZInrIZ storm so t at she did not reach Qubee
otheirex' I
quisitemustebefore the weath- entitled to the privile, w ietly up to arms, to show what a great people . . - I
rexmt; that government has not yet een e Moved by,M Dalton, sec. b. can tiuq, British Guiana. 4;�r4aica, St..Lucia. unftl"Ureanesdavinoming,.November9tb,
r,becomegtoo inclementfor opelt-air big 11011110- y do' to a 0h1cS90Want13'R901Pr001t2r.
ILlid By'CeAsion--fle ol d, Straits set�
fit� t4)F 'at OZbe 0=ythey river out to the to the -palls and put down his name for cAnd theirhomes, their boner at niva! o'clock.
lake, by a new channel to the north of th performanceg. John F. Andrew, that Joshua 8viWs b.e Free Roads 'like i little� man.' -The vote their in'depoirdence. . You will make I iese tlement.,Labitan, Upper Canada, Now- 9.Sof-de days]since some
FI&E ExC;LvE PnAcTicr_ Theue�iy or- paiCi.ihe sum of 33 dollars on account of a facts knowli as opportunity way Th� Belleville- 'Fishery Inspector hax
noith-pier, which would have savred al Arise." f Jundlaad, Vomilliba, Gre ada,'Hondaras, m6mbersof tbe('Iuea-o Board,of Trade, seized fhree!boats, 4�000 fiah, and about
'Ijonddn, Nov. --10.---1eGcru
polled reaches the handsome aggrag to of
anized cQmR2nY iD charge of "Union No. mistake in his assessui)ent-:LCarTkd. Mov- riter- St. Vincent, Tdba'go, addtessed to, tbe'Preident *of the Board a .1,509 yards of nets, for infraction.of law&.
UP 500. The total Vote, in each war, , is - ed Moot Beliard tp-day. I ' tans e 'Whentheabove-seVen Fseitchcololl'ies communicatio relative to 'the Tegalation. --
siltmg " of gravel and consequent neceF V fire engine practised last (Thursd sec. -by T, Craw- as follows ri I . t is reported
The engine thai�Qaribaldihashad i ' wrestid f rQ41 ar-,ce.c1e4 by Franceand of cotamorcial tercourse between the
sity tr yearly esp=ss in dradgiu,,- This night, on' Montrevd Street. �d by John F. And4m q with th,3 were is, however contem ford, that as Mr. urray has done his narrel
pla.zed and we may expect to see itearried . was in good 6yder 4nd worled irell. - For. Agai?wf� Fraiks Tiretir; It is said the Germans &peciallyatifie petiod-whehlowerCanada, T-Taited &ates and Canada' the- free navi- A Geralau in -QAtnerica exlijins Lis.
ont by mtor -ter season. 31alEmRsoDes �kx.Fs.-Those Godelich statute- labor he be refunded the sum of St George's. Ward 100 1 htav �aptured,,thore exiatod. An' antipath3, gation of the St. Lawrence,. &^-, and -it rewsonsfor joining the Temperance Soblety
We ould again ;,,ca d a party of English aeron�nts was
eight dollars, being, the amount charued St Andrew's 11 133 0 a r P'uro 'Tsaltellyoil owitwas. Ildrinknane,
axes, so niuq� appreciated by woodsmen, dun. betwo ;,Aid French 'keferpt
urge upon our busiaers men ther �oa, the Englishille.1 men -was A to a Committee witk a Berl
propriety are now bdin�g manufactured by John Me- St.Piktrick's 11 124 1 NOV. 1J. -The following 4eS_� As ittv6te es laer -, den put nine hand on mine head
of ke-ping the constzuetion. of a against him oTf the Cullectoi?s roll of the St David-s 9. rate -M, At tW,�resgat moment of iosoluiious� for- the purpose of inalt,
milits between the tans,
Pherson, w'hose establishment is in f all At by the ftnd-. e Andl?xtis-s*
143 AL patch was. received to-nig gn and dere Ti von paiii. Den I put nlins
dry dock as an absolutely essential com- same. -'Parried. M6ved byjwpea Craw- 8daforth Village, 72 7 a2 d --��"TourkNov. 10 : Orleans has been or as; after the- c6nqfte4t �f Alggedjexist- wtin-oome Action. Tile resolutions were hand -on miuo body. and aere vas suoiler
plement to a hz;rhar of refng Don,t running order. for&, see. by John F -andZedn the subject named, and' the
,e. Andrew, 1 that the Clinton TebLieb. affer a- severe fight. The Prussians ed between the French Chiis pain. Dan I putnii4e hand in imue-pooket
-�4 Ar(har Colborne Township,. 170 7 lost 500 men.' sian. Arm -,and matter waa finally split back -to the Boar& and dere v 11jine mid ae
Ins -3, sight of the idea. The enterprising MUSTO AT HALF-PPJ(:%- S0.SaVS W. F. taxes against G Burrows for lot y -the as i�otting. So
individual or compiny that undertakes- P. Sm*trt, to whose advertisement we would St, West, and Lot 5 Anne Stre the .1111.111ordiii Mabf,T46ii tribes, that f Directors without ny a-efion on
for the McKillop 41 117 Loudon, Nov. 11_Th'e formal surien- rt of-. the CoinuAttee. ' Afterwards the
n. NVaW L call CC rafflied round N uder. Neveethe-. pla �Iemperance. Now Aere is o pain more
and enmpletes the construction of a dry direct attT* yearld'1 becancelled-Oarried. "Moved an 105 57 der of New On"Osach occurred this fore- less, n France, as i4!t ' in miae head, an& de pgin U'l. -illne ho4y
uglind, Spain, 0hairntanof the Commercial Committee
dock foz tha repair of dis-ableA vessels will A TiEou§.k-,vn TA-sair. -The Sftr an- by J. Crawfoid, sec� by IN1. Dalton, that —
find it; a remnnerative. speculation. There nounces We shallgittond Robert Carry bapad th noon. 11811atid, Sze, wheneverair infomedthePresident of,the Board he vas` all gone avay. I put mi, 97-Juind in
to, the Sig)�al e suni of 022.5t; 919 222 Gatilbetta has orddred.that thd drillin-ci wAs obtained 1by jeaptuJ4,Pfll -members, of mine pocket, and dere yas dwenty dollm.
isiacipl=a where such a dock could be' next'week"' Ze to him for Mai' forByLawsofar 697 So I shtay mirl do demperaLve.
We can eas beina the amount 'd , the affections had con-s0ted nearly -all the
9 understand it 0 road by infautr3F and recruits inlist be fid� Od f its iniabitanti wer o�j -more regarded the-Cottimereimiandthpy.istro��aly. rcom'
Mora die3,plv made and worked than at takes the Star 10 days to crack the nuts work unc�er a contract entered into 1869,
in 20 days.. thau-Nelson: T.egarde4'ftiAbti.British: fdel-; Thended --the paaaa-e' of -the resolutibna - Three Cheers for Ahna.-_31r. lienittie,
Godcniah. Thomas Munroe, Esq,, of the we: placed before him as dessert. bein for ditching done 'in the. 3r i d can- THE FIRE IN. XILWARDINE. The Gleribins have created n moroiig 6
l. amount *upar-, 3ion, on sideline 16 and'7, tQt ewbafter�A ings'ol, Wilma omitting- any re ace t' the fisheries, as: received a telegram yj�aterday from Alms,
ID-apaztment of Publia Works, is td . ��a-lie- o fere,
WESLEYA11 ffunen -We under. -cell on the heights of Rainy, And atKdatT4;LgJ rght pitu(ti ed. it was a sabj ect in hicthe Pgpple of the' stating tbut the iefigine 'Faulconerl and
and 'as psr� ma Oat
intenI the construction of the Harbor. stand it is ille intention of the congregation Of contract being V97.56 on'which he re- The recent destruction of the Bruce Be- ny, Bezousaad0ollrbevoie., lJowi as nobody,- 04 bas'liked, or west felt me interest,
fti%iii. of cars went intoi the Aim& &stioxl,
(MARTRX DMASD�. ceivedi5iii186%leaviag abalancef 82*2.56 view Qffim, on th 4
of this. toivn to purchase immediately an e ight of the 28th. ult., Wonol. Uharett has been-all'thorizedb"y ever wfll like bein c4ptuied, and as Ell _- A inecting of the -Board of - Directors of the Wellington, Giff'and Bruce'Rail-
Here, tar nc�th piev is to be extended. organ valfiedfat $1000. -Ve like to hear d"o to him as iforesaid-Carried. Moved 9 - . m
was the occasion of i th a warm the Count de Ofiambord to,vocialis -pap- lAnd'hascaptillred bly.annexed to was held to; -a4,, when the fllowing reso- ay� yesterday foren6on,' Amid gnat re-
IGUO feet, tmaing a curved, Eno in air - of ach acquisivions. The Iserrice of song' by X Dalton, sec. by John F. Andrew expressioi i, of syinpahy with Mr. Joseph al Zriva*�&-to figh� for FraAe - her,'Clonnnionoi ind 4 India, more- dopte
eastarl that 5IDalt6n, Junr., and L inr L , II&ns were unanimously, a:, -3olelng The Rae is in so forward a state
y directiati, so as to enclosoall am, i% second to -to part of the congregational Michael D%lton Lang, the Editor ufid Proprietor. be last eveb a militoda of nion, �rotnhtl, and cildren R&o1iied,-That . this Bear most re' that it will be formally opened to that
donj Nov. ai , m (1,
of from 150to2uOt-4-tes. The head of ti: e'. worship amd ought to receive every aid to'beglio;vedeic.,htand73p,tsdolla'rs,e;iohb6ing Ameeting of prominent and influential, repoitvias received here thU-the kAtilion - i
El I than all- the. otW mM I , �ns of Europe* spqeitully urge iipon the President of the atation for public traffic mext et-. This
pier will be -5D feet sTiareand011itF a -mistake in the assess�nent on !, Lat'20 inbabitautz, -representitig all shades We
sublimity. of atNTew Brieiiiiih had hoisted.;_the *hite 111:ghti.xint Coullf,'Bisal -.with a fain' Uuitedgtat,�i the necessity of opening. will make twenty-tre mUes omp
%ffithouseerected. A beacon, 50fectia- Lake Shore -range in tl�ieyear 180-Carri- pt!blia opinion was hold at. the Queen's -flag. The intoilt was confirmed to -day limmeringof re Ann, r d 'English leted;
'Hotel a. in �any, tie"Jitistiolig,with GreatBrItain. and pres- The work is going
100. Jjy in r off -gonau diametez and standing 50 feet out of tl�a THAT's AEGIDT THE SmE or xT.-The ed. Moved by P Clare, see. byrJamei on the evening of Tuesday, 1cial -despatch announcing -6e Ziau who cons6ieiit(�_us p'rotests against sjWg�them'tD anlearly',6onoblai6n
water, is to be pla-ced on the end of t10 , Elamilton- pecfatw-, the other -week, after Crawfora, that George Graham be with -the Harriston kir. Ren4r! Ois pusbihg
-lat. There were presentMe4ars. 'Balid, capitalation, of thia fortross yesteid�j afier- libst pro-Posed'anno46' lo Germany of view of securing to the com a t1tig everything on witligreatenergy.:-8
risoners, ineluding,_'ofi
zuuthgac-ali 16, fee-& water, -and, all boul- (moting h;�If a doz3n items from the the sum of twenty-4ollars for gravel
ta e a Reeve, Barker, ttbss Robertson, Wilson, noo, ,000 -P.1
the Aptured proy tices! lsace and country the freedom'bf transit to,
den- areta be romoveil from the anchorage Siqual extracted he fram our town ha the year 1869 And; also for 1A dkor, Dezeng hundred-officeri) fell ifito-the hanas of the Lorrai6e of o Sa4red*brd be the t'bean wrorlbo, an(T �Iat
epth. of water. content - porary e am -ages Campbell, urdon, R. -WE a the, ft L
gua in from 5 t-4> 10feet d crmaT. No guns wdre captured. holdest thou" -th t the Canadianautligrities cagoo #:6enlarge- X, Truemans, isale Reguter-
thus Th ' Star is sustained by the Jest -ruction of his roa4 and others. The Reeve,.wa , a called to the G the' Imotd
'Ube shelter--dannin-delinquent a b3cribers." 1hat'a leding to the gravel pit be, thwaaid G. chair ; IV.P Brown, Es was ppoin u rnour from Berne if. trother's eye, but ent of thi route to the
Vc3-_--1s 4y this p7ateatlon.-wi at' is in
not the team ment, -and improvem
4e& fmni either N=ffi-westfarl r 'Squth- abouttliesize of't. Uraham having serared the cor 11-statestliatdaribaldfIl 0 a _h
L poration Secretary.'-. BOrIi as,srren er- hat is -in 411ili-6 01, hYpoc- capaciti of oar Istgest vessels. Xv TI -D Goo Goa'. Aceson7A -old,
AL.— BmIzA-hat Pri4iAen't of -this t, a VZ
westerlygple3. Anotrierpier coming to--. pr allyfurther claini for aravel out of Noved F. Uuvdon, Esq., seconded by' �d t0lho'Oermknl . No biticularg jv�re rite &a 2- ' t
WeN Thomas Gibbs, Esq., -of against a %4 Str,
wards trae above in tUe opp-nit6 direction oshava said pit --Carried., Moved by ee� Goaerkli,
IN1. P.. for South Ontario, Crawford Captain 0. R. Barker, and resolved-, That recoivd'and the Boaid be Teiiiiested to'cause oopiesi of the X
- L -t report is generally is v
see. by M' Dalton'thait the Township Ole f , 18 do 4Q
it e=temphted as a fatnre iinrovement. rk we cannot but feelAeep avnipathy -with.
broth-r-inlaw of our esteemed townsman. cKeditedi : he reiort lainj pubijilic-id. �'ia foregoingre3allitions to� be! sent to the Nor. 19 CIO 4a&
tev, by Ist i�r ZideO 4if the- Uhited Stat aund SeerAe 6c
Tae Contract in this =,-- must be cowple- R be hereby authorized to it�strnct - the the� Editorf A'na Proprietor of the �Briwd the Daily WOUS of _th4CityTeI' i t It
,ative o,t e M73 t
imprbss. E,igenle
-ey. ii.,S`omBlackatock, is in town to -day. CeuntyTreasurertoi*rrapartios parchas- _tieview under the heavy Iosi'wbf&he!'.h" aititude of the F is, p�o- ---- rib
tary of State
Wh eu thesc-, imp-rtant Torks are finiah_ Yoxiso catasTiq in land at the sale of land for taxes that* anstained-;ythe recent.-Ake,ind- feel -thai 14 con. GravelRo
fiounced false at �Berfin. No-env4y- has, The Russian 6 fias
o-ve- ossCiaib high1v valtiaAble man The Chri
eil, 6he, daitgers of navigation on lake' --A * very successfid open meetingi, not- they will have to pay allAaxeifor the -yew, not only'from the generil'-i)rihcit�le -of Ueii of a M eel stian ladidsof Mica- have*
h kdjug a stormy night, was held oil of the sale or previotis: t -Carried. kindoess toirardi suffereri. in -our M'Idsf ha e anj �euch claims as, th9sO It is the firsVe 0-yarm-etw1c, Jacob Crozier, Lot
HWOZ 14 ba reAttwil to a miuitnum. wit %tar there o
Tuesday evening last, in the Temuerance 'Moved by Patrick Qljare� ied. by Jaft,es but also menti no i�, dii(I ran, edife reformid and provided situation- for
from a -re&id to thet generous inelitl6oCidb�emput-foiWard Atall 16 ton. Ashfield, ue'
A Toll a --to r, ony. ffall, Re t11 b"h e. Caliph 0 m ar, nurchased by, 2;350 ubla(Mcd ar Dun-,
V E. L. Elwood, President; in Crawford- that Thomia. ORiely bepaid�entcil priming aharacfer�bf'the itifferer in- or dent- Of the Olt.
me$. wrl in& Goyernor of w On in eAt Asia.
the Aaiir. The Rev. IV. S. Blacksteck the sum. of six: dollars, being the balance - the. present instance,. . -and' also *from his frdffi�Be I rIinyesterA*,*yfj h ral gaun e Sale iDtTAnd 35dmd
tion - haab t t a Shamp - I J year.
-advancement -An _ I - iA.p -t the alifor-
by the '' corppt. 'a _ returned t Oalifdih a rs nyltI6 g
the Gravellloaad quostion, delivered 'an--eloqneut and seasollable Clue r, rpp 1 1, Casten, a, Hart 9 of ilLe West,
for inspecting connection. with the eel% a Austria -in. f4�-
our attentlan- has diraztea to tell- addyes3. o4 the Times we live in illuf- tavorns�Carfled. �MJJVed Lby. P. Clare, -osperity0 1;ni villdge, wo"Aeem ite be ipollse.0. her notevfforitig. inediation, ll niamineah4vemveniout, jiTheysAy it. is Pi-s'W6 is the name of one of tjl�
pr I' it the'annes -thAt 'avd:fhiIed,'.bat the �citiea`lof kinnesota. 8,�,an. Ashfield..
gat -as Nc3. 13 ana 19, in tha,Towns. tp of trating- in a happy and forcible intlifier the sec.'by James 6rawford, that this Council 4f arined- at
esirabletooffirt6.htii�tdmef -illbl 'the ground.,that'Aiistria
e X
opportunitiea, dutie-3 and -dangers' of the rant the sum of twolve
lollaria� to build a pre§sions, ofour good -feelins. e -_imr is, Akqua ineeting an �finpulsive There, are- about tOO,000, Jewa in -Me V.
Usba omi ar, cvhf le t, both together, f or less read, bridge over--UeGr t ifit4, - , L he shouI& At a late revial
OW expeckstions young convertrived that
present dity. . Mr� James Yoult"r the old, --Moved 4 Sec. nowto �et as's ii have woike(t them. T'. 11h God would
bbertZ� Faq State&.
t that Prussia. th, bless ihe two -ladies between w1i(
t7am=1 'PligrQ114 c9zt$2Q,01)`aud the Thoinag Pampbells 11 Last Alan." GapL bridge� boing -Moved bi Archibald, WIG% i F4,i And i6tilved fieially though were toO extravapat. 1 '
MUS& be L Thomson': by JahnL mr - ygin0 A17 11
e -list we ure gratified it heariAg'-flial he. audexatlii 'a of tliii4bwe V. gravely, he liad beeasitting, bapecially
4 a t e ftirn� sh- ow na that we assisted V the. Misses Rick, by M Dalton, see. R Andr w, T inlereston Gravel Road 690frib*1 excellent nuisic. 31r. that the stint. of illid the�pue ONTO MONE'f WAIsKET-
y ddl]4rs bd granted -Lan ipitexids remaining aind�- us' and d a, Now YI)rkerl of W conductor, just the �Iobt. poR
f Alsace aij4 Lorraina, to aske
guarau e
11 at
me ititt;
us P
P�,incipal of'the Centralgehooli I ecutinge, his libms witg� ieAk6d- afteithe brakeman liad Vanif out
iavesttwpnts� iudire?tly, from the general to complete th6 laet, end 6f the roa'd on a so, pro4 that the� ne4tral powers, iday see t V) NOV. IT)
exhibited h number of miscellaneous and tbe 12 and 13'con. bettor kti6iwn p the onCirgh onlirgine, his a] asin ma. e. !a,, relations with Ausria --southbro, w kniong-orders recently, he
l6et 4ua iftere, at 611 heie not aL
tha sedlo, g sia, 6
U thou whi- astrnoii;i0al Magio I�aitern, views, which big swaml�--Carried. --,Moved byJohn F. his priiitin,; facili"ties. - ft Vi6refor6.4gr& Ra as ia -iire 'not a hah Aso, . rend et! . aty house -was visible arriong, lth-,e -pill
P.'ClAj - L - - IL, anbeetipt es except
Mt I I L British Bom
T0raPP1y2;ritbM-,tiefo-0e hdpromise?ltarepL-atonaititurocceasi�,n Andrew, sec. 1by bafthe -d of Ailniraltv is ono for the C,
ible. There ting -saloon. removal of iron musts from the war steam, r1k
P ace to qen ibii fdrtliwith,. ' fA�r uaralitoor of -Xiliers accept a rambling illecDcall6d. a� loa
fo offices purpose of 'e6utributing'towitda b6 V�iiV the qlVihboiaAs -York
these two gpte3 wu ffnd the ful- with an illustratiie'lecture. of nominalJou of candidatoa; r the Gold olieneclat 110j; - . - m , poorer class'e'sof
Press t t
the G;iveranlenth
(if Reove,eputy Reeve and'Conneillora_Lehase of th W er 11von, Duke,' in order to bliangethe
GoLT.E(;E.-We,.won1d d i ar- ready swer, 'but tt�dsnlb built up yet.
garate, the annual coat of, sol for the efis yejr be-aMnley!s School tke' OM n tentre of gravity, - Witkout Stich change
e vesSeI co�W
At the areng, growin our rising og�ioizedallt,J -bouri- at from GL TH 14ARRETS
icit ttintion to the advertisee -to' fitonp Stfd ermanyb
a was alen
U _%T y th
:in- tiq W�W, 0, All In Case CIL a goi 10altkIr $ L -together with th6 lbroperty of - co
n, which, under the all the 28 'S
ded that the jLces of -polling-be as MoVedby Dr. Becotd,secona " 1. -
P a of" optembu,1681.
re pa!m w onlel be`sa�- 1 -8103109. ento�tbi3institu domin poll being - i
t itid:-communes, ivhich-by, the And -was ed ifix QrAbl, rf
management of Mr. Conklin, hA%L gained PoVatio Godericb,Wor. 16, ISM,
3 00aa Tepiltati011 as a tborofigh ol ---thht i&40 BaTin4i�13lonNo. 1 A. D e wa are On lniteA -of -coming,to Ontario with her ... ...
f laws - meng. and-r6a ed that`4, CofflinitT o�cll fall Wheat..
-the 28th- IS 6.
C ere placed in the custody of lk- tom
last lot of ebildren, Miss Rye, it is report, SP ligWileat ....... 1L 1.00 ills
*100 ;Aoal for those desiring a 'practical busi-'
2 grata Re ar, dra training- at School, house No. 6, Johii�biaoko, Re- t6e be appointed cauf6sting a k�isr% t 6
turniii "Sta 13tographical lit6raiurei wiU-sio;4"n be �eir- od, is to 2go to St. Tohn, X. B.,, whe
i�t L gwOf flCcr.�IiftAvbion No, 2 at Sell 0-o) Bairdi`_ W, P. - Brown, % F Hurdok;. J� re the, Flour...,... ......... Z:50 I S.,W
in�ss edtic4tion, und A,
experieneed mas-
bouser No. 9. Robert fUdGroiy, Rotarli- M qppbeljon, R Wulker,, and R,, W tiebe4 by lives -of Brun64 the -engineer, hasbeen urgentlyrequestedtobring-t -0:32 Oii 0.32
hem. Oats ..................
ANiOUS, ITEMS. orie Whitfield. slid
to=. ing Officer in-Aivial6a 'N Go all the Zo.ra The ill3tilment comprised 105 children,. Peas ......... 0:50 6:M
3, At k5chool darijout this obideL- ChancellQrsof Irelah&T, They cameout by the Peru janLto QQ
0a ]38311�a tol.-itt' 0.40 -9.-40
cralpnt t7aaamount of ferei INIAMA.�,Dvietz -This. villagis is be� housei No. ra- Rolnirt'_Webst6r, Return-, A vote' of - thinks "was e- Barley ........
gn tra. yell er or. ��upied--Dfauan�ount and Biapps, 'one 'giiine .............. D:30 eW
eomingf,�L mbilth by, month, a busi -At School chairm " tnd one to the 'N'ckb Eng. -of th Wlng,--has bo- boo.
An t4ry��, aftor
the c7ton $20,000, if thwal building t e ing, Officer, Jn --�&Visioa. N 4 'il)goo
lerstanas that an eminent -Eggs ........ ........
to �,zp AaZilickon�s new- 2-; n, -it nul -He. eparitidi-hav _'in;-- Onj ThOsday, affir a; b4t 0 _beLwoea -come PE Re wine a* now at' The Tilites unc . ..... 4".20
MAuRca Dalto 1 vihich-the meetings
po;t. 4�ls the 'an "'g
turnib", 0&1 -division t the - menced the subscription with -s tusreuguiX.. Moullt,
manliffictuid -of � gal. - alLu and ready 2�', � iw 416iif-taiiaQ d the Swi ' botdori'Gen. A f.w 0:00
at pre3'_-nts+,_-Zn&9J it, ig thua:_11- for shingli4g. He' goi t pub to it a, London ptiblishbr haa offorbE110,0001for H!�y
house - of 11obart- Hamilton,.' WJ'- is coa.`froni fifty dollais to five.a-�Br*c�, Awald 0qribaldi, wit4-12,00D: raeq, myrelied 0 8200 1.11
Annaml ter .......
In ashant's 1,3 W. Hugh CAambers, Returning oy' a information wbichled to the 'arrest: ing the revised version of the Bibli ziow in
1003.00,pan loofdotlarig it-': AbOyatClevroland, Obiq who 1 -ad rightforienyetre,of,ptiblish-
iairs om roa 4Z " , il � I , , Hides (pe
-Bel f, , , , 0
R t, ut from gat v ko e -,r3 ort., en) .......... 5:W .5:00
pj!. Cut= I in The 'have flib of thirte6arespequiblo -her' progres 2:50 ®R 2:75
John Jhaiiiang- lidered-
blsi�k the! stonec' war is dolify and the Officor_�C ed. -by Wood......
frame up roady for clos it -in. Ur. Runci- little' towtiot Aci)y, -ueitr'H eauvok, JuL thi
Audrowt. a 'by ` * , , I ' *,' ' - own -husband, among -the htvuberap�lied Beef, per- 5:00 ti� 7-W
b; -ea. Maurice Dalton that - we fwt�
'.One SabtiLi1joLi�ning foundus, 710" t6 theVonimon, 0ait4oil �f that eitir -the
is 'nuking a' 111 for' In', adjourti to ineaepg%14 At k-Aeck?'s. Hotel - Dr Russell says 'that- -when I
ee -ano. i, L �rinoe Park. ....... 40:00
tap-ivtwo,'atekeepers, Is this wi�dom&l - Another genth 6eldek in the niodos� charoh- ofD . i., Department of the. 0180. Chic rpair
-Of tl iman is going on wediles-dpw' 'the 28th .-Of December stsasses-- Frederick William. entered Versaillos the
fa'Ey If the result rif the vot �t . I , Inink,. it, alioWn. 'Thi. kriach Admiral at Culls a a 9th6r nlghi for one-third; of the co -enspe
higaneuttho' b 1� P"n into the. old building in- court.- - Thi:A6.06r waiii h seveial. -6ase only sign of greetitig bepaw was -from i Wool ... 0 00
real a a 0-03
i ly pu J, , Aed, in -f'�4 4r..' She -'declared 0:
4hich,5ri. I&Mickea futme ith a c .........
iwt, allould be' rly-'triod his 11OHN,COOK, Tip Clerk. Ae ptilpit,; looking none, -worse ferbis' �_gavioa ofthe Yo
,V(5rgl'a ra �ft t N41 toll. LIM03 cTy'tng Own PC Mr. -Chrisfy Sh I -ate o i fiter with. thiitoM though mfk� Baltic &j* t6L tbafhephud tacles and -a British .8 e 3:00 (0,) 4.W
he Ann= has iand haq 1,)At from $1- 200 to elderly lady$ im qoc
-81,400in.gan " udiha -00 2- 4
at -it, 1(m demu:ition, so Unij, �ji t she stood, in pork pie hat, who. waveil,% bs ......... 2.
Brussels, B -4 Xn"rom Apples ................ 0:60 0;55
dde'we hopethe0winty �gjjldL ai lot of about 1A acre �bohind his slid fidjety t"g.1 bid �W wroi ov� 2..:- The' Bill to jitend 'her b'
Q1111,AZ will ShOT'61elf guo 1 sense by*pas4 �Thver' OTA-114LEVV- . - need of ptoropt amis anc�. The " -request
ifor'S-3300.toaparty'who is i0so, him The;e bi a � U i *^ Very sweet under theeCiver of a Union. Jack, hoisted
cZ sent 5 .% an attrhotivein the gentle introduced into -flij, -was of such a ia that it, was re- from a L t1lird.Story, iVi
'ir -hess. Qm , h the s6lykaj�- 6s, boon "novol. Goderich Salt, vholeWe, f pet
Ponce accordingd:y. itendinj 6 goluto 'the salb busi i tones and -mild odbw, while a lad
TIL&Lonnoll met-pursualit to ad lerred to the city at oriloy 20[.
Al � J urn- hamba - -
;ThingiaraRooking upand they will look mailliti-'of Cumming, yet I n tha light Of
- : 11r. Labhutan iwh had the,con.
la 'it bulde her took of bis Glen- rry Wallet.
alent, at 31r. -Toolfits, Hotel, Oil 3rond'Ay' aud his 10
Luiknow. London -Nov. Ige-, osian cot jic an
thirther up 1yet- is urmerpopO, rMY, n unrli
a LN_ i - 6f:10-000 111 -en .8hing proy4fions to thew ofe -fQrelgn corm-spendent thus epitomizes
t1XQ 7th Noy, AlIthetmentbero proplit. fami,'thor A. striking., 4au# .6-k powerlu has arrijed, atnethel. tract for f Ural A MONTREAL 1"I
'OLST.-WO M,'Adg A 111i
TH3 W2WX311;0 L arm ar, as
you W pletwed prm tog. -_ �.The.� iermons, I Little u lit he, had the present coliOxtion. of France -. Von -
iii, t4- 18 The Clerk was diieuted-to reque#� Dalii Jiis vuribut hi 4'f in
kkaia thet name and o"enbip of the ar , ro piiii linvi � It i.�,Prussian y i da ri
-real, N -15,187
o! ralwir& t7a3t Pyllo mite, t "Vi - heud'froii * himi 1�cludibk the la& kno�n, . lowaYei, 'that in r�aj troubles done in 1866L i'�. i�d on the stafit drill�no trade, Wo army for want Mont ov
is ba"Milig, a WIG= to 'Tarry gaodg be- i whining" fio�aefn therace, of last Satarday, Wormto'make bis return for 1869-4, ISM, _He -7i%o leading men.- Pleuty (BY Special Teles -Ph
wera no oapor=, it 14 (if ame of an oronizer
twee, W_iUy oi spi#tU'_ h'&Va jU�Sjd�d. L314 8 . ept t4D the WgW.)
Tt4W is� of eq . . - I
Goderbli and Ltickii9w,a3hethinlis It should hkve, been "Black Blazes?' be. cirlenrproceedingsto'beinatitu-t-ed'iLgaiiist 411yi;toagood weekly' lidtuieorprayer� ". ' - I - - IQ re i ot in a most of idlers -po - Activity. A'multitude 'of
are :seen 4dai y around XftaiiVal'
a ca,'174 101at; would W ot m,)re servic4* if tonging to Mr. Henry- Blartin. 11 i in, i t ha vi n gL b 6 o n repre im i t e d thht - n a meet 113 9 ta lk of any o� f'ou, r__ 1* a tors `6 f re drii!n ex
lar or, aontributed thus uniforms-�osoldiers. Utenseexcitemeni FL0VR--:SuPeri0r Ritr*
U 1011�
t' tole.
the gravel road cumpany would PH praotichig evol on .11 great $0410, A. inla- Extra ...... ----- ---- 6;01
t &Von- Fitueral germon- labor was done, in hi* Beat- either tati;1fi,. Cumming ir"f4nwr1jc;)q" 0 r , success. His national songs, -liarobing, Clkn�inming�
! - I . .1h, L grams full of JMS.,�
P!o of friol-3 ipaGleu a hill, and remoia t7ae of ttie lj�t Mrs. Clendenning. which was also, toiacknoiilekd the iw.'alpt'of Setierai sditie is immineitt,
rails tl YZ., ---ea a.. niqdst- of -Wila uttersitco. -� Pirbape contract will, in filtil Do fultilled. by is 175 5:rs
to ..............
'aroutid. the e&&al 10 heirs, and. no a e 4iii. easu .2he
'a` now stand per lcular in the "tponeft &0m. last Sabbsth, owing o the, Malcomsoit's 10tter. it" an this lAst k in aud e.
pond' of R' i The third report of he - wim not iii A�oa wad , . L 0 law . . � I ! . I The town I ship alph and 'Sup, fine W0.1 OAnsda;W. iz-5.80
Xoy:od by W. J. %to rif 'was *hfulli un- `diotrel ag. Taking of cont ta army'aupplids was 4
-ill be preached the Inspectof ios4. at 411yr t andwe 4e` - No I Weston Wheat. 5�25 SAO
li-Aaes wl,ere culyerti have been, or,he. �Rjnex �v, Ur Smith. 4 _s ofBidd
;;u totil of them with his b6at. �abtath'ev�iiing, at 0.39, P. Mailsi: Aeco 'o6kli, ihat the Ciras� �or�flfi I1L--Vftu4W isim Gjllivray� mbic5sro building theirowi)
(D. Y.) next! adad by Dr. W fluifit16eit4ting for L 10 %t& sms 'Took volotiers. for only partof Via im me busine ,,q, a -V I(
AiTt-XPo.-fAt;T,_ in., in the Methodist- Ilew Counexion. foll6wing gra,,�01 accollitts Thomas -hii phrasw, -uer at-Iiii hAndi �the` FriiiOb so at,'Uar- eat! judge of the mnia itu4e, of this branch graVel roads �by local. taxation, have given
bo PAW7 voudypulft L i ir�� 4148 odve&: Bag Flour ............. 2-40 200
UDL 15 1
Tax V Church. -metuCissoo. Civrlo& juid catchitfg ' bi IMU book, as -if W from tho-fad that more than a i1fousand, due -pbticeof' application 4t the next WHIUT- d; F 1_ ... 1124- 1.15
Baird $14. D. 0.
xeilipil. and left for *�-&J&
,ANADTA3r LITZR41ty �JorjLy Cana
'86, b!r season
Moved by Th6mas Ke", atWaded. to this par
ItAUT,-StAlidly -that the 'mr. Lad
Vronto : Flint and VAVYorman:�, The SRINOWN(I EX!MAOSIA. help him out of hisdis�" tsewd here larks hal-an hofhisbusiliei of -the Ontario Le&jiture for an Spring ... 1:29 44 0:00
1wh -made Act to exempt" tbose townships Tkom
anstI6,that,thovouncilitstit the sum,of �. t, Stranga -to ity" ibi Ai 6di D]l wit all a self Wastern .............. 1:121 (�4 1-15
X-)y#ia+qr nutalmr of thm now C.,LnwJixn Co. A&ve put all their bamb on was h w
deltrin thw bombeiftent of Pirisla due man 2
the roof 42.26 for * cul0rbon tho Goshe4. Carried.- the slightest xlhmoA .1sufalfilled pro- '%V'DgL worked imus f up to an emi-
Poriodieal is now before ns, being the -of their malt block t* tke
4th On order to have the M6ved by Goo, Catle'Seo by- W. J, Big- pliesies '--to -war. his - loett -Arictmi.., nent, - o0knWereial_ P, i graveMing any other roads than OATS - Per 32 lb ........ WA2J C41D.
xwothly issaa Tn addition to de list of abinglinit done before. snow cohioa on. op I tb* from A poor -i Ated in tl( Pose Y'Per 48 fb� .... 00:65 ca, 0:70
tu ese,iwo. townships.,
4,1113'.tbat tDo -Vat -on hit old then oAvertised
06 be Paid. o4thoaoeM0f1�WQh%r*,
-111 OK#6144 th4tsppftr f8ome� 80 of �00 men and boypr are at work 1�0%8 1. i, BUTTSRDairy ........ 00.19 .2
0%celliont articles so. -of he�ott 6f the book, _Berlin, Nov. 1�-�-Oeeu,Aujuot� litaitlerkillip.
460"Ved the f
New Era; amofinting to 410. root "g Win in, I _AvzRxaA is estiihAted to tG 'conWinover Store Packed .......... (I
this moath, thors is a betutiful pifti of land, as a LO&I arithmaticiAn reparked, n IM, 52,659,009 bushels of grain ton millions of s9itare miles, ouh mile 1-.14
Aa by ON
-46., V*Der Taun a ASBBS-Pots 0-06 0 - 6:50'
Carried, Alnuod by Qeo. (mitia
music outitiod "Tux CAvADIAVF�o, deRtro) od'i the:.Uni�ed Kingdom'
n they seemed to bsire shinglqd hoill 4a &or# yesterd4j,:
Thos. Noys.4hAtthe Reeve be Dat&M the'0*Ak d&y,' Z04' rMoSlal'y ratiroa ffou� 0 in being capableof sustairAng three hu
Tiso cont"to are as follows, - an MIK-Als tared ' P48Ar19 ................
1 to-dayr, rl*e to Tell - the, manuftit 6�50 WS:w
P"& tdia&V9dtbe-.,1aroaw&y on the Babylon ra., I ure of beeratkCispirit4., - This por fourtimen theprwnt POM—bless . a 0.00
siipm fr*m Gootho." W. F. Munro: I X�OouiLt of S� to the'*ards#� bAra' toperior' aun*ors of-th ould 1"U and fifty iyersons,
11-4 . 4one' I . up 111
lid&, *114-1144 t a eniemy. W ward. bf ' ree thonsaild
d population of the�eAr-th'L
illion pounds of flour, and one. thouianct ..... I
y 11bt ww so hv- three hundred million, four -P , ound loaves Speak thi New York
b' Re 0oulti:H9 r0,d*-th 1?
Cruadu Bid Itumll on Con6rab*md of Win- Cariied, M b Dr' r&j4L ho4ovei, all, the m 0 0
it , . I WAY. ttis' 4react.1"n, reinforced bi ing 4 Colh�elbr Reftipte, floor 5296; shipments, whoat
Uv., a P"n "Sem"R -Ir the To s letter to Mr. Pt% - - " J, z�
40001g 10OWN a _9f res, dated Minto, Ow. 0*9101,14 a fol bi� of bracki. Flour market steady
to s%d- Rtich iid pribee oiNroll, Abackbailding 23UH, flour I
ffswj*, &pL 234, $arl Rusiell says: paidthe pw"=med for it fiene,ral, whi Women, theSun saya:-" 0316.
'The qi sppesn to rafil dow breoub" made by Qw Q�� %t YVAGWILYs quotations-rgte4 fair tusl-
apes ivwl� Md abips of t�*Zid f&ver, espociA'jly Coll im OutiLds. Surplus for low 40.—
"Jobn Xakwe as tb*t t ps 4rilled and KI ca, tho , ban flu* The letter came, u hartres. The 0011"00ble A%vul in felt in 4t for dieawtion has beert added 'to Alto
"The W I , U F" L ege, and the ladies have a fine bod
'hil y on
Brolftson ** via - :01in 0 'Werin WM iw A6 d st $6.40
04 Manned, 060., 480tfif" � in rv*_ nd lot oLWellandeanal sol
CWAlPW1#4.00. R 7 q~� 1�4 ' f havel hitni
19 a to out up, Re is an' -eld fe1low.
010a am 40 iW alkwed 'by "Stnill to. 014*1W 10rM, �04 4 - 4n Aer Taun, bon to Prevent tke
Greg' of Sir ftacy rather lewer;s&le4 at $5.85J.-
IANVG� **Awe fft do purpo" GEL -we. Rx*gd Of the -pretty girl t*en has entered this gowe lots verging on extra bringing ratha
aall AW%ae; stnow others, the
Wt bayond thh t�# m at r " a Ludent, - Michas riall curls nkm_oxtra taken to limited extegitJ 6.16
bon PU** Of theLl7=-%TiU9 Nunihave J� 9
Ter fancy for & 6.26, low gradeK ia 9004 dent"d at ftll
and a bright eye�
14.1 1 t�t' 0 v2. be rardidne 43 boolt tongmt flon t1te lig# ratax, Grain u9minal iii absenoe of tmW
14) "OUL
rprise -on th
rogain lion
of Sep via
n I tu
P_ rf4t
I "
was �"C'
E7,C-=rS, zna:�-njl
was crne, cLi tto flccstl G2,
3,�JaWE)C'2 02 (MLICS
X16"C' CXc_-:1kn'%
M,epjzrrjal�, vibo !r4,2e 6�,
tq & freo elhmc-L C!A 671-�-pr
f,:�o �tZ�J��3 CW=ICI 4,1't�T fC
0. C"MOSSIEC�, 21 IT'
KI Ig"'I
6th W Z1�19�21_11qt�a. G i7i3,lifl
f')rth, was t�ho mn%c�. c
t_a'�&t ast2l_=14rb�)T=
�_G.f tho cae
wvald co-aftntio
WM,Ir_rt�Dn has 9:vcn a
Lar�d Study IRS t
lire. Dkut Ifosmi
jrcrvar,2 U. clverzitn
J?ICYC-3 fram"t Ihela!s� f-7:tn I .
'of acials �b I tL-, e erst kcil
gr-adRdt10n 19 IFCUrla �12t!-_;Lt 1
,ela_CS Of Lfe-,107 EZIMIINRU:�",�
whohas Fcicnlho CaTr1k;Ll:
0070 'Es&ay2us Zr-1 --__J
Inj ar:2 C"no, Rat's tiouns Ind
n,.zcI up a aknzen,,nud s7ant fl
is a riaro 1�rtSl��-v
who havat-2mn !nvct-'q1i
.�� i
IdC3 _-Y-3 u3m, e'd Le�_
f2eep ca -24 iDlig,'Izz, b z;;h 2MIr'
=k-0 WIT!
si'the k3y. T�
hoart, tle lungs., Id2n 1�vc-T, 4
Bml-;S� 4LONDC-st, thefcs'�,
Etna faenhy
theterEffie C-nergyC.?
from restr2int, -.01,11, 21"C'
3nansion the 41caef4b!�YUU.0'
CZ102 m ny belf&7EZ!, ct,-Czl"�
he =as a'
is La nCCC!�SjtV t'
rLefij_�'d' I trj
it is ZC3,1(161 Cmt V'D ara-,rAi
1 -C at --,
,�D-2efi end Get Ea�
Ak1rL r -1 �n u- " 1-
' --�` " w"
No. IS, C. on - 7. WE8 W
Yon&y 1he 191h &Y
CIBXt 'Cr 4,"ZO 4Cf 'N-�ri
,one Deer,;Itya�:cv�� at�ac_rei
_7*CVVe r the 'ric-ST, a87L__ J
-t tb* tj
41 t=e VX_ --e rin _Waa�
JAS K0, 7-2, "41-d-11CM,
West wawfincist", N. V.
�0 roa_-3 C:"J, Cf? I
Mwt'_10 F.T3e+�c2 tj�o btn. tn7 c.
Acra me.
NOV. 2C. a 1L5-.0,
126 A101RIS 01F Stfil
!-MT3W_TF"_!-9 0, PC31
W, 1). tl=
A 13. 1
IROW 110-THi6
IN S &
-7 7�rnAlajwo A
nluady fol I
UAS uow Tweiveil 4;p.,
Winter r%eedsi
Lis r"ved a
40&11 and see sity1#5