Huron Signal, 1870-10-20, Page 2 (2)T
'210m Unvrarrantood 0-ef2sation. �L7rtolx Law i�i Manitoba.
�FfoPelloir p4iti T Townshlp t
he fall Of IS 0 X
plis, air A_N
yj . , I �i�%
r horticolt
AIR UANAL. %'very. ninch regrat; that a few as.,
ST CL f iie a atodgeand tothoaweW and' Ir'l WWalliveiiadaltsbare to record
more hot'headed of the -loyal settlerS'are kUll contractor Mr. Br6wit,apcom This atow was held'onflip, 11thinst. In Oianz AND 110W T A
Panic& -I& r#Tvl with -
by wail 6A; IffitaI6, wl P. tqcArcelvp I -tip A Centel
Our -Toronto enntemporaries in Se he tog Last Witness of Saj Cit illage Of iiii6h# The mor Jrl W -
ghtin Pon. some peculiar lusits, T-fiig exhibitio-,l 1y4s hold at B f! I
100T. 20th. K70. perpetrating acts which -are calculated to tha. v. aing, did a
When 8 or 6'miles very promising, but in the Xaywc natuft If .Urtori-Sonr Wilt, Ilas broughf. Wednesday, 12thinist,
hard-pressedforinteresting matter, whilit bo nd for Kinoardine. , *foro�- �'D OA i
delay the reign of law in Ruperts afit4tho Goderioh the cable dg Cleared. aviay and ih� ral they have to resCTt to the petty expedient attachibgthativai 60 141113 01 as A er
Oil arner, Squire ePc i*& gfelen vinewbraiich -i of lbe'-�' done" How the. Money Goes. and operate very nol against a speedy Seeps tQt.he* dredge partQ.. The ellgin; �10o4se�Yio'falll slid the; day turned' olit to Horses, Alex Yontig, Ahn Mills, . "d large attendance, but 'Oe-bAll WAS fo3r.
either personally or throagall their carres- reversed,for the pur� :be , 'asigoc v 1. etYiori wich there, are Ao be seen a 'iu,7
nts of exaggeratin facts and inven- settlement of the Manitoba difficaltieB.- of Ihe propeller was id -as ebuld b� �108ired, and before ThocomisAnderson,� Mr Me - -edreo, ` fatr-sii6d,,dlitffter,of.lialf-.Ti�o a6d late -in be opo�qocd 1; allow the rl
--nit enterel by Colonel Gray ponle Ph &4p4 Whatever may be their disgust (in whiwl, Pose of rettirniug to Dick up the scows.; i nol the -little villago was.o6rowded witfi ke6pef at Dohnibr6ok, deel bArt a from visitors to be tis laree Cho As the
ast Goorge, Br. Ill k publisher of the ting fasehoods to excito the iniaginations, but the Captkin of the tug.;Kisignalleod the 4PO0taf;0r3- Every sv'ailiblO house and a criattlir; wb 6f blossoin, of. the second I I y me heartily sympat-hise) with the the to The seasons seem to be 1running have been only V).&O0 beltior lakeErat the
pripoller to proceed and - he agnificent dinner whioh he provided Crop' -
6 would bring stabl� was crowdo6d. -There being some -
u_ wheto between 7oo rod 10010 people in forthejudges. Traeto-th door, There -was a splend! �sholw 'Of
-porting to he a special fole- �Int acdordin SEAS()g"414 GOODS�_geo y
W0%A19for?'*Ir. Brinrnatid2for the .nil- following, pill 11, thomil. The *Ge U. S. G, -tradition F wild -
for fibel, nd in whiclA the Jury 5f their *aders. On the 10th i6t. the jilions Patiun of the Dominion Gqvo�r a a firo - � _ , sfruit and vegetables. Ladice worklyas
11lent, and the sectimal leanings displyEl ly �usbed altial arrived safely in (;l tho.-show-rootil and 001-haps 1500 on the, the place, 6-nd 6!jit t -for the. fau of the th[4
lant. G)Iunel, theLfollowhig Joiteresting de- grp in Windsor, appel in those by Canadian alinisters, %vo expected'D -ith the d redgo and then %v -e asi decided impi-(?vQ- therb was. a scrimratir od. A good many entries of exe 11ent
in fro t iell u Thet w, eat the close, w)�iefi uov� f6lly equipfed for the winter 7cam- 96
ent out to gr
to how genevmsly John A. pays papers:- Schultz and others to strengthen and lit J�� ..paign, in all departments -of his busineis gnies and double carriages
�hoe lake agoil to look for -the othera, See.. -1 juept in the socil preparations since �ndddln Wl parties Wing better frie# a. W -a ons bugg zrhe rotarics who wonahip, at -his shrine, ns( -year theie boiug all addition to the Give -him a vall. -were made, -chiefly from Uin:ton Una
icl� and f6uad that the Last Witness h, -T Pamiun LIST. fiblin01L.
at 'Prince weaken the hands of Lieut. Gov. Arohii $ nothing ntil she came back to Oocer than eyer. B00w is the Varna; The Horses were -vl goca ba
wem hrmght on t in crow-examintion 'The gunbo [Ifi-ed arrived d Toivn Hall, and some new substantial
by ',ArBLAr-Ido not here at n000 to -day with Ron. Mr. Ln bald. It is. too bad that before a jildiol gone ashore on the north pier. Aftbr the Ahqw pens. The general appearance of HoitsEs.-Span of Horses in wagon, Ist the cattle stock was scarcely as gol
govinon.board. 1heycante tl�roughtho cmild be fornied resil should ha otu had - icked tip the scool the cable bad' the khow was excellent with the exception
1know 91mexmt date of the ineetingvs, of tile R Hadwin, 24 P -Donahoe,31 J NoColhim. The Council _met� illis day 96eptember as usual, The numb,.r of ntrol-es
lm%v canal constructed by the American titken-the law into their own hands anv again partea and they �ths scow), ran� of file ladies' department. There was a - . 14t . J Mocullum, 2 far
Bro9d Mare, R Had' 18th, Pursuant to adjonmirient, all the exceeded thatf lat!t ye All plesent
tinuous. The ('rovrninenton the St. Clair Flats, and ttempted to inflict plinishnient on thei ashore some fire miles sout4 of this port' decided la�.& of ladies' fancy work, owiner
Arti-it i.l its they %vore ca,
ineetim-gs coninienced in the autntan Ilif win; Foal, let G 864h, 2d G Young; 2 yr membera-present. The" minutes Of last admitted that a finer place
tool possession oF it for the Dominion former aggrmors- Very likely Spotle The Last Witness hes high- and drybro tbei we.stIPPOse to there being no encourage- forl'a how
or Octobcr were hbld old Gelding,. Ist J Rose, 2d Mr meeting were r"eadund approved. A letter
Governincut,hoisting the British Ensign." degerved to be horsew Ili pped, kind ifhewa 11 th Pier with her side strove ift. Thisf iiienb given to them -in the societv's bills, could not be got in the County bog
the reater part ofa week nd then ad- yr old Filly, It R Hadwin, 2d PD�o'apts'l from Afriames BibIwn, Path Master, call -
on this the Globa founded an of the insults to Mrs Schultz lie i il strength
jonproed for a niotit' . During the follow- MArlursday) morning there is a heavy sea tbut dow as the society is g". Ygarling Colt, let R Brooks, 2d U Had- 4ing -the attention of theCouncil to the*state larao -drill -shed, and large, drl and clean
we hope to see them encouraged. The ladies
A. Lan-,evin, Hiistor of PUbliC and the spra of the bridoe ove
Par' accii,�ed of, we do not wonder at the bobl 014 . y is dashing. ovorher.4 win.' r the IS nile river DD the' marktt square being very suituble for
w,l totally undeserved b3 him, for and burly doctor's indiguiltion. N) Last (Wednesday) night, however, there� '6t this locality bave both time and skill Lashol was*read.� MrJohh F. such anexhibition. Between2atil
neis,)f the House wivi not pressing we inol CATTLE. --;Bull of any age, let WDuinin
was no extr sea or wind, and it was onlyt and should they not brin*the pro.
tenienty wlich lie never drearat of at- ;ttfionnt (l iliditr ion, however, WQII14 2d � G -Young- -Yearling Ball people were present and all seemed th -doF
Wwee wIl an -1 to the close (if 0 gnat r,. Z heir'spare moments to adorn I let "drew having prl theCullector"s
'the seqiion. Thearti0e 'Noutiod. the At- tampling. The Telerp-1 also a -cc PtAd iostify, in the present tinseCtlol 6 7clook as the tug approached the harbo atiction of t J Hallai4f 94 Alva Helpl J Washina bond. It was moed y M Dalton and what they could to makq ihe day pass off
I t -,c "aaselasr faliric` s a fact and C111- state of the Provinco, in necotainc, th. u9t quite dusk, so that there should ha e' the Society's show? The show of root
; . ton; Wol Oxen, ist J Harcourt, 2d
ac-! crops,
Both executioner of a probably just E Ist j bond be accepts satisfact y -Carried.
a --d nnen'ed thereon in its own style. seconded -by P -06m -that --the ollector's plessantly The Judges were
luntence,. bdeii no diffeulty fir -a captain at all wheat Ill we are informed vied --Indooir
t", Ine ; Its fAt;r AS file E ilglligh . I . � Wid,lbbrnin; Thorotigb-bred Cow, das or
P111-na's ought tu have s -al that the paral- unless it was clear that the villin, on a& -I' qtiaintea with the coast inakin ith, that ofthe county show, the show of department,Mr. Xeys,Bayfidld, Mr. Scott-
ine-ans ativIthine it indicaton tht the en- Moved by James Crawford, iec,� by Jol
graph bore a lie on ju ace and have ex- tT�ance. batntiately no lives were' -lost. Thei Biyfield, and Mr. Shepperil, Godench'
count of government weakness, - was!H4�el r �Vl F Andrew, that this Council rej�ob the a
';uib%was alio good and did ainple justice I lln, �2d_ G McKay; Grade Cow, Ist R
J aill the Ll pt!ratm. It bledd, 2d G Yoitut, �rd G Young; Heifer P_
n to go anwhiot of justice. Goulet de Gen. U. S. Grant, 'a -second to the fruit.growers of this locality. Mr - n Township. Out -door department. Mr.
chidell it from their columns. Althou,r time came ion of the Trustees (if School Section
is t�e tle3criptiun-"A gal- 2 yrs old, Ist R Mel 2d Peter/,Di)nah(,e- plicat
the Globe's,"owncorrespoudent ',nox t day, ed to be drowned like a dorr as he wa - sifely into port, where she and the dredge, J ohli Zimmer was on the ground with a I
says there was no l W ' F�_ - : Heifer i yr old, let G Yoniia 2d Goo Yu._ 71 to levy a rate to build -a School 11 Stonchonse, Goderich Township, and
11 i7% now lie. Child' selection of fruit which he offered
Lpal takiii- possessi- la, ce .11
otoeint posit it in, " who '?hm become stol s Rose uwrited to have his. hor o AleK h use. sufficieut canae havin been sholwili Mr. McTavish, Stanley. Subjoinedisille
for sale fro'm his stand (which by the way j Mullell.
I of the canal", the Globe does nut conde-- iiest burnt about his eara; and I ay; Ball Calf, R Aledd;- Heifer 041f 0
_W!uol roi)ticeab'a from his zeal in collcctin�, l shol BiG - AprLE-P. Adamson, Esq , bast ' for the rejection -Carried Moved by 3,
We admit tho first 4x�end to withdraw itsaltaeks on the Com- wai too goldier-likea death for the sootind 6nded us a itionster apple, u.-exmring in sorng one ivh,) believed in advertising had TAE PRIZE LISV.
miaskineroff'obli-- Works. Thisiscarrv- placarded with I'Shon Zimmer-Rhen StisEp.-Aged Ram, Ist G McKay, 2d Crawford, seconded by Patrick (%,re, that
P-1: t of t:ve tiescri-pt itmi ; biat what abou ing party spirit too far. Lepine Still British law should hav e beQ'n.t __ circumference -15 inches, fr(.,tn Malcolm Weil . i. Pumpkins, peaches, grapelS, &c.1 ). W Anderson; Pair of Ewes Ist Win An- John Bennet be paid $8.25 for ditching HORSES. -Brood Mare and Foal It
2the position As we have rol lowedtinietoassertitg prerogative Z .
self-appointedaven rcoftnurderandinisul belthal a splendid orchard. Ill the visitors re-e-ided themselves with dl 2d J Washington; Fair Shearling done by him on the.divWjon Snowden, W. )1erbison. Two,vear old
rod ill nder
liable sol of inforwation. at our coin e a p bell, Esq., of the Brownson line. Taylor
11 pins to) to the innocent, ar-o putting themselves i ekliibited this variety at the BayAuld show, the best of fruit a
A. -I prol it refe?.3 to arbitTation, , r C� He' Ewes; Ist Win Andermson, 24 T- ountract in 1869-Darried. Ii2o'Zd byJ. filly, B. Srenan, C. Simons. Two. -year
anti also t!i another -)ositioti while we have taken amp al the Choicest I nice of Pair of Ewe,Lanibs, -lit Wni Anderson 2� Crawfrl sec. by Al. Dalton that the taxes old CleldinM, oT. S*itzer I
las,_ertpin the true facts of the case. false position by their aci` thegrape." The entries for membership 0 1 ')' W' Y�Qil
prep-tring, awl ion. We pro - b had it named the T Taylor.; Rfn Latill let W And on, lid One-year old' ditto, J. Armstrong W,
of the Briti.ihEnsignonl test agntlinst JUdge Lynch, on British s(jil, 8 ap 'ears te be' - numbered 68, and -th-e articles 'and ani- rs . against tot 26 West Wellington street, a .0 ,
I by o Z, P an Alex' I lot 40 est Arthur street, Part _�lbert for Peck. Yearling filly, J. D,
I rotid isa serious matter, and a wide- either intirderine Scdtt or mv�efi.ging t4p a rgest p U. Annexed is.the prize 2d J Washin-ton.
ble cr le have . nali exhibited 46
zD ple .11 WINF-jiB r ear or 40l jet js the year 1867, ibe cancelled',
itut)a is to Up spen-in these parts, Lot,
prepar-ctio f-ir secttr-' Wa, Roved by .1 Crawford, "see. by John F. Lean, B. S'now�l
S r Tvhn A to fill; '4 w -as to ly pit!)lished false report that such -was cold-blooded deed. If Man Web- Youill Span of working horses, E. ione at the 'it. Clir Canal, will raise IV e ar, . S.) wit let H
a spe!�dily settled by peaceful immigrants, st Andrew that John Jamieson be paid $13 40,
r!i initv of the lAws 4)f tha Dominion feeiing agaiiist tis aall our lov. Archibald must without hes - A Rumoa.-A, rumor reaches its -that'; , HORSES�Brood Mare, lst W Kerr, 2d ster, d J Gienn; il.tar raisetl in 1870, 1
r,� American Lieut. C
p "p-&mtozy t the app-lintuiant l com- wighbors, w the Price Alfred is to be laid tip Alex. McEwen Foal, Ist R McAllister U Hoare,2il H W*k&oter,, Sow raised ill '70, on ;iecount of arrears of taxes for -4868 !; GkADE*0,A2TLE.-Mildh Cow%atinx
hicanoatUnberof cuntradic- tation tinflilrohincriy assert the suprout at 7 at barnia 3 1
t.) deterl upon it. I came tu e charged wrongfully on the Collectors rZT'calved in 1870 D. Wilson A Elcott,
t-otis will allay. On arriving at the St. oi the la%v- 14 thd wInter. 'Of course it is utterly - iml, 2d R. Sturgeon Yearling colt lat A Ale- Ist Q -Young, 2d J Glenn.
by directien of the Peimet linis- 61air gainst, William For es tor Two-yearl'old heifer, J.t.-a'mpbell, A.
a sh r old d elding, I st -Two b6sh Fall Wheat gusoni the tax
fls the Prince Alfred found-theold possible.that there can be a6dow of I4]we.n,,2d,G Hoir ; 2 yea GRUN. n 1st A ag
tte-. I rezelved a tol tip for Youna 8 -ad year having been - paid -Carried. -Ei leott. jDae-year old lieffer, D. Wilson,
p�Asagre blocked tip with vessels and it was A WARRIOR AT REST. ti-utli in the report. Goveriqnioent would, R Sturgeon, 2d iV Kerr;. 1 Year old Filly, ) 2d vy DRIniu.; do Spring Wheat,
she might get throoligh, the never sanction the laying -tip of a gunboati' Ist D AtoEwen, 2d. W Rieth ; 2 year ola It J Rose, 2d RI%U4d; do Peas, I st J Hen-
t�o of attentling to the ar!Atratiog. sn,, ted that 1oved by John F Andrew, sec. by Patrick T. Wells. Spring bull calf, 0. $men$.
--bilit when I =me up ni':ttera ll not re-�% -Clare tha - J Jamieson be paid $12 tor Yoke of vvo,kin- oxen, H Hudson, Thos
new Canal. Accorl the veasel's head The teleg�aph brings the fidings,that a) in such close proximity to the American,, Filly,'Ist D McRwen, 2d J Potty ; Span ry, 24.J H Taylor; go Barley, Ist R 'Riley,
dy, and I h -td to stay &),Ire time at my own side, where enernies of our country tnight Flo e , let Thos. Dick, 2d D 2d J Rose; 'do Oats; let A V. o extra -services rendered by.bimasCollect- ods. Y
.was t4triled in that �i 8 in wagglin, ung, 2d..) . oke two year old stl A
reetiorl on being Wednesday, 12th October; Gen. Robert F4 clit adrift, solittleorburn her wfth-lijtlql� ICEoven. Hentli Half bush" Flax, T Brown; hili Orfor 1869 -Carried. Movedby.JohnF
Signalledito do so, she, passdd into the Lee, aged estion qf t�oublcl. The British government chl ite. Andrew, sl by M Dalton that the part of Elcott, Al Campbell. Xoke one
espense; and I think it quite right the
sbonid give me something at- Can-dand stopped a&)ut midway. Air. ID 62 years, died of col GExEFtAL tmposE 'HoRsl Yearling bitsh Timothy Scal Hoare 2d H W rs yearld
ter sub"aiaing ille. ' z' the brain, at Lexington, i4 his 'nativb. Quderich as the headquarters of the Im," colt, let R Dignan, 2d T Dick ; I year old tnan.! the, motion otL salailed relatinj to the stee , Campbell, A Elcott. Fatted i
Brown, the Contractor, approached in his tichatian, 2d Joh
Q. -After weeks Van t%, an had a conference with. -D
State of Virginia. Worthy scion,of L ]Joriigntiboatson. account of its colitrall Filly, ht,A 13" n B Geiger'; EGETABLES. Ioz Tuvnips, Tavern Inspector be rewinded, and -that or steer, A Elcott. Fatted row orheifer,
N1. Lngoevin,
ument,for something 2 a id Filly, Ist Alex Buchanan. 2d A Ist J McCourt, 2il i Rareouit; Bushel the Tavern Inspector be paid $2.001or DiVilson, M. Campbell.
anpUed to tha Uover situation towards the upper lakes, and its r 0 o
a ter which the Prince Alf -red steamed chivalrous race, born in 1808, edticat a 3 1 ' 0 " in 'hear,
Carriage Horses in Harness, let Potatoes, Ist, J M�Colluni, 2d Tuo Craig; EP. -Rem, two s Q and over, T
tl 'wo n for each vonvidtion for selling ithout Svviiter, -D NV "Youill. Ram I b,
in t the unif, -in at a salary ? was, hoisted on shore nor any thing, l lie ve our Government will alter this SOIC07 Elde 2d A Ross ; Buggy Horse, lst J Doz 'able Cauot' let R Riley, 2d J.k e Welty in all weathers, and we do ot be
tv ol and thay gave -you the offitne of mak- throngh and stopped at Winasor. No flag V., est Point, since ever entering the each tavern obtain g icense and $4.00 SPE
-A. -At �ro sala ican armyl in 1829, lie had distinguished- tion. J hnston 2d J Willis. AS Iiinock; &s cepse--Carried, Mo.yedby P Clare, see- Love, Sorn., H Love, Sen. , Tvio* -ewes
ry- thatcould,bya stretch ot the liveliest 0 : I -
Q. -At an emottil himsef as a gallantsoldier and aconite, a- AITT G having kad 'lambs in 1870. t*o -1
.4 --There was noEhin,, arratif" unagination, ba.,l construedint, tak J - 0. DETLOR, & Co. have received LE- Milch Cow, Ist John Petty., Webb, 2d J Heriry; doz Beets by John k Andrew, that Patrick Morrison
complete stack of seasonable dry goods 2d Robt. Ferguson ; 2 -year old heifer, I st Hoar% 2d A Andirion; Peck of Onions, be granted $20 as assist im in - I .
ever. z5 ed what- ing possession. Regarding the effect of gentleman. IntheAlexicanwarheigath- i Usellinawhich cheap,.,tliey assert tha?' Petty, 2d h Rannie ; Yearling heifer let Ist G Tol 2d W Thompson-, Doz Vlan- building a house-CarriecL M. oved by J. and over, 11 Love, Sen.,,C Tou-o-b. ..Pair
the sensational paragraph on pnblic opinii- t
ered many -laurels, but the eyes t the they cannot be- beaten by any competitors. year urtzel, Ist, D Mcl;hannock, 2d see. by John F. Andrew, that
Q�. -Bit t �vas it tindamt.)od you wereto in in the State-;, an esteemed frien(I of the D b1cEwen. 2d. D McEwen ; Yoke 2 Crawford, sheafling ewes, H Lov) Sen.,,,V-Tougb,
'g. -t something world did not rest on him until in 1861 e 1)ld Steers, Is A AlcEwen, 2d .0 Baschlem; IV ebb; doz Ears of; Corn, lat R cDoiell,_ this 0ouncil adjourn to meet again -it Kin- Piir ell lambs, H Love, Sen, m cimp.
writing from Detroit sys' :- 60DERieu HARBOR, - We are
tnrl up his commission'at West Point -sbe tenders advertised for,for "the Dredg.,,
- A_ -Of course. The Yan'keeson this side of the river. Yil I year ald Steem, - Ist D MeEwen 2d A Young; doz Apples 4 -varieties, l tail on the first onday in November bell. P%1ir fat iheep, At Campbell.
Q. -When mu the pay fixed 7 Ill calf, Ist J Petty, 2d D AfeEwen led) lit T Taylor; 2d J Oraig; Six bunches next ---Carried. ,l COOK - Ptoas-Boar, arge breed, 0 Simons.
worked theinsel-es into a� fever of exc;te- and drew -his,sword on the aide of the iiia and Pier -work necessary to form, a
A.- It was not fix,�d reErbarly. At the I
menc about their Canal, on the depar�nre- Sutith. Friends and foes allue regard new entrace charnel to the Harbor 4 [rat Cow or- Heifer, Ist R Ferguson, 2d C' of G pea, Cj�iy; Threeabbagge, lstj 7p Clerk Boar, small Breed, Wm Johnston. Bow
CInse of Vila sesvon of 1866, 1 thin!<; there Qnschlen ; Fat Ox or Steer, Ist J Petty, McOo r . D S D M( ge breed, V Eberhardt. Saw
-if the Gunboat yel for Sarin-ia. U. with admiration the enlargbmont of the basin, at Goderich,',, 1.11 t; 24 R klilej.; Pumpkin .1 and pigs, lar,
wits a raut made by the House of Com e 24 ol ; Yoke working Oxen let D Boell,2d�, Sh3nmock; Squashi J Webl oz Toma- 98infitfon Befliffs.
El I, e as reported, in fact confidently aated, 9 Lake Huron." Teliders will be rl * and pigs, small breed, T wells.
Mons to meett expense of codifying the w d darinc, ael with whiol contested 'S R�nnie tol McGowan.
u that she haf.1 gone -to tak-oup her an' at the,Departmenz of Public, W:Prks un -ti A bq of London the less playing with I)Aiay.-Five pounds new churneil
Northern 12tl Yearliva Ram, Ist Joseph Qaarri�6,,2d I MoLauglilin Plough, 'let
laws. station, at the Canpl and further that she step by step the advance of the iNovoinber ndxt. 'M. Langovin has Si�EEP-Aged Ram, Ist J Petty, '24 R. Imp�xExTs-Double Wagon, ist H He a revolver abot hi's companion, buitter, pade -up in J-1b.prints, G 401astle
-It Was a month ar, ing
was to be reinforced by artilleryfrom army for years. He and his itcontra4a done exactly as he told our citizens he in, The Mitchell salt
anl and Godeilich. Tile Michil "Stomewall tpuded to do., well,d6llapsid.
A, -I did not receive at that rate for a f Gill,! 2d R Manning ; Ram Lamb, lat-.S h Day., 2d G Henry ; Set of Harrows, Ist - W He�Vison. Firkin -ofbatter, 25 --lbs
n Pair Ewes, I eafo n salt manufacturers'or over, Werbison, Cheese, 1-0 lbs or
bright 'Alay day in *63 'did mitch to rv 1! Rise illf 1�aoplgRTY.-A lot near the,, R ATanuing, 2d R Alatining ; Pair year- MCQUa'rrie. make-aprofit f 40 to 45 cents per barrel. over D W Yodill. Factory cheese 101bs-*.
time; I think I was paid at that rate. United States vessel, was partially dis Jackson, who fell on "that Ran ie, -2d R Manning st� J Jeieison ; Set of. Horse Shoeq, Ist H 8 rth and Olinto
I ana stilit in possessirin of that cace. Mantled b -it is takia" oa anninition,shell.3 dee'm the century fr.MJthe accusatiol that Harbor, of 4G feet fronte, which was,' 1kng E ol I at R Manniho 2od D McE won; DAmy PRODUCE -AND LADIES'- DEFA1tT- Col -Gray, -of mileage celebrity, has failed or over, Thomas Wells.
Q. -And- a nice respectaWe office it i o ml -pounds nvic,
etc, and will start with a (1-mble crewat "the age of chivalry is gl North o'dered two years ago for 8500, sold,& few, pair: Ewe Lambs, Ist it anning, 2d D mENP six Butter, lat G Young,, to get a jury to co i It the Globe of libel.
zCM-0 a ve.ur How ol you ge t this money? ne'le, for the flats. While any number of aud South will now weep in concert ov -GRA.T-N AND SEt Ds. -To bushels fall
- acdonald f volunteers including. Feniais are all; Cheese, Isb G Young, 2d T
frara Sir John M. r weeks since for U000. Mckwen ; Pair fat Sheep, let J6hn Petty, 2d G fi�d A fire in Brantford on edndsday de- wheat, C Tougb, R Hudson. T ' bushi
Ife"ing th-a orave of the heroicleader and gei is Ill THANKFUL. -The erson e Fall Clotio. -home- stroyed the Expositar�ooffice. Our esteerll
-o Y4 wo
-tn. spring wheat, J Nichol, C T_ ugh. Two
A. -I reol a cheque an thebank from Gov. Baldwin their services In fact the hearted in, Star overcome, 2d D MoEwen. And T
Sir John A acdonald as Alinister of J its- �reatest excitement prevails ets Pibs-Boar, Ist G Mourner ; Sow, Ist made, 411 wool. L�t I& E Rutherford
and thr' 1 %l gratiftide at the reception of a littl6' 2d ed cotem. has howeveraved a &ess and
tice. re held out that the Yankel will hold Qovernn.ent l from the Hon. Af; W Cttrrick ; Boar pit, Ist A F-ied & on. U Hoare ; 10 y4rds Flannel all wool. lst some type and will Dublish,as usnal. bush barle alnh Stvellsol
y, E Aby, R
Q. -I snp-osethe m-a"T is P-44 to you Langevin, sharpensits pencil, goes dou 21 R Broderick:; Sow pig, Ist R Broderi k J Henry, 2d Anderson ? Blankets, all More Inter,, Two bush. oats, 0 Tough: R Hudson.
the canal whether i our ttreitory or not EO)O311 Irlft. I olouialcolitractoora talk of ulv_
I 6n its '- inrro-k bonel and writes an articloi 2d David Hostetter. waol, home m;fde, Ist Tl Anderson, 2d - ing up their contracts, having milh I Two bush. peas,lar,,ge, CT*u,,-,b, Two
everymoath; youreceive yourMOULbly There is notNn.., discassed )r talked about :edlhe
in which it calls the Hon. gentleman A; Fow-L-Pair Geese, Ist.J Haggens; A Young ; Mitilil'ist T Anderson - Gentle -
hi -re ? in the city.biit this suhicet ; crowds being: bush. peas, small, U Tugh, Buslitimethy
government cow dry.
SOLAR EVAPORATICIN-We have just r 'Canadian Pullet" who l not to 1� Pair� Spanish Fowl, W Carrick; Pdir man's Shirt, Is 9 Hoare; Fancy Knitting,
gathered on the wharfs and public places A bear weighing 320 poniids was shot- in seed, 1) W Youill, P Crerar. Busl
A. -Yes. o orema (�rigbtencd by the s,�reech of the Duck Ist W Carrick. let A Young 2dFisa Rose; Crochet Work _11e flag
Q. - Does the statem�,ut, noticeable for canvassing the qestion at isslie. Of ceived froin Air Thl the f n of t4e - Mgle.l 1 -of Brock. seed, D W Youill.
his zcql in oll'ecting Mile3ge, 2pply to course when The real state of affairs is establishment recently started inblal Ve should not have liked to. -have applied -IMPLEMHNtS�Wood Plough, 1st Them- Ist � ana 2d HIBEY Itose ; 09verlet, Ist and' the township
a. specimen (if the salt produced IW - that paltry (Poultry we might have FaouiT Azm VwnTAB%Es.-Bag of pots -
known, the excitement Avil, be-sabdued 3r aid) son & Williams. Setdouble Harness, lot 2dMrs Helps -,Watch- work Quilt, equal The plumbago mines in the township of toes for table use, WTownsend. -Half
you this stem. Each grain is a )V, N Dilchart. Mrs Mcphe
but nub beftire every part t f the country beatitiftil o4pithet to any Canadian Minister n, dr4n., Miss utherford ; Buckingham are attracting.the attention Of bush of Onions, M Vretlake, Half busli
hollow. cr�ystal as hard as rock, �nd m oiliould we have liked, as the Star d _7 -o Pairocks, let T Anderson; Berlin Wool E nlisli -capit%lists.
A.- I don't know. I pre;nme it was, w-i'l have had their say oil the, -mater. I oes, to: Iw6coR DEPAI�!MENT -Grain, Tw
. coarse as.Liverpool salt. Itcanbegmunri ;fcccuse the cautiouVoinniisiainner of Po blic� Bus4eli Fall 'Wheat Ist C Tough. 2d D Work, 11st A Yn'ting, 2d Airs E Rutheford; Of apples, nut less than 4 varil T Wellsi
intended to an ly to me. I presume it the D&roit papers I The S, S. Association of Canada has just J Armstr6ng. Beets, 12 root.A, Jas Arm.
-P will t to any degree of fineness, and will come Jo Works of "hoisting th6 Union Jack" at -ill " Zeiler ; 2 Bushels Spring wheat, ist 0 Braiding, Ut and -2d Miss Young; Paper
b1pplies to my drawing milue the second of this rul which hrl3w some be a verf-ilapottant department l e , rl 2d S It closed a wery interesting and successful strong, Six heads of cabbage, J Jolin,_
more light on the agitittion here. t. Ulair CAua4 under. circumstances inannie ; Two Bushels Bar��y Flowers, lsf and -2d Miss Young ; Collec- session at Galt. The next convention will Half buslicarrots for table nti@, 11 Camp�
let !A Johnston, 2d W Arbuckle; Two tion of vkardo�n 10lowers lat J Witeman. :: be held at London,
session I wa.3 in Ottawa, when I l From the'Detruit Free Premss weer t the salt manufacture. Ill understand lar' hirh such -a fire-eiting mountebank . ao
P buildings are to be erected in the coni -so f el irge Francis Train mign It have threatew-
about L40 mileage due 9G me bylaw. I. followi,,, Bushels Black oats, let 0 Troyer; Two � SpnoiAL%�aTzEs--Fine, Boots, let and�-
Rev Robert Campbell, A. M., of Mon� -DoxEsTic AcrunEs-Ten yards
the winter, for the purpose of ptosec bolt WO ild not.have, to Busliels White oats, I at W Arbuckle, 2d W -2d Jofiu Shopirdt.; Coarse Bootsi do ; Set
came up to attend to my official duties as 7 -hoilit the treal is the atithor of -the $200, prize essay� f�ctory cloth, Jacob Betchen Win
"A SPECK OF WAR." the business extensively ext summe are and ipCL Gratitude, however,', Broderick,; Two Bushels Black -eyed Single flamiss, Ist P G White. Herb*
arbitrator and codifter, and had been thakes idiots of us all. 1; Harrowfat peas, Ist-N 8 ort Pr6sbyterian Unio t. Son. Ten yarl fiannel, WmHerbison,
hirray, 2d Win.
staying at a. hotel -two or three months.; It will be seen by the tele ra0h diS_'_ U&TRIOULATIOIN,—We notice i Ten yards domestic loth, J Troyer Wia�
Turabull ; Two Bush' Large ifhite Peas, FarnioeOv avy winter over- ir Francis Hincks is in Tl 0
remained there diiiin- the- session, and patches that the �British gun oot Prince pleasure that r. Thomas Gibbs 1�lap OBITUARY.- We are �very sorry to havc-; 1.9 t At the half -yearly meeting in Londol ntg mery. Ten yards sarin
au'Re �Charles Tough-; Two' Bush' Small 'el Wei� D� --Ferga- ettl H
hav-_ been thzra ever sinm ;dc
no, Alfred came rhrongh the new canal through stock, son of our es�eemedtownsm record the death at Jergey I-,laui, last whit' tbla Great Western R, R., all the Direo-, Hudsa-n. Ten yards- 114nuel, J Ill
tf e t 0, peas; let E Philips, 2d W Turnbull; SOUPS;
travel from Ottawa to St John and St. St: Clair Flats with the CattadiZ W. 8 Blackstock,' has matriculated ek,f iThmas Lo,an, Esq.,oflhi� town I B - Ili T otby seed,.Ist A McAllister,. tors were io-elected. Pair -woolen blankets, J Campbell, A
finister of Public Works on board. it * University College Toronto. a
is ?� Duncan. Pair socks. D W Yl
John to Ottawa in respect to that rcsqion stated that the Minister pretende ?tclbe early age of ^09 years. Deceased- 2d �TArbuLcmkle. An e4thusiastic meeting of over 300
d to take * I 2101WM9 ImPLByEris-Lumber w4agon,
I had a h-3ase in St. John, but it had Ruxcl Fou-xway-We are gla to 4as, we believe, a native of A --b rdl, ;.lir GARDENVBGETABLES.----?ed1c small whitel East Elgin reformil was addressed by Air
forinal possession of the work in the name see that a brisk btistness is going on er0. Bea s, let Witt Rieth, 9d John Munn;' The South Huron A-ricultuxal SiNdiety's Alex Ma . ckenzie at Alruer�uoaTursday axle -' Leslie and Holmes. Wooden axle,
.4hi! e, Scotland and xame �to lUmada at .1 , itelonBros Doubiebn'gggy, Lealie an(I
I tal
been reuted, and my family were -living of the Dominion Giern-nent, hoisting We nuderstandXr. Runciman's ha S' 12- E6rs Corn, let Roe Dignan, 2d 8 Tvlaitier;, plowing Match- wIll"' the last.
- ! very arly age. He wAs fo take place in
at Ottawa with me at a htvtel. over it the British flag. We can hardly early all from Galt and 'rntf c, r nearly. 15 So.- �1 Holmes. Single buggy, Leslie a Holmes.
1, -r 1 Ba' Potatoes, st Robt Thompson,'2d' vicinity of KI on Tueso�, -27.t4 inst Vieut, Gov� Archibald has been poti-'
-Di vou ni-it, in tli--- declaration believe the Minister of Public Works in �),� � 0 -__ pen -
Q. i -h _ .. years in blisiness-in this town and bad R il P - - Iron 1311011911., G H rwin. WiMon
-- --- --- I ...... r. -Il . - I -- -- - - -11. -1-4— , I I Vul- Inere witl be three classes tOr competition, tioned by 7VO Red River residents, to in. 1 OL o"ll TK,;nson & ' -Williams. - -7ja-i7e
mide to draw nl %tate that you this matter was"serions iii clodmin- thi i ' -_ ___-___J --- _'�. .. t . � I equired the universal respect of hiS-townsw� o P.
8 in operatinn in't is town. He has a ni tn ns, i Ist D Afack, 2d Wat Carrick ; 12 viz :-First�class men
si t. It eale &cona'-Class men, Stitute a Search for the retuains of the mur- iron barrows, G Stevenson. 8-
-.1, Aical it ik'e a a -follows
rer Jed at St. John, N. B., distant by the work for the �Domjnion Goverunien ber of the plain pans with brine h ji, i ion forhis persevering dndrgy and sterling Swe4e Ill Ist S Martin, 2d S Rannie; anti Bop. The'l r as
-,;] rn�lta ahout 800 -;, f--- " probably intended ag a P:a course of construction and T_ li� ; ilt�l ;1 t. _', rr P. 19. d1j i #, Ill TT- 0ANT; 11 l derea Scott. horse shoes Simpson & Purdv. -Pair
-but even jakes (if that kind are not el- r ' Y , � al er. e eroc ted I It. ner, C rray; XIEST.CLAOSM e aga 0 ssizes are eizi 0C gs, t a7mp e nit ns,,
(hutawa ? could make Platt's patent as Wet nd' Woolen Factory in town, abo3t 6: 12 angle Wurtyle, let Rich Alanning, 2l reaper, xalu4a ri e ed to the
ways safe. The question of wiletherlhe ha,ply as any ol Fou-ndry Toronto. -The.. Grand roll,- A Ditrican. nilt in patchwork, J oyer. -
men. ad o'Johnstone; Pampkin, let John Society lit
A, --Yes; 324 in point of law I l y"ean a-o*and the sttaight. forward manne' And by :th I
t. s adufacturing in a true hillaggainst obe taff for ts or Ol
-his' 0 the
reside there canal is or is n,)t in Canadian waters caq- is all we want to keep in !the if a 414 ge in which he carried on Zim er ; Squash, W G Wilson .; 3 heads Cohipart Skein of woollen yarn, ten kilo
Our govern- business I a4 t, Mr. 0. F he murder of Agfagg�e apma J Tril Pair fine boots; Fall
mot be Settled in -this way. amil of m,)ney which has hith"orto. lb�age_, let Go Buschlen, 2d Win Carrick; Wilson, the wi er
Mr. BLAKE. -I am talkiog about the ment constructed the work under the' be- leaving it. 4-ured Jor him it large circle of frietil -3 pay 00 into the Paircoarse boots, W Foley. Set double
Moog. 41eet, Ist R,111alluing, 2d S Thomp- Sopiety ,� 2d; �A Cultivator valu4d at $25
-lief that it was within our terri�ory. and .110 will sin I t I E-bg Mfbr4,WfbV liamesg, & Hing-sto . AssoRtment j61 -
point of fact- c,rely -mourn his earLy deatht. son.; presofited, t.4 the Society by B Bell, of St.; n
A -, -after Feveral ara' aCquiescence on the - NyEqTER CLOTHING. -H. Duroll cabinet work, Leslie& Holmes.
More tban th,14-1 offered to -give yb I as I Towx Cou?sicir,-The Col met on* - -1`4urr.-Larl collbetion of Apples, Cv.'Srge, tbrI6ugli kr. Th6mson, and $5 The republicans - are 'talking of Horace ExTRAs-Selectionof Fowls, A Brown -
It it is too just received a complete stock (if 0010 he
a clic-que for the money. and leave the part of the Canadian Govtramen
late to set up a Claim thar, our governmen t and Clothing which lie is prepared to ke Notil eveiiing (17th,inst.) Present the: let Win Bell 2d John Zimmer, 3rd Will �d, $1.5 ; Ull,40. Greely for next President. son. -Pot4toes, Goo Castle. Peaches, Wn
See V ayor in the chair, Deputy Reeve, alued
question to the Hen. N�r Cameron, or;luy has made a mistake.* At all eventg, if up and sell Cheap fur Cash. ouncillors. Passall I Wilso!)n Sen'; Bo6si. named collection bf 8240014D-VL�13 HEN ; let, A plow v Jobriston. Squash, S Hancock. Savol
leadin- e unst.1 -in the 11ausp. I took * Watson, -Smitbi Apples� IstJosophFol Wm Ri-eth I Ehcriand was ranigred to hire declared
ll It they raise a question about its locality it l BARLEY MARKET. -On Saturollij, ) at $15, presented to the Society by Zaofe John Joslin. Cauliflower, 31 Westlake.
b(eause the law gave it to me, and what �inel ir, Jetlor, Howell Cdfford, Ruaoi-: 3rd fl BuAchlen-; Best 6 -Dearslst G -iA4r, & Carter, 84aforth.; 2d $10 ; 3d $8 ; Ath war against China�,hxit therumor is contra-
M[r. S Sloan gave �4 cents per 14 0 hicumbers, *A Brownson. Tl Thool
wili take more than one gunboat to settle and ardiner.
nan & minutes aflast 2d -P B Sieger ii Beat 12 Peachl:s, Ist G 96 ; 5tht �4. dicted.
the Law gives me I will'have. the matter if gunboats barley, anA secured Cvd. Cooper:, E McLaren. Turnips, J Ford.
are called into re- right along for r were � read and con firmed. .19
riteeting 41 Nicholson, 2d Wai �Bell Pluj-
-Of course you base notpa-id it qnisitiol load that came into Goderich, over i I Severe storms liave passed over the Celery JJ li St w Cutter, Thoilas
I Q. , . , Ist John Boys,* let' $15 ; 2d A. plow. vgueelat s in, ra
Petition was read from the Salt Companies Zimmer. 1 04
bushels. i I , $15, present d to the Societ -by verity Isritish'. Isles, causing much dainage to williams.1
back agatin. ; 5 in the AlAitland road AIA . I y I&
Now it is very -pitiable that a cnntemp- _,and Standly and Ross, of' Francistown ; lid $10 ; 4th -*8 shlPpinl also
A th NUFAMURM-10 YA�'s fullea Cloth, -,through freshets, great
.-C�rtainly not. tible penny-a4inershould have inen allow- SEWIM; CLASS FOR GTRU.--all ]o Vo., Saw mill and Salt work, to It _a 0. let Win Elder, 2d J;,l Haggen ; 10 yds fitb,*.6 th 7th a c9vy of the .9,2,n destruction to iiaill property. Allen -0 FlIne Boots f -r -am *3.00
M -'Base is the soul that ed to send ont to the world �L paragraph so worth, we hear, is opening a Sewing, Satiliettel 14 Jas 'White ; 10 vds Ba,7tosit� an4 M4zada Farnwr for one year, It is rep irted ithafille Royal Marriage andllupwarl at D. 1e rg, sonlrj
r. BLAKz gaitland road graded and the grravejlih�. dresW
for girls. in East Street School' to be la�- 4onipleted from the station to where tbb',Flauue�.all il Ist Jas White, D Black;, preseute � td the Sec' en eet�side fo
wickedly calculiLted to injure our frie lety� by Win. F, Law has be rithe purpose o
from I gravalling has already been done, 1st John Ll ea�ortb. allowing a daughter of the Queen to marry
VVITNE.:-3 -1 thought 1 mas co-mi.!-nt relations with oarAmeirican neizilbom. Ai every Baturday afternoll al4of 10 yds colored I lannel all. wool, Too MUCH MARG3w.-Xr. Bell, a IRS-
OW!y entit-1-1 to. ZVOlViVa tU3 1110W.V I l , correspondent furthur says:-" All This is a -capital idea and we hope �110' Blitannia Road graded from tha Hurft.` Troker, ; 10.�ds Union all wool,] st D Mack, The makGhwill be o len to the Dominion a son of-1he ke ong minizirer in Glasgow, was dinin*
ellio* - P Da of Argyll. sell
could have taken a"house at Ottawa tindh time ibe Prilve Alfred is lying quiet- for whom it is intended will largely U4 toad to the Station and_�tho grav 2d 0 HOP!cetter- ; Best calf Boots n an occasion, with wparstmoniousbrothe�
t his n P r F, I 11st" J free Lo- embers of the South 'Roiron Prince Amaol eus, of Italy, with the ap- o
-nse advaula.17es for the but I tion be' referred 0 the Road and Bridge To-DiES WoRE.-Pair Woole
ly at Sarnia, without anythi advitutage of it. The fee of 50 ce Completed oil it. Resolved tftat�the Deil- Rooddkag. 2d, � H Wetzel. A%ricultit-al Society, and,ofeuntributin.- proval of Victor Emmanuel, has accepted
n- Ott board in Hanii1ton. When the toddy ball was
l not take it. btit.her wiffing crew, and not even sqpDlid month can be a labillrance to none. _n socks, let Brauch fiocibties, and -also to their sure offer of the Spani�h throne. rodneed, though capl anougli, only
he P
with, arms or ammunition." Me*ntime oionimittee withidstructions, to grant the D.,.vid .11,dack, 2d David Alack ;_ Woolen and -bona fi4,e'servants, and to such as a small quAl was compounded, the
11r. BLAXS-It is quite c!4nr-,you had the.suppos-r-d threatenin- act 0 NEW LITERARY JOITRXAL.�We have r(-. ftayer if they should deem it eipedient XitF come unc . er I a EX-Qiieeu Isal Of.SP&inhvs settled buwlbeifig about half full.* The host -
an And have the wol done at ohoe. .4 Wn�,Rieth, 2d %'Vill gieth'; Quilt sewn on pa�jncilb ok,oine 'dollar entrance.. All launc�edoutort the -extravagant style in
f theVGana- ceived the fourth number of the David Mack ; Patch work Quilt, Ist either of thol heading, on neat-deneva.
aticc rtain resill there. What than minister will oscill;te to the extfemi- Literary Jeurnq, published b y Messrk. oommunicatioll 4 rorn A-fr. 11) ob n a-rolind work, let D Mack tty ; persons w It be eligible for corripetition in. Toe rinderpest is rapidly spreading which books weie got up. wil such bro&4
in with all sorts of exag- Flint & Van-Noritian of Toronto. It 'is bout Belgill
_kind of ro!4dence had you in St. John ? til of the Unit- 2d John PC
'd see gerated additiop -pn certain subjects in tonneel Hand made Coverlet, Ist David Hol the first -n twool. cliass ; allwho vever too thr margins. "Weel " replied Mr. Bell, "l
,%.---�A very good on, , as you woul neatly got ul� - work of twenty-four e
_,#,and it will take a Ion. PA tion with nutin sewer, was referr-ad to road 2d-pavid Hostetler. Whakes of C -am Derfectly of yc"itir opinion in that rez-
time E6 repair We damage. 'Very proba- pil 49ngw(,rt!i a Provin4al' ei'-elst or.2d County priZE ormecticufare drying up.
if I had you:41a it. And so on. blished in magazine sha:pe, "&lid doill bridge co mittee. Ace, spectifor I neither like to see braidmargins
bly the St -Clair Canal is constructed oil and utint of Mt DAnty PV)DUc%-12lbs salted Butter, "seo'd iss'; and all under eigh- New York is to have a childrenstheatre
to original Canadian. literature. Alany of Stotts for ho for the 4 lel
Brown in his addgegs to the jIl our territory; and, if it is, we expect our the e .. -hire for t6nveying the' IlfcEwen, 3rd Robt Bell;. Fresh teen yearA of age for the4ast class. where all the infant prodigies are to a
ppear abouttypes, nor the insidet 0' tood
names of the authors are f-Amiliar,� and b, y th lat Jampg Pleice to the Como
sta,.e that up to 3oth, April Isoo Colonel Goveimment to make the clai and insiAt it is to be hopod the boutterb lbiflot Win Bell,2d�W.U&Shirral We do nt think we are saying too much as actors and actresses.
I d in publishers will be ' o
Gran But we munerated for thel rl tery, ft Moved by ur 4C
on itabefore theproper;itithority. alr Runciman�secw BrdltobtBell ; I5lbCheese,lstG, o ner, *a Q.Mrminj this the handsomest -list of
prise. A - recent New York diipate'll thus
y had d asn from the public che.4 Algeria is in revolt.
must 1-rotest against alienatirfeAmerican by Air Detlori ano;� carried, that the ad 2d T- hos Dick ; Piece honey in com b, Ist, prizes ey. og re'ain Canada. by a Cl heiefly relates a story -1 Kohl, a
under tite, Pretenceof 'codifying the lam Aiq AFron;T=N_T.-We * are pleased ta. count is beyond *-�e usual pride and that John Zimmer,' 2d Thos Dick ; 5 yda dres- Society. _Nhe probAbility is, -therefore,
-.4�he, stim of i�12,200 and fcomJnne 11869 -to feeling from us, by allowing such bul The Engineer of the Italianillovernment domestic in -Newar
,W,l ' sed Flax, C , Buschlen ; l3estloaf Bread,1.3t that the idomvetition will be correspond-' r
,2,3 tebruary Ir '00 more, without tie canards to appear in tile public prints, see zhat our talented friend, RObt Foibles,: the all 14 Of $155 be paid.- J B Goidon, eporte thall1lome will ttot be ready for �oo- k, used kerosene to
r 10 8271 recently of Dungrunill is now a member' Pfsq address'�d the Council on the matte D 11-toE lolien, 2d NDOXCILert. ee cupation as capital for two years... light the fire this 16orning. H
n of Parlianiant and without Sitch i* not the wav to encourage Becipro- t irgly great,, -ana-asthe managing committ or funeral
the sanctio, of the Minnesota. Conferdrice of -the Xeiiho,- Weindel."66driess of the Northern Grav E kT'RA PRIZES. Recommended, � svill sparl pairls -in seeming unexcep- � Gen Grant has takes place to -morrow."
call.commercial relations between Canada I Pardoned allfbe Fenitu
thei, 01'
their kno%ylel Until the latter date, after dist Episcopal Clizirch, and is stationed, at Road to"iIiis, Allillicipality sh Wml Kl I) M[CcV; G Moir ; -,Caullflower, tionable #1
a rr_ aulars, had be - and owing thei ive bl accordingly re- Would ye plase, mem -sald Bridget,
turn l fall paxtia the'Union, which would conduce Im- I �nA, we expbet this plowing prisoners ; who h
en de- Byron, on the Winona and St. Peters P.; liability t I at W G Wilson'- Hair Wreath, David Inat6h to:�o atrair.-Bxp,
Wheh any unpll MouSely to the prospevitir of both couti- o pay the accumulated arrears o asitor. 'J leaped from Aabum gaol. the -other evening, Ill like ye touna
Ularlded- by motion. triea. he bee -astonished We hope he will meet with &eateucceo in intv.-est ind asking for relief. fter cj flostotl�r.; Berl
ant 'queation. was Im'-Vioudy asked on the TI It man of all Af It e r c,., ! in wool work, let 1) 1
must be the Hou M Laugevia to find his his new sphere of labor. a did amble � disenssi,;n, it wa.5.moved by IHO5�tler, 2d W"A'.0arrick - Grapes, J C * 1 4 , W- obliged to Mr. me the loan of your white dress, to wear
ssi*�t,. John A. coolly, stated that no ouREcl o are
tg1l,)llers on nn*ftl of la�vsr ,ad niet and seusible tour of i pection JEWF.Li-ERY. CHEAP. -Mr. Jnac -FrIedr- rioi0n, se�ouded by Ur DetlQr, and c Zimmer; Grape iiiiie, ist Will Ularricki Tbe SUA to.a party. I do hate lo be askiu' ye, for
_q ins a Luxton fo* w�ritiiig us that, since the ptib--- r
-turced into a bellicose shaking of the ick, being abouit toleavelUs locality, ried, that this Council agrl upon th- 2d. borrowed clothes niver fit me like my
we presil I' ' , . l Zimmer , Horse shoes, A Wliit� lication ofithe above in the Expbsitor, the -`� ..... *"�*%��%11___,�%��
Deen,app,Anted. These 1490G 'Union Jack in the face of the'Ameticart offer his large -stock of Jewellery at ost" ounty Council becoming purchasers of thoi: mel I Chair tid'y, Ist Win -Carrick ;' Directors �h '-resolved to require the owull
-liketild be looked at as a governmental re- SUMMARY.
Cotllilcil!besumof winner o Xeaper to. pay OS5.90 - (and
t4! hXinewhenitholearnedaDd after Monday. -oad, and payipg to.this 4 Flower, Wig Carri* vinner l
- - - , : - KIN 31C1157 go-.Irce bool from $2
14,000 iii onfi; to tilit the Northel ' D�Aink the da t,85-6. 1 i �to_ the funds of the Society. Prussia tonsidetisthe bontb�rdmenf, Of and at D.-FergnsorPs
gallant Nonet (wiee men buin- scarce l -.7 10 CExTRAL Soaaodr�-The bienibers o the - , , re Y &ditching Machine -in- no, 1 1 '
tf�;a �irlujsterl bcuche%) shoutii` be paked Huran Presbytery, during their Bessi at 'ravel Road 001110ally' the slim Of' $5,j'000; vented brJr. -Chrlitian LaW.yer, was on ED. St Patjis necessary
but sayA nothing ilecisive
arrears of interest, but in -the, need telo'okedforAhortof tbr�e�
T" Pen,.aa PrIsoners Pardoned- Godiiieli.visite4thezellool, atr'th on their :
a& a: cummimionor to boind hts.glgantie i ta" Exhibition near the slid w g�olund ; also a
weeks, &a ambitioupggritlemen in Connecticut
tion of meanUm'e.the said.0ampany' -to pay -their �ll Thresh ooll Shlirtings trom The Germans, released from Met� praue ealapvex his own �ignaturodo, !9Too thee
eflar�q:fttl pondero-im twk-nf 'Coll Ar. J. R. Afiller, and. wer4e.'hi lily or eto_; Together with some AFaigey
Ott 10, UP humanity. 'Garibaldi arrived
Tust, as anticipated-, after four moliths Of delighted. with the conditi' oftheso . - P1011 Bilf'ticyittk�&FniiofFrl%neestownI vb tDo Verg-as
proper monthly instalment of $266.661,oli UPP
cati1;a_,' The lmilcagte matter is. r. pleal o until the said SUM michannicks and laburiDge men of my
all arriVed t
little, story. Colonel Gray mot Satisfied jolly dininx. and wining in Auburn pris-- andthe system of teachifig Arried Ott. ad and martg.lit of mallefoottire .il oolate-tocom- IDIOM_ at Besancon on Friday-andatr Once went
vitli;E&* -permontli a% "co4fifiek'and Wo- oil,- President Gran -b has decided that �$40,00o�droe.ceiyedby this Alunicipality, Patel. at'tha.' Exhibitio)x a chaill which to reconnoitre the Prussian )p0iitiO4. X& native tol I voill reprixint you in the
1,EED 02 THE ftibfft ALFRED.- 11�()' I ; .1 To IP of Godfirlah-
noompletion of this arrangentent aQ was 10roughlby adog,audnot tiations StAit asembloce irrispeatif vf pollytiesp
annurm as -lel -in tak 6 majesty o nerdus other vices from London say peace nigI6
.Per eor believes ing fl'international law has been r4 markable-6ijeed of this boat,-otnee, th�,b
gages) papers and liens be - h%p(led art - illes. 90twithlitifidirig the large con- qLmsyl OcT. 10th 1870,;.are projeoleding, ihe vhiet obalaclic beiig� re
eara cif tl a% roll as the pounds. alterations, is ex*ifig mu&h 7 atten ll Ujimi, or oaddicashen.
-Vii2dicated And that itia,time, the -Fenian over tothe Nort ill Rryaa C6, quiekly
Tshongtt It, a ili& reo-ideum in St. Re, Moblicken; of' Win �so :Psnple'allphssad. the -war temper 1 -the 1>
a li ul zente door, who, U", bern Gm The* COUP'd met this day according -to, A ;Alisialli. Tile At a juventlepartVg young gentleman)
ays tha g 4 lWeu A aboutseveu.yoar
Prussians -a, ' s 4pld
prisoners should be, relgakea. Thefil duly-41schargeol'by,the pigp`cr'.0fiiql inj thip `1 liri 6f the'etioilrod dispersing All � the present. - a approac m kept bimself . from
John �ud take* 11w ais abijileilt ObtaWa. lie &)Wn. on her from Goderl a 4 ' 'T principa, F_
T, alio�, iiges�made- by'AO- 'BrOwli thw,04 embers of a great Fre -in
eluding mortg
an a had tra publican.parl*, yott knowi coltWilob af rind left GO,4ericli at I�30- AppoiPtnlent,
makes, t Qae. Ila welled- Avorti .,'The votaries ol cl&�patch ther�it ol I& p6lapany The lady Of the
A. M. on-. U and xinuteffvf Wli inbelting �Zad andapprov- nth victoiy,
.t66 !&Woliald 1A Uarch INS,` bi psl4arehowevo6riv6 had -been- prforming afta L the hollsozalled to -mm:-7-Pulame Una play
,th 1riall, val, remained - �over an --hqur at 'the iflhirlt Orl evacuated
Isla 12lue, arliamen.- � to logo, 0 o at the-comingelec- nothing is re -was authol
4from- I vfti�eucel afft � contained. in thi
and drawsell-lAof mile.ige. To instify h.';.I, kionsoi sou, that honoraudinatied-mustall go .,�haff detal Tni"Ittes in tlte _130,11-koom, ol! thoe �,Vict6rja Hutell", ed' The coll;e6torrof Tl
loan silver a, a
affect tj I r". L . b jxper,zent
& t ipproar4n -rel to recl Prussittria drivou back.' A sorti6 frGnI.4ance, my ;lear. DhCOSe one of Uoxe
prettly.giria for _yQur
-Tepeaters laxy coa4- and, aftet -ill, tho,�gl� #-a t the sal -tli' etieral Trochu, said"Jo
11f.". #_ �a I tfiro�gh�the cours" '�f
�oomidarlofaitting, in, N.-Iiame ..,ii,,wall, that an army of -fired Paris Aed by G
e ballob�bL l x I The su is
4 the'rol ilIot be o6f6atodd noi.the','monaI itinujn�,,�6-4011911otonlyuntU t4e "wea -disdouuV i symerit.,of fp� -pir. ynie, `no -wife for me 'I -
a_ (IRCe (;j eMolfA On Ull to stuff th We resulted in the ropuls& of tbe,Prusai cried the yoting�q
lor-tuiel; arrived at Windsor lay, liqu title 1, *0 Tower �on account
�of $10 was
der the 0 h a odmil c�a T, r, oLw ae e, "hoill li&,fi tly 'our n digh b o m es ti- the, 03 e e -u'. . jTc it t- tn I "i'?,bub until -day-lo. UnCat ppluts. Bazaind has �96.&4)6d', doylott think I want to
rwrX hoiding a' in t
-pild. Theil-ana r*.� havill -:am r ayon el be worried outAf
41 igen _g
-rown"U010nel Grayso nio day, d* ;=Qun SL
a dastardly outraga on'ttia unoffiend- called f or�tberaioted,:V4 Aialisri_,�Ya from Metz, and h -in irching
hiX s�& 4 ta6a bid 1he'jn,re*0,, when
iRo dQubb-bligy were ordort to 1e paid -MY or pipa
no dautf, ipg� Dominion and how Chdaply' their ordin - 4' "" !I -"Smith -, l _��_Wipiliim_ I in fall force to '* life like PO
'Hoil -Sinclair,. Dot
_,lol 1�16r�Ol daticinj stroUgtheria W �� e�?er. f4 ;,,ZB Stokes 46
U - at "Altholigh
_.U�JTJAI; A. .1 -1 . I J
a the Sweet littlex bill, which, ia gdoilition liial honor is he] the' oalvet HallU, - d . I n d Lor- rike-s-to loo !-,A lawsuit,
R McKinzib. I e -of Alsaceap'
mayor 15; "W'31organ $10 Geo,
go 'X*henL cajaed: _4i too loinsi-atonthel ksio'
-m! Dy null by,14-4-IT& the relief jpf Vol thatt nbodywantsyet m6l
4 iiiffien lit co em ta Y0.6;d M[ Gat 1 10 'Bieiiitarc)i Ilion. inues ftal u
H ji. ussel,
a T I [olitical pa#y_ A& iti A6 comItitutfort aid thatJ raine. Prussiande - a
be conxidered-whoUlet The just open, meethigil thisSociety J�is' PassmarIij Utinoinliono
-to all -thew -IpickimAe -10 will AN long ass wj17.isapig witlil twisted tail like
hold in thi T4mp6ranoa Hall John patchesdevol Frel
on tie jaurned..'' a4ley ps, S21,50'�
noesses at Paris, And. assetithat Bazaine mlej�$_Beeanse wCould, a tail
ruiniuft _4,,r1bitr;a4)r. IUI low: or gain -a few votes. -Them wM g last� Tho� and.- 1, - t Fax 057.60 woon ghost in Ra
icl-d a �-Iyiaont of as Do. cop bly weakens
a, Ma- in 8.14 88 John UD- a
-lie iii -the e, W11'eu eveaAmerican, stat Ill was,_1 aw RARUTA03
es On latgoias.,tha most mve it 11illeri 110l il �X- _45 6 Ihosseiits-Agondraltohe,adqqttitersi6,,tri�at untold.
-claimea as tl jiatifk- -ttul _,hopefolcould hi NIV 'G V -Xiltict _`_._1ia6,b I I - for surrender of Met7to The� Republic has
teir- moftOfia.t Noll'. flen-app �;_. ' - .. L ., I I - , 4 P McGee - $3
tfwpreu, gly w v&Y � ` . I - Ja' a Ost el
ticipateclal 61 a sole t e
7 'Mast -.V46l
count' issued adecrei
'UP tof publie-hapewl The attosaipt to reckoned - Ai , - , .: � - 'balbe . 84t,. il -else, al; mannoever succeeds mutil 10
reqw&� but such goemin cl noW be let �'6jdojj h mes'Go� .01 - Z5, 1pll mltiott sk,-,- Ill poolcit piciking, a in -alrh
tha4w-tte3 Ml their awn"Corasti cad,dn IA6 orGoderlth -largely 'Issuer of'markiimie liconsep, abOli'linj the Caution
SiMpoijy, Unworth
don jvd�y 'Obbignion strict -thePrep.Th4 Trib'ufte itpecial
ofavi&*wakepeo [a. We, hW- thf. the, iiieeting.�, Rolv. E., U zfixcArz J! _combble...Il jo)iii broAll 0. Tho;� - �uncu . 10h oil d in.
.8 ir Ahelt i&
a' ds beingJgots 4s bAn
fit a aRmlnatafle on the "I -chair and' mad I , , AllU- Roos'l on
Gill Dean. 40ocupied he ol faj o h !!Xk irned eat agaia, O;L: the 40ci-ta" C4 I tboe rrnssigni rotiiidA arq
er ust
b4l irt(obhl 'ray Itilawl ond AA paperswhich so .0 prisoonjLri were lately acq l
_110114ar in, nibbi- "next VA 0,010100911111
Wrutdothelte 410;f3howi Vaqhelld an Tjiesdqy�,l I g' tol. th tn not�
-4uddaWV p7ar tVe Pre4doirWi 'Agop l 'L
a theft...' The ma,,istrate a , e
r Alf a4b,
ti�cUj - prooclalft4 ;0RX -Sul
of Hur -)I thiulic of the Axtinl which Uaa tion,sud, sucbl� oer4 --�T 11jereag'"",or they inight W
Afilley.xp�d_,An able truct fiat to come
Ural p atcbero�anda,Urge orowdassomble -on 01tE Thel .draifiU Masterof1lie Mirk
pro 2n And ins
irJohnA. N=491tala, tw* in i1sub, ., Praise$ 4 three, 21t' 16106ki ire a'bcl,4gt-
bi qil�iean. justicern the -l"History-, and- 'Organ
i h beso fortunate, One or the prisoners
Mlhtfo, -If grouni Freemitsons in Brigland,the Rev. G R.
pol illustra 11 0 il, I imml 4. A -basaddidised thiot -a, allo, yourworabip; VeL silital not
f4e teabythaVlenian vonvictions; trift OR If 6 is. be., 1. de. depar
nia I It it were cute, his own 16 OW
Young Uens' Christian A re A 1147flandville i diiie sit, d
The. *h tbb'Grand,
ton tolif __Cirl the have eomeno*
ilt# juatifiAlle- 04,bl out of lit of a Way Th 'of 1()U is 3"214 1" 0 if me iiaa iot lee n 641it.
g lie
has b
4 b
b like nefal tb" side. 1D.U.
T htffioplel 50(y 0
4),a 1
-nic6noltiodoil the/ PrIll e b. '�:_showzd iteine ey rp
pars 0 I(x)ks. Very Re a party, -which is thiis. j Yell 0. id a good' a�sort mcU(-,oU4Q Parii 1,9'l
ly md covef, ets� aE _-questing the)& to call the brcothr4wo
Uadies sho*ed,.'-haidsoa1e tied ters' � -linder hfi Juris, ic ion,
OUT We itten stmoger things than, otk
.Ib*91114 alitlemablev ligridsomist xa *ol on this lubjeoll for ever holatheir followed with -aupoied, W ;roilf tilled ilf b stare�stt -
ito - L T. Gamw otiqtjog �Wqp& 'WAS
able_. 04.being. out of Cis V"b
mas of lodges
O;�ATO� �altfl hdS jbjj�' OD -t- t f
.0 it A -A time W put Ilie purw. ofttiw to tin organizatiola . busTotato;"Ineal -urg- xwtidikfts tram *le-
FMy owill in 4 ibes� -4h -7 he 0 b (Aw eir loodges togethei.aaal Aispi�aibloi;
bL'aud-,*,*,d Vieuns 600, -;:Uier- th rg i,,
a d _ojetiblealwera
lim"t bands f whiII;h j* a to chrilizatiO14 a, I ino _Jn I $t _oots �Je$ us
n ",the lil and consult W
-1 - t. M6sCow'4ZQW 'Glal �l Ull
1''Wrorts--weral received. id'- 6 __oZ --by Mr:J M ' . - I -= �fi - pool 520,'&4'r, iththim"astothenioew-
Fenians voting- ekoce, t Wheat'aud r,&MIUSL
on� 'poutv at ised� ohn: ekee
Ineagag Will Anal stepos,to, -f-U _M
ik 4mmUs lk-ket at the polls-, ill fee -be Uked to, zorganiie lelp A cotton stalk is
ot Xlukero air a ne U w.
W al jWj ro
401 Ol
d - xideaintheli ieston, whicbF,
rat An
1p Ul &boa It tUe 25 t h lat -.f, U A a
oat 440 �.a -0
d 0
&imilar 141t of -fAWQ,' but -M Al v e..variety -404
T.0 Stawart ilol have hit' 'Wilh a "Ol for fii* 4l twou 9ver.300 J
T tie -,wavj
rn n L-3
laf;� rc�
y of V
they b3ve
Or L'aarmy"g n—:21-3
-,C:1d1D:7e tj
be s�;A yea.
'Woolen a4ad -1-'
.great Varlety en
Of Ulpttitr.a.
prera I =-t in t
Caries am! by V_ CMa,�J
that te vatEj $10
an int neltan
Is_ not tiffs
Farra fei
19!,h._T0VMtr J?Z�-Zt Z�v
-NOV. Z__Eaw-d
24.—At r -
Gold pzzml nt 41r,3.
Vail wheat.
Spring, WLca
Barley ......
'Butter ...... .. .. s
Juny, VI -on ...�ql
Vides(grleen)...7;: .�
wood -.--..;...p
-Beef, perewt.
wool ...............
-�Sheep .............
34=11Z3 - -
Itlali Wheat...
sprin- do.,ll
Potatces ..........
FI a ar ..............
R at
...... ......
.Bap. ance NO It , uan,-�
49 NO �f,,�tezm
'or Nr it
-B-1 -Flour.
Nr 82 1"
kA R LB Y— Pe r 45 It
BU T TE R —Da ,
- - IVY
store paclued ...
.)MI A$ .............
Re,�bi�ls of A-iheat I
matket zteady. b, nt
Welland can --I on f,
M W, p -1D T t eil , 15 U-0.
i7b!M 13U!-,'
l vinlft�d MIC
�85:05. IvLeat fie=
A2�1, ffinjoy nmhar.,,
At D Aght. Ont., on t
to 5IL-a old mm
bcr, Taor,=6
Ready R
mr. M To
-Ilm now u2elvc
Winter rwe,
- Over
ALF 13�A
Val and Be s