HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-09-22, Page 1flif , - aa. •*. * ":„11".• etr.' n ifeeavViaaere'le • - • ' • " - ftr ••: .447 • ;. GEO.V0.11 & ABRAHAM SMITH, Proprietors. 1 .00F`Mti. AWN' IN .A.TIVANCirCe S.t.1.00 4TMiN13 OF "V'EA.Jit. The areatest Possible aood to the Greatest Possible Number." GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. 9., THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1870? easiness Directorp. Business Ellattoru. NOW IS YOU1 (MANCE • pl -TUE 32ND AND 33BD BATTALIONS UNDER John WilS011 ftnningr..... .1•111001.111=1/lon= - No 3 COMPANY, SEAFORTH. Best 6 named va Capt T P Bull, Lieut Thomaa Lee, Ensign TELE TENTEDFIELD. 7L1 r . A.. MOD orteeall VITILL BE AT Ilona FOR CONSULTATION ap to 11 o'clock, a. in. every day. Will visit tientsat ally hour afterwards, night or day w49 ?Re .0. haannon 3t.D. piresiciAN, SURGEON. &c.;&c., Go DISRICH, C. W. 13elo-ly D. MolCaTt DETSICIAN, SURGEON. CORONER. &ff. Odle% and Resadence third door east of CeetralSchool. 49 (3-. 1%I. 1.1treet OTC.IN'G-., M. D. LICENTIATE COLLEGPHYSICUNS strn STYR- E GEONS. C. E. Residence. the house formerly occupied by Mr. J. F. C. Tliaid.an, Elgin Street line CA -SS A. L.31r, (of MeGill College) phi SICIAN, SURGEON,Stc.. Office, over his Drug tore,Goderich, Outario. sw102 J. F. Danner, M. D. SirG. EON, ACCOUO El ELM . Rom ceopathic aysician, and Medical Electrician. Emaralaing Physician of the Atlaatic Mutual Insur Company of Albany, N. Y. O'Sce rind Residence Park et., St • Datrid7n W•ard, Godencb. 1erw42* Medical - lag 'CHARD MOORE, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON A•lir %act -sachem% Ntsuichester, C. W. February 7th. 1367. PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. 0 cis C.> • AND w3vr fRIT4 SIJIIGEON DENTIST. Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, Goderich. August 14th, 1S70 Ilea Loaves. ARR1STER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, orn Sal:atter-in. Chancery, County Crown Attorney, Goderich, CanadaWest. Office in Court House. yl4n40 w3Otf C Camel -oat, 13ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, CONVEYANCER, &e., 13 Kingston at- Goderiela Ont w49 ' Cameron Ss uroaserocer. 10.0.aRRISTERS, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. .1„1 Office, Kingston street, Goderich. M. C CAM-EEO:I. w52 3. T. Gaanow. o Ian .13.-tel•ortitort , A TTORNEY-AT-LAW,SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c., &o-, Goderich- Ma., Office, on the south side of West Street, third door from Court -House Sauare. w49 Isaac Er. Toms. IDARRTSTER. ATI'ORNEY-A r -LAW. SOLICITOR _Ide in Chancery, &e., Goderich. Ontario. Office - ebb's blozit. Kingston street sey77 /Doyle St Squter, IDAIIMISTURS AND ATTORNIES, SOUCrFORS- fl &e. Goderich, Ont. 11. L. Dost.. sw5 W. R. Semen. B.A. maasrs Sa D4E111878E1 & TT( ilINE at -AT -L W, SO LI. LI chars to Chancery st I neolveney,0 nye v • cer, & c. Money to Lend. OFFICE Crabber SI ot, over sw3I. Mr. ArthEbed's Store. William E. Bain, H tiNCERY AND LAW OFFICE. criamais NEW gi.J braidings, Kingston, Street Goderich. N. B. -Coaveyaneing, Money lent on reasonable erms. Dispated and defeetive titles to real estate sr:Dieted. Getferich, Aug, 14 1880. w30 P. F. W ALKER, etraerY.i= v Conveyancer, Notary Peblic, &e. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Court House, Goder- eh Ontario. sw94 GIFFORD ELLIOT. HALF DO ZENFHOM BACK NEGATIVE 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from hack negative 87 cents, postage free, to any address. ParticularAttention paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes. For either largeor small photographs. The - subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal patroeage heretofore extended to him, would just say that -he hoe made such im- provements in his gallery as will merit a non. tinuance of the same.9 tia' I Great Reduction on Large Photogr aphs. E. L. JOHNSON. Goderich. Aug. 15, 1870. w30 B. MeCORMLIK, TAILOR, & 3 (McLEANS OLD STAND, EAST Sr.) PREVIOUSLY CUTTER, TO Ea". LC. DETLOR, & CO ' TESTIMONIAL (10DERICH19rn, SEPT. 1809. Mr. MeCORMICK Uf has been in our employment as Cutter for over 1 year. He is capable of cutting for any first class establishment. We bespeak for him the confidence of any who may etnploy him. - 7OHN C. DETLOR le Co 1NT Waggon and Carriage FACTORY. BATES & ELLIOTV WAVE pleasure in intimat- AA ing to the public of town - and eountry that they have opened a Waggon ard carriage Shop on St. 1)avid's tat, (Lewis Elliott's old stand,) im- mediately adioining the Western Hotel. B. & E. attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, and are prepared to nem out ,Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, end everything in their line, of the very best material and workmanship and et the verealowest remunerative rates. - fiar CI MI ± ar Promptly attended to. a large assortment of ON HAND, MS. 30 2E Gr. Tel. which will be sold Cheap for Clash or Cerd- wood. Goderich, Aug 1 1370. w31) Extensive New Premises AND SPLENDID NEWSTOOK Prices to Suit the Times! Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., OR 75CIS. PER HALF Dome. Large Photograph Reda ed in ,Proportion Also will make the largest Photographs made in Goder- 'ch. very cheap. Porcelain pictures from ne dollar upwards at D. CAMPBELL'S Photograph Gallery. Goderich, Aug. 15th. 1870. w30 GRAND DISPLAY 1 D. FERGUSON HAS OPENED OTJT IN DRY GODS . THE LATEST STYLES THE CHOICEST PAT [TENS THE BEST QUALITIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES His Factories & SheetingS it will pay you TO DRIVE 20 MILES TO PURCHASE For Cheapness and quality all hisstook is Unequalled. A TTORNEY-at Urea Solicitor u Chancery. Con- vevancer, ,te• WINGLIAM, ONT. Money to lend. Disputed Titles quiethd. Crown Land Patents obtained cheaply. Jun" 25th, 1870. w27 -1y • '1'. R. Stokes, AGENT FOR STRATFORD AGRICULTURAL works. (Joseph Sharman, proprietor). Residence, Bea -add goad. S. Malcomsoxl, ilDARRISTER,ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, Chneon, Ont. W35 RONEY TO LEND. ' Strong Igo Scrttier. T) FIAT, ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGAste id, NO. Its 6, Arcade Building, Millet°, N. Y. SAITE3 p. STAYSG. Attorney -at -Law. H. R. SU-1FM, ItAng, 13th 18f0. w30 n. t.I3ouga.LI LICENSED ATCTIONRER, 13.skYFIELD, Cotmty of a. G. B •§' B. are prepared to sell everything_ d. Barry & Bro., Cabinet Makers Undertakers tit, Wood 'Turners, ./ MEAL MISIMASCPC,INT ;Fint". - Have removed across the street to the stoth next door to Win. Acheson's Hainess Shop, where Will be found A • GOOD ASSOSOIEENT I of Kitchen _Bedroom, DiningropM, and eParlor Fur- • niture, auch as TABLES, CHAIRS (hair, ean72ded wood seated,) CUPBOARDS a ST . WAS* STANDS, MATTELOSIMES. SOFAS WHATNOTS, LOOKINC GLASSES, GILT FRAMING.' 'Karon. Sales= village or country panetually at- their line ended to. w9-1yr$ LA. B. Flsonniva, elIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, rsess lea Agentand Conveyancer. Knawsdine. 4S.D (.3 Et0orelE ABLiniTheirS. Dusio and speeiffications of BulkIngs, Jic.got upin it nest and coareet stede. aSze over 30. Detlor Co's stare, Goderiela, Aug 15,1870 wZO Auction & Comraissio.n. GODE101-1 &CLINTON st•saLlalished Sof Miscellaneous Piro pert!! in 1Si:detach evrry Saturday, andan Clinton every Wed- nesday. ItIoneyadvitneed on Property for immediate sale and prompt retureamade- Farra Steck and other Sales punanallySttend- ed(athronghont the County, G./.1.,TRUEPIIA.NIS Auction Mart, - wEi / gasket Seuare,Godetteh / Cheap for Cash. A LOT OF COM) LRI\IS BEST QUALITY AT MILL -PRICES IN BOOTS AND .SHOES HE CANNOT BE COMPETED WITH HIS GROCERIES Are equal in all respects to those which have gained him the reputation of keeping THE MOST RELIABLE FAMILY GROCERY L]N1-03:01R-Atiel-1 • DE SURE TO CALL BOUND TO HIS Torn ON ON HAMILTON STREET before completing your purchases: HE- CHARGES NOTHING FOR SHOWING GOODS 6 AND * • YOU WILL SAVE MONEY N. B. A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds BY BUYING FROM always on hand a.nd a Hearseto hire ; all on reasonable terms. A CALL soricrrED. w3o.t, 1). FERGUSON Goderieh, 15thAng, 1870 Goderich, Aug 15,1870 w30 tf • TO rue:- WORKING CLASS..-Wearenownrepared to • fomilhali closes with constant employment atihome,the whole ofthe tirne or for the spare moments. Blisinesenew. - ktind Profltablr. Pe1.'uaofcitbersezea,iJy earn from _ to saner evening,and a proportional sum by devoting their whore time tothebtudness. Boys and girls earn nearly as muchas men. Thatallwho see this notice niayesen d theft address and tad the„burineas, we make thie unparalleled . offer: Tosetelviaarebotwellestiseed wewill send $1 to pa' forthetromdeorwriting. Pull paicalare,avaiitablesani- V= Literary Cootpantorne Of the larges tict ich irill do to commenpe wor onoindaeopy or s hal family newspapers pnbiLshed-all sent free -by Read44 "u"intnt'rit work. duesg ALLEN SCOaltu: zum CANVAS 014 E FLATS OF THE - Non-com. Officers and Privates - 46 MAITALND. N 4 C We announced, at-2.our last issue,went to press, the arrival in Goderich of straggling companies of volunteers and the tiding of the approach of numbers more from all parts of Bruce and Huron, for the purpose of • undergoing their annual eight deys' drill, in brigade camp, on the flats- of the Maitland. By 3 P. M., on Tuesday, six companies of the 32nd or Bruce Battalion and eight companies of the 33rd or:Huron Battalion had all safely arrived. In 6 space ottime, incredibly short to aa onlooker, the tents were pitched and camp life begun. We do not know any loeality fitter for all the purposes of military training than that which is now so busy a scene. Situatedon the east bank of the Maitland, at the foot of the ridge on which Maitlmadville s built, where the river takes a bend _towards:the lake, with any tuantity of leveleround all arouod, a range of 1000 yards, if ,desired, in front for target practice; and a pretty steep ascent behind on which to manceUvre skirmishers ; what more could, contmand- it officers desire? A lively and brilliant spectacle it presents now,at any rate; gay with bunting, white withtents, and dotted over with uniforms scarlet and -grey. • Stirring sounds too are to be heard- there, the winding- of the bugle, the crack of the rifle, the clatter of hoofs as officers a4de fast and furiously, the hoarse command, and, at intervals, the inspiring strains of one or ether of the splendid ,Battalion Bands. Our citizens crowd. thither to re: new almost forgotten sensations, and we do not blatne them, for a prettier_sight is not often to be seen in this vicinity The forcejs lodged in 105 tents ; 43 towards the south are devoted to thel Bruce Bat; talion ; and, in 57 to the north, the Huron Battalion is domiciled. The tents of the rank and file stand on the lower ground towards the river bank, while those of the officers occupy the slightly elevated plateau adjoining. In the centre of these latter, distinguished by having in front a tall flagstaff with an immense rnion Jack floating from it, is the tent of the Brigade Major, Lieut, Col. Service, of Stratford, who is in charge of the camp. The tents of the respective Colonels of each Battalion maybe distinguished by the eame brave old flag fluttering at the entrance. Busi- ness is not neglected here. The Battations parade at 6 Aid 10.a. m. and 2p. m., :and are drilled two hours each time. This is no child's play under the hot sun of the pet two days. Two companies each day engage in -target practice at ranges of 200, 400 and 600 yards. Tye shooting, all through has been, very tair and we May expect to see an interesting and cannily contested match on 22nd and 23d inst. A Band plays at Dra. zn. at 2 p. m, and at -the officer's mess at 6 p. m. The. officers' mess is catered. for by Mr Joshua Callaway • who is acknowledged to be the rightlmay in the right place. The brigade canteen is kept by Harry Reed, who is a universal favorite. The. men amuse themselves in all sorts of ways. Some endeavor to Sleep. all they can,uthere try how little sleep they can do witb, and impress poncertmas, violins and all sorts of instrnments into their service. The inmates of one teiit we passed, were piously engaged in sirjgibg. psalms. Mr. Stewart of Blvth's pare bu- latiog, photograph car isgreatly pa ro ised and apparently with satisfactory teslts ; for We overheard a Belfast friend ef ohr's, on corning out with his picturO, Sea gleefully--" Would you like to, see' an Irish Nose !" Everyone seems enthusias- tic in drill and target practice, atrienable to discipline and full of hnalth and jollity. Therefore, of course, the hospital is empty and the four a,ble sdgeons have nothing to do. Below we give a detailed state- ment of the composition of the two Bat- talions, which we believe will be feund correct :- BRIGADE MAJOR DI" CHARGE. Lieut. Col. Service. of btraiford. 82d OR BRUCE BA.TTALICW. STAFF OFFICERS Lieut. Col Sproat. Senior Major Bruce, Junior " Daniels, - . Adjutant McNab. Chaplain Rev. Mr Cooper. Quarter -Master Eckford. Pay -Master Adair. Surgeon Dr, Scott. Assist. do Dr Martyn. • OMPANV, CLINTON. , Capt Murray, Lieut Grigg, Ensign Prong - or Non-com Officers and Privates - 45 No 5 OMPANY„ EAYFIELD. Capt Jack n, Lieut McCann, Enaign T. Simpson Nonsoom ',Officers and privates e 57; No 6 COMPANY, EXETER. - Capt Hyndman, -Lieut Howard, Ensign, Elliot Non-com Officers and privates e 44, No 7 COMPANY.; PORTERS Capt Sheppeed, Lieut MaCdonald, Ensign Russell Non-com Officers and privates L 49 No8 COMPANY, GORR1E. Capt Kane, Lieut Leach _ Non-com Officers ten.1 privates e 48 No 9 COMPANY, DUNGANNON. etles cf fall apples, 5 of each 1st Jno Stewart. Jas Wilkinson. ard Robertgop. Best 12 snow ap lea, lat Ales Watson.andJohnlf01.04 ley. Srd ndrew Murray(gardener to Charles , Wieder gm.) • Best 12 Rortherd Spy, 1st Geld Cox, 2Clas o tinter. t • • Best 12 Rhode d Greening, Jas Torrance, 24 Jas oh, 3rd John Hunter. Best 12 Baldwin Ist,John McDonald, end J Stetalirt, • 3n1 Jas T Best plate desse apples, named. one variety, let Jno Sthwart, 2 no tercet, ard Jahn McDonald. Best plate crab pies, yellow, 1st Henry Horton, 2c1:,. J Maearaj - Best plate crab pples, red, 1st George Cbx, 2c1 Campbell. •'••• • , 1.87:01....xX11147-4sTo 35 - Latest from: -Fort Garry. priathictive of no lysuit, 4.4 thi.. worintmt 'ARRIVAL oF . LIE1P1.-GOV. ARCHIBALD. ' . 1---- -' ' es? Special- to the Beetling Te/ennense4-0si • - eon Sept. 14.-nnn speciatdespatett retbile • THE FeEsT LE -v -EE. Cilireva one cerrespondennt sleeted Rense; . September 12, states that V1k. prooalg THE REouLARS AND THE VoLiJNiEERS. ree Kitenginf.Itely us toftatuilivart:444.',4; THE ESCAPE OF R1EL. fr2)mennitstnh declines to acknowledge ''tlie'antbority 69 puditited by his. flolinesWaelq • the King•to treat as to the inhibettiDil 4),f• _ •§,4:: my Telegraph Irtnn Mae Corresporalent ) a:. flies -Papal States. s - .s. e -4 '4.,e ensel „London. Sept, 414.* --The Ferilante 'Era -mans: Best 6 varieties ambd, 1st A Id-Rosit, 26 Jew Stewart, t 3:d John ituter. Best 3 fall varlet es named, let John Stewart; 2d las Wilkinson, • Best 3 winter vatieties nemed, 1st rielin Stewart; Best plate, named, one variety, 1st John Httuter, 211 Best and large• l collection, named, not less Baia 8 James Willeinson. • PLUM. . . . varieties. 12 °leach. 1st A M Ross Best 4 varieties named, 12 of each, T Hood. , Best plate Imperial Gage 1st Alexyatson. do Pond's fieedlinee let A 11 R•088. do klulink's superb, let A M Ross. do Yellow Magnumbonum, 1st T Hood do Duane's. Purple. 1st W B Elwood. o Lombard. 1st A M Ross, 4 abide Claude de Beavey, 1st A M Ross, , Veacires. Best and large -et collection. named, not legs than 4 varieties; ist Jaa Wilkunnin. 1.4••••••-• 7•nnaly Gimasy, Sept. 3, c.) ' apparently quite aetiv... tl,gnin.l'I The policy ova St. Paul,Sept. 13. 3 recently diseovered•ind ;seized some Vette Biehtenant-Governor Archibald arrived , kan !Innumentse atgrke One of til.g.if here last night, and was received by Poi', rivist i plan kr iiillaging ;he 43rareeh Bank Wolseley and Mr. Donald Smith. He is of 'NNW: '). . !.-: .•• 4 • 7 f e"-- %nee sterryhinegLaietuthteeniFinotrlo. re Philadelphia Sept. •14.--eIts the bang levee on '.1 nesday, when hit commissaton abnalid oiniest:pitosee,c1laht r4orcnitweerewn otokyA tlell.F40 date! vernor holds n Etist . rwi:edb.e read. All the regular tripi" love. left. . of 30 to4. ' ' Lain is increasing the -ill feeling ,againate (From ahetimi "Cp. *e'respiet,,deTit.) - tie French. The net Is vngiderea tar:, ST. PAUL,' MintanSept. 13. barousaud opposed atvall siedeco Warkttro• a A genee nau just from Fort Gairy •as- " and may lead to similar sons on the part Beet plate; named. Capt. Mallough, Limit Pennington, Ensign lst Jas Torrance, 26 John Moseley. Crozier• t nest Plate Nee Ines, lstJohnlioseley - .epliereitionE,sirown in oren alr, 'one Non-com Officem ane privates 56 Beat and large Th• us, aocordi to our reckoning, the Best in 0... 3RfoRssaas* mnbined Bat iron's foot up as folloves Eel 82 budnoehes elaware, Pentland, es neord. A MIloes„ rtfore, A 31 Roes. etwater, A ki Ross; A Ross. Staff 0 cera -Com. . 16 • Best 3 do Comp ny do, Bruce. •1g Best 3 do S ''' Best 3 do I " , 7 • do, Huron. 24 • FLOWERS . , . • ... Nen com officers & Privates,B. 325 Rest and largo olleetion of' Dahlias, named, not less Ae than 9 va eties. Andrew Goodall (gardener to / de, Eluron. 41.7' , . J B Gordot. Esq) Best 4 varieties Dalilias, named, 1st Andw Goodall,ra Total • 1100 not being amed mad only be reeommended:for splendid lt was exhibited by Alex Viatson4but • A goodly gathering of stalwart and gal- a rizg, - Sergeant Major Rae. EIVI-0.V. A No1- etninesii, SOUTHAMPTON, R •Captain Sinclair, Lieut Clark, Ensig -Nab. Non-com. 'Officers and priya • FR;EDERICIC. ARMSTRONG, LAND AGENT, VALUER, Sm. WMST SP.,cr. 03:0101tIaff. IS UNRIVALLED for Purity and Cheapness. • It saves Ens, Butter Milk, etc, and is wo.nunte to contain nothinginfarious. For sale by the Groceis. ItOBIbISON & HO +WELL, Agents for Goderich. • E. PLUMMER, it CO., Chemiste,Loudort, Mit Way -o Carriage Shop MON 1.....EINT.13, Ageat for Hee-Canada Landed Credit Co."„ and the Tm. pub.! Eat/ding. Savings mad. Lavestmeat Go. NIZIMIXklat r4:::* faistaet Crown Laud Patents taken out. Debts Colieeted. cledegea Aug 15.1870 awl i"...43.1140Trial1TC+ ' EntADEN AND CLUCAS. •Eou.se, Sign S; Ornamental Painters, • -nAVER 'rangers azdhaitators ofWoods andMarble 1---,13,IN(.4•STON Street. ca. co: mit mt. I sz. Agent* for Jackson's universal glop and _ Wringer: • opposite Bacuckpc HudwardaStore.) - •cadetich, An$ Pith, 1810. • 4101 Blaney to LW, 5 • Ontari gramiltanSt., Goderich. ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, • WEST STREET, , 43-4:33aionx03Ex. TAS. Stibegni)eri. baying removed,to the Store lately occupied by A. Neysmith, Weit Street, oppositedie Post Office, wishes to thank his friends and the publie, or the liberal support with which. dies- }tan favored litm for the last 25 .years and beg it togesure them that no edon will be spared to ment acontinuance of their patronage, his anxious study will be tosupply *Watches Clocks and. .Tewelerl. which will give satidietion to the putt' chaser; and in all work has been done lei myself. customers. rnay „depend on having it well executed. is• A good assortment of Gold aud Plated Jewelry Watches, Clocks Ice., alwayson hand, , • • ALEX. wALL'ildn'.•• Goderich Aug, 3.5th 1810. watt ' '• 1 oNvoty aiellablatenas ApPly trt 8. L.2X• J4Z4 doderieb, Aug 15. 1S7O age g"w B 't)ek ;me - Money to Loan on Real Estate, A PP/MISER totheTrustandLoaiteompsoy 03: o1UPpercanada. aff TRUMAN, see .dierket Soars Coilerich R. 'WHITELY, 'Estill In fulgoperation, and Is torumg out atiperio Carriages,- Bugglea, Wagons ofall kinds. SLEIGHtl• .CUTTETtSv to, •- A number offirst class/Males cahatukanvorsale chespfor cash Priem of all articles in. the line. that will com e favorably with. any in the County la'. work warranted Particular attention paid to Wagonand Carritgalti- afros, *j WHITELY: Goderich Ang15, 1870, w30 . BETZ.. TIN EAST HALF OF LOT NIIMBEIt 8 POUR J. teeath concession of Hallett, on the boundary line between Blythe and Waltoa,post office each way; Good liard.wood; watsredwith a never tailing ereek and n2ver failing spring Alia well clots by the hen** Tarty acreil cleared. well fenced, 77 acresin all, Log h eanl barn. a thriving orehard,* kinds of plums, bask.white and red currants, pears, red"-and.yellow gooseberries. For further particulars apply on the prtulises. TO RA.NElitiotWfON /4ntitillfsther. g atiglit14110. ••.W4iKT .1; • 7 ME1.01)Vgas HOUSE ORG.A.NS. CHUROH .ORGANS, Piano Stools, &c,, Ike Manufactured by thti eetetirateitFlin ot • • R. S. WILLIAIVIS• At- CO., ToltcliTTO.• Themostextentive Makers in the Dontinien. MHEandersignedbegs freintimate Oaths has heen country, of the above Justly esnencatee and appointi.dagent for Goderich andtaliel surrounding pared to Sell all -articles ma4 by t eta, at DIANUP-4.CilTREA194 PIERICVS, $am&s.ltitY he aestranil terms. ascerudne AiLattlx- Ware-RoOmS, West Street,. - DANIEL GORDON. Land °facet Gederish, Aug 15, Ivo yruo atzGaidititoTnrsnitoe,r improved S'arins awl Wild Jt G U TRUEM..i.144 , Geiderick Ang-15, 1970 sivl ES._ Me- BandNattached - - .. les 51.22 No. 2 COMPANY, ineoceenik.1 Captain Barker,' Lieut. llavner,'Etisign GeNisoenll-com Officers and privates 56' • , nee4.neneu. Captain Sellery, Lieut. Smith, !Ensign _ NON* COM. Officers and privatde .48' - • No -4 COMPANY, rAISLEY. • - Captain Mitchell, Lieut Saunders, Ensign offi d ' - ore-cem cells an privates - 49 No 5 COMPANY, WALKERTON. • • Capt 'Hunter, Limit McDonald 'Ensign! =Moffe.tt, ' . • ••• Non-com Officers and Privates 4j• r No a COMPANY TAO.. Capt. Morton; Limit politer, , EtleiFO- gl • • • .1Non-cont. end privates •e: 65 Band attatelied • e -- •10 p.ad OR innItop . • , STAFF OPPICERK . _tient Col, Ross: ,Majorstelemateand Cotihro4 • ---Ad'utant ()apt Jacksw Paymaster, Seymour. -Qiiartermaster,E Jordon. Surgeon; DeilYIeDongalt, Holmes.• • Paymaster Sarg: J. Mcfriteith0 Sergeant . Qu rinasterS • Orderly Sark:Cr Egt0Wayk;, tibipitelSerg, Thexton,• No 2 Coneasr„ GODEnten 1xr .iCapV• Montgoineryi Ideoi Beck, •Ifezlehimst. - • •Non:com. Officers and privatee - 51 Band 'attached • •-• e Best col eetion of Verbenas, named, not less than 12 lant young fellows, worthy sons of the varieties, lst Alex Watson, 2d W B Elwood. .1 26 out of the forests of the Huron Tract. We Best 4arietie If b Goodall 8(Kaer7dee:Ilearg' tiOatMWO iaEiniellr'oanadi•-eq, 76 P). pioneers who heWed for themselves homes venture to predict that for muscle and B. "t cm3"tiex Wats°11 ygAaptieen ttPlIreexaraltsPon,1117desAnnteiviaGsooricilaall4 efficiency this Brigade camp will :be plass- Best coneetiot;of Annual Pluoxes, 1st A AI Ross, 26 pd by the Adjutant -General at the Review this afternooni as second • to none in the Best collection of Gladloliis named, nbt less Blau 8 Alex Watson. - , varieties, let A M Ross. 24 Alex Watson. Best 4 varieties of Gladiolus. let Mex Watson. Vest collection of Agent. let A M Ross, 24. A Watson, 3rd Andrcsw Goodall. B_st collection' sal' .Panzies, let A, al Ross, 26 Andrew Murray (gardener to Oblates Widder Esq), Best eollec tion of Beisarina plattts in bloom, A Watson. Best collection of Stocks, Spikes. 1st A Watson, 2d Be'st cAnollIG:eopatoiodaelLsie !' Petunias, lat A. M Ron 26 W B Best collect3on of Zennias, 2 boxes, without numbers. recommended to receive the prizes offered iiir annuals. Best twucctoucett. or •table, 1st John Goodall, 2d W B pest fraud Bou et lst John Goodall, 24 W B Elwood blest coxcombs i pots, let il M Ross Best 4 Achimentis, stove plants, 1st John Goodall, 2nd AGoodall.• Best 0 Begonias 1st A Goodall, 26 John Goodall. !Jest 4 Fuchsiae, lst John Goo_dall. - Best spew:nen Fuchsia, lstJohn Goodall. , Best collection leaflet Geraniums, 1st J Goodill, 26 WB Elw , d. _ a, Best 12 Green. -htitiu:eDP:nvEcits ElTsitiT3LoEhns. Go, odall.,. ' Best Rustic Garcle.0 at, let W Somers. Best collectIon o potatoes named, not less than 4., , . varieties, Peek of each, it l' Mood, 2d E Bing - It ant.8ati 4 Goo lab (gardener to 3 B Gordon ,Esq.) Best p2eacivk 8610: tatoes, any variety, 1st J Macara, Jr, Best peek &airy Rolfe Potatoes, ltd W B "Elwirlod 2nd 'john fae,ara Jr. Brd It Gibbons. Best 3 _Seutentlwr, dish for Tablii,lat A Goodall, 2n6 J. 11 Wi a a Best 8 Winter thish for Table, 1st E Bingham; 2d1' Hood.• Best4rotids Wh Celery, Ist 4 Goodall 263 Goodall (gardener ,o MC •Cameron -Esq M P.) . - Best 4 roots Re Celeria 1st W B Elwood, Best 4 heads Wi ter Cabbage named, ltd W B Elwood, 2n11 John Best 4 heads Su mararaer Ca' 13'1.1)7:age named, 1st W B Elwood 24 A Goochill. Best 4wheiadd4 .,crepy.)9,1st A Murray (gardener to Charles Best 2 heeds Red Cabbage, let R Gibbons, 26 John Best 3G2laracolitadaralks.il:tr4rusiels Sprouts, 1st AMurray, 2nd A Best 900Boidanood.Beets for Table, ltd W B Elwood, 243 Best 12 Radishes, lstA Goodall Best 6 Mengel Viturtzels. 1st ..1.*At Ross, 26 Ft Gibbons. Iced 66:tvi,dallede.TUri nips latft Gibbons, 263 Torrance. BestrLong Orange a•arrots, 1st W B Elwood, 26 A 1E3iee4s3-t 921e2terariryedireinFtrrortsois.lsitsie .Gitoodol.a.26 vi, 8 Best 9 white • 'gum Carrots, list W 11 Elwood, .Eiwood. ti R Gibbons. ' • 26 B. 01 tams. Best 9 Parsnips. fiir table, 1st It Gibbons, 2c1 W A Elwo id, 3rd A Goodall. Best Peck Bei. Onionp. ist .1 iioodall, 21 John Mae_ara , Jr, 3d E Binghatu. Jdest Peek Tel bw Onions, 1st E Bingham, 2a .1 Macara ; Jr, 3d J Goodall. Best peek Silwr skin Onions, st E Bingham. Best 9 oars ofiCorn for Table, 181 W t3 Elwood . 2od A 34, Ross. Best 3 Water tielons, 1st J Stewart. Best 3 Musk elons lst A Goodall,2d 3 Stewart 36 A Ross. . Best 3 (*Teen testi Melons. Ist John Stewart. • - Best 4 •heads I Cauliflower, let John Stewa t , 26 .1 M Jr. Best 18 Red omatoes, 1st A Gendall, 2d John Lest 12StSenwisesfrieott JO -pedal!, Beet 3 Egg l'• le, Purple, Ist 3 li Williams, 2ild Best coteStaming of iegetables, distiort from other - -- entries, , st A Goodall, 2ne It Gibbons. Lamas' WORK Beat Tatting, . st Mrs Moseley, 21 Sinew Payne. Beg Croch,. IWork, 1st S Payne, 6 Miss Mc- BBeattWorsted sad 1 IttAe de° Ida; Carrie Ross. rork. raised, 1st Miss Bela, ork, not raised, 1st Miss Elwood, .Best Braiding Susan Payne. • Best Fancy Ming, 1st Ain Mosely,nd Susan Best ,p1".,paeYrneF.1 wers, lstlgosan Payne. 2 Woven Quit , by R R71.son, recommended for 1st nci2nd prizes. 1 Patchwork. ailt4Itsis S Payne, realemmende.1. Hair Work, Mrs John Whitelr, highly le- ' emu me ded ' • - Indian lok liming, by Mies Ross, tiighly re- Bead,seliciatitte4deCdo.ne Work,' Span Payee, re ...- TEIEWRINCE ALFRED, Id -.7 CORR= ded. . Dominion of Canada. We wend, in con- clusion, acknowledge our indebtedness to Adjutants Jackson and McNab, for the trouble they took in pronuring for us the figured Which we ndw publish. _ . Ctoderlob. Horticultural tecielety snow. This Exhibition, which took place, in the Drill shed, Goderich, on Wednesday, 14th inst, we think, withc ut the slighest exaggeration, was altogether the best and most successful held here, under the am; pices of the Henicultural Society'. The public will now be ready to acknowledge that this association has been quietly and unostentatiously carrying out an excellent work, disseminating a knowledge of the varieties of fruit most suitable for the soil and climate of thissaction, and judiciously giving premiums to the best specimens, after careful mid impartial disarirnination. The total entries in all departments this year were nearly one-third over last years' list and -the visitors must have num- beredover500. We are indebted to the cour- tesy of the Directors for an opportunity ot inspecting the ma.gnificent display, before the' Hall was thrown open to the public; and P. Adamson, Esq., the obliging secretary, is entitled to our hearty thanks for his attention. Thq following are the names of the judgesand their departments: Fnownsts-CoL Ritchie and Dr. Woods (Capt. Murray, who was appointed,did not come) VEGETABLES -M Raby William's and Goldthrope (Mr. Mc(regor also was appointed but did not appear) , Fnurr-Dr. Stokes and Messrs Hayden and Ellis. LADIES' WORK -Mrs Reynoldsi and Misses Parsons and Seimmings. There was no hurrying over of the work onthepart of these ladies, and gentlemen. Every article received the most rigid and im.partial scrutiny and we • expect to hear that the various competitors were satisfied with theiresult. Of Apples, we never saw a -handsomer array. .TheWestern Fair or Provincial Exhibition may have more numerous en- - tries, but certainly will not be -able to show better varieties, or lrprger specimens, than those exhibited at this show. Among the winning Pollections, we noticed the follow- ing names PALL APPLES.-Dnchess of Oldenburg, Sb. Lawrence, Williesni's Fa.vorite,Keswick Codlin, Hubbardson Nonsuch, Autumn Strawberry, Gravenstein, Canada Red, Maidens' Blush, Porter an. , WINTER APPLES.-EradWiti., R. - Greening, Fameuse,- Northern Spy; Swear, Minister, twenty - oz Pippin, Melon, Ribston Pippin, Renette Canada, Belmont &e. &e. • The "Northern She which commonly 'Shows to advantage here, was not extra good, this season. Pears, we believe, .are generally a lighter mop than lest year. Nevertheless they ma,de a fair appearance. -The plate adjadged the best was, if our recollectionservesus,a'plateof"Bartletts." The -Directors Will have to make more room for the Fruit department by next year. (Masses were inconveniently crowd- ed together, The grapes alone wer_e_worth going to'see. We counted some 16 or 17 different varieties. The size of the "Rogers 19" and,"Ontario" attracted general at- ntentkon, and the jutlfses were elequent S. • 1 Wanxiestextel4tle Septa 1870. , -1----a• Sarnieto-day iesenta a gay appearance. The •pul.w t lie; vessels on he river, and many business houses, being decorate with flanstaelnle,the streets are throny ed with eivilia end military in every conceivable . uniform. Steaniers from. Detroit and, other Americo. - cities are pouring in their quota of sight aaeers. whi.e the Great Western and Grand Trinik are eontribrtia4, large numbers to 'the erowda:aiready thronging all Ibi.- atienues and streeets of the toWn. The troopis weia tr ay,bet al Rogsthe Mitt -Gen oft:ailet:a. Both battalions of olutiteers have v,r- Berlin, Sept. 13. --The. catastrophe sorts that t ere is n -hitter feeling among of the Germans: t , e ,, v the French againet the overbeering acts of the Volunteers,and against What they term str b the violation of the pledges Made by the . '" Lasonoduorgn, s8a;pale iii.e,trheie.-440-ds31111716S szlieffalr,f -Canadian Government. The day before mg to a eI!ise,niri a snrrenclen IS imminent. that he intended to turn over the Govern- London, Sept. 14.-4 AipiSt. Ikygor•wn• the troops arrived, Riel told this gentleman from faflureof ammunitionandprovisionty . ment to Governor Archibald peaceably, won by Hawthorndeb,. ivith . Iiiegeraft and everything would be allnght, 0 Dono- second, and Wheat Ear third., i ,-,„: ;1•5-.1 ghee. however, doubted all being. right,but . London, Sept. 11 ---The following 14 until the troo0 had arrivedarithin a few been receiTed in Paris :-Strasbeniga . miles Of Fort.Garry,Riel wee 'Still confident Senti.9.-,-Alf•airgareeirea,depldratikt edoe that the arriaigement was it'll to be carried ' hate kit) dition, end growing worse. sThe.benisbaqn out in good faith 1 that the froope otber than the pacific intentions Which ment ktom the Pruesian advarlealW.Ork-ns their commander and Gtivernhienthad pre- is inebasant and fria gnvillattifut ing before them to receive tbeGovernment, . , Coakill at la hands. These assurances had been 4 - given him by Bishop Tache on behalf of . ' ' - • P' rising et; Nice arca onfiriped*, net 1141. t :trilin:bottr1"::11 fessed, and that Gov. Archibald was Com- the eisd. (Signed) London. Sent. .if 1111. *ports Governor Archibald and the Canadian Governtuenn ; but at daylight on Tuesday • rreleesed. and the • republic proclaimed- • e i reach antaerikes svere deposed,krioaners 23rd of August, word was brotight to him that as the troops were advancing up the London, Sept. 14.-e-Thp,Frapoli Vonks. d River from the Stone Fort, they were acting Vet isas witbdrnwes form tbe *Milli making prisoners of everybody passing of the ilid: through their hae ; .that they were advanc- FROM PRUSSIA. • ,v, vils ing in Oghting array, capturing homes and mounting them with riflemen' and that 'meat has demanded J33prius Berlin„Sept. 14.--ThePrussiatigoverue they were prepared for battle. ' He at once rifice of lite by the Frene0,11.81311)4;thickeligulf saw that he had been deceived, and that these 'Warlike dertienstratione in a country ,the magazine at Loon. about the flavor of the Sweetwater' ; p y fortunatejudges, who can taste as well ac who undutely mined every detail of their arms ano in equipment; exa pe the hest and. large.s. c-olltsc- non eight (we irindly bearing /towards the offieerg and in d i • each - . . look I Plums were :well represented advice mid enetaragement to aiL This goe2n,talnemalit, apparent absen6e of. pride or any thing approaching lo thitik) splendid varieties were sibmitted- hauteur' have gained the tea Wilt of all ranksin The Flowers weee lovely 'sight ; wasps assenlbled here,. $4r,nitizests of Sarnia bait*. he. Lotis . takep 'tee to-Indoerhow!fiaTebe great fieldri-dinigyorsta:hwetnrioeno: The prizes- were pretty welleltvided !unclog. low nt vtetiivezeth:retctiewit:overpritte .isrtaicfei,;naaiabie, last yeaFtVeterane; . There. was a credita- .11neatt".treevie("pu.samlYp,-Tou.o.. eroy44 "Eerly ficuningan. secon e s• t - wait "Ilreeze's Peerleas ; t_ Aimg.tr.ong4;10.titifvo:pii. the.m_theyhavingvnis.rthe ii; _ . invited hue an t ao re in camp to a erand ball fs oceunsityrectraohwIdeebdeitnlifepaossiobrIneie;oorecase gorge- endi slia -HA b "dine immteralisaeVribea:i4tetvzi::it , IPO o ble,torn,otit of Vegetable's; The EV prize Wiyalry and thegunboat-but the sum rior range ot the d -be t collection FA pettows cemprieedthe follow- OrdIllarY .earbuie.s -to defend themselves with,- were oli 614'hetilristeleillait of the action was bete ten thae hin varieties ':-Early Rose,Harrisen, Glee-. '13,0,i6due11,1=gtr rebititteg,t,',1,eLlarvi::,cer . opened file eivia Gawk* gari40 ci_nllet oa theboat at hertar:81:02:, itT11:vidLeant:r:so%DvnasuPladrliolei tstet-ttraoael,attit the ith of CaptThenison's detenotned re - 1314131.1113a. the worsted work, raised aria 110t or rather,where were the elegant or usefed wistufil silorttehe in atornutillineat to tho Itheedetemy. It Tap- ealitIttidhe being s ed he 'raised. We Were "Chartned with thednintY geatiest speed she fel; II; ths ft; 'drikWiDg Of Pathod,ral apene. We tried rirfilling the g erv the velocity ra,ue fillektt "ter preteeted front he ship's gqiisby an earth -work form - Alb t- fint 0, ladies of Gioderieln where were you ea bY allnle 4 in tne action -his PrOclocliona of aegur lebiure boors 1. We lire •svassilenee beynthelt:tteesnrgage 0. ,N# ork: .4.nag anticipating tiae- coming wm- :tease. ./klittelrfae gaeYwillstiettg It egeelP241r= 107"er, 07,67001e cdoomugretaI ourselves, in itipu-iiitutsag)assitito, snd the tr°4 soristeeP1 t4,10"..i.krottAlip.sizeite-flizae: eztitefauee the sang TaiduZoteeedt,tanrirateer n.itin"ftnlieerilint)ereb:nr Mille go 'entries orlaclies' werk.1 If there how ptillgruntentitud was very suemetrits11; 44.3tiPte abillebody, ieverely. to follow the tasteful intrieaciesof the hair vaet vexed tit:brit rAllitihnxitettri:" ••_tha 1.4111 ?1).' 18 it,that tirCieTown ofGodericb,WitInpere 000 lady inhabitant's, there were cual/ f*SePt4l5t31'- 1)td :2 - eS• fa]trglor.1141"stinii:ittlwat een "tut' Vole fee .is not animpeovetroint nett titne We .shin ittizri!:84/iu. Malting the ap ro1911 of the? Vinery men ;maga.- - PRIzE UST: nest 2o Varieties, nimedAPI;n1Thot iess -thanil of each, 1st. landed th gu ••• • ,sarnAfteriatiseT6hiejii eaerritlivthe bog becktlldst thdeouweabwtheitej6erinepasandt h 24X30•Cox, 3r6 Jas Wilichrson. Shale!: Sa ilia morning (Ifth)ati 'tk Best lel yerteties, named, titgelam.14:;111 Beit 414n mar Taarrtiilttj, wrotorigle*.- * eanbAsi" •'" • Jas To-xunee. nstnneAkeTho diArasi Stewart. ' Wyatt- being on board lor*Gmeitertog even after, &Weenie A GeDzszoulksr.' with no enemy in front, the preparations Berlin, Senn ,14,.-Tiev, pigclall......Pre4 fur battle where all resistance had previ- vincin; Correspaiidenpe„ AeratrIng,to A1;9 ously been disarmed by paeific protesta Tneeee ., mialeforn s aug i--tne prom, tilins, had a hostile purpose ; that it was a Government at Piris ntlaticeisli bsk lean kreacherousambuscade, of which tbq Pro- • .44 the ..i., A s miens,' Government were -to bo the vie- ''‘''.B"erh%,4‘wBeriiiter1144c1.°-raCl.party of: Weld. l'ib"t4k1 t' tims. After a hasty breakfast, Rieli °Tone- ,at Brunswick, who werkiutriguluglgains4, ghtle and Leptis& and a few, friends took the Friesian throne; Lave. been Sea t1:1 their horses and fled, the two former going priaon on the Pruesian frontier. - to Scratching Riverovhere they separwa t4teide, O'Donoghue going to. Pembina and Riel to St..Toseph, on Ainericatt territory, a propentlen lookleg to arm,istief Sintititia west of Fort Garry. Lenine sought refuge, in ilie settlemBentigto. 'Thellev.Mr.,raitirson,Churoh oti inbeeacasuseit ivonhi delay.tlie army operAtiona 0 the negotiations fie;Nnovegivi* land chaplain of the troops, and Rev. Ms Itintil unfavorable eeaseq„esOlniand rendey. Poor Roman Catholic chaplain, have ar- rived' - ; the situatioe of the army inugh 4 esti favor- The'New Nation says that since the abb. . -en-- arrival of the troops everybody is full of ; business, and m ebonies are all busily . 21 MGM . 4 • S' ' grimed] Sept. it.. -.it almost ce,r. xain that Atissia will refuse tO entertnba er. _ engaged. Immigrants are arriving from ‘ EVIRSTBATTLE--SBRRENDEROFPATAZ TRooFB., ' IT. . now is buildings and limn() accommeda- • Canada almost daily, and the great want -:.aip'inoree'wenee,iss jeupsti_mlabdee tpubli ain°,1113.11niearefellsle7ethrsi,12saavaeidaorpPasrseinsigdeanlltuRsioieni Papal trnops have eveattatedethe town.o to Rid. • . Ferrecina„ The Itullaus were watn4 Mr. Thomas,correspondentof a -Cana& *elbows& at Viterbo tea elsewhere an paper, was robbed of a hundred dollars 'thew NeiAanalee en the, pontiAew Terri, andoutirleinFfoorrtm. a n t, wile is a friend of' Rid. time at. Civiti Onetellane,. The Papa . a _ by Red River Indians betweeo Pembina tory, Gen. Cattiories advanee. ,E04$114„es ward from Viterbo,. was stepped Meal speaks strongly againet the bullying 0: eZesou.tia:east! tahraetfpelarmeei,nagnedao.pgeatirreir iqtpt 4 Riel's rriendsby theCanadian Volunteers, an tom., when the „poctigelia foro,ow, th iendered. They were then•-tettikt02 most of whom are Orang,emen and fags Italians. A...bottle ensued which bac i. ert hixvei as it sd losfseatvthie serf; cwnthei :Fe sG, aownv Governor rrndhosorhi5eetshGe'°oyvne wrtnhimel I eshurel: S p o 1 e to as prisoners o f w a r . Several brought within decent emitrol. Thisgentle- placen-heve been„ *couple& .;bv. the Italians man met O'Donoghue rind. nine others. troops at the request Of thentitlinnan WI „armed, near Pembina, -returning to the slourth corps left' Civita Castellano 1043 Red River country. Irtbe War- • last night, After reducing:the castle. Thu4 •!force is now marching on Romei ' ONWARD TO ROME 2 : - A special dated Landon 134, eayfe• !), that,telegranas from Florenee SIDIGUDOW, - Al. TIMERS' Mnssuge A PA/LtIEE, • toinghtt that &mance guards of T11°13211(4 ;tag divisions of Belo,ena and Pisa4and5 az-paTRHT:WrA• ;ImmatiET.G,B1.0.1imaNON 1 8. MOBIR-E0t011 a, on tlasininere* teartanea The &staves of .0Dis liberate rededIreN , yesterday afterneen advacced,. 0116,Ate, • MAS_SACRE.• has talon Pface.• The understandra5,1 THE SIEGE OF STRASBOURG? aITIVCd at b,ythe 7Goveraguout ini THE FEELVI'G OVER THE LACE tore them as tIwy.adiantel and:0 eollieicnt I .'i.:fibtoYaithh:e Djit:CliaIrn130t?;eikaerYa01;:tati4. WbeibelnetialtaLlireigsaltdel$ conference betivessnalonsignor Nardi and, , ister of Justice, is entrusted with the gov- :.;iteve,,,, ,tuat Paris. bepFteRnillreir14.R-a-A140:111. elm; Min- tf4liereLigi'sr,uttilY„re:ex°ptfres:ineill:ranrf:otv:07.215:talegotibeet: eminent of those departments not Yes na- . a e control f the authentlee n _nn rY 0 traded. Theeremainelerewahe tinder. the . Swdivilitter;°:VIYAillitiler4ss VAG i al llt th e till lea ci :tlia oPPos11-10, ;le. tie, toithe; Whenever he appeare in publici • • ; .. ',Oaten vaantstunten nsinnessmoal, Ls,..f, bAll1P1)seahricarisou'tu:MegPiatull.uld4:teertishosia, atie;ns:WrtakiiirhbFlYriliteeimmtleiletil, ,:fol,Thly:oufGoomn,ufvye.,rual:katteeMstipl. attempt &f asttl• hiceesittiKinilveitizta;.ouifrea:natevly. his life while tr):ipg.,, ,3 to effroDu.d. Mount , vete - J. C. Kendall, an American,. lately.lost ,.,t'j- arselisi4141442Lentt a°4uvlaitiLthte-Ahe 14-1-7- ''1,,a-V-1())ageTitoteie121/.alartlylecbtercPalale bsialesetticoe'lfl et..d1:2;ficedriarnetuxetPtiltitY - rut! iviltrottatitut Zi6ber , hat *twin -dependence and. authority in all_ A. nsist on reniaining there. Favre ''; tat re.. .cansMiwilishOerirWe ' ;11Y 'convents ashich cannOt be elifferedte Bute' 1.evaiPvilliaerti; deSisceopPita. ';r1-4t4.-.4-JAratile6slicatijliir. es -the t.. 't, and .ctate of Roniea nIt i has et au 1.,.(1 tlitoctiliyiaened„frtoemhomao'retri4attritoatalFaarris-nlyi .1:; -,ah 'representativvwut .F.ijaztts.ud ()lair, gratula_tions of the dip_lom_a7 si':butat is mkt eeen thatAyttnngeon he d . . 610/1 of the Italie', 4t.hhee.T4ihmedeO1P14ahtlIbratigaroan&Strasbour#, and it is re- , to -nee-. etse eeesinnts rip,' °'' "4' Lt. -The Tannin: of:the Pope's, int,entien to. lt.leengh' t here thakrei lieopleiattille a pt 4 .130•5244;.0.• .11.6tIla -41tote "that' conferon the Italian nietserehr . -7.an their presentconditionsif ihes:popuiar ... ada:a_i9iiIPPuanligitPri'gglywucapnt:::nred:ra:. tin: .:1.1.p alus4solt eveuxiesirable to prevent , t myrnpontionso theltedinnigovenune tea eerki'ref-;:cee';'‘:::ril of 3 British wawa- Pated iheY* a:61 ilreParin. g ' t° send °:: --lwar;19,413llied authoritatively. Mherfrienclel ' 4::hkit e;lee Mtr zdikwraperPuen Bi al iTours,edmp:: :et 1 iV:811 lte .8. 0;611ei i ipe day, tillt D. ' hSwfla rae.i:n si tit: r i n gt . " aainaild3 C.le ,v7v ie. n lrbF1 iv. ri Ige e4a:n, nktc; ighh. A g:e; fT, , :0. umr 41.. a nr. ec n4altf . . . pi n a, e yr kt neel ai t t ei tt i , oimdri:py ,s hg s satiebil3e onitiasI 11:31 irv eaxsz kt et upp, cittt S., i b et . e, A grea t „. artifiir of +HIS HOLINESS WILL . .".1zop.,..arraingiv.LEDGE .irelikLialleTeylbolitlYalalhe°e..1441478:f3ttre•64:erns,.11:tsogseePtr:istil-r•fitwdlireeeearl:e.- eant:1 11411 l' des- 1 1:8 ' . ti‘: 1 ae 1 stpia B e e. i ay. 'I:- I' °;:nur edi l'teG' eti ars ee dt hP:tru::::4T.:: ri a27:1-61131391:8171:14 74. 11 e ea :I ati 1 171. dale;:anTinagytin:si:etrneddsi:ibou:eti,etighhp::::11.:::(eui,:taTfilriio. °t4itYthe rTuecit4e.u:e:filsilt:ITlin",oglief, fatiAHuurot:teunile4:11:31:111tro:unifrafth:gnit:teliSma:teePooettiiiigts.panatel:i2g.ttsistIotielicknialp'sitttealittliests.a.tY:ritat:iit4:144-Iff:lite s: Switzerla .,to permit tion-eambatante to lautheiity_ef the Ring•te •traat as to tlie is reported that att:.envey from Russia • wounded., Saa . has artivaa the Prussian •Klug'g lead- Jerfemors...Myri,, A",..-tredvreinsve:11,. edttor of 'the: quarters. 741x1- ,m,."• ENGLAND.. " 0 Iegattltrett'S, lama 61* -?fl: • • • . 1:.31:11tialtedisalltotatt:etlta.e. shbcjiipiaf.itirlillintc:ocieu,nirrEtt7tiorenictidioiti eisAin London, igtan:t v ut seeta:an tFrenchid44.;e.(liTTEht4hietn:ATtghts:tneles, _°Ftihtrenchwetilisegilin. i,itiinettraofAst,osrlii.itesvrtailbluaiirifievrelisetrautimr,igsh: teuo. _ miner 4111 exprees0a a Erna belief thst the 1 cittefee*, god no citizen can ft.)e &stied tor Anission of Thiers bas been a failure and lbenne, .POOR COPY