HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-09-22, Page 2-
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...•. ..,
G .i,AND FIEeete- DAY. '
. We'0 . Otetelc Harbonand :about lu miles from -Cape
mom.. •
tt, tt Hurd,. - ' ' e ,
.t. it p .. THE DEUCE AND litritoN BATTALIGNS.
.. ' I Ceetet 'Intimate ttt e sn heeihera tturt 2 Pritsienen had no question to ask this
rapperteri ef the Weelety end Steni-Week-le enteeeen. _
y Ketztal that. 1 inevettold the busineas andt7i W Ilf Leoisenre sworn, saw the body
, ,, .
reattemied of the etnee to Mr. Abrahatuttlyieg dend mil -recognised it as that of ,
If the motoorolOgical scribefalwa.yswtrites
seett,w, ear whom I would bespeak a ethitt}Tool Dean, frotu three =Ms,. Viz- :-the
tineante et' the generous patronage eetenetepants, the short bine ctrat and the mus- .gnod weather ,for Her Majesty's afignst
e ded to tee Eel' ereht yews. peat. 1 wou.d alnetache ; all winch he was famthar eath, be- eself,- why should be not sometimes equally
go venire toy deetom and creditors that IlAere Mr Dean left. Is positively certain Ill
r avor lier itlejesty'selevoted yolunteee de-
. „" havo =signed my beolts and hook delete int4ithe botiv is that of Mr Dean. Knowself
trest te Mr. Abraham Smith and Mr.4notbing of the cause of his -death. lenders 7 His clerkship, often nigeardlye
jatnea Weung, vele, elotat aro authorised to 4 "'also:ten had no otiestices to ask this) was not so on Friday last. It was itetruth
cottect accounts and pay claims in that be-. eitness. - . 'a glorious day, fit setting to a brilliant
half. e S Timms, sworn, saw the 'hotly in tho. scene of military evolution and mimic I
•ww. '1'. COX. iwoods. Saw the body put inte the coffin
irsnd know -t to b the same SAT ioOri
_ fight. Always picturesque, when the arena '
. The snhseribers, in reference- to then' 7,of Battalion drill, the flats of the Mattland
Dean, b .Fore he weot away. The clothes
sheete, would reseectfully urge all whoiamt the hgdv were Jeers. Has no dotibt !and their surroundings were then ehchant-
owe the Siyn.al effice, for ei the r larg,e .0r6ethat it is Mr Dean's body. '1 here was a et. •
small amounts, to nay up to this date witheebreast pin on the body, which he knew to t . .
mg. -The rapid transit of shifting com-
as little delay as possible. et -minors aretee, them's. He hetpea to roll the body ei -.pilules in gay uniferms,the moveng crowds
1mq:tested at send in their chtens, whichild. canvas. It had a hole on the left. side eof interested spectatnrs in holivay attire,
will he liquidated out of the cellections.e.of the head. lie was told. by the prisoner, ethe bright green of plain and hill, the
Creditors may depend t hat _ all d i : tem melt, h e confused that he shot Inin, that he variegated hues of the trees, the lovely
will be eeereised in collecting accounts and -
settling claims.
ava.KI a A IA A Xi 'X Mr -Taal ,
al ai. II -0:::....4 -Vk >V N4a.
Goderich, 15th August, MO.
, • ,
• •
— eteeme
ett.** tf ref ,„
44 a itene
GODER1011, SEPT. 22d. 1870.
shot from the left to the right (Tn
blue of the -glistening lake, land the mo-
tile foreman) Believes - that Joel ,Dean
penulence of the autumn sun, all cembined
came to his -death by the shot of a gun.
When found, he was lying on a bed of to form a picture of freshness and beauty,
,ibrush, where he could not have fallen. lt which could scarcely be excelled anywhere.
...appeared to have been Made by rgun The two Battalions were under arms by
,lsome other person's hands, because, he was
Itka. ne preparatory webeing reviewed by
gleme-bag his slmt-bag with shot, and
.elelyine as If he had kept quite still. Found
Adjutant General Robertson Ro3s. By
- guns. Mr Dean s intention in going 11 a. in. he was on the grounds, and the
Ithare was to hunt for beare. Mr Dean al- trooPs, being drawn up in line, received
so told witness that he intended to go au- •
lnm with a general salute. The Adjutant
toss the peninsula, because -he had ofteu
heard there was silver ore there. (To
014 &GUY Jury man) Found no property of Dean's
4.prisoner came down on the steam -boat, he
leave hitn a pocket- knife of Dean's, some
ra Jarf.t. ri A • lmone.y which he said was Dean's, which
IwitneSS returned to prisoner. A watch be -
to Dean was found in the Willhowetinspection of arms and accontromentes
--Seymour. Hd was told by the prisonm -;Tenderly must the Adjutant General love
H 0 M E where the watch was, and witness told Mr -
"••••-*••,..-...••••••••,-s: ••••/••••••••••••W•9-,_9-•••••••••••••,•••••••••....•."
• lthe way from Goderich. When th.
General then inspected the enthe line,
riding slowly along it, with the Colonel
of each battalion ace.ompartying him the
distance occupied by the respective com-
mands. The tour being completed, the
brigade was formed into column for the
the Snider -Enfield, for every rills of every
_Malden where . to find it, es ahole liad o
-man passed throu
ON THC TRAM b,e pored in order to find it betweer the gh his hands and was
and the outside of the steamboat
- Wedne,wleav, letti at 5 la m. Messrs Belittling
treiting,4eIr Mahlon fonnd it exactly where the
Trainer, E Hosker, T M S
accgmpaniedet nsoner said. (To the foreman) Witness
T Motwhonse, and A La wson,
by William Mercer, (who was arrested- on
a charge ef robbery in consequence of hay -
was net told where to find the -ring belong -
ng to Mr. Dean. (To the coroner) willies:
was told by t prisoner where Dean s
- ins in his posses:mon certain property be -
could be found, the shape the bode
Inngiztem to Mr Joel Dean/embarked on -°°d3r
was in, and that the prisoner shot him
hewed the prepeller Scymour,
When he foiled everythine exactly as the
prisoner said, he believed that the prisoner
committed the deed. (lo the foreman)
Phe prisoner told witness that Dean hired
him, off the Fe . Seymour, to go with him
en a hunting excursion and was to pay
hien the same wages as he got on the pro -
(To a Juryman) witness dtd not
which he had hid NH Deans tent, bu tilde petler.
rehee and boat -oars ; 'which were amee§kezo et, of hts own knowledge, but behoved
tnat the prisoner went with Mr Dean.
wileee they had been left. Straieht se
russ from this island, ou the mainland,
Mercer peinted out the spot where Mr
Dean and he had first camped on Satur-
dam-the 3d inst. The traces of a camp-
fire were folind indiested and the party
pushed hdand, en search of the body, fal-
lowing the blazed track made by Mercer.
in coming out. The leneh which they had
to make their awl through was excessivel:ishoulder and said 'you young devil I will
you in the morning! Mr Dean then
thick, being composed of taniarac and. efi1
;itiehred soverhal random shots into the bush
cedar scrub, with a heavy under -brush
land he (presoner) was afraid of him. Mr
Dean then lay down again and fell asleep.
Peisoner said he had a gun and standing
about 30 feet off fired a shot striking Dean
having tow'Mr S Tulsnia's fishing boat
The party reached Samgeen at 2 a. tn. on
Thursday, and without moment's delay
manned the small boat and set sail for
Emele Harbor. About noon on Thnrsdrty
this thee was reached. Mtrter pointed
out the little Island, in the harbor, on
M DANCi, recalled, had a conversa-
tion with the prisoner on the way up in
search of the body; He (the prisoner)
said that Dean and he went together to the
bush, two weeks ago, having lit a fire they
lay down. After a little they wakeued
and found the fire out. Dean %Yes net
with him, struck hun with a coin on the
They had, several times, to fell trees eo
alley; them to seramble tbreugh. kfte
eroczeclite about e miles, contending with
these obstacles and drenched. with a con-
' :behind the left ear. He then stripped Mr
tinnous torrent of rain.
'Dean of his money, watch and ring and
THEY FIND THIa BODY waited. till morning when lie made for the
of Joel Dean, lying extended on the backelyawl. and pushed off. The prisoner said
shot, through the head with the hands by eto witness that he was three days on the
the sides, exactly where, and in the positi- :take before he reached the fishine Islands.
on, Mercer described. It had by this time -51r Dean's ring was hid under a etone at
reaehed a state of loathsome putrefaction, :Main Station and the boy told Mr Trainer
where to find it. The boy showed the
party the exact spot where they found Mr
Dean s body, as he had blazed the track in
:ming out from the bush. The body
would never have been found without the
prisoner. The bey said that, as he was
nearing the fishing island, he threw Mr.
Dean's guns and trunk overboard, as he
aw a boat- approachiug and was afraid they
hould see the things.
W. Scare, M. D., Southame'ton, sworn,
made a post' mortem exemination of the
111- to Eagle Harbor. Darkness overtook the body, and found the apparent entrance of
the wound, on the right side of the head
little company when F.:elf-way to the boat
and 'the exit on the left side part of the
and, liangno provisiens eith them, they
arietal and temporal bone'beinmcarried
were compelled to drop their sorrowful
away. The appearance was that of a gun -
burden and hasten on to gave themselves
hoe, wound, and was most certainly suf-
from being benighted. All night they lay
ficent to cense death. Thought the b
in the boat, soaked to the skin and endur-
must have been lying and that the shot
ing intense cold ; and before day -break
was directed from a little above. The
they were astir attain. The boat, being
state of decomposition was snah that the
meered beside a ceTtar swamp, to secure -4
examination was difficult. 'I he left foot
fire to cook surne breakfast, they had te
was completely burnt off and the right
build it on planks. 'A hasty meal and me
feet scorched. The wound in the head
then veene to the bush, once more, by
would cause instant death. Witness knee
o'elock. on Fritlety morning returning to
the Herbor hy 7 o'cloek. 'In less than an Dean persomilly- and believee, but could
not swear, the corpse to be that of Jbel
hoar they were
Dean. e
G M Malec -awn, M D., sworn, made a
post leortem examination of the body.
Cannot identibt it. Thinks a gunshot
wenud was the eause of death. The flesh
wound was --wanting to guide the en -
wank MrDmn's chest and steel temps and teluirete The fracture on the left side is the
pointed nut the place. The sea, however, elarger. The shot , would have been fired
was venting, high, and the boat efront the right side, probably kneeling, or
had to be allowed to pass along without etnearly on a, level with the body. Could
finding there. Outside of Pinetree Bay. 7;not say whether itlyas accidental' or inteu-
Mercer said he had sunk the ehot_eue aneatuinal Does not think the dirction would have
eine, but„. not being able- to point out the"been the same if the party firing Was stand-
ex:vet spot, these tea had to be left warm
covered. Reeething Main Station, Mercer
ehowed the stones nucler whicia he had hid
Mr. Dean's large, heavy, gold ring and
eettaket compass. They- were fennel in the
very place pointed. ant. The maeonie ern -
biome were seen to beerased. This Mercer
explained that he did, on the how of the
boat, whi/e he was sailing deem, on the
former o=eion. Without flwtherstoppagee tent
tbe party reached Kincardine at4 a. rn. on' - -
Saturday morning, leaving a telegram to The Jury, after a short eonsulatinn, re-
turned a verdict of Waxen. Metunee.
he sent tr3 Gudericlt that they were so .far
on their way, with Mr. Deans' remitting. against William Mercer.
wataanxionsly looked for all afternoon,end .
the bank watt crowded -with citizens-. About Took place from the Maitland grounds
3 pe na. the William, Seymour. with he on. Sunday, 18th that, at 3 p. m. Mr. Joel
Dean having been for eeveral years a re -
colors at half-mast, steamed out to- meet
the boat and. towed her in from the four- 3 pected resident Of Goderich. was univer-
sally esteemedby his fellow -citizens. His
mile point. The remaine of Mr. Dean
werelendeele amid iutenee feeling, about euiet, unobtrusive and gentlemanly man-
ner had made him a general favorite ;
4 ele
while his mech.anical and busittess
Mer. DEA...Ng Weecer
had secured him a, large share of respect.
Olt Wedneadray, this watch was fourel,as The sad mariner in which he tnethis death,
tleeeribed in Mr. Tolsma's evidence, and at the hands of somecold-bloodede.ssasein,
on ie these. words had been scratched by _ent a thrill of 'horror through the tvhole
soniesbarit inetrument community, and inspired every heart with
ewes. Aszetertne 1850." orrow and sympethy for the wife and
TEM itenottZer child eci awfully Jecrea,ved. His masonic
;brethren resolved with one accerd to testi-
warehele betOrtroner MeDougall, Craig's
ty them regard for their deceased brother ;
Stetarnboatt Hotel, on Sunday morning at and eame 70 or ea of them as.' enabled to
bail Feet 104:tielocis; the follewing iteroneies bury him with masonic honore. As they
marched around' the house- occupied by
ieury baying been empenelledaad sworn,
Mrs. Deantheysawtheatricken vrife
Frederick, foreman, G Swaa- -
on the ground in the agonY of grief and the
SOal W Sewers, T Hood, G N., Davis, M. gentlest heart coeId not help crying out
liaelielerant J Runes, 31E. Wade, W.°W. forratrihntion on- the murderer, whoever
„settees Cateeeeje. a Sloan., mid Berard de might be. The town -flag drooped half-
. et mast -high An inimenee concourse of
tOwnspeopleawsembled to folleve him .to
.'/itt. Lewis, Ea+, faansaty Attorney., was the tomb. The funeral *as one of the
present on behalf of tneCreven. targese we have witnessed in this Iceality.
Tee jury' appoinf.ed callasy.ay, The beantifelmaserticeervice wasfeelingly
resd over the grave by R, Wet Bro. Rev.
eerie for the mansion. - A. Ma,cleid. The scroll anel apron. were
The Conner sent the eonstablee tit the eat on the coffin, each brother deposit-
gwoi for Wiaitetn Mercer, who is in euetotly ed there the "eyergree-n" emblem e.if Inn
neeetality,an d the grand' honora• were given.
iit eonnectien with thiseme, that he might
ferother Dean. "rests irons hislaboraand
Teo present kg, hia own defeuce. Th
works do follow him."
prisoner was duly eta Honed wet to mk
atel as snrrounded by fire, winch was
burning. We eau imagine the feet-
_ irate of the brave men, at se finding their
friend, although they were quite prepared
for thisherrible end to their loving jour-
ney. After hunting, all round the locality
and picking up the shot-hae and haver-
sack (that:niter ".r. D.' ) of the
deceased. They wrapped the corpse in new
canvaesimett it to a pole, andat-ouce began
'ZEE eneente SAD -NLARCH
ewe- -
comsting down with the intention of pick -
inn: up what propeety Reiner said he had
put under water and hidzaway. Just out-
irt.We of Eagle Harhorel-Mercer said, he
ing. Thirike the bedy muet ha,ve been
dead a long time.
SEES TOLSMA, recalled, (To the foreman)
'When the body was found, he wen lying
straieht on his tack, with his het under
hiebead. On the right sicle of Dean, there
was a creek with a steep knoll down to it.
- Meltlicareo etaid that this position
would account for the direction of the
answer any question, nnlese be liked, but
told. that he had a right to question the
'witnesses who might be examinell.
rithe Jury 'having returnea from viewin
ilia body, the Isquest wee proceeded with.
T. M. Dsitor, sworn, saw
body. no the bush and here.
Bee every ressoil to believe it to be t
of Joel Deset The citur,e a 400,h he late
14+44 wee a shot. He went Wi
sous others, Us bunt for ihe boar an
bend it et the heti', vrithinsestiut 'ea
inlet Great Boat Race; I
THS 'DYNE CREW Vlore/Rest:we
Lachine, Sept. 15th, 6:30 p. m.
Tito Great four oared Boat Race at
bachine to -day, between the Tyne Crew,
(the Champions of EngIand,) a.td the
te. Jobs Crew, (the Champions of Ame
rice,) resulted in victory for the ',Vane
Crew by 6 lengalt
Time 4/ aninutea 10 atcontle,
direfully examined. The troops again
formed into line "eager for the fray" and
the 33d Battalion -ghat fiery mass of
living valor rollingon the foe' -advanced as
skirmishers ; with the 32d battalion as a
reserve, not murmuring at their position,
yet lunging to be at the front in the post
of danger and honor. The battalions were
flanked on the right by the Goderich
Garrison battery. A sharp,_ running fire -
commenced and the enemy was irreeistibly
driven from the heights and pursued, nntil
the Huron boys had gained the summit of
the hill. The beautiful appearance pre-
sented ip the carrying of the heights was
one of the most effective scenes of the day.
The supports then advanced taking the
poiition of the Huron Battalion and the
latter formed the support. Tile 32d charg-
ed in gallant style, with a rousing British
cheer. The enemy might now have been
observed, in their retreat, turning,to wards
the lake. The 32d turned in the same
direction and, after considerable firing,
drove them. down to the bay, sending many
we presume to "sleep 'where pearls lie
deep.' At this time the firing was very
heavy and long -continued. 'The order
was then given to re-form companies, by
marching on coverers. The battalions
having counter -marched advanced, the 32d
first. The lest and 2d Goderich companies
were sent out as skirmishers. These were
sepported by two other companies, and
these again by the remaining, companies of
the 33d, the 32d battalion forming the rear
stipport. Haying advanced to the brow
of the hill the 32d battalion descended
(almost as beautiful a sight as the ascent)
protected by a heavy fire kept up by the
na. The 32d then formed in position at
the foot. of the hill, acting as a support to
the remaining battalion. So ended this-
evell-fought field' and the victorious bri-
(rade was formed into esquare and address-
ed by the Adjutant General as follows :-
BATTALIONS. It affords me great pleasure
to have the honor of inspecting you this
day. I have inspected a number of
Brigades, a very large number of Volun-
teer Companies ; and, while do not wish
to flatter you, still it is right to say that I
have not seen a finer looking body of men.
In every respect you have done the work
of the day, very much better than could
have been expected after so ehort a time
&tdrill. If circumstances should occur -
And God forbid that war should overtake
us !-I am snre that every man before me
would be foetid doing his duty. A mtin
who has be'en engaged in one war, never
wishes to participate in another, hut it ie
well to be prepared " To be forewarned
is to be fore -armed" and I would earnestly
nrge on every man to make hitnself
thorough in hie drill, prepared to meet the
worat. 1,would. also wish each to remem-
ber that the arm that has been placed in
your hands ie one of the best in the world
and ought to be. a -ell taken care of. Prizes
have been offered tine year by the Goverh-
ment to stimulate youtotgreater proficieney
at target practice Although the sweets
small, you must look moreWto the (honer
than to the value of the prize. Strive by
,111 means, to make yourselves adePts •tn
the use of the rifle..4,nd in this connect Pn
would earnestly recommend you nes*.
to fire except at an object. Aim at sortie -
thine. and do not fire in the air. Compaei-
eon has been made beeween the Prussian
and French soldiers. The French heve
fired excitedly, while the Prussians have
been cool and collected. The result Was
that the formerly quickly conaunrd their
ammunition, while the latter generally had
plenty to spare. You all knew the *-
sequence I congratulate the officers upon
having so fine a body of men and the nien
on having so many fine oficers. I hope
to nieei you again in the course of another
year. I would now cantor " Three cheers
for the Queen." It will readily be believed
that this call was heartily responded to by
loyal and stentorian voices. Colonels
Ross and Sproat sinultaneously demanded
‘• Three cheers for the Adjutant General,"
which were given with much enthusiasm.
The men were then dismissed at 5 p. m.
after haying been on the ground nearly
seven hours without intermission. They
deserved a long rest and a good dinnen
mid they ne doubt. got both. Three
cheers, say we, for the gallant volunteers
of Bruce and Huron -ye; three timea
three and Onla cheermore !
••9•919,9%•9•9•9•9••••••••••••-• • • • 9•9•• •-•191,,,..W...N.W •
MILITARY. -At 3 p. in. on Saturday,
the Bruce and Huron Battalions marched
fronrthe Camp, along Hamilton St.
Court House Square, and West St. to
the Bank over -looking the lake. The
steady, martial appearance and handsome.
muscular physique of' the men were much
admired by the spectatots. •
refrain from expression. our admiration of
the six gallantnien who went in gnat of
the remains of their friend Mr. Joel Dean.
The task was no light one, and the dreary
•onrney. throug,th the:bush with the corpse,
was eneugh to try the strongest nerves.
We are sure our citizens will unite with
us in doing them honor.
OBITUARY:7 Nr Wm. MeCrae, au old
and respected resident of Goderich Town-
ship, diectlast week at the advanced tete
f 03. A very large cortege ofrelativ%'
and friends attended his remains, on
Sunday, t� their resting•pIacein Maitland
Cemetery. • .
steed, has gone • te Seaforth te see t h •••• •••••• .99
Colvin Attorney for the purpoie
of endeavoring to get Williatn Meta
cer`e triul to come off at the Assizta,
hene which eminence on Monday, 26t13
hist, This would save delay and alsoea-
pulse to t e witnesses.
flaislof the aitelud are coming to be re-
cogntsed as one of the ' best campete
greliends in Ontario. The. Perth Bat -
tab) we understand, is to aput in Id
tit'itdrill, beginning of Optober and
ot ees. aro to follow. •
anotherplace will ee found the caed
of, :he McLellan House, Sarnia. The
henSe is admirably kept in all respects,atid
we etwaild strongly advise travellers fram
tHs: section to give Mac. a call when they
visit Sernia.
nen WILLIAM SEYMOUR, we hear, :is
vere acceptable to the Sarnie people, and
is: vying great convenience to those labor
e nen Bruce and Huron, who spend the
w n er in the lumbering woods.
,OLVING THE MYSTER17.--The tact,
Pnergy end perseverance which Mr. B.
Trqiner, (thief constable, has exhibited
it *orking up tho ease anent the murder
of Mr. Joel Dean, aro worthy of all praiae.
We! cannot point to a single instancelin
Wh oh so mysterious an affair has been
el usidated in so short a space of time.
Six nionth's work by most metropolitan
deotives would not have produce d snob
i?es tits. • . i
pewee -The gentletnen who, stole a lot
of t..tmatoes frofn the garden of Mr. W. ,T.
pl is informed that he can have a few
morelf he will call and ask for them on
day light; but if he goes in at night, a shot
gm. and a big dog may produce unpleasent
t,i e sliEl tAs.F
da evening, in the 'Court House. R.
AND D Li AIDEDucariorr.-On Satin.-
,Giltbone Esq, in the chair, Mr McGann,
of the Hamilton Institute, gave illastte-
tions of the mode adopted, in that institte
lit e boy, 11 years of age, who had been
tio , of communicating instruction to deaf,
int es. The results, as exhibited bY a
Only 3t years under training, were really
eutprising. It was clearly proVed, to the
eatisfaction of the audience, that deaf -
Mt tes can by this means be relieved ' of
th ir legal dieabilities and become good
cit'zens; and besides secular instructien,
ca have communicated to their vacent
minds justideas of Soul, Deity, and Salve-
tiop. Mr. Gibbous expressed much pleas-
ure at the knowledge and intelligence of
the little pupil, which had been carefully.
tested by numerous questions from gentle-
mdu in the audience, sufficient to prove
that the boy had not been crammed for the
oceasion, Mr. Millonof the Centre. School,
, said he would only be too pleased if his
boys coald quit themselves as well in gram
mer, arithmetic and particularly a citing
a,nd spelling at a publicexamination, The
smallness of the audience was very much
tolbe regretted -as the education of the
Deaf and dumb is a noble and christian
u dertaking aud ought tp be publicly en -
co raged.
rue. -About 3 p. m. on Sunday a fire
broke put iu a new stable, belonging to
Mt.. Cattle, originated by two little boys
who were playing with matches.- The
stable was totally destroyed, but through
strentions exertion Mr. Cattle's residence
was sat -ed. The fire -engines as usnal were
tieless to check the tire at the start, help-
ing however to put it out at the last. The
trook and Ladder Company did excellent
service. ,
THE TOLL -GATES of the -Northern Gravel
Read are to be sold. by auction at Mr.
Truema,n's rooms, dh Monday, 26th Sent.,
npon, for the three months ending 3Ist
Tewut advertise their reliable and highly
recommended College in Toronto._ i We
Would direct to the advertisement the at-
tention of all desirous of a sound busihess
training. t
A DANGEROUS JOKE. -On Sunder, close
te that "solemn hour, when niiht and
morning meet" we were startled from a
.sweet slumber by a loud summons at the
street door. Donning our inexpressibles
in sleepteconfusion, we meshed to the hall
, end shonted "Who's that knocking at the
door ?" "Are thee° any otheers or men of
the 33rd Battalion here?" was the reply.
r\le of course answered ,"No." • 'Are you
pure' 1 was next asked. "Yes" ! was our
rejdinder. "Welt, sit, ' the voice replied,
I"we will take your word for it ; 33rd Bat-
talion, petrol,. Quick mareh" ! Now volun-
• teers, a e like fun, but don't be mischie-
voue enouvh to again disturb our sleep.
The editorial cranium is nicely balanced,
and if you were to unsettle our upperstory,
it would be a grievous calamity to , the
County, the Dotedetion and the World ! !
- NUMBER ONE. It is pleasant to hear
from Ihe Adjittaut General that. the volun-
teers of Bruce and. Huron are second to
none in the Dominion.
Col.,Robertson Ross expressed the . beliet
that, intuit his travels, he never saw a 'finer
situation than that possessed by Goderieh,
nor a lovelier sight than the Review ground
on Friday.
CENTRAL Sonocie.-On Monday fore-
noon Mr. McGann, of Hamilton exhibit-
ed his method of instructing dea,,f mutes to
the pupils, much td their delight.
LONDON SOCLETY.-The September No.
of this ma azine has made its welcome' ap-
pearance o t our table. The illustrations
hit Off ad irably certain phases of' Eng-
lish Life and the reading matter is inter-
esting, fresh and racy; not the least seas-
onable of ,which is the paper entitled -
"Shall Juliana Have a Piano " ? Buy the
number at Moorhouse's and judge for
yourselves whether we are right or net.
are glad to see progress being made with
the manse for Rev. Jatnes .Seiveeight.
The frame' is now well -advanced and gives
good indication that the building will be
completed before the Fall is over.
residence of -T. S. Sinclair Esq. is- now
finished outside all but the cornice, and is
a tasteful and substantial three-story brick
structure. The grounds around are ' very
neatly laid out and planted 'with many
„ varieties of fridt and ornaniental treete It
,enhances both the appearance and value of
ehe'locality. 1 .
- 't .
PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. -We are glad to
see our old -friend, Mr. IVIcLeant now turn
up in Toronto. His journal is an ably
conducted, admirably written and well
selected sheet and we missed It very much
.from onr exchange list. His location is
now more centrical and we wish thi;at all
the success- which he richly merits:
ANOTHER NEW Basins/ace. ;We K
Savage Esq. is quietly -engaged Iti the
erection of a large brick dwelling, on - the
lot opposite' ,Mr. It. McIntosh's-- When
the old hodie en the corner, is pulled
clqwn it ivillge acknowledged to be an
ornament to that part Of the town, as well
as a deairable and commodious residence.
.. Pewifs elitae-Mr. Parkyn is Fishing
on the repair's to the milt -race and, thelin-
Provenients to the interior Of the mill. The
eeetablisbreent may -soon be expected 'to bo
in. full working artier. It -will be ready in
excellent time for the openingoithe iyheat-
market here: . , .. . i .
,..: • ; ,
„erne GODERIGH WEEILAT PA anttleT iill move,
mg steadily upwards. See the Attestations.
-Barley, Peast and Oaitiatre comint. hi free -
1 . ' a . f
_ Mat .131,,arr is just commencing the tilidp-
Ment of Fine Table and Dairy Salt, having
already received large.orders. .
ME PoRGNER'ILWARRANT has beenaesu-
ed- for the committment of WiLl' gager
plait charm) of Tifilf-la v,1149%,-,
Darnorr To filoDaltICat.-We' hear it
rumored that Messrs Ward the great
Steamboat owners, intend putting on aline
of Steamers, between Detroit and Goder-
ich, next year.
litizan-Dava-We understand there ie to.
be a grand Fled -day on the flats tomorroW
(Wednesday) and not fo,day as expaptpd.
NEW BUILDINGS. - The Hurou Road ,
and -streets reneifig from it are bristling
Thiele v tie, God 'irich, Sept.,19th, 1870..
with new :housee, all oceaeioned by the-
salt'wells noiv working, from the Railway the -Editor of the Sielal
Statinn southwards. Sin, -1 beg to say- that at the Goderich
8 in netmbeh take place on the range, on
Tire RIFLE MAP:MM.-These matcheet Horticultural Sholet which was held on the
0114 tNli 4, cevt ea rhi Litt say no dsporni eet oe sf pPoelaecsh. esitdweo.
Thuraeey and Friday 22ncland23rd Sept.
There are many crack shota about and maimed ageanst 4eir being left until the
the competition will no doubt be a, kaen following metningebut, upon a certain offe
one. The last match is open to all comers cial sayieg, be would take charge of them,
they were 'allowed to remain. Next
morning, a artier -titer friend went to the
old times to see Mr Wm Wallace about,
Drill Shed or thelfruits, &c., who found
looking hale, hearty and wide-awalte as
ever -"Wallace of the toddy hot, not Wel- Ihe best plee e of Peaches, both plates a
Idee of the store."
convention of the friertds of Temperance,
throughout the county takes place here mi
Thursday, the 22d inst. Delegates will
meet in Crabb s Hell at 2 p. m. Tea will
be served from 5 tO 7 in the Drill Shed
and there will an entertainment in Crabb's
Hall in the evening.
KING FROST is begihning to remind us
that he will soon resume his sway. 'His
cold. breath is now to be felt almost every
To Messrs. B. Trainer, T. M. Dancy, S.
Tolsma, E. Hosker, T. Moorhowe and
Alex. Lawson, .
The Coroner a Jury on the Inquest into
the death of Mr. Joel Dean, desire to ex-
press their admiration of your gallant con-
duct successfully searching for Mr.
Dean's body. They would reepectfully
convey to wou their most hearty thanks.
On behalf of the Jure,
Esq, Agent G.T.R.R.e has handed us a
sprig of Pltun tree in full bloesom, This i
tree already blossomed and borefruit,after
being struck with lightning, and doubtless
will bear fruit again, if the- cold weather
keeps -away long euought
us in this issue from doing our usual jus-
tice to general news. Our subscribers,
however, we doubt not, will appreciate
our devotion to home affairs above and
beyondeverything else.
Oerrudenr.-We regret to have to an-
nounce, in another column, " the death,
through ehronic bronchitis, at the early
age of 47, of Mrs. Allcoek, Wife of General
A llcock, lately the much-eeteemed - U. Se
Consul at this poet. Though deceased was
an invalid, for many months preeious to .
her departure from this town, she had en-
deared herself to a large circle of friends, ,
who will sincerely mourn her earlydemise.
MASONIC. -On the evenin,, of Wednes-
day last, 14th ins t, R. W . White,
Mesonic Hie+ Priest, convened a number.
of Master Masons in the Masonic Hall,
lb( the purpose of' conferring on them the
4de-degree of' A rk Masters. The It. W.
Bro. deliveredaa beaut.ful preliminary
lecture on the deliverance .of Noah and
his family ; in the course Of which he
illustrated the Flood, thelArk, the Dove,
the sacred numbers "seven" and "forty.'
He then communicated the landmarks of
'the degree,in due and ancient form, to le
Master masons. The fee of 12 penes
sterling motley collected by the R. W.
fine from each candidate was .handed by
him to W. Bro. Ferguson to procure
refreshments. R. W. W. M. Whits
having been elected muster of the Ark
Lodge, the Lodge - was closed and the
brethren present spent a pleasant, social
hour together. We regret that the press
of other matter prevents us from giving a
more detailed aeconnt of the evening'e
"labor and refreshment."
INCENDIARIsM.-Early this morning,
some scoundrel, or scaundrels had satur-
ated the rear of Mr. Fraser's 'Royal Can-
adian Hotel with coal oil and sot fire to it.
Luckily it was disoovered before Irma
harm was done. We hope the dastardle
incendiary will be teaced and the severest
possible penalty inflicted.
nectarines (except j a solitary one) and et
part of the apples had been teken awaee-
Meetine theeofficieV he enquired "-where
are Mr.c'M.1.4 peach s ?" The reply was, "I
think Mr -- h s taken or tuok them!'
'Now if thut Mr Snip Cabbage, vulgarly
called, a prick -a -louse. tailor, did take
and eat of this forbidden frnit, without an
invitation, save atid except by his own
omnivorous . apetith. Allow me to give
him this .frientlly tvice : touch not, taete
not, any of, my f ititst, &c.. otherwise I
shall most 'assureflly Oause his cabbage -
stalk understandings to be niarched into
the presence of m ' worthy Chief Magis-
trate, W T Hays, sq.
' Yount very uly, -
. ' 4: (count coorartr.
EASL WAVA/Cilfitt. -David Scott, Esq ,
was elected fteeve.qoti Saturday 17th hist,
without- opposition,. for the remainder of
this year, in moult of H. Helps, Esq., de-
ceased. t
Fall Show of thia Society takes place at
Anilevville on Tne4day, llth October.
Monday and Fri ay of this week.
The Wall Show ta ' s place at Seaforth, on
Cetower Mewee0-A grand match came
off at Seaforth en atorclay, 10th inst. be-
tween ,11 Old Co ntey and 11 Cana'dian
players, of the County of Huron In two
innings the 4.Old Country' made '81 and in
one ineings Canada 93 After the match
there 'Was a plaasaat reunion at Foster's
CLINTON.-The Fall show of the It orth
Riding takes place at Clinton oft Tuesday
and Wednesday, 27 and 28th Sept.
KIpPEN-The spjendid Scotch Presby-
terian Church here is now entirely free of
debt. The money expended in this cons-
truction of it was about$3000; in addition
ta the large amount of labor given
gratuitously. .
THE FRINGE ..A.LFRED returned freeenSar-
nia this. (Fiiday) morning at 6 o'clock hav-
ing on board. Adjutant Gen. •Robertson
ftoss, la,nd Commodore Wyatt. Ae
teresting account of the sham fighe, from
the pen of a " Goderich Bey" megaged in
it, will be found in another column.
VERY NEAT. -We are. sure all must
have admired the taste of Mr. Kerr, and
the workmanship ot Mr. F. R. Mann, in
the handsome painted blind, now to be
seen in one of the windows ot Mr. Kerr's
favorite among all the volunteera whomhe
has inspected. Without relaxing from 'the
strictest discipline, he takes such friend-
ly and personal interest, in even individuals
and companies, that he inspires the men
with a like sentiment towards himself.
Such a feeling of muteal regard augurs
well for the future success of the volunteer
front the gunboat this furenoon, " brown
as bereies" and looking all the better for
their trip. They did not seem very much .
crest -fallen that theit a,mmunition tan out
and that they were considered beaten in
the sham -fight.
GOING TO RED RIvER.-It is stated, on
reliable authority, that the .? rime .A lfred
will leave Goderich, on .1st October, for
Fort William to bring home the regular _
troopspf the Manitoba expedition.
Elouse.-On Sunday, 25th inst., Rev. T.
L. Davidson, D. D. Baptist 'rninistenfront
Aylmer, will preach in the Court House at
11 a m., 2.30 and 6.30 p. m.
son awlecevell, greeers ; E Clifford, bread;
and T -Andrews, meat. The manner in
which the contracts are being carried. out,
is highly satisfactory to the Quarter
A SLIGHT ACCIDENT happened to a mem-
ber of one of the -Huron Conipardesthrough
a ricoc'aetting bullet. His hand was,injur-
ed but he was able to resume his duty al -
limit, immediately. The absence of aceident
is a good indication that the camp arrang,e-
meas. have been well conceived and ere
being carefrillf carried out.
VOLUNTEER OFFIOEM.--There is noth-
ing we wonder at more than the aptitude
which manv civiiians show for the military
tole. In private life -they look like ordin-
ary cihzens, bat at the annual drill, their.,
gait, voice antlenianner ere entirely .trans.e
formee. Colonels Sproat, A • M Ross and may
of their subordinatee would ,shatne some
regular -officers we have seen, who ipent
their entire time, from boyhood upwards,
a uiririg a knowledge of the- art of com-
manding and manoeuvring masses of men.
POLICTE COURT. -Aaron and Moses Me-
-Brine, on Wednesday morning, -were
bropght befoie Christopher Crabb, Esq.,
on a charge 'of stealing fruit from the
Premises a Mr. John Seegmiller,
Sen. - Aaran was, sentenced to 3b days
hard laber, and Moses to a Bne of .B1.00
and costs. Mr. A. M. Polley was brought
up at the same time on a charge of aggrev-
atee assault against John Kehoe. The
case was adjourned till next Wednesday
, •
Tfie Mints of the United States have coined alarm
theyeernmenced operationa (come seventy _years.) the
large, amount of Eight hundred Killion dollars, !about
ono -fifth of the whole metalie currency of the world,
of which amount $500,1100,000 has been derived from
their,ewn mies,5 ; we are not .wfthout mines but
while eve feel that they will aot produce so nateh I
we havethe 'pleasure of knowing therela a soatere
reraedy in the 4t,Canadian Pain, Destroyer" for sudden
colds, rbeturiatiren. neuralgia, tooth-aehe, b/e. Sold
by au. aleateirle Dealers, at 25 ets per battle.
Some two weeke go on Sunday .en
Colniar end Mulhouse, marching -towards sarEsparnnatincgo!vent ;1 pea bottle..t bottles ler
lete the agitation on railway matters has
been considerably quieted. Very reoently,
however, it has been revived with ad
ditional vigor ; instead of' one scheme
now two ere spoken of. 01,e scheme i
for a branch of the Wellington, Grey &
Bruce from Hariston to serve the southern
townships of Bru' e ; but this idea only
meets the views o a peculiar few, and is
likely to come to fie ground never to be
revived. On Werinesday, the 7th inst ,
a rueeting was helel in the Town Hall
to take iuto consicteri tion the proprietyior
repretenting the feeline of the adjoining
townsbips to the T. & B. Co. at thei
next annual meeting A delegation conr
sistine of M. Ca'tnpbell, EN., and Dr
Garner was appoieted to attend the meet-
ing. There is no -ream to think that the
Toronto people intend to break faith with
the people of this part of the Country.
making Kincardine the terminus of their
road. In all probability aftertheir meetiim
on the 14th inst., they will be able to state
to the saesral totansitipa ipterested the
amount ef bonuses -they require,and there
is no dbubt that their demand will be
granted -.11Tew Era.
Happels arm, and hese, and almest break-
ing his neck. Tide disgraceful occurrence
eeems to have convinced the people thet
itich a date of things has been tolerated
lone; enoindi in this otherwise 'quiet and
orderly village. _And a few of them under-
took tu stop such proeeedings, not wishing
to firte-the Hotel keepers, they fiest got up
a very polite request signed by all the re-
spectable people of the village (with one
or two exceptions,) on which the law con
cerning the closing :A the hotels on Sundae
vas wrttten, 32tict vie Cap 32 Sec 23.
Statutes of out D. of O. informing them
that unless they would obey the law that
Yr. Joseph Wideman was to repre,sepe the
people and see the law rigoursly enforeed.
It was hoped that after so polite a, waraing
there would be no need of anything
further. But no, next Sabbath although
the Huron and Zurich Hotels were closed.
elr Hill of the "Victoria ' opened out
proudly defiantft The people werenotto be
defied, however, and next morning Mr. J.
Wideman proceeded to Michael ,&11er Esq.
.J. P. to lay informationagainst him, but
through some quibble in the Ltiel he could
not with honour swear to the information,
and by this cause Mr. Hill puts his hand
in his pocket $20.00 richer to day than he
would otherwise have been. And (err
Hotel keepers. must know that ellen a
people says "We will' that they are not to
be defied. And in thhi case the Law still
be entorced despite the threats of 'Thrash-
ings' dfar and Feathers' See of some of the
tavern loafers who ere -no doubt 'mortally
refended.' British as well as Divine Lae,
is on the side of the populace, and shall
LT not be °levee., Time will shoe.
BROKEN Lime -Onthe-13th inst. as e1r.
Brenner who resides some le miles from
the village was drawing a log with a chain
upon the ground, he got, crowded between
the log and a fence, thinking that tlie log
would roll mit he ordered the horses for-
ward but unfortunately it rolled over hie
leg causing a very bad fracture. Dr Moore
was called upon, . who set the leg with
greatskill and it is hoped that notwith-
standing the way the bone was splintered,
it will soon he healed again.-Coai.
The Municipal Council met pursuant to
notice from the Reeve, at the Townhall
Saturday the 10th inst. Present the
Reeve and all the Councillors. After
reading the ininutes of last meeting and
neing approved. lt was moved hey Mr.
Spence, sec. by Mr P Robertson that a rete
of 5 & iths to the dollar beraised
levied and collected on all. the rateeble
propeety of the Township for County pur-
poses, and that a By -Law be passed for the
same. -Carried. Moyed by Mr Spence
sec. oy Mr Robertson that the petitions of
the School Trustees for certain sums tohe
raised in the different School sections to
pay the Teachers and other iticidental
ex penses,be gram ted arida By -Law passed
for tho same -Carried. Moved by Mr. _
, Buchanan, sec. byterlr Robertsma that the
Trustt ea of No. 5 Schoel be lent -the tsum
of e2o0 till the 24th December next- _
Carried. Moved by Mr Spenee, see. by
Mr Stalker that the petition of R Kirk-
patrick St Co., for change of maxi, be grant-
ed -Carried. Moved by Mr Spence, sec.
by Mr Robertsen -that T Morrish he Col-
lector -Carried. Moved by Mr Roberts-
on, sec. by Mr.,Buchanan that the follow-
ing persons be notified to cut down all
timber, on or -before the 1st day of March
next of the width of 25 feet on the roads
running through their differeet lots, viz :
-Mrs Allen, J McMullen, J Vanst n,and
.T "Long en the let con. W. D. and Thomas
Morrish on the let con: E. D., also Jesse
Snyder tn John Snyder on the Maitlatel
con. J Fisher on lot 6, 1st con, and J C
Martin on Lot 7 Maitland cone -Carried.
Moved by Mr Roberteon sec. by Mr.
Buchanan that 'the Township Clark, ar-
tenge the biookefor the different Schools',
tabel, mark and cover them, so as to be
ready for a printed 'catalogue: Messrs
Robertson and Buchanan, assistingat thei
same-Oarried. J TEWSLEY,
Township Clerk.
le the. El ilea of the Signal:
a, -Being fully convinced that " Truth " was a
rare a; ie,r reerang bis first epistle, I have now no reason
to chaege my opinion atter reading •hts second and
terra. i• Ger blowing himself out like an ambitious
aulafrag, eas collected Ms mighty energies, taken
another a. e...end.a...a leap, and landed in the mud. His
metal aerceetions :must be extremely obtuse as he
Leek es a sir t forward answer to iLe serious charges
of taisermed awl inalie,e made against him in mv last
letter. :its right course wee anawer them or re
inah 'i 1.e argoinent he uses to reconcile his
(snide:tine eta tefuents on the mad and sand question '
stareug ape. ureque. He puts ft m the form of a
conundrum as foliews you draw clayey gravel on
a Bandy road, &tad workit up with the travel of horees,
waggons. ere- . what will it beetorue? Ir he had direct-
ly asserted that tee benighted iuhabitants of this vil-
lage had atausid themselves by spreading mud on a
road running over a sand hitl it would bave been more
to the point, but who would have believed him ?-
sorting is almost as cle- as the mud he dabbles in and
'Truth" is a most expealt logician indeed I Ilis reti-
es conclusive ais the well known syllogism,-Samsou
was a strong man ; Mesas was e meek man; hence Valli
was shipwreeketta So Ouch for his higie but whet
shall we say of his. literary ability? lie is evidently
laboring under the •morionianlacal impression that the
mantle ot Dickeeta has Satlen ripen lus shoulders and
that hig woads are an leateation of learning: be there-
fore parades them on a 1 occasions Nvitheut regardato
;Etc War
NEW YORE, Sept. 18.-A speciel to the
World from London, 17th, says : There
was a sharp eng-aeement yesterday on the
rine of the Orleans railway. near Corbeil,
between the -advance of tbe .Prussian left
wing and a body of garde mobiles and
uwees-tireurs supported by -a detachment
of the army of Paris. The Prussian cav
atry n ere defeated Thursday afternoon
near Guignes and driven back on Mehl'',
on the Paris and Lyons railway, which
town had been occupied in force on Wed
ne.sclay by infantry and artillery.
Yesterday morning a column of three
arms advanced from Nelun upon Corbeil,
feurteen miles frum Paris, with the object
sense, under the vam . idea that he is building up a , of destroying the flour mats and seizing
literary repUtation. e am perfectly convinced now the granaries at that point and to throw
thathe eentas ler nu peaty but himself, after the ran- ,
culom; est-teat:Mee tees made ot hia position in his torward a party to cut the direct line of
last master•pie,..e. Ana as for an) thing larger than the Orleans Railway, two oeiles further
tne °dee of a i ri,.zor eveesobtaming a " personal retlee- north at Juvisey. The second object was
thin" from •Inith," it Os a physical impossibilia..--
Not content:with:making such a masterly botch of his attained, but the Prussians having pushed
In. ther tangtfee lie mug needs display, lais oxtonsiva on three miles further to Abion, were at-
ignorandeof tite dead nguages by stealing a piece oi
taread.bare tratin fro the grave -stones audstiektee tacked by a superior force, and after a
severe conflict were routed and. compelled
a patch el vulgar Brig sh to the tail of it -e -like tee
Iriehman asking the P nehmen, "Parley-vous Free- to retreat upon the entreiachments they
eais, win yeaaliarl me t man of yir gridaron?" Witi,
what impoitteat self -co eit -Truth" blowe his little 1 had thrown up on a hill at Juvisey com-
I'eany-whistiO and 130 Ildb fprfil that he is alwer , mandieg the passage of the Orge bridge
villing to write in the aauanf truth! Judging ire, L
his late effortii he knowa as much about that virtue as _ over which river it had. been blo en up by
a Connaught Cm knowe of plaiting a shirt front
my lest letter I gaveln a square challenge' to produic •
Itt the French
At the same time the Prnssiana at Car-
Pstrir datroe8hr tbildtiao,tcb in the moat craven manner 1
origir al ehaiges, (winch I ,
bed, win had eetablished themselves in
he bas shirked the c test. wis stamine ts of that
kind., that uplea excite eat he shouta "hurrah for our the hanilftel Itadu,,a,ianiaviearge anattaLkein:jumbye.ana
side," then tin* and
the sound of his own Otea. la what an egotistical
ne far his life. frightened at
and Etampes. They succeeded in main -
matter "Water ehee ' Villager for daring to have taming their positions and during the
the presumption to estiun els assertions. How
sine. A committee of Germ= wor:;talen
made a protest agninse the war.. Victor
Hugo's address to Francete dayisexciting
all classes to oppose the return of kiapo.
leon. The cattle plagu.e has ettaelted tEe
cattle of the Prussian eirmy. The Amin's.
sadors of England, Austria, Italy end
Turkey have left Faris. A balhata has
arrived from Metz with letters.
Florenee, Sept. 1.8.-A n despatefe
from the headquarter's of the Dalin army
of mutation in Roman territory at
Monte Aotunclae of the Vetli, says : Batton
Arnim came to Gen. Catiorpa's quarters,
by authorization of the Pope; to euplain
that foreign military forces for the moment
ruled B.ome, and His Holiness was tare
able to prevent by reeistance the enteral=
of Italian troops. He wished to know
what course ()edema intended to take.
The General replied that his purpose was
;folly set forth in the royal proclamation.
The King bad shown great patienee, but
the fact that toreigners had attempted to
defendthe city and rule the Pope tried
that patience severely. Arnica begged a•
delay of twenty-four hours, that he aught
ing aeditional influence to bear on the
Pope. Cadorna so far yielded as to see.
pend the attack • on Rome twenty-four
hours, hut reserving the right ,to man.
ceuvre his troope, whiehelow -encircle tlasf
New York, Sept. 18 -A special to the
Tribune from Paris, I7th says : A mes-
senger from the front and King's head.
quarters reports that nismarck and the
King insist upcn permanent occupatiea
by tht Prussinns or Strasburg end Metz.
Indemnity is no question of so Much con-
sideration, but the other condition is ab.
The Prussians intend beleaguering
Paris and delayino the operations, relying
upon au insurreeTion agaiust the proviais
onal government.
A Tribune correspondent before Stras-
burg, the 14th, says : The fire continues
without intermission and the walls.aro re-
duced to a ahapeless mass. The citadel
is subjected to an incessant fire from three
sides., Ds principal gate has been destroy-
ed. There is a breach in its walls on the
Kehl side and, many buildings adjacent to
the citadel have been fired.
A correspondent at St. Petersburg ett
the 13th, says : The Russian press gener-
ally-approyes of the downfall of Napcleott,
saying he and hit syetem deserved their
fate. The G se i; and Exchange Gazette less
neve the retindie is the hope of Fra,nee
eine Italy and that Spain and Portugal
are a field ready for prepagandism.
The St. Petersburg Jour:tat, publishes &
letter, believed to be offietal, saying that
the Germans in wishing to keep Abase
and L rraine, may find people to oppese
the act, lint m keeping them they will find
that all people will approve and her gloey
will be served as well as all interested, het)
own included
A special to the TiMC3 from London,
says : The prospects for peace look mere
favorable to -day, The statement teat Bite
inaxck bad consented to receive Jules
-Fevre informally is rewarded here as an
indication of the intention of the King, on
arriving before the waits of Paris, to relax
the rigor of his demands. Lewd Lyons de-
serves all praise for his efforts to brine
about the interview.
The staternentabout the imperfect aTUltee
menerfortifications of Paris 13,,TO confirmed,
by -theevacuation ot Vincennes, and the
retuoaal of the old styleof glans tothe city.
But a Entail portion of the woods in the
neighborhood of Paris were destroyed.
Teose at Clamant Cala already afford she,
ter to the Prussians.
, A gentleman from Dublin irlfOrIES Tad
hat considerable numbers of Fenians are
leaving to serve in the French wentW.
A Horrible (Mule.
Chicago, Sept. 8. -On Friday last,in St.
Croix near Hudson, Wisconsin, 31te.
Senchirue drowned her two chiidren„ eet
fire to the house end then took poison. The
quantity of poison she took acted as an
emetic and tints saved her life. Shezlaima
that her children were drowned and the
house set on fire by a man who came tette
house and then ran off, and that she took
the poisen uneer the aeony caused by the
loss of her children, bee't her story is not
believed. Mrs. Senchrne end herhusband
have always lived. happily together ana
she appears perfectly sane. The reSSOIli
for the deedis therefore a rayetery.
The Shanghai eorresponeent of the
Timrs, eeplains the origin of the late out,
break at Tientsin, in which the French
Consul and Sisters of Mercy were murder-
ed. Kidnapping on et greater or lessecale
is, he says, always going on in Chaos,
Girls are earried off and sold lei itntuoral
purposes ; boye are soia to companies of
playeactore. The thieves eeem to liaV.6
- been unusually active of late in _sev.eral
parts of China ; the peopiehave got excit-
ed in consequence, and their excitement
has been directed against foreign mission.
aries, who, they declare, buy the children e
ing himself agalest my 'gigantic intellect? I, ' Truth!" _the Essone.were'set on fire and burnedto
cella any estnehay, t e audacity to ateenipt peewee action the extensive nulls and granaries on in order te make medicine and philters ot
their eyeithreasts, and other parte of ttleq.
and who am destinued ai occupy the "sanctum sane -
term" of same maul "eeima. hebaomadal sheet and previously -transported to Paris,;illas -and Three kiduappers were eceently
"Teeth" woum like to .rhoke Villager otf. but the only . .
ences were set on fire and en body.
cross iiitntbeairn ht ra ia sh oi e• i eon: ry% ,
make tit° V70i'ia trerubl 1. I am perfectly aware that In the acticii at Abian many teaauthot,ar'ntasuodf shdeeFelraernedch n.B.L,bseioetieu.aerlivea;
weom nature rias endo red with sueh bnlliant talents.
the ground with all of the contents not
ext,c,ThienpftePdrobtyestth.aentrcelvnirtcabtioer ofoe t h.t ee e e f eit 1.84°w*ingt thef
remaining eileat---aud ii he would taketee advice o his
weeavisliers he woutd Ohow that course. I can assure
s y damaged wh n peating he orim.s of orn e i
way he eaa obtairatha , "consummation so devoutly prvate reek/
ping. and interfering ir..itherpeoples' Weirs. Villager
is perfeetly ahlo. qualiti d and does mind his own busi-
ness,- traits of ebaract revhieh-appear foreign to the
dispositio of: •"lauth. , end I would here take the
munity as these little plaople who are.perpeteally snap-
the attaek upon tee Pruseians at Invis
your special correspondent left Chartres a
column of troops was moving out to veneer
ytelealsewtgre'rry trade ef k414aPP
;:iint i 'n'iutfrli
els'll't! gel:lir:It:Tv ealt;cmi:tialgi '
wished," is by striaing As eoioreetapologizingand then al
lain that there je are pe4tett so contematible in a mu- of Nantes evas aeriou ollect 1111.;gme latZbeisselti°0121
ehiklrete,whom they bring up as Cleristiare
liberty o advising 1A0-1 to desert his ,present evil
course, a d lay aside hia absurd l'nefa.de guene," tin- . The City of Calais and the whole Pasde lititiche ctohuenythrya.ve ocrieectiatud 1112
Calais were this morning declared in a - •
Y- avtarisoeumsil.ap3arritess owf
til he be a leito suppor0 the character, -Go .duff that
with a barbarous _ pee 'gn yours if "Humbug." el no one dreemt that they would encourage
conclusian, be figures _rne as being buried beneath the a, the ,kidnapping of these children ; but at
elle litstiAeyi ittls.22Sgrent
_ 11.8ov re1.3tChtitat'
lion's hide and hang calf -skin en those recreant .
limbs," and the nett ti a you attempt to serawl words
steact ts veo emoe fmn s (PI enagircei sa at ainontdsu nbedya el arr i sami l wa reatrni a led
element he delights inethis own dearly beloved rand, - ... e ' BISMARCK. ' and that their agent); have combined the,
er with the more ia orthy
reins of a matte. and- c Is it " uteralapeakuiew while e
atiy tyro ia laegnagia 0 n see that it is neither literal Gut between Amiensand Paris.
is More fitting :that he ehonld be buried deep in the' ._ filUty. -
,nor literary. 11 will bn 'Truth" under no castle, -it ,
weetne To flAv A.N 1NTEEWLEW WITEE
• Thou 'teller toek ei4 blethering b—h - `• -Jules Fevre and Bisni The London exhibition of 1871 will !nob
• "Beneatattesseseaties Be Jamie's banes, e says :• Well informed persons state tha't an'
aud throwing; al, few roelis upon hisgrave arta inserting _.
. 0 Deatewes my opirdon, ero specie rom aris, 17t , be postponed ,on acronut of tile war.
thereon a ba ood s , inscribe upon it the foriewe
ingespropria epitaph vm hia favorite bard.:-- a
Into thy kleak dothiation." - \ ' interview ie abent to take place between what ttrA silver land Goad is
arek ; and. that the
hearing, e d th ' b '
n e ,a. ove . must terminate shown by the Nattonal Defense Committee -
is fnrnisbed with a specific pro -
never was taut se
'''qle diaaUSpi0111,-..KD. SIGNAL. a Tours in 'all departments.
. is -sensible ma's lirst endeavor, and
bus. They prevent the becurrezne of serious VI bealtb
rating Pas render aleaost all other medicle.es imperials
time in the world's history when a mae wil0 do Raiff
entlemore easethat at peestatt. for Reams/at Reeve
If taken at suitable --eese and they promptly retteve
-what are aver end riord compared to goad health?
What will tot a man gte-e, that he bath, fer his ow;
Hee f To Iteep. svell audjea preserve his life is every
' Yews, &a; veraetewre .former
se . IS/ .
te. given ot si es now a fell position. Meanwhile , great activity
- We hav • i b h •cl
On Saturday Gen. Vmay made a recon- -diel.-it a
,...eing very cheap (only '15 eeats shod), ahey
y attempts ta fasten Itself open
force of 30,000Prussiansposted atPactell• en:fere:rieektle',71741:1;re itteellatev3oares 2 ETag.:Itacl'aee '
noisatme from Faris, and discovered a LITIMCLIq fi4enefelv0.to true etor7ormicalas welt eshtee
fastidious, es well asaJthese whoselealsies ate net E0
eiscriminatine or perticzab.. Being mild in tlze5P-
eperetten, as wen as eireettal, onestontree Le pen atea
no griping:they are preierred by all who can seersente
would be eed to think by the crowds of a Teeter execuctereceltette. Ascii aperient they aao
As a purgative tbey are nerfect. As an Ateaative they
without strived, Ao a tonic al:eye:Fact, be erapalsed,
a y an4ell ,..,..„at could ha.
loafers and. the noise and gambling "ed o
of Fort Ivry and Charenton. t is re -
i rdelnuirnaagrt iltnt/sauttreunti‘c.'717f74-e5 theY 4r°
easeired, As a audorlae they re i r..*
wellkept Hetels,et the rest Of the week,
on, on'the Sabbath, that a few et t • potted that • Faigenstein's command .8 aa
• emerwature remedy for baliams attacks of away kind ;
*5 RElieril in g Pigs are in bu'ef, andhute`"estly'Tpera'lliag,?6$
through the deors]would be all that was'
41 Paris; Se t 118 -Strashura is nearly prayed condition of tbe 'blood.: -for laileamatiem 5
added to the Penssmn forces approaehino
for rieryettadiserelers ; for maladiesarising foam a dee
the San Franciscr. "pelages of sin.e- p •
nntenabla and the 'inhabitants ire -de- DoP.0PV4: r3r YOk'w linul l'i'll*ntald FaYala : kaa
a .r tiris.
russtans eve e
h be n seen in front of
. households:horrid be without Radwaysly.cgwratrnPirls.
= Erysmeas and leaadred compaunte, No Taadent
'woman 'Naha ptoperly values good healtia,
TheYare better ihanallyer Or Bald to oveaY nal? GF
requisite te make them, look like some ef garting.
OPEN HOTELS CIN THE SABBATH -This A skirtish took place in which the.
nuisance haii beenearried to finch au ex- French lost 15 Itillediand 30 wounded.
tent for soinetimlipast that anyone, who A. cannonade followed, lasting two horns
was not acquainted with the orderly and Thenannonade WU heard in the. direetions
ExietsOr Afterr 'wean(' protraerca talai of Flu?: man named'Happel cameinte the vilLsge,
, • - p ,^ s eross,c1 the Seine t5• BeAdY Belief 25 as Per bipitle• '2111-5 2-5tsPer
eider it a veryealaaele nervonstenta suratastaa
otboaa1407eDosnsvaide,emo:iunThiyeopizettimetud7;:lertobaye went' to aura, ceine snit and went into Y • .
t e tavern uro o e w ere - o pro -
Of t 1) h -Frtday evening, near Aethie, lent were
- Ceuraiy 3Iere ianes. and at D., Ea...way s Medical
PrEadwarayernedies at* ff,old by all larr.ggrafe ard
theconfld tharelfeOslea generally. - cured. liquor to su
. 11.CUN.DLER, M.D.
x,..1exiesne(setsoin.,6011,b'Eat, tert6oiye,,6tafaeerrso,(51crsaid• ir.,5;_apo-the the Landlord of
pitched hint nut d
ed. him, quarrels°,
" A. J OBS, M. D.
4 9,110-01mleisktc" tacks,. towardia
Wentree. -
• -•••
an. amount aa render- beaten back..„.Cannonading is now eara
, whereat:loft Mr. Prang toward% Bieetre, -The King refuse to
rs and over the high.
hotel seized him and recognise the provisional governusent. Ile
:sidewalk,. breaking: ' - 4"
will- oulv reconize the Emperor or Boz-
,r •
Wareaceses, 87 /bidden Lane N *Ltd4:5D St Pa.ul St
.flr Read False and T'Ele.
rece.d tate letter stamp to Dr 3 waeway & Co., 4E9
Paul St, Montreal-MO=41M WOlth the:reSatila
;be sent Tea*
• eeteeer Wet tee wteete
Tlieefe TV"
,,,72,a?Aae" ',Ca;
Mirka .
ite a
Eaerass, ........
Tho,chip Hansa
the Polar ezpedi:i
an eao 10th of Oa
G 'f Greenland. Et
Lave arrived at Co,
Prof. Tvimealti,
Huxley, the zeolcg
the en.inent Bragtisl
A lecturing tcatrin,6
To Tho Suppe
ansl ths
The undereeigend',
they have entered it
purpose of earredinte
publishing businees
asne Jon DRPAre
ClOWest steelea alf tV,1!
end are peepared
Wion of worth frees..
ea delicate caret, od.th
zed ae CITY Pr,lUe2S;
The IN'newata
NAL will be .pubiisli
441;11 Thureday kdii.
vance, and the
Friday a 82.e9 p
They have tie:ere:el
Youtta, (
most of the patr
The undersigned
-n11 in their pewee
and woulthrespertfe
ef old enppeet end -
c -Bo. 6011
The nein, ef rhos.
vacent honr. Gam
thaseul. There is
which the devil is
for men, 3THI Mt;
tend leaskteeteesif
eaid, enseyelann 2110 te
eon:feed hook.
tilt_Getierleloce the
=Ca claatallte?
Barristen, Geelc
Stratfeed, Sept
Geneeal Tdartmeas
Consul hetet, nee
mains will he :ta
dr. for interment.
-areentewes nee wan '‘ec
ectrine et sea teener
-Geld opened at Ida : a
Fall %Tamed
Speing Wheat
▪ ••• 00 OA:. OO•
leuat: t2:(21. 2
13t ete• o
'Reef, ner mete ....
S17.,:riaTs : : :
0A1PG:132olocd..serich Salt, m
Toll Gates
=El G '
G. M. Tam
n Llee•alay ties:1,1n
nom, e'er ttree r-_
''-aftee-aareer Lent. ii.3recia
ftr payment of Rent and
Wcialier peatatealazereay
The G
Gcaeaea Seat 115.12-ee
A 1=2.24„,
ee.italartered. But= to ea;
-pay valt4 tC,515r-C7.3.211, ^
.4DzeraRte t!--3 Nrrrrect
"7:215 werese te
receeently fc?
Otr._at I7cd-c,z
Ifcst rewee Mete
Geed ealfleeee cear.
and Yeraleef.C3 c Ira e
.2a -elle Scala I:1th ati.70
NOVA Sala-i:dA
• :Lav:Ing at EI--C`,71L-T",,, re.
te, 7.e tar, 3ti:
ztac:tar 3.7);:zEr c
way etteateme, -map n
.rea ccer teeY'e :tter3.t: rel'e
even awe eel 1-`,1,-.Atf;74.1
•Crf-C7 -C7.3tCCIL iltr;:at.,.
et:fa-1:z? eac'riarr7al:Liece7afaccyl
:•:'vccelotefre:. ct
enewmny catmette
,7t1h, 1670.
teithewittettem wawa
tee cr teetterew wieesehe
•emet-e" Wenn a rette tee-
einem-en:wen ea vele-
, term eteeve meted.
atteetett wet:tem, n