HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-10-20, Page 1 (2)GEO. COX & ABRAHAM SMITH, Proprietors. $2.00T ND GO ERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, OCT. 201870. .00P RR, .4..NV. A.TYVA.IVOIC, OF Xr.IMA.R. Business Directory. Dr. P. A. WILL BE AT HOME FOR CONSULTATION up to II Pr'ock, a. m. every day. Wall visit tie5t4 at an v aoar afterwards, night orday w49 —. •‘`a tutaartou 11.D. pH YS le IAN. S URO EON, &c. ;&c., GODERICR. C. W. 13:40-1y 13 R. 'Me 'L.R A -N. nrivs/CIAN. SURGEON, CORONER, &c. Office add Re-adence mird door east of CentmiSchool. 49 far c 1%1 CICUSTGP, • ICENTI ATE COLLEGE PHYSICIANS AND SUR, EO NA, C. E. Restdence. the house formerly occapied bv Str. J. F. C. Haitian, Elgin Street L)R. C .A.SS LY‘r, (of McGill College) DITTSICIAN, SURGEON.. Office, overhis Drag ▪ tore. Goderich. Ontario. sw102 J. P. Danter, M. D. • QUEtt ; EON', ACCOUCH UR. Homceopathic i...3Physician, and Ntedical Electrtcian. Eva -Mainz Phystlart of the Atlantic Mutual Lasur Company of Albany, N. Y. 14.• ONce and Residence Park st., Si. David's Ward, Crodench. 1vw42* Medical. len ARD llOORE, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON Ann VA, A;•••01:.-hettr. Manchester, C. W. Febraary 7th. IRV. ev3vr _ N'IcEECoLsOINT, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, Goderich. - August 14th, 1879 w3Otf tee 9. tooARRISTEll AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Joan 13 tor -in. Chancery. .,County CrOWIll Attorney, Gaderich, CanadaWest. Office in Court House. v14n40 l. C Cameron, • ARRISTER, ATTORNEY. CONVEYANCER, &c., Kingston at.. Goderich, Ont. 1v49 Cameron.. tin UrfarrONV. IDARRISTERS, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. Me Office, Kingston street, Goderich. M. C CAMERON. w52. J. T. GAnuow. .1 °nu ..13. (4-orcton , A TTORNEY-AT-LAW.SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY YolarY Pabhe, Conveyancer, &c., &c., Goderich. Ont., Office, oa the south side of West Street, third door from Cnurt-House Satiate. w49 Isaac Er, TOTINS. BARRisITER., ATTORNEY- a f -LAW. SOLICITOR in Chan..!ery, &c., Goderich. Ontario. Office- abb's bLok, Kingston street sw77 Doyle &Smiler, 4, DARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES, SOLICITORS - D In-rhancery, &e. Godeneh, Om. B. L. Dona. ssv5 W. R. Somme. B, A • .r-v.stYs DARRTSTER & A'YTORNEYS-AT-LA W, Mors rn Cirmeery & I iisolvency,Or nvev • cer, &c. Iktoney to Lend. OPTIC : Grabtes-BZ ek, over Mr. Archibald's Sore. sw37. William R.. Bain, Et. A.. fin ANCERY AND LAW OFFICE. cassia% NEW 111.) buddiums, Kingston, Street Goderich. N. B. -Conveyancing:, Money lent on reasonable ems. Dispute stud defective titles to real estate q aieted. Goderich. Ang.14 aase. Nyasa Attoicev-at-Law F. W 4LKER,Solicitoi-in-Chan- • Conveyance?, Notary Pablic, &c. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, CottrtHouse,Goder- ch Ontario sw94 GIFFORD ELLIOT. A TTORNEY-at Law, Solicitor in. Chancery. Con. veyancer, &c. IVINGHAM, (hrs. Money to lend. Disputed Titles quieted. Crown Land Patents obtained cheaply. July 25th. 1570, T. B. Stokes, %A GENT FOR STRATFORD AGRICULTURAL 21.. works. (losepliSharman, proprietor). Residence, tyneld d S. 1W1.13.1common, QARRISTER, A,TTORNEY, SOLICITOR, &e„ &C. • Clanton Ont. w35 'AMONEY TO LEND. Strong Se Squier. D RAL ESTATR AND INSURANG'E AGENTS, NO. Di 6, Arcade Badding, Buffalo, N. '2'. lans..a C. STIVONO, Attorney -at -Law. H. R. SWUM. . Aug. 13th 1810. w30 II.31c ID our...Anil ✓ iCENBED ATCTIONEER, BA.YPIELD, County°, 1.1 Huron. Sales la village or country, punctually at - ended to. L. B. E-Larnfixt, (VIM ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, LAND 1,) Ageniand Coaveiraneen, Kincardine. I Citcoca-c RALF D 0 ZEN FRO If BACK NEGATIVE The Greatest Possible "lr owl to the Greatest Possible Inimber." GODER10B. IMPORTANT NoTrcE NOW IS YOUR 0 OE -- GRAND DISPLAY , mirectorm. 13115ilt£59 r. R. MANN, . House Sign & Carriage Painter T1ESIRES TO ACQUAINT THE PUBLIC THAT .1/ he has fitted up a shop on North street next to the Wesleyan Methodist' Church, with varnish room at- tached where he is prepared to Mall orders promptly, aud at reasonable prices. Thankful for the patrionage of the last 7 years solicits a ,anninuance of the same. Now is the time to Paint your' Cutters, Sleighs, and Carriages. PR" Orders from country Carriage shopsattended to with dispatch. Sign Painting, Gilding. Graining, Glazing. Paper- anging. &c., 4e F. R. MANN. Goderich, Aug, 15, 1870 swl gh• 71 Da FERGUSON i 1 0 BAS OPENED, .OUT co °Vaa i-3 IN DRY GOODS 10 '.4 "—Prices to Suit Photographs reduced to $1.00 pe Doz., OR 75cts. PER HALF DOEF.li. .t.,a,rge Photograph Redue0 in Yr op ortion. I Also will make the largest Phatogrdiphs made 'It Goder1 ich. very cheap. Porcelain plottires from o e dollar upwards at COLBORNE HOTEL.- CODERICH. 411.1••••••••IMMI. E. MARTIN, Proprietor. D. CAM1"BEL Fhotograp Soden:ch. Aug, 15th. 1870. Good Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. Gallery. w30 03- This is admitted to be a First class famish all classes with constant employment at home, the TO THE WORKING CLASS. -We are nowprepared house. kept in Good Style. whole ofthe time or for the spare moments. Basil:108mm, Ifghtand profitable. Ferrous of either sex easily from swl-tf me. to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting August 15th. 1970. • their whole time to the business. Boys and girlse nearly mar...lawmen Thatall who dee thi? notice d h Ir QUEEN'S HOTEL) (OPPOSITE POLLEY'S LIVERY STABLE.) congnacom 2 J. R. Wi F. SINS, Proprietors (LATE oF THE BRITisfit EXCHANGE.) This House having been Thoroughly Refitted and Famished Throughout, is now open to the Public, • GOOD STABLING. CHOICE LIQUORS Al' THE BAR, Goderich August 4th, 1870. w29-tf MRS.w Ao xYES; EHOTELR Og the direct road from Seaforth to Walkerton. Every necessary accotn modation tor the travelling public. HANNAH DAYS. Virroxeter. An. 187. w30 HURON HOTEL, ZUR1CH. CO. HURON. JOHN PRANG, Proprietor. This house is fitted up with every convenience for the travelling public, Good Stabling, and prompt attendance. Aug 15, 1870 w15-tf CorumerciallIotel.TIIteheilC.W rOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th • argestand bestConntry Hotel in Wezter 3a nada.and anarges as moderate as any Hans in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. tioods•a_blingfor 100 Horses Horses and Oarnagesfor Hne, on Siortest Nottce B. McCORMI3K, TAILOR, Sm. (McLEANS OLD STAND, EAST ST.) PREVIOUSLY CUTTER, TO J. fE, DETLOR, & Co TESTIMONIAL: • ODBRICHIOns, SEPT. 1869, Mr. MeCORMICK 1,,If has been in our employment as Cutter for over I year. He is capable of cutting for any first class establishment. We bespeak for him the confidence of any who mayemploy him. TEN C. DETLOR & Co PHOTOGRAPH S $1.00 Per Men. ARCHITECTS. p 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from , back negative 87 cents, postage free, to any DI.ANS and spec19icat1ons of Buildngst Isc. got up in address..) ▪ a tatat and correct style. taa- Office over IC. Debar Cos stare, PartiOularAttention paid to Copy- Of:Aerial, Aug 15,1870 340 ing old Ambrotypes. For ether large or sana,II photographs. The may s t e address, and MIA the business. we make this unparalleled Offer: Tosueh as ate not wells,disned, we will send In to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a value le sale- Ve wit:thrift:do to ar,nfAnice work,r.oen, end ado of The re°1 et the end ea jit;r11 nevrawerae puio:•;If.ci,!..72111,s,riitwitrifrt iedrnamdreto PIANOS, HOUSE ORGANS, CHURCH ORGANS, Piano Stools, &c., MELODEONS, oe/ Manufactured by the celebrated Firm t R. S. WILLIAMS & CO., To ONTO. The most extensive makers in the Dom on. rliE undersigned begs to intimate that he las Leen appointed agent for Goderich and the sur-ounding country of the above justly celebrated finn, amid is pre- pared to sell all articles made by them, at ITIANUFAXTURE R'S PRICES. Sampi^sme.y he seen and terms ascertaine sub - Ware -Rooms, West Street. DANIEL GORIkN. God-erich, Aug 15, 1870 w1,30 TS UNRIVALLED for Purity and Cheap 1 saves Eggs, Batter Milk, etc., and wax contain nothing,injarious. For sale by the G.roceis. ROBINSON lz HO iirELL, Agents for Guderich. • E. PLUMMER & cp. w8y Chemists, Looflon, Ont ess. it ante to Ontario Carriage Shop, St., , R. WHITE.LY Tfitstill fnIlloperation, and is turning ou superb)" ; • 1 i Carriages, Buggies , Wagons. I of all kinds, SLEIGHS CUTTERS. tc, A number of first class Buggies on hand, mid for sale eheapfor cash Prices of all articles in the 'line that will compare favorably with any in the Couqty ir.f All work warranted Particular attention pald tO Wagonette). Ca Hoge Re - airing COMIM -ssion, sabscrther in returning thanks for the liberal, IMMIMIM1.111•••• patronage. heretofore extended to him, GODERIGH & CLINTON would just say that he has made such im— provemeriis inhis gallery as will merit a con- Establi„shed 1€15•9.',*„.•_. tinuance of the same. - SALES or Miscellanaoas Preperty in Codencit MI' I Great Redaction on nesslay. Moneyadvaneed on Property for immediate E. b: 30E/ goN. Sa!o and prompt returns macre- Godericb. Aug. 15;18'70. w30 Farm Steck and other Sales purictuallyattepld- • ml•IMIN•em•••• every Saturday, and la Clinton every Wed- Large Photographs. ed to throughout the County, Extensive New Premises LIVEMAN'S AuettouMart, wSt Market Sguage,Gruderich eAND FREDERIGIC ARMSTRONG, LAND AGENT,. VALUER, Ste, Nvmsw 1V1(..)INTEILr 433at for'the Camila Landed Credit Cci., and tie Lits pedal Building, Savinp and Investment Co. Wl•SIMMIZLEI rC) za SESEtle Crown Land. Patents taken out. Debts Pollected. facdcricti Au.g I5.187d awl SPLENDID NEW STOCK C. Barry &,-Bro„ Cabinet Makers, Undertakers. & Wog - Turners, 3EICALTIMX3CariNC.MT 1ST. • removed across tne street to the store. net -door Wm.Acheson'sHarneas Shop, where be found • A GOOD ASSORTMENT etgitchee, Bedroom, Ithnesreomi aild Waller Far niture,auch gs - TABLES. Picture Framing to Order, Priamptly attended to. R. J WHITLY. Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 W30 i Oldest Establishment in Ton .501551.61, .KA.RTIN ANIAIgN D EG,S TO INFORM 818 OLD CUSTC/MEBS thathe is till able to sell forfeash, at the owest rates • 414 KINDS OF FIIRMWUSE; 1 At hie shop on Kingston Street, loppesite the Heron 'Iota, Goderioe. (ewe htnci s Goderich. Aug 15, 1870 av39 ilGENTS WATEL To Sell the Revised .E tiodof Chambers's Eneyelo tdia • A missue of 1E70- it PAaPS, In.ATSS AND :THE LATEST STYLES THE CHOICEST PAT ['ERNS THE BEST QUALITIES AT THE LO WEST PRICES ;---- His Factories & sheetings TO DRIVE 20 MILES TO r RONA SE For Cheapness and quality all his stook is Unequalled, A, LOT OF COTTON YAKS BEST QUALITY AT KILL PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES HE CINNOT BE COMPETED WITH IHIS GROCERIES Are equal in all respects to thoae which have gained him the reputation of keeping THE MOST RELIABLE FAMILY GROCERY Cir -1 Cff_nalt ICJI RE SURE TO CALL ROUND TO HIS SPIC4D0.11.10 ON *HAMILTON STAEET before eqmpleting your purchases. HE CHARGES NOTHING yOlt SHOWING GOODS AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING PROX De FERGUSON Goderich, Ang 15,1870 av59tf Stoves! Stoves! • L21 419 0 0 0 Ind Pi.4A.IN 4.2•11) /4114..)V M • _ . 2,hT .a. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ter Coal Oil Lamps, to. 84e. Old Troia. Copper, Brass, Wool Pickings, and Sheep Skins' taken eechange, • 1.de J. STORY, Mir Slat of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, ,Goderich, Aug 15, 1F370 NEW CABINET AND ITPHOLSTERING S OP WEST STREE'91 OPPOSITE BANK OF . -MONTREAL, GODER1tm • .1 . ERIC IVIcIKAY, I.ITOULD RESPECTFULIX AN - new shop lathe aboHv e lino,1aocue West lase t rbeaest ooppepnoes id um the Bank of Montreal. where be will keep eonsantly on hand orrnake to order FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Itaving.on hand en assortment of Uphels-,ering material, he will be prepared. tofill 'proinptlyall rders '1 hand. - ln thatline. •JI0 BECOMPLETEU •:-F„Y (-1417.5IES CM sae WASHSTANDS, 40w for the first tune appearing= tbe ' Plates.Illustrative of the cubleefs of Ifiltura1HistorYi 113*Gto:etItorta::ugb:14,Ritsdreot, 44811th:in' tt? _boilinms to raPes eaoh IllustratrA •t.) it. four. thous- and, Engravings and fortyfifa• fowl et; with a aeries of .2rom eighty to one hunlrel (ttly engraved Or a share ofpublie patronage. PUNdgg ALSO LIPPINC0p118., 1M. M X Cie 3a* L. MATTRESSES w40-tx wooid. , • w30 CABINET FURNISHING W A RYE H U 61E faill sr** • iS V 0 LA X„ PAVAD.A. PRESBYTERIAN' on him betally by gorprise: He id quite following,. Cemmfttee Was apPOintei CHURCH. expected another result. Re Woeld like esiguire iota the! whole Matte? atuiltregeto PRESBYTERY oi Huume-This reverend to give the Kincerdine congregafon time] to tbe Omni Messrs iseihnYser(n$ body ;net inKnox'sChurch,Goderich,at 11 to think aborit it.again for a while. The < • • • and Rood. he salaries :of Ate tenohor a, in. on Tuesday, llth October. Sederunt - grit-fixeel %lei the teachers re-appegate I/ were • ed was on' account of P* wom••• ••••••••• [DANIEL 'GORDON, me peer 0 • Rev. John Anderson, Mooza.eeoe, Rev. would like to kno w definitely whether the A Maclnan, CLERK. Revds John Fraser, CIA.131-INTE'r .111..A.ICEat Young, ones, Ferguson, Goldsmith, Gras R Ure, eQuaig, Hastie, Leask,. Gracey in some other way. He greatly desired de - difficulty about Pine Rivereoulcl not he met UPHOLSTERER,I Kay, is • • er, ser, p e.n, lay till gest regular meeting of Breshys ham Bar „and Fletcher, MINTSTERS. Messrs, tery. zie, Macesh, Gordan, Stirling, Rev Mr Grace; said it might be well to AND --Me9tiamer delaythe petition until these congregations AS now h d &CThEe LCDOEultsrt. being duly constituted, the react d t f 1 Fl • [Undertaker, &c., &c. were reedy to give 4 call. They were 11 on an a minutes Of last meekings at Kincardine, at large stock of would metre that the Peesbytery in the .--•-see-ea- Taes McKilloP No. 2, and at'Seaforth were read FURNI TURE and sustained. Rev, It. Ure proposed meantime 'ant supply to these congregit- thme and 7ecomineud supplement when a y al 81110 a pay or nrIPP ia every variety, which that Re; Mr. Allen,a respected Congrega- eau is given. the favor of all inwant „ esbytery, agreed. It foaceourriiinirwreitIveaoviinsiaz whether in style or weaascoaismot ifwgriteh edthethPart the Rev. Mr. • Mc- Laren' be requested to sit as a correspon- price, such as cannot fent° cominand Clonal minister from the States be request - Bureaus, sWnofaosd. Chairs,' • E Cane Chair% Bedsteads, Tables, Bookcasea that he took action in reference to the Lounges, probable er anization of a congregation at Cupboards, ding member, Rey. J. Fraser reputed Extension Tables,Easy Chairs, Rockin,g Chairs Wardroes, Side boatels, Chiffloners, Wash Stands, Kitchen Tables, Stands, Sea; Grass Mattresses, Word do, Moss do blur do, and 4 or 5 different kinds Spring Mattresses /7. B.- Keeps always on hand a large assortment of Washable gilt and Rosewood Moulding -frames, square or oval, made on the shortest notice. Ravng made arrangements with SAC;Qi.TES Sr HAY, Toronto, oan furnish anything herd or at their Warerooms in Toronto, ' . Has always a complete assortment of Cohns & Shrouds in the Latest Style. Also, HEARSES to hire. Ckieztiz, YOE sOEtsiki. Goderielt, Ang 14, 1879. . • siva Maitland Salt Well PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, The undersigned is prepared to FURNISH No.- 1 SALT, IN ANY QUANTITY IT THE Lowest 1 -"ripe, FROM THE ABOVE WELL, S. IL DEMOB. Goderia, Ang 15, 1F70 w30 " 1808. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON - AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY' Hue been in -existence Thirty-two years and durtng that period has paid Losses exceeding Five and a half million pounds sterling, The.disbursement ot this enormous semi nyce a wide area, has without doubt contribute & to the egtablishment of this Institution, in the confidence of Public Coporations, Merchants, Householders, and business men generally, wherever it is represented. I n its 1st year, 1836, the Fire Premiums *** .£4197;977603 1,382P2M alone amounted to . • . n its 10th year, 1846, gr s 20th year, 1856, ‘, 30th year, 1866, c. One year later, 1867, ec LC e• •11. ie The Fire Reservt. Fund is novr 10.727,464 The -Life Reserve Fund Is now 89,282,468 The company is represented throughout On,. larto and Quebec, by influential Agents, to whom applieation for insurance may be made. .C. SMIT H, ReentientSeeretaart, NEON L am, ma 11.085, Agent for Coderieb ; B. V 1.11hott, for Exeter; W. N . Watson, forgeatorth Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 w80 1 FREDERICK, WATCHMAER, g JEWELER, &c.. . WEST ST., GODERIOH, Near! the Post Office. EGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TO RETURN' HIS I/ sincere thanks to the people of Goderich and vicinity for their liberal patronage during the past 8 years, and now that the holiday season has arrived with all its social enjoyments and amenities, he_would state thatall who wish to purchasojewelry for presents or otherwise -of warfanted material land worlmianship would do well to buy from him at rates comparatively cheaper than that asked for worthless trash. All Jewelly Sold for Gold Warranted, In.. Repairing done 'in the best style of workmanship. ISAAC Goderiela Aug 15, 1870 FREDERICK. " W30 1.N.T Irov Waggon and. Carriage .FAOTOR.Y. BATES .64 ELLIOTT T.T.A.vE pleasure iniatimat- JA ing to the public of town and country that they have opened a Waggon ard carriage Shop on St. „David's st,, -(liewisEltiott's old stand,) im- ,mediately adioinIng the Western Hotel. 1c attendpersonally to allthe work entrained to them, and are pilapaxed tO JAM out Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, aVerything intheirlini3 .of the very hest material awl workmanship and atthe very lowest remunerative rt XI X 1\1* C+ tirk' A quantity of Gilt andFlostwoed Mouldbligit.011 rates. • . ; B4ADEN AND 01.1JOAS. DHAIEfil. eaneandWoild sealed.) ClIBBOARDS, - alapSTEADS, Rouse; Sign $,,z Ornamental Painters, 11116APERHarizers and traiteters ofWootts andMsrble I•LIXCilWrOW t Ca• 37.3t Street.. Agents forjaekson'a universal 949 &IA wringer! opeosafasauniere Ilaribrards Store.) Godes:Leh, Aug 17th, 1870. .17w31 AC 4C, ---1N4T ,r OEM, -DENT ON MORTGAGE; Apply at - VIC R. MN'S Clasne:Seysod Law 9faees Crabb's block, Ood•mell. Oodeeleft, 41'41514 1570. . ON Mom, a large assortment of • S; which will "be sold' Cheap for I;Isawk qv WHATNOTS, LOOKIke GLASSES, -Pronouncing Di IT;Irkary PARMERS AND jri, . ooderich, Aug 1670? - • -OLT FRAMING. or Mgr/hp and lf 0 eg,y, . n tu.; in minra THE 'UNDERSIGNED BAR ranou . SUITS OF - iBliEeticill - Feed: 1 .13810' 3 tB• itre propared to sell sverythinglin counts of the various etibi ,, oeialianiee, tor , and Claasie Mythologies, with the Or nontuation• ot , .. ; occur with aniunber of other new tol Mg ly popes -> , - - . • - • i, - yth I 'CO `n e • oteminen persons of all ag:tisna &don grost,,, luilnag• _money belenging tO IlVatis padres, as. well se .....,.,....-. their names In the different tantrums tasetihschthey Investment onimprovol' Farms, xv-pili 1,:v..P9m-iNT largest cammissian alloweilto AgeinP i . tarw4rIts. These works ire field en y 1:r agent° r ILO e of Interest from 8 to1Opercent,- - 4T ' . „. • , , ... their ltue Cheap for Cash. B, prapleta assortment a Minns and:Shrouds alwvotonPazdaudailearsttahirs ; *Ron reasonable rum. • ALL scocITED, aoirer1eb16th4ng,1sio, aso,tr ••••••••*1.1,•• Money to Loan on Real Estate, fgrPartiettialleue148eistaTtign:d1)4. 24,41; Goderich:Ang unOn:°Pt' . 1160 o7ctlon of Paillia4talliagare(Y(:nry ArlrYtiteNiqrs tbe ettd 078 years)bygiving,threetamitha notice or of paying in any suin.of ;100 or over on account orPritiO1Pal, Interest being chargabis ott the balance only. :„The subscriberalsomoneyre-peyeeep )e, MOWS,' to Le AVAYAIRICK A RNSTIONG, I , .1Inal Instalments, .hgentfor the CausdaLatuled Credit CilinfinlY. •AlsothaTniperialInvest;Company: Or to A ZEPBOY, ' 'west Street, naderiele• Godericht Aug 15a 1810 w30 . atUpper Canada PPRAISElttottreTruatatufLoanConipany oNlert erenabletonne • (0 M‘THUBIIANs 9031144 Aterkiteguars Coderiett N'sN'te _ 11 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ;.• lege Shephard & Strao'han'f.t., 20, TONS OF BRAN. $110115 , *idling)), • WEXOR iran WILL Seli Cheap for Cash. Gnderiell' Aug1.6 -1870; Seventh -An , Kincardine, and :mind that there were ten or twelve who, he such an event, would apply for certificates of mem- bership from the Kincardine oongregation, Being principally a Gallic community this would not to the same extent as in English communities represent what would be the strength Of the conoregatioo if formed there, The Olerk Bathe Presbytery sup- plied the church four times, for which they raised no funds'; they did not apply for supply; and one of the leading men wrote that they did not want such supnly and could not meet the cost. Rev. R. Uze thought theCOngregation shouldholdthem- selves in equity bund to pay for the supply they harlalreadygot.-The Clerkaud the Rev *Mr. Ferguson said the Presbytery under- stood the people wanted supply. Rev -.J. Fraser said the people always did what he -badcilthem and he would undertake to get pay for past supply. A communication was read from Knox's Church, Ainleyville,. in reference to arrea-rs of stipend, explain- ing that the Arrears had been reduced since the last return, and they were taking means to further reduce the emou-et. A communication was • read from Mr. J. It. Miller, ePrincipal of -the Central School, in- viting the Presbytery to inspect the school. The Presbytery aocepted the invitation. A eommunicatian was read from Kirkton acknOwledging that $700 was the promis- ed stf.pend to Rev Mr. Gracey, but that the eollector had been a month late in collecting,or oo arrears would have ap- peared. A communication was read from Thames Road 'congregation to the effect that they had paid Mr. Gracey their share of the stipend in full. A Schednle was read from the congregation of Huron and Ashfleld,giving thfollowing statistics of Rev. .A. Grants' congregation. there are 250 families, in connection with it, 134 Coinmunicants,140 Sebbath Sahel ars, 12 Elders and iq 5, S. Teachers. Rev. Join Elders, stated that he met with Greenock congregation and asked them to make op the avears due for mis- sionary supply, The amount was nearly made pp on the spot, and collectors ap- preuted to make further eeertions. The meeting was a very satisfactory one. The clerk said no reply had been received from Teeswatir in answer to the request of the Presbytery for financial returns, which were wanting for several years. The clerk was instructed to write again. A petition was read from West Church, -Kincardine, requesting the Presbytery to Ask the Home Mission Crimmittee for a grant of 5100 to - "wards payitig for a stated minister. Rev. J ohp Fraser spoke in favor of the petition. Mr, Wm Kay, the representative of the •Congregation, addressed the Court, show- ing thht Pixie River a neighboring station could only contrtlaute 5250, tlee West Church would raise S1503 and were the two supplemented by 5100 they amid call a Minister between the two places. Moved by Mr. Leask and seconded by Mr Hastie that theprayer ofthe petition be granted. Rev Mr 1VIcQuaig, Clinton, though a stranger in the Presbytery, could -not help protesting against this action. In Kin- cardine a village of 2000 inhabitants there were already two Presbyterian ministers, and now a third body of 8 -or 10 famlies seek to get up a third congregation. How long was the Church to sanction this spirit of separatism ? While the Churches are talking of union here is a proposal of dis- union. Weulil the Presbytery sanction it ? fie would move that the prayer of petition be not granted. The Home Mission Committee could not legally grant such a supplement because Churches supplemented ehould be geographically a certain distance apart. Rev. R Ure, sympathieed with the ' congregation and they knew it, The last speaker's remarks however were muchiethe track of his own sentiments. He regret- ted much that the West Church had not been able to unite with Ktiox's Chu*,. and thought the people should have tried a little longer to come into liart&niona union with one or other of the kresbyterian Churches in Kincardine. The Presbytery was not however, to prescribe the tortes and feelings of people if the people were ready to assume the finan- cial responsibility. There would be great difficulty in getting the Home Mission Committee to grant this supplement and the Presligtety would put itself into a peculiar position in asking it. He wisuld ask the West Church copgregazion to reconsider the molter. Rev John Fraser would like the Presby- tery to keep in mind that without this aid, Pine River would be without supply., Rev Me Hastie agreed with the prilleti ple urged by Mr McQuaiga but could not agree to its application. T.he prayer of the petition ought to be granted. He was delighted.i to hear that rine Meer and West Chu. ch were to incite, To agree to the grantf nreqf §100, to the ones church would be ;to save both churches to the connection, He could not agree to casting off one fajnilv much less twenty-fiv-e fami- Here- ss Th 4h:WaP141;1 11edispoeed to prees the question. Rev A McLean said fhe age of the con- gregation; the liberality of the,people; the connection of it with. Pine River oho aid all combine to require the granting of the po- • pay ;resignation wai Itoceptad. An epplication - Pin,LENcyce ---Tprvi) $.-Toggati,• 17:1::ta--- sition. Pine River.Could not afford to . for the means of grace alone, arid vii.,,eth_oevuet trfrti:13:it 17:017 a illic cal gioe; inot:110101:10; i: ;es: 41%,:i noertt ;rnnil; t&, ,,ry,eq. ,78._1:11;eis,„0;11iii: tv. :ri R:ri, hilt yt 1 in i 1;s114, vi.e. .: ;171.1 iii:;:- twhoel;tfhintaniewtiothbi: casrestt Cohfru.rehurwn,e0uRiaiv.gero , Trainer, for promoilon eacb, to o bigher Zw"Pu-n4 ; IrPli 1"1"Inth, i with. all has heart for the petition. should be given .to the united congre,ga- Millet_ coechided Iota repott ions, The feeling aeemed to be that if a Coininittes to dene his duties APIS'''. 1'44 ie kiebe rebellinn ( 14:Milletis 'Report of. Mids'etnmee El.• c4wiiiirilnicl.A.greu Plimigia, .11.1.4z.....li & -other.do.yin Oaring viyi.e;-o. Tile fie., from ,noili is nothingintro sphreev4raentntt.heRe-OverralFVerugut! Preabytei to grant the eupplement, it appeared in the .§9nal at the tivae.' Mr. A Notetiariaia-aulie exaaneal to 7, -;,;,,t -c, by Raman for . aolfd thc} J-har.t of on 10:37.:r.c.-nt ail:ief; iltar-, intardirie stood alone it would not be ifIlire IfIte ESECESiVe VOrporal pilliShiCelit lyellto.giVe it; ttlerefere it wcaild he best i'btah was haw, ifillicted iti ,one of the ef''ASeat Enalal. LaIYIE27, f`23' Caiii to liaVA;', was put by Mr MoQuaia, . Oa -would like rooms acrainst• ble _orders, Mr. reesreloye, sr?rapliec:1, e!le tgo ese 11,0o.s., r.Lcril. •e-4„3,20,11,.:„ ..fastly %Meted 011 LIS b t th . • e „ e to riek theigrant for both West Church- ANT „ workbtiao .by..00trio 0:11142'6 Walk flou al .PineAiver. - . • . aa biebIcau3 aaae ane 1,412. taimnottItti ti:o the amendment in the fcirtn. in which it appeared to compiztp ot ptunsbment w daughter. '',.Tbe repprt uf the , 12,e,retatanedto the imaace to v...t1 ilia 147-;,i Re', Rrre, was not prepared to second he considered tat ii ey soon tared DI,SlIttrlOrtia,'Vait;), tliVinitter delaIedasjforone,it iiiiiiome -Principal was idopfed and afil is a fautIer: . ' prospect of Church Union affect our present decisions and Rev Mr Mcgimig, was willing to change his motion to suit Mg Ure's desire for de purpose of securing subject to the approva lay. The principle of the Home Mission al of the Board; a suceessor to Mg scheme was to erect congregations in new. Scott at 8400 pet annuni aed to Nisi districts and uot to the supplementing of ' Morgan at $250 pe i annum. Carrie4s other chtirehes in places where there areas 4.djoueued. dy. were such, and thiiewas the popition wished to occupy when urging. his emigre, ration to -contribute to the scheme, He would move, seconded by Mr Ure, tliet the consideration of the putitigie be de- ferred for three monthe, Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, thought the con- gregations had given a noble example of self-denial on a former occasion. Wben a grant was given them, they made an extra effort and refueded it after they bed re- ceived it. This was an eseorence that they would not depeod on extragesioshelp longer than they can help. If it were not for the Home Mission paneiple stated bv inkrg.ttlecQpneatiigtilio:.svoold be in taiYor of grant- ! All the other motions being withdrawn, it was finally moved by Mr Ure seconded by McLean "That the Presbytery while prepared to give favourable consid- eration to an 3f application for a supple- ment from. the united congregaeiene West Church Kincardine and Pine River, in the event of their giving a cell to a minister, do not. consider it neeeesery th take immediate action nposi the petition before them." Carried, A pall subscrib- ed by 100 heads of faeniliee to the Rev. Andrew McLean frem Kinloss con- gregation. The Cemmiseioners wee heard who gueranteed a salary -a 560 and a manse. MrilIcQuaiginovedand r Gold- emith see.that in consequence of certain inegularities in connection with the call it he not eustained. Agreed. A petition was read from Lucknew for the esta.bliah- ment of a congregation in the village. Mr. Ure propesed end Mr. McQuaig seconded that Messrs Fraser, Leask and Forbes be a depotation to enquire into the whole cir- eumetences in which the petition originat- ed, The Report of the Committee on the examination of students was airlopted. The Moderator requested a'reederation in a call at Greenock. He stated that a meeting had been held,and that the people hadpromised that) 800andamanseandg1ebe would be given to a minister. The tuode- rator stated that he was moderator of ses- sion and that it was the wish of the con- gregation that they be allowed to mode- rate in a call; and for that purpose request- ed a special meeting of Presbythry in order that thp callutay he se -gasped on the same day. Agreedthatthpprayerofpetitionersbe granted, and that the Presbytery meet there on November 5th for the purpose. - Mr Anderson to,mederate in the call. Mr W Ferguson, Ga,elie Missionary, passed a creditelsle examination. The usual Committee reports were sub- mitted and adopted. A lengthened andin- teresting conference was held on the sub - j ectiofithe Home Mission field. After finish - tug other rentirie business, the Presbytery adjourned hold ite next Teem meet- ing as Chilton, on the second Tuesday of January, 141. 0-oder/ob. School Trustees. as follOW3 ' • • • • p Mr. J. gillee as Prinetral and 1Libarian $650,per.aunum--a- Miss Longsvorth $325.. Miss Newton 27.5. Miss McAlahon 275., Miss Logan 225. Miss McLennan 225: Miss Traiaer /a25:" • a- ,,, Mr Kay moved and Mr Erie Matey seconded that the Principal be instructed, to communicate with Dr. Saegsterforth4 The Board met on the evening of There - day, 13th ins, present Anthony Lefroy, Chairman of the Board, W. Kay, *lc McKay, T, Hood, D. Ferguson, John Nairn. The minutes ot last meeting were read, approved- and sigoed. rhe Chairmau intimated that he had renewed the insurance ontlieproperty An account Of Braden and Clucas for pallet. hie St. Davide Ward School amountingto- 545.00. It was agreed to pay 830.5Q of the amount, and that the painters 'be re- quested to furnish a stetement qf the items of lhe balance._ Account qf Mr. D. Reid 826.00 for grading St David; Ward School grounds was ordered to be paid. Account of Charles Miller for fences, outhouses well (gae, 4737- for St David's Ward School. Mr. Kay moved, seconded by Mr. Ferguson that, with a deduction of 610.00, tlae account be paid. Carried. An aacount of Isaac Fredrick $7.75 ordered to be paid. Account of .3 D. Armstrong for fixing pump 82.00, ordered. tq be paid. The Ohairman of the Oontingeot eommittee was instructed to procure a new pump for East St. ,School. Account of G. Barry and Bro, prilered to be pad. Acconat of D. Ferguson 86.10 ordared to be 'arid; Account OA. Lefroy 518.70 order to be paid. 4 letter from, Mr. Persons, ree questieg the acknowledgment of the Boer' for $2/0 due 1st July 1870, on the St. Davide' Ward 'School late, The cemmunicatioa was ordered. to lie over Attaleyvillea The eighth Fall Show of theGrey Branch, Agricultural Soctety was held at Ainleye, ville, OctS5ber lith, and notwitheteudiag the rainy morning and thp bail state of the roads, crowds mune pouring in about the usual time; 4114 the weather having cleared up abent len o'clock., we haal, on thq whole, a good time. ;The turn ont of Bt:ekt produce and visttors vas at least equal to that of any tormer year; there was marks_ ed improvement in the stock departments The indoor department though not very comylete was very cooeideroble. 74 fel- lowing is the PRJ.2IZ • • Hoosets.-Best Brood Mare, let 3ainen Solinaten, 2d J MdFadzean; Mare Foal,. D MCDenald, 24 W DIcLeoct; lime Colt, 1st -John Maadaean; two years old. Filly, lst D McLauchline 2c1 8'51611m -ion; twe er old Gelding, lst D MeLeuchlin, 24 i.`e: Sillars; Yearling Colt, lst D MCDOnald; YearlingFilly, let A 24 , Forsyth, •Sel Jae tirQatlf, 'tit; Fart,: Team, lst Jas OlIntcm, 211 Win Carriage Span,. J W Shiel; Carriage Herscie.- lst.J Mite; 240 Smith, Juages, hlessre Alex Mclifurchie, MeMurry mei CaZiaa,--abest Heifer -Calf. 3et Robt Denniimes %.,D1cLauchlin; gitter 0.- if.. 1st J Sample, 2.1 T Meleauchlito Three ye old Steer, Wm Greave; Two yr old Steers, 1st T McLauchlin, 20 Win MeLencle ing Steers, 1st J.johnstono2d W Gre-e Yoke Oxen, J.,IpplandePd 14147461/lin Mich Cow, let J Sample, 24 WeTneetigille Two yr old Heifer, It "Calder; Aci •Inhgt Samele; Yearling Heifer, let J.Sample, 24s do; Fat Oz. 1st J xy. Shielo ta de; -Fet Cow, lst J -Sample, 211.T. ,Cahlee. SHEBB.-Best Leicester Raill,`ged, 1st J Sample,2d.I.GeveolecleeShouling 1:ttlollyroeracIsfatioottil,?d2aAl.4tezugartro;;Rozio4ro 44Larrtnoill Ram, aged, 1st R,Bitegees;e2c1 A gorOytbi. Cotswold Shearling Ram, VefIlislool s's'ots:•• weld R3,111 Lamb, let C.hewilno", 244 fa. Ilingston- Grade ,Shearliugatim. A Fore syth, do 'Ram Lamle, :1st W• HingstenT 24 R Burgess, Pair :aged, Ewes, let J Calder, 20 .1no,13roagfoota Pair Shearliui Ewes,Istalt Calder WeZs„Bro.0.4fsiret; Pikers Ewe Lambs, J bablea, jOCliewhitsj Fat Shoup, lst J.Otildati.a2daNY -,PIGS..;--43esb aged Boar, Vit F AletiOkt Boar under 1 yet, T Wsiohneon, 2de .Jaines; Pair ;sprung, Pies, let D Scott, 2da. Virtu McLeod. a Guaga,-.Betat Taaa4,W,011 Whaat, W Hingsten; SP-aing Wheet, 4: Marlasehlin; two -rowed ,Woleye 1st V. ; Four-rewed Bald/v.1st Broadfoot, 24 R, Broadlept; Large Pease; MeLatichlini Smellado,alst Q Janitor 24 j J MoLauchlin;Buel4Pata, Tat- o tBros,dfoot, 24 J J abitca Oats, lst J johnston, 24 ROA Broadfootf Timothy Seed, J Sheik. -t DAIRY Peneoce,;Ileat tub Butter,_ asa RobtLeekie 24 Thos. Calder, 844. Robt: Broadfoot 'Best leble Butter, teleeRolit Leckie, 24 Thos Calder, ilrel Reibts. *code foot ; Best Fresh. Butter; let Thihis Broad; feet, 2nd James Ireland,3rd.Win Greue Beet home-made Cheeee Ist.Win Greave; 2c1Robt Leelrie o Best iectery cheese, ist Jun Leckie, 20 jug Lecicip,•.,ges FRUIT,VBGETABL400.-W.W.fOTtappleei lst Robt Broadfock ; Fall applaa, Akre Stewart ; Siberian Crabs, 1st ,no WShelle Collection of appless, lot Jute 1410.aelzean Potatoes, let Alex Stewart, 24 Mc; Fadzean ; Swede turnips,Coneigi. Pernatiii White Tornips,Ist James Caldeta; Beiglata, eiarrot, lst Robt Leckie ; Aleyingham lat Opened Beruath; Blont115.0; 11,Pt W 44, McCraolcen •, .Onions, 1st .tainee.fiayler ; Parsnips, lst W H 2icCraekert ; Corn, 1st. - ttott Leeliie ; Mengel Wurtzeis,letJaineg. Calder ; Cabbage, 1st Samuel,. Sten:mon a Cauliflower, lst .Conrad Boreal, .4 „Pampa - kin, 1st °eternal; ,james;jcartaaall; Conrail Beanath,;,..Largla Jagnatoes, Cenrial Bernath ; Tont:ages, let int4 MeFadzeen ; afieratz .4et. john Glalee ; Citron. 1st Jae tiaaaehlan. -; Jude, Measis. 'Wm.. Aux:lemon, W Johnston, John B. Vogt, .. ; . -DOMESTIO MANUFACTOBEi, -42.-.41folne „made &Intel, it Wm Martha,- Bono neyanghten Drugs -t; Oanteee lieland,24 Ronald kleNaughten ; Blanket, iindreised, 1st ft,)nahl DieWaughtlera 24. Wel Malin ; Counterspane, ist Moa Lach1an,2d W Mcittaelien ; lst Leekie.; Einbroicleryan-ranalin' till January meeting. 4 letter from James . i.!,. ,9F, Carild4'1 Ade/,,=a4V.V..,?1.ti3?''t 11,11„. Bisset recflt ;sting to.haveaa man employed to cut wood. wanting more shectibonn 3?Trocilie;Illte, a1.7t-31' 11;-.04;ceerarlltis54'.'ett ' and some convenience for holding wood ia vae,raalawall 1:11,1.11:14A gr5331-Y,Z6; ?I,,etrcr'' tbe tapper hall. R:eferred to the contingent Knitting wool, let Mrs ..g.r.Msant4 ; r'4atnee';', Cannuittee. A: letter.from Robert Bl ick Knitting cotton, ist W. G. ifliugsatoa iaa ' cord. Referred to Ooatingent Committee. 't 41 1st Mig-P Coder i Tattinaa'-' -tt3t el It. . SpeeimeliFetting,lat Miss Calder iFaU0-1 Cooper ; Wax wealr lat AIN a 0•11 kdlie offering to cut the wood for 6b cents per A letter frora, Miss Morgan, aeqraesting not to be teaippeinted as te,aeher, en tathili quilt, let Mrs. Armairoattt, ; • naidita,,6 account of.,ill health, and asking the. Calgrit,911'olle.trkalrign51:3111: i".45eil'l 9 E e UStia testimonial.' The resigeation was Hearth.ra „valet T.W alolna'stseta.:PA.111;131re°ctlfire accepted to take effect at 31st 1)et.of .P1)0touraphs kAtoletsety,pea, lee D. --!,-4 and Ufa testimonial to be dranted at,that -Steive.rt• The felb,wila""' ' .' i' 'dlIK:-1 c, u.11112 S were re - time. ain aprlieatieo from Miss Elizabth ennulle,g4e.4; 1 * J)tnaagk. applyPa.g for the teacherhip of Sivtinettaa lst R 3 t:61; 73 • , the fourth division. Laid over " flet Wtn ?truths( 4 Sofa Cushion, 1st 1.47r3 1%1%4 - 1St R. McNaugliten .4 ree o`f Sisese1,37 ist., meeting of board. A letter .pas read strom4; silver adao ihmero & coar :14v.. , from J, L. Scott nig ting hia I ltiltiO1 BR 1St Mrs -.1 Leckie., , Jafigea, r;LAputailty9.. teacher in' the Central School. t he Mrs Viet,' MrasLeeab.i ....3 _. a sow thouribt if it was the miod of the iminutions :was read to the same, ef3et as 4 „ , " . ; •