HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-09-22, Page 4•.^T,^,w•••4••, AL- 4., .„ • . . • --- • - - - niesesse ...e_ankeeetieleses11 11..11 .0401 • • , 33061.St earlIgt. _ ishutfor aver to Ben West by hirfreezirg r ...., sareverceAr‘..gyilvtANw...w....-..,,....A.r.......e..w.r..w.... 'tone. • .. 'WHO'DBRA.23/ITTERFLY? Thia * the -gentleman who has pursued A Kew vaitankr. so ma 1different vocations, and is Alto-. _ ....- gather so peculiar is it not, whom I heard e - *he'd bila butter27.? Net 1 for one i your brother speak of last winter' - '' die younson ota iiil liv many a slap and rap lt waa Edith St. Ledger who spoke, and caeca bv cachig gun, Who'd boo butterdy ? Who, I say , who? I saW now that she knew. Ben's hbitory. Fro=tatterdeunilica's nninatiterq cop ! Net L tor ono / For another, ant you i [ 'Yes,g I said, 'and I ought to apologize - . for hiepresence. Be is not of our set; - taught LP' role hands. whose brute owner presumes but Jobn calla him his best friend, and kfee ..-cre dczat datrilSe our delicate pinnies ; was determined to bring him. I was mueli Then ioosto dotte ..,,-(1 r away -and tr. die I opposed to it.' Ilabi-. tin rough *ouches till powertessto fly, Not t, forme II For -another, notyou f utteay ? 4Itis damp here in the air; let us go Who'd to a bWho, I sa,y, who ? , in,' and Edith closed the door and turned toward the parlor. So the conversation ended, and. I was no nearer her feelings upon the subject then before. The next morning we entered upon the pleasures we had planned. There was an exploring expedition to the woods in •ht wiro till search of a suitable apot for a prospective U3 sink --and not soar 1 'Who'd be a butterfly ? b be.. I say, echo ? f pic-nic, Soil cur bri., I am, fx• one 1 For another, areyou f j Miss St. Ledger was unusually brilliant that day, and Leander Covil lingered at Pinned in a case with a label and name-- her side, snellbound. Everybody knew Even at tho beir4 we !MVO butterar-fame. Gam! at with pride for a itech-or a day- the bachelor millionaire Was 'head and etee ears' iLe in a dark cabinet I:Ind.:led away 1 n love with Miss St. dger. And Whell. a my terfly ? good say, everybody knew that Bliss St. Ledger was Fur afraid, Who'd be butSao. I - who ? Mend, -I and you. as cold to bini as she had been to his pre- -Fut; decessors.-Co uetry was not her line. Her lovers nee never be in doubt concern - clear eyes,and le proud tura of the head, meant 'no' as surely as the spoken. -word .,.. did. And yet they never would believe it 40kn Q Walker until it came from her lips. , . She was icily cold to Leander Covil tbsit day. I walked just behind them, and saw W C Searle it all. Every attempt at a compliment Thomas Playford was met with that proud curve nf the neck and head. And I said to myself-41Ra Juana MeWaids fate is sealed, and why can't he se,e ib? . Wm Muir basketa containing dinner, to be eaten in. We had prepared ourselves with small Wileon D Murray. ... . .Dan McCrea Thomas O'Riley Michael °Miley Michael O'Itiley .Thomas (Miley the woods. Our respective escorts carried them, but Miss St. Ledger held her Own. JAaleMaasriaandIsatardoona ... John Whiteley. .... . . , 'I beg of you, let me carry that,' plead- - John Sanderson ed Mr. Covil for the third time. Margaret Jamieson.... John Johuston 'Let us all rest under this tree,' wasiMisa Gavin Hamiltoa . Patrick Gallagher St. Ledger's only response. And there . was a general halt along the line, and a B Trainer .Samuel Colerick rest of a few moments. Po John Bell.. . .. ,Edward McManus 'Come laggards,' cried Ben:West, start. Baron de Camin Wm McInnis ing up, 'I am in haste to reach the wood. B Haziehurat - .11alcolni McDoneld . Let us go on and get dinner.' B Trainer Everybody laughed, as they always did Michael Hagen W E Leonard when Bea West spoke. He aaid so many Andrew Waddell f inuy t ings that people were always pre- Joen Lee . par-e'd fcr them, and laughed whatever the Lacins carey words roved to be. 'Air est.' called the voice of Edith St. ,Edwin Bingham Marmaret Allan . TriniNit ilea buttery? E'en at the best Pity for the seen entorreftist's .quest, with a pin, and with pinions displayed, Safhly away in a cabinet t Wlied be a butterfly ? Who. I say. who? Not 1, for omit Feranother. tot you Ah 1 brother butterflies -two -legged, I mean t Fiona these pool insects what morals we glean: Do not our Emits which the angels deplore Our Storg.reller. ••• •••••••rrin •••••••••... gaCil Returned by the GALICAL ustiees or t e Pe400' for the County of Huron, fo Zranzu 6.r-Prosemi tor. Name of Defendant. Wore of Margot - - - Date of Conoutioa. • • t May 1870 April it ; • • e .1 Meech, It-,• • ; ▪ . 2;liarch April -4I, , 2 Ma 187 wWibm aFehregantson .. ...... tehn Underwood Dogging Cattle ...... Mary Wilson John Deleon a C Rodgerson eiee • . SAel salinng itifquor without License •••••••• Win LawsOn' Joseph Alton ........Selling Liquor un Sunday loilolipasmr wBoawtsieon. : ...... Peter Fisher Alex Rankin .. .. W Greet Benjamin Cole . , Insulting Language. do Adam Smith Thomas Wilson .. ;... Assault ....... Attield . ..... ... .Breaking window . Liquor o. Daniel Moran ...., ._ Baron de Camin e.Asersianglt William McMillan.... Peter Pisher James Lamoieby Catherine Larke . .... Non-payment of wages ' Valentine Forrester . • Conrad Nebille ing her feelings for that -cold look in the Francis Hunter . ' Non-pal:ter of wages ....... • • • • • • • • • • LOVE AND PRIDE. lr THIN a Edith St. Lodger was the haughtiest, prnndest woman over saw. do cot believe in pride of any descrip- tion. Leees have unlimited self-respect, and something of self-esteem, but no pride; for all pride is false and sinful in the sight of eaven. Yet Edith St. Ledger had it in almost every form. She was born with a taint of it, and it had been the daily and hourly r ----son taught her by her proud father, until, at twenty-one years of age, sbe was all his vain old heart could desire. the was proud of her ancient and ro- mentie name,brought down through many generations from a princess whose beauty and. accomplishments had iniide her the envy of queens; mud of her aristocratic home, of her tante). Dished name, of her own fair self. Indeed, like Miss Mc- Bride, She was proud of her beauty,and proud of pride.' Yet she. was not at all supercilious or everhearine, with all her pride ; she was ewe -d and too proud for that. Awl she had many friend, thonp„h no iatini tes ; and she had many offers, as ons o fair and attractive must needs have -aiiieible ones, too; yowl°. Wallace, son of a retired merchant and worth half a uniiiion-spotless inte_grity, and the beauty of an Apollo • Carrel James, widower, roiling in wealth:lAlbert LacLeon, weal- thy, and a scion of nobility. But Edith St. Ledger turned haughtily away from these and many other% and still sat be- neath her father s roof, 'in maiden medi- tation, fancy free."Waiting for a king in a golden chariot, drawn by twenty-fonr steeds, to come and call for her' So said some. But whatever the cause might be, I was very glad. that she still sat there, on one morning in June when I received o note from her. 'It is very lonely here just now,' she wrote, land am pining for- something -of streiety.-I want you and a few friends to wme down for a fortnight or three weeks. The country is at its best, and I promise you a plemint Jerrold extends an invitation to your brother requests hien to bring a few of his friends. Jerreldl was Miss Ste Ledger's brother, a gay, &sant youth, one year younger than his sister, and with only a sniall portion oldie family pride. sftowed the letter to John. 'We will go, &course ? I asked. '01 course,' John responded. 'Iteeems to me Miss Edith has come down a peg, to ask 113, and we ought to encourage her ire her efforts to reform. Yes, well go. wiEi take Charley Dorris, Jerome Lei- cester, Leander Covil, and Ben West. Teat will be just a nice little company.' 'Ben West I exclaimed. 'Why, John, he masts% go.' 'Fa like to know why?' demanded John. ; Plain enough,' I answered; he ie neither rich nor aristocratio, and is not at all of the St. Ledger set. He is a James Ireland Isaac Ireland James Ireland jr .Trespass .. • Josiah Ireland and Levi Coon . W McGregor • • • John Gotten Thomas McDonald , Win Johneton . .Witson Olds 1. - Thomas Dark Matthew Mathewson Isza)o Insulting language Do Wm Morris Nuisance Selling Liquor without License .Do Non-payment el wages Assault Trespass Breach of County By -Law. Do liran!‘ of Convicting Justice: . -Poised Leech • ..John Crawford i •••••• .. Peter McDonald . John Crawford ... . • -James-Somerville •S G McCaughey 06 Or 4 Do ,„ Po • Mraa1141-- • Do r • Arlo Do 24 gaird " • • • ,.. • -" Do e / • • • .1. W Irwin . Do John Beattie and A G McDougall la • • • .F the Quarter ending the 13th,Oeptembey, 1870f elmoissitofPentgy, Pinei Time when Paid, err to orDanta Paid tie said Justice. 41 00 ....14.40 . • • • • . . 6.00 • • . • • 20.00 ••••••••••• • - -Ten days April . • • days ....10 days • 1.00 ...... ▪ „ „ • 1,00 ▪ , • • 5.00 ..... • • • . 5.10:. .••• • • • • • • 1•00 • • • ..9,Aptil- u ... Do 4.55 ...... • - - Paley /4 • • • • . R-obt Leech 1.00 • • • • .2 'titie e „ ▪ .Z1Jzse si • .. _ • • •24 " • • • • Assault .. . --..: .41,Toty 'giro...-. ... _ • . .19 Joy; . a . . -224 ety • is . -:-I Do ..- .... -29 thine', 44 • .. •-• • .4 Aug .. id ,i.. , , ;1 ! 4f .▪ -.20,June 1870 . Al Zino " . . -9 Mit - is 1 „ a . 11 •• It : • .1. a it • • • ...I gg gg Do . • • Stealing Pig,s.. • Drunkenness Injury to property Dunkanness Do .Peter Shea'.1:4 Mary Shea Assault .. Andrew Waddell 'Insulting litoguage W E Leonard Assault • • • Ledger,bud all the conversatian was hush- ed to listen. Mr. West turned courteously. 'Well, Miss St. Ledger?' ' ,Vill be so kind as to carry my basket - it is getting tiresome?' 'With the greatest pleasure,' and Bed West resumed his place with the basket in hand. No wonder there wasa moment'ssilence, and Leander Coyil's lip curled: For who ever knew the proud Edith to ask a favor of any man before? We reached the wnod, and our escorts ceigned the baskets for us to prepare lunch, while they cleared away underbrush. P sighed Ben, as he seated himself in the circle round the dainty feast. 'It was the thought of this moment that strengthened. me through our weary pil- .grimage. This was the beacon light lur- ing me on -this the staff on which I learn- ed.' A general laugh went around, but Mr. Covil curled his lin. 'What a clown the fellow is ? he said, just louclenough forMixa St. Ledger's ears. I saw her curve her neck, and when we returned she walked with Ben West. The next day we had an equestrian ex- cursion. Mr. Covil sought my side -to pique Edith, I thought. But she rode on, seemingly unconscious, with Jerome Lei - cutter, until his girths to betightened, when Ben West, who had ridden alone, filled the vacancy. I heard Edith St. Ledger laugh as she had never laughed before that day ; and I wondered if shelled reallyturnedcoquette. He did not seek her side on our return, and she rode with Charles Dorris, her old, prowls& again. Our picnic came off in due time, just when strawberries were ripe. It was large- ly attended, and Ben West was the life of the company.. It was that day I read the proud heart of Edith St. Ledger. We were standing together, with Mr. Coca, ander an Oak, a little apart from the others, Ben had said something terribly funny, in that graye wav of bis, and there was a perfect shout of laughter raised. 'What a brainless clown that West is,' Covil said. believe henever had a seri- ous or sensible thonght in his life. Edith St. Ledger turned away her face, and seemed to be looking at a group of children. But I saw a deep, -quick color riseto;her face, her lips quivered, and h large, cold eyes grew warm, and filled with wild, reckless wag and it, and I am sure teem And then I knew that Edith St. they will never forgive you it he goes: Ledger loved Ben West. I can't help it, then,'- said John. ger- They did not seek each other's 'society Told geld bring -some friends, and Ben after this, openly. at least; and I think Weseee ray bine friend, and ha goes. if was the only one of the party who had a de: ' suspicion of her secret. I was vexed and alarmed, lint knewitIt was the third -week of our visit, and we were to start cityward. in twodays. Ben etae neeleni to say more. Ben West, the. West was not goingback with us. ' He had wildcats strongest, most unceremonious or received eommunicatiens from the West, mentals vrho had nothing but his band- land mast return to his farm. soma face and his wit to recommend himil I was out in. the garden, sitting just out - Az to be agaest of the St. Ledger. 'Not side a rustic arbor. It was late twilight, a bad fellow, Iguese People ssid of him, and I did not see that there were forms ap- chut so peculiar -but so •vrild,' always the proaching n d Editti 1Sth.etrec/Igthere as votireyofenBen_ after aquae following whatever meagre praise had teen bestowed. ed the arbor. Well, I could have gone That hi- was peculiar, was undeniable. dare yon say you would not have done the laway. hub' sat still and listened. And ria had been half around the world, and same? worked blipassve all the way. He had 'I Was mad, crazed, I _know, ever to lazed expelled frora college when net half think of von,' heard -Ben West say. 'But etaythroughfornosobepece of rules , Bad I did thi;ik of you-anct to think of you is St -tidied for law and medicine, ea after to love you. I give to you the first and sa months at eacbe discovered that neither the last love of my heart. I did not know Was congeoial to his tastes. _Then be I could love ,until Isaveyou. I know now name a temperance lecturer. ,Ben's father I ala not the shallow aellseless clown you Ind dio& a drunkard, and fused, to wok. hth.kienk,Edi_ th St. Ledger. soinetimes feel ding these mext who sneer and Fie only serious and earnest thoughta -en:154e me under my heel, knowing and were upon the temperance question. At feeling that, in the sight of God, I live a length he took to faro:tin& and n this he better life than they. The mortal does eaccecciel well, and ashetold tug had notlive-neverlivecl who votild eltY 1 -ever One of the best farms m the WeAL But harmed soul or body. , And many -a ORO ha tired of that, and,. renting his farms -dc'ealivei thank Goa, who thinks kindly gratefully of me to -day. I ten yon eADI Thstt atm' WaS !law ekIk la a lwr" tahuul not to boasts_ but because cannot gautil6tast,5iblishmaak Brother /thin was bear to go away, never teesee you again, clerk was dearer to him then any of his seem, Be paused here, and heard the a partner 111 the house, and I think this without telling you what Iam, not what i upper ten friends. -And it was through& voice of Rdith, low and tremulous. this that' Ben West got our set.- He have not thought as harshly ofyou never sought it; never was presuming or as you, think I have thought. I gunk retainer in way. Bathers wds not and something of a flOb•coboked 11 Mat _ormy,aexpintanee that earried his her sPecell• • Ilea& any higher than Ben West. -And '.Edith, omit les-etdith _ and I somehow he commanded respectowith k..sefr Benjamin West was a hanger bia wild waj.5,3 and (*relate witticisins; 'InaiLillifi then than he ever 'dreamed of •Nalterthalens 1 slavered a little whenhe being on earth. was introduced to Edith Ste lednese But The silence was broken by him. go be ; 6d:4111111;4 elike aa **Well; and We sf to.morrow night on tha -twelve "I/L/4/ 'a" as ecu'lq 174914°W is tolmaudero'cloek train. Thaw te humble, a very Coca, the millionaire. %Lupe she doom* kilo* who be f humhlei hombe.ato offeyou aryodott. Thero will be thought, anildraided th,e time when eltelyeL7wtie.thial speed; si:ou.d. Not that-shewould be at all un -- or by word or deedexprem her die.' 'If k must be without the consent Iloasure ; but felt that Jobn and would of parents or friends. You know what srerely lone favor in her eyeirre-and *be was they would say. I love yon, I love you suck an aristocratic friend for isle redefine -but, oh 1 how -can I leave them. all?' w_ationlYa, mILY eft,' girj, Yon. kn.„ „or- he broke off, Weeping softly." 18.0 deettead te stand by teat -Dan sooci the& evening,. when Mr. Bt. Lodger and I YOU MOO thuThk thit, Edith., sad° lady, end brotbsejoits, *mu. free., the jam SS your, heart telt,' you. I offer you garden. my whole life, -and -ea knows I will ten - 'Who ie this Ike Week John? Ife WO:* only youliegailla Of the petty.' heve- laever eswa.- it wee Mee wrens voice I watehot lftlek's 'One of ay elects : breeelient-Init her bee secret 111$1111111w • R.obt G Allan Articles of the . Elizabeth Watson ..... Isaac Watson.... ..... • Et Trainer ktetteolie McIver malting language per .•••••••••••••••• Mary O'Fay - susannah O'Fay Articles of the 40 ... e'en% _ ..W W Fatran ... 1.00 .. ROA Leech and James Perkins . :.. 20.00 •••• .. Do , do , P .. ..... .... 20.00 •.... . James Scott - ... 13.50 ...William Graham.... ... ▪ illiam Graham .. .$1.00 • Do ... 1.00 .. Do . .„ e. 1.00 Do • • • 50 ..Wm Reed and John Parish ... ........ ▪ 4.00 ..P Robertson, F Adamson, Hugh John- ston and Robt Gibbons ..Peter Adamson . Do .Chris. Crabb ...W T Hays . Do .... .. 2.00 . Do ..... . . 2,00 reach Do . 1-00' ▪ Do . •••• Do ... 1.00 Do • • • - • .. 1 00 .... Do .. 8.00 • Do Do .. 4.00 Do ......, ... . , .. 2.00 ... • • • To whom ied owe saital tot paid, why noe? and general observations Justine.. el any. • Township l'reaisurer......... . 4 to Plaintiff i to T'p ...... . . Treasurer .•••• ... .. Not yet paid • 4 to Pros & i to TolopTreasurer Village Treasurer " . ...... •••• .. • Do' • .... • ...... • .. • ... Not paid ............... : .. .......• • - • Dismissed • • • ar•004•000 ..... • ••• • 4 0 • MVO • • • • • . .Forthwith ....0 days 0-• Complainant •••••••••••• Complainantel Do • • -••• • • •• • • •• • • Dismissed . Appealed .. .... ...... .. -Village Treasurer ' ....20 days.... 4 to Compnt le I to rp.... Treasurer . •_20 days - Dh ....14 July 1870 Complainant Forthwith.. .... :County Treatmrer Forthwith .County Treasurer • • • Do Do . • Do Do Do Do Do Do ••• • • • • • .00 • • • • . 1.00 ..Forthwith ▪ 1.00 ....... ....,.... Do ..Fine $1, damage $6 . • • Do • • • .... • • • •1.00 61.45 •• • B Trainer. -_.... --.. loonahn-IsrlpP.diacnInqis Thomas Hoed -..e.ee,-. .... .eopher Crabb Robe Hunter Drunkenness Obstructing Highway ... i ... _.".:•;..2292071- ',T.0:: 4'st: i .......... ... ' Do .. -.••301 -11 gg • - JohnHunterWalton ' • John Newcome Dan. `Coleman JIMellroy.... Patrick Blake . .AADessogasuilinttg C a. t t 1 e SAirtiicites Of the Peace ... ... • . . . . . . ,.. . .. ..... 4;535 : 1.1: g: ; . .. .... . .1:76hdDDDDCoocerawf-o..-rd • • • James Robinson Win Smith - .. Jamea Robinson , Do .. :.261 , o, ,,, ... .CharlesBnrrows . Thomas Yeo -- •John Grant --......_ ... James Leslie Do Do Do - - , . .....E d'ulT l': ; - : • • -• i . Do Do Do James Leslie John Grant •• . Doe, do Articles ot the Peace • • • •• • • • .... •A2:4" 14 .... .. • Do ' Mary McDonald Mrs Donald McDonald. Assault, . . ." . - .. ... ....... . .... ... . :20 'August ". . . . Do David Dick James Dick ..... . Articles ef-fiie Re ...... . ... . . . ....Nene gi • Christopher Crab ' ... w .. • • • . . ;0.50. . • .. 5,00 . 2.50 • • • Sr st - St tS rii•• • • • • :/g • 0 0 ••• 0 • 4 • • 00.410000 • • • • • • • • ...... • • 0 • • • 000.00 .. • ..... • • arr. ...... • •• • • • ••••••••••• ..... • • ..... • Town. Treasurer • IR • • • • a • .. 1 month • •.• ...Forthwith 44 . • • Bound over ••• • • ... ••••• Not yet paid . Not poi - • - - Appealed „ Gaol -days fr es ... • •••• 61 Town Treasurer 15 -days each • • • • • 0 • row • •• • • Not paid Committed .1 • • -Town Treastetet . . gg gg • • • • r • • • Committed , ..Forthwith .. Town Treasurer .... ...... • • ••••• •• ••• ••••• • ti 0400 . worm= • Committed 26 days Peosecutor •,.. Committed . e ... 2.90 .1• • ... -.8 days .. -alto Pros.k i toT'p Tr. . • . - ..... . ▪ 6,00 ' .. ....2 weeks NO*1 paid : .' .. 20.. . .1 month County Treasurer . OFFICE or THE CLERK or ISE PEACE, Gedericb, 14th September, 1870. 'Come Ben drink with ns this last NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF : night of a plesant month,' cried young St. Ledger, holding up a glass invitingly. 'I never drink wine, or any liquor Nroheeirceetofoter ellerstinEgYbeliwVeENen PtARhat KutheRllartnutarrsha I I - PART, .N_ERSHIP. and Goderich, has been- this day dissolved by nit:duel - HAS RECEIVED - whatever,' I berdBen answer as wepassed as Chemists and Dru ,*sts in Owen Sound. Durham. ' 841 out of the room. And a beautiful flash consent. i 1N4 W S IC' It I ri- (3- iiVII o C IK, of joy and content stole over Edith's All debts owing to the said Partnership in Goderich are to be paid to GEORGE CATTLE (who will con- _ face. con- tinue the Business in the old tend), a;iAbaell claim:. Partnership in GodesrMh An hour later, Ben West made Ins against said sedetrecrid George Cattle, by whom the senor weislr be a adieux. He passed around the room ' IN Dated in Goderich the 19th July. 1870 sw95tf . shaking hands and speakine words of ' • • 20 • • • • r•,.•• .• . . • 0.11•• ... • • • • • . Dismissed .1 month • . • • • • .. Not paid.. - .1 • .. Bound over r • • • . • e• • • • • .... • .... air •• . •• •••• •••• . r•Cir • 0 W. 0 41 • •‘•,•• • • • • • 20 - .1 month County Treasurer R. B. SMITH, farewell, and came to Edith Fast. 03 ' STAPLE & FANCY DRY GCODS, 't may never see you again, Miss St. DISSOLUTION of PARENT RSIT/P. Itedner,' he said quietly; but I saw his _____ hand tremble and his fade quiver. 'Good NOT( is hereby given that the Partnership here- by.' And I held my breath to hear eeneralr urceetettisn& %Tag tiili altergretterr her response. It was low, and not audible tbe abde or firm of Marthi.and Robertson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due tbesaid aeross the room. firm 'are to be paid to A. Martin who will settle the `Good -night, Mr. West. I trust We shall liabilities of the same. MARTIN. AMOS MARTIN f meet again,' and she gave -him her hand. weilleatneDit'Aug 70. JOHN non two hearts. say that he will hereafter carrv on the business on his Sto,.ek Very Large:and Cheap -Call and .See . _ And I alone knew the emotions of those With reference above the subscribeERr LS:1qt; I • t t.1,.••• . Committed 040 .1;)A -N. JUIZALitS, MILLINERY & STRA W GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Sze ••••••••••••• • account, in all its departments and would ;espect- I did no retire with the household (f)tillily solicit a continuance of public pationage. Goderich August 15th, IVO. 11. MARIIL. 04f Goderieb, Aug 15th, 1870, that night, but waited in my room till almost eleven. Then 1 stole softly down to the hall, just as Edith St. Ledger, cloaked and vailed, was gliding though the door. I laid my hand on her arm 'Hush l' I said, as she started in terror FA.13.31 FOR SALE. PlYitSALE 011 TO RENT." -Lot No. 6 Con 10 W. _L' Ashileld, Co. Huron, containing '80 acres. . 26 I cleared with house and barn. There is a living o reek '1 herd all in the arbor to -night, and , on therm. itis a corner lot. Price 818-00__Pe; acre rent 00.00 and taxes. MARTEN DURWI. - Ldndon, Aug 15, 1870 w30 want to askyott if know least this Step means. No more ease and idleness, luxury and pleasure. Ben West is a poor man INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. and a farmer.' In the matter of G own an Rad/sent. eiTorTiair 'Yes,' shesaid, 'I know. It means some- thing nobler than i have ever known. Ben 'moms rs HEREBY GIVEN THAT PURSUANT em going with him. Good -night.' A West is the only man I ever loved, andnI And allillre7aithd.e powers vested in me as Assignee of the. i the following lauds and remises as assignee as above owned Insolvent all my right title and interest. Will be sold by Dpublic aucti at the _ Auction Mart of Mr. GEORGE M TRUF,MA in the she was gone, : Town of Goderich, County oflinron on . 'She is won; they are off over bank, de Monday the 10th day-. of Wober 1870 bush, and &mac. They'll have fleet fitee at the hour of twelve o'elock no4 viz t en And that fellow,' quoth young Lochinvar,' I singular that certain parcel or tract eland and said to myself as I sought my pillow. preniises situate lying and being in tbe Township of little note paid the story, and Edith St. thirteentanwl.e'kBinemInththgee4eCnithirdwulP:Yseeol°°Infliturse;wonnesat-orifilad the Township of 'You can imagine the •next morning. ,A Ledger's haugty father cursed his datigao admessmomant fifty 1Pre.f.orvinIoteenn0mf benr-'--. ,_ .., Bowlek aforesaid. The said . There are considerablacree imsprilvetlimPe:onts8aPeinOrt:niereaste:filid 11 anaesbli audit is desirably situated. For further pmticulars i Bat +stases are not as fatal and terrible appir to Mr u et THUNMAN. Auctioneer or J B -Gordon, Solicitor for the Assignee. as they !tied to be in this - oareing age. JOHN HALDAN, 31, For Edith West is very, very happy. she ootiorich August 2nd 1870, w29-iiii Assigns!! writes me `and her husband is dearer to her. every day, and her beautiful children . _ are the Hewers of . the West. And she INSOLVENT ACT OF 1.869. ' hasn't a bit of pride left. Babies all this . in theceuety court. of the comity ef, Huron, her father and mother were- out to visit is the, matter of Wietiam, DunaffliannoW her last fall, and he brought badkivith 417t Insolvent. Mee, ere7 . showed_ we proudly, a mid of purAnrroalrounsdorincitznapotrorr, the baby's ' hair. Be it ends like e fairy' n , e dtcricif tbisvlif olrable gig:psi:fru tit the' t entyu tale, you see. Surely, love casteth out by Ablic Auction ALMS Rooms of G; if. Trueman. i1 0. empr43:BNT......11--p Bishop prowled.; of,..fteufti?evern.d. D. Mo. The- debts due the -"tete AnEEncrotizionaeetruia-toroltoienn000nfreodeoit miloohndianyttbbee Countyialtudaoyf he, with joeose affability „ to the 'Senior . •-'i2L--23- ---"L-77.-14 -4•1Qn211L1-"ti"D'hA:453:iggtietsa. 7 tit er tee eareeetitinsnleve* ieenanee The 'iubsequently requested nill,•• his Lordship to publish his Berm= . His -r- °f 4' B. 13144(417 6°4eriel-17-";;-----4att4le Lav Lordship. WO delighted. "And Ito " said Illthatd, D. 1870, i - Churchwarden, "the people were 'very &as' rittfi'A ftgkii 'WOW liketekbow summit abont't inLen.etetTetee 1-' li'ine - "lia tin Ma** the' 19t13 YOUr Lordship,” replied the official, ce e" leree,neese tele' 1.' i * :Tingle' p1eased 1 -Eh 1" "Well, You se -. - i ---7-2:427.::T:0; 4r32..4.14.: I 16 8th and--" "Ahl4 interposed tht Bishop, st''''11- . . . complatentlyI see they'd lik - . it' Ill .....e le atlioniel . "Wello Ai' Lordashtretacihat's VI. =ULF - leew'qiiffsevratoirovnery hot w.eather.yion see, and -so- - *51'.-tuated . ."-:-:".. ° wor preachin' they w - a 10 mm:sUrcr, nill:idee-Tt'elh 0.71.2:4", inn.' De.' fraltrIBou'Gliaeltoen jilkt wbat tney ouid - -(here itirtily-wr -Ter--;',,,i higaUSed, end then addei ceriedent. ily), 4.161 " "IR'1.1"/L- U'g • /TOW BrillifiWiek - won the Provincial gaitelfZeiliteir IV (4)(; run bush- good ard4"d4 ter forever. ektlie GravetRoadRunaing fromGode! _ r.ilee:Ilidt*RiBarerYfie. .Iiilit:vgfientatainwhilleb.2niti,tosserepants, nteodaberey theonnEade); - • - _ .; • 'eine; le-acre:1,1 ear erstiniiinetne in a bit state •Ot. Match, at the , meeting Of the Dominion of140apple tise; KearixtglrirttgearYilithott;2211rd. Rifle Ameodatione between 15 404 of each row per, Plurno. Denims and closet, ands few Province. The score stood -thus.. 13e:YInes. Twostorytonerete bouses`82 42 feet,. Brunswick, 649 i -Dete,ritc71747 °ittleiCritt ileten-451,1 tt!. 5t3ocraiand61460.1ir Tat. TheRangeswore„ u-1,.tha4.2f414hergiiafteraisAeht /*such !Femmes. PolnYcl Qltehee, 1.0.1E,groorriter -4:41?(Irztunfrinl:i4NtGA:,1:1:4:sen°64t' LTJ7:17 _ .p **oh. - ' sl GODERICH_ WOOLEN FACTORY (KNOWN AS PIPER'S Anus) : ••••••••••••10.4•010•mmur, - I IN 43- s s co s, D ESPECT F CrLLy intimates to farmer and others that they are prepared to a Lb allerders in ROLL CARCOINO7 IVIANUFAOl'URINC, * Cloth Dressing,' Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satinetti Fulled Cloths, Winoeysi - Flannels, Blankets, On the Shorteat notice. Parties wishing to _eidihange their wool for good home made 9 goods, will find it to their interest to.give ur a call, as we are satisfied we have the i goods you require. Parties coming from a distance with Wool to get carded- may in , . _ ., nearlv rim instance rely -on getting their wool home with them the same day. I , -or. ALL -1 WORK. t7 ' ARRILINTTED . Goderich Woolen Faetoty, 1 .Aug.15th, 18/0. t. -, • .0 TY,Rir OF THE PEACE, CO. HURON. JAMES STEWIlla LANDSFOR SALE WHOLESALE • AGENT - AT IBAYF1ELD!• OP The far-fanied 4mcl reliable St Catherine's Nursery D. W. BEADLE, ESQ. - 'FOR ALLIKINDS OF 'OEM AND ORNAliNTAL TREES, OBEN- .]: house Plants GrapeVinesakt., Rc. lisy stoeli not on hand, ordered on the Shortest notice. Honse-Maitlardville. Goderich P. 0 Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 • • • w30 TOP, -All) . SEEK Inietoliowing remarks on Tesnmonials ef most wonderful and extraordinary -cures ni Canada by th GREAT INDIAN RENEW: They are stemom datable andineontestible feat, Sufficient to convince the most skeptical that the Great Mediated ompoun. tuned alter for ages is 111/W accessible in the iGreat SHOSEIONEES REMEDY for Diseases ot aktuat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, -14e., as well As Scrotula, the various Skm Diseases, Humors, audill diseases arising from Impurities ofthe .BItiod, we boldly state that this -alma remedy bail. BEVER BEIM EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the pelson of Wilson Storm's of Brighton, C. W., of Consumption ; or that of Peter C, V. Miller, Barneetown, C. W., of Con- sumption, orthat of Ambrose Wood,ofConsecon,,C.W., of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or -that of John Mosey, of Napanee, C. W. oi Rheumatism, :who had actually been on crutches foi years, in spite °fell -treat. mentheretotore, and is now welL Scores ofsublicaseif might be mentioned had we space. ' 13.•Call at the Drug Store and get a CirCula-roi unqestionable certificates an the - GREAT :Silo& LIONESS REMEDY and PILLS, end satisfy year selves. !Price of the Remedy In large pints 611 43. For Sale by all Druggists. and Dealers fin Medi eine. Agentsfor Gmiericli,-.F. Jordan and Perker lei Cattle WHOLESALE AGENTS: • LYMAw,EILIOflWANt311; I "A°11170* 11 L TP OMR& Co •k W 1 iltrE'tsle - - 1 BASIIRON.' _ A.HAMILTONA sus_ IL ii,1),..;1:1_711,101111illitlE00111'Y tablif0-11,-17 1845. S Which Is now united the, Colonial Life Assurance Company. Head office for amide.; Montreal, -Standard Company's Buildings, No. 47 Great St. James Street. Manager -W. M. Ramsay. Inspeetor-Richard ' • , 'AC IT/MAL niTioltizFUND. 120,000,000. ANNUThe onwany.heilegfilepbetteatheseelotimejoo-with the Reeetser tat inconformity General, with the iesurauce Ace inset:lied Session. Assurances inll continue to be carried out at _ iunderatenetee andan all different systems in practice. ' • .cigiaNtItY1J'r., Referees :-Dr. McDougall, Dr. MeMichingi vol. xxi No. 49. Lee- - Agent fprGoderieli. 9 Undersigned Would beg le inform his -.numerous ettateihe that his'. • • - = - - , NotlfdolengaOhigerv rit11;0peratIon and in First V4is AND TAAT IEF 'MITCH BETTER PREP 1/471r0..-EXVIIJTE WORK tind the pupa 'Forking Order 141.1017 :thinhisiseison wlulestartinghismacliineryall new, • Custon Roil Carding, Fob* at Cloth t Dressing Spithibig and Itir,tilfacttu'ing, • , cheapest August 5, 1870 ; , e Theca- own; g total, eclipse of &elm!). (De. p .:. , • *ember 22-) will he observed carefully in ...7., - - . , , *lady care ter3r.ou., But da tiot owns un- Buiepe. Onr fkkrigress devoted 1011113 530 - less you tin give yourself III love and OK to pay the exbeeztee of puttee to be • i °N..' ,TEE- - I ' 'FULL CLOTH L gio xagAiS, FLAIME181, & WINCEYSt ; faith ki my keeping. I shalllid farewell userindterabrnaJ end Pierce, expeditions, one BXYPIELD GRAVEL sup , ... _ .,. , • , exatugepeir woolt,o call anditidge for theinse/ires, before appointing themselves elsewhere.. ever,before oll'estito the public inthis pert of the Provinie, ate. would, respectfully requot youge-'-` - - .!1.8b/lig to .t " -teobisi.ft l'Iotapt attention Havinrnow- 01111101d Vie largest t a • -• •••••••• T OTERO'S. Y2 BATFIELD UtINCESSION. .12 Township of Goderich, comprising Moues ofthe best quality or lona, within about 2 mllw, of.thelldarliet Mace Of the Town ofBayileld. There Is a clearance et 23.acres which could readily be preparedfor crop. The remainder of the land is closely -covered with. the best of betchand inapletimber of splendid growth, Ma es- celient road passes on twosides the property. which is trituated in au oIdnad well settled lit isbbwashoodo .A.I4S0--Ltit 14, Range. A Township Stanley. containing39actesof re.served timber 11.ril, which would produce a large -quantity of firewood to the acre. Thelotruns to the Elver Baybeld with a considerable waterfall winch could be made ant/able for laihig-Q3 matinfacturingpurposes. 'or terms apply to, JAMES D. ALDEN. Guelph. or W, W. CONROE, Esq, Bageld. Guelph, dig 15, 187-0 . w30 TWO TARNS for SALE .•••••••••••••• UDR sale two very valuable FARMS lit the Town ship of Goderich. Irga.viicialars apply to PHAW Huronloat August 15, 1870 gro aria T w20 FOR, SALE, - LOT 24. CON 4. Township of Goderwh, amtatnzny SO wet about 55 aoret cleared, 2fiT°11o„R,YDWARoTPaarltrEteTenT,SEchlagni29731, room; on the sewed tting Rents, Large Farr - By Bedroom, and lot= other bedrooms ; on Co Base ment, Dairy Boom, Fruit room,Storeroora•Meat rota. Frame Barn 52x82 feet. mile.s fromilllittonond 'Minn Goderich. -Goodlarge orchard of ove- 800 superior fruit trees, Soil. meg clay loam, well -watered by springcreek andllowing well. no property is sitt. audit milestrora Lake Ewa, of which a good view ovabe had from the -door. _Apply to Jamea Windt. son, Esq.,on the premises Otto - 6.3: TR115:17AN Lind Office Goderleb Gederiele Aug 16, 1810 w80 • 0011•••••••I0 • 1. RNE080 ACRES, 1:04.14101,17.FD.OcRow:ALE, _LAW cleared, good dwelling 'house, iirrae 22x88, with a commodious kitchen attached. shit) good barn -goviamotereaddstweeduztaxstamnereeemottioirorunn,Ingunivgokarabearirei roughaagii:orechardtasarafrowsili Goderich. For particulars apply on the premises to undersigned, firth AIrlDreiguson, grocer. Godesich. O. STEWART. T mime NArvitouE' 11587° HEREBY GWEN •'''CnA31:14"" a°f tpliseigagids litaturPtiiirerri°.fu%nadecillellart, ftertiatelivtrelyetyarct that application will be made at the next session out • & pddlefesex,stamthayto sjocomennpotyinoft Ontntprou. 0 Cimwt3 lay14:. ., a:311Y 18 187° 102 et County of' • • Lazarus Morris& Co. Irennoxillitarlo Canada., - NAnw,.County of Hastings, Pr'oiiriee of Ontario, Feb. 9th,1868.111$ Wastaltenviths. *weakness of the endear which ix to certify thatduring the winter -of 1886 'I gradually, daring the spring of 1867, ,extended to ray knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so wfth that I -could not Walk. but was confined to soy chair. - For abouttwo years. while this -weakness was Owning' on me and afterwardsadoughtmedicalativice.emnloy. ing, difterenttimes,three limiters. Ind medicines of differentldail,' prescribed -by friends, ht. tof no avail. I continued to get worse and worse, until the summer of1868-,when I was imineed to trithettatSliosholless Itemedykyreadingthecuresperforined, in &pamphlet.' AtthiatimeIlait began to feel `the weakness in my hands; In fedi was getting almosthelpless1 -have talent," bottles pith@ Blioshoness BelnedY Saul two boxes ofthe pllls and I am entirely restored to health. I never expectidto get 'better; but isimply tried the medicine as a sort offorlorn hope.- This case of inthe was note private'ene,butknOwn to all' my neighbors and Mends ; and to any oneetEicted as I was, have -only to say try the Shoshonesis Remedy; I believe it willeureyou, Maim ANN Donownr. _ Sworn to before me at Medea, County of Hastings, _ this ate eayeePebruare. leen A. F. Woon, lizerehY certify that I have known 31rs. Mary Ain , Moldy for the last fifteen Years ; she fa a woraint of ty and trutb. I have known her before, diming, and shiceter Itelitive ter eertificate to be title eYetTPartigular. ' I knew thatwhile illherease. Val declared -.hopeless f and I knew that she hasiosinee - her recoverY always- attributed her recsivezy to the• , Moo (It e Shoshonees beniedy., 'Whatever may be -the peculiar A#31 13()11 in her OM, it hag acted almost like the perfennance -of 17.6.1tif FOR SALE. proprieties °Milt medicine, one certain, that Waluardaecnie. th". a Conntre liastinge,Provinceofentarfo _ . Rimini= of Cam* west lv LESS, ABODT BIO; • • 00D, • P. - Tann for 'Elate . • 147 ACRES> NO Opticians and Oculists, .„ ill4PATT11.3ELAXagi HAVE, WITH A viEw To MEET THE 3.1011EX.i3ED demand for the celebrated Perfected Spectulcs, appObited P. JORDON, aerate' t and Druggist, Goderieb, Ont , at their see Agent for Misplace- They have takennate lb gave all needfullusfructions.and haws confidence In the ability el their Agents to the requirements tif all customers. An appormeity will be thusaffordeil to procurts, times, Spectacles unequalled lyany for their atrength.. ening and preserving qualities. Too much cannot be 'aides to their suyerionty over the ordinary glassesworn. There is no glimmering, Weveringof ibex' t, -dizziness, or other implement isensatwn, but, on e contrary, from the ;maim: con. sunctionof theLenses, they are,eoothing and .pleasant. causing a feelmg ofrelief to Ike wearer.sind producing s deemed ibitmet vision, as r1:1 the intim-al healthy tight. They are this Only Spectacles that 'PRESERVE AS 1VELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT iheY trate cheapest tecause the bed, *bray* Jesting many Vests without vbange beinginecesiatry. JCPWe employ no Pedlars. F. JORDAN.; • • Sae Agent for bodeneb- Goderich Aug 15 100 wesaoinioor 14, itarddsihseathdateranondedreat, 1:04. ,bt22. fiti- 6.0,10---102004-orkth,- • if. hi • P. s.-HoWoi4dmy411,0411 ttlisoodst- atteitinn 'graziers to be.Ware of wool teinnste and agate seeking , isayamant cagerma to niyood4rfrienct !clan, obrroanw ekvining. bIftyo.0 Professor buoy that soy •sg $ uone w a it naval officers, will be lent. - LI6 acres. SO o.faldelt are entree, t tome Wan te *outfit: Merlon! ways, that they cannot sbenetefeereispe too nee toseleeeeteeese le' -vms-P - thetrwod-fOrOarding. II hishattprovedit fronithe experience of former years._ -t,o be,aPerfee *ollroe°fluurYiince creck ‘Ihriesish.." The' raladdtrer.trtoreitteggiltetgerlfIct P;r' Ille Iltd sii4 mean, Iasi at slaved iint,g, in tag bine - had. The.Zo niuosL ggiOt 13j•ice any gantity: Of toed ., with a carriage. ight; ftlitb; and Thalia ot the sir.!kik, hs Newt her was geneNase, threatento give out. r ‘A,eliort ! Alt ! nu* i?st quits re - Amon ••• aleadeliale tO Aseerve wok was* front yes, The Ord eYetling the: geagemoulia. The VaitedStates Ites Mill Dike tut 1 tatewhift okl &out was proi }sag entkikir railing opecation., ' a • or Vtheat orfralt gretring, The lot trill be %old- initasy. term. reenesioli -can be firenlat for notenthrs net tenet&pjjl7 tO G• 4- f PA oe to J. DAVISON, Vji• GOdetiehe Aug:15'4870j r59 • leStlePlier*noloriWorkne.rak.Airg, iseke - " . • , can Wool. LOTSt IbTesecwAnfieriPtiallatferaeacrgabreCirlutitatiengtod8F:.re.r.esee, rb:otell(Kirwpalait:entrie:pt°;:ir.taigilear:rtYFIf421:188dpartie4ilir0114311:12arinti::::arsOdtenlal:fiennitbaree:1;E:eillig$0:774:1211:7::12.:Ten2thbweGrAll"dez:::isestoalgretille; 53 and 54, Bayfield •conanagiOn I courtoace itt eaderia, ,orto. mr. tOnhe+pabs ja32:0entv:ilea: Par will lbeeir.en tor THONE.6.13 L AN. mu: tre_czeta. (7018*.h1:04erit:anthedrebioplfrAetsegusga:a5:0)11:,:eobfpupily`2altir wao °814206t/U1.1ebireirter-41111118.150 • ••• •••••, • •••• • • • • 4, • • • '•• • • .•4• • • w; • • • OE