HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-10-27, Page 4 (2)anedesa",:--e; •ren. / tiawavittliOlr-.J'AIt.**Itarl'fir'rex•'`".4...."-.C.1„., ...;:.-?,•'‘Atm . -4....1;...i..A.x.v----.7(^--". ,-. ICualoSs Pali Eltoliii. _ ,...-... , 1 CA Turaday of hest week the Kinloss % -e---- , aNelwarGe oiin)i-ceac6thoef al Start.41.."TP043.1 blittr. beantifully black. iitt ts perforated, anidn 'Van out:* tee-en:zing te4aeatn object of ood or bone inserted. In the northwest -great teetNecteV tor Jatany S0lentitie men- ti 8Lhaito;kgetteialatitritiv‘i,nergye.111111111000!,,/coast of Anieca, an incisain more than ;Spots on that orb are not at all uncommon, hp, and then fill ,-1 •*tl as may he risen:ft:tined by ituyene wheeney labia's arid disagreeable in the extrge `;.„, • Is' , ess. re oadstate of theroads preve t- . . two inehes in length, is made in the lo ver toke the Uvalde to hmk rad ahrough a bit i. s In Gehl . tl • Lk., Il1.1 a. rooderi phig e.ff sitieqeseet e4ASte. Bat these phenomena l ea the Willem flout have of inteassinitml an appearance which ! , - entries they otherwiae woula . have made. making the numb , of tloid heada being inside the mouth, and tie nits runner ou the.chin. ea . ie hes a -re pierced with Hewes, otonishes astronomers, and is calculated i Yet on the grolind there was a lang mina D a thawhich._ fancies it ctier of vod looking leases and ea tie. ln tealaran t &lass ant de,1_ EtisINESS tect porteuts'i'oE the futureinahe heavens. 't the inside show theta was a very nod a. EisuctTios.- Since the There are great gulfs now to be seen in. the ! 'edam of farm pr -duce which/ was con- establiebinent of Commercial Colleaes iu e • sian,cach muck /urger tkiii ttile earth winch i sidereal to be quite equal to tlie average. Tor,..ntO a manifest change far the 'better we think ef so mulch importance in thel In the Mechanical department, the Iirst has b • - 1 / ah e qiniverse,- They increase at a prodigions I think' noticed was a set of single harness ie -plug, et a wrought In the inet lo. b ot ou anne, en sinnannes seem destmeiTto work I got 111) by Ma. John Real of this place. 1 and, at the same time, in the ad . . . a convulsion 5IflUL.r to that sy - which stems. 't gra:At expensc. c ass of men who MI book-keepers' peel - has un- ! The harness Must- have bean got up at a donibtetlly overtaken other solar as'there wee to be wen the tiwis• Iti. this way, and by spreading a sz.ms as VS s th,t which fights and i evideut traces ot first -crass workmanship ktiowleilge of cotntuereial law, usages and 11irtnS this tc'orld have been shattered to i and superior . fiaish. y need Mildly say, calaulations, these colleges havha es -:len a pieces, or disappeared, and only the I that though there was no prize for such le eoon to the business men of the country : altiliesoplier in his roving glance over thel mentioned on theI* ., it was awarded a f : - - /4 and we are olad to see that -their power skv has detected the change. The inhahl- i special nrize. Thewas a beautiful piece and their vable are appre.ciated., T tants oother planets would not notice of tin work, the w. rkmanship of Mr S. G he kes , the disappearance of the planet we inhabit, 'cox, exhibited hy Mr Lawrence, in style rivalry that exieted botwee.n competino t-. anv o ealre than %% c can see a speck of sand and llhish, it vehld be very hard-tosurpass institutions hitherto, resulting in th. at,:rritel off by the wind on the sea shore. and diticult teneqsial, it showed superior cutting down of rates and cripp ing -each It is not a mere theory, but an ascer- • taste and remarkable inountiity. The other's resouices, was not' productive el good. This evil, to whatever extent it may have existed, has disappeared by the con- solidation under thewanaeinent and own- ership of Meesre.Odell & Trout, of the Bry- ant, Stratton and Oddi College, and te •••• -••••• tallied fact, that the sun is al wa:,s in highly fluid conalition,-ns one .recelit viniterniescribes it, 'a hurricane of flame, the dtsturbances of which might, perhaps, be best repmsen ted to our imaginations by t he .,eciasional eR plosion of a planet or two of nitro-g1,cerine.' It is, moreover, sub- ject to 'magnetic forms,' produced, as saasty suppose, by the movements of the planets arimnd it. The great disturbance ;Iuch ie illOW going on was predicted months ago by scientific men. That tce are tnii‘h more, concerned m the event than many people suppose, as (pine certain. Self - registering magnetic instruments have re- vealed the fact that whenever a spotbreaks out on the snu, the earth thrills under a mysteriJas magnetic induence. In one case, a few years ago, it is _ti J•'11record that telegraphic machinery was set on tire, and the 'pen of llain's telegraph was fol- lowed by a flame,' at the very . instant a sudden burst oal f light showed itself in 'e sun. 'in the telegraphic stations at Wash- ington and Philadelphie the sienal nien iveeived streng electric shocks.In fact the electric condition of the earth was changed, though by what precise agency n me can full expetan. We are at once inst in a region of conjectiare, and can only feel that the fate which was foretold cf old fur the earth may at any moment overtake it. The forces are all inxisencehv .whIch, in the solemn language of Holy Writ, the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat ; the earth also, and works therein, shall be harped ' OU.22 in every eleven years the atm ex- hibits the stupendous phenomena. which Are at present engaging the attentien of phieeeephers. In 1i59, -clinsms and abye- zes,• similar to those which are nowreport- ed, were seen by many observers. Their occurrence was predictedefor 1870.eit . Gre disterbances ii the world have usually accompanied those outbreaks, though why' abotil 1 so happen is another of the un- fathomable iiiy<Iteries of the universe, In 184S there were magnetic storms, and we had the French revtdution.-Again, in 1859, they occarred, and we saw .wars and rumors of wars in Europe. The electric condition of the atmosphere is tho't to ex - ort a greater influence upon the minds of inert and naticias than many are- willing to believe,or than any one is able to explain. -The telegraphs denote the changed con- alition of the earth, but. they cannot indi- cate the extent of the change. In the gess, 2$F Scott ; Mangel Wurtzel, lst D h-ennuage of the astronomer, whose des- - McShannock 2d J Webb ; Turnips, lst cription cf the sun we he 'just quoted, J Webb, 24 M Campbell ; Beets, lst N nhe pens of our telegraphic nires may Murray, 2d W II Reid •, Carrots (field) 1st some day trace in flame a hand -writing J Webb, 2c1- D MeShannock ; Carrot's unore ominous of bunian destiny than was (garden) lst Dr Garner, 2d D MeShannock the handwriting which, during Belshaz" Tomatoes (Col), 1st Dr Garner, 21 H M wc- D's feast, traced a warning on the wall,of Pherson; Tomatoes, lst Dr Garner, 2d P. ,the fall of the Babylonian dynasty.' -Neto Trelevan ; Onions, lst Dr Garner, 2d do; York Times. • Cabbage, lst and 2d Dr Garner ' - Pump- kins, lst D MeShannock, 2d 11N_)*t ; A Capital Joke. Squash, lst W FI Reid, 2d„1.--tia. - L A DIES' DEPART5LENTaallntiie kets, lst Mrs T Anderson, ; Gloves, lst El MiPherson, 21 J McDonald; Blankets, lst T Anderson, 2d J McDonald; Flannel (all wool) lst T Anderson; Flannel (half wool) 1st and 2d A McPherson ; Fullen Cloth. lst T Anderson, 2t1-0 Girvin ; Socks, lst W Anderson; Hose, lst H McPherson; Double Mitt, lst T Anderson, 2d H Mc- Pherson; Embroidery, lst and 2d J Rose, Crochet, lst and 2d J Rose ; Quilt, lst Mrs. Donogh, 2d Er Rutherford, 3c1J Rose Counter pane, lst and 2d J Scott ; 'Tatting. lst W F Reid; Check Flannel, 1st J McDonald. POULTRY -Ducks, lst M Burgess,2d J Grady ; Pelish Fowls, lst and 2d J Baldwin ; Spanish F, lst M Surges, 24 Dr Garner. Ial PLR ME NTS - Waggon, lst Cameron & Miller; m Dem- erat, lst Caeron & Miller; -Wooden Plough, lst J Fraser ; Horse Shoe, lst J McGregor, 2d G N Brown ; Spinning Wheel, lst W Murray ; Reel, 1st W Mur- ray; Cooper work, lst W Geddes ; Boots; lat and 2d R Graham; Pants, lst a.tal 2d G Kerr; Double Harness, lst R Proctor ; Single, H. lst J Reid ; Pair Collars, lst J Rei ; Tin Work, 1st T Lawrence ; Milk Marriage maxims. Dish, 1st do. ; Pumps, lst A Mortyn ; Gang Plough, lst J Fraser ; Seed Drill, do. ; ScufflenIst do. ; Coat and Vest, lst G Kerr ; Collection of flowers, lst Dr. Garner; Col)Garden produce, lst do. ladies of taps vicinity have alsu been busy in nialcing' preparations fer the show as their depintment was well filled with the result of their labor in the form of frilled cloth flannels, socks, tnitts, tattine,e em- broidery, &c., &c. Dr Garner showed some very nice collections of flowers and ,garden prodne.e. In the line of preserved insects,- he -exhibited eyery thing from the 'great behemoth' dawn to a sieudescript. PRIZE LIST. HORSES- General purpose, lst R. Hadwin, 2d W Humphries ; Draught, lst D ti Milnes, 2d Donoghue ; Brood Mare, 1st A Mullen. 21 C Girvin ; 2 year old Fitly, lst W Hamilton, 2d R Hadwin ; 2 year old Gelding, lst R Taylor, 2d J Rose ; 1 yr old Colt, lst k Hamilton, 2t1 W Hamilton ; Foal, lst D Rutherford, 2d. A. Mullen ; Bogey Horse, lst 0 Girvin, 2d T Lawrence : Saddle We, ist T Corrigan, 2tid J Falconer; uATTLE—mtich lst W Gedds, 2/1 It Had win, 3L1J ;Mullen; 2 year old Heifer, lst and 2d J Murdoch ; I year old Heifer, lst and :;,(1 W Anderson; Heifer Calf, lst J Mullen, 2d W Anderson Working Oxen, 1st J Crostie, 2c1 R IIad- vin 2 year old Steers, lst A Canicron,2d 1-1 Rutherford - 1 year old Steer, let, -J aterd4ch,2.1 FI Ratherford; lyear oblEull, 1st Jr Mullen, 2d J Banal ; Fatted Cow, lst R. Hadwin, 2d D Mines ; Aged Rani, lst A. Cameron,241 A Mullen, 3d H Thom- son ; 2 Ewes, lst W Anderson, 2,1 T Ta ton 3d A Cameron ; Yearling Ram, lst T An.terson, 2d It Taylor ; Rani Lamb, lst A Cameron, 21 W Anderson ; Ewe Lamb, lst T Taylor, 2d W Anderson; ahearling Ram, lst T Taylor, 2,1 W Anderson. PIGS -Boar, 1st J iVitillen. 2d- W Brink- man ; Sow, lst M McDonald, 2d du ; Spring Pig, lst W H Reid, 2d J Mullett ; DA1RY-R011 Butter, lst H McPherson, 2d W Geddes; Tub B. ist H McPherson, 2,1.1 Potcher, 3d R Treleaven ; Cheese, lst T Anderson,2d W Anderson, 3kl W Ander- son ; Loaf Bread, lst J Fetcher, 2d J. Potcher. GRAIN -Fall Wheat, lst D Mc - !twain, 2d D McDonald ; Sprint: W. lst P arrigan, 2d W Brinkman ; Peas, lst D atoll wain, 2d A Cameron; Oats, lst D. Mcllwain, 2d D McShannock ; Barley, 1st D McDonald, 2d J Potcher '• Timothy S. lst .1 Webb, 2d J Crostie ; Indian Corn, lst J Falconer, 2d D McShannock ; Sweet Corn, 1st Dr. Garner. FRUIT -Apples; lst D Mcllwain, 2d J Matheson ; Plums, ist W Anderson ; Grapes, lst 11 McPhers- on ; ROOTS- Potatoes. lst M Bur - An Irishman took a contract to dig a putlie Nell. When he had duo about twenty-five feet down, he came one morn- ing and found it caved in -filled nearly to the top. Pet looked cautiously around, and saw that nobody was near; then took off his hat and coat. hang them on the windless, crawled in some bushes and nweited events. In anhort timenhe citi- zens disaovered ibat the well had caved in, and seeing Pat's hat and coat on the windless, they supposed that he was at the bottom of the excavation. Only a few hours of brisk digging cleared the loose earth from the well, and just as the eager citizens had reached the bottom, and were won.dering where the body was, Pat carne oat of t he bushes. and eend natureately thanked them for relieving him df a "tarry job." Some of the tired diggers weee disgusted ; bat the joke was too gond to allow aeything more than a heat ty lategle that soon felloweeL-Democrat. ••••••• Il••••• tie following, marriage maxims are worthy of moze than a hasty reading. Husbands need not pass them by, for they are designed for wives; and wives should not despise them, for they are addressed to husbands. ts The ‘yery nearest approach to domestic happiness on cartik is in the onitivation on both sides of absolute unselfishness. Never talk at one another, either alone Female Beauty., The fadiesof Arabia stain their' fingers and tees red, their eyebrows black and orin company. their lips blue. In Persia they paint a 1+.7ever both be anger at once. 1 black streak Around their eyes, and orna Neverspeak lend to one another, mleas went their faces with various figures. the house is on fire. The Japanese woman gild their teeih,and Never find. fault unless it- is perfectly those of the Indians paint them red. certain that a faitit has been committed ; The pear's of the tooth must be died black and alway8 speak lovangly. to be beautiful in Onzurat. The Rotten - Never taunt. tvith a past mistake. Nieleet the whole world besides rather tot women paint the entire body in com- than-one another, partments of red and hlaik. In Greenland Never make aremark atthe expense of the women color their faces with blue each other; t is meanness. and yellow, and they frequently tattoo Meyer part. for a day without loving weeds to think of during alegence. Never meet without a loving welcome. Sever let the sun go down upon anger or grievance. Novae kt any fault you have committed go by rintil you have frankly confessed it and asked forgivenese. British American College. The- limit talen- ted profnsors and teacher* in these schools have been retailied, ample room for the ac- commodation ora large number of widens has been provided,and imexpence has been epared to give the onalganiateo college the bestpossible facilities to. affording to young men a sound commercial education On their staff aie the best writers in Canada, as the Prizes awarded them at a number of ProVincial ExhiCitions-including the late one at Teronto-go to prove. A. ver) useful feature deserving notice, is the or ganization of evening classes, ter the benefit ot younet wen resid ing iu the city .-T hese cannot be too strongly recommended; by ai veiling themselves ot the opport unities these classes afford, many a youug man whu would otnerwise squander in idleness ais spare hours, may ley the foundation of success, and eVen in after life. Lae unehod3 uf teaching are praetical, and the Stajcets taught are such as cannot, tail to benefit those who acquire know- ledge of them.- Telegraph. - - 6ketolios (rig Dressiw' --- BY JOHN G.''SAXE. We have plenty ea ilippantdenuneiations of fine. clothes, and an abuadance olgrave auimadve.sions on the sin an -1 Indy of: extravagance in adparel, but searcelyan essay cau be found weaning ale mstlietic dud morale of dress, as • constitutiag a study worthy to be, ranked among:the "line arts," nut lees than architecture, music or sculpture. It was au observation of Lavater, that pet sons !labile:11y attentive to dress, display tee same regularity in their domestic affairs. "Young women," sap; he, "who neglect their toilet, and manifest coucarn about apparel, in- dicate iu this very particular a Uisregard ol order a mind teut little . adapted to the details of housekeeping: a deficiency of taste and of the qualities that inspit e love. The girl of 18 who desires not to please. will ba a slut and a shrew at 25.!' It is a great mistake in women to suppo:e taat they in ay sai ely throw off ail care twit dress with their celibacy, as if husbands had less to see than --suitors ; or if wives had less need than inistresaes of the advantage of elegant and tasteful apparel. An old writer :•ays, with a hearty eniphasis, "It is one of the moral duties of every married wonam alaays to appear weii dressed in the presence of her husband," To effect tbis, however, expensive attire is by no means essential. The simplest robe may evinceahe wearar's.tasie as truly as the most costly gown of moire antique. But how rare a quality is good taste! In the mere matter 01 propriety and harinoey of colors, there in 'room for n treatise which has yet to be writtee by some one thoroughly proficient in the m,thetics of dress. Even the si.npler laws, though pretty generally understood, a. e constantly neglected. Some of these canons, laia down in an English poem of the last cen- tury, are worth quoting as well for the good sense of the dogmas as for thc quainpess of verses. To brunetta he recent ne ds high colors-"rose,""Orange" or even "searlet,"ethus : "The lass whose skis N like the hazel brown, With brighter colursshould o'orcome her own." To rosy-cheeked girls he permits "blue" anct " the coloreof the sea 'Let the fair nymph in whose Meek is seen A rosy blush, be clad in cheerful green," Car dolling pale vrowen againgt !et rnal huesehe continues: "Ladles gown pale with soil:mess or desiair. 1 he setae s mournful dye should eLoose to wear; So the pale moon, still shines with,pureat light, chid in the dusky inautle of the night.', - An immense sensation has been created in Mississippi by the marriage of the Hon. Col. Morgan, a senator of that State, and a white, with a coloured lady, a Miss Carrie Highliate. Culonel Morgan served in the Federal army during the war, and won his colonelcy by service in ,the field. He is still a young man. The bride is said to be.very pretay, and is well educat- ed, having been a school teacher. - The fact that Sunday is a day of rest, is forcibly exemplified by the loninolent ap• pearance of uutuerbus church goers. A. Maine woman was ISO much affected by her husband's eloping the other day their bodies by saturating threade in soot, that she got drunk and droweed a litter Now Re_opened in tue New Building in -a -ening them, beneeth the skin, and of pigs' _ families, when they wish -to sppear par- at the next session of Parliament, then drawing them through. Hindoo It is generally believed at Ottawa dyad tieularly lovely, smear themselves with a Quebec Government will endeavor to VII.T.J1T of all kinds iet season, Petstry, kc, wirs, the FRESH OYSTEeR„.t7aners at ! mixture of &Stip, turmeric and grease. have the award of the arbitrators in the the rekBwAlairgla(tihcrolr11,Tcf °id' In nearly all the islands of the Pacific and matter of the- division of the pi/bile debt Goderich; Sept. 8th. me w.eitt Indian oceans, the women u well as set eside. .1,, • •••••••tg, 1•••• The Anstraliatilieleniee are very desire .'. owe it Seems, Uf providing 'their risini generation with superior education. - The isb‘o:r receiving e eraillloyv, oenb.-. , ' dtjtn: houseswi‘e' edr BbaiYit:d't 1°1$ef5.- -Vs, Ot 4: tiOella:' liy1hreenaerP,ri°1sifneel serve a paragraph in the London papers flinty.° rittii stillileg in New Zealand, very few pints, and offering a salary of winch has existed but a tifin' o.professor of natural his- tory of (Rage, aproVinee a3,000 a year with tautly other substantial ad,ntutages. The professors of the Uni- versity of Melbotirtie are men of the most -al peri.a. attni founder of the Irt'vtilnleg is tilled by a son .0 tunents. The classical chair ictetlieesb.raterutlr,Iirr,ingg. graduated with College, Oxford. the hiOiest honors atBalliol Tile Accountant General of the Navy has been directed_ to -pay to the widows of the seamen, lost in the ill-fated Captain so,n,csnyeaisat'spopsisayibioef. i ThisheirI aptaernh payment, i a dist aiss landerstoOil, comes from the Greenwich Hospital Fund, and is guaranteed by an act of Parliament passed an the early part of the year 1869. It has also been direct- ed that a gift towards the relief fund in the shape of a day's /Pay can be charged upon the account books of the ship, and not be deducted from the monthly allot- ments of the recipients., A Field battery is to be raised brooke. , •••17/..... 1 ••••,•••••rr• •75,r7,....,;..1.77. esellee'neAtg v. THE LITTLE WANZER. . THIS LITTLE FAVORITE IS THE MOST COMPLETE F M ILY SE WING MACHINE EVER INTRODUCED INTO NORTH AMERICA OR EUROPE . ..-0---- OVER 15,000 'FAMILIES HAVE BEEN SUPPLIED WITH TH1S MACHIN 'within the lest two years, and have -made for themselves hosts of friends; and earned the reputation of being, an indispeneable article. These Machines are patronized by all grades.. of societ ifrom the modest Fanner's Wives aud Daughters to the Nobility and Royal Families Of Europe. ..1:1-1M Marl' "I'1_,M W.A..INTZMIR, Is ths i es will do the • at Sher- runs V17: It greatestttl -i variety of work, is more easily managed, I less liable to get out of order, an 1 g r than any o e u e eew i.g Machine manufactured. Every Machine is complete, with Tuckin Gage, Quilting Gange, Hemmer, Self -Server, Fritter, Breidholder. "Thread Open" Oil Can filled with oil, Sere "Where the deuce haYe you and keep the Machine In order. Drbeer. 4 Bobbins. 6 Needles, 1 Spool of thread, and Printed Instructions so full as to enable any person to us barometer ?" inquired a country quire of LITTLE WANZER, On a nice Iron Stand, with Treadle F,veff liandfMachine iii mounted on a Marble Slab and packed in a neat little ease, and is sold for $25 0 30 0 terve Stand and Wood Case, with Drawers .32 0 400 50 0 r 7 his man. an importation from the wilds of Suffelk. "I heard you say, sir, that the hieher it was, the finer the weather ; so as f knew you were going to ride to the '‘izes to day, I hung in the front attic." THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR S L V R‘ItI e TS a coating of pure 1 silver ov e r the BEST NICKLE. plated by the patent process of Messrs Flking- ton & Co.. and is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as euch either usefully or ornamentally, as by' no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver. OFFICE Goderleh Ind durability. as follo's.y8s "SIGNAL" A complete set. guarranteed of firstquality tor (Mist Fiddle or - Bead King fa Thread old silver pattern pattern pattern pattmi $ as. € ets. sets. $et.R. 2 Table Forks P00 9 50 l000..12.0( 12 Table Sp000ns 900 9.5e 10,00..1200 12 Desert Forks 6.00 6.50 .. .. .... 7.50 .. , 3.50 12 Dessert Spoons MO 650 750 . . 850 12 Tea Spoons 4 00 4 50 500 , .5 50 2 Egg gilt bowls 240 .....e. 250 • 2S0 .... ° 86 I Sance Ladles 200 220 . .2 40 ....240 2 Gravy Spoon 200 q 2 40 . 240 Sale 'gait howls SO 90 100 ....1.00 1 Al ustard ' " 40 .45 50 50 1 -form Mlle 2.50 275 300 300 0 Sugar Spoon 50 65 60 e 65 ---- — — — 44.60 48 05 52.85 59 25 _ Any of the above articles to be 'lad singly al sap* prices. N. B. -THE REST QUALITY ONLY of above kept in stock. Inferior goods entirely ex•tluded. Prate eased on the ready money principle- not credit. g large half Case full Case It R. M. WANZgli& CO, FACTORY -CORNER KING AND CATHARIN STREETS, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. SHOW ROOMS -64 KiWG STREET EAST. AGENT AT GODERICH ABRAHAM SMITH, MERCHANT TAILOR. Hamilton, Aug 30th, 1870. w4-3mos DL9 11/4Maro IND 0 THE undersigned would beg to ittforn] his numerous customers and the pnbli . 1 that his New Woolen Machinery is now in Full Operation and in First Class Working Orde AND THAT HE LS MUCH BETTER 0 - - neeeenee.se. tot Saie •• •Ich to Hayfield, fromwhich his separafed by the RV - OE -GODERICH. • _. , rphdi3oulli Iiiii,r ok pee' eete. es, aN 711E of 140 applit tree in hearin 9 Ne vlitaiee,. ,Apply there to S. Forlotik, Es.,..1.. =cr t J.wawneesb, ea aore.s. enly Wo-riedeswfr.: ;IL C. CAMERON ,.. Goderlelt TOWNSHIP NI.R........... , 1 li MILES fretri Goderich and a miles from Clintonr iv situated oil the.1.4ravel lloaaRunnieg from Gode- deld Inc r. It contains 212'acres, 110-i.mree under - ' August 15, 1870. _vat. HALL, Byfield, w30 FAR31 I'M SAM , fence, 70 acres slear of stumps -and in a high state ot cultivation, soil tich alas loam; bush good hardwood. It is well watered by two living ake Shore, where fruit raising is much more succese or G M. TRUEMAN, Laud Agent, tiodurlel' g_fruisttrveeamlysc.boAiene:orcalbsoa,rila ew pears, plums, peaches and cheniert, mad a few _ -rape vines. Two story concrete house, 82 by42 feet, 'Mr full size of the honse. Frame barn 95 by 81 ft. _ u than farther inland. Apply tb eis is arare opp,ortunity to secure a good faim ou the 'FRB seheeriber hein0 deWmined io belle •°- invites any lean in queet of a good farm to examine the Ele Lot 4:leon 8, 2ost Waweaosh, 100 acres wbierii ono of the -best, and one of the moglutifni films 3i3 the Township. It is 1-8 miles from Gede- aide and 10 miles from Winghem, n pro- posed station oi the T. G. & B. R. R. to suit purchasers - There are cn the piece, good buivId3in3g_3,11in good orcbarll bearing, a T.:vier tailing spr. ilag and about 55 acres cleared. TERMS -from to 11 cast, the Italance JAS. TISD.AFLoyEdyee, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. FARM TOR sALE ON :THE BAYFIELD GRAVEL =AD. E D BING 10122, first coecession Goderich Township D lie acres. 50 ofetiell are cleared, a never failing creek runs through the land. The lot is situated on the Gravel road about 5 miles faun the town of God- erich. The land is a rich clay loam, being veer suit- able for wheat or trait growing. The lot will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Possession can be given lst October, for particulars and terms, apply to G. H. PARSONS or to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderich. Goderich.An,g 15, 1870 w30 Farm for Sale. T ors 53 and 54, Bayfield Concession, In tne _Li Township 01 Underich Containing 68 acres, ot these over 50 acres cleared with good Frame Barn, and Log House, about 23 miles from (Pinion. For Terms ofsale apply.at the D,vision Court office at Goderich, or to Mr. WIGGING_ TUN on the premises. Goderich, Aug 15, 187.0 w30- 50 A BARGAIN. . ACRES, East of Lot 29, 10th con. Culross, Co. Bruce. 7 acreas cleared and good log house. Clear title for 8500 cash or for $600 one third down and tlie remainderin 4 annl instalments with interest at e per cent per annum.'Apply to ABRAHAM SMITH - Lumley 5th Sept, 1870. 4733 -let Merchant Tailor. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SAYE Sept. 5th, 1870, (IF 147 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, A MITT 710 1_/ acres cleared.and the balance good hardwood tim- ber, a eomforteble house and first-eless fremeebarns, a good orehald, and well watered. Most of the land is excellent clay. The farm is lot 20, 5th con., Goderich Township 9 miles from Goderich and 7from Clinton. I On payment of part cash, geed terms will be given for the balance. For particulars apply on the premises to JOHN AlcE.ENZIE. or to G. M. TRUEMAN, Land Office, Goderieh, Aug. 15. 1870 w3Otf Porter's Hills • P.O TO SELL. MHE EAST HALF OF LOT NUMBER 8, FOUR • teenth concession of Hullett, on the boundary line between Blythe and Walton,post office each way; Good hardwood; watered with a never tailing meek and never failing .epring. Also well close by the house Forty rims cleared. well fencer1,47 acees in all. Log house and barn. a thriving orchard, 8 kinds of plume, black.white and red currants, pears, red and yellow gooseberries. For further pertieulars apply 01 the premises. .T0 RANKINeLAWSON and his Mothei. Aug 15th, 1870. w.S0-tf FOR SALE. IN BAYFIELD. mHAT PROPERTY KNOWN AS SIALATZ_Fils; 1 leA.Itivi being Lot 3, coneeshime 5, F.astern Division, Township of Colborne conMining 100 acres nIRE subseriber offers for sale fou eligible lots it, niore or less, of which 65 acres are cleared. 'Mese Si. in She Village of Bayfleid. On the premises are a premises are satiated in the midst ot a flourishing good fratne 'dwelling, barn and vinegar factory. For farming community and are about 5 miles from the particutars apply to 8.. ,..., • Town of Goderich. 1 or terms of sale !apply to JOHN CROOK. ' , JAMES H FINLAY, Bank of Montatall :Tb Goderich, July 12th 1870. wer26 t dept. 29th, 11370. w36 -4t Godmich. 0 PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S WORK EXPEDITIOUSLY than last season while starting his machinery all new. [Custom Roll Card'ing, Fulling & Cloth Dressing Spinning and Manufacturing, will ,receiA e prompt attention. Having now on hand the largest, best and cheapest stock of of home made THE RIDGE TO LET APPLY TO, b. S. GOODING, BA RRISTER, Goderieh, August 22nd, 1870, swl-tf JAMES STEWART FULL CLOTH, TWEED & FLANNELS, & WINCEY9, WHOLESALE ever before offered to the public in -this part of the Province, he would respectfully request those wishing exchange their wool to call and judge for themselves before appointing themselves elsewhere. • P. S.- He would likewise call the special attention of farmers to beware of wool teamsters and agents seekin their wool for carding. as he has proved it from the experience of former years to be a perfect source of annoyanc to them in various ways, that they cannot tee until perhaps too late to gnardagainst it. to OF Da' The highest Ma et Price paid f4r any quantity of good Clean Wool. ONE PRI0E oNLY Goderich Woolen Works, 15th ug, 18701 TERMS CAS b. r'.r. MOOR ROUSE, Goderich, Aug. 15,1870 w30 Lazarus, Morris & Co. OPticians and Oculist, HAVE. WITH A, VIE 5 TO MEET THE IN- CRFASEDdemand for the celebrated Perfected Specineles, appointed P. JORDON, chemist and D rueoist, Goderich, 01 . as the,r Swe Agent for this place. They have taken care to give ali needful instruc!ion, and nave confidence in the ability or their Agents to tbe requirements of all customers. An opportunity will be thus afforded to procure, at all times. spectacle!, unequalled by any tor their strength- ening and prerierveig qualities. Too much cannot be said as to their superionty over the ordinary glasses worn. There is no glimmenng, wavering of the Sight, dizziness, OT other unpleasant sensation, bat, on the contrary, from the peculiar com- et. uction of the Lenges, they are soothing and -pleasant, causing a feeling id -relief to tl.e wearer, and producing a clear ail' distinct vision,. as 'n the natural healthy eight. They are the only specnicies that. - PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT. they are the cheapest because the best, alevays lasting inane r ears without change beinginecessary. la -We employ no ?eaters. F. JORDAN, Scle Agent for tiodench• Goderich Aug 15 1870. w1.1 tri FRES13,, fYSTERS 33-y. FT U NT II . I. • THOMAS LoGA N. a East Street, Goderich w30 • 11 ...• • I •• CARDS & BILL-TTIEAD Plain and Fancy, Printed at City Rates f•••%., AGENT The far-famed and reliable $t Catherine's Nursery D. W. BEADLE, ESQ. FOR ALL RINDS OF URUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, GREEN. _12 house Plants GrapeVines, „ace., ,te. 13:3=' Any stock not on hand, ordered on the shorlee'st notice. House-Maitlardville. Goderich P. 0 Goderiqh, Aug 15, 1870 w30 E XTENSIVE NEAty PlIEMISEE Jury Lists, Voters' Lists, Notice of Appointme4t, Oath of Qualificotion, Convictions, Pathmastei.' LISTS 34e , &a., &e. 14ASV J31 'Priutti to Orders DIVISION COURT BLANKS, 33.11\7C1-1-1.A.1.2'S Westside of Akerket 1.1Quarit Goderich, Ang. 30th 1870. 711Lross,ItMetcas."es Refreshment Rooms. wEsT SIDS nem= sQuenB, 6tlers promptly Sind and Prices moderate. AT THE SIGNAL, 01710E. FouNi iinty .• JaISTEAMtE NCI NZ- X1118 R. RUNCIMAN MANUFACTURER OF GRIST & FLOURING Ne9er forget the happy Beare of early , ILLS-. love. men tattoo a great -variety of figures on - L.11.EESE, CTiEESE. Never sigh overe_what might hafe been, ' ROMANCE OF Wen. -A Prussian journal . Iltaley ar44.- Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, . 1 the face, the tips, tongue, and the whole lent make the beet of what is. is respoesible for the following e -The gi • --en , Thrashing Mach! n es Sepdrators z , Never forget that marriage is ordained 1 , ' body. in New Holland, they eta them Clown Prince of Prussia, arnving at St. ,hephar s Strachan of God, and that Hie bkeeing atone ge-ms with' •811e11, and keeping the Michael on the 20th of August,. took up GROMaS, GODERICH, , . his quarters at the town hall, part of which ' • 114se Power s, Drag Sa, , S, snakele what itshetild eyer be. , woundS Open a long time, form bears in 4ri Neverlet yowl:epee stop eihorb of the the flesh, which they deem highly erne- was inhabited by the Mayor of the 0 AVE been re -appointed sole agents et - eternal hemee mental. And another singular mutiletion place. The Crown Prince being told that i 1 Godeaien for the sale of the celebrated , IIION ADD WOODEN PLOJGDS, ! is made anion°. them by taking off, in in- the Lady Afayoreas had on that very day Fe'xetor Factory Cheese. The C,Oth have brought home with them given. birth to a little stranger, expressed ' Local dealers supplied at the Factory - ' With 'Cast or Steel Beards, Drill Ploughs Gado. Ploughs, , - ae.., Ploughs, the athy prisener- captured in Fort Garry, fancy, the littre finger of the left hand at his regret to the Mayor at being compell- Pricese .. . • 1 n,Fene young bear 15 months old, which the eecoad joint. ed. to tillahe- house with se much miles, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw , utters, .ionnatlybeiougjet to O'Doneghue, eted- In ancient Persia, an aquiline nose was and requested him to offer his congratula- •: . SHEPHARD &STRACIIAN. !A.geieelteneil Furnaces, Potash Icettles, Sugaricettlese Salt /fettles, W ,gon and Pipe Boxes, rd0 Male his felleletert s. '(.15 The antics the Samatran mother carefully flattens evening, on making inquiries from .th had immediately e under, -- 7, mi -1• w30 . COO/CING; ;PARLOUR ' AND " Bo STOVES.; ,wrmAthat worthy left behind bita when otters thought. worthy of the crown; but Glexerieb, Ang15, 18110 tions to the lady of the housin In thes a t!ra anneal appear t °afford great atituw, the Dose of her daugh. ter. 4.nlifoug some . Mayor about tbe progreseof his wife, who* - neent to the filen, with whom, he is a a'oeat oe the savage tribes in Oregon, and also tsrutooe4-4...Oth her rsoefixt she might iterieve from the 1 rvi t done on Short notice. Call and see Op_ 4, TEEL NOULDeBOARp PNOVQ1EfS, as you can : of the 'nest finprovedlimrle. Brass Castings made, and Blact-tiknithe'Work and Repairing pet. Bf ;fin if It* 'at/1er an awkward pass- enger to deal with 121, the canoes, manifest- .seee .4,, . in Suitittra. and Araean, continual pres- e applied to thil skull la order te ocegaba, he. Was toldby the' Mayor, '""eiy L 0 1.1N i ,. li w;0 , ing a strong objection. to water travelling, .."' - ,, wife has ordered me to giveget one very !heap for Cash. caused some liatteu it, and dens •gtve it a new beataty. t' t.seorLithevie jti'''' S :: - Goderich, Aug. li?th, 1870' -.e her deep giatitude for ' tie:err getelle4a - attention of your Royal, Higlinese, and we aml cm more thaneneoceasioxt little- treahle to tItc, crews. to g front jumping overboard. Yee bird The modem rersmne have a strong. awe- - ..sion ati red hair. Turks, on the contrary, should consider . . • it our greateat happinesa '_,-/ rIURN 8 PS MO.§1:81NCElik: tit AlY'lt rydatteringeocouragement he ass - Se far tea 'is knewn at present the 60th . are Warm Admirers of it. Ealing the 69th, who are ordered to the land the girls are continually plucking The Crown P win go into winter quarters in Qttebec, re- ' In China,. email, round eyes are liked, after the na --en be enuae4 ee th.daten my fir -04101i kion 'eetsateaaracellecorameuced business in teeee Ilsrtelaitiltellrilifi4,14and geld, "I 40 Ica, got beingabteto esecute over one -ha 1 C. ft rorderkr- ought to men histseesea. havirig, . _ noble victor.'' 'West indiee, The remainder of tlie ex- their eyebrows, that they may he thin `kind not objecti:siZt=Aterir ;gr., piztli--,e, ,. aeivsecuredtacilitieafo _fatally, getting to Collingwood by the -lady is in her feet, Which in her childhood ja131111;:nt :smay feetitUrb ttlatilvlii:010ver turn ition will arrive hereit is expected next ' long, But ths great beauty of a Chinese, reitlyME on Oiisines Extentively lilt 'Which is now tinned the ..Ccloniel Life Assarance Company. . Head office for - "stablished- 1Sp. ' ,o eliding a, battery of artillery and a, come le prevent any further morass* in laze. I my geuleaen, ' Qie hiedaparture he left' A C7110/rd, They will number 200 mere in- 'arm, compreasedhy batitlageam effeetitally !alai* talay a!alee,„ r shall alwaye remerribie:).‘ eanatieatservf3iligetTh-ibst4p3nr4teeliciaestf:rtuaftseinrtn4, Peaida : Montreal, -Standard Company'a Buildings, No. 4t (heat ,St. „Tames Street. =ItEngineers, under the command elf , The four *Dialler toes are bent under . the ' raLiable pin for trio lady gayorees , and es enesoinlattozzeivaitibyeanPrdosnuenceese,slitirinirillarntir Titoona, . e ant Loki Boultou, A.A.G. foot, to the side of whit* they firmly' ad e ' Ttreaent of fifty. ducats for his god -child 4 ACCUMULATED FUND ....!,vi.-,-,....'.: .... .,...,,,,i....,..1..$2a;000;000. I Another mark of beauty consists in 'anger ,g(3,hicap promises A ken tdiow this hseerumg public tbst . . wan the insurance e pap_ Ir!= qA0111%1114L ille°tE - A t- ed last Session. Assurances will -continue t? be carried ont at Alf tile stores and public building of much plan, but beoueseameripplo for fife. I ' Surely tha Ciernianit have inie IA t eftempellyarateellissect!gtelniesAn lianan been tier manmmto ingvill9re Or4 French soil. b Pre 1 Cutterin 0 e Of the rrinenati Eeiabliebro sr 1 _ Edinbeiglin,Sentiand, ha earteiiqatataPPto:111 mpany having deposited the sam of $150,000 enth the Reemver ceeneral, in c nformity . . . e t . . I. J. n P••••••411•••••••11IN - 8, 00,000. ---,.........••••••.. ........ . heri4 and thepoor girt not onty endurei , Manager -W. 31.Ramsay. Inspector-Rieherd I - iticiusaud are closed and the Vella tolling Ptli et respect to the memory of Gen. Le Tlida *sty is A scene of universal mourninee. 111411 long riutt cuittga. 4pArntlite,ilone-r skrit'ing :mow. 1121001=6c.. neOLOTHING CAN BE MADE moderate rates: atil .0n 4-.lid.Iff:eirer:ItDiqszitelPm8PV7.1e=tiee• • I, necessary preterre em Befcreeil .r tInliia.11%birOnbgeourfiral:eltih.e° Brut:bli!h M'S soptriseg fur paassoc to Liberia. i tkiik Imp fiat nose, auk. oin 0"" ;ILvulli'wMat" eoderigh, Aug -1-0.1870- Ivcitt-z4. 14—.0.•0: _CALLOWAY, no splayed people of North Carolina ;An African hooray raasit basis swan, eye*, ••, - isentforfloderiele. TNT-, 13.A. VIS 111I5 DAY REMOVED TO :El's COMMODIOUS NEW MICK BUILDING (NEARLY OPPOSITE F JOEIMN•S DRUG STORE) Convenient to the Market... - His 'stook of stoves &c, ISLA.RGE AND COMPLETE IN Ptsr0,1t1lItia.Z b=trg his aock before putchasing elsewhere ALL KINDS OF JOB -WORK WILL BE DONE THE SAME AS USUAL Goderich, 1st July,1870. w9'2-tf THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED SHOP ;WEST OF TORONTO; riTIIE UNDERSIGNED IS PRH.PARED _TO MAN11- .1. facture 4IFLES, Sel_EIOT GUNS; PIST )LS, of all kinla ana every thing in his line. on the shortest neitiee. Repairing of all -rends done on the shertestnotice, and LOTS FOR SALE. MHAT DEi3TRABLE PROPERTY CORNER OF ▪ Kingston and St. David's St. adjoining Crabbni Block with the Large Frame Tavern Known as the Western Hotel, and otherbuildings there- on. For terms and particulan apply to ABRAHAM ITH, al entrant Tailor. Goderieh 12 September 1870, sw7-tf, FOR SALE CiTORE AND DWELLING HOUSE WITH LOT IN 0 the village of Mattlanthrillebne inife hum Gorlerieb HI the centre of ihe Goderich Bah Works. Bongs an@ Store entirely new. and commbdion. with grind Stone Cellar aed Lot in Excellent condition. Terms easy. Apply to H. SPENCE, Goeezich P. 0. or W STANBURRY, Burgeesville; P. 0: LANDS FOR SALE AT IB AYFIEL D. OTS NO'S. 71 & 72. BA‘.; ETELD. .aoWCESSIDNe - 1J Township of Gorlerich, compel -sing 146 ems oltho best quality of land, within about 2 rallies of the Market mace of the Teevn of Bayfleld. There is a clearalace off 23 acres Wie'lch could readily be prepared tor crop. The remainder of the mud is Closely covered with the best, of beech and maple timber of splendid growth, an ex- eel"ent road passes on two sides of the property. which -es secluded in an old and well settled neighbourbered, -41..S0- Lot 14, Range A Township Stenleye - eontaiiiing 39 acres of well reserved timber land, which would produce a large quantity of firewood to the acre. The lot runs to the River Hayfield with a considereblu water fall which could be made qvaliable for milihns op ,nanufacturing ptuposes. For terms apply to, JAMES D. ALLEN. Guelph,, or NV, W. C,ONNOR, Esqe Hayfield, Guelph,Aug 15, 1870 w30 TWO FARMS for SALE g mg. OR sale txvo very valuable FARKS in the To.vn 12 ship of Gaiderich. For particulars apply to elOSEPLI PHA W, Huron Road. Goderich Township Aug,ust 15, 1870 w3.0 FARM FOR SA,LE: 41•11•••MMEINOIM LOT 24. CON 4. To'venship of Goderich, eoittaluing 80 atrel about 55 aci.et cleared, 9 STORY CONCRETE,DOUSE. '9N THE 0110131V id floor, Dining Boom, Parlor, Kitchen, Hall and Bed, room ; ou the second floor, Sittin,g Room, Large Farr. ily Bedroom, and leur other bedrooms ; on the Base ment, Dairy Room. Fruit room -Store room, Meet room Frame Barn 52x32 feet. Indies froin Clietonend 7 floral Goderich. Good large orchard of ove- 3.00 snperior fruit trees. Soil. nenp clay loam, evil watered by spring creek and flowing w elL The property le situ- ated 1* milee from Lake Huron, of which a good vievr can be had from the door. Apply to Jamee 17llkine son, Esq., on the premises or to 0, M. TRUMAN leincl Office Goderieb Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 w30 FARM FOR SALE. • , T OT 10, CON. 10, W. D. coLuortNn, 200 ACHES, 1.1 90 cleared, good dwelling house. frine 22na0.' with a commodious kitchen attaebtd. alai good buil and shed accommodation, good beartrg orchard, weg watered by two creeks runniegthrougb the farm, mad good wenn Oneinii, from gravel load. 6 rifles fro Goderich. For particulars apply on tbe premises to undersigned, or to Mr. D Ferguson, gocer. Godcricb; C. STEWART. August 15. 1874) w50 FOR SALE. MEMSE building Lots No's 455, 416, MO 4. 570 1. Arthur street and St. George's ...irescont, Town of Goderich. Apply to J . 4 cauctider, Ee2.. Izind4 l3uildings. Edinburgh Scotland, Goderich 25th,aug. 1870. w01 -Din FRUIT T C. THE subscriber bas now on hand at his garden. Eag I Street, a large stock of Stuslard and Dwarg APPLES., 13EARS, PLUMS, CHEttRIES, PEACHES, CRABS. APRICOTS, ckie Also, Grepes, Currants, Gueseherrles itasnerries; Blackberries. Also, Ornamental Trees, Imelediegeoert6 splendid Kilmaroneek Weeping Willows, Cut -keyed Weeping Birch, &F. About the 20th inst., I will have largo adtlitlen to watrante,d: present stock. REMEMBER THE PLAGE. (in rear of F. Jordans, Drug Store.) J. 'C. /119INTOSII. Goderich 4uguet8th, 1870. W29 -3M4 - DISSOLUTION of PARTAERSH/P. WOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership here.. GROCERIES the style or firin of Martin and Robertson, is this day dissolved:by mutual consent. All debts du the Erik' liabilities of the same, tofore matting between the undersigned as - General Merchants in the Town of Goderich, under PRwQ;14SsIO4NSI:IQuons. DEA TpliS IN Corner K ay that he will hereafter eeexn ()lithe butdeess, 011 1138 70. JOHN ROlThRTSON. iangeotopn SvAntreet:3.e0allekee ;SqWel) Goderich Aug Given:le a call beforo purchasing elsewhere. WM. CAMPBELL. Goderiell, Aug 15, 1.80 ve30 rir NEW GROCERY STORE= 9 I•=••••••••• wurrritlYs& ELLIOTT firm irre to be paid to A. Martin who Nill tettle -the • Witness, D. MeMARTIN. AMOS MARTIN TIN With reference abOye the subsci-lber liege t9 in. all its departments nude:mild reePeete RGoderiali June 20th 1870,,'ie ally solicit a continuance of tibliepatrOrage• 31,A11.1% Goderielt August 1.5th, 1870, ' w30etf NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARMRS33:12! _ XYPTICE IS HEREBY 4211E51 'that the Ilirtne781liP 'lleretotigg existing between PARKER &CATTLE .asChennstst and. Druggists in Owen.eSouud, Durham and Goderieh, has been this day dissolved bY mutt" consent, Alldebts owing to thweaddl'artnership in Ooderidh areto be paid to GEORGE, CATTLE (who will con - tame the Businees in the old stand), and 111 claims against said Partnership III Gode rich are to beFreseut- e . eV° scud -George Cattle, by whent the,, Salo IDatittl in Galeria the liith July, 1870 sid5ti se Jed, . • 6 . sw87,41f ' ItIONTRZAL STEAXSECIP CO/117RANI5 DOR. TICKETS to end from LivorboolLondarder J2 or Giaggolv by the alxwe Siewasinp Vo y, • *gent Gland Trani; Peeilverivl e: Godericb ;'Aug 1;1870 . • - 4 'Itak , _ 4- 641 vi Id