HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-09-08, Page 4hee4flt of 'her marrying the shrine of diii- alid her own love, or gorse. IMPORTANT NOT10R. 1*110'llad thus bought them nipped this, love Of mine shilpl, in the bud) Old was, conseqljentl�, the -forfait=n who but lacked the will- And Y' she was -��hertliat erson7sftwgo,� She ad resf6,1 Many good horse wAten for tile tinta being. The followitur,' emiry to tell ownwhon she b, her head upon a -der bet -lit tong auppiesstA in Fnat� 1114lictive Y-Alra ain and 411d still cont -4 p re She had,given her lips to ties of gr R S M' 1, W160N, &GIRM10E ift Vialit her pmiti 41 v assimilated, If :66 usual fe a*0110 bats been 6116801led This, then, on. I didn't repeat thin and poor ; the 400d eaten is t it an -my folly of attem n stroll,-, bas been ungro I M11 and b to a lifelong W!dO%Vlfdod or r6linquish a enough against was HAS RECEIVED yet, uncrer the Einparor3 theratone d twenty,,. condemn herself -argue with her. Ifer hand d magnificent income if, tgo nothing but a. chsn _T poirr as ntionl "one' , an man she detest- strengthenifa ne 43 it was without such go Will6feet AnY des r- behas fitted 4ul) ii abop on Nor,*b zfMetMQXttb no N""s- to wh'lt strits Napoleon is eriven,' ed. True. a -court bt h did�lt take her in, iny able alteration in the Wesleyariblethodtat hufth, T;Ith a* gllpoarunco of t le t_ oght, as her arms Pin and stifle her feeble special animal. In case oil t" enable iin tu ustain his tottering lawyer tola her, se ed readily, tningle 6f the last 7years sollelts1i rortitinance oft could a vf6man t the will'asida, but how pleading with kisses Ilet h(r say her Say. 11104eantiot bturibtai i- W30 W r and atreasonable price eac� tition Such a court And then when alle had 4, btisliel Of flax se, �d ack into the wl- of,barley; NOW 1S the time to Faint you clitteitt of voureonvitry, come, Her WOmWA;delicaay, at all events, luiv, deegfauteuil, we t mbling another ofilLridiaricorn 0 of oats d 0 "Je W VO. -y C a-witis upon the world. rendered that oil ak and eSi her lot it be grou d tair our tyrants was"Int: to their doom, t nlight be men who an *ill be'r, tf*the question in her and defelicaless again, bloady �tandrd have unfurl1d. d I held fast in iniae the little ., hit. portto'nfdr.'all his YeOcL the in Ix r t Our whear woul& think (and who could aff4rd to' hand I never mOAlItto, let o I told her Ah e f STAPLE & FANCY D11Y GOODS, a savage horde: think) lightly, br ni "arley, oats -and with dir3pateli. quan Id announce to tbepub- nsa-len with the murde"s sWor among thenu."there MILLINERY &.-STRAW GOODS, Brucq, ihat beUnow mun- -Gildl, iniz a be,* corn iqual HE u qgar ; and how. it Unist needs fare wit% line if she had Aiesj may firstbe preen quan T -3111*riber V�o mlp r one -four 110 Of Huron and 7hen up, nud your ehi, uld love. And 1 was conquering what T part of'od!dAkeiminglk with i ufaeturj &c., &C f -M Your mks. the hireliwg fee will,- co t$1 when ng first-cla" on -Ws cralon bl)od must fertilfse theim 1. the ',rneal rinkled oji. fft&, Feed two Cardagesj Wagon, stand , - knew all along was my own of right; I own meek ag"Aiii. timps daily mingled with & peak of out h GROCERIES; &e TEW - PEEFEcf. Stles in the air of this on the full 48that had gr art herself tip Ra longer; went amona her eries 8 arustle of woman's dra which will beisold CHBAP rolt CASH. Thnso banded serfg_what would t1eibvv. sort. Site acceptid the situation ; shut when, there w 13Lv tv"ant kinggs together brought? n P:,or straw. If --the horse. -will eAt th�t ham arc thoe riettLm to enslave. kind ; encou tdr0d her basilisk w@ I' and, through the chiaroscuro of the greedily, let the quantit ago their hinds have wirnught h an ruoin, Lady 0SNestry until be Ir be gradually in- BU13STITUT19 impassable vi bore -down upon crease, 8::)Wanteda wood -worker, �and two you. they would enehain ; 'sage, and tortured her tor- us. Will -6.4t fouror five qu "Otli thoughts yourbasemsfire; mentor by an ingen at every feeding, _apprentices ­one to learn wood -work and) F 0 IFV a the other blackimithing. inully, arran ed sequ- tbXdO times Stock Very Large and Cheap Call 'and See ence of flirtation With " d sta' long as the animal %ill. ea't this e they desire 9 And Helen rose, and,before I coul y TO upon Your necks again Passed.masters. of the her, had fled away swiftly upon her t� the quantlt� may be ingrodsed tee joy lady alone I V E R] sitand leaving me to f, But avoidthe practitka. *JOHN PASKORE, 1 the best I could. to stand at4 rch On-�Iscraven blood must fartitise the jaiid. The which 1 dic rack W811-Alledwith E e Goderich, April 19th) 1870. sw67 Goderich CHAPTM U. Victoria 8,.reet, ers­sball they and judicial w49 mcirm platedbythepate,ntvrzoessur3k-ssoludiag- I knew it. in that moment when our , then, by derees, -banignaut flesh, thegrboul should '11hose marshalled foreif For a while Lady 0swestry looked grave order to fatten a horse that -is run own i Coderich,blar16M. 1868. Slmll ld-ling truoNwho tiot C -r pay but mildly reproachful - when I took my to feed the animal no- more than he will e article nexttoterlingsilverthat 4eebe employcil as Strike down our warriars to th, 4-th eyes met, 1 knew that 1, Francis Drasdvl, b Ithxusefally or orna F ttest canliet be PAW1 We b317 beneath the treight, worldwornt case-harilened, procumate leave, PrOteCtive and honestly propitious. up clean ab'd lick his 1114ng'�r for in a, e R, A L rt was Ore. FA 19 F0 retterswear? cynic of seven and twenty was to love this arranged, between us that I should TH.E Eifai9xi Wxm.� H. sIGNAvor.nm ""ST, ACOMpletesetgaarranteed of &AqualitylarEnUb ruthless dmijwts once more dare wQman-that- J1 did. love �e'r already. come to Paililane, early the next day. -yt GOIDIERICH WOLEN FACTORY, -To li-, t;ic nizisters of our fate? 11atber tall, At a frightfuny undue hour I drove London corre4pondent a Then up. far yoor ranks, the gracqul as Diana -in her Allansohilladjastpn1led up at tihe New LOT:' -24. OON 4. wad 4uribility. as follows hireling fee with- statuesqu,"nulmet draperies, an there Warld writes on'the 16th'as follows 'Valb OU -Ills cravea blood must fertilie the land. vest. it i (KNOWR AS PIPEWS MILLS) "Efelen, *he door; the late cccupant was speaking early and not a late Q41 and'the wea� about5o Of the low-arebed brow The h4 Then tre,,ble- t t-,-liniters all- Antl amber h*, -44d dewy, to the groom of tho'chamoera in the hall. 0 old sniver - Pattern pattern pattem Fran -yiolet eyes," p, is anything but defective. A well� vattev You shail retributien fll, known agricultural writdr in the TIM floor, Dining Room, Parlor, Kitchen, Hall and Bed-, friends and foes dex a woman with a child's face stamped be- answer to the question put to him. stafes "that the totalyield0j, in ; on the second 01 We its time-Aqt was just in time to hearthe functionary's Oro 2 $cts. Aeor, sittin-nebm, Largeyair: 2Tahie Forics 9.00 ...... Dso ....... four crit -s shall "in a mwthy prize. fi�be zn%rk of passion or of 'No air. MY lady and Mrs. Wvbr4;ive Englishwhea, ESPECT P ULLY intimate roo And our youmnil hero(., die, will now Me rather Over than. I a to farmers and others that they are prepaTed to fill fly Bedroom, and four other beWooms ; on the Base. 12 Table Sp000ns 9 to ...... 9.59 ........ Jo.00.H... E -h man opposes mightto adqbt i pain,a little -thinner-and a little paler Than left town for the continent last evening., irti Pb all orders in m;ht, Dairy Room, 1rrult room,store room, Meat room. L2 Desert Forks 6.00 ...... 9.50 it should have bpen pe nder 1"rance, ean well nezy p,ate suppi�% eight bei a Frame Barn 52x32 fQt 7 miles ir Weres)Wicrs a' with yon to right. the sirongersubtlWlattraction for me that a lie 9 round on his heel with sidered the official averag6 It Goderich. Good largorchard 00nove- 30 orior 12 Tea Spoons 400 ...... 450 ........ 50o....5M,. Th � Messrs 11 lip- "ad foxia nr ranks, th' rce C&rajo !' and again I stood face to Messrs u It"trets. il, a 0 Marc -72 herhat day ace with Alvarez S Ali; the man with the their circular, say th -Birmingham, i TURINC 0 on, Of .c,L ab' dont r4l`�MbOr ivilat she and I talked evil face. favorable one. Ta o WOP will be a ver Cloth DfeSBiDg,. CUStOul 8�inning, Dyeing,' Satinetts, can a e .-r. pl es BaltIppltbowlsfO 2.00 king -the Unite .10 e .50 out when we *erC left alone, or how dont as a whole, the wheat crop is at le TRUEN Tt;de-=l an all your engerni blows t long we sat undei! ee big beech fair average, and the o ceys9 Flaunias tsv The trainof vi,.tjnLj p=*, other crops are d 01 ths, Win' 9 Blanke 'Goderiel 25% lanunV1870 Aga' ­t their trill thff are Our foes. I knew she spoke. and every now and That ni&ht, some Wl_tf — — twenty niTnuts past good-. Prices are consequently again found On the shortest notice. Parties wishing to exchaugge 1 "60 4825 52.165 59Xa But ell. t -l- despats swned fth hjOA then the great violbt e eight of the clock, my hansom. turning the goods, will find it to their inteyest to e are satisfied we have the Th-qc t-atora lea7ned with b,, -e Bouille, -yes turned slowly drooping in lVark Un&.. The average their Wool for good home In 4 IV110 Wake their native land eir prey, orner at a sharp trot, was Ve U�. caq. a D-th t rbe savAge tiger-imwd� upon ln`�­­All when -she was silent Bruton street 0 price of wheat for the wOek ending J ul goods Parti ' , a.e LANDSFOR SALE nearly cut ov 30, in 150 towns in Enala y! you require. es coming from a. dis an�e wi, T'�'cn up- and form Your ranks. tho hireling foe with- a S 7wool to get carded' may in y the above zrtieles to .133 Udsinly at Same st Eth An Of -A with light, ei by another hansom charg. nd and Wales, nearlv every instance rely on gfttti,3cr their wool home with th stand ? T116 iuter-val:of sound." ing furiously dowli Bond street. for the yeArs named w' 6 ' S as follows 1870, em the same day. prices. Ita-h 0 -his craTea blood mustifertilise tl�e L%nd. 52s. 10. ; 1869 51s. 16d PJ'BAYFFELD. ON. B.-TIE13 BEST QUALITY10XLY of albove kept I was in Elysin The two drivers exchaned a broadside in stoclL Inferior goods tatizelf 111, and lost the count of SR' A Q1 WORK ( excluded. Ffoflta time. A step, golt ' of doubleshotted blasphe�ies*,ffog 1�67, 67s 5d 1866j, 583 1d. So that,l WARRAA-M. 77-- sase don the ready money 14incip e --Pot cred1t. AnIt when our rorions, sftrs am de,,4 and cat like, that ged their OTS NOIS. n 72 B&yMjD k-;VNCESSr0N. Their 'Firtuiesweshansure4y find neither of us: heard, a horses clear of each other, with the exception Of Idat year, the pri Goderich Woolen Factory, L Township of Goderleh, comprising 146 at!resfibe and started Ice When on the semimme path we t.read, gain, the offending John leading. 0 vear3 best quality of land, witibbi about 2 miles of the Market ame down the walk. a. has been higher !at this time for fiv June 8th, 1869. WLY Anil track the fame they leave behind, I dry bMch Cracked under his cautious the Town ofBayfield, There is a clearance of ONE PRICE 0' -EF--n to survive them ee desire tread, and then " both looked 'tip. I was bound to Ch than it now is. , The rAA rise in prices al V1711 =which could readily be premed for crop. The we aring Gross, ell ronto TERMS CASU. ElVia to Partake their noble grave i A man passed us. to Dover, Paris few weeks since aused,,i Tho proud ambition we shall have IlMew,11111 Instinc- and Lindenbad, in the -rest increase in remainder of the land is)cl6sely overed with the best To live for ve,4. - tivelY. The fierce black eyes, cont track of Lady Oswestry and Helen the imports elillerease in July of beech and mapletimbarof splendid growth, anex-- Goderieh ect.21this69 w461; . -ezuee or eapite. racted browe ; and, in colisequence of this delay, 00 quarters. The imports cellent road passes on'twosides of"the propetty. which 72ea up. and fzu� Your ranks, the tax -e -ung foe with- in their wintb which met mine in one Wy- being about 41,w is Situated in an old and well settled n0ighbolarbood, e-mnd mail train by about two, Of breadstuffs into th brief, vindica�e glare,' onlv saved the 8.2 e United.Kingdom THE &T, ven blood m_� fertflise the land. to one man. seconds. Another man, however, ran it from SOPt I ', for the lait con in aer Ofwellreserved tunberlaug--svideb Jul" P. N manin a farhned travell two years,,have. been aafonos,3 woull reduce a e quantity of firewood to the acre. Corme. logo orcounty 6 That little Personage with the feline Fa,low1hvert ruldeni now, inkYobe, and a clot s t c, River BaYfield with a c rengerai anus %Tdh might tread, and the ug1v ph closer still. A poaked cap pulled Over his 0011yy onsidrable A 1863-69 NDIRD LIFE A0001 md. d -rest ljh_-ny' I do t4.0 Yslognomy, must eves to ................ —0— Water eo Id bemade available for mildugor Aid thv defenders in the tigh, needs be the hero of Charley Twistleton's Ok- a through ticket to Lindenbad wheat-' cwt . 36,S28,053 24.663,173 Linanufact U ase . stirrin6 accents, hute: arbitrament of, Helen Wybrowes fat fetril half a; 'dozen yards behind. luetan corn, cwt ......... 12' 0 - , I I may thY dying fies at last Alvarez Smith. I heard him hurrying after me ; just Flour, cwt ....... 3,575,0bi) T.T1Y which is, now. united the Colonial Life Assurance dom'pany. Head office for Gi3l; June 1870. Thy crizarziph and our glory we_ as Bayfield. 7 - Canada: Montreal -S!andard Company's Baildinge. No. 47 Great*St. James Street. PT hen up. and form your ranks, theldre ine,onl me. Manager -W. X. R I stand: ling foe with- He nover noticed her this ti the guard had op�ned the doorof anempty w2ltr March i carriage he caught we and ot in too. The' 1rhe Yleld'Of Whestror 1870. amsar. Inspector-Riebard Bull. -I wonder whether the mail's ust'net told door was slammed, the whistle shrieked, ACCUMULA -On-Ids craren blood must fertiliss the land. him, even then, that I loved her ? FARX.XOR SALE. Mrs. Wybrow t -Until full and detail' TED FUND - e rose a li tle ; the circle and the Dover mail started. ed fepc�rts are be. AN"AL INCOMF .................................. 820,000,boo. ORSALE OR TO RE' tinder her eyes in re plainly visible, a sort fore us- Aich-can only bo� the result Of TUe C 000 1 W. uAS TURT I of haunted loak upon her face that made panlon rolled himself in the opposite one ; an elaborate collection, of. bptuions from with . ompany having deposited the stitnof $150,000 with the"Reedver General, in:eonformit cleared, with house and bl�i. There ii a living a reek T OF 11T 0T.HS the ingurance'Act passed last Begsion. Y on the farm. It % a comerlot. Price -S18-00 per aciv W.0 Our atern,zeuer. my Pulse throb angrily. I lit a cigar, so did be, and we cleared Lon 9T Assurances wilf continue to' be carried out at rent $40.00 and taxes. ASSORMN owers themselves -WO anticipate some- moderate rates and gn all different systems in p I -31ARTINDURYJN. Consisting in part of W6tof Englac(I Breae- don, and had ran a dozen miles down the thing like an ractice. London. Feb, 2. 1869 'Amy seems to have forgotten me, P she - ag . yiel& of wheat as Referees :-Dr. McDougall, Dr. McHicki 1w 2. cloths, Beavers, WUney4j, Bearskms, Fazey Wybrowels Said. 'let us go and look for he -r.1 line before I'looked at hin� gain. 1 was. the due effect of a glorious season upon a 1195 English, Scota-li, and French Tw*edx,08XhMe . res We walked acwss th thinh - what Elelen's an don departure defective plant.' Doeskins, and a Vaiiety of canedinn CJOIh&_, Teat', - e croquet lawn or boded i� -When we'say 'an aver- vOl. Xxi No. 49, CALWWAY, Jr., Farmi for Sal,6. Plain, Satin, and Flowered Ves a while y as ; whether I was sure of winning age,' we mean so - the term sionifyin- a gent for Goderich. Gloves _RMS, 011APTEa-L Then hq saia cY = know that man wh her after all and deep in speculations ofl moderate crop, half w between the OT&S and 54, Bayfield ConceSsion, In the, caps, .&C., &o. It MY WaY down to a irden party at pa%sed just now., 0 this -sort, L He feels confident of -ivmg no eyes or thought for any2 ay full Township oi Goderiet Contatning 6s a - sa isfaction to &It of Giese overZ cres *he may favorlilin with the Ord Pultiam one fine aft-crnoon.with my friend thin- else. yield of some years and the failing pr ir ere. 'I knOxv him now, I answered, 11 never 0- 0 acr�s cleared with good Fratne ollowing a him before and only heard of his am- n"les from T'"ED SlnT Concluded on 2ndpage.. duce of oth.rs and not'fh& very nice Clinton. For 2brms orWe apply attbe IYvlslol3 (all WOO1412 andupwaras, etor"faladYcOnceruirig whom eve istence two hours ago.' drop, just short of beirfg] exoessige, which 1W Court office at Goderich, -or to WIGGINO W�y.2,__Cuttingonetof iia TON on the premises. r. AVYbralve, Brazilian m we fear, is in much the' same case as 0 0 1 hodY was-jast then talkincr. ry- Her pale cheeks flushed painfully. 33omfitfoll 1301105. some farmerscall an 41average ` Barl' 04 'Then you- heard-.-.? UV (0 (D L . "honaire, 8Dt`jt­ 'Everything.l lanswered, stop her- -BEARS AND BIRDS BURNED. -Th, wheat. Oats, we expect will be �onsider- OL9. seventy, or thereabout, marries Hel,n -There is Lady Oswestry yondle"T`g 0 JAMS - Ottawa(Canada) Tima states that. a few ably below an average. Peas.. ma be an THF, undersigned would beg to inform his n FARX FOR SALE STEWART ' r - beaus must be very ihuLch under u1ner0us customers and the pnblic teen, dau-obter of a Irrit gs since four largebearswere fall I X that his ChetrrYnd, impcenniotis belle mtat. nice. Mrs, Wybro%;e quickened her pace and wbrain Y ish diplomat in nd average ON THE nothinginore tillshe was afe under deal at-Fitcroy Harbor, opposite Aylmer. an average. The principal ' deduction I these parts, and -after two years of connur 'Amy 04-westry's wing aain. WHOLESALE ACErff �ew Woolefir Nagljinery Is now in rail bial felfelly, copsideratelydies-Wybrowe -R4&probable they took refuge In the from the history of the crop aj�d the season orationnd i� First Class WorMng Order BAMEW GMVzJG I&OAD. is jealous as a Spaniard ;� and his jealeagy water from the fire and were suffocated is that we are reaping in England a AND,'THAT HE Ig MUCH BItTER Thefar-famed andreliable St Calberine',xmery -moderate yieWotwh looks beyond his own, iire.. 8,) ha lelvea CHAPTER III. by the smoke, And drownM Several t. Prance is in 6EPAi RUCUTE FARmER% D. W- 13EA3)LE,EHQ. Th were also seen in the bush -more or less the same predicameni. HarVestius is WORK EXPEDRIOURY creekiruns through theland- The lot is situated du a ter6ble will behind him. is cunn- The season was over ; London emptying burned. well forward, than last season while startinihis the Gravel roadabout 6 miles fram the town of God- OR ALLIKINDS OF in --17 contrived doatiment provides that fast, duna pressing, the heat The burned woods are litetally ond thrashing is busily maebifie4-, intolerable. ill new. erich. The land is a rich clay loam, be' ery sul - PRUIT_ AND 0RNAMENTA-LTRrXS, GRUN. able for vheat or fruit growing. The 16MI beeW.d _U house Plants Gra his widow, then just twenty one shall m HowboiQ abode still in the Sahara of strewn in some places'with dead ptgeons proceeding in thef-principgf6arn-gio.ing pustom Roll carding. Funing & Cloth Dressing cheatandonasy terms. Popessipn etmes.l&t, &e. eeive aud enily an income of ' Biutou affleet. Aunt Medusa had gone partridges and other birds, which unlik ' districts of that country. In port:0 is 0 i can be given Ist Some $15 e f Octo er, for particularsand te to G. 11. Any stock noton hand, ordered an the flortfst OW t lea, having the nocturnal Owl, could not make good I Gioderieb, March 21,st. 11- VD-tf Goderleh IS May� 187o. -and only so long ex in -31nigandvill& Goderichr. o she shall remain unmuried. tracted from me a promise to comedown their escape from the flames in the' dark. the basin of the Garrrne, in parts of- *dll reach e prompt attention. Having now on hand t1he largeft, beat and for the Siptember shooting- -cheapest if Ae, d -i marry a Normandy. Beauee, Brine, and other stock of " h "' made 1! 9-mn, she_ shall receive Only intended to keep if-. EmIGRAqTS.-Five cars of emiaas F."NFORIALE6 nothing. -the entire estate The 'W was.in Park lane. Lady0swes- fl'"ed west on the Urand Tyunk, northern departibents, the"wFeat Is aban. FUU CLorpTr rtsses to two distant relatives, believed try y nt and'of ne quality,. I W X&JA FLANNELS'& WrXe 10, W. D. COLBORNE, lof� AMMS, had not yet mader her move, hesitatin- thmafternoon. Three -cars of Kb-ilisb fl I Bat in the e�er before offere;1 to the public in thjS part of the 1�1�10 L09TO 'cleacroedW good dwelling1ouse, frme; 22x36. to be living, in obscure poverty in- Lon. between Buxton and Lindenbivi. and rem:iin in Ontario, the other ti�o cars of remainder of France, excepting fav Province, he would r6pectfuny request those curable "�cba`gs their wool to Call indjudga for themselves before appointing thenigelves elsewho with a commodious kitchen att re. Relied. also goodbarii and shedaceommodation, goodYar�;g orchard, well to th a weistern state -8. tlieir wool for carding. as bet.has pr1wed it Of farmers to be watered by two eree)cs ranningftough the, farm, and dun. ww witching the turn of the scale.' For Germans proceed spots, the harvest is deficletit, and a bad P. S. -He would likewisicall th�speotai attentl n with omld ex])Oriepce of former years to be a peifebt source of min good wells. One mile from gravel road miles from And now Comes the most cu yield pattly from the 0 wa`*9 Of WOOlteal"riCmdsgintsseeking of the story. rious part Lady 0'3westry w 'o Relew Wy' 8()HOLARSHIP.7-A telngram was re quality. As compensated for by good 0 them in various ways, that they cannot cc - until Perhaps too late to giLSid4gaifist it. oyance Goderich. For P -And where HelenWYbf0wewent I meant ceived yeserda by the head Italy, Spain, Belgium, Roll- 1 --V3_ The. h1geSt vmark articulm apply on e premises to A good many men be�idt a old Virybrowe to, follow. I had not a oken yet, tho g Dandus Grmmer S ma'ster' of the and, North and South Germany, -Poland , et Price paid.far any qua)lffty_- 0f good Clean- Wool. October 11th 1969 0. STEWART. -STEA19SHIP COMPANt ,P u chool, fro, the Gov- the Danubian wP-at mad aboutla, belle tielene out in nearlya month had passi�a since that dj� erncr-Gpneral,,of Qaebec, ann' Provincee, and,ltussia h i oancinc "e Olt Tl=# TS to and from Liverpool 7 notably a ' ) that also suffered, though I EHOMAS LOGAN. ,ht at Fulbaim I had inarked with a white the Gilchrist scholarship for 1870e in Varying degrees, has Nast Sirest, Ooderich. from the same_causes which' have' affected i Goderieli Woolen Works, isth May, 18-69. H. CARTM to be ocarly s ri6h as CrMius-half -rOse- - becn awarded to Francis 13everley Robin- England and France, it 4--,;l -agent, Grand Trauk mammy Shi had hardly given me a chance. And son a pupil _ot surprising mard, half Englishman, by name of the Dundas Grammar thht ill reports of the harveit Alvarez qmitb. yet she knew, who knew me as I was, that School. arrive Troin I loved her -had loved her, from the very those 'Countries. And when,- in the Ace ve the tem- The wharVe3 in 3iontreal horb per of ;i fieud- the fdae of a baboon, and ioment that our eyes met for the first or are of an evident. Buropen Ileficiency, we rar' Eft ime. And I knew my strange, wilful, being repaired. ceive tb.-. official estim ' ofi'short wh6at ate the comPh Xionofayrin iieed patieu4 The passionate darling -my Ifelen, who was, Some fiend tried to scC fire to Ottan 0-. MOP Ju, the United States we inke for Ali parflesbdebted toR.Ruijohnat, did speak, Smith pleded fiis suit, nearly 'the one love of her life. Only, between granted that our home farmers. should be fyightened 31isi Uhetwyga into hysterias, heiloving me and iny. winning her, t The 60th Rifles left Ott iu no harry to mrrket their new wheat I NDRY frna"'Vellemenee whieh� when at last he like no other -I know she loved. me With couple -of days -ago. here URO.N FOU Qe M 14fi-pant L -lack scovt that twbted his Tm sau"'_ day. for Pticelil must ineviably rise-. JL EY NOTE OR B001K.A10- absolutely aw Weverthelesff, the mask e both wore, Bishop Horan hog arrived at Kin &a,-- 6121 it grew ul i countareherebynotiliec�thatunle,!Et.hey de- of -violence have have been of CD' cmenical (;Ouncil, His f1 ends constant before each -other -z before others, was f '$ton Scenes when Shp une'andit ally rom the F getting too stifling to be worn much lofig- occurrence in. Derry since th propm- is, and shrun went down to Brockville to meet STOP 'AND HE 'PP. followmff emarks on Tent 'CALL AN9 PAY UP T VNCE from him, haunted her sl for many a , I had been sitting with her in Lady Os Winter clothing is being shipped 'to monlals MOSI Biglat afterward. wesirf4- morning room, under the Shelter Fort Garry for the tro- a - Vvonderfulzindextraordinny cures in Canada by Arvereg went away and thong OPS. ENGWE -FOR,SALE thilGREAT INDIAN REMEDY.--Vhey are stein, un co, one day, Government has issued orders not to !11 10 convince they Willbe sued., withouilurternotid the most skeptical that the Great Medic A 13 horsepower portable Engine, as good -as mal cc#�Poun. 13 vengeance. for nearlyan hour. WY Lady was Heaven supply anything to now ixflh 13 for three years. woo patiently the time. b This is how he toolk -it, after waiting, knows where -.and we had been alone all -but American 9shermen XX made by Waterous Co, Bra#tt.ord R Axe factory to tME Durng -Commouplaceshad laughed and died. Montrealgaol has room for 240 prison. Auroll-Founda, e in u n the which both of us knew must be brokenonly orning, according to ail. N Impurities oftte Flood, we boldlystate thLt ibis adano, 'When the heavy'bluer*eyes, filleddivinely enough. but R U NG I -M A GOderich,29 -quiet,:-and m -lTcfims he TcePt 'There had been a silence, which those ere and has�at present 34 L inmaies. R O$ans,Kidneys, &c., aswell as Scrptuhi, the VAnour, God linaft Ww dexdSWth brof Wednesd'ay in that application will be made at remedykas -NEVER BEEN EQUALL at Po n I " the next session ED. ere ement Of 'he Legislatureofonti for& Charter to construct wfamr, anct w- ji public breakfast was 1p,ven a Wailroad from theClity of London, In the Co 0 'WdsonStorms of Brig ln the pe an ol with full knowledge of, the MAMUFA vm there ever such a cure as that of thatUteter C. V. Will Earnest - FOR To" own, C. W., orcon- inther trembling, lips Iread irlmt leaving that ci S . r". femer propb3itiong, They were rejected ate Pallor, ty for New'� York. Thie I " ys- epsia and Uver Complainti or thit of john made me take her swiftly. into my arms - b:valsfast wai largel w2 Ot f_P F1'ovisiom of'Wybrowers-will, ienewed his I looked upin her face. T�itspassion-' of Hamilton, prior -to -his Middlesex, to somepointo33L Lake H112013�111 thenuty ;Pin -this time wit attended b. 84 InIltmul, WbO had eand the bal h the add"�)u , Of nd then the. silbnae, wak broken by th' iriends of tho th ;Utuallybeen on crutches fox years, in spite y1neeood, ftrtafa WOZJ& that Eleleic Wybrowe woal(l e reverend. gentleman ; a6d X*ey,'&33LfL ofalreati. her, 4,t'QmfDrhbJs hW, VoOd f1m. have been Mora Ljiftos a 38*4,erz 1, and -ell watered. Tar's 11310all at the Drug Store and ret a cirplaro, Town- lot -W, 6thcen.,podweu PrIldent not to haie Vo� ;Hlen, speeches . inade She shivireduhe had shi 3vidence of.the high esteejn� fiu which he Is' FAR -18 10r. 9 , E The 84ine S!eamerwhieh brou ' And g Mach'. O,Peratorg' HONEES REMEDY and PILXS� d gatary your Ithe W agood terms ght the valse only this time: not with fear. sale'two very valuable, rA'048 in the T6411 Will begivim fi;ir Widow home. to Eng-Isinct had am6nm , It S'hor,head The Public Works Department h' F!)n God ]a-0-rs,6. 1po. PIT 0 aye re- W43"91 with its diadim of ambei hair, 70SUSPHAW, Huron Road. Price �f ae Rmedy in larg-epintig $11t X TRftXAX' rXel-, " Novehiber25th,1869. - . - I ForSale byallDruggists and De4dere in �Aedi Oliee SPOI-a to her� 6i'll1lolestad lir in any, Mine tiR MY lips touched hiirs and clung� ment, otGrenville Oanil. e'�, Agents for Godericb, F. Yoldiin and Parker a r1tf -vorkeERms rs Advice and 66 PaugPlouglis X.0 Tlie next ed herself. ri in a Way '01r, why -have you. done this r sha a Cultivat LYMA*rLL10TT&Co.,' Duld frighten her ia spite, of her- bed -wailed. Ifo, that ki Saw wCut I Yes good",advice, buil -w rnie �T!-Lnitnral FOnace Potash ]Kettle CQ. te]E &cause I -love you, Irelen. Be, on� Und; he that gives good counsel a on and Pin HOLBROOK & Si'ARJI, HAMILIMN.- Improved farm ad,_ I example build with Wh 1e. that. gi s _P -IN -is DOW, r,.tj10RLE,& So, ral e1use YOU 1OVe MO.. Becivac, YOU know this is jo." ve Gj- -PARLOUR OX ff.OV ZAMILT014 & 4 For Peno& ex(enal _�&iod admonition but bad, example baild$ -10 ZNIJLESft Iles from Clintov, oil' - ovedkindbi A. `ftolft rjchr�ee vX S#S11090t *uton the pladbrin at Water. a; 'yes you love -me. with:o band.and pullb'dowilli �ith�_tbo -0. on iihd�i n, Is STZEL ROULD ,I know that. .I knew it that day at -j6h to'llayfield; from whicbrItU ' tect,07"O'Bay, getidne yer Aeip*fci_Xaah. AN nQ �iie 0 Fob other.-�-Bacan 'told iliver- it contains 212 -acres, 210 acres --imaer U111:53 you call dZ 16o;andgain as the door of, 11" Slater L 11, 0R,,efbn%m limperu ferhaS loved -eve otlim in Part Row 0101led upon br. love ma. know that.,-* Prussia no r7felintr6l. cultivation,Aoitir el4y, loam; busligoodbardwbod. onlovcme�, Helev. "You know .381000jQ00 of people. -.Or only them of 1takiu0,,A1varex Smith ithat too., bf`140 appi-s tres inlearlug.�Itvery Clio": Also,,,# OFFICE -to vhu,&,Stftetr4mAr.. .With.!�j.Qemanwillt r8v-VeT8# Plums, peaches, and oben84i nuil'a,lew- he--- It wAi intolerible "'Yes.' 11OVOY01118110 "Aipasbionate, Austria added.tcerBtAndaA,'i6 *Wd g vinis tw concrete ho'st" SS by42 fee me but what could she do I She lef Of -the house. Fjsmo ba=45. by 81 ft. _114-va 7,000,000 more i rained. u s; ararebpportunityto jecure a'Soodfarmon. the r ;t IOHN 01411FOD Es-_, Wowwl her Jim F county Of W RS JOEDT home for d!&ys .; and the firlit penow she. Loff tay he&4 as to be MOW minister at Bedf #A y 4y. or night, She Nm orclIool-a�,ultb futherinland. Apply to saw when. eme alit- her, stroll beforeL breakfaston thoArst Sund M. TRUEBUN,_Llln1Agent, Q(Werlo Alvarez been. dozort, r S LONPDX; Mrs. Wybrowe glrew iftrous Under I& 'All betweOu us must Ond here and U -5w., hocks'was a0dosted hi a A4bbj4Goki 0 MADY, 137 4, XADOO, ftinty 6f Maffa,#, Xmitimts'Baft Perwlgi* which it was TED, #W NEY TQ KEN V .1 broke fit, individagimith "You ne6dn't look auf:� LEND. 1 1 . ESW put an end to. And. the 'rathermivl at rbia.plece, of' ...... IS ig'f certify that duringthe wint* Flsken& Co. of Igoll 1, 1N&Mmn9&c0rtai5 Power over her--� gen" ggi gradually', duft;;_ffic81u`l4 of 1867, VxWnded-tm�7- DALRYMPLE ']Frank? Sho said, coolly now. 'Frink, FrOpTaslue roaatoftfte 0rQ'WA�JSr1U kul?qs, -4nd on -Lip to my hips, 4nd I% ' C"Aw"Wig. UZ 34 -Ar V crw i- You know lify story. 'you lug Xtreln6li TOW*brx 64, witiehy"hangreratthef, bosi lebriiW Wooden Xmd medicines of pprop eto.i-the ti 11611. 14th, 1,868., u4;* cut tAeeud'ROgBW06aVtil�aWItliBowDials &Ad Fr*t Y_ MORTON, ao*Wt belp, confewing it to b66&. "elfishand crue 11 Whether authentic, or not mejers. J a Af OAaga4F Fram e, wind 4W and level, &er, ILU"he F L Lon,. Even-atthat wlty to lag r�mntOfEngi4hAUdFXMUAnero!dBironietija '115 each, accord with A untiltheEumtner Bankills-2iffrekn4f Bankf aa2zairiz. mire th" truly femi a retort.. "Itwags AR Sh"enton" the time when the' River Atthis time I had began to feel the wealm,jr in Deduefiou. eonwyaucujgc�Fezreducedt�th he Manion. ad YIL.OR on, Cutoof Vale'L' ifaving procured bAW15 On fhetT was gettingisimostiloples# I Uwe, Rittes, Agent at Goderi6h d -yet. ASSun Wat ir ormjovei,,the f aeorrectr r of ever CAnadt, tha height �Wve tide; boxesuffile Pills and I am entirelyrastoredthbealth. I Am I thijikir4- of myself T in led a decidedly- warlike aspect. A Y14tyiaud toVfA. in tal= fto bottles offhe 811081101ksh Reuiedypz I I MXDA loneralAgentispre , t6AItitUdi'�verylutr=eztb.foreaehlod&Utyqorreogy,,wwcb, Iheverexj��to, git letter� but alinply tw the happen & 'h The�p,omet6rg r6n '"ytob"'Ve. theni Work eotreetL 0a: the DiaX. 'L' 13-A itall'unotment, or golf pag&UrQ medicine as 4L Sort offoriorn hope, Tids cage of Mine . Wf dozert ofperxons o hig rank� chiefly Wiffilffer ete , bar, an . , - dining Ut Berlin, at& Princof obteUl one Ofth 141r]v 4111V JURY A2qmk Doty gentlemen;., saicl the 1) etux drink to Prussia With Offlons,,Livap. Aselt 000plalat, of #451 b V. WOO J. QW& yw *hen aw ANA.- tOr--W bitte bitter I -to,t [if 1�e Aferou ereby ce that I have knoIm , 0 Win bit WMU kap it on mulk 4" It wine, Wa:--wat six hers Atil, 178404tboutgg Indbes, orthe word- cc UW, 180. A. Aimu tradan, bom bx= P464i6niste darling. Show" onuo sw; min 1464th f&0W7r18WtO or aboya the word N1 F*,"Amw4ther1si1tlm`d. er before d ' UAVE been r W& therA, Avd, W sawd' va"ado homeff tut jthe vu 0kencit bodies air 111b, is 1i drheriliedidne . Z 7L hftthOMdr�m�rst&Udaldghit,*Illbeloem true in ever to be 11 Goderieb for the sale of jhe celebratocr d"8610101111* kAd ftesiy t:d I z =8 Wld raise the contribution of. u can get, i look:rordrouth-Ifinvinte SUPOIL404 0401 40wil, AM UA mo, fivt*4 1W such 26-16misr YU he plan;iscapiw 1 won room Wb�athiJ(ercuqfajj4,jt JudicaWfoulweg MY berreeovtry. always - attributed. her recoveri to the Logl� She welt to. Asye ed by the; opeldn& Wt�&IIUUtinX, ar In may Sio every f�, th ng fail In It u | J - ^-� -' '^ � � ^ � ` ~� | J - ^-� -' '^ � �