HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-10-20, Page 4 (2)/re to..92-0."1°, . Whether'? Tr' tip- ' '"'neereesre '1 tie•.cturosnee4egem-eena.tenreevermereensemeenceerzynneen Ye) rling HeiTatis 1st pf Sue% , • , GneDie Onantene-Yoke of Working Oxen I sgangred nra the beeeh trees with ist Jr Cumming, P Kelley Patch CO ?if , nava CJAILD/NG Min AND 2Theobau iSiinT/4"...n' lei W GROCERY STORE motesoa having hada calf in 1870, lest T Ady, d `Tonr.-Str Geo. s now gettine f utumn Oar Joseph Lyons ; Ttvo year old Heifer, 1st , oumt thither to builds mill and factory, Vie 41Derneatra their preading red lev.V.:s jp - otter, 'less ; Yeerline Heifer, 1st sae size as the-01(1one ; the destruetion many a love tare- told e" Gordon Yeting, Pel T Ady e Yatit twee year 1 of .whieh by fire we hatireeently the dis- . Snecess to WEEITELY & ELLIOTT zioximng;, agreea,ble duty of recordiagi - ; • DEALERa IN . . CO theesky with shadoen the Shun- old Bleers 1st G Young, WE- - der showers &Ile Beeve,lst'JPotterJ Ottuuningen tthe enterprise I We like le- sae a iniii And fade away the 821013e11818-3W0S 6e SRF--CoTSW0ED.-Agad Ram lst J when !i, misfortune overtakes him'never yule' reeall. 4 Taylor, 2d J Robertsen ; Shearling Ram. say die bat bawdy etart afresh. _ .-A fine dwelling has been GflOCERIES., PROVISIONS', , Vie habblieglereole eat -ripples the panics 1st J Cumming; 2t1 J &One:milt ; Ram ennw Mensu erected for the minister of the Pr e, • es y ten - . WINES & L1QUOR1. smooth and white, Lamb, lst El Snell, 2ti,J Potter ; Pair of ; mute ogerson has Corner Kingston Street & Market1Square The watztr-hates quiver and tremble In 1st H Snell, ad J Potter ; Peer Shearling the' light t . '-' Aged Ewes having named littubs in 1870, an Ourch. Ewes, lst. II Snell, fad J Potter ; Pair built for luieself. a 1 RES i D ENCE -Mr .1 R . arge and handsome Arise the wind and tempest from whence e Ewe Lamhs 1st II Snell 2d J Potter ; .... . ' ' I 2d name lesideuce. . . CABINET -SHOP -W. A. Lawrence hits we may net know, lam'Esnea..-Aged Rani, 1st 11 Snel , got started in the new cabinet sho 3 . The brae& becomes a torrent an ay the Le k 2 ) s . - Ji. Beannsh ; Shearling Ram, . 1st Win . R. Lamb 1st II Just er d tutu t ent 1 Mien flew 1 Snell, J Stuart ; 'Pair of Aged Ewes which 110 built this, setatsuol:: ombs has els& his mac havng raised laud sne , „I 1 ‘eter ; Pair t,f Shearling Ewes, 1st 11 been able to indalge in the luxary of a new The prietnesel lark is straning throat to raise. The'entag that once grecn turf leave ta's praise ; i 1 70. lst Snell kelaIDENCE -Mr J he sang to isc 11 seen, 2,1 Taylor ; Fat Sheep, lst Snell, 2d D Robertson ; Pair Ewe Lambs, fraTtniteE eFs.i.udeLncle HEAT, 131 around this sweet notes ascending, in nit loey uprise. Be caning tiil their music is lest amid the skis. ! whit her ge the gold motes, and where the hie s white, Borne onward by the torrent, resistless frier our sight ? And' e Int hc r goes the brooklet,, and where the tirdie's lay - Is it unto that hereafter, whither all must / Liss a xay.-lle,t14, end Bonze. What a :email CheeseFactory costs and now to build it. We have frequent inquiries as to cheese- he:buries in neighborhoods where there are bet, comparatively few cews. The fallow- ing, which we find in the Nair Lni F crozer - from the ptet of a gentleman which the ATett 'Her Eli! endorses, we deem a reliable answer to our correspondents. 'Mr. Editor : According to your request 1 will briefly answer Min H. M. Fides in regard to the probable cost of a ;small cheese fader)... The tendency now is to s.nall factories. They are built less expen- sively than humeri), and mostly by stock companies -the patents that furnish the milk taking mest of the 'stock. It or 100 cows, a building 60 oy 26 feet, with 16 feet posts, making it two steries, would be re- quired. Ta.ke 24 feet from the lower story J Cenimitig,2(1 3 Pieter. neighborhood gives tnie ni i rms.-Brood Sow,. H Webster; Boar tittered in 1870, J 2d do; Spring Sow, J Cummings; Boar, small breed,aged, lst Cummings, (1 Young; Brood Sow littered in 1S70, lst J Cummings, 2d G noting; Boar littered in 1870, lst 3 Cum= wings,- 2d El Webster; Spring Sow, lst J Cumulates, 2d D McKeller. Genie -Teo bush Fall Wheat lst 0 . . Procter, 2(1 J Bond; do Spring Wheat, lst ' J Logan, 2d P the:fern; do Barley, lst C Prector, 21 J McGewn; do Oats, lst Win Drummond, ad J Legate Rimers, tie. Bushel Potatoes, lst nets Attain -slat, 21 J Bond; Diw. Field Carrots, let R 2d D MoShanuock; Doz Garden Carrots, red, lst T Jetferson, 2d D illeahantiock; doz Swede Turnips, lst j Cuntoutg.,,s, 2d T Anderson; doz Beets, lst D McShannock, 2(1 doz Mengel at urtzels, lst D McShannock, 2d N Lunn - mus; Pumpkin, D MeShatinock; Squash, - strongly urged by Mr. Andrews, who C Levd; Peck Onions, T elerson; Citron, T Anderson; Two heads of Cabbage, Thus of a good crop for nestgyea're.nt cati"s Business in the village is yearly improv- ing and there are appearances of increased proseerity on every hand. N. R. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—A meetingof thedirectors took place at Ross Elotel on Saturday last, W. J. Biggins, Esq.,Vice-President in the chair, Various accounts connected with last Show were examined and passed. Messrs. Snell and -M-CAllister were appointed judges of root crops, and a committee of three was appointed to confer with a committee of the South Riding Society, in ngard to the propriety of' holding a union ploughing match this fall. The question of adding CORN to the list of root crop prizes leas spoke of corn as the surest and best paying crop we had LI i d it f fc t Anderson; Two Ca t diflo wers, D MeShan- neck ; half dire Ears Indian Corn, T An- derson. R Millar; Doz Tomatoes, lst J MeGowan, FRIJIT.-Dc,z Apples, lst W Tucker, 2d I the ground for wheat, being as good as! 2d T Andersen; doz Crab Apples, lst J isuramer-fillowing forthe soil. He thought McGowan 21.1. McCrae. as a general rule that it was sown too late. Dente Penbree -3 lbs Batter, 1st J He had sown from the tOth to the 20th of ! Taylor, 2d J Beamish; 10 lbs Cheese or May, and the June frosts did his corn no , upwagds lst G Young, 2d T Anderson; Harm, as it grew again. Mr. -Rimy, ' epeeial larize by Mr W Drummond for best recommended plaster as a sure means. of firkin of Butter not less than 45 lbs, i f . e ra se or r y yes rs, and never bad a failure, whereas - --- a' idd le oi Bead Kinp 'a Thread in every other crop there was an occasional old silver pattern pattern pattern failure. Besides this it was preparing patter $ cts. ' c ets.. Sets. $ ets. 90 1000..12.0s 9.50 10,00..12 00 650 7.60 ... 8.50 650 750 8 50 460 500 . ..5 50 250 2 80 ...280 GOi3ERIC.K, Goderich Juno 20th 1870, sw87-tf PIANO rORTE A FIRST CLASS SEVEN OCTAVE, FOUR roundreorner Rosewood Piano, by Weber & Co., for sale by Mr- Mark E. Wade, Plano Forte and Orgat Tuner to 60 seen at British en [lunge Hotel Goabrieh, 5th August, 1870 w29 $5.00 REWARD. TRAYED from Goderleh, about 12 July. 5100' dark red or brindled, with white face, legs and tail and smell horns a little turned in. Any -one giving such iniernuttion as will lead to her recovery will receive the- above reward. Goderich Sept 7lli, 1870, w33-40 R. BROTCHIE. THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE -FOR S I t -T EJO TS.a coating of pure ' Se max. .1 saver over the !LIF -ST NICKLE. plated by the pe tent proem! of Messrs Elkin - ton & and is beyond all comparison. the very best article next to sterliug silver that can be employed as such either use:1111y or ornamentally, as by no possible test eau it be distineuished iron] real silver. a SIGNAL" OFFICE Goderich A complete set. gnarmnteed of firstquality for lintel and durability, as follows : - for a make room,' leaving the remainder J Beamish, 21 Taylor. increasing the ye and, guarding rom and the upper story for 'curing rooms. ; DOMESTIC MAN ACTI7R14S, LADIES feiest, as plaster enables it to retain damp The upper story should be partitioned the Wolin, (ace- 10 yds Full Cloth or upwards and dew hours after the sun is up. The the stone as the tower. The 24 feet room G McGewan; do Home-made Flattnel, lst e:-reat-secret in rasing corn was that the oeer the make room should be plastered ! D 31cKeller, 2(1 D Curtis; Horne -made. and furnished with stoves suitable for cur- Blankets, lst G Young, 2(1 J Meth:mane ing early and late cheese. The eest, de- I Patched. Quilt, ist R Millar, 2d Bliss pends upon the price of lumber and labor, Young; Fancy Quilt, lst El McKinnon, 2d whicis darer in leazalities. A rough sub- ; W Riddle; Patr Woollen Stockings, lst T stantial building, which will answer in Anderson; 2d J McGuean; Pair Mittens, every respect in most localities, would cost 1st T Anderson, 2d do ; Specimen e1,000. If finished with paint, etc., $130. Crochet Wore, lst Miss Thompson, 2d R t could he tiniehed with vat, tank,presse,s, Mitchell; Fancy Knitting, 1st Miss:Young, letups, scales, etc., for $300. making in all 21 R Mitchell; Gentleman's Shirt, R Mil- e1,a00 for rough building, and $1,600 fez- lar; Hair Flowers, J McGowan; Pencil the thin -shed one. Drawing, Miss Carson; Berlin Wool Work, "For 200 -cows the same ized building lst Mrs DeThompson, 2d Miss Thompson; would answer. For vat and fixtures,8 00 Braiding, lst Miss Young, 2d D McKellar; nulling in all 31,500 for rough, and 81,800 Rag Mat, lst Mrs McKinnon, 2d Mrs for finished building. This is the size of Shane; Collection of Garden Flowers J many that were built its this State this McGowan; Pair Fine Boots (men's) J Sher - season. rit; Pair Coarse Boots (men's), •J Sherrit. "Stock companies are forrned by those lmeereteeers, (U. -Lumber aVagoon, lst interested taking one or mere shares,which El McTavish, 2d Brunsd.en & Wlienharn; Inmy be 850 or 81110 each. A committee is Market Waggon, J Rogerson; Plough, 1st chesen by the shareholders, who superin- G tVilliamson, 2d W R Wilson; Pair Aar - tend the building of the fa.ctory,hiring the rows, lst 11 McQuarrie, 21 H MeQuarrie; help, etc. SetHorse-Shoos, 1st G Williamson, 2d A "A dairy of 100 cows can be managed McQuarrie. by a man of experience, without addition- EXTRA PrtizEs.-Iron Plough, G Wil - al help, who ennld be hired at from 82 to Ramon; Turnip Scuffle; Thompson & 83 per day and board. For two hundred Williams; Fanning Mill, do,' Gang cows he woeld want an additional hand, Ploughed.); Bread and Confectionery, D winch might be a, woman and inexperien- Jenkins; Stocking Yarn, J McGowan, Jno wad Taylor; Fancy Pillow Slips, M Harrison; "The question is often asked: How Needle Work, lst Miss Thomson, 2d many cows must a factory number to pay? do; Coverlet, lst G Kerbing, 2d J For an individual to build a factoey to Taylor; Beans, T Andersod, Log Cabin werkane milk forothem,at 82 per hundred, Quilt, let J Jackson, 2d 0 Loyd, which is the common price of making and furnishing the cheese all boxed and ready for market, he would went 300 cows or more to make it a paying business. As with wai individual, so with a stock cern- pnny, to make the stock pay good divi- dends. But by the plan given, the farmers BUFFALO AND GpDERICH DISTRICT. build the factory themselves for the pur pose of eorking np their own milk, which GODERI011.-Fall wheat, not over a is a greet saving to them over the old eav, quarter of a crop, spring about h1f, at - Teeth in expense and quality of cheese. If tributed to wet weather; barley, an aver - the price named above will IA payas (-mod interest as is just to the stockholders, the age, but dare in colour ; oats, large yield, 50 or 60 bushels te the acre; peas, fully an price of making should be advanced. As average ; hay,, large crop ; owing to 'wet the patrons are the owners of the factory, weather wherii cutting a large quantity they can always fix a price that will do justice to all parties. badly sayed ; ‘gotatoes, turnips; and other "nave used various kindsef apparatus. eroetst a large yield ; plums, a good crop, _ ee For smallfactories, I fully agree with Mr. ea.nrrose-Fall wheat is almosta,failure. Willard, whom you justly quilted as can_ _ having been winter -killed; spring wheat, thority in these matters:* thatthe 'Oneida' a very poor crop, will not average more or 'Ralph' Vat is the hest in use. - than 10 bushels to the acre-; barley, dark "Those desirous of building will find M.- - in colour, a good deal sown, will average D. Cesrtis's 'Hints on Cheese making' 30 bushels to the acre ; oats, a good crop, wadeable. It gives measurenaent of Dresses, will average 35 bushels per acre; hay, an etc., and much informed= in geneial. average crop ; corn, flax, and rye, none 7 sown:; root crops are eery good; potatoes _ are beginning to rot in some places. HARVEST OF 1870, GRAND TRUNK REPORT. Myth Fall Shove. FOXY/I.-Spring wheat, yield 12 bushels per acre, sampie good ; fall wheat, This show took place, at the enterpris- yield 10 bushels per acre,sample very good; innancl prosperous village of Blythe on oats, yield 40 bushels per acre, samnle Wedeesday, 12th October. The weather S very good • barley, yield 30 bushels. per was rather showery in the forenocrn, bue acre, sample very bright but small; peas, :geared ak mid-day. The attendance of yield 25 bushels, per acre, sample very visitors was large, probably 700- viewed good; potatoes yield about the average, the eahibition isa theeccenrse of the after- and good ; other root crops. look well, and noon. The inside department was filled promise a good average yield. to overflowing. Alt the specimens beingeof CARRONBRoOK.-The wheat crop is yery a very superior order. The ladies' work -defective, both fall and spring ; fall wheat deserves special commendation. We have was*a/most a total failure, and yields only riot seen a more creditable display at any 10 bushels per acre; spigiug wheat is still of the shows we have visited. The quilts werset and will not yield above 5 bushels andcoverlets were of tasteful designn and per acre and in several instances will not the work neatly done. Braiding, crochet be thrashed at all. This relates to the late and needllework were well representld and sown spring wheat; that which was sown did Credit to theerlibitois. The hair- - earlier in the season has turned out some- floaers and Berlin wool work were both what better, and will probably yield 15 ralmirable of their kind, Of apples veleta bushels to the acre; barley is a fair crop, tables and roots there was a capital seine and will average 25 bushels to the acre; tion. Potatoes fer number of varieties eats are good, and will yield 40 bushels to midsize could scarcely be excelled. The . the acre; pees, are an average crop, and samples of wheat, both fall and spring, mai be reckoned at 20 bushels per acree ; were of snpenior quality, and barley and potatOee promise an abundant yield ; hay oatishowed to advantage. Mr W Dram- is plentifulk but owing to the wet weather mond'S prize fer the best firkin of butter when cut wag but very imperfectly saved. inditeed a very keen competition, and _Miiitr.F1i gram has been severes dieated that in the dairy department the ly damaged by frost,and hundreds of acre - Lerma, wives around Blyth are quite had td be ploughed txp, and the land sown abreast of their sisters in any sectiqn of afresh.; fall wheat, 10 bushels per acre; the ceunty.The th0t7 of horses and coifs sprine; wheat, 18 biesMs per ace; barley; wee splendid. Cattle, sheep and pi4n 20 bushel.; per acre ; pease 30 bushels per were largely reprecented and a very fair . acre ;oats, 40 bushels per3cre ; potatoes, show. Altogether the gatherina was .2 SIM- Mir crop, average yield not 'wet -known; cese and shows that the neighborhood. is ---ether reot crops abundant ; flak has been keepingpace with the general progress ofextenstvely cultivated, owing to the erect - the corm ty. Some good ploughs and her- tion ofes magnificent fax tnill, and- many rows were entered. Thv judges were, as farmers gladly availed thenueelves ofe,the' follow& opportunity of replantitigrthe gyotind with Hopres- AND 0Nrre,g—R Wilson, Dun- flax where wheat had been a failure, ban, gannore Jae Biggins, Clinton, W G Hinge fair crop, quality not quite so good- as stem, Morrie- SZEEP. PIGS weir Iiertteinieu- W Ate ; rand cannot be too rich. For other crops - the richness of the manure might destroy the crop, but not se. with corn. We bad much pleasure in being present, and lis- tening to the above conversation, and re- cord it for the benefit of our agricultural readers. When the Society meets again "may we be there to see." -New Era. , Crime and Repentance. 411•011=1R. Rev. Mr. Tuckley,the young Wesleyan clergyman who Created such a. sensation here recently by his sudden disappearance with sundry articles in value and sums in cash obtained under various pretences 'from members of the congregation, paid a flying yisit to the city last night, and after an interview with his victimized friends succeeded in settling matters so that all criminal proceedings against hini have been abandoned. It appears Mr. Tuckley, after reaching New York, re- pented the commission of his misdeeds and telegraphed to Rev. Mr. Elliott here that he would meet him or any one he might depute at Suspension Bridge en Friday when he -would make restitution so far as he was able. Mr. S. Peters was commissioned to go to the Bridge ac- companied by Detective Van Valkenburg, whose services were at his disposal, and he accordingly met Mr. Tuckley there as agreed upon. Acting on Mr. Peters' advice the repentant elerg,ymen agreed t return to -London and make up matters with those he had wronged face to face, and passage was taken by the accommo- dation on the Great Western, due here about ten p. m. It so happened that the Chief of Police who had been to Buffalo as witness in the Primrose case, was passenger on the same Vain, and on arrival at the station ho arrested Mr Tuckley areen warrant charginz hire with obtaining a gold watch from Mr. Morphy under false pretences. The Pollee Mag- istrate was at once' notified of the arrest, and at the urgent request of Mr. Peters, Mr. Morphy and others interested, con- sented to hold the examination at once. Mr. Morphy, the complainant, after hearing the , prisoner's explanations and receiving back the watch, expressed his b eiref that there had been no intent to defraud at the time the watch had been obtained. The charge was therefore withdrawn and the prisoner released. The watch obtained from 11. S. Murray was also returned. Mr. Tuckley having done so much to appease the wrath of his victims was allowed to depart, and he icicle instant advantage of' the privilege, returning to the "happy land of freedom" by one of the night trains. Mr. Peters states that then he met Mr: Tuckley at the hotel at the bridge he found him in a most humble and penitent frame of mind. He expressed himself ready and even 'anxious to be punished for what he had done in any manner that might be desired. When asked what led hien to commit himself in the way' he had done, be stated that drink had been the cause. His appetite for stropg drink had rapidly in- creased so that the glass of beer with which he commenced had to be sustained with brandy, champagne and other strong- ly intoxicating liquors. In proof of this he produced his board bill at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, Which amount- ed to 859 for four days, the greater part of that amonne'being for champagne. Out of the 8400 or 8500 he took from this city withhim, hehad only 8100 in Canada funds and 830 in greenbacks left. The 8100 he handed over to 1.14r. Peters to livide pro rata among the "shareholders" in London. - The 830 he was allowed to retain to carry him on to Detroit or Chicago or wherever else he might' select. Hisdeparture for the 'West closes for the present this sad chapter in the life of a truce proinising young man.—London ntigh,t be wished, owing to titer wetseason. 1Aan t- er zser. dersvae St lidera, G U01C35's Wacwallql, ; AN OWL, IN CHURCH.-- While the Rev. and It Carrie, Wa.wanesh. . •Szieteue, or CANADIAN Sfrocee.---The Sar - Mr Muir of Galt was Breaching last RODaS AND Gzitz---T Hood,. Morrts, ` / 7 • - 111a, Observer says: ?Jr 8, Toms; a Canadian Wee Kerr. Wawanoeli, T *Kelly. Morris. Sabbath evening in Stratford. a grey owl stock breeele had sixty-one sheee seized LAtelees' Wome--Miss Elliot, !Tulle% flew twice through the, church, to the no for false entry, it. the Custom House,Port Mre T Kelly,;Morris, and Mrs T Mee-- small surprise -of the congregation. When, %Huron while conveying them from this to lean, Warwanoshe , after the service, the' Rev. gentleman was the American side, a ehort time ago. The a - Wo, are intlebt:ui to Mr Megnarrie, the -,,, asked what emotive could have urged the sheep and six hogs were entered as being SeZerataey, for rife assistance in getting the .0W1 to enter the sacred edifice be replied worth 8475 in gold;, but the custone's-offi- Far list ofoneeessfalearoretitors. Subjoined ' -t h- belief -t h a )- t • - cials considering that too low a., valuation is ti.:ce ,i was isi a gem* on o pray . , s IsNumnr-LisT.: , c,pralil.—Galt Reporter. . IletnexaneeSpan of Farm Horsee fst J e. 2 Table Forks 9.00 12 Table Sp000ns 900 12 Desert Forks 8.00 12 Dessart Spoons 6.00 12 Tea Spoons 400 2 Egg gilt bowls 240 1 Sauce Ladles 2 00 2 Gravy Spoon 200 Salt 'gilt bowls So I N1ustard ' " 40 1 a oup ladle 2.50 6 Sugar Spoon 50 44.60 48 05 • 2 20 ... 2 40 .240 220 ........240 -.240 THFI eindersiomed would beg to inform his numerous 00 1 00 ....1.00 thai his it\ anent*A7,..eeneen,... TIIE LITTLE .., . , I. VIILY . SEWING . • , - , MACHINE4 ; :VER INTRODUCED INTO NORTH AMERICA OR EUROPE —0-- nVErt 000 FAMILIES Fl AVE BEEN SUPPLIED WITH TRIS MACHINE ‘-' witibin the last two *ears, and have made for themselves. hosts of friends, and - earned the reputation of being an intlispeneable article. These MachineS are patronized la- allgmdes of society from the luodeet Farmer's Wives and Daughters to the Nobility and Roykl Families or Eurepe. • 1 ' • a - 0, tt- tt•A•VP 1114 *Ps tee- tr.:A Glenburnie rani for SideT 'Al L 0 RIN te. •.5; . A VOWNSHIP oF GODERICH. • WANZER. THIS LITTLE FAVORITE IS THE MOST COMPLETE • El Is ths sleepiest, will do the greatest variety of work, is more easily managed, less liable tq get out of order, and , runs llgliter. than any other statute sewiee machine manufactured. Every Mitcham iscomplete, with Tucking Gauge, Quilting Gange, Hemmer, Self -Sever, Diller, Braidholder, "Thread Oiler' 'f: Mean filled with oil, Screw _Driver; 4tBobbius, 6 Needles, 1 Spool of thread, and Printed Instructiorts so "fullas tb enable any person to use and keep the. Machine in order. Every Hand Mliehine is mounted on a Marble Slab and packed in a neatlittle ease,: andes sold for $25 00 LITTLE WANZER, on a nice Iron Stand, with Treadle • 30 00 .• ; larve Stand and Wood Case, with Drawers. 32 00 " 1 " large half Case 40 00 full Case 50 00 R. M. WANZER & CO, FACTORY -CORNER KING AND CATHARINE STREETS, HAMILTON (INTA.13.10. SHQW ROOMS -64 Mild STREET EAST., AGENT AT GODERICEI ' • • ' :ABRAHAM SMITH, MERCHANTTAIL,..3m 04R. Elaniiitop, Aug. 30th, 1870. , 0 OL, 46 50 . 50 275 3C0 300 55 60 65 — — 52.85 59 25 .1:1W••••••••• Any of the above articles to be 'lad singly at same prices. N. IL -THE BEST QUALiTY ONLY of above kept In stock. Inferior goods entirely minded. Profits eased on the ready money principlc-rot credit. OE PRICE ONLY:: TERMS CASli. J. MOOR HOT TS F„ Goderich, An. 16, 1870 w30 .MASONIC APRONS FOR SALE AT H. GARDINER, & Co's. Goderich 25 J nly, 1870, w27 +A FOR SALE. Ts building Lots No's 485, 486, 569 4- 570 Arthur street and St. George's 'reseent, Town of Godericia Apply to J . A Callender, Esq., Inaia t Buildinas. Edinaurgh Scotland. Godenrh 25th Aug. 1870. w31 -31a customers and the public New Woolen Makliinery is now in Full Operation and.in First Glass Working Order AND THAT HE IS MITCH BETTER 'PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S. WORK EiPEDITIOUSLY than last season while starting his machinery all new. Custom Roll Card.ing, FuIling & Cloth Dressing Spinning and Manufacturing, - will receie e prompt attention. Having now on hand the largest, best and cheapest stock of of home made FULT.i CLOTH, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, 8r,WINCEYS, trier before offerel to the public in this part of -the Province, he would; respectfully request those wishing to exchange.their wool to call and judge for themselves before appointing themselves elsewhere. P. S.- Heavould likewise'eall the special attention of farmers to beware of wool te.atasters and igents seeking their wool for carding. as babas proved it from the experience of farmer Years to be a perfect source of annoyande to them In various ways, that they cannot t ee untij perhaps too late to gnardagainst it. Da' The highest Market Price paid fa any quantity of good Clean Wool. TIERMIAS LOGAN. • East Street, Goderich wso Goderieh Woolen Works, 15th .Aug, 18701 1 mber A. IN TAMBERS daYof SepteANCERY Monday the twelfth IN C . . . . _ - v. 0 alOW,IT. D. 1870. BETWEEN, Tho as Logait Plaintiff and Thomas Sowerby ' Sara Mack, John Black, James Black and William Black and Elizabeth Black an infant under the ago . . . of taVenty one years. Deferments. 1...) and upon hearing read the affidavit of ny Anthaod Plain and Fancy, Printed at City Rates ' TTP011 the application of the above named plai ff Lefroy end the Depoaitions of Sarah Black taken on the 2714 Angina 1870 before Henry Macdermott, special examiner at Goderich. It is -ordeled that the, derenthuits John Black,- James Black and William Black. do on or before the twelfth day, ot December next. anawer or denim. to the bill of complaint in this ' cause. . , T. W. TAYLOR, . 1 Judge'sSecy. CARDS & BILL -HEAD To John Black, James Black. and William Black de- fend Ina above named, Take notice that if you do not answer to the bill the to the above order. the plaintiff may obtain an ordero take e bill as eonfesse 1 against you, and the Coutt may grant such relief as he may be entitled to in hil own showing, and you will not receive any furtheruptice of the juture proceedings in the. cause. Your answer is to be filed at the office of the Deputy Registrar at Goderich. JOHN MACAR A ' Plaintiffs Solicitor. w34-aw MILIIINERY & UllESS--MAKiNG, MISSES STEWART DEG Ta) INTIMATE TIIAT THEY" HIVE RENTED 1.)The8 ore on tile Market Square, next door to Mrs. Mack's C mfectionery Store, where they are prepared to execute all orders for millinery and dress -making in - - The Newest Styles and with Despatch N. B. t+veral apprentices wanted immediately. Goderilh 12 Sept, 1870. siv7-6m FIWIT TEES, &C. THE surcriber has now on hand at his garden. East Stre t, a large stock of Standard and Dwarf APPLES, PEARS, PLUMS, CHERR IES, PEA.CHES, CRABS. APRICOTS, &e. Also, Grapes, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Blackberries. Also, Ornamental Trees, including some splendid Kilmaronock Weeping Willows, Cut -leaved Weeping Birch, &e, Aboat the 20th inst., I will have a large addition to - present stock. aglive me aeall before purchasing elsewhere. WM. CAMPBELL. Goderieln Aug 15, 1870 w30 iviaAz1t.T.03 Refreshment Rooms. WEST SIDE MARKET SQUARE, Now Re -opened in tue New Building • •••••••••••• A MTUESTroth Goderleheand 9 miles from Clinton, 1. V situated on the Greve' BoadRunning, from Geode- -fell to Bayfield, from -which It is separatettly ilio ly- leld niter. it -contains; 212 areres, 110 -allures meter fence, 70 acres clear of stumps and in a high state of cultivation, soll rich clay loam; hush good hardwood. It Is well Watered by Iwo liaingetreame. ,An orchard of 140 apple trees in bearing -fruit very choice: elect,' a aew nears; 'plums, peaches and eltertiee, and a thiv ;rape vines. Two story concrete houseep 1y42 feet, .0lb:1-Tull size of the hoose. Frame bait 45 by 81 ft. .ritis is arare opportunity to secure a good faim on the .ake Shore, where frnit Pulsing is much more sueaess al than farther inland. Apply to ' W31. HALL, Bathald, I or 0 M. TRUEMAN, Land ,Agent, beiderich August 15, 1870 w30 FARM FOR SALE - ON ,THE BAYPIELD GRAV.sL ROAD, DEING 1ot22, first concession Goderieh Township 1.). 116 acres. 50 of which are cleared, a never failing creek runs through the land. The lot is eituated on the Gravel road about 5 ;tales fram the town of God= arieh. The land is a rich clay loam, beieg very suit- able for wheat or fruit growing. The let will be sold °Impend on easy terms. Possession can be ,given lst October, for particulars and terms, apply to G. H. PARSONS or to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderich. Goderieh, Aug 15, 1870 w30 Farm for Sale. T ors 53 and 54, Bayfield ConeeSsion,.1n tne LI Township of Goderich Containing 68 acres, ot these over 50 acres cleared with good Frame Barn, and Log House, about al mules from (lemon. For Terms of sale appiv at the Division Court office at Goderich, or to Ian WIGGING TON on the premises. Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 w30 A BARGAIN. ACRES, East of Lot 29, 10th eon. Culross, Co. e.11.1 Biuee. 7 Lamas dewed and good log house. Clear title for $500 cash or for $800 one third down and the remainierin 4 annual instalments with interest at 8 per ea t per annum. Apply to BRAT{ AM ballTalk Lum'ey 5815 Sep 0870. w33 -10t Merchant Tailor. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SAEE IN BAYFIELD• gtHE snb/criber offeis for sale Tour eligible lots its A in the Village of Bayfield. On the nremises are a good frame dwelling, barn and vinegar factory, For partictuars apply to ;JOHN CROOK. Goderich, July lath 1870. ww26 FOR SLE OTORE AND DWELLING HOUSE WITH LOT IN 0 the vi'lage of Mattlandville one !nue from Goderich la tne centre of tbe Goderch Salt Works. House are Sore entirely new, and commodious with good Slone Cellar and Lot in Eacelleut condition. Terraeasy. Apply to H. SPENCE, :Goaerich P. 0. or W. STANB(IRRY, Burgessville; I'. 0: LOTS FOR SALE, MHAT •DESMABLE PROPERTY CORNER OP Kingston and St. David's St. adjoining Crabb.s Block withthe Large Frame Tavern Known as the 'Western HABote1R, aInnAladothesrmbminil,din, swgs:fere, on. For terme and partlealars apply'te eaohant Tailor. Goderich 12 September 1870, JAMES ST.EWART • WHOLESALzF ACENT The far-famed and reliable $t Catheritte's Nursery 1). W. BEADLE, ESQ. 'FOR ALL KINDS OF , untrrr . AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, GREEN- ' house Plants GrapeVines„&t.„ Any stock not on hand, ordered on the shoatest notice. House-Maithardville. Goderielt P. 0 „ Goderich, Aug 15, 1870' w30 EXTENSIVE NEW PREMISES zues Jury Lists. Voters' List,, Notice of _Appointin:ent, Oath of QualTeation, Convictions, Pathmasters' LISTS; &c., • sco., ;WG. N, 113.A. VACS LAW IRIS DAY REKOVE.D 13L.A_NIKS; Prted toOrder TO HIS commoD bus DIVISJON COURT BLANKS; (2:1614:70t,1414 NEW BRICK B %DING (NEARLY, OPPOSITE F JORDAN'S AT THE SI:GNAZ OFFICE. DRUG ST RE) 1 Convenient to the Market. - t. His 'stock of stoves Ito, Rv IS LARGE AND COMPLETE DARTI.ES IN WANT OF APaYTHING J. his line will save money by naspecting his • stook before purchasing ebtowhere. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK WILL BE DONE THE SAME AS US UAL.- Goderieh, 1st Ally, 1870. w92-tf HURON- FOUND .11 theilq 1 11 j111111.1,111111111140 111111 %vsu teete ten. • ite e laitSTEAlYtiNGINE-WORICSt R. RUNCIMA, N i • . MANUFACTURER OF e 14ZI Cs.7 ernml X.1 rz:J l'ar) GRI4T. &FLOURING -MILLS the FRESH OYSTERS FRUIT or all kinds in season, Pastry, &c. Mee " - - Mack will be glad to see her old customers at _31 ev ana Sasli Saw -Mills, Steam_Engmes and Boilers, New Building on the old stand n Godenclia Sept. 8th, 1870 ' "11TheaShing Machin es, $ epeirators • CH.ESE CHEEbE . 1 _ - - i jaorse .1:"4,Nver-s, 31:Pra,g a. -vv -s, . I* Shephard- & Strachan, 5 THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED GUN SHOP 'WEST OF TORONTO, TEF UNDERSIGNED IS TREPAREDture.TO MANU- RIFLES, SliOT GUNS, PIST3L3, elf alt kin.le, and verySlhisline,on herffiortestRepairing of allipds done ontheshortestnot V s enotice. .Ce, andN AUD WOODEN PLOUGHS . warranted. GROCERS, GODERICH. • . With Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, HAVE dwell eeeappoirited sole agents at REMEMBER TH.E PLACE Exettei Factory Cheese. ' Goderich for the sale of the celebrated Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutter, (in rear of F. Jordan's, Drug Store.) Agritedttiral Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wagonand P pe Boxes, J. C. ReINTOSII. 9 w29 -6m4 Prices. 1, Local dealers supplied at the Faeterv COOKI!G PARLOUR AND BOX' STOVE ' Goderich August8th, 1871. done on-shert notice. a an see — of theinciet movedkintle: Brass Castings made and Blaclenniths'Vork and nepaarng 1- '0 11 d theSTEEL MOULD -BOARD PLOUGHS, as you an ThiSOLAMNT AOT OF 1864. get one very 'eheitp for Cath. A.ug..15th, 1870 1 SIIEPHA. D Goderich, Aug15, 1870 w30 Centent 2,1 J McGowan ; 13=4 Mare 48Sir," said the astonished landlady to wIthFeeffe 13t J Shabbraekr 24 It Coie- a tretveler, after he bad just sent his cup ehli twe years culd,Ist Joh a Quo- "MCP- er§', Livery Stable E STANDARD LIFE ASSURER COM If 3 In the matter of R. 11. Collier, an In- solvent. A FINAL Dividend sheet has boen prepared open to objection untilthe 16th day of October 1870 after watch Dividend will be paid, JOHN KERB; Assignee. Toronto Sept. 18815, 1870. - 1737,2t FOR SALE. ERS AND 0 10 1.114. seized the stock, and they Were sold ac K1P, - cordite:1y. They'broughtat the sale, the ' large sum of $1,702.50; and were. said. to Brinir be as fine at lot of blooded stock as wire ever brought into the States. They were o all Tour Law Ifr)rses., • TH whieh is now united the Co L stablislted. 1S25. :grans, eNeo.°473,Great St, James Street, ala!ead office for Manager -W. 31.1tanisay. Inopeeto d d r --e-ioomRnpfiaciayersieBerB.uu4.111hdetif , Canada: Montrealeeel Standar C ACCOVITTLATED . . .. . . ANNITAL INCOIO.E•••• .. ••••;••••••• . • . •• .. •••• . • . . . .3,500,000: The- compini having depositedttie sum of some() with the Reeeiver?eneralein confornaity at0OLI3ORN 'ROTEL ei6ci • forward for the seventh time uyott must intended for exhibition at the State Fait. J. • 1 errata after salty-ea:year 1111/4,2dJeramectugeTwoyear be very fond of coffee."' "-Yes madame, i The loss to Mr T will belarge, but most of oxPerten ee prepareato Doctor ilorsea oral' diseases S reale, 21 r. ::...n. Stealliter - One oneole, Gelding, 1st Joseptr 'f..vons Yeg •- 'j'::'.; IIP rePlict r"°r I slIc'uld intended never have ,th?_ lock -Fp!. bought in by hisagents. Iti ,geoeerig , Ang 15, 1870 30 Joseph Lyane ; : One veer -old Filly, drank se much water toget a little." . ., P i 4 h ill i'l defraud to _egg,. e ( tha government; and there is certainly let. Walter Riddle, 21 S Love jonr ; Foot, , . 'good ground for coining to this* cone/usion. it jas shcbbraek, 24 it e,,,i; ck : jeirlliosyrricb/iety revelations come 11P from ' - - Horse, in *Addle or harness, 1st It Brig- 1.stung libiAlt the Manufacture of, Eddy's watch factoryf Ottawa burned nein, 2t1 John Nealm de. ages. It is now certain. thatdogs,cats 'atria. L0042810,000- . ' ' r t S N examined se 0 nntdrieSS THUIR,OUGH-SRED CAT? Cow borset and diseased hogs are chopped up Kin- gston has got thePrOtincial UN hAtt oaf 1870, sneu, 2g fersausage meat in a, tarp establishment time for nexiyour. Ottawa failed by 54 41A, Too paw 4•14 fleas", isi TiAOS Ross _t;r1- that Ltharbil` - I to47.- 0 Ey TO ZASY TERNS s„ GOIti;014. Godertok Aug, 35, 3870 1— VIVIAN PROPERTY KNOWN AS Si:IA.11.PS .1_ VARA" being Lot 3, concessien 5, Eaatern Division, Township of Colborne containipg 1 Acres i more er less, of which 55 acres are cleared. nese premises are - situatedin. the midst ot a ilo iishhig farming eothmunity au& are about -.5 miles m the Town' of,Hoderiche ber terms of seleitipply , - -LIKES R FINEAYi Bank of Akintreall ebpandth,1870. vial -ft ' - Godellekt with -the insurance Act passed last Session. ,AssuriTees will continue o carried. out At THE RIBGE TO' LET 7,...ocivuoReri:feitiere•ie;Nt: 40.4 4Var.o:ultseD11 4nitiEficearirtpary.stitememaiieuk-ipurgatetne. Atpu To, • X. GAtLOVirAY Jr- I IL S. GOODIN% Agent for Goderich. BARRISTER, GOderielle eireett v • August 2,2ed,e1870, 413.3:› •491 3/I „ PETUrtaa8 III8 MOSTS1NOU1.1ETIIA114 L Se fortbeveryfiatterentSuragementbehas ieceived.sineeheemumenced businest su (*ode, ich,notheitagebleto execute over one -ha hcottfernbrought tu btm lastseason baying anw s ceased reedit:gee Larrying on Busmen Ixthnsivel • - • - . and employing none 'but first-einsstradesmeet A nd as D.A. beheyeshisexperienee as Cutter Kg econelto noneln the Province,hayingeornedon businessextensively andsuccessfullytn Hamilton,' principallyfirst-elasscustomers.and having been Cutterinone of t he Principal Establishmen et n Edinburgh, Scotland, he earlegslystate to a bseerning public that CLOTHING CAN BE MADE hisestathsemen eque evellefiews Er/Abu/hi: sten is n Toronto orMontrerd. Goderich, A tag 15.1870. w3 DISSOLUTION of PARTAERSII/P. NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership here- tofore existing between the undersigned as General Merchants in the Town of Goderich, under tte style or firm of Martin and Robertson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .411 debts due the said firm are to be paid to A. Martin who will settle the liabilities of the same. • Witness, D. McMARTIN. AMOS MARTIN """11 Goderich Aug 70. JOHN ROBERTSON. With reference above the subscribe* beetto ay that he will hereafter earn' on the business, on his wn account, in all irte-departtnents and would respect- ully solicit a continuance of labile patronage. A. MAIMS. Goderich Angnat 15th. 1670. wafatit NOIICE-OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Partneaship here .ofore existing between PARKER (2 CATTLE as Chemists and Druggists in Owen Sound, Durham and Goderich, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said Partnership in Godericla are to be paid to GEORGE CATTLE (who will con- tinue the Business in the _old stand), and all claims against said Partnership m Gotlerich are to be present- ed to said George Cattle, by whom the some will he settled • Dated in Goderich the 19th auly. 1070 so-95tf _ . 'LANDS FOR SALE AT MAYFIELD • , LOTS NO'S. 71 se 72 BA X i‘kiNCESSION. Township of Goaerich, comprising 140 acres of the best quality of land, witbita about 2 nines of the Market place of the Town of Bayfield, There is a clearance of 23 acres which could readily be preparedsor map. The remainder of the land is Dlosely coveretl with the best of beech and maple timber of splendid growth, =ex- cellent road passes on two sides of the property. which is situated in .111 012 and well settled neightourbood. ALSO.—Lot 14, Range A Township Stanley„ eantatning39 acres of well reserved timber land, wields would produce a large quantity of firewood toatbe acre. The lot runs to the River Bayreld with a considerable waterfall which could be made available for milting or manufacturing purposes. For teams apply to, JAMES D. ALLEN. Guelph. or W, W. CONNOR, Esq, Bayfield. Guelph, Aug 15, 1870 w30 TWO TARNS for SALE VOR sale two vaery valuable FARMS in the Total 1 ship of Godertela For particulars apply to - JOSEPH SHAW, Huron Road. ,Goderich Township August 15, 1870 w30 FARM FOR SALE LOT E 24. VON 4. Toumship of Goderich, containing 80 acres about 55 acret cleared, ')STORY CONCRETE HOUSE. ON THE GROUN floor, Dining Boom, Parlor, Kitchen, Hral and 10002 room ; on the second floor, Sitting Room, Large Raze ily Bedroom and four other b'edrooms ; an the Base ment, Dairy !Room. Fruit room,Store room, Meet mom Frame Earn 52x32 feet Indies from Clittormad Mom Goderich. Good large orchard of ove- e00 saperthe fruit trees, Soil, neap day learn, well•watered by spring creek and flowing well, The property is situ. ated la milesfrom Late liturna, of which a good viola can be had from the door Apply to James WiBlire son, Esq., on the gremines or to 0.72. TRI1EMAN Land Office Goderien Goderich, Aug 15, 1870_ w30 _ FARM FOR SALE. •••=10 LOT 10, CON. 10, W. D. COLBORNE, 100 AC)3M34 99 eleared, good dwelling -home. frme 22z26, with a commodions kitchen attached, also good b and shed accommodation, good bearirg orelmrd, wea watered by two creeks aunniegtbrongh the farm, anal , good wells, One,mile from gravel load. 5 Miles frota, Goderich. For particulars apply 04 tbe premises tct undersigned, or to Mr. D Ferguson, grocer. Gorleiehe - O. STEWAVT. August 15. 1870 ' w36 VOTIVE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11 that application will be inade at the next some; of the Legaslaturenf ()Mario for a Charter to construct a Mailroad from theCity of London, in the Countyof Middlesex, to some point on Lake lituron, in the TOV731 ship of Stanley, Ceinsty of Theron. July 15 1870 w2 9t Lazarus, Morris & Co. Opticians and Oculists, xvirc:avmpt.m..ax_., • llari AVE, WITH A ITEW TO ',,„n .1.1.CREASED demand Tor the celebrated P rfeeted Spectacles, appointed F. JORDON, ebern t ata0 Druggist, Goderieb, Ont . as thaw So!. Agee' for this place. They have taken care to give:all needful instructions, nnd have confidence in the ability of their Agents to the requirements. of all customer! An opportunity will be thusafforded to proeure, nt sill times, Spectacles unequalled by any for their etre:ware ening and preserving qualities. Too much cannot be said as to their stiperionty over the ordinary glasses worn. !Caere is no glimmering, wavering of the sight, dizzines5, or other nnp/eaearai seneetion, but, on the contrary, from the peculiar iniaa stiectionof theLenses, they ere soothing end pies:mat, causing a feeluig of relief to 0.0 wearer, and producing a elearatd distmet vision as 'h the v.attaral healthy sight. They are the onliSpeetaeles that. PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST 111.0 SIGHT, they are the cheapest because the best, always tastiee many years without change beingeneeeentry. .ave employ no Pedlars. F. JORDAN Sole Agentfor tiodench. Goderieh Aug 16 1870_ vela FARM FOR SALE. -r-- OF 147 ACRES, 310RE OR LESS, ABOUT 21(1 acres cleared and the balance good hardwood time be; a comfortable house and first-class frame barns, a good omitted, and well watered, Most of the land lc excellent day. --The fermis lot 00, 6the0M, Gaderlail Township. 9 milas from Goderich and 7from Clinton. On paymentofenart cash, good terms will be given fez the balance. For particulars apply on the premises to Goderieh, . JOHN alcTLENZIE. orAtougG..15M..18TiclarliTEdetlfeweiotf Porter's Hills 'Pal TO SELL. rnwc BAST HALF OF LOT 'MAIM -II 8, FOUR 1 teenth concession of Hallett, on filo boundary line between Blythe and Walton,post office each wen Good hardwood; 'watered with a never falling ereeir and never failing spring. Also well dose by the /tense Forty acres cleared, well fenced, 77 acres in all, Leg house and barn. a thriving orchard, 6 kinds ofplures, blaclawhite and redcurrants, pears, red an(1 yellew gooseberries. For farther particulars apply on the premises. TO BANKIN_LAWSON and his Mothers Aug 15th, 1870. FOR SALE. 3*- filBE SOBTIIIHALF OF LOT No. 18, IN THE 1 con., Wawanosh, 80 acres, only 'cm =nee fro Ne village, ,Apply there to Ea Pollock, Esq., or Dr, C. CA 51BRON Gederialt 4t FARM -FOR SALE, rgiE subscriber being determined te iuvites any man in quest of a good farm to examine the Ei Lot 29, eon 8, East Wawanosh, 100 acres which is one of The best, and one of flee most beautiful farms in the Township. It is 18 miles from Godee ride and 10miles from "Whigham, a pro- posed station of the T. G. & B. R. R. There are en the place: good budding, a good orchard bearing, a never failing spre ing and about 55 ncreseleared. TERMS—from to cash, the balance to saitpurchasers. JAS. TISDALE, Fordyce, P. 0. Sept. .5th, 1870, - w33e3ei — I.