HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-11-03, Page 1"." • 4' f' 4.6 ee eart e tee t enogate.o...eir§r, • • • Business Ilirectotti - • r. 013011*a11 T1LL BR AA' HOME FOR OONSITLITA.TION up to 11 o'clock, a. in. every day. Willvisit tients at aay hoar nun:wards, Wight orday w4,9 • 44"; lin.nrion Ferstet N, SUROE0N, &c. ;&C.,,,Gormittcw. 0, W., 13:40-ly • 13a. Iti A.N. DTIVSICIAN. SURGEON, CORONER. &c. Office and Restdeuce third door east of CentmlSchool. 49 f (+.M. Mc 51 I arc IN -c4-. i1.D. seeerri TE COLLEGE PHYSICIANS AND SUR- E. Residence. the house fornaerly oemmicti P. C. ttakian, Elgin Street. GEJ. 30Z .8c4ABB,AHAM SMITH. Proprietors. • Jun. ,t-TALss.4, (of WSW Coilee 31.00 P.P.; 41 •N. NN IN AT)VA.NCEr 1311YS$CI.4,N. SrRGE &c., Office, oyerhis Drug IEN.E) OW yap . tore, Go.lerieb, Ontario. aw102 Medical. 111111, TCHARD11001n. PITYSICTA.N. JUEON A N11) A.Ccattchear. Manchester, C. W February 715.1537. w3vr 51. 1 SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, Goderich. August 14th, 137n waOtf ra. s. 11AR RISTER %ND treoen EY -AT -LAW, AND 5 ince,.rv. Count r Cr in Attorney, GoJerica, 0.1:tattakVest. 0 fice in rt House. v14n40 5/1. C' Ciarrteron. ATtRIATETt. kr-F..43NET. CONVEYANCER. &c., Mrs!' 4:1 st.. G h, Ont.. w49 3n3Ine as a 'ream. " The Greatest Possike.Good to the Greatest .Possible Number." GODERICH ONTARIO, D.C., -THURSDAY, NOV.13, 1870. Business Elitectotp GODERICEL REFORM DEMONSTRATION. - - - --- IMPORTANT NOTICE NOW IS YOU1 eHANCE • , -CABINET FUPP MING ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING LIT LONDON. Cameron (=arrow. Tip ARAISTE :1-4. s TORS IN CHANCERY, &c. cee.a. teeneen street. Go lerieh. 31. C C1.: 1Eno w5•3 J. T. GaRROW. „s nn I. 44- orcton A TTORNEY-AT-LAW.si)L1CITOR IN CHANCERY netne Panitc. C.no.ev•i• •.er. &c., &c.. Goderich• j Out., Oiiee, On ter ..01:th 'Hite ot West Street, third • door from Conn-liense lurk, e. wa 'sane F. ATFORNEY-.1F-L•%W, SOLICITOR ! in .erv. , G-iderich. Ontario. Office- ; ab4is hi .!:. Kingst ia strt,it sw77 . !Doyle &Scinter, MARRISTERS ND aTTORNIES, SOLICITORS- ", ta-.7hant.ory, ae Goderich, Ont. B. L, DoTLE. avr5 W. R. Sotrirst. B.A. irs.o.Ts4 Elwood., - ID A R RI ST ER & k ?TORN 8; VS -AT- LA W., SOLI- -sin rn tcerv & hp.o!veney,Co nves- • cer, &c. I t• -s Lnd. OPPICE Grabits SI el:, over, Mr. 1,!.'t,:t.7.1.t'i Stare. - sw37. .17i111.1,•la F.If3rtin, 13. A. \ ND L'A' OFFICE. en ass% new g rms. 13cy.ite anscLce trios to real estate glietet Gaderich Aug. 14 1880. w30 P. F. W ‘IXED, Attoruev-at-Law I 1„. • Couveyaneer. Nottry Sc. Office of the Clerk of tae Peace, Court House, Godes- ch Ontario sw94 tu h'Iotsrstort Street Ocsierich. N. 13 •••-C Maney len: on reasonable CIFFORD .ELLIOT. r. R. MANIST7 Rause Sign & Carriage Painter cA 0 D ESIRES TO ACQUAINT TUE _PUBLIC THAT he has timed up a shop on North street next to the 'Wesleyan Methodist Church, with varnish room et - teeing where lie is nrepared to fill all orders promptly, 'and at reasonable prices. Thankful for the patrionage of the last 7 years solicits a ..outinuance of the same. Now is the time to Paint yuur Cutters, Sleigts, and Carriages. g g --e Orders from country Carriage shops attended to c,) with dispatcb. Sign Painting, Gilding, Graining, 2 Glazing. Paper- anging. &c., F. R. MANN. filndericb, Aug, 15, 1870 awl Caluinerelalllote1.nite11el1C.I17 lICHN 'TICKS, Proprietor. This is th J argestaad bestCouutry Flotel in Wester )anaila.and eaarges as moderate as any Hits in Vhteheli -haze Proprietor. Good or_blingfor loo Horses Florses and Carriages for Hue, on sortest N ot ice 140 B, McCORMIA, TAILOR, (McLEANS OLD STAND, EAST Sr.) PREVIOUSLY CUTTER. TO J. C. DEAOR, & Co TESTIMoNIAL GODERICH 19nr, SEPT. 186g. Mr, McCORMICK estabashment, We bespeak for him the conlidence of any who nray employ him. 7`slIN C. DETLOR & Co has been in our employment as Cjitter for over 1 year. He is capable of cutting for any first class PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. -- Secure the lhadow ere the "albstamce fades . • . 0 . DANIEL GORDON, CJA.I.311T3E'r :2000 M3SONS PRESENT. Mesegunzen, BLAIIA AND MCKELLAR MAK THE MIND OF ONTARIO. (Condensed frOnt the Globe.) UPHOLSTERER,' LONDON, Oct. 24. AND A. grand mass meeting of the Reformers 'Undertaker, &c., cteof tins city, and the surrounding districts, i, was held to -night in the City Hall, which 11 large stock of FURNITURE in every variety, which canno to comma Prices to Suit the Tinieft Photographs reduced te 1.00 per Doz., kat 750tEL PER HALF DOZEN, Large Photograph Reduced in ,Pro iirtion. Also will make the largest Photographs made in Goder ich. very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar upwards at Goderieb. Aug: 15th, 1870, D. CAMPBELL'S Photograph Gallery. wO To TUE WORKING CLAS8.-We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole °Me time °ate the spare moments. Businessnew, light and prolitableierersons ofeither sex easily earn from Me. to $5 per evening, e.nd a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the businets. Boys and girlsearn nearly es m uch as men. Their& who see this notice may sea d their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleiell offer: Tosttch aeons tot well salisfled,vrowill send $1 to pay for the trouble ofwridng. Full partsculars, a valuable sam- ple which will do to commence wbrk on, anci a copy of The .People's Literary asspansts--+-lof the largest arat bp-Idol:7'111y onewspialers pub!,:lek-ro O;fs ley_tueez 11111171100:, ATO USTI, NiLitzirk 4T -44 price, suchak AS now on hand a was rrainmed to overflowing. The chair t fail the favor of all in want ot furniture. who may favor him with a visit, ,cyhether in style or Bureaus, Wood Chairs,' Bedsteads, -13.fas, Tables, jllooltuases, Extension Tables, Easy Chairs, Wardroe., Side boat ds, Wash Stands, Kitchen Tables, -Bea Grass Mattresses, Wool do, Cane Chairs, ; Lounges., Cupboards, Rocking Chairs Chiffioners Stands. Moss do hair do, and 4 or 5 differeat kinds Spring Mattresses N. 13.- Keeps always on hand a large assortment ot Washable gilt and Rosewood lifoulding-fraines, ?quare or oval, made on the shortest notice. Havmg made arrangements With JACQUES & HAY, Toronto, can furnish anything here or at their Warm:owns in Toronto. Has always a complete assortment of Coffins & Shrouds in the Latest Style. a Also, HEARSES to hire. C131.4e,EL]P PC411 rrEir0.3:1 Gotlerich, Aug 14. 1870. awl rJr ILIE MARKET GROCERY TAMOUS FOR ITS' OldeSi Establishmant in Tei 10ONVENIENT SITUATION RELIABLE sTOCIC MODERATE PRICES AND CONSTANT CIViLITY. A TTORNEY-at T..aw, Solicitor in. Chandery.- Con - „L -1. veyancer, &e. WINGEIAM, ONT. Money to lend. Disputed Titles quieted. Crown land Patents obtained cheaply. July SSth, 1870, "r. T. Stokes, A GENT FOR STRATFORD AGRICULTURAL vr,nk_s_ (Joseph Sharman, proprietor). Residence, Ztytield Blad. w11 -1y -Sp Ma.loorreson., 1111ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, &.c., &e. 13 Chinon, Oat. w35 MONEY TO LEND. Strong (SD Swains. ID EAT, ESTATE AND INSUR4NCE AGENTS, NO. 13uf1llo, N. Y. ot-ts C. -irR I. Attorney -at -Law. H. R. Sualua. Ang 13th lisr0. w30 ). Mc ID on4.-zall I 10ENSED kTCTIONEER, BAYFIELD, Cormty of IA Hama. Sales ta village or country punctually at- ende to. w9-13rrE le. F. la a. tacrit Ts, (WM, E.NGENRM AND SURVEYOR, k.) Agawam! Coavevancer. Kincardine. HALFDOZENFROMBACKNEGATIVE 51 cents, postage free, One dozen from back negative 87 cents, postage Sree, to any address. Particular Attention paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes. For either large or small photographs. The subscriber in rPturnitur thanks for the liberal patrobacze - heretofore extended to him, would just sev that he ha.1 made such im- provements iii his gallery as will merit a con- tinuance of the same. r_CF A Great Reduction on Large Photop apts. E. L. J OHNSON, IAN!) 1 • Gcderich. Aug. 3,5. 18'10. ve30 W. Gr. WILSON Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Insurance & Real Estate Agent C01.1.1IISSIONER IN B. R. s, hi ORTGAGtSr DMA ANMEXECE ran, -MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 per cent. Ort- tfiiii; 1570. aw17-ly ZURICH, Ont. EF1D11 Anetioa. COITIMiSSi011. 0-0DERICH & CLIN'TON lEsta-blished 4,2AILES of Miscellaneous.. Property in 6 1,3 every Saturday, and in Clinton every Wed- nesday. Moneyadvaneed on Property for immediate sate and prompt returns made - Form Stook a ml other Sales punctually attend- „edto throughout the CoantYs G.M. EIHEMAN'S Auction Mart, .wfi vrarkst Wsnare.Godermh MARTIN AMANN .DEGS TO N.FORM HIS ( )1.1) CU4STONIERS I.) that he is till able to sell for cash, at the owest rates, ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. At his shop on Kir:gator' Street, opposite the Huron Rotel, Godench. time him a call. Goderich. Aug 15, 1870 w39 - - 141” 'NAT Waggon aLd Carriage FACTO,RY• • • • I I I .• • BATES & ELLIOTT T .1 AN E pleasure in intimat- a 1 ing to the public of tovvn _,..--.2,...L...,-....”" ,411-.k- litirdp, and country that they have w4r :74 opened a Waggon ard Carrie, e Shop on St. patztrid's -,n,`• — (Lewis Elliott's old stand,) im- mediatelyly adioining the estern Hotel. B. & E. attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, and are prepared to turn out v Extensive New Premises Waggons, Buggies, !AND Cutters, .Sleighs, SPLENDID NEW STOOK atyl everything in their line, of the very hest material and 1.vorkmanship and at the very lowest -remunerative tes FREDERICK ARMSTRONG, LAND lerfoINT, VALUER, Sto. w-Eas-r GOTITCRIC'Elf. , ILQN FV TJX) L4END, .Ageat for tho Canada Landed Credit Co., and the Im- perial Building; Savings and Investment Co. Db-2eStlelICL- rc) EUt.112, • Crown Lend. Patents taken out. Debts tCollected. Goderich Ang 15.1870 4i1W1 MIw SASIL AND DOOR: 811111M -M t MISSES STEWART , C. Barry et. Bro., . Cabinet Makers, Undertakers Wood Turners, XXII.TAIIIMC3iltsT SPX* Have removed aeross-toe street to the store next door to Wm. Acheson's Harness Shop, where will be found A GOOD ASSOB TNEATT I of Kitchen, Bhdroom, Dinnigroom, and Rartor -Fur nit -fire, smell as TABLES. .01:1AIRS (bair, cane and wood seated.) CUPBOARDS, 3.. XS 1! (Or Promptly attended to. ON HAND, a large assortment of •=4- which will be sold Qheap for Clash op Cord- wood.. Goderich, Aug I 1870. w80 , WASH STANDS, MATTRESS.ES, LOUNGES, • SOFAS WHATNOTS, LOOKI15 •OLASES, GILTBRAHINQ.. G. B t B. are prepared to sell everything in ' their line • Cheap for, Cash. N. B a. complete assortaient a 0offins-and Shrouds . alWavs on haaid nada Hearseto hire ; an on ieasonable terms. A ALL SOLICITED. Gridarich. 15th4ng71-871) ta TO INTIMATE THAF THEY HA.VE RENTED he Store on the llartiet-Square, nest door to Mrs. Wok's; Confectionery Store, where they are preparecd. ,to Matte allerders for taillinery and. dress -mashing in tWhe Newest les and with Despatch 71.clakhirieirIeitrIel;igc..es =tool immediastig5:4 FACTORY • RE unaersigiied baying purohased ehe klain- ing Milt and Sash Fsetory omen, and oc- eupied by Donald Camping, are no* prypared- to carry on -the business ot mantifatturnig EW BOOKS, The Large Business done by the firm secures a su.ppbr OF 'v. GROCERip ALWAYS,. FRESH. A MAGNIFICENT • wroctia. OF VROCKERY Lamps and Glassware on hand of all pat• = terns, styles and prices. The lar- gest stock lit town to choose 'from of F1W-Irr MASS, STONE & EA.B.TgEN-! WARE.. ° pecier:irsInNithlo Lir and Feed delivered at any ad - N, D. Produce taken in Exchange for •goods at Cash Value. BUY THE -§2. WASHING MACHINE. VT COME AND TRY US ROBINSON flie HOWELifs. Goderlehplz. 30th IS /0 .a3Va•tr SIGN OF THE MG .• &do., eze• WHOLES A,LE & RETAIL A.1, BUTLER'S.. A Beautifia Assortment JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to be Soli - C HE A.P A 'V .B 1 truith•&41 -Vitt luaotizio7s) '-letennAe, _ nied, 'whetattlie'Genernment hail done VITA., him -they kicked tin5 -otet with its littletief; ..,, Inctance as 'one would tlifet; an old the -6 ' info the Area. (Laughter.) !Tr Viaeket10,-. ',Zia • Went on to aefer to the -dietietastOneeit . - conneetted Tall the rtgeedtion 'tlittiteeNiiriht. , West,the mission of Hotee, the totirgettl t:if the Letter to Dr. Schultz with respect tiS . the ritish flag-Talre down that _nee' oaf .. the meeting of Howe with -Mir- Mateeengall on the nrairies. He (Mr Machensie) bea , lieved that tbe money ehoold kayo beet !p,aid over to 4.eop ternia„'Ivitl tho'•ftterit; . Government, land the ()men's tire chitthea a.&MES YOUNO, Editor. ° - - . • ii,.on ahouldlare been read.' They were told that if this had beenlonewe renta. have forfeited the right we had ttat thb X1II.—NO 41 ° _ . the matter. But the Imperial tecoveret- ment did nothing of the spelt. Their said, Impertal Government should take part ifs ,• _ _ .. , • 'It is true there is a rebellion - tag it it J ._ _____,...A.swir your own fault•;' -and they only sent 400 - • men we sending two battalions and peat Ides written in praise of himself. (Cheers (A (loalition was one of those systems nt from the time he had first entered timed fruit; io feet, ono might as well ex- lug &ree-fourtlis of the expeneest (Cheers") nd laughter.) That paper had chauged; 'that produced tids state of things as its na- The consequences of the blentlealiees Of the Cheers.) He issued an address in 1M, thing better than Any <present political mine: 1 Administration he not porstiing-an open, elitical life he had never changed.- pect pure water fronne foul spring as any - is policy would- be fonnd. there. The dition from a Coalition The eCeets of b straightfor Imre course, and their polio ton•-ards Meledougalland the territory, had olicy of Sir John A Macdonald was like system were seen not only in the amplifi- ur increased the expenses to an aneotteet..•five times greater than would isnoe tuffice8. hat celebrated statesman in the reign of cation -of officers, but in the inefficiencypf originally to have compelled respect tc? be Georges. He based his claims to pow- the officers. Who could itnagiue that W- British authority. (Cheers.) We were arl r and his whole political ambition on big- $er the Receiver Gen. had got a depart- aware of the intrigues of the head of the lig men from the opposite ranks. (Cheers.) ment to himself, each scandalous frauds as Gevernment with the highest men who ne- e depended for his office onabodyof paid those of Reiffenstein could have been per : presented the party in rebellion. He Me anissariesandpoliticalrene,gades. (Cheers) petrated ? He (Mr McKenzie) would liken Mackenzie) a7e.gollected that 5,41eu he chats e had referred already to the resolntion te give those present an holiest and fair lengod John A: hlacifeliald, and askea ormed with the three members of the Ra- statenient of the 'Marone of our public him 'Do you mean to receive these men as mu party. Mr. McDougall was by far debt but he would tell tl fr ki that 3 -delegates who were merely elected en Fort was taken by E W Hyman, 0 prominent e ablest of the thine, and was one of it was impossible for any man to take up Garry bv the influence of Riel r -when he eitizen, supported by the leading Reform- ers of the Province. Among those on the 'those who first suffered. what he (Mr. Ain?, the public •accounta and ascertain the asked him th I same question in privatei , enzie) in the election contest had repeat.: amount of that debt. Our debentures of the answer er .s No; ; we will heat whet platform were: -Mr A Mackenzie, 3f. Pe eelly told him be would suffer. His office ' all kinds emounted to nearly 91 millions, they have to sa,y as itadividuals, bnt not at Mr E Blake, M. P. Mr McKellar, M. P.P.: ,-as filled, and he wis sent into the desert afloat; •13tit the government, kn.owing that deleo.ates.) - He (Mr Mackenzie) had ne Mi-Oliven.M. P. kr Bodwell, M. P, Mr ...;-ith all the sins of the Administration on there was an annual deficit-knowino- that in ' • ea la" t' D11•Iills, M. P., Mr Evans, 31. P. P Hon E Leonard; Messrs. D McFie, W H kills, I P Lawless, G G Magee, - Graham, A Kennedy, - McMahon J. Atkinson, Wm Mills, John Wheton, McMahon, Wright, Ald Campbell, Reid, and other prominent and influential Reformers.. Long before the time of commencing large numbers began to assemble and at half past seven o'clock- the splendid hall -Was one dense mass of persons, the audi- ence increasing .aaid encroaching on the platform. The extending galleries were also crowded, and there could not have been less than 2,000 personspersops pres- ent. The demoiggrahon was a magnificent intecess, aed unparalleled in the histozy of the eit.Y; The Chairman said he feJt highly hon- oured in being called to the chair by this highly important meeting, and it was hardlynecessary for him to explain its ob- jet, as they were all perfectly well aware of it. They had three or four gentlemen here who were perfectly conversant with the political qtiestions of the country. They had come here for the purpose of letting -the citizens of London know how matters stood in the political world, as far as Cana- da was concerned. (Loud applause.) He requested for them a fair hearing, for this was a free and .ealightened country and every man had a right to express his opi- nions. (Applause.) MACKElsIZIE, Who wasreeeived with loud cheers, rose and said that he regrett- ed exceedingly that betlitt not feel as well able to address this magnificent assemb- loge as he °mild have desired ; still his health happened to be iu such a state that • he hoped to be able to get through a con- siderable part of what he intended to ad- dress to the meeting. .(Applause.) It was to him a very great privilege to be able to appear for the tirat time iii the city of Lon,don before a.magnificent audieoce like thim He rejoiced to re-echo the Chair- man's words that this country was pre- eminently a free country, and he rejoiced that in every assemblage of gentlemen throughout theland. its utterances of op- inion, however conflicting, • were sure to find a fair and impartial hearing. (Ap- plause.). He did not intteadto deal ju'any- thing like pereonal vitupeention, or say anything ,against any matt who was not _present that he woukl fear to say in his presence, or gm utterance to any sante- ; molt he would not advocate fearlessly in his place in -Parliament. EN wouldailot hesitate to state before this audience what he believed to be ;Weasel:position of the highest personagenin this country; of those who wielded the Government of the count- ry, andwieldedit-as he believed, and as a large majority of the people of Ontario believed -to the -great injury of the coup - try; and with rep,* to these personages, he would net hesitate to adopt strong terms if he thought them necessary. It :would be recollected what took place atthe last election of - 1867 -the first election .held under our Confederate system- when there was a vemegreat difference of opinion Aes.r. It was e -"To compensation to. existing among leading mei as to the Share mid labour on the Gevernment then _called into existence. tattles having They all knew the ciredmstances conuected ioadsin the C.ountyof York." (Laughter.) with the Coalition of 1864, and he would )11 inquiry, --iewas found that others had only say it was a coalition entered into for tone work for Beaty, arid that when the a specific purpose and a limited dine. 4idds were taken out of his hands by When thatcoahtion had done its work of -it teovernment Beaty said the GOvernineW Roufederation. it bad acaomplished. its • - lot thS.benelit • of oil tbii labour, thoegh- mission: He had the opinion a the, e accounts were taken as extraetedfrom Lie I iteriat- Governorof Ontario onthat ponit At the time when the eitetion was held in, e books of the Company; et! which Beaty , p3e the country had to deal with a new as not only the head but also the tail. : .goiernenent a new coalition -a coali- 3Rears of laughter.) The result of the tion that had for lig objeet. not theaccom- • lishmeht of any specific or of any politi- cal consideration but its purpose of keep- ing in office a set'of Men whose time had , elapsed. he ReformerS were :tqld. it was necessary -for the Confederation of the Provinces that the Ministers Who had been in power shonldeomemain until it was ac- complished. Ete was told by Mr. McDou- gall and Mr. Howland at the Toronto eon - 18 head. (Laughter) Like the scape- if they put on taxation to the extent ne- ld be called to accountlsoualit to- came with their hands . unstained. with 3 - • in at iu the time of the children of Israel. cessany- to meet the public re uireinents -oars of laughter) they took good i care he they won ould go into the desert and neiyer get hide con indebtedness. So the Insurance blood. But these men came as the dela- :tit of it. Matters were so arranged ivheu Bill was passed, r-equiritio• every Com an gates aof tuiserable,small rebel eliquenehile to deposit 850,000 in calli before dPoinY the loyal inhabitants, Freosh and Vitglisle, e got to. the Promised Land that its goatee business.. Under this system, the governg-: who sent their friends prieateiy te Tepree were barred by the orders of those whosent meld had received, up to the last state- sent the trueeptitte of Weirs, euuld witb. im, Then Mr. Howland received the eutenant-Governorshm. Ile (Mr. Mee- ment, C4,460,429 from the Insurance Coin- eShame ')When he (BIT Maelsenzie) fatiala the greatest Uifficulty obtain a hearitim enzie) would folio e- the text which said, panics. The whole of this amount had the Western boluadary of the eetti 4:t`Thou shalt not speak again the rulers of been invested by the Receiver General in meat set down at 98 the, lite people ;" but he wonld leave that Dominion stock; theretore, the bac 15 - minutest, - he othelf no% 1 nt eman to answer to his owneonscience. reastehiisn eohedve what was the nen a'n v1110.0.44 the public debt to the extent of he Reformers were told that there was amount was not seen at all in the list of, a degree in that. territory i', for wzitli lee Conservative party, but it would be debentures he had just spoken of. 'Atilt; °D° square miles he thottalet they con:el .tmembered- that before the elections it , there were the Post Office depesits. Thom vaisly there -another 1,000. He bad s said there was no partyism. However, deposits, according to Inc last statement, peir of compasses in his desk, and nacaatite the death .of Bleir the Reform phrty made in March, amounted to 82,387,650. ed the' mine • and afterwarde invited d re told that the •Conservatives had a ?°' - Tina ed.° had a,Tnother item placed to some of the 'delegates what 4t totild etetnes jority, and 'were entitled to more rep. our nor e neshs. h he Oppoeittoa found; He told these .dele,ntcs that tile meastree. great atilt wit t e Government for bor- sentatives in the Cabinet than the rowing ten millions for the Intercolo • nwl mut included the Frenchspeaking p atioe hers. The Governtnent insisted that tRailway before they req,uirea. 'en use the: of the population, but excloded tile Pen, e third office should be ailed with a money. But, although it was stipulated.. glide, ..ik delegate replied that rathet oservative, in violation of the compact the money should he .used exclueively tor'• Riehot had 13een speaking on the sub je* ' 1867,made with Howland, kteedougall the railway, 'they used seven and a half, the same day. It afterwards came on% d Blair. The arguments against such itillio.ns to pay nif the. fieatine debt. end! , that Richot went to the lkaltelaters eend filftig:t4t=1 %CVO, ill: Sill 1 fil Yirea.= got the hill framed on the reeasureeet: cupation of this office were ee stroag cdenald did net dere to of the office. (Cheers and laughter.) No of the mapethe object being to tenteol at John A: Ma I it; but it was ultimately filled by wonder the Governor General received a the first election, end to secure the• eaa orris, one of the most devoted Con- hurried despatch to refuse his assent to the - piston of ceetain puttee from the rvatives Canada ever produced. The giving of any of this Intercolonial money territory. He would EV Mkt ne heel ree vacant offices were filled by Morris for any other than its original purpose.- never seen, since he lend bk in lithh0 lins, and Meeks. John 4.. Macdonald wBanst.tohee despatch came too late. Thestable life, any business so grossly mismanaged , 11 ..fter the steed. bad been elegem the Red River b'-' L' Tima had :-„ever exhibited so gross an instan,ce of' etchelergic_ ) There was now in a trunk in a' as i been Ilie sum of §250,000 voted for eyead,,3 Asregaiding his own words and public h departinental office Paper rePresefitin inion as when hetool. let° the Cabinet $6,575,410.50, of the money tha.t a deii! bat we found that our troops luti te beeti r the • Rom:hi-ion the same man -whom he tined to be used in building the Inter- their way and blaze their traeks et , tlie nouticed in 1854 as "steeped to the colonial. (Applause.) . There was :still cot of a _prodigious snits of money, vrittete s in corruption." _ BY harping on that another tra,nsaction 'which showed the, we would qi:ilve eo lou ate aeon et rase John A. ejected Hinclg and his , cnaraeter nf the Governtnent, rkw Great' Parliament assembled. He r.ffirmed theh' gerastaxee barrovoeweeml the sum suThofat 82,81%01007 if the 0-017erlalnelat tried to do outiiitr, to trty from power. John A. had the same . , inien now of Hincks as he had Au 1-854, received when the road was buirtn1Wheera" pre,vent tlie nettlement of the great Nate. itor he had.not. Hinck e debased hi If --mse-- - Cenfederation took place, the Government Wesk, and to her up* gatowaye thet en he accepted office under a man that reetaved, because the Great Western was could tiot laa.ve clone jeette;r than tboy et15.t ve him such a character. He (Mr. - able to raise -t neepey, that they should' in order to accomplish that veil eturpose. it ackenzio considered it -almost an meta call it-jn. Attu some difficulty they took - rApplausel He belimred the fativato ee every i public man in Canada, that a a certain aineu: t, and with the interest on this proviteee -depended very greatly oft an who was absent for fifteen years mid - it real4eel. a little over three and a quarter the settlement a the North-West. it re* millinns. This money ought to haye hem' ._ tile one day 113 01310011 W29 TiVd01 -,111 ho could not get a .constauency until , applied to the reduction of our debt, but, i at miserable man,:Bankin, was bought it was all applied to ma,ke good deficitse eugurateagenerous syetem-ofimirtigheetIone :Aiit, should be called en:teethe Government -and so it wee hot 4 faly and reasonable! pourittgelato die North-irest a tothsta4 t plans%) The Reformers did not - conclusion that by this aet of the; Govern-; strca:in ;of oter seountrymen, so:na JirEt enow but that Aikins was acting as a merit the debt of the country was ittcreas-! doieg we would itinke ourselVce .epalie016. totsistent member of the Liberal party, ed by three and a quarter millions. The beim; what We were nble to beconseeneuie ut it was found out afterwards that lie Pegition'of the Government was thus like of the first nations that eielat me Otte fate 01E4 of a farmer who had sold off all his Of the earth. [Lotadelleerseel This tilt ad got an =offer of offiee,and had it under stock, and left netheng to pay the first ex- - another part of the polley of the `11-e. )onsideration, and cameto West York to ecution. :(Cheers andlanghtet ) lie ven- "ain the election- for the Government. tired to say, and he 140 he would be:- formers. [Reiiewed cheers.] Ho did "Shame.") Atkins may have reconciled able to prove the assertion when. Pa,rlia-i not helieye- IVE1 Were eleotinehlhee 411 ittio his eondhet with the nonduct of an meta met, that if we were balled on to pay' the hands vf itte 10-neited Etates. tLetaa onourable man, but he (Macken,eiet could all our debts since 1867, we would have to appla'nee.] He ail ant believe that It,. ordo so (Cheers.) even if Atkins pleaded impose a rate of five per ce4t, additional wretched independence, with -Cenadase et he had received adeice from that tO°ove°runrniel!'t resecantm- etan.ition. wWhenerr, noble Canada, wider Vele protqation ciT tute politioan, Rev, Dr. Ryerson, ..to. was serious financial Ifile3:ityerr batreel the :Jeeiterl States turd Great dein% vat+ eept the sithation. (Applause.) There. them. be they what they may. (Clieers.);' a OlLiag l'i' 1311°';1`i 14°1' lb; 1A_PIA4u4 tie a carious item in the returns for last : He said tha Sir' John - A. Macdonald,e Wo oeere able with our right onus cp Hon. Mr. Howland, Hone Mr,. MeDougalti defend onrselyes. II we hod illobtp and H91:I Mr: Tilley had .lieen in favour' aspiratione Nee nere able to build np :it of building a short read to -Woodstocke? thio northern gale a wealthy ',tta ,4 .but Cartier pet down his foot - ;td tom people not contemptible fee ithe nyes them that if they did so he would turn ,of our ini„Ity neigetbeere. ifoitecrjs,41 Our dett hebre. wee to give Canada, eolnee them all out. Theugh he (Mr. Mackenzie) as not formally elected leader of • the_ thino'OfYaittentlitia that would arable va Ope.osition, he went to these_gentlemen: t ii-Pid : .4,-i, _11 `-',1 2 udt it ,, face and seieleee'Dcint be afraid 'of any edveree °f a en9bPsdefliels4itj3stelniftilanYthe 2:iiight: IP 14(101]. era') ifizetlaoliehtllentele of Van. me vote on the part ef the OpposAtiOn, for on ° this question you will have :every .CIle of e,„„„,:id their vote; to support you.' (Cheers.) iggere"'"T; rtenlgeo'r'n•i; iiv-elialler:,'Imci.: He received an assurance front two of ouTerov-iiii-m- ea' 4'as . ing etz EDiet :F' y those gentlemen that sooner than submit energies not to the advatleertmat of GM' lip t hole was that $1,,17 I were paid over on to BD outrageous te fraud on the people of . , terests or our national 4:mends:est, but to is couat of:the York Roads, thesiine beirr_h uo- epereCanade, they would etep" iit G- an' miserable -party squabble to keep Wee% kenoutof thefundfornnforeseenexpensts break up the (overnment. But tie quee- : buying a neteerable evret4a. lreW nt4eltleorib -, Phethe vras another strange item brought 'lion e,ame on, and these 'ereptleinett stood. i on the Opposition Inez:Owe ' appleette).4 6 lief .; it was the payment of 8200 to E:. roat, for horses killed et drill. The ' position found that he had got paid for. o; horses killed taking men to ,drill,: hough the Minister of Militia reported , L ainstit: Bet penhow could the major- • Fishing Tackles, it.LL IONSISTING 01' ABETS, BASSETS, „BAITS, HOOKS 4r, • JAnS li0f 4uperior kind AND 1SLUNC, AT COST Sash, Doors,Blinds, Moulclings,Floodng, -atdizig, I aid aft kinds o °BRADEN AND CLUCAL: House, Sign Sr., Ornamental Tainter§, ..v..0.)Atiogipaktita.g.cds eadeterlae Cle TA szi x Agents for jaeleson'it `fin/versa 9,16P and •-• - - Wringer; Omoito Eaunders liardvfig0,St0re.) ,Gmlerieh, Auz 17t5,1870/ 15Iva' NEW CABINET Aript ArrautrzinG s ure, onosng. ANK-OF -MONTREAL OWYERigt., '11 40130114444. Wirt _ 4 C! Ft C WOR.I,4 such Its Circle and gothic Sash and Frames e They think fromtheir experience in Factory Work. that they exo give satisfaction total' WIto inlY.11;.vglt.117bmwia c ertt disuount to the trade. - th all. • 20,000 feet of Dry inch ohd-a,eitiaoter ,Flootino on hand - • JAS BUCHANAN., 'DAVID LAWSON, • WM 110B11(80M. Geduld, Ang15:-1870 • evta0 AT BUTLER'S,. Godericl!,;lptk Aug.,1870. sw.104. GOD ERICI.EL ° 3 1111011 01111,11,1401 -- 111111 lAIS4 ItfRO 4 Alo. AW • OdarioCarriitgeS144 - pirocutpn,st,tooderick ERJC AlleICAY4 vot,74) RE3PEur FULLY A -1d - a neunce that he has opened a Inearshop teem dr,veiiac.', on West. Street opposite` ttbe Bank 6f111(.01.Tal. svls;cra Is will ke9 -49D,840.13' ,p11, katalormalce to k`ifer - FURNITURE or ALL Kans. nawriag on hand aa assortmeat of Vpholatarfna material, he wilt be pr5U promptiyallordera lie that limn A•e.tillititY of ailt*ndiZootwood:Minilaing :Asa. Inetare Framing to Order ler eta tri,tv ebe strict atteation•-„te;beaiseaave atter eeears of pabtie patrOrtno. - - , . i oa,Ontariee andtliat Mr. Blair had died,- n shame.„) . and feom that time the -Ontario -Cealitioni 'inc ehfficers of the Board of Works found among the items charged. for - ivais practically at an end, for Fhr JOhit 4.. - coalition :lack things ati broken ploughs and wheel- - Macdonald determined that the the litter remiteding.- one of ., should only exist 'produce beneficiel re- 1•14:3wo, ma 'Itirtis' lene--"Ao leg and beith theme were .- salts to his-G7n party. 3Thw " W"'etY'''. troken.' .(Roars of laughter.) But the at the.present tinuethat there shoal(' ,be: 4whrti of the officer nf the Board of Works' no.parties,bnt hew ovoid there be political i -.existence; in a nation without' political •' parties V.:If:tile* be it Government, and if _ -- they liltel no party, then it followed '.. awl they had oo poliey er principles. In no instanci had any ope belonging to the Re- forni paetje dope whet jam Sandfield Mac- vention so near wes thes obtect o being y and Newidundland were about to enter the Union, and tha it was not A question of months, but weeks, and that when Parlia- mentassembled it could be shown. how eseeritial was a Coalition. ; but wimp :Parlia- ment met it was not shown-thet a single incertinto Confederation. In fet, 'until .1. step lied been taken to bring these prov- forithe Ottawa buildings,he !signed over fee cop -teed to brother,: and inatinged this day -there was not a scrap afore the _eicure a seat. Was it likely -this map public to shah. that anything.whatever hah- 'oeld-eppose the {3 overnment The con- been done in, this direction. Oa° Ffyoar.tact& sent in a, bailor 856,000. The ef- ,be ,h;kept• up if these things were not. accomplished that Prince Edward s k ••ne ? when -there was •dhantry island ipughtueorder to accomplish a purpose, tid again there was Mr Simpson, te veva.: er ,of Parliament, pule a guide to the: orth-West ; and Rankin bought out, dy and soul, to make room for Macke Npplause.) Another member was contract - after that s found, teerenef the Board.of Werks eveleed the: come come right to Peter 0 e prp,ne_r_th eonteon, had Ossumed the Lientenant-Governorship they bad etalfered t-0 orl done to the b date is at enly $13 000' •("telitime.")- No house could he lured for are s :Ho wilbziato thnt..tuots,470a firm ip the eheleux ef Ministerial support- er. (“Shatne.u) These men care for- sooth for the rights of Upper Canada when their personal concerns Were it stake 1 Reverting again to the alibied Of Ate Pid. terenlonial, he geld that there was only one stretch of good. land iia the 150 miles between Betlfurst and 31oneton, and the originalintention was that tbe railway shouldrunthrough this portion acountry. Butit Celeiaet Minister lima thee;honor to 4 410 ,PrOelit Acillailpistrotiop. The melt who :supported the Oneeriment in Perliae restrict la a . place called NeWeafiej his- meat found whey they welit hoiewthettlae name was Peter - Mitchell. Iti order to only part eif their ;conduct whiele %has tee)? bring the road into Newcastle, the - 'track was taken away front the may mite in ,$,P111-2.90verwicacisstliffaaGPILG2t3.,gilaplieot nhich there wen decent land, ano,-I,i wo:e. Wag not statnsinanship, The Oppugthitii .earried trelong.e be.rren tridgp ehlaere there hevereepld he aiLY iettlement, -tad IV" 0.170911131etal, WeiGtIlh1111rriltaLd tt.: i7a-f;vcr52.1015.4106- inacief,ulievers074 to 751 -Mica in order to While this was tho policy of the Govevrre ment, how could. we expeetanything noblo toellourish so long as it was eent„imied?---e• Let theveople ter the AVezt td.T1titad •nt one men, and the present fneretramelft would be able to stand. but a very 812°3 time. In the Maritime Peovinecs, thiP summer, he did. not meet one men. ere. 33runswicle who would defeed the vol:any • , dames a those people, expressing 6-1;3 ,,4"ne• °A,1 a 23 ra,4p, mi -z: HE Subscriber.would antiaunce the4pub- 1. 40.0 finron and Bruce, that heikno,wriiinn-: , nfacturing first-cjees " Varriagis, $11eightf,. rozput.-tito• etco.f whih willbe,soldCHEAF ror.•thog. ffOliN PASIAORE, -Viit.eriaStreet, Goderith -Goderieb, Aug 15;1870 ev30 - 1)BS1R4BLE t 'PRIVATE 330/101.., • , "(10310010ABLEBOARD 11.1 A z-TiVA:92D7iiiiTLY etbehad on reasonable tame. e ror partiCulare . xtertillyr4 Appty at e &a ei ee,• , , - eloderich,-Xay is iirdo,' .- •106.6rate rstRiAliunPer.ttioniikikclig-t.FORgollsnerj°1 . • - ' . ' 4 „ ; Money to T4ovx en, )1eal ).state, Bugles, . Wagons; . A ERW__ spa° titeTrq,stind,licAriFq*may, Cainrrrillti!sesti of 4,orici ii. Fjs GH6 ,I,Eva 44. ,, 1 ...t, • - •• .0 • ,1:1 :1',Ii IzaairsiEt5LAZIllati,_ i itzvilritx A. number Of hrst c a on hand,„ and torah; 1-3•• of tipporCanada. caaaproreesh Priceaqtal Mee in tnetline that lositt - wincomparefayorablywAh yin the County • • 3j 111 w • Land See,- Parliesslar at palinfr-Wagortaad Carriage Bei' ,.....-.1 Et or loyuiormed.TFtiatrime412:7/4 LI'' ' Goderjohy Aug], ,,,_ . 1 yirmTEray. 1. Laid for Sale, .4 ... h, ,. ' 73°- -, tterieeieho:Ang 15, 1870 - .swl , - . st. wan drenaletherledoneewhen be declared .ftoin his seat inethe lieuse that lie would tieviir errahteterr lera!itnit:LIIIInc:earcr,lsenra,lee°f hutih 134aTIMat)..iltitiVtEeltt:t3fg‘tutfeerse[siketiortlrelt vt.tto believed *bat the WY. tterwards. ;woo stated. that It was 'his, at'Ould. tkieSai.t/i0 attention of the: 41F3tePrCSellilatt°3anna hlitha.VittlertsClit,,0 *41'10 • iffiVOrteifoOurna.44,:.rnueard.74e,tiirji9rglistiiinG, eeiothrgeer . ,Cartier, whetherthe 0100511r0 -1Y0re 'kood, _ oy, not beAmse:fre,e vp..ih.00p:vai:ctil;c7netruacemfo.er.d.,. aluiid:Ostcoen'.:ovrila4:4-Poo:ifisneacitaionll 11?5;z7,4 . , (Repeated leogliter) This ;Painepisughtl:r!) ...elite other eittelt Wee preaehnig againet aaar y eeentlentan wasibe 'only one Whoni- .40;(11fr. reetnt. bere-yelo receivuneddearl3iPhein Relied now gone over flue list` the OeteptrYettabelett withoot ony fottt' LtenSe, next 1114 wotaa 1 • • - lients or wh 'Were -directly 6eatien,s. 05rtree 11' '.t, in this great -wester r verY eltfferreet .taing fron whatthey Mackenzie),Iinew that -WA% deterinined to , e country--eae garden. of Canada,- e seen pmv;tously -a_FEeeteeeeet roe:lime, • mirryparey pint to itelegitinta,te ernOlugyi (1- • , the engmeere eutthesamePeter Mitchole s ' a grade of 58 feea to the mile, 9,70. b4 FOille made tie servo him it was further to - i'M e(117 -11g,174:111111 b6 tCP 11104 +0 etk kt! °feller?: intlivnoVrtotriveentS,cotalaensbot&tviciedatettlx4 placee awe would have to he rock nxeave :T_eitottifer moth...hug; _Thy Cowell wasAppoin,t.- no tn, ere hcarp*,,for be )(gr. B.tdekenzie) l'sibo9 oevat'S:it,,Qay'.,t1,12,1,,,tti, ,i-leb,zia.,,tall:jac!it$ g 0 of the Vominion Arbtteetorsto gm was there, Baty ti 0,13' ma emitted it.; , °Greet' y $9,000 more tlian the •Boardeof (Cheers) ' 'On these 150 miles there -bad- that Waal reit the pacsent Gehehrireent i'erks had allowed• :(Shanae.) Was it been nearly three.yairs of miiiisterial ip- 1"re ti2n1e41'13,tj,1°2cAt• VI1c(3's•••3 Tht3 ikelY that McGreevy would vote against ettbation on the Intereolonha egg -Dough- earrl"' .,?'` R41"8 4724"11 ' was l'ulaalive: itt ,Goiriarnment V . Then there was the ter:I-trend the result was that -fho whole agaar-t lilm t7evcrnmente Even lQa0-1-3c4 house - in fact, this whole section w Voio, S'potia, shotha theylivel notentore observed. that this new 'road hadabsolutely wily -t was tuulecs55•111F- tacr° atione of fifteen feetin depth; This was CIPP°sitiGn 4mula 11°3'1 th° (ligFert"7a2 44. ember for West Middlesex, Macdonald, , forte etnployeditethe work of eonstruction 111314" Wen' b°0-r2f4Egt.9 "bgC II° lima firm faith ill the rat& oplaiev • 11 bad indifferent. Thii wa.s the man; wb.o,- 1/4 - la..ngbt.erth) .113 Pik Mackenzie) did, J3ilt gave us absolute Authority th borrow ve,,t4G Ito ,i7G?1(-1 P. (4-13P1a2„g°;4 - • • lot know the 'young geutienian, bet he ax, initans Weirder fortifY got -Areal hentoptweeed tensen auvaireD-tat geutleteen took theiir ett5 t''A iience 4 of.. the Onverinent ; tliey were to tato, care of ourselveaver letare oureelves: no titsubt rem ii 1' the yerats'il2.---'C't on. lie (Mr. Maeltennie;)-neyer that The present Gevernment had received AitenTerneee_ p iJO.. sistance from the OppreettLon,, eeoeey, 7"--Mark746"rt -80;;Ow-, wP61saul*f9r3t41114 bdertifitladol'ilit'Fttbete:z .Preth :lead been askiiig the Reformers to zO111013. CO, ,,TorPT - -Thiitirhetettiottea ,theeravenheratenee - • ?`? every a V 1140 YeititsBfrgileviifiePlie anti ile4P -ce Whai was it now The ------'eta wax noteutitied, to much voresiderationett secosattea p for tee lei reee. eetale tee -IC When it two clothed in o gar I no dechlee etheir -policy. 1 I,ittle :modesty, on _the- pert hf that joutetil might induce itte , , tide that no.inatter what might be the poli - t. gtf the Reforms* it was the yoliey tiir%-one in number,, andthey, with ;eight 1-opeu to inearatous, Etiheers.] More than wile,a igtip,5e -had from sir jean A. eni ers of -the Government, madetthirty. half of tiM' ,amount ' wan to be eel in tun jotaam ara partier :vote w,mt, d tit ef ItIonse of 181 mem-tame, vetipg he- inf. Nackepziej, e.,sketi a 1„ -rower NCalina-elillcm3fldenee_. Tor, to ::/-fita. tountnili thirty-nine Lower Canada and net St. John. . Pe WaYe 'who -could expo.et, indepentlept cla metreltirlorholiq he lei pert anal an. supper. r Len,,,Ii rt2 Lee otingT e(Oheers) The Reform Party. unjust.' Meainre, the spar was-:-"Yonithe time shireu tliereapthrea D3I'AD-.1 Vellintent atield an 4411113=e thirtid the taxatietethie bill will tunto nailes,intob'Itmlie4eweaint4rR:lelsrthrl:137,:f Wanted to put it out ofthe power .6f Any lenow4utt in Quebec we will not pn.9 Ono- and seatt d. 'When the Govertireent. wari -first we will lave of00 turn speut _,Latie„oret higiote. tReenwee ist4tor.3 et-ettet eho orreed in '67-'68, the 'offices we're 'Aiwa us, iqui woad Tiet great' gentlemen, lawre,9-re7,1 was citrkf;',.'7i 1 410 if-ntrtkal h°1d- lia-tung1.1- (Laughlith a eereattarmy f employee:a, but .not- to yofnse .tuir sissentr , :---wliattwas the policy of the 13 eform part ,withstanding, tr.)' Ifs believw in .i-elfing couptry. iwithatinding, the entire expepseei et ate For •this he gas Mr. Naerlen(gAaPirlaev*e4i •j:Y4rj4tbl" vaii° Government, including:the Order- credit aka man who, When inlite Voverne, /loth= t ,p •„ . aaeueen and -those ef ;the relent, did- his dutyieithfully, tpx as re- ernmerth taleed teneh eneeheee.oh elder. if -tba-Leindon ,Ftee ,t''ress Agailla cell to or.eirtttafie „salary nie4Lery the- events that toblc Plam ” "-ant-Governors, were 1594,04 82. egaeded 'ate Red giver. Mr Mac, _doe -gall featioutote, •tot .qac3 * of Nero rea0130C1 surd ef $6644375 82 -an .his (Mr Mackenzie's) handsif looked. at the 01.,Fgagn Wel° wi -PO tir4 y; it went 3.0 seven ycarsago, th itest ot 1801 but le foand th the4 itsicnitlifor '1,41e hettisr•a4,,a4iitya:oft „Pr 13100d-Stablins g al PromPtasti,4talfsett aight 2%0400. tAap contained F.,:11105, ,r9f pup . 110,00o tyro pram. SY 09 &no b _ . • a 1 5 •