HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-09-29, Page 2or, I _7 A V :1 A A, Now dri tho;nartg .0 . arno. 'cog War Ir- L 1 U7,�� - araltult.- - - b NoIntosh I A]�_`Svaln- that *h r"i6uua wo .01, The mlito stm let 3i ploisdi it- ZDNOONy Sept, 23.—D03P14eveSre71VA ra tit rak-val whitlawdo. uillilsel,wheat three. ral pro.. Sap r" P. eAd Carter do. 4, fearf al 1),el Imported by -a coveriiii1y the'al r -ligAdisappear d; libiral' premit*8 for 90DO 00.11 � o , to,_ give fit for a gill to, U40 and ini6nj*t his mates be able, itf, Should k _416' from Vonkrenzime at Toul statig that Y,1?15i� 'nay. in farinivig. *. If ttoo aouR be j] jbit also iut, a 11 _e d6ignates hj$L parents by stiall jdotest,�-*- able ti&hets V%ldt"u!k C* st"merfrom i -b Ox- d by Atorm by th�.. fide basmitas its itipp6sr -xd th � 8 t16=16 Toul waa,capturA His play is nearly aI*a*ys'qiots6` Play MCI proffered to t knagar of the Best in 'citied r &pan. That, om �cd ovort.lst W7.Chssd0Y24'. is 'Very ad 0 :13runians after - a determined resist -apes, 0% 0% he i6maer or -mi ance in Bi�zvcqloua;,auiL 0. or _rA jhangod or very 1�. Ak, - in$ _-f i9h liss heen in -this swamrs� i1i this gaigh. ng atffinpL fie ver s. th o til Mr 0 To, ml GODEMOR, ISEPT- 29th, 1870. his -f un of the piactical joki io th �on the Mediterranostj coast. )d ilth a, plit of has, AurY40ybig 'The botabar(Ament of tseVeri YX Cause& best tillic! farnt'in the County Dist i4i b. t *850-tothe' , is J Cowell, 24 W Ches T quontly Beat Pair 7ras hm -r- 1;touthO bearing the impress of malice' Lvj raleedlambs'10,67o;1st�CA Vale ond, jersous haVoL been attaitkodsita" us& full. of his alm. . rou for some time, P eat damage to the town. The parents, alas! instepil owner of-tho beat irebard, arid $50 0 2ad.R 0ovonloc h*Ve -tssLW6d-iFd c tided thatthe and taking thelel ast A fbwaurablii r tire 40fetiob it w opportunity- for storming. aforethought. boy utider IS years of age who grew- the. Best pair a4 iarling es, Istj bloksonr 2nd 8 Cartio- 1v fifty ppr oetit Of the V0611611 �ho purposed drain (or rAthOr baz� gr jwss presented to' Izallan Umty corapWIM a t6 chattet-10, 1, .1k --The a are, fieeiug 2.0 Nor aortpge was forl ugh at heart com- tained by fraud— ru"IsAs. A storming party advanc- of checking all this, tho ookft,* jolut account through the Township;. the P paring it unfavorably withikeir oft- train- best aere of Corn. or Roota that yerr, I am lia it pair Jambi, let 0 ChasneY, 2114S Goven 00 which is to be wu It Will Syrnpathisingas we have y East pairfa 1INW65 or owitig "aftet ISVOIll do S11[i OrOb�h6d Mr Crabb odandtheFreachforces ourrenderevI 1111 - done for yesiM ing, too often chuckle with amusament at confident that an, impulse would thereb Wo we4thfim let J Cowan, _ffitk, 40 the -in rLjor!l we understancl, severrA branobei.1 Itugh; ot"Jisy. atia iderif the pallic is fear- �� Malroyandier' ft, that favoine, no WR:E bad of invaluable beneat tothe is�ia in the ionditionally. 0 with the fervent aspirations of Ite be instead be-glyiin to agricultural progress. Our CLANS 9t4—rQW!A 60ne.tim-mepAra; d�theseaccounts tak- thesufnriarsharpriess, aad smile 4 ful. , two neotions, of the I towjlshiip� 1 And Will London, AepL - 24.—A despatch frolA, patriots for an Italy united from tho'"n- of frown at the -ialat of reverence of the premiums orb too nutflarous and:too petty,j B ing the uotoOfsevs partioxfortheirseps- eat a Black Spanish. lit J Grits - furnish -a suitable outlet for Usining * all Verriero, near Paris, &Ud 10 a.,=.. to- ny shores of the Guelph of Taranto to the prosent-generation. Add ti this, sA the b 4re- *111ing to eon-tribael'seativolAnds. istand2dID Hawrx 'b8d;Battalloh Alfte X01tch rate sharesof Vie sce nto that when this acentteit. Wheitithisdrain, da ecau-se Bo-fiew ..,tscjami� Ameyar.WWWhitaboad. jile'lands adi morinng n 6 living boy grawa, the strong out3poken dislike of Scott. mortga.-SoVall Mr CroibbL a y. states that tbis is, we heartil, personal benefit or- ther bjeod, Tt Xc3ullanj 2d -F jgtv is completed "Happy Hay" s*%mi* will a- no as heard-goffigon in t1le- &now-oloA peaks of the All d work, slid we cannot be very with no expectation of b : Thend matches -took place,orithe Tan LL dho,wassivmg 114 d* honeat, bar T 24 C-Dits. the dofendauftoutid, t� ter tvee:tasnonflo 149'" W2 dis. of the glorious dittinction. If we had but the right B: 33 &1)nuy�' mlins I sjndobtea-� royesgre!ittlesting arnishing a Oatho2lat rejoize that the keystone D (itme Fbwlej H Meyer; it the Maitljotdatsi 'Thursdai 4�gago 1� t Thos roy P in the blood rge num- a. G HabkIrk. The shooting was giving security lana) for a considerable, numbOr .of neyr a d, hopeful about the future of a I� dispense' with' E I inctly obs:irry; from the heights thai 6i arch is now successfully lai bur of - our boy�s. Of course there are spirit aroused, we might 92a 'and. 2'3d Sepb. fibsti ohtyt' whereas Was ss7th--swINE LARCICBRUM mr, Lass conflict was in progress, bi 'Ing -can ten ezzugion of Roine by the legions of tuany exceptions tothis, but we regret to mostofpur pettypremiums, or-roplAce �LA Val. �ood,.espt,-6i&llyirhanitUt�kenintO for Griflift-sUo. Tr went to GOttleirs, Ofthe T -e# best%rairt and gr ilt�u7otw Id, iest Bear der I oar, lot J Williams. D bull's eye,rthis year, s glien for the 'raising quility,; aud,will possibly be the be learned in Clio wayef detall cou 61=w� when be compelled to classify so many yctuth them by medals of no greit.cost, and dii. 13 qnsiijerationtlistLth, _ Best sow i ear ol and over ist W d Robertson, Val Victor mmanuel. Li- o.1her days, show that the to u I y, -which Means of giving hq,.sfich idiintages as the parfies ingaged. of the under ths head of' 11oaferx" branching into vote the money thus saTed to higher and Best Sow under I year, J Williams, is on y one-fouith of the size:ft was lost; debtyrasgivenliYIN and that for correspondent?z letter, just eceiVecl, *'dl ma;ko her the richest, onit t prog- A: hostile armics threatened the " CitY, the two type& of "fops' and "rowdies." battalion 01islIeuge cup goes kesubsequPutlygave almortgagewas nobler ends. 4,tas 8th--.gwlNz, WALL IMF=- year4- The . . I *hich. lefb Paris an the -night DI the 204,h, W Dilon, 2A N'tb4ok to Exeter vo. which h&dr the hunor I His porous Towlishill in the, PolintY. sevou Hill"I Having turned up their noses at the farm, Beat B ar4 year old and over, Ist roy is, And no part:: 6 was Griffin a.' Em JB"xzN Limm.-Mr 1hpimls' arm brings 8 hours' later adiced thanprovioui. j 1�9- 'of holding it las Lordship chaL 'I d T Thoa out spake brave 17orahus tho keeper of the the workshop, or whatever hard -handed tF-wl t year. rgec, i ectly iu- fayor of the -hers followed, "If our counties were tborougbIv Con- Bes dtir cut year, let j Copeland, 2A -Oame- tu ago h y received. It confirm the rumour previ- gate. -they have do. ATTALION �(WALLJINGE'0171r- piff. Verdict for pl forSM.25 wVch was broken a few Sabba; 3a mzleth soon toil their fat Lean. r. 2d J Cope- lat"HATCH-B ously expressed of another revolution 2-u 'To ovt-ry m t Sow 1,1,ear old and ovd, Ist WD12011A -- )r dof* )*an a %fair way of recoviry or late termined, each, in his own way and in hiz'� vassed by township committees, and each 13, Winners of cup -No 6 Co. Exeter rou for pIff. Doyle aildis heal The how %0 r than by fazll� thlerof the soil asked to plege, himself in - land- -Podsl this time in the interest of the x. a as, daitity -or careless, to Wit orlyear,20ttz 'L Mr -ingas-fast an could be _,qu Lmandie bettL faufal odds. own style of' dre Beat so Best shot in eack 041"Pany., Breunir's leg'whioll was brokonfromdraw.; treQ radical 96rty, known as tbo - Reds. Mg -at the naxt ULLlie 11-79ASUVACTURIC11- W1. Ism foUg i 061 For do as little hard work and as much writing to exhibit sometfi r is UoLw it is th Dickitoll, 2d V Stewart. Tium 'CAM. Xpected IS ather and the t- nples. of lat J Campbell. ....... S 00 IN ft h Th re is gr a da io a revolutionar tile aA:Ies of h nestsettd bl!harnessforfa No 1 Sorg. PiAts ......... e t nger f his Gods'? as circumstances will permit. They will County Fair, we should soon wittiest a iding sa4dlo.4 001 Xercerwafiavri%igne lathe-obargeofhaV- ing a loj over it, -00 another cliangeofZov- to respond to spend their time, patadin 4t, r.h 2Priv Fritzloy....... of 4 man er,. sudn the wby to fe very. i -us spilist Bept gentl nans Tr earthenviare, ist V r g4 the streets, 'a Thei�a were gallant spirits Aeoided improvement. Many would lie 3 Priv Sparling.., ............ 4 ing wilfully muidere Ui. Joel Dean said ment. The Rids are forio lounging in bar -rooms, pretending to hunt st. B 'tSiiorr'c�u '.01' JLltidd. bloDezinott,Esq. is Hide p-dtti't6 the exertions of our -sill- em ,ky away_; 11, t t 'k GM or his able, his brave words and dispute to the d03-th in the woods, coaxing fortune to smile up- incited to attend who now t )nle-made quilt-Ist, 4- 2d Mrs J 64mmell- 4 Efis Proctor ................. �4 - Pled NOT 1010Mtor, R 0. Mooref services the present leaderssud express theni-jelves tat R IAVF- the bridge over the Tiber. Worthy while the very general complaint that 'S estt t1o'n'y I& domatt- wool) 5 Sorg Joslin. .(best shot) ... a --S appointed to didena a prisoner. y in the, atter, as eager Ior place and p on therw in games of chance, or waiting for relleAd W Cowin, Rullet. allagho Welay, true bill. inhose cases, esp6ciall _ower. They have atius and stout there is nothing worth c Bq a thoroughly - or&��@zedr, .and a, all wool. istj carnoc evince a owing to see Beat 10 ya 6 Liout Upward. - - QUZ the lbarful mander in ji'lli4h. $'ho yfas bee de3nandants of sturdy Her aome light employment t9 turn up-. Roth a 11911111 let 0 Lowrie, 24 W size Herminius are not wanting amoag the the Ifops'abilthe'rowdies! are inteneel would be heard no.'more. Asyetamajo. Beat io yl cotton and wool. � Serg.' Macdonald. tn�uti)latedrenderad it almost a mt- disposition toa b do Ville s We rity of farmers regard the Fair much as Scott. let R Lawrquce, 24 J 8 PjjVRobeTt14 ................ 4 tet 6im��uibilitv -to set the splinters of theinitipl to their rebeHious pro - ad contemplible, from every point of view bistake all Wool- would citir--us'of modern Rnme, batthey, insta ti %it 9 PrIV (jiryinir .............. . 4 mme. Resistancetothiirplans have in our midst at present a terrible ex- theydoa circusor traveling menagerie, M.M boneinthree places, stlecooded gm of seekirg to conteatthe entranceeftbe CLA 2—LAD1X6'W03K- OFFICERS AND PRIVA.. VeTifficult It is impossible to -may wbat aniple of what such's wandering, unsettl- taking no interest in it except as it may Jet Mrs R Amith-jr. 2d mAon, admirably so far and may good lunix t - bread. isb Enats m%rshalled withot� were anxi- ed life leads to. We ho Lreuta will Best loaf b )me- work, let D mcGregor 2A H Calli. to No brinIt would be the effect of their obtplaing the pe PE afford them entertainment for the passinx Beat quilt it A)a ist Ja Bailey, Dungannon,!prize 120. Sabbath So conventlon. tend,his Of1pri out the old 001 P.01111111. gentleman's speedy recovery. control of the government. but the people o wide the city- take warning and sometimes, in the ea-ly hour. We must change this essentially'; 6,=q i1ttillf1dWitowedon groiind work.lit XMID We -have pleasure n announ Ug as re- dread the pillage *nd assassination. -An welcome the northern youth of their children, require at their sparRur. 2d D 31co r.- 2J Greenway,Exeter.. $12 ei, _ 3?uwGAwNoN.-A pio-nic was held In gatat antl hauda-a little more reverence a little more and the first step is to iuddepi by concerted lit 73r 0 Sparling, 2A J Broad- quested by the, or that the ievienth connection with the Neslyap: Methodist armistice now would save the lives and Besteroollet work, 1 3 Serg.Joslin, Bayfield.. -.11 saldiers as deliverers mad friends. T�e obedience, & little more truthfulness than solicitation, at least half the farmers JUL foot, Sear. muslin' lat, remichael. 4 T Bisset, Exeter ............ 40 Provincial Von end n 9f Sabbath School] Sunday School, in the Temperance Holl on property ofthousandi; ofeitizens. People, thecounty topledge themselves achto Best cinbriAdery on 2d J Br"& Teacleirs; will be, Id in the Town Hall ! more peaceful oirder ilread the Frussians, R�omansjor a demde, as earnestly as other some of them atpre?ent insist on. And if, Beat wor�ted work. raised, is Vr Scott, 6JRoberta, Friday the 23d. On account of the day 01 4pur.,at Giatp on Tuesday doesday -and Thurs far leas than the desperate ruffianselong- prayed for freedom front along with this, home is made interesting, exhibit something at the next annual foot,ld A'WilsOn' 2d H CallidAY. 6 Sorg Potts, Goderich ....... 8 being, -very met, t was not field in the ir quarters. lt%ligns, Wive Best bra lug, day, Tfth 126h awnd th October. A lar Ast T Mc'Mlohael, 2d G Willislason. ge '?rove PA was expected dinner r be- It to the lowt cheerful and attractivej we would be able Fair." 4of After It Pope and de- Petit fAttepnittiEF& let w Scott, 2d A Wilson. 7 P Wilson o ............. 7 numbeiof t4emPst p -ominnet advocates toudon, Sept. 24. -The following Im the tompiral power of the .1y. Beat 2 pa W001811 StOd 8 T Bisset, Oxter...... ...:....6 Ing served the children recited sevral nch to regaxd the future more complacent t i paliin pected from all just been received -.-41Brussels.8cpt. 24tk liverance from the hatedipresence of Fre We would like to see every boy, from his f3ej jus ist W Scott. Sabbath Schools ar 5 ex ,;shirt let tj Cialiday, 9d G William- 9 T Biggar, Goderich'Tlp ...... 5 itlieresting dialogues and racitatioilt;%fter ercenaries- The Tuokerstnith Mrsincii. Best prittlimiku parts- of thestates a, a the Dominion,.and Which L. Rim, IL Cleuden- noon.-Bazdue has offered to capitulate trapps, and foreign in earliest years, indoctrinated with a belief son, f 10 J Saunders, Exeter .......... 4 _0. Metz.;on condition that he is allowed to at W Scott. an iliterestini Oro me of work mpre- Best wax "It, 1 11 S. McDougall, Goderich Tp ... 3 Esq., J. Truax and R' M-01iisven ad alrea& FALL ZZ111111TION., Best wax lower@, A Wil -L Mrs 0 sparl. ach The Grand Trunk 4 European war B, _y fired theutfrom in the dignity and manliness of honest flowers. let W Stoneman, Id pared for each da take his baggage and arms. Ile rigages the former, but the hirelings would will- labor of every description. Don't leave Pea 12 P Tenson, Bayfield 2 offers to 'issue d itnegrIested the oompanyforquitaAw-hue. not to take up arms for t1iree months? the form, boya. Though there is a little ART8,11TAKATZ1125- 13 J Young . ......... 'Oytiek" for Prayor being offered, -the company dis- fngly have fought to preserve their godless drudgary and hard -work sometimes con- This show was held, at the Agricultural One L fari o reit delegates' a ti) their respective homes. . Theommanders of iho German forces gro A on Thursdav and Fri- Beat ug in crayon, Jet R Thompsoni 3d MATC11--OFFIOMS. certifleates a e tic 9. The Local per8e investing 'Paris have establisited their .2=upa,tion. paris tho Ntuth deservits; the nected wit it, there is more real happi- unda Seafo b., Best re i sketch drawlitib 'at do. I The Editor of the Frxpasitor is h as follows :-The Kmg ef inanhon sil was Lieut Macdonald ......... $10 Secretary is Byrn Galt. IL*I*ng headquarters t4anksof,civilization fOr proveratirig the nesa andinependencoto be found - day 23d and 24th September, CLAN 1"RAIN. er. 2 66 ...... i ......... aid he "high old tlr4eO oubig sippleg, beets and Prussia at Meaux; Prince Albrecht at slifethau almost� any oth a most creditable display, treading very Best two Busbals of Fall wheati let h StOrGY,24 J THz M4Nsz . ZAAIL-10 . do of tho Tiber from once more est yeoman or laudi on.: hesney. 3 Ent. Wilson ................ 6 Malbit' Building Ft nd the ladies of St. potatoes. Brunoy ; Iha Ogown Prince of Saxony t Don't sneer at mechanical employments f He 3,pxln 4 -Capt Sheppard. 4 closely on the beels, of the South Riding I wheat. I a Hllghchelilae�id G C Androw's hvirch it tend to hold a bazAsr, . f3jj& Bessours ; Ged Von Falkenittiu �st t 2 1 .0 running crimsou by proscribing resistance theachiev,mtutsof them,chaniesofthese Be:t 2 b ) ATFODI at Stratford, beat Sea I he 3 large oat,;, 18t, W Arbuckle, 2d W 3 Choissy-LeorL holorie fisherman �r I - 5 Ell* Procter . . zantG blood. Unlike the c years will, in- future iges, be considered the Exiiibition, which is no small prao-se to a Menc e 1. c ­ ­ - on Fridsji 290th Sop;. in the store next to'forth - in a cricket match by ninoleksts. London, Sept. 24.-A spNial Iii the. Indoors the spread Best 2 b. common onis, lat A Gray, 2d Henry Chesney whont he claisas as vredecesstr, this Pope glory of this century. Eschew loafing of Township Society. Best 2 lir suela terse peas, ist J landaboro. 4th MAT1311-NON-com. Orprorm. the Bank of -M,6nti( al. K6fiey ud work R=Gkous.-he Rev. John ultivato mind and tribvited by ladi , Of Tele4ram says --A telegram from Tonm was forbearing enough not to dsaw-tbe every description aud c Was good. The varietiett of fruit wete not Beat 2 bi, shel -imZU pass. lot do, 2A J Sutherland. I Sorg. Lewis ........... $10 are being liberally on as Bravefield deli7erei a telling.address to a states that the excitement of the govemng right ear-, but muscle,.ihot despising -the acquisitiola of a -M numerous as usual, but the quality of Best 2 61 abets 2 rowed bari6y, ist W Arbueldo: 2d J 2 " MeLauchlin ........... 8 and gentleman of" denominations. There 1 f large audience, n the gro n itword and strike off "one- preserving savour of Christian culture. bat did appear was prime. The ladies' Land boro Chune*. 2di 3 Corp Pike ................. i 7 is plenty room' forin ore. u ds, at the clan was overwhelming when thryreoelv- Beat 2 nslWs 4 or 6 roweil, let Henry Tuckeramith Rairon.04fty last.' e.d!'he intelligence of the revolutionary up. *&teemed disc:retion the better part of vul- C"nteel (1) employment so-called is now a department was not as crowded ap usual, Suth land. 4 Serg Hart ................. 6 GODIMICK BANI�..- Vve are glacl to sing4bf the Re& in Paris, the seizure of As -the and MSIIV Of the 1*�ttle Bestl b helthillotby,lstWCharterls, 2dw'Arbuckle 5 hear ri orandsought safety in ftht. precarious mode of existence. Olorks or as it ought to be. eed, let W Charteris, 2d J VcGes� 5 11 etermined to go down Limiz BusiNzssj-­Tbe Seaforthatore. the Hotel do rillep the stores .......... artheDominion, facitions' however augured Beat 1 b el flax a 6 6 Wil 4 that ourboyo aoldiCM OfB.- Galatit1w?w marched into eek-Ireopers swmrm all ov ex-juisite taito liarmion e"r, on and compote keepers dida.satashing butdoess n the and arsenals. Bar -room loungin, on the part of the fair heads that designed of potatoes named, 1-11'buxbol of MIX' 7 11 Yuill .................. 3 first CLA6s 15 VzorrABLZB. to Exet the ancient precinct* the enthusiasm of the like beew in July. Best 2ki 8 for the prize ot b 0 harthsomely offired Fair -day. eason 4by; thej patronise ' i3orlin, Sunday night, -Sept. 25. -The oX 2d Hugh chesney. 8 11 9 ass gambling and sporting are a sorry mdans and the deftfingers that executed them. T Kid inTmabitants was unbounded. In th est 9 b1poa beets Ist G Jackson, 2d A Hobson. by that village td 'Best Bra" Bonds the, printer and post and eitoulatetheir conference was hold between M. Biatnaw.k of subsistence and way be iustly charne- The wailt of the usual. show of harness B �els, JSt D Campbeil 'A (4 Jackson. 9 11 Potts ................. ealdumthern. regions we can scarcely WM' tarisadas"procurerstoth-9 fiendsof bed.' ijesigiotigmans , Xhu Gammol. 5TH ljATCB-PR1VATZS. playing at the So Huron81low.. billsfreely. and Jules Favre on.Monday and Tuesday - perhaps made the pper story look emptier Best 9 gf6be Ist J McMillan, 2d Mra - Bait 9sifede turniPs let J Carnoebad-2d J Karr, (Wed- prehenii the ecstatic fury of delight which So, boys, however much inclined to shirk, than -it really was. Outaide there appear let private Horn ............ Nor.THRJDnra .-Tomorrow EARLY R089 F0T,&T0Z4i--*Willia= It was devoted wholly ton attempt to or -- Beat 9 -born cam)taist J Dickaou.2d J McMillan, range a truce pending the meeting of the, s and poetic peo- labor and become loafers of either the ed no room to spare. Horses, cattle- �eLgegjan let i, 2d T Grelve. 2nd 10 nesdav) will be A day for our towns possessed this passionab 9 Best R Vii J Diekxel (Aisholm, -of Goderich Towns�ip, planted 'Constituent Assembly Bismarck exxoted, a' genteel or rowdy, stamV,� throw oft your sheep and pigs 4ere all well supplied Bea it iw age named isi; GJackson 2d 3id Is T Bisset, No. -9 people to visit thti Exhibition of the ple from north to South. Itali u unity is by F , b one busliel of this Variety and dug there- the surren4or of StrasbourgToul lmd V., costs andgoto work. Thia.i%.thowayto- our now famous brooders Implements ACI re ls' J Curtis. North,.Riding at 0 on. Lsu 4th 99 Greenway ............. 8 from 100 Bushel& This is jL thir tA' hat tha Complete. The beloved city, dear to the wards esteem and independence and away were pjantiful. but the number of exhibi- Beat 'p:;-.ed'on1'o.. lt G.U.bitirk, 2d Mrs C Sparl- 5th, 49 Stinson ............... 7 PROTOGULPHY." itsill he Battalions- Ot. dun, in order -, communications of Best 6 - . :-Up, L ftwtu. -We regret tohooi that the x6ratau forces emight'be snarl ffom jAdn race f9r its alijitrished memori" and from te.mptation,and crime. FarmiDg will tors was unusually small. There- was Ing, Gtk 19 T Bissell, No. 1 ........ were breaking E. L. Johnson took the C ditiong, is the headquanpre of notbeciver-crowded. until every arable Best h.te or Yellow 12t 0 Rabktrk, 2d J Landaboro. danger during tl�e truce. The French shown bore a magnificentinowing niachine, w Ailey. 2d E Turner 7th 11 RobinBon ........ ..... . 5 a Its Caraing-min and Shl�$Ie-fkctoryj stirring tra Best to"toes lot i w B ndsomi�pi our Baud, in f6ll large Minister declined these reasonable condi- sere is cultivated as far as thePacific coAst, worth $150, by the Massie ganufacturing Best 3 ifitter melon' Ist E Tamer, 2d J Scott- 8th " Reating ............... 4 uniforn4. with the &�Houso for a back- bei-ouging to Messrs.ReQaarriO kDo. was the Wilson, 2d,J Lindsboro . 3 tinns. - No -demand was made for the out-- cauxtitutipiial monarchy ; and and mechanical occupations cannot be few Castle, and presented Beat 3 rhusk mel,ux 4t A 9&h. 1, 8 McDougall. ground. Lik '139in his genera- destroyed on. Saturday mcitliiog by fire,"� Company of D Indian corn IstJ Thomson, 2d J t1cott am IN sboata aloud ove"rowded until the "wheel of It Agricultural Beat 12 10th &I Sphriing ..... . tiou Xr. Johnson South Huron 2 render of the fortress of Mout-alerien. heart Of united Italy Ulill is by them to the -Mr. 0. 0. Wilson' a Ifith.HoRTICULTURAL PRODUCTS- Saunders .............. pt his own bwk to the irilginatifig accidentally. The toss- istnew Phris. for joy. Evea Fl6reucO. th013ih the going in every brooklet clear." through agent ties winter Apples' 6 of each 1,t H lith 1 Marke't-House. estimated at about $5000, of ohioh there removal of the Court will injure hercom- for the rnachine at Seaforth, as a first prize Bat 4 liamed vari Cowan. flutletU GTH MATCH-ELIFLE ASSOCIATION. BR13 rMu=Azz.---Soon f r Lord ive, 2d W es were is at the Society's ploughing -match. - This is (r ed varieties Fall Aipples 6 of each let Jam' Ist Sergat. McItitosh ......... .... 610 6:"nI`mtOors -u6t onefifth covered by inwritooe. It, to lner,_ialjyxj% generous enough to join in ANARCRY IN FARrS Deat4 I ffirmall ii 'anded n Thursday morning, S I Ps elevation to the peerage, h ha 2d 79 GOMIQ�k #led varlettel pall Pearg di ofeach lit C L .2ad 11 Joslin ................. 8 as one of thefiercest. Ares: which ever a handsome gift and Will Lno doubt be so the universal. gladnes& The authoritative after beingpaid 't paltry $4.0 left out w poned observe, in company,,, that AU;r_ The Prussians are closing in on the capi- valued by the recipienti.as to repay the 3rd private T 13Lisset ............... 5 of their eight days owance. We fandy took place -in the 166ality, or* were often -viary -S aice, of Italy VFW now proceed frorn, the tal of France; but worse than this is'bHe- ge The Bests iamedvariati6sPlllmz6Of&�hl.stJThomRsoI 4th gergt. Elart ............... 3 -AMING, . Tidiculous in the titles nerous donors. ten times over. they are aq glad 4 fingh,to got home to - Sou -1H SHOW --"Ws *Ould they save. 11"That" said -a gentletum ,piwL M=ini wita wild philosophy on followit . ig werq the judges in the various 1 24 J Zimmcrs tin GFrapies S Clusters ofeach let i 7TH JI&TCH-ALL COMERts. emirid our readers 11tatthis-4z.. present, Iis,,,,an y fru ' the ravening wolves of'Dent B.�ost s ismed varle s8 rest. Some have already taken their de- again error In ivEkh even his; lips and his wilder"Reds" behind him falling her, e i Zh unpra. let Mr MeTavishl Clinton ........ 6 parture litit quite � -number still feetains an of Gas vatiety Jet R Ewen- hibition takes pIsce.4VEzete�,on'Thu?e- kings �ppear not to be exempt.?' fo) racy are' abroad in the streets. Was it doPartm nts 'J�ut 3 ux*$ Of 61#p. 2nd 8erit. MeLaughlinj..�.... r ftUir, FOWIM -AND Vz -8. rd Me- engaged in the 4i Iq Matullest, which day and Friday of tb� week. is now de kallow Crab Apples latJ ScotL into;h. . . . ., L . ... . - : , pri,:ed of his stock argumant ever otherv�iso I -The n4urg sequence of 4 to -d the discontented, and he and his followers a French It9public, history unerringly tells Meard AL. Mumy and T. a 0. e red Ift-c-Lvids9moly'l. n be fini.411t4 sy. POT Tli'T(1111 A show 4VAI VIOTIS.. We jLjj A ANS, 2j&j the r Seirortk rich) and Dr. Tracoy. petchel; Ist'"'Immerit. ine 1. - - V .1 . dil ' 'I Folid's Vwew freely viaghttogivenp their* chronic agitation losers V STMI TWq Us, is a 191eign. of Terror." The crack of - dF.AiN MI -Mo In AND DAftir PanDuc Tax 007BRMIANT. PRIZES, that the B4tt&Ho of Perth, Wellin and the ooming men gto L McDermitt% R %Fno�jpijon aila A. G Mo. let RGovelilock. For the beat sbootingmada- at 1he ordinar 12, . t is About itims, 'Dow- for %]I 3)ogms otthe P&soballaUllitillityoffbe Forepro- and jubsidainto quiewenqe. Joe strained canvassed. I Rnme�may the riflo. mind the boom of cannon within 'get ractice of thoBattallon, were award. and- Wateri6o., mberilig xorne 120 claimed at Rome --July 15, UTP. - into something of her old th Walls ar . o heard by thi& armies with . , Dpu CL,%ss 17—nAMM AND JWw=s- r iotereated tolookfouildfor theimudidste rim again out ga i - mficence. At all-erOuts, she Will UQYF h%vo 119it comiedoollectionuf babliasnot lea thanivariettes ed as 46t0im- men, will =five for rillon nextrI., 4 . and let us'llear Two dedUrstions ofwave have lmowv, and w Iff; A Wilson. let S*rgt.'josfln,Biyfi*Id.. ...'..910 44Y ? I a read the onilnons words t1st "ibe Janiox Henderson and Mrs.'Dr. Tracey.. Bet ,..,,,,cd otttioot Phloxes 4 varieties let A 0 y two mighty potentiltes d&dng1r1We& the benefit of enlightered municipal gov- .2ad I- Potts, 's WHINAT,'Ais a Wednesday, Mr. 4,90CUTs'AT Wj[161KINS01jS CIOI&NMS.- One a gage ofilefiance to PicialatUrtiten, poople of the more peaceful order dread Hosus-Messis Kerslake, McLauchlin Parkyn psid4l Boa of Gladiolus 4 varieties Ist A 0 The otiteraresting the march the*arldl t adeollection arnmentand hersucient monuments of load of This affair oinledff, on Thursasy,viveniago the Prussians ar lesathan the desperate and Currie. villEgallijid wheat. On is Messrs- Parkyn* 23rd inst. At - I splanolor and beauty wM not�be marred by ffi be I) CATnx-Mesm Ballantine, Hamilton CLAs* 18—I)AIRT PRODUCIR. FALL, ASSIZES -COUNTY OF � 114111 . - 1. 1 , and as very. inWsafal,,over yoin4hevaniewthig ftmih, vtiAZC v In lins longing to the ower quarters and'Mr 86mervil who'buy. for their own 'To jk�miajland "aill Fump hey cme. the modern association% of ignorance &up- and. Dennison. Best Butter without salt at J McGee, Id A HURON. 1 00 1prsqns -being present- 'Aer tea a RUM _&t Ifanything was wanting to justdy the ding, � We for the restoraticin linththebrim.ofaVarffilleff erstition and mendicancy, hitherto so pra, Swnnr,-Kearz A Gourlay Bfoalfoot grin ich . 'ery. interestingL address on 1he aullow mfliciantly salted for Of Grn_ Audimis In the urdBdfau raigierortiegaino. 'Warinza attitude, surely tbis will be- sua- Beat lbs!Butter r table use - Ist The Court -of Assize, Nisi 'Prius, oyer t valent among her populace. The aem'Sna AIL SoluerVillo, 2ad James Rem d whes ark L witenhii Jewish Tem-plas*aobrmuau One bred ofAelatelidwixt Proulanilad Gaul. cient; and those who lizatily blamed Bis- rmpimunils-Meura Pearson, Downs Beatkog of Buturnat less than 55 ibs, ist R Henderson and lerminer an Gonerz,10aul'Deliver_�. R .24 n "Z' not be con- 0hurch was Aelivered by the Rev. W. S. Tho other ofhate *twixt luqgu of Liberal Italy for the acquisition- of marck for refusing to treat with a G73vern- d bfiuer. Ufjo Goje. Tsiji Rar Framh Best2l4seCrry made Clim-it Xotlest; than be as each - was opened at the Court No , till to�jjigL we prefer not givv- James W4111110111 11- Or LP t -b at can"' Ttdt6w r to strato at 1&t vigorous *sent that "could not guarantee pence," TF Cr eluded kig rl.omis having been satisfied, that iy&Aum­W N eswell, Esq. 1;j WS Boberaou.24W. 0 Fowls -r. rich, on; Monday 26th' beptember, .32 ashonlCy noW be Silent. It Will turn Out, -Kes Wj a 0 ing yeste a raday) more Until we cupying he lahair.. Misses; Arzastrong - While the other crowns Pam, via reaseii do. Bosl�&D mad hoess, not Use than 25 lbs each eclock noon from her "death- PotrLray, ars Bailey and Erbo. , 1 19, young nation, will ama wo apprehend, that the, presenge of the We seldoinsawlib"incli W owls 2a uscott.,panir. before his Honor Judge can a pleto account. The and 'Newtob And nation onthaparb MjxtmVW_", Flowers lati Seatter. 2d T J Colman, of Godqi�h-) birth",witha hopefnl political prospect, prussiaA forces in the IMamPs if -919886i of exhibitors to the awards of Beat 8 , ist w-stonemu. Adom.MlIzon. shoot been vry. good, XTmitrong-, �gave some excellent: WNhWsr 1, rao-t destitute who stall itedere, rely, and with sne- humilisitin 'that might be to Parisian Is Whitehead. at the Crou . and� be abla to face bmi -g- as jqdges than on this oceS51014 irbichiscon , * COUN63L F03M. TIM Owww-C. Robin- TEm House, fAiES'Arnieffang ;ccojnad3j*.on the Or In which strife will vlotqV jaeftfstbei elusive proof that the ladies and goni Bait ist H Wbb. n were devotodto Ohurch wldchGermai�endurznco 9 cesi,her present financial. afficulties. May Dd brought? son Esq., Q. 0. G once, opu day first before kin: pride, may yet be the. only protectionf IOUICTI Wine istj zlmmw� the future OfItaly be as glorious as the ga . Therpr*eeds peace -loving citizens from the truculent hvA arrived at- their. - opinions after 4 G VainEgmand-Ifthly recommended. GOUNTf CaOWN own, Honor, Judie Gn. I I I . . . pride, beauty ef her scenery, the loveliness "Reds!" who thirst for power and are dis- Bsst� Potitoes lot, 8 2urner. purposes. Or that which an Im Tenlis Faeou au4 examination afid thoughtful consideration. Charteris recommended. Esq. THs XMiDER sz.-We understand ef her daughten, and the brilliant genins Tholl8fty satistied with even the extravagant radi We shall, therefore, not make invidious Beat PlotatoesistJ Denning., BA10PRESENT-M- 0. Cameron, the County At has been in communi- &corD=T, nT MaRmLoz. WNje I& ofherpeople- How the heroic blood must y articles, for Best eBoeta Ist We 0 §PATH119- 9 the calism, of Rollin,Rochefort and Gambett& singling oat Esq., Xi*, B. Gordoitiy-Esq., J. S. Sindair� cation with Attorne as to AndrewCalderand his sisto fthe nyi . distinctions b U 34 have leaptin. tbs ioins-of the Self-dO Wg.rIh$7whoIo. Rest tarafnips at J Curtis. Y, nation must speak before a sta� iteciaL rem the prize-liat to Esii., D..S. Gooding, xq., J. Y. Elwood,. where fo be held, If it con., MaKillop, w6ro on thi3'j ark, but allow Be Teatoeslistj Laudsbom morning -of lAbevat4cr; Giuseppe Garibaldi. when the ble government cau'riso from the rnis Of speak- for itself. The vieatlier was Splendid' Be TzV:e!Cor4 let J ThOmPoon. Es ani 0. Seager, Ji., Esq. of Care Q -jewhed him that what be had Cresarlsin and, who sban my that sitwh ist J Curtis. (I't cannot com on at e. first Assizes bere, the 19tW. inst 'Proceeding W Sesfurth in a tidings 1. The following- gentlemen wore 4d sizincinths. botlt days of the show and on Friday a- 13- ply - Then'twevidences orextitotdillaq Bea P tapkin ist Kra C sparlinir. wepresume suffit postponed buggy, the 11111iftwbro'ke loose -from the - - curies tt aro . 11 11 th daPyreported as eifeded trotgh- Dr. Radway-'s Ssr� fouzittaxidbledfor in iftur fieldsig, and a derman occupation until -Welt is awoni- colistaut stream ot visito*- itiandat6d the Beg itaBlaitillsorSa3l; speciallyrecommozidecI4 cantl6t; sworn and empanelled as VO h vehicle and thi buggy lut at AspromanW, hadBeemaccomphshed p9iihed might not U befter -for France grottuds� An hbur's- gentle rain was a 1* beat. GRAND JURY: �Inn I$ U168 CANAD.L--m 461101so at saparMu Rejolvient,,flea�ly Relief andPerfectrav The two cative ruls in wAtteu testi[olonlith twin all �psrtx of -10 borhn� the Queen's the 'game- time Tulung away., without istraget. Her will be doutent than the, "garmente rolled in.-blocd the: pleasant sedative to the clolids. of d6t, EXTRA_P-1UZt;S Harvey Howell, Forentan. to thank 0 artioi in question were pitch Loaf V4 R Be Ak Sr printer, for- cops of the Stxit I. id the World, surpass in wonder the Taost extravagant ,jt 4 Utes" pi Uracles-ofIgnobatment, PhytiletansudIded[Wmeu. henceforth ta rot im- his island- zssior-si� and the fratricide that which were begin ise. The register WAS Francis Brydon, -Henry Farrows -to thd . krouvid.'. Mr. .0. though stunned juttivolintriesi.,ro to I xemedlesiL th an fur the would' w uts was 302 each, of whout,-Knit Clias Gibbous king. Iffeiven, 9 ningto r 1adquil% GWIllianisov.2nd RUM& getup. nousce th o woudem I - number of entra jas -Mystery. tfixt neither their science ofaualysig %kM can home Q . palise an iulernal Arife t At i ot zoriouiV lnjuke&� itof hit.' brightest dream 'M q woolelmett,ed Quat, John McLean ir jphnL RTAW=NT.- The Vi any do tot blameEngian(Ifor-re- " an siverige, probobly iWitited tor 5 Jobn2fulton Huntir, TBwzSA*d1 Axplalit. True tbasomedidnestffect thiemottwand. 1?1o, Nona ought -to, be, tb rite we on -*r Robe. i1swronce -Ina wsiott Teivniisetings -ort rsday evening in the Miss 0. was kot so fortunatow:-xhi WAS'not rou L a cums, andreatore-the d*,g life _saidzeUeve the builtig to J*ciinniso the; rench Republic, -seikirate, articles. The recefota at the gate Arlin Wool Work, X= 0 Sparlins, Jis Ciim�bcll Dria She kid i sensible but.sevexelyin- -iolievid him from Beiiii Wrk,AWilson ; I . only knoc , in mcial; wratWed pain -suffering victim aftis torturm In that M3 wftfijecU have, �zt ten cents to the'liand Berlin wool xcittink.. T Knox, 2ud 8 Xamdabozo, Thos-Disher, as I attended, and the jured. by thoL Coionsilon. n' nowiliowitto rAtisfy a small portion *itly: bead, footed u'V Showaff rombVw brom onethtweALWIningteg; And jilthoughtbeyknow, -thautitmaysloopofthelleadtlJO Webril & oftheRepublieAusthemelves; nogdo.-wro, somototid of 83W, Messra"It Govenlock, Fringed Mft,4,J Owl's D 'Mollwain'6, meeting f r4b, in the evning -i house, OrOa pbell someof thisailogredients or their compoultion,eau I d Dr S. K.�Detlor, wwas very s to j. T. ze covered Toots,)sttd Im Freneb; of seafokur.,lientfor. ' ThOD64rrtu or, wown. Thaseatofstatir that wn only blame Kfirg 'William for refult*g"to Wooll Antimacassar. Win Seott, Sod 1; Knox darrd*.' Esq , d to her fatIter? ond ported by Frenalrbsychatsand morcou­ with it_ 'We can. onIv.. prisiaent, ulisnDuncan, Treasurer, and Ifearthiiap. *a 0 Sperling oixupledt 0 4 good speeces were aft Iliz Allalimeritan Chemials andXtariiizoeu- hope that Pam W.K,00ollujIL Seerstiary, have great rea&- Plj no, Mug ujuy follows— proper Iny4m. iz IS fail with thestane Ingredlenta, as Impe. Point A !fiii Rpnor gddtasedillerallS. t" ation decided that noboneg eouldscarcely- ber comfortable. doliverodbkRev. But der MI _yth a;na b1t. J. and thus the lost of 6n to,. congratulate themsel-kes, on the it;� ; Grelye ere broken nitr jointit _dislocisted,�­blit id b greststicrot ofcontbln�Ltm of thei FL: Miller: Mpscin Isang "The, voweverwi"Arid1wamlethe Vicgr by both bombardment 19, Cambon 3rd prize Gran th ini Aue. cam In Ide"Ingitlii run as ofthe sbowand4ho prbsporous IgnarAp li*lw.at4)namm -Veri-little pppearj' 0` 1 ndisn's Lainint" ud,' wwmpanie& I)y that she `hATecoi44d.r&ih*r-sorsra ju itual Advisor, Ida, genutnexo0ts. ..y be w t spiri fro suinhy withulbesaed, state, &ths Vovy-filiv County do "trq, 9her*16"t return W -.brought Y`0U.' -tii I nute G -11 Xr H rm which would confine her tok*or pouch, I& tam ba notr been ocieMiss KKaj Un. 'her pro- 41 per'bottk. 13 bottlw for or, no Ady Relief *0 cts pr bottle. VIU S5 w roll of 3W bow There -it only to pprsoa� in -forsdi ' 'time Shois.afillinia-rat P po* i6oilatration on boait Grar SUCCOW If. thetio if., any real Vitality - iu bANGM THS NAST. A& membe ' o Po , 10 11, Stilith st-vig-491 on the tail , of my k*j each wilhiiir* ':box. it, will his benefitted will havo tct can catious'condition, tomol bd sty- RoaAlngaore given by go_. 'R Remoilits artasold Ptoram whothee'eiz-hibitift or not hiscillor a year and, not injurea bylifiing-the The following al telegrams- -teach t�m. t Clinton,. James. Ps Medicid by Messrs 1�. M on; Country Merchants. and at Dr temporal support vacur it, A, ape" meed of poiloat alros4y dolivere& a find- Young. and W." It. Squier. Mr. - Howard Wxn'bouties, GrandJuryba la -ph Mon. itavegardings, rumored allianbe, between oferyliddy concedes, is duo to, Mr McCon- A S TO" ing io-his case. The; charge, against - the alWic inustritti6n. Of Every blow aimedapiust *tAt**uPV0tt%- Austrigv andallsia. and P93614 4tAck tell. to, whose" ability,. energy and poji6l- T RapeA adoirth a Town 0ounoil, of 13arih '13jutt aboul ial). AIr Tailie#n(IT-me. auspices o faimir perso suctinfavorof VoluntarYim in =1116011 owTarlco "Delirititaii.emon .." After votesof thanks U, Ut of 'the n 4end owe -utterstamp t, by Z R4Ld*xy& Co,, 409 at for' VI*ug 1 M is maWy to be attribiAed; Driving Pirk -on. 41 - t4i Mr. 0 P* gt.,LXP"tnd-iao=atlola,%vfthlhftu y r,, the "preso Milo 611 . embezzlement. Thb�diwmetiuu� between inittingi, for t e japprOvil, oflha deserve& to hit itA, mark.; The Pope, SK & Iditdai4- si �94orth Turf Club comme the haU gmttu,- It - pt2g, Op.;In.-A the So-%I�rth I be*mtTow uslyi-h#A - ra attlid a By-IlL If to 'toil them tcy gr iding -atia . spiritual Father, ftecuples a hi larcerly.and embezzlontailtyas w,bnt tol* ant,bdauns 91%% 0 race _.the OR heirservices eitbove named-golittemen i%ndalso bj�jidxyi the. 26th insL 'The.atteidifice jamba: aseing," W43 40cult to-akrin- , - ij - I the Ractionsofth4,naliaupeoplawh - _t be ived "Utio tio luthe oiji ihanuat- Sh PIUS in o owing f J 836, m,ep rde sZf V The Vints of the :UzdW States, Ure colafA f 111 starving intelhgenco.--Rumii, I& to MrE, Cross YL and ig ei,meoting` iiii wel4mefeetmuchindefit4for 0 4heib the former -ended and t ethd, id thercommenced op_"tlonaXaowesev=ty 3�am the tatom the first d wiunoi yi;y ATS giiish L otW*retIld. 46i employing; * �ceitain zuember of i*Iftted moti&it to seize the ZI About 1,06petsons preseni. 9 now c ang. + the, fee utt.-- Py oveill halido. out%!'011ty fathers 1911 t -x"fth ofhe wito-is inetaitc, civreucy of the waid. -Dardahelles. -Wor betwoon. were tei.begitn. U* It ad vd, eymb4y, *am -.9 thek leaw accept our writt wrill p nd a jury fwWch amount 4500,000.WD baslim,derivedftom imminent. �an Slid 4 Pill forither far- ing1Ad,beqt4 where hiravAs, fmInelz bobtr the, ack toit slid 1) eourtWiessud faeftitiesextendea to and UrjieamouiitotgikhthundredRiMondonas, ibout Will T2 and m2octX ditiou to, our spAon-1hianks. Below W.6 best. t W cony., rcasi7ind the to 111eir Own nibm *. we are not *Itboot 2nm �T 'Gi�:W Loudov. Sept U-­Azspw.iAL-tq -the Olil) 1018i D M. 1300 Tj eften, o'work whRowt-feelthattheYwmtotPoduceablue to thiahance h Id Q, M� jjj th Q thou bysettilig it t a . eir disposil -sowereig ho te us to 40111s 6 MORDS f0i the 1001", 1 Vfthb 2746mjadyin the 4CA"an Pain I)extroyte%orsudden, Zug in - r -sit hay-ethe _Vleasure of lmowft thersis woifd third',hoite'410, For* ih AmeNsing iperly had. The gitioaral diatlaotion wai k -Us _N no 68 SIM 1-1 _ ­ , , L. 1 e Qoderjoh. L afirthe case araquy . the tighfNI eoiia. t bbecautw.. - 47b Tho 330Y ofth& Pedod Constantinople bat Aesptehed* mawago zalm there were 'ionic entries as tollows jinoill. thom W al illawto rosouroes thin a V118904, a vwner -must bs;VO AdAbo-p.rojAriy in h woidbrIft ev e, k Tor "to. jigif, e caio- r-- - - reign C* fit reply.0 an urgent ),4, meg - - ­ B how �mzni is* by 411 X11dictne Unif'empo' hom.- i;d Granville. - it is -an- Bestl4ora Itaft Uvi set"- a foal In 1870, Z aiia, yWor tweastj our conferopq. Back. Wh I it their reops0dis v0lois poutission, *,hile f embezzle- rekIdents :w doderl;oh in tUa: arifti, ftal. tho astxr"j Review dow"a- V anoed from Vienna that; Austria,, ihas 6w, many new sittlers But TQ-aV­whi BlacX 2d. T NoWlebseliL 4id 0 Dale; b6ift$ Tod. and 'blteii, -_-gifb�n mept).A cleirki. an ight -see -Au: Atom n, Liver. IVA 4fty Haut stc.!theyagro Ujt_f46f Ira of _ eddindlybythemiud,sotbet closes Amadn thmiattil 09 artse.f"ibe coutityfor VW4 ItritiLtion, secret eVASIM a Is of, otbar -the 91kirl of the conseatila to, the, f6rmatfort of powerful But d t But Steer old Ally lst J Stithoklan .24 8 *cYlttlar. luo' wiredjAnd Ries oRussi%a camp in Bessaribi&.Aud aitothor ficle -Ana keep the ro6peb instoad- _'viod 1� thoir neaTia eat _01a dinrlst W 31autoth- 2d 0 XWe,' At': Ist ffighland-Ma* All, piitting them into -the This, On the 'tod Asitio -awaywiih. Still u' SyateM,an g1se = 1_ t, cmitants sicting 41redly on G broln,4isturb he -Pou&frontier, aid it lzbolia ad. 13fttl .3a[BeadD-21 4th .0oki rs;� Best vwtih. Ga eriwil 4 the market. The lityloss, C-*.= Z�wristo gay! Anit. 11roly to XU Annent pk6fignfti An p isth- are Pon &at-], Irdir oldfilly laVr cbzs4-2dTGemm ;.numb . prove thit somethijig th;u a he Lordonei RvitisiaiLolliZu for Okii Cowazt. *done Suliftription thossorgenanamurytosasten nf� Here Use, the 911� h I . IV -an Austro- Caj test1jesir k groat cau"of TaIL Hesdaell tundier, 1=4 thl* giant orthpse. fresh arAvels iia 6nor of th 4019voland Chesney, 14 T Affe- -id; 24 - �miiita G.L Wan commit -party 0Y - 1: '-� L , L 4 . VMM.. 3a, - voriallad 1110S, "tise, thit HMO y great Zia __n Kd, Calild Infignor, Debility#, Ill �tr4di in tthiaztormes Xazow&P Cog� ngs - Ath I.Bectwn.- E 'attention fd.t 6 genera "tjj� encoift' Meat Of 7.0UND ]SYRUP 4RF.UTM]PjE0 9% Of x0twitba Coed Wheat. 8rd D Hilt. d lk runiow flirown, B848PM 0;2u&t"H0r-90lxt A: Vitt 24, 11Fm rou h- lls,,' e "Sudeit I arsn bylts potetit &;A SM 40M follistotichipolit and Grecisit 10ir 1exander, 3rd D CampbelV 610 Th6 -blodflK. of this T& q"tion: fol piisicipt;; - - I . _, L*" _P A44, dveitiod -tb a "llitar :,Out at And,that. the virilizecl Rat ca� ijorms ist win, Lee-. 1heboat U -000, 1 Ara inLok nor need It asiring 111116n!)" 'it being Atilaptlid. to earowsalm jrbblittyaVigala UWM MT WHIZ 4"re -ee Ownizedi'l. 'Obathm, a2a.. 11 lar sho�Ujd. 6t be;-4aii 1; YOung men 1roilitis not, ag", W, be, thrown in turmoil llestbuggr Horan lsLC0%1*p1etDdMn&on,. the "�%nooent* abroad, Open eibe but-oatt I re - SO trait Vrosent 6onveisint with." TheC B 3xiMTrise�Sbathfid. zony, 6 lc*ltic. wool Ut resigned Itis office as istgb4nt of brillisat intithosil 4or t 3? midilteist the e k BroWnias 0 Agent# wo that r bea hibli Iss Us, jr! ea b muni winix V*tw 'he W tail best tlaroo Virit horr 11fila 9 President of R G., And Z. R, a. ad T -br6dDrarlytinh(fich 06W��.ftia -4-ap- 'go Cur merchants moke - The vowl.H. B.,ju toct worno, nobly PISMO&, to w*U t* thor6ugli� 440 third $5 is, of Aslifax T y . I . Three Ilona abiol4to yzecessary. to scatter -ribj;*. we c =I Iditair, TsicotL- z caltia1870 Ist andIdUftall. fail beigh-selzid foridlatioi of rovetau, - IxOONTO-WONET XAnENZ ssm ; '' ..- , a vr - . : I I the N�tt 7k:T *A '=OLIL Id X:Knon to A 40 elit entered 40047y. ebim: "aud 78t - t. sphit Yrom, 1, 1 .- 'aid . Me&AWL '.W fter Op6sing of -&-few Aoi� Bills Arounil' ch- shows an 4hat.4 Ansucl wght, witit vilid6f6f rffoaltUf, ors" Gv�0 9-d. Mrk upilersad a ]k�j ujj , ji _ cA vas"i the_ C4 uji _j�& 41, .4ety lately held'here., 'be 'ULAW 3d__oj4Dj CATftt %0 weaerit Fair �ftiJss ttpday -onrw at 84 angd light," is any utor" mthose whiakmar _,(Taos. GfMbadk#=4XewThrkX=h Agric�autsl or 4911an expe b _j tiot Ages, it: suge. Bad IMah Cow havin tharw; joitriied''ibout"Ll p.m.,-*- 24" 611vtr Old timm- worth, pondering at this seas wised i t,fline" 3.20" Mornnthe iroft On 4 disOust- fimallt-bUyine tt 91 sellft% 4t7 4W . a 4 CAM day) with A090 6UTtug * thepoil jtj bit hapsCirim6han, d R Cartambou sdl� arroch4u. t eydhn t "top the county -or isme jS _'t t. L _ $1W_. extra'salp .;; 1- - Oath or Mrs. ount- eand �of WX which ok place andrIondst214 of t orning on, .2 Th rt pened this in of A& bor of theiverioil. 10, con us in 'Seafoa: witeaullotosythatwollavean eqnsilly1faziner-in 2 VjjrVlft h&#r, Ut 8 CLIZ08111m rinten' �Wa r4o toliouafthe a ft1dt:ipenedsJ;7l14. The holiI histagIf bound to make ooms- Cisi7joetiM - . _t� L. _ at Of4e 8 Carsoeba 24 A C�euw 'th On Fritlax 24th inst., The Roov. tribution theritte, it Onl W ood h* oy do, its wo uvr, a;sp%n41d busi. Toranto rrOn A; Iake, I K C TIM e courgo broad jioom&!* be deferiotalling. Wolodk Best 1.W X lier calf Co= cks of F(st&toos& butich76f0rapes, ;�ccbin� id Jr, 11toadfoot, Jr. Toronto) and Robb Xsefalav tat an orator *ad AbUillau. 11d - W ftypo. v ;, zonaomaw that his sor- -wit -Co - - - - 0 'L - a Goaorwsept. 2o islo. in Vilix for *6 znarty aban4a of chil(I Melon, let hiv�sefid that, if BA4tsy6iLrotdst"r A�rqot' for z vere p Tow r.. -;The Itigular meet Wlth _-by an. FAn WA& 1-1 re -L Ul be held".. e V.6Ujj �,j^j;jd& -F. sDRMWN-VAMoD4NiGtE----'6��ACt'1'0* to th A tU Hesused indulgenas in immalicil- he oaa se4 *9 oftliese, sormuclithebetter.- Badlyaro " tits, rww5tatlidisro row -will be sympathizea oSir John, A. Ma�Aouald. has tetumod to Them Very rady a thrifty ormer who, Red Afvftor sk BtWfooL ow uAlwat- Ana *b& frok in"num"i4a WXdC#A.­_- 1:13 rmin tho coulduotdd to-41isattractioi*anc 4 triecommendedfor in'11110 Fj­ a Ottaviaj quite xwyor4 and Im been pro- 400 a vendi 9" usedlo, bo sisnood lap ok6 of three tenant'f. XcDonagh%,on alot ift :Ais'h- of a 7sir if his would fi7. 'It be *)uld: xeud T= XtR-D PASA, Vill edMO OU At Siding Ameetings, of the Pzivv 6uncll. Calf, or ihorse 4,10-; thitdhoirsa -fieldiivid claiiiieA that -on Thu=d - oy. At opinion rejoift 'to Pew' P" lim"1*91boo wilt be bojx.�" Wo a " of supoinor Fowls; a likely CLAN 4of $5. oil Assizea�l s 'fon a Ile I =15011 In G' Ltissif Ds' W44011. thIj Walkerton, u T Barley 3sAwalsotilo vWorestait of psisuf& xPA a firitLratii Cow,' Utter yet; but iiino- VestsoMmiX didanit Ury ... 0 hear of thW fj�vlt toil" of 01ir former$ repra it, Air as r anKdreer fbr� the ottaw&wi . �1tig-*�Vzoviliciij ZzLibigon 0.35 ct4 0.;A_ Woide ri, -little under puthis ll;o�iis66ld stiff 6id-buf- bill igai a 'order 6 inaIlijUa sea to solump"WMtsut ratisarthm tolla 'teM W)JOU d ik jposi�siision murder o i0mathing -wherowith theyhove, -nothing Best Ron Cowau, sk it 34"Ina. t.- Amult of first beat Crop& in be v6sA; an .(X t4 1 1875 f bry �n, Ulm ftaa� 4*r .,3a wxu Wom4t-, of thesisitiliagm )&0MWnWVoxiraiU- - jahsbaoit w" good to be thist 4A aT Sd Da Uri ps . ear. 'TOO .� I F thit priilege 16f, ag Tliere latewa% Ut RXjmUlc#j.Zd MLQTJ� '5 W oer, Z�WL. 4 L 29 ............ 1.00, th Paso ----6th' ad as to thiioi ii�tod r lounp into- it with hantu 'Rest. W . - thi te A statimW Baud of Trade to, be form A boyUad. Met traits- of worm in their 00*41ft, 11tars, about for *A ban -AthL tounKhf damoges suffikeii'by shill he holdt' holding of it in Oodiir. ta, at Montrital owath Oat. noed. jot fe*pIff`f0rL N5' . , eon 0 -2: 5 JIM 1104 time and: Reto6otil Mix -, use wo4w o MA ga� home protestiq *1 save ........ bm bow ftuatowd for tbis ftnjt tut t* aoul of - lob 4iftleZn 4-1 orPIX-i-no il NoW Y.,_ � - §'OW 49 5:1)& book zfttl� everythisty thely-saw thovsi.�, ejLpens%, IS BWfpOrZWt. +h& .An . . & .it& 4h -&BANK W" We Dot 4111 tao, 'An, Xpomr1i it, prove of tho tesliaioaW tot �Ahx-' It W WciWer *31 W 1145 action was: ^W kem'e'. Fork. - Can 1W W01i4i y Than why OA thoy not ttr f 0 01113WO t1w dis*umd. C)_b* time. 2,QT P%4�111 nildon.to that st of brought Atly �Xr E Moore. b our ft o, ling 76A ChitAom _W* %W* *N*ly h4"Id w2a h"= f4 bay* Awd Tabi a thoeii, who might make cotabs, B04 -A . 29 part of products � swo, them- tj if* zwt 2d cover the. wT6 of *188Q. with r: the boot dUpIk 'by not MaMlag r&wd Usti* ft IWO, Ut Z wi*40 We*w Beat tmo 30 be' ig the avammi.of an-oocioun r the' 0-4=-Y 1091 fs 1"U.- a a" !he frontisir Wool a i U length andib -4 1%mililoft at ...... ith plerAr a L irioney (stolen it= he SheoP .00 Yt fidutbambe Sd H Mail. Verdict for., thAr owil AM" 19 n4s64'*Z*Y1PQ-) in his Pocket- 14mbe. 2:00 2:26, 1�a�;jo r is .,bv. Mr SWd inw%A sallow ywogob" son3od to be of , ]At Z4r# ja Uo�]Odjed corv$ot b Ir vW"g wi* &" otbw as to wMa wiald The aysrav� lussipmess -W bitilat nplainod 14, is liot "m lotst, Wonder tM fasiltrof those, who sent whA thoy W X0111oholdii I &jftod lawis 14 plff� 16. Tahni"K, of IWO, Goaerl* Bat, . I OTU _11113id biown to ojb.lpw ;k of as"" iss, IIWA** MW 101- IfMOT-Thig W" W6 . V ; w iao" �by ths accidental P WoOdooldo lif hicintakA monistin. WIX'ore t4ore dinbarki *f'jli$ SMU WhU* L Oat lquind Sj:w. I but of tims, bc� "Ti I*ttv; *W* *00 -Ed Too ion's W Miss 4" a tra" nor B"t i1ouble 0 at KuW 1A 00 *4 *4 Uought to iewyor I tz , I itriest on the the balsucie ofis, CuLttii ijto liquor $014 -were only 13 exam p."@& 4*40 *%tont 4ad 16k ithook.. Nor I %ky to Will *a But " ix na. - salass .- . 1 sevi6m iiligro of in� 9.-* 1 - ' , ft nif - y BestStagiodo,liltdoiddo. iduciiig� a totimt to bum likoh*00 tQ000M = - led byM blame fastoned on to the l 6'appea during loi� quarter eaML ohaugod, SnEa:i lrox Plow, IstO Williamb0aftdiA& 10" Of Pict'do. pens" of; tu ois" Mo W&Ut* its a rsAdy an- tbW wko might have oontributods'but Wootijin do Ut do 2d issiounk insured. th#A in 1868, WuL ifullit* 4RIS br4h Inc 40A. thi G ty, to B"SecZarler hone Bat, 141XXXII" The fou'vidstimlf the Huse t Too Imptisplaid ft a ;;� -15111111-Aue Xr No ­ � I two a. WWII. for Bwteng�mow. Z*M& Caw-, bal=ce lo ibe on Th-urx&y e"ningi X Isid. d22dinst 1 eo4dootar wa younp 011#415 24 �ftft. h0*111I... i no is say aur Irairs owmi Wp babl; $me *1111?"YV* 2i Q*k-an1uoirder to obtain his'releafie th a- t vitit f#W ction with 4 4 no X ld b%4 *0 Xu!r%j*v# Xr- CAbb- & A . I I ova j��pwj ft sm *MAU, e* 1bW " Ilk Bg& IMTO Mat Will Arwtural 80- - - I L I 4 2113A.- "z Ports L . . - . "I - , : U0 o" poisalp" *00y not *w iXhoso f "up 11111411111cm "A pow dand gopetown b;r a Ut4r, And McElkerisn W FIX mad h 'a n ' ary t n c ifId i d" th, 'iflie 1, ru �atlon ot offic aid lus S feucla its Ciao istho affownrcoit;e z Consists 09 -one vve- XM3 r t_17 E1,2,9 aqr.C3 ejeaka --A , W a a a - 0 n un a' e a-, a spfmg Q-,I=k TOR =o -.e ar zcss, v-_0MC3 ava 34mrs Ell V-A u4RAN.DSOMD - t Meng 4, 2 ZIM-0 33 avow "U.1 "a Pa4mn 1-aulmactea by rs"2 I ^Zctca. at zo:=6 _rku On TUB, SDAY, �A� pyoz-4y 1Z ielf,-MV etzata, 4 In, a lots UM Z* " IntmCucz va ,ArTEMM Or jMoVMaztA.=0CT4 ISLAC RA�FAMNI IF, aunt�&,­_ 1A MONEY At Gre W.V redu co a'JEM undc� malu rm d f -'T__3 C1 INSURA, HOROE STRA 1011 A 4CT A' —4 f=r- T, N a ID ALALK INNOCENT VE, 2MW Yokm YORK marpee# V. paper. FOR this ; 4 j TkLEGR' MIR M. :4,etyour jsta'w"' on 1� oil Mo x F_ V, HUM CAIPUAL, - XO�UAXLY9119'ld