HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-03, Page 3L C,
ay eveminff, at
t,nt Garden,the
t�-,atl Manv yenzz
lecUzres at
w -ere in
of the papaoy
1'r vnthia two or
. 'rue newspar
at and! -idiauled
� pzoplhet now?
7-=q,_v �to speak
- of� glebe, =4
Was; a Very rnag--
wc!ter's- He e�-
, ma!4T. Fv-,z,%
deitg �;L-nt they
:;e, of which the
ciay L' -fore long
ve t1) call a great
z!ter Hall for the
13t'a of thanks to
n np the Romawk�
s-pht it into
was n&t pauAbla
;Aj. %hen the
drew from Pra-
-;Iel b -at the first;
IS -5-t tbere was
.ny. !1rheD thera
zen tlao pru-ma at
,W tLlere was tIU3
N there had been.
an , later than at
F_'i-V of mmkina.
�d ky t1he reezant
�, zssa* with grea-t-er
TirmaLl ir=rnnaa
w. WM. Broiler-,
�-d,-O that
;i�tal' Zftss praparI7
�azdez ME2 trar,
an a-1-1 in Most
ME=Hes FvHzie3
EZ WT20 103' . by th4O
re, the Compamv
�vimznt umder tho
;_-a pon-,-M3; 4L
r'ltz-gether ; that
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na a fair =13 of
]�Z, th'", thG39 Of
a Wa have P-0 Leid_
empeennze of car
-:�a =_ men'd �,- our
I =-n- to tlaa agent
with tho
5 _0> 4, 1:10
21 __Ct 5 8R 1:29
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wo -W
UAY6 001h0d RIA4 tj
mvfttv SUOIX as.
�141 larp amount of 06,11t hiintleed X141lon 61114TS. a 101it
TIP lj$i6 the "ODF RIGH
VLOU31 4; Sir, he atione whieli Uw b-iiiao" r0.0te 10
At eno.11(th of the whole uket-ab eur ra_
1 rlwml - iL
1117 of th6 Nvorld, Jim -
starvevi �A tba, i athinus of DoA-60 or"vhICW OIL
wbtrowifn attl1eywitivA 'Withuht ImInes -but -Pr0bsb!;:ev8V Tbobiatw$cg tiorwy *sawifit *42X -A
be** in ths wSewh%tm of - tmi
anytbirigWoAsowmew"A= lustration W;4
'elth, Wduets so mile X
-the confidence of misuldndf U 0&
ra. th"els, a to*ereign TORHOMES & CATTLE,
akon by tho 1 ,lady in lite 1-204ttidlRa pMa -Che
V,sults UtbLe recentsurteys4of th Irin'. _ld p6r.tidjo a
"vetho PI 1"at ki'"h't
Irals, unlert gnited� States d 'ap
colds, rbisumat neura 1-*01IftYtr'* for sudden n -are !emedvforpulmona
m 4� F M _ryc4mpLm6a.
Govt, t0ftll-st:lle. &c. . I - . �, � .1, - . -1 11,12 Moot of the rooell"' wwa s Re* R,4116t;
�njmeq) Ivith a view to the cohatrille eries ofy4arx, and Sol
itlantie 390 0
Rhip caull �Qttlyeen the sUBS0113ER IT4XIING RECENTLY P01- jadn it has ilsen. higher
A NEVER -FAILING ItEMEDY, "=higo 'a V 'W" !trA 0
that he tion, as it hu lleconme
45,6ts (I'the abotre Mill hen this vntr*owrewsqFwsS A"Iv
and, Rlellcje, shn%r that a tunnel, t ALL*'.Wool-3K%idA-1r0M_ and
wt in worAng character OWer to clin the *zriou *ffections 1110 320tict'cf 010 m0dicilt Iii -in
Avbmts . --- 0 Ig I - I . - R . _-#
1011g, alad higIt enoligh to accoinnio ate, Lth k"ALftIME"PREPARATION COMBINE 8 �Ofthclurfffszn( thro!ttbAye0A"jtkuOWij2s&re. stmAing the lriyxteriOrs itCuence it -exhib'te*
PROVEDIMMERS"BOLT liable protectoraglinit them. NVLHO aftptod to &WPFIng tile InvitlevWleifitillt
M=3 of BT rMilathe medich FRATf CH Xerinos rpm 45 ets; -
.�jjps� wojild be require - The tat virities. of ihoiIe articles which i . - -of disease and td-y6uzjrrbIWvtk, U is TAINS, AURDt, AND INFMMXTW�
% Ong exPeridt-a has proVeO Icr posses,the most safe and uVRIlketion, juilder forms
w1a attliesit etims the 11109,017teitt-Onmea -t ON Vf
I a Is coulldentwill girt every in
-expenso is rogarded as too great to arrant NOTICE 01? ]UNTO efficidut. proo'ertles for tua� cure of lFlesh Wounds, A, IF Vn jM 1 rE, tro;m 25 ctaj
80 Tears _ytbst In Qjvuk er ih tow.
experience In nifillugsTrd RaUels en,for incipient consumption, anti 4he =
the vitidertakinL-- Futher sur,&.ya to Spraim.3, Bruises, Galls of all kinds, Cracked Heelit, - ibe 91V ions Of the throat andlungi ;Xtswen4e*,A poircHn r!!:rjz the Bf 14id4ft C,;' A -
yet to be nla(W I- Rmgflunti, S,)avin, OallouR,Fistula, Sweeney, TiApra- in' ft- ge�otta eectl 0� As a pro- Vied, RZeumatte, the bwl-to
%wards thO Sotltif�ro 11 1 from 85 -Cts,- d&_ R rely irly d6altvIth V.1sionagaiust sudden attaek of v it she tj
rrO be ranted for &teM of rev �td Poisoaq. Sciateho& or Gro%.e. Strums, Lameness 'I, . a 12 on being Ail 4 0,64P III
All vbol ohirting. fllh %inne_ 0 -, anti Weed as all all EuCaring Uo-n Filr. lriftnttmtl�qr, Wr*UL3
-a , be keytgn hand in everyfamily
8 That at, %can be agre3d whitio%y%, cu�jjij_, $and Crualcm, Voundereit an ga - .. a of
It'r. B -V,, ; are sometimes -Nact 0 tol
0 82 J, jjpo.n lelidut V&Vnl Zi�Y*61111 Mattley',. L,t Irli and rQany other 7 -T A" 'calighs' 44U ness aud d'Feases i -if wowhs and roaft,. uz� fja:, Ail
iber fifteen, (to) takf, road 14 �'A CAN joteroroi�r&.
i�fltf ('01leession-of Fee, ]PEz JACKE . 11 1 , S - r �
'11t4enS7 c nun 'ti-e�a A -BOYB ---:QV- pats, a rovided with this an*
oarse b6l)tll AV% er -0 should b
of "Itanley in yli,� -County of Huronj Thi&ce b i tettled Vonsit QlAinaly TIP'W's AebUl ti:bo,
ttle Townslilp lmmaut-fik ' 'Althow'i M ion ig"tbouTht im
'At0d.7- been used for many 'le MEL, -OL L. "qAf*
.,,Ono hiindrdd and, tap$ vra a ewswbem I le4iro
and upwards at 0 Province of 011t=o' QOM[1631111 year-, and its 01nalwo pro T "UtED - Irl IN NAL Xltb.
twenty -parties fhornAighly tested, r I Curable, still great numb
's or PrlmoLelsv I -8011d, on.the shom of Lake an IrLit. is Conceded to hp the* chen p�st and most. rc- EY, 'ja arry case seefiled sbttled, have been
acre' -Wa.1T1q ilmor-al eng
All J!�pnm& CmIW - Itfinwinitt'-
Ruron. one hundrtdaaesmitirredi �gient restorea to -sound -bealtli by 4ha
THE �00UXTT I &,5otdm;- Z&S'TAN TANEVU, t
N' 0 T I C Ike 11.11 and untivroultiva- complaints ever offiar-A and the
'nces- &I(!kA1weIIingA1n% flakm, Stablpa7 fifthe patillo 497terry cCt0ra7- 60 tonipleto is Its mattery os=
.�d --tit never falls -when timely used and
do,, met witti IL e tu_ellt
bd* faithfully appled. �Ovcj the disorders of the Lim 9 and Thro4o*At the bn1iders, throuffn thmir 19aw-,fMce 4cf IN ftw
couvezieacO tar a JhTin, with a go BOOTS- SHOES &-o The eteomingtoGntlertefiv-111 find Ittolifsadvant- the mosti0b8thlatO Of 111011113'lelato it, lYhennoth.
gto in tint, ar0l, t jrcharl and wit'hin Avt iu-jje4 or ),a
I The, ate-ta, the Weck- and prDsperous VillVe OtByfiel Must flourlibing, TC; bt1hd of all Druggists and Country Merchants o ge nring Eas wheat for gr[sting and his coarsa tlawoi rcj-cef�ed, t ibat, &L, orwards bc-ca" tke -� and q _ d Where the highest throughout the Driminion. Price -25c. per bottle. gral. rehoppingto the jug else couldreachttlem, Pee. co=cr-
upportarg of the Weel, I -price is always obtained. In caI for theproduce of Goderic% Oct. 2011, 1870. w43 jopal: they subside andilisappear,
h,,,t I h�% Jwr*,,jAdtgm-a y S, t va sold, the busilibas and tho, year. NORTHRUP& NIAN,
'Ne Ont. . Proprietors Bingersnif IftWit; $poa
-A Cum F-0 t -VERY ftIff,
=atarial of the sanj,3 to 1TO11Xl:1APTLL-t Sold in Goacrich dy Pa Cattle and 2 tectionfrom it.
on- Perblang-at j. C. NcINTOSU. Alt-14ma is Always Telitrea =d -thftt tbO
for horm I Would bespea�_,! a C Rayfield'.0at. 2 Jordvn; 4.+ardiner & Co. Ba,%f to: James in fLIM4.9t all =z4farmors Nviii. get their bftea -!VTb0U$
patronagq.,1 exten- Nv4l-tf Bentham, Rodgerville; J. Pickard Exeter cared by It. ail canfloo 101' tte a: fa IV
I remedy is due .11-s lr.-i
tne generous alins and raden 0 J. R. Gumne- 'Chaton ; Secord, L _Bj.ojj,&jjff* is gene 4his =a
past. �diii VT to me fr eiht years' creditarj,' that I HOR3193 &L." AV141D, now- E. HLCk-3.4 Se.fbrt!i;and ail Mc It Grists,xCigbedboth in an int. So, generally ate Its virtneg known flmtwo -uwd to fee late* of thenil*re$ ordomore � ' -el
_so notify inydebtoraMa V�u ,cttully ro I licited, _audrvler� rare notpublislithe-certifiz �of Abis men wzis rezredy. Zmpii As IL;DIVA a
.Tow4 atom refpi than assure the publio th4tfts qWaItjeS*0 fuVy
4ebts in 'full
have assi� 'd my EMPORIUM FO E
Highest eath price patalot 'ttlat that mej!:-�cr t2,�e bc-A lk
boliks and book TRAYED HURO,
Smith (I Air
,trnst to 311r. ST'pabout 24th (yet.. dj--07CrjU jU
0110 814111 -sized dark bay
jlca. -'e3iM jsa�nro'to lad 11
.janjes Yoling, who DID110 are alltb&ised to h'rse.wtt" a' w"'tesPatin the f0rdhcad.of the shape- J.B' 1E -1 k*. , �*
Aver"s, A- '- -
Is in 1hat be- of a 11"r moon, shod Oa ftlitleatafid. rising four years stl" ;140. umn R.
,.dollizat accoll old. and one light bay mum with the, �v
uts and pay claitr vv:21-1 tzZ�
manc shaved 0lfOA the bCk of boreek, rising three. half. I For Iftvar sud A-zat3i Thtbr=�,fteftt 11trel, "iof thege, -xnredius ��z)J4 �ft rwc- d tith elT 12f tA*
(11D M M1111 'Fever 'MeDifttent revar� D rd� Agae, PerG&Ia',or Bilious
UY the'aw;TRons R arise - W. Ir. 0M - old AnyonagIVIU9 $Tacit information awill
reference Ito the At CIS 1>10 andindeed ii1t
The subscribers. in from MMasXioV%
. ly nrge 4.11 Who Huron Slat Oak. 1V70. 4l.4to it�er. Aa -above, wo res?eCtful 16 -SUM Of FOrtY. To 1111d To.raiwby way of Loalf, either 1�rgo or
owe the S��pal offiCE), for ith 'tTAo-4ij2T9d-))o11ar3 for the �twpases As iis joanle Anjilids, It aoill -tu
P to this.0te w therein mentioudd. 'IN AN E. -4 W401ELYKJ4 -fed. ContainibgneitherArsealo,.QuiblueBL.mo
small amounts, to Dav U V9U Buildin tot' -.Zinc, nornyotherminer4l orpoisono
able usabstimm'
!!.,v as possible. Credi ors are Ji�e The
as little dt which HEREASthoCauncil oft1io'Cororation of tba' _-Avitatever"jt in nowl IT W09 any pjtIej;G
requested 0 sentl in their Glaill, It W Huron, have resolved to .15 AT -TR
erchase inniberltudr i ltsctrrealftthonguedis.:� X=Vept �t_ Rr-d an, jdr'Z
I ections. AO 'Votblv curqs Pain. �L will be liquidated olit of the co -IN THS4 X-th=",`1R.ad, and abolisif, the Collection of kicts, afe lite . y beyond motni� and we bAeve.., of Riewposs t1kat we t,hat all 4.il N -nee TOWN OPGODERICIL Tolls n all tile Gravel Roads in the County of fluron OFFI03--BOOK BEP, ivitho4t it *t4liel lathe history of A inedieme.
Creditors Inav depend from and after the First Day of January t. THE UnRGIEST STOCKIN MEN& 0ur,pHde'lsgrAtified I wo
d 3FORSALE And, whereas to carry into effeat the sal"iecited ob- �wh �he larqQstand cheapest:stdck-Istobe.-foand. rerelve of -the rawcal,=Cs 'eff, eted Ili obstinte. 3M�Aqeil:
will be exercised in colleCtiA-Wactaints dn 0 . . I - cases, and whemjotberremedles% it will be necessary for the Conn, it or the said �M
settling Claims. tcrt; As hpaiifi Remcay it excels -
ration. to raise the sum of Forty Thousand 1. TINGTACI�LF OFALL KINDS,.�C( 'Unacellmalea' p either re"clitent ft or,�,
0 QNSISTIN and7hall
OR ale. Lot., lqo.� 1319, on the Huron Road In. the. D githrougli
,�JRTZA EIAL 011ars-inthemaier hereinafter mentioned. travellin
T town or Goderich. This Is one of the most eligilile' ft )DB, Ij HAND "TS, BASKETS. &a. tectedb�taldngft AGV:E VVMV, �4411y_ people ro rit it
F nd, whereas It *111 require the sum'pf Four thous- G derich F ity:
0V -*T 4SI& - Building Lot% ilk the place, being only 8 minutes land four hundred dollars I.o be raised annually, by The best asorted stock in o Rod 11 ront 25 ce4ts �.,(,0,,APd�frqW.4fP9ttt0g0 feet , For jAver 0��jlainta, a' w1mg frnja jorpil
I . dileted in im to r thm j c s n d1, 4 Goderich, 15th August2 1870. walk- front the Court House. and the -arne from the special rate for the payment of the said debt and in- in 11 1 gth. of the I -Aver it ls;nn excellent reniody, stimulating' RailwaV Station. Fbil further Particulars apply to terest as also hereinafter mentioned. the Livernl� healthyactIVI tho tnmt vicli; PaIL5.,11r,
And, whereas the amount of the whole rateable pro- rot Bilious Disorders andliver Co ifis
116s;rs Cameron & Garrow. or .toBj HAZLEtAURST. arty of the sa14 blani of Huron. irresp TO HIRE an excellent rt!medyt 13roducm.7, ineur.7 Fine Roots from �183-00 At the G.derich Auctlow,32ar_ p E _&7y . markable eukgs, Where -Other niedlewn s md-- e.
aud Ilipwitrds I 1�80n'N- Goderich, Nov. Ist, 1870, ame. and irrespecl ID
.19 D. Ferg of any future increase ili.ty, tei�,t!v-af Tho CHEAPE SYSTOCK in GOD If I C H. FrT:red by DR. J. 0. ATER & Co., Practical ment of the Fikud hereinafter meationed or READY was lbonly
any income to be derived from the temporary invest- 1111, ds repmed al reasonable anChemists, Lowell, Mass., andsol.4
S. M. PETTENTGMT, & Co., 4 rARK any part thereof. a�6cordlng to the last revised and 41aro�41p�Wrld. I h o u �Q an(_t, .1 n d r- aVe Cl M ii I kIr a frc en equali2edAmessment Rolls 'of the said Municipality, pries. 0-1qo tr-mB BOX.Tzu. it -wag Qat r's to OL
-year One thousp J. G, DETLOR Co., bay 1 1
RO,7 N. W y:)Rr 60 P. Pin_ for the argely and in the be8t market forth this.great rbwedyto ewery ibaticrien &c aND r b d_alg�t hundred and D
r,,OWELL Co., 40 PA.Hrx ROW. IN I'%_v6Iye millions nine handf6d and sixty NO3THR9P&fA 11, heWeastb. OnLo 90crau. fhee=b.
TO CONTRAUTORS, thousand r6hr Cy 00 dS isaviml; tko liveslof all pee"lle _nFawsz tl�5�
YORK. hiYndied afid sixty-three doltars. MationeryWan 0 -azantslorCanada, 1z
therefore are able to ell at the lowest p0q.4 i nees tht AT,c tn,_ so,.e a�zeut-4 for the Weekly and Sam1-Weekly '%lld'. whereas the amountof the existing del t of the WUITR, -.13LACK, JET lr_V- Sold in Goderldh by farter L& C,�#Ieand V.laopps Anc I rqtut
JEWELL RY ix Co., Bayfield. in :1 tho o
ithoriz-od to Contra, I; as PrIncipalt Two'hund mes Benthu wdan, Gardiner &
QMmilcipalloyisasfollow: Jr. Fidbard. Exeter. J, il. ton �eb b one doNz
In that city, an IAr, s at oar 14we at cash red and'tifty-nine tuousand eight hundred and thirty . dgerville. ibe CH - for inierting adverti&!10 for u, -A ID GILT SH TH, Chea bj4 in the IiADWAY'15 IMADY REVI -a' areTNues.od to leave dollars, for Gravel Road Debenteyes,,bear.ing interest am, ton.Secord,Lucknow E.Hickson, SLufarl,
-11vertis-ars in that city ill 11,111, M�lk 2 -
at the Tate �of rpix per cent,.ppr anotim. Xnd Two MTA -.iLU 31ediclue Dealeix. tL-ir f4v9-s with aither of the above hoQsal hundred and 11(ty-ttiree thousand Aollars todils Muni- ELSEW9ERE- ofeurb d��r
cipalLoan Fund, bearing in�ercst at thi rate of six
SEAT.BETEiNDD-RSWIT.j,BERECF,IV. ent, per �mniim upon which last m4ntiou-4 debt, Dont forget to call at the STAR
-ter, oVpr-
ed by the undersigned upto the PLr C 4h
Farmer heaTyQ4 win there has been paid One hundred and ninety out FOR AU S oats v4pry cheap at ID. fergu- thousand two hundred and nine dollars makinu it, Offlas, Book Store. UVWArs
FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER NEXL, the ggrte . the actual indebtedness' the sum dt 'WX—T3MX1=L fi3WC>C'�1XM a 0.0 aneis an- wiflloutbnb�do
Thr'.. ded and twenty-one Air llnindr6a a a il A?j ,a, 101f a
thousand b CANFRONtS BLOCK RIX 07 -
at noo�r) for the construction. RL �nd twen ne dollars, upoh which there is no interest garden.. b. the cautre of tliz salt wells In the Town having to wait for in arrear.Voeannual interest to he paid on the said STON STREET. mly' caetip,.cil by Air 'Charlp-s $01(j. and nil expersce, for fbrofCm duti4bB, Ff Poderich, =d formA
�Omiajs5vjun and sixty -01e McMullan, For particulars and terwV sale enquite -(
I'll this -we cantinuz
Tftc Savin AL L
J_ Iiig ]E VV ]o J�t debt is Thirty thousand seven hundred
g of lblifet" ...ALND PICE3 WILL CO VINCE oftheREV,C. FLETCHL
dollars and eighty cents.
the rntlales ine;deur to the va�ied change ageBVI
Am=-, all apt f1rt,.AtUr,6W4
,.Of, And- whereas forpaying the interest and creating an G all �-;;;tst 1070, Godendh S. 23rd, �Ik, o. sW10-Sn:*- 'jimat,n, then is u.,thing so mu --h affc6ted as tile in the Town of(-�jpderjch. Gmmencing equal annual Sinking Fund, for pa4g thesaid sum
Liver. T -his fact has been ighly iudorsed�, for the River Maitland, at the foot of WATER- ef Forty Thousand Dollars. and interest as hereinafter
To which
itin divers parti�-uj X LOO ST_ L equ-d annual spec 13ADWAY'S R
arly apon 4 4ZE'Jr,. thence along th- west side mentioued, It will require an 'GUrNNESSS
'or cons ofseventeen-fiftieths (17-5o)ofa mill inthed tho *Vaaf veloyVII study of D I- Radway. to all oth@r.rates 01101X RA, 01101B RIA 1.1
Eons so aq t:) no disst�ous ulte It of Watefloa,Slreifii untill X intersects the addition aTI(I taxes to be levied.j�n
for the Years ago. he I Oumphant. Be it therefore enacted by- the Council of4ba1Q9r- ATTACX$� DIARRHEA, DYSP
ILVC01,2,1nezed, nLtde good the secret to the Public. "RPI OR other dbcaso reculiar to Uh er9tk1Cft
quen2es, TrLs been the one great _�t X each year.
North -Side, GIN STABET, thence 11,�-tine THT 'WU 1
Bad—Ys Easterly Ajonjqgr the north aide of Elgin Strem, poration of Ille.Countyof Huron 7 C iLEBRATEDDUBbi
by intraducinz (clybsol ate unadalteration Until it intr-reects the Easi Side of SOUTH here it was used, raesle cl 1 is ?., Q in
Ist That it shall be lawful for the Warden for. the
F;,!s e body, ;pith its dis- TER. Yellow Fever.
, For a 41 eas-A raQtions in e5ecting a -cure, and, eedy Care; 8,TRE.M. thi.Nvork. to be completed on er time being of thesaid last mentioned Corporation to
.,eat PU raise by way of Inan from any person or persons, body
the�s Pfilvi. kn,vu worl&wide as 91, - "N'SODER14% i I . . r
r9a before the -first day of SEPT -EMBER, 1871 1i - I - V� - , - I -
or bodies corporate, wbo may be Nvilli-Ag to adVan _V 'ORTED DIRECT FROB"11B X&NUFICTUR��
ti,;e - diTeresseutial.lyfnan all other cathartics. They 4 - afe tinna being Facrificed, by delav, ieinforce aPLANSand SPECIFIOXTIONS can be It -a same upon the credit ofthe Debentures hereinafter and sold extremely low by ln this r1orsrX ftedij
mentioned. a sum not exceeding in the wholeAhasurn Al other f4iiAefli .4
jaot.hio;1v4ieeb!e system. overeeming Wigestion. Seen on and atter thl� 5th November at the -housandDollars. and to.cause the same to
by rejjL- iet L-vsr, %nd make in D M T"L. 0 R I I I
attar f1toperati 6
-_�&asaf igestionaremad]- Office -ot W. T. Hay Esq , Mayor. be paid into the hands of thb Treazurer oftho(:;ouu�y,
opamtive; tae right - the po a h ob)e - 6 OH. 113U. 103ATO edy '00
-t bind theroselvesJto aforesaid for the par as a d *ith It 8, ct.all. W ST SIDB, SQUARE, G03)ERI nthi
ya:rfoas kind -3 F�v-rsare prevented. to absorb fife; Thl. Council do n, recited. rGoWich Oet. 11 thi 1W. W384 a am mild while a4ting u EL accept the'l v eSt or any tender. oPO 0 j� 2d: That it shall be lawful t -)r the, sai- Warden
May inakethemielves the entures to I�e made for arch PER DOTAOTTLM Telegraphic lnstltftte� The only
No prostratlon�fbr, ns an JAUFS THGMSON� cause any numbkr of Dkb Ly $ !, -
had vullicibi2t t3CIth their
px*.a or: Stratton In sumi of moncynotless th4n one hundteddollars atafio of the Brant ternatlaril Chu!
thD waters fory
-ative ensues . Their elterior LIterative. a Town Clerk. each, an4tthat the said Debuutme-jsbaI11e,sca1A�vith Oil Eproiad c thbw6r"d; TU
beauty � 3n�z3sts in being *.3.steless (covtered�with sweet Tins Theor Department is tliGrouglilyadaptcd to,
ire, nqyer sicken or 6+r1pe ; d - vegetable GpchFleh Oct.. 29--h 1870. w-41sw21-1m" the Beal of the said Corporation and,bt,ignedbytho' EARLY CALL IM _y purilty, a -thEs temed;'.
those. i0in wt�h to jaythb foundation Qf"oiiVt b -1
gam), tte said Warden. 'I lialb
cc=paand fn, -e fr va -e.lvating and corrosive proper- Raid Debentares1slial'. be mae Pay- noss Educaticn. 8rd, That the FEAhkI V10 Ap
ttes Far Loas of Appetite-Ij Gatane able in twenty years at furthest fb)uL the day he'ein- The a)yacthal Bapartment is. u nilidatum iusi struwCuts Cr !his jotht,wb�k Uvo iffir-
a--A UICaCCUS DjSelie3 Nervou- Debil4r. Geneoruall after mentioned for this By-law to tat�,! effept either in LOOKOUT HE "To -0 HaAnWood.ar Bottle world, Wtoe.qaph Student performsall ite ro tlut cheat th - 1&1;�,
W , eir 4utiesill this lrihmi h trig,isbip iog imfahjjg�e curitive ro*�ft'of$
prgstratan. Heda-he, Typhaid and othe# malignant London in England. or -ome place La canz-.4a to.be d;- elL i , - buying, Is Favers, Bidous Colif, Ditrrhca 14 Dysen Fever and signatedlin the said Debentures and siy,, i iiare ittach- sion. and &iwlng notei, dtuft and rhePk - A
Agme.with other aHineuts. thesi PILAL 11�TELS T X �.$UPPLIED. Pestilence hT U' fbiris; -and is
y uniform e;payment of the interest ROMPTJJ regularBanlcofissifdisigeoi.knectionvitbtliis
lop dlein- ad to thera Coupons faK th Ily angraivd baul; no PALN$ bilat are �00i-,rncn -to 1113*01.
experier2e. are gener�Aliv rezarded ai the , 17 me I aut, with I)eautn-
N'T TAILOR CLOTHER h-41ftjear1&.t
war7hy of thats-ex-lous att=ou whi MERMA thesaid DebefttureTandCoul)ons 611911
Poderich. Sept. 23, 1a7Q. PW1041' a-detailbas the b -win stop
as perfectialt!
Currency tions in the Countyl
L,:e unifmalv rezzelvcL r
Sarsap3rillian Rs-saivent 31 per bottic_� 61 bottles felt 'h ' t -received a large qnd complele, be made out An either Sterling Al,nel 0
33 Ps Thoroughinitmt-tiohikhiTelegmrali'by. V
of this Dominion at the optioii of the sflit Aft,, ships good in forty Collagek. . For terins, ist
_dT Relief cts; p2r bottle. PH% 25 ats per that the
P_ STOCK OF whole amount of said Deb, uturc� Warden, s�, PUN )SLLES
G R E AT L h"A G a
liousaud rn of Forty T
exceed the before mentioned Vu -nedles areFAild by all D i rugg-sts. Dollars, and they shall bear intemst. at thP rate of . six OIDMUL & T11.01UT T frix ][On. I
and t Or RadwaVla Ued�`, GUOTIG per cant par annum. wbich. ii-terebt s�atl be payabAe eurm-fr
Mercants I CL01110119 GRO. ACHIESION. ON 4611E
Wareboases, 87 Haiden. Lane Y and 4a� St Paul St on the flist days of July andJanuary-irL*eaeh and'evary
at A" ACR=v
gar during thecontinuauce of th( ?
31fantreal. AND saiii Debentures VLF
t Ulu
-4T Read Palseand True.
Is Place where the olAd %I)ebe -at, an , made pay- SVUE
irst Prize PenulanswIps
&md oze letter staxnu to Or J Radway & Co.. 43913t PRICES REDUCED FOR030% DAYS
GENTW�FANCYIGQODS Abli -ming.a Sjn�jqgg Paid St., ntreab-informazion worlh thousands WIK &h. Uat for the oso of rot
�All,.Qf which win ta sold Fund fOr the payment OFMp said Debentures and tho
t13 SMt you. intprest at the rate aforesaid to become due thereon an MA 0- D -q N A L D'�S' t 11IRST PRIZES In 'both busineis anO -oraftmerta ju'renniatislilp word spArded, to z4 attho laU
CHI" FOA GASNe wenteen-fiftleths (17-50) of a eq �pecial rate of se, ISTREPLACE TOBUY Provirfelal x I Tht
Woolen and KnIfted OroodS In the dollar, shall inadditionto all otherrates I BARGAINS. V ition, 'Toronto. 8 Is t1lesevent or fraltariatirlb XDEUD lected inaeli year ARGA! 311 CTTV year In'su sale that we have Obtain d firat'ryize
.greatirarlety cheaper 1hantha and taxes be raised, levied slid c6l orwercury, or, in
tooMs -lapenbiAnsilip. YoUigmenabould bearin will'oure this diruuEo Eb.
.cheape Hyiai.,du-inu the continu qfpe tbe1wo.Pftm1um.,Penmen of Cana4a areVig-cled at,
I thisinstitutton ntpaebingtheSpoiie,erlans..�,.ttm qa� refief.
An the County of GOOD & UDAF
tho". a them. .. ji" tfloderich Oct. qtb 1870.
sit at D. Fer-US01'78. upon all the rateable property witl ebq#ures
ThatthIsByrbaw,.sb;L11tjLke effect.and come exhibited af tbolt Hypachnndriasis is one of Vae men difficult to brm into operation upon tba,.first duy of'January, I$PLENDID TOCK adiration nfWtil(olders.
A. D.
ar�y one. snazessfally of all nervous diseaScs �asoning witli, Onathousaudefghthundr�d and sevenzy Move- -9
nsane *rscim imutly jolal Efecturlkwitli- k � 11h.0jercosts 7th Tnat the votes of the Xvn 'blip 13ROOM CoUif FjtQTRED 1 utirps hod Frival .rervo -.s or hypophondriazal and NEW DRY—GOODS1
The mind cannot 'be overrA)nr d in the said County of Huron n 19his BY -Law shan-1).8 forged liver, fdt, i
Adn' w h� nervous a- 4'ass Woftai- gvcrctr
hzstr - jryou�onlygo an tiT. ollows. Thqt is, it ystem is iritable. dit ma $1 in talten at the day, bear ana places, as f EAP rARK To
st-azeas the derisive laugh at the unfortutiate. or the A large stock,41 to say.,on Monday, tl�e Fourteenth Day of Novembpr, e 8 ces of a First -.:4- �: More ts np-�rataapeal tolhe re-astin, is b,,l I A. D. 1870, tocommeuce at the liourof nine o'clock ;jtb
_=Rr ,
repared to delivdr thol, ghollit. Anf4u. and ST PART. OF I E
3 a -HAND- "to P Bruce Towtvibipt bf-Ashfield, Co. Iluro]ri. caTiR*
ion in`,Ahe mind of Pea. Jackets , - I M
by further irritat in the forenoon, and that the PoIL hall remain (tpen
undl five o'61ock In the afternoon of the same #%_ at A CROICESELECTION,,of NEW and B9AUTIF.IJI GOODSTU 10-MAND,
-To acres.-about3o'cleared.
I Uuder;Coits,
tr2; _Wto tbiks his advi%ers eitberunfeang
toviard3bis; complaint. Vinder the �Wg the following places w�fthtn the several Muni andt'frinn Port Mjb6rt. VIlCre
of f&uron, T4) -Wit: 41tra Heavy Broom of FoRaral Compound Syrup of ff7�wRI1csybIfe;s, s.:; lit the�satd CoquW JOHN VARRIS. there ato'GrUt faid gawMillsStbres ka.4,1tistimber- cnves#tnt will and Pants -and Veit" Aga d .1 there is no lon2�-, necessity of resorting TA rN THE TOWNF-ASP 97,APEEFICTM. octemon, Apri42th18TQ. .wT2 'ad with maplebde?b, "i. Ant, liem1ockwJtb;, irjuantl.
a Run,
ment. raney pilfr9d-bosnin shirts -qe,. Rugh OF VARIOUB GRADES.
. DivislonlTo. 1, At flugh Chamber' 1yoftralunblecedar6n There Is *,new
Lwal.50 a bottle. 6 for apotte-
esaial agents Merchants and otherg'will 'do -well tk Tranie Cottage, IS .9750. S.14 by Fanev All -Wool Flauntl Shirt3 Chambers,RetturnillgOffier Division No. 2, at Bell- -at
_y 26 it. litorles hfgh� vostafqing.
,C=i-_q4ndbyF- Caudill Co., vKhol Under-Shirts4ndDrawers House, Section No,9- Aob�rt MaGrory. Returning An sta
officer Division No. 3, at. Sr-hool House, -Section NO �911 befori.purchasing elaewhere. Toa -11 buy It 'You are wb%. ffiner. Division No. Hit Collars. fa-Aers, ties. 6,' Robert Webster, Returning OJ THD, WIMAIS OlLii;
Jr..' 't Wi3it TWO DOORS SOUT-111-01P Lq Tactfer'Vs a elifo FGr 4, at Kingsbridge QchonI House..,Maurlce I)qlton DIP I I $700 &4ie balalice On tinfe, a few 4- LASTTHOU4J1INO`T Returning Officer. Division No, fi, atD111192A11911 11, AtapabueTlea-tingheM in %fkalp, oil under leiie4--the Valance Is,chop
LE A% "Read f *I to tj, I'Itz'd
I ve, said hoot House, ao�n P COD CIT [E L. 4nd'j)atly lqgae.
dince Ex-Pre-Ident Fillmore road- So itol;e, RattiVIT18 Officer.
r shardto beat, 21solub "
$TOM OfTweedsf that h3 would. do to IN that tbW0*fibq76�1
nol.hin, q lath3 qatter complete. His doeskins and Pilobt AtCore's HalLjo . hit A. Wailes, ROtuMIngO fte-2 pt,L
t,h0hosKItyofhLqC-3uadism eighbann� they weres Eus lisfreet'
r�wt fnendjy� "t neb and rare, dud %vith.City ptemisos.
-Houses well compare. Xbistp a ir raforthe most 1, . or _TjT.LC6 I I I . t � . I ij,'l atki in ibric Caltitin Cl jir�tf FiATift-
not to be a eipt Both fitand. stylb. bell gitarautee. And all beasksts' IN Cov:somg�� Lich, "t. 2 d I 8'�q. JIWI*tf
Meer. D.
-DIS11T Ay
an 1=medlats vatb-eaL- VMS
the U330a rje -.stocik
t At �ha-To ;tow received 'a -1a, �ho Z-) t!cnt,11jtih Aeturrihig UFA
E ln' timof namembar thjStaqd pozact4p, alt
�Cen- of 14 mbro,
for war," be itwo d wellt-011-09 'hand NEW AND FASUMNASUE TEAC1WW.WA�
On the left froatiers well'fortifled. prom HodoTes Gropery Store. inter" r -vv eet -1.
Ica TOW -V.
f Rad Ueifef,"f6TA_%
411 as you. Vass the door.- to fortifr6ur santhern. C Ing 0 car. Is rot Vus aleNSIZ to us ��Velhn onStreet,D4Ijie1Gordqn,:((etrArn Mief.tonoi' ONEY. TO L01P
!s Ward, at Firemen7j, Hath East SV 'PA ding. 4 Drstulas� r a -place, the publietbInk, Pat Ck in certificate. Duties to fc-Mm CTUY andsavalbe chink. David's Win., M=tEers? and v;hjL T*aeumatism Thawsth -DRakSS Overcoat go ItOzq MAS
doing so would it rift be 1*ell to 91
Sam a nt clin to mv2 E'r (be fmrx jr;UrjKW testimonial tilttho7rdblees.
add all other To, stut Your tast,
plaint Godeiieu Oct 20th, 187 bb's Block,.Rjuist6n. Stredt, Ren -ATJ d ItA. ;D4 -? HA
bowelco at torla 11, Ora wooldvon AtIeLtlst (0:Z tWefttS'-f*O YJQ
-9 eb -it uruing Officer, t Andrew's 'Wh isprspr, t�mplaap,-]
our jamin Hazelhu , Bet toil be TORN
thi I a -3 Tsy p
the JAMES At tallesr-laco.
!an Pain D Waril, at At der Wallace's URO. be Ig shop, :Wres� strf�q� ACD
bAllla- & Mof e cine Dea:er f ederick 13lu tt,',BcI a Officer- 4&!Ar� � i , YASHIOXIOU :.t . -0 1 11 - -
-E REMEDY 1r - . - i , - $ GS LOAN SOCUTY
,er. blvision;W_
Periodipal Pills G,rdon. ReturningOffic ton, Rstupij4l; 'Offloer.. ollool House, Murdock
3 DivisionXo.Lat L:mioa-j-d. ST xm-�! dY
Higlilite r- III I IF, GRET jN Genii, .2. At Dug- Assortment �wts
j; 'i Rdww�
gan's. Corners, J;&Ines Pat 4HE 311ORTE Wo 'y
i,.,,5t1L at� 126`0PCk Division No.13, �Af; School House, Ath Coni! A tTf9A 1�
waston., mprm- --Fa= 10i 8519.,NO Division -No. I. -at IS SOCIETY ADVANCES 'INIONEYDN SIRCU4
owas )6ds eturning 00dor. .,plerut' -fir t of Real Estato, -.and ---n"
OV I t i R 7 F�, A k D -E 8 -H -
cl&jZon!a House. James Richrdson,lietaiii- NO 2. COL13
haU -those 0=17 mid dingepus James Rl imesylile, John Rudd, 371p yaXd, 'Ufteg� ti wars. Oli�qb. :S
of ail ine,01ficer. Divisionl5o.b.,ati-101 d _xe-L*j . Wonse andt: rd n.
on is,sulpect. j. a Aiy
IS mavng Applicationwill apply PATsonifilly.
5. at t7ap- Mavt a�` noo. d'-geaestahich the farnaleeonstitutl R96ming officer. NEW Ciallill. _-Platds '19id to 10c : , , O�
ov. W1W Fm C* all,bx egs add r
LI) alirat
t ILS, .1 Con. all obstructions,
er yard"
Row juld aspeedy core Cox' be relled ozu IN GRE7., Sudietylpayg its Solleltoes charges. Anv.Farn of NICkOL" x6Rfiisb�
N 1VEW siteen cloo—Bea AltiBmsortnt 9 Port Alb3r� -Concemi6n. School ont-of ey, from,4200 upwaq, is leat-fitr anynnmberf� AN -DREW HEDDLU,
House, Aobeirt Wiliam ReturningOL due rumislilop goritiaj.y. Sore
fal goods. ireonibs b eer. iv LLTAM!VANSTON.
& TOSIA iticer. Widen
-bring 2, im Lot* 1111i Concession- OIR -1 the time o
s6ited. It will, !a, a short.time, Grant, tkkj.413�d. iwices." 'ilms;w title orind aeldy beyonc 6: fith. -SAou -NEW Serges', �ftevpx Livitre-qi- h3Z the -kitle. 'act. ie4,l a1jd-,prqariTg thir
WWofficer. Division'No. S.at Lot 6,15th Cone
-itrulng Officer. Division' No, 4 at very cbeapts.
Mkp0y PenaZm durinx the
SohnSillers, Ret jejt1A6,C0St`o1`vbRh -isaid. 1#.tIfaSuoleiy.t
�,IT 041
tot2f). 12th C61tcassio WeNairn. Retualng,-: 04. a noun 0
HRRE MONTRS of Pre#=ncy, " they are n. ai� NE,Rllack Liw,%tjrei% t ftheloaAls-advanee& nokledactioti,
officer. Division No. 5.at Lot' 23, 7th Concession, d other rblut6§. whicli 1pne they P�r yar 71d5re but &t any. a# mad6 for Lawrence Dobson, Returaifig Officer, n,4, __ -
n,q.dd:-.,jo in
are safe-, NEW- o T' Black Sit sr6m
fieUrrolvercan jilbIle ijai:1-51
Xeirvousand5pinatA ectionsIt Pain bf br$6ofe ji, orl the 'katidean ifijhtcx�rti6n, PRIP112-4 Division No.'loatTqv�Rilal[.Ziuidb',WM14f 'Wilson, M Y.1T oan y. bn�lng or Anted July or
r -these 21110 -6111C '1k P0 thl
5 BR:kand Umbs,
�jitot thi been, Hysjenc3� and 19etufning E,W,%l plin :XP in ft prineig., I and t1fler'sto srf ust last for 84 r
I rest, Asifi4llsu )is peidyid4io. value for the jCU
,*rjtt eTet a care wt-= all Other meas& have, failed
dt e-AebtUdotirelyex;
low d, esecitild
U"n iron, IX.Nowim A� goof Tidlillli � : . WARI) VLA=JZY -
-and although a P weilul t �mledy �,do, not. tkmoity, Ishedpand 20 IWOPS
b Ojinge. Hill SeboolffemiA.19 OM& B taor;
towel,' Division No., ta an time sUpialAted.
Di I . I - . '11. rt. 17%
viswit x6. 2.-�At LO 2rV
lion. i3th - Cou(:essI9n,. -.Ezekiel P -hair, Retu offile e mdersigned bAxanyamount.,otjrn;ne t4ins 4500 10'
or. [LUS �of riearl t Flannels from 3DIvieo are, re§
%;Ychih6jld�be:cdrerhIly preserved. -terms-afrepaymnetit,-paya
S 17 "THEL
B0 c4age. - Jan 16 dents fr in two to Aftedu ye atalewratoof tuteo
a No, 3, at Naj�.a!s 6-byyq vears-. he pitys jtilo�To each yearjAndatth afriorfio Sri
-RetumifIgOfffeer Divigion,140--4, I f4vourAble .4 --rime Ids- Wortgage is psid�olll 'The =pldjy
, solix orbett frOM" jate.oft defir co titon.
jehoottTouse, Richard. Robinson. RetainW.fiffleer taluxelits xpenes 100 deitycO -ot"Societyia tbelleattudi ti f-
0016 g buduosC
EW ED1,T $1.00 and 1121centis (or postisge enclosidiw0o 0,11 Wd School Honsej-W!O;R Willf- 0 in
No.,& lit V. the 4ubt M�JXV
- t by lb TRAYBUr 0
RP K & Yy -�.Vrcastle. Ont.t Division* HORAGEtROUTO j1e4VPTv1tIl Wilehit isr�garO t1e; ena-cA -At PLIDES, Villeti; frOMOC Yard vuil inamawy, auu-4 r
0 of- I &a wpalarity come -0, Lot
DLIMIM6!rt, will igsjqajtottNcoutsIrlfn9. �9! 5 of -W enierit,trofitnyxt�Pm�Ptlei�dingbeco e qr kn
0 0, , -anad mid. 0,04378, t9kniAst of -2 wo ye4r la xerp
PIME - M� A . . � f prinail we liq illtill
oj� fSAjpkWjs 0 piralsei' forthe
tVaggon anderstood Rr�'t& -. "8,11 V&Vla n , b 416_'�d lj9rPs','zfid ilia oywwa"" ])Ivbion Xo� I.. &8rurisdin k Whellara 0 in
�$. -$2.0evch.' , -1 - I I . elat Building & SaVililigs ;, .1
-proreas3r Huxleylil ORTHRUP & I YKANP Shoi.lAndesborim9h, James kraitbwafte6 Returning ,.M.Un I atarned hi,)tito br5 -Thi a ve dose'tsks& terY fiftei
F �r, and thaothe,;
f -W quiclaYare
Una 1,
atJOIA, WI tams Aggon pi Be PaYs-Off hisloan I#V14 Ad ab9ntithe nei
.1'e'e'stetWj Yeaterj&y, w6stfe,U, %V-40t;Kit Officer- -DivisionXo.20 TLES of - d Ulatilkas 061111 lknd without trouble, ar inghtsvr6perty. which.tri-ofteq 0 a re d
_.agen 14h- Mnburn 100, Yi pponin wheat] tighfalarge shin -at I to
'Car leprind altills d
f Themait 41-DOP
ic ve wi Lbo. st9t446
Sold in Goderich b�. Parker %,0vAtIe.xnq
__D8 -SOLD IN SUR NOE OARD �'#s end of the t6m.- Ri Calft,'gt Any time. -PRY Off his
im Labrs of A T. .0.0 t
Co verin� t.sIlhicl; gait beset:.
F. Jord -!d'; "The SubscAber1g'Aj;6iit- b6i th6 following trawleAs in madvauco all
U. Xo. T. at'Sabool Huse, Section- fiforable t w4 -it
'elief Ifith jiteM
Ell& anl ElMna. ad;'RTAidint
Ily MIS$ 'V Hi!nthum,RoXetjl1o; J,� ceterittj&, 2, at. Lot_ -26, - P I(I�S. Xsur..aoe dat say monthly inestink bythe: blijetors, on'tin? Aililleiii 6tt, ifth.
_Plckord,11� - L LOWS CALM R sickness trains froai�ichzugi wMer.
Is, Vvl#on N
nton, -iiA7;-E- IfIck, -Lva Retain oft T 1plic6tignortho boirowerj and 16tentat 6lx: pip
th C onall pirricaftlaw 'IE TTXW 4ALV TZ E AN hV "0 9
mbe, rd, L�elr Vim lAtrPhg Qigqe�r. IjXtir Loudoli, 15uglaud.
WeIRRI& I _D of Harkfor(L TLE
rnd k� Ate
Hod's Wiliun and 0" r Biagri%Ptf PA0V15&ATi 6f Tarontm V Ped.,
Z0 4tere
-Division No. 1, fttBrdwn1i MWiLutt11j.,8thPqeeX of Toronto; Flill partionlara and loaniable may a Ine,
�.Oqgplc -701-04f WO: 13AIT48H -by i th
AMERIC r kldK 4
OffLcqr- of Goographt ,pion..Thomes 3319)meg, R ietterV9 5
40xine,lotpluesil 46116fittAel0lWest f oSecreary,-orfrom arlyAl #et Z n",
-9S FLOrCA-ER.. Valuato 2, Oderiehl I CHARL
n _No Sylorl f
g,%yard T jr
Viiwazfbot by, .40 Ball, Returning OfflCON
2W Coors,
G I gon*. 1stTemp`ariacollall;.�v '?M'Th
6113 by Jr -,singler Dlvh _91T omit
Aj slon -2, -old '41is ql1kniftfie 4WE64
MuiWentf" pitintr.-Killerp, pin" -i e -W IE49
40 -forth Offloe� 9 -jau
i �cjOarejgoa and Orow That,
49 A: gglaTly �jedjcjnq> -�rellsnd favorsIblykpow 9
4t Ar pplijining Officer.
'lled"eftlat byauthorof 0.1 1 Cook,
40t instsuce46 gtve, P0r'inqnelW 'rali& I whan -tijikely Se 0
Old Fa3hioned Girl by blim A eott 0141i 1996, [nmait flilel as- AL bpiw, sad* Mrs iml
'zThe Goaaan Anzel, 40 ftd, and wahaveever knqvro a 'eingle citie officer..
OM OUT 4Yci�Olrb ri&ii�L i�Wte. ralveil A�fl 10' tF MCK 7EA RJOA
b G 0ii N_ZJ Vt S - e lt"ws*ts
tallOw are Prilit
0 IN BTLTH -4 v a Ad**e=0WW
40 t1l taetton whOre the direct!ups liave been o7ra Ph 1�
,,k so"Itif ja] A.W. ourgTweei-IsMi r. W1, W -W tien'of- An�mt,�&-used jn the A nuiric, Form,611
"by 5, 4M 4. D;
iising theStIru ne'Ready Relief wi jLtun"dj#e0.,j!
1:11 1 IN
14 Att
4PAbor *f he eontrAry man Ivaman 40 olvlperl tollowed, but on t Prop�y.-,Retujnlag %car.
ions,.an.d speak. in the geousit Na tl� DIv1iI�VX0!, At S-.hool Hintai, rj4TjCrtn by Catimet
13090 4t ly to SC
itle mt. eltir-
�HsbiU of Good tr* .1.00 highe't tlims. of and 14Mal iffic0s, Tames Murray$-94turnlug Officer. j,-Plylglon No, 2.L'&f 'bu III 13*211M
.is Zirttle PEA, JACKETS WiL r *oppw* &M *ft3
CAN&P14fff PAIN DE S TR4y:gj1 School gouse. Sections, John 3roudd. . Retrnineill- bo
of 1.25 - y %r;;*is ter.
SMIALIS Wealth ISO )o House. Section "ity041. �; way ltdiieew
has.w.iinl&ritselfa^repatation,asa blood Port cir, islonNo, 4, �at J0
7 ;Dctsl, - .- _ . - . _ - . " ,
Wlilism. Fowler� Rbturning Officer. Vv! tv; f4i .25 Irk
111TR .4 pdtleiw
i Dr, Wzt1G9,.A 0. W
ton ley 11"Urpaw. bell, Retaftin ife. letters Ana 41toES
"Z5 higoty-ofmedicalpreparatiolis, f1t 80dolUffills car. Div91on :E -r j14 t
-r)O- liel,,#JterAtivestolnie,6� d in the rwd 60*0. treal, 14d byura te
Addvas" School House fraipurhey, David, C
I age, zgmQ TUTE z,l
ofin 'ROOTS L MP 1XST1 stqreketp
PA" TA _& OILS_ �77
ly in t"M"Oryy 4�ai *wn in 64 'Fatupla i
reatbarg for AIM" -:Loo toenre"pipopsift, LIVA lndig�i- yWo, Hagit, Chesney -Aet�.Xuliij; Officer. �TA WSTOR SALES -on Two Morning- by 11 tion, He3riburri, 8101cawsplie, KIdtity0offt- Tus"ta.
ciraning by "Isiq pla'ihts,AeilStomsohpbtlil4iCor Ajohmatand lvIslOnN6.j at Lotio,-17th- Concession, siqos .NAILS CfXASS tr OF T NORTURALTO
Double a Groug bistraciiiiii. Lot9it the
restoroxt6 vital aetivity-the system debtAtAticil Jobustou,Returning0facei"'
'jFjddon�jV1j[Ver,3ity SeIrMOD61 -000i: W, Utight by Ji.1ttetior fpUA1 Of"01)
B � T
b)r,.bt!ffeq9gaqd seCo -..TbB Und is part'it Z;"d *M
Actual Business Ttflnitzctloafi� 11 Peter Cartwri;htj ihe 3�akiob W Its raagicafanct 4, oliderfal 'SUM"s -In Caring DjvWonNde1,, at Tovu Ifell, Elfraxills, 811:1111:101 uLW,-,%rItbmet1c- usidus 113MKOY-SHINGS TILE XOST flo tit &atij bjtlf 'of Lot No 3, ith M01 -
pod eaud -,Clh,e%p 0 -'find ce, PdnmAdsWP;B"kIu8,Te1`s9r4h AwoldloG
ctus -SO A Y
su&ka colds, Aore throat, Coughs, Diptherift. 44 b poirticulixg
'Division NO. 1 1 V11
I 11bke lt Is prepir/#1
psing I& the side,lionit. ind back. nouralgIRAQ91h A8+*AWA#04T1,
is 7
irt of it School -any sIon4 JamesTijeale, 110turning UK$r. ins vrwkmauhk*=ftrl-,r, Silftylkont
in wWatever ea",4 �given it! It Bowe!? 1111tistratwe Gitberiq The body And rrO a, box
Tonics for Toze1wirs 0t -filsperm& rs wift. WAWA*0M.
Lot.,17. zth Conework'J'Ama - timift.
76 4L P12CO 1 holtsehold ltlfd is 11 &t4
TW4 Clus and the to H Otber �repltral !oil* orthe kind. to*
of thfta'boa)rfi�'=004" _'*r'fWrW$n
Xjzjn; in $oojetyl, fts's also anvaoi t-ust itad"-prompt. re=63T for - tk
so ohbEf NOTIO 10- (;04VWW JI -17. ;.)3%rd'ra%u#- C.-triStIZU Lifts Scalds, Burns, Ortlifti, raiosx Chilwainilf-
Ettog Bites, firampa 1-* t!K!1t*m*cb DIRAC8111, r4s:w tA be, 'Wig
Imitaij,�)a of Christ by k%ewfisi �170rls Wad, Th4ab4y6js-,jLtMsooM ropm*d B
DW TMT,,Strayed Iraft the Vremig,, -491W tDft 11tjigils taorIA4 imy per -n, orTgMas b1tyl r
Taylor'& U,�'j LiviaPk D1101 t*kenlnto�.coaitdemtion*bytbrXnuii-ipd" Council of f
i�zifbr noteof bAn4maift bT=9J0 X
30 1,12olars, morbus, litibme CW)110 the -HaW IV - n Vr
�on es of tho' stib�Mber,
*Iuaerls Pogular ROY LOr 22,*r." V)t44. TAX* Trawr$9f, rnai otily 26 tenin P the County of Huron, after one mont� ftin " Atst r*&d,v&bodt_8&fAirA&y, _% 80pb x -red ooir.' - . , I . 77 * , " A mt tiWod-low
untirtly Dysenwry, -bl][DIP40
Hiat'ory, of, botoo. p3ibilooitlori fit the uld By-Nw. In tba HviAII& 84roW ftAjXDAWIbt 10*,jWrAT, - - I
*"6WAuj roy�li;4 #dW0114 NORTHROP 4. j6yMAX newspitper,tho dateofWhiell rublication'W" rridar, with large front teats the; right owe in Ddustanow* -wi, "I of Dept, hijt a yoke of st"efl i,vw re I w1t
le Uow- I - 8 Can. Wad Wswinaill. 8j 1111168 ft
No ,r s�th,7, Sib! 1, of(jetolier, A. D. IM, 04 that SUQh; I. 'WEST 431 three arAthrmlianderldindtflydollars. A41h, r*r#Mj4,t4 othipw,ite Wthit�#M
tho Twanty-Arx]; da 110-1 4Y4V0W0V6'ltPt snt lb� :CL"
the vofAwof sheSlactors Of Lhi3a�id A�tunjcj*131 -8 yagra giVitflZ f,,ydkaLjDfSW of go! 1
Hiaw-.ib" 12 win Aboot Al3Y OW6 'k spr4 Mgt W46
E whitat �Ird fast General Aseld (Or 04111tfilk- betaken tboWn at tba Afolai, 'nggs IL tae infoanittion- - will lf�a't hir �reeoVqj othtiAid, is *IT* �sj&' -JOHN t(ARTELT. 1111%*10�1 rm
as _ the 108 Alli t# thm wserrV., w4ft
Porker 4; atu IWill. **, 114r4r, I+w
"OPOW in Codemb by 10#11d S%W County of Huron, on Mon,lay, the ourteentIn --lead to tb* zttbvW *illt
BsyAeldt James orNoviobtr, A.D. 2870, at jind fromint be tj kt% Wine onitibly re'WAH04-., a supply t1my 'Or
Jordan; (4ardiner sof t Wjttgoly ja�wsxdsili, ft"aw Oniffivie. A RVUlt ir
-AT tkq j . fK-Aard, Exatse in tM inWAj4* until five of the elfack In thoafteraeoA.. HAIMYROV TAOX" wlyri 4kt�. glik, Im. Am%wWw P 0 (PaL "W
B"tbitrit, Rodpm
0 be, oftstm; loeW,Vokviow; It Hicksoq G ii`&4
RE R46
nh Ph