HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-10-06, Page 4here
----eese-Seseas▪ it
'vent: Vie
iM atItr=.
-v.:3s r the eel! sida.;
, VP% a tv'he sh;•2's err.thaar aud fed
; r>1-. •te egain .
; a one a, ndi as
- t. as' for ht-751;at ,
Zi,,r.i.z.11%., the MiSthrt^sqlrallettW-
V,IT u La: n ttO lit&t::tr110
mastiter brought int -ken*:
"Ii,? unlink. • how re smiled
IN 'hen :ds side we hus eonno
Jost !Eke a Itarpy
curls and $riatitb. e$74
An' hiushes not a C3w.•
-0; in ! nzasthl ess clear, ye rinrena' *He,
IFor witat titairaasther -t.to
'They gshl I Pet-Ssell' tostfsr grt-se
'Frani a Canny inD.1: from to"wn
4:1• I Was tie aNt in an the place
hum she gave a gown -
'01; Ta:roy a •.'.rt slaec then had
.4 raaay anotitzr too,
An* atiat,aaass,dear,-ye was' relit..
;For what will the Aztec dol.'
"An' we can sonieflW,
To show °tar iove for her.;
Th,y say th pra,yess tf hor.oar
Isaren intake astir.
A przWirs shall pierce; the sky
ezra,SE Stk truo;
Ss iii;s:twen.s, .lear, ye meza
&es our prayers ars lievite sou,
wen ripsmn, get wen spree.
A ezask. oar hearts rainino
WW1 re?s,ila's Lel yer party face,
. nnninilan* httio
Saire 11:::;..y a 2.374:: aS wen aS
thilak but of ou
°eh nasthrtss, thulin% dinra
ur sr.:311108o the inasther Cno
The -Rival of hi tagara,
• .1
_ 4 ••••),.....,
• - '
eatrionn laxellorataren,-. Telegraphic% tinterprino.
eee ..sio assialuthloteteit's exrenotron-terrnats ' The Montreal Telegraph genii:In-S.41d :
ewe neeorreenoareitnretiteithas' I ,*.getodnight2e- 104 after the boat truie it
. 1 -. .
sit. noderia moralism vritee to eay. rLeapeohlrettee.109Tlimere las a rush of newspaper
tilitt he has received along Ietterfrom Sir „„ , ..:A. ontreal to witness the ginat
_1 Toe -filmset% on the hanky -of the Wilite - P°13-rett 'thOirenet'''. into the officals at
Samuel Baker, dated the 45th of Jone at -"en't 16."-l- •49 8°°° " it WaS ° Yef th.V.
. aeileetu lat. °AN. He heathers. establ, isle- Loi,thitte and Metitresd for transmission to
od a stetton in the. Shillock countty, in 114 pomti of dm complete Thessompaneh
. which he will piss the rainy season, mid with hos oustotoarY excellence of mange-
. has ereeted magaztnes of.galoanizederon went,. had a salfinent force. of operator*
to protect his provisions ego '1,)aterialt. on hood at both' effices to itecomodate all
. Hie doting, of fifty-three vessels, 184moored entn" tinteeitheugei4eras weesan lai
along- the wharf ; . the /troops end Eatope-
atis were comfortably lensed and in, pod 114en8°-WL'unt d WegraPhlog it'W" dwle
upon on` adimrable .,syStom and '.°. with
wonderful spee.ct. rhe Mentreals papers i
tell Ulf that during the night, and in ample 1
time for the carhest edihons of the tires
health, hu. Samuel has been joined by
t. all branches of the expedition, via Mare
. Mr-Eligginhottonehis chiefeegineer
having eonveyed the vessels and stores
_ across the Nubian desert ou thnbacks of
= more than' 1.800 camels. But the del&y
caused by the &heti-action .of all convey-
ances (Jenne the openingof the -Fuca ea -nal
and the absence of all preperatiens
Khartoune, which Sir Sainuel, had direct::
ed to be ready,eaused die loss of the ravish. -
able season for the voyage up the 'White
• ,,,....Z•Lged-, e
r 0
• .
•TOSII S i3117 •Tel'BOY Light:lingo
130fligS. • • 1
bss bora en ba taken ie slettiey lightning is oider:brande throe'
year Irold bd k
_ ..,---.......,....
- ... 0
I -
OR- SAILE*1101/ TfiL0 RE-INIIT:14,-Lotlilre, esr.;10.; t. TA198:,., Fog 8ALli
:,....4.t...,,,o:::„.......::., inunl.L:abeTreililtioaullmlingrio:ree_11. AT. co AYF JELL
=theism% It is a cornerlot. Fried B18.110 per acre
Leedon, Ang 15, 1870 , ._ w30 _ 'T MS NO'S. 71 40 7q. BANFLEPP ‘00NCEEC6r°144
GI. b "_____r ' f S I
pri urinearin ..A a, 0 I, ftereelthhiorchowe,tiofidradityfieltd.be. Trepar,tre isealx,Baram.c. ee
vcrwevrayarrrm ......4 „.ea.mr,:n.wt. vren.., ,.. 1.obijinSt:ix?:14Wildtritay:foPtheflt:dtlfifi:::::1:0ttleav87celf thatehree:8:abcf!sett
y. ecoenlietwaningread:sescresseson:wtwoorsiesedesrve4oftLe:::::tchell
n.f:beechend maple timber of splendid growtP. mese-
7:751ILE:fillrrom Goderit:112-an:9 1:11:::::"Plintejli,
ich to Bayfield, from svh eh it isseparated by the Ba Is Situated In anold and -well Isettled meighbourhood,
lioer. 3 e6tefunwlii tisaiiptv fpo:rov.;:e r eiosIe eit?sire,:in: i noiinieigni2s?_vIvi; g iabciantrueedvbssieur r il gals° %Ice. sh oh ,a1 ii:gi 1 a r ac rtchnuelvss trmivi le n?.del ,irdilt.. : ww:ao u Isetraad tf :yr o du r, iu cie htpaucleoa, r elle: etqfea r i t i t• 0 t ilirvOwl to tb 8 acre'
I- V shliate(1'911 the OrTelltsadMonikilrg from Gode- aeresea-tet le, Ranee A- Township Stanley,
8,401 via& Two s ry concrete house, se y feet.w V" terrasal3PDIF td:_____._...BamajAMYciheell:fa:b3!Aeec°rr7lrlae."1Pra:b!
ThLeeallarisetfahaolliraresireewohpeefttrtunihfreuhitotn:y toeis.insegFrarnetromaeub:nn:Saensynn-coef:s., . seerewi, w. C NNOB, Esq. BaySeld. . .
ul than felther inland. Applyto
or G -11. TIMEMAN7?1,Y141711ofidneth
good faunon the ph, Aug 15, 1870 w30
. FOR_ sale two Very valuable puss in the Teen
reWa l'All NS f or SALE
August .16, 1870 , . whO
Farmerk-Livery Stable
D. Ashlield, Co.linron; ocnatainbig 80
- •
I _ et. Tin orn, d a kquio er ete KENnits Agn oviinEs.
bibieltie•irta, her way to,tooloa,foluoiar 1510..•,rt, e.ajonagme iikeesruahprermaweobtyory-al_limhd• ' -
-aeothee hundred -children. : hissing .eofeceee if lianas -demi -the ttrAt- Drag - on• ,Tofirs
oa the following morning therh mete 1
• _
trausinitted to the newspapers or Ontario,
,,11-,2tD words ; of New York and Bostonr
14374; of other places in the United
Stafes, 345; of St. John N B 7' 339
• • .3
of Halifax 615 -making a total of 31 483
tvdrde. in addition to this tt despatch of
Nile, the couree of Which, ainee 1965, hen 2,336 was aent by Atlantto cable to the
become obstructed by a greet dam, c°ine Newt:tirade Chronic/et the first, part of
' p sed of masses of marsh vegefettiou float- which watereceived at .Neviettalle at 1240
ed downward,. beneath which passes the •
a. ra., or (alloling for difference of time) -
water of the nyer. The stave tradershav-
a trifle over an hour after its commence;
ing been thus prevented front follOwing
ment an Lachine. The agent of that
this usual tante to their old hauntslehad
discovered a passage to Goodokoro byway paper in Montreal has received a cable
of the Bahr Giraffe, which has thus prov- ectegranr tO the effect that they received
ed to be nate tributary, hut an arm of the the last of the despatch at 3 a. m and it
roam river. Up this arra Baker attempted -•
duly appeared in the Daily Chronicle of
to proceed, but wa.s forced to return. His the morning of the 16th. • For ten days
camp, on the banks of the main river,being
preoediug the race the Checmicle received
established, Sir Samuel will emptdy his
daily xeportaper Atlantic cable. The last
1,500 men to sow and reap corir for the
advance to Gondokoro,itt November uex.t. word of the !sable despatch was handed iu
At tne station he has stopped a boatiaden te thettompany at Heart's Oontont, Now -
with 150staves who, hesays. were packed; loundlaed, within three nsinutes of the
as close as sar'dines in a cask. Including time ie wee despatched, and the whole was
another lot which he had liberated, bellied received in En -gland within two hours of
ativady fieed 305 of these miserable orea- -
its despatch from Lachine, This is ex•
tures, mostly ivomen, young girls and -treamely
boys. and he writes with satisfaction that creditable to the company, and
the enterprise of the Chronicle has never
one of the firet labors of his English black
smiths was to cut through the Chains which been exceeded even by the boastingjour-
bound these unfortunates together, all of 'leis of New York.
whom, on obtaining their freedom, were
duly registered. Sir Samuel adds that
Lady Belie'. and himself have been free Romance a_bout Eugenie.
from all aihnente ; that his nephew,Lieut.
Baker, R. N., has been highly serviceable, (From the Lynchburg Republican.)
and that his six English mechanics had In 1851. the uncle of the writer resided
proved efficient and well cenducted. as Americari Minister at Paris, with a large
family artinnd him. At this time appeared
The Lt088 ot the thiptain• in society there Eugenie Marie de Guz-
- man, Ceuntess of Mantljo, a lovely young
The Portsmouth correspolifent of The person and an aristocratic name securing
Times gives genie additional particulars : her ,brillant conquests in that society, and
"Robert Hirat, able eeamen, was sta .h.er otnewof the moat famietho
I as thought, and in-
tioned on the fore eestle, hnd mustered- deed freely remarked that her mother was
with the starboard watch. There was a more embitious than herself, that was for -
strong wind, and the ship was then -under veer designed for her some great allience,
her three topsails, double, reefs in each, while Eugenie hail& appeared a model
and the foretopmast staysail. The yards of sim ple sincerity, a giel, who would choose
to coastal her heart in eny matrimonial
were braced sharp up, and the ship did
not seem to have much way upon her. As „alt.ofHAelrb blad pst married phe
the watch were mustered, heard tlapt. cendent of Jaamaens /I of -
e r weinegk , ad neaartid age
Burgoyne give the order, - "Let go the worthy mother, Donna Maria, no doubt
foretopsail hallierds ;" followed by "Let designed at leest an equal matrimonial
go fure and main topsail sheets." By the destiny for the mere beautifurof her daugh-
time the men got to the topgail sheets the ters. But the heart is not always to be
controllee even in the most aristocratic
ship was heeliug over to starboard so much
lifek or to y.ield to its exactions or eon -
that the men were washed away elf the
ie lost hers to afine-look-
ing an e gime, yeung Witham O.
blcerd z4fr
deck, the ship lay down on her side as she "wan
was grndnally turtling over, and trembling Rives, sun os the American Minister. They
with every blow which the short jumping. were engaged to be married: But aunt
seas (the sea now was white all round with Judy Rives, a Virginian matron, very de -
the squall, struck her, and the roar of the cided and anemia iu her scruples, inter-
fered and broke off thematch ;" the Cotmt-
steam from the _funnel roaring horribly
ess was too'"fast" for her old Virginia
above everything, and coutinuing to do so
views of social sobriety. The woman for
tvhom future had. reserved BO much, es-
caped the comparatively humble match
that her heart had decided upon -the
d stiny of a quiet Verginia housewife -to
ascend the throne of France. Alas, what
Other contrasts may yet remain for her
If an event had been ordred differentlye.if
a prospective mother-in-law had proved
complacent, the Empress, the wnman who
has adorned the throne of -Franceand dis-
played to the world the charms of another
(Ileopatra, might at this moment be aquiet
country matron, living in a farmhouse near
near Cobham Depott County of Albermarle,
and State of Virgnua.
- _ _
Cardinal .Awtonelli, in relIying to the
letter of King Victor Emanuel te the
Pope, setting forth the reasons for which
lie occupied Papal territory, has introduo
ed a new eleraent in diplomacy. He
teplied in a letter so illegibly written that
the combined wisdom of the King's Cab-
inet failed to decipher it. It waserorse
than the recent letter which 116rece
Greeley wrote to alecture Committee ;-
for in the latter instance the committee.
made out a line or two somewhat to this
effect :-"I am in Ishmael and yawning."
But the King's Cabinet could not deeipher
a. oord of _Antonelli's letter It wis
probably Intel:Idea as a Means to • gofp,
time, bat so far seemato have -failed, for
the Cebinet suspected that to be the in-
tention at once. As an improyement on
Talleyrand's famous maiiine that letters.
are intended to conceal ideas, however, it ,
deserves a high place, in the devices -of
Mr. Richard Brown writes to the Lon-
don Times on the 29th
in the month of April iast, a waterfall
*f most unusual height wns discovered on
the Potaro, a tributary of the Essequeho
Ittver,by Mr. C. B. Brown,of the Geologi-
cal Survey of British Guiana. Being short
1)f provisions, and at a great distance from
his boats, Mr. Brown was not able tb de-
vote more than a-coripIe of, hours to the
examination of the falls, which, by hasty
bar,imetriml observations, he found to be
nearly DUO feet in height, the breadth of
the river at the top of the falls being 100
yards and its depth 15 feet. On his return
to Georgetown, in consequence of the
strong desire expressed by the community
that a careful -survey should be made of
the falls without delay. Mr. Brown was
instructed be the Governor to proceed at
-once to the Ms for that purpose, accom-
panied by Sir G, Young, Mr. Charles
Mitchell and Mr King. The result of
their journey is embodied in the inclosed
-article, published in 11 -Demerara paper of
the 3r1 inst. , which, perhaps, you will
deem of suficient interest to insert in the
c dumus of your widely -circulated jour-
Sir George Young givestire following de-
tailed. description of the cataract to a
Georgetown paper :--
"Although 1 am anxious that Mr.
Brown, as a discoverer of the Great Kale -
tear Fell,and the director to the suwessful
expedition which we were permitted to ac-
company, should have the telling of his
own story, yet 1 can understand that bis
friends in Georgetown will be anxious to
hear at once of his slimes% The Fall has
a clear descent, according to barometrical
observations taken simultaneously by Mr.
roan at the b.ttein,and by my colleague,
Mr, Mitchelat the top,bf 759 feet. Above,
the Potato glides smoothly' in a slight de-
pression of the table of conglonieratesand-
stone, and disappeare over the edge in a
body which we estiniated at 80 yards in even when under water. - Hirst, with two
wid th, and of depth uncertain intim cantrei e ether men, rushed to' the weather fore -
hat shaii0pdpg ralkdy towardeeither baok: .
easee netting and jumped overboard, and
When hlr. Brown distevered the Fall iii
eprii, the rocky channel was completely immediately afterwards they found them-.
covered, and the stream must have had a selves washed on to the bilge of the shies
ef at least 100 yards. .At present it . bottom, hut. had no sooner got there than
-is diminishing in voInsee,r.nd, as the Indi- the ship went down.. Hirst ind his corn-
eas Et-sm.:red as• will cDutintle. to do 10 till pardou went down with the ahip, but the
October, when only the centiul and. deeper -hext -feeling of consciousness hy the
porti in, about one-thfrd of the whole, will former was coming in contact with a
The best time, therefore for a .
-t :s in s/Riaacr. at iaa ,end et wilt ape floating spar, te which he tied himself
Z;e, the rainy season of this depat,- with his black talk neckerchief. He was
t soon aftervrards, however, washed away
• .4.:• wo saw theFall I cannot imagine from the spaerbut got hold of the stern at
- inore beantiful. The eentrepor- second launch, which was floating as It
is never dry, f"the a 8mall was stowed on board the ship -the seeond
. or reentering angle, and the beine stowed __inside the nett launch, .the
. • 7 r ttis part preserves its Cortieitelley .• •
•-• distanee from the -ledger. But malley name the second launch, and a
e - • !Jere ase„ antniere also, at a few canvas pover laced over and over and
E • • pin the tgp, all semblance of water acted round all. Otherinen were there
d, ;a: ; it breaks up, or blossoms into on thelop of the canvas Covering. They
fine. Itrain or sFay, which dcends in the - 411 In with the steam lifeboat pinnace
',veil known rocket-likeforms of the Staub- _fbailt by J. S. White, East Cowes, Isle
bach and similar waterfalla, but multipli-
of Wight), bottom up, with Capt. Ba:.
ed thousend times into a small dark pool ber ofmen on her bottom,
er cuirtain of tcrecipice deep aclae aa" a aain-
iv hollowed by_the notion of- the„ spray. hut eguld mot distinguish how many.
The mvern,behind the Fall is the home of Four men, t f whom Mr. May, the gunner,
thousands of swallovis; which issue from it proved to be pne, jumped front off the
in the morning, and may be seen return-
ing in their multitudes. at night. The Fall
itself is one vast descending column of a
fine dregooking, enocv-white substance.
bearing a resemblance, in color and eon-
sistency:,' tothe snow of en avalanche, tut
surpassing all avalanches 1 have- seen in
size, and in the beauty of the forms taken
by the materiarof the Fail. Raillibc•ITS of
great splendor were observed, one- frem
the front of the Fall in the morning, one
from the summit in the aftt-rn.00n.; but
this last reverted,forming a colored loop
or ring, into which the whole mass seemed
to precipitate iteelf and disaupear,and dare
underneath„ black- and loamingi at. the
„ gorge mai outlet of the pool.
Pota*rot is bully in I:Oxford' CoUnty. like au old ibtklioole, sitting on or -
' itteetiatated ' that the English. wheat ,1 TA IlfatIgF4eat
hot Iron stack in ieettater Three erns"
last"year N B H min d loSontidne
-AI tsi TtPt; Bi4iit t°c)ki't -611'11A 1 b t?i- and.
crops will &lige million bushels short cfc a day of ibis intet experience Ispreparedto Dector Rorsesfor It/nesse,
nor in sixaionths; on that he can - Gedbrich, Aug 15, 11370
licloir will tan a man's
don't fat a man (eider -brandy don't) -,'
Sir John Yinnigethe Governor General
has been raised to the peerage Of lhe
UnttedAingdom wader. the taloa Baton
Lhgri ;
A•011B011t118 a new petroleum refinery.
I y
' Mr Mc arthy, M. P., for Riohelieu
died ou Friday at Sorel. ,
Adjutant General Ross has returned to
Ottawa from his tour -of -inspection.
e .
Rev. A. Styleman Herring, is highly
satisfied with the condition in which he
todg the emigrants whom be helped out
to Canada trom England. •
-Fleming of Brantford ,..hce klled -tb.s,
Berlin Telegraph for libel, because it
-"Spoke in depreciatory- terms of the spread
made by hitkinr the Press • Association,
damages meted 82,000.- s
The Doily Tekgraph alipeared on
Monday ino'bandsome new dress. •
*Ilia total Paid-up capital- of the Banks
- of the Dominion is now 833,000,060.
A Canadian team is- going to Yam-
bledon to contest the rifle champioeship
4eith tho Marksmen or the United King.
Quebec priposes to extend its iity ger, and Ithe grizzle ov Inz gullet sticks °
bottom of the steam pinnace to the canvas
eavenng of the galley and launches. The
canvas waeimraedietelyent away,thegalley
thrown out, the first launch floating eway
from underneath the second, and ' the.
oars got out in the second launch to pull
to the seiam pinnace to take off Capt
Burgoyne,' and the men remaining. Ilirst
says it was acem found impossible he du
this. As soon as they endeavored to get
the boat2s head up to the sea to row her
up. to windward to where the capsized
beat, : with their eeptain and a few shie.
motet withhim, Was. floating, the bat was
swamped ‘ level to her thwarts, aud two Of
the men were washed °et of her.- The
was . set going, ,the •oaRs used for
e "'•Vespent ti dayS m ascending ,the_ PaalP
Rslecittebsi, *welt wu heavy in good, aid ballingthe water ont,and a seemaihtttempt
detained nedouble the time anticipated. was made to- row the boat up ageinst the
Five daya brought tali from Tumatunaari, Sea. This Proved as unsuceessfpl aS the
first. There were Only thee, eara in ehe
the rosite3t nu oil trie Potaroto the Pas-
mena villae. in this stlge tilers Are tin -, lonat„. the remainder having been waiheti
cataraets, two of which. ai lea -stare inflect*. , amaly and one- being iii use for steering,
sible. We vane twodaye in visiting the - °nTY eight reinained for pulling the boat.
foot and summit -of the Fall, and descend. - It would be useless` to proiong the tale.
ell to the settlement, lesieeft Itesig.s. 'Nothing could he done under such condi-
Brown and pug te computs a survey ;time, with & hesvyboatauch u the aecend
and skeichei of the couritvy in four days -pinnace, - and Warhead was_ put for tbe
and a half. we expect out. co:nage/toy 'shore beTere the wine Stases, eat 'Captain
trae, steamer onthe 1st of Augusbodieu this Burgi-3Yall Wal nOlLY tO•WilidWard, Clinging
iiraperect, re;..-'ord wjii be supplemented. tethe bottom -of a boat, in all thet storm
We had fine weather, and suffered nething . a hr°hea water°, . :
from the climate or from fatigue, for which : It_isimportant tonotice that the general
we are indebted mantle to Mr. Brown?* °Pinion of them *Primed tO be that; 'With
g y. c apples, roasted and broded: beet thong
Mr. Brown mid brz, MN: remained. at r sure de strong wind upon ehe under part due St Turner's between 5 -and Co ale k
the Fait Myna clays after ,, the departure ,,cif ' of the hurricane deck had a greater effect
• - this morning. The train siturrinaningi0 / She ' velfetabli-itart li iniiie fittOnine 61'
. eitne, A special • h . 1 the lnifidi° c'f' tke 414 in36136f'°r° rm
im.,,,, sketches of the Fall nnd obeeriaticons ly. upon the hull. of the ship, than the 00a0 , WAS it Cellip ete so e yil__ , :"' 1 A ,,,, i
`Wreck. So violent was the Concussion -that , tar4279u; tunneri Po reek anal if Rote le;
eVerything wasbrokihr to selintere, and it take -a litlietesP. -OnItivitte- 301132:PeetP fh
Mere numereni. The lets te• Ifie Lea- '14151°19-gical-ball*' 'A'' -Vteasant 1)1°Iir °f
foresi ht and stint the ship haying aslight heIover, the pres-
Ate late pnnter's festival, the foie
lowing toast was given :--!."The printer --
the master.of &trades. He beat! the -
farmer with the hoe, the carpenterovith
his rule, and themasod insetting up talI
columns a' he Surpasses the lawyer v.,nd
octor attending to bie oases,- add beats
the pence in the.: management -of the
• • ,?
Ilitittb StatM•
New York, Sept. 28 -The folloiving
particulars of the disaster* en the Erie
Railway, near Turner's, thie morning,. has
been obtained from the passengers on the
Expresa traieht-The train which caused
the disaster was the Lightning Et ruse
Whiske d b t hini 1 '
e tt putt erg- up•I
41'11-ried WA°. If a man kan survive
the fest threa years of -jersey lightning,
he'tesefe.rort the int seienty five years
tow ouM, 'fig keeps lOOking every diet
more like a threesyear epeppersPods
hotter in hotter. AB fila' cider -brandy
drinker 4111 itham in a sudden shower -of
rain; like a pile. ot stable manure, end hiz
breth ;smells like the bung-hOle 117 a rum
oask eMptied. 'When Jersey light-
ning II jest born it tastes. like bileing
hirperditie andcayentielhalfand half, and
wilLtitizlii blister on a pare ov ,old oovi- '
Aida' lifeAarts in fifteen minutes, atia tip=
-Goderieth Atm. 15, 1870 swl
S It V ErkI,
S &coating of pure
"silli61162711011110e,_;._ silverioverthesear
meets, platedhydhe patent eies Fiete
p exte witty, will care the rheumatiiraa
tilde next to sterling silver that ember emplo ad atili
on & Co., and.is beyond all Tomegison. tialeVe7 be
each eitherneefidly or Ornament y, es by no possible
teet.can it be distinguished from _silver.
inpute Ster:GINd oitiL 'rsOtEciFuo.liICEiGtoorelfinierlesth.
nd durability
Fiadleor Bead King's Thread
old silver patte7 pattern pattern
DesertFor'kileatt46$.:et8.. 1:9;0513 SA.c60145..S.
12 Table Spoons 9 00 9 50 . • ....
2Table Forks O. 00
or kill the patient, I forget which. The
'first horn alnan takes of this linker will.
make, hirci think he has swallowed a per
light, hod he will go oat behind the barn a
and try tew die, but ken% The eyes of
an old esidertbeandiest looks hke dee_p
Wells ent a ripe tomato, his nose ia
like the comPleashun of a half biled
,011trlike.4 the elbow in a tin leader. The
It is said t at Capt Cameron 'who`
candy pined some notoriety in connection POre _ tenons the drink is, the more in -
with en attempt to, snppress the Red Ric*. meteratelare those who drink it 1 kan't
rebellion,is again to enterthe regular armye
lt is surtnised that the 69th Regiment
will in all probabilitreemain in Quebee
during the winter, as orders for its rem°.
sal have not yet been received.
The NovatScotiane are rejoicing over a
report that all their tretibles, cauted br a
want of JUdges, are to' be remedied by the
appointment to the Ben& of - Senators
Ritchie and McCully.
The late residency. of Col. flauliain, St_
Peterborce was destroyed by firs on the
morning of the 25th. Loss $1,200. fully
Uttered by insurance..
Montreal papers state that the water in
the St. Lawrence_ is so low that vessels
drawing aver twenty fact, will have to
-finish loadieg at Qeebete -
About one hundred and twenty million
feet of sewn lumber were, this season, ship -
to England; the 'United- Statee, the
est Indies, and South meries; from
the Ottawa lumbering district.
Punishmeritisneverinfliatedin Phinears
a deterrent from the comtnission of orime,
the alleged primary object being, hoorder
to satisfy the offended majesty of thelaw,
to obliterate a delinquency by a Pro-
portionate degree ofihysical sufferine and
a fine ; or, foe those able Mid TAM; , to
pee, to transmute both their orient, and ita
corporal punishment. iato hard cash.
Thus the seeining universality of oorporal
puniehmente • except for trivial offenses
and ameng the poorer elegies, changes its
aspect and hecome's the exeeptieo tathei
.teltyer wheat er eidehhtandy will shot ten
1111,-Olirsttolie. days Or tiot,Thr they pee,
rider outlive ell the rest of the nabors,
stint 'Ching a hands, and iz opened on
anddie lestr soon az the old tavern
,temperadoe enieeipiee. - One bottle ov
-sarsaParilla -or ginger pop, iz feed -to
theze old fellers az et rifia ball ia te bei -
e, I Fill do almost ennythieg but murder
tevaeaYel a Yeung man from_ lightning;
luif tile:1g to save au old one its like
yu might az well let it barn up, for the
athes iz Worth more thatk, the log.
12,Desse Sr:toilette° 6 50 750 850
12 Tea, frons 4 00
s 0 .
4 50'1
2 80 .2 80
5 00 „ .5 50
1 SagfigLadles - 2 00 2 20 . 240 .. .2 40
2 Gravy Spoon, 2 00 ... 2 20. ...... .. 2 40 .... 240
90 . • 1 00 . .1.00
44 50 50
2 75 300 300
, 65 60 86
Salt *gilt bowls SO
Mustard " 40
I eloupladle 2.50
8 Sugar Spoon • 50
44.60 0 05 52.85 59 25
El -
Any of the above article -4 to ba "sad singIT at same
prices. •
N. 11. -THE BEST QUALITY OAT of above kept
tr. stock Inferior goods entirely excluded. Preen!,
eased on the ready money principle -not credit.
triellio t put the fire out ov a holler logo •
• „ TheleindAgea of 0. Drunkard.
A CERTAIN Ftedelo philosopher, Ilalllett I
Jan Lotis Plonquet, has recently written
a treatise oh the material and moral in -
thence the use of wine, mid after ele-
taihng itti effects as compared with other
spirituons extradts time dila tes on the
different degrees of the effect of intoxi-
cating liquors : •
Firstly. After a few glasses a certain
gaiety 'produced, the subject becomes
talkative, fedi good, and is induced with
pleasaht tthottghts If he stops there it is
all right, and he enjoys a good night's
StoondlY, If he drinks moro, he is
sprung. TI+ he loves to babble, and
-makes witty and pointed remarks with a
certain !fore& of -convict*. It is the
dawn ofi his mother wit, developing Ins
bighestelntelleetnal faculties,
. Thirdly. Mount another rang edict
Goderich Aug 15 1870 ,w30
I •
port SALE AT .
a: H. GARDINER, & Ca's.
Goderich 25 July, 1870. iv27.-ti
. •
rnHoSB bnilding Lots 485, ..45S, 569 4. 670
.I. Arthur street and St. George's rirescent, Town, of
Goderich. APply to J . A Callender, Esq.. Inds,
Buildings. Edinburgh ScOtlind.
Goderlch 25th Aug. 1670. w131 -31n...
- ,
In the Comity Court of die dennty of Huron.
be the matter Of William Dunn Shannon
an Insolvent,.
1. Egg , Judge of thrt-Honorable Court, bearing date
the twenty third-dav of August instant, will be sold
by Pablic Anctionei. the Roma -of Trueman,
Auctioneer in the Towu of Goad( h in the County of
Huron. at. 12 o'clock noon. 'on Monday the 12th day
of September A. U. 1670. . Tbe debts *due the estate.
than the rule. of the above named. Insolvent; until the day of sale a
Should a culprit convicted- of a petty' of_ ladder. ; There is moee animatien and
. list of the., said debt,s may be inspected at the Ear
is highly colored. Re becomes met of J. B. Gordon, GOderich.
fence, be brought before the Slanderin , ;OveretblpS -. jowl- HALDAN,
dieted there is ho prospect' of intervenine hitieself the tete of jokes somewhat risque, Daitedualh,15,2,31(1 dtz f
tPahr tleenlinqi"Ifteettlte.'eP;;Oc!liztehincl e;dt isteot;v4ertir, The, arc exoedinAy:fuony.
but weli pnte •FAocsordipgiy, to h,is cm,Vn 4srlerlsay Aug. 25th, i170. w3i-OePt 1 s
deeie lieshevinc.ed bethue ;11414. rlithY eke
thanks foe the paternal e anxieiythe inane -etefirthii.;_
I-Lu4:0-onv'ersati n is et p itnagery,-rapi , Gederich stmt. noeatte-
g. Attliisfourthdegree `331MM'berttealeill adinkned Monda7 fit 3'
latent at ,nooin'
• •
Justice chastitunent is immediately, in- more eloqtient- and less logical, end allows • -
ing 'what might have` eir co menet,- ,
ment of au humeral cereer. -Shohld the and bur in&
• r • -
ihagistratelappen to be a pure Ohin.eoje; a with!' . plugn of phiases-enOugh to bore
eireumstanee not pf very ; frequent- oce. the rads pathintlistener. He accompanies
currence, and the criminal 'it Triter; the :hie talk; with emphatic jests and disoon.
latter may demand to be chastised witheo merited ideas et up te this point his Ian
whip as a nobler' inetrnment ef punish
ment then a bamboo; yet,it ii rerely- he
can be forced to the additionaLhuthiliatieen
of actnowledging graeitUde ler ehe core
reetion but prefers to Submit. to iMprimine:
ment or evei a fine insted. , Ati, oue of the
dominant raee, hie pride eanhot brook to
fawn wrier° he believes he ought to com-
mand. ' It -
i• *
In ordinary eircomstances, mandarins;
ond perreena-hnder fifteen. er -over seventy
yaks of Age, are hither exiinapted '..*Iesete
punishment' altegether, or 'are allowed to
make a- petunihry -commutation, at the
rate of about thirty shillings for eaehblow.
Subitithtion is winked at, and it is Said
that there are pereona henging aboutevery
-court of juitiee who make a regular basi-
ness of accepting the punishment of 'the -
real eriminalefor a Consideration -by Wein--
dilgenee end connivance of the' judges,-
Tha aubstitutese having an_uuderotencling
with the executioner, is stretched on the.
ground, arid he enes qut at every stroke
with ell the pOwer of hit. luegsealthough ' Eiglithly. Very Drunk. Hp now begins
the hambee. whiCh really only strikee the to.otere straight before hinie and sees
ite0°Illi; Beethil f° eV* It.ini. tiiiiii,rt-.140.w. theibla His equilibrium. is entirely gone.
" ' 7 .- - : 7 s .; 4 and he rolls about here and there like a
Hole ro ozzli'Are:•-•;DreLevrisi adeice to e• 1 .
ale= Ladoo-Itistead- of aping to Izedat 11: !hi° 41 1.1 si°rnal giving utterance to in-
fo ioz it, roti ao: jeally.iii oarneat: about "aoheySt intedeotion. , '
getthopluctipi youthfid , aPPearMeete you .Nitithly, :=Reetd Drunk. 1 he head aed
must go to bed aftlier-9: vdiook, i -with a .-..ttie Stomach are heavy -the eyes fixed' -'.
fresh, plump, yonthfrii peCionet; a el -tight ced glassy. , ge can neither speak' ter •
'.1ibiii; in any compafiy wid gratify voii amt. walk; and nO longer belongs. tot,Iiii' World.
Item Mende more- than rie dezen flights Fine* he sinks into a sort- of apoplectic '
ith this fagged an& old look. So • 8° ttt sleep, wherein' he drowns of the devd-or -
bed atsi or 9ee'oloelel and_doet2t ber; la a ,,it. ms,,retii„lwrfi, .., , - ,
hurry ehOut getting up ill Ole . Intirnittg.:
morning, drihk as muaaettld -water oe Yon • e .
On going to bed saul on getting upiti the °
..:.:e.'"reeted Feet, bla4iii• -0:81131 t3ani°11-14 latisiailil :-
. -
can iwailow. Soon you vrill learn to -drink 4' puitivelyenred by, the us of or rine.
trio tum lent ; .andslome. -.Petite/1m maY ',umbra °illative; Thie Remedy It_ as been compound,:
:leant to nk still, morehe ,Dienrall ., that Idwitit,:ggi- , ciat:1 and: nselas dilated, near fails
pine iteihitech: WO bear.- Spend -4490 - °id ., r 1.1 e o _._ _ _
dial of time in. the con ish-;;.ifitivic.; Td - - Catarrh, a disease whieledistrilases us and dilgtuitS.
ba rby, u, re debrintristanellyAtl=ndquickly.cured
- etirlri a
'010r0180; butteapoted to,the sunhat ,
air. ! If praeticabfa ride iii w carriage tome 6
' ngigtir
Itejdylor altpelliangi inflammation? Sanoldi
tinge disti ot sad correct. •
Fifthly. Tight. lie begins to feel con-
fueede his geeture' are violent and his
epithets extrayagent-he,is fall ofnotably
abridged and' 1413 ideas proportionably
- Sixthly. When he gets very tight he
'feels am inordinate inclination to sing, and
willy treats his friends not only to
one meg bdt to many. Likeivise he
instate on making a speeoh, orsto go out
-and take a steoll in the streets.-- He is as
proud as a peacock, fierie is a lion, and
amoroly as air dove.
Seveothly.1 Drunk. At this stage he
benomds quarrelsome, but stupidly good
and affectionate at bottom, liking nothing
more titan to Shaliehands with everybody.
And what a Op of the hand it is The
tongue becomes think and the mouth
Mires. atieLals.vaa
Refreshment Rooms.
Npyr Re -trued tye New BOlding
, • .7 al .
lailibekignladstriten 133 rhne'r LaidtrYctistom' 44n. orMs mat
the New Buildingon the oldstand
Godench; Sept. Lith, 1570 • w.4ti
NOTICE OF Dissoturfoit-oF
ivrarre4 IS HEREBY GIVEk that the Partnership
1 heretefore existing between. PAILKER.t OATTLE
as Chemists and Druggists io Owen Sound, Dnrhant
and Goderielt, lute been this. day dissolvedby-matual
All debts owing to die Caid Partnership in Coded&
aye to be paid to GEORGE CATTLE (who will con-
tmite the Business in the old° stand), and all claims
egainst said Partnership in Goderich are to bepresent-
ad to eald George Cattlee whoni the same will be
litd Goderich the 19th. Jt4y. 1870 sw95t1
Shephard trachan
GROOERSflotittgkietL 'for Di:kisses ot the litrixd., Lunge, torer,`Ligeetive
Organic Kidneys, Ito., as well as Scrotula, the vanens
HAVE, been reeppanted ageati`at. .!Sirbefk:IpainweDn7,tleageeesttesormets: ott ,eloeli:Itiell.:00771thztoesainer.:4ces.rew:es.:::,:feclutogs .Sas) 1.;,evi:etgro
1.7 -Cf -co. de. 66h -fete -the' salenr-- eet lebrated remedy' hats Q AULD. ere
rice!. 'I.
-was there ebei. "audit age is thin in the person 01
- -nottlisfiy,o.0"ortahpana;efeAtil, c.trfw05.,S;r_s :T.,hentatuo‘cfeenisecciwn;b0; la;
rea Live -COmplamt, or that of „JOU
SHEPIIARD*STRAV/141; actuallybeen on cruteliesice year‘in Spite ot all treat..
- ment heretofore, cod is now . Scone of eischcases
Gederich, Ang 15, 1870 t -,w30
raig Ilr'reiillmeSurtlienedlliladrogYiBetOsParec,sie. d-geost-A4'Crircsottlii- oso..1
nunosTsEtiblisrabitleraceErtrureatepnokploaajan the„„4.% jaw* run
dS,t: ik;araten.zu
ban 91113 -t itnia.r.D'eearisiericnfiniSmlioi
treat, &large stock of Btandard and Dwarf eine. :Agentsfor Godenc-11,1figgYF. lroidC4and, ll'arker
Cattle • '
ON THE SALE, slupolOoderich. For particulais colts to
• Auguit 13, um
JOSEPH FHA ,1% Huron Load.
BATEIELD GRAV.EL ROAD, ,Goderic.bsyTsowno ship
creek runs through theland. The lot is situated on
th.e Griverload about 11 miles front the town of aod,
Mich. Theland is a rich elay loam. being very imit-
able for wheat.or fruit growing. The lot trill he sold
cheapand onpasy terms, Possession can be &wallet
October, for particulars and terms. apPly to G. 1.1
PARSONS or to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderich.
Goderieh , Aug 15, 1870 w30
Farm for Sale.
▪ OTS Wand 64, Fayfield Concession, In trie
• Township vi Goaerich Containing -68 serea,
ot these -over 50Scres clearer]. with -.good Frame
Barn, and Log House, about 24 miles frotn
Clinton. . For nuns ofsale apply at t be avonon
Court Office at Goderich, or to Bin WIGG-ING
TON on the'premises.
Gederich, Aug 15, 1870 w30
t OAMES, Easti-oflot B0,119th con. Culross, • Co.
• Bruce. 7 acme ele.ared end go_ od log balsa: -
Clear -title for 6500 cash or for $690 one third do
and the remainderineennualinstahnentswith interest
at 81 per oent per annum.
,Apply to
Lumley 5th Sant, 1870, w83 -10t MerehantTailor.
IN BA x.r.u6LD.
- „
rpm subscriber afters far wad four eligible lots in
-T. in the Village of Bayfield. On the premises are a
gnod franie dWelling, barn and vinegar factory. For
partieulars applyg on the premises to.
GoderIch, lIth 1670. ww28-t
p vpl age of litmtlandville one mile frorn GoderiCh
m the c,entre of the Godeneh Sall. Works. House ann
Storeentirely new, and CoMmodions with grlod Stone
Joellar aud'Lat ExCeilent oondition. Terms eery.
Apply to H. SPENCE, 'Soderich P. O.
or W STANRURRY. Burgessville, P. 6:
A 'NEAT, substantial frame`l hintse,-4 rooms, and
ote fifth ot an acre lot with geed barn, PunIT)40•.
on Macdonald street (the Smith boundaryw2) Wmfest. of
the -residence of Mr George Om For farther partien-
lora enquire at this office.
Goderich Augnst.8th, 11370.
1.1(ingston and St. David's St: adjoining Crabb's
BI With tit
large Frame Tavern
Knowiss the Western Hotel, and Otherbuildings there-
on. For terms and particulam apply to
Goderich 12September 1870. ser7-tf, '
The far-famed -atirellable *OitherinS's Haraery
-BEADLE, 138Q.. •
E house Plants Grapellities, Vet.,
$31' stooknot on hand, ordered an the shortest
notice.,1 House-Aidaitlardville. Goderieh P.
Goderich, Aog leealh7.0 woo
^ y
Telilefollowing-temarks on Testunomals et most
wonderful ouidextntoffinaly Ogres ••• Canada by
theGREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They're sternion
deniable and incontatible late.' sufficient to vorivskce
the mostakspticalthatthe Gee& MetBeinal Cempeun.
.„,erked after for asee..03Xiew scootsible anthe Great
honrseveryday, Remainout enough togiv.e glitS4 PE
'eve strizeotorra co, e
. , - • -
J7NwiliPEARIGUGItra6to,WA_TI80, N,,,co7,•``"""I'd,
you rt pod ‘.appetite, itut,doret itotiehard sem' ietaeofee,origesrth' cenistioucer* e Caterrh, HOLBROOK & ovate,
_ CRA -13i%
4 ", APRICOTS -4e.
Aloe,' Grapes, -Currants, i Gaseberides,
Blackberries'. Alse,‘Ornamental Trees, includbig sofa '-
tenth& Rilmarcinak IfeepIngi Cut -tared
eepinf Biro 'Ice: • L- z
enough, to prOducto -eXceneeetparspiretion• thorqughtrial-ogivirtii ;it will Vintilet gini a ILA:414;110/10.1.
Eat. great dial nattneel iperridge • tteetisato rseteees & 140N,
cracked wheit,gittliammitsbehedoweets •
.,ith Pile a
'81)11:12:1bY7011P e:Irt44Bre mt:esh. am;sted ciff ta A.11 AMII,TON &
A n5I sought for a care in vain ;
titte Briggs' Tile Remedy as directed
• Yon will bent healthand peace egairil
f.hr Geerge,50teiz and Air. mitettent /oak. :or leverige,' te put the matterraore Miles an hew ,and was 20 minutes behind tile' animal ParE'lla" d"-11-- an haur'
a the whIth, dark and velocity rof tbe pressure of the wird in her three _topsails
stream above_ On_carefullyhvorking But hag. TheYaltPReered- to he marl/ 114'
that mean result of ftre. separate observe, M117110.01 mike= opinions that when the
Von* taken simultaneously at the top and PIIPtain got 4er.ttleba‘r4f lid* well (iown
bottom of the ran„ mr. Brown found that in. the "terk th, nireeq,,, nen, te„ weight
they -gave the total t al Pervert- Or water on 640 istsontuAru, Oreter Or we tur-
dieteree. eneeeteeleteasgoreeete Tee ret -deck„ and the pressure of the wind
depth of the cataract Vali Sllbitelittelitly blowing from the port hand on VIII under
taken at the edge of the pool on thgv wag- surface of the hurricane -deck, AU4. thus
ern shle, by aneroid barometer (it being tIallinte the ihipright °yore she had no
Enp0681blie to carry a large barometer ta
the foot of the Fall), and found to be 8I
feats making the height of the perpeogicu-
- lar Fall 786 fiet. The width erf the river
Zed yards above *Fali Ina la Jude,
ce of zjihting herseliagaiii. One mao
&eye that, in answer to Copt. Benny -nee
inquire, u to how much the ship was heel-
ing over, leo heard -the /1114WISt giTurr !IV-
42fill and Tr degrees. This movereent
-and its greatoseetopto 0. owe .1" maw) 5 was num- eheckeel for a mement, for Un-
feetlews than at *et water,: ''- ' .
, - mediatelv the heel of the ship had been
' t. - ' Risen a* 2r• dooms ails was ' keg - uppee,
- moat, eau$ about to make diet treateudous
downward plunge, with the. roar of the
"44 "or° "4/14141' 14 14c4111"111- ft* Meseta from her boilees sSill forcing np-
IRA me tromilthltmomig Stimmlmtmtms mietli ward, and outureetnieg thenoise of the
that it ie Weems* their VOW Val& ' e
sua. "Yee lees ease tr Wei
&ad the Aides emote& at '
tech elf si Ass Isietbity siiiisir, , -Thaw ars said to los 6,060,000
. V184 dais eimet lathe the United State*.
tube wealth of Groot Britiot ineresiek
•• 1"11/460111t -.ritotAititiiiibe•tast iitAtottio,Att,e.--:
, ,
pitsa/harttaLlita=ngta ""*.
vi4 ,..,..; -
ilwill -2:fme lois mom heee givii a bard
WWI Boatel la the urr be repot the poor Fenian.. They say the
1440- " ="1"1: "0114 Ek"idi `am. Wow* cis et the fortress at Lain W
Tara von ' tea lama arrilatle UAW _ , - _., 4.___,____ , 2.___ al
eft dew tie 14ta. kw foil a to a' tam werw "rth7' '... N"i4Warir P" "WM*.
AS Ileilk tillt itAil Illiffillie .(s. ._ fill it) eiviliald *Woe&
- Z"--.
surPriSuig,t4t the casealtien were not 'laugh a 4 grow fat' resteupon a sound
cannotfali short of severe' thonsand dol- the swnd: sPirikis treit 0421-(it'st
lars, It is regorted _tide siftern000n that
Xi Lent wa.e killed, kat thit:renort-
_remove weitineX 14111i _
New Oriesag, Sept 28 -The deatiot
frem yellew fever yesterday, were 15.
e Father Walsh, . St Patrick's Cliondh
died ,lsst hight-of yellow-U*61e ,
New York,. Sept. 28-Thei steamthitt
Seotia r.eporbilieving :signalled the steam-
ship Hermann yeeterday mornixtg under
full head of steam, pmened by &French
itar -vessel, alio, under full steam.. The
Hertaanti wae e long wey ahead. Of the-
Frenahman, anti thebelief wu,thaashohld
s 4ble to maintain the SWIM iliSta.1100
leen. 'herself and het. pursuer until
ht sho *odd then escape lathe
hmilingtela Sep, 28 -It ii iiieettshied
stoat* Department, that the tuts in
.10430 French blockade,
Itsd Imetoreufted wises f
laws would,
wow thongitt
of Froueit Y
digestion' Kaki. youttikin ileep in
a room thheee the ,osttn ahinee,, keep every-
ehing sweet. and Clean-, and fresh about
Your hed "bleep nine if Possibleihin hour*
in the twenty-four, eat ae linty. fad pole
„cultieatelthe jolly spirikandin six months
you wilt be &Spleen" aa evetrYour lever
*mild wish you tobe:- '
:Tfas Irmstval OP • uonsitif••r-!-
idolatrous, featival .nf sjoggernaotte.-
again thii year been.Marked by lois (Vito.
At frurripel n shrine shout 49.miles foto'
Calcutta, m the interior 'of ..the Hoeg*,
districts and, eelediceted ..to: the Huldoe
Asetilaphis, a caniPeetativell salon erir.
Juggerpeuth wAs'being rinl; i3dalong amid
fteeat'ctoiedoer - Onappreitehligg' le- narrow
portion of. the roade betWeen slink and a
WIA4 theetar eras iteddenlY &egged se.that
it felt ote the *all, and Oaths& three elders
,plii to deatlia The prieets will int
t eeci404koequile4* Vet
v soramforb,
maunder the
lettelltsleetunint officials end wheel; sir pia
:stated, that the ton Icitaa tigatiop. .
ing=usjeaseteenfafreet,e, rieeeeit The fireacivil inerriagewas celebratedat
- X"`." Vi011130. id; the 16tit.• TAO grsein Wal
yet takscplaaa. jamas&
Di J *file fl'`,6;10:'-'7.1rg.fstred,;-weat Toren 411° t 8 i4s,t,'7.. fVn 3.'' I.1 Igcs a 4,MO4 to
. 11 h ' 1 ha " d -
-Present stak. ,, _ , . i , .. .- .
•.:,14 3 lirigge•EileiiteiliiiraaliiieWleagea bit all who Givemeiteell, before Patehasing.elsewhere;. 3
nix. tried it (and their name IsTlegiony tete thelat, fl ,,, - • ' . e ' f • - WM. 9Menttlii- _
mosl ittectieefalah4:Miteei0ifejteeiety Over used fol filedenlohiARE ,I0.4--fi7,0 -: .,.. ' 'ir wa0---- - "
hat disiase. -Sold' by iDriiggi, eta's.-- - - .
, AhrRons suffering from PileliIniernal;•Bleeding;' _ '*- ,.:. ,--,'...:,,,,s, - - :.-i--;.:.,,':•-•:-_-Z _.L.._,:,,.:_,_; d -k1 ,:;:.,:-,,.:,
`agnxt4ct even -4ttavIilytchhigeurerf IrtshigNILDbitYldriluigse-di'aptsIilet Rereliiii"eped Ntio. -N' 7P.1.- 1:e.r. iiiiiH' - 0 • LA3v.:,..tw.
804133,44.uggistiki , •'..:, :-.. . -,' . - . • , - ,. ., -,.. , . . .
eertnrinagletieric,(1bilblaina,,ere.Well , liodontmenel; tr -.,..ii.2 _._ _,.:161.--, .,-.F ,,-• -,1,
..:,-.4it itetilteed.Eates, On . - ..
fidifeett irtrrtOctra,S, is.unione,:.Bed-Nalle,tinithola . .
rellonitlit-081tiveau.re• $01414I.Drullests: III 1.v au
ed to nset or eitrokse Well:known OulatiVilbrcertalli ' ' IS VIVA ' AR'. , -lir .. Iflpeil.
_ . - 414 3 j .
-'. - -
• 1 ' " '1,-,' ' ';•.'f'',''' . 1 -xirdro':(yi.roirioo:tc:katiktelatitiplve.frec41* L.T.:1,:iti.6 to' Telt
vikfile id Monthin
, 044.4,00_ $-' Pr YeArli.'-e, nia•-br ihil ' . i
__, 1100.0,04:11...040ti,:. :;147i.1-1gB :41
' - oiriieMfttall,ii..4r6t7-.7r *G-...;9,:tr.t. . - -
T o Messris
Br rah
Zonway 1.
LOT 24. CON 4.
Township Of gockrkk, containing *anti
about 55 ucret &area,
foollmoo;r0,1aDthineinsgeBeoenodmicioParr, lsoiritinKigteRlieoonfall, laandirse
. Ily Bedroom and lour other bedrooms : on the Base
went, Dairy item, Fruit noom.Store room,Meatroom.
Frame Bum 52x32 feet 7 miles from Clittensorcl7from
:poridenrgiech.reekGaonoddfiloargevingo wrcheliard TbofeoiLvenv- Sertydo 4eigritti"er
fruit trees. Boll. neep clay loam. sell wetered by
_ can be had from the door. lpply to James yawn.
&sot: Etta:1,11o: frothemvLaremkige Hesurom ton, of 'which a g-ocil ew
Gedericle Aug6.1.1t5, Ti.R8rand °f6",i131)aSperta
-r OT 10, CON. 10, W. D. COLBOliNE, 100 A.CRES,
.1.; CO cleared, good- aweilin6 borne- flu" 22xfa'
with a commodious kitchen attached. also gobd barn
addled accommodation,good betairg orehard.*ell
watered by two creeks runningthrongb.the farm, and
good wells. Onemilc from gravel road. 6 oldies front
Goderich. For particulars npply on the premises to
undersigned, or to ler. DFerguaon, grocer. Goderich.
• • 0. STEW.ART.
-August 15. 1870 wBO
that application will be made et tlie 'next session
of Ihe Legislature of untario for a Mader to Construct
a P:ailroad from the City of London, in the -Conntyof
Middlesex, to some point on Lake lKuron, in the Town
ship of Stanley, County of Huron.
July 15 1870 w2
Lazarus Norris & Co.
OPtielans and Oculists,
1.1.CREASED demand for the celebrated Perfected
Spectacles, appointed R JORDON, chemist and
Druggist, Goderich, Ont as thea Bole
Agentfor this place. They have token care to gwe all
needful instruction& and have cot,fidence in the &Wiry
re their Agents to the requireinents of all customers.
en opportunity will be thus befouled to procure, at all
woes. Spectacles unequalled by any tor their strength.
enmg and prerserving_quallues•
Woo much caueot be seid as to their :superiority over
the ordinary gla.v4es wont. l'here is no glimmermg,
wavenng of the sight, dizziness, or other unideasstut
sensation, hot, on the contrary, from the peculiar con.
se action of the Lenses, they are soothing and Plate:int,
causnig a feeling nf relief to rue wearer, and proeueing
* deareed distinct vision, 403 'it the natural healthy
sight. They.are the only Spectacles that.
they Seethe cheapest because the best, always lasting
manv ears without change beinggnecessery.
11:rIlife employ no Pedlars.
Sole Agentfor (wench-
Goderieh .V*5 1870 •
rAitia rot ainz.
nv 147 ACTIBB• VllitE OE LEA, ABOUT 110
1/- acres dared mid the balance good hardwood Um-
ber; atomfottAlelonseud Cast -elan Dente barite. s
good orotund; and well 'watered. Most ot the land is
exceltent May: I The farm islet SO, tth ctn., Goderich
Township 9 miles from.Godetich and ?from Clinton. I
On payment of part cash, good terms begiven for
e balance. For particulars apply on' the premises to
- -
or to G. M. TRUEMAN,
Land Office, Goderleh, •
Ang-15. 1670 . w89tf Forter's Hills r.e
. TO 8E11?
teenth Con -cession of Mullett, on the• boundary
line between Furhe and Wailton,post office -each WAY:
Good hardwood ,1 watered -with a never toiling creek,
and never failing spring. Also, well close by.thelouse
'Forty acres cteare well fenced, 77.acres in all- Log
house and barn. a tbxhing orchard, 8 kinds of plums.
black.white andreacturents, pears. rea and _yellow
goolieberries. For- farther particulars _apply on tint
-premises. TO RANKIN LAWSON:M{1,1de Errata.
Aug 15th, 1870. ' w30-tf
teinc-wswanosb, CO Azores, enly two miles fro
We Tillage. ApPly thereto S. Pollock, Esq.. or t
411. O• BAKEHON -
• W- 4 t
"T?.scriber tide,/ detertehied toed!.
invitee any man in quest of good
farm to eximiee the n Lot 29, con 8, Beet
Wawaneste 1-00 ores WhjehiS One of the
'hese and one oftheinest beautiful farms in
the Townitip. It is 1B mites frem Gede-
rich. teed otniles frem Wingham, pro.
[posed atetimi of the J". 6, k B. It, R.
There are cis the plate, good Badding,-
good erchard bearing, IteTer failing "pre
ingTaktdmasb_ouftrOot yr.teos Ile:reset; the hence
tos snit purch,,stsjelsg.„.._. TisprALordry, p.
Sept. 150,-1870, ev33-31e
.1-11.; round corner Rosewood Piano, by Visher-is Co.b
1or sia,by Mr- Mark E.Wede Piano Porte and Orgal
Tuner ; he banal British Lig:Image Rote
Goderich, 8tla August, 1870 w20.
$5.00 REWARD.
OTRAYED frail Ooderfeh, lict:2 July, a eowdalle
red or brindled, with TrIalte lege and tatt
email horns iv turned In. Annone giving such
information _at vicieadtp_l!eP Te00wely waseetiya
the abovereward-
GoderichSept 7th, 1870; TrAi-tto „ft. oitoTOWs.
mormart ACT OF 1869.
- Infhe matter et:George BrownatInsoltent
,..,____CcinntY 31-43t4Mpo
IBwITEB4slyedGm Tugyasr2riZEUt NT
cabovalanied1-4401TePt lny xight title 18,:zin.tgia
- in the following lands- and premises as assignee se
Canada.' iforessid. Will be sold public
Move, County of ITarithiga,
Province of OntArio, Pah. 90,180b.
_ -
riryMeS Is to certify that during the winter or isms
• I . was taken with a weakness of the and* whieli
natty, andng -the owing of 186.1; extended tottp
ees, and on "up to my hips, and I becaros week
that 1 -could not walk; but was aonlined. Iriz chair.
For about two7eara. whlie this weakness wits osming
on tite,-andaftstwird.s,ItienghtmedlcidadvimicemnIt)P
ing, at different times.three floctore oid hies a
differentlinds, prescribed by friend!, bt. tor no avaiL
I continued toget Worse and worse, until the summer
cif1868,when I was induced to trythegasafShoithoneiss
Remedy byreading themes performed, in &pamphlet.
[J9H.W CRAWFORD, Faisr.,4,v„x. -r.
hands.; in fat I wits_gettingalmosit'belpIeselt five
At this tune I had. began to led "tbe seskuse In ter
eremite° lottlesoftee Ilihnslioneseltentedy and two
*ores °Ube pills and 1 am entirely restored to bealth.
ilimedievneeoirnai.esneetedaperiavasotetgonoeKutortilentknosttewn.gropebton.t'ifillPiexn.„eeeeb; tttr.eigedfilletortinel:
and /dm& .; and twiny else affilet431 welt, I have
/111117irrul-Rwegret40:iltoYea'betlItoreibemiRelatwbsilmasiladif°4100,134Teen"IrrilatrealfThmIG.ivil 130,4
this Atli yof ?tbroary. 16610- •- A. F. Wow, 3. 12„&e.
. ..sentorrost. - )3ovihtil for the Illsteftanir --: she *F wootan of
relh,i45 was dedueo wed I snow that te hoc *ince
meitwx, KR. erneineveerportteelir, know thatirkileilikerease
D'ec="Ortil' trayanenig:iargea redeeadlo the Tele CIL" r es ituirlsoted anlozt I% piAnnsi,304 of
- RAW 4JORPOK: tha.
IontitItAwrOltn, 'ger, Q, N. •
Ityalq•ooltDON, Esq., Mears Goorin & Mackey.
J. G. EARPRE4, 1484.,-11anager Kerehante'lunkf
fJordlioN.Tunwve. zu. Rag: RassraTns,
• 44Y44'Ef34"°;$1111141.':11:51411.1.1:MArallitui' 35413.1332421:11161.11111173111cuaic CDo.4rai). I? ere certify that Ihave known Iirs. 3fary Abu
FRE1311 0Y6,1.140-
• lli Inner MIMI% Soot •
Ancpon Mart alit:GEO GB TRU.bILIN In the
Town of -CAlsifitob! V0Itnef of Enron oil •
Moiday 00 I. ofit daj of October 1870
the hirtrr of twelve o'clock soon, viz : end
reainsuoitalar thasituxt utterteistryin- pe.anrcetti behiger intractseveofwillonstid pauedr
Howick bathe County of Simon and Province iri
tario. Being eomposedof the weet-helf oflot number
sdinthohtweelasureeen thehydaere0;sestortthsr orofsarntheemoTormisetoarhlinispeutari
k SS PoitY ten
There are considerable uprovements °Ant:hazer:and
apply to Xr X -TM:TEXAN, Auctioneer or B
and itis desirably situated. For further portion's=
vodeGordorinek, SoAlvictulitor 2mfor txhpkmwo.see. A;logisqt
7,TOriCliari„..litrebr "via that ths Partnership hirer
Olueraa.:311 klaral Itercharta- rsi-k the *math*); a;lidrs
412,004 *rivet bOtyirtannituIVIROIroinent."4
Ageirtlaadebts allthIse saaaa
flarbrallitilMireis.u.044111c- - -'111-1)111141f.Ab.e ISTOI:isib07:14301(13::::1"1"1"..baerillOw4113:°•.:TS0t1:':.
tIllY solicit A iontetnious patroxAnagvniutt,,
• - 4%4301(174U knitsaltsik- - d.b.sgce her iltesS.X-Ttliefibe7er ceMW1.1,-totL
licogors-Areichants' pp* of tkicicbii4 Aetratovern, _shyer' iAtlined 4ree ery the
%mimeses 3! es be titarultar
rieti ofthi "medicine one thi is n that
West:* Mariat isIgNetrip- u*:210113TR*watsui. - - tv:vtittategozfrty.•aegtseppreyteermile,rn,
4!4•1',011/4 Itb•VICS-
.--131-Z:T. 81 ,;‘01rell Bate5 Argil at euel/a B. .10- Wow>, .
Igo 111131.11.C..;
en •
.eiterieh Avant Mk, isre.