HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-09-08, Page 2# 6 % r W'. Q�- a& In 't"a-storin . Itas drawn,from Fr�nc`o 01 t4athc�rre. WVbr0'VW* WUl.. 6pered,'poltitiogg tor thli Th'O -U21101M #140k on F6rt Garry,, -6m audi as the nfifailinj proludo'� of A. TO t it - , . - tountV C0011fdo. d i0ft nc� hiternecitte strife an(! cartiagej -Unot in u ore .-In b o ion sourceg Could yield! and they still renjaift It] :t. Did you cas ashes of brings. the grateful -no tuing ain' mutt "n6sof thunder. . Ab rong that with energy tmd th onclu The 946 wrJ t1fooght of. - Tho,11ceAtury is foo, far:a hiilpof "tec �n , iii, - tele MV so st 111 yet wqt cedfirarestorationot,the llovso�of ou . 0a'� pe'rfectliu�;iclallo -rose driving CirsTad is imuch agitated on themarket THEPRUSSIAN ViCT01-1. tho nation %we may yet lmve the last word. I&E, that aftap-. 0M., travellinj robJ6 happy tea�s, that, tho Red River F. x-peilitioll) under Cul van 0 Desk with o'' God willhelp its ix� come, the haunted look ohco more - in.. Wolsely, �i clouds of - duit,� which was follow, queStiGn The Xai, Bralias column af ter Let us hope that and ldla-t� poak cap t1tat, 1. .9burbou. `Such a. rest ration -woul efore i .e jV111s, face in an, into Port G4rry, at 10 VAPOLUON A PRISONER - ,;her voice was Via old feAr, though iny irin. 3 -contrary to the spirit of German pr as a torients, of iialin falling, at intervals- tolumn of literatureon thii subject- o, imperiatrable shadow wonlK, hav, Ai ? drive the duemV from oar s611.1 Q puzzl�a ancl lay love 1yore about hci� , I kneviWiat 0 clock- On the, morning," of -.24th 1:� ttl ILC-a5� gcf �191184 and ainst it- tUb ionil $:'I arli iiII the night, , We hope the con - 11to be Or not be' &c' HON WOUNDED. racieven if I had 1% to who the I- done this : the sigl�t of d would rouse ag! lor Tie 7 &o ; =4�aftms MAU= Jerome David added to the abavoty iad man for %iith the bark.a,playing, -The UniOu Jack Liberty which is -now stirring in- It -.1§7 AIfd raiii did not extend farinto'-flio country* statingthht the defenses oftlie mpit.al to'be trying hard to navigate between the the most r�a2nc�%,-7, Mail in the- oppodits tarner was. And in whom I was beginuftke, to feel some, lias innue'dately hoisted on the Fort to Spain and in's Omamopsureil*lyralic It elf, THtiCiiy Q't SAsnusicy. —We - rogro t. to were in the best tondition -and accrrdiw* th-e preratIations for uiy� sudden de o � a dt, 6(3 1�7, cc: .parttire REPORTED SusayrfDnn Or VAZAWZ. I thing of the hate that kills th- Zcylla, and Chaxybdis oil -'the contending to comftetent judges capable of resistill; I ha& rov.tta U, alr� abbu t Ili the, tune -of 11 God, 84ye the Qneen, " with We hope th olitsiou reaphe4 41ll. be Bpy is ..]lot itition'dod -to. raturnliere is in. his bTj4k'cz!C-,:t E -c", s&w no one, You inow., And it% temporary dictatorship, such as pre iontly seasnn.* We thitilt the owners could have" -parties,� Nw-th and- SVth We wotild ad- - NAPOLEONg Lr 'Le de en ,TTER To Tjm KING. -all efforts of the enemy. tug F --es" Sw t1try itm -wa& n,)t till ho,tore i)ff his CaD a roy�l salute of 21 guns. Fifteen minutes ad vantage I if the tL �ato *2';.J� AlftTeg Stnith, ri'Antg to do me a misbief, exists in Spain, and when opi�ipn 1i ripe run her to for at lo�t a iort- vise our friends to keep coo Paris,' he said, 'on 1�MIs-mdtnStrccts his wrapper that. I jKnew' 1'wby%.c*.esrth- shoula he- turn out and before the arrival of. the tron si Riel, for it, a King eledtb night Ion er, We understand a gentleman - and,froin our bxporienceclear -am t 1 (23 r�-n rantl that -114 P d by powilii Y4 ind, if must be, we *411 bitry oumel ` W-4 smith:�U& I were alone to- d� iiiiilodrama in the moonlight—threaten O'Donoghue, Lopino, G sixty scenothingelse hatwotlld�saiisfy sible at all,events clear of "'BEF;RE SEDAXj FRANM, 'ader its Tutus! ves C"Ico Dover mail t bAer in tow I, and some n It a represented this in thu'proper Fos arket fees. Fridayo Sept. 2,1:221),m. with l4nai;inary da,—,gem, and that sort of. I Fniuce or the powers of Zuropej The quarter and probably. with success. A- Foi,.A-Lum corres ondent -of the "ploin K-jn� to Qjt ed ==U me with, otl�ers'iookto.theuiselvogwin.-s, although p End thin,-, to put me on my guard V':� sitnation�-Ii-no doubf,criticai, PIP NIq IX AID OF ST STEPARS 0 In the Corps Legislatif u statement Df all t�a­ fuoug1ato lie felt fur me in hu HUR011 Newgra is sauguine, about a,harbor being- Acapitulation,whereby the. whole army an quautities of rilles were fo in one -of - - and timely spark might set Ettrape in a 01 at volt eyea. 11 saw him standin- there-," nua Thi's affair came off on Wi�dnesd4y on -the Seilan ate prisoners of war, � has just the situation similar -to thatdri Senate was M . 11 the stores- roady loaded fororesistatiq; It We'trust th& moderation of Prdasi tq, the property of ;Mrs Ge6rge Br6inj f -Huron built there next year. We heartily 'wish 'icon red -. at pyc�:Ont- hiur ftanquill'y eliough­ I again pointed straight 46for6 her. it may ))a. so; even though it is, corres- been' eluded 'with General —Wimpffeu, Cjvu. Jules Favre 4ecla We are Lero is supposed Riel 'intends to'make his'way ffiendly offices of neutral powers, , at road, and was -most suddessful, realizing Commanding, ingteaa of Maiiih4l; McAlar- tihialk, bntf couldnt help feeiiii- that he 'And hoir was he dressed pondent's opinion thatGoderich will then tnanimo'ui� for dofenle ntd 0 111 death," rei an -eeable - 4 ut of the settlement. He will have a good sense of the French people will dissi- 0114.00. 'The Battalion Band was it at- be completeIV who is wounded. The Emperor sur- -(Gieat applause') "Itis time thateom. vmucd for n. me 11coutft VM by r�o me%n,,;,. agi, In a s)rt of cloak -it avemed. I,aaw o , - Played out.' Ab. George hon pkto the impending storm. May tbb unit- tendauo� iVl-dancing bn -the, G rahattr I hehas no command - green was ias3ost finishedthe foundation tendered to me. As one ; that t�o express stopped no where -him throw it back when he 'li ft�ed his P"as-int.time dodging the bullets of loyal -=86, 2wo wish to r6pair, t ed or of the civilized world be, �%eb kept up tilldark. About 200 porsons. were of 9, 11 panceg should between lo)ndon�and Dover, and tha arm.* settlets. No arrests have been made by' otei 36x,40 - which will be the best ant, h left evervibing to the Regent t rdisasters:' Alvaron-ER-mith was-pwbabl. peace. present. on aris. His residence I shall appoint after e, nib y niad as any ?I Col, Wolseloy's orders, but warrants have building in- the village, The crops are 'Ana then he dis qaturz appear ed­mwhero to PiZa� =�Je eelazk in excellent id r r Finn has been obtained, by private individuals, MnLrivERY AND FANay Goo'Dist-ar. the. best an.interview with him at a rend: zvous to: the rmperial power and propai Into the @hadow of the'tree&.* John Robertson (format ly of Martin and be ::fixed -immediately. What 4 course extraordi powers ta fh hands or fricnols anHi under the old judiciary system, for the ar- Fretioh Papar'Currenoy field of spring oat in the neighborhood. re6irried his glare with a rhatasperfeatlypossibile. �A couple re6-t of Riel, O'Donoghue and a few others Robartso�)is busy bxiiig thelstore re- events, with Uod's guidance, have taken. Gen. Trochu. 1 Count de Palikao and tLe I= G1 --n hozr I PIc-Nio.—Th * Blyth Sabbath Sohool WILUAM."� tranquil stwu- and ivent on smoking. of strides would have taken anr.one oat,of ceiiily.6cofipieclbylirB.-,Rlkeaitdinti3nds on- the char,,,eof false imprisonment. '1he A FACT AND A MORAL. 7 in the ad)oining bush on Utli-int. Chambers pro, este Whether he had, expectetl his melodrama sight who had stood even ir. the centre of arrival 3f the troops was not credited until going viggrously into the blillinery and pic-nica 'CoNtraMATTON OF THE SURRENDER, TEL, BATTLE OF SICDAN. . I their bugles were beard on the prairies. Fancy Goods trade. He expects a large Friends invited.,, I London, So t. 4.—The following is fij6 Wo �7c:Z i too nrciducA nore effect,and was dis3ppoint- the 4allea.' � H�ro is the FACT 1 The paper �f' the stock up in a diky or two.. Washington, -Sopt $,-The following tel- I hon, EQ to eqn7emo I ed, % hether my calmness had irritated him If Helen had real], ficen Alvarez, he Colonel Wolseley has redeemed the butig- Bank of Franice', five weeks ago alfi�ost at CLrNToN PuEsBywnitz" CuracZE is now egram. was received at the Stato Depart-. Tribune's spe( al ccount of the battle or a fresi., I don7t know. Certai it is that he . Bit HOTEL. -This subject, is over -crow Minister X6 in t be hidden i� that shadow' even Ii ng of politicans. by the ma9terIV manner- a premium on account of its convenience THE Su ded and the building is to be on- ment this morning from rose and cme toward me with an oath. ML'h tley' Sedan by a C01 spondent who witkpsFc-J I now, watching u& illy blood be -an to in which he " overcome all obstacles. in omparison with bullion, is no di attracting no little attention, and,numbers, larged. Rov Mrj McQuaig, the incum- dated London, Sept 3:- the action fro ffing William's headquar- It struck meforcibly that he was dan- - 0 HonoWr him I w 01�1 0 is- of our leading citizensre expressing their -bent, is an able iihil eloquent dMae, and "Emperor Napoleon surrendered yes- Out gerolis,-and 1graduWly slipped my, hand 'stit 3f this- gra* - ire glad t6 iva t - terdayat Sedan to the King of P�=ssiu.- tersi After- tailing t1le posidons an !ato t] count of 10 per,cent and, practically willingness toinvesbamouatsin, or ab we he dlintonia' I? into, the inner breast p�eket -of my travell- *r us ap Fort1fication iind Standi deemable. in speoi av bonuses to the undertaking. It is all-imi preoiate hin The wh9le French army. prisoners of war. numbers of -troops angakea,hegays LThere. in thno to Eco hil lug'jazket, and nufautenod the loop which I had just been a week in the Bad ng Ar=ee. Irre e ; the Batik 4 . ing pwtaut that whatever is to be done should .1 �1; I .. 11 Monfll w -ere a few str cannons ots fkea me Ospired STIrac issued 25 franc -notes to redeem the so of BRAFORTH.- Dr., O'Romns !as tufned rely k�pt a usaful little reolvaw Ide pooht� when denouement of, this story came what folly , i be done 'quickly. The'season is waning The followin has also boon received a to obtaii n-' the range as Eoon we nc- 8, ana work -must be commenced �t oncelif a, krocer hud openeda store on Main St. Mr. dressed to the Secretoty'of State,, " Lon- ligyht, but the real battle did not bqgia swady them t , is to believe.that the beat larger denomination d- as it Was, con-.olatioa U OUL to secure ; eace is to be at all times And her is ihe There seemedlikely to- be a n ay P e MORAL I Paper, money building is to be ready to entertain, even :15 p.m ',The Emperor and relatNcs to kla! WeW gone up the riyer one morning w Karshall'ofStratf6rd has purchased Scobie's don, Sept 3-1 untilsix o'clock, becoming a sharp artilt. prepared for war! A tr:ffai less preparation floats along. very smoothly in tinies of- Mills McMalion's army have gurrenderod at Se- 4ingrecable but imperative, for hootin�' in a. 'hen -coop,' had landed some thre'al ­a1imited, number of guests, next aum and is to-oinerchantworkoxclusiye- vi nef when the batteries had vat att-oncIca by i this tuan before we got to Dore:r. And it would have prevented. the Emper?rgapole- peace and during, national prospeiri ';but m6r. Let someprominent citizen head a an to the King. The Emperor's residence lery fight at tL A on fforn assumitig.the attitude is averypoor resource w en e� . &a of ly milea or above Lindenbad and strolled er an each got vntliin easy range, and the. in t1h) way a an happe6d that I felt in no hu -nor to ran I list %ith the amount of his subscription') is to be appointed b � el nnL mv riak b) the exercise of an univise for- away, cat of sight of the boatman, a of the I areloose. Ourrepresen t a' hiere- and any number of. others, we believe, a' -LuCKYO y the King to do serious miBehibfi At dea% he wn-3 saza long bully of Europe and saved France from war re W. -Mr. IffeCharles having re, intervew.%vith him. The,capitulitionwas sliells began bearance toward a mad brute like this if the side of the riv�r).eown to which tend- fore, would do well to veto a e ready to follow. . We hope the committee signed, Mr. 0. Cliffe, late of Kincardibe, concludeawith General Wimpffert instead 12:2 the musketry fire. in the valley be- nnd zsqua; �, P . pted of 11cfdahon, Who was wounded. : hind Seaan, which bado'pened about Vl:i, otzsuics 1,71nea V� it cune to a fight. - ed the law scrub.. and brustwood ofthe defeat' ana-ruiD. Some five years ago the extension, on the part of adian appointed. by- the Town Ciouncillo 4id -the who has a good reputation, has �een ap- MOTLEY, MinWer. 25, became exceeding1v lively, being one by It appeared, though. that he had some- forest. British Government urged Canada to Government, of paper promises to I Ray. ma I tter ha s alteady made sorne progress in thiw: to sa7 before he began ; for he seat- We had sat, down on a sort of a little fortify the baun�dary; offering to expend Beca . use, in the event of Canad . a bec9trung the right --direction. We want a Summer pointed Ilead-insaterof the Commo i School, London, Sept 3 -The following has been the continuous rattle only broken ty- the load involved- in hostilities with any ppWer urselves, to got Binghaman- d Littiehavo received mplendid received id London: Brussels, Sept 3, arselv e andI m*ttered�ho' the river, and from enough, at Imperial cost,to atrenwthen the it. rowling of the 'Initr0leuscs- which 2ayga namb2T O r�� (I himself again exactly opposite to me, crag which, overhun,, Hotel and should exert o nuains viom foL�oc-- (which P�vvidence prevent 1 ) o��r young Fall -Stock. 8 e their 'posters. noon.' Gen. Failly.has been shot, -one r, which Helen had discovered a view from defences of Quebec, to provide munitions Dominion,might be stranded on the same Paomux"P. . CoNczaT.-The cdncert i1i KrPFEiq R-nArrNo: 3aTca.-The Reaping awou IV effect upon the &xom QTJtZr t&Gy V7CITO 120; ,go, we are alone at last :- you and r., nt says by AfaMalion's soldiers and played with dead o it seems,' I returned. I saw that if -whibli she was doinal her best to sketch, for both Quebec and Montreal, and agree- disastrous, - fin4noial shoal whi others by big own s6liliers. ud Bavarian columns. eQTt-12 --nd the the aid of Sb Oeorze'sOhurch, whidhwas given:% Match in connection with The HurmFarm- The �Empress a 'n -he meant to have a row, he didn't feel under a series of interruptions from me. ing to guarantee a loin of six million dol- States drifted during the civil war dTon in Crabb's Hall, on Tuesday eve enjoins Prince Napoleon to retti to Paris. General Sberidan, by whose side I wz tnracd to n, CIT h, ablv Uingi 30th' er Association Kippen was held on the 4 ita up to the mark vet, and wanted to Lying there at li�)r feet watchin- her eyes, R He has refused, and a decree has just been stafidi L qu lars, the amount which Canada would re- which the credit of France will pr a y uliV, vAsone of -the moiit successful of the 30th ult as advertized, and was -considered Ing at the time, said he did not =d be totally -wrecked. A ' tit -h I 'timelmay season, in largeness of audience, excellence one of the beat the Society has -held for' a issued stripping him of his rank of Prince remeiiiber ever'to have heard siaeh a wal whom we -du, f3o talk himself into the necessary fury so I and drinking in from her voice, that quite for the plirpose. go urged our- I to fi save tliiigreat bod 'qople 11rom of entertainment, and �aiuount realized.- n1i and Senator and withdrawing his dotatiou. of small arms. It made mi -ht venture y of our tabor of years. The day was excbeding- 1= which I did, lcosir.g.my rip on the- pistol niliture suffering as the po sast9ined fire ht andther cip.r; new life she had given me, and that Government agreed to the expe s the Great regret was felt'by.all 'that several fine a:nd agreat many people was precious- tome for her sake, I was b., VN rot In The Btoile of this city'says that the French, itself heard -rear of the batt, t -D r-otuTn no morn. but for a moment, but keepin necessary. Boting was hearcl of the ly fro - above the my eyes on undary have been doing for years. a have been utterly defeated. TheOmperor terribly near death. American ladies and gentlem en, who had distance -as well as many. from the ne�g h my man the while. Loan till the other week,whena Guarantee volunteeredto take part, were . isuddenlY boring. township were present : A us eVLnc- and McMahofi are prisoners. The French at Our feet. At 12 eclock precisselyef. he actuallyguashed hisyellow teeth at There was hardly a breath ofair astir; call d from town. The pfogramme how- soldiers masacre their Own officers� many Prussian battery Of six guns on a slope im! la bpct 'ing.the lively inteiest that is take Bill passed its third reading in the House U, in me., H6-laokud.so unutterabiv hideous, and yet, all atnce, 'my.pop hat, that was 0 THE SEmi- WEKLY.-Oar town sub- e of Commons. The delay in this is rather T e 8 W a ever, was admirably re4rranged, and well these matches. - The muchines1froin Elora f the latter have escaped to Belgium.- above the broken railway bridge over the. isLtom-. lt�s =d at the -eae tinie so intensely ludier- tilted over iny eyes to keep off the sun ib r . he b vehitherto only taken thb carried out. The singing of Mrs Obitten- ' Additional bodies of French tro4l Xeuse, iVC3 MICI - Frances lown, 01hawa and New Castle � �s have near La Vilette, bad silenced two ons while heVas doin.- it that I lan lare, rolled away lazily across the turf, "accountable and so are the Words of Mr Weekly -are coming generously forward den and Dr and Mrs Thompson was a rare howed%decided-,improve passed the Belgian brder near Bouillon. batteries of French gnus at tlie foot jefthe- ghed i 8 aibnt on former 'Take mire!' he sereamed.shivering with slipped,so neatly and lightly, that f hardly Gladstone in support of the measure. -He a,nd. changing to the- Semi -Weekly. We treat. The Tableanx, under tha direction years, w:4ich speilo-well Am the ability and They were prompily disarmed in one body bare hill already mtilldonedn= thevillan full I t1l wrath. 'You laugh nq%v ; let him laugh said: -"The riomise them that ouri utmost; effortO will o e . nergy of the nuiinfa&turers, 'Owing to of 3,0.00. Among the men were Gen. and felt itoff my head. impression that- --the con f Mrs Crane of Chicago formed oneof the I -,of Floiog. that wins 1 Carambayou have -not wit4 the PH tbe-evening. T several officers of the Imperial staff, ho -won A sharp crack and a little puff of white structiou of these fortresses was being fore- be used to make them satbfied - enolpal attractions of he the recent. heavy rains tAwround was very 12.10 the'French infantry, nd, 0 '�cmi rdmell desined and execa ed. and de! gave -up their swrds.'�, At We intend 0 .. wet,-affd the field'of paft in which- 1moke lying above a clump of bruhwood, ed on (1anala had no foundation. It was chang . to make the k the :No?' linquired insolently. servedly app�eciated. The Banid of the' Ma&bities were tested being badly tangled XAPOLEOWSLEI-�ERTOTHE Kw'c;. f1longer supported by theirartillery, were No 1 curse you ! Yon never shall . 'explained this pheijomenon. - from no pressure on England's part, real Weekly a microcosum.of thew - orld'st fws) 33rd Battalion played a number of choice (although ver�tryihg NEW YORX, Sept. S. -A correspondent -compelled to retire to Floing and so At 0;int-0m, �cn ee I :13-1h, ! wha gays, Aoi nly good man V particular attention tolooal ma, ters ).Mlbrdediin excellent I saw at once what this meant. I was or supposed, that Canada built these. forti- PaYlog xuat selections in the course of the evening. opportunity of judging of the merits of of the Tibune writing about the battle f, afterward the Junction b6teen the Saxons;, 4 I ! I have sworn it on my feet and half way across to the fications. (it li4lf the price of a daily ; �nd we Sedan, from London, says : After' a tie asgians behind Sedan w. -s an-�, It was her own. spontaneous I YmrRAL SERwoN A�The Rev. R. Ure, each. There.were six tpacl, ines entered for - and Pr 'Your I sueered, rather enjoviner his s�ielter-whioh sheltered my would bass. our supporters will come forward in I rger Canada -`oBb�ie­: Minister, Goderich, competion. The tollowing is the Priz mendous battle the Prussians having com- -noune At Clinton, on mc -:1 wish they should. beconstructed, and that �r t g� eList. ea to us by Gen. Von Roon eaggerly num e I neral Inry, and with no mind to spare him any sasin, in a couple of bounds. Another England should fulfil her engagements re bors to subscribe for the Jc;ni- will preach h sermon of the late First D. M. Poitet Elora, St. Goor e pletely surrounded,15edan and the'Bavari- 'Pei -ring through a- large tekseopoasiava stab I could give him. 'You ! aro ballet whizzlid past my ear, and then I Teeklyi lRev, James George, D. D., on Sabbath Machine, Woods, Self Rake. ans having entered the fortifleat . ions of ingbeen safel -completed. From Whi madder thar. I. thought.2 specting, them.' Th6se remarks, so entirely next in StAndrewl.-Churchgtratford-com- Second, Verity glad Rogs Frxnces Town, Sedan, theMaiperor capittilatedat'5:15 P. At "1713 ha into the thicket, strack by one moment the result I of the batzlecouia o, 'You-sha;'. never 0 re, hei r Mother of h astray from the facts of the case, coupled mencing at the usual hour. Dr Georie and Balls Ohio, Dodds self Rake. ', Vhird God,.nvver'! lucky blow a smoJing revolver from t e m. His letter to the King.of Prussia said: MrT. jh-=3 ZIC hands, an- with the present action of thi British Mr Ure worked togatbor for'maty years to Massey, Now -Castle, -Woods Self "Rake, 'As I cannot die at the head of my army I lon-or be -:gobtful. The French were 0 -- surrounded and brouglit to, on are wrong. I shall.' d down at the throat of U1111t bring about a union 6fethe "Old-' anct Fourth F. W. Glenn) Oshawa, Dicks Self etely X2. 11 4V, lay.down my sword at the feet Of your comil He smiled in a ghastly fashion with his Alvarez Smith. Governmen't in dismantling Quebec and "Free"* Presbyterian - 0hurches in this Rake. Majesty.' Napoleon left Sedsn fotPruEsi- bay. At 12:25 we were all astonished to thin thin lips. It was well I hia lost no time;. he a t withdrawing all regular troops from Cana- HE GUNSOAT PRiNcmk ALT%ED ecaled country. It was the Dr*s wish that Mr, Had it been known at an ear- a headquarters at Vendres, at.10 1 0-&ock sve�clouds ofretreat�qg French infantry - zLo vo' =0 i 3r data that ai 'No,'emd he, and if his tongne wrs cal- no chance of aging his knife. da,ieem to givi yester4av (Monday) preparatory to he de- Ure should pay. this last tribute to his 'a Reaping Match ivolild be held this sea- e us an opportunity for re- in the morning of September 2: X4c'-NIah on the bill batwee� FGag and Sedafl�, and mer, it was twice as dangerous and -threat- I heard Helen scream, and then saw onnsidering the �whole question. If, in Oarture for the river St Clair with CoL, . memory. -Stratford Herald. n, there.would have,been more oribries, on's whole army comprising 100,MO pris- a Passian lattery in front of St. Manges itulated without conditions. The ening, now. 'IY5 1 1 shall keep my oiIth- her fall lifeiess on tha turf where, RobertsonRoss, who is expected to -come the latest improvements. were oners �cap making accurate practice with porous Milk we had deference to thedesire of the British advern- Nzw PRoPEILUR TOTIE BUILT.= well re- � 4 1 . be sure of t, Listen. Pher went on, after _L !en sitting we agreed to saddie ourselves with here to sail in her on'Fri&ay next. b is very happy to learn that another n w presented. MuQft -credit is d Prussians had 240,000engaged or re- _ -,and: then I- was wrestling for nient. to take part part in 6 sham figh n the no the IY1rec- shells among the Teoedin- ranks. a pause, and. with that same forced calm- 'C- the responsibility of borrowingW-, 000,000; , t o IM propeller is to be built in Goderich. The lors of the Association foe their persever- serve ; the French 120,000. n Q ? nesq�, 'from the dav I saw her, first- and Aear life' with a madman. Te *bad no river in -conneation with. 3000 Volunteers 4nee in contiatting'theip imatches The who aork mtivo -now that Great Britain, through her Priine material has alreadv been ordered. Sheis which REPORTED SURRENDER Oia BAZA.�". k hill for a quarter of an hour each day nea m. and more, I hav6loved this science, but he held me like'a fiend I out to be assembled at Sarnia.. Of' so inu enefft both to was literally covered With Frenchmem woman whv--� 1inister, repudiates that desire, is it our to be built on the composite principle of Lavebeen A special to1he Herald says it is, reparb- for many yca-m a him oT his legs ar CiTy OF Lozfi*.,,T.-This fi;16 stem *er iron frany, ningrapidlj.­ Less than half -an hour ,ain tid again, but he own wish to undertake such a. respond- � and. wood plank and the entire parmers and Manufacture .-OOM. ed that upon the receipt of the n e -s of the rut! 'Who, from that s=e day, and each clung so desperately to me ihat Ii couldn't aftordise work is to be. done in Goderich. Thiswill 0 -bility for such a purpose I We thinkitis arrived here on Sunday and afterwara, at 12.50.� General Vzo Rbm more and morahas-loithed andhated YOU,' drop him. Each fresh struggle brought not. Vie desire of Canada to borrow so ing Freig lit, left for Kinca BEN MlLLBn--SYmrAT Y WITH PEWS- surrender of Napoleon and MuMalion at TIK% I struck ro. I Well I' arge dine yeste my be the first instance in which the iroU frame Seddii, Bazaine and the garrison at Metz called - our attentio to snotber French By. the light of Ibe as nearer and ve3rer the edge of the a sum or any amount -to IW spent in this (Monday). of a -steamer has -been constructed in iIA--A meeting was held at Mr. 3faloy's capitulated to the Prussian army besieging column in full retreat to the right to, Jarrip, above us T A A little crag. I guened'what he wanted to unremun0rative fashion. The present THE FisHixa RoATs are now leavm' Canada. The builder - will be Mr. Henry Schoolhouse, in G an settlement, that fortress. 4-ould see, his vellow face tnrn the asher or X the Sedan, on -the road Jeading from BazeMa hue of a det�l man's do, and put all my remaining strength France-Prnasian war is sufficienb proof preparing to leare for the Sitigeen s g) Malton and the design for the iron- for the purpose, OfAympo thising, as that auel taunb of +bat such fortresses are only so manv trap3 no -fish-beieg now.caugliroff. this arior work and machinery is by Mr. Killey of 'with -the THE NEWS IN -LOONDON. to the La Gerenve wood. They never -nd Cot triblitiq9to the London. Sept. &-London is wild with hal�ed util,thq rams hit home. intoonefterce, desperato efforb to Ilin,, cause ot Germany a 10 ; D�=3, 7 0 where soldiers may be impriionedbypor- Tht catch, the past season, has 1 be it or Toronto. The vesseel will be 14 ft. 'longer y casne to the re raofed He covered his face with his hands, and hlnL aid of the widov7s and 0 !pbanh be' delight ov'er the Prussian triumph. The house on the outsYnts OF Sedav ifteX tions of a hostile army, while other di. an average ;--N@t'we hope betterlu i . than the W.m. Seymour and fitted with n reaved gd tto ro �2 -- 7 ,a 4 I Atc uttereda. faint, dull moanas though hebad This time he went down i but 112Y fbOt visions of the enemy penetrate to the heart. them at the Islands. engine of sufficient power to, run 14 miles by the war. TIAe mbetipg streets, for tw,6�boura were filled with the Almost atthe same moment General in very deed, got bda death-hnrt. had slipped- on the dry, short turf, and he of the country. Equally foolish and ex- � THE DEDGE hour. 'Who says Goderich is not pro- Weis well attenu. excited multitudis. Englishmen. congratu- She Man, who was usi - ag my opera glasqj A] belonging to the Grind an d, a number of 1p�aies`abo being present. lated each otheri as if there' 0 The crisis was evidently approaching ; managed to pull me down upon hi travagant, is the idea advocated by some Trunk R. R. has been too enthu'siastic' I greasing I Bhe is specially intended to had been an the- madwin, could hardly contain himself al. in en- Mr. T. Glehill, of Borimiller, occupied English victory. - mp athizers With Prus- al d me to look atahird Fctich colatan se-arouqd mq i rgel rig I felt his- arms clo gage inthe Lake,Ruron fish-carryingfrade, the chair, and after shorf energetic ia were never so strongly manifested.! - mO' h up a broad graes-cavered road muchloner. In another minute, he might a a&*P papers -of creating a standing army for huntingmud ; eing entirely subme twisted and writhea.toward Canada. %Ve are a peaceful nation inviting the upper part of,the Harbor. th of steel as lie and will bb the property of Mr. Leonard, be at mv throat -, and then disa Polio -thr( UJ; e La Garonne wood imine. greeable as no hostility and' unlikely to be involved in Of th*-town, and others. speeches, the 4, 1 ion was read 0 and adopted -'A aan; ( it would be, I would inevitably have to THE SILVER:SPRAY we hear, is Ii I 'knigisrosao'n' THEIIEWS12f BERLN. diet al above So loubtless to support, the edge I heard his yell of diabdlicid- AUN'tutilbssthrougli an Imperial embroglio- y Towx LoTS -Air. Truem�n will sell by ifest, notonly Derlin,Sept. S.-The.Te ceipt of the news shoot him. -Alvarez Smith was by nn triumph in my ears ; knew that we must U the event of which, *�,­would be entitb�� again to reBumb the old trade from U` r- no n, for -Mr. Isaac Rattenlitry,on 13th Maose irho are bound by national ti6i the troops'-' defending the important means the sort of person to stand on much roll over; felt the earth, slip. away from ish to Kiticardine a company, in t tar all impartial beholders, 'that Tg thatthe Emperor and XacMabon had e ei o r . n to. ae nand. Imperial prot�etinn. The best 13 *11 a e t* thenorth-east of the PTPOS11 the lot capitulated lias'ocemioneda most prodigi- vi earemony wiffi when the instincts he in- me, felt thG- mai rash c;f'air by me ; camadian frtifications Are ibq true br . easts latter place, ig to bny and re ir Sept, a known as I the Old British *1689 gambler on � the Fietich throna, has ouserithusixam bere. � Thousands of peo- ATTU Eirited f -o a the Spanish creole ofamother felt a shook that seemed to stun me; and and strong arms of Our citizens. The her.. and ut in new machinery'� in e. RoteL ithouteanAe or -provocation li4litedhe LO I NEW SALT WELL.—Mr Hawley, we Fren4 batteFies on -the, of ivar and compelled a friendly, a1d kith armalinkeq,, singing patriotic' songs, edg of the WOOCI tOWaT4J'1`0rCev and above Westo*%r with - I I J ofhi-3 wem- in the ascendant ; and it was then- locked in each otheFs arms the gallant: Chamberlin mid course of tTd winter. Tun— plethrongthe streets, "moving in ranks I eclarx the hislifeormine,lbegantothink. I drew T 21 1 . I iderstand, has purchased an engine from 't)o disposed- nation to engage- M water closed over us like a thiok darkneas. their sturdy, volunteers and Om A -STEAM BARGE, we hoo, is to be bu'Ut I I fy shouting aud-eAibifing every oWvr ned a v�doro as lice on he advancing HE C3XPAI! teftlTer quickly out of my pocket, and otion w#h 'hich vVill de -in W strife, this meeting offiers its heart - the Pe Beckett & Co., Hamilton, adly guards are but specimens of the-impr in' Goderich, this fall, in, &nne columnsf tliathirdcorrL%whose covered him from my knee in anticipation be on hand without delay, Thlis work is felt sympathy for the cause of Germany, of enthusiasm, A4#qrging crowd msembi- ruostan re' the lumber btisiness done by Mr. Jiuh�s d before the I Yp4a�o, when, in response to, evident intention it was lic, dorm the LIU nable fortresses thAt attid our enti ell) he en7. still fur- their cheering,Ahe. Queen appearkil and orthwest of La 0arenne and so gaiaho. Of his rush. He must have struck against Soule" frontier, and,if the necessity arose, + going to Va. pushed right on. t6nd prays that her arms may be 'Now,' he hissedlivilljou promise never thing ia the fall, and have been dead or tire country. A little less cheese -paring NCIMAN'S SALT P&Ns -The pan in - OTETY made a shortaddress. All the scho�ls were t THE 19roaTicuLTuitxt So held 4 ther blest and, thrpugh Divine Ad, this key of the position on that side. , At1-.0a to marry this woman F Etunned when he reached the water. penuriousness, a little more geneiosity, on the 0 Well is doing fair work pro-� speciaLmeeting in tiae Court House last War] be brought to a speedyAnd.successful up closed ad thohildren were given,a holi- yet auotber French battery near the wooa q'Il msayom to Gehenna, first? In a second i had wrenAed myself the part of government to our'volunteers ducing a d article at a cheaD rate, T�e (ThursA4) evening, when 'the following conclusion.' Th:e subscriPtion taken day. The monument 'of -Frederi�k - the opened- on the Prussian columns wVich 'You Tinu Rog r from that deadly grip and risen to the when on, active . b I judges were ar;�oi-Ned for the Show to b Oillamountioaliotit-830030. Atthec ' Q G cril service, and every citizen apparatus emg ! inexpensive. Another e on- Second was litoally-buneain fiagL De- were compelled to keek- shifting theiv, 'Conf4uncl icu eb:! But I'll promise you- � to gi' n for Queen surface in the bill Shed, Goderich, o clusion- three cheer*,,we ' ve th*` I added, w I %aw him crouching like ' . and was striking out for the would become &� soldier. ticircled by a nb�,description is being put held, n Victoria ;"fk)r King William, the Crown monstrationt;4ate made before the resi- grouna utitil rea4v for their final rush at n jagaufarsapTing, at my throat, 'that- bank. Ten miffutei more and I was , Arall of fire' of dauntless hearts, and rio and, Mr. Runciman is at Wedndsdpy, 14th Sept:- 6nee of Count xbismaiv% Baron Nolthe,- the bills in order t; avoid offering sagood, r a fiti-ir neelin- beside Helen glowly recover' with a few efficient gnu-boats'to patrol our &e8eiit constructingo 0 'for a well at S�a-. Fl-uits-D4,hd Ellice, m Haden, and Prince and th Royal familyaprussid ; k and the Minis4r of War, De Roon. Shops a mark to the French shells, Inadman or na madman, if you la, log waters, the Dominion need fear. no foe. forth Dr and for Count Bis mareki Vo, Moltke, and nd.4ores were mostly closed, -d the day Afterwards we saw the first Prtwgian on me, 1% shoot Yon in your tracks i�ith­ her consciousness under the sympathizing latteis-D H Ritchie, Capt the German soldiers�the In � a-powersbow- u Murray, 0 T= STEAx BXuGE KEwirjeft this PDA giveik to festivities and. ieJoipiritgo. skirmishers on the crest of the La Gar-enEe vilt Ere -her warni - rig.' care of a fdrest keeper's wife. on Saturday withi; cargo offfal anddDr 3Atoods. ing that consumption is no disease of this hills; above Thuri. They did zot seem in Railingray * " rhe Second Empire tites the Dust I locality- Altogothoi the meetng was a A FRENCE :VROCLAX&TION. right hand qj c4er -Raby William pickly, I burg. Yegdables 8, Jos Gold- strong W14TITZLY i th, The French udvau*,g at Itasb ed-- 1kim WrIv now. My, acniable COUIPIWO?l The body of Alvarez Smith was picked WiU t1lere be ijeace thrppe, atid Chas McGregor. success. COM, Paris, Sept. C. -The Council of Minist- drapped b,%* into his seat wi% a hideous up the next day, Hehad disguised him- BbAR13r OF S1JHO0L TarrsTENs.-A'�mectr- -Aadia' Work -Mrs Reynolds, Miss --ers have issued the following proclama- sly' to one. the.Prossians werecompelled tix Spanish blmp4einy; mu ing will be held in the Board -Room '-0.4 TOWNSHIP'- GREY. -The. contract tion retreat down the hill to seek A' . uu`�'xPectedly self a& well The event, expected for many clays, has �kimrains, and Miss PaTsons. bifflefl aucl beafter. while awaiting an opportunity Thursday next at S. in. - I . ments from the columns wbi& 7 0 w taken place. The second Empire has Everyone wil the excel- for the ritinage of the swamp lands in -ccTo t French pea -wershurry- re- I acknowledge he, p1a-: -a Eye 3ninutes settle matters with me, ag to have no . ing to their mipporL 31 VFEU 'Xhars right -, I said, Considerably - �to YOUN-G MENS CHRISTIAN AtSOCXAUO�.­� le'&e of �Iie selection. friis Township has been let for 85 940,- Agreat eisfortune has oome.upon the they came back again, this time in greater lievedtgfindbewasnotsomadmtobav,- eluded detectionbythePoleiz-lAmt but fallen but scarcely in the man antici- The adjoidined meeting tak 7 eB place in the :02"to Mr., Geo eBlaiq, Malton. -country. After three days of heroic; strug- fo AN6rmizR SALT WErz.-We are -very rg rce, bat still -lost aU fear for fiir�self, and pnt mdunder Iwasabletoswear unhesit t his patee. Instead of seeking safetv, iri flight TomporancellaIll terribly inferior to tose atiogly 0 -ni gbt. Buairiessat.7':00;. ha 'deed, to hear hat Messrs St iaud HURON BA!�,TUON.-We no'doe gles, sustained by- the ariny of Marshal the,raintul necessity of win with so by Ile to ppy, in by FWneh n=ses. Good -heavens. tIq ;ng him ; 'of identity, and did, me pardonable to England and repose in his old White- eCtttre A:. W.;Zkid on 11P I iti 11 . o.j arb,.making arrangements to put &Lps I e ly 4�C MadNfahon agains 300,000 of the onemy, Figuch cuirassiers - -are going to charge coufte-you didn't expect me to take cam szttisfac at 8 D. m. the Gazette the following, changes don. chapel garret, instead of yielding himself dow4 a Salt Well beside.their.Stave Fae- No-. S - Company, Bay 40 000rmoft have been made prisoners, them!" tried Gen Sheriaan, =d Isuret o1inyse1f-;;andT snppbsa youlve only 4 He is beli Ensign (provi-sionllyY- Th field�To be 'General Wimpffen, vvh6 took ommad -enough the reiment a cuirissi7eys, their. eved ta have lef Qum OZONZ.--Dr. 11ow8onj of Toroa- tory,;'at once. Th Y are also-golu L do t, no�bne tc exact to the King of the,Belgians, or like other _g to add omas- Simpion, of 6 much think you!ll kill me -to- the forfeit from Helen W to,. will be at the Fluron ffotel� for a fevii to their machinery &r. the maptifideture' of tb�e army inplacoof Marshal 31acXahon we are, alone, &c, *1 she marries ybiowe when unfortanaiePrineen�en)phasizingdefea;tbj 'ihe� County Rights -fdr this barr�ls. Let Goderich flourish 1 - gent, vide H. MoUann, promoted. helmets azid breastzpUtes flashing in the f - - me, arid� supposing his bar days� to seU -No - 9 whoms badly wdunded� Iwasigned a -cap,, September sunfornic in sections of squatl- jwyomwera pod- envygU ti), remind =e suict e, the 1hird Napoleon quietly, but famous ]rest gnd fish Presjervativ6, U Company, Exeter -To be Ensign: Glynn itulation. This cruelreverse will not rons. a d so F*EtEwELL OYsTPA9UP.ER.z-MrYoung, -dash down upon the scattereii our �courage, gaitiwith the original claimants to have ivith a touch of' melodrama, has elected to highly recommencted by the distinguish d vina Mliot, M. S., -vice R. 0. Moore, resigned. Paris is to -day inomplete, Prussian skirmishers without deigning t0I Y14 11sliall kill von yet!' �eenV,.lAWrUlqUe le of the Bank of Commerce, On. lew Ch 'was entertained to a-A,pysteb 10VOefk Of form iu line. Scluares nre never u . sed br there is an end you see, lay down his sword at thb fee' eirdst Profe'ssor Croft. See a4vt. st06 bf4efense. The nAlitary itkyon there. My own !in- or Wybroweat Will.' er wi 9 �1 diff t of Kin �1 Goddrich, -No. 8'Company, Gitorrie�The resignation of his friends, k the I W. M.'(;. Gra�, is accepted. tans.- 'The infantry receiVed the- preasion it that you'll be in Hanwelt or William. - W� do j�ot desire to exalt over 'BATkAlloN RIFLi. MATCH.- This eoiit�qt suppor by a number of Lieu., the country ivill be Organized !A, q. few prusi C:1 Charenion befcii-& lonx. t. . tak;ig place at Goderich,- on Thursday a`Ud British Ex6hange Hotel,- on Saturday eye- RUAT THig WHo, C*N. -ddys,; a new ar�my will"be under the w9JIa cuirassiers with a crusWwg, idek fire Neanwhile, let his dbwnfall, though his'selfish ambi ion, -Mr. G eOrge of'Paris� Aud another army is forming o .meadviseyounot to try this again. If FAday 22 and 23rd'Sapt. Six matches Are ning last. W T Hays, �Es4., Mayor and Cox, Golerich Township, had (sebnell fauer),at Libout 109yar& distance, gross insincerity, and iron deapotLsm,) un- 6pen to the Volunteers and one to 411- M. PP. I Pro- the banks of the Loire.' - ' Your patriotism,j loadino and firing -xyi!h extreme rapKity Yon dn,, remember, I've waraedyou.' view* occupied the chair. and a pleasant. duction from ONz Y41,yarRose potato Of your 11nion'; your energywill save Fkanc?- and 11Z'Uiling precision into the dew; der the pretended-, xanction of the peop;�Is - comers dud over U00 of prizes are to be time was�spdnt. H(a� 11nag. a enr3a at meand turninz away, 2 Buiiel I s jand 9 lbCL The Emperor has been made.3 prisoner in French squadronoi. Theeffectwas start - D -in Tim' clo-ak, and rever o is by means o J. 0. Z. -Your pnetry is too I -ate for this the itruggle. The Gvernment, in accord ling. Over went horses anil iften in num- 33. IUZ f a stuffed ballo roReil himself u ic given. BzR'XR,"We,rearei, we have not room noreltill tha inail ran- into, ther Daver� -c long. made the truest, 4ftrts,.,- THE AnTmmy Co. 'is h I ior ordered to pa'-. issue. but willappoar nei:t week. with publio powers, will take all inva-surea bers, in masses, in bandredp� andthe regl- statiorr. Tawhe rose syddan�y iade, in the armory on Fridai at' 9 a, for "Villagees" lettxx this week. 'Hi SEPT. Othi .1870. Wirconfitsion. Lf.he d 'Ire i - a- GRAND TnuwK Emounisio.-is.-On the ment f proud Fibifah-vtdr-issiers. V%4 pened for the purpose of embarkitia on thi required y the gravitvofevent4. the &Or� SprAIV,9Z die, pLwornx and dis- tio'll to stay the tidi- of ­�loo gn . n- n4,rATJX&0; I I - I - . b6atfor their sun nal drill. occasion of the Provincial, Agricultural hurriedly bael lisorder-"went hwL 6PLEN-DID- STRATEGY AND BA7KrJN;:,�D.. --CAF -SAM, - acte&-more wiselY 4-1thefastthan.through-� Fmii *3XIgoN Oir �raLq 19 H� .w. Justerthan. it came back scarcely Mere the Grand Trunk GLORIOUS VICTORY., otit 'hit. dark SAsoN.-Mr xhibition at Montr6al, Dpr 91grial, ]�WArLT DR Gizwouirizy, =?nt�u otrerlg�h, und nott all a reglt career. on III b -O Itro tel audlpaity R. R. Will iiviiie, from -10th -Sept. return JULES BRAXEj- GC in form,, Its comely arra 'FAnil so yott ran away from me, Rden P woundea and his-irmy shatteredy andith rou bi 'a ne dear yesterday tickets froni'any station to Montreal, for a latobu u y was sud, Itwassomet�hreeorfnurhoumiiiteri�y The last few dayis have developed a from ilia! AP you usk�fbr i ation, wo,sena yo' 1)r. iA, ToqVD AvvzrL0=, C,-� t denIV c haugea. juta & Ehapiile�i and help, ea and- cribbed"to 'endure good to reftirn until 19th- Sqpt, from Dayfield the follov�qg.-There is a GrANDEPERRBT, COOK L A 13azalne, 5104,41t re - besides partridge, pigeoir, sipglefare, less crowd of lying raen.� The -moment V,7_��, Arnyal irt Lindenbad. I had forced the -ebang� in the Pfussian programme. In- gin s4and: a fox. ZE� consigna, carriect L%dy O&Veatry-'js room& stead of adushirig m' famine fix getz� the I'man of n1yatervIl did AwozAzrl G=BRAzi Row arrives. here, ClximrsTg D i markqd i%proviameni*lu Oe village, every the cuirassiers turned, back, the brave the Ri, arch on Paris,- leaving SEWkG MA Prussianaactualiv dashed -forward in hot in well to throw himself oh, the eleme, OMN19a.-We would - onFriday, 9th IDA, and will go -tn board house is occupied and more building. We P�l MAGNE mis by diwornfit­`4 n Of 'UIT' a larke French army iftthe rear', it became spectitAtiiintion to. the 'advertiffemen'tr haV.,,e sevoi Store :DUSSAW-BI _pursult at the double quic�, the infantry the Audd the victor. It'will beeome the PrusAans �t Ilodpiobing General si�3 'D ennew suc the, iviim AVh4for Sarn*, 'being receir- apparent that4he real tactica ofhe Prus; Groceries; I Draggist,.1 Boot JZRbMuD I plainly putiffing the flying V1g-:1]r of my aggault, briastnuelt that after a �dwith �',salnte of.11 gnns.� Von I of MiUi�t �Iow act is generous co, 'querors. and, neighb d vhohave purch and Stationery at 214tl ge -to annihilate Marshal orh6o nerah wer. AM= Store and n excellent nel era. NVIou the French infantry Faw theirt not net es; bavd found thenj Upxt* HoUsEs.-:-For some months lipt6a*jIt-e-stablislidietit. 'We haie,a, first cayatry thus fleeing be -fore the foot soln dlessly gall the gallant and.�fte-d & :. their madhiftL AiqiMion. My darling h Mahon, who edging down the Bel - ad. spoken the 'M ika' empty hott6w. have. been to. be olsos.'Mor � diiect. fiom, -the- Old 0161tat Zir turn, came forward word, that boun& het lifo to mine for gfsn fxontierin a, darin PeOP14, 'Who wore forced into this deadly ry, viers, they in gattempt -to Xd1ove *yet. and ociribine with Marshal Baul�e. at struggle; without willwor Pa nd -in �� GodefAh Athoug 'some -'ard 'a ucli- wariied, -W� hope be will-w-neeti Vgws or Tag DRAT IWPAIS� anil attacked the Prussians. The Ir own. INTWDIXG ADvzRT18ER8 are roqueat6d fou act oftbe' to hand in theiiadvertisiments as' s �anstahtly going up. Several at Woott libiial'ai�ppq#;, ha,.afidifttands his. slaos waiteaquietly, patiently pud.uritig a Will the XctinZ'L(JQVer4meut i atcopt the possible. Noir ist ech 0 'd and tel Y A ten- ara� ral)l dk begetting tu -betim6 to dir i�. y, give tri BATTIMF SEDAN, 0-e S- U turnor nieit, she An&. k were sitting Metz. Three Pruman;Armi� anted and- not, l)tainAle. ' The b 'rf* - ERog brefr6m the Chassepots, FANO t�e gates of tion, tO7411 � stocks. -d ation and �pen -'Our columns, ai4 'I their enemy had 4rawn witin 1* ver- � -i'll Friend F-10, kto'v J* Wiling aUllinery and , afi6ii f-God6r1eh;, during- the e�Cr.Fa �� on thw%alcony of iheir rom that o him in front, fiank �nd rear-1mve., not only - a V E atc, C3 looked the rirer anil the-porpla woods be- rapid fillinIt. u PM 'owr6ci�.i-iol6-floiirlobingiltor.e, yarfis from then Theg tkey retq=, e(I WAA± GZN. SHERLDAN, �'SAID. -oe "pted-1y1be- ladies. We with in �6 Wid fire from swA stopped 31effahon�a progeim, bf Hely: W trust, they will' and, that t1le, zwar foreai6d' be, for Tkafols; W&K- turaod out b -this th& needle gt fond ; at her feet, as I love best to sit and touted- the f6roes, under WVommarid, and 24 rkow� eaded, t will theiL ematch the great-violeteyes-turnslowlir 6n- t4�bfl4menti's,uziivermilly.-adniiredancit�eI , eir 4ke, it. will-- he successful, 1114:05AA OBLTGPI�To RETIE the chassepots. and 'the French infantry SAIES EACH DA, -worltl that bar- inin comp 46 disorder towards . asip -show to the- for. vatel -tauction large- There I not ma at her feet Atb� her hatict 'tx mine hi Pru, , to, ratesvm� itioder4te.,f Y, and a Anil a. icould. �i6. mare enditre the Prussian fir& W1 U, Ing gtiil Of- 'the trouble'r 0f.EU ei 9 lag 6 lot in I No, -HA . Uyfieldlfbir sale for taAesthia Z Xq, thp6n the cavalry to *hose rescue they -W not; weahsll hear Uoxvxvtox,�6-A, genera �pdsig Of ats:ancl �'Shoi TA PMYCE, vrivention -6f,dl tho Tom come SOYOU'ran�awayrrdTwuve;,,EFelen?,7 that the, Fren* fought with Adip-erate. can be a,% great i'a reator I i n t a 6ker� lRawgalus will bo;- more. � beatitiful. location: for, a The infantry fled in its turn, and, -Belgium. e W&doubt t perame.bodiesin 0 Do tove . a-, 1 'Wha " out wn 1% not in-- Canad courab, thou4h qt�. o, battle, it for heq the, County. -mill . OL 'held it Gddericl, , .4, -0opt 4-w-Tm, 1be '&riato,yeste�Aij followed. the -,cavalry t th p f t esaeonll I do f L wxsz no- weak �&Ior and dU not an going b 'Paris, 0 0 lace ram 0 'W" hdv The great object of tBe ' $6X9,0P an peace bath her vidtpriesr 'Thursday� 22odp er'of WAi said withYou,Fnnli: -, 4o, wesk against ray.-IcWo. an( Amore r6ftown­� ept.- Thodilegate:s-willj Aellerallea 1, outrnumberw4 without dis- d since fhoywerpno.V -sit.through"Ahe Aatild'in. e�everuug.�,. �Vam alat And, f�i�r your sake, I feltif ought '11 be -e n on not to a �, * th , Aj *150,: rill I Sol Wow ed than war.- King Will debate *111 -take place at pating the bottlia-ground ir�& by inch arid 431, ta VA ntit- crest of the hill. Th to, n I ra i away. It was terrible work ther4: iWIbia eand otitedidtim'46, SF�eh as leavin Dril -Of led fo, dentancl-isuch- - i a4j#tment 0 e Furth--,, F vening. A-101 attendance' is i& & behind. them a terrible roe, tLuo6.M., orl Whites, WeakeW.ng D*� JU to -gat Amytistart that nigbk though! tiQ . i holding.iftlius.. rainzt -3 C��--:­ Ltle&, Sappressioa or isms pkrsuaaea them,- Whe lau horribl crttel to Mil French and Prussiattalain. Butthetum. boundarr " wilf Tnike any1f0thre attempt V-8, I 11118 fonght TOIWX'�AXNZP.-�— laition f the Womb or Bladtler, Ton I'T HoriauzTuRA.T, 9ooi1tTy'-Wq would the Mensts,�­ ing point of the w4r has be r_tf f00 Yom-lfov I loved her when she- did en- reached and ofFrsiafton *611hine so-aiactlit- im alqw a, sad all other Meases- ar possiW t W4 understand the PiinceAlffredll is order - III** I would'go, awd so we wiatit. Tiatory dearly bought, x0fully nd ag�itir�i�inclititen4iq.6xbibi.to:rsl.-4d,.iif j0ompWuUprbdnce,(kby a 'eiinve dlac1wrgqs-vrftp- 5 a 140 IL --Y P� con r"m erLD s cc most tube imp ty ; aticl to, be - re' it tc� be -in roi.adittels to sail by Thursday interostod� : in Uqrflc�ulju re ar14l 'Ladies, raplon fifthe xdlffteA. ztotbo o Mr o iors. Mars so - determinedly fonight f0i rests o4 the ban- Let tvery wbxpa-ver a d --prg 06ug., ners of King ua victory I of the Wal._ b 8th inist. We � believe she will'be, manned fronvyon 'WX# Ift tribursed1drthe cost Work that the Fall, Shaw takes Pies in, -&g it the erltie lypo pare their syAUtntwith XAhon,, after.etideavoring to r� a';balld Ra I's sarsapwUhsa & 4 by 4G men of tbd -Godirich bxtto We Ale Drill shed he Wednesday, solvelat, aud all w1ht0mqev-eev-L s baye 0earled t.l*t fe6l t- W p lie ut Of if any mio6m, fraught w.th such wful' tbisi we fervently, hope, tlxe well-balanced L7. - .-- -, o -Bazaine, in the'diroction of nort -a sna�led -to b7FEmewi5p UOUPOUIM SYMP IDY 9H= betwlie is to convey 061, Robertson Ross ro, rxosPmTqD3 for33roncb1t1*, frajij shleh J� hand snft-cd carnager tut be gloriour. Wbither He- Gerimarrinind will not seek to, -r�pqsh' -."Itw Siek & suffetfngfrvA some . to qrnetvDasd1se&s4!6 obliged to,re*e. U the onvirontof Oedwp, much. I lmvo nwagnly threc taves,omdRy bc.,3tl. -The, 'Man It 'etitaided tak&the8arsi.0 ;tH Re f his army Uve, iriaaiph� Pru- T r witU wq's, s;aad -they, will enjoy we were several days fight AUM 01 0� F;ai%fx and. bick. (if bowels arg V Aw pro 1. ia:;ii -remnant o al Zem=d for It frain all �ft IV, - coal Ushou and, the , REC0*b%T0','JtT he jubil&,. irt' ftrepls; Ling with the al- Is Dow better fb$w it in bcen foricars; tbere is bet4hen themdel*iw ilk lint yet knOWn.- Tionot-60 thii'es4blishtnent ofthe,.Roarder ""ich a �Igh atateoftealt-li alimseeuretbem long to mations, f-sti3oask �and Teverse, Nat v'( gluer, Vts� to. �dqwn th6 lava 0 the 'Ited. life V1W-T&84om ft=athi is loijawAdpams offorin- W.J.-VEMN, LOTS INN ate En pean complications and we 4o�not ,4w- 94-t yow They may I hay* made g%4 their retreat, rol at 13iock�illo, by DaTid, Wylie - -Esq., 50- contelidetl against an I' )ue)my nximericAl Y 33ri4gawer, N, B,, V2 A14reb. 1869, U ir return. ajite 4 won" oome� ou Fremilt soil, or ibey ihink the adv Df our inoyt &"a" an i Not till I AM11 hairs may have been isemt-King William, will yeam*gq, Was,161datFatti-mravill4on 18t DisevAos mit*ed,�Mreqiuilro the x1dof the Resolvent. Our sperior, and, "Nolbottle Tar, ARn oir Smoor Tausuip.-Tho 2-� ca Ple*s an -ThemmarkedKOX-t aft A. ef. - i lby Dr. A. onoTgsticfforts the,%tterq0t ssems 1011110 NNW Uthirli-7., rav heart. 1know I wt* crou-tho"linvand yield them- Imil him to, Uke any � dictatorial, step� that rtV.- I t* uld have been held I"t inst. �The chair was ably'� filled "Ivim *Y-tbe BelgWy a Of FarmergTille, in an unfortunate-munnir forI Bitt I thoftha too rmyII At any rate, would plusi him, in the atimxtio prevented . 1 . 46; Riady-Rorier 25 to butt1q. -Filis' 2 a of (Thursdiiy) nikht-,, Th4k storn' &Isin 7' - 0 Uetaper terminated P-adways Regulating pills. Ili* l#A hope of the Yr*n& in the field io EnvopN in the - box. -inigAt ulover Addreiiiwwore,deliveredbytho cs*ai�' � %*Ar Us. WJINuiddy cure tlia paticat 6fthc, tollowil;g jcc.1;i Y" S641111- game poqiti�a *A that form. tale prosence of a, quorum. DrFAdwayl* lRemedle rugg-stsAna Ca had &vA a few clays mii and by'Mr. David -Wylie, the editor cnnufty Xerbunu, 4nd Dr, RaAwiyta Medical Or PraoA Origin we 1312inte'vizz *Ztgatum 'Other adviceo aa I b64 Va tidinp of IVOI arly oocuplod by thi Iniperor now, his I of T4,� 6ngestion, Ue&A Ducases. offlKin fi-A t'a n" t1w OIL tho en', ' A Rsavuu Lim or PxoFRLixns.-:-The Wtrebomn, J87 Maiden Une NX kild439 St Paul st still *raore unfavorable, but do not Up' Taesdq 131 day God gmt Allthat can be desired for -of the B,�cor&r -, MPA. N. Duel Disems of tbe Uver, umrjunea Prisoner. success mef with by the My of.-Sandtakyr �Onto-; Wontrsal, T.Vvm t ! Wh" W 40wijb V;A% V"ao ow mom be r"totod to BUTOP4 "d Napoleon is that he U treRted physically P"er. W. ftartj of Osuaneque ; Sir -AW tte*A F�Ueatd Tme. worthy f credit in'.011 cues, and the *T-ypb= irever.Ship Fever, oxallwant Fever Iscaser this amon, hai�, we are itiformed been so goverrim. . en is not Willing topire heni the "W9 if You lorwi net yea wav so 0*,* mWoft ittolirwl in U* siru%U I bendone lere'r stamp to brTRadwV Appetit(4 JndlZeSUOR, r.-PitationS, **U and plu*d in such rest ka, Ron. S., lUchards, H(on. Coo 4S9 St 'nil V(71 I , Mess. wMe we mm Irrodatiekwinism, risae- satisfaatqr.�-�hat a cpmpa�q intands, next P, real-inrormalo4 wartUi4ao x6rlleho Y AndswUl Appearanceof authority by comniuniciting *80RT'et reveT preventhim from . Sandfield macaonaid,- ton, A. X. be "nt'fop, � � i I Amenorrbma, olmsh cffiwdl fhem, to thf let I to -t-be Hei, *13ermivrauia. Obs - flietmtlqn. rwk OwtUs xad Stemn*A6 who h&" ch-lf. jrxpul,�Oti IV, like �T4 torunthree 'proi)e-llersto=dfrota,�Rie4r4pi9r.O,O,Itr"er,*fBrockvUle; ) public. - Our reverses xffl' � tMetms Y" *VW two I skoom U4 6"Swres wixnt leaderl�, Ut us r 1, Po Godoric�ne,to Sakinaw. and".,brie, W. - P .. - - - ... . lit. Itilmapossible, for sto soe-without -'InfUrine, JDftsy. Acute l3ryalptlas. Hcaja&c-te� Bad the Z�:222L-g 1110k real& W40 wa siveft aw and his lm*rW- mother will have to, he of Farmorav�ilo, wid H. i 33retb, infiammationr the int-cstinEs, L�-Iiouu Ne hwtnaila a, deep emotiba not forri %* li"Uminspookeles", Detroit emli'dayi This would benefit The Dominion Goveramen D itinch -courage and so mocIt-4urifte. Apoplex 400, now Hhi,� - oozaont withmagnidoent obiiionrity,-forlbo Y, F,�� memertof the pseev, Von x6me, w both the owners and tow;hp audwo'bellovoi 6 the laxperiatGovernment for Aevotion.'ret derec! una-valling.-But this veAtiveyever, AW bow Fiva4h people will not have thoso Prff-O-f'JtWe cerftb- nesi5 of Eight isenivy, whoopip.- cotzL1;, vc "a w1walre fro taki vay oufrettera' manActateri, bete,. wUd' ' thelmovinfoi(of A�fcf'wyliekind m u v Pits, Lovi�ess -of spilitp, BAd rCAMF, QZ�1U$Y. Wked the ==of tha proiiwjl�w- lbs" sustained from. the -late Fenian Taid, si;ii�tncle, fai WIN" b" m4*4 ucouriqet qaitWof tti Attordir by teW-OUImMich will �6�doubfwoi. r them� What wilt" People iter be- sugment and To on PC OTS their ttindst *6 1w. and 1110 to '40 Since d8UW2Vd1 r"OPIJ* A Foopnblib,-miuld not maefthe v1ew4*)F oa bleksit t1*,PQd0rX of rurp" Or of the whols naiA. Rt"ent abinet IvA V�449 into bo r, m. r re ,V th 4 ta ive - ny atte the C, li�rg I lat'd H b en ad � e, To torch "or ie EXCIrlio ucin. L01 Tr MY capittil dbed hal gh gh inho n pri ament hing an fit r! th t v 0"' rI01 141DIW