HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-07-21, Page 2•••• / •.? a „eallatener.e. et -et • • , eitt tows AsSir Arthur walked away, he struck of Englieh deposits -Ah, me, mother in hours' h estates t e possessions of their " Leader. headed 'Lunatic Prisoners,' is cheap latvorera el Europe sigh fon aid- WAR DECLARED with his foot a nearrian's cnta which had an inner pocket.' I . I R.., . Lady Lloyd look I positively stated by a Writer iu this mopo fly to .when able; the broad -rich fields enemies, thisiTynns, bad dwindled' down fallen from oues of the bodies. It bore f ship ; mud he ratti thereon, erhe :Vastest the Anglican Church,. b tw I e een in, son acres ot mountain pasture. The doctortal action upon the Sheriff's application for Stuart tit t w ? aloe Avenges an Insult? et over her -son's to the gray stone house by the rixer, shad • , round its band a ribbon, which had inserib shouler, and read: certify that I solem- ilia's Globe to have undergone fearful suf- . . held out their gerieroua arms fot g o er tea or • . . ea by ancestral oaks,. ferengs in consequence of the neglect at e, . e governme for a mente,peet, te tenet eaem ea ern . Or ... and a few barren th et x "ha - dear Wyndham,' cried Lady Lloyde wee, yff n s allw,...0.17a &Aye. ts AMES DOWSE, sayo, per. contra, teat- Prttentot .1,ticepts the Sltualit0111. tal on it, in white letters, the name ef the ! tined taaelea-, en secordia t th were to be met, sometime:: e COMES THE TUG OF VP' AR ofJohu Lloyd hark -of Taurean North practice, however. was his best eases. For his removal to an asylum. ' even if the . Chinese do return horao some twenty miles on each side of him ins' I am to say that any remer m P they will bear Wit them inte e,rditiory ontrnge ! There are some people night and day, pass unnoticed, but for the =tended oit It was but a scrap of paper, the torn Sy- • her aont, was snit on guartl-ht most extra- on the conduet of the Government 4'401 heart of China rich ideas of Western civi- INTERVENTION OF THE GREAT Chaptein to the Forces.' sway extended. His gig and gray mare, make into the Octagon Room, wherein charge of inhuntrineity contained in the in the kitchen, who have brought a dead ledif <-4 a book- - on the mountain track; where the sohd - • y be permitted to POWERS INEFFECTUAL. . li on. That we ma bedy eith them, a.nti they persist that the 'Wyndham, Vank God it was an irregu- Roman causeway was the only sure pass Th)3 Lead newspapers writing in contradiotion of doubt, for knowing as we do the gregane PREKSIAN AMBASSADOR LBFT PARTS. er. ous habits of these people, andstheir ten- • general had ordered them to bring it here lar neirriage.' 1 , age among treacherous bogs ; sometimes For the reason only I -am directed to • • fathers for thousands of ears it ' alto- --into this house of mourning.' 't.Tm ; I "-don't know that mother; I on the turnpike, rotten as trustees could settle the geestion of feet _raised in the miens held on the ideas held by theirfore- War Preparations on an Faten,sive Scale. go anti see what they mean: A I think it would be held good:' dern vrork ; 1301130- „ 7 mistake, I should think. Po yen stay here, 6 Then let the evidence of it perish ;* times along the steep bill -tide wherever eontroeersy, y sendinO you tvithout oom- ment the Reticule:is of the matter: gather probable that they will still iegercl THE WAR CLOUD DARKENING. leave it flimsy asour mo 'nether.' and she snatched the paper front her son's horse could tail firm foot -hold, or wheel f C E • The SheriffS" first notification to the usasthe outside Barbariansthey have ways you might moat the gray inare, gig, and Governmeut o apta n arle s date M. TRIERS OP -POSES THE GOVERN - looked: sgitated, Sir Arth.ur was with The damp papererackkd and need in the wy an. departm. ent the '7th inst., and upon SE- is that riothixig 'ke the Coolie aystem-- "lify clear Lady litioyd,' seta the general, quick 'drought of smoke and air, disap- amination of the papers, the case appear: which is only a new form of - • Slavin THE EHPEROR TO TAKE THE FIELD. lame • but m they loeked, it remain the nr. - -b d t b 0 t ery soon after, Wyruliman returned ; he banns, and threw it on thtllazing fire. a tuft to turn upon.- there day or night, ease as e eve us a e, one poi n ev d at Goderich 5th inst., reached this good man will are with Mr. Mill. That .MENT. ef•INWINIEWMI 'Tin sincerely sorry teehave distressed you peering unburned tip [the chimney. Yon would not fin I better, parer or into be- urgent,- the necessary reports ante should be r - e 'flitted' Itbee areadY OVATION TO THE RING or PRUSSIA. intany way ; bet tvlona tell you that the Wyndham lonked at Ids meth er who been introduced, and it mwrong, , nicer -looking g trli Within a radius of a hundred nuks front the Wrekin, than the daughters of ve-yrin the dector. The draw- ing -room at Brynaven, from- whieh yeti had a glimpse of a ieaoh of the river be. tween the trees, anderthe glittering sea beyond, was a pleasent refuge from dul- ness mid gloom. Any number of girls ftorn six to sixteen, merry, good-tempered, and fond of each other, even whea no guests were present, made the house gay and bright with life. 'Hamlet and Mona, caught up araongst these fair girls, were soon taught the words and ways of Anglo - Celtic fife. . Pleasant as are 'the hill -sides of wild Wales this brisk spring -tide, to the eye of Sir Arthur Lloyd, a view of Pall Mall from tee bow -Window of his club is in- finitely pleaeenter. He is dividing his attention among hitt toffee, his Times, and his cutlet. All _the shadows of the sorrow and_doubt obi& heti huuo about him in the weird 032I1Si011, of Tanyraln had vanished into thin air dissolved in the bright sunshine of P4It Mall. When he looks up from his newspaper, he is surprised to find the eyes of his uephew, who is standing on the heeith-rug by the fire, fixed steadily upon him. 'Why, Win, what brings you out so early ? . Are you for the Bible Society's morning meeting at Exeter Hall ?' To be Continued- . signatures were Immediately obtained,and the Lieutenant-Goveenor's warrant -was signed an.denailed the. the same night. Yon are at libeetY to make whet use you please of this communication. I ham° the honour to be, Sir, Yonr Obedient servant, THOS. 0, PATTESON, , Ainistant-Seciretarys" The aboye is satisfacstory in so far as that the poor Captain will now be removed to quarters where he will receive the benefit of appropriede treatment. If the •Govern- enentestirred up by the Gloae and the Sigoal has atted in this case with unusual promp- titude, 'Ghat about the otherlunatics con- fined in dadeeich gaol ?TheLeadersays:- "lt is unnecessai y to say anything furth- er in vin.dication of the conduct of the Goyentment hi reeard to cases of this kind. Iis assailants appealed to a single case in support of their attacks; and that tippeel has gone against them, Will they have the grace to acknowledge themselves in the wrong ?" When our venerable contempor- ary proves us "in the wrong" we venture to 'believe we shall -have "grace" given me to acknowledge it not before. We humbly think -it will be necessare for the Leader to say a good deal more before the Govern - mut will be vindicated in any other eyes but those of its "social parasite."' While only speaking circumstantially of Capt.. Earlo's ease, in the article quoted by the Globe, we previously mentioned two other cases equally sad. One of the three, we sa had. been attempting to commettssui- , ci e, times without 'number, This,was J _ es Dees commtted to gaol, 7th June /est, respectably. connected, and formerly an exemplary young man. Quiet when admitted, he gradually grew worse and worse, 'attempted to drown himself in the cesspool. on several occasions, and has to be constantly watched to prevent him from knocking out his brains. on.22nd June the Sheriff applied for his remnval and, on Friday 16th islet after his insanity was allowed to become chronic and probably incurable an order for nis removal arrives. It seems - strange that government ener- , gyshodid becomes° intense,simultaneously withthe unpleasant netoriety.which former government neglect was acquiring And then there is the case of SANDY' PAP- PLE, committed 18th March last, notified toGovernmentbyltheShel.'ilf on10 April mid again milts/acne the theme orseveral Grand Jury presentments, commended for remove by two of 'their Honors,' who still,witbou prospect of ameliorated circumstances; is allowed to drivel away with onle'euch care as the kind-hearted gaoler in pity gives him. If, as the Leader asserts, 'What es- . the Government has been endeavouring zealously to do is to effect an imprOvement in the mind of the insane,' how is it,that such. all Unfortunate individual is Allowed to Hager helples.sly on in gaol, whefi Dr. Workman has emphatically and frequently stated that a short spell of such imprison - body -which the men have just laronaht was staring at the fireplace in blani dis- wrong. There are points which we son John, by a most marvellous dispense- chair, laughing heartily. . - beaorae of poor Sambo, etsat hut want of • ARY Eemeettsraser IN Bout KING - hen is that of my poor brother's eldest may, anti then threw himself bath in his wopld willing take up--sauch as what is to Mu" ' Dotes. Tonal see at once that this home is the er it Come, old lady, don't worry _yourself cad into the conviction that if °moan= PROE'OS ALS FOR A PEACE CON- ' VENTION. space prevents. In conclusion, we are for - don, wrecked atei drowned this .,rery data 'Interposition of Providence, eh, moth - are permitted to emigrate toAmerica,there mule farmer restieg-place for thb body of about this lively piece of paper. That should be some wholesome restrictiun the sixth baronet of Tanyrallt ; for such which I have. I will hold. Gard qui me •••••111111.0=1010 he waa, though for only a few minutes.' touc.haa-Now for Jones the officer.' rovidech for; - What we want is TROOPS HITERTING TO TIM FRONTIER. . The general, unused to suakiug se long Jones the officer was kickm,g his heels in Norwegians. Swedes, Germans, and the , a speech, here paused for breath, and Led the hall. The respect due to the crown better class of laborers from thedyitish e RUMOR6 OF AN ENGAGEMENT. Lloydintereesedeseheravatly : 'Sir Arthur, forbade his being shewn ihto the kitchen ; Are we right or wrong ? Jelin lelteta died two-snl-twenty yeare but Griffiths couldn't • forget that Jones _ago : this is sonts iatpostere,' svas only the son of the Pandy • anti that 'Madam sarl th" A WARN WELGONE.-On Wednesday • genera , in a dame, therefore the chief apartments 'of the house evening last, 13th inst., a party of about' 'did not ion you it was the body of my were far too good for him. 30 leaders and stewards of the Vesleyan . . nephew John, and yoct speak of impos- ture, qes, impnatnre, Sir Arthur Was it net (Idly understood, when I married Sir Jobs, that his eldestmon -who, ara told was an abandoned and disgraceful youth - 'Well, Jones, what is it Some warrant to he signed V .wm...•••,.• Assicciatecl Press Despatches. . dtily 15. -The Faris Comae, tionale at fleet' says :-In consequence of the insulte offered to Beneditti, France accepts war, which Prussia offers. The Church With their. wives assembled in the Corps Legislatif declared in favor hef war. 5..)10, sir. t Begging your pardon for dis- Parsonage to welcome home,, their esteem- Brussels, Jay 15. -The intervention of tarbing you on auch a day, but I hear that S BI lest k (vele) the great powers for peace has been inef- last Right, coming from Ems .instead . • Berlitie He did not receive his passport,.• he clone toegive the Emper.or verbal ex- Dlanatiens. Nothing poeitore has been dene yet concerning the elliente hetweeo France and Austria. •, It „is reported again to -day that Aestria will remain neutral. Baren ',Mabel', North German Minister, and all members of his embassy left Paris yesterday' afternoon for Berlin. The FrenehFquadronin the Mediterranean has been doubled ; Vice admiral De LaGuer- rier is in -cow -roan& Them is a great ac- tivity et the war Department to -day. " large niimber of seatettorders have been not in various directions. The .EMperor is expected to hend the army in person, and by a series of rapid ninieemeents, arrive at the Ithine before Prussia has completed her defenees. -hool&s =CALVED MN ALGERIA.. The eteamere. of the Meisageries tin- _ periaels have been despatched to Algeria to briag home the troops now operatiug against Ithe rebels in that eottntry. The Mitiist4 a Marine .has ordered all yes - as France: Telegtains OA the subjart are eon- tradictory, the latest. reports being thane force of Prunsiarts is Miami ta have cross- ed the Ithirre. A decree is published this. morning, calling upon the nsembos of the Garde Nationale and Garde Mobile, of the first three corps of the army, to report im- mediately at the chief towns of the depart- ments, in treadiness for active service. Peri?, evening. -The Empress arriveci in Parts to -day from St °toed, and re- ceived a popular welcome of the most enthusiastic character. The Emperor 1 leaves for the field on Wednesday. A loan on six months' Treasury bon& forfive hundred millions fraues, wes taken un in a few hours. The 'Credit Foncier and the Bank of France made an effort to monopolize the entire amount. Paris, 10 p. m -Regimen% are passing through the streets to -night on their way . to the frontier. Great orowds thered on the sidewalke and wildly sheered the sol- diers asthey passed. No oppoeition to the war is manifested, and the press deeenume the -speech of M. Thiess; _ OVA'RJON TO THE HMG OF PRUSS/A.. 1Berlio, July 16. -The King arrived here late last !evening from Ems. is journey I was a complete ovation from the start. - Pausing' at voblentz, he was surrounded by an immense throng of his countrymen, who gre,eted him with cheers. The King said :_.._ s 1 am pleased with this surprise, -see to it, that you behave as bravely else- where.". teen sels not' useful" in time of war, such Imperial yachts, &c., to be disarmed. 'A oanoonon EIIROPEAN CONGRESS. Lord Larne, the English Minister, is still endeavoring to get his colleagues here to preseat a celleetive request for a -Congree's of European Powers td settle the gaeltion between France and Prussia. Annivot. Ow PILINCIE fiTAPoLloN. - Prince Napoleon arrived, in Norteay yesterday. He received a despatch frtim ' I d t r th Rev se oc d te one of the bodies cast on the shore to -day has AdthertO been residing withMr. George Acheson pas o e . . . fectual. . Napoleon willannonnce to -day the rup- ture ef the relations between France and• ars ion o war. The ireparations at the different naval stations are on a. similarly large scale. Paris, noon, July -15. -TM) Bourse is fiat. Crowds of students and others pa- raded the streets and boulevards, shouting, "Vito " " D ith Prussia " tire has been brought here, and I called to re- Achison) and his lady w'ho arrived in town was midi!, and ahsolatela dead Should mind you that any property fonnd upon that:day. Supper was in waiting for them, I have consented to such an alliance, had the:body should be handed over to the there peen an heir surviving I" Would. my officers of the crown.' a happy social eyening was spent, and a money have been applied to clearing the 'Dear me 1 the crown has a veryvigilant week's provisions left to commence honee heavily .encumbered estates of my late servant. But, in a word, Jones, the abilities which reached Goderich in ad - keeping. The account of Mr. Blackstock's vance of hitut has been fully realized and his ministrations meet with much apprecia- .. _ non from his congregation. His career in The crowd 'sto d t th P ' E , bassy, and shouted insultingly, source. Goderich has begun auspiciously. pee a e russian m - Tree NARROW GAUGE. -We understand en WAINER'S ADDRESS. (MOPS 1/3111=013. . sodor leaves Paris tosday. (tra A 'PAWED uoitnEsieONDENT.) husband, hash it been possible that they erown has no rights on ray lands. should go tee any other than my oe a Flotsam and jetsam, wreck *and tree- childsen ? Sir Arthur, to suppnse Jehn sure, are all mine, Mr. Offieer ; please Lloyd not to have died years ago, is to to inform your masters to that effect.' suppose that there has been deceit and 'Well, indeed, I shall have to report im"tere s'ewhere and rather than tins to the collector, You don't deny impute it to my dear husband lying - havitig ‘Methcae vattl Wyndham interposing htionaings r Tye seen the bodyraud I've every reasun deny and affirm nothing. rd only to think that it is my brother John's. My have you know that am the lord here, ufw-le recognises him williams. the and am not answerable for my doings to net:KA:easter, knows him. Whatever Pc'or 'anybody.' • John's faults srsay have been, he has amp- 'Wee, u indeed, the collector will he_ve-to ly atoned for them. His body shall lie side by side atth my late father's -in fact, see to, this. Well, good -day. dir Wynd- ham. rvagiven orders to that effect.", the possession of the body and its there - r As he spoke, the tramp of rnen was Vara gave him a contemptuous . heard in the long corridor. The gray- stare reply to his greeting, and let him headed butler opened the doer, and the find offeway- out of the house as he men entered, bearing the body on a bier, could. covered with blankets, the sharp outlines . of death skewing through their felds. As '`.- CIIAPTER ire ] they paced their I wiler o i h , le 1,and e dtting thy sum of snow; moved the covering on the face of the To tchat which ,had too lunch corpse, those ran a kw murmur from A twitteikag,, of swallows -who does mouth. to rateeth : 'Dear, deart isn't it a not love the sound, telling of the grim sorrozini night ? And eo much alike, only winter past, of thatender breath of spring! the e/d lord looks the younger.' Let them build.under your eaves, the As they left the room, Seine of the neatherbeaten feces wet with tears,Wynd- ' graceful housolovinghirds. Their homes ham came forward and shook them each are as dear Co them ase yours to you, 0 by the hand. t respectable ratepayer ! %loll that ks. friends.' ssid he in the Spoiled your new hat, e ? Then carry vernacular. It was all the Welsh he knew, an old umbrella. Dirty you white steps ? sufficient • ile being perfectly evident men glenved with delight ; and when be ,L.etaill.annah, the housernaidnclean them ; m ' • that France waa only too glad to take ad - hut it served his tarn. The faces of the told the butler to sea that they had plenty :met .10_ chat fat damstlferchid, a little . vantage Of the proposed election of Prince of gond ale, they were ready to lay down wholesome ontdooi• exercise. The swallows hid hunt for ages under Leopold to the Spanish throne to declare their lives for the yeung lord. _ 'Wyncliesen, are .7you mad ?' said his the eaves ot Tanyrallt. In that warm, war. Great waes have ere now been en- tered into on the strength of very slim g !sock they lived and throve, and nursed niether, when they were onee men al. ne. their young brood all the summer. throughe ideas, but we must say that in our opinion *No, mother ; remarkably sane ' and as they gathered for their autumn this idea of Prince Leopeld's accesSion is tThen why did you recognise this ila- et y wou 00 f01111 e o r - melt, the Id II k th th ldneeof one of the sliinmest that could be used in posture r 'First, mnther it is no immature ; the tree of Tanyrallt, twittering a plesiant order to•bring a million of men into mortal thing from us,it would he another minter; They mostly hollto- their. oil homese guron Oignal4 GODER1011, JULY 21st, 1870. 1 RU§HING TO BATTLE. - • .France has thrown dovin the challenge. Prussia has taken it up and professes her- self ready for the contest. The armies and fleets are in motion and any hour may bring the tidings of the first bloodshed. --e Troops are being mused on both sides of the Rhine frontier, and we learn that the Emperor Napoleon is to take the field in person. The cause of the quarrel is re- garded by the civilized- world as entirely proof3 ar3 too stiOtteg. Die he leant any- blessing on its kindlo lords. conflict.. Hence it is that the eeneral feel - 0 Innis. inlayer of France receivino a sound been as it is the proof of his death will ,these swallows ; and when a young' cou- e g drubbing irom the victors of Sadowa.- come in very ilanclily.' - 'ple start ie life, they must reae their own •Pooli'sh boy, theehildreed-- dwelling, hning it with down from their The ,Emperor 1;as no doubt made up his mind for victory, but of all, the monarchs *chadren'tnether ' glere eau' be sees- ;;• own breasts, betore the eldrrs of the tribe Wyndham; they% saved. -two ofthem- willsgiee them the nuptial benediction. or if there were, they would: ba drowned. of Europe he can least bear defeat. lf at Williams' cottage.' , Oh this espeatal spring, sundry newly Franceand Prussia are left alone, ,it will epreell heavens I II no idea or -these, mated pain; were busy under the eaves, be a tremendous struggle, and if the other 'NV yudliam sank into ste chette pale aud and levying centributions on all ides : great powersbecome involved it _would re - breathless. bits from the straw -yard, mass fro the quire the gift otprophecy to predict what ment is calculated to render madness of Was it possible that his kingdom was to old oaks in the avenne, unconsidered be wrested. from hint -that kingdom to the res ult will be. . even the mildest type hopeless and incur - trifles frem the getters ; amongst othtr earliest consciousness? And that genet nst found with much gratnlatory . able t. We trust the Leader will have the, which he had /stoked forward almost from 4 o. thine what wns there let for him ? I have said chirping. and carried carefully between 'grace to acknowledge itself in the wrong THE IltSANE IN OUR GAOL. thate looking at him,you might imagine the loving pair, an old, tattered, yellow -- and hereafter where humanity and govern - him a naked Briton, Intent on raid and paper. It formed a famous shaft to the On onrreply to theLeadertsfoolithattempt i raential reputation are in the balance to rapine. -Bat it was not tiaras that he stood vaulting of the swallows' roof. Two hours' to justify the unnecessary detention of ! throw in its 'feather -weight' for humanity. in his own regards. Phis his clothes, ycla labour was saved them by that fortunate lunatics in Gailerich Gaol, the Globe a 15th Prussia and the decl t' f Paris, and will return inune m y. RUMOR do AN ENGAGEMENT. Paris, July 17, a. en. -There is a rumor that an engagement has taken place near Forbach, resulting in a lose to -the Prussians of 3,000, killed. The French loss is placed at 2,000 killed.* As yet this keport can be traced to no reliable S' -- -OFFERS OF AID ernes GERMAN1t. The Government is in hourly receipt of despetches from all parts of Germany, offering men, money, arms, hOrS08, (tog in support of the national cause, and assert- ing that no sacrifice that can be made, will loe deemed too great for the canee of Ger- Imany. The Government recommends have hire thue-Lienteuautt.iand. Oaptatn find ,• and that very night, they slepthene• remarks :- . , hi Hee Majesty's Foot Guam e distangtne- THE CHINESE QUESTION. hed sportsman at Coverside -In-Leicester- ath their own roof -tree these young swal- " /3. few days ago we called attention to shire ; patron of two livinge; future regine lows -the south-west wind and the mar- the undoubted fact that notoriously insane Every orator, writer, mechanic and latoefor the empire:chiefof the equestrian mune% surges singing their epithalami- laborer in the United States -from the perepns are confin.ed sometimes for weeke and. months in our -common gaol, and de - order a the Red Hand -vary far removed unie mended that an end shoukt be put in one dock et San -Francisco to New York her - from the naked Celt this onr freind. And But for the swallows Tanyrallt is al- t h • n f i f bor, and from Buffalo to the Keys of e ar W • Bremen as a port of refuge for german shipping. DEHOPFSTRATION AGAINST FRANCE. Florence, July 17. -Great popular de- monstrations were made het e to -day against France. Crowds cellected in front of the Foreign Office and -Germany Etabassy,and shouted down with. France, 1:12,0% Rai= neutrality, viva Prussia. - - It isasserted that the Prussian Ambas- After the Session yesterday, the Senate proceeded in a body to St. Cloud, where the Engineer of the Toronto, Grey and Austria professes neutrality unless a 1ME1110•11V Wroxeter,,Bluevale and Winghtim and ex- Paris, 3 p. M. -The Corps Legislattf. de- ehey were received by the Emperor and Having travelled through a considerable Bruce R.has completed the Survey through third power interferes. . himself -highly satisfied with the dared was against Prue= at ten minutes Empress. X. Reuben President, said oporti n of this Comity. and- having bad a result. _ . before one this afternoon. the fienete thanked the Emperor for the favourable opportunity of observing the Holland will remain neutral in the strug- its patriotic sentiments. A monarchical permission of expressing to the Throne presses Tneence.-The Principal of the gle. Tb.e belligerents have engaged to re- combination, injorious to the prestige apd - crops of the several Torniships en the Central School gratefully acknowledges spect the neutrality of 13eigiunits Troops Southern. part, I %sill proceed to give von e rapidlo co con tin at Antwerp and ach Township es u th. r state etie mitts old renotinced the of sketch of the crops of e the receipt Of 89.00 in silver from the ar , - e • tra .g iseetnity of France, had been mysterious- - a to the purchase of prizes for the Christ- Bank at Antwerri has beeri removed to the The specie and bullion in the National tations duce y favored by Prussia. On our represen- I go along, commencing with the 1 OWEISbnp, Dominion . Day Committee.? to be applied • citadel. An bone of paper money is au- throne of Spain. Sp in, who returns oar , n friendship, renoubee a candidature so mas examination. Sour ee SEAPoRT11.-The Village Coun- The first diepatch says the declaration mediate danger , of the wet. was thus wounding to us. Without doubt the nue flounced. . from Taxes for 5 years. This should not 1 avoided ;Ibut our legitimate compleint re - oil hae retused to exempt all mlt-wells made by France is in words to the follow - doubt. if at the end of the year a well by Prussia, and declares war against that . , . power." e . tinges. Was Ite not evident that as a toreign power, to thit prejudice of our ine effect :- .. - . deter parties intending to bore, for, no ' France rejects the insult: uffered her • o. should be found'paying no dividend, the The second dispatch te t • hed to die:bolo the . Ootincil woald follow the example of Gods- • nonor anti in res , ens rich ancl odpit the taxes.' We hear another -of war and is ready for the contest,' ,' gieet premien balance of power in Europe ? Had we Company is organized by the Reeve and, answer :-"Prussia accepts the declaration not the right to demand of ' that power . Mr. Hone.; which is to go to work im media- when the reading was finished. The Pre- goad:Aces against a possible recurrence tely ; a capital of 810,000 being already of such an attempt ? ' This is refused The members of the Rouse applauded sttlescribeil. announcing that war has been declared be- is , h .and the dignity of Franceinsulted. Your jesty raws e swor an e 41. d th country sident has received two official dispatehes, me- d tb IISBORNE ° The spring crops in this Township kok re-, Markably well, especially wheat, barley; - *its andpeas; thelatterlookingbetter than far some years past. Fall wheat is not HO good as last year, considerable of it having been water killed. Potatoes promise to be an excellent crop . Hay will also be an average crop. Other root crops are not far enough advanced to give an adequate idea of what they will be. Owing to -the genial showers lately there.is no doubt there wIll be a fine orop of all the different . THE NEUTRALITY OF ENGLAND. wit you, eager for and. ;proud of the in the -County. As the farmers all ormearly tween France and Prussia. roots as this is one of the finest Townships Tnz Panics ALFEBD, arrived here on , occasion. You ha4e warted long ; but England 4111 be difficult and perhaps im- 1 ee during' this time -you have raised to per - Sunday afternoon. The boys are all in all first -elms there is no doubt but that lemon july 16oe The neutrality excellent health and very indignant atthe ifection the military orgahization of Prance there willbe first-class crops. exaggerated accounts of theltrace Mines possible, and dishenorable in case Holland ,ay your care Femme es prepare „ er pleasure blip. We understand the crew andBelgium should become involved in, enthusiali proves that, like your hicks - were paid t off this morning, and that it is_ "e war- . ty, she w" 1 uot tolerate wrong. Let our the intention _to .ley the vessel tip at REAL OBJECT AE THE WAR. , august EmPress beeoine ageie the depoei- - The Timed intimates that the recovery tory. of the Imperial poweh ; the great present.; .6f Alsace and Lorraine, cientaining the Meuse, Vosges; thle Upper .and Lower with their absolute devotioni bodies 'of the State sorroond her Majesty . modern provinces of Moselle, Meurthe. the nation fay Viiii him be a fate crop, potatoes arid other root crops promise fair to be a good UNITED STATES GUNBOAT. -The William . bert Knapp, arrived in the Elarbar, from the part of Itruseinkent ththshelchas iso the youreiajestyresume wi n the :commend of :the legions he led at halt faith in her wisdom tand energy. Let i* ' "th bl o e confluence fi 1 _ _ : crop. • MT. Pitt,Fessenden, commanded lay Capt. Gil- Rhine, are the zeal object of the wan on Port Hurore on Monday afternoons and e'n't.'" ' r"- m - e - val.4b abl M t e d S If - Ifeierilhas come - Spring . crops in ibis Township elite left tosday Onesday) et noon. She is a tidy hints toet Engosh mtervehtion is pro . a e eget a r41 0 erino. - , promise an abundant 04314, what has been little. vesselermed with .two 24 lb guns ' : the hour 07 victory is near, tend soon a es' avert of fall wheat -aisle looks firstekate mid, in case of Prussia. losing strength. WITHDRAWA„L OF LEOPOLD. pPOIRiSeStO turn ont ai good a 'sample as . „, and one 30 $ rifle, and manned by 40 of a . grateful co entry will decree toher children _ . . The absolute -Withdrawal of Leopold- ii the heoette -of triumph ; wenn Germany , hes ever been seen* Tem. part" of the creiv. 'Her afficers vizt Capt. Knapp, lst generally credited. . will. be'.1 d from -the domination Wide& ' county. Potatoes else promise an 'Arend - Lieut. A. (IL &ay: 2- Lieut It T. Black, neonorrnen,nv rutresu. 3rd Lieut, g. M. Clark, andehiefEngineer Vohniteeringin Prussia is extraoidin- M H Plunkett -are a lot of frank, manly ary. The entire end° population is &- fellows, whe were much delighted with the minding anus. 1 appearance end hospitalities of Goderich, , and left intending to return and leave HITYGAIritY art}riaRY wrm FEW'S* theireviyes and farailies behind them to Advices frointBerlin repretieht - that -reside among -us for the summer months. ' "Indiece Royal Fsdeiiek -William will tahe • I command of the eymies of the States of STEPHEN. The crops hi this Township look gone- rallywellespeciallyspangorops. Fallewheat what remains of it, looks very wellbut a. considerable amount of it was winterkill- ea ; peas promise to be an abundant crop, :1 South Germany: ' (le"- Seveeal communications lefn over A telegram feont Pesth states that the for rant of room. chiefs of the different pertles- in Hungary T1 had. met there, and adopted a resolution egotly Drettriggs. sympathizing with Franee, and dealer- ing that every ttictory for France would be et_ Can any ene- of our Toronao contempo- victory for Huateary. , .1 rrries illIGITS ES when Die Brigge wyl be • - en.ruuattunt In TRAN0B. ,et home.' IWe should very much like te -- The war enthusiasm in France is- very hear from him i-Oatecionia Sachem. great. The peOple offer to pay double We would very much like to hear if Dr. taxes. The police are obliged to protect Briggs is e er to belound at home !- the residence of M.M. Thiers and Fevre, things. The organ of the Patent °ambito Plorida--is, just now all agog on the gyres- Wellan'a 11' rail? ' We trust the doctor's uexe 'at home" preposes to invade France with an:immense y ul - yet he the product of our advanced civil-. mod, deserted. Young Sir Wyndham is who made speeches agamet war. Prussia isetioza, elmicest fruit of recognisedsystems with his regiment at Windsor ; Lad ation, 'of course,- rushed to the tescue de- tion a to Whether John Chine.man 'Is to of culture, did not clash Much with the Ieloyd is at her twin dower -house, Mount dared that the Gevernment of nand'field *will be dulyeannopnced. We are an:dome fem. b f ld • d f h ree rosvenor qn r , t h If t usua waves perm' e o o d t d the labor of the country to have abont. five minute's private ionver-. r-ndo H ld mud NO OFFICIAL NOTICE OP WA.2.-MISCEiLA- ideal 1 rtsdro -nf tercild rthita."7gd st, ita 0 old Gwen,and .Maedonald was peculiarly careful of these be h I The motion is tattoo with him•--oe n era - NEWS. • . 1Pne , gr y thainge he called hie rights ttea cexelesa cif the gardener arid hie wife, are takingfeare unfortunateson fact had made it anspecialty , . the righteof ethers ; as aelitsh in his life ofthe house. - Williams, the schoolmaater, -not knowing, we seppese, what. might a grave one, requiring in'its coma a . .'derati n Prototype' of simulat-cd activity ne his prototyper ha and.. hie young charge are on the river Ditto i-Ifuron Signal. happen -and ended by hunnuating, 'that if the widest Christian charity for the Mon- , ecould be authenticated, it would be found f of old tvonld semetimeispare the faccaof do h f 1 th t t'' - 'powers of their -.intention- to. preserve a brat to his friends, ah 1 not so kind, forbe ,b - his Teeple gnomon oveemuch ; lent this ...,,,wilo.tilhe flat, "-thing is absolutely -certain : The Chinese where salt and froth 'county or town officiels. The GoderIeh neuttal attitude. MacMalion, Bazaine new man weak/ have saki them to the ' ' "'''' ' te t When they fished the lower Sigma/ supplies -us with all thit is neCessary aro COming to America by the ship-kad . BASE BALL. -The Bluevale and Wroxe: Y end Oanrotert evil' eommand the three * * • * * * by way of San Francisco, in which city ' ter base ball dubbs are to have afriendl game in Blitevale. cape of the French army. The troops of hialtest bidder, din the laws perratt. Such watera.ttey alw ays finished their day at in the wav of reply, and e great deal more. as he is, this chieftain of ours, do pot the house: of William Wynn, 'the "doctor.' they actually swarm. Thence they have W ALF8.-OrQiNi in general look Well.- Saxony are id milder'. The Front* re- s stetiggle ? Will Inegice up an he holds ate for the eehoolmaster ; and there the -gan, is quite sestrikingly displayed in de- spread repidly Westward, building the Haying is very much impeded by the .Insel weather. Rainey :natters are still in the the. frontiers.. The North Gentian Parlia- think he will resign hits kingdom without There waa elver:. readya tankard of good Partizanship, let us whisper to the or- serve: have been ordered Out to protect dear in life for matte -wad love of legae western Section Of the great Vacifie Rail - Young girls of the house would teropt the fending What is indefensible as in igpor- , e, . - any such cases ef confinement of lunatics tte real warii• ; er001 tit 1AS Wass. 040Ty spare hour • sometimes away up tte goliau stranger, and the deepest sympathy Bluevale. LONDON. july fr.-The British War Of; fice has not Yet eeceived official notice of the declaration 9i war between France and .40 Prumut. Italy and Denmark -aseure the er course o e s ream some ienes that the fault lay with the particular or the native or European taboret. One From our Oren Correspondent. out be moored antyield. Turnips and otherroot crops look oppresSed Or., and petiee well hut are Rot far enough arava,nced to yatoopEurrurooNore.e;(') htih,oeumg:hoathstooeng,r1009.rgyeceoetitafywour, arms; ever:bability ot an abundant crop. usy iu • . , MI what theyneally may be, • hat owingto received- the late genial. showers thern is everY then once more devote yourself to refoems -some time back hoe not been favourable general looks well but the weather this the realization of whdiethoieceonniitlynerreatardTehde. for salines it. . Time alone is ne STANLEY. .. . ° Emperor warmly anked -the President The crops through this Tom:Islip look and the menthe= o the Senate. remarkably well, the fall wheat looks, %mil isTimst WAR FEELING. , and will be ready for harvesting in a tow A war feeling has take& entire control ea-. yle Spring wheat looks well and is of the people yesterday, The Duke de pretty much out in head, oats also promise Grammont,i after leaving the Chamber, an abundant yield, peas are also an ex - was greeted by the crow& upon the ebeelivevrietr eatunpa,vneotaregteoeyies loiod.k airbs ifist6heeiiVieull streets With cheers and plaudits amount- eid settled and well cleared. Township ing to an oVation: A demonetration was there is a large -extent of under crop, made in frent of the eesidence of IC a ntd niti phromisesb to yield Ilan nbandant Thiers to express diseatiefaction at his re um o t e hus andman. e,ourse in the Cerps Legislatif. ei, ' ' TVOKEESIIIITE. i r at reener movttegores, ' The crops in tilde Towuship as an aver. The "Jo rnal Du Soir" publishes the Age appear to be as good if not better thme 11 :tineftthoe2inserostImolVfottr- . 6.shitapliallYn.thThe Cisouisrity7 Wowing o , cial report@ :--olleereenhave greet. improyemente dn. the way.of tender -- been issued;reating a fourth battalion for raining, which wereit brought mto ell'ect each reeim t ofinfantryaudeixthognad- td _ re , on a targe part of the land whieh lies very Guard of Paris, has been appointed Com- for his labour. ron for regtments of cavalry. ; Gen, An. ternarree who cemmanded the Xitional noneuxon. flat, would repay the husbandman Udell mander-in-Chief of the Imperial -Guard. • . Having travelledless throigh thisTowne . The regiments in barraoks ati the Bede AGM airie hlave received orders to Maroh ship aan the others I ism not prepared to on Moodaye Then:Hilary mats in PariS, give a minute -description of the cotelition vacant by t e departore -of treops, have` look very well but do not show eigne of as of the crops, but what I have seen of them a by the Imperial ittard; adVance. - meet meets EII 20.th instant, to vot,n been 90eup' geed farmuigus theaforementtoned Towne lity t in allay blaming those who wiah to put down waY their Pri3gress--- • WitehnitmeoFoe the hot twit weeks -we the necessa,ry credits fot War expenses. • All trove garrisotein the lentral De - la if to opena high- tWet knontnot• lug cd these children; tbey waifof the sea to a gaD30 of chess, wrong, and- speak ter those Who cannot way for the invasion of the labor nisrket have .rain. in. great abundance, but the Beignint ranee urion British,Frenchand shipst.eonsiderable of *eland being cover - •w 0 6 was or is agea wen er pro- paetment. of Franee have received orders hi h f 11. d am not hise he said at length. speak for themsellee. I -of the Eastern - States. The immigranta weather now lookii more, favorable, and Pnissian assurances of neutrality aud fen- d f y • ,A40, .1 feed with Canadian thistles and a great • 'Wyndham, don't :deceive yeurself ; nelen' farmers are in ho es they will yet se-- unity et her territo to apart the rontier. was I consider to be a sure indica-lona ba4. ouncl -0 amount of wild niustudin the graliewhieli • dreisefi There hew been an Unproven:mit of late are almost exelusively men 1416 expect to the P Minuters the Emperor presiding thene children are. surely his' -that hit- Hewes estrange wayward la years in the matter of the insane, but a . • mitetheir hay from further deluge 8 onerman. States,. respondieg to Pres - 11 b bi d'' I h nel f hs e slam' he farming - /retorts, evhora yon lave recognised.' - apervelleraenceandagaincurionslylethaegie great deal morestal reititirea ha dont." realize Ispeedylortunes on the ettoionoute Tem 12rn -About- 8 o'olock on*Tuei- da - held at St ;load to -day 'Mistress said a voiee from the dor* of .110 learned quickly English and Welsh. The Leader of the 16th devotes rie- arty a caur7,01 8° ate Per tio-Ye and - then eetOrn day, the asem.bara cif the Blnevale Orange m hoe of the cledaratton of war, are In • pro a isso vo at t e el 0 t f L cl th' 'lla d' Ith it h th t' th ' tot d. Present week eta voting the beCigt61 Th ful r A des tch from Berlin. dates that the ' the state -chamber. Lady Liold started, He was vety fond of his -guardian, hat k, te-o d tut t -4 to the Flowerv.Land to llve to the -end o o ge met in us vi ge, an a g eis wins ie en. supper er e apple crop throughout this part ot ,eo um reit 0111 0M011 S ;neon- - they " 1 • the rain poured down in torrents , Politica differenceshave been obliter- name whet had sat by the -bedside of the and estueneth The intruder ems elm old. euepaiten 0 ..2 wen ro , t t 11 t Mid impetione aft nection with .the question of the coofinee • • Alin chapter; in luxury, on a penny a day. • NrITS DarTipitIc. the county appear; to be about anaveraget. • • • ••• - - • • started foeLeechville, and after meeting. atedby the aggressions of France. g bi the direction of the Rhine: and of the mark and the Duchies is excellent. Their not he stiell *Urge *NT oitult to a large abso exhibitm their loyalty by beatin fore coming to instanter. neaclies along tile Karim IN THE Colin ItEGIALLTIF. their- Government refuse to tete part in Patr* eays the News from Den- Cherries are anoxeellent erop, plums deiog chief ;4:ite-4ho was :tow adjusting a Ye r h .e remit of lunatics ia prisons throughout the T 0E4 treating -their brethern ther'e, and . Hemet hut oocl WildantS ougnt ems nog Mince. His name he said, was, ecdumns of Prussian troops are moving - The Chinaman can live Where even a negro • - would/gores Three cabbage stallts end a what shall do with the clothes of the n. IleatiMUJMMe g and ehanged it Latta:Lew_ ?ravings. Thm etenertil Photo' Of the lithe - • • the lash sail tot et of the dead. %tetras. youurr captain.' greet, oat, if amount of them falliieg from t treee be- e - oonful- of rie a day. -suffices, a rat -pie is drams aud marehintabt ut the streeta 007 north mash - , hatred azaight Prussia ieso haul hastily, stench by 3 sudden thought Wyndham has:114(114 schodmaster that deal veith ; only remarking that the _few: t 01011F ee t.be gods., .11. et,Tee, n.0 0tetee ni•sifr telib.eoirpecottrho.sielowtrihotitrigittoweunie P Jul loth. Ina Corn Leon: s, in a o speee ", against thetri In II4nover there is great southern part of thfs cowl y the.. present eontlictO the people will rise appear to be a failure. Ind ed, taking the notlater than Monday evening.] _ ZailielitrhYere lad t di? Thie-r rids '- pronoiniced against'the declaration ofthe _ blue brought them in boodle, and laid he would. boansererabieforthemaintenaisee eworkittgof the lieier inerelatiOn to insane laborer can work so cheaply. aohnis more- , . i yes er y, agitation, and the Pritsmen -General come there has never nee.fla betarprospea iglobt); g8WP' egvmal Vari and atlYthing gored -era theatre:ante ofWyndhalto the.benetcent fritits claimed for it ley the bmrie nothing of strikes, and can. learn anythieg Titonotronsago Boon.- said,, that Franceitan recinved-satefactuni PRIENDLF, RELATIONS T/iTIE SPAIN, • - • he ort ern Tart o t own o T f h 0 ty f Ikt feet we do•not interfere with, aewe dui not P turned honie wit a few exceptions. *Beltig thernhere, Gwen,' said' Wyatt- Mtet leaving Tanyealit, yoneg Sie raise iteand the Gobs is qUite CoMpetent to inagnitcenkand a good fat young 40g a re , • • . lake Shore look very well hut Inland they them in the room. or Zhese nhildrentaiid had desired hinz to prisoners has lime, in..tene lecelity,- °nee 111(1MA:rime and faithful. knows • . . . . _ .. t L ' ' hee- . we emitted . Govern-fuer:L. He 'mind after an thee was mending him" askced for reinforeements_ . the farmer providea We be blest withgood 4 weather from this forward for the harvetst. the reocke,ts: any rooneve any paperer , , n ,,e,,, „„, „queens that he oe, gpiErt =fan : dim. paper ; dim byd,taid "ad ago' mmitt"t "'" Mei:air:lute chuedein .Leackr., all Staistirlo which we may ribliell cl the old woman,. , lined they VOCE Abe ii; at. an early cute, most abundantly. prove. el Ittiltiolie,gfil to the elaboriteu iettristse .jametse ItBorualire.n,virAis.hmfiliulteonf ianpf:rrreisenhae;t.e_rt, onisr ofgvnemr reere fonrdineadh tot'''. smilers. He o t e lug .. reedit me itihaueed crops over Cut eiV)trIgerlillloitTg-ieettell; I have men. them for 31 - 1 ;a . . .bi f th G t tlahnagtngagraen.ctoacwreor.40d bSep.ivalinito:,ttriinstuimppaoterst i sPo _- if there of his brother r but heoharged the Wheel; Th L ad' . to jump tp the one - ..'• ea. it was im oast e or e evernmen -several years. 81'4 she°k her lied- Dim PaPeli-' of their birth, thlninlig that it weuld be ettnemkthati- because Oapt ramie ie sped- the .43setiesne. isborei and. artiaau,, end .keonsyhaufa . that tt *now: eve reonths again teen. thetoor. He reealled Mexico the Spanish inane, The itionitter adds . ees 4 uickly from- the duties, of it chambermaid week, to I ot. ice the importation h7Nr- . from Prussia,' and war shoutil not be made The Ifonifeur _journal bolds fnendly mtaatesex also bona an vir.?":47 tielt;17pearsta: gt:en, paIrcra r master strongity tiiit -to retreat the Seer* anearli .seen what a' fiennidahleskubagcmicb hkie t° PurIU‘sf'd )31c PIP* fr6m Mr* Be•Yer' to do otherwisPe than ithad rdone Thom, the Father Ithe King of Pottugal. for . 7s1A.RNOOEL - gently beta ikata taking up the bind/a better their origin should habit in my ally natitedi 'Wyndhatu closed the door aftethee, hY (hia ease bewgIn -eer hence it le that les' coming' hasereatetj, .oldand weig olo et 90 posunde. We can- and dadowa, and_ 'read- Governinent hind. tha. t hasp°. eitive ass:Fiance:of the igen Meese -elm Acenime-W'm. Jame* ee elegies hem theta out at ant% /eolith sto ther than they abouldbe known •estima,tion, at the thnee the tadatharre_IW- Ouch: a steno., thropegliout- the countrye- eider eneek et Oh: purchase a step in' the, ry ra b t" "th ) h tit 1 eaffe :Yet:Le- ralieer; . !tte ej?eatTp trio- etittogifiliptialetpir:pdi-cal:a;:g4inj :temp - b ninriebenettltan a present, .7_ a ,fiitn: el:rd ...tiracipei;ate,11171a1.4:;' 3Evalw Nzirsorry• in diogus;. .as th,e oifepring age cennee ten wt insane _ 4was• .1104 u - 41o4btrza Will: come- to Cans.tla ?twee° is respectable farmerliving on the-801.ton. eau e letiind '413* tilree'tic"nd '4.°.X1:411ron 'eater efludetlirec.4ePtc-0441* "'cm:mimic° 4wai Prance and resets. • "yr 1 'ma • cr ther feelings of our ntueu 03°1g -uric - Ind restored X Gamlietta etsmanded that all - • %abet, can't reinniege about a dead a 1‘.,lothentrom • . t t . an All tnis- the l!mpckeiint -Men here '' We did not -aisert that ho - 1 of Ea,st Wswanosh 4.his iron Thomas went ' mann *thee.' impreasod with -the generoshty had heeu. th.reeoPial'in gaol; ncmcidanut keti veerefirehmideed of them pitt • 4 • f irn ov d took - 'Give them to me,. child: - Tel r chief , . . _ , attentionftri, t rin:_uonge , _Pr, .e peerorrseeseisPedealatetehlotro'haathe'akce:rpPices 1,15riaeth • Thene us"svx. tiTeIlt- Of Rotten.' ti..lerid Italy nut 4en de, evccliu g hunting, each. slid thouginfut eeellenews 11- -Is & warty eetelneelfs• s neglect sliffiinent in" in ft.. appearance iti. acelernee glintone, Jitr. Mullen aprevtous -importattows have„ ..d On'vet6 411 the ity'n' Pdising her hand ra- Ha 1 t and his sister Ilforia were noW m e - make a -different disposal- -of 'hint' The lye °- sit; I; ri;Irtliae t Kweng neekll" a'13 -1-t .1‘ 'ialtl!ing-japneitief5c‘lrft'avrb-seeer4lee°t'ingutdehaaa411. eraielaLece°4-°Cannut-' wait' 11°z:flan 43?.rataineenraild'all-Pisrussautem She spread there out with quick deft made -up his Mind religiously to obaerVe., huumnity thctixt_it of,:those who could , rth stionverymitura pane enn-engisi lot a no. eouet that . . .1-1611Thetr, 14'3fitYortitersbe; aeacvmheotWhi:Lroan:isees4eliollrht edYisistaeficearatkeasilutrw°°*tly VidlY (Peer esah -attic-141 of *Karat When 'freenuent visit:ere thehouse efDr Wynn.' . hee th t -t .beee • • . Oettoi-oilicialYaotraThigiella nille on. Offer they-ouog man. heard his father's rifler a • n: • t . _ • - . . h th & t h th she -came to the braided coa,tx itechaed ee„ ./.4-„,,e„eneo that this Wynn le •teaeicr -403. re/7aq a, , and 'fellow Chiiegaren. •Hwatees elson „,,-i.,,ititeeeeessevEi3rou inGiatBik.. no Ana, e a eraa on a e tat eri 3r,, , ont4;010730. 1 , go? , going tip w ere- the fa er. - eipthe coat. . a mere Villagenergeone ot on y sa E tee ' terned forthe welfare. of -Belginni. encountered a haul sabetancree She fusid ""'" me** ' h terse Ow e.g. P : • bri a tzedermixii: r 'ttius , nenheB e.o ttl ligancluisten Charatier ,graPh distiatthee. ' ware, to his horror found Mtn lying down Then ethical:off:ablated ow 0 patina:le ukelele .o oleos oneeeitieenit who have, en nementerce; elate speenet efleetiog ,yes. thaTiheCtilinjeter FOLfignak-:"eilt*S replied, 'a° • •ChiCugandel' be'aPP°111toa d threeolinintandi of the Freneli reserves nad quite dead -the. title bavinee Perm- ' &Viynclisain thetes torriettiligsevret into d-efeendant from ono o f the toyaltribes of , . .. , • - - teti . e it was neeeseery en ewar an to- - • - drooped ofte-ealtesiteleather bcolc-war- ancient Prince 'Inade.g, and-eatt- alai a feeader knelt • uothing / Of Caarse we air, th ' i s wail f .. rovi , e o mg an e . , . - -jh .1 ,-nte -,t-re .2%, 111, th0 11111314, WhOS0 . Jed NEB t9 ECG t emoted:, Ofe ' bossy will dart tonight for : rig ' ' • iit,' 4 e Uteri:rt. If any other coarse wasjsciz. ued n's very oast era _ an igen , mew a . . e lannara V•tt _ peete--en noreeso -Wee ee toe. number- who eproetteen to og.peoposen eesesen, donee 0 0 owing projectS o tlie ew we.re e - is • - - , small gilt locic. • Just _as the tiro -Were toothiest each tint' As ' cot his neighbotwee therein/1,44e ea j130 acquisition of 'trap" than the dise ' jogs ' ' . , . - list for swat nal Ilse ' t" to " *ti aeration of War. The elfoireteue opens a entire, neighbourhood. Ur. James was other wiiideting Sett3 thecoutents of tlibt - . .. . would were '/-tt isnot-erg hi !'; Cheap Orifielleaktr nt on ,tbe Gambia' to" the carried irk thoCorps IreeerWatif by ne'fi-to , , e y. a we, t mg 0,e, 0, neon en French, el, t to tereScintat_ et11)7 *A. 0 de011- 10-: ,F,trate ta._ teali the Guatele il,lobiltle in- eandete eede°t-ee sucee-veruriPlumetelli.: be, ;Lea -nein! an old sel..--11'ne., 45 16aV" 4 wife eta** iln7rs te e looks liPen ' tnesr ea mare' pley et plulanthrogneebut it shouldnot lab° he . cr b. , 1._ - _t ''' T II 11 hhe hnin't *take ehilde *Indio Walete-alt Welshmen. Are Is allIP mitt endeavor to Pred'eatituthenfrom been worn enougli ofeft, Gon knows, •to. .•r - fearihreads severed, *Pooket-boolt inliosseasieeoFthe seat the being done epee matter aboatoillich that p ;de food I Hi' - hOlil ft lOr tneralat 112t0p3Ste4 'BrPip,'-sh trade. do. so Iiennease-- telyeto eve Pruesia no time will lie nata‘d' Itarellal. -Of Frallee• tratea" throueh his head. ed and staiuea by salt teeter, elaeperl ter at - ble t'" '4 of lineal dela th t Leader de fed to aim Mc -"1 the,creoperatien_ of the Chamber- in their Th f g ' it m nt olfic '1 -copy !of the French de- occurrence bare cant quite Ts gloom ever the be could we Ion e .remeirt in the " tri to ae Yer to the l'rum400 Govern„ AS may be ituaghted, this, lamentable mese ve Listat 'casket, tho ola hotter, Griffiths,. intedlerc. Net t -kat bk den/ the make- its trutkling trrournsitiest eo "IT mini reel..eete. Ithas Mails Biitain the - • • ti . - 'knocked -et thecloor. enteeinnyonenneeeee, horeggrds them mindotic The folios; letter appear* otaftwiohnuLhaittth 'If ion pie**, Sir Wyeedimen -young 411 'Alit, lost h ter °rise tug the wee. . 1°siel 1401a/tura' was re- of War ancitlairtli' SO issue a, aemana ithit Seoate that the Deka eaa Grammont ana would beprejudi- . T -to b- +31s peteeseeen a forret of the seera-adept- a army ana ttxtee mail= in aid of the ern' 17 nod fa n- re • ag twOrke opalhe teorldit Wilt the ra givente the_ 4nr144 the/ *frie.rs- "bales 1° aPaak with the Sessegnaele.°u"rheIWI4ynne,Marinildhed-4' Inked frera tha- - ',"" ficent railt onrichedelittle yen. ptignant to se dente ded to marry tba danght SO SIse ° e glom, traniforeneileeht0 wastes of Gerinany • 'Tell hirn to wait, Grillithx-Nother,tet ..,:te;11.11.,;,„k aa„„,,,„„,,,, spnith an„,,,,„ut • Totstome, Juno lit, 187tle weibofitheitiehoeoutyr tirwoissimrk le:oitLisrhdateeedaftd.,tooni Sts, -Tho attention elif the Provincial. int° megnifieentitervestgel -414411"1;44 rrea°1 Re °Hit° ad tii" et Litee "44 theY 114'4' Secret:wilt:et been Arena to a discuseion has created Merchant rifleman& minion` esen41,0 linek the 144fath old 140°614 thaiitga lessetimaa thergthell via tlie VMS' on irethe newspapers respecting the -sates let the expense of the- ground -downs pPior iningotth lock to bon . daughters or peer 'ones. Coneereatlye ale oe osgetein Eerie, &lunatic oontaaa--- forcibly ignorantpoor, If 'cheep ,labon: is 10:Eit011ee, a* ,._.L , _la, _Sin of istolioorof tints:mashie, .2fetnesii; whilst the levees of thelsloydehadineresta in the Goierich Gaol, whoe es illestrathig a Uebonal hjesehe,,, neee le, je _gees the etleolr 'to °our - anilluneAteel °I lager/Ate* Polleles ; lititted io exteitte Xiralloitiog tip their "neijOil; the uritrathitanos of Aux *effete in Tio . , _ P • , : , - - ' .:-._t47.4..,40 ._ - . . ke" • -.1`• en, .„30 tWtheete nattra100de bac Yet been the enlistment ofsolunteers for the- term Last night 11, 'Router announced:to the ei settlers_ generally. _both loan zi fift zillion francs in- aid of tiortaformee him of the invasion of Frenoh !tree e%Ifecilitthe ate petition bee nay; The Emio3ror ,will leeve- ??n,s ettemY" had (Ivan e House Of -4.)onimons) Com. fet tile seat of war. The Pririce line destroying therailroad that newt, but proposedtrapnfer of Gambia Oriel -Will accompany him to the fiel,de lean naked precipitate -1r the Province of tiloselle-for the punpuse r as terc of a family, 'some- ' there. being quite noung (the youngest not yet two yeats ot agee'to mournhis sad eh untimely death. He was highly esteemed by all around, es a herd working -quiet, inoffensiveman. -..kpostinortem examination is teller) to i?e held. tonlaalSat. Ifith).-Gosa .1kiti2kreiries 3nn Dna._ ego WI. arrive en is, el / d th7 't Merit that Priieeiaioltroops 'have, meteeeo tr"rerilteo v1311.' Carnielbui 114.'t bee° 1121 terthe 'Beare- 0 - n that a Menionalto *time _ mount; osr, comir BEREDs.r.g, The Jooriial, Otlicle e tik• God - Inger neen &ppd.. e • • I - 1 ••• he'rannetedr- teeter ilow tlarou what deem a InleaktoocifTtelreliCe, •in the fimt Exeminattem 'at tho co. "zo 2:(0779;111t, tor school Tea moncluziontha Examaineetiou ledge •ohleho 121e in the ethers!. h :hag abilitiee the not give the tre enartutaity of die, ..and in a wen -well calculates:I .higher rttiCe-mt thelphooshlitithol a very -import -ma straining up -the rhatitonn,onane (lb ti Iliade rat itharainuptukcht.:123thelheLtrahit:hce ents OT la0t, is a rt 'Ling =mg. W (et°h2e47;:arttreteighAe' aSeafoeth ineplen eaumbering t 44 -wereein town and A gloat trambor f tee irfaieads eta Hotel; IlrmiTeatet tra-ote,vir..„,trausaatnneuel elsrazmiatneLntl- peoaid-- iheae:Ye 122 ien Lvl)e- etr?hlociliD delleered on the -tor. Rev.I.reErett dotzreor., WRy. f.t7ca,iili retble ceder, eredt •of Searece4h. i5 eolizearnel C7, ghohnreetnntelnent roloetleYettl"Itec'e.:1;yhe -.mar ifCs The 1-2T2 ref <ea een=:r--ary orzrzaara ,E•ovno by holding mow. thltitoogh the restrvfootue-121b.sovhatiTT: 6.a geed ettlee t kat the at title= a brethren aenk tef ItproAll'eolDIfeDcr,Mt,t. Squave, %Ohm tho .figain nod o ;pswCoroodsureir:::na:;:ylteizdl "'KwTepe're', lug grama, iztro a bi "brethren"- al4t.=2 leceIdetrCee tSubletzt Orangeiee eeendett oever 420 .0.thoUtt31.1Ftlit4waizaao. c4%ncivi.111 ememereei eangivo iOta d aOrleeee. Love, oyalty. 4rfral eet the irotltatien, . Ant &ranuand eekt zothezFe eelexy,:et,••ehea ersoo.% oda° Mel PgfiCES trima weeelie ;:eirytruti4et is76 136;itetee,a, cOrse-gewenhete reel nretkiogeoeinet tho apceeeIesreiely-reittiLinsrzone:11 retintneteeeas feat leteenetshittitiarh‘fevr. evenincellebretietdee eepeeple, the :men awh "%se ;er:iya,15tclra?,..s_ -.thew &live -Teem fre teivo yene reeecie at' Aoquenee, ska es=, lure. trhospeakee biettakeee tier evt greaKelltlyka7MIC fa7thtelly etatttee d1431.eitee.L5:11pipqtrztreietlaneric11121 onittee eepoLetc a to 4ia vcatarivao &hero is tee zee'lite Am& lie etabject $ -4167tith:74eryele-:et - Bro. Dresny x. ilt4e7t-e,t-z, 4111441"4.4...".,,Lre 7 - 1-11 CnetetL,,e,n The Connell reel eto;Oteerroeenteeree 412034 -mo in ta0 enectleet,hev'oear etOtelleateen sae ate .e.t"peantseme erolitanee _ :being veey ar,a 'wash rettntain MBE meira S :ucetaaTtnvitiall:milc.theazotosIfel-eiceortal: .earrzea. Moved by VirdriamEa), that VO. v, 47:,e Reeve s=1:-eo ..CxtoGereat:te Daniel Ma= °T. •,. e• ffetrbWri:tie.97;:ge': - neaCoaoelitell; DalcieviDa Thu 51cAll!=te. 0. •ArehDeereeae.7...: Niehelse leeee,:10 S.., 7,04eltutrae-:Wara:vicer:41E,41:1‘wr:::::30,7 tto John Howiene be!! ti-polied to Mrs Alit nrfeleeecceectme tfo; elog ;Ware a tan h nttatelQte ssfateetecennied. ems111111111k