Huron Signal, 1870-10-27, Page 3 (2),in
1ZM1x,ZN at' t1he
am Instatra.
4 total wrozL-_
4�1- 'rot �teezj
Yq oWM
Z, I I M13 7).
rt�-elzt of tho
%76 re-ceived fW1
tlzear steamship
lltero Ira
t,�Ok out I,—,
trorn 0.64.00
_�oms to be
bwy the com-
thev are
R- sn)wu,s�
F :n the time
f4gre t'lev have
I' rtow wesnp-
i 14ave it to the
p'emtv of
,r,inds with cc -
�,bdzzpng seas-
ip�:�rits, of theco
Edifvin- dzz,-
aml Germ=
t!De F=za-
--r,s til 5n -a the
Reeve's Pet
L3 -Cler night,
W. Cr Wilson
of !%Iarriaga
rl.-(l Dt a profit-
�� �:' have lots of
)1�ah:e P:ace for
DN=Zted and the
� celehmtionsf?)
�n, 7,e rather
al IV 7-
7 72- Dezeeanz-
m C,�. Tyrone,
-Izh her ht�sb_md
Ktlirn- M
b -e to
1:1ra'e ef friends,
,z, arri�fl� from
of Mani:ab3h.
M43 frem 19; 10
,7,. :t3 rARX.
LIZ V.074. NEW
ta, cu-MUmft
raw est. eas,%
-L�Z-C%M! t,3 leavo
� f oib. p-�r bb
25, 1870.
-0) od, 2:20
1:00 ca-,� 1:12
�,_-333 O. -M
6:5.3 0 -co
V-60 0.1 0-60
5:C,(D 61130
is 7A 9:29
2-5, .
0.@3 OL 13
T:Ga 1:10
2: G 1
5:59 5za
0 013 045
G:413 &ASL
(")05 0:4e
055 0.53.
237e,,, 2870.
10; -41 a� coal,
Lp re
; 000
@q), 3:20
60.42?4�c� 0:45,
.G. -IG 0-a Gag
Qw. 0 61zrl��
..23:50 "cc", O. -W.
- �85_
xT, rFeu en -
-OZ in
t'h* Wif*
P� P. Of Ak
=22a ijot, Axx
U__* V4
_MW aw
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in%9.
r. 43t waWan<)8-ft. Wa hdak arop, fir :613. pr�8'0 C' cathwti
mzm� A
Tile In, -lit j:�A
on ise'stimated(at 4,360, t EMICAL,
The Cimrcll -Ino� j AlY -kbdt, 18th sin is atiliging tile a
t IV istion *4 red WE7MM 1?erbaps -v) one metu. zruiro m
&GIRIST- 'cine -is's o UUTYers
-alent Divi AL
X1 , A
3 ;inrn I piok how, AitABI N
Pi: man by makinr him 011L quired by ever,7
and 'STEAK FLOUR _4 a catharul�; Ror wi! 001:
L ReWes Atessrs, Taylor,
py befoye. sounivf rs:�J_
Janles McKay atid Grahanj. 'Q,-
ortations -are-G- tea intD UK, �h
Tha minate,% of lvst njaetirLZ were read heziVy"i wintet �ie Fop. Hows 04TA8 F7* ood & Chs4p ly wlop
a ni,
P ever connUyanjam,
;W6 0! MR. Z"N
j3F_R ITAYING but efficient
IIHE.SUBSURT purgative
0 cv&
.,!� , ". -es'.
anti apprtived. Moved by W � Jantw, co,08 is . an 0 as p_ q 8
Set% by Nlr� AleXa3r, that th� following U011IS- X NUER FAILING', RE MEDY.
Truent ALL F �MdS, frolu .4-50ts ed. the abliVc M1,11s, begs t4i intimate that lie X -M. Me obvious Tca. SOLV,
" , -!,- - RZ U7
-%id viz - T. J. Moorh(Use an7a Sale Registo fiftlVALUABLE PREPAR&IiION 0631 jo . - 7 1
Intshe Pz wurkini; order 4 uely Pia
T has oat in; 'bon is, twitisamore re-
BXNES In -;? �
is molliciiial viftues. of those arflate-8 �Mhich 11ablo andfarmoreeffe:�.
Esil. 811-85 being hiaaca., of 26th ;an. RENCH. X18 hios-from.. 45 ctss F OLT iy th e;
la&�, 41zeh had been OverlOoked ; and the 9tij.-To-n Park Lots in Clf�tolv tperien-ehaspru,,,tedto posse the lao9i safe anif F ARMEM reme, --n.
cut prti,ierdes for tile cure )Meoh Wottilds, other., Thosewhahaie
0�",Mk ZT 2530_y� Z'Z:111
xinds. ;Tag. �T,Isepjl A,hitellead Esq-,- by P. S0A�.T-.T_jMm Flaunel fibm -2P ets ng �, 4.
fol 1,)w i i l!" for "rj (It into on the i It - tY Of t ifich: he U* comfident evill Ove eviry Re ' -
E- tit , t 9.50, _Wm Sttekhouse 814. Th )s. -24 -Lands at blart, 0mlerb-h.- Sprains, Willies, Galls of nil kin s, � Crackid Het+:, a j�jlii,_r,ljjj jiatlpjs� trierl iti kubw that it cAke�d theml; thos3 who have
;ill. UlngBoue, Spavin, Calla', Flstul-ySwceuey,Ijitr,rkr Iffts ba -i 90 Years exTerience 11 - iersaid 6theya not Imaw4hqt iteares theiria0ghbom nnd friendg, - 7,
_williare piper Es,,j. near Godylell 35,et.S.; -:,rr,-d oa 11 a?:?y z1a j:_ -
s 0 ren --ti, - trtkins, Liamcnegk, bi..lftbatl;c is s6cond to none. Fall,
M all 500 _"iy's "I Paili-l's* 130"ll"he G -does always
50, as firlaxti, J, and'au Imow tliatwhat itdoespueelt
r1j. racks, Faundertil mayjre3y on bell)Z fAW-Y thMit never
:�-Oi 67, Fenwick 'ffalti lut a01156 VQ6 Saud All P V*061191�_*J, Milo- FlEMUS1 fron� dealt wit
-S. -,v4, Co who patrunizellilit Wl s t_b_tojt7,j1 any misg
fell eel, H -en Distemper, 8%, Ifing- and many other Its compositiolL We �hpve: thotwau&,upon thol& ehiier prn'tte.,2 'rif Vji?
E. Armstrong W, Thos Finian 6 044. go, will 'and re-, ving a sample of
.Vc\- $2"J R 'Nirties $25. Groo 24—At Bayflekt Lm.d St
8 Lot 6 Ist tar. r f.!vz; prz
for many CKETS -Menf j!�oysl oVeir coats, 0 U.R T. .1-1 A j I - gands or�certlfieat;08 oftho - .
jiserses whi,li hor4ea and, - tit a to. ANTT a Qj Les
year-, HnJ its curative properties horoughly teated, everyneighborb
'7.t;5.- -Jag London Road *11 eel PEA� SA follavying complaluts, but, such ellrcg 4ra�=lvn in
Olrihson ,27.Z5, Th.s Irwin - This cc ebTated L u1nient li � lied I
iood, and'WiP neednotpubli -ht:4ojd. lid aXsw!'�-S 111"k ve"
S AdaPted to au ages 8a 'pri;,1�-'. 4 -*,);r fAc
D; -,-won SQ0. Wn-i Ross ,R15. P Kelly $4.08 all it i i coucedod to be the cheR est und most rt:- EXCEUED ;And eondltl[Oa4la �U V21mat ms -4
ableruma-41-torallex-ernal companits ever offer. -d WHITNEY, 13al Mior'al & Glengarry Cap' 40 ' n net -her c5tiomiel or any deletelf4ils.6'Gi,
for plank. Will Thontson $3(), Will Me- I a b ceriig�,O_v
Rithe pwilic-it never Us when timely use($ and they I en -62fe y�4�body. Vhdr
Dowell -*34 & John Bencroft sl� for funeral IN THE � QQUNTt 41LA, cin p�14gj�j ext;�Z;A,��Ig k, 6".,j K"';
applied. prose e thomeverikeshauditifike� - 1.,
faitlifuth zo, t beingpilrelyvegztabla zo 1.,ixt T
CXPelISeS &c. Of C. CileeSynan who died 1�o�hf thud of all Drugglst4 and lq43untry Uerchanis - BOOTS & S110E:jS &a & c- 'jThe farmerconiingtoGode'riellw!1I find Itf.� varit- themp as ttots
': --I f.
tll-1 no arl
throughout the Domi ion. Price 25c. per*bottle. iruEemapyquand .1 e
vcs'erday 'In great 1)overtv. Carried age to' nring his wheat for gristirg, And Mrs, se _'y
r 6 al
ich Get. 20th, 1870. -3 '1 lgrain forchopping to the
THRUP& LY41,kN, W4 i e o a te by e r powerful infillenob 11
w,.t;n %nil (,sjjcr,4, It
-.qlon if llpo. McGlo NOR Ne Pni.. proprietors Gode "Mulata I;
tile b1'QoU and zti
il visce
favolir of a grant to cra, ng- Sold in Gotien h d Pn (aittle and F - jutohenalthyactio.—re
�-3xvay Ftoiss &Di c 6TEAM 141 f e law
w:Llls' r ad, Was read, when it was Ali) Jord-in Uardiner Z Go. Ba i I w: James staWach,- bowe 11 &ud *tliar organs -of th-6 h�
git th r , +b.2 Ili- _ .
c ci bQdk, restoring their-
VERNA TAILOR 0 Inalmosiall. ases-farnierswlil gull
Beiltha it, Rodicerville; J. Ilickard Exeter V11r F -
i I
at a ly.w.rrectlug, wherever they e achderaug -
by Mr. .1 see. by Mr. McKay, th, lmo J. 11, Ci, i n 1) e, Clinton i beeord, Lut GRISTS HOXE THESALVE DAY ��,ntents as rothe, S AIRS pli RIJ M 13 OR -RES r UT,
dn-.l grant of -310 be a tile bas ill 'Indow lete� 9 -M Ij first Okiginofdisease.t-
- st receired a It 1,11�-ksoll, 8,xarcrt_', and all bledit-8 _4
given to complete 30mite diredions,11370 j#ven in t
lie wrhp Ret ��L a.;Wor tyn,-
road, a ed, STOCK OF THE EM, PORI M oth in an itit. S) N711k these
.n' I thA Mr. Graham be auth6riz U W. D. -All Grists weig-liellb the box, for the f0110,049 COMP111111t, wdh�:&*
ju M!, A!"*."l; v of
to le t t1i and ord6n.,
e job. Carried. TJieCoUeCt0r' TowlCustorn respectfulLy rolieitid, 4rjemm?t - I
tended to. lyZ- gighest cash pr.ce paid frir� For Vvibepula, or
13 -yd f A ppetl"�Jhp7
JT %% 8.,Twz�!,
�sho (if nor q�
be ta a 4
bond was read -nil iv�eelited. This Coillicil �7 TER CLOTHRMALOTUG
then akljourned vi meet again on the thir'l V][LLIE
AND J.U. s�OIVIEJ? a0haudrestor
-taint avil its vdrj=s,qfi
swo-tf F or Uver Compt
Tuesday in -NO% em ner next. Godertoli Sept �6th,- IS', 0.
JAMES TISDALE GENTS' FANOYMb- toln% Bilious Mea4aelle, Slick Mea-,Zaoisi�,
Ds' 37aundice or AGreew JR014 Bill
Clerk t
All of which will b S
- L A' W, theyli ould be
a sold j4 C. ]D:0rjVj1.,C>jR, dsir; 0 lic and Billions Never* ne
OR dielouslytahen for each case,to correct tUe diSeaj 414,
DU wdon or remove the *b8tru45t10n5 WA`11Qh=Wei!.
��Zouzh. Ruron Root crop -,.q o. 1870. TO "t"Y "a" 241
CM N E k P 60,A, -
INDEED For Dysentery or D!arrhcr_abUt one mo tale
To rai&, by it-ty of Loan the Sum Of Fortij dose Is- generally required.
The judges of riot croy)3 for the Sotith 11c - For'! , theaviiatism, GOUt, 'GrZY61,
Tho u ja t, rs fo r the 1 wposes HAVE Vallpf- SARSAPARILLIANI RES01,1VENT
Y—Messrs. Ito- DUST iation,of -the Imewal, Vala an the Side
Hnz-on Ag-rielelittiml Societ Back and ljojiLus they shouldbe contimionsfy,
a' Ariderson—conipleted their -p 0 U E
,in than thl R of the. takenias requIfAlacl, to change the . ed action df ZT C;0:; -11!?.
biw* Ca�e HERE S?,�r _.iE� Corporation diseas
labors last week,and reported as foildw. W CoullEy ji - 3,;lved. to purchase the ",the ontem. With " zuch.,c"ge these oo�apWatg It slIPI'l,ea 111c s) me A� .,t
:_,& � _, 1.�, i�
NothernGrtvel Collecti-In of- IS AT TffH. Msayl&ar.
TuEtNirs : Ist James Oke Jalu(s TM LARGES'T STOCKA Go B� 30"n
leal It fli.VS _._e U,
His overcoats you'll buy, Tolls,m all the
.Pickard : 3rd, Geu, Willis. .!I t. ounty .,f Huron- For Drops.* and Mrops
if you only go aq try. from and after tii(- �'4 it )iiy of 0-inuary next should be ta pro.
lines the effect of a drkafte 1)urge.
MANGEL WURTZELS : Ist James -Pick- And, whereas toes, ry tuto effect the said recited rib-� STAR. OFFIO 1 -BOOK 'STORE, t1le pe,34 i;ttAn.
A large sito S4Aa.%lkd '-I d.
'whex,6 thelarkest �trad cheapest Ato be found. or Suppression alarXe doso thould Ile tskea It
ard ; 2nd, Richard Manning 3rd, �tobett ject. it will be necessar�- fur Elie Coura it of the said a it produces the desired effect bk sym
Dollars in the mahner herilaafter mentioned. As a Dinnm-PIU, take one or two, Z�Qu
C And, whereas it will require tbe elamof Four thous-, s 0 EI,8flIN')QTA0jLwOPALrKiNPS, CONSISTING mota digestimi and relieve the stomach. - zk-�-, c �:ina t4 -i aw �1:z i: n *1 C2 nbliv*Ies t:LT
-inning 2nd, -a raise DS �r -& Ali
-d M. , !AN I
Ati%oTs 1st Riclia Wider Coaft N BASKETS, -e. ocoadoual dose stimulates the stomach and
14. - lit
,ad fear b..d,,:d dollars lo t d annually, 1.5, �5 0 ha
Pea JAkets, Cor)Qyation to miss the utfin of Forty ThousauW The best sorted-d''ek! GW011_6
- 3rd James Pickard. sspecial rate for the payment a.' tile said debt 6ill fit feet to 20 feet 'boWe
Jwnos Dickson 'a As into healthy action, restores Ae agetite.
POTAT9ES 1st,Robert Govenluck ;2nd, and Pants _ajfj Vb temst as also hereirLft,�r nwnt;�med. 'and invigorktes the system. Renee it is o aind.
Jag Dictison 3rd, Geo. McLen,11. fane -bothmAjiti' And, wheeeas the aiiiii-tut of tits whnle rateable vanta-eilus where n, serf deran
pro- to _gament exists. t
7 pri6d 0 we One �'rEo feels,tolortilill. ften finds thatudose
All -Wool F1 party of the sid blarticip!:1ity of'Huron irrespective Th3 ('11RAPEST STOCK in 60DERIV f.
Anad t7 T 0 E I RUs
The jud� srevorted the land under, root ne 0DIS it oll. 3;1��Ile oe Under -Shirts and 1p�tWen orally future increase of OiA same. and irrespective of of these ruu 1�allres him fee decidedly better, from It U. a"-. Sit
any income tia-be derived itom the temporary invest, th— leansing and renovating effe
lly w IR _AL ct on the ftel.
rops, to be general eU cultivatied.— You'll buy if you are ise, ment of the Sinkirg Yuul hereinafter mentiontil or tive apparatus.
His collars. mufflers, ties. Itcal5 UnD Asia
any part thereof. according to the last revised and bay largely and in the-baSt Mhftt litods ropmed, atr_-agauaple D.U. 4T. P. AYER &CO., Practical ChemW, get* ex tl.. fi�: equalizedAsAlissinent. Roils oftne said Municipality. J. Q, DETLOR & Co. nre flvilcicut L.ksTTHo7fjGIj -,qor ;LOWEZZ. X_"46., V. 0. Ao
lFaincy Wo. -PI -hirtijagS frOM LE, AVT being fir the eir One thousand eight hundred and froUl 11-c jeai!B Ill. 1-t=tt.b
dxty-nine was Yweive millions nine hundred and sixty xlr ILI* alcllco_n.
18 STOCK of Tvreeds is -lard to beat. also in broad- therefore are able to ell at the lowest prices. NORTH Out., geera
an([ pilots Rod f -three dollars.
35cts up a�A D'Feigusoll0s. el"ths quit complete. His Useawall compare. toui ur hun4tedand si;ct Ir
are ilch and rare, and with City-Hil %nd. whereas tile aiftbtint�fthe oXIAIngdelt ofthe StationeryikFancy Qdods'� Me 6 s e ;, Phe 9 1- M9
t f th by Parker & Cattle and
a is _�aidlitiui(-.ipalicyisasfollo%v: Prihelpal,T%voliund- 1Y IN WLUTE, BLACK, inT, Bavfleld. Janies Bonfire I:Ii6ro jR no, a inlij.* wc,-unn rr Jb�vi;i7c�
Kangas now respectf"y prodUeas a Both lit and style. he'll guarantee, gdhilheask red and fifty- - nine tPouynd , ght hundred and thirty ax 47,11.0 JEI*B.LL
lodgervillo. J. Piclord_.Ex J. Cli W1 tt:j by i" PJ!l ill
-4 woman. "CAIJ,ANDSEE - r dollars, fr Gravel Re U-nuires, bearing inteiest AND GILT SETS Ghesper than M. Sleord, Llickitow F. Hiel'soll) 4Sgqforth, Utlon to recaire
petrifi Remembar at the mte of six per cent, per LLnuum. And Two 3
,the Stand I- ill Modiclue Ileale! c� rotmis,
G,)ril!as are the latest anthentio Cali- On the left band hundred and fifty-three thou-stfid (Iollars to tile Mn' ed the of W.,;f Call lug
From Hortoll'aGracery Stom cipai Loan Fund, hearing interest at tits rate irt 6i SL-aahlJza the fornia sensation. -Call as YOU.Pitail the door.
per t, p r jannuin upon whivit last inention,id deb�,:
Nere's the place, the publiethlak., the, has been paid One hundred and ninety. one Dont.forget to call at.the, STAR
States havecolued sinit T&suit your last, and qav&thechjak.-. ro haudred and nine dollars. making Pi mm r73*.mzz:L Mvmc>cnErh,, f
The Ifirts of the Uarted 1h.usand tit IF -00-Y& butenn b3 citlier res.!ored to betiltli, -cr th2 vymteg
agr�6uregartee a -i the actual indebtedneii ihe snm of Office Book Store. th w nrieseventir yearsj the it j
Goderich Oct. 20th, IS70. the d anti aperation.A(v ' n , -one thousand ix handred
lv4e intaf Eight hunilred.dfflhoa dollars, bout Thrpe end twenty A 9AWMILL AND 50 �Cfl M OF I�XN V,. IN- THE
arrruey ( . ;
One-i-ft4.4the who:em )f the world, and twenty-one dollars,upoo which there is no interest ZEFRON'S BLQ0X
, 0A UING-' 5
ai(L I LIL Township of Bentinck, Co. 0 rey, 0 miles e ist o of wh, in arrear. The annual interest to 1v pai,1 on the s AIN D PRICES WILL CONVINCE ALL.
,Cty_ lus been 4erived frm YOKE OF STEERS-.10ST. debt it; Thirty thousand seven. hundred and nine STON STREET, dautiveK,_�outbeSdagoeu Ri the r oxii rnjije�;
. weare not ithout mines, but f�-i t:ia;� they will not produce so much gold dollars and eighty cefits. Wiling stmain The Mid has been rnun:ng for;
yearsawl. doing a thkre is a so QTRAYED ABOUT 10th. MAY FROM Lo r 22 5 And. whereas forpaying t dodbijainess, Thelocatiloltls- co -nil
he interest and creating an, 1:11131 Of tilo ly in :i-! 'Ovi,dan Pain D"troy,r- 'rel,7. Q CM �We-t afifiV�es fro. 'Dling equal anna i.,n,, r &xceflent for tnuber, an there is a good site for & -
far %ild ,,,n; al ink ing Fowl, for'baying the said f r_ lmatter '11)17. i-tll 11,1-
f For-ty Thousand Dollars. had interestics HEIR 009DS ARE THE BEST Goderieh August Ist 1870, 6116-ts W Carding Factory. For farther partit:ulan App'y to v
,yera ig: for Ye
iaaaralria, trit-aelie, c. Sold a yake of.Nte"rs. risiRg 4 yearold, ons, Ifs-bt and the herein IT T �Iuay be. it' 1114 evia lie -tti al annual special rate' 1j HU1W. unaer the im lgce jar flitid lis*s.;e na i flezb- fthin
bY 31elicine D-,.aeM at -2-5 cv; per battle. other dark red, the light %tiffte, lacart. mentioned, it will require art equ
�he f -we And wkite hind feet Shdped spot in of seventeen�llftiuths (17-56) ofa mill in the dollar in
f, It 10 Aug., 1570. w2l-ft* Ala eark 1P, 0
Ally one que in irmaton as *01 lead to their recovery vill be adlition to allotherrates and taxes tabs levied, in Ind the iwc.vo tilat 1,
r1rhe -wav1111- of Life. suitably rewarded. each year. b f
Be it therv.�ore enheted by the Council of tile Cor., in bealt
A,n,,i,, all the;ua!a.!-.eq incident to thevaried change : poration. of the County of Unroll llroceEc t-1 dway and , " at, -�. ther,� ii i..,thing so mu --h affecEed as the GoderichOCL2nrllS-,O.l)uup�noup.o. w4o-4t* Ist That it shall be lawful for the Warden for the! J. C. DETLOR & CO' GUINNES'S A frme louse of one story and D half with exectlen-
Li-.e7. ill'Oried f,)� ages- fime being of the said last mentioned Cqrporation to
rw,,!t(- th mariv which %7ci,;h upon CQNXSUA1PT10.N.FCRUFUJjA.
raise by "Ay of loan from any per e tit;, body Gnilerieb 04. 111 t1h. 1870. W384 Ill. il, t-accentre of tile salt wellss in the Town
the ilwho nmy orlia ch, and larnicaly ecupiedby Dlr Charles LYS, wz�i. upon divers cea- orate, 'REBRATUDUB04 POR,
NMI= TO TEACHERS, or bodirs vorp McMillen. For prtienlars and terms ofiale c9qlaire Vcnuleal. :lre deVelo:.0 I Lh�ojf,,b the P-w-e4r, vfilc�.
lir) I!tt.e n) ulterior copse- t a k4me upon the credit oftlLe Us antures hereinafter of the REV, Q FLETCULM tiuAU Irwit ifig blivid ciLber In t �u Ltanips. :-kn 1ji*;-
q !�u: a v; t)t!,I.i t,.e "one great study rf Dr Railway. n,�%gattirlaYtno'-,9thingt�attheloup-'of2o.t.lo,k. uleationed. a sure not exotieding -in the wbole the sum TER. uey4- Bladder or Lellular nad th-_,s d;zst
he triumphant -homndDollars and to cause the same to -Gbilerieli-Sept.23rd, 1870, svlo_Sn;* r avaL w1l
4A.r-i-eatarv. Yea, - Ij p, in. there will he a meeting in tile �chonl house nfForty - iia. -CF in tbri can buth to divvt
blie. is Puimqss� ofilr9aulzing a Te�he,,, IMPORTE, D DIRECT FROM TUE M4.NVVACTUR-, -
ly 1. ".1 in 6-3d, t'ie sezret to the Pu Lu,!icDv. for 0 be paid into the hands or the Treasurer of tit() County and cared ty tjo wso of
:Lb9ol tite unadalteral ion) ridways Axiociation. kl! Teaell,mandothe aforesaid. for,thoptiqose and mith the object abovel got -went.
M iaterested in the LOOK OUT FO It T-11 or a4il suld"extrIentely low by
t,ause ofeducaLitin. are re3peetfully invited t.) att�
nil reltited. q jej Mr%, 'Or4nq MIMI S IM
el'se'l in a ev and speedy cure. 2(L That it Shall be law fill or the sai � Wardep to IWOU133 Pau -Pln_� C�59
C CLIFFE. wedeo;
T.heie PuI4 tzavva morbl-wWe as"The dreat Purga- vv_4fj. 2t cause any rtuinb--r of Debentures to be made for such GEORGE dR'ANL GRUCE14, tive.-.tiffer e�serit�j#yfr,m tt:1. other cathanies. They Luckliour Oct, IM. lko. gull, i of, inancy, not less Ulan One hiLudred dollgril "IM Czii
WEST kIDE SQUARE, GODERICH. a_,v-'ifefv9,nb-ing s:tzrittecd by delav, reinforce so eneb, iiiii) that tire said Del�entq;es shall lie sealvil with'
s lat . u:u4lFaeeb!e syst�m. evercualing Indizeitfort. ttiedeaiofttLesaiiLlCqrporatiqil. 4ud be.ignedby.the: by r-g:iatia,,.ae I Mike lAtux Inoper-tive, said W,,vrltn. PRICE O.NLY$1.75PER DOZ. BOTTLES.
up the tgestilan Ire dadeTight : the urd, rhat the qaid Debentures Audi Ile ma)e pay
abqorb hfe; ont tile day he- eta:
varioas .,f Fev�r3are pre euted to GRIND D13PLAY ablo tit twenty years-ut furthest fr fulss pammul
M,,,v ,, GREA-1 �:C]LnA f G iu�j an 1. in heir T ire t f1l;e acting up it.,1110111 Situ 111.%1jjp1la4 In after niuntio�;�d frw this By-law to take iffect either in RL-TULt, SOLLITED..
0 t-, be (to
organs. ra'--y nsaLd taeats,31yes Lon,lon in England, or -orne place in Canada M E
zoptra n
pi�,'t-at,if3 )r;te. No poin or priitratiou. for, as fir signutedlin tht �aid Debentures and Hha.1 have GEO. AO, HESON 0-4 TIM 190 V lirative ensues. Their ex�erlor NEW AND FASHIONABLE ed to them Coatious for the payment of tht interest" 3.1haifyear
belaty e4nivistaln Nln;,tstetess (covered with sweet To be Hid in Wood or Bottle
grim). tLerdforc,nevcr icken or gripe ; -4 vegetabi 411, &attbelia)d Debeature4 and Coupons shall I Pull
be ridde out it BU- MORONI 'AR 11
from aljvjf;ing and Co pl (�r,, ) jqzi�
HOTELS PRO, eprescuftilive aq -'Dr0 is f this Dotuir-ion. -at tire option of tfic said Wardens,) YS JED B
Mpe it either oterling 51,.nei or the Currency
lio-i For B"' wioue3s. Lo�s air .4,blietite. Cutancour- DR:J'S .-GOOD P RUCES REDUCED:FOR30 DA'
an -1 Mcerj7as Disease. emaus General, that tile whole amount of said VGIJ�Jltdres shall �nt 11PTLY SUPPL Telegraphic institute. The -Only r 041 line .113ano Oux
Heada-ae.Typholdand other*malignaut Ad - — Ontariloofthe Bryant f Stratton Internationd Chain; 40MV Inpita:111 fu
exceed the More mentioned sadi oHorty irouiand swI0-tf of Colleges. Ix Goderich Sept. 23,1870. -1 40;;V, %arias
Fevers. B-iriop; Coli2-, Di trh�mt, Dy.itentary. Fever And Dollars, and they shall bear Int ast at the rgbtf a The Ueory -Def LRltlyadapteil tij� aUenzi. thes3 Pj!ls, 1�y uniforuk -sum r'a, M, S. percent. poraunuin.w1itch payable artirtept to thilrou. ;;
ion ofasounibust-'..
Ague, w 2. Ise i those who,
ry BARG-AIMS I BARGAINS wisil to' ity the faundati
e:cp!r!epze, are ?Perd!y m4,trderl aq te only medi�in- 1. st dayi of July a7itl Ar�ary ld'Leach and eve i U2 vo.11 I 161i j.jjD3 01 tj &Yavu
:t pyepa-st:vin r. orthy of that serious &Itcatiou hich y-arduring thecontiattauco oftbe said Debentures at G6deribh Oct. Rik, -1870. W3 13-6m The jj�aiftial deg= at Is a miniature blismes-
a e,,
thoy have unifmrily received. AssoItMOUt - U]JUSUally the place wliore tire laid Debegtdres are made ray 7orla, wheTe.each, u elit phylbrins atl fire rout:re
Simi-mrilliari Pciatvent 81 per bottle. 6 battles for a*)Ie. 8-5� Re1y Relief *-15 cts per bottle. Pills 25rets�per 5th. That for the lizirpose offorming a Sjnkln-, duty of off!6 vork, s.Vvhl�s buying, selling, shipidrl�
covirnission. abd i1ral wft notp,drafts and A N3A
:iL-j,a,-VLc-rM. F cl for tire payineat orthe said Debentures and the LDST OF LUTTEW, 'PARMSFOR BinhofA6tO isfuzonnectioll withthis deparl;
box. on
[Ir "tiftway9s fteiriedies are sold by all Driagg,sts, and NEW FrunglIt ffer][110S from interest atthe rate ar.)resaid to beoome due thereon an lifenient, with beautifully engraved bank notes,
anti at Or kawav's Medical allic yard, eillial speclai rate of seventeen-11ftieths .(17-5o) of a FMAIN ING IN GODERICU��F'. 0. Oct Ith, 1870. sue 11;1.11
otijerrates Pb as perfect in irs details as ilia best organized institu- ruill in the dollAr, shall in.tuldition to all HE SOUTH- HALF OF THR NORTH Tr A Aw
Wiret -)�Lies, 87, Maiden Lane Y and 139 St Paul St NEW Ulan Pja�tAts Joe 90 70C tions in the County.
d taxes be raised, levied and collected In eaen -year ME 9 in'tlie lith Con. Western Thorough intitruetion InTelegrapby. Life Foholur-; -soloslo ipalti 11T 101�1 U! Tmr V.,.37 per yard, Alon all the rateable property within the Calility of SWEEP CLI Anderson John (Printer) McG@re miss Christie Towhsllip, 50 acres, The land is. partly 5leared. and EAKI sl
'or Falseand Tree. tips go3d in forty Colleges , Ft r tirins, address wo�c lijoll.1
ilur,-n.du-ini& the continuance of the HaidDebetitures BtlollamiquJohn McMurdo R.. Cqpt. fenced.' Also the uth half of Lot No 1, 6th con: -f 11001 PAT.11 1114al SWUM P
vn - I -ver ra%3:j to Or J Railway & Co.. 439 sit NEW S--tacieu C1899--.-Beautifull Bond H L §1bua, Aslifleld,100 acresbusli.
ormi: Macdonald D (Fisheman S ODELL & TROUT yj-,jt:zz!i otim 1.10(12i�
thousands will ful gods. Y of them. 31CCdil vem. cessioU, W9!jtej;l1'Dl1V?, Torontos' smaplitmi orn nan
Wi That this By -Law shall take effect and come Barkeret Co 19 no into oneratitin upon
NEW Serapg - 1�oppv& L. u%tres. fjunuary, A. f! McMahon ill r-1%1ejc'p,,rti6ulars &C t COX.& MAdDONALD
I 1 .1 111111 Jonah the first day o p yj� -1 &,.TOHNSMN. I - "ll
Buchanan Robert DAIrISW �Sl SOPL '87q
very cheip. one thousa deight b6ndred and seventy one. 0911i4ar Mrs i McNeil Ike Weol;Sitreei Goderleli.; IS THE rLACE TO BUY
thevoteqoftheMunieipal E-ectorsulith- Colsi]in Tob*(4) 11cKq John. 3;0114al IM 2V WoMen and KnMed froatIS 10 NEW J31z;ek bUstrei 17.e. go 00 7th "'nat Gpilerich Out 12th, 18,70. swl&21U
Pat varle aldCountyof Huron oil this ByLawphllbe Crab John Al eKay John First Prize P�enmanswp, fillinn the per yard. Jill t: Is?w 0111 t t
it'al !Zethn�as he d y, holir and places as follows, That i s Denoun Willliam cAbsi--MaW J BROONIS GOOD & 0HEAP 31aeg. rjeS _j tilill cheap L at 1D. Fer-uson7s. 'VFW BM. CKSHUS 1TOM 80 CM to say. on.Unaday, tl�e Fourteenth 'Day of November, U.flau Roderich in t effely S 8 ll;), -U 4nuft Fill -pin,
yard. A. D. 1870, to colamence at Ella ladlir of nine o'clock THEY HAVE A -VERST PRIZES in iboth �hupgness aTIO onm e 17 - - - " Z�bojl willfana
in;the f d tl,,,at tup Polls ftall' remain open ilcl;y Edward O'BM
. t, -stand U Jq44 Roualp Henry Mrs Popilu plrqsses price* Provilaefal Exhibifton, Toronto. This is the seventh' V11
a-1 lz�V, of tt, Yroat xaA Lungs Ft:LLnWa' Sj?
i 'C"asumlit"'n, NEW SUIE e afterlutau of the q #y,,at L n Hannali: La4gh and alpow P� _U penmanship were awarded to us tt iT
FxrP.kc,rf-l1 0" that 'a .1181lu 1,
t1i that we obtain il first priges 1017. rilaues vrithin the severall4jairlipalties MacKay W(eare of I Hartior 41rdeoan A:rchibald yearin sucension
v D!, jp
1. 8110111 P
in the said County of Huron, Tie -Wit Morris William Smith D OF BROOM CORN SgMiED in Peirmanship. Young men should bear Ili mind that
de, 1z p -r�vms ej*-rinq rrina the PffL-ts 1-i S C) Me'relizie Abigail -Mms 8im pion (Yeorge THE FUNN19ST B01ORS OUTJ C 4* 'the two Prehrium. Pcinnen of Qwada are enaged ht 114MMMA _11-14lu MM o -,j I 4lagh Tylahrih! Fever IN THE T0WV,1RlP OF ASHFIELD.
McCaw Alex, Smaq A James this ingtitution n teaelling the'Spencerlan systMa. as CITIOB
I Tbo- Sery1ces -of a Filst clMs Woftax exbibited atthe Provincial Bxhibitlon, -lylaich wasAg
i;i thii region, it bi tile he;Erei&�dial agent I J[11[ FE!5oj-_-.Car1et Flannels front Divis-foit No. 1; At"flitelt Miabeeir Haase, Hugh McIntyre A -13inith arah Mrs ps
ZDdMN CLAY, A. D. 16 ceuts� to. 2. A Sch,,ol hiacdenalif Alinfil liillia�nson Mrs idwiratio U711P Rkal U 2V j—, lszxan pa, N. .. ftanna,v 14. MIS. sectiall Nlo,§. Robeit McGrory. Returning 11exati Annie 'Walker J. John b4s orall liebolders.
Prt - . plEjUS of V"ey FlaillynelS Jr.0M.2 11 --use nd Ekre . prepareil . to deliver throligbo.qt lqqron and, 1. 5) a ll,,tt!� ; 6 tor 8 -59. Sold by. offloer' Divlaiou No. 3, at School House, Section No ARCH DICKSON ill tj
ad -by F. CartdilL i% Co� w1wlesalc agents 1-16 cen 6 Robert Walister, Rtturnbig' Officer, Division bro. 'Post Master
31�:;trea. of W1tl*rPY4 ;rom GC iard 4: At Kjngsbr1ag&tt`chf),)I Moure, Maurice Dayton jr., DL&a7utionf rartners�ip.
put 4a3li;,jr 4cl"a-511 pill jo ej Wljoj� 'No, 5, atDan6aXiu0A Opdaveras CouAty Qaj. Sp, &'01! An Extra; H. I 'F
PILES %;UVL,.VjS jfroM Returping Of cer. vistri 4 oi� 419 eavy Broom' '11,1 3 AmnIM"T 7,0 PILES �chuolllouise, Joiul-CookeltsturairigOffiber. jo rGilij SMQ rVM
AtaPuh:;aNl�tia,,held lit Rufr4fo,' a few da- 9F VARIOU15 C7RADRS. OTICE TS HFIREDYGIVE-hr TH.1� Tfjj,: pRT
re said, UJI. is norhip heretofore existing between the unier.iig- Oil AM -11i Pliv Ew
sin P. ire is reparted to ba ReOy 111t& Arill CIO Well tj lied N
w.!234 to exa:te the ire, 9- provoke lEtototruing Officer. s klillers and SI -vers in te villa -'e of Bayfiela
L of Bed BlaynEk"s "'OM AtCore's Hall.Johul Nelles, jTj,- Merchants OvEd others ,Dde. UZ nei.-Itwurs. they were a ivair. 100 pages price only 10 rents. Lth. and ova oq7 Clyleandfiri�a of �ix COLBORNF- call beforeircliasmg elsewhere. 14 :14 is this day ls?olved by Mutual DE130 1-11V P..oi-.Gp most part frie'nitly- - 1-3:. 3D T -T 1%T X-1 C) �p Consent. .10 f;1lut.1f i! hi*- v-ts rot t,3 benteipited. Al, 600DIS SOLD At the Town Hall,JamesTe�yley, -Returning Offi- S, H-1 S 'Irwo'D0,01LISOUPH E! Ali debtsduc ths said trol are to,ije paid tni 10 lipp 0q] 110 but, I
a,lvi,-? has itizi tn h --ad the lessori OF TH JAUEs;rHO3lSON, wholvill Eettletliq liallf1liEres of. -apis !�pq Has now -i�wekived arge otoc sxAW 6. the saille. Datt.-d at Baylleld this Ed day pf octaber. M a. tq;plt d:1 riaciona. *In time I AT L(YWESr OAsH rwams- Of, A.. D.1870. 191=13� p�r�pxr . e for hen,�e it weruld bs well to bz�ve filluipA ordou's, S�op, on 71 BUCK OF SAY XQ8 `f4t Iroatiers well funified. Wellington treet, Dauiek(lor;aon, Returning Officer. oar 11TH4 St� 13 Winte'r rweeds) Alfred U�kfo tra iri a� r -4 -IMI -0
Is not'this a les.-inta to as to fortif our Southern 's Hall. East Street, Id. TH03180M
St. Patrick's Ward, at Fireineia amusing d6blishelil: K'�.
aw-1 S.imael Pentland,lietilming Offleer. St.David's Ward, ,book" e�br i -ston Street.-.
firylti,ri? a ut r, *,ateoingso wouid it not be well to ons, - Goderteh.Zth Oct, WO G
fortify at victoria Etall, Crabb?s BlPeN, Ktugsto4 Street, Bea- 1. o4qrich, Oct, PO Irs 0. sVr104-tf Witlit'reffrencto -the abinethe subsefiber bento Im
attacks 6f rheamatisru. . ;�Otficer,- And:ew's &C� a
nrlos z 7
ati. oo'-Is. bowelca-aplailifs, a�al all other jamin Hazilhurst, 0. e. ings, ges, only, 10 cWs say that he will heremter, �earry oil the busiues3 Iiii Iffs cd?:M3ei fa.-Iderittothis c:'in-ite. by upplying our-, Ward, at Alexander -Wallaceis Shop, West Streeti- WbIch he' is prepared to mdke/Tp; own account in all Its dupairtments, andou�drespect-
mlvas vAth t!ia 'S'auaiisu i��' t Da-stToye Fredirick Zl.ett, Retarning- dincer. �6e bpoki, madied -k re fuily solleit a curatmaEatiou or public patronage.;lox
rMiA'oL t. son,
r." C= be SHIONIBLE '-'A D- CHE h,U of aiw Irledielmse Llea�er for V) ets per battle TRE GRElY FEULB REMEDY n; r oDEnicH Tow.Nsurp. T.102�,QOX.
Division No. I, at Union, 8011001 House, Murdock Ar LEND Bayfield, 5th ("at 'ISTO, jj-azje1krir%tg7 SaLe lReginter. Gerdon, liteturgl[jig Ofll6er. MI'vialon NO, 2. At Dug' ON LIK OW .3 �0�!Y TO stt
Job)-joste Periodical Pills s Comers, James' -Patton, ' 2?eturxk Officer.- , ". I EASY TICH2S
ga Muse; 4th ingticession. NLo. 3, at s Co THE.-SHORZEST *OW -)D ID I P- 40 �r
Farm for sale, Nov. 5th at 12 d'olock Thomas Won -1-5, Retti, ning Of1titer. Division INO 4- at COR'' V, A. 1). ISPIL AL an* 04, zxto�,�, riziks
gerous SQVA'R'E 03 T1 r. Divijion No. 5. at T PART Or- WT -_9 LARMPA 110M Av�a�
ljs�rd l-�,5
�noon at -VAt;VAl3LZ MrDICUqE is U -r &,.04fr
Auction Rooms. THIS IN N AILING ales House, Jaffics, Richardson,119tu. 'S
ose jartaidA and datz Lot 19 dstissys, for %vaieft the female a' titulloji ij subject. t.. the care of ad tit ADY-MAMS' T4V HURON No7. lat at the Mazt, at, no(M, Iteturni:ig 0111cer. has reedved stock.'whichhe wild sell MITI wnship ofshlield'. ft !gnri) Ora .30 V:-3GQ:z oil L
It moderates all vixcess and removes; All ob*%zac*p,r2` h. very select I di I g I luE
1 ? . , 'r.GRM i . - I - .. - , � I r � SAVIN03 &,LOAN-81DCIETY-. acres. about 30 cleared. The aove I i —.4 north of Thames Rpad,Villm�fla- of 1 ,r- cure ma- be relied oil- Divi- 'o. 1, at Lrl t Concession. School CHRAP Miles froill G - TV 40 tsuv 41A
aim a speed t 19, 1 -R cASH. orfeftell and 3 frow Po Uj
qixhai�, Township Mborno. �y iiiin N go Can supply alay boo, Papq, .3tag*e or Musle pub- 4n
TO 31ARRIED TAMF House, Robert Lai-il ing Otlicer. Division. 11 - re arlY Mu tiescollarg - Ithe A R1 _rAL, 7 $700, 000., the Giqst; and*Saw Mille Storer er- -1q4r3 111411110111, South half It P,* 11, Ina short unte, -bring No. 2, a; Lct 6 1 L th Concesion. John Grant,-Retu�n- 4 fall assortment of sh!Xtq,uiid thing, d Xov. 5. at the Nfart at noun. 0 oil ivith ratiple.beech. ash. elm, hemlo A ti- gin -a-a 61lu -31VAS
anizarlysudled. Is vn arm Goats F shijigs general
Mytthty, period ikl;it[t, regillarity- ing
ET VY SECIJ ty 6r valtiable cedtir �un Via lake bauh. 40
'b Division No. 4, at i3alland see style 'Estate, 4ndon TqrW Yer 141t311 il"IaJ3 L -)t 18, 1 (ion. Wauosli. on ther officer. Divisi�)n,l��,ot5,l5th(.oncesmton, 11174i tode 14 Qqt 1�thilM, THIS SOCIETY.AbVANCUS DION n
ly ' CL_
-he JohnSillers, Returning officet. S an ices. y ��v�abbi ,N1%3v.9&9,Po,rt Albart, at 0. Pellows' TTW3 . SIMU&J2204 --takenbYPOmW dur�nj - Lot29. 12th Concession Jasil NeNalm, Rettiming rzunc, ts.t,��A
-BEE 2rayrus r9rPteg— hey are 0 ARM FOP, SATX, to borrowers, Pos- Uris
T2' , e V, - t 6 -at LoQ 23, 7th concession, I I . . B,
&c., 2 & F, '77 filier- Division - 0a, 17th, mo. *39-tf session nlm,3�e given. 9511 pligil A2.1,4a Gqj
sure. to 6"Ut a,* l"Y 9 the 'POMA RARGED, Y5
Store, Drvffoods 0 r lime theV I NOLAMYERS 11M 0 Ras'sX fzx�olv
Lawrence Dobson, aeturping t Ifficer., 6 P. in are h4e. 1-4 HAT nerth. -sug Th"'acieW pays Its SQIifljt9r'& _cba�ges, AnVfamlf 01
. -$700( re -0 acres lktluo
fit ali Cases of_N onsivid Spinal ATectionit, Pain in. w1res cleared. A Wd - ash&'heba1mbe`vrArm.c. Tbere s)
Divis on No. 1,at.Toa HallpurichMM&MV11211%. G. WMSON F 152TO W, 149 Wiley, from �20- qp%�aras, is I cut fir =y number of 'etim, .3 4,; VAD.jog.
tie B3cicarid U,��',tatirueoa slibalixertion,Palpitta-a woodoullnuadlearedpw2d6n. A ym.frombrisiotift�en. Money way. belitailled-iLt d or fe�ce,49 taltricc is chopped and partly 1. 4sam"
T -Returning Oftl0er. -98U get kqnses# spring cr Ic runs t1irougli'tito � lot " Appl y-steries, s�d Whites -these Rils :r . or of NalTia 0 i4y time with4itt1e,'br:no delay beyond tile time oo- Apply to d. IP048tuitutil iditor the heart R ' iled as . 2 6
,Kjft Mbebrifinutiffis will afte, a cdr&,,v"u all othur tileans have (a vout N Is Hotel
Upied in investigating the title And und alth6umll;L �omrelttfl t imed ifa not contain iron, '14 Howick. Insurance* Fve!�l E4to tf� ering the
3%1�ITZZGERALD )1Y Mingti'bride or ori the prCVses,
No- 1. WY.rano rfl _Uortgago, the - post of which is IyAid by t a Socu 0jj;?j
orapythiurpykUrtfulto the cops all School HOULP-A litif. . T tht of the loan is advance ea nutf unt ill s , _s7o, . to
'r %lY Davie, Ret�prntjg Division No. 2. at Lot W, B. Or The full amoi ti-ao'deduction
ttpn. w -
Fullgrjrec;IitW lathe parpphlet aro"d eaub. pickoge. 13th Conces5irjr,, Phair, Retittiming Offiver Sept 26th, 1870.- being firade fof :�.oilailiission or ot4er cb�rgqF_. D111 M
often add sg fhaterially o the -costof:aloa"ri'll, ;Xvo E -W BOOKS Division N o. 3, P c a;, i'5 Burl4ing; For.: wich. 6h� FA M F0 R $41 E.
w1iielisliaildbecarefullY preserved: IWO-q rrie Corbett Returuing ofilc�r Division No. 4j at Go otherSoithitilep or from hidividuals. TUcbEihvWerc4
-JOB moon, Mw YoRr- SOLE PROPRIETOR. DRAWN AWMOUT D, _r monthly pay P 0 re�# his loan by yearly, Jahtf-yparly. ,
ND N�WEMTIONW School ilonse, Riclifird Obloon. Returning tft:eir _9
j!j cents for postage, enclosed tOS6rthTQP Division Ko. � at'Old School House, Wroxete CALIF0,RNIA-11 11 melits. . 7%o perilldiela,instalmeAtii inclule, besides
$1.,00-jaild ri WWi.- NONE)[ TO W A N --AT -'cent. _SOUTH 114LIJ? or
_likell � -Aeturniny Offte6r. interest, lz)r�ll Sam 'for principil, uAd. they' ttre & am Lawrie, 13 eiltirely,ft- X srilp ofWaivairesti. eolinty of Hdr0u.; 'will be said tV�
Dj)�jjfijpa,%vjjj. u mbottl�poopt f"Q*e00rtjl�, rN, UULLEVIT, Qpt. l8t1a, 147Q. :04f6l" 0. diviled tiAt'by their pay.m6nt 414 - dOb ift one, reel, `b�
4inguished; and the morti'A public litl_ctlo� Without 'reserve ty,
ge Oispbu�pd!
Lay Sermon time al.h.t t his UWt1qVL,WoMS atEoder! 11
7rofessor Huml 8 a DivlshinNo- j,at6gunadkir t� Vhepam� V�sggon Ac. $1.25 vY icturiiii"1 NO EtTE11Wk I YUAN lea., PPlw;#
BieLerstelrh's restertky, 1!0,4 C.Fo I Shop. Loiariesborough,'Jamea traitfiwaltii, Ratfiming THE SUBSCRIBER i . tipulated. obt *, is -�500 Jor -boulity -of Huio�- oil Saturd�pk 146 Sth dayf 4-jovet4- - 0.11rol.19 lol/176). jw)rf P,�l
la - - V-cril is a hotise,.59�Ld-- coil.,
Nevvegatle,:t;. F.,genera officer. Division 1, Items, � Waggon qq s;;;
r -ever o. 2, at John wit T
ber 187C gt 12 alWlipk avon
$60.70 ear UZ "IQ
sell.,' Aeturnifig OZ- HAS 14vaars ; e ays h yo and at the end of fraille barn, orelinfil, a!jd suffiri timber on the pT�M _q
forCanAer- hap, Zinburiz, Thomas 810113 the time his Aiort�mge Is paid ofE 1be-4apidly in-' aut X;D -a7iresand arp jj,�jf
Lifa and Labom of W 0 Barns. 1. Parker Optile ano
contsta at
AT business ot this. -Society is 06 best milleition, -Aile7- villag�;, 11fain I bk the lariding �W, i�;rma.vy
boldin: Goderich by ztexi �Frth whi6b. it 4i rpgar4e
- IN . . 4.? 75 Jhmes �O_N E�y z`a US TAND 'AND ot
-Eha land, L of V.Torto - 11ral dintr 06 CD-,. Ra td ; took by infles nod froin Goderiela alinut 6 infles.
jill; YoA. J"00 80�tjjaulr 110 43vullou NO- '-at Schoo"i'i ollse, section Wil
:Evanaj ReWrningOffieer. 6 e -oat his 9 wijlbeb9uYs9=ter46-, ylvenat.once! Tdlegua d orata6LM7. lud its: pop*
Iae id undsrsto6ad By Vic Liiiau* 11#3ra
Oil ]K�' 2, at, T40t "26 SY - -1
ix toli ar gniteed, "Ter, S=a6useufsto es, 4yM 4 aroAtly. tp stelvE pfl6riaii oisl ett-rknoym. U, b halanite en
lghec , e
vcicuo�i; F . jRCV,
Hood's AVhirA.and bilditips �13 "Umilt!, �MInton'-s-gord, WV gt# Concession John 0'. I=T. ed 'W ipor tage, or, ,I
.0o 1101k. - _ 47idirii6 q
borrpwp fd tq 'd
Reeton i Dieffoiary of'r3bygmp d- f included in the yearly instalment, the red igot" with ie&-,ikIntera,:t.
M-1171 6111 9.0a an anall ily, wd without pays ff his Itiall-thus:
It It No. 1, at Brown's 4ill,lot 11, MC003- YPH U of;mene �tp 164n
a -06013er lie VM or faittlier piirticulars niiplk to 1P. of
aMettort. Solidtfr, tar to RAZtXjj I
ItappenA when thli��iuilpslfalla duehanla Uoluieg. RQtUr4i MCM )fiteenye payable by yea# af.Gqographj- 2.00 IF wrataclfiterest Oji itud� aher - Monday 1,Tth ayoldinpt4a iisk pflosing hlspropirt�, which to often do%'Xhonr. - s
Homehold Manarem6nt ?00: alid raburmli teimit 4trepayrjfe 7. j1 his
instalinq ly cohapititoir. Illeendofthtf.term,'He an. -at any time.,pay off MR;
ir. B Wrafeb
STROTER - Division N:o I. f on Ad I - LC-LIM L= logn in advance Qnfavorable terms h can: bi set-
ivicil. pp.a.,412, Wwn
7 i a ws afo ot by. Bay4 rd T4,y I p r 4 ID
40 'ROR
Haunted ite Buii, Retmning Officef. r,2rm, I itsyx per', A FafolL XA91uer;weI1artdfavQmb1kkqoW!nL b ii-jib&ome.Prese-nto cheap. �Mlivation ofthe bilimuer,) nd interest -0 REP. WAN TED,
;IlNq' lit adaL A
Ha&-ri-trila. Thlimast wed
Mtthrina 4 T. G, Hlladd 40 pin
at Old' an ill Ina who Le not,ea 4() ttkd j,&�t ten ye, -KayjUgs Parties h�v 'lied, for VAnce. lb a r
--Hed;zed to, by autkor of _QfLj —le- Refill, i Sion
Cook, fieturid K�i;
Old Pashioned Girl. by BUSS Aleott 40 Al mus
-Full, jaitiiiidlaia and loauta allay"b holding a firct.
lnstalntj�to gjva�li&uidn _r�lie vhen iimei_V L obs lext* ibe a btained hit t;;.71
'Ma Guardiari A n-IMIj �*by 0.- W Holmea -921ce,, arbi i6ttiar potpaid, -addressed to
40 used, 4ild We ha -,yprynoa& single �,cdsie' Officer theSllciieW Ufbie Ist the -8edrrarj,, or from anyof the-Soplety0-Tatunfar.3. 3 to 4orritflence on13 January 2670, -
U -n personally y4th tesUrarmLij to the Trustes-
Od "-CHASLES -FLETCFR" Vltwtlii at Gi5de, c nderhoaz toy. atit-hor.of, �ly it $A tf* oro -c toll wed, ba on th o 1 011ieer. JOH-xm�m "-'- _ 44�_�IQJIO�'W'Allr
-Man. W�wen a gro*y. glint �P, P A F, S
Di�fsjcn I - 4 U-SU-Pt'A N C- E, -C -
�t So3tucli, bT IL W Eulemort,/40 ot dis�ttsfactioa where ttie dir'"ecdons. have -,,"A- R, p
�fo, �715i� ' :
0 e, e ntrary akl fir. a '_3 J;
a;e he'Ru Tiber it, t Th i x!: TI! :F i,
a;,�.Ujy -"3
__r7ateg Ajar, edArit1k j1d 0p�lMtlo'yjj_,,!1jId ppliok- irt'llie' 40 1131111 W114L -IX LIP- 'boQl -tlai 'No'. DIVfSjon, Ho
4 �Usq, Lonihin; En fL
aluies-murii3r, Retaining Offiek L Divf5liraft, PjjQUNtKnf. -4
Mbils of GiiodSbal'off, 11-00 -hw6eit MrMl of !t91 Vf;itie And -10-7Z at
0 VAMU AND PAY Ur AT 01XV106 jj;p)i1z
DESTROYER School Rouse,'Fk ROWN OTAVof Toronto.-!' 0MUGH BM4" D Dumfw )SIYU VOR SAM
cer, Division QUAM d1 rdddad Whtfg, e4tirgdprii WA
Seetilii No. -.4.' :Tor�utq L _ L _/ , ask, blodd Purt-
180, bred lyCharles, Taylor, Btalitford. 00by-Alfrd 'Al ME iM2VA1XrAffP
Iiot.,fklterative-jeolliaCittorj e uasurpasSisd*the 13AAC FREDATO OH VTA'IAN*'.TED
W1140,01yovir U W _� �o -
paj 4544. -Dam. F1=6 �4kdurlgTweedside [760].5258, e.-Letbars"alid AdIreases !ker, 1)'" 40a al.ineturalt esb
histaily-ofniedie ;tlolis- It sold Use
ran 5; at Sebool -A -4870 fl- _tCj �G. jj. Alice Gray. by. yoggVii1lingion, -45536:'U. G D, VOR SOTTOOL -*C.. No. 2: COLVORZ;E, SAL- alprepara om
Q04eoph 00 h
tes anHeadache, Kidney Coln- 7b I at
vanfu _ytatng Sjolb:jefiL 'I
'jaft - L_ ' 0
FlittlimiecIr Asthma)-a-tid Dll�14' nw6A at ae ich Appik to Jail MT. W awanosh. est W
Tr" as
-F-ater Of, by sufferTligiltid oil" 87
At, the Vuk
Iviall[on. 14A_ ',At -NR 9,40, =Wl zi V
leaf and A on'd6rful- sitecess n rlu$ ��D A, 15M SAW
Its i0ag a. i, At. a. QF*j 0
suddoo goldat thro9t, Cbqhs, 'Miliberis FdA_ pains It. the su(j,11ons all4baek. trouratNiatooill.
rula L
fie prepalses of the ishliscriber 'Aj:�Vps� 11justr4twe 1G-4jherjjj6,j jtjiy part, of! 1131vislov; WXIP..� 1. #S holil. i Lse, Lot U,'Gth-C 11CAUTIML ofc,
ar, aOAT.
] , LEit 1Q-& Con.- Ashfield, iitafitthei 4nd of -4
tUe body.a[ict 6oin whitaver cause, has given it $ion, Ame lasriale, _rui
-for Teaehira pf two year ola itcel�;"
A-1 Qj
M, x Wr 100=Ub
a Maw53 anit the Desk, 'all o1ber Pre kind.' Division No. a C( 4" wiallledftwidi-set homs, gild, the otherreauliff
pw-Ations of *h6. e�V-&ST411 Ay Z r
tag 4�b
vnize with horlas trned 1pji Ew.;)-YpzLr favor of.3�,t
it 4 also an Rifectualand. lkonfpf �repjey-lor ling heifers, bue Illsleby I
ek. and the Other Gc�lerleh� Ttl
41ifte'witVa Uttleted EflaolLt Q . ne Of Ch b Illy Up'taoll.
exi, MrAPA in. moibus, Hilhoug Cholic Blau PaL 11110116 or- TOTE, HX Scaldi. Hursis, Bkiilw4, prolios. C Y 10" giving
30 rrostait C liter-5itoiriach, Diarbawt, - toludir'Iteovery Ivill. be., suitbaki rewarded
-coludderati(likk Q U Iel VTX.L & . C _� � oil �Viilift
T- aylorls 1161Y Mviu hdiera I .. ......... ot.
I *f0f
M323,de2,*& Populs�- Trdmfles* _yuG2,VY*0t0tTh &c; on,. r olaw T) t c,
thiiCounty of Salt
fin%tbei IluTon . Skxd ailpet:lor,'pl�fi STJUY
publiftUdir of. th CATTIX UM_ A
rov Histo lit -by i out limts the -I'
I --r, an�tjoni;� laitructlilli JI HROP.4. LYMAR-9 Nle,*iipsperther� 0 Actual'BusinbuTr V�itll
tifeTwev-dy.-fint of 6 it.) -to ibe pre4iise:i Cf Vi _ltnere-101 -Law, -MithYfttl CAME
v Woof-&hisM oftlie anielpia' Ill 24tb May jilat, t�vo j4Cjff;,5, b,t%T �3 -aTs
betaken thereon M rqt&5!ea t& P��,pefty, paLt
National aisto Sanklug,"TtlaittkilItiog, Mork iti . I 'y
witit Tige 0 - not
-PArker 4k Catil on. thday. nard*u4ni
'gooL -3 And take tl-em Evitatl vewaril
7��tbiak 12 wo.' the a
attheirfore d fit
e"# lit a ic
llG, exEr4azu. ItH# IuthomonAugxiulU14iYvoft 1 4 1 0 UARVEY L
F. j0dall; (fardiner 6. -BayWd; JILMe'll uroovaullxr,.A.D�
Pickard, Exellef-
T If -IC, _j V svill-fir Colezlc Zth 0:.t, 10 , -;S.11 r I
6-1 ombe. 01hilton QAeWtLUokbPW lkwa e all
4th 0A, Jfr
me it
ntn!33!n 3 t
:L.V% tall
�qwar . bak
le an
y At tit
t �10
. '.50
D. 2 6"
C, �: 4r,
f 4: L*
� f oib. p-�r bb
25, 1870.
-0) od, 2:20
1:00 ca-,� 1:12
�,_-333 O. -M
6:5.3 0 -co
V-60 0.1 0-60
5:C,(D 61130
is 7A 9:29
2-5, .
0.@3 OL 13
T:Ga 1:10
2: G 1
5:59 5za
0 013 045
G:413 &ASL
(")05 0:4e
055 0.53.
237e,,, 2870.
10; -41 a� coal,
Lp re
; 000
@q), 3:20
60.42?4�c� 0:45,
.G. -IG 0-a Gag
Qw. 0 61zrl��
..23:50 "cc", O. -W.
- �85_
xT, rFeu en -
-OZ in
t'h* Wif*
P� P. Of Ak
=22a ijot, Axx
U__* V4
_MW aw
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in%9.
r. 43t waWan<)8-ft. Wa hdak arop, fir :613. pr�8'0 C' cathwti
mzm� A
Tile In, -lit j:�A
on ise'stimated(at 4,360, t EMICAL,
The Cimrcll -Ino� j AlY -kbdt, 18th sin is atiliging tile a
t IV istion *4 red WE7MM 1?erbaps -v) one metu. zruiro m
&GIRIST- 'cine -is's o UUTYers
-alent Divi AL
X1 , A
3 ;inrn I piok how, AitABI N
Pi: man by makinr him 011L quired by ever,7
and 'STEAK FLOUR _4 a catharul�; Ror wi! 001:
L ReWes Atessrs, Taylor,
py befoye. sounivf rs:�J_
Janles McKay atid Grahanj. 'Q,-
ortations -are-G- tea intD UK, �h
Tha minate,% of lvst njaetirLZ were read heziVy"i wintet �ie Fop. Hows 04TA8 F7* ood & Chs4p ly wlop
a ni,
P ever connUyanjam,
;W6 0! MR. Z"N
j3F_R ITAYING but efficient
IIHE.SUBSURT purgative
0 cv&
.,!� , ". -es'.
anti apprtived. Moved by W � Jantw, co,08 is . an 0 as p_ q 8
Set% by Nlr� AleXa3r, that th� following U011IS- X NUER FAILING', RE MEDY.
Truent ALL F �MdS, frolu .4-50ts ed. the abliVc M1,11s, begs t4i intimate that lie X -M. Me obvious Tca. SOLV,
" , -!,- - RZ U7
-%id viz - T. J. Moorh(Use an7a Sale Registo fiftlVALUABLE PREPAR&IiION 0631 jo . - 7 1
Intshe Pz wurkini; order 4 uely Pia
T has oat in; 'bon is, twitisamore re-
BXNES In -;? �
is molliciiial viftues. of those arflate-8 �Mhich 11ablo andfarmoreeffe:�.
Esil. 811-85 being hiaaca., of 26th ;an. RENCH. X18 hios-from.. 45 ctss F OLT iy th e;
la&�, 41zeh had been OverlOoked ; and the 9tij.-To-n Park Lots in Clf�tolv tperien-ehaspru,,,tedto posse the lao9i safe anif F ARMEM reme, --n.
cut prti,ierdes for tile cure )Meoh Wottilds, other., Thosewhahaie
0�",Mk ZT 2530_y� Z'Z:111
xinds. ;Tag. �T,Isepjl A,hitellead Esq-,- by P. S0A�.T-.T_jMm Flaunel fibm -2P ets ng �, 4.
fol 1,)w i i l!" for "rj (It into on the i It - tY Of t ifich: he U* comfident evill Ove eviry Re ' -
E- tit , t 9.50, _Wm Sttekhouse 814. Th )s. -24 -Lands at blart, 0mlerb-h.- Sprains, Willies, Galls of nil kin s, � Crackid Het+:, a j�jlii,_r,ljjj jiatlpjs� trierl iti kubw that it cAke�d theml; thos3 who have
;ill. UlngBoue, Spavin, Calla', Flstul-ySwceuey,Ijitr,rkr Iffts ba -i 90 Years exTerience 11 - iersaid 6theya not Imaw4hqt iteares theiria0ghbom nnd friendg, - 7,
_williare piper Es,,j. near Godylell 35,et.S.; -:,rr,-d oa 11 a?:?y z1a j:_ -
s 0 ren --ti, - trtkins, Liamcnegk, bi..lftbatl;c is s6cond to none. Fall,
M all 500 _"iy's "I Paili-l's* 130"ll"he G -does always
50, as firlaxti, J, and'au Imow tliatwhat itdoespueelt
r1j. racks, Faundertil mayjre3y on bell)Z fAW-Y thMit never
:�-Oi 67, Fenwick 'ffalti lut a01156 VQ6 Saud All P V*061191�_*J, Milo- FlEMUS1 fron� dealt wit
-S. -,v4, Co who patrunizellilit Wl s t_b_tojt7,j1 any misg
fell eel, H -en Distemper, 8%, Ifing- and many other Its compositiolL We �hpve: thotwau&,upon thol& ehiier prn'tte.,2 'rif Vji?
E. Armstrong W, Thos Finian 6 044. go, will 'and re-, ving a sample of
.Vc\- $2"J R 'Nirties $25. Groo 24—At Bayflekt Lm.d St
8 Lot 6 Ist tar. r f.!vz; prz
for many CKETS -Menf j!�oysl oVeir coats, 0 U.R T. .1-1 A j I - gands or�certlfieat;08 oftho - .
jiserses whi,li hor4ea and, - tit a to. ANTT a Qj Les
year-, HnJ its curative properties horoughly teated, everyneighborb
'7.t;5.- -Jag London Road *11 eel PEA� SA follavying complaluts, but, such ellrcg 4ra�=lvn in
Olrihson ,27.Z5, Th.s Irwin - This cc ebTated L u1nient li � lied I
iood, and'WiP neednotpubli -ht:4ojd. lid aXsw!'�-S 111"k ve"
S AdaPted to au ages 8a 'pri;,1�-'. 4 -*,);r fAc
D; -,-won SQ0. Wn-i Ross ,R15. P Kelly $4.08 all it i i coucedod to be the cheR est und most rt:- EXCEUED ;And eondltl[Oa4la �U V21mat ms -4
ableruma-41-torallex-ernal companits ever offer. -d WHITNEY, 13al Mior'al & Glengarry Cap' 40 ' n net -her c5tiomiel or any deletelf4ils.6'Gi,
for plank. Will Thontson $3(), Will Me- I a b ceriig�,O_v
Rithe pwilic-it never Us when timely use($ and they I en -62fe y�4�body. Vhdr
Dowell -*34 & John Bencroft sl� for funeral IN THE � QQUNTt 41LA, cin p�14gj�j ext;�Z;A,��Ig k, 6".,j K"';
applied. prose e thomeverikeshauditifike� - 1.,
faitlifuth zo, t beingpilrelyvegztabla zo 1.,ixt T
CXPelISeS &c. Of C. CileeSynan who died 1�o�hf thud of all Drugglst4 and lq43untry Uerchanis - BOOTS & S110E:jS &a & c- 'jThe farmerconiingtoGode'riellw!1I find Itf.� varit- themp as ttots
': --I f.
tll-1 no arl
throughout the Domi ion. Price 25c. per*bottle. iruEemapyquand .1 e
vcs'erday 'In great 1)overtv. Carried age to' nring his wheat for gristirg, And Mrs, se _'y
r 6 al
ich Get. 20th, 1870. -3 '1 lgrain forchopping to the
THRUP& LY41,kN, W4 i e o a te by e r powerful infillenob 11
w,.t;n %nil (,sjjcr,4, It
-.qlon if llpo. McGlo NOR Ne Pni.. proprietors Gode "Mulata I;
tile b1'QoU and zti
il visce
favolir of a grant to cra, ng- Sold in Gotien h d Pn (aittle and F - jutohenalthyactio.—re
�-3xvay Ftoiss &Di c 6TEAM 141 f e law
w:Llls' r ad, Was read, when it was Ali) Jord-in Uardiner Z Go. Ba i I w: James staWach,- bowe 11 &ud *tliar organs -of th-6 h�
git th r , +b.2 Ili- _ .
c ci bQdk, restoring their-
VERNA TAILOR 0 Inalmosiall. ases-farnierswlil gull
Beiltha it, Rodicerville; J. Ilickard Exeter V11r F -
i I
at a ly.w.rrectlug, wherever they e achderaug -
by Mr. .1 see. by Mr. McKay, th, lmo J. 11, Ci, i n 1) e, Clinton i beeord, Lut GRISTS HOXE THESALVE DAY ��,ntents as rothe, S AIRS pli RIJ M 13 OR -RES r UT,
dn-.l grant of -310 be a tile bas ill 'Indow lete� 9 -M Ij first Okiginofdisease.t-
- st receired a It 1,11�-ksoll, 8,xarcrt_', and all bledit-8 _4
given to complete 30mite diredions,11370 j#ven in t
lie wrhp Ret ��L a.;Wor tyn,-
road, a ed, STOCK OF THE EM, PORI M oth in an itit. S) N711k these
.n' I thA Mr. Graham be auth6riz U W. D. -All Grists weig-liellb the box, for the f0110,049 COMP111111t, wdh�:&*
ju M!, A!"*."l; v of
to le t t1i and ord6n.,
e job. Carried. TJieCoUeCt0r' TowlCustorn respectfulLy rolieitid, 4rjemm?t - I
tended to. lyZ- gighest cash pr.ce paid frir� For Vvibepula, or
13 -yd f A ppetl"�Jhp7
JT %% 8.,Twz�!,
�sho (if nor q�
be ta a 4
bond was read -nil iv�eelited. This Coillicil �7 TER CLOTHRMALOTUG
then akljourned vi meet again on the thir'l V][LLIE
AND J.U. s�OIVIEJ? a0haudrestor
-taint avil its vdrj=s,qfi
swo-tf F or Uver Compt
Tuesday in -NO% em ner next. Godertoli Sept �6th,- IS', 0.
JAMES TISDALE GENTS' FANOYMb- toln% Bilious Mea4aelle, Slick Mea-,Zaoisi�,
Ds' 37aundice or AGreew JR014 Bill
Clerk t
All of which will b S
- L A' W, theyli ould be
a sold j4 C. ]D:0rjVj1.,C>jR, dsir; 0 lic and Billions Never* ne
OR dielouslytahen for each case,to correct tUe diSeaj 414,
DU wdon or remove the *b8tru45t10n5 WA`11Qh=Wei!.
��Zouzh. Ruron Root crop -,.q o. 1870. TO "t"Y "a" 241
CM N E k P 60,A, -
INDEED For Dysentery or D!arrhcr_abUt one mo tale
To rai&, by it-ty of Loan the Sum Of Fortij dose Is- generally required.
The judges of riot croy)3 for the Sotith 11c - For'! , theaviiatism, GOUt, 'GrZY61,
Tho u ja t, rs fo r the 1 wposes HAVE Vallpf- SARSAPARILLIANI RES01,1VENT
Y—Messrs. Ito- DUST iation,of -the Imewal, Vala an the Side
Hnz-on Ag-rielelittiml Societ Back and ljojiLus they shouldbe contimionsfy,
a' Ariderson—conipleted their -p 0 U E
,in than thl R of the. takenias requIfAlacl, to change the . ed action df ZT C;0:; -11!?.
biw* Ca�e HERE S?,�r _.iE� Corporation diseas
labors last week,and reported as foildw. W CoullEy ji - 3,;lved. to purchase the ",the ontem. With " zuch.,c"ge these oo�apWatg It slIPI'l,ea 111c s) me A� .,t
:_,& � _, 1.�, i�
NothernGrtvel Collecti-In of- IS AT TffH. Msayl&ar.
TuEtNirs : Ist James Oke Jalu(s TM LARGES'T STOCKA Go B� 30"n
leal It fli.VS _._e U,
His overcoats you'll buy, Tolls,m all the
.Pickard : 3rd, Geu, Willis. .!I t. ounty .,f Huron- For Drops.* and Mrops
if you only go aq try. from and after tii(- �'4 it )iiy of 0-inuary next should be ta pro.
lines the effect of a drkafte 1)urge.
MANGEL WURTZELS : Ist James -Pick- And, whereas toes, ry tuto effect the said recited rib-� STAR. OFFIO 1 -BOOK 'STORE, t1le pe,34 i;ttAn.
A large sito S4Aa.%lkd '-I d.
'whex,6 thelarkest �trad cheapest Ato be found. or Suppression alarXe doso thould Ile tskea It
ard ; 2nd, Richard Manning 3rd, �tobett ject. it will be necessar�- fur Elie Coura it of the said a it produces the desired effect bk sym
Dollars in the mahner herilaafter mentioned. As a Dinnm-PIU, take one or two, Z�Qu
C And, whereas it will require tbe elamof Four thous-, s 0 EI,8flIN')QTA0jLwOPALrKiNPS, CONSISTING mota digestimi and relieve the stomach. - zk-�-, c �:ina t4 -i aw �1:z i: n *1 C2 nbliv*Ies t:LT
-inning 2nd, -a raise DS �r -& Ali
-d M. , !AN I
Ati%oTs 1st Riclia Wider Coaft N BASKETS, -e. ocoadoual dose stimulates the stomach and
14. - lit
,ad fear b..d,,:d dollars lo t d annually, 1.5, �5 0 ha
Pea JAkets, Cor)Qyation to miss the utfin of Forty ThousauW The best sorted-d''ek! GW011_6
- 3rd James Pickard. sspecial rate for the payment a.' tile said debt 6ill fit feet to 20 feet 'boWe
Jwnos Dickson 'a As into healthy action, restores Ae agetite.
POTAT9ES 1st,Robert Govenluck ;2nd, and Pants _ajfj Vb temst as also hereirLft,�r nwnt;�med. 'and invigorktes the system. Renee it is o aind.
Jag Dictison 3rd, Geo. McLen,11. fane -bothmAjiti' And, wheeeas the aiiiii-tut of tits whnle rateable vanta-eilus where n, serf deran
pro- to _gament exists. t
7 pri6d 0 we One �'rEo feels,tolortilill. ften finds thatudose
All -Wool F1 party of the sid blarticip!:1ity of'Huron irrespective Th3 ('11RAPEST STOCK in 60DERIV f.
Anad t7 T 0 E I RUs
The jud� srevorted the land under, root ne 0DIS it oll. 3;1��Ile oe Under -Shirts and 1p�tWen orally future increase of OiA same. and irrespective of of these ruu 1�allres him fee decidedly better, from It U. a"-. Sit
any income tia-be derived itom the temporary invest, th— leansing and renovating effe
lly w IR _AL ct on the ftel.
rops, to be general eU cultivatied.— You'll buy if you are ise, ment of the Sinkirg Yuul hereinafter mentiontil or tive apparatus.
His collars. mufflers, ties. Itcal5 UnD Asia
any part thereof. according to the last revised and bay largely and in the-baSt Mhftt litods ropmed, atr_-agauaple D.U. 4T. P. AYER &CO., Practical ChemW, get* ex tl.. fi�: equalizedAsAlissinent. Roils oftne said Municipality. J. Q, DETLOR & Co. nre flvilcicut L.ksTTHo7fjGIj -,qor ;LOWEZZ. X_"46., V. 0. Ao
lFaincy Wo. -PI -hirtijagS frOM LE, AVT being fir the eir One thousand eight hundred and froUl 11-c jeai!B Ill. 1-t=tt.b
dxty-nine was Yweive millions nine hundred and sixty xlr ILI* alcllco_n.
18 STOCK of Tvreeds is -lard to beat. also in broad- therefore are able to ell at the lowest prices. NORTH Out., geera
an([ pilots Rod f -three dollars.
35cts up a�A D'Feigusoll0s. el"ths quit complete. His Useawall compare. toui ur hun4tedand si;ct Ir
are ilch and rare, and with City-Hil %nd. whereas tile aiftbtint�fthe oXIAIngdelt ofthe StationeryikFancy Qdods'� Me 6 s e ;, Phe 9 1- M9
t f th by Parker & Cattle and
a is _�aidlitiui(-.ipalicyisasfollo%v: Prihelpal,T%voliund- 1Y IN WLUTE, BLACK, inT, Bavfleld. Janies Bonfire I:Ii6ro jR no, a inlij.* wc,-unn rr Jb�vi;i7c�
Kangas now respectf"y prodUeas a Both lit and style. he'll guarantee, gdhilheask red and fifty- - nine tPouynd , ght hundred and thirty ax 47,11.0 JEI*B.LL
lodgervillo. J. Piclord_.Ex J. Cli W1 tt:j by i" PJ!l ill
-4 woman. "CAIJ,ANDSEE - r dollars, fr Gravel Re U-nuires, bearing inteiest AND GILT SETS Ghesper than M. Sleord, Llickitow F. Hiel'soll) 4Sgqforth, Utlon to recaire
petrifi Remembar at the mte of six per cent, per LLnuum. And Two 3
,the Stand I- ill Modiclue Ileale! c� rotmis,
G,)ril!as are the latest anthentio Cali- On the left band hundred and fifty-three thou-stfid (Iollars to tile Mn' ed the of W.,;f Call lug
From Hortoll'aGracery Stom cipai Loan Fund, hearing interest at tits rate irt 6i SL-aahlJza the fornia sensation. -Call as YOU.Pitail the door.
per t, p r jannuin upon whivit last inention,id deb�,:
Nere's the place, the publiethlak., the, has been paid One hundred and ninety. one Dont.forget to call at.the, STAR
States havecolued sinit T&suit your last, and qav&thechjak.-. ro haudred and nine dollars. making Pi mm r73*.mzz:L Mvmc>cnErh,, f
The Ifirts of the Uarted 1h.usand tit IF -00-Y& butenn b3 citlier res.!ored to betiltli, -cr th2 vymteg
agr�6uregartee a -i the actual indebtedneii ihe snm of Office Book Store. th w nrieseventir yearsj the it j
Goderich Oct. 20th, IS70. the d anti aperation.A(v ' n , -one thousand ix handred
lv4e intaf Eight hunilred.dfflhoa dollars, bout Thrpe end twenty A 9AWMILL AND 50 �Cfl M OF I�XN V,. IN- THE
arrruey ( . ;
One-i-ft4.4the who:em )f the world, and twenty-one dollars,upoo which there is no interest ZEFRON'S BLQ0X
, 0A UING-' 5
ai(L I LIL Township of Bentinck, Co. 0 rey, 0 miles e ist o of wh, in arrear. The annual interest to 1v pai,1 on the s AIN D PRICES WILL CONVINCE ALL.
,Cty_ lus been 4erived frm YOKE OF STEERS-.10ST. debt it; Thirty thousand seven. hundred and nine STON STREET, dautiveK,_�outbeSdagoeu Ri the r oxii rnjije�;
. weare not ithout mines, but f�-i t:ia;� they will not produce so much gold dollars and eighty cefits. Wiling stmain The Mid has been rnun:ng for;
yearsawl. doing a thkre is a so QTRAYED ABOUT 10th. MAY FROM Lo r 22 5 And. whereas forpaying t dodbijainess, Thelocatiloltls- co -nil
he interest and creating an, 1:11131 Of tilo ly in :i-! 'Ovi,dan Pain D"troy,r- 'rel,7. Q CM �We-t afifiV�es fro. 'Dling equal anna i.,n,, r &xceflent for tnuber, an there is a good site for & -
far %ild ,,,n; al ink ing Fowl, for'baying the said f r_ lmatter '11)17. i-tll 11,1-
f For-ty Thousand Dollars. had interestics HEIR 009DS ARE THE BEST Goderieh August Ist 1870, 6116-ts W Carding Factory. For farther partit:ulan App'y to v
,yera ig: for Ye
iaaaralria, trit-aelie, c. Sold a yake of.Nte"rs. risiRg 4 yearold, ons, Ifs-bt and the herein IT T �Iuay be. it' 1114 evia lie -tti al annual special rate' 1j HU1W. unaer the im lgce jar flitid lis*s.;e na i flezb- fthin
bY 31elicine D-,.aeM at -2-5 cv; per battle. other dark red, the light %tiffte, lacart. mentioned, it will require art equ
�he f -we And wkite hind feet Shdped spot in of seventeen�llftiuths (17-56) ofa mill in the dollar in
f, It 10 Aug., 1570. w2l-ft* Ala eark 1P, 0
Ally one que in irmaton as *01 lead to their recovery vill be adlition to allotherrates and taxes tabs levied, in Ind the iwc.vo tilat 1,
r1rhe -wav1111- of Life. suitably rewarded. each year. b f
Be it therv.�ore enheted by the Council of tile Cor., in bealt
A,n,,i,, all the;ua!a.!-.eq incident to thevaried change : poration. of the County of Unroll llroceEc t-1 dway and , " at, -�. ther,� ii i..,thing so mu --h affecEed as the GoderichOCL2nrllS-,O.l)uup�noup.o. w4o-4t* Ist That it shall be lawful for the Warden for the! J. C. DETLOR & CO' GUINNES'S A frme louse of one story and D half with exectlen-
Li-.e7. ill'Oried f,)� ages- fime being of the said last mentioned Cqrporation to
rw,,!t(- th mariv which %7ci,;h upon CQNXSUA1PT10.N.FCRUFUJjA.
raise by "Ay of loan from any per e tit;, body Gnilerieb 04. 111 t1h. 1870. W384 Ill. il, t-accentre of tile salt wellss in the Town
the ilwho nmy orlia ch, and larnicaly ecupiedby Dlr Charles LYS, wz�i. upon divers cea- orate, 'REBRATUDUB04 POR,
NMI= TO TEACHERS, or bodirs vorp McMillen. For prtienlars and terms ofiale c9qlaire Vcnuleal. :lre deVelo:.0 I Lh�ojf,,b the P-w-e4r, vfilc�.
lir) I!tt.e n) ulterior copse- t a k4me upon the credit oftlLe Us antures hereinafter of the REV, Q FLETCULM tiuAU Irwit ifig blivid ciLber In t �u Ltanips. :-kn 1ji*;-
q !�u: a v; t)t!,I.i t,.e "one great study rf Dr Railway. n,�%gattirlaYtno'-,9thingt�attheloup-'of2o.t.lo,k. uleationed. a sure not exotieding -in the wbole the sum TER. uey4- Bladder or Lellular nad th-_,s d;zst
he triumphant -homndDollars and to cause the same to -Gbilerieli-Sept.23rd, 1870, svlo_Sn;* r avaL w1l
4A.r-i-eatarv. Yea, - Ij p, in. there will he a meeting in tile �chonl house nfForty - iia. -CF in tbri can buth to divvt
blie. is Puimqss� ofilr9aulzing a Te�he,,, IMPORTE, D DIRECT FROM TUE M4.NVVACTUR-, -
ly 1. ".1 in 6-3d, t'ie sezret to the Pu Lu,!icDv. for 0 be paid into the hands or the Treasurer of tit() County and cared ty tjo wso of
:Lb9ol tite unadalteral ion) ridways Axiociation. kl! Teaell,mandothe aforesaid. for,thoptiqose and mith the object abovel got -went.
M iaterested in the LOOK OUT FO It T-11 or a4il suld"extrIentely low by
t,ause ofeducaLitin. are re3peetfully invited t.) att�
nil reltited. q jej Mr%, 'Or4nq MIMI S IM
el'se'l in a ev and speedy cure. 2(L That it Shall be law fill or the sai � Wardep to IWOU133 Pau -Pln_� C�59
C CLIFFE. wedeo;
T.heie PuI4 tzavva morbl-wWe as"The dreat Purga- vv_4fj. 2t cause any rtuinb--r of Debentures to be made for such GEORGE dR'ANL GRUCE14, tive.-.tiffer e�serit�j#yfr,m tt:1. other cathanies. They Luckliour Oct, IM. lko. gull, i of, inancy, not less Ulan One hiLudred dollgril "IM Czii
WEST kIDE SQUARE, GODERICH. a_,v-'ifefv9,nb-ing s:tzrittecd by delav, reinforce so eneb, iiiii) that tire said Del�entq;es shall lie sealvil with'
s lat . u:u4lFaeeb!e syst�m. evercualing Indizeitfort. ttiedeaiofttLesaiiLlCqrporatiqil. 4ud be.ignedby.the: by r-g:iatia,,.ae I Mike lAtux Inoper-tive, said W,,vrltn. PRICE O.NLY$1.75PER DOZ. BOTTLES.
up the tgestilan Ire dadeTight : the urd, rhat the qaid Debentures Audi Ile ma)e pay
abqorb hfe; ont tile day he- eta:
varioas .,f Fev�r3are pre euted to GRIND D13PLAY ablo tit twenty years-ut furthest fr fulss pammul
M,,,v ,, GREA-1 �:C]LnA f G iu�j an 1. in heir T ire t f1l;e acting up it.,1110111 Situ 111.%1jjp1la4 In after niuntio�;�d frw this By-law to take iffect either in RL-TULt, SOLLITED..
0 t-, be (to
organs. ra'--y nsaLd taeats,31yes Lon,lon in England, or -orne place in Canada M E
zoptra n
pi�,'t-at,if3 )r;te. No poin or priitratiou. for, as fir signutedlin tht �aid Debentures and Hha.1 have GEO. AO, HESON 0-4 TIM 190 V lirative ensues. Their ex�erlor NEW AND FASHIONABLE ed to them Coatious for the payment of tht interest" 3.1haifyear
belaty e4nivistaln Nln;,tstetess (covered with sweet To be Hid in Wood or Bottle
grim). tLerdforc,nevcr icken or gripe ; -4 vegetabi 411, &attbelia)d Debeature4 and Coupons shall I Pull
be ridde out it BU- MORONI 'AR 11
from aljvjf;ing and Co pl (�r,, ) jqzi�
HOTELS PRO, eprescuftilive aq -'Dr0 is f this Dotuir-ion. -at tire option of tfic said Wardens,) YS JED B
Mpe it either oterling 51,.nei or the Currency
lio-i For B"' wioue3s. Lo�s air .4,blietite. Cutancour- DR:J'S .-GOOD P RUCES REDUCED:FOR30 DA'
an -1 Mcerj7as Disease. emaus General, that tile whole amount of said VGIJ�Jltdres shall �nt 11PTLY SUPPL Telegraphic institute. The -Only r 041 line .113ano Oux
Heada-ae.Typholdand other*malignaut Ad - — Ontariloofthe Bryant f Stratton Internationd Chain; 40MV Inpita:111 fu
exceed the More mentioned sadi oHorty irouiand swI0-tf of Colleges. Ix Goderich Sept. 23,1870. -1 40;;V, %arias
Fevers. B-iriop; Coli2-, Di trh�mt, Dy.itentary. Fever And Dollars, and they shall bear Int ast at the rgbtf a The Ueory -Def LRltlyadapteil tij� aUenzi. thes3 Pj!ls, 1�y uniforuk -sum r'a, M, S. percent. poraunuin.w1itch payable artirtept to thilrou. ;;
ion ofasounibust-'..
Ague, w 2. Ise i those who,
ry BARG-AIMS I BARGAINS wisil to' ity the faundati
e:cp!r!epze, are ?Perd!y m4,trderl aq te only medi�in- 1. st dayi of July a7itl Ar�ary ld'Leach and eve i U2 vo.11 I 161i j.jjD3 01 tj &Yavu
:t pyepa-st:vin r. orthy of that serious &Itcatiou hich y-arduring thecontiattauco oftbe said Debentures at G6deribh Oct. Rik, -1870. W3 13-6m The jj�aiftial deg= at Is a miniature blismes-
a e,,
thoy have unifmrily received. AssoItMOUt - U]JUSUally the place wliore tire laid Debegtdres are made ray 7orla, wheTe.each, u elit phylbrins atl fire rout:re
Simi-mrilliari Pciatvent 81 per bottle. 6 battles for a*)Ie. 8-5� Re1y Relief *-15 cts per bottle. Pills 25rets�per 5th. That for the lizirpose offorming a Sjnkln-, duty of off!6 vork, s.Vvhl�s buying, selling, shipidrl�
covirnission. abd i1ral wft notp,drafts and A N3A
:iL-j,a,-VLc-rM. F cl for tire payineat orthe said Debentures and the LDST OF LUTTEW, 'PARMSFOR BinhofA6tO isfuzonnectioll withthis deparl;
box. on
[Ir "tiftway9s fteiriedies are sold by all Driagg,sts, and NEW FrunglIt ffer][110S from interest atthe rate ar.)resaid to beoome due thereon an lifenient, with beautifully engraved bank notes,
anti at Or kawav's Medical allic yard, eillial speclai rate of seventeen-11ftieths .(17-5o) of a FMAIN ING IN GODERICU��F'. 0. Oct Ith, 1870. sue 11;1.11
otijerrates Pb as perfect in irs details as ilia best organized institu- ruill in the dollAr, shall in.tuldition to all HE SOUTH- HALF OF THR NORTH Tr A Aw
Wiret -)�Lies, 87, Maiden Lane Y and 139 St Paul St NEW Ulan Pja�tAts Joe 90 70C tions in the County.
d taxes be raised, levied and collected In eaen -year ME 9 in'tlie lith Con. Western Thorough intitruetion InTelegrapby. Life Foholur-; -soloslo ipalti 11T 101�1 U! Tmr V.,.37 per yard, Alon all the rateable property within the Calility of SWEEP CLI Anderson John (Printer) McG@re miss Christie Towhsllip, 50 acres, The land is. partly 5leared. and EAKI sl
'or Falseand Tree. tips go3d in forty Colleges , Ft r tirins, address wo�c lijoll.1
ilur,-n.du-ini& the continuance of the HaidDebetitures BtlollamiquJohn McMurdo R.. Cqpt. fenced.' Also the uth half of Lot No 1, 6th con: -f 11001 PAT.11 1114al SWUM P
vn - I -ver ra%3:j to Or J Railway & Co.. 439 sit NEW S--tacieu C1899--.-Beautifull Bond H L §1bua, Aslifleld,100 acresbusli.
ormi: Macdonald D (Fisheman S ODELL & TROUT yj-,jt:zz!i otim 1.10(12i�
thousands will ful gods. Y of them. 31CCdil vem. cessioU, W9!jtej;l1'Dl1V?, Torontos' smaplitmi orn nan
Wi That this By -Law shall take effect and come Barkeret Co 19 no into oneratitin upon
NEW Serapg - 1�oppv& L. u%tres. fjunuary, A. f! McMahon ill r-1%1ejc'p,,rti6ulars &C t COX.& MAdDONALD
I 1 .1 111111 Jonah the first day o p yj� -1 &,.TOHNSMN. I - "ll
Buchanan Robert DAIrISW �Sl SOPL '87q
very cheip. one thousa deight b6ndred and seventy one. 0911i4ar Mrs i McNeil Ike Weol;Sitreei Goderleli.; IS THE rLACE TO BUY
thevoteqoftheMunieipal E-ectorsulith- Colsi]in Tob*(4) 11cKq John. 3;0114al IM 2V WoMen and KnMed froatIS 10 NEW J31z;ek bUstrei 17.e. go 00 7th "'nat Gpilerich Out 12th, 18,70. swl&21U
Pat varle aldCountyof Huron oil this ByLawphllbe Crab John Al eKay John First Prize P�enmanswp, fillinn the per yard. Jill t: Is?w 0111 t t
it'al !Zethn�as he d y, holir and places as follows, That i s Denoun Willliam cAbsi--MaW J BROONIS GOOD & 0HEAP 31aeg. rjeS _j tilill cheap L at 1D. Fer-uson7s. 'VFW BM. CKSHUS 1TOM 80 CM to say. on.Unaday, tl�e Fourteenth 'Day of November, U.flau Roderich in t effely S 8 ll;), -U 4nuft Fill -pin,
yard. A. D. 1870, to colamence at Ella ladlir of nine o'clock THEY HAVE A -VERST PRIZES in iboth �hupgness aTIO onm e 17 - - - " Z�bojl willfana
in;the f d tl,,,at tup Polls ftall' remain open ilcl;y Edward O'BM
. t, -stand U Jq44 Roualp Henry Mrs Popilu plrqsses price* Provilaefal Exhibifton, Toronto. This is the seventh' V11
a-1 lz�V, of tt, Yroat xaA Lungs Ft:LLnWa' Sj?
i 'C"asumlit"'n, NEW SUIE e afterlutau of the q #y,,at L n Hannali: La4gh and alpow P� _U penmanship were awarded to us tt iT
FxrP.kc,rf-l1 0" that 'a .1181lu 1,
t1i that we obtain il first priges 1017. rilaues vrithin the severall4jairlipalties MacKay W(eare of I Hartior 41rdeoan A:rchibald yearin sucension
v D!, jp
1. 8110111 P
in the said County of Huron, Tie -Wit Morris William Smith D OF BROOM CORN SgMiED in Peirmanship. Young men should bear Ili mind that
de, 1z p -r�vms ej*-rinq rrina the PffL-ts 1-i S C) Me'relizie Abigail -Mms 8im pion (Yeorge THE FUNN19ST B01ORS OUTJ C 4* 'the two Prehrium. Pcinnen of Qwada are enaged ht 114MMMA _11-14lu MM o -,j I 4lagh Tylahrih! Fever IN THE T0WV,1RlP OF ASHFIELD.
McCaw Alex, Smaq A James this ingtitution n teaelling the'Spencerlan systMa. as CITIOB
I Tbo- Sery1ces -of a Filst clMs Woftax exbibited atthe Provincial Bxhibitlon, -lylaich wasAg
i;i thii region, it bi tile he;Erei&�dial agent I J[11[ FE!5oj-_-.Car1et Flannels front Divis-foit No. 1; At"flitelt Miabeeir Haase, Hugh McIntyre A -13inith arah Mrs ps
ZDdMN CLAY, A. D. 16 ceuts� to. 2. A Sch,,ol hiacdenalif Alinfil liillia�nson Mrs idwiratio U711P Rkal U 2V j—, lszxan pa, N. .. ftanna,v 14. MIS. sectiall Nlo,§. Robeit McGrory. Returning 11exati Annie 'Walker J. John b4s orall liebolders.
Prt - . plEjUS of V"ey FlaillynelS Jr.0M.2 11 --use nd Ekre . prepareil . to deliver throligbo.qt lqqron and, 1. 5) a ll,,tt!� ; 6 tor 8 -59. Sold by. offloer' Divlaiou No. 3, at School House, Section No ARCH DICKSON ill tj
ad -by F. CartdilL i% Co� w1wlesalc agents 1-16 cen 6 Robert Walister, Rtturnbig' Officer, Division bro. 'Post Master
31�:;trea. of W1tl*rPY4 ;rom GC iard 4: At Kjngsbr1ag&tt`chf),)I Moure, Maurice Dayton jr., DL&a7utionf rartners�ip.
put 4a3li;,jr 4cl"a-511 pill jo ej Wljoj� 'No, 5, atDan6aXiu0A Opdaveras CouAty Qaj. Sp, &'01! An Extra; H. I 'F
PILES %;UVL,.VjS jfroM Returping Of cer. vistri 4 oi� 419 eavy Broom' '11,1 3 AmnIM"T 7,0 PILES �chuolllouise, Joiul-CookeltsturairigOffiber. jo rGilij SMQ rVM
AtaPuh:;aNl�tia,,held lit Rufr4fo,' a few da- 9F VARIOU15 C7RADRS. OTICE TS HFIREDYGIVE-hr TH.1� Tfjj,: pRT
re said, UJI. is norhip heretofore existing between the unier.iig- Oil AM -11i Pliv Ew
sin P. ire is reparted to ba ReOy 111t& Arill CIO Well tj lied N
w.!234 to exa:te the ire, 9- provoke lEtototruing Officer. s klillers and SI -vers in te villa -'e of Bayfiela
L of Bed BlaynEk"s "'OM AtCore's Hall.Johul Nelles, jTj,- Merchants OvEd others ,Dde. UZ nei.-Itwurs. they were a ivair. 100 pages price only 10 rents. Lth. and ova oq7 Clyleandfiri�a of �ix COLBORNF- call beforeircliasmg elsewhere. 14 :14 is this day ls?olved by Mutual DE130 1-11V P..oi-.Gp most part frie'nitly- - 1-3:. 3D T -T 1%T X-1 C) �p Consent. .10 f;1lut.1f i! hi*- v-ts rot t,3 benteipited. Al, 600DIS SOLD At the Town Hall,JamesTe�yley, -Returning Offi- S, H-1 S 'Irwo'D0,01LISOUPH E! Ali debtsduc ths said trol are to,ije paid tni 10 lipp 0q] 110 but, I
a,lvi,-? has itizi tn h --ad the lessori OF TH JAUEs;rHO3lSON, wholvill Eettletliq liallf1liEres of. -apis !�pq Has now -i�wekived arge otoc sxAW 6. the saille. Datt.-d at Baylleld this Ed day pf octaber. M a. tq;plt d:1 riaciona. *In time I AT L(YWESr OAsH rwams- Of, A.. D.1870. 191=13� p�r�pxr . e for hen,�e it weruld bs well to bz�ve filluipA ordou's, S�op, on 71 BUCK OF SAY XQ8 `f4t Iroatiers well funified. Wellington treet, Dauiek(lor;aon, Returning Officer. oar 11TH4 St� 13 Winte'r rweeds) Alfred U�kfo tra iri a� r -4 -IMI -0
Is not'this a les.-inta to as to fortif our Southern 's Hall. East Street, Id. TH03180M
St. Patrick's Ward, at Fireineia amusing d6blishelil: K'�.
aw-1 S.imael Pentland,lietilming Offleer. St.David's Ward, ,book" e�br i -ston Street.-.
firylti,ri? a ut r, *,ateoingso wouid it not be well to ons, - Goderteh.Zth Oct, WO G
fortify at victoria Etall, Crabb?s BlPeN, Ktugsto4 Street, Bea- 1. o4qrich, Oct, PO Irs 0. sVr104-tf Witlit'reffrencto -the abinethe subsefiber bento Im
attacks 6f rheamatisru. . ;�Otficer,- And:ew's &C� a
nrlos z 7
ati. oo'-Is. bowelca-aplailifs, a�al all other jamin Hazilhurst, 0. e. ings, ges, only, 10 cWs say that he will heremter, �earry oil the busiues3 Iiii Iffs cd?:M3ei fa.-Iderittothis c:'in-ite. by upplying our-, Ward, at Alexander -Wallaceis Shop, West Streeti- WbIch he' is prepared to mdke/Tp; own account in all Its dupairtments, andou�drespect-
mlvas vAth t!ia 'S'auaiisu i��' t Da-stToye Fredirick Zl.ett, Retarning- dincer. �6e bpoki, madied -k re fuily solleit a curatmaEatiou or public patronage.;lox
rMiA'oL t. son,
r." C= be SHIONIBLE '-'A D- CHE h,U of aiw Irledielmse Llea�er for V) ets per battle TRE GRElY FEULB REMEDY n; r oDEnicH Tow.Nsurp. T.102�,QOX.
Division No. I, at Union, 8011001 House, Murdock Ar LEND Bayfield, 5th ("at 'ISTO, jj-azje1krir%tg7 SaLe lReginter. Gerdon, liteturgl[jig Ofll6er. MI'vialon NO, 2. At Dug' ON LIK OW .3 �0�!Y TO stt
Job)-joste Periodical Pills s Comers, James' -Patton, ' 2?eturxk Officer.- , ". I EASY TICH2S
ga Muse; 4th ingticession. NLo. 3, at s Co THE.-SHORZEST *OW -)D ID I P- 40 �r
Farm for sale, Nov. 5th at 12 d'olock Thomas Won -1-5, Retti, ning Of1titer. Division INO 4- at COR'' V, A. 1). ISPIL AL an* 04, zxto�,�, riziks
gerous SQVA'R'E 03 T1 r. Divijion No. 5. at T PART Or- WT -_9 LARMPA 110M Av�a�
ljs�rd l-�,5
�noon at -VAt;VAl3LZ MrDICUqE is U -r &,.04fr
Auction Rooms. THIS IN N AILING ales House, Jaffics, Richardson,119tu. 'S
ose jartaidA and datz Lot 19 dstissys, for %vaieft the female a' titulloji ij subject. t.. the care of ad tit ADY-MAMS' T4V HURON No7. lat at the Mazt, at, no(M, Iteturni:ig 0111cer. has reedved stock.'whichhe wild sell MITI wnship ofshlield'. ft !gnri) Ora .30 V:-3GQ:z oil L
It moderates all vixcess and removes; All ob*%zac*p,r2` h. very select I di I g I luE
1 ? . , 'r.GRM i . - I - .. - , � I r � SAVIN03 &,LOAN-81DCIETY-. acres. about 30 cleared. The aove I i —.4 north of Thames Rpad,Villm�fla- of 1 ,r- cure ma- be relied oil- Divi- 'o. 1, at Lrl t Concession. School CHRAP Miles froill G - TV 40 tsuv 41A
aim a speed t 19, 1 -R cASH. orfeftell and 3 frow Po Uj
qixhai�, Township Mborno. �y iiiin N go Can supply alay boo, Papq, .3tag*e or Musle pub- 4n
TO 31ARRIED TAMF House, Robert Lai-il ing Otlicer. Division. 11 - re arlY Mu tiescollarg - Ithe A R1 _rAL, 7 $700, 000., the Giqst; and*Saw Mille Storer er- -1q4r3 111411110111, South half It P,* 11, Ina short unte, -bring No. 2, a; Lct 6 1 L th Concesion. John Grant,-Retu�n- 4 fall assortment of sh!Xtq,uiid thing, d Xov. 5. at the Nfart at noun. 0 oil ivith ratiple.beech. ash. elm, hemlo A ti- gin -a-a 61lu -31VAS
anizarlysudled. Is vn arm Goats F shijigs general
Mytthty, period ikl;it[t, regillarity- ing
ET VY SECIJ ty 6r valtiable cedtir �un Via lake bauh. 40
'b Division No. 4, at i3alland see style 'Estate, 4ndon TqrW Yer 141t311 il"IaJ3 L -)t 18, 1 (ion. Wauosli. on ther officer. Divisi�)n,l��,ot5,l5th(.oncesmton, 11174i tode 14 Qqt 1�thilM, THIS SOCIETY.AbVANCUS DION n
ly ' CL_
-he JohnSillers, Returning officet. S an ices. y ��v�abbi ,N1%3v.9&9,Po,rt Albart, at 0. Pellows' TTW3 . SIMU&J2204 --takenbYPOmW dur�nj - Lot29. 12th Concession Jasil NeNalm, Rettiming rzunc, ts.t,��A
-BEE 2rayrus r9rPteg— hey are 0 ARM FOP, SATX, to borrowers, Pos- Uris
T2' , e V, - t 6 -at LoQ 23, 7th concession, I I . . B,
&c., 2 & F, '77 filier- Division - 0a, 17th, mo. *39-tf session nlm,3�e given. 9511 pligil A2.1,4a Gqj
sure. to 6"Ut a,* l"Y 9 the 'POMA RARGED, Y5
Store, Drvffoods 0 r lime theV I NOLAMYERS 11M 0 Ras'sX fzx�olv
Lawrence Dobson, aeturping t Ifficer., 6 P. in are h4e. 1-4 HAT nerth. -sug Th"'acieW pays Its SQIifljt9r'& _cba�ges, AnVfamlf 01
. -$700( re -0 acres lktluo
fit ali Cases of_N onsivid Spinal ATectionit, Pain in. w1res cleared. A Wd - ash&'heba1mbe`vrArm.c. Tbere s)
Divis on No. 1,at.Toa HallpurichMM&MV11211%. G. WMSON F 152TO W, 149 Wiley, from �20- qp%�aras, is I cut fir =y number of 'etim, .3 4,; VAD.jog.
tie B3cicarid U,��',tatirueoa slibalixertion,Palpitta-a woodoullnuadlearedpw2d6n. A ym.frombrisiotift�en. Money way. belitailled-iLt d or fe�ce,49 taltricc is chopped and partly 1. 4sam"
T -Returning Oftl0er. -98U get kqnses# spring cr Ic runs t1irougli'tito � lot " Appl y-steries, s�d Whites -these Rils :r . or of NalTia 0 i4y time with4itt1e,'br:no delay beyond tile time oo- Apply to d. IP048tuitutil iditor the heart R ' iled as . 2 6
,Kjft Mbebrifinutiffis will afte, a cdr&,,v"u all othur tileans have (a vout N Is Hotel
Upied in investigating the title And und alth6umll;L �omrelttfl t imed ifa not contain iron, '14 Howick. Insurance* Fve!�l E4to tf� ering the
3%1�ITZZGERALD )1Y Mingti'bride or ori the prCVses,
No- 1. WY.rano rfl _Uortgago, the - post of which is IyAid by t a Socu 0jj;?j
orapythiurpykUrtfulto the cops all School HOULP-A litif. . T tht of the loan is advance ea nutf unt ill s , _s7o, . to
'r %lY Davie, Ret�prntjg Division No. 2. at Lot W, B. Or The full amoi ti-ao'deduction
ttpn. w -
Fullgrjrec;IitW lathe parpphlet aro"d eaub. pickoge. 13th Conces5irjr,, Phair, Retittiming Offiver Sept 26th, 1870.- being firade fof :�.oilailiission or ot4er cb�rgqF_. D111 M
often add sg fhaterially o the -costof:aloa"ri'll, ;Xvo E -W BOOKS Division N o. 3, P c a;, i'5 Burl4ing; For.: wich. 6h� FA M F0 R $41 E.
w1iielisliaildbecarefullY preserved: IWO-q rrie Corbett Returuing ofilc�r Division No. 4j at Go otherSoithitilep or from hidividuals. TUcbEihvWerc4
-JOB moon, Mw YoRr- SOLE PROPRIETOR. DRAWN AWMOUT D, _r monthly pay P 0 re�# his loan by yearly, Jahtf-yparly. ,
ND N�WEMTIONW School ilonse, Riclifird Obloon. Returning tft:eir _9
j!j cents for postage, enclosed tOS6rthTQP Division Ko. � at'Old School House, Wroxete CALIF0,RNIA-11 11 melits. . 7%o perilldiela,instalmeAtii inclule, besides
$1.,00-jaild ri WWi.- NONE)[ TO W A N --AT -'cent. _SOUTH 114LIJ? or
_likell � -Aeturniny Offte6r. interest, lz)r�ll Sam 'for principil, uAd. they' ttre & am Lawrie, 13 eiltirely,ft- X srilp ofWaivairesti. eolinty of Hdr0u.; 'will be said tV�
Dj)�jjfijpa,%vjjj. u mbottl�poopt f"Q*e00rtjl�, rN, UULLEVIT, Qpt. l8t1a, 147Q. :04f6l" 0. diviled tiAt'by their pay.m6nt 414 - dOb ift one, reel, `b�
4inguished; and the morti'A public litl_ctlo� Without 'reserve ty,
ge Oispbu�pd!
Lay Sermon time al.h.t t his UWt1qVL,WoMS atEoder! 11
7rofessor Huml 8 a DivlshinNo- j,at6gunadkir t� Vhepam� V�sggon Ac. $1.25 vY icturiiii"1 NO EtTE11Wk I YUAN lea., PPlw;#
BieLerstelrh's restertky, 1!0,4 C.Fo I Shop. Loiariesborough,'Jamea traitfiwaltii, Ratfiming THE SUBSCRIBER i . tipulated. obt *, is -�500 Jor -boulity -of Huio�- oil Saturd�pk 146 Sth dayf 4-jovet4- - 0.11rol.19 lol/176). jw)rf P,�l
la - - V-cril is a hotise,.59�Ld-- coil.,
Nevvegatle,:t;. F.,genera officer. Division 1, Items, � Waggon qq s;;;
r -ever o. 2, at John wit T
ber 187C gt 12 alWlipk avon
$60.70 ear UZ "IQ
sell.,' Aeturnifig OZ- HAS 14vaars ; e ays h yo and at the end of fraille barn, orelinfil, a!jd suffiri timber on the pT�M _q
forCanAer- hap, Zinburiz, Thomas 810113 the time his Aiort�mge Is paid ofE 1be-4apidly in-' aut X;D -a7iresand arp jj,�jf
Lifa and Labom of W 0 Barns. 1. Parker Optile ano
contsta at
AT business ot this. -Society is 06 best milleition, -Aile7- villag�;, 11fain I bk the lariding �W, i�;rma.vy
boldin: Goderich by ztexi �Frth whi6b. it 4i rpgar4e
- IN . . 4.? 75 Jhmes �O_N E�y z`a US TAND 'AND ot
-Eha land, L of V.Torto - 11ral dintr 06 CD-,. Ra td ; took by infles nod froin Goderiela alinut 6 infles.
jill; YoA. J"00 80�tjjaulr 110 43vullou NO- '-at Schoo"i'i ollse, section Wil
:Evanaj ReWrningOffieer. 6 e -oat his 9 wijlbeb9uYs9=ter46-, ylvenat.once! Tdlegua d orata6LM7. lud its: pop*
Iae id undsrsto6ad By Vic Liiiau* 11#3ra
Oil ]K�' 2, at, T40t "26 SY - -1
ix toli ar gniteed, "Ter, S=a6useufsto es, 4yM 4 aroAtly. tp stelvE pfl6riaii oisl ett-rknoym. U, b halanite en
lghec , e
vcicuo�i; F . jRCV,
Hood's AVhirA.and bilditips �13 "Umilt!, �MInton'-s-gord, WV gt# Concession John 0'. I=T. ed 'W ipor tage, or, ,I
.0o 1101k. - _ 47idirii6 q
borrpwp fd tq 'd
Reeton i Dieffoiary of'r3bygmp d- f included in the yearly instalment, the red igot" with ie&-,ikIntera,:t.
M-1171 6111 9.0a an anall ily, wd without pays ff his Itiall-thus:
It It No. 1, at Brown's 4ill,lot 11, MC003- YPH U of;mene �tp 164n
a -06013er lie VM or faittlier piirticulars niiplk to 1P. of
aMettort. Solidtfr, tar to RAZtXjj I
ItappenA when thli��iuilpslfalla duehanla Uoluieg. RQtUr4i MCM )fiteenye payable by yea# af.Gqographj- 2.00 IF wrataclfiterest Oji itud� aher - Monday 1,Tth ayoldinpt4a iisk pflosing hlspropirt�, which to often do%'Xhonr. - s
Homehold Manarem6nt ?00: alid raburmli teimit 4trepayrjfe 7. j1 his
instalinq ly cohapititoir. Illeendofthtf.term,'He an. -at any time.,pay off MR;
ir. B Wrafeb
STROTER - Division N:o I. f on Ad I - LC-LIM L= logn in advance Qnfavorable terms h can: bi set-
ivicil. pp.a.,412, Wwn
7 i a ws afo ot by. Bay4 rd T4,y I p r 4 ID
40 'ROR
Haunted ite Buii, Retmning Officef. r,2rm, I itsyx per', A FafolL XA91uer;weI1artdfavQmb1kkqoW!nL b ii-jib&ome.Prese-nto cheap. �Mlivation ofthe bilimuer,) nd interest -0 REP. WAN TED,
;IlNq' lit adaL A
Ha&-ri-trila. Thlimast wed
Mtthrina 4 T. G, Hlladd 40 pin
at Old' an ill Ina who Le not,ea 4() ttkd j,&�t ten ye, -KayjUgs Parties h�v 'lied, for VAnce. lb a r
--Hed;zed to, by autkor of _QfLj —le- Refill, i Sion
Cook, fieturid K�i;
Old Pashioned Girl. by BUSS Aleott 40 Al mus
-Full, jaitiiiidlaia and loauta allay"b holding a firct.
lnstalntj�to gjva�li&uidn _r�lie vhen iimei_V L obs lext* ibe a btained hit t;;.71
'Ma Guardiari A n-IMIj �*by 0.- W Holmea -921ce,, arbi i6ttiar potpaid, -addressed to
40 used, 4ild We ha -,yprynoa& single �,cdsie' Officer theSllciieW Ufbie Ist the -8edrrarj,, or from anyof the-Soplety0-Tatunfar.3. 3 to 4orritflence on13 January 2670, -
U -n personally y4th tesUrarmLij to the Trustes-
Od "-CHASLES -FLETCFR" Vltwtlii at Gi5de, c nderhoaz toy. atit-hor.of, �ly it $A tf* oro -c toll wed, ba on th o 1 011ieer. JOH-xm�m "-'- _ 44�_�IQJIO�'W'Allr
-Man. W�wen a gro*y. glint �P, P A F, S
Di�fsjcn I - 4 U-SU-Pt'A N C- E, -C -
�t So3tucli, bT IL W Eulemort,/40 ot dis�ttsfactioa where ttie dir'"ecdons. have -,,"A- R, p
�fo, �715i� ' :
0 e, e ntrary akl fir. a '_3 J;
a;e he'Ru Tiber it, t Th i x!: TI! :F i,
a;,�.Ujy -"3
__r7ateg Ajar, edArit1k j1d 0p�lMtlo'yjj_,,!1jId ppliok- irt'llie' 40 1131111 W114L -IX LIP- 'boQl -tlai 'No'. DIVfSjon, Ho
4 �Usq, Lonihin; En fL
aluies-murii3r, Retaining Offiek L Divf5liraft, PjjQUNtKnf. -4
Mbils of GiiodSbal'off, 11-00 -hw6eit MrMl of !t91 Vf;itie And -10-7Z at
0 VAMU AND PAY Ur AT 01XV106 jj;p)i1z
DESTROYER School Rouse,'Fk ROWN OTAVof Toronto.-!' 0MUGH BM4" D Dumfw )SIYU VOR SAM
cer, Division QUAM d1 rdddad Whtfg, e4tirgdprii WA
Seetilii No. -.4.' :Tor�utq L _ L _/ , ask, blodd Purt-
180, bred lyCharles, Taylor, Btalitford. 00by-Alfrd 'Al ME iM2VA1XrAffP
Iiot.,fklterative-jeolliaCittorj e uasurpasSisd*the 13AAC FREDATO OH VTA'IAN*'.TED
W1140,01yovir U W _� �o -
paj 4544. -Dam. F1=6 �4kdurlgTweedside [760].5258, e.-Letbars"alid AdIreases !ker, 1)'" 40a al.ineturalt esb
histaily-ofniedie ;tlolis- It sold Use
ran 5; at Sebool -A -4870 fl- _tCj �G. jj. Alice Gray. by. yoggVii1lingion, -45536:'U. G D, VOR SOTTOOL -*C.. No. 2: COLVORZ;E, SAL- alprepara om
Q04eoph 00 h
tes anHeadache, Kidney Coln- 7b I at
vanfu _ytatng Sjolb:jefiL 'I
'jaft - L_ ' 0
FlittlimiecIr Asthma)-a-tid Dll�14' nw6A at ae ich Appik to Jail MT. W awanosh. est W
Tr" as
-F-ater Of, by sufferTligiltid oil" 87
At, the Vuk
Iviall[on. 14A_ ',At -NR 9,40, =Wl zi V
leaf and A on'd6rful- sitecess n rlu$ ��D A, 15M SAW
Its i0ag a. i, At. a. QF*j 0
suddoo goldat thro9t, Cbqhs, 'Miliberis FdA_ pains It. the su(j,11ons all4baek. trouratNiatooill.
rula L
fie prepalses of the ishliscriber 'Aj:�Vps� 11justr4twe 1G-4jherjjj6,j jtjiy part, of! 1131vislov; WXIP..� 1. #S holil. i Lse, Lot U,'Gth-C 11CAUTIML ofc,
ar, aOAT.
] , LEit 1Q-& Con.- Ashfield, iitafitthei 4nd of -4
tUe body.a[ict 6oin whitaver cause, has given it $ion, Ame lasriale, _rui
-for Teaehira pf two year ola itcel�;"
A-1 Qj
M, x Wr 100=Ub
a Maw53 anit the Desk, 'all o1ber Pre kind.' Division No. a C( 4" wiallledftwidi-set homs, gild, the otherreauliff
pw-Ations of *h6. e�V-&ST411 Ay Z r
tag 4�b
vnize with horlas trned 1pji Ew.;)-YpzLr favor of.3�,t
it 4 also an Rifectualand. lkonfpf �repjey-lor ling heifers, bue Illsleby I
ek. and the Other Gc�lerleh� Ttl
41ifte'witVa Uttleted EflaolLt Q . ne Of Ch b Illy Up'taoll.
exi, MrAPA in. moibus, Hilhoug Cholic Blau PaL 11110116 or- TOTE, HX Scaldi. Hursis, Bkiilw4, prolios. C Y 10" giving
30 rrostait C liter-5itoiriach, Diarbawt, - toludir'Iteovery Ivill. be., suitbaki rewarded
-coludderati(likk Q U Iel VTX.L & . C _� � oil �Viilift
T- aylorls 1161Y Mviu hdiera I .. ......... ot.
I *f0f
M323,de2,*& Populs�- Trdmfles* _yuG2,VY*0t0tTh &c; on,. r olaw T) t c,
thiiCounty of Salt
fin%tbei IluTon . Skxd ailpet:lor,'pl�fi STJUY
publiftUdir of. th CATTIX UM_ A
rov Histo lit -by i out limts the -I'
I --r, an�tjoni;� laitructlilli JI HROP.4. LYMAR-9 Nle,*iipsperther� 0 Actual'BusinbuTr V�itll
tifeTwev-dy.-fint of 6 it.) -to ibe pre4iise:i Cf Vi _ltnere-101 -Law, -MithYfttl CAME
v Woof-&hisM oftlie anielpia' Ill 24tb May jilat, t�vo j4Cjff;,5, b,t%T �3 -aTs
betaken thereon M rqt&5!ea t& P��,pefty, paLt
National aisto Sanklug,"TtlaittkilItiog, Mork iti . I 'y
witit Tige 0 - not
-PArker 4k Catil on. thday. nard*u4ni
'gooL -3 And take tl-em Evitatl vewaril
7��tbiak 12 wo.' the a
attheirfore d fit
e"# lit a ic
llG, exEr4azu. ItH# IuthomonAugxiulU14iYvoft 1 4 1 0 UARVEY L
F. j0dall; (fardiner 6. -BayWd; JILMe'll uroovaullxr,.A.D�
Pickard, Exellef-
T If -IC, _j V svill-fir Colezlc Zth 0:.t, 10 , -;S.11 r I
6-1 ombe. 01hilton QAeWtLUokbPW lkwa e all
4th 0A, Jfr
me it
ntn!33!n 3 t
:L.V% tall
�qwar . bak
le an
y At tit
t �10