HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-09-29, Page 1• 74J .COX & ABRAHAM SMITH, Proprietors. .esnanntn keseene. IN .n.nNresalarenE, 5.(114)..4"1T' NL) OP° - amaimmees et.t5 iness, Qirectorp. PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. eentent—on -nee henteereetet • rc-. • - 1 el. JriLiy imE)Trilicbis TheA•reatest Possible iood to the Groatiiit Possible Number." Business IBiretiorp. -HURON IIOTEL, ZURICH, CO. HURON. JOHN PRANG, n - Proprietor. This house Is fitted up with every convenience for the travelling public, SW Good Stabling:and prompt attendance. - Aug 15, 1870 w154f IT ALF DOZEN FROM BACK NEG IV E J -L 51 Cants, postage free. One dozen from backnegative 87 cents, postage free, .to any address. r.. Particular Attention paid to Copy- ing: old Arabrotypes. For eidier large or smtill photographs. The subscriber in returning, thanks for the liberal patrooage heretofore extended to him, would just say that he has made such irn— p'-ovements in his gallery as win merit a con- tinuance of the same.! rrA Great Reduction on Large Photogzaphs. E. L. JOHNSON. Goclerich. Aug. 15. 18/0. w30 B. McC0111151, TARO% ST '1 1 (McLEANS OLD STAND, EAST ST..) ratviousLY CUTTER, TO 3. C. DETLOR, & Co T.ESTPHONIAL ne 0 DERICEr 1979. 3 , SEPT. 1869, Mr. McCORMICK *Urben in oar employment as Cutter for over 1 year. He is capable of :lifting for any first class estahishment. We bespeak for him the confidence of any who may employ him. T9HN C. DETI.OR & Co INT Waggon ad Carriage FACTORY. BATES & ELLIOTT 11AVE pleasure in intimat- ing to the public of town and ronntry that they have opened a Waggon ard carriage Shop on St. 13a.vicl's st, (Lewis Elliott's old stand,) im- mediately adioining the Western Hotel. R. & attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, and are prepared to turn out Waggons, Buggies, Gutters, Sleighs, and everything in their line, of the very best material and workmonship and at the very lowest remtmerative rates, 33 313 T ar Promptly attended to. ON HAND, a large assortment of X GI- riti 1Eg _which will be sold Cheap for Casa,. or Cord, wrx:>431. Goderich, Aug 1 1870. w30 HRS. DAYS' HOTEL WROXETER. AN the direct road trom Seaforth to Walkerton. Every necessary accom modation tor the travelling public. . HANNAH DAYS. Wroxeter. Aug. 15. 18g7. w30 Coui mere la lit ate 1.1111-tebel 1C. W (OHN HTOKS, Proprietor. This is th urgestand bestConntry Hotel In Wester Janadasand caarges as inoderate as' any Films in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Goodetablingfor 100 Horses H.orses and Carriages for Hue , o n Sliortesi Notice 140 TAI LORING 13. AM. pp ETIJIINS HIS MOSTS1NCERE THANK' 1. 1.• fort he very flatteringeneouragemen1 he has aceivedsinee hecommeneed business in Gode ich, notbeing able to execute over one -ha I o heordersbrought to him lastseason having' -, - oow s ecured I amlitiesfo 1 Extensive New Premises LAND SPLENDID NEW STOCK 10114 C. Barry & Bro., Cabinet Makers, Urdertakers & Wood Turners, ME.A.BILIXATC)BIT Have remove,: across tne street to the store next door to Wm. Acheson's Harness Shop, where will be found A GOOD ASSOBTM.ENT af Eitcheu Bedroom, Dinin,greons, and 'Parlor Fur.: nittu-e, such as -nee •-* TABLES, CHAMS. (hair, cane and wood seated.) CUPBOARDS., B lt,ifbTEADS, WASH STANDS, MATTRESSES, LOUNGES, SOFAit WHATNOTS LOOKING GLASSES GILT FRAMING. M• G. B B. are prelpred te sell everything ifis their lite Cheap for Cash. N. B. A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds always on 1-rdanda Flearseth hire; ell on reasonable t.421111i. A CALL SOLICITED. Goderiala, lfithAtig. 1870 wC0-tf GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., NOW IS YOU CHANCE, GODER1CH I"CABINET 'MESHING DANIEL GORDON,. -UPHOLSTERER, - CiarryinR, on Business Extensiveil and employing none but ark -CMS tradesmen - And as D. A. beheveshisexperience as Cutter . s eeonelto none in the Province ,hitvingcarried on bu s messe rtensivei y andsuece8sfu!IyI a Ela principallynrst-classcuatomers.and having been Cutter in one of t he Principal Esiablishmen sin Edinburgh , Scotland, he eartesslystate to a liscerning nubile that CLOTHING CAN BE MADE nissstablishinen equa it ot henk,es Er %Wish.. nen tin Toronto orMontrea I. Goderich. Aug 15. 1870. W3 °RABB'S — Secure the ihaflow ere the nthstrince fades. • • Prices to Suit the Times1 ' Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., OR 75ets. PER LLF POZEN. - Large Photograph Reduced in ,Proportion. Also will make the largest Photographs made in Goder- ich. very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar upwardsat D. CAMPBELL'S Photograph Ga‘lvl8e0ry. Goderich. Aug. 15th, 1870, GRAND DISPLAY D. FERCUSON, HAS OPENED OUT IN DRY GOODS Tit; LATEST STYLES THE CHOICEST PATTERNS THE BEST QUALITIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES His Factories & Sheetingf;) it will pay you TO DRIVE 20 MILES TO PURCHASE PRICE REDUCED For Cheapness and quality all his stock is Unequalled. FOR GOOD DRY PINE LUMBER LATH, SHINGLES! AND CEDAR Pons The subscriber as now on and 1,500,000 Feet Pine tunter, IA ALIT 33 fag PINE JI GEDAR SHINGLES, CEDAR. POSTS, 4.c., which he is prepared TO SELL IN LARGE OR SMALL LO rs • .A.T GREATLY Reduced Prices for Cash. DIM- Apply at the office, over J. C. .Detlor 43 Co'. store. JANES SNAIL'', A.gent. - Goderich, Aug Ifith 1870. awl NEW CABINET cmi AND SUR AND DOOR • • . WEST STREE71 DPPOSITE BANK OF MOFTREAL, GODERI011. ERIC MeICAY„ "WOULD RESPEOPPULLY ry nonnee that ha has opened a.' Dowsh.opinthe abocia lice* on. West Sfteet, opposite the Bank oniont*cal. where he will keep constantly :cm ormake to order Ultakiritiltiti OF ALL ICINDS,-__ Efavim,- on hand an assortment: of pholstering material, he will e pappared tor& prompt/yall ordera in the.; line. ;t:3r• Sqnantity of GEt and RoseWood 31f4dingi Picture Framing -to -Order.. mt. trasts by strict 8ttentIoneItsr;hairints17.4 per a share of pablic patronage. Dada:lob, Aug. 15.1870 weal& I, FREDERICK, FACTORY. • rHE 'undersigned having purchased Abe Plain - .I. mg Mill and Sash Feeley owned, and oc- cupied by Donald.Cumfiling, are now prepared to earry °lathe business of manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring. • . and all .kuids,of A LOT OF COTTON YARNS BEST QUALITY Aer MILL PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES HE CANNOT a COMPETED WITII HIS GROCERIES Are equal in all respects to those which have gained him the reputation of keeping THE MOST RELIABLE FAMILY aROCERY IN G-€)1D1ElEt 15E S3URE TO CALL ROUND TO HIS Sr-14401MB ON HAMILTON STR.gET before completing your purchases. . E such as Circle and Gothke Sash and Frames They dunk Alain their -experience in Factory Work, that they can gure satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. '17.13.—A.libara discount to the trade. 2o coo feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flooring on hanet • J_AS BITCHANAN, DAVID LA:WSON, ' WM. ROBINSOM. G-oderich, And15, 1874) w30 • filed btablisinnent TOW% AND -Undertaker, &c., &c., lifrAS now on hand a large stock of FURNITURE in every variety; which cannot faiLtocommand the favor of all in want :of furniture who may f avor him with a visit, whether in style or price, such as Bureaus, Wood Chairs, Cane Chairs, Bedsteadsi Sofas, Lounges, Tables,- Bookcases, Cupbnards, Extension Tables,Easy Chairs Rocking Chairs Wardroes, -Side boards, ChiMoners, Wash Stands, Kitchen Tables, Stal'uds. Sea Grass Mattresses. Wool do, Moss do I- air do, and 4 or 5 different kinds Spring Mattresses N. B.- Keeps always on hand a large assortment of Washable gilt and Rosewood Moulding -frames, square 'or oval, made on the shortest notice. Havihg made arrangements with JACQUES ,& MAY, Toronto, can furnish unything iere or at their Warerooms in Toronto, 113- Has always a complete assortment of Coffins -8z Shrouds in the Latest Style. Also, HEARSES to hire. roTX HE CHARGES NOTHING ° FOR SHOWING GOODS AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM p. FERG LI SON Goderfcb, Aug 15,1810 vt,30 tf - -TO THE WORKING CLASS. -WI arenow prepared to furnish &Rebates with constant timpyment at home, the whole of the dine or fertile spare raomBents. usluese n air, I1bt and profitable. Persons ofelther sei easily earn from to 'Spec arming, and. proportional sum br devodng their whWe time toMerees. Boysandgirisearnn as much &mem; Tim I who see this note& nay Ben d th *Adroit, and test the wiriest, wo melte this unparalleled "oder: Tosnch oars net well satiated, we win ,end I to pay for the trouble of writing. Full part•adars; a valuable um- Ve which will do to commence work on,and-a copy of The i 1Z i=e'p sa' thef tejf sr, lyzYryou /rilnlaaincur..2ent,,profitable wort, s.dnress CO., A.I19178T.k. Num. - REMOVAL. ALEX. WALLACE, WA.TCHMATTER .4.ND JEWELER, wEBT ,sTET, la(31:)Ial=“011. flhiiESubscriber having removed to the Etore lately J. occupied by. A, Naysinith„ West Street, opposite the Post Office, wishes to ihank his friends and the publie, or the `liberal support with which they have favored him for the last 25' years, and begs toassure thein that no effort will be spared to merit aconumance -of their patronage, his anxious study will be aosupply Watalies.Olooks and Xeireleryl which will give satisfaction to the purchaser, and as all work has been done by myself, customers may depend on hiving it well exectned. -7 • - ,A: good -assortment of Gold and, plated Jewelry Watches, Clocki2i.j.ilways•un band. X _WALLACE. Goderich Aug. 15th 187. : waa. Goderich, Aug 14, 1870. swl Stoves "-•••• a THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, i $70i _ his own conscience, the warm esteem of [was thought a proper prelude to maiming nolitiutou Bongo. The first cargo of new fall wheat from :Chicago arrived at Kingston on Sunday in the -barque 'Robert Gaskin.' A publie meeting in aid of sofferers by the Ottawa fire was held at Toronto on Saturday. Canvassing committees have been appointed. - A man named Munro was attacked yes- terday on the road near Montague by two men, robbed, and us they thought murder- ed, his throat being put from ear to ear. He still lives, but ,the guilty parties are still at large. The Young Men's Ohristian Aesociation of 1 oronto are taking steps to erece * new and handsome building. Fatal boating accidents are repented from Quebec and Ontario. A sail boat. was upset a few days age near M.urray Bay. on the lower St. Lawrence. A inan and three children' were &gene' d Sabbath afternoon, a man named Wm nelf was droorwopnteo.dwhile onliff t gaieg in the bay o T The St. jo-hte nrew declined to row against the Tyne inen again'etatipg that they were convinced that elee latter were :too strong for ehem. Renwortli, of th.e crew, is to row a Ave -mile race with boulther. Sir John A Macdonald at -rived tet Que- . 0 on Saturday, • Captain Burgeyne, lately commander of our Lake gunboat fleet, is believed to have gone down in the Captain. On Saturday evening an oil still blew up in London. Leas about $1,.000. A project for laying another telegraph cable to America ie announced in London. W. Kingsford has received the contract for enlarging Greenville Canal. The Dominion Statutes for the present year are ROW being distributed. The old 20 cent si {are now all ordered to I be withdrawn, to prevent confounding 1 them with the new 25 cent pieces. The marine disasters on the coast of Nova Scotia, lest month, caused the loss of 100 live. In Montreal, last week, there ,die ed 16 Protestants and 85 Catholics. In the Agricultural department .of the Provincial Fair there are 500 fewer entries than last year. Quebee has gent $3000,, to the Assistance of French wounde41. • '` '4?:- .! • ," : • • '.ennee asesee4spee.shisssteseeemeseere ...„,.....enfevag his friend, and the gratitude of the conn- 1 'and murder. Or at all events it was con- try—whidh, afterhighteen years of anus° sidered quite in order to shoot or stab a 1 and detrantion.he assuredly now possesses 1 ' man without a little preliminary alter- ' It is a, lur oyful thing and a hopeful forthe t . cation i . .But our neighbours improve as bProvince eleat a spontaneous I VOL: .XXIII —NO `‘,3 , ; further la' pihy .of Germany will shortly iv) I secured isy new political institratiops, . . etteVetn TO ig RECEIVED EN h. WV ATg • "cAPAtiiT:Y., . , „.. e faun of A Specl ;to the Tribune feem lole desire shduld have epeung uP all over the they grow older. Now human lefe Is- says; A coreespeedent. at .Berlin te1c!4 iadi:a land to n4ke aoin,e fitting acknowledgment I sacrificed in a sprit of pure hilarity. ..i. to such a ,tea,e of the debt the country owes ( party of gentlemen of the "loafer ' per - him. 11vi well the youth of Canada should suasion will make aperausbnlationthrongh be taughtethat success in public life is not and retenition of official position ; but that a ward,and pistol publieutis with a joviel solely to #es measured by the attainment f d te ee there man be a higher and quite so noble n hee otu In le would be absolutely charm- s, eitecessfin the solid, faithful service ren- spite -but for inconvenient ' results to be nbereel to the State, that carries with it on his doorstops in thesool of the evening istoled. A boarding house keeper sies Alter IV rrants on the Exchequer nor with his family end his guests, warning, graphs to -day: The enenericati :gin -rider en authority learns that . Fevre • evill be received in a private capacity only and he iuformed by Bismarck, that Gen:nay-One) insist as a cendition sine ga_q wan eg peacgon the starrender.of.the onetbi iJorse1leuod Rieke by wb;ich CietntatI Wald threateeted and attacked. IN R0111C nightly . istinctions, but that stamps its and one semptiee his revolver" among the The Tribune's epeedel- colerespeeilmi mark on he destinies Qg a greet people,— group with as mieeh serenity its if he were ' 0101)e,.. teleeraphs from Flarence thalettt4 t the a • The sleve FiftC-Jt .organized, 'and Uninvited persons joke it tory fighting, ihich vies e toppe4 'ny- Pieoen. , and “go in for a; muss," ,carrying off the Phe ner fifty cent pieces have arrived,- honors in triumph. 4. boat is gliding up .et Pope. Thete were many deMoneeratienk joy hero. The multitude onterosi belfry of the tower eied forced the teepes to rine the great bell. ,The troop - ha i orders to use ,the leaq. possible Iforct, in the event of .resistaege, nzi policy of the gevernmeut concetri6g the Pope is still distrusted by tlaetle pwrbeossufreearofitOwailfroliceYielee7;°eQa.176 tfil) PROTECTION. • -- A1LL7IOM1 sayAs ;.sp.reehiealu.totzitthede 'S.7:;:e:go-f;rmtiveLe.poindiftit zwiavrento orredmaersinforinaneacAh saaaeritc4u, t:ierluseolAi French ports and give peote,e4oa, American -citizens and court-nor:en: 'Ca; Moore, of the Arafticaik. raga -4s* art Parts, 'leaves Teonden to -morrow fm' 92,0 pa, whence he will return to ttae. FrelSolt eapital and pow hat& to tendon days. • - P - Taldrome, late 'Minister of the lean . terior, while returning to ;his depart:24.9A dwell tebt f rbis Gf aa n iblye t tear 4WPflai!sraafo e-1 9t. PARIS ENTIRELY SHUT IN. - . the pOpulace, jn Anberliliersca agail Bevan O'Fatap, ae was Yepy badly ust,4 REPORTED PRUSSIAN DEFEAT ; and in danger of be4ag yuied. • • Earthworks ar:s being fitrow;). A tIL* '71nortliern approaahee to the lima tb.r l'AVRE'S ,I.Frq;vrz_w BISMAROIL defencee 'n.ne etherenides ove 40114: compete with the brawny eons METZ WELL 'PROVISIONED eeneD tetrengthened every Were . • • Au English civil engitteer and chemist, of the Ectiereld Isle, they were compelled • CANNOT BE 'TAKEN, simply leaving Ibis card. A pie•oie totisquiet possession ofjipine gter clisula,„3 and, to a ponsiderable amoolit, are getting into general circulation. The coin is the same kind as those of smaller denomi- nations, and has the same faults. The lie from which it was cast was very shal- low; coneequentny the figures, leayes,and ldtters are but slightly ennui& • and will easily benome indistinct when the coins have been long in use. On one side is a eleofile of her Majesty, surrounded by the niotto, "Victoria d,ei gratia .Regima on- derneath being the word t`Capada.'/' • On the reverse is a wreath of maple leaves, ,sUrroundhd by a crown, aud in the centre, ii large charactere, "50 CENTS., 1870." The metal is of good quality, bat the coin has been designed without taste, and ex- ecuted with only average skill and finish, and nq credit to the mirtt whence it °erne. tebout half a dozen cases passed through London a few days age via Grum Trunk to various banks in the erestern part of the Province. We believe ale pieces were struck at the Soho Mine, hear Birminghem most of the silver hav- ing been obtained' by smelting a quantity of American coin sent home for thee pon Pc)ee• atnfteb Wateg. The coolies taken to work on a railroad in Texas a short time since, have not been saccessful. -After an ineffectual attempt the East River•with sundry young ladies and their squires, DO board, and a couple of young men geRamende ball pructice at them from the shore. And there are plenty more of smell incidents whiciecould be named, were our spaca illimitable. The prospect is eteourging, nay joyous. Peo- ple in New York 'will soon have to revive the iron eastanne of the middle ages, and go about with bucklep mad breastplate, hemlet andgreaves— making in hot weather portable ovens of themselves; but what matter. This is a free country, end as for the man who talked about the crimes that are perpeerated in the name of liberty, he was only a poet, and of no account whateyer, at least in practical New York. 1.. awe be War n A NEW ITALIAN CABINET. ONE 01' THE It ED01.113Ts CA.PTITRED. has iuvented a projectile for nee on the to give u and engage in cotton picking. Leaden, Sept. 21.—The German forces _wael_isnoargfePasir,lstia3,gpaeintrsotleitwIlie .4,P4tte:13inruez;a8 It! have occupied Nenumrs. It is said that is h , sheee of flame pver IA 8$11:Sef) Kfr41213 Al.,i A - glue manufacturer of St. Roch's, popular eekly paper, Heartii and Home , The p prietorship of that ex.9.4ant and Quebec, fell into a cauldron of boiling gleel Gen Werder threatens to utterly deeteov on Satueday and was burnt to death. ' has been transferred from , Strasburg if it does not surrender. A dis- teee.:foapttuwreinntyg ttfbeeu: .egtteee: i•,'AT,,12,„ Tw.g.4 At Odessa on Sunday, a gal vas tengill & Bates to Afessrs. Orange Judd Tuesday luoette No 53 before the walls of Men Menne Pet-, patch from efoodelshem states that' on sieundred workmen cxe actively engaged ta ZYMASE APATHY. The schooner E. S, J. Bawls sunk at & Co., th publien T.11t3 change will in no way _ Strasborg was taken by the leridwehr note .ivethstanding a gelling rifle fire. burnt to dealth. -nacre. of the Antericare : A letter from Sir Flenry LyttOU 124134ve3 AgrieultrrisA. to the London Times repeteeeleirenthear tien Pat Rowan on Tuesday with 14000 busbels affect Pie 'titter. The Free Masone io the Gernert:nand . of wheet. Crow saved. • Freed) amities have giyen earoeetevicleuce Governmentfen aPathynn the C&I.38:", shabbily with the sufferer' by the Ottaw .a. Sow b Carolina paper, tbe Darlington .61 brotherhood and humanity durini the of peace has produced a marked efftge. npon publie eentiment here, the lt.intiitrY The Ontario Government isectingisither Democrai, says "we have never IcflOyfla fire, only offering to lend them mone sa a itiore:., ickly seawn than the present. - : justly ince:awing-reproach. nee :tat. Pewits is entirely shut io and all the ave s i heaidanitrious statement- te-dav. ftete'' y at. Bilious- fever seems to have assumed an PARIS ENTIRELY SHIM' IN, bstinat ' and man of tbem fatal The nues of communicatien put off except via tuirpeellditteiroomeneoAermaleanricay.taklgeolaleynte,tahrsoetztelteet , . . .. ,. , . . oidemic 'form The cases generally The Toronto Telegraph, will gain the res-ne‘ • e e aze Berlin. stand against the towdyism of .,‘Youhg headquarters be ore Paris report that a . to eventually weels.ine $ BPPLIblit) ThO eolored-people, who Were once considered 1 pect of the general public by ifs manly , ° eN y • An :official die ten 'from the pilule= ern &Ate are only using Panyeaa an wan vely exernig from fever, suffer redoubt with eaten?. guns wae eepetteed by republecem senttreente kp t ap, ils ge;rtifkat. NO NEWS ER01/, ,E.RANCE. • It; the German troepn A special to el).0 -3752'N from Lunch:1_1'p v. Dr. Ormiston, late of' Hamil- PRUSSIAN CAPT ctazs. installed into hts new charge at . Another dispatch fr,om the Zing to the says : The *Welt cabinet recolyea 'nj. • • • fered for sale by circular in Canada, - Pentem--Five thousand dollars vassage ,29th stet, N. Y., on Sunday evening last. rt the Collegiate Church, Fifth avenue and abancloped then' poeitiop nea,r Pierrefitte, Queen, dated TtlesdaY, sane: 4/The French nvieew:bwohavietpprayerr:vfeethaverittaantezfetkl.etweteee being counterfeited in the States t*Sed of - money was taken at the new Snspension the Prusso-Bavartan,corps was crossiug the ' Perth of Fort St Dentine At the same time badle Nterproted IrEslisateyBditr it 'w/13.4urrecoliAlio°itelit Cbo la% aL )41 A.Bruigidgisenat the Falls during the month of It is stH. that Vanderbilt lost $50,000 _ Seine near Villeneuve attacked three dh : the object perfectly asiumalailiing. Thc fiisliating was toot eevetei .exwipt 4 e on the grho ae boat race. visions uneder zeramatid of Geh Vinoy on the heights of Sceaux, ancicapturta sevpri P , ore this year is estimated at one million A Calfornia woman took a big rattle- guile and meaty men. Fritz directed the Ohoisy lo Roig atitl vip"0,y, i-vitaatrOF. Nr1 The production of Lake Superior Copper tons, which is twice as macin as wasetro- Snake 00 of her baby's cradle with two movements. The weather is superb,troops iti pertent or:dergiand ailipaar*ealo Toms ascertained that the Crown iPirAtee::g duced in the ente United- Ststes in 1843. . canes, mad dropped him into a kettle of' Tun NEW ITALIAN CABINET, . . . ,. - b *Wen ' ;der, w bp tookQ itso, o The Papal organ in thus city says : The head a.rtrs Is at 'Versailles, and /- i- out 200t000 Gentian troope UP ostatibW. -Clti . iL Supposed Murder, him. following will Ise the Cabinet of Italy 11 0111' , . °linens have commenteed a tar lilting at Rome : Mazzini, Prestdent of the Th'e King in at Versailles imi: cthiogiiintl„ On Saturday night a man named Robert Britons m Toronto. P it Kingston cabmen bad horse ram on mei." fi Sunday. , The The new Canadian 25 cent pieces- are ton was der new regime, according to reports el= south end oast of Paris. Wagstaffwho vias formerly a Member of of enterrehuation against the Indiana of Council and Minister of Foreign ,Affaire; takee part in reconnoisaucts. , the Brooks' Bush gang, was arrested, .4.rizonal charged with having caused the death of _ _ .. 'Mernaret Chaprean,a disreputable woman, ii0;. ,omen. at the Pplls. _ • under, as nearly as can be ascertained, the follonng circumstances : It appears -that StovesI both parties lived on Stanley streq, • 'and; . on intimate and to all appearances friendly terms. The two were seen leaving Stan-! ti le,y street together about 8 o'clock in the ;CI , evening, and shortly Pit er wards Wagstag: tv , returned alone, and went to Doyle's,where,: hi he remained for some time. He was ask: ed where the woman was, but gave evaaive t•en", reply to the question. A disturbance took place in Doyle's, and in the cobra° of it, 'tee: Wagstaff left, and seeking eat Police Con- ._ stables Hammond and Archer, told them RN that Margaret Chapman was downed in rA tbe bay, near the old gaol, and that he tt could point out the place. 1 he two eons 0 stables, andompanied by Detective Newhal 0 ' and Wagestaff, started in order te revive x the body; When they got to the place ina O dicated by Wagstaff, the hat and net of the eniinfortunate wonaan were found upon the abank, and after some little -wax& ethe p body was found in about eight feet of 1.4 Water.. Wagstaff being the het persor seen with the deceasede he was takeo int( 0 custody on the suspicion that he had,pusla . 1,4 ed her into the !rater, as there were indir g cations on --the gaud of a severe struggle prjAIN .A.Np 13,.A.Ncie. It baving taken -place. Near the water's i3dge It market which appeared as if they had heen . • made by. the finger -nails daunts person - X' IV - N7c7" _EL3EL 3141, while being. dragged. along the ground, t . ••----0 ...r... were &seemed. When &Lino into custody ' ni es itrATCTIMAER, - WEST ST.,GODERIC;11, X9R.r tbe- Post- Office. IlaEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TC RETURN.EEIS s-..r.cere hsnk ta te Veople Of Goderich and vIcInf4, for their :liberal pata9nage'clurin's. _the least 8 .yearit,aninsA' t4it, tha.holtd*" salon. Bits arrived alj:it,itgelalem:oyinenfara.ad amenities, he_wonld atatet:-..atall22wisit to pnroBasqeweiryfcr Presents 6therwise of warranted matt:fad ad& wprimanship -..wsihl'do we. to- hay407-fhla} at,ratet comparatIVOY Aeap.er. ttiwthat asked 'fca. WorthiOs trash. - - Ilt jewellySed for Gold Warrant& • 40E43f.10 1.3-CrAt ity20 WOZ111.7.=_CLIp.. __ • _ - YR. AAC VLBIZPICK., •titeteelahnehne,15t neet. ere 3.0 3 MARTIN AMANN B"s TO l'NFOlthi mama; CUSTOMERS , ' MELODEONS, HOUSE -01IDANS:., CHUR0H. WIGAN _ -Piano Stools, 40,, trplus oweat rates, 7-1614ufgeturet bythe celebratedEirm. ox that haste tillable in roll for ereoh, at the • 11. VirILLTATYIS VO; Touo ILL jiEVDS 4 -A 11.61#08teitetIBIYI3 ,P114erg,.1Attle COAL OIL,4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WY" Coal Oil Lamps, &e. Sto. OM Iron. Copper, Brass, Wool Pickings, and Sheep Skins taken in exchange, J J. -STORY, • ter Sign of th Large Coal Oil:Barrel Goderielo Ang"15, 1870 aivn • .,-, At his tghop eil.Kingstori Stesit, onreelie the •itlinuneersignee Ingsto intimitte-thate bin teen - pared to sell e.11 alleles Made b,y tji m, st Italian Hotel, Coderich. bt-T, 1;09.1. - appciatedageit fprOoderich and* tu.rox nding Goraeriab. coruitry of the above 3astly ceIebratallrim and s pre- DIANUEVICIVII.F., P Officp, Ware.ReranargestStreett- - • "*1 nEffalSWT, tir Improved Farms Ad Wild L.J.Jai0for Sale, - • nat- M TALLMAN, GOdOli* Aug 16:3 18/0 Elm/ Sanitlesinay be rieefirMd,ternas ascertain? nab= • - DIONTR:EAL 00E1111 STEAMSHIP:COMPANY, L'101,; TICKETS M andiron' Aixerpool Loudorder F or Glasgow by the above Steamship CO'y, apply to 1113. H. CARTER, - . Agent, Grand Trank Railway; GodeebrAug 15, 1840 w3.0 veed 7T.TsriP: -141 Ot acricb, 4:ag.15,`1870, ••• the prisbrier- said the .wonten Was half ' e Camila, Minister -of tbe Intel -ter; Ccreura .! The Prussian requiettions -oath° people. chi, Minister et Finance; Fabreze Monster : -of Versailles are frightfullysevetne eitevette. of War; Porta, _ielieuster of public Works; . ta houses num we protectea.4y tto 4ipzz. . . . . • Ferrari, Minister ef, Edocaeton, nem': , can flue.- tCheyemie W. T., (Sept. 7,) Correspon- ' Minister �f C4raco•aild'It!si-39°; 'Iuzz'i/ ell' ., - A Fcreneb ,priprt .46Mite. the optu,v3 , dettee of rl'te Burlington (Iona) Hawkeye.j„ arki- after Visioy'e witlidiawal of a red6zif4-P,`1 ister.of Ag.ricalturp and comtpepee; ( There s great rejoicing here to-day,min- bandit •Ithruster of Mantenn - Oentoenzterneesseeneen' nneoes, . front oftlie Forme Napoleeneley *len' G.T.,,, ras4 prim; -aftei an n-bstina noialiet,, :fai gled with 'welling and gnashing of teeth, _ Tours, Sept. 21.. --The government has udge v44 T. Jones, the Republican condi- green:Alit-cops in U lents of the countre date for 4elegate to Congress, is elected. by the Priissians have entered Orleans. The to converge on Paris. 1t, rtamored that a majority of 160 votes, The Democrats Tina taken werothoso of the neeleotte •,.h^ e. o 14.5PrI) thari SO6 44 400 priioners reneti captured. .. „ • • e A ../, --,a,t?•13 In the action Oil 3Tondav „;4136wati.c carried tee last electiort by a majoray of following dispatelteahave bean received by French force underGeneeale Re11,841.11PAA 1403 votp.ii, The la es very genet -ally availed there- the Ministry : •"Celenare 20tlee-The Department lof re - : Ducrot Aria posted on the 1:ieiglata,abpv* selves o4theirnewtyariu"ixedrightof free.... Naiii,Mart.:- The Prns:slans = chise. Even the fancy women here were by the German troops, and the drawinetee Haut, Rhine, was completely, evemia,ted tlp ..putiiwpigs * Abbou4,,.0.4„3: through the woodth a Mendon. out to a iatan. I beljewe I wrote you in of eonteription resumed, At Msdhauseu Clerk, and the' othee School Superintend- . 41 lation will be prepated to resiet." ', .A eevere engagement li.c.ok plactb at rep) still sicenPy tlie positiOn at A.bbat, ;It 4 my last hat two hales had been put upon tettay in which the PriteshitS Tif9) fra4 the Republican tigket-tone for County all is quiet. The enemy return the popu- - repulsee eteith snotneiderable ,:loeset 0.cheee ent. Alai, for the degeneracy of the timers! Epinal. 20t1o—Toul has again been at- sociates.' There were found men ungallant ir tanked, but the Praedans wpm repuleed 1 fougio iatiRtuo:::::::ort. expeetenh the first general battle rdt v they gholed the common fate, of. their as- aod their guns dismounted," iCeien, 20th.—It is repoited that the enough o tun to opposition to them, and unchiva outs enough to accept of the vic- tory ove • them. It was kerne (1011Soletion, Pruesians *vesting Pi is been defeat- ed in the plains ot. 24.endoia and Sevres . '114.1E0trAtt'ltAls7MOVEttftNt with a heavy" loss." however, to wounded sensitiveness togoow Toulon, Sept. 21. --Transports landenan ‘_. .. e, /erne - - -. e --ee... that onei of the ladies rse whole length here to 6000 zoushes a,nd 2000 Chas- .: .asrir.4.yon FOREPDEN EY =rag-, ahead ot the other candidates on -her eyrie seers a Ohara/. ticket, said came within ten votes of floor- Vienna, Sept 21st.—The Emperor of . (s, ing her Democratic competitor That was . . Feel/name, n'op, M. Brazil' is expected here soon. • Mrs. Piekett, estodelate fort ounty Cterk. The city of retnne hen been twegt pla L Suppoie that, as the Republicans moved OLOXGA'S INSTRUCTIONS. 0 0 i a ri ept. .. t seems -,It'is Italia- n trcOpe: ., There 1,i.,- ,Its- liG ,r91%.^(L-4-... NI d "a S 2 —I that 01 ' "anae shed. The, Pepe forhadp caT resistapceo upon the enemy, they thought they roust .. 2 ' Pickett in advance. had been instructed to reeegnize. the dies, with few exceptions, were Freuch Republic when Lord Loons, the , epoetted their ballots, and im- without *biting for the ljatterhi recalled to, the polls in carriages and omni- Euglieh Meister, did so • yet he act.' don. with flags in honour of theeentelsenniet 'tette drtuilc, had fallen into ths water accident- media Y steppedin iorain-andwere driven it.amlaa keep th • The 1 brough butes, ThetRomanseneuved tit* Zteearts "nth tee greatest ,entlinsinsth. •• • - ear;_t London,SePt. 21.—Despatchen Florence announce that the city is evidence to prove that she was; perfect/1i ally, and he could net save her ; but there sober when she went' out with Wagsta ., I heene. Oee incident of the cley was worth spa relating: The oldest women-aperhape the - oldest rso u -.-in Cheyenee, 80 ears of -coast are suffering from -the vomit°. The Th° n'ik'c'sli "" CPC014 teeinespendette nish towns on the blediterranean troollat4','Slt quiet possessfen-91 lima 8#12; , „e -of the occupation ofp.ro7Xn& ' , d, ,,,i• _......,4, telegraphs fd#n Ficrenv) .,..4114S :Itejtitar age went to the polls and voted het. first &sense has not appeared here. who is an old gaol bird, Some persoos who were in the vicinity of the esplanade by ballot. Oben Ahe alighted from the buggy, THE POP E NODITi3 THE WHITE FLA.G. ed o. - er:. PLGP1'.-e desultOa7 figt4ting, ulich WAS...11t04'... the gaol, about the tepee the Affair hap- the wbeble crowd surrounding the polls, Villa AlbanilSept. 21.—The by the PpeWewere Italimt . phned, heard screams a 'help,' but the', Republicans and Democrats, took eff their troopshntered Rome throtigh trz P -. hrta monstrations of toylern, -_„,310 ..ult.7,11-allti could 0 In telloety__t r0e.gltehaee ap_r eaciios e-ke 1. 0 c,sili ty from . _ posited Per vote. Wleen she turned to, go hats wh4e ahe marched through And de- Pwihai,tefirfliagng et; Vanced. At last the ,P-‘,.7-.: rrierecq'Tiesi-t's they ad- entered the Izelfr, fiEihnTower.malaerceil ian troops_ had orders tO Use ti.se Ze,ii.st pt343-0 . , ceased, PAtinniii fame* then eiet1 1,,,thoe ,t).istoapaenndrdheorestailittihee : the /teener to rkcigtiie kiettt to. nv !tat, „ sibio force in .004- :.of knesigatitc.',;: "Tlf:i _. , away,rdueingeheers were heard otter sever- Testtro.onlai to the Ntember rca. al squa es. Shell be likely to remember t. egg,. ,. . tier firti hanot while she lives. _•..........„.....______ ____ qh_ _7 0.= final poicy 6f ais clweiralien_t. tornerniv4 - OP A movement is onfeotarnongthefriende any in of Mr. Alex. !vial:Annan Af. P. for Lamle- voted t ton, to Offer for his acceptance tome ens. epritsel dining testimonial of his twenty years' pmts. unweariia labors for the good government net to aud solid advancement of our cotuntiw. No- had rn maninCanada heti ever earned more Ifiyii ing till ally the ritht to such a memorial of pu one and fe :gratitude. - Since he became known to the W e public- inithe year 1849 as the editor of a prietie Western journal, Mr': Mackenziels time, was at dies didn't all vote one wayz by .:011‘Pi..,-ii the opiAtyit.;13 niv-E----inti,r_. • ' the Popeis still,.dist.runtel by 1:49- Left, . who fear it will -ytOd t9O --•=o4 to the a.ensReptrubniclicaounhtteiedi5leyt, tbhapt maaajtoyie tria , New York, Sept. 21.-- A. specie.3 to the pressure of Ighe Ca;.ipower& ng of them eoteri with fins4,' Demo - lei thaten;fiuId be found. Herald from Berlin, eays; The Orown , -., ..., --------- r., .... tPerieiugoerapihiforrimoemd vfh;sqaiulleeez y;fftti34redianyv, eh; , team ot ventliating te(linerr:8 , is 83.tir,,,, in nt of 'Paris from Yersaille io Yin which every holy trovitallyrinteeested,aniet _ - a WilAt es reitann13EDE.0051The ftr.2130% It would seem a little ungrateful 'la ave done so. 'Betts' both parties ntrs out with 1?4,0*;gies, from morn- updowtagattetring UD ado" ladies emus. the French tr,fecia_hphi.,,iibewerlfiriviivathra ane!'ineha..rfee7to'aP=ge;y7,5:-siorobear4ealient,ttn ,c1;-urifl, r" - arse nettitlid not expeet any imphtit:' back. The capture o an ., h i..tti kiss. night, let: tt,em, lop "upnc,svs,ithimiwicazet. oi. die part of the ladiee. Ant it seven catmint was eiectite wit 1..e t`ast a fine ill.nstration of .tlyir . re- A dispatch from the xoyal ;hdqu eaarters asta:Vdetir2,1;yttiatillinnalltlailit.e124t°tral• d reVerenee which the' Men of at Mean; of the 16.0i,- ettent The 'nom- welegt ts at katt g peettegto 41, the morn: have for fernaes, that not evna a ii)n4gri4rewOoln:eitne7nr 'wish . intrfo7orf:rinejr:/11:11;17in-q7:414-.13te Tc:re2:7126,e,Lie.caz. n rough was heard teoffer aninsilt. hyPeskteteridnavye.st°iTenhte°Lic' y hegn been paetly owing to, the. day the fortiAcations in 4..-e Lief thorn part. : throlighont the illski. viU14e xgaireez-r,..t ?ix anil means have- been, almost ear- 8044 tirely @voted to the pubhc interests ; aad A.iner ajnenaber Of the Leetalature lee 141' drunk ".,4,77C1, brought of? beer sni the condtict of nlle -affairs ail eceurate knowled0 odetermnte fennth p e comments upon Abe Of the elty.- 137nn. ;E5- 13 • t he Demo, lose Of 1191111d ii452Or, ti 1rtin tile= - - .amount of patient and-pereeTeni,34 labor, ini•Veht eleletg°1° - II': S.. tr4-6/1n32-!- 'atitlisishalen,esatYnallieutarPte)ssenialliltioegigtriseP°weOfjein in thl! in a inIceine;i:nn,ocxy,orthtnatit tdmol3esg.?-zi4o°tvi4.,e1eerrir' heralti°0briarty,itanimabbeebrilentamerrise°oeta.ktliopigs- 0 M TO N, 'SHORTS'it 94 the great question's of the day, *het' Pt:64 bag, „but I forbear. , • . berg bY Order of the Militir areutluniVes , , hav,e-delightta ttieWifs and -astonished- • ' s tEktar. ho .es.r.:ana.c1 tar; his opponents. In theneidet of correptien. tinworthY the- seductiowof t [Scottish Amerleand ell Cheat). for „ a , 1 sed newer Open -10 hie acceptauce if • T -Tele 'York e rowdyism, being a free in - " :Rerelg he stands unteuched-loy tjle taint a (lee 'tun' ifaz ocierleh;:kui 15; 1810, • • • 4 CAI:PAL-% Sor -callin7, a, nitetIng ot pziapaps Iviw nen „na eeeeteentenetilen inetnert ne an i - draftea replatione agrasa the forcible scnotls ,e40,013.:-. , ' ara-azatiork of I& eneh tp1,741tory. 'L'ile - . _ .. - -, ,.. . Der...nomeits o' f gutIo12. Trzsed 4.41-zr re' 1, .-44.41-Is -'1-!°72-n-a;L:=9 a LT Zz= iirz, 11 , ' r,76 of lie-wouid.but reverse) nrointhe straight ns#11 nitriaken has passea into. u new stage. 11-W.;"2GI'.:4* L' —nte has pref .red to fi all, thereePeetc iv.1 Foills4ly-6-me motivn -2dveng I It/4&E,35•0:fleh-41,:ilalgnur''vel ttltz'47th:lar-Pra34 .11:7,-ef:she6i-t-f-,74-tc%-47zi • POOR COPY irft, a fi neee •••., ti• - 3"41