HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-10-06, Page 1-�A 4- �j t I3D� 4;1L 0 1dod! t� OiO066t Poissiblp Tho GFreatest PoWoibk- 4GEO. COX ABBAiUM SMITH, PrOPHMrs- _6 18 D.; �,TH`U 9-DAYT9 �.00T. 70-*�.. PH ONTA410i 1$ t.001 A.NN. 1W A, T -WC3M. GODERI 82.00,&W 0.7qjD 4alp Tvro year old Heifer,: lot Ji0leDunnuah. - �0304FORTJI L -UL, 7,abft- 4orrrfony­.)t* tea, %Y t" GODEMG-R, g-atr -elorner. one year ola Keifer, fetbi XeTaggart. Cali 1(spring),� �lst Tho*.Gr&*� 1 Reported forhe 'Signal' lavxe fmwreitwa ,bytherverltul* uess wine, Si Arltokl) AXY. CABINET, Fulu"OnNG W ilisno XkTivz an Gaitic 00m, -tyl;lreurm. to thi2ditar om in,187,04 Ut he, nn;wur. E�. A, M(DID t ORNE HUrEIAl WARta S LJ, I of spectAt6ii . Wing flo Now A.utitbu!a yellow a a asoucast a tell. 'Yon 1&14W juty gtaim , bowers,' Recarn 8d - R 00- second day was ill 4excess 6f �bat -of, I W%111 ii. wetock. a. in. every day- Wall visft GORDO]% aW Whet 2d., 09has, any hour atterwards2 uigbtordaY W,49 CODERICHO ftlom ROW. Have viltheredleaves alid floWaril.- DANIEL tho,clay �befor�_ t"1.00 Por - DG'Z()Ii. I A 2d- Ton SlantVapla'arugged limbs Two year old Hiiier IAtilloW d -MaTs Uq1O"&tOVIcw, . FIRST Running 0 P �y Popjto, do, 34 14 TERNS .OV TIM SURRENDER I .-RWRX. W. Aar lately bright mpd yerdaut'lov* t8-0ornod'hast,41 il *� 4 purip, $120, open. to �01 &nev; .1litle ti CIAX.iSULOEON,&c-� tc., 6ODL 3L xARTIN, One ye*Vold.',. ad Assume agolden line;., John- Shipley; 3d, ROiestvAll. hosix, 'best t1dee in 'Eire, t 0. *, Krst*�, ond hoisi-M. This - was AND No more thtl0oody2lades MounA Heifer Calf (spAng). ist R Ca=Qchan, 2d horke 41109 tee . . - � I V., � ramodations. Ample Stable With fastlerod =gsters' lily, -51blANUEL TAD Good Acco Eave raptling,*iudi no mounds ars heard S Carnochan. considereahe race (if 11w mpating. Thecs Vic- Tolt Z SURGEON, CORON-Er, kc. Otflc0 third douT easl. ofCentralsehool. 49 'Room. Undertakerly &0ol &08'g 'Throu2bout-4ho *dAry day; Two ZjDick- werefive h6wis 4wtered: -riz 'Nora, Kexty,l ROME. a a First class. No -Ors�hqshspUW,dmWItb. their dockii son, . 3d.ff Onoll. om Maid "Julis Aun W,,;ow an band a a This is admitted tO % a sto�k of Doxoattilho,grusy'plain: Yeafflng:Steer, 1'stS qarnochan. na, 'Li6de Jane.' Result of fidi ktac the iollowing are tb&4" ­JD�f thfi ftli� house kept in Grood ftls- Anduown.rmaisivork is done. , - lit %IF%bl*6d U43tilia AnW ;.V1- Fatted Ox, Steer�or Reifer,'lst Jan Dick- laulation for the surm-nUr -mongot,the waking grain. CF owl -it FURNIT019- an,N-rl.kTZ COLLEGE PHYSICIANS AND SUr— A Ga,)N-& c. E. Residence, the house faimeTlY August 15th. 1870. kesty' ; 4th son, 2a 8 oclian, 3 E 10resoviell. uiateabetween the Commanding GfWViA an avary Va4sty, v1*0311, Mhstmellq*brae=vb:1cbp1ay'd *round stilt 4 Occupied bv 11r. J_ F. 0. Ualdzn. Elgin SMOt "To'hit Allen? ; Beat tin�c, 1.53. Re' - ow cannot failto command 1 The glodsomo mummer past, Yoke W�rkiqg Oxen, J L Curtill, 2a joil�u of the qUEEN'S the favo . r of allin -want th at 411-66 s, ro� UALFDOMNF�RORBAOXNEGA HOTIEL second �heat - 10 'H1941and 2d manding 6W� J -L 61 cents, posuge ittee. One dozen from io 12rulturamrko-may Koonieswintersbitiur 'Tifm Allen'- 3d ANora, Kestv' 4th "JuIla, (of McGill CCU back negrative 87 cents, postare fred, to Any (orOSIT9POLLEY'S LIVERY -STABLE.) with a visit, And, thosegroon fields6d.46wo, Bast Shoarling R6 IstO I -Dole 2d J $outkcimbt. Arnli; %ittie,Tanel, Tatired. Best tillja,s r in 1 in 4tyls Or Through vrhldh the Arelamlets Owl Best1tamb Lamblst R Stiall, do r&l �5 1 I e HYSICIANT. SURGRON.&c.. OXce, overhisDrng both it, a ! aw,162 adoq38. price, snq�i it$ 1.49j. Result ofthird lieist- lit 'Highland , §70 tore.Goderich, Ontario. Will spori be -windlag ahsit - But Pair Agt4 Uwe* Diving raised Iambs In 1870 40, I ; a*, , a Rome,, except th4 0AWInftYbxbAudauows 1. , =do Maid' -, 24, &Jiflia Ann' ; a 41!ont 1, * A'Firit-The tors Bureaus, Wood Chairs, - clue chayfir, . I R - ' - ' ' 4th 4N,6ra Kestv,' Best fitne L,50. r- Ar -ilia is limited to tbe southem pait : I n S M Beat he; j. p. Danter, X. D. Il3w Particular Attention paid to Copy- J,H. wilrKINS9 Propirle ' I I r1l Sofas, Loung�s; 3t " r F, EXCHANGE. - Cupb But In two drT deathlike state, dwBw,4,540rW4thsrsIrA pole, H Bedsteaft tils. a ( - CJ 2d- ault of race lot HiNaua NaW 2d !f tth _sPf sente Spirito - atil vompre, ing old Ambrotypes, Tables, Bookcases, Illy *',a 01 ougVemain, ' SusI4.0rdJ Dickson. URGEON, CCOUCIMR, 130MMOP'thle (LATE OF TIM BRIT Book= ChIRA - T of fwsts and Ation. SPhymcian and %jedicat Elet-triclan. For eisherlargeor uinall photographs. The hitengionTatles.Easy Chairs, Chifflo4irs. Olt I h11141 llAw (LricEsTra AND iz it Giuzn): Vulia Ann.' heds M�� tual I-- ighlKne4ttad and Wardroes, Side beide, 'Farm Examining ?ovsieian of the Atlantic Hu "_ This Hansa baving been Thoroll aids, -XitchenTabln, Stand.�. And spring shall come again. Isti[Suelr..2dlobn Plawls. -ft()OND aAcz- ere trottiag, r*a, j ,ngele,forming the so cs,1164 ' 4*Pnbbc5 Company of Abank, W. Y. subscriber in returnin- tbatfks for the liberal is now open to t a Public. Vash ift And with Iti Avlater conquering smi1% BeitAged gain Famished Throughout, MOSSA-0- Bu�Shear1IntRsmIstH5rbll,_ 2d 0 Lawrle, byLf&M.*rf.'.�igeolnl)lotearnlaiiieUti)f-114p,grms, am -7 V�r oTice and BASiderice Park lit., St- David's patronage heretofore extended to himi Sea Grass Mattresses. Wool do Congenial kuhs and showers, Bair -do, aii-d 4 or 5 different iinds Spring MAV88805 WMgiyafrub.-verdurato the trm John Ilium nnitionaua d--all-materlal biv %Vard, 1,vw42* would just say that he has made such ire- COOD STABLINGS, -soetniont of :Sri j,' only; ile hosts, Vesthris iu fivie, zo go' L qktorvs,�u (4odench. N. B.- Xacps always on hand a IVP a Beat Aam Umb lat 31 S;ioUjA It 4niff. Washable gU d Ro9ewoodMould10g-tr2lns#. 0111111178!, Au%tTrograw tot4e,#owerm. 9f 'First Uorge $25 - ise=d lonjetngtotbo.Goireru.U'Wt-9,�LiI be 0_4 as they lease provementi inhis gallery as will merit. a con- CgOICE LIQUORS AT.THE BAIt. _t an oroval,madeoutheshortesit otice. �But Pair Ag4d Ewes havlTag raised lambs in 1870 lot horse $10 ; third boyse A. Five -homes: signed to the troops of HN 31filosty tinuance of the same.! v29-tf is with.- JMMUE5 And this *6 note wlitle chance and cbsr�p A Moaning, 24 B. Buell. Ard A FAcot, $hearling B 1�tXxft 2d Hfti eptered, as , follows 'Billy Wood' ; King of Goderich August 4th, 1&70. Havlrg made 'arrangemen Unce"lligonwa, fly flutVair W_" a e '309*f *hs &..*iAY,Torouto,eanfurniohAuything.)wre pr -a to 4bI �dlt' *Miss R and 11'secoml -4ud the gam CIRARDIWORE. PR'MC1A-T-SUR1aP'ON A" Ii3w A Great Rednctf6n on aod� 11 8rd Tf`ftielL 'Uharle, 'Ba -VA ,L;o,rkAtbu1 fit Accoa iwar, %lanchrster,0- at tbei, Waremoms In Toroat,0. Uh W. -yr3vr but to Best Pair Ews Lambs lot 9 NaulaZ ?4 a nqi� Sra I He bre w. The -first tvro name d went A ull 4 ep art tN e hQuon - of . W*r4 VebTuary Titb- 18576- Large Pho RS. 10AYS HOTEL ent oV_ Add thikwe traitthatwhenweass. I A Encqt, togwaphs. ay somplete Fite. terrors of our -common doom, - -three in harne an a1w �U.Wer s4dali, the other as., with flags arms and - 1 E. ii. ON. Style. rIsb.brfghtacdWr' thelli trat heat : lot 40harle? ; 2d urs sh7ji have i4i�0 ri 9 (p hono . wllcrE3[4DIAS(31 ivnoxETER Coffins & Shrouds 4 the BeyojAd h silent tomb, Sow having littered in 1870 let kaslies; 2d W Robinson Result of 11 -30 4bay. wt. ; $a 'Billy, Woods" Uh 'Hub- they wAll lay 46WA theli'50 Uud arms. Th# slIRGEON DENTIST. Goderieb. Aug. 15. 1870. 4TCAN SA4WCK. 3rd 13 Jones. 6e direct road from - Seaforth to, Also -Boar Piglittered In 1870 Ist-W ituou. TeW', Sth- 'Was Itye'. Best time, 8.15. i x6mri AW-1mve a Tight to -C*=y WR4 P, Pws(Small. Br*6dX 'Rooms over the Post Office, re , Walkerton. Every necessary accom , Resrilt�6f SeDoild heat : let 'Ray�Coltl ; 2d: them j Wr%ttfjn0n&LftQt0X"h *f W=_ FOR 4CUSLMIX modation tor the travelling public. Bear, lot H WAbstir,2d J Coeland, Ord W Dixon. _iBiUy Woods' ; 3a 'Hebr' 'Hiss belong ..The, iwl 1370 L ew; 4th I WAR DAYS. Godarielt, Aug 14. 1870. UrIeT! Bost Aims, %Wt. sh*U ill jl� W30tf Bow having-Attered In IntJobliCopolad, gdW- Augast Uth, IS70 (meLEANS OLD STAND, EAST ST.) HAN I)I-xon, ard W Stewart.'. Rye'; Sth e jti-iat in nt Aug. 16. l8r-T. W30 'Charisb6d and kept byms, Boar -Pig [Ittereu in -1879. - lat T Cooer, 2-d 11 last.. B4t theriler WroxetAr Risulf of third heat, same ns beat - list The' w Ira ZA61710. pREviousLY CUTTra TO J. tc. DZTLOH, & Daggs am selection Wj baft , mi to-nuirro i0orw ofthee 1rd I.,1870. W stsw,14,t 1pnu Kit oluty , -time 3 06. -Mvesult of fourth oil AT-L&W, AND 'al -b..er so AND ATTORNky- V.flca�!�tura4fthf 'Billy"-woom; 2d 'Bay Colt; Sd atseveh. Chancerv, Coaltry C"wn iutorneYj, 10 a -Stove's a" em,. -PUVLTAY. TFMIXONIAL: Cow meretalff0telAftelkel Me ves I f Qodarich, CanadaWest. Oleo 'Howe. vl4u,40, Qf thy le face 'Fowls. any bread, tst R Thiralt*t 'Charley' ; Atli " Hebrews 'Miff Ry- Ve: 'kThird-The.foreign -troops pliall U da - in court liftit, SEPT. 1869, Mr. MaCOYMCK 4craph Zia= Ob ft 4ontely form VeWlialibk, do Brahmi Pootras RThwattu. .3.05, tResult of littli _bjtsided�au. jp3rierli ately se4libiwk to fhei�r 3(odbi ofangelle grFa; tired. Beat tiffle 1W. C camellio-9 This is th If th-� suu�hzulowr thpicture. do Turkeyoj lot A Elleote, 2d Mrs Abita Mpley. heat lst '�,BillY WOOW 4 2d TbarlOf ree V��66�orjfx.; 3R, ATTORNEY, CONVEYANCER, &c., OHNI RICKS, Proprietor Half the buuq of 41W do fie"e, lat James 6uthcoskba Id 1PRObins011- rzw 1)y riIW4. TfW aeviei�aml�ftt ha* - st-, Gaderich. Oat.. w49 tiLrgestand be8tCOl1ntiY'H*teI in, Wester Then 'twbuld hhow to imse do Due iautd� 94MI., _�s (IiiiseovY). let WVJs; 3d lflebrow� ;. 4th 'Bay �0010 Rest time� mor lerate as any Ifous a otherthau X4scojy, Ist Gsto�._Co6pfr. * I liwilgilita- .6q:19derAtion th* 3anada,and enarges as' 1110( Queen of Beauty,there S.usbrjAe4,. do Duel 3.07 Result of sixth Keat. I at 'BaY 061t ; theiig4t.of I Let this fiecommindid A Ream, T Ediison. * - ey � =glu jLbjiteholt. StagePropriefor. 0oodsftblingfor t6ken0iouhast-given, 2d 'Billy Woodi' -, 3dCharley' , 4th Re-, ca-ellon *6 C41"*rqTV- sam-dGarriageofeir lines -on Sealth Offia�geto my heart; INDOR PrrAatxmtr. with 40 -V#ial -Gorja�um. 10014orses. Rorse 4!7 .10 brew., "Beat time 3.107 Is. Result of xa�e W 3M "VV Thereift oumy ve, retames4 ..Four ititaidvirlaties V=_ i,5*f mall'Ist V In ARRISV.&Q, -SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. - ShortestNotice Tgid Win Wise lot 'Bay 40.Git, 1; 24 IDWY Woods! 3d. 1111111K... D oface. Kin;ston stre-t, Goderieb Death alone ustwo Cau HeibUort� 2d W Qix Tour nq sN1. C. CAMEW42, w52 J.T-G*V30W. W AgRoll and CarAW PAPIC. Z. amed yarieti F4rth--rThe RomvmAp3j* *111 '4- Sparling, 2dWNyiae!Z jBi Id Wintei 3�*Cz Threenamed varieties Winteirpestre; a -Constilation Vurse, JRVU- FACTORY NOW IS YOU CZANCE etie&Piut%ddlistA-Ilxwaites-2d.Tohu OA Joan jt3. TUme named varl 435'. open to ll= -beaten h6nes ; merit Will. take, P1, V1 $ - I * - .. = ning, 'two jj -AT-LAW;SOIECITORIN"EANCERY� N Ortli RidJhg Ag*nCU1t=&1 BOOM1- j�t-hroq. Fitat borse$25; cladxrus�as to their iii Uresituntiox F.V C(Y - rise, mile beat, :te er, &c., &c_, Godenich BAT kv Beat 101INO. opau air Giaptif name 1, let W Vi qonveyasc E S ELLIOTV K 0" MetiNiv wjtl -.�v lorwArded 2d W Black. second $10. Four entries, viz: "Whi fifth- 9 on,_ office, on me scum sEua OMest Street. third Plate Yellow ,Crab Apples, lat Isaac Rattenbury. w49 T_rAVE pleasure Is intim2t,- FALL Suo* Ja CLIlmlir. 'Willie Wonder' t0-ju43rr0W to 41, cloo'- Court -Blouse S=Te. of town Plate Rail Cr, 0 of each. lst4obn and 'Nipissing 'Jt6sult of firstheat -, ht: rtrom I JL lug -to the public LbApples lstJain@a31cGow4n-. stodkings"Tom Allen' Isaac Im. womxs- and rountry hat -they have aned. a Wagva ard Uarriage 0 OnTrievildy andWidlie2daY, Th"s nanted *xu#es Peaches' 6 Op Zimmer. All,§nl 2d"Ni 'M White- a-ppo n offt er piesing a e NBY-,x1!LLAW, SGtICI'J shop or, St. �Dmvidls sit, cr, �4; 28th in'st-, this exhihition wxa'hrld on the V.G.A.B.S. 4th'Will Wond�r.' Be5t time, oxtj� �,of enjigeem, aTt(l�afuildt!13=7 Of �011 in Ch=eer7, &e., GoderiCh. Ontario- ElftotVa old standj im- Four:."tl"l ptatoes, one peckaaeb.ls� G XAott2d ill 4 _RRISTF,`R, .A,TMP_ -sto4i - sWa- tafm Elotel. B. & E. Secur the I 4 -'Ros -Thevoinflu"lou'-w B 77 mediately adioini ral, groutids at rW 9 'Jams- Pilon, 3rd W Herbison. l.g ult t of - sec(Aid,heat : lst 'Toin. a4 abb's blozk. R111.4011 street agricultu the esjl�p , in attend personsMy alithe work entrusted to them, V) ihadow ere the CA first day Was ­dW-Vuer CabbaM mained, lat B-Tamor, Sd Allen'. 2d flNipissing'; I'VVIAtestoe"kingi' eive the coniignmentrefeirod tQ in W scraleirs - C! village of. Clinton, The and are praparedlq.�urn,out AlAnstwnee fades. 4 JIT broke' -Willie,.' Won4ee -retired. Bed fixgjArticlefor the city of Rqm-o-.' AT?01LVM% SOLICITORS voteato the arrangement of the insida,.de- - $IneUloodBeets, list D. McShsunock.2dAYRtds1T. 0 -go- OLT4,,' RS AND Rasull of race., !# "Tom �sjgued) Waggons, BuggiOS, 901"u#z�i, lat G 1> in-Chanceryl&c. Goderichont. Hi. Part -sen " . , S -, Allen,; 2d JN' SWO W. EL SQ=lt. B.A. trient and the decisions of the jukes hi f f St f le 0 i, Ist J J Fisher. 2d 0 Spooner, Cutter& SlOighg, 61Y few yisi Ora Nine Sweed Turnip th�raon, and comparativ itta LobSqrsupicarrot. lit DXc34au4OeI�,#43*=iW FPuRTH akon-Flat race, -490, opm to 'IF. 31 made their appearance. The second Aar and everything in their line, ofthe very best material rd I and workmanship an(L Lt the vary lowest remunerative all' lorsesp but he winner of U.9 claim at� ji zme,79 Mwood. the Ninez4rly flombarrows' VK'0arb1xO4�'4 -eatiere P 1.,=i1e-,h9Xt14-, best" two ill rates. outside department begin to r-ga & ATWRNEYS_AT_LAW, SOLI- AR RIS1 tention and a steady stream poured through ditaunaek. F. Fijst hor" 660 second. O. "General -ComMilfiding ItAlixii AMY, I Chauce,.7 & jm�ojveucy.Cc ave , ce xfne:white Belgium Carrot, Ut ars if r,&C'. ta' C)k 33 3B X IV CM- ins. Dlam;L, X-9 three. � , B the gates froin ostly -in the,- f4renoon -till Three entries as follows; �Wlllie Wdudee "AOrpied-0-d. 00m, 07Mery to Telmd- �Wf�q.: Zrabys BI 4,x, promptly attanded to Prices to Suit the Times I 'flidught, of looking 2scl�_qp nott nomas. Cooper. allid. 'Utio 'mallaing R,)q -�4er. !v Ammwrlls St- ON ]E&", a large assortment of I W dusk, when oxhibitoro' _'One, lat. G R ;d � a i9sis adrn,,�st Jeae�h Rya 24 IY W Ydiall. �witbdr&wu) after and removmr,. thitir Artiqlac -We,.' 'Cwelv "(in, 21 maw Thies Water U6104 -%iidr&wik; 21Z Turn- oil heat Ut iLittle Lo �pt, B.-:4-Tbo -ne*' 00. -the receipts ere' j%res iensk metego.,Ixt 0. Kno"d H ForAL. lat 13 aniil - 30 Z 3E� 3M9 codld not w�it:'ufitil­ Bsttim�;.!.,53." vii 0--'-3 2EVI PhotographS reduced to 1.90 per Dq.z., -M f %_C13F.Y AND LAW OFFIM be sold Cheap for Cismallt 43,r Cord- u *pproximatioxw IfourlaeadsCAltl worLs.--IatjojmIuuesaWm.Blok. whielt will. reckQnoctup;-but� routs M of second, �.teat Dead'h��t. -61 SM 000-U.A@ Fe6k Tomatoes, fs: WItc3hannook; 24 E Tartar., velftilt URbuildiags. ZmgroE� Street Goderich.' rewltable 011 75ds. rZ3 HALF DOZEN. 00 or - 4000 .,4f N. r. -Conveyanemg. sTIM Live Wes to real estate de.tbW was not 1fo3ey lem On there --suit f -third heat, samw as fi-rat. Goderl*.Aug I I sad defee! *44 014th.14 H,- Ford. 2& Faster time. .2.0j.. Re . - of rkee%. Ut 4U144 qnieted. Goderich. la*sslaal prize. Morlar Aug.34�lfto. W30 jAge Photo&xph, Reduced �peot TgAyltrdaltbuts- sult qAttle he �'jjarj biA the 4rd W.'H#rb!aoa,-' ortiGli tri dies! L11M4Umou1L.---­ I ;� Extensive No* Premises Prop WHOLESALE A14V RET'iiL �Uo&rly veg SpeetroffiriAL #81�' raIr,'ji6&a­mada ftwkets, latJobu ShiPleY, 2d.G 3W; ?AND Also win mak� the largestPhotograpts made in do r. lrork #p_, Ivoij veiT good'; -'and 4uite ug -to !time, P. F. W,"U'R ich viry cheap. rorcelain pictures from one d04 -11r W- Coal Oil L, am�s, &c. &e. -. Old Iron Teu yard*Fkctor3�mado Cloth, Isty0st4r& Xoft.' nu Conveyancer, Notary Pimblic, *m 'Wool Pick 3kins' 09s- - I - Court IE ings. and Shetpl. r"Aj ipass, Goder- D. cappei,Brass, T ids ' b made FlIniel, 2st V Wiw Oface a the Clezt: of the Pe3w, SW94 SPLENDID NEW STLOC"K. CAMPBELV imiken in exchange. 4' work -might likely be patfiiair- attributable m"tonthe 12th pm lat John Steer, Ph Ontario. Photograph I 11.�ry- Bainar, with Fairlte�tlenqsu*a ��6&BOots r_t 4, - -ORY1. to -the fact that 4; WeskyA: ipp to r,%tifi,, li� flebi*q J, 'ST jtulR?_ . W.0- r4reotlemaris %aggedBoZistfolua StSep. OZZAM :SWITAI1�1 AND TJU 'WJLa. ill, make jw- - aw U4 ColliiAjoh 'Of fAl C�Gdedeh. Aug. 15tb. 1870. Si 4 of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, J-ist such woilc!U sho is appeatedat guat Makees Wor`14 40t less than 'enwy Ut6 CIFFORD ELLIOT9 15, JATO the show, was being held 4a, 13Tgely at-, Goderick, Au. toudedup Thj:outside*show Call6c,.ff)n Bjjj Vostars, Ist,W T L*tqu. Sept. 28., -lat JV11py# Iroji the-villave. 19 . 1#6113tilf -!,--Air armisd0o fO sPec _Vlw C. Bariy & Bro.9 IMTHEWOPXJNC ;Cfattle, horses rile in Cbaltcary. Coll- was really very superior. 48'hours conoludea a"fazterps o TTOR_,q�-at I&*. Solicitor =;&= With *0n*AZt*MPWYVMa11t at boUs. P,kiiY PS, ODUCS. .tL vevancer, &a- Vabinet Makers, Undertakers-& Wood Remission doing swat credit to the Fivii Pounds W Robin Idedinewto accept -y. forthe remoyal of the w6undedj jgtvqtd proftble. Fammusefifthersor A Salt `W ell -have -gone to, Fresh Batter, lot Honda WINGHASI, ONT. dou Nai Wa enterprisingbretilers who 4)n, 2d Urs S6ajh'Zhiplsy, 3d W ThoDak-oofurtemburpwas uleted. Ct"M Tuners, ftdrwr Vftw3to buslniw. =*s"&r10 woundea of tb the expense, stil ttrouble - Writual TOW& an=j patents otl=ed che-lpl- X,s%VC>MT g5WM -od&omsndtattbabudsuk-wemlsksu&=- cft9 Thauak"annotwou through -bred W Cauteloily -are dewrth% in arowas Money to lend. Disputed Tities �q unuah,suen. Thsisllwkom win. nL,,t do ould W Keg Salt BlItter lbs), Ut The fdobiles Jul, 25ttt, 1870, As far an we e 0eitilin' in the 14 It Bjjj oQr 96 k do. 3d C -Dale, wuld to workonidds. Orr 6 d a bfL the t aboatice of the Secretary who was at ths� Thr":(,3lle@sq1 factaryade, 1st W Fbw. Pans. Two hundred have bee4iflhot fqr, zwor published --all ent 19a, �lou. Podendh AudtlOn 116TV 06 A insub GE7_ Fop. sTgATFORD AGRICULTURAL A GOOD ASSOR TMMNT !V1 Q ssizes. in 4Qa4ioh thej�dges 6re 41 195TA# Choes aand 1;1*1or Fur- Holtan. Of I 1A Tipbn,Zimm�kr- F-ranoe whiahwer 5-tylield gnad. KiteM Bedro vollmos�' t, r, " miU,`� lst Jas McMichael. London,,Sept. &9 demouAtiq A Ra3ideuep, follows-. �19 ona -�rg) H;ing StQjL 0 214qoniir,!� , i�# I or, in the Comb, Ist J Zim- 1UPORTANT KOM' Threilbi H6 =th .0'mpire 0 fts'Onied cis d Tu TABLES. 2dV Contelon. .4na mar, Oct. 3 in. CUA slid wood sesta&) ire it, LN. KBUrs. Hydei 0904'r WOaiiston; a i)!CL UMOSAZADSna Loaf ?Bakerx'43r?&a.,4x, ii OA3RW=. ATTORNBV W35 MANN, .. �.. I . 7 V .. . , The mo6 d'I%T4ntargmavaAihestxuto..,..Odt. 12th --Salla of-FOAO WrI5, U, C1=03, Oat. BRiDSTEADS. w 1. . �ofBdjaUlt from tlQt 4, PLATT'S PATENT EVAPO�ATOR Rad ia wH#b.ison. squar , f en' Proatortud—i 0 �Arooil; lat DL XCShsn_ principal:- 0 Jxwj� Uhrrlage,: Poln nook 24 nao00rivrich Towilishi; Shia st 11' NEY TO LFTD. SOW lessrsGibion) Loaf 111bra STwba, 3UTTR House Sip the. cit SfIrtier. - I IMP1F4ENTS. Mesirs Bell and WilsQu y afew days' IV TJC T a XMa$bing'jt �hey SOFAS -nESIREs TO ACQUAINT THE PUBLIC T ary, credit-, gXC�"E*=%, tearing it down _1111 iSTAT13- ANojSs1=A`NC3AGLTM9 NO- fitte=&u A shop on North street next the Th6,diiplqdf bugglipwai; v 4signee it Ahe Aiwxtow be I t. aturch, with yarnijib r f -builde iftmeat -E Purvis. BufWa. N- y- WHATMOTSv LOOKIRC GLASS% able tolhe villiig4 ri�Rdd Butter, Sweepstakes, $10, packed - it,up and 0001 gately sent tot -19. lq4th -qf the, -Tharatt esl i Ir tb'L. P D fill, aU orders Pro of taeb 1 rh ersigned is prepared t� rae-coiIld do auythi�g to it66oncile &­ Eidraibohijes, John Ups t t, a, Theund hea Of -Arquhar� GILT FRA forthe pa FURNI$H jq'6 J.BALT Ridi Horseshoes withouthe WT*T- V_Aug- 13th 1810- it an to the'last Vil .111111, - resiaing in the iinbur'lis of Farb, p 8910 *t 12 noon. "O ce of the poople =tc, sell a thg 7yet" M, 'the one O-G.R JB. are p havg reta d -to -their 'homes, NOW is. the tlM0 to billt Your On 32T A" QUANVITY AT TH* i oonstruojed bT -18t,evenson, would. The rue I .. I a rive6by Ihe1a.*lespness g2D &-IL=ON7.EF, BAYMM, COTIMLY 0 I I . . I r. were ol�4ed with' tries, 2d E SOW 06Y'had been Cheap for Cash. proce 14 A -dings of thadiki Croctot- work, lat b 3�i Embroidery - ill Zod64 shil-K' Ast V 'Reports thicklitt tt X_j 4a --w e to t. IP r e, jr;WA'-,t0rek.lI sel ulluu '28- N. B. A complete 'ght prm -on, � pf 'the fthe assqrtmontpf Ca his. morMog says I?r*u;e band ands, Rearseto ldre. allou xessoual* irar4ersirbineountl7cirriagashops FROM THB,ato�� I Hookand-lita Co.' Ab6ut30�wjojlbui1t The Tina tl The army 4 and' heroloia refu4inj to.7 Uamlins te=s. with dlepw-b- muscular youthdin gay- - u Embroider -t lot 24, may be oerioUll the Sopth� moliffized, jackets of bl 6 V. in Worsted, HScof Iat AND URVryO% parae -urri; V.ede�ber t*rritory I j-%ViL rzj�,j r�r� -and whiw he Silk WX y1stalld2d I Gildi. Graining, GlAd-9- k' Klazardiulm. A CALL SOUCITEDo ivith redlaciti) wit tt"idi fU To`r" %j Agentand 00117`e7aacer- w30tf 8� ff.� DaT1401M, ded:the streets, 4oreb, = hind, and pro- Bead, Work, -do rather. iticooiatik co�lstitnt� Goderleb, lRbAng. 2870 R. avidity in 801 t 4hiO4fVCt6meUt1Mt e 0 MA -17 Goderich, Aug 15, IF70,- -W30 1plaranew; ASPOcillily whop ijj�jjting Warokto -.000pol!, 2d. F -e 6A -1clfb6VrA,' h d, Isij T, Lon4on Tima tqtf nted tie ap ki Power Goderich, A* 11ri6dOuble Sprling, day that Thiers is em -4XI to offor 14 i disikito,kild, wherildinuni The P-rais'lank, ned Ars on the gan o r- iith bir PV Silk, Ist D W Youll. citelb, a Work boati; white 04 ove ARCHITECTS. T si;j 8L"Cloud recently, Russiah G inmentiffill liteitude f mw7r Of iii Quilt, lat Franduill NEW -CABIN 601DERM! lights the t d' igseveralofthe Fr6nob., quest in 416 --east In thelrim of illitaf,* �dap jilling and �wmtjn iu arturo h, In AND 12d, D iislaus e erecting batteries at jDLA1_1V.3a.ndsPec1T=Uo123_of Bulldd&* &C-gotpiu W1 tharolied to the Py. $6tioni Ger�tlemsyei Cottdn "qn� T�a Pril Ar utterly unfouw JL a nax'. =4 W=eo style. that,the, afire. was opened oil - Mf- 0,'JC3 4DV8r n*a re ii tjxjp -- � , led, grotted much t4t, -the wgti* -,Uo V�, -1 : -P'dl 'h U EOLSTERING aiff C,odeirtcb, A-Qk15.I8TQ, ing. unfortuately -oriltiMP", we were. .,cut' IWaite. them from F4Dr&.Vj' V ij� thq *ere Fr*up# 11110 pa,tejj and 'a%orj**� W -ESV SMMTS t�ilff0jts,thj;j#ar our,,thr4At_,1W rki short4n; oil d� Fancy �Flfinnol S610, .At, thar wo our W CaRtelon. The British . iur grAtituds: for F#fs, lat .Tas Ross. w1mowledging auction G)MMMOV -:OPPOSITE 9EK OF MON'TREALI-1. 14 heeight, -silti Feakher -141oi r. 'Prig, a0en.:Gjjjli&jdi Its still APrig V OU fli* �-,-Thb 'Wajm**0ri1l#*_ Bprlin Wool Mork, rs,i�ea, ut wm mu tion'. -of GO DEMICH & MNTON GODERTOW' q lin :0. u- dopyhfg. iho� prize list we f0111314, ray,,,24 or g, ues. prerx. ;tUli'll 4?1 u ott all Woollen -crawng jLb 4 izaty-Sook 11 t ber,ja was 10 t U1. �'Zl. W The Fruaii oucto tiiviutt I Fait . * liilt , " - appooije the names-otboth _0".Vord Cowan, in the Btu 9119vie- Franc&% ARIC OKAY9 ;,T Kil:16 latter A. otrar A''d t vith tbre�'. jamovlAudvbarol,�so est-whoroyar the do Stockings$ lit J F Johnson, vriAA man eALE,78 omscaue( -ttoutiew that he, has opened K = list it Vpop Sept. al to th �!e o1jips lisy or. , Straek- ite, name of-eith riio B Ili ptirti, Thomas ntr may1itbaC ijibold bi. # 0 . -4 S ainOniew keep go we I 31rs. T k 0it 44 Stett -siti4e tui Bank of Moutr *111 I = sayjg - _T�f) fall bf Stmsburg vi ow Pr �ona wbo .-kil 2r;d- of Xrly (or iamedlaft ormaktto, order 4% 21 TS, UNRIVALT" $Olt Rur, t OWN bilt little differwe AU rjb�i wo-illd anh011 Ill, iidi" to b owan;' M J it is.6onsidered, ock Ejrid� othe KM tild AnhOu" dontabi, notlijug IWliddiU.-For uli by We Gkodusf.� --to the power of tomptre urn Thip 4iiiij ijkej by t p I W� ssl6an&g r8alwpuRc"u!­R_y"t"'�- I?UR�UIIM OF- T-11001 n4 ussvo quea rrsds6ti6iitiui*fvrdh0i, do b10v",':kit'W111i%in 0 Hui0nnd,Brrlpa# that bie ROBINSON, in the tion. as KL ILL?,ing On hand &a AM] _�eni of 1 -b . - ­ - * Yer countyj� IP tanea of- Frailive-,,E ything tu�ns -on t U ol -ciao.'., - �y u(werlwArit 4_ ­ ' - of if, to ampromp -If Area raterial, heL YOU% prepared odorich. I SubjoitO ity r. air sWagg6nji PLU tbe-thil fj?jils end. Use P-1 a -Prux- `10 orb IiLmoni f9t -qugutiti-ofOiltmdBo"woodManWinpow C am �L.P+ TAcof; Bright, member oj,p(6r ouths. That- tim ained, the w6i A (Hiiav Draught.) :SVtt Real Lm6 62 price- Tjmo, has msLde a, xpeeaU 4Q� XOU;. inm ndod; lot Va it sialls Vill never rotal ach i�T- in � a fort iq ti Manchester, uti, M&Til atri tai -Ling JL P Wral WIU04 *03 ItrientS, WAZ coil 10 fG, outaj�q C a fr. 11d, Black. resu Pleture Fjalftu 040r, 'ONorko f fo and its itsu 1i 30 , 1nkF6s1jC6lt0i=jl0tW by, xtitef attaution5te. fo le&jjj a .4 mr,.hre otpablio pstroulg& 1 Laut'; 3, W, slack� -legirkm A-GENT9 don:MW I uthit1wridt Aile Jumbek, T -a LAND rilly; lot.jatS frdmj;Aa*'1jiha4n armoun6es tUti Sfia boirg surpoi <;FQ3D3E0UT0 tlon�'f -T NMi6h"I 3rd U ade syn r6d lit 5 V. M. 11118 -misp-gaffol 0 Cra _4y.tR the Frouch At4ei 1)4t JW WcX Y..i . ' , I I � - 'wiIjaii old - I - 28.-Tbe sur nor !Arty* 'Vic a tree nd long ilt ( tori '.8 �Xjjd,�js jig i Sept, thelr0public m4oi"x 1 william@014' , TP' 0 -gtiasboutr 09asliku I . - , -04 J r - - ­� ; I , th6 G t4i _Ibis sonti- FREDERIC4 2d. 0 ad At two saarificlL ei;fiaii toti or 14'U 16119 0 � ., - , - - 0 - WSPL","_ I 'MOVOUQ ' ' L )o - I'll - ont., , , �- , " - Goiler!4, Auj 151� 187 02i *4i old 01 ihis A-3oruirig- by Col. �iesu k In sba* lad InvalwAt Co-- _01fibbseL T v o&� 11:91 (0) 2dj -;& t4j*­­ "d 4;-)l 17;000 bas, I hill1dwo ZdT I t Id- 11101: _ -' 2& 2d Ca -1 r it M70*3 A=j& a On* �*ar old:G MoGauzi .2d ]kbtfj atied a p u _t` Holmes ojectilt. tilba wijh rQf. . ­ � L u for the IAUCI patents tault, ou 0JD laid orn tb ij,,, orpie. t YA destp crown 1111111110111W 2d�Caaleloh it d bi -the -Al aw ON SA I coltilino mill, 40K KOTV�avt 4 Co. cooderisk Aug U, _Oonsral rurpo n Oro# a besiogers.- Bros., -2 pfah the Wqik of -ex B*Tq More vi to.' totend it, 4o FACTORYer YA34 4--pateut tvej camp W Rowe1j, �Borfin Xqa, tUf fu[116p�i*# mi, 41fd 40 bopeg OW1364 tDd ge. igosf, , "age would A.' refore be vAlu and o or_ oonvert defeat inio f1d0rY- Farther R. lon'Bro 1; , !Wii, -a #i4Wiiudev f fartoll, 0 WATOMIAE, Me Hay I 01.0QA80 - . - I 10,11t, Vil It Pa'ate 13RADF-H AIN, Ui;"iii 34 W Mot -GODERX011, and S&W '91- In dVatrimint, are now WJZST�ST., 6*od _I la I pious�. Count Hismorck 4deman4b; first, 41' the R�khriatU .11 * '. L __ n-01 oarryoa the businsoo bi InAt r,sax 1st Pwterliksrit, of the Freiiab go lity- Orawkil PW61% Pbst Scew in id 7., Thii reW &bjpfop P r1l d D %r-rbidll. bo �A bn6 61W Qat. ROWS, France refusing tw, must tarki bei 0twoods a3dWabla Skah- D00raq, Allud*' jd� j (;VAj Aj%1V" d1*349 I .-: . *t6rablywith we I L *jU"t. .* in tiler �Otuitft 'L n; of I ii b pi _T MWutch 'ince� j)f Wain jja�tfil, for the' 3="r4T" V=Um "Flo 0140yea,( Sd W Podry the if wer rif. BrIF310"R1011 L L �aldto,WAgou&M "go ' ­ 'oil i!i�ris L - , � NW*�, jc)� 3m:w Xx 3: C� thanks to ta People f Goderich, &3A the thorn, sarcastu tho Q !-2o lbo��jlj 1�44ier �iofbe Iritere is M f As , _ I . . =iye3*41,3fqp sad yj 3rforthoic liberalpatronagOdWft T w4I ' ' ' ' * lui 1, n V fButteivol bw IMLY y" boyarg. hong arrlydd ;po- tb weiv,, -71870 ,gneral. pur 148145 for Ja6kso sal4ow ttat tho W 940AM )0as* Ippfuit of Stras ,sad pu'anluj; iVe juial, beer. 0 ,spaq t Sj�4 2d a44,6d OT.e Yews. 2kawo aqA$jlj kinds 61 t 21ja 300140heou. $10. out �y - j S to te BIL Vorn d Attu thatau who wi& to puraboxi ]a<: Y-4 .0 1W Berlin, �Ppt Heiag sais Or ered te t $d got Via dowall to him at, such as 01rok and 01416 gash oid444 -RT X�- Timudw IST06 dlorraini_ own Tkoy thisk'h&ft Alsape_ftfi tions XMBT B _00A.-AIRIN 1�1? 'kwty� %;0s 10 _,I, Zodors. %voik, tw **y *s* g" W41sw I fQ1 Gaww" %4 �,-, , 11 — �­ veryil*Vy�O" q I ­ r . 4 . 'iii.of tliofebr I to nat'0046p,14 k8o-AUbw* � tatic llck� damsealk lover tboos V= �al i0thoritios"X4 t1ioL _111FRON. ffL I 11*1.. - " - _("L '' - Ana it'ispro. uy , ­_,�, 1 fiog - - C - mitea it� trom whii1i Dry ii,4 %Pj� lit. OD. AM101. =MCZ U Ohl pj.qn,. 4t'.' rAtj -0bifagre uotui*44 hi or@ to W" by i,,*tommV Iry Ai%ntj Ire VIA 10 40404 1in0j the itill bo imbjectea to, iiea oo&d& Alt to,, IM oilf in 18,10, lat 1WL, ff**Utqxt box sauUW redroitl has ea id PC*- Al 171 �=ifitsr y. bwthOM SO W141 Xoi* 1 -ItU4 ii� il (Tue VATS MUD U_ DAVID LkW va 111 U, mou - BW W vo, can Aft& , AT J= Wr -5 for, 00iij*jr I al PAW a sad&;., 31064" 7' 71