HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-07-21, Page 30 t1,0 s-tii.;,vtare can- t_,p wts !win- thit no h %ve Crilss- ts pQj!)'ished this tile Memb-08 of t1ho %Tnbile, of tT13 traG a -my. to rellOrt im- to-was of the devzr�- 5s; Somce. At Clond, and re - of the iinnst� a z t or-. The Emperor un Wolnes1,4y. ii.inths' Treasury bona ,I,, x4m.1% fraum was taken ya. rile Credit Foncier M, rwa made an effort tj .tar", mnoUnt. U �zgimen's am passin!z 's tz -night on their way owds ga thered (in aiiia:'y ahe-,rca the Sal - No oppa�-ition to the ,Ind dia Fress denou2ce '-Ae-S. R LNG or PUT,-;sT-*_ T I -rived hero he Kin- ar !'In, Ems. ilia jonrueY rwn frz�m, the emrt-- he %vas surrounded of his countrvmen, cTaec�rs. The King i�",a with this surprise, !-t-L %-ave as bravely else - is in hour.1v recele, Of P=ta cri Germany, irses, &e., in ms, h, =use, =d assert- th.1t can he mada, wiu ,-. t"Dr the cause of Ger- ,ey,L�alent recammends L,f refuge farGerm= MANI'S. ar de - =r popnL -et 1:3 -day nggainst L,UC_et,_d in front of the Embas37,and 6,va Italian T =HURON. ,hrough a considerabla :,:F. and having had a �ntv a obnernn the D'TI T0,VT_-!1ipS M the p7mcaed to give Vol, ps each Tormship, as g, ith the I ovimship Towrship look m- ciq-n�y w�_e3t, barleyo ter Zoalking better than F'adl wheat is not so isiaemble ci it havim- Put-ataes promisz pli. Say vdll also be herroeb crDp3sr6not. 'r! tD give. an adequate 1: b:--. Owing to the, r th-ec-a is no doubt -,32uf allthee dfferent � the fineot Townshipa -1 f —,menz, aU. Or n eark- no doubt b -at that T11 arlmship look gane- . rx,, crapa. FaU-wheat �ilpf;s very well but a d it. V, a3 Viat-27 kffl- Q.-Up, pv,--�_,zie3 amd im--i fair t-a-beagocid tai!� Towrnhiv also -ehat hw been a samp!D as in nta� PT -t -f th, 5 V'_'0=79 an aband- ctherrae. crops look an,=;;�4advan—'-A to bavtte� bultawEngti ta tLs2afs every Mt the, VFeather da& M � I 1-3--e= favourabbs -t!"'atslip look !Z WL-azlt. lzu� wen L-- veztm-_ in a tew laolks, Treg ansl iss -3, oats a7so F:,3MfS-_ az-a at---.* = ev- lc�� as ff th3y WM �tM Uam bw,- an. ef--in,ei TowmaTinp cf lamd mdez crop, im i�zY p w = aver - .Hc, not bet L-r thm of � a Sne3tTown- 2�432';?ra M ramm fa. - FL( --a '76Y GR, mdn_ tzazzaht into e2eal, Md WW2272 HM3 Very rm-lpre .1 to 5a q_9 tLa w7&dun T, owa-, ver- --'Z(43 'i a Ltg �64--Ud- bad ttaro-p, r2 = PF G-,VLr,- f"I a two, 4:eza tha fraw be- l�C30.:-C-3 a7= J 6�6 :n - L -p "g, , takLE7g tta, cm�_ a&,% whd_'a� I cutter r.nasTpeat, far .�_a Wi5agacl fai Ei3 Cbmnty GE flar litaveral yeaxliw 7,--w" Jame% lgaat7nesL�Icon, za-" rmmm went B-intinb eadk r ge2a=.zel. froal :54-INIT11 & allortly raffiWX eAet if i& fiffier r3hul Ckilwit 'Oamm was va a iv:�a aed ttw em Uing quit& ,A twc. yea" CA ntime�y Jelaig, by gal aroctud, �an is I beU#y* hu b"11 is 7 Aral 4. con lf ahil 18 be struck off1rom School EXTRACT -1 obtahi�d a bottle of Vtffl0WR'C6uit1(iuUd W, 9% Tmichers' Zxdinluatims; io 8 and attached ta See No —. It Symp-of ii5vorlidilteni aul took -it unttl is made a GRAun RS A-Yees, SarsaPaeffiaf CHEMICAL See. I Eernianent oure of Brondbitis, firau wbielt I had itif- EAR ION w;t% moved by A McDonald, seconded by ored nearly two years. MENDAL CROCKER L� mW GODEPUIO]I�,L "A Ar,-= IN vml� CMH 0? P-ditcr Signtl- FrcepoTb, 01 y CO.. X. a.; Jail. 1868 FROX TO SAOMAW 'The reputation this erp 0 so kinAas T Williamson, that the Clerk notify the ?I DsA P. Sir. :—Will you t Price $1.60 a attio . 6 Tor S-, 50. Bola bv apothecar- AXDBACK,,11TTPK HAM9 1rustees of the section interested that the les and by F. C4udhjJ1,& Co., wholesale agents, Man cellent mWcIn6 enjoys, V=do v1d T=Iftz ao%v me throngh the columus of your valu- Is derived ftornitscureq, Council will at thbir next meeting phas, a: Val' any of vhich are tUy, Me journal to make a few Femarks on, by4a%v fo th e above stated—car- ea =4TOOus. JbveteratV r e purpn ily,,�,Ch eases of Scrofulous dig. Dregs Goods. n great - varl e, -what I deem a very Important subject— ried. Moved by J Itraellan, see by A : ' .1 1 thatof the Ca. Board Eymmination of. McDonald, that the Reeve make -out a de- STfLAYED- PIGSA. ease,'wheretho- �s_yst�m tj Y 11"S WRISKY, %Qleo, Trot 10eints up; Eeemed saturated with UIT A X:3X,"wrrf@i, very V I would wish to uk yo cokplition, have been -school Teacherq�' Dn banture foi�16 in favor of T WilliamBoni. pur;Acd and cured by it.. AIX,T-h a 0-mr! % zrdicb ZE in the first pl. to furnish plank for culvert oppesite, lot 7 STkAVED from tb4premises of the oulineriber. -two, r=8h1t9 Warsei]16i of - MV5LIXS1.3D -ane -tee if you think the course, cou18—carried. Moved by T William- pigs. aged 6 months, weighing about 100,ibs each. Asow,(havin oneearalit rkda barrow, breed ii, cro8s ure To, viug infor Wide, Tissile. Cloak! -wid-T at by.4A!knr0fft- Examination throizggh which they are Put son, see by J Stracluin, that a debent I between BuCof1k and Borkslill, Any one 0 eiv., een mation leading to thqIr recovery will be re;varded, fus contanumalminatil 6AS8APAMLZL&2'11ZZ0L'r,3:T2, at the Co. Board is % sufficient teat of, be made out in favor of NVm McFadyean, afta Afilleftg, have lem radically prepa7-ed aii a nm pillactple of Lfedlcal 04. heapor, - BRGWN 11014LAND% very. goo ffltor'.20 C 6uts they were 'P# y QVI . -the aelke curatim p7operZEcj vfPv.1v pathmaster, Beat -No 1, v@n 17 and 18, fail C W. Nd Ac,,uredin Wry.fmm -the sever, t that1h xLee %I qualities & abilities which �S dtp c7whw pror;mIg of 11te regc1�zb!e 2 *264f -ion orthe chinitrn e pub , Qprc* are (or ought to be) necessary to fit them $5, for Statute lal)or undone and 'dolledted Goderlchtj�l, . �12th I UO, P "lielularmed-of its vhtuesormses.' Sarsaparminn clad v2ze;- fore"gn ra-��-s 1,;w7d xv with taxes—carried. Moved by A Me. V-4 YRIUAY, JULY'29," 1870. �1113C>C>IWM3 AXX C> _9 sardfulous pplsoA Is Que.0-the mostdestruetivA �extrava thateder int!) tendes-ofourram, Sul'. .1reat, .1411'al ten�mtoftheorg=ism�undekmineatheconstitutioi� are SC4�lcd antl gatkered 1,1114 1AG: "carr 7m, CZ for school Temhers. I have arrivedatthe Dbriald, see by T Williamson, th DAqn, this unseen and4nfell derlid PNood, Pzi ar:11i J ��',Cdfe, - -conclusion that it is not, because that course a' the' ThE GREAT FEM-ALE REMEDY TIME TABLE. DU'ndaS`CottdU- white and. colored. be and is bereby'instructed to hd- ' I audinNites theuttMkofmafeeblingor fktaldlseascs�, the pr0pE7 ZIn."On, troni the T-alfiri ccV, tinder of Examination merely tests their know- Clerk T EAVN Goderich, t -p. in, ahive ;at Bay City,. vertitse for tenders for building and cont- with itin acion-ofits presence A outexe %8AUq g W., Godericb, April 28th, 1870, v43 19seems_tpbree., infe�tioutbrouglioiittheWbdyan3 tW, enphrjed -exclusirFIV for Dr. 2.1adrcgr1,& f.b. ledge ofthe Elemfttary Rulvi contained U Siiturday R`-m'ng,,(,WI111 -leave - Bl'y Citya" a leting a bridge on siderine between lots Job NOW ferilodlial,'91 ra' for East '4; M Is . S W City retnimingon lmen,,on some f1womble occasion,rapid 'up soVime iio epur;vus advaWam-a w, in the school books� and not their reason- P arrival at Sagtvllva bitk. to =f 9�&aw, will leays' ly devel Irit6 one orlotberof itallideonsforms, either4m the I can 2,mvVy be 2nixed.-ritit thepure. ing abilities and. manuer of leading on 25 and 26,' con 7, with approaches, turfi­ East Saginaw for Bay City M -4 -pt M. 14eave llay-91ty, mars 1.1r. Dadmt�p, 4k 404, -,zq. ;Vp," cV.!? 7 piking some 10 or 11 rods at south end of INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILING for G6c erich at i i4 Groderlchat8b�m,� s4rfaceoramong-tbavitals. 7h the lattET, tuber. It I cles may be Jam-blenly deposited in the- lungs Or 1houmvid do1hzr,&)q)-r trunantfopthe zerrleca peg -childreu-wtheirstudies. lbelieveitdoes THT'he core of ail those painfA and dangerous on Sunday mortilupw1mie round trip $5 In gold. nftS Ofarfer , beait, or -Wroors.,formed ifi the UKz4 tor It Eho A4)f(M �JS,f�jjr we jt�f.? bra,� CA U102? not give & truly iutellectual man an op- same building. & small bridge over a diseases to which the feingle canstitution is vubject.. T ckets and staterooms. fu the _%cursina calLbp se- 16 presoncie Buie the wonderfa� it has zccarcd 4> water run to corner of Mr Sharp's land,, It moderates all exce94 and removes all obstructions, cured or 4rUatiouto 1Y. K. RAVAGE, Goder0h, byemptious on the cIdnvribul nicer, body. Mence the occa. the curati-ev Ta zige Vf br. dwaze Rqoc I Uzur -on some artvf the .3 ,portimity uf displaying his talent to effeciti gtions g lea 0 and chopping out and opening up a passa- and a tVeeAy cure.mw be relied on. Goderich lith July, i870.'0; vv25-td slqnalase�of a ottle of ft's satipaparma is ad. ewcelaNf the and in a great many instances otie not so To WARMED LADIES Tisable,,evenwhe noactive.13yXuptomsofilisease ble state for travel ) a deviation of roa& a= PersongafllictodAvMJ tbofollowingeora- well calculated for a Teacher receives a It is peculiarly suited. itwill,,tn*a sh6rt:ttme, bring E'W DRY GOORS4 SARSAPARILLIAN, RESOLVENT, '11 adapted, or t rally And Immediate relief, and, at ligher certilicate than one we f through Peter 'McDonald's laud to si e- on the mouthli te'riod with re,ularity. FARIK rOU SAIX p len b',c=re,'bythe,,-vf1.t . 1111"." in Vie hiez(ry of meiltefnp teas saehv vLediaine.1h -1 the position. road agAn. Plans and specifications to be Thm IVis should not he taLcn by Females dTwinz - the, $APARIX- . socompletelybcdAl?uArepai; and� ioun,F, en at the Clerk's office on and after 29th FLRSTTHRER MONTRS ofPregnancy, as they are ztrong, iwatllty4 vigikroa_� I hold that the position of a Teacher ig 8' . - on- A CJIOIO2 SE L -ECT -101-4 of VEW and BEAWTIFUL C OODS is JUK-10 UAN Tefto, Sau y1witp4weald, J&ad, -Wingworm, jagebuegt. any other . time they rnnn westaly aq Acre�B,of Lot No 5 lih 4tbc -Sore Eyes, Bore Wars, and other eruptions r weak Sure to briagon mlmirr a very importaut ome in society, that of dayof July, onehalf Of ssd coutract a satc. JL Ashlicid, abouttivo miles, from Duagpiation.. oippleted visible -forms.of $croft.lovia disease. Mso in the -training up th minds of the coming gene-- money to be paid when Nvork is c fit all Cases ofervous and Spinal Afreotion%, Pain it, splendid Ival and flnely situatd. t6nacresJuet cleareil, JOHN HARRIS -L more 4conecaledtorms, as Duspepsa, D",pefp Dr. B.11 D Md rS and balance 1st Feb , 1871—carrie& A the Back and Umbs, Fatiz ue on slightexertion, Palptia- off and fencedund ready for Fail cro I tic nd ration, and therefore, I am of tue opinion - p- ot -the heaft -H"Ierics, ano. whitex. these Pids rutable. Goderichipril-12thI870. Ileart J)Uea8e, Fits, i2str, Neuraigig, that none but -a thoroughly Intellectrial . pUcaticn of Wm Campbell for a grant of "iOn and theTaxious Weerosts e - orioof tbeimmeti- money to crosaway part of the front A hl efrect a cure w"n all other mean*-� have Ailed ALSO j�andevvott_s_,�ystPms. Fil E, SOL TPE, XT, man shouldcccupy that position -and 1 0 and allhough a poweitul r.,medy, do not contRin iron, Syphilis orVenereal,and Illeretevial M71seasm think that the mere fact that all ­wbo at- -lots 23 Dwelling and Stal gh a long time iA rcquin�d for con 4. Moved by A MoDonald, caloniel, antimony, oraiiyLiting hurtfulto the constitu. I -e an th4 trout atrest in -the thriving -are cured by It, tou see by J'Strachan, tb�f the sum of $40 be v�llage of Blythe One 9f the best stands in the vill, Enbduingthese obstinate maladiesbyanymedicine. the -wasting body through &o age. The above iproperties are for sale i2nlyn ac- III e -of, -m -are tempt to qualffy cara, become school Teach- Fulldire v�np in the pamphlet around each packag But long obitimied mo ibis Jinedidins .1 d be carefully preserved. Abecomplaint. Zeucorrltwar Whites, Vterine �ers. whether they possess any natural Tal- granted towards epelAng said Toncl to be which shoe count of theprolirietol: leaving 16r Scotland and will: VZOW SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVANT paid on -or before ist February next- JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROP-MErOR, be solit very cheap to ca9b. purehasers. Apply to Mr. i �4#ions, and Female 3Xjeasas, are cora. ents or not, is a proof that there is some�` - IXOND Merchau+.' or to the: morly'000n xe eve -ith nourAsliallento carried. Applicati of Brytion for a $1.00 and 121 cents ror postage, enclosed to Northrop %VILLIAM DRU li d ind mld=Wy cured b its it suprues the blonaw Abing wirong. What think you Mr.iEditor nts -for the itropristOl. _DT g ing wnd imizigorating effect. irmute med, IT CO.NTA19b 'Wilsq'i: PXAI 15;c� *XV & Lyman, Nrwcastle. oni., general age : �gfy grant for grading pa of side road between ROBERT DRUMMOND, ons-foreach case are found in our Alm ,lcEup- FLFSIL.N.Syc Yours Truly Dominion, ill iusurea bottle,contalningover�o rills, JL)JL lots 10 and -11, con 12. Blythe -12 July, 1870. w26-8$ CA -U-0 plied graft X)ieamatistn lind 00'Uts wh( Moved by A Me- uy return mail. eccumv ations Of pxhineow -.matteril YORTHRUP & I YMAN, coubed1by -; Donald, see by T Williamson, that $15.00- In t . he I)Iopd, XAver X,;W:ZJ1t!V0 ua lulevmtea da*� Newcastle, G. W.,geuera 9tw n --carried. 1 ed� at U it -V Rates Case of The T'" -do gars, r1oAttUs WUMNS be granted zo improve said road pl , and F m6ud ^lu PLnd 164IY -ORAvc;F,c=Br,ATto.N.-TheAnnivemaryof, Application of Wm Lake to be detached' agentfor('anadr maao n orthe lAver, M�i=tdicp, mhemairlsln g, Itnercascs audAppetl -the Battle of the Boyne was celebrated- in j:3-- Said ta Godench by Parker Cattle ano. -as -theyftendo, fr �ffi Tanklin p4isors in the IT STOPS 4LI, Siaforth in splendid style. Tk from See No 10, and 4ttached to Ethel AT ZUE SIGNA blood., This 8AJT'8A;!NJXTT SrWt T1 Arteen.Lodges !?..Jordan,; Gaidint;ir ot CO Bityf,�sld-; James, 11. GES. ec-referred to some ftittliremeetin1g. �storer for the otrerigth and T! r of-ithe. S."tem. It incrcaseA the weral" a4d diullafthes IDS ,numberin- six hundred Brethren in reaalia -I Benthum, Roxemille; J. 'ThoW who are Zanquid vind Att." zwulwofa- 4 Moved by J Strachan, see by T NV illiam- be, Chown, S, cord, Lock7now; BI" were -in Ow� and made a fine appearance. coin E. Hick&: pUss, and trOdbledith Nervous 4p� wastes. oson, that the Reere-examine the Ditching On.3e.ufb;t9. and nil bledicine.ocialers. wSS IpraiensfiAns,or Fears, or,any L A great number of the "Brethren" with Byraptomatic of lVeakness,mill find Immediate - welief and 6nvinclog ovideatze Qfts esoratme It alaus the Sklulear aratl licauttrid.. theirfriends stayed at J�ro. Thos. Foster's to be done on paTt lots 1 and 2 con 7, audi SHEET. MUSIC It heals Veverures mt-d Ull.,ets. Hotel, Bro,Festerbavincprovidedmannil)-- let job of same to the best advntage and CANA-94N PIVV� DESTROYER' 1power Upon trial. Itni-es Gr.%velj Qlfotj It malLcs thvvvate clear and pass freellp. accordance with the rerorts of the fence, nr2a tuous dinner for them iWile Odd Fellows.. Sheet Musie at- half price, Glenburnie -karm for Soln PREP.ARED By It cTwes Batrtmess, --M-tt&&aWl as in his own dinnin(y . . ---Car -favorErbly known, viewers ried. Council adj,)urUO(I to', A Family Medieine, well and. USES ro PRING SUMMERTRADE. room. C. AMM VO.,Mewell, Isam@4 gorof =nnTAood m iesser discriseo or exhaitsta eet again on the 19th -ugust 11exL iorthe past tert years, aever Wling in a'single, AT'NOORHO It He also provided tea in the evening in his i , WNSHIP OF GGDFJRI(;a. Iftectical and 'A rywal Chemists J. R. GOANRT) C:erk. instance to'give permanent relie hen. timely The Subscrib I' 'iecelvea anew nd coun Change of of Menges. -usual magfifficent style. Those present or has novv a used, and we have never known a single case plete stock of, Cloths, Meltons, Ught T s , Z00 13Y ALL DRUGGISTS were entirely satisfied with both, as weU W. from Goderieh and 9 miles from-Clintan,- weeds, eheuk Yb those who seek ffeafM they might, for we am free to slay that they C:J- Business is extremely dull in Cali- at dissatistaction where the direetwns have bein sittiated-on the Graitel Road Running from Gode- &c.i &c . ; teh to Baylield, from which It is separated by the Bay- I . Out., geeran More is not a n=. Poqp,ar �nUa. Fhowev" lave never been surpassed in the county on fornia just now: Canadians should think 1roperly tollowed, but on the eontrary all are Jeld Rtv.-r.- Xt contains 21-2 acres, 110 acres under' m the Best Xplrlcets '"to forCanada. wasted by diEmm. if their3Ntews nre ,LIU in a co% - fence, 70 acres cloar of Stamps. quilin a high state ot Fro !13- sold in Goderielt by Parker & Cattle tind dition to receive zour"shment. ind their similar accasion. Excellent speeches were 'twice bef.pre emigrating- thither. lelightled with its operations, and speak in Lbe NE XUSJAA cultivation, soil rie.4 clay loam; bush good*hardwood. ordatt. Gardiner & Co., Bayfigld. James Beath u delivered on iWAt the Fenian trials, at Canandai- hl, -h -t th-9 of o Virtue and MagicAl elrects, I AND IN ' r UVEILKIDNEY$. andotbervitlerzims nctwiriz� It ib well watered by two living streams An orchard , 19ilgerville. J. Piel,.A, Exeter. J. H. Combo, C11 ed the process of repair. or if caliaMe 4 hed, and sold 15140applotree"zi bearing-frultvefy,�hoiee,aiso, able- 1011. $,cord, Lacktiow E.H.Iciksort, Seafortil, SUB be procca& of ILAIVAW W. W. Connor. ofBayfield County Mas:. crita,13th Juiy, Gen. St EST1?0Y9R Received as soon as publii �; Tife MOSt 'Fash '.Lbn LU M arr was convicted On THB CANADZAIVPA11V D few pears. 'Plar", peaeltes ;Laa..che�gi", udp� �diciue �ioiue.,E. tation,asa blood pun �ra , few -ter- Rev. Mr Smith, ofGoderich N. C. Min- three counts, and Thompson on three has won ior itself a re at half price, colierete boase,.Og by 0 feet,! v nel. Twp zi . W-1, eslLe lory Fra -me barn 45'by81 ft. I ister, W. R. 8quier Esq. of Goderich counts, the jury recommending them to, li ei, alterative stomae-Vtou c, unsurpamed in the r fitll . ho e of t1i use. but can be citbar re.-tord to bealth. or gicvastep histoty oftnedical preparations. it-Beldontilails AT-MOORHOUSVIS! Bro. Ryaft, of Biddulph, a dignitary mercy on account of services in -the army.' to cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complainin Indi-cs- i rhis is. Anti Plemenu 44 .�rare oppor4lutity to securevigood i on thei ani 'Lake Shore, where fruit ralslagis milell InOresttOcqss, TTE IS PREP from the f3ystem -of the order and the Rev Mr. JAnston. Kilney G�zx-i ABED, AS ]3[HRFTQFORE. TO 31AIU decay that now -Q, -art ^M -j -A public speaker in Boston said the, Liba, Heartburn, Sick Headache, t I tbrul farther Inland. Apply to JA up tue mime on the shdzWst notipe. and the low-, of Seafotth. It is worthy of remark that plamts, Acid Stomach 101ithisicor Asthma,aud Byll-ald ,,Lpri,,., I � - otheror.4ast ar cerated. and question before us is, not what we will Ao la tholatcqt �ty:le. h TOTIIEWOPJMGCLASS-Weennovrpreparedto - - 0 1K. TRUEMAN, Land Agauk Uodericb,� tiones interrupte4l aud t�ocivfious vAterO bgond tti the 'Brethren" conducted themselves restoresslavital activity the system debilitated or T at liome,l magical and %onderful success in curing tandpr0t4ift. jPerimsefeitherj3p-xvicarnfrom M a . th John Chinaman, but wbat will he do by suflefing and disease. March 17th 187P w9tf wholeafthe time oribrthopare momant& BudneEsnow, reparative vower of medic.iac, mrw, --nd S7W, bY dho MlPt5 eSevgn!P.,-,auaal)roportionalfum ydevotim ps for T xs. f9r.;6 matter -Low lew-dzo -very sober and orderly manner, andretired W' 11UG1 I LOP." use of the SAI coadnue to ing with us? Its . - V . A . . , 'r - i �quietly totheirhomes intheeveninggivi quilde W�D. .olt, pplyt the Office.1, oir, theirw o o time totiebuslacw!. Boysanp&1sc=z vita forcs ma� +e. if tho sntein tmn -to 1you"14 n colds, Sore throat, Coughs, Diptheria Umn Thebmgemen of New Yorli and Riarchant 7r;.1, chasmen. TlWallwhosec4lisnOteer ,no offence to any person. -New Bra. a the side,lioriltand back. neuralk14-touth 1 paysend under the Oft qems. we make this rmparcUeled r%Wlnd tftt tho,h* '4 ql�vewfllsendlliltopav some Irish laborer3 celebratell the twelfth Paws u July 5th, 1$70. w2t-tf t(Next door to I he -Bank Ot Montreal offhn suchimsp a Iae act -be, rheumatic and other paim in any partol �X 1b!,-etroUbloQf drig. F4 par valuable Sam. fl a no T ounding numbers on each and the 6400131 AV .1" �clro that fairli dcgrcaol The 12t7a of July in Lucknow. by killing find w the bodytua frotm whatever c4uggt, has given it A large stodk always ow band and Z�tCH, kle hicbvnlldotocdmmen.coworkam,andactpyof2,Ae onaGIO wo ba side. a place in every household and .is fast � supened- LADDERS- SALE. D3- A good worknian wanted itainv-diately. .? e o the I I and in belthfulzoluticip rill its bes V Dew 0 1 sen ::, vnn F ent, P 10 a 4IT2; C USTAs. OrThe Teleqraph has not yet conde- Ing an other preparationta of ttie kind. �wld at lowest possible ;prices, PrJ r V Qf4mrw drd 11ceazipositirza, The Orangemen of this district celebrat It is also an oftec tual and prompt remejy ior HE SU13SCRIDER FfAS*A8fOCK OY LADDE113. GoderiphApril.7tit 19141- C i scandal on th scended to correct the gross e, Scalds, Barns, Okulses, Spraitis, Philblatrisq Trorsalep all lengthik. . d the anniversary �of the Battle of the officers mid men -of the Prince Aifted whi4- Crest Bites, Cramps in the Stomaeb Diarhoed, Z. XTORTO N Bear. the KID' EY11. SECON4)AVY3YP4111,18, -,t;Zd thO P01=71 10 3- �ch 20111 Juae:187Q. w2zltf, are derclore-1 t�rpuk t4er-ra-eso ofc� procession in, C Xovne by holding a Luck- it published and emphasised- Cho4� a-Inlau.- von Ors Goder TAA0 t,fiolera morbiis, Hilllotia.Chf to is - I posits trom the blood citborint turn, Dysentery, &c. Lazrams, Narri & :�Iladder vr now. Although the weather in the morning AT 0111 no3 BIGRAuL.-On Wednesday last Mr. Pnee only 25 cen is per bottle, BFUCK COTTAGE FOR SALi OLD TA", 'RIST -ST.) in was, very unfavorable, at the appointed Leonard's bnat too�,off Bayfield, the great- NORTHROP j� LYMAN and curbd bv Chia ui.6 of ihe SoroapoQUA& AAW .hour fourteen Indges met and proceeded est baul-of fish of-ihe season. Newcastte"O. W. rN THE WDWITY OV VIM CkTHOLW CEWRQH . egnVIOUSLY CUTTM TO J. Q� WIM.LOR, & CO General Agent for Cavadai 1, Uor particulars apply.to TUN CIIANGV0 Bear. in good ordex through the main Street to 6:�p- Mr. Colin Claa�k of the iffuron Road arkqr & astile an AL HORTQN Bear. THSTMIONIAL11 z� WZJ7 00W-Uete dkk~ vfft t3 --Sold in Goderielt'liv P 4, ma Ti, ts X C1 Goderich 201h.Tane am. W224f. -1114FIC Gardiner & Co. Bayfield; James "10DERICIT110TU, SEES. 1869. Air. -31000RsUM Dlnq.�, Vrei� W.0;1?7 0 IGM12,1.4 -the residence of Dr- Garner, when the' h,%s banded use a few beads of Diehl apTing F. Jordan;. 1. , cricurs, .6 I Vail XXP n le grain;of veryt Bentham, Rodgerville; J -Fickird, Exeter; J.H.; Notin stock,,.proeured io-ortiermn U hiLqUeu in .,ur einlibyinent as CiAter for over I' U`14�iby 6 170OUT a ZI elm. n2arkea chanYe io liew hearM. fm ?hiq kerer MJ7ep brethren drank to the Des: health at the wheat, quite ripe, a d tl Combe, Glintop; ecord, Lucknow; E Hickson INSOLVFM ACT OF- 1860. car. "He is capable of cutting for apy first ZkI# �Xavxjayp AX141V This is early indeed. istablNiment. we wsiieakfor him the confidence Ol' A W38 short notice, and. ".qhaTgea only Opticlais-ana, 0 1-- 1 9nor J y Wh? ti1qySlqPlQy him. bi -After three hearty ,dheers' fine quality Q& -f -arta and all Mailleirib Destigs. CuRsts 00il becomes e pzwe, P*14, ziro#w, avo nlw- Drs. expense. C. )QYTI,OA4.Co forthe Doctor, they raceeded to the halfrice 1he In, -the m4kr itif amu XavAg Ae elder, posa; of The Lumlher Trade -We canot deny that we or- AT ers for the Mo- ]�.HOUSF,,$1 .Square, where the usual che sufferingseverely4vour lumber regions for the waid WITH A VIE uraZ be d07z**-0ddt1 me..rr, _qz� -Queen &e., were pvem in good style. The ofa marUt for onrcoarselumber. TheAmericans, 11 CREASED demand - for the cql I rated ftrfectmi sign4oilice, OTICEis hereby given tbatpur4unutto ther Towaft. 4pectseles, 'nii1xvinted�P. .10111D) ollemist aua' other Orgam; Or account of their troulbles have not made any pnrell vested in MCAS *451.Ze ok The above uamed1n­ lei -3 procession then broke up for dinner, wbich in the irovinea the Past year, and -being unable te L Druggist, Goderich, ont, ag. their Xtace Arlias �brbw solvent all my rigbi ittle do interest in the follow' I - Bae, the -Paro ARAHUN OIL Agentfor.thisplitce. Tbey voij e W Ivill I* -was well got -up by -the lTicknow Hotel t with the North of Europe we can't ship it to: ANJL lands and premises u -s AsAgnee as aforesaid willmge t seflous arthis- . matter is. it is gratifying! 7- tiepilfid lnsiidoilbu.�. slid b conlide 63113 ggolu and'C qPW, -the W!;S!frz flpvtt7haw Reepers, and as well paid for by th� Egrnd. bit sold by Public Aaction at the Auclion Mart or Mr. tomerl.. arrialg to know thatIbe.!Gavadiall Paili. DesOoyer' is -a greatl at their Agents to the rellairement.- tj all sc- George AL Tractuan. in the Town ofGoderlok County- lostuguy weir he WorAttd PA,01 T 0 R Y llbrethren!�-After dinner, the Lo�ges- favorite among our Lumberni6n, for curing coughs, FOR HORSESA CATTIM. Oi Huron Olt All opp #rPOEIMP %9CC7CV634b 11ZW to as- h an-ri r 1heir strouirth- d u6equallid hy au)'1 Skf WTI oVan M"Tco-effoff Uum -spin "fell in" and marched to the speak- sudden colds,,crAinpa in the stomach, bums, bruises, It .do not depend up-! eningand preservit qualitlq& Cwt 22evolte rctlora�., Artpp 1rost-biteg, chilblalus.-Ife.. and they Wednesda1he 2MLday*-JafhIy, A Do� I -ojb gat rAftilaw ing ground, here a beautiEul spot in the Womachcannotle.saidasi -airkuperibritv ovej, in a foreign market for it it L%sold by an Medicine! M REMY.: _RF 'AIDT1 10 glimmering, TIT Woods had been selected, and a nice A- NEVER FAILIh $5.00 jW the ordinary lasses worn. heer;. 4"OLVerti seenzo Ih 444t, Plat Dealers at 25 cts per bottle. J.IbJ6F* ]EIAVip .111easure -in i4timat-, 61,870811 wavering of the:sIghl.: di7mine iller pupleasWit' Z.1htftfo/bm rform. erected, by the Lnek-now Brethren. �sdussti(;U, buts Oil 1 6 -Pecul Jrig.f� the ublieOftown' qr%11.3 VALUAi3LR PAEFARATIO' COMBINES- - BLVE VULOCK $0oxf at - they have Bro. Alex. Dreany D. M. havingcalled-the� tTleathiiecesrr-itia�needl&qstosaythatthosucceso L all the medicinal virines of thoite on Safitrilay.9th fust.1betwien postlethwalte,s AT TIIE TIOUR OF TW stl uctio i of the Leases, 1beT are s000dew land lamm. Z. . articles which anil . yo ataller ,bieh Dr Briggs in-aebieved In his profession as 2. ar that ccr%iq parcel �r� tract o, causing a feeiing ofrepefto t:.e w0ar&Cand P)Mdtldag�- 7 &rieued p Waggoalrdarriage assembly 0 be most safe anc! Th Vlago, to order, introduced Rev., T. surgeon chiropodist has been unparalleled in trts city. oy omperient-e bns proved torisses t LOT -gate bn the Northern drayel Road. and the! viz.'All And singul e, natural tetlth.'� avid's st, tmrtta"W? C purse -contain- land and prreii1bi;s situate;ying and beh* to 1�e Town dloiiiand dinuict %4sipn. as in th Shop On'119t. �D and 160;-, Jacks0n, Nev� 'OweXiOn XethOdi!it many ofour most e�tituable and worthy citizens, ladie- -ircient properties rot -the ;cure W Fle6h WoOnd< Market House, Goderich, a black cizip e., aboye,.Bitio4got McKilloo 'in �ssud 00ount "I'd aid Atand,) Im- ntlemen. have been Sprains, Bruises, Galls of all kinds, Cracked Heels, irig two $10,00 bills and &-sum 11i, silver. �rh y Of, UrOh An sight., TheyArethe onlyspeeligelps.lial. THE! flei. , A!l a�e;a on the bloca wta CEPior jliaas�uzaz mcullip relieved front corns. der:,on 'Pr6vinceofOnta4o,.tudbeing-composeo of eXes�� midiately -adlWnIn tl;� stern Jac VU72, T4:p&z' .745� $VM AD VfWLCe 1he 49M -delivered a lecture on the as well a-% ge am pone, Spavin. Calloux,Fidtuln, Sweeney, Intern- reward will fald atUI6'OMCat4y the fin lAieUving00W 4 Minister, who bunions, club and inverted nalls,wilboutthe slightest rp - terly hallof lot No. 21 16 the third of tbe4 -PRESERVE AS WELLASMSIST 4ttenfIriprisounily iiii the *,ork Putmsted to them, 4o rm,7Vcand-cy*- Subject of Orangeism, which your Tioubtless' uld., at oisons. Scratches or Gremef-Strams, Lamenew restoring� the Same, or; any bne-glying. 94C ud cioproparid to tuluirt corres- -many more we lou'is will lead to &r& said toWnship OfMciEhlQp The'saidproperty0outains pain or unead-nesso and rac Foundered umt SIGHT. bad they an adequate appreciation and knowledge W. Ulace WWI, 7 bfoaf_ ew individuals are aware thatthe diseam WRgg,ousr B49i0ol j�.,g VIC71, PUM nd sfron� Hange, Whitld�vs, SMITH, by,adi Feet, Horn Distemper, Swellings, an O= ,ponaent never heard surpassed, and only d many 'other R 136T neasaroment 50 be the. same -once equalled, (and that was a lecture by. hisability. F ligslues whiah horsrs and cittle, axe subject to. July 13th 1870. w26.sto St HelensP. 0. more or less, of Vhifh about 45 Acres -'Are cleared. arb the chepest bqpauqe.thebe.i6J-y- lasdurl Of the feet, if not fatal to one's lire� ire certainly as an- Thiscelebrated Liniment haa b.cen Aised for thany The land is aelny IdainAfgOodquality. Thebuildind. nv yea�s without change being neces4ary. cheynkdf ac the SU2 We employ no Pedr durindf -N.C. Gow�n)- As I write from noying as can be, and the remedy, Is simple and sure the oubs n the corn buulorbor invwed nail must, b �nd its ourzaive properties thoroughlYl tested, thereonconalst Qfa Stoneflouse;tbotttlil2g feet.with outtem $16 7W ttancesfafrc the late a skilifuUA yeam, "? I hdo vqna 106� 4*iwr :memory I can give but a very Amperfect aceded to'be th� cy"pest. and most re- ame Kitchen attached, auda Frame 13arn 34i5fift. - lnfbelr� est maurIal a fr F. JORDANj ;ttkrl evcrythin. in"tthe ;zj b and carefallY treated and the pain entirely ceaei. in I It Is 081 raplaintii ever offierviii 1LLAGZ t-079 'r BAZZ' Tikerels alsola good Youne Orchardou, said premises. ;welt as toapply to Dr -tble retnedy for all external cc Sole Agent fbir _lUodenchl afidwgr"hil3�.Andat-t-holverl-lowe.�ttemUpq:rjktive V ts Mot?, as Irl, Idea of his address. He spoke at large on The only way to obtam this relief is used and The property is well situated being a ra]Xe and %'balf Goderi�h Ajid 2Z. 1870. W13 rates. ufa_&�t oonverinto bW uble I. rqIthe pulific--it never ftiLs when-fitnely eJdC,-1Pq7 in Love, Loyalty. Truth and Union,as pfflais BrLqp in person, and Ifi a feW minutes the tr I INTAWIE—M from the flourishing village pf Soiforth,' For furthel When - treet' raithttilly applied. to the AssWiee or to T A;!)� Ited at No 6 Kin, riarticulars a -in -:0 3: !ims YNOM over- Dr Bri-_13 can be cousm ere7u�alopp -Qf!2 .of the institution, explained thm import- Toronto. where all dismes of the Ireet are treated IT, To'llielhad ot all Drt!ggists and Country Merchants J. B. GORWY Prtm25Q.p@rbottIe. N D p . lication will lie made at tt n . Promptly attended to. awf Cur_ tbroughout the Dominion. fpHE- subscAber 7offers-f6r sills four eligible lots in ftlldt�iir. Obderlet, A actIO6 ofisqmev"�Jic .ant terms and eiif�rZed thdir dbserywce� the mogt skiifta,upiumqr. Dr J. Drigg! M�er NORTHRUP& UYINIAN FIS ep. e next sasN16* rY ere funtaflo f r a Chartart6 etnistruct tinent of mn-asive ative Is sold by� druggists and count rcb= f Bayfield. On the Dremisesv" a patedatoodelicb. thlaUth OL 1870,w 6tc' ofilteLegislaturoo 0 0WHAND) g large auft qd5upizate, f. e, iPC *sim outbemembersof the associatio4. New --s . ont..Proprictors i , In the Village o eCity or London . . I . ;I.d 0"Ier age* Cattle ed F good frame (1,60611ing. birn and' vinegar fa6w� 0 n, in the TQ%yn- le 0,11d t4 V'X W) generallY. Fr a Rsllroa�tifroiu th -alw explained the "originaims & benefi Sold in�GOcierichidy Pa on the premises; to.' boneg, fiEst" Co. Ba N-fielt.; Jam klaillesex, to somoPoirkt,911 U'kc H ZLI' IRS usr Urpo ford es , bi' f Stanley, County of HurOIL 'b1ch-w#1 be soI4 CUP -A -D 10r 0464 0r'C0Td`: JoInfl, V? , OF rmLo,.vs. C,Mrti, JAMES CROOKR. .of the inatit;ution.---met a grQat mary Ob D SRup a* (!Rrdiner W J. P.4ck*rd Exeter particulars Applyg �M2,zaw % tkaz #,-XV have no 414 lar3letbemind-toiustain i reatei-Senthitm. Rodgerville-, so i r, wo ' ombe, 'Clinton ; Se6ord,,* Luc Rayfifid, July 12-th j870. wvf.' stmin unfettered b-eounicting thoughts and unwearf I . H _Jections urged against the S6dety-Ahavr- ruospa-Es will el .-to may that' it -imparts power of concen- Hiiqksou, Seaforth, and all Medieg Goftrleb, Feb. 24,tblal), ..ed that it is utterly false ed by, continued 10Y. low; rn �Orsngemen hate Papists. Thev bate pop- trotion. What before seemeddifficulty of Solution be- NOTICE. TO THE PUIU410. in cOmOcO."Parativ 4 864A .09 i-udoil-r Ditscaseq ulcers Ut t 0 eiv es4y,.and the body is physicallyl in WSOLVElff ACT07' .ery but not papists, and belipve � that strongenunder its use- PERSON NAMED 11 HALL"REPRESENTING mont.119 lrunwrz� N -les working, against the iaterests of popery2 Pnee ql.50 I bottle : 6 for ST 50. Sold by apoth - otherpartsoftheS.TrAtC214 D DISpLiy Ahitagelf as apat for 1,1 Mallory's Ilay Fork" bai M tille Mottlli DISCharg" _Irli_11D� %they are beuehttin,-,pa&ts. Sbowedthat -ries and by F Cundill & Co., wbolesale agents obtained thmugh misrepresentation, 4nd fraudulent .a io ariulity of He - of Nkift D"e-lp Eralptionro Montreat -means our note for- $18Q. dated ioth�iuna for foar poutv Omirl of the Workt, formll oftlil U,catlq RI1&7 celebrations are. not! the -cause of , the ORAN I ev- -99 %irorl"t .onr we hereby w4ra -all person t114 "tftr ofjorMs. AlerW a V tr )Sorc in the minds,of pap months from thatdaW- I ion.. 301-YE1111clang Avilet Jalitek ilso-U. having anytbing t %vQ%%uJ AllntimOgil,7 ists against- -*100. 1:ylag Or o do� with it, as we: _aL#Uc.V AIK raAnfte VVomb� and -c testauft existed,and one ITundred Dollars aj word be paid to any persoi Canaka Province Of011taflOj VegtUj ]�-oks or SIW-"Tkl IGO# !�& .... f CLA.R19, . . �Waa as bitter before orangeism had an exis readlugthis articlo,, who. on writing to the U. a - (4.drih Totlship. 19th Suly, 187,01 - W26-3 j-3 County of fluroftl ehorgeso Night fiv c1pico are %vithilft Rio Janeira, Brazil, to ascertain the trutl i ITO wit aU WAStES Gf the Life P110 --as-that animosi P W WM ARK. DMIFERGUSON he xw-attve %walge or tence'asitisto-&y. Showedthatweasorange CO -11 at of the following letters finds. that it is not true. PP: tw otm -11tcept day of inly'next at .meninco'.Iebratiut,tt'iegi.-ecktevena in our na- every word herein stated not true one hundred' dollbx,' E W N Vt. Th 'Revolven-ti daid a-UWda310 Use PFN-BD :blusete Let' 0 ly4 of theelpekkoon. o undersigned will� ally jlervox� 11SIng,it thr elther 4 win b HAS 0 re tw 'actarre -lual-o-apapish a paid. I . I � .1111, e said Court -for s, di d1oifshistory'villich delivaie TMG PTLLS 10 East Street. Aply to ppi� to t4e Judge oft imit WU Q ftsiit Aqts, Ithraldoin ar,,� conry, od's chosen RADWLY 8 RVADY ;ELTUF & RUGVT-A IN DRY GO08 AXPBELI�. or,&ME, S MEROPR byl -91e, the le�w3j wh &re two of the best remedial agents In the,word. Th. -Goderlcl!, isth, July, 1870 SW"tf UfteiRred venereall-cf1cet 1"-" celebrated V? _41 -Upys,� Elwood, his Attorneys VMdall culip] flits of the 31,7011ary 97ro Ready Rdief is Instantaneous its chle -its secondM Jot 21 and 22� N. T. P. Lake hore Bange, -their delivemee, fftro Bondage- relieve the imffem froin--paiz,at 0"66 Ids, Hoarseness. i enza, or suffering fron A-shfieW, 4near KWa#, La Mtt ji�uo are 1"C*WV4-. Brit we need not writ -,we fail to function is to cure. if selzed With Co it I I naied nt . or aters at Pjtbw Sore Throat, Diptheria, Influ THE! LATEST STU hekCoitnty 6f A-Ont4IB 411Z 0 S Ul%,RIVM LLTiMI) -br` Parity Alul'theapPes-w give your readers any idea of the elegance, ftaeumatiom Wandering Pains, Lameness, or Jn4e A. P. 1870. aic' q4delldy ved *N6 veloquen�e, and completeness -.of the Lee- rain in th0XidneYg, -Inflammation of the a ls� �qes Eggs, Butter- 3fiII4 ete., And U warrptedoi- Y for, Dtlt pgRij-grious. Vora eby, beGrocem. tore he speaker kept the ;attention of Bilious Cholic, the Relief waltifford. ease dcom CHOICEST rATMRNS -AU0J:0;J'S8;1e1bf ali 'CIS, Z. XG. -Q*UAL. C for 1870 -IL R. R. so]& 1`1 UJ6 f ro _VA!swn* th 1860. FAR MmBf He concluded by T TW SAW SHARPE11 lrid'Du. Tmmmo, ApnI 24 .. I = U -ST . 0 ROBINJ in a few minutes, and effect a cure in a fe ho Ws xudi*o for over an hor.r. and was See, Dr. Radway's Alminac . T ri -,frequently applanded. byDruggists. BEQ IT S, Il MiS TO IN-MIATH TRAT COM livift Travel erg motstrM16 faithfulty.waining. all to live well, to do nrsr�Cninv RAYMUND00. LEITZ&BRO-1 Qheinistsi PaildviaOnL tosharpsusawsrevery dPcrIPtIOn Titnothen, courl r? rc"Ivlalo� Tie is prepared 4. Tionaul Rvato lilau� molt en"la hadfor uino 27wirs -their cotifitryand G, , ,:-Ip UAW our X.- rrRUEDIAN in a UM.Ork eatius TWO LARIM Aheir anty towards God, 1,L �, _a er.to y estee edfavor.lel- worki4aulike -sell bv rub UT bo -roll!FOY -instructeil'to lic.Xiefton the under- -UUMS, one An bi$ VA0, ,*e CotiU 0fig to theBstate that rpsisled nU A ;n4s'4nf mcdtChIO W mienttoned rAjdSjtodk,' Es :RtOES' Ac., belorip, ,ewh other. Irt conclusion We May QiXpTeSfi� me tell von that I believc�tbereis-naoaeso -muchi- THE. signed. Ias totally 4�areytle_eauld hardly inow 1384, onthe premis6,Iot 21 and 20 `XT ENS1 T debtedt4DWwaY-&.Cc�sPrQP&MUORS-wthO under-. Dqticalebrated doctors in Montre-11 =(111"hek .4)ur apprObatiOn Of the couduct4of the com E aithitreet. tho m Mhey' 1 -North np'A�bfleld, W. i of Addrew Carrick.. 2niftee appointed to invite speakers. myhead Without causmg great rain-paW in t11 a 1970 - QUAD con- Of RadwxyTo j9drealuir S, 'A - iulway^is Puts Ind aciul3r Izeucr with id well to invite only OW ac$(wies &.Sheetiiqg� TO SY, used Jou:W three bi one, and him an spim.-yinternali) wspari�ysed,znyb His F iFIC-E-L - -_ finedthat I onlyvireTto stool'oncetntwolvedays9nd .- - 21; -will PIV3rou Tuesd 00:0th 18:70, .orangeman- Generagy'at,,tbe3p-gathe.rings. it Waxclmosfaeprivea ofaight.- besides alUb% I was &hereili-tOOMUCh speaking doe, and'not Val n and haUd-*lR&med, And all, the is AT-Tll s, ToM� used, -as a lj)ticon, a w"h ofr.�c U*vtd!� Uellef an .7tWU ; M_VAT3 TO DRIVE 20 MTIXS ought -12 o'clock. n6o;i, nAST A_�ILTV O)F ,under- neessio�i Ot laullott, On the bonn" J-Zcgcdm-vAt, t1luted VU Witter. tothe One speaker v& 'Viz, - �Bulli 2 Calxes,j T tqenthbo 0�dVr tzly cNred Um. 124� imr thrg -noaYaft so 1sn - - UU5 UebWUuu "'itho' _1knipost oflice eacli way; Vll1cI1LmpJO anner i: pertor orse- Colt.j Hop 6itu- is never tallbi.- cmek -would damagood. but t& stanUiEubect and is interested dn,it j�jchl witstreateil., TL STAR 0M _1300,1� nr ddlams docto7eili o 2-w U A -he a wah Vir -for at a, fttef 1z"8&9DAy* ts We so*. I sowwwr fitfer.of gi,7 Sheo, I dou where the is quite, sufficient. Ive moyalso state.thaf,. all -vightfrictlonxW! t lief On the dng. A eme4 �argi" with the Rellefaridw %ter, OddosegOf ble NVagpon. 1AIgU dngle- Waggou-<answers, for Am- and nevpr Irallilig 511 cres in A 'A911611i. Johnston W sipplilet. le), I plonghi -1.,Drag, .1 pair Sob-ftighs, I Tair Foltyteri6itleiiiid,,weii,fcr-eed, 77 a sper orchara,'S'klads pfl)1illus, i3ro. Dreany D_ X. and-ZiO. 4eResoiventm instructionsin the, _aowul %V;ANf This treatment Wited ft ty, 41 True blAck�WTIUO and TV i'vis sto . Rettle. .4 ka I svgv Also�,& quantity of gay�and� highest ooMmendation V,&Lt ISTINO,., X.UtTauts, PeatS, red sad. sellOw 0. deservaour famatitbe-- lb�.?At the end of Fortheapt" sud ry er %Dr4sb_- U1 0 r 0, KETS, &Cr. TWS Te==t, 1081 !1G1D)Tg*ffIN1ES,-HAXD*XET!5 h L. I :for the very efficient manner in whiell t116y, &'fFy daysLc3uld walkwithfit ent tclm,:and to dxy.! Grain, i4th 33und other articles. Of[ rKI! al"Iy on V.10 _ my lvpJ wift'pertectly rxernmxla Q:r 5fide-All surgs und W1 atsw CIST--rif of It"Clito aithodgh not Ferystrongin I cc tefflfeq; Eaimrtt Bile 10 Mid jayself -muen. ouths credit.will, bqpvehiby �'�V'�Otb;a$74, uis6s.* i TO RAN AiwhMed ttLeirdutim'Com- stronger, and can, Abovethif*1111181t a have good sight. -!w164-f BroMr. cwr.e nyl haHtl',Ot,�WQ lividness as when I *9&'young. #T61ilt, Notes. attend to my D[seol4p ,mi-Ahe -rate nishing liptir-OV, I tuld Im oy I'm utzaw �X*tbankAgo , d forthis -oreat digcoy-F- iiiade Ir wedf6reashoviOl' ollO.per,�eiLtt�APnumlFglb"110 kin putah"eM boysL VJQ�09_ 1WAtTED, -AT 'Mil 1111:1=11 VXCKA,% one .4GF.ZZ othaRkXr"V. Jk.Lf6r I& crnmrirg ei CV11ii. w1w;w& Co., andiLls Ci t Iff0ta t; wwass co uh.chest, I 2, � t 1 7 -QID e 4. Ifirt ess* 4udy-hcad.tru SIT, 60. 4REPA. 1 ICY ire 3ven how, 11th uly, IE etaen_yonr�ve, =ofent* 9ri JO%E, FRANCIScaf!RR 01 R. At= as's sou Y_ Thief)=cil itbprethis&yPur &rmparnftnj��lveut 11 per bottle. 6 battles for Of SwIsw t 25 fer bottia. tills ets Per 'u plill* M E 70a EAU do adpurllment-m-embers all present- 5` ReadijcHe B ST: QUA last sti VC POeVe in the chair.: MinuteS Of DrUadw4y'altemedles ardsold ND DWEMI-NO VOV5Z W*�100!4 ber. who lben b6ld we thtt his 9011 W TORE A as MrAv uped; Z kn6W b' -Cm Cnrcu Q1 4h XTJAJW -jliorse ine, �ts 96c egng ha-ving been T6V1 and pissed.- Country Merdiant& and At Dr' AT the-.v1IlagaoQWthuH1vM� iNie mila ftiq Goderich -Volver,poltAle Et.� Cei-O�Lutford- APPIyat Vev4or_qoy"� Erb '16 VIC M80.1 illne es IL44111e.�X- 39 at t dl A !n fact at -the council -to. Warel'OUS _j �87 itt thecentr .the Go6rich -SQt 11446rkcs led Imaileby WAtetO- 4 .1 11- C -d, Soyo 1jeA ar-d yaiw,utid corrimpillous fact9yj to XePnMRS6; He4 .Application -made -to Stone., 4P WAUb sme asm e ssvrafil�k Calini. client cohdition StatlbnerYikfalh ,00-aw it' X 'e-ellarandlotidExe S SHOES;, . Terms easy. AP pot' 'Ply tO:.0j'SPENCI1.'5Ofef1ChP.,O� a, very old- =4 deliciste,wou iff 300TIS-AND" leed n mWELmtk 4 WRff.E,4UXAc -ni., F91:1 t;j -W Mork or rdainWn. hiinself and bottle UAPWAVIS STA0lJURPrj 13 a by heapor Aha -ZASSAPA -UAN RESOLVENT evm moved by 8 Slemon, see. - I I - R e re*, STORE. BE COMPETI-0. Mm I)Onatd,.that *e anm of $10 be granted to 33IED- AN esenttfme and that C Or on the Uth ins 'AN� BX49 DIV ellynts-fant lebialliture rg 10th blectlink id 4-. Iu= frlsaae- At 10lintaft 4�64�� ,Ae ett, eeVIC, Bluett. tOeSt, Aw Z: ist'dr son of ap onn - wa5 jn4ottced to into lZro'cr that the follovdng-� onir $,PLE-�OrD.IEW 'T WilHamsOn 4311 ERIES ELL -10 5 canied. XoTed bV A 1�.IeDonll R -M 110C of Goderich. He WaS 1-40 V411 'b.Y /TAM . olot -CA= STOK STREET. :B;,Obx, X=G- a g :0po boll ment 'bepaid d that" w1oknewlim., 'Afe:epat4ri-All respc�s t6 6616 Vldch wo__ . W-41ho Sor )Rd'!T an JIJU lie tto W;15 fared. n It( prove, reput v nril tbr-tamne DI "D sxme--� d6eBeev6do,grank [ebentureslar himbe Won CX keeping GROCERr ply heall-I y 01 nil J3. -This --cullembn was �W_c tak I C! John Grant ....... Wtf WINFS t 1!,h� a7i�. John Gilt ------- -wood Oftric jfadcr tLe tregttL NOTI()E orDISSULUTION ar: TRE Clabbid FA ip QATO F JO CdMCX- 7AMMY GFbO lftuare lutit -he commenica x1jiltig Z�Ptr Caleb NnitiDg ....... . eon -W A &N rO-D. �,3!100 STOWE) 20;.00 JEW LVENT f.&OT, Youne -RUIN-CWAL IDE, PDT, 33C A : & 6TrCE is HOREBY GIVEN that the VartnershL P aeor 0000 ......... itoforeexigtitijbetweenAM berc _T1111M. � - a d&_4I9WTV I tkaTV Rob A, W 1 V..F albe Dr 4 n10.00 &j Chemists and, aggpits in .0weTtSound, Dh _piwheM*iU be'0 TME consent ver i�tO Gaorge UU�PA .......... A GOOD: .iTLW ventit. sw, Sold by Wurg*;stgnd SCUM Carr ... ir 'OR -$:*Vk3f0?b!Nd9cs--- HTS 00i i. - F 8AL 18 R, AND'DOMPIETE, - 6.00.r Will Cott- �OTIOE !�-Aerefi ant to the erg IN, WM White..... j*Id to GE0,RGF, 0ATTLCW1lO' Wwk= .0 IFYTHI - "Of KitobeR,' ngroiiir� and VPR�rr/xp- gs ossigneet the 1006 3 rk thr old stand), and, all -claims Bedroom. Vjxl# e -will Bare allonex F; kb 4 .6bel nitoo; isuch 83 AT'SAW.11EILD, said FaftnellihiP III Goderich are t 0 Robir AfkingOlk- - BUSITIfts 11 pesent: TO: afaftesaid wi jstoek�.Iielbt 49 THE Nokiti -win ctampW1. W "me, joglandlizild r�mises�"-ass WP A .1 will be ild by� Aieorp GjLtuflp 11ga 43�:,U Le sucUou at� t a,Auction 'Dunesh 1403U� oettlei as!ill wqo.d spate;! of, 'ALVAIN0048- W01 W 714-172 B6 The 396st 1�04 EVOr IUV'G - od to Said, 1)6 sc NO'.% E' CUPBOARDS.'r STEAD Lull W -..t J.1y.'IB70. IOU cle of, VNE-4 0 LL "Ich C 10 V0040 00 SW05tf rientaAluthe T ............ JIL Godezirb tb ''19th JUIT, 1470 Towulitt of6odend .ccu* SAME AS- sar 03rae,:W ILTON Withifta -� J10iffla ;' tf bestqub3t.V0flatd 'fBao 'a p 13= 114 , 3.00 Russr-5, jilaco of t.he,,Xown leld. 171 W,m UcA befoie COM e can 3 -DUAMSOR 23 acres which =11dreadd!r bf) a at Wifhe bes, ATch ,Z OTTARG SC F0J& S"FA 'UHE". La of *be G�vdexl�la -�a bee*andmap!e timber ofplendid growth. at 0. ablie Auction (for ons yftr Tfl At TdE �JOTJ f fb o P rw rf if b Telegi flolu Lon�.._ ING raph Ifews Dep VM of AWat M#J 4 ED REA=XGMtCIUNE,_,,*Uent Toad4wwes-on two! T, el IN Uetwill 1wiet &ItLanALzii'1gi11dr riam Lare pr Ititt -bbOUTUO01, IM'C '3 "Mmenelcg OR, the 5J -h Ilay GOODS that CC ing in - the Tbigphl Vithself drqppef. WAXW new� 4ply io, well EW - SffQWJN - wul 0TSi:_,U_9K Azu"EmOnco"B" sett!cd TiPi� FOR J�Q. , - , , iind prermses tituatt'WTI911d be -G. M. TRM;�- Xj Idd, vr, FU Of-HurOlf-Itad Pmvhld- 14 Samt$ A Tovr-shlli -q- ley, 316yed by A 316DOR, AM odly the ISt day 6f AUUM4 d beingeorAPOMI'OfIrot Vol inille, t, $4 be Temitted on 'Xi 46 sell',ever Abcr lipa, wi, in OjOatitrlo 4p ythlhk� -1 , ;Stmhsn. that P. Er '*U ara prdp .0- �&�e a jai the xum I rlA qvdifi t�, 8 quaut11�y-OffrjvvOOd to the acre. Ban with a4COMIder4ble wteq, be Ilu W It.11 It � rpuldbo =.t6theKb , -TRAPHER WANUb. for Withs letre;� -00 minjIL tarra, buiidin;0#tr6 ing f0i SWItte libor A, T rpo, too WCI#CkP. yor 3peri contains by iL Sayli *4 John flawkins bp,4' perforineil Th i z 'me mo,Kd-� for ad, and certided to boln zelat to be r4a in bimblelithe' TWO -FAUX. ,=,ths ffist day of t4ch a0nAb , - uired or the p&T- ad. moved- -by Juo StrachAn, Is ltualid,,m th. WANT- . furdt )Rtsaletwo vel 9, 4in,0i__ca=i the R4W" Moke r Tiva-, folyert Flureties Wal be r coviete assortment of Coffins ind Shiiiildg CQTL.- -z' V. se by TWilligmson, th#A mat of the rent zad thO OU6 =Ifi mfut of Us conal' Cliittou�.. e FAU11% iti JA=Z G A1W&V#Onh& and* R0*rsdtq hifer; all on masonible raval. x0ad,withlyZ-11offes Of- le I I z a Flpofatlitfricb. P- P er. 1-HAIV 0 the 519m O 86 for flonr '��Raofth6311iarket*4AW. Th6highUtoXally patti(Oligra *p #out debentare for 'it rEnK AD. REDs, -to IM -4 - ' T�QTJ)S 1RU -supplied to Urs Allon 4qn re, li%y not bosceePW 100116""t's feAgOIN, D A TO ble - wu rk, pro, tcm to the petiti,511. of A"M Go alcb, 12fA UsY, 104 arem ace, Ana otlim, prwf.fed XJ,%. pmylous�zneet- Tmra'Clerli'll ( im"L870. Werich 2nd U; that lots 13 016,inclusive on e 'u ' 'u'r' 0 'c "Lg th, I r lh,!