HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-07-21, Page 4iaa„, ta, t, aa. -'1151e. ess ee----ffea" - • feweeietelIMIlettielesMtmeadolatabgeeiOWOMIAAlikeifelfetlallefdeWilika '1111.1:61(if We -WV r birif4, POSTRY ouramon OENTRAVitcllie-AteD Charles Dickens. %MOO:ITAL.. -.2 . Mirlolee on entering the naion''itt` 1841. 4nages' NApaton, „ us repott Pootetstioe-Our usually quiet, little The -following is the judgment isticetiorda: 11.13r device -P° ° 11. hack -.Palea Day has men hiareeignation. - lately Made use Of the fo,llownig*execter"' eye 451', tiltefieled,,,J,t(!eati. Gavel; ItuatiuMtkatt xxxxttrarbatt. village was thrown into a !state of excite -i “The Aibitra. tors, 'imam the 'British ot, ror,N reereemee 7 Vele Deep° temee, 9, - Previoris to the mitlearnmer holidays, - men,b-bY the alViarance of Edwaxd -Bps*, North America Aot o 186% havens mire. elow u senlierry and teenry Naze', mie of our fully considereidethe 'statement _medeY and 4 -oaf' • 1870, , the parent' s and friendi OU,ther,aclinittre at-. village shoemakers in ''the position -Of irk. the. propositioneadbmitted. reopeetirelYV " " .'" ' ' :1"1"": ' - ' o ' gaits. Your correspondent - made all and on behalf et the Previte*: id Ontario erne ualpittipiti - Here hi: mi epitaph hsste as a faithful reporter should do, but eta Qeobee, 41411010g bear& no:tinsel:we founet.oe a too:it-stone not long silica a: iniri‘red late on tlie scene et:conflict and length thereupon, 49 :0,801.4 aid- adiudo. Boneitth tunintnnein, lump of .olay, , did' oat witness the me/as-he waS, heel,. as iollowa ee-- ' ; - - ' ''.. -e ' ..e...- `:-- -e: 't e lies IsabellarYoung,' .-' j-- • -_:_,, • ever, inforined that a quarrel had arisen 6=1.st. That the Imperial AOt,dtroion,A -'--- lkVhd,„,on the tiventy-fourth Of Xist. between them abent the ,purchasing !of a and 41404 'OM*, PT did Act -reraste irk ,, Begarite hold her tongue. .• . A • of boots. Boasenberry uabil abuiive faceor in law any partnership between .e. , .... _ ,..-... . , -. . e mignage, attempted to break intheedoor Thiper Mellower Catitela,*-rier tiAL- ' 5.4.4 The deny . life of a - bl , _ fellow bag ' " o • g tag,. ', - young B. Calneoff 2ed best. Having -his or- "2fid. That the arbitratote hover° pow-, been- Very graphically: deionlessf in a few with stones, &e. Wetzilretillated, struck .egetiinis so eeiso from a iitate 4;efeeperte Bossenberry,, a fight ensued, --in which ruershiii'betWeertlitidividualie r : Worde. Ife geti alaigeinelone cats it in gaus of viaion tweed over a eekisicierable er or authoeity teenier upori anYeenquiry "t°, 4.1701 earn 5 Out the liesidee 'one-half "fair play" inithilefighthehee eemeaudinet credits of the Provinces of Upper and and eets the middle, - he lints 010115P -heed, he Ski 011;jthe other,1 poet of his frtee; and thinking he tad not had the relative state of the debta and ItVetzei at Mr D Steinbach's store, and Lower Canada respectively at the .time of . __ flee . -• .- was .about. to "haverit mite" but *WS. their union ia1841. with -the Province of A women tales Chloreferni, . liae Tillie ordered them out -and at it they, went . on, camas. , - teen . Teeth Eitrieted and dies -in the etreet. Well, after floundering ebegt. „---Vg_rd. That thedivisiOn and a.djustment Philadephia :.:on ..,WedneidaY inOrniUg, o . lathe mud a while, and having their Baths- between Out:ilia end -Quebec of the surplus raidele aged. woman called at theeffice of -- faction of pummeling each other ther; came debt beyend 462,500.000, for which under Dr .le lit.Finaltri hare teeth,-eitrOted, it te reckon up its Cost : Wetzel fonudlhe had the 12th rectioa of the British. North fulftlinerit of a preview!' eegagement. come off 2nd hest with his. -nose almmit America Aet (11867, Ontario aid Quebec). Chloroform ewas administered, arid after bitten off -face bruised,covered with mud, are cenjointly liable to Canada, shall be three teeth had been nulled theeffect of • Allawed off; but this time received no other of the debts incurred Al --the 'create) '.eff ed the doctor to reredatit awiti'ell.(;,frasari4loensete. &c. llossenberry had his . finger almost based upon the origin of the several items the chloroforM Va.,S 0, serious injury, which yonr correspondent the asiiets mentioned in the 4th Sc °dole - Ten. more teeth werd then 4Attareted, arid regrets; for we think if tbeY were laidliP to that Abt, mid shall" be appointed arid . by this time her :condition. waa such as to a while'it would keep them out of m1E-Chief borne' flepatstely bV Ontario mid Quebec, Create, alarm, and a physicienwas sent for. for dome time. If such disgraeeful seems as the same maf be adjudged to heve been All effort' to restore her to causeiriusness aro enacted again we will call out the.cori- originated for the local benefit of either, . was unavailing and- she died ',:in a few stabulary to keep peace. Experience and wheee the debt has. been,' inourad in Minute& ‘ - ' teaches foolaso must they be taught. - the creation of aix !laid for =the comic -eon - .. COM. -" troet Pro -.11 Piztleits %%no life's lames seemed clearest, most intense A hatit of a it mid love to gtxat anti simile, By the dark ilarg,VI sirramoutal henee, Toselve the, nialatiest watery of all. tlearing that holtas pasted heyortd the veil, l'efaret the Jetta -0 who metes Miran thew dues. Mergs cheeks- thrott Kaglislaspeakirra, lands, LI ra pale,. Far aathectoteaking wires can bear t.Lo trews-- Blatieliatiat llata sadden snapping a a like-- Iltat'atesatel oeall our lives to hold a share; So wens oar inernoSes with his fancies rife, Sa much of Mathew:7.14mm thoughts -seemed to bear. Charles Die -Isms deatil It is as if alight Inevery Enazi.h Immo were iseenelied to -day s As sr a /areal! know had paseed *eyesight, A hand allloved to press were turned. to clay. QamtliM wita walla% power. its Mine, Oat height, Efts ^aWtotat, imeight—taia at /east we know, All tis Litt love's warmth and his launior's light Rejelead and invelled--old. young, high or low. Massed, rmiearned—from llse boy at school To the judges out the beagle, neonate -ad but own'd The larae heart o'er wideh the laws brain held rale, Thelaaearby whose aide clear sense sat throned, tending the Centraland Ward Scheele met in the Central School te witness the -dott- ing exercises. At 2' o'olock this afterilorm. A. Letroy, Esq., Mali -man of the Board of Trustees, took theritair. &vent pieces of jangle were excellently -sung underthe leaderahip of Mr Thompson. aridrshtert ad- dresses delivered. by the-011airtaan,lier; R. Ure arid others. The Principal, Abeing celled on, read, the Amionercement aStatistiesandresalt of IfidsirM. suer examinations of the *bore echista‘this lath dayiof Jaly, 181'0: - 1st. The vartOtis schoola aoae- tiffirday; rad open agiinon Tnesdayr, tha 16th, day _of August, when a large attendruice of ptipilie is *Stovall looked for. 2tad. The nUmber Ort. the-RolifortherWirt year is 882 ; last year, corresponding term. SW: inoresse•38. Oethe above, number, there Me CV boys, and -108 Tho greatest nuraberlresent cue. del visa 634, the laiestreachedin the- MAW% a the sehnol, last year. corresponding 'fella'. 5$8 liatiSsee46." The Schools were -open 118 dayil dririsig giisieratsLV nalliths of the year. This averagsatteudaate during the time above. specified was 036.- -MrterVIneratrr comParing attendance of tide y ear With uorrespliriding months of last year : - _ . 1870. 1669. Janualy, averre 435, aver.age 530,1decreasefor18TO, 05 February, 535 ' 513 increase " 22 -March .. sea 0. ..tat . " 104 April " 530 " 453 decrease " 14 May ' ''' 54T " 50T increase f, 40 June " 591 " 536 0 " 56 Thae34ervation Mint made all its own, The shapirag faculty mat breathed life's breath In types, all felt they knew aud still had kmavu. Life -like, except taatthey tire safe from death. Staaze ..ahspere's.wlierethe pen titat hatb so lent taabstatsce airy nothitags of the brain ? with raea's eaperienee bleat, - Tel 6takc =la (mother we are fain. a 'Aid. taat eves- wielded such a power graal it sa parely, to sorb Christian end— tsed It to Tamara the millennial hoar. When, rich as roar shall be as friend to friend Woo can say how ismer of that love's pure lea. en That leavens now the lump of tbis our world, With ittiatence as of a preevnt Raaven, • Like light athwart chaotic. darkness hurled, • t raced un to spring; by hina isnsealed, eests ttv him stpaeil routof affection's roots. • erat hard, bat by his fires annealed o a.farte_as, whereat Love's works are the fru:ts. eaa., Eagland. for another' great one gone -ata the great ores van, heve Vale before— A1%4 aza .t aalVersal mourning on, aaaaea. r sea breaks on Englislaspealsiog shore. PUS workc,smrvive tam and 148 works' work tor— / aaa ati,21 kindness and good -will to men, Eat, a :la areng, rmd reverence of the true, A tal aar on ail that shuns truth's eagle ken. Fa: chief stations mourners at Eis tomb ; I '.. ,r,,s:et.vieS for his monument • their love Such ishis glorious 'doom. Wheat raartal praiseor blame no utore snail move 1 R.dgewsar Monument. Toronto. • c7,1e hoar ermine en Dominion day ' lar-asenee of the relatives of the .ipeease and an immense multinde - the monument erected by s .f.toos -from all parts of the Do- .. . was !Levelled hy the Governor- Geeeertel amid the mostenthusiastic cheer- ing. 'f he statuary is chiselled from Italian marble; the steps and base are composed of Montreal lianestobo, and the sandstone of Nova Scotia furnishes the material for the bady of the monument ea for the deliente stone carving upon it. The royal arms appear in relieve on the eastern face or front, underneath the figure cf grief. Two life-dze figure.s of Canadian volunteers; facing one to the north mid e other to the south, surmount the arms of Toronto and Itamilton. elabo- rately carved in stone. The crowning figure of Britannia, eut in marble and in proportions more than human, looks down from a height of forty feet. tipon the side of the monument furthest from [labile view, .110.11 unclerneth a statue re- presenting faith or religion, there is the following inscriptioa "Canada erected this monument as a le memorial of her brave sons the volun- teera, who fell at Limeridge, or died from woundsreceived in action, or from die' ease contracted in service, whilst de- fending her frontier in June, 1866." The government offimallist of casual- ties among the v unteera in June, 1866, supplies the names of those in whose memory this monument m erected. „There were ki led in action :- Enstri Malcolm bic.Bachren,ofQaeents OWO. Private Queen'e,Own, Private Mark Defriaees, Qaeee's Owm Pei -Tate -Christopher Alderson, Queen'e Own. Private William Fairbanks Tempest, Queen's Own. Private J. II., Newhign, QuerisOwn., Private Inoicolin bleKenzie, (It:teen's Own, These wheAled from _wounds received in action were :.-- Sergent thigh !dailies(); of neen't - Own'. Cerporal Renck Ldekey, of Quoit - Own. The-fadwing tiled from disease con- tracted- thro' Service in Juue, 1866 ;:- CaPairt and Paymaster, John HuStp Richey, of the Ialle Royale. Private lame.% Cahill ofthe 13th. Plivate James 11.,Norriseu, of (linen's OWn. - N. - The above is ealculated. by- allowing a whele number for any fraction over one. half and not adding any for less than a half. sal. The Board of School Tru:stees: has generously set apart 330.00 for the poichase of prim. to be dis- tributed atChristatas. 314yor Iliya has very kindly promised to add $5,110 to :procure special prizes s and the Committee appointed to early ,out arrangements for ceiebrating Dominion Day has .veteal au ortrplis amounting to $9.00forthe same purpose- No, doubt there are others who will assist In Gus matter aud we eXpect that a VerYlarae. milubee of Prizes will be dis 'fluted at our next examination. Indeed, .1 may promise, with evety prespect or my' promise bemg Thi- nned, that every ',boy or girl who wiallesund to work faithfully,Atall get a book at Christraas. The sublet:tot founding scholarships in connection with our school M wellaverthyoiaiotiee. Between the Grammar and Common Seliools tbere ehould be a close and warm syrtipathy; alwayS working together in, the - utmost harmony, and unitedly saivIng to accomplfah the grand object hi-viewapreparlog• out papils for the duties of after lab. „apcomplish this. object, the Common School ninstbe the feeder. natthetival the Grammar scalpel af le toollega.ently the ease, To: create a spirit of emoted:Ai aniongVar popilS,1 Woad- respectfullysuggest thatscholarshipstelounded.And competed for anarially, and Oita stimblitef hi greater exertion. Let eacl, scholarship be a the -vklue of one or two year's tuition in our very. excellent Grammar school. Who will help us to raise our standa ? for it can be done in this way. Let some of our publie spirited men make us an offer and wo will satisfy all of its beneacial results. The examination of the various schools was com- menced by Dr. McLean, Local Superintendent. and myself, on June 21st, and has extended almost op to the present time, the pupils of the Ward Schools and forms three, four, five and saaorally. solar as possiale, the others subjected to bath written and oral, with the following results : • _ beue8t beth Proyinces, and sliall, 'be so Dr. J, "'Lugo:Throat, and Long Heater is Pleasant o take and uns assed for its efficacy in curing ••••••••• IMPRTA.N1 FRU FORT GARRY; adjudged, such debt Shen be divided and borne equally bY both. "4th. That where the debt under con- BideTati011 Shall not come within ethe pro- visions of the 4th Schedule, whether the 'same shall or shall not hive left assets, re- ference shall be had to its-oeigin under -the same rule as in the last preCeding section laid down. "5th. That the asiets enumerated in the 4th Schedule to the British North America Act of 1867, and declared by the 13th section. to be the property of Ontario and Quebec conjointly, shall be divided. andndjusted, and appropriatedor *Relied on the same basis. "6ile. That the expeaditrire made by the creation of each 'of the said assets shall be taken as the value thereof, and where ne assets have been left the amount paid shall be taken as' the debt 'incurred by the au- thority of and passed npon by Parliament. "7t.h. It is therefore ordered that • in accordance With the .abetve decision the. Council for the said provinces of .Ontario and Quebec do proceed -with their respect- ive -case% (Signed) 3. H. GRAY. D. L. MePinsesort. Montreal, May 28, 1870. A Ease, on tho Mule. The mule is all boss alld half jackass, and then comes to a full stop, natur dis- covering her mistake. Tha weigh more according te their heft than pay other kreetur,except a crowbar; Tha can't, hear enny quicker norefurther than the hoss, yet their earis are big enough for snow- shoe& You can trust them with enny person whose life isn't Worth more'n the mule's. 'The only way to keep them- inter a pester is, totals •them inter a medder jinen, and let them jump ont. The are redy for use last as the will du .101' abuse. The hain't got enny more friends 'than a Chatham-stree Jeri/ and will live on huckle- berry bushs_uith an occasional chase after impede Ousels. The are A modern lawn. slum ; I don't think the -Bible deludes to themat all. Tha sell foe more muuey than piny other domestio .ammule. kan't toll their age ley -looking into their mouths ennfi more than yu could A Mexi- can _cannon s. Tha neynr had no disease that a Club Wadn't heal. If the ever die. they must ranee rite to life again, •for I never heard 'nobody Bey "(led mule." The are like summed, vette korrupt at hart ; 'hive known them :to be good for six months jist.trisit chaticete kick seme- ttody: t nosier owned one, and never.meati to-, unless there is a lavi reepiiria . Per Only reason the are pa.gliunt. is, beceuso they are ashemcdef theunelta. Ihaveseen eddioted 'Mules in a Skims the topldkiek and, bite. trenienjm. I wouldnot 'sey what AM forced to say iglu `the inulea if his - 'birth won't an • eta -Page; bnt. he ain't to eedsri bleene fork. - Any man who is willieg to at:tees mule,fought to exempt bylaw m forthe Legislatur• The are t strongest kreetets on earth.attel the heavy- istnceording to their size; heerd tellef one who fell oph the kanawaankandsinik as sion as he teblied the bottoni, but he keptrite on towin the heat to -• the next attain, breathin oat orliis ears, , which was oet of the lviter, about two ,feet, -0"...x inchea. I -didn't see this, but. annuctione told Me of it,and-.1 never knew an auctim - eer torte, unless he kould make suinthin out of it. Cough, Mamba's, c. SoldbyDrallllists- To thosewho suffer from Corns,Brusions, Bad Nails, philblati Frosted Feet, Sao., try Dr Briggs' Cur- rttive. =edit berally as direeted,.relief inane. RIEL'S DEPUTLES TURNING dist% aid core certain. Soldby Drairgists. • AGAIIIST For CMS. Cough, Broachithi3Oonsumption. andel Diseasas of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs, Dr J Briggs • RIRT, THREATENS TO Div GJ.GE SECRETS Throat and Lung, Healer is a certain and reliable Be Ica, are positively cured by the nee of Dr J Briggs Frosted Feet, "chilblains, Corns, Bunions, Bad Nails - tProm the Glebe.] ModeriaCiwatiye. ThisMemedy has beea coinpound - We recelyed last, evening by special tele- ed withgreateare, and. used as directed, never fails Sold by Druggists. ' WEST ST, SCHOOL—MISS NEWTON. Roll No. 105, presentdaring examination 81.—Honor last—Good conduct, Mary LeonardeJaa. Carter. First Class. Past 1. Secal, F Leonard, K McKay, A Mc- Kinnon. J McKay. III. Polite Bonuamy, 31 Murray,F7 Willonearby Part II. See. IV, A C Ferguson. MinuleaKaylor, 1) McLean. V. 3. 31eKay. M Brophy, James Carter. Second CLass—See. 1 , McKenzie, la Gordon, 8 Illacla See. IL C Murray X Mc- Leod, J Stotts. ST. DAVID'S WARD SCHOOL—IIISS 31c3IATION. RAI No. 11), present ar Exalt batten 91 —Honor List, dood Conduct A L Weatheraea, fhotnas and J Craw- ford. Fast Class, Part I. See —L Bnchart, J Xann, E Ilurray II. A Emerson, 31 F Elliott. In. Murray, 3 Mclirien, 8 Martin. Part II, Sec. IV—M Inglis, A Madden. W CrawfOrd. V. E. Addison L Acheson, J Elliott.—Seeond Class, Sec. I—W Oakiey, J MeBrien, T Gardiner. 11. .1 Ward, 3 Oakley. W Donaldson. F Riddniph, Katy Bates, X Reid. EAST ST. SCHOOL—MISS LONGWORTH. 014••••••ft cly. Sold by Druggists. PLICATING BISHOP TAMS. ' 1.• FABIC EiCat SAIst I , trtu catav.tz, 1 .1........1. 1111INGlots2, taste "Oneestiob Goaeri$11 TowrAii. -0-2 11.6 Acres, -50 ofivhich ore -denied, a 'never faiiinal 'i creaming throtigh al/eland. The lot iii eitraatedens i the Gravel Madeabasit 6 ralleg train Ito total etTelt : trich. Thelma is a ricti ekti tomi,;74.-;tg very Mats 4 41.1318fOrWbUtIar frnitogr.43Yarig. -Thet3t, Vilt be sold ,theimitiol alias -9 teen& TWaesiderl iela bagierenlat . Oier, for trtietdars and teitas, 3Pply to G. IL .. PARSONS or J. DAVISON, ..E:q. Oedc.Tiell, . VD -0' ., U.Vir -AG 401CODS I TSIMIVIr. la° S `abottlea, march 21.4; ism ' AeltRTPINO 3)14Y 4 T a. 0. DEiri.01-1 & 06.9s, JUST OPENED -SEVERAL CASES 'OF • Dresti doodS, nice new—Styles, Mantles, Gents a 09 and New Tweed 1 TARN FOIL SALE. - T_torio, ow. IP, D, COLBORNE, 109 ACRES; ..1_4 90 cleared, paha. dWellta'g bonne, frza0 tant.'6; wittra earanuardaletitelMat attaelled.ialatt goodharll tud shed aetontmealation, good heatlirg orchard, . Watered hytwO creeks remaingtbreaah the farm, =a good Nvells, OnemilefroM gravel load. 6 miles frost Goderich. For partieuhrs apply On the peemises I/0 -undersigned, nr to Alr; DPergason,,_,trocer. Gedettient , STEWAET. .0ctoberllth 1859 8728stf FA1111 FOR SALE4 tOT 24. CON 44 Township of Oideriek containing 80 otere‘l ahottt55 noret bleared, se STORY cOlronnTenoinsu. 4:av 'WC intatilf flear, Diningiloona Frau antallka: room ; en the seeundroor, sitting Foam; large Fem.!. lly Bcdronm, valour ntber bedrcome ment, Dairy Boom, Fruit roosa,Store roora,31eat room. Frame Barn feet. 1-mllea fhom4llistonand Tfroms GoderielL goodlarge orchard Of Mar a'alacrioT fruit trees. Sell, neap -clay loam. well -watered by springertek and -flowing weld. The property is situ- ated la mileafrons Lake lietrolauf witch a good vieW pan be had flora the door. .5.ppiy to James Wilkia. son, Esq., on the prereUes or to G. M. TRUMAN LandOffice, Goderich ogy,lorieb 25th Imaary1870. ' ALSO, TO RAND Several Cases of BOOTS& SHOES ser A First -Class Cutler and experienced Toile; in the Tailoring DePartinent --Paul, the folloViing highly, important in- onidriettels, can be instantly relieved and goickly cured , catarrh, a dtsease which distresses us and dilgaste _ , gram from our,own correspondent at St. _- - i .. *diligence from FortGarry. Of course, we by using Dr. J. Briggs' AlReValiter, an invaluable . cannot vouch for the accuracy of the in- RemedYfor all pain mid Inflammation. Sold bY Drag- - gists. .4.s . Goclerich, April lith, 1870. . formation-bnt our =respondent is welt . . _ ., . ? informed and jUdicious„ and in -the limner= Neuralgia, Itherunatism, &e., ts unrivalled. In -a Dr. 3 Rrigge Allevantor; ler the Cure a Catarrh, _ ous important despatches received from thorough trial of itesirtaes, ao will acknowledge its). him for months past, ve li;,tle erroneous superiority. Soldloy Drtiggists. - If with Piles you are much aillieted, . - 1. a i matter has been found. lie says : . Ron No 123, present at Examination 107, Honor List. Good Conduct—R*0 Frazer, F Willieras—First Class, Part see. I—J Williams, F. Robertson, F West. 11. A Platt, A McKenzie. A Doyle. W Gilmer, A Wallace. T Part II, See IV—J Watsoa 31-31c- Intosh, Cox. V. A Bondman, B L llorris Second Book, See L—A Naismith, B Sharman, Agnes Kay. tee II, It Fr mer, L Truman, 31. Sullivan. CEN'rRAL SCHOOL. THIRD FOR31-31IS3 MEIER. Roll 82. preseni st Examination 64, Honor Mt. tlood Conduct—X Thomas, J Bansbury. Beading— Ist G 83kte, and 8 Sharman, ard Ba.nshury --, 1st Bammatock, and W Wella„ ard M. Jessup. K Melfay Geography-a-1AZ Sharman, and Ransbury, Srd Ferguson Arittunetie—lat IP' Wells; 2nd 5 sherman. Salts S Sharman, 2411 V Wells, 3rd Hamilton General Proficiency -1st S Sherman& W Jessup 2nd 3 Ransbary, 3rd W Wells. 4th JBannistoek. 5t12'W Martin. 6th L Adana and A Honig Private Daniel Lake4 of tile 13th Bat- talion. Private. Prudlionneet piths/lot:be- luga Light Infantry. -Private. Lanntt War, of the lath Battalion:, • Formingiri all a list Of fifteen brave Bien 14060- death% Aie counnenio.. rated,. Long speeches were madeby His Excel- fauci Sir John, Young,. non. M. U. Canted son and Dr McCaul. - FOURTH FORK -MISS -LOGAN /?oll No 89, present at examination 66, Ltonor List— Good Cmduct—la Mitchell, .1 McBride Beading -1 E R Croy,3115cCue, S Whitlock Spelling— 1 Mannion. G Oster,. S Whitlock, M &broader Geography -131 Allen, J McBride, ly Wilkins Arith- metio-14fIlays,2AodrewHave and J liates,8J Menai. non Writtug-1 hmily Melba' h,2 C Oster, SE Gardiner General Progeiency--1 E O'Reilly and JileBrae, 2nd E Gardiner, 3rd ; Blau:mon, 4th- M Allen, 5th 31 Schrouder, 6tir A Stottsand E Ellard FIFTH FORM -1418.4 MCERT.LEN - Rolf No 79, preteht tte ExaminatMn 4T—Honor List, Good Condoct-113 McIntosh, 2IF Formby Reading31' Maid,5WCampbelifie:Nobte,70 Griertiongpellit 1P IdelMc1,2Taaftits L'oneby, alft BalPh Geogra- phy -1P Maid, '2F Fourlay, C Coveherd_A. 1G GriersOn,23/ Serateld.3 g Cowherd Writulg—C Davis -2 CNottle. 3-3- Robinson. General frroficieney-1 P MeKidd. 2 P Fourby, SIC Cowherd; cee Noble, G Grierromd;Donogh TOBX—MISS- MORGAN "S . Pane, Run 12. . Este Briggs' Pile Remedyas diaected • - ' And sought for a core in vain ; • "News fromFortGarryhasbeen received - You win both health and peace agar; %I here up to the 1st of Adv. Dr J Eriggs"4 Co, No. 6, King Street, West Toronto "Riel is reported to be virtually a pris- Dr rips Pile Beniedy is ac—knowledged by all wbo d g ' ' onerinthehandsofhisownmen, Theyhave nayetried. it (yid their name is Legion) to be the best, mdtt sumessful and eilleacions Remedy Ayer lused foi sent a guard to the frontier to prevent his toit disease, Sold by Drawl -ids, ero ;Sing fire American line -fearing that lan persons suffering from Piles, Internal, Bleeding, he intends to desert them. External, or Itching Piles, will be inimediately relieved "Riel threaten.sto divulge certain secrets and eventually cured by asingDrJ Briggs'yile Remedy , in his possession7-unlesa Bishop Tache ob- Sold by ikuggists . tains his pardon. Safferei a from Gomm, bunions, Bad Nalla,and those "The Captain of the Red River steam- torturing afflictions Chilblains, are well recommend - boat just arrived from Fort Garry, says ed to use:Dr S Briggs' well-known, Curative for eartuis3 - . reliefaild positive cure. . Sold by Druggists. • - G & CO MI I Farm for Sale. OTS B? and 54, Buyfield Cencesskr, in the .L,/ Township of -Glider:eh aolatorning Cs sera; ot these over lifette res -dared -with gond Frame ahntort. For Terms or Isle spiffy uttlie ihriefon Burn, and.Log Horthe, libina rilOes from -.Cant off -ce at* Goderich, or to Xr. WIGStUNG TuN ton the premises, Godench.:Out.Seni..21, 'SOS. ire33 O. YOR SAIX• _ vuoitaa,B op TO BENT.--Lof 0,Cou lo. n..oadmoid, Co.Ifuron, coniminieg E 0 netes. cleared, with house and ham. There is a livingo reek on the farm. It is a earner lot. Pelee 518.63 Per n•Cre rent $40.00 ma taxes. 'MARTIN INJPIUN. ,London, Feb.2. 185c . that several hundreds of Indians acre en- 'COus ptives, try Dr. J. Brigga' Throat, and Len 2 ' camped near the Stone Fort -and will Healer, 1 will relieve and cure you.. For all disease oppose any attempt on the part of Riel to- of the Throat, Chest, and Lony,s, nothing can surpas ta beneihdal effects. Sold by Druggists. -rause a disturbance in the Settlement: "Biel had sent Father Le.stra to quier ahem, 'but they sent him nut of their- -GOD ERWII. Roll NoT3. present at examination 48, Honor list— Geed Conduct— Kate Watson, E Carey Reading- B /Topper K a:Topper, E Carey,31 Mattison. Spelling -3i Ransbury and 351c,Pherson. B Carey antiV McShay Geography -1 B Carey„ilitate Hey, E Hodgetts, Carey arithmetic -1 K Watson, 2 floPPer._ Griersonland W XeShay Writing—I/0sta. W Res -,3 Martin GeneraL_Proficiency—I E Carey, 2 IN SieShaypEllobinson. Sane% Hopper, 631 Me- grim; 6.1 XeDermil Deittle.pf Sir Jrinees Clark, XIX ---eee 0 Death has lately been .,busy among the distingoislied physicians' of England. A few days ego we were called upon to at- . notarise the death of Dr, Simpson, of Ediri- lburgh,, wed OIL -Monday last that of Prof. Svrac, of the same city,. aticipsterdiee AtlatijiaToicgrainsbro-ught the Intelligence f th.e.e.o.'611 of Bit. JamesOlarke Bart, lc a, H. r.s., of London, at the adVaneed age of 82 years. Sirlames Clerk was born in Banffshire, Sof:Aland,. in 1688,. and was sEvwrif Foirst-xtt SCOTT, "EICHER RoliNo 68, peesent at emanation 42-Ronv Liat- &ardor Section—Goo& IConduct—, R Salts, J eraW, ford. Beading --T 3131cDozied,2 Stelett and X Me - Lean Spelling -1 Sine% 2 A Bela, 3 McDonald Geomaphy-1 W Delt011,,2-14 netts-. 3 lir Hick, Ardlimetle-1 Dalton, 21? Salt -stand W Hick, 3 11 Jiamo, Writing -1W Dalton,IsKate Campbell and IV "rawfora, General Proficiency -A. W Dalton,. 2 Stott% 3 hi McDonald and LI Trainer, 4 Jr Salts, SA Reid, 0 K Campbell Seater Section --Good COnduet—C IteiLty. S J Fetzer .Beading-11Idelntosh and Reid, C McKay Spellinz-1 14 Green. C Swanson.- 3 a Stewart Geography—/ G3felfay..S-10ansbirryazd Se -,1 Itekl.AW, Murray Grammat-1- S Itansbilry.2 C eKay,3 Reid vamp. "The captain corroborates the report that a depiitationfrom theEnglish, French, and Indians had goneto Rainy Lake to welcorae -the new -Governor and. offer him. - the help of their people. "The scouting parties sentby Riel to the Lake of the Woods had been driven back by a band of Chippewa Indians. "Ex-PresidentBrucelia.s leftthe Govern- ment. "The crops are reported to be in a favor- able condition. Arithmetie 1-31 Logan. 21.. Frazer; 3 C Writirr&-1 MoRay et 8.1 Reg cfr 11 Nolan. General proficiency- C McKay, *. 2 Et Reid, 11 Rausliary,4 51 Murray -a S Dieksond Passmore4.5 J Frazer. . r Wotan PoRIG THOMPSoN, ezelkenrat. H011 mber 72, present ab artimination, Honor Junior -Section-Lrood conduct Goodon. Residifig.4 Dickson F Green, 2- I thilhday fic I Ferguson.. Spelling -4 3t Dickson, .2 II McFarlane* 3 Mehersosi. Geography -I Ferguson, -1 Miller. 3 .1 McPherson. -Gratnarar,-1 J Miner, 2 maim, Arithmetic -sl If -McFarlane 32 Nair*, . Fervent Alt 5oluti. Ferguson. Viiiing-4 Ilekson.8 thiodon, .1 etteer,P W Green. General Proficiency -1 al Dieksois 21 Maher - f.011 3 .1 Ferguaoris 4.8 Dordon, 5.-M• bleFarlane 6 seekn. syeifea..-Good:COnduct-44 A -licgaar- .rte, Reid Iteading-4 31. A Mcquarrie 14 'Wells. Spilling -1 St A Valuarrie if4 iteitt,2M Yates 3 tifarct. Geography-1ft Heil, 2 .1 McPherson At Yates - Grammar -- 113I- Skarinais,3- W McKenzie, -3 .1 SIcEnertioa. Arithractic--4 W INCICenzie, 2 Mary Yates- Wriffog-1•W McKenzie. JA, Reid, Ur Pro- .root,tieurv Martin. General Proficieny....1 Yates* W 5 McKenzie. 3- IL Reid, 4 5.1011leiliersen,6 Uctlestie. • - 88.511olt roam-, MILL2/2*. BIONcIPAL. • 04..Ro11,69. PreSeet et kfiranainatina,P.S.: , nollog usz, - , SileiorSeetwee-Aecd Conduct- r. winch C Somerville, Heading -I C fromerviiie,2 Waiker I VanEwerv - Jessup, W &Mk. S VauEvery, SC Botnerville,3 • THE pm's IN EVROP Be , PRUSSIA'S UNFLINCHING ATTI- TUDE. TIttitiNO0118 Exornierenr Eitglai4 Mediates for .Peace. FRANCE, STAIN AND ROXE„ July 13.-A London special to the Herz .idei says : The formal withdrawal ofPrrioe Leopold hes been telegraphed. to- Madrid. This action. is placed soiely„Ota the ground that in consequence of tha insult which has been,effered to Spanish honer the Cortes would be guided in their action by a detern mination to uphold the independence- of the nation, aud thereforethe election could not be aspontaneoua and sincere. expreasi- on in favor of the Prinee, without which he would not be Willing to- aaceml the -throne. Prussia maintains her dignityintactiand ,yields not an itichto the French aletnandes. The British Government has addreased a circtilar nOtetoitireppreatativesabreact, defending its position m the Spanishaffair. The note deprecates Aheallacourtesy of Spaiii in concealing from a friendly, ADOWer negotiations with &foreign prince , 6011 - ovation with the Spanish crown reurelz the threatening tone ef Vrance,, which calculated to obstruet negotiations and an amicable settlement, and approved of Prus- sia:1i position in tile absence of yroof-uf her 0-mplicity in the intrigue; While-, the election of Prince Leopeld vrOidd 13a desti- tute of political importance,.England &all in her Power to unlace hita td with-. drew in. order topreserve the peace of Eurolee. ‘e.A. cable telegram to the -liira/d, dated Th eerie are united in favor of the stand en by the Gevernment, Though stoat lire ;declining, the belief is general _that peaee will he preserved. A minor is current that Erince LeoPold U.. about to address a. letter the Spanish Govern. ment, de:44111g the crown. It is said. that the lettc r reflects aeverely on the. -tooduot ef 'gratice, and -the Prince declines because he is miwilling to be instrumental -in in- volving Span and Europe in war. • '.11: cable telegram to the -Fiera/dx dated Paris, July 12, soya:- - • The excitement here 'over the elusive). with Pro:sine- is'tremendous on the Bente ana theBouleyards,pudisithe tato aid clabs heated. tlisensmoos are going on end perschud encounters are eta unfrequent, Ministerial agents lie -exciting the. peoPle agaillat :Moly charge. that 'the 1-44nleing alb° Zona Saredittntelegram- and detention eV yestMelay were Priutelin tricksto gain time. lifilitarY ac- tivity is Unabated; - - A fleetieueder ordersfortheenaltioe Will be fcoMinanded Admire', De Lti -Graviere Geri. Deus utreadyto march on. LuxembolirgyithintLarMy of ti Men; Illielifinistein of War, Marine,. and Fin- educz,ref,t Ian Ciallagee ..Abt,rdeem act 1,gucer ueographr-i 0nutb,IL Walker.* anc„,-)2, ad protracted, intiririew with ahe, completvi hia medical studies at the Alin, S kiosk (*rammer I D Ho ke d`x cE •111; aftcr Vhielt he passed some Bietory-t Jessup, W Stnith,3 Sower'. th0 the violent speeehes of Duke defGram-, the. wo:r, and in 1826. settled ag Amalnyetk„.4 E 2 1„, Traikei, niOrlt a13.1.1 Oirivier were made by the ix-. J1GON 16 OARRDIOE North Si4o Market Spate. tr Lah. 0 P ALL ZINDS4 very large - Stock of . Crockery. Spleza.d1c1 Sebs. fitiA GROCERFE dsal AS THIO CHEAPEST 'PlatforM and Colmter Seales of best make ' ' r liolt XL 1.1;kii„ o co, ,3T TAB lubscriber %Zola, Ammar -le!, to ilmpub- Itc,ofruron and Bruce, that he rano Yr M011* 1 ROBINSON & YATES. w47 Uttelsnis „w$243.0t s- • titoderieb,Sept,29th, 1868. . ufacturing first-class Cartiaipq, WaggOitis, sieighs," basidci CHEAP FOR CASH. -vritich apprenti burgh. T.L7iiversitv.,where he took the degree Lrox,S. 4art Every' UFA rcr 'Lob. 21110'M' -Vhe 4arge DeSettucrive Fiz.ee ; Ott Tank Strut* - by: Lightning ; Eyteiting Beene. Pigriburg,, Igee 28. e -One of the Moe] aleeettelleseekl fireft that. ever occurred:, 41 thigt city is niv raging near Sharphurgh Bridge. At three o'clock this aftern000, rr IM C-3 A 1DP g Savmg4 Society nted a wood -worker-' -and two • • • unto kautavOrgi-WOrkana---pek B blaclosmithing. - • . .mov,16-17tb.ibtorlia. Street, G,od_eri9cli „mks . s ADVANCES OttliPPROVED. UAL, 'ESTATE SITUATB W.08120 COTADA! - ON 114E 'EOLLOWligG 1148:2,:s . 12 t .50 • repayable ha yearly. • • • TAM& FOR SALE. 147 ACRES, MOBS 011 LESS, ABitT 110 kJ acres cleared and the balaireegend hardwood flea- aser, a comforteble house enafTst,e1,s frame haaasaz geed strobe.) d, and well watered. Most 0,111eltiad113 eXTOMIINVIeSealit 91411-11eVhs fgr-Corllsoliel°te°P4TfrGran. b re .thOneptanianymeene.trifAartr particasboaalsgoaLtaparraev vnVttidithelatimvueneoftoor NUKUNZIE. ir2211:t; Ga.; amui7t1"Inred rIlieltiGMI"Ie141;01t-eis FARM FOR SALL -4 - jlirrisTToLshicaMoP°orSED'Staalec)Fri;CSOI% rye"!3/31EDNErolan.:5143 reeds s 1 g 11 I geregbe-41%94 iiisisaltylitninUSwtaftlel°fIneTalezlelveloleolthomeTt6 fdevilecellianr filarowate4banITherEe0 alyro 66117 tfbeeet,11Yegrarmft-y3 Stable and shed= by 24 feet, well fenced orchard of plow% bpearins.szeg. troliseesi,--twzneelgeifertyfaft.isinsgramwettalis withouzzzgovel toad. androunected bygoodgraVel anarlswith Cliraton 00 milesjand fbroall, said to hothe Brost Ile ars apply to D. McDougall, Auctioneer, Baylleid, or to province, with the excellent nrarkets ofv:vs.cy:el: miles) and Seaforth (12 rauyilases). Fe: flurarlernivp:iticuli.- ,cn the premises, Bayfiteld. TVs 18C0. • 16141:2PAILED 'PO''fblAICE • • axannittrequireltedeem each $101$ advanced in .. &years. 10 years: 15 veers. THE PERFECT ' lipavabte year ye is • • • • • 0 • 26.h5 16.4b ta.34. SUBSTITUTE, t - stalmentsmetinfeastaking Fitnd,-vr kWh nny,s off the Pelage], WO tvelI sathe Interest - • Loans at proportionate, rates for 2,A, 6. 8 or 12years, , uf..eeLbar, al:that-at the expirations/I theterin agreed ripe , the debt ,'s enireiriviOed Tlie full ail d and nopayment isrequirjhefore the -I. -end leilteltsyear, -or yelf.• MITER% Taag,oatingatpute oVertheassx - - gattia-bY iatint Patocisa Obtain -.4, HERBERT MASON. 'ton & Co., airdis beyond all comParisola tire very best ' Secretary awl Treasurer, Tore03. . Farmers, Livery Stabla XOPERS AND OTOURS.--7 Payments may he wade in adVanee. and interest is allowed therefor ; or the facrtgagercavbe emir - amount ott e o edits full at any time the 'borrower desires, onequitable EXPRAISES ,52/quami atop, BRA28, Forlariberinforraatian,appty (prepaid) , „ . fki‘t-Q/E H OFITON ESn.v H° ,AppraisertetheSociety,Goderieh. aoderi Ix 16th OM 1866 . article next to storlingsilver that canbe employed as each either Usefully or ornamentallyi ashy no possible • • • " test can:It bediatingasbediromreasaver. , • t BIGNAIP,OFFICE Godertibr A obniplete set. guaranteed ef .firsiguidity Mamie and -durability. as fallaws - _ Fiddleor Bead Ring's cThread '1-etnratirer Pattern Pettem pettera . "peters • -!'rgitgl.1•PS daring a tprribie rain storm, -whif h - s etse * ets. eets.Sets• a 'et i50.--;reeree'r, ullt- mted; 4 2413°°:barrel tank) b einnging .1 ITietengir g-tt- via& Another tank belonging to t EggeagirttlivIts 240 250 .. 80 '; 40 fira;ia'44 - time. 'Etlipaci tank 'instantly ex- stet .g4;t1tisize GO . 1 00 • 12,1;`, 211.11,V#4,11 4,4 the river;- burning all buildings, andsme itteetTelglii 141- 2,1sitlig-bi: houses were - blOwrif down and trees up. 12Table', Yorke 9. 00• ....... 950 .....,„:„Isco..i.soct g. ''''12' r4.7.17ggi,; c.a. .,-,111 the Ell ire Refinery,. wasetraek by light - Iliposir f4P°m111.(01';:' -;21%... ,7,70!:::top tr . ,-gfrrai'f'gfli 45 (Miceli itegnety, Wa3 strrick at:the Smile: ',12 -sauce kill 40,......., . ,7,., . mo ,,,„:.::•111,..„:Itg, .2,-, , -:4f1-:•,,,45.1,11 iill. - pleiled; the : burning oil firming - toward ' ?,4ustar-a • ' 4° - ..-- 15 el ... • -450 . 5.2 1 .4',..,i4 ...co.*. ..a:15‘. was to ye . Total loss is esti- , , - , . %A T;to , e 0..a... 4 .lit a ting .fiiraeilItociesSthtoarpasburir,'‘Bridget‘evelTi!li... ,.i. ,Aily of:•thi:auteii 44:1—_ Sara. 0..lit4,,t6475175110. -1=1,1- ,00:511e.y_at Isai-3-276.:' e/' -, ;42ki:rit:Itz fitc;111::-.':::1::::. ,., mate° t half-a:million dollars. ..1,a •-•_. . . .--- - _ - , • . • ; . - =A 0 -11 a, ale'=iroa;aerafa, . - lienrY IL Nester, Clerk ot:tho-, tefilpie, ..p.,4ce. , . '-- , - - ,--: ., . . , 1....v.A,Ag.t r.-st-vs ,a,. ,itfiaory,„Nyas ;hunt& to, death. ' - folg.a''tloic-,-.:"Inr011112v.,-IgiF;.:74:iti.1"%ttlti : :attF.3411-14-11-s 42 REfitKITION OF FHB ,,I.T, S.. 4 b rtad a pill, itt /tome. /It 1826 -hetettn,n_ X .lostug. Writing7-1 X Cox, 2A, Doyle, a te. press desire of the Ottitress,:vhoia devot- Somervilte. to ibeinterests of t e Wince of „Astnri- ed nod settled in Londont ColierstPro8ciesey-1 W C Sower- Tker also sty ; that the ,Einpetorfs • a;"ter which% wasappolutaphysint., yone,aEsinut Coax 4 1 VaaglierTe •Oktisketi Ineave us pommel anibition, and riecule .a4 tot fia Prince Leopold, late Xing169.141,k"- ;rm. - the ideta of decrepit invalid leading an Lit4 '°ZAj A'as"." rray with a child of font teen at eide.:, ° w3Baw 4 1 Briilg Year Ltme Horses. J. TAITLOR,VirarTZE-2TririAccl experiMme is prepared to Doclor ges."-agie„ALT1 N 13.—Horsesetereined as toSoetfudness Goderlori3ObliAnc. Una. war ased Gaspe , vmoneyfrinciplenet eredi4, 2' ilrik4r; 4";) Itliaeteba),Aill. try tili,t;:i;:eiti,::itlijoiti`:ntilinbllity -# , pal 0 B NI, V:‘ 4:41111., 'TL" pietotbtjiily ,1811; After /thick, - • -' - - -Goderich 2Ithl . • - or4Of •' le . President. The reduction is to lie 'cbin • - „ • time it wilt number only mee BUS- SZ 'Arniy:officers employed in tivil sttevief • • a pre Iraq Sal ca, lasa id° vg.1 `'*1 awe on leeve of shatnee sue es Ministert 1:4 Z... SA abreati; Secretaries of -,the Prof:, • - 5ntagettairevere dent antlothers; are re.94-ired e.4#er rleessni)st.°arietreekaaseteelutirdnelitaaneelara ata -augad It) Vacate, their Appoint:Mints xesig, • yirnEs • - o tt 6 their Military --Cominissions. --`This -ppats, -448,1:dgr- "dudg tia elgieirea oboa - rett trq - rs -r• IL: a $4,00c4090, Part. CligitRIES, • it,•13to •ii..leannhouncebetwinen.f::with,..:raem,,, rateset.1.0f- mas ;8064., "ti:vraitnifter:I'Cu::atin,tsi,:-6e:1:0:11138:APberrilviitalti'essr'Ci:_liaaP,°c.uTigt..berr:re4ea. • ta" Wtb ave me titutu, acoustemeu to meeebe ete'eese, venementeiveeceieduameame - ef. eieeee tee•nrieed ' er -pi- • • , " PBACUTISI - ter el Zt:44 - - ` gle4" 1ONTRZAL OCEAN STEAM-SIIIP COMPANY. DOB TICKS'S to and frail Liverpool or liondoe, derv/Tay the above Steanithip Co'n,apply,to 11. CARTER-, .ageia. Crawl Trail Reilhcay ,Gederich friar& 2.4thi1870.- - - 'ST 01) 111111NID-1E1 { rlittx Wowing remorks. Iseistatolues zetist A. wonderful and exttaindiallay cures sa comildo. by the'ORILATIP/DIANS,EIIBOY. They are sietn,yril demob/coral 'haeontestile Mei, sufficient to coavanco she siaistskeptscalshattat Great Elediehml ton:pewee *road after for atiVA 18 V -Dye 1.4ers4ble srallse Tirana, SHOSSITEES REMEDY for 1:111,e0E013 ot the Ikaat, Limp, Liver, llgesitvis organs, hidneys, 8cronate, toe Nations Skin Diseases„Flinnors, and ad! diseeees suiting trona Impurities oftlie Flood, we boldly state Ilia this gactit rwasemetcyhelitsre ,v1IrplsVulfehRattefilaRroNii8EraitilLitn ,411:leD.ptrsTrionereet Wilson Storms of Brighton. C. W.. of r onanurdon ;-ot ihatof Peter C. V. Willer, Baniestown, O. W., el -Celia 041{11flysyti3Opeonf,pe:irpe,n1mtgifeArat:cv,.bewrrds.c000lInopatmo:tatLiorCiptrzeransihae:ott3leiliti acinaily been on annettes for veers, in epite erallleesata inentheretotore,und /snow -veil. Scores ofauthessea might he mentioned hail we space. - ;Er Call at the JDrug Store and get a eircorsrog unimistionable certificates on the tOBEIAT 13.110$,' HONERS REMEDY and PILLS, and satisfy your le:: ' WHOLESALE ARENTS2 Pfiee -of Ike Remedy in largepititenx ForSale by all Druggists and Dealers in altda chie. Agewafor Ooderich„ -F. Jordior tot tauter 'GPM aN,BIAIOTT uo., wmiono. OUNSPAUOU fa WATSON. 5 '''''- ,Uft?;tetrocroot, azoc°,8801titif. jumnirox A.HAMILTON Ans. _ 12o Messrs> :-- Caafftennaf li3res„, onway P. D., at4LF er IsennoaDutario. Canada.j ..• "" 1 aisr d 1. eepenaneee, ace.. - Alt af jag. age', ear s, inmeating tnat thr About the 20th Inst„tivillt&TO knee addiflin nd Wrettlied`,,roubd of formal viiitings a - " • CAMPBELL. Unmeaning congratulations are-tn. be Ills =-4ge-4.ich; Avill 4:210* - laztr penned Witty. 11.40 Retail this toarihig - 7- ' F131418114R-DiaffliA651FROseo30 t Web folioived bytheesignifstantevordse 'No : hate Da probably intended -at in- • - .(-740$1400:a16*44. formation' to the -thousand and ,ene friendt- Who Might' feel ,Iggrievedit .fict. being • t , ICH -WOOLEN FACTORY, tAf tite De7gia.ns. On the death of or. .ss - a 8‘ tch Maton, ho was appointed Physician to IL CtooaCeeduer.--lx.4dams.1 Fraser. es tug It II. the Duchess of Kent, and the Prin.- alight, -I- Foe by it meDon.. Pia* questionitble &spa cosi; Nrietcrie - and on the tertellaiMi of the fibel'og I* 1 Z aka I kid% J Bates from Inisseiderff thittutbrninpays ; Prince 116-3-1".i.eseins° isFraxer, a - Leo ld 'accepts the Spanish_ crown on t Th Idajest P ' r Pciricaes o roses" a nP Gratawar-4 D Adams, S-Aeh 3 i Bales i* f int eillate declaration of exe oed- to le R, if - tho sway.. Writieg--i 0 manweiZ,B floater, s GermanY- . - , - sae& illiplay of dress or anghagn -fig ESPECTFULLT intimates . to. farmers fillif others that they ore prone& toil ttliordere in - - ' ... ' . ...:' — ' le CARDING, IVIAIWUFACTIJRINC, Cloth Dressing, Cuitom Spinning, .1".)yeing, Satinette, eseef • 0011 id3- 9 an In invited In the ceremeny, that the widcling Ito Wail pnvate and unattended by any son - pointed Clark her'first physician, end History -4 7 Fourbv,-, 2 L Atlaim,4-1Frazer. vat td France 'should the latter attach • (AN .1131.13Eii'S . '1.4.1g." -SONS • la ereatott-74.- a. Baronet. lie was slot Antiotrenowl Memo, - 14ty '11" 41"'"6* Sir 'Yarnell els* Wal the HollterelbrillTr.oficieraey•-4 1. Adana, 2 Jk`ourby. .T e Ftwvinolal ArbItra duvet standard winks on Climate and 3- .1 Vraseti 4 el Itehiavolo b C Sleet, 6 . ' wedding Nils, The style Draw AT1T10111Iee. - ment 'not -particularly elegant, bat the fact declared is indicative oftsound sense laoltisuinpaiina .1,310:1 at the time. a bit /fates. of te "froragi'ving _ = • lie • - toe Partke& Ivo Impel moreover, that PUB IttPOP.T 301311.30DOURNT. quad, waa a member ot the Senate of the Want specie prom Vilversity et London. . - • i . . Mostft,e4 4111.Y 9 Le - subject an Tuesday next ana eut WU • protionmed by. 'WU Of Mr2« *Id Mrs Samuel R. Martin, Tristan* fall opera*" and ia Punk% Illiiiirtiror fininness, of Dublin, ha* *sr t° the given 60,900t towards tins 11 IrAxitibitiort give rercie of the Yarions sadregult *al ArbitratorL Subjoined is 104.ct„, have 001121110110061 their jearneY to.- - 1 ., ' - - ..• , ,. -,,,,,, On thtt shortest settee. Parties vialun4 to exe ans. *ore Wen sobeeribed 24,0001 to the Church YTh,,,,„" j„„fnag41.„,inariait'h"...,gi'Ven getti lk"a38ibir• ___, . ' Carriages! - Bfiggies ' wagon); goods':: will 10 it to their interest I* gm us noall; las 'eri Ire *Skinned we have .,the vatio.s.stasa Sir Arthur iota his brother Sasteutatioa Awl. 'rho Mean. Enshan, Idr enyckattielcpuOks Yoko 7 ----hg —Chat ---.tho'-useig.--'sx . Vir w"-reee Le y oomrai - tnil 3°1°1410410Ra einTER81' te *Ala you Tecluire ' Parties aiming from it distatice With wool to get, carded may in A midis/ref a b class 'Rialto on hpii, aid Arida 4)3atfly evos itiotewer Poly cu getting ' their wool hove with Omni the -same day. 0. ' - L 4.=a5 . -c favorably -with surto got ocular - - - ._L_. ____, - Act -*mac Nnitativirra, • war& the -latter object. *feller repast tis this lane. We shall re* , 4110..e44 P Ina ibis' may be prophetic uf th manic -WHITELY, eat Molts, Winceys, Fisnpelst - tit* wool tor geod borne made 01 Debility bare also ometribittad 3100.1 to- Sakistakylitrailits Ankschagannika ot both PrevitaCelit shall be yekett at *wade Weedlawn.cometerv, near Boa- 440, -;tor oasis Acesa tat ai*tiolea in the line that twork warranted tohntsoltorta heat a /*iota,- at SIAN me of union, and that th dry -mond ton, left no.e declaring tust thegiw will •rx• Alaska. Ile says t the Americana/Ian the debt at Confederation shall be equal, den he haa out had hoop davastatisa ouutatteubloAratqvisem!•,44oarrtage BE& esoaerich *005;n rogtoris, -Cheltwa is resrfsi raYsessY the veered. Meet he ever hoard of, *Ad but alibied to it yid/taints nr Addition of- 41)7 the ,Ii]eolnine of his eon, how become 1,0,1i.mai etg ti - June ,8t44 11421311Mtlittille * virulent. leas. At Madras itito disease is • it is viol the utmost difficulty lie eau pro- liability, sccordinst to the eminent "hewn iirad Of Irke. tra 174 going ta /met' Goderiel, Novath lost • at the debit or co& at iiititot PAttlnaa beloved wzfew. •e': • e- • . 1 - wil Meow. County of Ilsatings, Province of Ontario, Feb.1413,16664 see th tertifithab.inemg the winter of V66 X was takerivitha wdalniCini ot 04e emus, widek gradual?. durikg theoleleg lat"4, oftended to fox. knees, and on upfornY.110, Sad I became so weak ••• that i colaalictwauc, bottom comical to ray chair, Per abouttwo years. while tail Weakness was coroinit nave, and*terwards,Isciught niedicaladviee,erunloy. ing dift tines, three doetero, And ntedienies OP difterentldadm, prestribee Mesas ht. tamp au% reehtineeeeoget wpm awl verse. ;ail the sunuarr of 1.868,wheia I vas jitifiteed to frYtIggreat filicohonesir Remedy tyresiding the cores Performed, * Atthiativre I lisd beguntOfeef the isealmicoe le my hands: in fact 'wail gettingabnostbelpless. hara takentWo betties efflie Sirohosicss liernmdy and two 'boxes ofthe pills arsdrizi cutir` ely rest -end 'zero expected to get better, blif flied the medicine as a sod 00110 -tin hePe• Vala ease of mint via notaorivate orie,butknown to ell roy uelfbera sad friends :avateauyerefittlietea. so was, have Ty to sayityllinStio4enes Rer-,edy believe le "art= yen. Now DOrGETV. liwarttle before xtle Xad(tz, County of Ilitatings,, this Tab ilayof FebruarY. 1269. F--Wocif). B.3*.c. I hereby certify that have known Mrs. Mary Am Tioughty for the histfifteeu years ; she is lomat. op probity *ad trufli,, flare imam hey beyrc, 4444,4 awl 'Weller 11111eEl. 'believe lier certificate to ha tine ia every pctieutar. I Imiow was. dodged WPelean ; and I know that alio has. abaft herreicovery. always attributed bor fecevery to ther Shashoneea Remedy. Whatever stay he tile peculiar proprieties atlas raeScate, twee is certain, that la her case,ibogsagiea4111104 like the perfortnanet et smite*. A. F. Wow), Warden tile County o 11.1.104T,Province0fOritart4 IlitagInton.01O3Talbto WiNf4