HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-17, Page 1 (2)thth,3PU'ke fLcinster. '16fevfl.cra Percy denm *rAhb, of Nortivm berland. An*t3xer'Ww;ptngtp­jst1akto Cat* Over t1ra-pst Office Teat Street,.' Goderich. or GIFFORD ELLIOT. there has eena t. t -the 'N� A7a M Con- lrained off, a large mum"bpr -if Uwsb ell --14: e& in awictiftuml �iarsufts in Titics q�uotd. Crown. 'P tot I n the. T6XWvhsfi4n)s of B n, e 4AXES YOUR% Editor.- Dumfries atid B-lenbbimi in GEO. 001K & ABRAHAX SIVE Proprieto'rs. it 2%e Greatest Possible Good to the drilaiest Fossibkx4mber.­ In e 0 fariners irlin 1wl by iiitii,; min MI. ]Er. Stol­.,ea. 4 in. dustry tndettimmy become ovuary r�)R RTRATFOR]l &GRICULTURiL S L.00 A -GODERICH ONTIVRI09-A.0., THURSDAY, NOV. 870 )VOL. XX11L--1\ ph Sharman, prqprictor� rosidence, $2�00 --.%.rr IEGXJD OV 'YMALU.- �11eddistricta so voetr j0prar, -ga-ed in ranking- pig ir0n. Z—Thierz ha's Written a L bera of.mcu in these com J3.UeiiU"9 Juirectorge GODER10A As it- was im�-' 1plorence, z%-TrOnNEY, SOLICITOR, .&a &C 'Hiis Holiness at Ro Bum incos Mixtrtdrp possible to, construct the ships of course -no letter to We, � nssur= stancet became pnFscs4p�l vrith tbb i�zf-A w LeM.L Copper L 'him J114 at paw -em -of Europe will 'It t.110 gr. of 1111rest and i-illigmtell in Hum, 8AR ificl M02SEY TO LEND, engines ware built to put in t11 urprism -M CABINET FURRUSH no not needed to sheathe them, aud the �cofisidvr his case at the comiltz 0- onzress.. X11§50itri; IS gith THE BIRDIES AND IlIS -pri a of it has detilinda 3 1-2 par cent, per Strong RD Lazarus, Morris & 0. Noly IS YOUR (;HANCb W A R V, H IT k position, -�wortliy -of God's Tice -regent, the fact is none the legg �Amt that tht? L ESTATE N Brw. BAX�-AT=R. nd within a year,although it ii protect- will.be providedbim. exodus wssumetl VPry I'SUR&NCE AGENTS, NO. &_rl_t�ftb Vie S�Onat.; ad 3y a duty of 33 per cent. thGub* 1he Kinc, ill- officially -enter Rome zfter tions during the Vast two yc=5, 4' FV6k Arfndc Ballding, Buffalo, N. y. ritlen fir Five I DANIEL GOADOW-91 and man Would have found employment thelation -are sorry to sa that it vras fostered nu o'britharly love y Aug. lath 18.,0. I've eye lied a feeling al eledioAs. Fora'thewee birdies thAtlilt; in the grove: i -these ships with ihains, can.: wL t jupp ying, 13igunr Broglie, cbairm&v.,Qfthe special promoted by these whoe m� in t1id hewrenin.the fauldo�tbe laightwinin" Iv. To theblhck birdthat ,Tg,i6th,,,,,, va4riggirT and otherfurniture, and 6,00v committee on the subject,-haas pect vittof CaNSED ATC`f1OXFZR, BAyplEL How fitfully jo 011S. Qu pinigg or spray. more in manning theak. D, Counryof 0 t to the ge-Tia a, hn- things of thoit Pr-triotis" 14"Hurou. Salesinvillaaeorcorratryp ingled Mir n,)tes a'pe lang simmer day I - recomment: urret=ly at- h Vnder thiB-,inig por t thee"tFItal J)f Italy unp' -arried airay. ��y the W 7 They n w ml, the lea 1 : _[uitou4 system the expor Rome be rnde -to. r$ AND And Tc en the gi4amin glau( on trade of country in mahufactures'llas bee not made desc Opticians and Oculists,' Secure the arig ", star 'Twas heydav and the bird! ad me. of Iku I the aeceRse of the present Pope. U ere the au4ihdate(L Ship builditig -is niposible. zes of that 11 M Mnddrtakier gm- t '4.nL1 0 14 13- %bstanee fades. How aft has I warider'd tit bormle bright June were Th *oolen tiade ITIL 131NGINRMI AND SURVEY -OP, LA_%M AVE, IVITH'A VM, V TO MEET THE IN- isprostrated. , Ootton 11 1 HAS now on band a Awafraotlieciamoureand careso'the4o CRFASED demand -for the celebrated Perfected s m a are iunning on short Unit! cat and Converancer. Nuicardin large stock of -, Mang the Iowa bughted sbade$ o' thegree.01f.rest 91. a rail Thous- 'traiagaut the dra 1, 01 &bVImar, etncics, appointed F. JORDON, chemist bud Spe a a of ukeo are out of employment, and. c4refallyouccaled -or Godericb, Out as w their sole .4 To minFle my strums vi, tiie=rol§ theymade I �Druggist, FURNM]ft 0. i d. varied anthems concertetTwe swig Are losing money oAi thelir n . the� firmers f, for k. to, giveali 94 "rill the sweet sylvan mazes -wi melody rang: must be adinitted that in geueral ul i.=e. The aencere ability I deom'd life a sirnmer that never wad t5me g fulues thepmrieconntryisnottoboebui- W. G. WMSOX Xd . and ace I. the 0 4n every vitriety, whic cropq. -bhip-buildin proiperous in Nova Scotia- ot their Agents to the requirements of all customer& cannothailtocommarid And I faucle4-tlreir fee hip were kiudred-to;Mi4q. 1 11 Issuer of MarriageZLi4ensesI An opportunity will be thus afrorded to procure, at al:- I I VARIFF REVENUE. Wbixkey 31ason is after theTorontD t 'InsuranCO&AealEst times, Spectacles unequalled by any for their strength- -ffio favor of all In want - Dared o Ontario, and froin what vp# A" of.thegen�ral! IViotuallers." rasny of those who 11aro 441ikratcA, ELtAge3A enin of furniturewho May T g and ffeservinto qu�liues. -favor'liba with a visit Their lives were like mine -: ond 'as free free A� dread )o ssidas to their superiority 'ver . Prioes to Sait the Vmw 4thegled, clialracter of our tariff, let us now examine -seat' -6 fauu� A� tit. COMNIssrona nq herun cannot -v)iether In style o� 01,the snare o? tho-towler ihe 016ir . From .1863 to 1670, 85,OOD topics of the from thIS on haV loves and their freedoin,i they'clianted'unmarr'd it �articularly.' rdinary glasses worn. rhere is no glimmertrig, price, such Their New Testament baye been circulated in their icesL The working bf iiaw rw,� MDS, GR$P &C., wavering of the sight, dizziness. or other unpleasant Those dearesto� birthrights -t6! birdleand bard 7 t�pw'ards of 4,000 articles aretaxedby Russia. The ;Ap6tjLqp3I church interposer, land is -cortain to bring abtiut f0flif 4194 sen&ation, t, on tle contram from the peculiar toTk-. They sang—tbo' tbo-simmer W" wa ,A, ire are And7leaves growiu* lyartr wi tints o' DR4WN, AND EXECUTE0, Phdogralbs--reduced te 41! 0 .per Da., B site, wnddcha Cane Chairs, our�preseub tariff, and yet thirte n of them no objection. agno,,that scourge of the West, sud id uses they are soothing snd,plensant, .0 Bedsteads, Lounges, ' Their=e hearte, like mlite fras suspicion was free flir�iSl ,a .,aus.. a feeling of rebefto t.e,wearer, and producing, cupboards, 'ourths of our Novj Seotta" very outspoken jagt. now; betterillustrationof its T OEY TO LOAN AT 9 per cent. on 750tS. PRIL HALF 35OZE.W. Tables, 11309kca4as more than three4 if N gs.QwaeUdtheB1rdieBand me; U 1,-ag.d distmetvislon, as In the natural healtity, ExtenslonTables,Easy qai;s, rRneking Chairs as reV4nue. Here -U-the solution of the tariff I efFects ll.uvver came nderour notice t1taif ot. lsth� I=. 8%71"�ly ZURICH, Out. sight. TheF axe the only *pectactes that. go. Photograph ltedUeed. _iU Wardroeb, Stde�b.aids, a -Rind Misgovernment at Offitwa. -it ishea by a friend- -who W h Stands, tr Kithlih Tables, itands, The st�rmclouds are raving ainang the bleat, hills pro�lem. When the&3,987 small articles XTUF —The ; furm --tvig, .4 PRESERVE- AS WELL AS ASSIST -THE- Sea Gress Mt esses. Wool do, 0', d And hoarse graws the music oI burnies and rills, shall have bew struck- off, the abiliti of 3101 ALI' NOVt 8. ocalhe L-14 JAIiJUY -iortion. Rai r do, and or 5 different kinds Spring Mattresses The,brown scatterld leaves oleteach pathway are spread, nt is to be asked for grant for the !as- from y SIGHL Xro the', pedple to purchase the otheri ansar Also %�Ill make the largestPhotograpbs made in Goder V B.— Keeps alwaya on hand a large assortment of Aud the hoar crispy craureueli lies eauld on the moad will be me laleprison, to be in the 6ther da:�, *i z.-ain tak� they are the cheapest because the best, always lasting !ch. very c eaP- Porcelain Pictures from one dollar Washable gUt and Rosewood Moalding-frames, square F or his rowth cozie byke, the.ine bee quite his teou ' so i6tich increased that thereve tablishmentof af up iheir home In ontari�.,_ upv�ards at To sip, the rath hoard o' his laig simmer's toil, thein will be d. ane"roin MURRY & 0HISS-MAKS) manv years without change Vingnece or oval, made on the shartent notice. DZWc�employ no Pedlars. -6beerin!.fare extely enhaaoq� j3 Who Jftro t4 F. JORDAN, B. CAMPBELL'S Havir.gmade arrangements vnth JAG-QUES BRt wl)4r,s the warni biel. and the saul WElv YORK, NX. 8, 3 p. . —'The alec- 'these ulluroments td exbhullgo �4 EWdrk That the ee-modest minstrels o'Nat4re shjul(lahare9 HIGH TARIFFS. EUSS28 STEWART ScIa Agent for Godench Photograph Gallery. I AY, Toronto, ean furnish anything hdro -or Lion is proceeding quietly, Gederich Avg is 1870 w1s Goderloh. Ang. 16th. 1870, _w30 attheirWireroomsin Toronto. The Demo- table Canadl—an home for -one ill t316 AF Now garly October wi"cmIno6 glow.r gain - and -again hAve we, as in 1816, cratie ticket is running ahead West, wma manf t1le name of writ N& TO INT rrdATE THA:F THEY HAVE: RENTED: t3�- Has always a -coraplete �assortment of Foreshadows theskaltho't*darkeorainirliour, is 1828, 1`834 and 4861, plunged into Hoffmau, DeMocraticandidite for Gov- -Donald. Resold out x6 go9a farm in dw Store oir. the Market Square, next door to Mx& Tb %roes area! leafless, -and ?nurmnring drear OntarioCarriage Shn-n Cofins Shrolids in the 1atesr.-StylO. FaFfitfully -sad on -the pain stricken ear the most odious form of class' legislation �rnor, has a majority in this city f 31ack's canfectiinery Store, where they prepared VIJ) 50,101. � township -of Carrick in Bruce to eaeicute all orders for millinery and drcss-maRin in (Hamilton St., Goderich. Thus life--wil its visions o' bfielitness departs tfor �he benefit of private individuals. - and In the Sbth district, Buffalo, Avil!iamsp.' about �s"aveniptitha agg, -aud omigr*ed V' rhearts MONEY TO LEND -Als05 HEAlM8P$ �O hirew As thcravag6 0) time obills t4efires Wou thel people for every one -of these trans- Dernoomty was elected lo,,Vogre ITiidoolinthogroves-thtts late rang wi' glee 931 Over Montgomery County, kj�sas. Re. MO The New- est Styles and with, Despatch.; For ' t's wiute�, [alas I wi'tg birdies and me. -gre4si�Ze have -suffered sharp ancleertain Bennett, Republican. DoW4rJ,rAsheaa j36 ut,he�tthy mau,with At Greatly reduced Rates'Of Interest. C�]CLeVL]PYOR 40ZLJ93U AsI Id 10th"1870. 1. nt. Why have we permitted itl � A thiee-vol(Ime octavo "Life of John a ivife aud family of X. B. Several apprentices waritel immediately. t, Goderieh 12 Sept. 1870. sw"s-Gin Ooderich, Aug 14, 1870. XW1 I :- Bec�uqe the people,. absorbed by otheeim- Wesl*y'Js_ announced in England, to be ing -With health"aud vigouri A f4rai itat rF1HE undersigned has anj amount of mcnoy to loaii porf4lit quattions, and ml.8164 by th JL fromtwotofifteenyears� at a low rate of Interest pubishea'durinj the coming,fall and w�jn_ purehased,00nsiRting of a -most magnificept The Free Trade Campaign in U. 15. o protection to'home industry, raisele; �and favourable terms of repayment, payable b f ye&rly ter. rolling.pririe. 31r. Xndoliald went 4M instalmieuts rate of expenses will- defy coTpetl on. gre4dy cliqnes and' their purchased t,6% TI.e track of the HORAOE HM&TON: ry 11 �:o By the Detroit Fr4 Press, we see the Wellington, Gray and work with a vid, and fora sliort tiald f"A BRADEN AND CLUCAS. corr'uptoliticaus, hae not perceived thttt' Bruce RaUway as been laid as far as 1yea"rell- Asthelleat of summer aila Appraiser fortlie Canada Democratic party has nailod Free Trade it is%ne of the mot.atr6ciotus deceits ever Alma, and , the railway will' be pened for vallevid, however, one ufter nuother iot tb* into its platform as w,' central plank, end pra4tibed on imy people. that station next week. mily was taken v�_ sgu and one b House, S1ga & Ornamental 'Painters mancui Building Savings MARRIT Ono: r of trafftc to 'I _po Ohr preseb t tariff employs an army IV I a I yeb successful smuigling is Jamiiica, has� a n a a it c a n rob a d to fhki s - I �Mve��Al 4) * J* A Society, of Toxento. the policy -has becri well rece' ad by officta , n The Church ef Enland, In ?ER Han;rr�- and linitto-rs ofWcco and Marble vvituxmwu FAMOV9 TOR ITS ?12'12TG�ZS�IPDX Street. Y, crowded meetioes, From several -speeches carrIed on in the inost wholesale manner. barn disendowed. a still in full:operation, and Is turning out superio INSURANCE -CA,RD, till at lot the'l, Tpose who cannot heli themselves -from . The Saptists In' LouVmnp wAdof Cie fana!5_�,j CA� 4C> X)k 30 XL X IV :EX, The Subscriber ls*agaut for -the following firiiWiass CONVENIENT SMATION deliTe th 235 as stout and rugge, a � epedmell 014 VRuw red, we select -that of , e1lon, T. the �vo - ]Insurance Companies LE STOCK publie cri b steal from those who can, churches and i4,765 white maiii6ers. - us �eVerturdeila fdte4*6 *a* Agrents -for Jackson's universal 'Map and RELIAR D.Hawley, ofDetrolt, onactiountboth and-Alch from the of an overbur- - Analarlrewss js� CaMages. - Buggies, Wagons rilogix of LnE oundea at Fort Garrr,� reluctantly compelled to yir-14 to the 'WAIF HARTFORD rtqlaud. I f�e deilid. people - instead of honesty - and at oite -ocloek.pn t1re night of the 24th Weawxeil N16DOnala AU4 MODERATE PRICES AND CONSTANT of its intrinsic and the, as ppos:te Saturders libdwarde %ore.)_ ofall kinds. SLEIGHS CUTTERS. to. PROVI%CIAL ofToronto� He patriotism, radiral- depravity seems to have ascertain at how a ) 9 7 & aard4er offirst clanBuggies onhand, andforsala BRITISH A -ME, RICA, of iToronto. UTILITY. -that Mr. Hawley -is!lknown here. hort a time tle -t family at 'Guelph statiotL an Tlaurjday1*4 G odericli, A ug I.th, 1877 0. Iy*3I cheap for cash Prices of all articlis in the line that corrIpted all classes and all pursuits. uld muster. �+ olf- XPirg Se-1%larinebasmess done [at the lowest co The 1tole-battallon andainorepitifulspectaolowe pq,�jr win corapsre favorably with any in th&CO—ty spoke substantially asifollows:— IfI, we wish odr country to be greU,,pros, in position � in one mitnute and thirty. Ch7eid. The whole faynily­ I extiointilliyollii k! rr Alfwork warranted Particular attention pald tQ Wagon and Car e- 'The most vital queition of to- day is -the- pers and.free,this inustbe changed.. seconds. Col.,Casault complimented the'vat, wllosegravoiaenth�ivtstera pranit r1age R, HORACE 110RTONJ - The Large Buoiness done by 1 - Auction (;ommission. airing iff, The -Dem&ratic party demands a LLO;vi applause] force Very .,hig* 'for 4heir -efficiency ana —were on their way to darrick lamentiiii i [Office Market Square, Goderich, the firm secures a m4pply tar pro -R. J WHITELY; tariff for revneue onlih The RepAlican' mptnerg that indunecl them toleave 00DERICIR &01LrNT0N' Godeiicb, Augg 15, 1870 w30 Sept 26th, 1870. OF mi;m pa�tyls in favor of 4 �rotecdye tariff. Etc War liatest advires Irdm -the Nor their there Rua 0 �tf th-Wesf, S 10stnblished ftorl'ORIJES ALWAYS Our nominee for Cong!ess, Col. 111drodge, tate -thAt the Indians are sufferinglorri; to a land wicit, thongh sertire and -beitiltv TRr PERFECT UJU ful, is bythe inalarlaofentillners, lapfluti., mue --bly from the small -pox, dyingat.the�rate is an out anaut.reve lariffulan, His SALES of Uiscellanaous Prop� ytin Colerieh FRESH. 4�ndon,.Nov. 8. --Bismarck ids pub- of, fifteen a day. - Mary of- the mUsion. fit for human beinggs to liye in. Quidlu i1a every Wed- opponent is a proteotiOnist. RAW the following explanation Of the Aries have uccumbed to the fell disease. hgd to be takeu&ily byovery mptoW evervSaLurday,andia C1 Wed- SUBSTITM T PROTEdiox nesday. thofamily. The obharSvi prowitted, I *rup , a �Qfdhe li�gotiationsfbr an arels- 'The boy R;limsay,of Chatham, for shoot- 0 Moneyadvanced on Property for immediate FOR MONEY TO LEND A -MAGNIFICENT What io protection? It ii -an attempt seen at Guelph, filimne lia woold U6 ius -aak, add prompt returns made. increase the price If certain articles in tic I The rench Government hafing ing the giif Norrison, 'has been convicted Farm Stock and other Sales punctuallyattend- ON EASY TRUMS. to 0 - tanding emigmants to Ka!Nai to logi ipot4 SILVER ded ared through its representative, M. of man r ; but, on the strength of ed totliroughout tile County, INCORPORATED I 6is country by shuttibg out'the supply of All of them71ere ishaking with ague,,or io 1A. D. '1864 Thi 4rs it's inlibility to -accept -the German three petielons for -'ruitigation of PIIUWI- 8 a coating ofpure OF CROCK""Y those articles from A ' ad. " ItS intention f -two montlile !Lu- fewer thatucceedg to &M' G.M. k RUEMANIS Auction'Mart, silver overtheBF-sT HURON & 39RI-E go offe of n armistice on the basis 0 stap, inelib, hai only reoqlyfid m -ttf ;is to lereate a scarcity' -.-of them. jilstead of - toun, mmon jail. atia Neil rUonslcl hilusew, who fildd 1; Umps-and Glassware onhandof-allpat- t pyoposea that the French Prisonment=Ue co as mucli shake in iabn m tumt men, .W69 &Parkot Squa�e, Gudench xicrs, platectbyth&p�tentpiocesEFofUesmFlkIn r . = abun�dance. Scireity n4anx high -quo mg - ton& Co.. and is beyond an comparison, the very best SAVING & LOARSOCIET a time for holding the .,-Capt. Beck, a Sandusky mariner, ilt in 01401) 111� tjW =objCOt -Of P! 411d COPP ployed as terns, styles and prices.- Thelar-, -hol CI nitme ty article ue6h to sterling silver that caii be e- Aenty and 10 Land Office, a ar y =cut ly, by no Possible CAHALj� '6,700 000.. prices; abundance nleansl elee ions for.oL Constitu6ntAssembly. The ofa rare pecimen of amettlyct raineragiln. A ROGISTEEL of Improved F br=g =dfrom g al Evver. goat stock in town to choose prices. Under & protective tariff the in. fundinth silver mines in lake Superior. We ho th f It f ro -auj ctho ldaiie- arias and Wild MH1$ SOCIETY ADVANCES MONEY ON-SECU. from of Gei iiaus-promised that in.sueh an event a .QL Land for Sale, SIGNAL" OFFICE Goderich _L rit), of Real'E, state, and on Terms very fairorable re ' in the-cosi of1tvingin'this country, :09olute fre�dom- of the elections The atone is -twelve inellesingize,'aud, is -4inufamily ito -leave comfortalbit G M TRU;GMAN, -A complete seL gnarrauted of fi-tqaalitY for finiel: to borrowers. :U eic1860 hasbecn,ipwventywfive petzent. th a m4do up of Irregular bloax ofamethyst, bomes here the roost rellablo and boalthy NOL&WY.ERS'COSTSARECHASGED. overed Ill. x - tX with, a ligh tng f Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 tawl and durability. as fellolyz --sho Id be reavected, 4van in the terptory The Society pays -its Sol.icitoes cha GLASS, S while the averagdInc6aBe'in the'price d o7l" occupied by' the �Rrusgiano. Thiers colt 1 0 of their 11ifniber *13 go on. a, pfo2pdetint Any imin -of specimen is said to benof tou. ict,.A . pa ip 6vcrA -- r TONE&EARTH= llver. , The Po IV44T :M 'N2V' Fiddleor Bead King's- ThM(I,zaouey,frQq$200up%varas,ister�t"F,� -litbor blis only been. I*ty-eight pei cent. r in Sava -0twit AhtAvtw T,myntunber of be obtain thei�.apon wih drewto consult Julos:Fayr4 the flOst known. ier�seastinifae -tam' Wi all �eventjs old silver pattern. pattern Plattern years.-fromonetoliftegn. -31oneyma ed at LABOR. and Oin. Trochu'but at length.rettirned. hllIf adtlk pattar, b Ind. the-, time oc- ROVISIONSf, Floar and Feed delivered at any ad- dres in to va. Fund. an Abundance of quinint, as thd cointft4p arriagre -y ". Pre P ButI says tbp P�Gteqt*ist if you ThklCl tilrVany,has given $500 tc� would advise him to Elipply se 'Wa n and C I cupled in Investigating the titl paritig the I any time with little or no dela IS el;s. eOfKA '31ort-tin too c6stofwhich - is pa'" 4sailles wi&ut -power to atleept. the ds ibe Ottawa ire Relief Id to'.6'e I i 51 Yrriount oftheloan is advance y the gocie�y. 'ropbaled our protective tatiff you, would.,,O,r� -The Y. M. 0.7 A.. of Toronto have po6- The in d -no deuction N, B. Produce taken in 2Tabisrori;s ........ 1000..140C Exchange for An offer ty is veryear in Kausar, renderea so �by F� A 0 T'O R -Y - 2 Table Sp000ns �9 00 ...... 9.60 ....... �30 out Of -emikymeot our I b in - R Q0..IZ(l0­bfe1ng made for commission.orother charges, w throw ng a n 9 12DesertForks 9.60 , rI add so materially to.the costof-aloan pods at -Vash Value. labd T has reasofi to belidve thaf tioned the Corporation for the diminution that Inexorable law V38 =8 BATES ELLIOTf L2 Dessert Spoons 6.00 ...... 65o ........ 750 8 50__�other Societies or from individuals. Theborrowe ould We tbathe suppl is Yiot epal o tim dr - I repay his Ioaull Would o1r ant of Paris will not been saloons'and taverns, and an pleamire inintimat- 123 Tea Spoons 400 ...... 4 yyearly,half-year.1 , ormouthly' E 821 WAtH I NO thrown out of em&ytiient the �om6rdm in number of 11navid. forcing closing �nt eight o'clockf all pla'aAs Ing to the In 2E s 240 ...... 2ZO ......... 2802.:..280 e in u4j..bes e BUY TH -King WilliaiAis reluctant . I if AVE Sgug(ftt�ld*wl mefitsi The pdriodical instal carpenters, inasons builders arollitectI, for t#o weeks. The _ blic. of town le. for ' 1 Itboy are -,so 6 where-liquormll-cenied to be xold, znd eonntry t4ab they have o-oo ...... 220 ........ 2407....240, interest, &small sum for cl 200 ...... 220 ........ 240...-.240 divided that b �M � 01MI N E. furniturei-makera, Liacka-miths, cooperp,' to ikstroy oi grand, a city, And is glVillg ,dtheirpa entt a debt igfitirelyox- of �ansat�, betought the wiittr to 4o &3� 2G 29r. 8andfield Macdonald ard.MrJb1W h opened a Wa.,op ard Uarriage Sal FQ ...... go ........ I 00,....I.00 titguished, an the mortgage d argtd A; the end of 'D TRY US, bakerQ, butchers, t%Qrs shoemakeTS, t" Shop on St. 13avid's 40 ..... :415 . ........ 60 the time stipulated. Ar COE AN the nch every opportunity to negotiate 1111d prevent Cauldian. Varling have, gone to Lindsay to impect to (1ezPbElHotVs old stand) im. pladle 2.60 ...... 275 ........ 80 �BOBX"ON & HOWELL. emit -lis* -reacher la yers, doctorg, sea for ace., Kjausm. Weliopotlielrexperiencew10 rrediately adleinla.- the Western Hotol. B. 'j, E. I Son A Borrower*obtatul: 000 for - I preaellers, la -some public w9rks. 08agar§pooti .50 _63 ........ 60 ..... 10 16Y e pays $66.70 each' ear,,and at tire ed.of Goaerlch Aug. Seth 1810 not be withqutits -a sw4tf ea I d the rkers in a thot n Taris journal ofthe. 3rd publislie attendpersonally to Eal the work entrusttd. to them, — — — tf:ct I - I stresses, an. %n a; .;— the ti is Mortgage- Is gal off_ The raidly in- The health ;of Chief Justice Chase is and are p7epared to turn out 9 0 ts t at,might be na �0 sem,ltofficial statement.of,the-.Teisons;fpr 44.60 48 05 52.85 . creasln� business of this So ety is the best indication I-otheremployipen. In I . I said to be impr tnd he hil -of theilvor with whichit Is regarded, by the farraing nt--ist. The failure ovin I _ pts to ro An 11aTthq;Mkb 1t0&MtWo Waggons, Buggies, community, and its popularity, willbdeome greater as No, not one. Rochforvs,retireme sumeis publie0gigs in a f6ways. Any of the acovq articles to be ltDA singIr at alue the merits 9tits system oflendingbecorne better known !to Cwi;tars, Sleighs, prices. aliff -1-a a Dew guld gro �ing, ountry(c, rbere Oil the dominune elections; and 2nd. -,An experienced o1cl gentleman Ilays that rofessor Fnlwlefl, in a lefier datol =dunderstnod By the small., payments of ptincipal ar and evezyMing In their line, ofthe very best material 81 or- HE B N. B. -THE BEST QUALITY ONLY of above kept Jncluded its -the, yearly Instalment,, the7borrowagrarin- 'all can easily obtain � Snd, wagts mt1st llb'� -The' consent to an mWice aR that is'ne�essary in. the enjoyment of Napl6s, 5th October, says:— and at the very Icnvestremunekative . ftek. inferior goods entirely excluded, if hiqloaix ne8fiation. RooliefortIs equally alienated love. or gausagesin confidence, Yesterday, it Sh 48m S6 i�.j thel -in f , and without trouble, pays o �thus Avoiding -the risk dflosing his propertyl which -.0 often' eased on the ready money Pfte!Plc--r'Ot Jrollts. . ally lnollj ll�,gber'thiiniti oldcolinriies wherethe qry�i r -ready fionopolized. In the fromjthe�'Flotirens party, avreTrochu ona when the principal falls, due In alkrge Aum at A modest young woman sto�pingat Eeismegraph redistered x shock f iattli,- X C)� 30 23 X MT CA- hap '10 He can, at, any time. pay 4ff his tirrit a dl the Pen the term, i I ft ONE PRICIE ONLlZ,; Vestandin,,C I a. nd sed to sleep in -ta quakeptrpendioular ana smdulati�g frole Promptly attended to. loan m advance on favorable terms cau be set- alifornial-extraordinary rate other members r the Govern- hotel -in Wratford refu VA asking him -to rooni panniplle6l ith, birdsaye maple. tledat Any monthly meeting by the ]Directors, on the men�,_ wrote-totichef Of Vages h�7e beeA paid, andet.thi' cast to vresr, *ith slight .LV 11AND, a larga assortment of TERMS C.ASIA, application of the bmrower,)'aud Intrest at iix'-per T.*J. k()01111011`5111.�-j cent-peraunturivillbeallowed 0-nallpaymentstuad- wm,� no mai ag , rried on there. reluip bathe 'refused. JIe intends to There is an, old lady n Ingqrsoll who brief interyalir A telqv rani R�m f Goderich, Aug. 15; 1870 Fall, particulars and lonatable may be obtained at Vance. has Irept houg qr wbic4 will-te x-ald Cheap for Cash ox -.Cord- The inatlufa, the p I per. 043v syndio �of Rossanoi treelved last I Light, *4 so nufactur 3 Xx IM X Cw W30 elasi;e begi ubl cation of a ndw.p� .20 iear, and aturivgi s in any, com, hadonly pne paper df &is -in tb munity areamong the 13ooras n Fha �saalhe, Nov. -8. , GeneralTruskow in any. I , 0 -quarters rms me of tivor violerit j5h, ocks loh 'did-' - manufac ure, own ae- rej io ssian -head the Sociews.offlm orb I tW s a addressedto t paid.; a, time, info 0 and yet has patf the pAper left. I took plaeo thero, the fifst of whie'a wis of 'derich, 4ug 1 2870. W80 the Secretafyi orfr of t?.' tools. fz vainatols rs of their o�W -ilfe 'Pra PROTOID CHARLES FLETCHER, Uner t -Gd ever GUxbAIDITS herell yesterday, tat-1is division had ItINGST�X, Way. lka--The trialof'James,- C+ '01!4 generously Increase -the wagesoftheir' t ,pu)sea the franctireurs in -'Beveral en- Dmon, of the toinship of,01arendon, for employeesT This tal'o-of tbemonfacturers ri r. - so* was concludecl to -44y. e pol ing his -wifa it w;as thatrt $1.00 Poenel thU. thef,,.desii6-,a - pmtectivetanff for the gagqmeats on the 211d Instaat,, between! official md private tele Thej orts also the, ury, after -an -absence f air' CohitarandBelfort.'Herep out tire -stablishmad 1 Tow biii�fii oi their, labor -ra is false froin b 9f ciwq�ll Mpr- garo Oldest 1 0 1 hours brouuht ina QP tile shme 'at TTenceofseve 0001 iiihil3g to and. r.", lay At 0,12 'P. M. unitalifilk't -of;-Workingmen monji and. z?e en the J?ras-4 We* -is -not the 0�jeot tit 31apy-bet"T delt. shi?ck was t `-If for a day's Sketo'hes bfthe-Pr1neess Loulseand were damaged, RDA tho barraski; isufferttj ':;,buthatthey'cangeqfori . -31obileo a whidh the t stank and Garde la or. 0 core an� � 10,3 - merl, the Marquis of ii�,orn. '-a man can geg twor �41&pkets from Frejoh -lost .5 fti o much that the troops �warij imule4ilttv -England, -why,,n1iould he be forced to gi oirmunications wth,:,Gener4l Werder ly withdrawn from them. 0 1 �Qrforoae Am6ricari blanket 7 t di has �aea r-citabfishe&. The tincess'Lodise, �s.jys A London' Aeecond and later-dutpaitt I iist4m_ih damaging to-te bnptu�adl "me 10 t All Te. r6tecE from -ToUrs ditea al, " whose ful it,�'lnakes ev,61*_ prafee Bays,: ­'Another zhorki Lt %8if despatch at nine' iourn 0, king claas(;7becapse 1 wor I 0 s4ys Last n%ght a Louisa Caroline Alberta, sixth child and ist MART I MA- tiling that they buy dd aild they mi ps M., lesff vielentp h0wevortimp.11po fut N AMA _.moirb )'yo�k for. the -t in n ith -two batteries ani foarth daughter of her ajestyI was bore - At CiYA, nea e g1osil much hi thit *they n 1posts ofthe on the Ifth of March, IS48 Eo th t she the same hour, AR4 li NF BOX B A.CK NE G AT IVE PUTT' WANUTOX ITALFIDOY r Sal ruc, !t ws Mt 'A Btb--d lip, is tilt able to, sell for ' 401tee. Onertiozenfrom: gash, at the IL 51 equtsi postag eed. Of many artielbi, -Attlic -ed the oik everal 15110AS, WC-ro age dan b th -ament is now in her ear:— t -twenty-third y a btained fronj pbfoad than here oire. - at P45l, ' y�boid I o.west rates, back neg fthOi to avv` fel at Nlafkw. 87 c6uts;,,Po9t reinfirced John 'Georgg'Edward Henry Douglas - 7- e French drove addre I - ALL KINDS Of F 01-TURE _,oxchange or our products. 1t is a. ois. The 7:4 the ertwiaas left Sutherland, Marquis . of Lor�, is tbeeld- Weiltngfou, of r6di binthiMAZIgra such artidleg-b4z U3, PA telifto to 004 iq prapaiercl4t6I tivesimp'layedin protected eyonal rticularAt q pid ;the The -The urtaersigne Aei woundecWti the,, AthiisNoii onMngston Street, opposite tfiv� - A the field and ast'sh�n of lGeorgei Duke f Arg 1. "Ing, old -Ambtoty dilstridi'4pli in fact'futaished emp QYMQ� Afthe Aunwal uoptip �too 6. r - Up boners Our logs'.wai 4 was bo a in 1845, and was .educated at .At -_th� of all 6ther- workmen k I'll p -, Godericli, Aug 16,� is7o FOreltherlarge7org' Th a I mall photographs. ' 0- - 4d 6 d 31 wotindeC' ton ud Trinit College0ambridge. la Western Rai way amnlay QVANTITY AT THE he country. pses -are taxed to -1866, immediately, after maintamin oferxing, to the bdr in return' . sl hA�hairw.n, in T� g for the liberal', W. 0, imbscri in,, thanks -Is that kouen despatcher Top lilort a fdv� of. th!,eir imitdi mooesses for*, his patronagg heretofore. extend;d to him, 4nd R. Railway, said -f —A BINET-, - - -W 46 4 i 1p,we e y buefit,t -.the wor ing-"Best. e� oharms it ve6l -the' West Indies and:1 litne!5 .N A th 7, EW �C lrj 0 �' o k i3e points ifihat. mojoeity, he visite.4 "The Wellin would just iiay That he has made such im­,m- the Spanish Xain,.and upan hisTe -which is being ma(lo wityaont jtnf 'Pit OH�Rgk A130 -VE -WBZL-,- AND provementdinhis galleryaswillmerift cor, turn pAbzhea the results ofhia�ourfteyin a charge uonogr Jtan&, and trel finuallce orthe same., Under out protective taij volume onCiddid, IIAT-zip ve df i:ff profession he UPHOLSTMNG 1010P, t j6qritbilttlerwAs ought to tli the tTropici, mail,, clerks,: b 4 effi,�kels;;` *:-,v - - 1. 'ho are httvc 'it I& V[y_1 Great -Ut;ax Olt: battorp, --ftntBtflances It i which iwvcry favrably Taceirea in themaX yed -VZU STM Goderici,'Aug tailoij xT, riticalAd thepublid. -U Julyalready Vroincgfii 1053 40, Photograp1hop ead.aeti oAhefioaj� yet time by the ja ea of the tesultofthe fi-hung. 18081e wasreturned-to parliamentfor, tw -without any coxt - at au Large *tavdra, - UT46 worse additional etr�pw traffic on aur line, a xODE] to v& As it C d, UPOSM 130K 11DF MOXTREA, rs 'Gaaerich. Ang., 15,187 6., VV30 fllAii� thay� used. to bal; Thdir, expenses- f r MR a olv, SFov.- 9—i spedialcorreaptin- leffire, -in to Liberal interc-AtIan znd auxilliary r&stdt of tht5 flier Acni at VarsAilles, weithig on'the 6th inst. ss�we trgth' 'ame year he was appointed can-StructiOn Ef this Wellington. flrey jLn& TGTORWO lft=bhsll witb tem out At ftme'the; ti , to theirlrodeip h that greaterr% to ts t f says; -i Thiers' mission tl1*8 H, ithoatglary to hiS� Bruce Railwy, tIze Gll �l llelpli-I orelt ly. - Lei �tie ver fatber,'Ahe Sooretar bein f exln;;! Lh6uAltsprio6s. 'efforts to. vate secretai of �tste e sum- eTating ior India. _g all ioxtension of it, wo j, t ERIC P-Xtemlve New Prowls 0 Uud -enter Paris witho.ul ,it air, L seeing Bismarck hnv� - er ourpiotiiitiv4 sara -the� L he wasbli-e to carry with -we 'belieie, holds that post, and 113113 froya Whie to r'VD One Urafd-,, n noirnee that hL- !has ed: Rum M Weend -coal Ile AM` th% n Urged OIL West isfteet�, site on, lti her hats S hp workin; llih%� preleminarles, wli 11ovey a addition fo he performance of the an :bteeir, blanke*, woolen gop. i praticailly-fdr- t1atlonger�lne wr, v4g tLe B=y, of montrea. wliela Tie wIn Ireop Pt 11) YETWO We d PLEND q1=th*tMb1&*fWdtIsS.' I= Atained -zprofit fZ63 ppunU thitbe ]PIC vlach1 Ualt and Thero im A furthe.- -U mistice. duties connected with it, be is a re-ular Oudsoopy* '4br1aF,- michiligr, ie tools pC hadi an aris, was badly !on of Al theAtting of the 1 worruita; OF ALL EM W W an 6ble' . 1. 1 . I I : AP14 attend L -reoe�ved. Theordwds-enthestreefs-8hout ant at D9 - been. eedle0l ill will as beirer of STA -in- -4d t m With great% Upholstering't &Inf3, flur -possesses ia a mery marked degreethe dalt alla Guelph 31illo *jla L0 worl-cd r ur%JhPVriD2nti`cr1e -protection, nd striking' personal characterij tics.of the ;&V greater adwasittw,46.1 am' 88 ry *as re0i nl am a3zwfment of 66�A*6610 anailloso t lia asp4 flie, �npvrd 1hat'.Ket-,,.jA cap, ina 1j,;o o red fi�rijis r PiloTECTION f - linally he left the aitywith Campilt11s, nnd the peculiar yelloW t [0 ASKS i#a, Un escort jof� n-AiJm1A1yqf rxM=1Rsei9owouiftzs9n c-abinetmaicers,.-Uudertaker,5.a Wood Ingo of.his hair, vVich trAdition has3oa., ruen, I - - Tu NEW -OCER Wbo,41i6n, a tmi who. hay was fo itewbtirr V-�*. t t 4,.—Tho of Ja t W "Olmded in, i last moment 'are olitIties-0 vreilthy mianufa� the 11,Wl IV, rk thonin theeople? bimi --excused himself. Pidure Framing, to Order. and handsomefice, m4ebimcon- as priuted a ji ,"&Ib�rast3 b,- st"Zcb jW d tuieis on =ollnt of the threatenin �s )act _ofaf- _V4 removedacregA the street to tire store no oor g. I assemblage ia wkich he "POU ther-St tt=al 'to, toWur. Acbeson!klfar Shop, where will, be foarid. al 1hiers arpablt, Pitron- poilulat4rs, W11o.Jk%ve gone.rip vi6wa --with spicuous -in any WHMIAV 4 had six inter - -.Carada. t aGodmvii. Aug. ith theirAithoria V�rsds. -..circles.; 1papbe present. He hat not Lithe to ;i4ir4toxi- wx Vlimar*. Xxcept in aiplomtjo rto Xa6 co 1&4- -tariff i1% iiob6dy lathe leastattention. All eared prominentlyin publit A G00D ASS031TXBNT F1 npknt Una bmb vatternof P;�Css f4jr flid it 4e, to AI)p 'T JW I pur 0$1 paid hi ai has sl' sui4t, and, the heavy atookk of. �s pawitiented. he appCirranw of 6g agad,pew un- seldont-,s is im&114clor For lumanders r erninn, to pDken in the u e cc&, but even ille IMWS Col viture, Xch 05 lei aa praA 5 is tAl -in the as ica�re.uutil par�l He bas, however, given evidence,; 'y 16 the mony 49 fbe k _cc k� expe. 1 eul-n6vr'tio-bow�aidmentianotoertgn 1. Nomt. few spWhes wbich he ha's =4-, of rise, ita pricF 'hich Qwm va to MELODEON& U&M:Mair c=a=dwoodse*t4)- WINES ,t utt, A m -4e't . mers An siQgq gupx _gra watually in position n 0UjBOAfiDS, SqUo� -HOUSE ORGAW9, 6 -ut,.j6 bu it is believed that fire' abIlity.for above the average, Hithefte", nia6inery, vver turijeTZ out of t:ze os-pj _�Oorner'Xiupton treat-' BFI)ATHADS '&yr nAnuW a erected from mp y pot t Inve V�eks; nee it was fal gakned, ndhe �winnct �a openeii before the 15th. Inter-' Ile ely in W.'Aiar-i CIEUROR ORGANSt YrAsk sTA-up%. arkef has reirldect with his father ot Vie,wealth 4CO � -:. ' . . 11-W on� lao E]E�l jL 26, And Is it did firsi-�lali� Piano stoolol &OKS &OV Tampiipo,�'foodinst3iepoople-with are filled with. �.&Tgy)0 J40dge, Campdou at work ow5a it t' 1jt,,lig:1t Jj-i,1 -7 Of coming owerful of 'the c S911AS line vog off GodwI&JIM6 to -'amu _001ainints. or wwnt of -food., Great.' ehiefof 4he moil ated Wfo -51the Alaceallum Aforo, be cnived, the n6wa ;�U. S, WIUTAMS & Co., 'Tolzom hquantities of provisiods, -especially forage, WHATNBTS� 100KINO GLASSESi tjiseovere& amost 'daily that were nor amo - his,own, peDple nol itlfbelor =l.ngtismam ox i"us=Z ho n, mperLoiirw�ky j. t those bestowed -on royalty. he leasTo. .4 411 -Tora- -;o #00 thAt bs b," teell' It -fB as pro 11 n vl�a aia,-muitituatii i6f machunics do- 'The Is9ndon.-OpAdOor Apeaks of "nk,,f the - -r a Lord Lorn, 4*, fra."d C�)l -V#db$PtC, !nUW porod to se everytli) SP Puke af`A%ylq,-the mother * �priVoa of ust, year ve Je 1atC !Duchess of appolatedamt1orOW#rkka"tbgsmTmndiW Utir Iina 'ON u4e "is rootible1liture 0overnorGene- IMNT I is the hau-bter of to 9"64 to sell &U artkies w& by 0m, at 8 PEI phouiavo-Uilt 600.sbips of 750 Vial; raI&Canads. 'Wewotddglaillywelcome who -xi� for, m known, we �enc V'i, Crit nnyyears not t. CheaP for, rfailh, -Marquis andAiis.. faiii' young wife. Sutheilani. -Hall Wtarknwirl 1rom. : They would have furnished aMAN.LYFACTURIOR76 PX14 each, and 14,per cent of woulasV9 the A dgHamto him; atou'rftooh*bl* been of V rYpointoaly the $Pectator ritmai" that WheQacet?a warmat persoliol frieis. my bo son and terms woutoW JwvM ou baud an at ht'1011L, roperty,� BAINIA _:30,004 he Vi6eroyalty of the Dominion a Wntift at, on hii moohoes ae jAord Lorn h nearlyl W&6_10011ul, West ftnott tems, c P - GORDWITI: WN, areplo$M6lit en during the 't Mine a 'they waro sacrificid for tho 4 DANIRL GOMM% ino a politician, and zeourt in which no related to tho Dake of Satbeelatid. the mt 3r.1 UW Omce libb's We Yet of th"mPla YOM of 34000 Men One OUld be th-0 'ar; . , . . Pattly drunk on dulw.1 Varquis of Werteow, LorJ W30 I a luntre cb, 15 th Aus, 1 $70 "GO arielit Aug 141-18701' A-1� otk. 16 4or their .fiobli6j Aq I lop, L-1 it