Huron Signal, 1870-09-29, Page 4F � 4 V. T f & roli, 3=" F'j N �0, COX I YF1 JkT it A"68.Z5 T. F As ijurall conwMing so zv(ttg, 'a and Va;i� Thing is A BY lit. FACS -sirg 140 2=8 oftho, ini2s �:o low, -TO Trant VIE110 Goderich" 6%)T-If�l inilu �of the ysirk'A d.*lt ejdn� SM17, li�dqualityoflauc leileldy, aid M. A. ld There isaelcuanceof V 'I'D VVNCESgoo" -,j-_ntCr9 I , ", , 1 -4 b. ii 72 BNYVV j%grultularal , ��-,,=rns� (.1tARTIND Nl- - LO wbg - I � I dthlp gqTc I" ReduCiad on the DunpauMaetvrep!or$,'..Ikikat,&vu 'Of. W30 to Stimad. A tui- t kD L :0 g'.1A., 1$70 of Aberdeed,' �j A IL Te The or 4 Tb�V63 2pa Vitt t bcst e - rbe jPMPO -bee fop tov a aim "00,14 - - I B� remaind&-ofthe land is cliostelsp= 'Printed at'CitY o &OCL. jilurmlcotittans versity, has ilosopj�y. in, the ble 10 Mont Glenburui,6 Ai ale :e 7.our- Mental.and MoralPhl Ue'W For- Penods ext6ndi"Ir ��v =91, R b, lonov the following airection8l.-TAt by 1116^ -J?1Ak-_ftdFaUCY9 316timber TA ly. r, - ped t 11 111 --!tat a Uj,*tv�jjjty about to be institutedin Otago, 'Year- me ,it Borrow! "tot' borFo 'on the &rn floor and throw a Strap HaLf-Yearly or Year y over his -back Abd fiaten it to his rowNsmP 0Y tod 4=,,d wcneett!ed ii jmlasVoraCl1:ntDl1,, _*,jS0_Lot14,jZangoA rovasbipsitalle 3derlah and I anul, containjilg3pacr! fore feat - lead him aloing- and say "whoalli! The burning of bO Public lit;t"Y sk 11,:�estinoiit- Co. MILES from G agfromGodo- ;of well reserved tuaWr I�ad, -on -the Orevel Road R1 Aby the 3321- wouldproaticea quantit ire, , to Wood to the self - 0 of the musem ina oo sittlated 'y off whjchJIISjWP2rate 4"ZZ--4 at the I e time pull' down the strapi Strasbourg, on 11 eatiolderabit oJiFICE-50 Ve IM d2L ch to Bayfleld, 10W M It eon, ia ng otnim disjlyed owing to -Oe rarity dp.ML ; 110 acres 11140 Us lotxim to the er Bayfield with IMMMINk aeld River. waterfall winch could 130 made cvallableOr v7 11T.t Tjo ratil, Whieb throws him on three feet and mak(a valtiablo'in Europe, ft MUW fence, 10 acres clear of sturn nhigh state bt irbis is the Thest. of ita tr&sures, seems to be fully verified. 0Atkr. a ps and h ITood hsrdlffi>Od� alanufacturliagpit9OCS. tLjtjvXUOn, goililleb ploy loom; bus] -chard him stcp suddenIT. or 'ATealil � 0. AUMN. .Awponl), It % well watered by two living An or known to teach whoa, ithough-you VlegpAESIDS11r, r tam apply to, -TAXES hway The fessors of Roman UathOl'o'the' OfI40 apple trees In bearing-ftilft very aoce: also' a -To pro 'ESQ, arlAdle, and sav whoat !-;OHNjGOItllM- a few, YEERL can put on the w ned at Nuremburg, demana a jolaqu am I few -pears, plum, g�jacht!s 'all& �pberl, 32 bY421ect, Or W, W- CO1q1q0R` E s9- B& vines, Twos, ryconerete bous% WS full sin of thebouse- Tramp barn 45 by 81 It. Q* C' falm oil the L L that WtIl stop 10 'loon eto revise unlawful proceedings ;Guelbl, Avg 15, 1870 0 and give him a Sharp jerl Mordhants, Ban note success jOjjj M.WFoal) E1(I- * ik Mackay 41nouncyll- :Q., Gordon s the strap to big fdot. k, aropporuni" secure a good him about as soon a of the council of the Vatican, JOHN GC Manager where fruit Alsing is much Taalt gn1m. 1. G. HARPS� Messrs Sessions Turner &CO - et r � with the foot of the Daily 44r, A.A*Tt9' VOters' on Then put him in harness, head of-, The Berlin corresi3ondent -' 3q" Isken & CO- ithaufartherinbuid. ApP1VtO HALL, Byfiald. TA -9198 for ,j*nN TUItN8P j., r WX 1 T. wo eur obb, a (,,at or qo meted to do under the QjM9,ZSi;i.l blef f X. TRU - il Agent; U6dbrl& strap, as di Telegraph writes: -Forty thousand i JOHN Fl, Merchant. ruX", I;au mem bopeicssl. I NOAH BARNIJART, 13"" ra Lyman & Milonab. 3 ,"mgllt Ive him up Mess . D Craw gust 15, 1874, W30 Von saletwo veryvaluable FAES in4be Towill 11trainium to harne§s," and dF - JOHNIV , I I Es(L, An X imp of, thalers down whi& is 46000 English LC%TkB. FSQ,. RD Goderich. Fogarticult-is apply to he Under. RANVFO of vosU QUAW HuronRoarL to the Zoor. The tooment. DALRYMPLE 9 N izz money, for the invention of a new sort of offe i time upon a dull, ely Pat ford (9 Co. FARIK FOR -SALE to move, take his foot and. say'whoa., u 60LICITOR-5 takes sausage I This is the premium lat Augulst 15, 1870 woo kzv co -nes VARVY BOULTON Nso' r carriage. and got out again ; Get in you gett , * by tj�e Prussian Government to a certain qZcRUTARY & TREASURM of 014 THE rattle the thills, make all the noisc- Ing ily ingoniolis cook, ouejGraneburg MORTON, ISK-5 ORO ROAD v can ; give himtounder- -happ AVYL -FARM FAR- SALA save; �T.S; I BAYFIRLI GF mr in and out YO -by name." Banbrs_;, rehalits, Bank of C!anada Vanceq without all tL�y Prztextsvmr, stand, by snatchilIg his foot each time he, of tile Lan itt ad -in intensity uced to the ve"Y masters hipthut he must stand Until you tel! The cholera is increasing charges red C rgGlot22, first concession ee4erldh To moves, h are tlftred,'t never failing at TacranrOg.'RORtOff and KeFteb. Deduction- Co#veyancln&:1er' 011VI 116aeres. raD LOT 24. CON 4- Atell A9eat`idPRED,'�'A_RM8TRON6 -heland. The lot�lssltuatedll .jt'l �-_cald wield asileain�re rweal, him to go ; and after few times Yca Can Love@ F West Street creek T-uns through t ha�a the Inir. It,6 miles frm the town Of God- ToWndgp 0 inoot _f Go&*jCjj, cv7aaining afm put the whole family isthe carriage and' The Australians have. . swiol the GraVBITOadabol being ve0lialt- he won't stir out of his tracks. SE aijeh. Theiandisallch'claY 10am- about 55,aoretckared, fortune to find kerosene in W�Iat is called ahlefbr�wbeator fruit growing. The lot will be sold -the saulih� (7117tivator the Blue Shal Mountains of Now South - CHEE Possession can be lot - RpTE HOUSE. ON THE GROVN A WRITER in CREts'Eq 6hpagand on easy terms- V.V(eiu H 5) STMT COND am parlor, Kitchen. Hol,and Bed, S.,ja Effeetar of Alcol2al on theR=an oa the following as a remedy for colic W ales, Australia. Hitherto the price of 0eto er, for ytioulara and tormS.'UpPlY fa floa, DiningItc r room;,on7thesecondNor, SittingROOM, LeTggym- Printed, to order, -]PARSONS Or J. DAVISON, Esq. 60-deylch- 8 1 -he 33"0 ,nve wn Oils has been too low Jo,make it all, 13 Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 w3o Ay Bedroom, and four affier bedroom ,On t 1[j &,w - ment, Dairy Boom, 'i�tonandTfrolla :--"Give a teacupful of wheat our o F=it room,Stilre roorn,Xeat room- 'worthA the Australian" to go fihe�ph� Prame Sam 52,Z� feet. 7_jlesfr_f%. &)rne very interestilag experiments have In a filled with,water the while of !d strach flour in a black 0DE111CIff- -sige. Goderich. Goodlafp orchard of Ov0­ 900 sr-PerW buellin,,lde by Professtir Parkes, . 6 boitle; to work but a company has now been gl�io(!HRSIG y fil1led F&M foT fruit trees. Sol,, acep clay loam. veil %joterod by p a Ssolve the flour by shaking thi -prom I - ... orty is sitib, an. rks established, with ug el ek and floWitig 'Well- The pr d Couut lVollowies on nuerailly lbrmed and great wo vH been re-8ppointed solo ftaentS at -and Prices imn aerateo- OT' 53,and 64, Baylield Conc&!144011, In to les from Lake Huron, of whig a 900d view Ingn having avail- and drench the horse. . It will 9 with the loik-priced the� sale of the celebrated COURT T 'S r Ifull rom. the door. "Apply be had f bject, these gentle five to ten minute." He adds. a view to aompotijiig for DIV is, 110 JLJ To-witship ol 06derich Containing 68 acres, to jams Wilkin- s .S.Alves of the Willingness and Ze31 cUreiU ot these oVef 50 acreg witb goocl Frame -son, E, sq."on the premilac or to C-1 theu, a , imports. lVes from 4G, K TRUFAMAN Z Very intell;eerL herlthy soldier to be- thatatablespoonfUl OfflOOrin tumbler: Exeter Fac� ry Cheese. e"� Vinton. For lbl`1130 c me Cj� S, ill provean effective remedy The number of-wasels under ilia flag Factory 3arn, and Log fl-wei ObOlit deiaers supplied at the ofsale apillY L Local W30 toftheexperiments. The of cold water w German Corffederation, whick AT THE SIGNAL OFF"CUt Court office at Goderich, or to Mr. WIGGING Gode1jej, Aug 15, 1870 00ject wz­not to a-ScOrt-mn %he effects of for A Man. of the North Price& )11,4 in disease or excessive quatlititiesl are at present lying Up on account Of the TUN on the premims W30 ;31C4 SnEpSARD Ar STF-A-CEIAN- Goderich, Aug 1011810 but t1le dietet-c- effects of,% f--iramOnuttak- Am our 3ons DeiedoraUnV war is about 5,800. A large portion of PARK FOR AVE11 ,laijv IxeZlffiy person. The plan Of An,, 15,1870 W30 c belong to Hauover,aud the Hanseatic (;odeilb A BARGAIM W. 1). COLB T OT 10, (*W. 10, ORNE,100 AMES, aMows :-For t %venty- thos Y ! ftifte =86. observzti�.n ri, - TheCountry Gendt?aah COUtaInS " the. towns, N, JU 00 cleared, liouse. rentained on a diet pre 0 N F 0U_ good dwelling ichlook place To askitehen attached.Also gcod'bum following discussion, whi UU, R. ACRES, Best I Of Lot 29, 10t- ft- Calrosil' Co- with a cO11211104101 re"118rd, wen tha - . 50 Brace. I acregseleared mesof ineals Suilint, along a liver or. canal, the I . . .. a% to flood and ti Our and good lo-- bowel and shed acconimode:tion, good bel o --st ceritly at the Ithaca Farmers"Club. eil " asionally sees in the dusk of FIR IT TIEES') & C. Clear title for S500'emb or for $60 011ie third dovm r.ateredbytuo creeks ranningthrrughthe felfill, and respect, except that for the fa and gardeoeis might gather some- tlav er Gee +2 interest j�od wells, One mile from gra-Vel read, r) miles from tosA oully water (Ila the shape amon; the lotus flowers and oil, mind theTemaindDrin4sunualilistilmentswlth' eight dava he the evening, HE snbqei iber has now on hand at his gar at 6 per coal per -nx= oaderlob. Pot xarticulm apply On the premises to tile thiijj, Z L 1;ggo Stock of S4 't Irs-Out V6 cer. Godmich. and simple water) ; for from it: udard and DWSI Apply to ulildersignedprRi Mr. DFL STEWART. Oj`cpffee, t3a, Street, -BRA-HAX bXITff nei.t sis. days he added to thi,; diet recti- Ar. Arpdd read a paper ort the Sub fringes of reeds which, border the streams T .,& at he tfok fourstott coolies vigorously �hqkingw Lumly 6th Sept, �q7b, v88 ­10t MmbantT4pr.. APPLE%, August 1.5. 1870 W30 in such �roportion th ject -Are our soils deterioratim h t over a bask4..,- A nearer approao PEA� ts, 51ties, on the first day one - Lal sight of' acorpse being FLUMS, on SAZE NOTICE IS HEREIN in divi,leil quani uid. that the first settlers parstied the 0 Jec �)hol ; on the reveals the unust Cf1 VMLAGE,LOTS. F IV GZVEN 4.1aid :-nnee f absolute akA the third Policy Of taking from the soil all theT denuded of the silver eels which have 'et session that application will be made at the gee,�nd dzy tw,) fluid ounces ; OU Uld get, and returning -as little as th4Y IN RAYFIELD laturoof-Untarle, foin Cliarterto coustrOct d sixth cO collected in it during the day. Where of the Le& four amaen the fifth B& a,tuglill from theCity of Londou, In the county0f then could help. This policy had been com. PR HE subscriber ofrersfor sale four eligible lots ill days eignt Ounces on each day. those exquisite and beautffd fisk abound 04A 100TS, On the'l3rellilses an A Middlesex, to somepointonLakollurOBAn ft-TOINU alM then menced at ihe east,, and W&S now- VkOar- G seberries Cd Tin the vitWe of,Bgybeld. -factory, sk!p of Stanley, County Of 11=14 recumed to water for Six & he fialiP.Tfnen are-qu thealert to detain R W.11 31ujberr'es'� a frame dwelling. barn and vinegar Tor If a bottle- onsly prosecuted at the weist. But the Cuirrants, d, U3 gOo, July to 1870 for t-Iree days on each day ha Xmortality floitiog along by Also, GrAp il�l Tree., liclud premises W. Lin 6 particillars applYgOu the som e after running their farina any remnant Blackberri eping Willows, Cut leaved 'Yowr CROOIL -fine branay, Will easte a- splendid K naronook WQ (equ-tl twelve ounces) of, ra farm rsl' tying it to a stake. Nightl ther Shaking A www -t of alcolil. For three improving B1 &c. t., I will have a large additionAdr Rill R Goderleh, July I ter. Thero m of the defunct proceeds, ind'is i In th h ins Lazarusq. No i & VJ09 tainina 48 per con nearly out,,saw the necessityof i -ondinled wA-T if, oi rris days wore he returned to wa them and went- to work to that'end. T h is the-r,einUll, F.&61rtRER OF .1olilig pr.sentsto MANU were U10 ing, alcohol, wzter,bmndV water. Before tog _W30 go'her.-Foad Journa& e question for us is -on which joked Goderi It, All- 15, 1870 the omperin attl M F: thus ji�e V drink- after timeas long as beforepurchasing eWwhe"- ,F,OdN viz., of water vemollt also, was going on -from east to time Givdme IYU. CAMPBELL. cc ;;4tstha mari wesL Tb Six hundred Carlists were " OTST By .PM 1, -� & FLOURING I I -eascauStOmad to take one or tvo side of that improvement are we? in N rejou -Sept. 4tb-aud I 'BE had be -d altogether 'a reference to the census tables for t8-15 and beaten, arl B LNjYDWELLING HOU HT4 priisl&s captured. A ID no Bash SaW.Mills the vill 0- itlaodville Ono mile from God alttemp I tin to - 91110L L Wrks. HOU90,cad for ten destroy PWNShmell 1bu P in -the centre n t 9 erich, Sall pints of beer daily. absw e ner8, SteaM Engi crich from any Aic liquiir od4s and those of 1865, Mr. Arnold showed arms, priso �Uu_ and minute exaruina- p except oats there was a body of Carlists- nd wd 6tone that inevery cro S 13toreentirel n' connaiddiouil with 91 The must Seam' rin ol and VisoaY S9 e lint conditiom To is eAsY- Opticigns and railway betw?ea onof Ig Machinesi, epers r cellar all I I OCURostst an Was WEST SIDE MAaKBT SQUARE, I ti -)u of the m: made from day to day gratifying adVanCe in the average amount the Thrashi.i i - Apply to 5 R, 01 T in the variouz- ways adupted by chemists rer acre yielded in 1865 compared with has %ISO been beaten. The Politico 4n"W.81 i - W STAjqR1VRRY. Burgenville, PI'O: ircumstan- P (Unionist). attacks. Prim bitterly,:and Ctfle New -Bu Mo I , i I I - UAVIT, WITH A" VIE ov To MELT THE IN- gnstg undersimilare t crop he Now lj�-opeid I f4 ­ I *. I I iand phy�siotlqo following conclus]0131.1- 1845. The decrease in the 01 service 1CREASEDdemand for the celebraled Berfectcd ces, and ledt, tha erts that the ovly further public 2RA KE - -HOU-oE -TOR SA-41�f spertacles'- Appoint attributed to the dryness of the census ass US ed V. JORDON,, 013ellifst One or two ouncess -of arlsoluto alcohol giv- to resign A WW .00BYAN PLO DnillZlst, Goderleh Ont . o jbc�r &!4k twenty-four year, 1864. So our soil is undoubtedly possible for him t) render is I i Agent for -ibis place. hey bovi jaken care to givk'-All en to a b*1.1thY man du i . cy on tho part of the supporters F-�FSH OYSTERS or SfeallBoards, Drill plou-&q, iGang Ploqghai. oeWhI fulstreedQns�. and lhe� airiUty ring Lpetits, four Improving. There are two sourqes of conspira L With C4 4 rooms, and hom-, rather i=reased the aP of Nioutpensier is rumored. The Spanish RUlT of'ali kinds In Beason, astrY, &e- M4 U Substantial Vinne" bouse 'h 'the - Agents mo the requirements Of all COMOMeM Z ACre"I"ItUgCod bar 'r3ualp"' 0! U larger irourovemomt-1. Barn yard manure.-..! d The Car- FMack will be glad to see her old customers at A NEAT undry west,of An.uppormalty win be thus*ifforded i ounces leSS--ne' -orS, Land Rollers, Str8w C OLO Riot 1111 o precuie, at all i it very much, and �et (the South be destroyed it some ops. We cannot doubt that r-daerves have beqn SUMMOUe - oultival their otronsth- Now Alludi the old stand, pipe BOZe9j on Macdonald 9tre timet.lipeciacle* unequalled by an), for quantities quite POilt 11. Green or )rs in the the lug On ttles,', Sugar Kettles,sait Ikettlesi- Wagon an the residence dtM Cox, For farther ening and a], ,feEe,r I luem coi 7 therel'ure, it would seem neaT t%'VO OunCes, t is due alinest entirely lists are still strong in numb( Godericti; Sept. Sth, 1870 w4tt Aol-ultural Purnaces, Potash Ke I= enquire At this r�* T;,3 ran N �411 W"_tf e sodas to theirzilperignty over our improvemen over 1,000 9 Goderich August Sth, 18706 thenrilinary glassesworn. . fhere is NO 91in=eInIgs is the limit of the useful action, of alcohol to the latter and mainly to clover. In Basque Provinces. One band) . PARLOUR BOX wal ofthe sig or other unplesslinit on appetit_-, and it s2ems probable that I strong, is a-Ci)eballos- NOTICEOF DI�SOLUTIOX OF (;001KINGt . itils' Work Itild Repailing ht. dizziners, I order to k_ee, up the fertility of our $oil, dki & Bra8B Cfistin�cl mader seniationl on tie confroiry, from Illepeedifir c4DU* gestiou is weak a, less quantity It is announced that the seat of the ofthe most�juil)rovle In ; , plid BlacIrsul 18, as you can se the STEEL MOULDABOARD PLOUG theytare spoibing and Pleannt. liefto tta'Weamrsindilro eed to return to it as much as we' Call and a _ducdng whera dig It we u ' V?ARTNERSHIP tice. SALEI feelm ;e Would SuZes tdestro, nt will be transferred to done on short iiO LOTS FOR lig 3 1 A -V the apptits. =ara:d s incofyisloll, is 2n #V Minimal too" that alcohot checks the natu- take frOM it- Now we do not return, in Italian Governine one Is HSRnB11TZGTI;;1 that the p"tus"I'lli tone very .heap for- Cashi,, .�o I I . - - has been s m- -all PARKER &CATTLE go ex that. ar of what Rome Ilefore the end of September, N he ofors existing betwe AULT. .15tb, 1870 T DESIRABLE PROPERTY igh The are lbenlySpectisel ch_-mical eh=gn th3 body which barn yard manure, one qu. ter Goderieh Mugston and St. 4oining Cralibla PRESEAVE AS E AS ASSIST THE . in as cheml %nd Druggists in Owen ound, D To David's BL jea.ds to w4e, and in Lhis wa�� it s3,ves'ffi8 the crops takeoff. But a rota-tioa in ich, has been this day dissolved by,= 'Block withtills -W WILL YOU GO WEST, ARY ?"-Not and Gode SIGHT41 tissues and -prevent& exhaustIOU ;'bUt 80 which Clover takes a prominent place has nt. floderich thiY4kretbeebmpeLttt)�eentelbobest, filwaYSbA911.9 consent Ali deb s owing to the saldPartne hip in eutstin the present case tral �Ne iorsey lived GE A­�, [-AO#4� '- S M V T HP far as the experim ar from Con R to GEOR t"TYL C*ho *9 R, B, the- manx YeRys million 43 ar, to be known as _0 Hotol,*u44hprbuiid1ngatbsre- t chanje beingluecessay. are concerned, neirlier of these results is a Wonderful power ofilliprOViDO' Worn out very f Brown and Tom Hall. and I- to -Irweemploy no pedials. land. Various instances were given in two lawyers, Archy tinue the'Business in the old stan Mt0L aMOUllb ist said Partnership in Goderich re to be nt- on... For terms itud,1121ticulars F. JORDAN, proved by the use of a made Twenty, years ao, Both were very fond of d.rOpping in at how a same vin be M;;;GA Tailor. of alcohol. The hear is decidedly &gect-_ support of this theory. - I - ining, and spending 'itt'. 4,il George Cattle, by whom 'H AS VECHIVED Gobrleh I$ September 1870, SW7'tf, Godoleb Acj 19 3870, soloAgentlair Bodench, W" of alcohol a fai In was bought for S 12 per acre ; it Mr. Smith's of an eve Goderich the 19th July. 1870 811795tf -easing tl�e daily dosel Z . - daughteri Dated In ed by jucL vvo . ouaces. The average Was gravell and thoirou�hly worn an hour or two with his Only beyond the t _V, poor, own and TEWART a now get first-rate crops Mary. One evening, when Br, rft riv 40 4 SA: FA= FORUM nj;mTaer oi beats of the heart iii twentY- �ut, The owner p (as calenlated from eight tser- fromit, and would not take 6 LOO per acre Mi I T1,80LUTIOR Of PARTNERSHIP fourho s Mary had discussed almost every ur-a in 1117teen hors)-- 4T'�g foritnOW. I his has been,accomplishad topic, Browhr BU&d"Yl and with his sweet- AGENT iNt AURES, MORE 'Or. AEDUT 110 is hereby given that the psitnelsbip, live- WHOILESALE IyacrearcUmdand the balsticagood hardwood timis the undersigned &a. j, -comfortitfelloU86 and-ftilt-cl"s ftame barPx, a the fimt or wat NOTOV -er period. was 106,000; in by clover. it tones, struck out as follows:-' - fe. exieting. between ber, a the alaahohe peraid it was r27,000, or prof. Caldwell said he was - surprised, yon think, Mary -3(011 Could leave your General Aercilants in the Town of Goderibb, under &Orchalo, and -well watered. Yost altholandif rtill'and Robertson, is this day Thefarmls lotSO, 'Ethcon.,Goderich about 21,000 Inclue ; and in the brandy the sty] � or firm of Ma , t An debts aue The far-famqd slid Taliable st Calherine's lquirsery although agreeably so, to bear that the father and mother, year pleasant home dissolve lby mutual conseu the said W. 8EAI)M ESQ. Towimbip.011)%les from Goderielland 7from ClintOlL pl�rioj_ it was 131,000, or 25 000 more, 'When he saw herei wi all . its ease and comforts, and firm ar� to be paid to A, Martin who v011. Betide the STAPLE. pANCY. DRY ' GCOJDS, on�=eutof part cash, goodtapsW- lbogivEn for laud was uotieteriorating. ith itallfliti, is of -the same. INERY & STRAW 600PP, IFOR A-LIJKIND"F thp, ce. Vor parficubm on the premlseato Adopting-thelowest--estiniate which has oun lawyer, IN.[ MILL JO fklcKEN=1 bee ure was al- o to the far West with a y Witnem- D.Me3I.ART AMOS MARTIN n gi7en of 4-e dOy work done by the the manner - in which the III II n 'Taeart, Vi2L, al most universally managed, it was strange. who has but little besides his profession acdcleh Aug 70, JOHN ROBERTSON. HOES ORNAMENTAL TRM, GREEN. ortq au AND F. X. TRUETA equU to 122 tons hfted one BOOTS AND 8, - I j I 1pnd Office, Goderleh, a out i Witli reference above the sublieriberbegsto Fhousel?,4auts GrapeVines,14.,*" 0 Mllx ,,a perio'l He to depend upon and withbim fin A* 5 W80tf_ portees foot the heart during the alcoholic to him that the laud did imprbve. tha:, he will hereafter carr- on the business, On his U stocknoton baud, ordered on thaskortest, v say Any �did dafly Work in excess �qu4l to lifting hich it should be your dut- k in all irs departments and would respect 13 it would require returns new borne, w ,.-nac, Ol iOtice. Houke-11aftlodville. Goderi:0112- 0 wo thought, that ity a continuance of Tublie pationsZe. Tor 15.g toAs one for to to beautify and make delightful and happy w3_0 � t,, and In the last t from three to four years in sueemsion A. MARIIN. Godericht Avg 15, 1870 days did e%tM WOrk tQ the amount of )ropping her hea softiv on 'T HALF OF LOT NUMBER. 8, Fioun t1vanty-fou? tons lifted as far. The experi- prove this. In Germany, by the most like this T' I answered, ,,I think I Godereh August 16th. 2870. EAs . Hullett, on the bolm" ,m and account kidepiDg they his shoulder, she JLteeath concession of linebeteQu Blythe and Wltiin office eaeh *By, that, referring oray to this Careful farmin, in -a proving. But for could, Archl." 1 -Well," Said be-� See,,, Go(idUardwmd; wateredwith a never falling creek mentem IpERFECT -kge alld Ohe —0111 AISOV011,clogeby.thehoUjo lielaithy manit� is clear th3_1 the amount of can'see tlxeir soils - in' TIM stock- very La 3,P andniver thiling spring changed tone, and Straightening himself Fotv siares'eleared. well fenced, 77 Ures lux% LO$ -alcohol the heart wM Mar without losing thisthey husbpdevery portionoftheir 'hOUWaUd�UAM.9-Iluiving6rClLdrdi�b kinds ofplUmlit it- herlthy ach-on is smal], and it n%& be "There's TQm Hall WhO'S going SUBSTITUTE �ed and vllow barn.yard manure� And we must do the U black.whitil and red ourrants, pears_2 the' ants to get a wife. YOR, gooseberries. For, further particularsapply lou Me. ajjp,,r)oSejj aL-�6 Some disease 01 he=& or same irwe would c6utinue 'to advance. West, and W Goderich, Aug 15thl'1870.' T6RANKMLAWSoN4#d_,b1s*ath0T. ve-q2'ells WOU14 eventlaaRy follow the over- ovement by the growth oflover, mention it to him I" PrAilig diephol. But 'P p-.udtzeeA by 1-arge dosea- of i uch by brin I L V,EMI is 'not which acts verY in 911117 UR Itum 'R BAJA. Mie e5art a -a the z---r7Dus SYAteul gores of pjautzaoa from a lower str "' 1_i a eosting ofpure nlaeke4l by 2mv (]ATTLz I)IsEAsE,-Dr,Smitb)-Veter-' . 4 - 11 _. I : 11.ijverjoverthew;�T and sa ds of but only 'altered Will probably not last ver ppointed by Government UTEI �EFATYF LOT -NO. 18, IN TM I y long- ar geon, al y platedby in the patent proces ane UTe q 9 Oln, th§ verybest ct:enea heart7s acti- Zdaii4ed that manure scribes as 'ton& and is beyond all eompari.. wt Apply there to S. Folloik, Esq_or, ssnz�. voL Brewer i to. this WOOVEN V1 im _1L 5vi amij,, voy two mAilp fto 'to enquire er ers thus sum Up. the vlertbst,=4b0�!!mP10Y4d as -disease pre. I - 11hel- G-01"BuLwK was wasted, and said that, to be pl�opefly F011OW15, --"There- are many simp e rem- mentally, asby-do V'Oviilblt 9 e;- such c ither usefully or orna ­ 0!,Iservations� Uriol a heaIll 8 -PIPEWS MILLS) tL I saved, it must, -be under cover. As to KNOWN A li�at : . , - ' -what d169 and readily procured, iha� w% tend, testV a#bqdIstingn1shodfr6;n r* silver. .s not di2cult say e t : , tov w4s a w*�nder_ ho pietent . f _. � � , � , Goderiell fetMt�� he, thought there to allay the inflammation, and a O� -t ita taa eze A Amplete set je,,-bite- Df the fly. As to the curative 12-,t wouldbe, moderation there t as foll of 44qualitY I" lin%' eas. for him., bnt7iti is not gallrTanteed t�, dedle, w' ful improvement. Forty years a !Td -d b all(F *ai uch, .4 be SOMS erff Unla ofe�jog, where there is m THF, folitowin pniy certain that - WOUI dreds. of acres bail� Teiftiiloal�l � t w prepared to g- . - two, fluids arances of abolite, ku4 %which n;w - givin- affected: at o-uld 6 rM 1*nd 606bre t thq are 11eitra6rditrarycure 64ii �Caft& by e0y woru C K inflammation, -&�X'Fsl, Thlread _to ra wdliderN an, ?ULLY ilitiMies :K&T 'her being determined to se viddleo; jm§",OT L IjjDjAWRE,-.IEDY. Theyarestornun subsen tt= pattern ilttri reuty tourl hours., It wM bo owing tar'Ally flont6nfea,trith viatid water, then - jujignant crops demableandinco; go 64 the geaelml rle=lt-of our exper old silver alfOTders in 'fisitiheGreai, Medicinal COmPOU& �'!IlVites nto�clovor of'whizh there was- not -one dry thoroug0ly and dress with cirtblid patterr the mogtak0plicalt. is to, confi=rthe- opinigas hald aenid'aftprfo-taget;BP'iwaA.Ci.zsi , � soidlotioirjo the proportions. of onlepart IN -b ig 4 Abe- -There is nothing tots. ets. WiVahtiql n � 10D icreFs whit -o 6 he ind. what must be t7 sHQ8HONEES REME _f -ilutiful1arms UFACTURUM bli-Ili-thit6rejit &jin t� eXiLl the Ej P_ j 29, ton $ East at- ffiafpdflod. [C- MA thtij will improve land i guicuy as a fcafbiofin, noia to iiteel, io Forks 9. 950 1 rl�yeing, �atiuettj,' of ale-jhol, both in health ana dis- parts7ofwater, ---2Ta:p D 00 ..... 10.00,.12.00 beit,.4nd one,.o he =611L Ciistoin S�inViing, 'Ift! ligpoo0fis! Cloth Dressing, Not t1ij Tbr%dilmilks, avir,'14kelItte is is laill 8 frft Awe, ion of equal.parts of tincture WW filf Disfasei It e Elle, effectsn appetite alid on cirqu- libel growth of clover. oran7apilid'af sext Forl!s 6. Orpal'Kidney i3a 6 W SL50, _s, &e. as611182 *1011118, 14tvan9us f1ii To4vskip- IZD 6! 4V jat�an We t�la L P=tieal "j?ciUts to seize Prof. cildwill. rbmdrkid that be ha:1% _0gortpbous 6 .4 Tlaunels- lanketpq Skin Dwell . --HmfflO;i, WA AIL 0 from, rieIt, 1,&jjd 10 wilit frminghlaw, jL pro - 12 T* Spoons Wincey,&9, AeTIood,-w_e.bd1dlyghd th K# ` - oftefr and linsefA oil- to -be ..6,00 K XeK if , th col., 2180 11 W j Clothsa., Al Wert and if we ara 'of unused straw The affected animals gjiti)dwisi 14 ....280 hTff'VE station of tl4e T, G ild PY, IL ao=,eain o=inference,�,, the -Jaige remeO piles a spy o , M:M FlaUA d if li d heir wool for good bom4�inaae I'aln""tieso" marks the --,,L j;0ce Ladles rjes wis qg -to �exdhqnge t. On of T*re are Ch IbD plaCe, ZooA u i On: t le, as we aft n=a0tiqui and from these vards, a stream should be keptin clean 2 40.__240 - i6s1V hl �` was thireL 4Ef'e'r gUWx. Wm ...... h satisfied w, ormfintpuo";Or when -boih applatito aurl obazilation 2 Gr4VV Spoon 2 00' -2 2a,'. P e have the W11son'stormsor.B�01itki 0,.Vv:. or inever- f%ilipt gpvt r�st,tC,--give,us`a Ca ofCon., I -- rd out 65 he 40 .50 ode will find it, to -thftir itite Wool to goIj Lear w r* 10 ling an A p at aw oug ham dakkened. -stables.. uring. the, day, In It bo;yl SO 0 50 goild ,�6rolia;rdbeariLg,`s leter V-31illeir, -go. dea may in tbatoff of mautfro running This stf rt win L-e;ein to b6 4aarge& As to t� o-soakupthaliquld'2 -oia'eases dressing the- a daily-Lwiih; !rom, a distal with sompt!6n,AcTtbitofAm.bW-soW*�dofb -used r irfies, coi -'4fF 6' as Fou require. Lilver -Gomip1sdnt,-*r`thit;OfJvini i&O'bidauce have been pladle, Ti ming f m0u--,)hosi% of nitreleL u�& op 6 lye( ing their woof home with them the 61IM8 daY- of pyspeiisla. and �o W.� Ot fteuna&jisio, Wus enned appli on, I 814ar spoon Hose a cratches Cot Yea=, in gpvAl that alcohol UUtS rays', do not nearly :much'Jand hj last mentio ace rely on- gatt No*M-r4_C- 'of itit pl;T484* 'edt 86 near1v every instai -(4ithout -resorldug, - to o 'Ptit acula tybeen a '44A is ROVP mat h se4rus ijt, t6 muure as to have it washed by, ther 8 i T, -i--- qumtkie3 64 d3n beprOprly Used- aleutblerctofojo� I goa - ----- AXAA '-'WO= =tbementlonghd-space, eff ppears-to., us uniz ect; ital Lp4:g t B e,of im re carb Ce miml tesulLs), that ly (ja the face of the, 6; 99d- tytit dry or tliel % Irldwes. On the tiouablit ce T un of the A706ve your itcaaertablez-tLe, body'to perform mfwa- best -thing to AbSo rb it -j if With e m parts of r one 6 'aci aIAUC)L the- kept �3L fod, fhom2ft by quicYbuirig a, 0tainable Use' &7 woriz or -Les, dust or sa* B d latre -Vita Uff, 074VM c T. Or 1W# P1*0 Of 0 1 and j5cai��* in Medi. Wfwt lus the roor7- dw Y ey prilieT 0,116t "p`dl J?Zrsele Wall prilgg eattle, - 10;'NE UU i Agewu-fbi Godiriell, V, lorl an*+ Tarker & ti�-, twdkr 6f thea 00r, is lmlw ra A well-dre There is no question that rel -1, thou,,>,? not sUpplying it, at leaA. nine fa man. who, calh� S9 vested In inel"as AafVtna the I this �Oitntry' 1. 1 1 WEIdWls -_ , tp the powers P to Win litts ofall the p4tiperidn it abovein, �LYA1Ww,V,_LbIOTT,& 00' unedIM01WIlt AIIVY 49V V110 "d Iliterest ag jawils anck premises lis,*sfilgasic A& Mr. Abraham Levi, drove u too DUNSPAUG o oith 4 poriinaim; -'is Cinsed directly, b intemperinqe�, In. TA *WT9W, the 1011owt *oJd IDY pablic, lifieffou &I V* [d IU ali 30 tab aicuilous Ifactis aboutHormfe-Sylooln Cast h, for big �icau mud alhai-bo,�ndtoia p6 policeaucl-,; -olearly -shoirs this to -.be the. fread office RO on& Ll SON 10=� of uonThe, (;TeeU ard LUpfi=4 e(I ilk. fact. Oar own, Root -h' Uodel ofaum bu t1isthe hAd been authiriz Ouses "now 'buited, 1he'061 "Idings r -No. 4-7- Great -t-James StreeL E W. IC 11, 13in it I oneau(I'the Lono trdth and elml -X A.HAWLTOX li)58 ADf-()OMU ie - liarn. that,but- I OIN day Lot %f 6T*r -1870 oitrail'i tatidard ing fit manner Mi. Glad st -e oula- be ��Imo at tie baur�of tiveve OICTD* �Xon, -.n An, jma Yjn3 to take. poweidom 0 the D"fle. Heli. for intenaperaude. they d0fsOckoj!X=U, fateuiedlbortbt& WOUICI give UP t ins hat Ing -ma,xcGgjutLeTowmb!p*f jeAY,he_5d44,WOu14 neV0 'back _ tenantless. IfUlen terWn 1parcel vr' fiiri lind-,,ind .61M, COUXUL km ....... 0 leg *Ak'stralw, said shod with iron IlowIck hi�the County ofEurou- and -11XoVince, of Ou% _vrotheAl,t6 Wludsori And he intended to dismiw usoi of intoxiating liquors, V IN00,"M GenJra t4flo; �Bcjlngw ma�jWi, for strengt!LAUd extra wear, Thee... all the servants eugigeliio own domealliesi ape �fstabllibment in i 0'606 with the Reueivoi OUCCSSiOft of the TOW1311tip VC or -house or, poupet to -be-carried out,A! thirt -AT tolitalug bZ. IT1139 ten 211MB Tlikd C The vera probably not, geuerallr "13ye Ohogo doors,mi ea *111 Continue sAd. no, saw prove t SeSgo itlad Dictators!" houlil 4�' 84 Ike flie- country -over _ght not 1106- Act P a I owiek* store but-worelused onlY in casm of.diseluie ith Ing. i practici, -leased Ce. Xe tke ttemlo wirras.T�Tok-E itbin, thw palla 11 r4- soon be, wr An4,011 h1l_.&1Tere4 ei�-W6 *4, thittlitip ggages W -houldberemoved and ItisdesiftblyL cjtu&t�e(f. For f er JV� TR Tr4 CkMwar t 40 w a -she.,4 Vrr inau of Aw 4u�eted that bm olicifOr - %Dr .r Jaceii upon ths fooi, The l"to bit it within thO`talice'ind IF 7�: 0 r A7. 1r, ia RGR XZj. No 49 �Ountr of. ancient, Britons -do, notsaamtouvalmorra thathe ahould-baiihowu 4howai-to'll, ftstedPeet. Chilblains, Corusi. J T A LA positivolyoured.by.4134 1198 of jur a Bdgp UAS 411 - . I if e Curative therartothorseshMitif. VWfintindict, mjae: W" oroafte refued-'adnassion opilyhos been -equipound fjowof thiSL iiiftnanily rushed 46 1 with. great, caro, AU& 11.461 as ditected, never falls �reupov - ;k Me d W 21 dbyll - _gi ts. .10 Vatof, n Intl- BrO &t6'h&Te` lbeft O'B"' t* "COTOr 'in E19-- tU Windsor tdograP 0 a,:. all Ot- 0' ty 4 ah- 0 11 in land, 'belong to what is' know* ths' CiLt=h a diseaso which distresses us linil dilgasts, ars, 0 16, IFAI:ey 0 ofoutarlo,,feb, 014lis, Vem, Wb NO TIM r cared gra�hed to Lord, Chamberlainj aski W ORTA i9l` puyle IanbeinstantW imerell jftomatilh period, Thera -is there, vautorF-PW.IavaX&b Im ro him togft- atej 'ter of 18661 "'a "M rain I by �iikng. Dr.., I.' Bfl boo &MU th" hotse I Toet7joll tobigribo Remedytorallpainall. by.vr V, of, th *1 and of, ow werei I'm. Z.11 ". f� L , " I I - . . I tocer.titylthiltdaring e �u jTVtj04=" %a'* FAW"d by tbo -]to for his, reception at the castle. Her then-Istto. and f env! thi weskuetw�ofliihi ancles, which li Viblid -tin -at to j folk t1w cuft- g lot 107,- extended tomy� sattleactionto a, Of nea. Specimens; ot tkew borsis-Aoeii� mom or we the libiel t6 kyl, an. sifg& -F to is, _L n4 211114% rivAlled AA Ou thorough trial ofito virtnex, 19 IFIR ed tomy't aming ftl&by D * _AgIsta4 this -w lea pnoerr*4 kavo bem nxejr6W in was t -h -eft arm&d sai tkes -to 'Re"'u *hp r hft T �hat; III f1ftil0ftrde 0 yel will 0 payaboutr Tjuia_aa lowlisim. Th*y appor to b,%Te to i �V _Opeiat, caladvice,elavloy -0 en O -W onme,and04" dnel;Lof Ul� . jS 10 ACQUINT IM PUBUC TMT W, rdm6lsoughtinea d, m� on Wortb vitreetualho th* with Pites you &M'sf�a" ol liko our modem hornihow Tj" hs� A, Curit lit T us 10 ]Won S_ I-pwrilil by, frien t Ifib rem xt� -d+ lali�tb4w TeouffiluL �69ek -, dneo +A+rvth t1ghoolion _Va he is I _jirlS6SwbenI-a1 Ill, bt r10 West I phlet. Thankfidfor _XtAtiol; , � I ND TILL D1,03lisfitteat T*t Z joung Man vi twenty yearsof, Use 'Ift"t d *oj4&0 *brife.' summer Xilreb. with puyj, tkaw mail -IN" in awk in of Tbo udu6ed =% 00 Aug. E b� _-ndingit for tobacm. Pr ggitp Att, eto FwAt -you Moth-. Yq- g 4W" fthe ftishonem Remedi Md two wag gejWng:sjmosthe1pW. Tbil ig of the mxt y _a_.brab I bad began In ray, A!"Oull'ausiliftilf same. h&ft Xft$ 40flAI& Dr.7 T" t beginnu And &'11 WILD talken-jwo bottles t monk" for 40 h"& indade 0,1*0 tho ]principle &ad ,,I) to be he best., !WQfUurou. Ila' OM rayar wed 1ol; jjj&4n Irmatoredjokesit-b nail& Th 'j - - - tfd ftg-.*- Rem boxes ofthe an tri0d, *1 the en the P log, T-7- , ha age* rwed' i jear; until 1a; shall I'A tu midul . . a I j!nbverex#4W 14 , , A' puomR4"" -� . , t!Al bot 0 id Ganlages, greft �-, of WQ40 Uf . I im" edi id X, a6_V6Rr-,- th* 9.. P, This 4io of bore ilinown to all ITY lie b6iinlo4dixf*.r,s1Iev2 � 4, . . j*ing, aJr. iffla *bias dy Dgalt"T. w-,thopo ItathaLorltdog twin Fil"W13164 -; , , jmcimp� :0 . f 11 �=AtO=11011 belim �0Ajq0jZDtbtOV_SRcE3RDR0UGIr., a#enU6% , lit, Ilrlaf , _, . We - Remedy; I �e It **Usaad. dollam k a.0 OXne. �yly to s&yj ry. the ftosh9ne wrill., nd 'C' r -. 31",r A" Dori; sign Bijorao beforel W. Is A ------- 4islift- to live Mary Ann *0QVnS W fzd� 11. = willif-, dd 03un of HAdIngs, i's soon A tdi�.twanty of Aug�uA 11 me at xa&soi t bt, PabbeAtiefloill Rboulmot -TV V - UU i*-_, ffuw Owit OfQ04jfjt - j;: the edulity of tag r& 10, ;jt41% VU of ftAmber A, U. 19M. '-.no -��;bpforlkl)frp;elta pleugiltv for her befomffuring, Kam�jnfojwr her ceiti AP, to ------- ' left 6f �hy `�oltesr is UZ - 3b1tv _4d�,ftath. I have known N*W im is to ilk rftV" tit the'Auvilf4alot w Aik un hean bome 0II& I _s9d d ino b`s'*ape*d &to* offorineltyo, -hgPr 96. WAI so ft itz!nt 6ev to the th waYP$L ar fly ka t�e jit war rket Battv" ix 0,W0 in gold,. por -paid 0T e is that 111pe - I ­ - A, 17, DOW $6.00 PLYMA L66 lilt h'B C,5innocdori with V ost the Q num� fir the rmonstruction rif the LU a A I )b7.j_t"�fnZ+, %th, t� aWith T�ar*. ,oU TMI_L uivs* vevyl thist to igis vw"thewt - in *Niw Yor]4 ve, T - dwNA46 yo4 an io do6st,that roa,.Ix tLronghout the cou-Itry, are r" and frulifill rinr4ex f this Tay comfrhble woom law& ij -f - I toissigold"A sopuOk" little j��Ij fortune, 0Gft1asQ*& low to or d -0; "VB 0 asI h 1221 4 1i all W* mnmmill� -1 1 _1AL 4 .4. At t 7 `4 A' lie k Y 4 A - VF W_ I