Huron Signal, 1870-11-10, Page 2 (2)V6, oluk three in First�'clasa -wenj nrld'ohe in Boys. an Juljefij s&ls intoudda. to. lose, this M110h for,the 0 -act] t1DMrth6*N-01ta0I-1i eve. War hrm"' ppaj lbunty�' We. do not- On tdwtitcli alid-advation, the -6 as llie�, did; th 0 giruggle will coutinuo Ali The Df -spectators did. not pianbly 46putation Of two' I tboAtiteresta. of Intending em' from but,this atftastie Vouncillot from ftilloy The Z ibufte's 4orrasImindtat WitIl igrauts the tipper Province. canuot W46 the' fact that th atilYthe fiii6estin London dir loss wig -be, Its firiffte clear to, ui especisffly flo46 Mi6ffi'gice L S!riiVii3. Socioaty '10W thotiliandpersons called, upon Gambettm aldi at Dole vritesn the Ist inst..-fj 7the vorkl' is' Veef-toralli'the lively Ur As Cmitity"s gun, for it the Company th�a I t a a-weeting-vU4 an Position becomesdally less ten as at a -yaiiterd Ripult, ay tolvatition for the organization 6v. iotifdgl�. THE G &bit-, mAVPL ROAD had notbuilt the road, 14 o. ToWit Hall on- Thui%4y; Qth imi. Ofts' self, The -prizes woio �ow oper Ing ra of tlip.Vuron to Gr 40d Brute. c and a ta ft, as. follovrs:�­,Uiis Atix. depardlionts. V or tw )D�rito �T ihd.z attered form t' r in- UlVs forces increvo but slfj*ly oonj4y-wouia hA,e flotaesotiyeLrrtwo Doti I I bills battalion is still without 'dependently iil'-Varlous thereafter, at doiibl he 6s tlw u now- as air iniii4a to give � THip. F ir -Thdin�sdj� ; 2ad, ohn 0aidirotie; 13rd '�"anafleld and the It isery grntfYjIJtoLJI&tIIat tto'sonir R%U$tay hiri Ina up th' srmiig� g4lvarion of to the inaction, iudifferenceor Gitubetts, answered that the or, Donald L A� - tire Press of Huron,.untuffliencea by any% bur it for. It is usel as r't la. unoiU4 the gd-by entiWy to t1le-Coulity Of Huron- ineilits, for the Umulte tolebitation on '05S Y's - Wa. liantu tlle. rtion Xnougf Me Frencli 0 0 N, I ist 310- the PL!OPIP was ib their * - -authorities The Slar sa�s:-Tfio d(Ifft Tif to say 'it the Their-oikly iblective I` idently; SAWiddy igl h it A ca upply them, Geueral voinniauding ait Iksatter"n IwW advo&ated the poiff is ev Aic w� 1 im t 164, ploirmen were a -hig ll iotsidents 0?verumeab could uOt to i­uore GaribaldL late. lit hi List issue,! lie P Road- sho'W Cf justice -III the move., %V� a �r�jich, lit boon-enterci to die ticketi utla% thday,ourh�iptiaile i AS LcW brain 131011 paid for by th.County, there wolildbu Fillt6, �1 of 'ith- he anthoritli +v imaddled o- re'tAse of the Nrorthdrn. Cravel a ow6risuhna, 4' id th talk of, of STA T In" �eWg througho t the know that,ju rospect of & rail) . vt&y froul 'etil�e the* ..41 of friend Mi. Rationboryisupplied all hauds etibe the loss of Dijou to'the incompetencyJ . Two balloans,fri#m Pairb�withplua. 11oaaribes the af 14c &-tudli d and the ab' to Kiticardine is no tuoie thn, - it P - , bt� a- tu4prifyf tile insulters' of the lodgi, fell ardipian. ufficers and th wereealituiTil n I&iti3na,-1y jj;, tle nig a g-Irernillokit I Dafield, the-Stanlq . , no - ell UD( ny of Garibaldi is St eij� gets, County. NYC ilarc witl adru to) pqop. e 3 of Howidit" V joyeathemsil�asc' With aftlinds- T A' quantity, of I pleasure the I 'rho rate -payer ho I Ju Actly ii.%tion, %vlliqh T@ieved 06 FnIssians.- ThopriEVROV %)Vr#3 taL-j.0 t9 that trealbd Nilttt &L- rMirdevers pnor 'I (IT Obaskof., Ibles III tile crude orgau.. woulX not ielt their harbor at auy varried a voto, for allL ektollai(il %Ikd sonsibly at field, and -;�hen a memjut When, Y-eplaines. alld a usible reasoning of the I Wilini the (,ucation OlAr rencit, troops at th earth has the QM4- ell li'lletio is apart the Wellingtoii,Gray t 'a Railivay*, (lily. were most'needed ..... The Tours, nov 6, vening -The xivs1lor, the milder but noless; logical fiam lirejlldiCa it r08olrca its it goted wisoly, ire wats in lifl'rx :11V to do with the N elf into this, ost fty, tifrfii ish Ali� trulif6iA e board and ate like Xmiitntroomplain oftheinactivitybf-the gi -a antiflicialwaraing, that thogovern. r.ith reception, of tlladulcgm�t�s article, of thelvictoRra audtli6 plithyro: :itulily. ao�ia I - 8 s a Army of the LUire, which,, I; says, mow ment is deterudned to supliresg t.!)o Jfj,,r. ro3ds and lou tolls ist ever); eyes of -the Northern . Townships now- be, linyd Lby thd bilyd 6? An t6wh'. of th c"Med viandi fliat vMhn liadsoL '�s forlho moyflog" We I'Rvc AlW49 tuarks of bile Stal', ItIl. spontudously strik action would conatice to the prosperity of turned, to.obtain faciliti, 'aluoofpro.. of their produce with expedit TnE PnNiy 04 FLriday uighi boul4iru1V*64fded ; and -'Joou�gllt bat 'hunibers fulry 100,00a men ....... The lat- p1swhich continue to vaablizh thought it tne D-ininion Guver-Untent, that tli3wht)IeCt)tiitty,by.raisin,,,tlio N I I ing one kuy-note with ourselves, riz - The "in' and" to i�hbvfthifaiiaing mictings in saviral from Paris, represents. the arilor of Ole of the istovcillenta of tro 21�tnaged pertytttidthilaredticiiigi�dividualtaxittion. secure a reduction of the margin presently nressariI 6f biuslooss. constrained our est QP$, SU4 io iocial a circle as was people as unabated. 'The supply of ineat nals -will not be. 30colled -%47Ljt i -Et I'Ve do xtt)t� &ny that the Doininioil 0 V! "Ofterid dvancement 'et -41M Caunty de- The only obstacle, to the ab(jlitieUL� (if tolls, existing between the p�lqis of , in,. at of the chivrch&�, liilg� atedienoo of -ab, t rtat toileaie a laigeit tAey bber� honer. PO 11 Mile' 6180- there.' AgLt.eykning.- iodswll, supply the rublipati, Udsthoabolition-oltollii I Ilurtmand is the fact that the Northern RwA -I.., -iii Wing)ium' Wroxeter, iow' FUCA, T yfille ;§� "I brani- -o I I . Wo-aTepleased to'seeillfigential uagea whildb 'rQvis a, priypte Company. That nit that call, ised, with equal the hands of 4iliere and the as at coutral-markets. b plowlig ibro bk in is salted 10i summarl V en!y be accompi t - issrs. -it that the i' the oulortsiii;-* csy6uqg;'VVM- city five weeks longer. Itsoomshowerpr, -Skirmish y ly agreed citizen no count es betwie thp navrticeil lyw� ment. The readers- werer-Wai6 B. III k�llilud posi&r. that the otores are' ot juaiclRusiy. 41istri- of the tirmy-of the Lolm ;Xa t'La Cuemy con.pamy udiv offers the road to tlie coulfty WhjLtoVerivaV901!ict1Ie.lo" to 0009rich, M., a pm-taitlin bit treamon Ingtice to all the Tow Alps, by the pue. Me 21 aad alloar. 4t for *40,040 or 144300 less than Mr., By, Clinton and. Seifoktb) fit having, the- pru� hwe of the NortherliGrarel. Road. �Doylc, J. T.- Garrrw - A:. buted. are of- daily ocurrence. the County Engiticer, values it at. - 31114 diute�bf the northern toi6sllips transpor- , . . I the SPir silstained �tholr c roV. James Youn. *Ca-' t Th hiagoti. Tedied New York, No For the Myfl-Q,7. - All our coutemp really- for the"OhargeoN t'�hfl don special: says :-Thestatentent -of the On*zo� We rmow too we.[ th . orarles, throughout On- rat6payers atre already tawkect indi ted direct fiorn'the laiding villages iii, that itakid f )I, they.- (19. - Da-. e vie R- -011 rut- no' ad the matter, have $1400 itiore than enough to keep the reads, section to the headquarters of the produge to va Truished by . rs. 81 DWillgisalistblih'ei)rizesFaward- Frenih officer'of the Enginverw, cono�rrt- t6exl 1.1 -mm -selves t,, Lario, who liar tftd I THE Northern included.* in thorough rapairI it. trade, ',We. niustafidetivor to make tip - die ZgIe r 5ortli W ea for Roat Cro�i f6 -1 Wing Agrt- the massacre of -famished men, women' given th. inurement their lawt untInalifiott imma'all(I Mr. Dixie Watson,and also by Calls r*imn,3,011e, ftor t1ra in-arder ofa brAve there were fio ga'tekeopors to support. loss by 6titerprite in *uther directions. Th ' is y: - Mr. Vad MbsWolaft andiist, DLnaggh. cultural t Ing .1 efore Xetz,by.fhp Prussians BY JOHN vabcir. Ihmal 'all.) stood tip like a 11 approbation. rho Landon' Free 1rw of Therefore the only additional taxation will Northern are, justliutibloa, and childrel ero for thb CA HU -11st, 3at;es-Dic emed by4n6fdoialcominual- TailmenI thoulinp -lig HAWLIBYS' SALT AVkLL.-Xe3irS Bigelow � kson. 2n:dG.* has been confil est banstriaw =U lit,% of.% British citizen ; t1lat they Roil.� 7th inst u rites as. fullo%va; be thii'seventeen-fiftictlis of one via', in, if thiy bait obtain them, to the advantages T 'I It., cation published in, the Lida With the ainetryband mdsm, U -S lionic with ab hanagn '14 cents yearly on each as -and -the contractors; co-nmiionde4i XY OL pendenoa Ad =unnur not Old, it ba thT lot Chespe saine ruffia pill' io INliddle3ex is the leading county in the 6 or about bf speedy tranisit whiah, we have so boring on Thursday last 44.40 P tn. Tfley - MANG WvnTz19Y1.-1;stI X-. Manning 31o8ell. 'To labour mpan -the farni - under the false name of travcllin4 reat many things � that iiii sessinout of $1000 ;.'which would be saved enjoyed, and they have our beat wishes, istrate the pro. have no* rea6fie'd'a, deipth of ntl Tours,- 'Nov 2,­Nel�rs from Paris -to Although no statesmaner.iter origra rest, t'ha 2nd. -J. bkaou. -1 tha ir co In 8, single trip froat Exeter for their success. in soking them. I This ays-1 in Thinknotthatt. lo-tislow "11111*63, all theSt-trallstainedthek n-essofthe untiy,-but itis lamentably a 1e peDplb Were strong VR1ZbtoftbydaT;; success we fool confident, it only 04sible fast "four -feet of,witich are haTd-ro�cli ofa TU01 z Howick to Senforthi or Goderich to Limit SP660i 'S; Oct. ;W, s flinty mature. - So fari, borord. ofendthe to BoUnflinebbig7aud.4me, tion. We Q-ta coutred our indi* i behind in one matter -it still huga the ro. their detterminaflon to d - nation, a-, we ronlember lm)tr the e ' The travell6r Thenall the roads would ba kept in when they. make tip their mi6nds to ab%ndon Tells -As tlwu%t gathered, th1heatula tof had tli� I lie of . ba barou3 VO IL -18b. JaMeo -.Dickson; 2ni, the lost extremity, Great numbrsof p- ew lus 4n More the freshest b1fews b j)W. -a good repair and pro'pbrty would nut do. the Toronto Grrand.'Brupe Asa db I hod jood luclq� AliclAuiky tosullb &it dsc.IVU 11pon loyal se6 I through it is still inet at about every fiv illich,welicIpairill confluti ourolmentin, the National Guard have*9' A is intended t -tub the -casing dolva on Cors front Fort Garry uld riAuse theiki in-ilez f 'his jotirney by man clothed with teriorate but increase in value, so 1hat the and stick to the NVellington, Gray' gn,d d Is h1sbatOto'ble =agooa e County w9ald in a Bruce as, their only -hope. If been made 1nordor tostron�,thoa the -a--. MW10t �Zitica on ro!jbers and murderers, ;and vtk the authority of -the 1 0 arrests the 9 no I prqgress. ofh the- Cbfitkty -Ins 4, As-crer aw, wh 's ra Plq.Uib fence of the for tions. ;Iliv journals tousa was gire -poliev. Had SautIL * lii*tKo % 'Gbobs. Se eo" their Progress of the horse, and.4cmands a toll ycar or twO so aprtad the tax that it would Council should 'be kecl' t.6 asa 4 t serve What thor Assert ih" bread.will no be d, out in ghthoze Pield nothizig t -v do with �11 this? Is h6 its a coudit ion of proceeding on his way. Northern Towiiships-by--graitting a boutis now advt. In which he c' U ldainsttrltOs and cares thoiest-.�5trjvcm? be imperceptible. It is not the case, as juqtes extigori in- On Tue4 lay'Ust, our reporter attended- Tationg until -the lit of-JhuW, The sup- nore than uled by some, that at the end 'of the t.) the line willigg. to, accmo4ato thein,A he Gie.� 11,1oughing Hatch, 11 LlW R4 Ju his WeZk1tb0fZQ1dI ivally t1le Udsoly accused innocont thi There are within the county I ties, o ariryi4w Arices. miles north ply on baud is ample. Work on 6e1or I- -etr des;res t1b depict hit ? IV ofort itti-tte4 j thirty of these. obnoion contrivances, oin now,tho- Coundil ikbald do well to thit .4 B hoa fi(iiii6na'is progressinglicatively in the di 21years"cliarter, seven oaraft 11 042t0lviNG THR. APIOR.-We s;+G�A*boh of to Attexagi",- was'larg the dcspot!1ssI&Ve, be wealthy an(i -salile and ikqqaty =a )-.,the system of dird represwi Northern Grave will lapse into of complying With the request ; as stich. w. u er riction of BageauY, in ipite of the- deter tirreamthe tation plAcq4I the express design of which appears tp be ish6do fifid how many families *.�ne A4n io� n sing present, nd the numb Win(fuhich fanned 1216 %mve, III vel - to chork intercourse and anuoy the tr& the hands, ofthe County for; nothing. The g%n� mse Sqnddela in a poaiti n, wherw he , would only bawfair -rocom . to ii zlIWAe1GA6dUtj for. When- jhd" uric ,of a' t a* tared was f6urteen.. The fil-ld oined oppositidn"ot the.- enemy. - -A large Which over 1he wan tqueEi. 'h%ve tuatiftilly, At-1dkq a most wonderful statute giies the inuixicipality,at the end of thO n0rthefW.toWfis1d1A'fbi their"Xistre of ir so low as $1.00Jor theWeekly and $2.00 as Ye levei. aid oft' account of w:et Uzi ler. Moreover, it is was n redan w44 iqPmroo id tonistv tictiou-t1lere, ves. A -id, stund up for the sapreinacy 5X the contrivance, causing the inhabitants to ' the charteraright to purchase County -, funds coittributed to the Lake' foe tho So 1`8 -are iibathor it, was. not in good ploughing w--hich was exported to 4dd largely to the ThonrtovMer4,fteaiWabasf.w- at kfair Orice, mi -Weekly, we think the' calth. ragn 2 ttw, the. honor of the D.ami,l.-ou and fz.jr twice a' nintuadly &.reed upon,or settled by arbiLra- Huron Road. � It a railway ift the north- fe,v- so poor its to be unable t *h6 took defensive4afength of that line. Addresses 'Therebeams Itthlaosyc what spld 4;niuch under the guiso o o.. xub o ordei.: boy Tobert Burnif f repairing .. .,a ribiv, phy to Outzirifl. D;.l he hatten tes, embrAqfj , the roads'as they would do if every one tion. Thaprice cab -never befaireirto theCo, arm section would there raise the valueqcf ati&thereby, encouragams to incre I ass our a 61 his grea to opu . ortunitV ? N'Ly, verily! Citrtid than that now agreed upon.' The Coen ty the n",no . &tIbbj6r.9uld,-$15.'00 6h e the first V bids fair to - riiA t, o the giivernment,det#anding -an east-. 14t; this Im Imeomponse totkw wivs free to t&ibl free. The counties of ffortsforthe prosperity0f Town and 06an- iiiameshke Iihiliin,ploligbing iftlotin, tiapros?cution of the iwar, still continue Thd'ift famethouxiostnotablue. if it purchases will receiref fall value for acre, such'& grant would be a profitable the Prize list pour in from 411'part* of the country. only to whis-'verhis desi-n- in Vink J* rM rettlLd at but a very iecenb 0 tr follb, Tbafthe�oughvradnth b:ldt-ft the g" 1t!rj1Ug j,:�4 spAied with Middlesex, have a, its COUS011, itZETINO-Th C ounty Council A. Forsyfli A meeting was hold and drum beat the: That than tread'st IWI in histary ed y � A 'While mmernshed -Us boarityreL1clas nnZc,2:L clao oatmges If his crinsinsthe hlf-bree date money. go that.really the question investment to the whole county. Do iring p zyws� ail to hint hia- itention to in Ina -mu resolves itself into one .01 TOLLS On No the general prospority-of finion, W. Johnstou.--:10fifties-6I 'ficent systenil. of gravel roads, which meets for tb Me ,�Idz ,�Idz V dosp�tdh of bijaluess. at th Mitnito c or, aftrge, �and-w t4i vrow4 filled the square Tito iath-blehlby 34kez x1esignea. ToLLs. Those whodelre to see our County to see roads, whether ra;l orgrayel,open6d 8- A i4 Franch-speakill- Province, wh)a John:;, are unsurpassed in- Cll BOY R. Burns, jr! 2nd. t4oroar of caun6nailffig,beyoud the wall Zurich, Nov. 34 ada, which areWo- Court ffouse,'Godeirldh, pn Tueiday,.22ad A. boxve�l and John S. dared! lutely free, and bl the plans adopted have keep the-l9ad a liberal and progressive up in- every diroction and maintained in $,o romber. A., Stewart Sra,D. Scott; 4thjJ Sulylie, could behea* The lj��r delivered a n4pt venture tis whine diialopeovl. The! thtir tuarls maintsined in better order, on muuioi 'by Ti. for the By-Laiv. g00d0TdQr. KNow CHORIM-4 tea- mostin willbe ir.-Entri 4. -New Ara. -.04triotic address ab lh� close f which St Helens. P. whd; ws hvire permanwit footing, and at a !es& so false, to Tho3e w wish to s all p tty local 1)ro- thousands pressed fdrward to earoll their Vttavra is atforly litifft to be her Pratniqr coat per mile than we here-xboud call ry app a A CHA held in Knox's Church, in-ednteetion with SQUIUUEr, HUNT, -The ju icean 'ev NazorTIT, theSablidth fichool on Tuesdrly, .16tb Ustou. coips-ofurtillery has - 'been or- , memlierz 10I he at Torouto.aii.1 we ar,) confident our bthv-t uf. And olished, and to fill senlatives "St. Helens -squirrel hunfiti.- vlubly t the s- the nbiglibbring county of a will runover its fyle and compare at 7 pm: ' Teii wUl'bei so-rvedinthe base- "'anized at -raritwhich wifli, be armed with, umbrof 1 20 held their tained by theTiorict of 1he fluro is about to follow the minple. To of each T witship consul ig, the general offultoH OrMiNG.--The new Wesleyan 1, 41 annuAl meeting od, wil vote for the ' said about Mr. Wyatt withnha'f ment. Revds, MbQfisik, of Clinton was 'dddt- mitrailleuses, -L Parls'no-wepapars are OR!,, -L w. Tolls or I (1hitr4i At t#e v4lafie of.Exelar, on Tuesday lit Nov. 'The members this and a by4aw is proposed under hich sais, he wilt see quite a difforence. M 'Goldsmith, and several -local with details of the enrolment; ofvoluuteers7� it,9,6,clock met no To I That is the'qu tion ! Economy, catod to the'tvorshp of . Almight L Goa oa and chosevid iderl;aptshis, 840,000 f,ir the purchase of the -Arld�. 6tifer- 4ill aldress -the -from the National-Guar4 or a G to raise . wetd 1hen , :84bbaj 23 ms-. . -large L �tlon, . art - MIGRATION To MANITOBA. only iavel road not o-.yned by the county, Ju Wyatt nd the. government, mestiugaudsu�erior musio will be furnish. t 'conaffm9atio'lls baldi'm hetAlIdarteril L as ju' ties and future prosperity all dinind are,at Offange. In- lUue and Beat iifter which tkey Imrad -of and it I.% expgoted that by Jn. ist all verwhelmi�pg milority for the By. -Law. abused for the couditio.ii of both 'he ;ad. aiie 6- 6113A e�chf the three'serviceii o -to their, z*sbectivs tunting grounds aua the an o the encounter -with, the -�uemy ueatrBesall ten ti) th4 inado the woods for Ues Vita fubtare rank G4ntlx shall take roads in that county will Ra rs, vst aside all prejudices if y Rescue and the Prhice­ Al(red, and no --- - - - - � - ;V, he eaptured-'river 1,000 -prisomers.. md also be free. In tepayel ou ' DoAuhom SALT WELL. -11118 Vo 'Puniiho ffordof Life. The Rev. N; 1111 around vibrate or the effitie"Y" reside overnment at Tours has aoceptai�j son . of'their musketrY fill four =*u� tho. nations of the w6ria will do- the neichborhood ofKiugston the roadere hare any, examine the figures, for they credit whatever wasgiven f mptifiv iff A*' -F ]A of �tho, are the ohl reliable tea% and vote for the of I � has resolved to �IuOlriio' 'their block this Vonfer�.ncd, reaphiad'st 1.0-30- 0 ' Oak, a. o?clookwlien.eaclipA!r,,wearilywcn0e(I the" pend Very much on the manner in which free. In England --the - rminal policy is Y thePrinoa Alfred. The Sfyntrl can!�qt willt G�n;-.Boulrbald'is risignatiou. pr oue:qf HuncimarW-pans, with brine ru.,in ' " beingadopted, and as we all know the By -Law. in al 'eloquent 'stylo,' kee�ing-, Vaimain way food Sit _pper cliam1or, Men ith t -wooc the settling of,new territori get but of the awkwArd posit ion in hich- h4ter,a as. &y. 'L".:-Tl:e loss of the ea Is aided roads. in Irland,unsurpased in the world, for. xquirreL, fails and 1peeker heads to nnd Ontario, iT sp !i -6111ij an hoo he placed himself by this change offtnef" I, 9ATY J6bn Learpyd, -of Inger Seconil Division of Infintry Guard en -the -provided 20th ult. was -24 ollicersAtid- 449 Magaii at-tlii ex cumnBraged. ecially u- are free to allcumera. Now, -why tannot Loclang the. Stfkble &cs So wl itew our dearly beloved brother of t -on 31onda­ son, dellivok useful sermon in theafte Mr. aadX akes plane OVember. , o.. tereste,J in this vrork and shouldli Ntiddleiex go and do likewisoTIVVIt' The ont-posts, of Gen. MWdees cmmau 11C - ense oftlLa eitir. h,r the Star. We acknowled- tile sort. For Ili 11�*;! As, moot V.. preac aid it.6hug to. itqQlf an ohnoxioust fbode, The latest gAAd 'VVM,)Wgg3 osing-poyt3r� resultof the- port onio French. near Gmy on. -r(I of -a an eloqui herself in regard to it. On the a ku- iiews.from Fort Garrvsays. I eiiocitinterecls kii-o a4ys bafor6 the' ocoapa- arded my 1rmon in t e ovenin 9"sttlhe "Northwast, Entigtration.Aid So. of action which is oeing rapidkv disc "The Lieu impeachment- that; -w*wor 'I thle soruipbs the 201fli tilt, i titau pia for by others, and whichJs wasteful, ineffect- t.-Unvernor has isavied, war-, h8ng4-dtf4ti6;,Y 'We don't 11 his own "grub." The Islaotifing wu very ran o -.11 - not swertuin how tVe is to Captain Villivro, h(ef of Police I C kc to dr6OD' k-cheson tke * bion -of Dijon- and reptihed them -at the - nto live and obstructive fWbateyer artrumitnt ur di ' out,.-fior Gros A i The lectureon iday 1 609 ziety" was formalti oragnized in rorn, 0 raidefid i6 ;1e b a lia uind good but dW for the arrest of Riel andhis fellow-scound- Posts, taldrig 15 � offie4ra 1 ish I And lltaile.,footed u bv 671tir�, W. X. ilart ap y, ang _4 m9ire4 Ao his, large, e;joyf And evening-,, bads ii, A86nfe BE& ilde'of , the -Mout Valerien fired, and the following ojMcera elected P, besound inform- rels. Lexect there will be difliculty i month tflaonfliJa gnidii-lilly ilbOiii filit hs- Aow' baPDin in Bsbylon,�'z" prlsoners.,..,.,Fork ed W tlyd era of rail waAa success. hemselves very muclL discovering the whereabouts of III the everlasting Aulallundred whic4 adtinly last evening jand Aiig�mornii:6-,but Chnitiff, in D; Vsce-Praz� -market s af siliurch as fil 6xicting tdlt' ese -quare,w6iA filiavea splendid L ngb o 0. hour the 01hat latinwAgitsr nfighb. be w reClaRVe bus' "Touis;*N­b*, . iiriiment AUD at Pele- How qQ be to the ropair of 0. bjr in app Ae'nf,% Hou J AtO Came- the on1r,.1ppfbachA-o'u, lar -go 6 its %t land, Esq-; coutpe ed to intaucc. with. 111033- . I - . I I qtir very in uch like looking the, tol topt( ittil Ir ! - - ) PO4 This looks u4 uie*�.. 40 roh-4s a beautiful litrue- Ayp6ji -W88t1B-40f-Jb0VMeS6rtke".Y4S Scort, T r wdli tboroadsthe*awlnosuchlolea, catt be But if"i ik�'te$o `tha."TtA&4' anvsted, a muscles iiiz; 9M., ALI the 1W vauced. now. RA, S A� a. V w -brick, about ueo; of havegreed4o am. arnlialtoei, _�hjli. ojr'ta'et) from ftbMp t bi I spa. isakdoik., . 'Idlers a able after the ft t rested, thounzeles madefirm. and tbaliteryes rgpm E�xerjhre 06,amitfeej Ron W MelYouplL ad F�w of atich. tra _'& t go 10 their power byusbig Fellowje tbWpo Rw ween 00 ui� the highways, audit they do it is livq1jr?b Jivb1br;und -the w�bWja� 010-cyli Safi rdi-y Iii with le6fitro, _Una ByrLibvr Af, F., A 31c16 flowara-, John Kh - 1"W -Sm4li's-mare, antl,blir Polley's 'Black and 6A ns' in -fhe, baselpewc The habitints will have liberty to bring in-foocl Hypalkoplfitea. A000, Proceeds- of x1pring thi�ktorval � free �electlom will b e. Aph4uli are4�Ftllowav 'Compond Fim r dans 4 1�. Kintmmill iMlf Itast %V H flow. .,in order to transact 11wsiness..prolitable to =TENS. via ENTEappisla. suitAhe circumstances, when we descend thrior r those among whom they cixitilata. . But ;44 g, is jn,,A victory f4 HY&P1ibiF1:Ites--A Lo" 01volee UZW. from truth andjustice to pycophoney and, 7101d, in 411 the'd announc- dication on Mondayvening land, Ded a I theealm be L It outw idtur6 d. A V" - I ... I -V Artkw W A Fwftr, J eun Oda that worn-out policy sras a bad In the early part of this -summetwohad, ffunke�(ism we shall des' SI- fWMJdAarj1Vfl0n�Df,theRuW erve to endure the of sjj�ext '6n7 rmi ties so A on thaground.- afiiounW4 to a 0 *Oincqla, 0 Th present Ine, but it is ex, crable now. thw �lciaura ofi;oelcing tjlel.�omia�jice- 841temonoUnousapcldetith-in-lifo' isterice AdVe, ians thit thij6d�a ts10b6i*ry1iot. irlthe�'. or-frilinnervousderAlgement. XDWon AAdve' larV.50. 641by upathe, Afem, id� uoih,in;t xagire th-m a 10in THq XFw PiLOPZLLZ�Ft �T CAY, a commit 5, sit A me `overr -at': 49 ift of our contemporlivy, seemi s� 'ageitmith., W6 qnq�er hat of tIor6 Ito xwlineT fee of Public Wety was airio anflir Z7.m ci. X01JUV4 ,the people'ag-ainst thqmselfts a cort- *b�glfe�,;fb 14 it proclailWi ind the iReathers of flid *0. 'ronst moar, the wt, heCY litti[Cat G itutiom which frilly expl4igs, 6e T6Fj6Le fifig, vW`h144 thrntd-'0vCf'th4 VLSI Nair Ob- vance, under which, they suffer, hicon-.* richfrl -L;6iiir4;;� onal Governmentwere tkvAwprisuuPrx thasudeV hav* in view venienc&, Aienq_yAudoiind and which These -works haver ncivr-gio way, lfyles of th%0dit4iPA Ina: times Ir. Y- -41m4id interfered, the Gov 5 sale Regd*, abliamilton b in direct 9pp "It sho ;&IT -911, pf the J)agV, opl;i liberatea, and- osition -to tho�,e instincts, of por6lutdimenslon*ikud ard 0 no J. -Oft a arbur b lie the ditty of trie'Ex3entir Ur . which are vermeatin-,soclety. Is. & ire&V To' tc, r .XOV. 23. - Cow= tee -=Oaud direct the pu ce -to Ais. towft and ilciglkbor- Z�is iThen oomplije orde pAi Xe�torpd, horTAM co;at ims, to pre, V ft � ;; -1 1, -hiii; t -bi I , I - �;, ' ' t not imethat 1. inil goer 1he. Wi,4 Ave -�p - lirtfon of inkirmation , I aI improvemptit! - of I spocil- 114kifles.w �;44 A. -At Sayft as to the best ailtit d- aid LaLib Lot 0 Ist rD�. m throwpaslde, and tht the erx- of v -e`Pta1'rr' 14" §4 Nor. taw an 10,inen of 0040r* PFP�'� AJVStJdA;AND TIT?, jVP9v'- cheapest routes. for emigilmas t�ithe North *Me* 0' exto6lsrve,-ro-� Our., .00 C., ; . � . ­ ImAoultoad Irollft fQLr Me. I au4 91. "of, Bayfiela, Nk A, be ittauga- r ' -fte 'Ws%t, to maka arrantim6rdtij with rail un orwent. 'sjilli: !MAM�A�n Rc aspi temi-offitial coat iotions at nave ola- taill' cljio post thak�TTiid*tlie'.PLis6itt"6'0'3j-�e'd�6��i-ti,'she rZT- eA I Let im hopolhat the sol; #h1qh-�thrw1is9*v.ould ri kr.thol V* exam�ple Wad to sul za try fO AU41 Stemutboat. IiZ for, must insist* upon tile fact tbA reand ?buildingg" the trurcliUd 6f" iffil" pairs Aldh sG (19 1* , i" by 37 i(ralein sel.6 the prbitiptitude-with -which the Town p6iiibs. '.Affp Ombatailfj . Qthe= will anconragoi the-match'th tkik . . - Uh4iil 1. -those that thinY ifiail-at ?or yea�x Palravly Council concede pr.of- lkv* di6d to' hf* � Thverr, moot4d. -4 71 ir, 0 th;ongh ti -Acts, for-pa-mengers -or t* mako, - t ineffic6at; a fact whicla. even fatiT. At 3. r. 41�31M a . re a or, I Uro lia 'U, origress to ensaia -the indepan- Vnpulmc)w an& New Tark-Zxehange. buying it 1* usair this matt Le qhet- wtd�j ixcce t ';viae a a4oxt'onedt the.elec- labor, that we Are sur# our reads= Will b6 it - W49 11r did":", iarid-is o'WhO Vai- $6 -selftat iddlesex pZ&Utqs 043139 toa4,,. to gra4o 4ndgrai -it. Ah� in. -of thoope a not do SO Al iscount- Small-buylpt" at 10,; fieull;g at'7101. and-- that M SIVA tO rMiydl fult P"tiCillaft Of 'the eil. Tel e deace lame 70 ft�:,.A.Indabi is] Urprike. --Foe-thilse pirt dia, -At, Fidicaji. Rffbrl� Per Gold ep.,d at tVJ -.,andclosea at 2101 lo- It in, Oforehe was aueo I hat 0 lve seqice dd c 1URXNW Ad 'Ar Sbor4 Ahe -6 iwurtey,�)l i required on a ti b1V IlAurorout.. lid o' bit'dt g a bpring all summer wOrkwithyi-or. -IhUv�lfffig &Mst the o ben- int4i .to a 11-91k seaXlitt� and 05116i` a!raY splendidgravel,.sufficient-f - Ii .2,thr.o - - or t ip%rd prodribed T - ' . . . . . . . . "DV gArds thigmattor to the t VOTI, on W" fo-.Ina= -4Mt-thr6i concerning Italy, t allowedto winterot *tdo-- -gravd rugin this W -Y establishment hu, Mir 2i sit 1870, oW110101 - sir ted.tasad-weinow an shii)o. fred was no d" i6t,fho­ _Will and. s16' jr T h- dwegiopt as 10' rich, bocalao the SiGxAL era 0401.ts -thi piclen 10MMAY oUke -mch imeasur both mow and'V as iny, 1*. 1 IplisiX th- tio which we fifidia- the Ifitron iffition of go, Bacuet�­We, ijcratign 41'di and �8 V414-*, t qs. of i a elearly.-o li, ;� 6. W, illustrates the- m-dUr very �e liberl o "n tq a OJE M& Socirti.. The kxe�ltt :W "' ACTORT. painsto enquire and find &L � ' 1 lad! ich is, Iits, principlaw I . ined in he i orO thitt Ocruthtly Me AD Ots ................. 6_ .0'*30 4a hay; pawer �rb this- -its t; t, *t the Frhwe Alfred -wi4,. j&fj�mr ' 311" ACCoutlit�of iho- ur W 0:50 - (RD 0: nc�; iiur er is season, moking good a 'Ciniarhittea Shan mea �, h 12, iunex.-Miii4firg are unfounded, and Peas ........ ..... 14MAdleser-asitslo flufan.; "only that' iisif IlAs'bdiinAddrX i RkOp at Sarnia as the cirpeuterB are al. and other an tolvaship, of .&b�meohich took place t 10k,J116 V� a hinonzst We oflic�is`or imf the' At. Ili I . A 9 . is�;i6 L . -- . J ware -V wt cirdifliaed by see- AD 411ftlifM th his a 10an'llialli n' heio,,pallial off her ollitme af -tWd eana pa; it -linuti; bj,$jd L. ­ � by varth�y .cturid reidy at work on her t '60rdifijr� t*W,4110 W , h* nko So IT -our he bqlwarks and armnging. platforms or nelir is, , - -- . a -1- .1 illf MittiliU., ', TKI inloty in -ty at pri ei- 1.6ifiml '8' oil- ........ ealuladtad :9 .1 #ly bus 6 thoid j�;usl be placed fore and afb. The reas- osent.-running PlaWk, �fooi -; , month 'oiLiwo pas it 1110th- tb aid fatending theirihd� -prd pegs of winter juarters is that p- cespion;Volborae. Thero were h9t -80 many ...... -Ig 0:00 -�r� are.�hly of the change b been im orting, wheat X415UPAOTURIL 011,AU2,0. . V# ...... .000 . I . �1 1@ vety, extensively from Chicago and Nit- lat govern- week- 16ftr -16ttd- ve a exp 41711irr se3rA for a ,,cQmfdtUVe hom by 4ilate�aur calclibition ishowimg that 0114 of dtlie-rSTinniiig thb freisha; in January last cost t1i Pq_ae4­ bfit'im, every PaWbJJouraals­,9fthe 4dr.; llip $16 000uftollcollectedftomtho rate -pay Thig madhim6' rijilit a large sum. Subsequent 0 ivIlirs, waiikie. lxw& eothy tators -At des(green). fi;09 hmpletesucceas-, receiVed-', reradllei. ft --50 (;i� 2:75 erg' a out. otYerrTre ........... sho weie in the hrbor at ?one time frotil aeI, owing to the ar propeller in -daij f 'pots A7 'BeefT-etirk, 5:00 cc) ,,Ivan sat, actian,'bufit U 1d) *he -hip# they, e.m, Most -of$ I ­ oc 00 WW*n the ani Xe- the manufaciuro of �haiiz f0ctl�exouatruiflon ii�­this xirticulaF on. the dockfpjury to her sti.-n and the break- Iii � - ad #c1a I anco,--,o -all 2in-the 41108numicully, re=lt thafr Aric f -ardlJo.rX *a 0, a fp, 1i -procegi (t4 Q:W ifiio ' g dly. � , i., .. t. thalifi6infatilthithipiincip To., of her wh9el, cost '%.Iakeusporpair 0.30 00 VW1 have pleasnr$ in frout time to -t 1 XVeL am sorry to7 ftf. -ik feporfod;"that a COi6ilidir-1and i0tir- f*mem i il the noble Ie1mYQ1yqd., In off tho'brackets t *116 t d in 6 1@ onabbi a 0 Mal 'their i�pgagenlents- her large sum.. lucatisequen-u; of this tkemelves-�Ijuft -,dq I&BIS ITEM. lwo;1101114­4s...... 0.00 .03 time, Pub! I the information-arqt1irelf c:giid. Art 9f.P1qb ti�crbraro one or two Re6vos-irlig ilifi& It in heitHing, they'lit; bel!jj The rito� ZPJiisio itt M& Wo6n This com- ye, meautitneititr9duced Act Captain repoited against this harbo.. heie fromoft�W t6 $1,16iif by V409.axamad MA gbild She 4 4�6 to iftue postorsi calling on tic Itidoh guil the rince AVred winters at -Sarnia cidilipirock th p, air er g1kra, -h- 6 vm ddh w0AcorrobbraWA by, t t Judges. The S3. B30U alileAdy in conininnicaffam'" work *61. �tbis season. Next yeart;whenIGiDderich-is -ioa- . -da'adif, 0670rAtft-at, iff thor �eiida�kbr flo, �T4washift td vOt do' s6 110 -boa Th-cre iiplent and *lue 'TiLqu follairs'&;&Zire cot "th btiittli�,g aiLt, 7 1P. AIC a thunder storm puse . rtwi do byGovoinmehi0kVirbdirper ex- udgii foilh Mossrs Alex, enou& to last -until 11arch., their.s6listituouts tb Mdt 2 T- i"O,f CP iatwnle4 land 4110Y. but pus The L Uit$ ke Aitrbp,bitth f4"ametiand ove r T1411-hinin- 'wawter- -Notitei . W 6f, 4b -John urtis of k9iii6A orialted ineats isim. Wi ri - tu suminer,1i�er It stfibally"'bAlliant, allioutid the-horiz,b-d ana preserved igiwbles and, Toultrl Ar 24d' Dub 4u no To ro it a, 61� The w b -ing, f -Q at ot'; fbi'vetr two hours. Sinft circ4Ltt' rOccivett 47 its, coidn4ft in'the Wi�dou ish Aerlo the the lasted sifi the, s ai beyond dispute. �mid that they ',6 26- 606 -stsi��i'per 44j-' .1 - . . - . fu!JQ*IA 11tarms:- and 001,0000i, mh !aWarded -the 161lowing 01n.thorefodidispease, vil 54ho pawca- ufIJhj1Wb -lcima rt� 4.e; o %Iai6 oni"aiteeifted cQnWippor- n't emims I - a" then, the vroa re SUL - many cam-ofsti1tilUp !1%.xpWteiL.otr ' I --In aw)wit 1+ ted.fliat fart'her; ikrmii 'and oidiWis the'lloop Iliad, beattifful Ther4s it a- OOM, Mae dry the hse-r --fl htt of the curt brai in-. far the �Zyvwj It tholiv thty North IVest is: *et'requiratt X Comand to dolv� u -am 15', to 2( ni -X I ; I 400 U he ops p.efr v;tnta&e in SiinhC Re TillI.11 I thq7, I] - n t b e inor e f q3t CA Co di Rot& r r a e e c nce of b d go a ger- w ,te�, rX th n a a ion F t, an ati tio the f � m�ui to Ipp,3nit pro t e n1bi U B� tons. I)g commit 'he mkW 0 op mac the is lor the _jrirL, aJ weare, oss ..yenjoying;fli�-�Jndian 11" tia bdpartut th t oft' Nov. 8" MO. o wir dAval of he'althfd hinutements for the tide WIM6, terati aild calf 2, a....... 1:00 a 1:10 a Bevil autictilidstarid,r1it inoile, at the theatres wer* ordin ditions it at.poets sing of id b thiN un his -f ihd Steam �6ilod h66ts art Vok he qub#ien o "ago bemlisa tho G �ia oitals ar "-evpr sure about' at ift fast- is in; le4di mon' '16iiersdid ibw- Wo ha��-asfdeavoreit tob re4ened foii Oats eiwon -r tae, -,Stuoid &34 TAR"f-TOLITIC.-We 'have 21,flOW": ri, J034 .......... V.*1 CoUnty, why IfieOp-r-eyJaits'-fo th' ir 91Pme. k 9 tigav !MoiIgh t ce IV' thvhe peak ....... ........... e-9 rm purc ca �w' S, The late - attempt q0jie --Redi to ever- - - from& Al *Wi6= ipf the rr6vWc6, 1�ud& tWm"V45,4 tho. , i I .. 'ki Byi-LaAer axfd, 1--av, Crew . - .:. , , " renl,ar�-s to$ma i oa-stiodry littleidliticil ty the increased -the 0.56 9r, tot(tfa tke. s Aid hoop h 6 i, avo be a 01W5 8 Vc and *biihed 'itinilo the illcont"T&U uc� co is. sc act the agent 'fid L6urmalt baiielcoopers ijacq. ur. of -the Sta ber of Cite, GQT=MWMf.Z, bid,, fAdWis -Ogticvxjb�, f4f. lulbs firiclbfrAi us �y on; con�#i atielely. to u�hold tile P014008 ...... 045 0. -114,14 ��!Fj Uls.16 d- w;f .. tv.. JQ4 rirb, e -r,. Flour :;. X1 C , - ;00 le�ll �J.P,­4 w 1^' .3 colliff rr TT".,. 10 am M Art_ V lo-, AWL we are mu.- rO ev a sin on, 11 apav !Z ;, ter - Young... 0,19 'A t lou �b -A� Vrend '1111hil 1"SiiII119. b% 1��*d -to determilia- 1 ­�4 lit'v i at ka4.grac 0,tf- t ativq -g" rd Ioik-ondij` -elk' h b 0 h. h AM 4otab one satiifv -,.!I Vi ielaota is to wait till Titeid - -- Thi --iiWi given, fwfle�i. a - firm wai�nan� tile &d Q4 - evid6laca WA* 144,61i4fied imtA, wIrl6h is reeps hoil,�conde;xcouo-d Jag"I -vleo� la=64143fi t MU at t9i, -w fil 'Ili! V, 8po ants oid4 take -this' bppot -in e. gal 7idaineut of- ity -a . , SiMER ITOVEntm '-.;-,Our- merch eng a oils M W IC -14 ( anit im. t1le ab o ster hert he to ink red by hemielyes' S* el�*i own. cil tn thwfikky diaThiiLlallf rote do". 4 4 7 .64 1- . rr .38i011; In I theXinii I Ira haTi apparentlyiTiade?bp their minds to WtY4 of returairle, themwarmext thankrto -stated' 4 4br Uki Xiliericali Silver,0111Y. ".&no Iiis kiJid, APY la&ek- �,whicX t y -*Xklittm� dogs noff#6109116d. u0m,41*7 6nasinated, V "Ji ihidkx*1JUbeJoUn:4& IN Ta.7-L.J. ".,J ra� iarlictilaily to Mrs.,YOu THE to, ir4alge Ja reff2ctima ofvprdWW ten- 'cat �3r�ar lkilff,* th U­X:.'Jitiedq4nfuk­ Cis, filitij t16.tIidQttri H, arimpt6remed alf, dollars. 46' 52� rqtn1g,A if& - out, j . . gn con 'tOr �e Stargalsoff the,following oplian- Olin 11 'I to:the�volls eien by h, , 1-11- j� . , -1�orllie p161m V) fhe ts -m bar rf*' it -atotit,for th* vot -M� -Yka o Or -1gaarAsix 23 denzyf-or W IQ.)k slbl* -0yi-hawfi, old thaie-4hera are. four., .-T =9tives of 4 7' - 1. � .1 9 absthhttil 1"c� - Polleyof ur­"Q'VdWrX t610isi64irc1id thek, dite- mac m". - thq raliors-�fli 70, teAlf hi 'lot - Win lug, 4r" :—F9The,$J a short article rqihP.�p1PI1Z1lVWrL and, gnal beads a ari*tice, and rentes. is' - ­-. r,, , 0M (4 OM nu olii;litoi "646; to 04-110XVbi lu JwVjj�, ithe h6dpioncl-thieetighe " f oieoilitig`tllo�,., iof once a sibitinistr4tive depu.66�n; B1 d Malf4finox. 4 kt-in. 113tt ra U,on the j�ri Z7, JA#GgououP,3 5 th ey -=-n �onl 01 W -I lladhinbi fo�jtdufl ts Fall Wheft uew- 4 jlc% -fin4340ii " 3 no' 6 1 g, ids 'r *is since `6 a to our reniar they will'stidt to iL th 'Whik, alivady' lu�he field, with, In thie, 1#TES, R- 1p* If- J�My. SZODOIATIONS STQ:VRJW,,e 6-w 3 a TIA' 41 146 . 4 lior. AM,- 4-1p.,rfti, botrfil 1614­0d.oa to'victory.11 W o Ild b dii;"iud O.'re- 4:10, 0 o0don, Thiers has recelverl vrors.-fri 1)r aikd not tar6e..tV.e—A*'inJor Wage# or a lars =Estake on th& U part of 40 90vQMIii0f16r:� r ag An autid6foo, S0,131ilic-ra: 'that jlii ire .#a -Aditd!p*tt&i* c4"able", 'rdli&& the Siq?wl that iii the *nd of July jbin #T�E ty nQW3019 0001114befott -of itiffint'20K -rdbtir qt h.airel-� hea& l also bxco* ii i6'ibo 'And and ai h"i4jilat it nia-V be, 4WATOX�Uihip 11W I t D� *:34 0.36 4 Nappleon and Ye rates -t- au laiai -ani ­6[ti An& the' gegc JLaW I to -sell thei silvdi toi the V3iil6l�� Wj LTq im q8 ­14veAv 5,1, td iAter1lia7and withthe ox�ep6A of a few: - T C urk iro,04 or. SA:aBA= goii, a litt , e. 00.106il petltibnin�'fbr ffinds forcer, - !oald arneadfrecotVihead mere-hants (ZI _ _ . as *0 V1 fit ifie M a, t0i i i)er. -aah all W?�ehiuo. Jiia grand aruiv ifarNd lolik 10111IJ 040 1@ 049 darstahid t y are vrep ..161 058, &W &red to ot it at, 2, abb*tksome #me w While, a, go 0 6dedhY*th6tAWAndtiii tswulapo.remontsif pLining to,. ., oad- alie -211 1�", -41 adyieaeltedit. Bubh9wZ 11111W -r Jhl Vs�4fa�, *� hid his arm 'Crtsuka applicabli; to their calid. Tirw Taur 4oth*V,-Tuw=hips morely local, 4116tigh' sa WigG=--ft Hipj�t who t M� would just i-emiud. the Star 'that brokk�ili 8 provi4al t1to 56 Una pollpy 6f --th- 'now �veiloi hit -Aloe* C14 -4"a -!)or &Ub, shii� I go, t out. of the distrR.-A 1hR--FJ.dLUf M is T ow 4 Nt mi :gdtiad of the"anis-anso'-fai 4004�. p... 0... # .......... IV 6.40 -0 7:06 tit, In !be abo he only. mak a : theilig i�- Wide is 14, * ftiodiffed- Wthe,wibt of M a "'3 mch - u a ,tentildf -- �n �.;icd is tu b� dekIrralued slid ip*tenti. bie 4: I. -Thi Aildro or �41. - - fruaL. tirm to titri6, 0 is* lin,116U sh.ap� and- th 7- U�dvoaiUj -r-ranes:�&i ver'fU 'sul] .-ram V 4W # kof the: 1i I eptered SLU , action. t OttiLwA, M0 rift it WhY4 cip! 1akeWfbrgitffng:thakN Is L it pe - , C& , , . ., . �*IA ralty! A* trand - 64 1 id the" Atr X"Xxft*. *,I f f Oil of iftou A Japit a i(I "aame list" iialcolud ju -000 t6 tho, 0%tweA, a'. 1�arty 1E ;1ibe USY0 0 'Ii b Bradfoit.41 ap&%� 4E 0 1 ar t re tic in a -W49 lung. rrpiard fo sinix Aquirt, proarmlle -t-9 is aJ ter wioiisoa - izt thi W '071 tva f initof �posifor;, .-Th -7 bba 1 all, Z'- - - - -4-Til out R 10 T6,*lwBdltor of the Sipaia 1� f 7Z - ­ ­ tkj, 'Fie, 1114 illiwis Wma the wian g fa t To*mhip oU Sfaul4k, anit'haiiar. lil- 01� ej* lisai b is inst-6hingf"t 0, to. sq., by-wliout thm ti X6 S gar# 'Caut Jor fr 7 im.-As a orf'' 'Ventrw, NOV 81 1870. thes I victokf`the wide *o Id ovor g -444-1 auV -lie (ftanj �*iea- E194. lot $W London, - Noy. §,-It is, noir -4-tdea 'a* mrap"Ist Tel"MA'A0 the �Ukd,�!Ace olit. I sit V;J9fA Deoew zif pr"tapoaii of V Tkis-rulls 4.,Ake it 4.-A.Wed Im 1*t,,Id't01oiiik t6nliig��W Isiewhere, :'we, 1441 flilkiElba hai inot been qledsumd asa� uxtr 4C -,mail ]ds,: WO uituik the and c4 egg III t. ort� Atatt 6"' bl�s sams' _rluas t:;v 11A viiol,- Proylrk4, for' WX46:-'Aa�- Ti" �rd�ykro­-dk.­ iddim, tosoutsiay-� -4 "i x5f. isob,: �aur, fati, a va in I on k -dence fbr Napo eou. FL0VR-§ii1l6)ior Ext Amfkloo attbootb Feture- is "6 wi shoula kU4�",6 are, isUll grounils, arid- it �Olig, dea` V -;a7 iliat the Itidian 'title hai -4a 4f co&�*fyf robably'AheL , bolt$ aaX hoa�- wthd -iftiluth 6f 8 *rious ZM d ding 12k, wax6itoy -Qlasporf:- "!' jmxt, 06: A 4, Niq� iffairfor Fraiprif -'he his`6 tinguished --in "y-- pad of it sh IN in alid'h, u n",Y �e, kt�x- *e apfleild'- 4�,- eftavd:'With logi-M tO.:-'b 'ODMO, Cattdi&tik Bud partictda t". -jj�_y the pipe ra ............. ralty..,� I Mi! X iht� 61or lanad padif Vic'notice it - a propgr "pr-, Wily' 546 1" li". fries of I in h - IS I'm (4 4e.. -a -,r " ", , -- W 'Florence �41lo�lnig, Fancy .... VA111 I aft a 01P $15111a 1c. owi It MX -Y' W *X�a4o�lri -1 The, pr -012"d; "y -v#"Urs,..de;ciq tidit the. J14D I pr lo ry.nauseous an Vic Car�pou thr07; --It," aud *rh `ra*tw,&4-f6re*wn 5 -.Tx t,p asy. " t)WV#fJP1&V1- a-si0i itillArit. I Uitter iniidd-, Yor jast *easoi iFOrb PaIA tfe hjAllislj� Any&lig4tou the sub1,ectX;;,;g _YeM t L 'I f Vf t Ve, qUonCe likit4jions al At, ffo-T.Voif ern Whe i. 5:20 50 tth*Q#v6r4,VrA to tr�xq:Vsg aox to sy1mly on Abis� berAr it blat, nal union, 1i ,a- it S aro ai�me ob. ra F, - a ST Qz oflniuW or,�he 'PQp�- No 2 VROM g A t1i, . I .. 4M WI reqll iture d: �AudL Wil '03 d' Zklatls enlianitin" to xsgkeka� ten favqr* 0 jie j� 'ri Of 6,nill;j 13 W Sheri "p-OdIII92 spi i�vereign�- Aeontrill*-It . jol; I W" U0 1mg flour. IS no'tj onj� %6bitter, n Willm Wee4unotAhr4w'' jaig 144,weint6.1145 to-chivrA be ' th wee ­veg-soohr any liglitW--, Wind 2:50 llet Mul-tvitivniber -that 1:121 1* 1.4y vialf RIO Df-broetu xiO fore;gners Pill 0,M0 to t i4ori'tun, ublirtbai Ipt ti ul lePLAImt -qf -very teou 4ucl tio-4 --of tuation.; en#+t6 i6slad *i%iit, ibs Simi ciljdi��jf heft it bitter, 77- APT daj4 xpresi, i"li"Uteati6lis it�reorgatiha""'O' - ' i0iapouad '6 - It V -Ai*W fix 4 1 Tow; M6 :rer tep1dy*1 from 40, - t ii�x. �,`. L-29 11tigeS bdors' douv thenatio a a rival JIM. 1:0 eta._ W �SJGX oArw�h lot i6irr -r the, er xio-grt Al '*Ur or 04*io boa a ws wpw sattlius Ispon V*7012pled uoft�-G 1*1j! AL t1i 0:45 P""n I Ilay djorefore expo* whott tho Gor- -of- 13 gboils*. 'fl for Ilikbd io m� M 6 oo 7oars ago, alprslwjtitien­rQ� .20- out �L t Y friI in opea- CM*f, vith 14ili QAT U ernmeat fit-tilly adopts, a land of;'the' I'doad �p:i -oh" e1wsreasm- 1"ZT W brj*,ft.&oqdj rmitt'PaUn A ViLrrm otro.-I-m-Durbig the 'atom on Stf,M4 I�U%4 f6iAt a or 1#10 e&yy t;d- - el# that 1�j.haj aoft V, BU tO &Pri4ftPfiY#fr66 grP� able 11' It auds -as aai&'�,;jhan lj�. I 90R, Mile 41114� systow, thoy SVI 'vh* ro 'Aillba eatitlet! in -VAtifiito 0 ,or Vx yurchm-4 bt tka same ismueras 4V Mi th tile 4%xitW prsmt rna�d feducdon I ftore ft**d ...... v,.T. X-18� ig 0. �toj' x. the -son night,�Whioh4ld­ A file &611L -j.af "fl I Icex,. To conxiitn$' 'wor Are bo§%mp, the.p*essok of his� go !it is sa*61ts, to, W the hoti*, 'eftth6.d�V jljkWofta ;tbel64� t1thers, us 0, 11150AM tjy�&, f�et Y old" oned milver watch,.­--;P11nA; gi3 shipp6k lug q6oiedvf. a 4i their 4itrae ­701lHitto" 'This alincimateil, I K AM"brime: 4 f " - - - ;" Pk lk -the. p of, t thinks otlier0tiO 94 ir #Mucta vlflap� IQ­4W.9Ut VICTon 'V3"NLrgr; 3$F Tb4A=y ms'bf salt 'POPAWO . 4 �f Aiii& Xkox- ­ it ` Pod& atid Loailou�Xbv: !rho 0,*M04600*01" XdVift Omigraiaitl Nom,106o150 bu. h vfts'VoAbto�lmoxx Cl, pamood tuPoet " vAtk Moir fis"tilim i vhy *11yA The.KrUss �d Wom-Thu -Piwi U.i"RUMIsd fis� *Saob& Way k�rbfin. - Lt.- � stay this WWAt. ThO 4MV08" W#V '0 v an PA Vio Arlilth. ot the old 6,, -says :-A special dcs�.".Jod -Vio. ...... 4 ........ cWber jn;G&%e wboat vid other vraA, In I "I ZXor%h�m(Jrava1r4xd,-01ui procurett from, the, Uatatio wall #41olhilli.. Mvext, *J44 fbeen republished by *:h4 -1a o"ra the 4W.2try, ""m "ww"bu As 14 uAi4 Wel Wink litt it t says.that Victdr EphAnuel-delinitely, 'Rectipt Ilour 906 Sfiliil4w. INS lwk, 00141 U 0!pewf - . -go _F41111 ATWISVer. Not iunch business thw--4 -06 Uo#A a p�*Atabla voo-culittloa The bta4lug Au4-,piVAJ* -wilroC Ulf -as F, it , 01'" em *&X'siou"im 0^ mirivid, 41mw. Ut tw. Plibli hi CoMPAny,-140 � v on rilsumAtit1w, nvj�* a Pro on woq pewitw reftlaq*to atrly spriu& An wwangostwit id tros AQV Pat WWI"* at thaTo k jwAty th,61(kr6oj !*1%, 468, camosm ee.,* to the a extent as she did on the night conatir the anatbeinu of tha Choeb. - 44reportba WeAm N. 4 Would �e ".1i eop a `27 idee dOly - V, of G%latish Dr�= it g ousabor I'liffftwy,41161 520to525 21 2 t of the t1iii, -Wellaid-Cianal Somi *"d witir do 6twIntboat a" A -11 IL si boi VY 3"furn".13 -108 than ave�ap dxoclre*,'&" a'. a so- th6,144i:I Price to 5 W U 101 P � -fiaace-otirt subs 1. , ad- *ore roe. to he hd"- llaore" end. - Olin Wift-ini kAowai-. but, jW4ja 11 t and the - , 66, 0oUn0L4f the sRbject6 of some of itafg ra," A alLt the sion 00 P. at Y3; wa 49 for Or; Ve, aid rin W me "'..fi Ift of inope AbA I" itibbest'Wil ers, Ame a fers 44tro* .4"1 transactions R" 41A., aturn. squent X wrang p vemking x xuy� au*r�,. 6rmllffaw *bant ot hom on *hair "ise4toob A60 Im peouni" . . I I . I 3 As sofou Mlkkio 9 Nit a hid tdre Arrar - ittim bmatry. 06"cir IUM .1 , balf, is!) of th6- ;sd w1intir noinfillail at about -X nng- '1?9ftib1jy. how �ibiuet, It a now annaum Q do;- topies �Tuesdv outto that the trans or, oap% to N; our a tiemble I* will be made in, uly, t this is.-ooliside Asa ater CirAllat'viii bt Usn"o-IL wa,m* w4wilic tm Comment 0IJAki #a J0 lao *Aoi�d, P*V iiwftip P ill thispubliWoli, butihi il hAs Md Se"04., fra,"ail VS 0r the teAdukeos riat. Sodety's Va nime bViolabn ftimis fie iss to be Tay $21, 4pad the 4AUV JW a I Us* of wffh WA Ila. On 116", Nk;�ftojr issVQ4 Its -vqlii4*41 �wxolfttvii 1:440 think i)d `bt the Party r a 1110" erwon f =OeNsitim d&e.I3ri4,iiniatQk4,on Q,falt, win open it *ithou Un bf Of *,Tol atloii WA!"'t t a WgId'v sanoon- -FX f is And tn ^ad . YA - kd aeopatil of the extrewily-bttsy griglar.,it" 4Ad ib*616firde t I of VY here 'on Wedfiek&y night with *hiah fCuXb4 40:41d thing* to an OWN% redotwo to thi Viso of W rXin the vlatioli. tbe�wmpetitiop Out; t and w6 were S;I�iwrxa� be X Hallett. &MAU th'i Ins tba-4 aniTo"ay- jo hkali f r4iad st U th4 q 00 a Apply vvts�lll pril Ileum wo a the follonuf IlAmeil ninki of W434& �Durlug r1a, it. jnpt atw 9wisto 4 -we haw its* tili Wt 0*1 lite obrL rf, -pot ei L Yi" *0jr other. circumstances, tnig%thava- visional VOTMEWSS P i JJ4 ft t4f the of 000 ts ana ShidL 11,14n, lvediiyla TA -visiblo soute4dishm" th w X10VOMI" -:s"pP0*4 , , ­ . the pro - 10$41 shiff 3 sW --4&hi,' - 7' - b -Mveram ViOXAS PAIR94)(AXi -16 -Tom 401i imr* yr� war is ly, -Dismwk. V, S.Nwv. 2V 0, Wp# whatboi aw Ira" Yi 'IL4old Cousj",y." �r tA I" and i�wy"tw by PW 2 arouzcd a -n-1 i Z34 va 17n, -Ras L -270r- o Eli '01 ra! 1*",: CT 'ff -fC2 Vhd timmmc-9 C! tbc? des wr4o for e* 60 nolffy MI 7 d .h3VAD nzsiaacyl imst, to 3amc 3 ycuu 4 OlInt --.z nu U ats 11MV. I -bov-p, 'Would 3 �owo AG w�q�3 i sulau -nnWt1uts V� ,7,b- litile t1waTZ's- waquestbeltb r-21 -�Urcilltotz way 4 will ba tse'reks! tmtflimg 020ms. VA n 711 c-ns'wj -aue up F.qw, %D, USX.: afoly"RLI, Y02M r, arincr EAR IT, no V 2;3 r=j $�w Woolen an -d great vatlety Ern -c==-1 CTC,7:q E�Y, F- 3, fORTGA mraw INT io V-11�1 7�1. 1aaY 1b, ft -T-rwF--LV10 wzntnr *V 4��- wull" - I TAC4 GE 0, A XPIVE V a st"'A Ishee -, a it so 1p� *JA lotso wfvm; S�rug M E N 91 All Uki) 0, 1; An WOOL I i i r ls�n Cot:ttal"I tan �s C3 CD VC7 LANE NEAR "OSIEf, 132-9 VN WITS Cs A E 0, 1 ae V X'�,