HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-10-06, Page 31
We, 114 Oliver
eeft, 1st
Mae& Warmed,
Levy. SwedeT*m1ps 31
24 1) Etna. Less
&root, 3d J Glenn.
A Sprout. Id James
Italian Gimlet. las Jobs
Tiffi,, Pock ()Mom. 1st
w Claret. C.ora, 1* D We
st I, •" Y .all, Id
Teat Id latJ
M I,psn. Tomatoes. 1st 11 Trident), D Battiallrelha' Imam nada Boagekt, -
etit to ow
tinia. Pestles, let T Wier. Squeal, lut W A114806114P ragirgiVetmed
Spreoi, Id D Ellie. Osalillewers, lst A 1101211/111811-4/111he DIPLIMIPL. Ion
avid McIlwale, J Sheepard. Fall P Araks. let 8 Welber amirm.thro,
I. W In ter &opt lat liathew Levy. Beet week 1st F W Inks. sr911 =Z krAdeme, lerkg00111,:-.•
Appitra, 1st W I Smith, 24 k Soma!, Id W 11111111 4640WIA .. ...... •
A admen. Pears, 1/ Joke Beekaaa, 3d Pak alt 1,4 Ina Ild W
Thomas Atedersos. Plasm. Oat Will Ander- Amiens& eye, let W Inds.
son, 2.1 W 1 Saab. Grapes, tat S Poetised. W Ealsimacar 31 W Atkins. Biwa
11 A Sprool, 2 Will Cruwford. Peaches, 1st Fowl, W Maga.
f i She purl 211 D Elba. 3d .7 Pentland.
* man dwelt% Wow Tie pirtionedmirestuftradirimadeellefieblApit •
A 41,
Crab ipples, 1st Sprool, 2nd J Poetised, Rtuerwalim - %OM ;Vele low
J Gteen.
goo ,trusa sada ia au raga ses re. FINS --Mr Jew MuKinstie al Morris had gips sets, Imo
Wine? 7
tIeweelde, ..t8moptleti
1:04.1"14,111* 11.161;4=1"1"IIVItt I;;Irn
• 11444riatrat g`nr
erived at ban, sad a large gathering. Every MI bin. rib, outhouse*, est iromPleasItfa lea
.ply vas greet (sometchig rather rare for diatruyed by Ire,They were thrashing
1‘iogaria10 everybody twinged, tad all the paha at the Wee i.tWuke out and it
went boo@ pleared. - was with the greatestskillenkty the, meek
Judos n different departments.- the machine. Inggrame $400. is is a
llama Manufactures and Ladies Work, rerT &strolling came and the neighbege. •
W 6.4t, 44ederich 'toolmaker ; J 11 Teyler, layette% !egrets* le be-greadoes.
W w &nosh J Parton, Amherst Island. ASII/11,12011/1. flatew.-The Elerretel
(.rain, Vegetables and Dairy Produce.- and Winghara Agriamicaral Society ha14
T limiter, Ashfield ; W Wise, EkrIertalt their annual show au the ileth ult. Early.
Ilenatitp ; John Pouchn, Endow in:the day s dnsshng rain mot in and eea-
1(,-irsea, Stock and Implements -.limes timed all day, rendering everything ex.
Itlkarr, Lucknow ; Geo. MoiLay, E. trunely disagreeable, which no doubt pre.
Wavenosh ; J,esepit Rye, Clinton. muted a gnat many Ina coming out. -
Notwithstanding, quite a large number of
BilluMORS. people presented themselves The show
aaimals waa pretty good. The vegeta-
FALL SHOW blue 'wild Tie with any ialthe ooustry.-
- Prise list aert week.
-__ ' hM Kee:rats.
„As so
e. wing, les X
- wed in mead
sirs David Week.
.cits, Lss His D
_ Is* Mn
_14 re Da•ul Toe&
ist *Aisne
:a4 07 Eta ruler..
Wit regret our unavoidable *bane.
from the above show, ow mocrett of the A fLotiottrin-HArca fluocumortow.- We
et tting of the &micas ben. c ir.GgeStr
,‘ThstrauareNt wr-haeort sooniedatt,i4 moT
st uolte
esi Pai""rtbY "Pia,' able idea. As weasentioned in oar mai
aeloer we give the pt Ise lust. -of the Tticksreatith show. Massey of New -
Purr °LASS -401U& castle has given a mowing machine woeth
Batt span Draught Boreal, 1st prts. 8150 as a Fent prix. 'for the plqughing
Robert McKee, tad R Harps, 3rd Pt mush of the South Riding Society. Oneld
And.r..00,._Gaaaral purpose florata-t it not all the &metie' of the South Riding,
, 3rd for ono., teethe!). their ploughing mulches
John Gallaher, 2nd Alex. TIMM
Geo. Ray. Brood Mare and t-Ist I an. d Part.f their . andeiVeut.t 1.6 8•Pe"
rat miasinittee, tor tise pnrpose at having
1.,,.8er A, ace, 2nd Alec Timer, 3" I one grand match et some oentrical point-
Creo. 111 y. rwo year old ' in the riding. Every one would lbws Wive
F. %Niched, Two year old Filly -1st I a chance of oompeting for the mower sad
Joseph Muir, 2n41 David Weir, 3rd W. j the Committee would be able to offer a
MIKeet. 0.. year old Aim seeped and third prise of p 1" 1.
bout poen, Ied Geo. Hay, Srd W. Robe). vows t°1111•1011.1 handsome Silt:
aoo Yearling •.;o1bi-lst 1.Keiffer, 2nd
Ill W. irwin, 3rd P. Shoemaker. Saddle CeA1"31.1w Ms. -Wo bed Os ern
the attentioa of the legal profession to the
_Horse -1st R. Harper, 2.41 J. P. Kay, fact that the fint number Mr Lean's
1...1/1 W Ir. in. Chancery Practios is sew sewed; and the
MORD CLA1111-.-CATTLIL work we understand, will b. published In
Beet yearIui Bull. las prise Joseph monthly pais until the two volumes of
Andersoe. Mach Co, having had a salt' Praotise and one ef poring are completed.
.) ;870, lst Jas.. Frew; 204 P. Ankle, oe%hall bola cookel9sed the regress
3rd Gee. Hap. 46 eft. Hey, Two d ortinal PUbliallNis the Musm.
year old Heifer, 1st Ames Hallady, 2nd rilas.1entreal; but their uncommon
4 macanaat Ca.. two
Geo. flay, Srd Railady. One year mosausa tha pa • TS
meow of
old Heifer, 1st P. Ankle, tod Geo. Raj. thi, comm., ham Ines ampoiad with a
:ird W. Aodersoe. Yoke of One, 1st number of &spies, to whom application lit -
19. McKee, 2nd Jets* Walker, Srd Jolla the work is to be wade.
Warwick. Steers 4 yenta old, lat Joetph •
Audersoe. Steers 3 years old, 1st Adam 11E1B,A5e..-1 lad tat a inelpient Cciagmptios,
and oilier Meowed at the Threat and Leap. f ataalIs'
Darin z. &IOTA 2 yeah 0141. I lit JOSS Controawn arm or Ifirrormoergrres las done woe -
..lithrrtas...iibus :11;g4
1181,10 WO 1..1b. fed kola 1041114,0111
• 11111.111110 J1110.11014,P1111111 bum Ow elk
41111116e Mem metbietsilL -a* so,*
got st.sers gialigellt 8.111.1
law 1t 0881,WOri.
• adastigifis_ "assehiv_46
=urrranton. teasiknarmisjers=fAt
ursurivs ply sag me be Wiser*
:dinteiscsre. trim tiss ebeetate mecetam d
2190aMtrail LIN/14011 (NALL DSIn
11818*P08180 eleemeteW lea Moses 0.•
deli ado it tole ht meet dor-.j,
801.018 to «um ylims9•9 novae
Oto iniumai nommen Whims bill
NIMMINidei et Ili
orl A. Darlieg. Steer 1 Tear "re is N'ebwba8 Pet*ms " 11"
. - - of Otptheria. and tie orteab.Intloarieg Typhoid Ferree.
OK let Johnston,'W. Anderson. Ball Calf, age =emu mei neaten, it le tbe beat remedial agent I
i14. 1554.
ie tionsidered, i st Cr . Hay, 2nd Wm. ..._...,P11".._f_k_1104 "1:71111. $ -45°. S'ild by "4")tb**
Dunlop, 3rd Joseph A edema. Fat. ----- . .7 P. Caudill .41c Co., wlwielealo spats
Been*, let G. Hay, tad G. Hay.
Bost Ram, age easseideved, 4st Peter roitqbad et fai Dreiniete aid Sjoseetet needieass C ...1
Arek.s, 2asi Joke Renwick, stril jobs By the Bor. W. 8. Blackatock at the Reai- d ..„,,, ri.,,,, a
Haskios. RAM Limb, up geogithigbd, deuce ut George Ilk:Yens* leg, this la' ""1"--w"tiella trete the Meek- te'ertm" telriagratj'artaar
. es uf the subscriber, on the Huron
MT OK TEE letit lambast ltelivrars Mrs blook%
c.aftetkreery Ikon aad the Lightfoot* A Dad
mime Purim ennnivait new la pat Aid ems
very anelettt silver ravine, deeaseeveitee eery valashe
Weed setae *wort. Tinier wUl metre Wm* "MEd
as tottassing it to 0. P
at H. HAZDtellit Oo
Golorieh dept. 1st, 1670. air
1849 DR.
Jae 1st. To balm* ma hand from
1868 3 689 34
Jia lat. Tana galleried tor
1838. 10 32
12 To Total fro. Liteeeen 78 00
July 14 To oasb from Co-Treas. 1937 41
July 14 To Clergy Benin fund 248 117
Dec. 30 To taxes collected for ISO 3491
Total reeeipt for 9809. 7672 34
1.869 CR
Dec 31 By emit paid Co.
Treas. 4240 54
41 et 14 psi 4 &boot
section - 1696 11
.‘ paid roads aid
Bridge* 104 17
44 • paid lieCid010101
exposits*. 431 19
•4 .4 paid OSissin'
salaams 1W1 1111
4' 44 paid Coanattorif
tees MI 40
oil ' paid Refunded
taxes 73 113
" - paid Sheep killed L A. NEVER FAILUITO RENEW.
by dogs 3860 ?4082S
of thesattedeettee whore tbe clbectieas have hese
admitted irtt/t Ita op .14 opera -se tb.
agel"diltiatosi titialArirlidrees ot ttesib:til Iblosit.:111.17sercal ildloilkesteari: DI
We won 101. WNW'
1.4 ,siteretne eseteeager:psat:temettpattied." a 1)"4111 is
belay datedisalpreparattofte It aikket tate
" istriettrilectble "Roma"
limy . 00,110/wei *I 0001-
fatomPl.11,10. Atrdto viteteesedtai aiptivityPiuttioluneessimer &Mae lad
Awl -
by aederszie dimes,. • . -
1ta end oesiertie 8,01.68 10 own
edam oak,. See* throat. Cos.*, DIplherth
paha ea tbeitese,ketsa sod beck. IIIIMMISIog
thesabe, rheumaticboly ," emeadwbaseseretbat•pide. hs 611Y P101 at
:um,„ewe-.ow,orisameavni0408.10/TterviLerotosek.01.060641.::::161/11011.6;1111111 e.ii 'now
iseedviditawoothorBunarwaysiviorimaiJimiase.icresjApre%prompitilli. .rceissarkdbiaira.
rrealtnes,Greespis la Se illeseseb, Dsarbroo, '"' .1.
8011T11808 . LYNAM
8iireedis.0. .
1P.I1P.' J arra tin Gri*awrietettieeellenr?h dalm Co seline,thilltlir 101146"rig°aCtssitnadhowillial:". I
Beethamt_Hodpwr0Ala Pialteri, ft,1013 J•• H.
elearbillf•xeal""aad ad lisaidlialtZres;l4 er1111""8114
! hand 44 es rag osporitio••• prormlets Om& lie WW1 assess
1870 ran thew neectietual virtu a of tines articles wtsidi
Jed lat To ba sere ea
'S WORKS €2-. DA.VItst
"Ta MS AT ..111
imosElikringl fl*' ?MOVED
41'0 :at 18
Librsry. NEW BM SWUM
koprzani DRUCSTOIEE)
AT Oearssiest to *bo Verfo,
• AT
ilooagousrs litellitilabi711.111.„AtarTh...grOOMbyPLETellibupectiseseE lax
Ear pkyrile ie WANT Or ANYTHING IN
4"104 cuipestajailarigamortawat I 117. betwer Psiebeat"‘ Opaelsewh.n1116 BE
0 ILE $ slIAL,
id Toronto, On which Lib- easitok, :st July, ISM
disooset is allowed to
Sehbsilt *hook
?replied by DLL C. Apt & Co*,
human: As exa.uviess cram%
Lowsue. mutat
/CORTE RIP kLyeIAA, AoggagIg. Ow., goers)
mutate forCaoark,
swiTLSeld Golartab bv tamber #4CellAte ea*
*agitator & Co.. *was Ikea
1Revigrovvitle. A. Piekar1 owl*, en
toe. 5.eard. Latekeetr Seederth.
all Ittotiluine Dealer(
VC. It
tt Teramehlp of BeatiterA, Graf, *eat of
lissow. thellaugesit BO or, wide; to• large and
leurbr.ildttieg Tb. X 11 ban rumen( for
fro=401114 a geo eggippg, 114 bromine is
t few luabor, awl Ow* he it ides fur a
Cart*. Factery. For tartar:J=1s Appy t•
!I 41V NT.
1* Au,. Ire .20.11at• Aiwa mit P.e0
ta. twin =4
We bare *mean: examined the above SIIIVIIntn. Haile pf ad kola. cooed Kee* of
Sou% $ via. Oadammadte dieweety,1126e_re- var
account *RI lad with vouchers and M.o. erNeocer amide btratea, ' Closols.
Ian fouts541.esa cermet. , Illaage, Illfhlowe, oorea. Soled Cnkelte, EQ -4e -Q1 ecartit
130NA.LD *RANT Few, a elroietemsee, Sireitegs.......4 rug odor
4ierama irbiAltorou ote4 aestivate aolgoet te.
JA RS TRUAX Auditors. lids erlebentrd Vetrues been seed for=
sat renorded •to be ilia eititetpat end ridont
reeeriv ail sitteelmal aswirone 'vs, dieted
i.hbs j.ilk-41 motor &Us eit tamely wed aid
N. • • est.. Proprietor,
Homing (4th) at S o'r.lock, Mr. bert
Johnson. Vitt was, cgs emasidervd, 44;with large front tersta.the rig t one dry- Jovilleo 1 Grodlevr 0.• H. 11 ;Jae
%,.iif Geelong&
2.41 J. M
About 8 years okl. Any anis misting snob fostalia.'„-!tla,_411ervill?1 4 Plekluil "liter Ankle, ilsaniekleilirs. s,
'` infeamatiou as will dead .4.2 her irecovery ' ".• 1" Limon t , decoad, Lee
I twists. Pair ;gee Lambs, eirsessidered, DIED. • . Z. liteinee. Saelkittati eel 411 N.4Nel WWI
will be suilatillymiwarded. me- ,
P. Anskle4 an
et . ShearReg Ewe. 1dludt :1119411kin ea lies ISHARVEY HOWELL. •
Sit September, Ns. Gaderiak 4t11 . rust .3741
Per Ankle, 3rd Jean, Itenviek. Louis Viunhier, spirdli pars. ; . oat
Poi:INKS iL-own*. At Ciodetielh, en 28th Sept. Thomas
Bert Bran , •-, . i', 44 F. Keit Alekandok Ina ef Mr. SAMS/ Si _408641,41 . ,
MONEY -TO- LEWD' . ' ipAcmucpcnit...
seed *3 years sad If ismiefts.
The Meet rieelidenable
aor$4, T**AorO UM nisetSotIS*, WO. scittaine customs. A stout lad hes P A TTER48.
weed lorta ?ItPrPAItiro, AP 81:11=0110111g, TOXIN'S
ta .
• H. %pike rogaton tie sisortait oillea
11111118EIPS lea,priere. meth& lite Wert etyle.
th• cosatry protarrell AliAy to
b. 8. GOODING.
BAspriesa, 04.11.1
Artgoot Eto4. irt W14(
far, 2841 Jaw Ird W. Robinson.
,Sow, age eraddid, isi Jobe Gallaher,
2nd J. Reeve*, Ird M.etterai. Pair
spring Pip, ha T. It s
1 Ina CLASS -Gil t IN.
Best 2 bush. Sall Wheat, lst J.
labor, 2.t'W. Mardi. 2 bush. Spdn
Wheat, 1st J. Walker, 2ed T. r*
j. Irwin, 4rd S.H. lishoiss. bash.
1), Row 2 bush- Rsr1V, lit G. Wens' 2ad saw
White Gook 1st Gee. Wade, 2e41 Win
Marsh, Sed Jas. Andersen. 2 bosh. • swum Cum I
Bieck Oats, leg W. Ambition, 2.4 J.
Andersea. 1 bask Peso, 143. Asileries.
2 hush. Caws Pow, let Jas. Qeinn, Slad00X & m ACDOPI AVIV S
-F. H. &Atoka, 3rd P. Rem. beat. Is ma PIACI * 1101r
.Little. Peck Tarn sr IV 1st F.
TigliadlY 8"a' 1142. "Z.,2" it' ERODE! GliOD CHEAP
W. Irwie, Ind W. Doble. 12 lora tiers,
iimix014 ISOSXS 5.141., J"s1
pimp , ret 4sissig 607:
ertma.„&e 75111? 0,1, ,
gruseer has
a 0 .
)170 it Arrgatioss Aibeirmar:, .•
do somilirb *el" fiti"""astriatilisad -fliresimnpirlesimil as ",:: N
nseativasti. anilidommtillie bes
lbita.6.4110 doweisms asamaz4
aerfeel %e0. remeral & a, fp* Os Myr.
book Is MO in" illoops, Sag si,
01 .1 neellitor fffIg ONO fir llit 0
ria4116 tomposibmaguef illi I,
,„:azli. i
„, ,, KNOWS 43 RSA. int eft
llenlly Let 3. etetaehlea 4, Mareme
Ter tiblp asoldbadt *sem
mere et leek elf ebtab°1166:1 ow amid 'Mosel
menet are situate* he the n218A.e it Ilmetehhie•
.....E.00seder eed ewe about 4 maks tie. 11011
.Telill et itederleh. rat Wee atm, apply to.
_ /SIMI *MIA!, Pave 0 ateetetal '
a4110. MI, 1874. wie-44 Askeitit. 4
lifirlarili A
id P. Raw, Sod W. Albin& 4311trt. SPLENDID STOCK
iilitao, 1st F. . Inds. or moon 001181180,1111110
11111111 CLAN -DAM.
BeettOtbapmard Butter, let P. Ankle, The Servicind*Makin" Wefts*
led F. w. Irvie.•SrE Kra Mertakeele. lir asbr
i .. jigroitime as. 00.4084 a...a
lb. Better for table nee, let P. Ankle, _ m
.k.ad i. w. Ire* 3v4 Kre• lisfilmiL An Rent Ibialry
10 lbs Cheses,ist IL MeKes, SA 0, lk
jag* kit W. Dsalsp OF VARIOUS 02aDMIL
Wawa ctotts-soore, am ger, Merehanis sad edam la de Inas/
Bea bosh. l'Aitese, Fmk sr., i 1 Wars psidoilail **AWL
wis. blemb- Illeeb- Petetme, 0-erh let IWO impoaiwssama- or?
-J. Patties, Sad F. W. Irwin. Dog Pea•
arida any tiad, In H. W. Jim* 214 J. • HURON MOTEL.
Dearisk. "NIL Isis& Tis, IA y. i laniptrinikkark:
Inglis, lid A 131.894* Desk. %wasp ,
o., **sr kind, ht Z. SaMier, lid T. ar.00.;00,- MAL I , tiali,P
Ugh.. .Pdsk Meek mad Germs, let 3-- , - .
,. ,
et de I*
and bronzehle teams =meek smablyeatildlis.Porki
ulfl *WV
imitalaiostituto operrm
Ippraiser ter the Canada Per.
ssianent Pealdlieg In 1 881•118ip
5lIeILV. .f Tmeetitteri.
Subooribar la agent foe Hu lintul000
ritc)114tr,( Bagland.
D'ire /a Illarinet beware ikee at tbe lowed
.111011 ACM HORTON
Oikeellerkee eqnsies, Goderlok,
MUM TwAnrs
,tosznits =rim
mammas nun ight. •
litY. LEND
011111811 TOW
131101111101601,3 Wale E4. D. 1111
* Raiz
worn *4 istAltlii001111T.,
OetPIrkk . .
mvANcee mower ore
t " ArtiTtliir
rigs aloft midis %aft yap
11%, dt. KOWA?. D. 11470.
Theme Law Plaintiff and Theme Ilise•Ohy '
sane Seek Joke Blank, Jame. Beatteei 11/dise •
Streit sae 114z,b.th Beek aa Sahat "ids' 0..s
• of twesty rue yam. Ddmarsalls.
Ta g *pasta• ~ft tit
lit the '
rif the three wad
sae .the Depreasee d Harsh Welt an
Wee Ii=egNeetarekott
amathre et Gedieti
ew. ei net le%
Jabs nick Jason Black sat willtue
dew *rimeds tie twelfth Arkg et ipasembet
iriatatur deem te the 11,' , this Tog SALL
T. W. 14.1 TOW
,74,,,,ioiraak.abiwrsraamestialiar. wsvastAlgibsk0";•; j4 1.i.. wpm orzt .indivt.1-04•77-00~ ilistra:11
WINPOStrie."41:46wro:aesribitrutellial:wirummItilidlir.74:44.4r051tmoefiw:11.10asiiiiii:sainiesteamp.meihspilliiiieralb:citiodebislik. sa7:4114110.6enciathe NIPP,amptC. "PLIWCPItattennt ma. .
• la 111 Ida era
• -
11"14tf =etteetelriVX.: =•=11, Thlt_11. liege
' - •
''' • - in, -.1.4.11. 1......',-`..-0/... .., .......
'" ' ...
:44111414' 41e4i4L .:'k --.=,_,-.
. .,.. ,..., _
- •,-44.-, . ' , ' ' --1-
• 1- ?• , .: • :-.