HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-03, Page 4•
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"Ireteatsa-t.a.aSts-.---"a.aaa,..e. • — , --
/ , I j.1.4. kiIMMV"1""liticirwitlit"1"11.1".. Tiellle"" - \ .4 • I - • -.. ,..“,....- . ..., aalnecorssaessatireavatraparintaaareasaastateseasta,"44:=es-seasssasseaar'aa
", .‘ . _ • • a - - .
janusn Roland' bi est
et's neetergeteeMe to die away there was any ohance of their losing all best hors arenoisy and outspoken. Comireir! --odid -so, and his piece was very gond.-7-
• ino eik nee. ., - •
, Roland and ttlward, when old enough ' their property together we ruicrht make from we you need not doubt -their scholar -
0 ..,
: were sent tos.,la school, which I will _tall
, something of _them. As it is, ybte tnust -ship : keep it up. They are, to conclude,
. e
ine always foreuyself, in ease of action for'
I th in Nothing- sta d in their way ut an ia e
back up my effoets to make something of an- innecent lot of' lads, dreadfully rich,
-le (11 e taken up, 1. fear, kwith this most
-Gloucester, fo avoid pereonality5', reserv-
th°eir'wealth. - n 3
.1301X-NIE LennedeliaAllete.
ki,VOMstree sg.:70t1Ws tisCriaasi tT01.01:0/L;)
— Oar young jeweller's master moved from• abominaPle boaaracsin.g, however,
ZY WILLIAM BANZIATYNII. • damages, the right of fixing my own dates.
"NOW, I will begin With them in is not 5o bad as steepletehasing. °
ale wirbi te.,:re•-ewar by boar feLmitgair.
Van; seenP.s wIlere I fear I mann vvarnier toevasirs. -
Shrewsbury to ChniceSterasheet tune be. dividually, and I begin with Roland.
Nett tae..Theta. end tale eatuteeteteeteden den: fore Roland and Edward went to sehool Evans. D.o you retain_ our °lit
*rani the silvan tso -the oiht g,. ns.
es:!::ur thr, soArs high to he welktre....ae 1.1ne.
tl:e e nestA, loran; the or 1:NAV
'U. liar :he ro.‘te 4.-.24a3-iri* reek getr•ts r bis
sterCE.ati)o trildwasoals
aurtTzt-a,!•-Terttrray o'er the foam bur,t.:nptide
•ris' dr,ary sae and `4('
411414 the lane dreary fese.e..i that slattio, tta., West
mann pine NI strano ieve 1,..vae larr.a4t ;.
1 eaten .1.)tv ,,n
_A:1J wallo ,t; ora•toA.•,....atio
Na.• 1-.1:1 tat al oo.leartneots t r.aftoa
-Fla.', Le Irak: the izact.,-.i.a.ir.ts o' boon,: Lovh. gair.
hen, ma the soma fa' taaspibasaa at c ..n., .,Is- ... II- N,,' MK so gentle, and so yonna that I fear he will
an 1 1 ,e- as the eesar, tsie sista ‘,I -n tas green. • Aivatid speak to Edward ou tne subject.- not do much for you et once.
•3 he::: re q‘.e r'ie.'t the ':':' "?'"'ll'. • • . Pol-nal though unly fourteen to his broth -
:Nor thecoro.-7.;i::nat wa:zal...1 Coo utori; wi' his ea ; ` ' 9 '1 page to the elder Mordaunt The older
neat i•al'eful card e3t".,. the gn-v h ‘s.v ;et s.-venirs, '. cep tharte.en, declined. NI •I
ani :se se;: -....1 0. a :;,: h`laar- aye t.ar leas my ,t.v.ans :.
u -o !ne n -• ht o i e t..;11 ••,in ,,ivi• .1.ty AIN' AL:I:.
0.S.-41.' Lif frae.,I,4 tern It‘..:;;Las • ba;I:zia Loc..,salr.
there togetaer; and so Edward arid Allan Platonic loco fnr perfect physical
Gray were.once more brought together.— beauty, perfect innocencetand high int elli;
The acquanitance between Gray and Chil- geuce and ambition.? If so,yen had Mete:
de Evans ,,ot cemented there, not numb pot see too much of my Aristides, Anna -
t Rolantre pleasure. Edward bettaht 110 ous Evans: The lad wituder•S`: why Ittlaugh
jewelry now, but got hineself taken to when 1 look at him'. I laugh with sheer
strange p=&:es of warship hy this imperial- honest pleasure at his beam ty. liu is like.
young jeweller's appeentiee, who the othere, a Voy of many prayers, but of
could leok at the splendid Roland as few fears. If ha could get his influence
though he were an Oliver (forgive me).— I felt in your (10603110(1,01d college. Ile woul.d
Reland did not like it,. any more than the do as much as you, nid'friend. Bur. ho
D-tetor The D t
Its -1 1 Dui :art o' tae, happy wagon .
Ds .es 1 wai soar ;.a1 tiine3 w.1,1 R,"111.
VI' :0 a straa.,3 teotipa-4 b -ave,
tor -lc • re.t rolt.:a3; r.‘" e ;
"W: LEO:, 111 the gnte
,eer orea!1 .1;11 the 1 na!, Doe‘w pitched into Eddy. "it is not un• ine at nie from liehind that dark-brewn
a won: infully stiong, -
and niyself," the bey, "and I inte.nd been perfectly, Islatnetess, everv
"It would bring a Clonal between Eddy headed lad, whose course at school has
there shall 1 e no zloud between Eddy aud possible duty, but dtIchning to show any
me till we die.' speeenile except wonderful Latin prose.
Of course, nith a fool of fourteen like
rhoro is something tirpler the I luck hide
ti • •
; ing to be done. T e of lum somewhere, fur I have seen it look-
'•''. ---.!-.;r3-.;'n--- ii' ii.e.lotu wi 3i..*::::..1'., shire knitWil to me, sir, that you 'lave been in eye of his a hundred times. Can pea fetch
ea as. se- sas a eta* i'n ,...•bincs 11) bona a Locligair. the competty of tut apprentice of this town, it out 1 I have not been abls. I have
a-a:asst. Atatrzelv P. 3., Ont. not only to a Dissenting place of worship, . often -been inclined to throw the book at
but else- to the Papist chapel. It is the the head of this young man, in return for
areateet scandal' which has occurred at this nis quiet contemplative stare ; but 1 have
schteil since its foundation. Shall write ueeer done so. I flogged him on{:e be-
te your father." '
'..I woulcin t do that, str," said peer lit cause Su.Jasper Meredith (a couplet let off
7 a musical box in chapel, and I thou lit it
tle Eddy; "we wee only looking about for was the elder Mordaunt. It was arr mged
am -selves. And we deant like either tae between the Mortlaunts and Meredith that
ime thing or the other." the elder Alordatint was to take the thrash-
.' reit like !" said the Doctor. " You ing, because little Sir Jasper was not tit
eke ! Here, I'll sort your noneenso pretty to take it. Sir Jasper Meredith came cry-
aitica. What was last week's inemari- ,ng to me afterwards, and told the whole
:or?" taisinesa. I never had occasion to flog the
nNon ebur nefine aurem," began the k;Ider alordatint again. Be careful of .this
poor her, "Mee rendet in-"
"Write it - out twenty times, sir, and fle.ollirm, aGye.orge. I don't uncleretend him.
keep school," said the Doctor.
have a finish- and end of all this.'"'We will- '1 come now to the younger Mtn -daunt.
Mend did bia brother's task for him, . And now 1 Lind that I Iniee to tell a little
and ssas furiene agaiust the Doctor. But story. Young Alerdannt was an iiniinpres-
as Roland's fury against the Doctor will satinet -de lad, quite utinoticed by ine, mei
have to keep six years b whi -'1 tiine it nesaly so by the lower masters, under
had become changed to love and reverence, whose hands he was passing, who oniyanade
Overiety, a meet estimable man., of en at 1 will say httle about it. Merely men- their retorts on him to me for extreme
wealth even in Shrtpshire, who was sup taming the fent that there was a third vio.elicat. and fury 1 have often had te
tlog tuts boy -you say whale a niceeniploy-
pesed to ba seakieg her hand in marriage. nnember of the Evans family, a pretty lit -
She was sary civil te him, but refused to tle girl, I will leave the Evans family for went tor ail educated geutleinal—ceta va
sans dLre ; and on one occasion, I held him
ipeak tif any thin; exe pt medical scienc..• what will be to you a few minp tes —and
mid the manaaeuvut of nursina •aister- . dearriba another Shanpshire family.. ready for expulsiou. It was the most ter,
rible case of buoying which had ever hap-
leottrin lted.)
IT was a leen time beforo Sir ChnrIew
married, but at last: when ha wss five:,
‘an,l thirty, married a .11 vas
'a vets" distant connection to him by MI th,"
who, es Eleanor said, had been kcal by
her parents fee him, 61, like a brown
Beurre pear, she was running, a chaace ol
rnii•iewed. Eleanor eine to the
wedding and sign hei s •If idy utterly
zanting and defeating a cartein Squier
leteekt. She beit thit estimable youne',
Now, young Mr Eyans, read yourn,"
210 be Valitinitecl.
For the &mil.
__a_ ,
"Now good-bye. I ha.ve sent you a ' en MYRA MELDYM.
teain fit the Bailin' in scholarehip, for
Cheistcliurch in breeding, and, I very e,„ili,7,",e9 li-tAsnilrat lg.! riaeroz 4117;3.4%3 ro
The Patch -work quilt, how many a thought
much fear, for 13t uzenose in bootie,"
should have placed so naa y
e• to huy tit the rhain of busy !fie) wiry" wrougl.tJ
To the mental vision yet. ---f
oPit.'UoVuirdelpleueblio. schools
where the stock gets steadily brutalized idehiny Mother weire;
near great rivers, This wes a dress w
whoWIlitleinityl eflatdcig fiat frienigstlig(tastl,is .
by that insane amusement, I can not con- end only seemed to love me none; -
Wasell the world te me, .
ceive. Old religioes foundations, you . . ,
Anti this vvas a dress which my sistai had
On her birth•lay morning new. .
And site looked se proud and felt sd, glad
And little dreamed of tlo. feelings sad ;
Which our riper. ages new. i
And this is a part of a fayorite clrass.,!
Whieli my aunt was wont to wear,
And oft' 9gainst its folds did my bosom press,
As she circled my form in a fond caress,
And parted my tangled hair.
And tbis was a gown which my good old nurse
Re edited on a Newpears day„ ,
And it almost (trollied tny little pity& ;
Butt knew not thm what a bitter cia..tee
In an empty pocket lay. '1
t .,:
Thea 3 all bring thoughts of child -hoods yeirs,
f -
with never a sh eh of guilt ; ,..
When the mind was free froin Hams br fears.
And here 1 peip,e lest memory's tears, li
Should fall, on LnyPutelework Quilti
Whitby Oet 1 ,70 , '
say always near ravers, then highwayS,
attcd' in the neighborhood of fish for fast -
dee s. Feld le-dedee I It all arises from
tho preservation kmisrepresentation) of
the edicts of thedirst original counoil, en
ttft ygetavrasIt'owbilecraullietreit Was wan.ed. The
Wes agreed thate very
only dieseutient, you ivell remember, was
tire devil, who moved as'an amendment,
that there should be full liberty of con-
tcheictghawth jeeivicii..zytmeen
into his head, aud
o Should say the
every body was to do as he pleased. The
great firs tcouncil rejected, ifyeu re in emit. r,
this umendineut with scorn; but we are
actiug ea it -now. Let us take the benefit
of the new opinions. Caine over and
talk Swivellerisin to rue, and I will b ale
neye.ell to tulk as much batderdash as yie*
But don't talk any of it to my boys. 1
tt isult you, my dear Georg; by the .sup-
tosii ion.
"Y. 8.-A tall, Land,some-looking
no ene bueby, from Eton, oomts wah mem
o teu Shropshire. lies lather, maim here
with the lathers...1 the other boys, esked
ine to say a ;:oud word to you on his be
half. 1 would if I could, but I aditei'te
tahow any thing at all about him, except
that ue is to be niarried to tires Evans,
ay a family arrangement, before he is
espable of knowieg, his own lined.
Las ueeu brought up with tbe Eyelet::
aud ths Morilauuts„ and therefore eau nth.
De very bad. ButVou know my (Innen,
ul Eton., and 'edited el all puhlie El01100le
cLeciit my own."
.CH.LPTER VI. pened; four fittleform buys, just ready
tm m, andsaw that the bad ,lenesn. "ilsiali for the sixth, hail set on a sixth -form boy
' Furnished with this impoitant epistle,
lio 1" she said, at ehe got into bed, "Ons
011 Mordannt, of NIerdeirnt liall, Used just about to leave, us for the et my, and
(college) felt a natural
more goose ele kcd, and =ether foo Ito say that his wife always had t wins.— , beaten him, with single -sticks, to that ex—
.cdrosity to see the young men who had
thei Dean of Paul's
ffraass4eds I'll be back with my pigs to- ' When this statement was examinedoten 1 iseht that he had to be taken to the hospit-
,V.trauted et sohteonotiimonasotie'runof-
so much of th at .
fellow theui,h, -
denied that Mre Nrordatint had but two' ai
1 az it•appeared. with his own euusiant,
Inotrarr. Overley is a good
' re, find hie- e , '3 1 1 , children—Johnny iturnechately after her. Jur he made no complaint. The younger ,
t h d. ' "
inuce the dies infamtus when
toutaethy the very bee
fltiri . ' ' g °" W.-1 e• . wnnuer marriage, and Jemmy twelve months af-- elerd.aunt was one af the beaters, one of: .' ° ay,
Arnold -s old pupil came down to breakfast'
if -Charley well let me have that sixty neres terwards y'et when _ the attaeking oerty, and I was ooing to,
with fresh questions, and heard that the
etnat Pilgrim wants to give up. It' he • The petrld spectator asked, in undis.misedal m " expel them ale mita eloidaunt, bbacked by,
hal aster had. called for his master, and that
don't I must give up meetetts ; for huy ' which was Johnny and which was Jcinsrm ' er had arisen and followed him speedily.
. meal I won't." An -1 so the great :Throe- :he problem used to be solved b 3r. explained the circumstances, upon
my brother, the niastor of the lower third :
flie Dean was a dry man, and a man of
y saying hi
w ch
humor. Saint Patin' was,
-shire beauty went to her bed an I slept the . that Johnny was the fatter. But, then 1 did a somewhat different
ln those times;
sleep of the i -1st. neither of them ica.-s: fat. I thin°. I held my toneee, and gave the
te barite's merritge wee one of the most One—the elder -was broader, and less
• symmetrical than the y linger one, dames,
happy ones ieltich ever tcok- plaee, ei her
in Novel -land or •E nth-laad. Withi more commonly called Jiminit. During
n a the holidays, part of which young Edward
yeer Relaial, n!iore I hope you will get , E vans spant with his Aunt Eleanor, these
a) like, was born-, And Eleanor was asked ' two youths were frequent guests at her
to berth:Goner. She, datiue from Palm., house. She pronouneed theni to be en -
batch, replied thatshe hated boys, because tirely sintilar, and utterly devoid of 'char -
they were always wanting. their ears .1 -toter. , In which opinion she %Tea not
wholly riglat.
boxed. She weal] undertake this part , •
The Evardes and the Mordannts both
of a godmother's besiness with the ereet•
went to Gloueester together, andois neleh-
est pleasure, but, as- a consetemieus wo- hours, saw a nreat de:a-1 of one another. -
man, she could not, in this ease. Slit Both families also had a little girl',
had invested, for her., heavily in old Berk. younger than either of the brothers, with
shire pies, whith took up main of her whotn, presenta se have to do—they
were in the sohool-room still; and I have
time, and as a boy•s ears always required
been turned mit of the school -room by the
to be boxed on the spot to proluce the
cleverness at lesson -time too often to try
proper effect, she doubted that she could
not be alwnys on the spot to box them, so 17nd enter it again. By -the -by are gov-
'ernesses so dreadfully bullied and illeareat-
she &dined, and bred pigs, not MB ed as it is the mistnin to represent.? For
coming to the christening. . !my part, ever since I was six years old -
The next year was born Edward, whom 'until now, I have been almoet as afraid of
I also hope. that you will like. Once them as I am of a schoolmaster, and have
more Eleanor was asked to be eodmother been used to see them have pretty ranch
' their owtr way; but there are fauailies, and
cnee more she refused, but she came to
the great christening party, as she did nnt families, no doubt:
to the first one. No one, not cvea her
own brother, knew if she was coming Orr
non . A splendid present of plate for the
child had arriaed fraim her, but she pat
in no appearance until just before the
second lesson. Then she swept in,
splendidly dressed in gray silk, and sat
deem arnoreg the poor felks by the organ.
Old Major Venaleles said, afterwards,
"That woman made a seniation brit
don't you think she meant to do it ? I tell
-50U that those Evanses mean whet they
say , and do what they mean,and thedenve
ean't _prevent then. Wee& the deuce
Eleanor means, I cau't au. Bet
'Dominion Doings..
Robert Wagstaff, who e ita, tried at the
Toronto Assizes, for the murder of lerarg-
,atergeti.iiCtItieatip.man, an unfortunate, has been
'Indians are dying by the; thousand, of
small pox in Manitoba.
ft ts understood that the Ontario Parlis,
;tient will meet on 7th Dect for the des-
patch uf busmess.
The Orengemen of Toroneo have issued
a circular 'strongly repeobatkig the recent
attacks on that body by the jTuronto Tete-
jraph, ; iine of the proprietors of which Mr.
Ross Robertson occupiee the high rank of
Gond Lecturer of the orden
• .,
Negotiations are proceeding between the
Calia,dian and American auehorities vn the
sublect uf the St Clair FlatteCanal.
Lieut. Cul. Jarvis is on his way back to
Furt Garry tu take.conunand there. •
Last week Kingston exported $44,000
of produce to 'the U..S.
Lieut. Gov. Doyle and staff have anis
ed at Montreal.' ' ,
William. Shepherd who shot his wife a
Upper Donmills ou 14th ..Tuly last wa
found guilty of manslaughtfr at theToron-
to Assizes, -
The fireman at -Gibbon's Steam Saw Mill
Kincardine was killed on Otesday by the
explosion of the boiler.
Mr. Rankin who sold his- seat to Sir
Francis Hincks is to get hia mess of pott-
age by being appointed collecturef customs
a queer, wo p ace , it was pertly 'mann- at Port Dariington.
beaten boy a chance fur a new life.
ect- soy cowl sy geetleinen s and csunty par -
'The elder Mordasent and the elder
soya s suns, from the eounties of G-loucester It is repurced at Ottawa eiat Mr. Chant -
Evans, Roland, lately grandfathers of thu
v urveveslter,bSharepshire, andgenerally frolii of Agriculture and that Dr. Tache will
berlin is to be appoiuted Deppty Minister
school, have always respected and h_iii,nuttiii:-
tile e sh oa era .; and partly from two,
ed one:another. But between the y
a gamunar eschools in Lancashire and the ! Lake Mr Parents' place as Deputy Secre-
Mordaunt and the elder Evaus there was
West Riding of Yorkshire. Tbe two sets .
tary of state.
for a lone time a areal dislihe. I e have it
e hf lads nevee =tyke to one another. The - - ----a
from a former monitonnow Balliol scholar The Montreal Witness retards the fail -
tomer set were aiways perfect gentlenaen ure at Montreal of T. Robson & Sun,
that they actually fought me three occa-
sums. Of course they were nu match ; tin' in their manners, though not always •ine largely engaged in the produce trade. The
their morals; the latter were mainly gentle -
elder Evans easily beat the younger Mor- principal partner, Thomas, Hobson, has;
daunt, while the elder Mord.aunnalthough 'nen in their inurais. bet neyer in their mai - cleared for Yaneeetown witheome 420,000;
an affectionate brother, positively declined tiers . It was vinegar upon nitre with 615,00 of which ne obtained' the prevents
to give his younger brother even the use tnem, and the dey, !titre ed, caustic: Dean -day from the Bane of Montieal under false
Nuked with great anticip,ation of
of his knee during these encounters. amuse- • tome
meat fur tile curious 'team which the head
'Thereaaen of the recunciliatien between'
these two was odd. Thu cause of theee master of tiluucester had sent him up.
He had undertaken the -Latin prose lee -
encounters was the persistent bullying a
ture ol that !somewhat schelarless college
the younger Eva,ns, who was the fag of the
ewe had repeatedly said 1.that at would
younger Mordaunt. I have always for -
bring him to an untimely grave, but after !
bidden bathing before the tenth of May,
felluw-connuoner tratislating 'The Art of
and have seldom been disobeyed. On one
Mingling in Society' in English of Addison
.occasion, however, the younger Mordaunt
disoneyed me, and, before the winter's into eatin of his own, the Dean lied drop- .
ped the Latin prose lecture, and had taken
water was run off, determineu to -bathe in
the weir, and havitig told his intention tu to the Greek. 'You are safer m Greek,'
a few, started, takipg his fag, little Eddy he said. '1 am not good in Greek, and so
Evane, to mind his cluths. I may live the longer.- But I couldn't
'It came to Mae ears of 11:oland Evans • seind the Latin any more.'
pre 3.
I must quit speculation to give a letter, and old, Mordaunt, who followed quickly
which was written at the time when these- with some other sixth -form boys. and were
four lads were at ages ranging trom seven- happily in time. You, as an Oxford man,
teen to nineteen, and were all going up to know what lashers are ; you kuow the
matriculate at St Paul's College—at either Gaisford and Philiimere monument, set
University yon like. It came from the up to warn boys, if they could be warued,
head -master of Gloucester Grammar schuol, of the deadly suck under the aproa.
himself a man from Trinity College, Clam- --tenet], the yuunaer Menlo -lap t stripped
bridge, and was addressed to the Senior and headed into thl furious boil. He wag
Tutor at St Paul's -his old triend and con-: in. diffieulties directly. Instead of being
carried down in the ehallow below he e as
, "Dneee. GEORGE,—You have asked me takeh under, and uisappeared. 'He 'rose
mere than once to send. you a boy -or two, again, and with infinite courage and cool -
and 1 have alwayt besitated because I ness, swam into the slack water, and tried
have always disliked your college, its to hold un by -the camp's heauing. But
Ways, and its worke. Now, however, that it was slippecv, and he was carried again
into the race, and turned over and over.
P ---, E—, and 0— hare merited
'When old Evans and ohl Mordaunt
Off altogether on college livings and have
undertaken -cures of souls (their creed was vexing Evans tearing the last of his
e,aane,, angrily, on the scene, all they saw
cuAPTErt V eetilin,,ocr to be that gentlemen's sons have clothes oil. He knew his brother's voice,
Ile soon became evident what she meant ho soule, ort like the French marquis,. and he cried out, 'Shut down the paddles ;
'to do„ Although she protested against will be saved by rent -roll); now that you . he has coene. up again.' And then, forget -
any religious responsibility towards ere first in command practically, I send , ting eruelides which he had =tiered, and
insults which -he had wept over in secret,
Edward, she nevertheless undertook any 'you, my dear George, not one boy, but a'
he cast his innocent little body into the
amount of phyttical reeponsibility. shet Web of four. And, take them all in all,
foainine dangerons lasher, and had hie bit -
even determined to assiet at his education • they ere the ine,st batch of boys I have ter enemy round the wai"et in one moment,
to attend as Yal. as she mild to his diet:, ever turned out. trying to keep his head 'above the drown -
and to olefine and develop his character, "Let us speak plainly to one another,' ing rush of the water. Of course, Roland
which. latter part of her programme she for 3ve have never fairly done so. The was in a.fterlhein in a few seconds.
-.accomplished by allowing hem to do eemetiti ' reason of our clinging so strenuously to `Cnollatil Niordalint, who should ;be a
OS he pleased,and giving him every thing intiyersito were wds she disappointment, general, I think, had, while rapidly un-
ite asked for. Mr. Evans told her thA about Miss Evens. Well, we have never dreseirte, let clown the. paddles. The pool
waestill now too ,terribly [a ill, they tell
she would seeitt the child. "I want to anelsen cf it before. I only ask you to,
me. The two elder lads swimmino high
spoil him," she said. "He wants spoilinn. Stick to it a little longer. if it is only to see and looking for their br;:thersaiaw neither,
- I intend to gam an' influence over hirrill;et this batch of beys through. until the handsome little head of Eddy
eaat means, and use it for good. Our ! "I don't know whether 1 am justified Evans rose from the water, and said, 'I
young oneis a very sensitive and affection- gm sending them to you. You know, my had him here. this instant, and. he will be
ate- young one, and must be treated ae- thee Neorge, that your college has been carried•back "by the, wash.' Roland Evans,
eordingly." a splendidshoulder-swinuner, was with his
-*der the management of your old master
brother in a moment, and saw Your Mord-
: Mennwnife 'ohs had fold -• p d th th h hay t. red tO
y „Thrte Iker a e ree men w o e re i
aunt drowning on the gravel beneath him
duty, and her -mother's behests towtrds the cure et agricultural laborers' souls .e:
apreading out his fine limbs like a Christi" -
young Allen Graya the scirdier's son. She Ivory fast, very disreputable, and most ex, pher's ores's, with each bf his ten fingers
had quietly and'and =ostentatiously got ; ,.ravagantly expensive. bloth•ing seems to spread out, taking leave of the world.
him well educated at Ludlow and at his have done well but the boat, wbich, Never seen it -? Better not ; it is ugly ; I
own request had:apprenticed him to a -having less than mile to row, has, ley have -seen it several times, and don't like
jewellees int Shretesbury.. She' nearly developing a blind,- furious ferocity, kept' it. Well, the two Evanses had him out
ecesidere.d /herself quit of Item ;,- and hee he bead ef the river. .A.nd in the aehools on the shallow before his brother, a slow
hleteast-swimmer, could come up, and saved
dietaat , col:meet-ion with the f ly was -ott have only had a few first-class men all
tm. That is alt my story. _
scarcely known by any one except herself, Of yuur training, with second, third, and ,
tient it has changed this younger Nord-
en(' almost forgotton_even hy her. -fourth blanks:: , aunt's-lifelio some way. The great teinpta-
--Amenet',„ the -tastes-early eleyeloped by i "You say that you will mend all, and film of our English boys is brutality and
Master &heard, under hisaunt's direction raise yout tone. Of course you will. If violence, and this bathing accident has
was a_ liking for jewelry, for bright and- X don't die, likeArnold, over this teaciiing, tamed him. The boy prayed moee, as I
Alittering things. Ona of the greatest 1. will send you any . number of boys in -gamed from his btothert and desired that,
pleasnrcsothis fife, for soma little time two yeah!, when your inflaencelas begun- t litsnekrsv s ht o n l d be givaram chapel, for his
Wa3 Ilan into Shrewsbury to shop witli to work: and when the infiuence of the P
with th:: ginihrtinigatathn:Yntattes -t:f Tleir
Lis &ant. Aunt Eleanor bad given him three pastors so lately sent out from high twi) Evanses should be mentioned with hit'
a watch and crsain, and nu this chain he table and common. room to catch ag- 1 refuse -al -0 do 80 ; heaven knows why I
had the fancy te bon, breloques i fish, Henitnral sheep by the leg with their Nyhereuponthe boy turned on me, and,,
lizards, =sae:4.1'644s°, Which you will. crook (Heaven save the mark I) has died face to face, refused ter have any thanks
And Us sLapi, where paw, Gray—Aunt eta. But at prese,nt I am dubious. Haw- given at all. He said he woult,give his
Eteanorlt other protege -was located. 'ever, I have clone it. Mind yoa the issue, own tf attics
elpplied things or this Una of palain Os you wain ve to appear before God. • 4/.1.1 • • - .
3 en, entirely tamed, If you ean.keep
Royal manufactures theap,s00o dimmed : Now, I must telt you about e
' " thes •
tun ta- rapport' with these tvio Evanses.
in VIA soon cat agan., young Evans i fellows, and must go ,through them. In He will follow' them anywhere, and do
soon got over this fancy of his far glitter -I t
he aggregate, they= an extremelyqueer just as ,they tell him, ,vhether that be
in; things, though be alwa
yrs retained his ,lot, They are extremely rude and hoist- riott or wrong; I never liked him d
patisieri for gandiy - y t h" Canal
, e its C011 1 ,. t
trons as my boys. generally are, though 4! , an
I gill, th" k h. b ' h '
in sm eyis an many weya
ping, ink, th14 elte$ ta get thw two, perfect genslenien if yott put them on th „h -
• 0
So it was in the Greek prose keture that
the Dean expected his young frieuds, with :
great curiosity. They were the first who '
caine, yery early, and theY came sidling
and whispering bite the room one after
al -lather, and sat down in a row, each "otte ts eNR1VALLED for Parity -and Cheapness. It
8,4111e; as lle Went by, (-God-morning, kr, . saves I-lggs, Butter Milk, eta., and is warrante to
white the Dean Stood al34-loolied at them.
, eontain nothing injurious. For sale by the Grocers.
Can One uot see him now 'with hie broad
sauttleers. and his keen eyes looking out 0 Agents for Goderich.
E. PLUMME it & CO.,
front under his wige :
Chemists, Lawton, Opt i
They sat down in the chair opposite to - v`.8v
him, and he had a good loo.k.at theiu. The I
first wile came in was Roland Evans
evidently leader =new them, a splendid
upatandiug young fellow, with atiorecurling
hair, who earned his head like a stag. • A
hne face and a good head,'thoughtthe Dean
'I wonder what is inside it ?' Next to him
came bis brother—a small, slight, bright -
looking lad, rather too pretty to alease the
_ Dean's taste, but pleasane uo see, with:.
- wistful look in his: clear eyes, which the
Dean did not disapprove of. Next came 1.8600
somewhat stolid in,appearauce looking, as ,
the Dean thought with' Falsaffetland and
the elder of the twollordaunte, gigantio,
HENRY GPI T., I868.]
beeves.' Then came the younger Mord-
aunt, gigantic also, and rather cruss-ilonks PATENT SOLICITOR & DRAUGHTS-
ing, but wieh a good equare head • ashe
'passed on, he gave one look at the'Dean, ' ,,,_ too_ : 34N, -
and let him Iniew unmistakably that he
considered aim iu the light of his natUral
Office sail other Departments of the Governinfmt.
enemy. Last of all .caane ahe tbeoby' who -LL
was to marry Miss Evane, and when the
°11:ne rsaa:Kv ETD; specifications, and other Direumentsdnoene 7.
Dean looked ou him., ha thoughtbat once :
" The reit are a :puzzling lot, but there
_ nawa.recceemieint:ectel/g. of the Inventiorne.15
is no doubt about sou. you carry yonr (-1 _ P
turnpike ticket in ybur h's,t; you are a good 1 .
fellow, and so 1.- think is- that Roland- D
Evans." . . 1 . . I r
. .
Bat he svestpuzzlingly amused by them :iii 1-141/1 0 v A.
on one Account : four out of the five seem- !
ed strangely cast m the same mould.- .
Here • were two paire Of brothers, and a .
fifth yourigenan, and they were all cast in -
the same mould, with the Oieepti011 of the ' a
younger Evans, who •seerued poetical. -
H ad. this batch of lads ewe- under his
notice with any other ricommendation
HE litubserther having removed tt? the Store lately
of the landholding pereuttsion from the
than that of the shrewd Do4or, he would
have set them- -down for .fitur .young louts nos;Ci
paironsurt ‘'n.
nhionieftrir the...last 25 years, and begs to nssure them that
or the lih!e'ral support
efaiedvtrht. tlY0airatinr,.sWest Street, oppothe the
!!! bespared to merivi.continurutee of their
with whihifereireyatvtehegvuoted
western counties anctheve thought no more
en is anxious study will be tosupply - "
about them; but'his friend had sent the -m
t'atolies Clocks and 1Jeweleryl
to him as four othis•picked boys,andBalliol
veriaz h . b
which will give setisfaction to the parchaser, and as all
there7they sat in a row before him, silent
would have opened ber gates to ehem; yet
011 haviasng leteglreexie3CnitneYdrif' cust°Inets maY
and apparently stupid, occasionally sneak -
Watches, Clocka &c., alwaysou hand.
AV* A. good assortment of Gold and Plated JeWelry=
ing their eyes tip at his, as though to see.
-dfreetly. "Is there character here?' the
%Mat he Was like, but dropping them age=
doderieh Aug. 15th 18'0. w30
Dean asked himself. "K. shottld know;
he said, they were boisferens and trouble- _ i (I r
ly stupid insoiceianee of the nglishnian at ,
The odd eentrast beeween the apparent- aui,EgNi 1 0 ' wiNTED,
he Dean os
, To Sell the Revised dition of
some. They are quiet enOugh novi.'?
. . _ . .
seemed to be hardly known to t
one time, and his Viotentfury at another
, !Chanteres-Eneyellpmdia
yet: he got an illUstratioii of it. .
thirty,. dropped in,
The other men, to,the number of soma , , .
and the tlecture pro- . .
A re -issue of 1570 Iwith •
the behavior of the' Shropshire nee was Mare,
coded. ' Anything mere Sail:it-like their i„. ..,,,,,,.
liekirseen. ' ne,tecture conosts. in turn- ..
. _ . . •
ing '"Spectator!! 1,00 Greek prose, . and if- . -
!-1. round corner Rosewood Piano, by Weber & Co.,
for sale hy Mr. Mark E. Wade, Piano Forte and Orga•
'Tuner ; to be seen at British Exehange Hotel
Goderich, 5t11 August, 1870 w29
V Y Hotel a flrst-etass cook and good dining roon
girl. '
Goderich, June 24th,1870. w23stf
CsOn ion c
••• - a • -
• eteannewee eeeeenneeoreeteraeeeae te, te,....e.„ .16::` --Tr'. 4A;;':ii_14144/7:4043.10I.
AlkOoNS8, reolwennburilinri.eolpt,
II I 1,
HE SOT.71411Att OF TM NO.19, IN THE
for Sale •
- •
village. Apply there to•S.. It, Esq., or st.
T con., Wawanosh, 00 acres. only tvoGzundelirc10::ro.
ANS, to MILL'S from Goderich and 0 miles from Clinton,
St0-0161 &CB, &e., 3:1,hd Viver. conlitlaviins 123 acr4 110 a Yes mule'
Situated on tho Wave' Road Thinning fcom;Gode-
Bayllel fro hie is se ara d the B - • •
• fence, 70 acres clear of stumps and Ina big state ort
tl 1 1; ted Firm t
. IL S... WILLI •'. MS a CO., Toaoisvo, it, is uell watered by two Living strainis. An orchard
a.* of 140 apple trees in bearing -fruit very choice: also,o
Tho most exte e maskers in the Dominion.
s—r--- : grape vines. Two story concrete 'mese, 32 by42 feet,
. few pears, plums, peaches and .ehetries; and a few
frnr: undersigned gs to Intimate that he has teen , ..elkar full size of tbrhouse, Franie barn 45 by 81 ft.'
.conntry of the above justly cekbtated firm, and is pre f.ake Shore, where fruit raising is much more success
._ i appointed agnit or Goderiell and the surroundinp i rhis is Spare opportunity to sleve:eittrAgoLorlfaBury;
6 1 ,, fi'amItlit,he
pared to sell ar artivles.made by them, at ; al than farther inland. Apply to . .
Sampl"ii May he see Intl terms ascertain^ . Sub- ;
NAN Ellett CliltrifiE fit PICICES.
August 15, 1870
Ware-110mi ,,,, West Street!
Goderich, Aug115, 1870
aa.. --a-•••
Manufacture • cultivation, soil iich clay loam; bush good hardwood.
• or G M. TRCEMAN,,Land Agent, toideriel•
N/CKLE. plated by thp patent plocess of Messrs FlIting-
ton & Co- anti is beyond all comparison. the very best
article next to sterling Sill er that can be employed as
such either neefully or orne.mentally, as by no possible
test can It be distinguis„hsedmfrNouAiLttaol spi
i•h:IPCrE Goderich
A complete set. guiirranteed of firstquality tor &list
and darability. as follows —
. Fiddblor. -
old sier
$ IS cts.
F 0 R
Ts a coating of purq
lather overtheensr
Bead King's Thread
pattern pattern pattern
9 50
noble Forks 9. 00
12 Table Spoons 9 140 69-.5500
12 Desert Forks 6.00
12 Dessert :lawns 6.40 ..... 6 50
12 Tea Spoona . 4 do • 42:55,00 ...
2 Egg gilt boWls 2 40
2 20
1 Sauce Ladles 2 019
2 Gravy Soli 2 09 ,2 20 . . .
Salt 'gilt b wls 00 . 90
1 Mustard "." 40 24575
1 aoup ladle 2.5;
6 Sugar Spoon,
Any of the aboye tides te be 'mid singly at -same
prices. •••
N. B.— THF, SES QUALITY ONLY of above kept
In stock. Inferior doods entirely excluded. Profits
oased on the ready mhney principle—not credit.
Sets. $ ets.'
10 00..12.0C
30,00..12 00 .
7 50 . . 8.60
750 .... 8 50
5 00 —.550
.. 2 80 ....2 8C
240 . 2 40
.. 2 40 . _240
1 00 .1.00
50 .... 50
3 00 300
60 65
— —
52.15 59 2f,
Goderielt, Alegi 15, 1870 w30
Lazarus, Morris &
OPticiansi and Oculists,
1 1 CREASED demand for the celebrated Perfected
Spectacles, appointed F ./ORDON, chemist and
Druggist, Crdericht Ont ss the.r Eive
Agent for this lace. They have taken care 10 pive
needffil instructione.and nave edofidenee in the ability
ot the i r Agents to the requirements f,fj cumonlert•
An opportunitY will be thus nfforded td procure, at . al
times, Spectacles uneonalled by any for their strength-
ening and preserving iqualitit s.
Too much caninit btsaid as to their superiority over
the ordinary glasses w rn. Fhere 1;0 glirmeennit,
wavenng of the sight, dizziness, or other unpleasant
sensation, but, on the Aintrary, from the petediar coa-
st. uction of the Lenses they are slattliing o nd pleasant,
causing a feeling of rebe4to tl.e wearer, and producing
a clear aril distmenrisleni„as 'n the natural healthy
sight. They are the only Spectaeles that.
they are the cheapest bncobse the best, always lasting
many ease without eltange beinganecessary.
ICrWe employ no Perilars,
tide Agent for Godench
Goclerieh Aug 15 ma w111
VOR TICKETS Ao and from Liverpeol Londor dee v
_12 or Glasgow by the Shove Steamship Co'y, apply:to
*gent, Grand Trunk
G.oderich, Aug I5, 1870 w30
131C 34 -X-1P.n,1P1 S
Westside of ''Illarket $quare,
Goderich, Ang. 3051870. F
Refresbtm,eut Rooms
D BING lot 22, first concession Galen& Township
1..) 116 acres. 50 of which are cleared. a never failing
creek runs througli theland. The lot is situated on
the Gravel nrad about 5 miles &int the town of God-
encl. The land is a rich clay loam. being very suit-
able for wheat or fruit growiog. The lot will be sold
cheap and on easy terms. Possession eau he given lst
October, for particulars and terms, apply to G. H.
PARSONS or to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderich.
floderich. Ang 15. 1870 w30
Farm for Sale.
-r Ora 53 and 54, Mayfield Concession, ln tee
I-4 Township orGoderreh Containing 68 acres,
of these over 50 acres cleared- with good Frame
Barn, aud Log House, abbot 2i miles from
Clinton. For Terms of sale apply atthe Division
Court off,ee.at 4oderich, or to Mr. WIGGING
TUN on the premises.
Goderich, Aug 15, 1•870
ACRES, East / of Lot 29, 10th con. Culross, Co.
•.11J Bruce. 7 acmes Pleased and good log house.
Clear titie for 5500 cash or for 81100 ene third down
and the remainderin 4 tiAn:RaAlinimAtahnivi metnitzitth interest
at 8 per cent perAttpninlyumtn.
Lumley 5th Sept,1870 - ws33-10t Merchant Tailor.
MITE subscriber offers for sale four eligible lots la
I A' in the Village of Bayfield. On the premises are a
good frame dwelling, barn and vinegar factory, ° For
particutars apply to
Goderich, July 12th 1870.
ww26 t
BARRISTER, Goderieh,
• August 22nd, 1870, evil-tf '
The far-famed and reliable St Catherine'.s Nursery
."' house Plants GrapeVines, &e.
A nv stock not on hand, ordered on the shortest
notice. House—Maitlar thine. Goderich 1'.
Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 w00
1N, 3113_A.VIS
D Sar011Z)
Convenient to the Market.
His "stook of 'stoves '8zo,
1, his line will save money by inspecting his
etock before purchasing elsewhere
Goderiela July,1876. w92-tf
-Now Re-openad lite New Building: LVII EST OF TORONTO
ENRIT1T of all kinds In season, Pastry, &e. Mrs.
32 Mack will be glad to see her -old customers at
the New Building on tht old stand]
Godench; Sept. eth, 870 w-452
Farmers, Livery Stable
Bring on all; iota. Lame Horses.
ejfp A v -r n -ED at COLBORNE HoThi,God
. -1- 1J1..7,11,1 erich. after twenty-one year
experience is prepared los Doctor Flarsesforall diseases
N B.—Horseeexami5ed as to Sonudnesif
G-oderich, Aug 15, 1870 • w30
Qoderieh 25 July, 1870. w27 tf J.DISSOLIJTION - PARTAERS1Ilf.
wroucs is hereby given that the Partnership here-
tofore existing between the inidemigned
: General Merchants in the Town of GoderIch, 'antler
tte style or firm of Martin mad Robertson, is this day
; dissolved by mutual consent. Au, debts due the raid
' firm are to be paid to A. Martin who will eettle tho
liabilities of tbe same,
P13 C tLi, of all Enda
and every thing in his line, on the shortest notice.
, 'Repairing of all kinds done on the shortestnotice, and
(in rear of F. Joedan's, Drug Aiwa.)
. J.
Gederich Atigust8th, 1870.
T Al 11, R1N
childishness 1n rb. 2VX I Witness, D. MclifARTIN. AMOS.MARTIN
-penny Pahis floyal trifles ocen a most to ee being rea y, With reference above the7-sultscriher begat° SEEP ARD & STBA-C AN.
led to a mult their mettle. They are absolutely in_ • h
ry ge e eragereent heaaa
ter balf au hour. every fortheve
eon n o
RETURN apsirsiNCERE THANKrt. Goderich Atig 70, JOHN 11013LBTSON.
FARM -10.R.S.Arel
THE siebscriberbeiug deterneiced,:tonett,
-11• invites any man in ;quest of a good
farm to examine the Ea Lot 29, conee, Baca
Wawanosh, 100 acres eshich is ene tho
hest, and one of the isonat beneath:1 filling Sh
the Township. It et 18 .miles from Gedee
rich, and 10 wiles from 'VVingleien, pro,
posed station ot the T. G. .& B. R. R.
Thera are cn the place, good building,
gOod orchard bearing, a never failing spin
ing and about 55 oar( s cleared.
-TERME-from t to cash, the balance)
to 86.1 purchasers._
Fordyce, P. 0.
Sent. 5th, lle70, le33-`3rie
k./ acres cleared and the balance good lir.rdwrod tim-
ber a tomfortable house and fIrst-elass frame hnrus, a
gthe'd orehaid, and well watered. Most at the lard is
.excelleat clay. The farm is let 30, fith eau., Goderich
Township utiles from Goderich and 7frora Clinton.
On payment of part cub , aeoaci terms wt11 be given for
the balance. For particulars appl) on the pirisnises to
or to G. M. TRITEMAN,
Land °face, Goderieh,
Aug. 15. 1870 wliOtf Porter's Hills ' P.G
. .
teenth concession of Rullett, on the boundarg
line between Blythe and Walton,post office each nay;
Good 'hardwood ; watered with a never tailing dyad&
and never failing sprieg. Also well close by the bones
Forty acres cleared. well teneed, 77 acres in all. Log
house and barn, a thi•iving-oulard, 8 kinds of plums,
black.white and red curl ants, pears, red and yellow
gooseberries. For further partieulars apply or the
premises. TO RANKINaLAWSON and his Nothei.
Aug 15th, 1870. we.0-tf
le.A.11.111 being Lot 3, eoneessicn 5, F.astern
Division, Township of Colborne containing 100acres
more or less, of which 65 acres are cleared. TLeae
premises are sittiatal in the midst Or a flourishing
farming communtty aod are about 5 miles frona the
Town of Goderieh. t or terms of sale 'apply to
JAMES 11 FINLAY, Bank of Montreal]
sem aith, 1870. w36 -4t Godencha
1 Kingston and St. David's Se adjoining CrablVa
Block with the
Large Frame Tavern
11notwo ea the Weetern Hotel, andotherbuildingstherA.
on. For 'terms and partieulars apply to
Merchant Tailor,
Goderich 12 September 1870, sw7-tf,
kJ the village of Maniandville one mile frent Gs -Wench
in the centre of the Godench Balt Works. House ORG
Store entirely new, tind commodious Ns ith geed Steno
Cellar and Lot in Excellent condition. Terms entry.
Apply to H. SPENCE, tioneriet P. 0.
or W ISTAN13URRY. Burgessville, P, 0:
1..1 Township of Goderieh, comprising 146,acres oftho
best quality of land, within about 2 miles ot the Market
place of the Town of Bayfield. There is a clearance of
23 acres which coulelyeadily be preparedror crop. The
remainder of the ,ansi is closely covered with the best
of beech surd maple timber of splendid growth, an ex-
cellent road passes on two sides of the property. which
is situ.ated in an olityand well settied
weieseet.-Lot 14, Range A Township Stanley,
containing 39 acres of well reserved timber imad, which
would produce aquae quantity of firewood to the acre.
The lot rang to the River Bayfield with a considerable
waterfall winch could -be made available for milling or
For terms apply to, JAMES D. ALLEN.
or W, W. CONNOR, Esq. 13ayfield.
. Guelph, Aug 15, 1870 w30
VOR sale two very valuable PARRS in the Town
. ship of Goderich. For partianlars aPply to
JOSEPH SHAW, litron Road.
• ,God erida Township
August 15, 1870 wS0
LOT 24. CON 4.
Township of Goderich, containing 80 ocreg
about 55 acret cleared, ,
4/ floor, Dining Room, Parlor, Kitchen, Hall =ad Bed,
room ; on the seeona floor, Sitting Room, Large Fam s
ily Bedroom, and four other bedrooms ; on the Base.
ment, Dairy Room. Fruit room.Storeroonalleat rooM
Frame Barn 52x32 feet. 7 miles from Clittonand Mom
Goderich. Good large orchard bf ove- 500 superior
fruit- trees. aeep clay loam well watered by
spring creek and flowing well. The property is sitte
nted utiles from Lake Huron, of which a good VIVO
can be had from the dour. Apply to James Wilkie-
:. son, Este, on the premises or to
Land Mee Galeria
Godericb, Aug 15, 1870 w30
T OT 10, COly. 10, W. D. COLBORNE, 100 ACPES,
90 clearee?, good dwelling -house. frme 02x56,
with a commlodious kitchen ,attaehed. also good •bani
and shed accommodation, good bearirg orchard, well
walered by two eaeeke nuaningthrough the fann, and
good wells, One mile from gravel row'. 5 utiles from
Goderich. For particulars apply on the premiss! to
undersigned, or to D Ferguson, grocer.
Aagnst 15. 1870 etee
/11110SE building Lots No's 05, 4$6, 860 §'170
1 Arthur street St. George's ,Irescent. Toion of
Goderieh. Apply to . A Callender, Esq.. Inaia
reit% Utti..bAuurgg.h12ruci. 1:31,SIn
subscriber has noxr on hand at his eaneen, nee
street, a large stock of Stambrd and Dwarf
splendid Kilmaronoak Veep ng Cut -leave
Blackberries. Also, Urn men al Trees, including BOM
Also, Grapes, Currantsi Gefseberries, Raspberrleaci
Weeping Birch, &e.
About the 20th test, evnehave a largo addition to
present stook.
=Give me a call before purchnsing elsawhere.
Goderieht Aug 15, 1870 w30
Shephard ; Strachant
'FIVE been re,appointed sole agents at
Goderich for the sale of the celebrated
Exeter Factory Cheese.
Local dealers supplied at gie Factorv
t e way you wet of. He has brains
with which we have ta deri. of the ways of the world,
It led ta,an iteeent
alld•will, brains th t -Dea,n, e on Roland. Evans who, MO hE COMPLETED IT mow VOLUMES OF ass
h 1 d • pages each Illustrated with about four thoua- ecauvedsincelieeummenced busmees Gode derich, Aug15, 1870
acquaintance between him d h tla
_ an t e you A t
doubt, get thorCuAly laughed out of - on is ,brother. But he Is s. stood up, and on being told. that he nug
" illuttagro,vingitatdfortYMaP14, together with a series ich, not beineabieecieeecete over onesha o n/ianyaseecuensiltaas.
ay that be will hereafter cans, ou.at,he linues5.sitr.o.n bits
, in us ega men s an -wen respee -
onlagd:. Go wa0
, more
umgreeable boy fre has n ' ' r much confused. He
81 of trom eirty to one hundred elrtly engraved. heordexsbroughattO 0411 lastseaso,11 havm,g rtinuandco uhtlic pdatr
w110-tf E
171: -
Gr3y,,who was deputed to sell them to him. ail that by your pinny" dandies whom I t•
• asty way of t down, .was V.0 . niate,seillus reeve of the sublects of atural History
of Greek
. 3 811, mg straight up and frownino a d read out his few sentences P nowtor the ttrattime appearliie in the avork, 1 -
4:7 rose -
And the youth Gray was nA 1001 or *8 a Cambridge mad inostentirely detest. ai) u ant preciseness abtar4ut hintn and the Dello nano back in hisihair ALS I V.S
and gaudv tbi
(low secetedracilitteefo
oetterich August 15th,' 1670.
roceed about the a negate of them • lendid, Mr vaps. , 0 L PPINCO mg 011 1)411183S IXt01111184 NoncE or DISSOLUTION 43F -
boy setting their headS togetivr, Ilia total or thew present Income ie con- haviamore u lt again, .please, an •
so nas $0 wax Man p winela can not b T b ' • T"t Y P • _
Evaias. And so Ors youth and the young they are nil ter/ strong and very rich. and,kina te,him_ah eo_u d not writersu I. t You. Pronoun chig Dictionary h 1 • • •
aye never wen. 0 - • - d 0 s , And as . e !eves isexperience as Cutter ts:
eal's env" ewe • en Greek myself. Read „,
• and einVorng ticinn ettue ant -class tradesmen
. .
Qrti V14 eShilig• Cfg°4 dt h h d ARTNERSHIP,
counts of he ?loud ' sub eets ot Horse. Hind° prIllotpallylirst-elaiitchatomerstan havieebeen as Chemists and Druggists. in Owen SOund, Durhara
S DEDERY GIVD11 that the PartnetnEdn
-petting uncommonly fend done anothel. the sPeedieg
no /Ander tbein-, as the Scotelt say flow 5iderably more than you, and I shall have thetnisTrowhalvet*Pacs:w4escrihn,otsttWor, ak D°11 Oaiers.v--` Roland aid 1.41° -
of WS have worked et Biography and ,Mythotogy, non .,Iningtraentoirs
,roaviuence, aymgcarrie on AJO
tti) u. • . -Tee 1 of etninentr ersonS af ali ales and co:ntrle . yand eessfilinuanotto,s, Ireretotoreetasting,hetwa PAEREE40AVLE
l'ke this at
Roland always dizdiked as far as his Ourselves to the gates of death, and they 'Br -a • / 4.1116 tP P4Y, la" -13°Yi Yeling OlbuceSter 3 • TAia- r h , etwgstp ra;theter,t,a, with thre etenonceAtion of ,Cuttenn one of a he Pincipal Esiablishxness n awl Goderich/ bV.11 Pas daY dissOlved 117 =bid GROCERIES,
gentle natu7e could allow him to 4ialika t have taken to boat-raeing—a thing I hate t
any one, But at any time, when Roland ind detest from the bottenr of my soul • on say any tlting at all about 1 Ileavens 1 whiny,
inuesre, inr aorriauut
' next. e ine -see • • Edinburgh,Scoilehdelhe eerie,sslestate to a
hi' WI; 1QaVet hinx t f r are
o rm. I you ean ears dinned oceniOnth a nu th el
Aiwa -As These works are sold only ty agents
ber ofo er v d highly popu-
liscerning publietha
I t
stand b.
deneitaecd. young Gray It sententious fig, being one of the most stupid Mid MOSt .nThese For particulars onciosestamp and ad( ress
b° — ire!! or is common 0
yawin Do a terrible It Fungus's' ant unyt Intowtt naesta is ene Reno. e es Ertabliela
bl h ; th yes
la ,Pretty Waya flan't • th elder evad your Plena • t Largest einumistuanallowedto agentsst -• OLOT ; IAN BE MADE
g le . wird would pread so retaining ot all our ;sports. I know,
,/scheol.i• , - tention, nue
you. They make so much nolvVe agdon *tting as ire used o
o erie .
01 • 111, daurit--81 ' Ant 10 1 :
G a Att 15 1810 t w30. Gederieli, 879.
to - nentinToront orettoetreal.
II 110
'wed with his deer -like eyka thatshe would lpiroverF tbat "nu do ,Ilot tb,14.1?.. sto.1) them in that if .
d °T 1 oungEvans .
7°11 ean --3f7 aay achoel oneplan,e,be nv/„Y • •
• e°.inint;
facto be paid. to GEORGE CATTLE (who wffl can-.
ebbs oeing to the aaid1';artnership in Goderieh
Corner ICingston Street a Moeltet &paw-
tinuethe Bartneas in the old. stand), and all elainals
tseeatttioedsald George Cattle, hy 'whom En Saintrwillbe
-against Ea. id Eartnaiship in ueeerich are tohepreeent-
i Datediti Onderith the nth -1111y, 1870 swpac
• a . — 4eacrich Jane 2011i Mil, tyz57,r
• -
• 3
0.- •