HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-09-08, Page 1. I I � . F_- - 1. � I . I . ,�., . — ,:,!- ,­ �:4t*v 11 . - _. - I � 1�� d. I I � . 1. - I ? �r "I I- . — . . � I . - I � . . . . I � . . - I - �� � '. , . 4 , _�r - � __ . I . . - . ; er � � . . . � I . � I I I I � . � I � � 1� 11 I . - I I � . I I . . - , -� ,�: - . � I � . I . . -1 � -, � . . * - . , , 0 � . . . I I I i .. I I I � I" 'I,# . . I ,_ ', - I - . I I ! . 1. ! - I . I - � I I" , 99 I . - 11 . '_ . � . I 1, _,i � 1� � I I _* - � . WEVION �i - � . I I . - :11 - I � , Cf I : I i . . , � , . ­ . � I . - I . .. � . . - _ � I . . . . � . . . � . , j � I "'. I �� 4m, - , � I . I . . F " - ,' , a- -, . I � A - * - - . ,, I � I - I .. � . . - I I I - I .!, I . I � � , " ­ � , I I . 'i ., : �j I ­ � i ; . I ", * , . 4 - �� 4... ,�h, , - I . I ! - I I - ,. v . . ,.* "i - , , . �� k - r. . I , , I . . . . � tr , ; V . , i J �.7 ? *_ - " t . ­ � � I . 7 - ­ � I I I V_ - . � , � i I I � . I � " . I . ��. I - �_ . 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An : . � - . �� � �. - _�4 . . ! ��-' 4 . 1 _40­4*0 1 . . . 11 0 p , � ._I;,- I I I I I lv I .. 1..�, . . . 41.1 , ^ ­ " - :v I f - ..� , , .- �� .. -* 4 - . I — � . . ,�� " . - - -- 0,4� . �1­1 . . . . . �;� r " � . ell?.. - �k_ 11, -, ----:�, "ki- P I , �;;��.,.;� - ,,_ , , , .. � - . 'y' I � I - - I ro i� - tnMef - -1 I - . ! . � - W. I/ �, I I I - , 0 .. — - , V .� * I., 11 ,,, A, A I -1 ,� , - , — �r -, . .1 � _- I - .. ,,, � �,, M,�l ,�, - =_�7�!' - - ,".� �11 = - . ., -, � � -7 -;,— I ! : I � I I r . ; . - 4._�. � . � . 11 * � . I . [ . ." �P�:Z� ; - - � ;��:. . � ;: .. , �. . . vi, '! -� - --- -- '! , �_!- I . . . . � . , , i " _- -1 " I . , b . 11 !t. : � I'll I . - - 1�� -� , ,Lz zoj : . I ; A� I . i , � � 1� _. 1 4� -- . �1� , �m i , I I II . __ I . - � - . . _. . � . —;.I— � I - - ­% . . . . . : ",;�`,, M, - I I I i .1 J . Z7�1 1 -11 I .,� — � I- 7 - - - il Ev-, - - - -_ . � =: . ,�,� 4 . ;/. f JIM i rl,�' �1 .. 11� . , , , r " , * , -4 11 I I j" , L � , - j , i � tpb I ;1 " I . - I . . . 4- �111 V�v ,. ,. T. . I '. 1� ��,_. " . - 1. - I - . - 11 I - i 1Z3W1_* i. ;� , �/ - - Z -1 A_ - : :* if, I �:��/. , ,� . " - I , . 0 . . - , I ./ "C' 1 �4_ . .111!: . 4 . . I .... . � L -� . . � . . . . , �� . 4 � _� V 0 .. .%.. � � 1. I . - I . . . I � . I . - � �. . , . . I I . - . � . ::I_-- - . . - . W 103 . 1V3b3D . � I . - � r I �.. . . . I 1. . . . 1. I�K� ][,IV_11C>1N I - It . . . . . . I C11 - I . - ­ - ,�.�­­­__ j _�,I_:_,..; I � . _". 'I ... , � . . lj I I ­� - .1 - .r- � - . ­­­ I . . 01 ." � I - , - t - - .— -- --��,. '0, - ­­., . � .­­�- ____ � . 1,-i I . ­. . � I .�'_ . . ... � I .7 .­. ­��­­'­­ � .,.,. _ -_.... � _­ -1, I � I ­ 1Z...._.:1 *� r.-tw4w . I . . �4, - � j \ __ � k'' __ 11. 1. -1 . . I . T . I ..'I. � . - � ii-� -;-.,-'' - . - ,. 1. . - - I .. - -_Z7 1 ; - . - ' - . I - I I - � ,� . - I .1 1. a 111.0; llmomu==!E� — wwmwwm� "I _00M . - ' I � I . — �� - GEO. COM & ABRAHAx smiTH, Proprietors. . � . The Grettest Po�sib�!D Goo' to the. Gro' 0 0 lu a _* - � . - - � .L . . at *st Possibl 9 ; b $�,: � 11 . - . i' � . � .,� or. ... I I e I - � . . � - � I I I.. . ­_ .� . ­­ - 7 '. I.. � . � ' � . I ­ I � � ..... I I � ­, . ___ -i — ___. - I - I � . r " - - ­ � ­. ­ �- " -, �, I.... . I ��, �­ .. — � -_­.... - . . . - , -7- __1_7_____ � . . I - - __, - � � r I , 7 . . — $ 1.00VMfZ.ALjqW. ][1q _A.-r)-V.ALj,jCE:, - . . . Fr . b ' .. . I . L � � . - I . . . a& -k-]E 4�u. . � . 1. .4 , -A . - 8, 1870. . r ..� - ,,, ­ f . -- 0 � . .. I $2.00:,L�r E:NJD OP - AUI�SDAY, SEPT14 - ' � I . G . 9 �11 1 . I . -_ _1Z - - .�_ - . I I.- . -,-,,, � . "., ..IV 1L.4 XMIL—NO 89 . I - I ... I �. I W I . I - � _�_ - - � .... ­�t ., ­ . .. . . 7 ". � _ , ., . '-' I , - - . ,— r I - _ — . , . , . � . � 11 . . ­ __ . . � I I I . I i, i .,---.----,— � ___ ';_7-__ . .1. I � . Mr. ., _ . " . *1� I I i - Business 0irectorp. .6 I . ! !* lvfscruang.� � had a blight chill last Sunday. The dai -_ _ , . Me' _ I JARP.4niTy'ar -r"Wb13. ,-%: .. I � - _ I -Premises * I I I I I . ' . - I usiness mirectorpe ExtenisiveNe* . � I - � �: Vatbre he Was in excellent health. Mon. I - . . - - - . � I . 11 . aw . - .9 T.BF:NEssi HoRnoR.-A young . - Zer ,&t 31.—Tb6 Noythi -Germ. 13r. nougan . - - - . I . . an, - day. morning he felt the apprQach'of am. RFVL BATTLE ! ,t!!% Is -nU mankiod to. behO14 Tito I . o- . 1P. -A..M,c --- _____ JAND , GRIND. D � named Sch6field, who for some time past I 'A 1EA '.�_ . . , - . NOWISYOU[t WEANO . IOLA other chill, and laj down on thd bed. b.trbarityef,thort.mnchin-ze-��n--4,ol, at(, ' wl� 11 q1clock, a. m. eqary day. Will visit .1 E SPLENDID NErMCK � I ;;; I .. has been employed in the grocery stor of - . 0 P j � Io . one Graves, in.Shelby County After- lying awhile he remarked'that li� MACKA � , 'dents at any hour afterwards, night or day W49 ft - � , .. '. I � Z=_1W - � I I Tinn., f. . ]fdN DRI VEN j3N THE MELGIAW FXON- �_t --be tmuspurtation of the slakaud wuundc� 4 � . � 74 � I L �01- tmnl. I .. ..;. . ­ . W . , i ing jn%lispo�ed one day last. 1' had heard it Said that -spider �bv`41! neutr�l soll. 4 ' �­ �,;r!, n I j . . 9 " . : it . t sum , webs:"*ere . - - - 1�_ . I � . - - -- � (7;-.C. Shannon MAD. 0 1 . 1� , .;& SM. I strolled outiiitoanadjoiningawsood, t,,lk,p.r' ,rod for the Aills." He r�Bc from the ,!.H r " . .. � - . :,. . - A,cnrr"jpoudeht 4 , !Lo - trl%p�e vrites- I , , .: , USON � � - 'Tuesday 4,)rci�jtlz :--.�4_i leastso,� : .� g ,6 1 . a ,, FERIP I rG FRENCH (AMP RN PAUSSIAN from Paris, . HYSICIAN,SURGEON,&c.,&c., GoD W. 0 1 . his rifte vvith him in search of sq6rreljL � d, and gathering from th#, walis or - ' RIM -t I P 1 _t - Z10; M j, . C. Barr & Oro.9 � . , I I I . HA . . . A . 1-3 . y 1, . ." - 000 troops left tq;.da . � , I . 'y b�l the nNortlle= I HAS OP.ENF,,D -A! Of�T When fie, had proceeded but -a short - ceiling Qf tb6 room a web lich.were , - - - �- - . � __­� - - �_: 1 ,7 Xailivay; -destitzation - unt-no", � ��v . - .- - - I , in w "-' .. - . C� . 0 1 . ! . I it . ., , �enkvr . - - - 3DU. MoT�IM-S-N. . ' Vabluet Makersi Undertaken & Wood . . ' I =W I taticehe witnessed ascan6 bihorro - thiee '%pidcr bolls, as they'arecialled, NAPOiltON DkINOUNOED .BY _2111s! ��60H of trDops am left in towu an. d - f7sey -a* - - t4 i There was a-tiumber of men whoni!h I I .. I - . PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. CORONER, kc. Office — Secure the I Tuners, . I IN DRY 'GOODS i e Swallowed them. ritTAOXERS. -. still awarming*, -e�pe&ally �mazjfiia ,njaul . � i knew, whom be was. in the habit of spe�k- - . , - . - . � . I . . ��. andRestdonce third dooreast o(CestralSehool. 49 Go Shadow ere the ' C40 . Immediately there was beard iw[thia- - ' sailora, .whoare apparently to V&i;htTh!2t0"1 I .. . , . I , - .. , - ,� , � Substance fades. =AW4:>1V aw. M ing to every day, engaged in hantringaim''t _idi 11i'FORK'ATION MADE PU'BLIC : withits, defeuse. .. I I �� tv�,_ 4_4.m. Mc1%XrCXCn%,TG�.,M . d across tue street to the store next door from the limbofa tree� Amongthera" as his cheat A faint sound,,, as if the bolls had , 'TIATZ COLLr _P - Acheson's Harness Shop, where will be found � - LR I W I I INRARIS. EighthiindreT wngonsuontainfiyg honae-v � . : - to to wl. 'Rove � THE LATE81 VYL� 3 burst, ind in ten minutes he was :dead. . - �4 41 , �4 Have're CE\ ,GE PHYSICIAITS x*D StrR M . I . . � Graves his employer, whdni everybody . I - - . . d I - old goods pased yesterday th.mugh th6 1; GEONS. C. 13. Restdence, the house Jormerly .4 .. . . supp�sed'to be an exemplary citizen,_ 'V ery'sd6n his throat, lips. andthe whole - h . .".1. loccupied by Mr. J. F. C. Haldan,.Mgin Street- W - A GOOD ASSORTMENT I THE OHOICEST PATUJWS: . BAZAtN.Z'S AMEDI-rx AT ZSQArl;. � , , .- M - . I � Young Scholield returned home, ' I Autiiiirp gattifloneo �; , -. -�, I 7 - - - - - 14 1 1 unseen of his face were growing s,?volle,u by the. I e! " .- . - . - 0 . / I . I . - 1�. _. . -LAMLE TI�STEEDATIII _*--v . � i-3 of Xitchen, Bedroom TH9 I 13r?l CASS AA3,V1 - ii,tZiggoom, and bythe murderers, altudif petrified i'vith, actioh of the poison. �'Fho hasnot seen F1iUiAY,M0F_VING, Sept. 2d. A special-,�arrcspui ,1,iis frocl . � '. as g"r " THE BEST .QUALITIES ' 'ble emotions. He thoualit 'the best hundreas of young Spiders, not as large Berlinthis evening, : ,The �&dm=Z-e gn (of McGill College) I — . - �. . j, I borri I SpesiAl to Herald fronrBrusselB, 1st, re- mttelegrr ar& . - P�ITAA - TABLES. . I AT z. I I course tor 1% ini was to keep quiet to Bay pot, ed here, a fresh hattle had commenced ' .7, SURGEON,&c, Office, over CHAIRS. (hairi esue ondwood seated.) ! ! lural ' rich, Ontario. ',',',a,'),ru9 Prias tO Suit the Timies I � nothing; he had fallen.among evil peo as a pin head, swarm from one of these I � I of the twelfth corps yesterilav Auccessfn - I - CUPBOARDS, , . � . ple' bolls when broken open? And who bu to -day in the difead6n, of 86dau. Mac - I � I . THE LOWEST' PFLIC� 8 and ii, would not be safe for him to inicur - t I on,occuptes a , strong positioti. . . - . enh,agpd the troops the French ,Uffl� � I . I BP'DSTE - 'i .. E -1 ! I .r .Mah . .. . .Oor-ps at Nouart. _�Illstworthy 441311ts 11 J. P. IDanter, H. D. WEB& STANDS, I , their anger. The murdered man was one this ill fated Missidsippian would ew Tire ',ACCOUCHEUR ' MATTRES ! I New York, Sept. 2nd. --T -he. -World a .1166 f�um Dremere - � I., Lolffld.0 . I 7 , , . URG EO\ . flommopathic Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., .8, I put MacUZboti on the q I � . - I Couch% a carpentAw, who was known'ta have lhought of s*allo�% a spoonful.,of cable reports 'another trat4endous battle' 'S kft wj3i� Physician, and Nfedictil Electrician. . I I - . - - toRethel. Tfie,extensionollp, � 's OR 75Ct2. PER NAT F DOZ3N. SOFAS His Factories 0', 8 *tingS have -a considerable amount of money.- them ass a remed adan. McMahon with from �Sciclan towards lauguy' ME iibt fr. . I ian of the Atlantic Matual insur i I I y for chills or anything' yesterday before Se - '� * Phy ie any, . WHATNOTSy LOOKING 'GLASSES, - I infcfLor force, disputing every inch of kn,,wn. . . I *_.ri�i4,�"T 9 it will pay yo i � Since the murder the young man has. on els IV E' Corp3gny of 11b N. Y. Large Photograph Reduced -.In - . I seve, ral o6_dagions informed Graves that ile e? - -_ . . -_ t:"� Oace and Residence Park st., St. Dalhdla GILT FRAMING, TO DRIVE 20 MILES I . - ground with desperate valor. Palikao TH#,tW1rqad fronofnzieies to 'kh10uV1ll& I- Wardjjpdench. JVw42* _ 16,Proporti6n. ,� I J1 knew several men in the town to be g ' - - � - Wty , . A Coal 211ne I-Lorror. said to day MeMahoe has not suffered h as b e e a de i t imyZ 4. a t ; by , - . �- . 131G. B �IL are re E of murde This inform . . vvfj points Ger h Pared to sell everything fin r. - @I- . Also will make the largest Photographs made in Godari elr in T 0 P U It 0. X1 A . htion led toa, pldf nearly as situ'chusthoGernians. Fighting mantroopB. ; Z. �'­­�,�r- . ., I -,. . � I 1, . Ich. very cheap. Porcelain Pictures from one dollar � a ; . among the muiderers of Goucbe to Trialke 'A sad a;i-cidentoceurred 44 the Min ontintied for several days -in the same TheSiego of- Strasburg is proZm�-,.-In' . I . . /' Med:icml- upwar�lsat � — i - has e " - CHARD MOORE, j,jiys CIAV.SURGEON Al" . D. . Cheap for Cash. " I ! away with Schofield because "he knew tbo of Messrs. Glasmire &Hines near Middle region. PariBialls believe McMahon is favorably. Metz is quiet. - f- ­ ��-� -9 . CAMPBELL'S I I - xecouchear. Manchester, C. W� -w3vr . ortment a Pa uds ss � '. Tth. 1867. s:r.1m.etnot 11 go 211 on reasoRable . � W br=ry Photograph 0 N. B. A complete ass f as and We For Cheapne and - quality all his stiock much " of their misdeeds. He was donge- port, Pa., on Weduesday last. --able to hold the. Germaqs at bay'- till the A Tribune special telegraphs from Lux:. . Pa Goderich. Oct. 19th. 1869. I'27 - always on hand and. 1 61, is Unequal' led. I quently accused of stealing money f*1 -�gbout half past four on the aftern armk at, Lyons� 15-0,000 strong can be emburg this afterneou that the French pen, . . terms. � .�, - M. x1cnom"'Rox. . . .. I -;) � . i . I .Graves' draiver, arrested and placeddu;�n of that day, twelve meih got an the c "On. brought into actib.m T14e Prussmus with- e ex ect a battle ueny the - frontici - - I %, ,'Unused ice -house -for safe -keeping by the age I . A CALL SOIL4VED. � in a fortnight have surveyed and built a . . M t I I . persons who had perpetrated the murder, . f the mines. The Shaft is hole , IV smear the li * T�!ra ..ArA Fa*ffP1C,E0N DENTIST. NEW CABINET God -i 12th May, 1870 wlc-tf 11 . . to come out o newtramway -from Romilly to Pont a Ron- I desertir . .. .. . - . . . . . e pmEa t , fil " frulii - . Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, � . . . I I . and to insure his silence they took lifin 110,yardsdeep. The cage ascended, jtbd son and a bridge over the Moselle, avoid - I a - 8 . � , .- . � ' from bis prison tree 6ahs into B lgglm,m. - I . AND - , -house late at night and put when about two 'thirds of the way up it, in d sa g 20 miles. They have There are an -i me Be mu . - r uf Straa-;. 0oderich. . _� - W JM N7V - A .LOT OF COTTO y I 8 him to death. There appears to be an o' ed; then began jAlowly to descend a� Ifeft an� dvtihn7 ivhole easterar.*ilway Zlers. OfAcei�s �, ' -November 27th, 1869. w45-tf . . P, 0 reorganize e st,mate lusses, from trds . STERING 8.10P..' Wao"y n and Carriage ganized baud of murderers in this- section stopp - I � . UPHOL OP � BEST QVA , I .Of Tennessee, who have, for soine -thea more rapidly, and finall C ons a () ha ira ruovvia. I . _y fell in�.' system, bringing GL,rman engineers, sta- "cqupq 18ince leavini Iml t nzor t jj 111RISTER WEST STREET a . S time "old the surap with the men. The wire. rove �-tion masters, and all other employees.- 25.006. Jqo road is -sale. . . .1 3.� 11 "? . &-ND-,'BATTORXEy_.Lj1_LAw`, AND - -FACTORY- At WILL' important offices in the nounty. . 't The traffib is already,enormous. Ther re- The pkince Loperic-1 returned to -&y Salizitor-in-Chancery, Comity Crown -. . . falling -on them forced an 00darieft, CanadaWest. Offince in Court Hous = OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, - I �!. , How To MAKE A Br,oi�:Uz OUT OF A BR�_ - . B I . uler water. , -the caga j � m;u sult of battles of Be&-4Mbnt and Caripan. Clio 33ATES &-ELLIOTV . ! I � I NETn.-I have lbarned some iutere3ti�g MeMbon has been caught with his I , . trom Sedan wheie yestei there was ad- ,- M% C Cameron, GODERICH. AVE pleasure In Intimat- , I ith the help of somd of the men � .axmY alarm of theJ.Prussi-anazapproaching. Tho Hing to the public of town, details of manufactured blondes, - at . astride Mouse attacked by"superior ft=6 Nationia.Guarfl-and the citizens turned oub � ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, CONVEYANCER, &c., . IN' BOOTS 4ND S19030S - one was pointed out to me as unquest6 i- who Were t3till below, the wounded sue. on north side and beaten. Hewas�ilreaclly -gmat Alaeriti, 26 Alarm. was lalse, I aingston st. Goderich, Out.. w49 � and Poirritry that they have . Fj I - . . with B opened a Waggon ard Carriage I HIE I ably a manufactured article. I believ4 d ce�dod in gettiuo their hands' above the atte mpting t6 --retreat finding the enenly � but it was thoug' 11A -pr'u* d�iii t6 so na off Mo ERIC McKAY9 Shop on St. "avidla st, . W, . - 1ZM_W0ZLD RESPECTFULLY AN- _0__ on Ids flank and his communications threa,' . .11 Came -Pon &� CA-arr�-w- c tt's old stand0 im- CANNOT ME OWETED �]q it vaguely, but my interest in the matti T surface of the' water and disentane�line . fqince. - . - . � ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS M CHANCERY, &c. - - e that he has opened a mediately adjoint !V;.is't'e'rg,o Hotel. B. &� E, a I ; was aroused one day recently, when I themselves'ki-oul the, rope. ­ - tened- by the Germans. He wasted no Ttb Z,- - . ; . - . I of the I - . gho�ift the above line, on West Street, opposite attendpersonally allthe worl entrusted to them, Six Itow known -that tbe Kit;g an41- B n street, Goi ]� of.Montreal. where hewill keep constantly and are prepared to, turn out .1 — . I Z411ed on a friend in the city and saw t4e time but atta,&ed iiherever he, could find Crown Prince's headquaiters wexe at Bar Offlee, Kingsto I ; I mea'wbo wero on the cage were .killed - - .- moaf wonderful change in her. Her hair, . theeliel-lay. TI.LecountryaboveElainand le Due dud Ligny on jr,he 24th. . - U. C. CAUERO'l. 1751, L T. GAuaomW. on hand or make to order * I Waggons, Bug HIS GROCERIES I a week ago a . dark brown, was aim" 9 ins antly, two'died before they could -filled withiroops. Frei- � Tt,Vp-rllssians,first.'�he�rcluftlioal*li4g,- gies, ; ancl .10[13113- 4-40ri IFURYffURE OF ALL EINDS. - � � - . I ., oBt L Verdun is-. . light brown, decided pie ,rought to the top of' .the shaft. One '. � , - ' , 0i;tters, Sleighs, ' ,. Are equal in all respects to tho3e which with a ' cial reports reptegbii� McMahon retiring menf of 0halons on that day.. .Tw kiw�l , I I X CHANCERY . . . _. . Z5 77. ill promptiyauorders and 1�ork hip and at the very lowest have gained . d explaliatioi - .e either'onSedanor Alerziertooccupyienenly scoutB ea.at out tbirty miles,,kIiii, iidthing &c., &c., Goderich- mat�M, he will be prepared to f ma idied, fire & Tr0RNZ7-AT-LAW,SOLICITOR1- Havin- on hand an assortment of Upholstering and everything In their line, of the very best material int the, Teputation ot , JA, Notary Pablic, Conveyancer, . h , linge of red in it. I aske carly yesterday morning. r =.f.0- man, I they were frankly given; she was ink- 6f 1 he wounded are still alive. . when it is'no longerable -to eugaggeat a,dis-. of MacMahou'8 whcr.eqbdU'4a,; 3T*6151ahnjf,� I .�a��on he south side of West Street. third in that lin�. remunerative , I ;and .._&.e sQuare. w49 - rates. , . . keeping ! ' t3l A quantity of Gilt and Rosswood Mouldings on . I _. I . dergoiug the process of being changed jD�b There was considerable necessary- de- tance frotu a stroni;fi�ld. left Chalonson the 2;Q, �nfl Rheims th6 band- UT C11 33 33 X IV C3- a blonde. She told me somAhipqr �f tbb I GERUANS 1N.PARIZ. - - I "Sac.w.'rom - 1_XHE �10ST PELIABLE � lay in getting the bodies of the killed 22nd, and reached,.IL42an (tn the'24tb.­r , A- s,TTORNEY_,,,V_LAW, SOLICITOR e Moni"r says I Promptly attended to. . . ' - I process. The hatir is first shampooed i; N wounded to the top of'the shaft and Th . b,hat many Germans Ras believW41w Frefieb troops -re&nl-, - Bi.kRRTSTE:1;� - Picture FrAmIng to Order. ON HAND, a large assortment of �' clense it thorouglily, of all grease'and dirt, it was two o'clock at n I efore the who h isre 3 t1st been expelled from Paris n Chancery. &c., Goderich. Ontario- Office- W' FAMMY- DROGERY i , ed et; E4iL4�4t�-�day werereinforeements; - I r abb's bloak, Kingston street swW , 7 eltrreasts by strict attention to business to j ,=I ZA 30 31 4Cw4 3EX F3 W C4rC)07E)]F ' -.and then the liquid is appli'6d*to a few - .ight � weret ctively plotting4arimst Prance- It sent from .Park, and that AlacM4hn is� I �eral of pablia.patronage. - ' 11 _ ,.,]R 11401-1 4rands of hair at a. time, -The liquid first body reached the surface. I lay discovered., ' '.,�i hi� forces, Inow about 170;600miei� - a wbigh will'be sold Cheap for Cash or Cord. . . I I . is Said that tl police a - Goderich, Nov. 17. 1869 w44�tr . I � masnu,� - � 130710 8r, Sqma,e-, WCAoCL colorless, and warranted h . The ecene of distress at the mogth of one of pTliss-le house of a, in th� heighbothond -of . 31outmefly wit1k -4-ND ATTORNIES, SOLICITORS- ' Goderich, Feb. 24th. 1970* - ww5y i . arn-dess f I Lan. utiffnirms in the - . I I ARRTSTXRS . - I � course. The hair firatturns,red. Shegoo the obaft beggared description. Mothers susDeoted person. Many Gern . the' intvntton of makin a 4'esri'Ha6 atavk - Bm-f -hancem ke- God -ch, Ont. % . - .11 g, -, - 11 [E @6RL , humoredly- replies to tb. t and wives, biothers, sisters, �u,� orphaned have been expelled �have given - B. 1� D07= SW.5 W_ EL Soma. B.A. ­ E remonis ces, � --- - I - . - towards Metz. - . . . � ; her hair is her own, and her hus 'k s children, anxiousl pressed f of harAships they have b6 * � . SISH IND DOOR 8 � y prward as Ports � a 10111- : AitenT.igemeuttooic,tllt'6fi.�ti8rclaybL-- . imays & ]Mwood. - � light hair, and thatshe is assured by the . .. . pelled to nudorgoo The Germans are l6,av­-' - I I - - . � each.body reached the surface, ,*,q,,,g fug rapidly,, . I .., 4.-I. , tween Moon anti Wknau between a . EL& ATTORNEYC,AT-I.AW, SOLT- ' TO CALL, ROVND To 'HIS Ingliest authority among hairdressers tlia�t in hdart-rending' I I tholigh � t � . - PIANOS accents of agocy- and has . .0miBsion D ricill-8111 strongforce of PrAislan, vatalry and 11i * . hatmery & inp,oivaney.C4 nvev r cer, &c. 0 - � � the application isndt injutious to the hair been given hi bjr of lustabees. advance guardpi tLcDTa,ho12B`iiM, Y. Affpi� B 1.1h, MR, Sin FACTORY' I T. * . Money t�o r,end. OFFICE: 'Grabb's Ill ok, orer _ - sqc"Ttlm i � .4 . despair, "Who is he?" "Ill he alive ?" 't 0 -pr*perl I . - a! I 3fr. A"ARgid-s Stare. svm. - MLODEONSI - . or health. The process costs, where where there wasmo doub to the a hard ci�utest theFreneb fell back. -- I'Lk�l . . long, thick suit of hair is to be olore And when the ,reply came as it -did in conduct of ihe applizants. - . - .1! .1 HE undersigned hitvm� purchasee the rlittmr H . ON HAMILT6t - ; I . : I L OUSE ORGANS, , N STFLEE�T Prussians took p5saesslun of Carignati,on it- . , . ­ - T 61 Be . each case-vilen a'dead body was brot�ght PARISITJOUC . . winiam im. 3BELixi. IEL -A- ing Mill and Sash Faetery owned, and oc- - , lel,ompietin yourpurchases. 1 50.- Long Branch Cor. SO , . � . - . line of thelmaoad from Sidam, to T�i6i; . -4 .. cu 0HURCH ORGANSO I THE STEMIER CITY'or Bo N.-, uPjp .,"He is dead V the wailli Qfgrier'were villb ilbAroy � . - ANCERY AND LAW OFFICE. MA -10's NL- .Piad by Donald Cumming; are now prepared � , The�,phief tatinibiliAt6fficers of Faiis have. bmidings, Kingston, Street Goderich. f o carry on the business ot manufacturing Piano Stools, &c., &C " - ; jh to touch the hardest heari, and addressed a letter tothe Minn'ter of the � renew,,p.jj AE _1i9grii1;. To-`dEv� fg'ht13!.(V�W.1q CH HE MARGE NOTHING .8appearance of th6 enou - N. Manufactured by the celebrated Firm at U . The mystery of th di .� B. --con7eyaacinx, Money -lent on rei . a Armiguy, an the zatue Zip *,t . - Sash, Doors., Blinds,, - I I bri : tbarsto the eyes of those unused to ln*ibr dedl4ring the people, ready to railroad, -es fraiji tjj*6 I �- City of Boston will forever remain - ull- mg - . I , _ten jil�lljetr ]VC jjur.iv 1. ,eram Dispatedsad defective twes to real estate R. S. WILWAMS & CO., Toi FOR SHO - � 0 GOODS I clieddliter the enomy's The commanders jroutier�- In-cousequence of the positfbi� vieted. - Goderich, Dec. 24 1866. 8W34 Moulffings, Flooring, - The most extensive makers in the Dominion. Al D q solved. bat the hasty conclusions of * yield to the inelting mood. . of the NatiqnaI Guar& have recelved6rdors � of the c;)nt.6m I . I - - . - . The families to -which this'affiietior � ding arini�s' Belgian traap,'� � Sidbig, , . — - I Benjamin G. Jenkins, who published i ,. . uotitying them of the poBitions-whiph they - under,thec . . - *t1orney-at-Law . BE undersigned begs to luttmat6 that he has been YOU WILL SAVE � I I olla -of Flaudion, have becia- . . XONZY letter chargino, that the steamer left Halil. has. been thus i3addenly and terribly aretolioldoutlie foifificationsinme(if;.Btaii6lLeclatp I i . - lil. . P. F. 'WrALKER, Solicitor -in -Chan- and all kinds oi � Tappointed agent for oderic4 aAd the surrounding I I . f Z� . ,tilipvUle. . cery, Coir, Nat'ay ft-Nic, &c. emlatrYorthe abovejastly celebrated firm, and is pro. ' BY B I - fax.in an -unseaworthy condition, and Gver� brou ; ome, are left temporar y e+ 5ie -a-Teview this - VEST. - - . � � ghtl I Office of the Cleritt Of the rt=ce, Court House, Goder- C 11 ]a C 11.1 1F, W Ck it ME, Pared to sell all artieles made by them, at u x -WG FROM; . � I f` . -go. Gi6ub Troolin wUl hold I ' TH E LIA ' 61, Outaria. BW94 - � I I loaded, have resultedin subjecting .him, ' titute. . I 'we y ,organizea 8�rdO lae MACMANONDRIVENACROSSTEEMEVS13, ,1 � such ax Circle and Gutruc Sash and Frames MANIJF ACTURE R'S PELICE C, tQ 11 I - . . . - . . 1�- � I � - n progress in an English , L I Paris. ; I . A special vorres ondcut of the ,, libel,quit, now i I I ­ _Zrihmv- Irk, that they can give satisf . . MIRAGE IN. SCOM,&wD. te egraphs frplij Wei this cveuing tbt% They think from their experienc4 in Factory Samr)-oa may he seen and terms ascertninf- -Itliesub. iclvl!) Thi -Bank of Franc6 yeste'i 27- ' 'I . , actionto all who War-Roonis, West Street.1 0 D. FjP"1GUS0N,,,' court, by the Inman Company. The . -4The most 1 et- . GIFFORD EILL16T. may favor them with a call. . . I I menced 6e issue of new bills - following 14�spatcjjj just rit � ykZ2 j�ofi� . � � DANIEL-GORDON. . I L � evide'neehas bee-Ttaken mostly at Halifax tra4dinary mirage *ithin memory that nomination of t�w . erity�Ave trances. I . - . N. B. -A libem discount to the trade. Goder.ch.28tlr April. 197o. W15 - �' I hasoccurredin the' Virtlito Firth took place Xjf* William 1-0 -44 06�,' IA4, : 41 - � - , � - - .- _ oderleb 2nd July, 1870 ! .24.tf L ,and is drectlyeontradictory. Mr.Jenkiu' � - . & , I I I . . 9 oq� - - 3110MAHON DEFEATED, nes,,&ug. 31; --- �Ave had_y�st � -4 ­. ict-n- i I I lz A TTORNW-at t,,,v, soli,aw in cligne-ty. c- - 20,000 feet of Dry ifich and a quarter - � , � witnesses, -of vhich* he has brought UP . The Bass, which at one time Buzanev, Ang. 30, Via London, 31. The - 'it %vitutho Fou � - elfW 1 ; 'm vevancer, &e, . � � - . is - ed toRe flat upon the sea, suddenly riumsengagemet .,� il - I - . Flooringa on hand� . i - Prussians attacked XacMahon'i-airmyto. and one Savariaii c4rps. ,- a - , Wab . TMGEW�, Or -r. - I . . . T I-Im ; fiftytbree, testify -that the steamer war, she up into i taU spiral column, apparent- � d. Mpated Titles quletoL Crown � JAS BVCHANAX , �. I day ne4r Beaumont, defeated it and dZUVO beateu and iarive'a-from-Beannio - : tion".7t lots`Tbua ch-pL, I DAVID LAWSON:- __ . I I out of trim and loaded too de ply. Dr. ly times its usual height, iSurrounded ut ! C""% i . I . � - * I � Hannan, Vicar -General of Halifax, says I attlements rising tier on it back. upon the Belgian frontier, � - � I . by . tier, and the Aleuse to Nonzon. TW4�6 twe " . . July 25th, IS70. %"_n1y WM. RUBINSOM.. - Oldest. Establishment [n TN% � . � 'Tie French camp !ell into' the hands,of several tboug isoners --nd muc ma*,�� . . . � . I I that going on'board the City of Boston pre uting a most imposing Bpect&cle., As and pri I Godencit. March 4th, 18677. 1 IFW55 — . � I .� I - 'however, the most fautestie appear'�- . , .. 0 tl�i; -- . - Usu , terial fell into our hands, I air rm. 13. Stolres, . ; . _____ . I . I thedaybefore shesailed,he found herill"ll the'Prussiatis. � � . ee�ft . - . ; The.pursait of the French troops yas con- battlefield to pitmue the Tantea, . -- . GIV-7% Fop. STRANFORD AGRICULTURAL '_ - ' , � An& - 1; . .1 lower in the water then he had ever seen- `0 were presented -by thd May, whi7ch�_ tinned. tor several wilesa'-nd, was ititer- j.0 fort% 'Of th6 Vic -P . I . ",a t. . . . . ry. God -help its - I er. W!Mlikk.�" - A I.josq9L Shar-, pro rietor). Residence, . , . . __ . iE I course of the afternoon, underwent � I . P �N �1� - , 1 . , : I an Inman steamer. Apaisenger from an t1most innu rable series of phautas- ruptedbythe numberefcantion and prison- - - A. J?r,ArxVL VA=V. - " . P, sydeld floa w1i_17W$P lm FREDERICK, ! RM i �,:, . me, era which were taken. The extent of The . I � , I - I Now York to Halifax gives the same ag, trio transforma'tions'. Acone timeit -toth.elre;: frohiiBouMoul I � in I A Bpecial 47, � . - - . - _�� . . lumme M � I I - . I battle field was so vast that it is impossible , Belg7l . ei��j AuZ. S1, I _p.'ni , i , ,.- , - . -V - 'N11 1: -1 .. .. . , . . : , testimony, and adds he felf anxious all -was appatently'as roundasa circle, at at this moment. says:-Afearfid, - , S. malcomscm, .. J, . 4Lh - . � I � to obtain further details ,�s fou,ft,ht yeAerday and to -day t-S-� . � 13 kItTaSTER, ATTOFUMY. SOLICITOR, &C.. &c. _M___�_ _. - __. . night. A machinist of Halifax says that he ane. er seemingly draym out for miles ADISPATCH FROM KING Nft=rAN. - b,%ttlq t. , 1 Clinton, Col. W35 X1 , . __ I found her jshaft heated and that the .eno'.. agrai , e. horizon; how flat upon the - thd -Whssiali �Wwii6s bf Vic C1i)iVn,P±;Vw - MONEY TO LEND. � ip __ ­ MARTIN AMANN, ot wat then -rising to ten times its usual Brtisselcr; Aug. 3i, via Loi Sept I- -1, and Prince Froderick (jb�keis vvitg, thw : - , .it = , EC78 TO I NFORM HIS OMY CUSTOMER8 . . <' I neer expressed an unwilling6ss to crossin I.-30 A. x. -The X11190f F,rusiiA bns s0l't forcesof Marshal I Afc'Nfahon. YeEter-day. I � - . W - � - . .; , hoi t ; occasionally parts appeared- to 6"na A; squier. ... r What ba is till able- ,to sell for cash, at, the - � , I , jjer with the new fan put in. at New York. bre off and sail, away, then,to return and the. following ttlegram, to Queen: A ugmista : moiningmaxation,commencea i generc-1 . , . - AGENTS,NO. I I . I owest ratesi . .. I - I . - I He persuaded a friend to leave the steam-, uni again -all within the spaceof a few IIVIWW�MTI Aug. 30. -The Crown FrInc-e . moviement toward. 31ontincily. . .�­i SeAf'VE:�BE[I& ILL KINDS .OF- FURNITUILE. � re, but the latte was coaxed' b A acmin - . has b6on ift action with �he ­ '.., r & 4th, 12th and I ,et' C � I - . 0 mi qs, Vessels in the offing'appeared .He was attacked near Beallmord A*b­Q- t �' � ff- R- sQu=- WAWHMAER. - JEWELER, &c.. - � . . I perished. 1he company's �wvitae* 17th corps, and l4th Raiatian; Xat*Mab on ,driven back after an obal,=t6 vesistane(-, Nov. 13th 18613. w43 . Athis qhop on Kingston Street, oppo-sito the � * "' " 0 1 ' . sses do --�-one on'the water, audanotherlin- - � . ra - was beaten And dfiveen beyondthe Me - 6 WEST ST., GODERIGH, I HurneflotelbGoderich. Uivelum acali. . - ; testified thatthe shipwasin goodttim ver dintheair;aTidinoneins�ancet�ree . us -' towardthe Belgian froutid% Ike Prits-- G 0 - t e - I ' rt.h. awl1w37. . 4-2 no ko andsafe. Thd pilot who -took herout of -fign s - of ,the vessel were distinctly visible Twelve guns,- same." thousand prisoners stans occupivj* the lint �of road and',mp­ 1. n. MC13oulzall I . oil 3. 1868. f - 1 04 A- pf,s- � I � andmaterial of war wAre captured. . tured alargo amoutit af 6ttip,st tores. They- , . I I - WeAr the 3Post Office. ' , 0 1?1 � Halifax says she was ,in. as good condition ' ... -inverted, another on the sea, auida . I . - . I -_ , I � I . , I - PAUSSINN MOVEMENTS. 1 fre'rd poilticti aftet posi; 't - . Efuran. . . -9 - . .- - O -C) Pa ve - � 8 any ship that -ever came to the,wharf, thir4 in its natural position b6twoen the ;drovethe Frouch _, . tn or country punctu 7 at- . I - I I The Prossiaruf ,00nceiving that Mac- � tion jilit5l oly .. Maitland Salt Well C> No A I t4 $, M I :nd similar -testimony was given bythe two. The fishing boats proceeding to sea Mahoh!s.jim 1. �tjcjospd. - �­ eaded to. . . 0 1= I " � .. . ' . . ,WGS OST RESPECTFULLY TO RETURN HIS - M .60 . was to.984n. -the frojitier, to -ol- ; 1 i -i ' l - . I , . (=> A --- %V OR I - ' - in t1 a evening underwent the same traus- - -with Bazaine, advanced in - OCE arly t uo�nin,g,the battle Was rene%v­ al.,Z. thanks to the people of Goderich and . . I I 0 feciti I sgd c!:till ,e I X -J. JB. juamllnq vielnityfor their liberalpatrona � 0 . . President of 'the Privy 4U tincli. 6k the for,, Itious when only 4 few vards.,of -the . on town ,.Prince, son clay, Buting.till - ,. holiday season has arrived - th� of � I d 1 6 , ge during the -past 8 . ,. three Jinci; The C I M ENGINEM A.N`D SURVEYOR, an.Uow that the I . C� 4 k P4 0 01 Dominion, by the captain ofth6 City -of after the do0le appearau;o being dis- , iitg% a lar.ge number of -'Franch r-cinfaree- - r-1 -9 AZea:and Conveyancer. Kinci ItIm =ith all its social enjoyments and amenities, he, would . . rAl Q. - a) Q � I Halifax, and othem ases state Aincl Nancy$ ma,rched by way of Bar le Due, St. - i1cl � � I state that . - � � . . � . U itne visible within a certain d ments came -up but they�fa f to tarn tjjtX- : ,all who wish to purchasejewelry for presents I . - k ­.. - � , C5 W, 01 W T 0 1 :: . 'stance Dizier and Vitry. The fourth army, under scale of Viet � inissbio'sjl��'4,�� I ship - W -.1 r.,n er The: oksatthe harbor also Be med to I ary. The lh 8 the Prince Royal of Saxony, keeping north reinforced largely; gjad j�ft�7g , I , I S.-LM[,&r1[ . t - *4" 4 &1; ! , i, - n a � * or otherwise of warranted material and workman . � that she was so lightly freighted, that h' A I JZ 40'1X40C>1K woulddowell 'bu =lively M �. . - I I cheapeithan to y rahiia ,� - . . - ; ed,line -showed above the water. a d play ' testictricks,opening udshutting, ,)f,p6ntgeATad,�,*Sdlf.ra'ovedtuward Chalons, wlj4jmi6y M evier- - �h. ..= for w==hp - � F4 I ,0 testimonv is contradictory. visin andfalling, withapparen lila it gnumbers; � .1'. ..."� . ' 0 .0 I 1 - .- t rag r V'_ at the saw� time observing Xetiz� -while ' .r ARv=k.b0TS- - I .1 460& it 04 " � throughout the ' The extraordinary illusionslasted T" REMNANT 017 BYA 4HOV9 ALx3� 11 ,� 1. I - All Jeweljy Sold for Gold Warrant6d. - � The progress of the trial will' 'be watched . ­ from Stein.metz -being reitifor � .. .. . I . . . 4) I 0 1::1 t. , I � ced proceed d , 'Tuun� T'd sl�vs_q; - raxsa eemeations of BuMn, ft,got UPIU - k till nightfall, ..and "excited; great - "' ' . 0W I ! with interes;, as the final deteiminaiion T am�# Verdun: to Rhelm� 'bij e . done in the best style of , � - -he inh D ar. � �, right McMahon rctrcatLd to Sod= with flie � I? &n1_%ti21@DrreZt StY10- 9 � . . 0 4j - A '; : of the suit will be diflicult and important. I e at a9onz t ,_ Aftauts of nub � * V,wei the Belgian frohffei id the Rope ' 13p- oleo over J. C. Di C6!9 at0r% I I - �__ . I - �remnautof Visarmy, The islauphterwAis) I 1, . da&rlch. May 10,2869 W . . ISAAC. FREDERICK. - PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, . � 9 I 0. . � ___ - ___ - I I ofmo6tiugMacMxhod.2 1fi&the,Grerman,'immeu&e. .. It is impossib I le to tstimate t16 - I - - - I 'Dea�"f 00nei Dousy, ; I j. I I � Goderlch.Dec. 20th 18611. - - . IV39-.tf - I . � � . . . - - . � adv4hae'ooyered the �ountry-fromBel ium', 1,,Sg. The p Inco Imper4l. is �said to be' itl� .. - .. I � . - . � SluffWar Suicide.- .1 _p 1711 : a a , I . . I ' Lhe . Nefte to -the Aube, rand - ' , I . - Commission. . . I - - . . � . .". . . . I 1. 4 a ong 1 130164uln The population,*xo,fl*,Uiff1,h6 . I . auction,& . I T,�,_��o­.itettr gives the Q00110wtug W- it int -tolt NuMilion, to r greate t error, . - I A, .. �_ � . . . I . . p6aibld I . . a � , - — . PHOTOGRAPHS � . - 11 I . . 11 I � A BOY GETS MAD kT HIS MOTHER - HE �ceui`�!t of the -death of General Dous`y, at Metr,. . . - t . - * I . I ; I - � _ I - . .1� ­,'�4% � I ! I I . � GODERICH &CILINTON - The undersigned is prepared to ' I : ; PICKS OUT A TEXT FOR RIB FUNFJ . the Qattle of WeWenberg :- - i . MaXa6hon-is belfigYeittforced-to the ex -j. - - , I - -,- -- , . . =_L..t__ — . i _�I_� ' - ­ . � � . P" $1500 Pet - Doze . ! I I SERMON, �A�l 13ANGS RDIOELF-,__� "The, i5eneral w'M from the begiritinig t - i of 10,000 meu, 411y.. - =� -, I I IP 1. 1�* ; ­ � It# FURNISH No. -I SALTO., . . en . 611:14V VV61-, 1, t - E:stAblished JLS5 - I . . : I in We thick6st;,9fthi fiaht. When he sv�w 8T9AiW'URG.. I ., I . - . � q _� - . I � . . __ - ! ;- I i . ,_ AT . 1: - . I ,_ I I i_.._%i, � ; i I I 1. I - . _. IN ANY -QUANTITY Alt THE . . I ; g6n, . 8 , 1,& -the day was lost, after be had dome ill,4.1e The suffeetugs of the Wlabiftntaof StT&S- I I Thapeople #A ' , livo together,,, I I �� F -Q"- 95 OeMseellanodusProPertrin 9036"ch . I � I The town of ;Ilalle _�'on arat6g 'a, 'Airens,�& ' t __ - - - . I I _ . L, -could: toretrieve it, wheu� uotevenab4t- � , . . I - . ­ . 8 0 ec I 'in 8-9011 a ,stateof harmony und. gantl � o e,rixfSalurdayjand in Clintom every Wed I . . - County, was ,the's eon Obduesday of.toklio burg are terrible, They are starving wid, ' i e4dir. . IIJ C� W 4B 19 t 3P 3rib 4B . i I was e 1m) e called his aides one ompp,116(1 to live itioellara a � . . li� � a . . , I . �9 . � 0 I I - 'ai A : . � , ;; .1 . -wp a ' a�'"d night' . Will that they AllAttelld t110 AOLUZU I` Cb,.'% i rX,xigradvanced on. Pr,ogwerty for immediate - 4 - - ! one of the id most de. erate(base by "ay gave em era aud sent the ' li)ar . . I . . � " I 1. I - FROM THE ABOVE WELL; - � . W I 0�, " ,o in toalbid, the increasing fire of the besiekers. - . . . . 8 asgone, . � . � I . ' r ,fruitless sortia was made oy the,jedifice 40,- . I '� . "lean proMpt.returnsma e I . . I I - - - a, -, g i0o the I There ate fp0mclus in: W641 tko,;�iaaV : (I ,_ - _ . . ` *1 , t e , I � ean - . , of Suicide 00?6� -recorded. : A boy tamod awallef gs' 8 as the st one # ' Anothe * 24 , , io, . . I � ; I at 7 _1 I . . - . � I . � - . -i . . .1 � I :. - I aged i out thirteen years, t " ` so �"Pk'd� .13,V_wh-VyA!,ry Ivuttll� � 11 etuallyattend- L . � -, - Ourring his. horse, rode . I ,�. I I L?gjm8tmkxnd otiler Sales pun . � . . I he .tr.r I - I Z I � I . . gairison on Alonday. -The ussiansharp- , . � T � 4 � . ' ' - Rx Babbatit, 146ve­ trun--rato sutZ � the Cbudiyx som idlita ee to the Ironj , key � . 4didthiouthollf " I SAW.U. 0 TX�16R. A 4 OismOuiteck � .h,i.ters ars - within 500 yards of glacia. ,, "I 11 I - . - E .1 . I . somethibuft-,diaplease his mother; - , 11 � . I - - � . �, I - � , ,; t-', , *-. 11 � � I Goderidh,"August3r4,.186,9,­ ,_ - pis a - om 0, - -schpols. " 11 . . . � I I I . who, after mcor�e'eting him, And - ng * f, I ft" th ` fiolitir shot' aTany house. t -,. . " . T I ,6.3i.T.ftUErvIAN-IgAuctionUtti., , � . 7 _ I I , , . , said she, , Then turning Aroundi he ave been buined. The �� ... I i I I � I . . I . . . I . ; the i V , ` ment of Cfeiieral 0',Xcil, , � ,I I - *01 marltatsQuar'efOoderiell . _. li, - __ . ,- - . . . I . would - kfarm his kkther of his conduct. : � - , arsenal atonotimewaaion fire, Thefai � Th i ; - . . - I I I - I I I I I , � . � . I - - e � nemy. , His 0 unprit,on j � . I .. � I- � . - . . . . . I . i slo walked towards the - I I - . . I .;- - I I � � - f Upon this the boy wentaud got the Bibi " . nition was aafely removed. The f6ttrAi- '�ncik.Wollow 8uldialw, in Verlaunt,is *ai& . . 3 � _. . . I . I TO 'SEUr I I. . I . � - , I I . ETTFROMBACKNEGATIVIS . - I I - . i I I I I . e�, soildiors. Vainly tried t t him. Amid continues to Teslst;, . �'f-6�_Pv4fatce; lbseem tbcy are -finder no ! t . . . . - . , _ - _9 a V . % I I - I ­ . � I , - 1. � - - ­.- . . . . . I I . � ,VREDERICK A'RMSnONG, T,P OF' LOT 1S'UMBZB,.g, FO - � picko'd I .. .. -the 10mble firing lie deliberately w lk d . r10i6ai4i,Athhf they cat -with the .kiceppm, 0 e # ALJ- 51 cents, postage free. One doien from IPPBAST Ift' . I I � . . out a te;i, from Whidh,he said *he UX_ . "I � I -- � - . � . . L teenth.doncesslon'of Hallett on tbe,boundary. I I I 3 :S wanted his-faneral,sermon preathod, and : on. jThe retreating soldiers,, ai . , =4 FRENCH TORM. . "­. I , _ I I � To TALUERj" U# biwk negative ST cents, postage freet to=finy fine betvr6a& Blythe aftdWaltp�.Fost offlCe:bZch-*ky,;- Ontario, .10 i � 01 . rous;%yl SenatolwHaii#3semau�naF-are4i4,e; 4lio, smok6., 4rifilT. ana ,flu vvcr�tldng, t� - � - �� ]LISP AGES address. - - .11 "I I . . _r .. _. C) g his �mother th4t iihe would never thesAe6tacle, turnedagain uponfIreenenty, reported the draft ot th6 144 giv6--thifol- flowe, mhQft oI leari��,.. $'-c ;4_114 I ,ui - � i ; - . ever IsHing creek - 0 . . - Goodhardwood.; waterdilwIth a n ` - " .4 f � tellin - . � � . I � . :- . � 44YJW3JH%C3M. � . - � ­ Goderick. - again, - . .. _ 'in heapa afound th6if -rni1tf­;, � � 1, I andneveifalling-9 (HEr-q i& $t, I I . . . Imt ell .1 ,rn AlsoVell.clogebytboltonue I � . .. . __ - . � . lt� . " � _� I went out. . � � r n a ]owing statement of the French multal;� Tbe,Ohief of fhe Diarcau of Statisties av' ", i � 11 11 � -___ , , _1.,� I I � 1: .. � .1 . " , � occur v -s * ressed lorward. I " ' 'for � , ..Wj8WW SW __ � Oo pal& W 1%. '. I _j I see him lWhor .1molher i - Wr FarticiflarAtte. , - Copy- FOrl-r-rel-leare W Ifeffeed 77amwinalf L6S - ' . - - about ten o'clock, and � 6e : JRegu lar army, 70%00; gard,b,,` Washington is i1ireparlug a s�%%psi# a - io - I "I I � house iud barn, a tbrlvli�g 6rchard, 8 kindt orpluing ' . i A - � A �' , - - '. . I' � . This red 6vh I - - , . f ti �1 � . . . 1. � I A � . I .1 I . .1 - rge from thi enemY. - mobile B04 000 . I . � ` ' I Ing old Ambrotypes. . black,whiteandredmit"rAits, pears, red aud you;;; - '. .. . . . - � ­ . � emdn Dion a r,',,,,, 1 M,(>W]R,V rjvk> 1.1�0MOV I .�4 the-mothef deemin me foolish threat ' lic TW ,e5tim%t6:4Wtbt, , il�onthly rerjort for August,, in which 4w, Z ur I . � . . -git go � I tre I - " � . . go9sebeirdim Fur' f th trtiattlars. apply on the I I . and f0i LD " 811110A 91hhot fcIL - hovievir, iiieln . " I . I - �,raphs. iZTj1;WSON,bdhI8 at' . I . - :1 1. . - I �, - . , de the contingehl,fox 187.0, -, givell a full Btatouient vf tho iftorls -ar.4' I - iud fw Ij;. , Por oti;h0rl4rZeFor_ttxihI11 photog . The prei TO BANK �" tier. - I . �. 1 . . . I I went on with -her work. -',Eleven o'clock . , e .uU Tani Oredit C6. . � ­ 70. 1 1 1 , bi- dead - -' - . draff4d. ou Mon I .forthsCs& it CO3 er in returning th'anks * . *10-tt -. - � .. , "O a_ - . �1� - day th6,20th inst; t � r . I I � Ar� sulAgbrib for the IiWmi -: ,. May'"li, " . � _. � . . 7 ; - . , ciports, ofe., forthe ,fiveal yoar,-,1870., c � I � I i . I , came,. aw 8 , ,- i - ­ � I e . I . _V4_ -4 4 ., -9 - � � .1hajournals-say the I'Anob RoY4 � , -report will show that, alflanigb 401ar- � pqrUjBu1Iding,8svings.&ndRiW1i;in . I I _ I the -boy not ieturnin ;1 _ - . - \ I � I'- 01 _d ' ' ' * ' ' � - 1 V4.1 1, ?7his � . i I I pstroiiisge heretofore extended to him' - __ * ..q -w- . - , .. /"� . -1 � - grandmother wont idgearoh. of hi *,,an I - iLrlhtft4l� - eld=t- - - tued flie 1) - - Impotu exceC12 01jr vXV91-te, gn� _int!rEfts ?tj. tI . - I , � , - I � NVZk13r=fi5 -rc�o X- - wal'o I . I ,_ , I __ . ­ Orl . infor epple of Nauey� that the poF a - I . . ­ I I . I � . . . . - I -spee 0 i ­ I . � . I - �4 [: . I . � !no- 11. ' . .,% - 110lido'n, -be dily. I - - � 4' - ;. 0 - � I found him itL. the wag �_ I � talsLrvice is to Tesumed, but EKW9�ojoo over.itta, fiieul y6irol 1&;9 is w - � I crown Land F*tenfj tskexi out.- D64� =Inhis gallery as -will merit a con- - AMF,aELw0RMGCLA8&_W,W,o - 4- q � . on hoi with a - _+ , . I . - I I . wr_rep"to, . . _k thAt all letters inust be posti.od unsealed. , , - - - . . I � - about his. neek; �showl ' ,that 6 had � - , . ug. 2 � I __ , udkftftVdthoft1t&eteiePJ,.7m p , A .8. . �Q,1JS$7jn1117 : I . de x a*i9e. 40oftgrefTforthesparemor"n eat st bomi - - . I I M - . I ' .1b4nifest. Frolli -tsblo� the' -f, I I . I � ___ t& InIV26"neir. � � I . . 4 ­ - 601lectad. �, . � tomd tabe. rawnsoia I . I � =tea, suicide, He bad .fwitened. Dinino; "', Ao rtly before veven The Prefeet; of theDepartmentof Aisne '-flaures are taken .1 TotGa, eylv,ibs C. - . , t - � gi4af , � ' kuj= swaturnt;9 - . I I I I I Thile nii � I . -1 fo r fa , i GoWch, oeL IsL M, , tha& aftand-spry � -L -, .. 0 officiallyanuounges 11w. pr4sene - . I lor A � Gr6at - Reduewn 'en I budo&L- y2jM;MgWy4V7oftX I .." I - - - '� tbe stra ' t6 his nee1q. and �heb I'Mil 'it to ,-,0�6loik.M' 0 Of t110 AgQ year,endipgJune.99ih, .1 7% W20,-'� I � - . . . . -- .. - P L -1 r. Alexander Campbell a prom. . tV4 - I - :M"dtext the bpotne",we - � � 'lip - _ - enemy, and ii-Mtet tb:i�peo Mal re-bX-1ZIts i4itte ­. -dittopp � I I . � I "Inuch"n"n- Matallwhoseetlanosaw-M-4 ., � � R; -,WHI -pie to t�rrpai ' . . Xo9U ibb no .518 951. ;T I - - , li s* . : 4Z. "-Vilil towy- R- ; anox. 6hain hangiog': fro& a Ifeam, bwl- ineci,-, bdilder-of thisplace, mas instant ' , . i� I - I - -jr - I . .;or: Inuchasatonotw4l: -a � .Tf:Tjyfh L .1 - . a force f o Tesial; ifteir:approseU. by Anvaili . - � , . . I brastroublooftfift an Idlistladsl I . I . . In e L 1) L al 4parts I . orl - sv"You avallublesim- -on- __ ;aitmitio6-and tbreW-Iiim� 439',V I 3R_AL3[X1V1[1qW4G;_ �. , - - E. L. AYRXISON. . sit which will do to efthatw* w-0-rf, en a 'I L- I Pbe, a7u: I& turuml . I so -)jjv. , , L . 71124. Tel, AR,k f2itto" ,� . . - -­ - -1 dirr-ka . _. S __1 : -fauloperati , �Jiij t,upe, e*L 01i 'b El P U , ,�ancouoV killed by the auxiliary train of of attwks oa.�th4 k, outs,and con- V462,35., Tota oxc,e- 7 � . . � _10 I - - J !6ff thus -tice6nipliolling his p ' - ' - , . . . I t - I SN' 0 injorts, " ,Go&rle�.Oct. 26. 106!1� w446., .Ver �Z40T*V..0*PQXj0*__ftG L - - I I -f self , f L lfrfosei- , - the.(fr�at Wotern rig,over, I ­­ t . I . . � I I I � =b6fAMn.T-Zti"De==bHffi&1_.11__ -- ,- - .'_ ' #ffgj'jj '. � - -.L'W __ ' �� , - Railway' passi voyss - .- . � $11,408,97C -,!.- . - , -. �21 " -I .� -8. , I - I # - -6 - dU ' een walking on the , . � ZW1," lliiik - irriagi dhiiiesbin on6e.ffbor,; S - - I- I I ,, WAnt . aD�,WMb I CUr. ' L� , ' 7 - ;When: n - -1 I Vie Dieb], wbeat, WMA 1, as I)MIJ ,,e,x- - I . - IE I I -4W.Z*PTEbZS6ArZ. I.. � 'E _ , ; 'I . t'SU� . - *� - his b6di.. Ra- had k .a,W t'SU :_ L 81 $[ � I J3R#*DjEft A10D CLUGA , - - � L ft I= 4�� . . 91 I ri ., 1% I --";- L � I � . n , , , I 1. I 1, 3. Md,701=11.1� . TAILOR' ft� . - I .- . t*faukliids, SLEIGHS, . . I thb'strap havitiggiv6a way, but' ot und track"in deep -abstraction-,. anid, did tibt . VAUIy,0 -' - 1 1 L - 9 . , I I - I .. I I., __: ,tC7 .. I , tenjairely ititrotbicediRio 31-eaz,�a�;,,Isfdij . I � .. ,j!�4��, fifirat'018i __ � - . I - . I I I . .death hact .00cu:rrbd;. - His"Nuaial, took � � I ,.&. letter from fhe� � . � I heed 3ths, ap,proach,of the -trainj upr the� - 'R miu. Aug, . . . I . � I ' ' es on hand,4ud,far�,Ie , .-.. . . re � '' wem , . L . ]1& �' 4�. W ' .e pfore�Uh Pr 111 the Ifiti tbA I 1_ . - . I - � , 4b10f0�*y,rt2t-_",14! glow � .How IF� - - . . .0 0 R to -be pemfflar�y 1i L .. ftit &. Onimut " rw - le . . . I 'ev ofall , le In t Prussuin, liwAtj"rters �dxplxinv ko* Ba,- � . I (J[dXAN4 IiAncom refavoral�lywltb.A fro th A _ :rchi, ALt_Oohoes, : wlikt � , harvExting, WU-n thewcather 7S dj3mp I . - the County ' -.. � . lip i6a6ding. 'Hii b'od below his 11 Atorsofl . - - . ;1 . ;1 -.1, .. I I - . �, . r.r work WMuted * - , ,.: , � " 'L [ da$L jj i 1. . 0 y Za , - 6- i" *014 U'etZ WAX AP]MI1 NAlwit 604 saaXable . I - T, 11 L', ' iorniDg;ah -41ito 111WHatIlCulpt -1 t - , , I . , Co L '­ , %� . I I � UXX=W01V streat.i . MMVIOldsLy CMEP, TO, J_ C. V=01f, & _� � q I . and moist., as it has been tbmicaiin iltat - * � VC , # Old STAND, EAST 9T.� - �_, L , , - -11"; I 1-� iiaptist-bilit � breagi and legs was redacedto a Oulp, .the in - t m P L is .. "Awk- - I Z -pirtiouluatt4tionvaldto au(10arrlapl,ew7 i on .Xi I ch time Ater-, I- _. � I . . del I I . I � �. . � - - - - - - � - , 7. i Willed froliv the, text .06 , ,t !aa4d.. A copy of -aeitaini instructions. I - I - L � 1. . 1. h State�-;' anil, in some ftses, tLe, shocks jou - t - C� 4C)k Mk 3EM XL 3C.4=F Mr. � , ­ � - OXG�s= voit 4bjMX-t4-*. , . -;; orint . � ,- - pon .was pro fing also -brokea L ekall R, isg foundnear Mvtz -from whic - - . I . - nose I , " Jtnd the � * � L . OiJIMMOM" - I . - I , . I . S . I - " , .lad %TaSof AL I - . ­ . OfBitt - I S T - do'. : - * . . $ WHITELY. I' '- �'Sulcidei: had � selected.,- -The . fiactiired� - a,th was instotitancous. He - . 0 ;I . . . - ' ,IF, . whole fie'ols,of fbrt� acres trealmoist green � 11 0U1;RICHffti4 SEPT.L IN9 -3todoRkler - 3Nf-0kT0ACf . t, ,4q. I ­ � - . L L L De the PiuBsigria learned the eaely. _Was� to ., � Apat"Or 4140WOT6 UuiT`ers*1 "MOP an&. � -]it, ., L Z' - I X.- b�-Novgth3-180`- � - , w , �*ard' di.sposiflon ana was .00n- was tt native ,of' Edinburg I b, and ie - the JmZ1 -, --&,k anti-ebi-nen colkTontion is jn*0U!i0ZL - , . 01 - -ftt as Cutter for orwk - . � I _'It Goderic - - , I Wrinvr, - � � . . b&vbmn lu otfremploym- i vii Ai - . I L , ,;� ­ i, I ii�, o i �'.- � I . _ - .5, .very wa � - I . I . ., -sided: retire in two .boaiis one by t road * - . log hik-jIttle "scra I - , . . U - I ��Btantly _'jittij Or here 5,yeaafi, nd was very iauoU-respe r ;27VOrdna',and thi I . I r ' W L tha�Aifldenci ' , I ;­ � . - � . I pes;, f ; - ­_ . , , at- to Mars La Ton . I , I � - -Cpp*t# $a=d" RadWANU stdi%) " , ., , .A31 _4 , TN 4vhich'hq to 1 . I � ta b, . 4, h�ge dilile of friends; ffe jeaVes L by1he Catiflats I Z, 1prwW, -, .. � __ , f� 0y first class . __ F. . jW, .go * "Pable of ei or L *14 R. BA iS , __ a 1: I , Tt � Vg� * - . . � , � _. � L - j, had e punish:od.. a Tarnpike. 1his plaa -was, I A5,040 tairt fisystact- -, 02�60uucez. RaLn - . . . nay;� 1 .9. - : P e$ 7-ofthb'S' .bloel I . I . , - 29 1 ; , ' _ _ _. , � ' 'L " , 'I 6� j - C�0� Autlft!111*100 chsm�cj�r �� I.. . . . . � I � 'L-: . " ­ � - ' - . . - � I k FIRST ,CZASS , OCTAVE. * .. I . I I . � - �. : , (;oddi . � - ... il ` A J 'nq7ueSt dli�oi by the Wtialan attv,�k olithe ;tv%l . I 2yw81 P� DkTjkn & Ca .yllid affic VZ I , I � . V, � ' . .1 � I . I , L 16. -,- I . � � � � * - A round coi Resew w�rassipjiiafi SWA116;ksIOL :f I ' 6 lin,4 seven children. z I I 1 agricu . IF9wezin Tillois, . . ,9*bW;: a W1 lUbp" Tlie Wenob, s"quently took 46 . I ­ . Ood L 0. b- � e r & 016., ;A , I J I I I � - I . ; . I . � - jLXr�]ftrk E. Wade, P1 no_ . 4. � . '0010 hold this (Sandiy) -afternoon at the ,e4 mrs.-*4414MOSSISIMAnninuum bew,,,f ' -I t . - � I ' #*5 forule b � . - � � . I GDderjA, 3forah. Rth. 186T., I - � I . G0 Spiders tors1the ldkihs�- - ,Was � � ro4vis Drigy, but -were Aga-im, repul� � FOR SULL I 'L . _1 : - b � . . I . . � � - I Tuner; to. * seenitit British 0 ­ I . ,stailon by Cibron, r � XcIles, and a verdict -VA$r6WkJ04 AW44AU in Cal"ffirnilL , - � . i L 390nev to Leido . � - flodertelt, Sth Aug t. Xs '. L - � -tr nfi, , : B14 va�; . I ,-, . . - I I . be;.,k in the'Lattlo *f the I ;A A, C 4 � � . � � - % , ust. X8 � ,w � . . and finallj.&iven� I - f I:, . . Au'amust. Xs L � I I - I . - - J I . Lab4 Office* ' - � � 11 L . . I . APSE buU44 Lots No's 4% 486, W, - r OV, . 9 1 1 � � - � _� ­ 11 . I . .. _: � . I* -"-L � �� o Ac'e'l e 181h to the wallsof Xeiy� There they lisive Popivd4ot of piss - ij� -Coystiectiolt is , L� . . .. ... � ." , " . I - I - 6 ;ld -� �. . I - I � L . L 1. ' - - _� . :. . -way ownbl4temit AWytol T Jrthur strimt itud St. George's #' aticent, T6wa a - UGURTER f Improved Vjjrjajo� T W . ED, THE B�tl, - L 'ICStiti.,*t4wto)4019,710,wu,owann,tal,L,r- - ON . Godftieb� APVY to J ;� A Cilloder, .14. juaf& .Aj;ud for Sale, -- ' L ANT _AT ISIE. z,%C�&��jv , ,A singular dieat� loccurred, 'in Tisho­ - ' "' since beettaonfined, their.only way of ** . I t - . I - - 1. This� 3r*4;il&ise'W4f sundin, NcW`'Y*rkj . -7 -�7 I tw* � � . Uni ' L MISj., k. f�W da,ya ;go. ' � _C;LpiugWmg,toeubL,sppwa,getliroug'b- tJta i A YZsx 31nor, of luliva-bi l'u-c-1Z v , I . G0ai0h25*Aug�2810;-_ , I - I girl. I � . I . i. � , .. . - -jub - a Wh*)f ' =12t_ , , 1 '-' DME, NalldlAp.19din dr&Seo . I _km W k0ij . 17 X ]Rote] a ftr&t-cIw:wok*nd,%gw4 dinjnCroon Mingo 00 " ' . OLVASs's A* ' L *31*t ' 4 -mrjA,-Urcb tq-1M. :_ other: - * . � prowis' EN4 &yemn;xn*,a,-"ia-.4-'-�,2-jF f e ai:7, $a -V - � a#; , - ; I I it i. � . I ___ � .X0XttS4UXT* _ 4WKIC,b,,1p#"tb1_18t0.' It ,_ ''I "W"ib.ij � . r. ,P01107MI-tott ,.* stout �heal kand _w hi*A-*A-en Prnsaianline,whi(A they hare not *tto - ,..,,z - � , _ , - - I . , _ , th - 'Fee'Tii . , . - *11 . #0&10. 0 �,*r � - - I . I - I � �,: ) y farmer, � - I . . - .� vin g" I ; � ­ I - , I I - . - . . . . L ­ . � I .- I IA � 1. . .. � 11 I-.,,- .. .. � _� I I � . .. I f-.--- .L .. ; L . _. ea.` � I 1; *4"Z kaetal. 1. 1* � , I - - .. � . I I I ­ I . _: _ . I - . r_ I . . , I �, I I . I 11-:1 I I . - - I ! I . . � L ..- I ­ . . I . ' . I � , � � I ' � , . � - . I ... �i I I - � I . . �_ . - I � � I I I I I . - , I - , I * - - �.. � - . . _. - - . . . ,m - I . . . - - . - I I � - . � ­ I � I L. � 1, �. L L 1'.L.. r. . � . I ­. I � .., I . � � _'.. � I � . � ,-Ii I _L , '\ . - -, _� - . - I I . I . , . L . - - I I -1 I � . , I . I . . . . t . . , . � - - 'I, - . . _1�1", . I - . � . . . -1 . - I . I ,_ � I . ,* # - , � � L I.. 1. I . I . - . I . � I A#-' I . ,- . . P I L . � . . �. I . I " I . ." � - I I . . I I I I ; L I - I ` ­ . I - . I . � -1 - - I - - I I I . I L � I I . . I � . ­. .. . a I L, . . I I . � � . . I i I I , - L �7 . L � . � . . I i . . I '. . . . . � 1, I L - I . : I . .. . � . � - . - � _1 L L. � I I � � .1 L � I . . � ,, , . � . . . I b . . . - I � � . . I I � ., . . � I I I I . - I � _� I . I . i , , - -1 I . .1 - . � I I I - I I . I I . .. L , - ; I L I I � � . - Z � � . I . . . �11 I � I F . - � . I � � - I I "L . � . L . . I I -1 . � . � ­ � L - . L -, � I . e � � ", ,� . - , I - - � 9 : . , , I . . _ . I L . . . ' . - - . I I � � . - - I . - I � i I - I � . I . __ � - �. � L I I 'A . I I .. I � . . I 11� -ft,�� N__ I . - - � -.1 ,_ I I I , , I �� - . � L I ,_ 11� � . .1 � %_ - I I - L ­ ` - X - , � - , 4- 1 . I 1 17- _', I __- , �A!1. T, ?_ - -I __�_ Ni , , __ ,.?i;, , " �_ , , - * I I I �_ I .1 - - -4, 1 J�12 " � I I- ­ �_ , �� - - � (-:: , - __ . - �' �� I , I _', ,�� , - - , , , - � I 1!`Ifll, L , , � , I , N " �_11 , �11�111:zl �, i�l` 41i� I-- - - �� - - li� -1 ---, ,� "" , I � I- I '. f,,,i;;',- 1-1 I - � . . . - _. . . . I I . I 'I �-� - I ­--,�� , . S � - , _� lk - , - . \ - . . .X-..-, - : I ��- . � � I - . I I . . I I , I L L - .­ - . * . . I 11P - - - - - I . , � I I I � � - - � _- _, ,f � � - -, - ,_ _� r ­ ­ . � � I - . _. I I I . I .- ­��. , I � .. - __ -. .00- jr, 1*� , - . - I - � - I L . I I � . . I L � : ,� , , i , ! L I � .- _A� � ,-_, . 11 � - . - I I - I L- . . I " - z I , , I � I � � .. . i *V _*W; - — - � . I � , 4 � I . - . I I I - . . I ­ i "I ­ I I- �q I - . . - � . .-I - - . I . . I . __% 11 I - , . - � .. I '%,. . I , I � - ' L, I . 111,j ��, L I I - I ,-� I �. . - \-14 - - 140 It ,� .A --1 - I i, _; *� , i . . � .. I .. , I . __ . t .�,.n ; ­ --- L I I . - I ­ _­ - � I . . . A.!.. . I - I . . _. I aamadrl __ — -----__ __ _, ­­­ ­­ , I . — ­ � — , - - 7 - 741AW—w— — _,__,..,—, � I . . . , ­ :,d&-."&�20,�-- �, ­-­­ 7-7-- 1 .. __ __ . - __ . - I I . . --do' ___ -A.-L-L �� i . - i. � .. I . I I P 0 0 R C 0 P Y