HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-07-21, Page 1A le aood to the Greatest Possible turaber." 4 W.T. Zditor %ndProprietoi. The Greatest Possib D. 1C..9 T,TjU )VOLi Xxiii. A
2_00 _&'r .0XI? QV GODIMU1119 ONTARIO -i Of course- it was a pity, under the tl) ilaig pm�plq a
THE NEMESIS- this aying
GO-DElUCR 6119illess GRAPHS � I -A101 that it t4ok place. if it4lhid f1-luds 4d -U� theit
AT happened at aa otier timei iL.W,ould bave 4&VIGIN CHAWFM.QffAPTRR I.. hea#sj dwgea in b1_,V1c vtlrbt, --,-h
beett furaten in an bour;. 'The men Pau benemed her state, coeredivith iafiair D 6 z T11M TELSGR"a $ZIFSATIOIT FALSE, hardly -be blawed for it as -the temptation fie holas . win with Id"Itinny;uMd. Enen npr6n, as bv_zcemad bar ta2d�r gon- UfflflzmK QUO Per en, CABINET F ';3 Pon CONSijisTATION �p I I I I There y,�s a shl.p, ILL 139 AT HOM, Now Is YOU rl WUNCE. W A R11F, El 0 U S E, was eld ont to them. Plae denendon, W been =ted by the Snoth up o 11 o'clock, a. in. �very day. Will visit a almost any ALLEN. W t - -ients at an y1hour afterwards, rughl or day w49 From the pwiala270pandent f the Signal person in the a-,que position and the same ATx;on_Qs,,mAA, ism AuTuuw ftyaE readitm alowl �mmo of tho Pen&�tiaq h -t happen. A better lot of man 1toy-D, introduce him hning Psgims, rome as he e3teredA DANIEL G 14 ORDON, in fall' bud mowoork, July -12th.; 1&70� or more attentive totheiruties could not panoply, forhe would neverlave forgiveW him lo
C4A_]3TXn`JV Z4AA-K:UU a got- in- Canada—WS4 is my hon- --4vas haldetermined not to notice the re., bave bee me the oittissionof any of his 0�4 leg P 13.40-ly st 1-3 ince ut v -opinion. The only wrong has been, seated at his morning mel �one raw and UPHOLSTEREW cent fracas, on borad the '6 -Ifredb 130n. 0 .. T that,. -to my kao-.0ledge, this 'is the only stermydayinDogemberinthelittlebrealc-- -.4ower, w-hich had A1,110st ivslgiaed Z having read the ;tutrtithful sensational ho- irapai or breach of disciplin
WDERtCH. 11"TCIAX, SUP.GEOV. coioNmx. &C, Office Secure t1i4 Al�l) O' that ev4r fast-pal(w-4-fiisbrothees mansion, called functions, nov, under the impul5o of somo
P and 11--sidence third door east ofCewraiSchool. 49 �hadoW ere the couatsof xThat was alleged to have traw- hapj�ened in!the boa eitheX in the pre TartyraUt. motiou stronger than deantlh, Undertaker, &e.9 &c.9 'abserice -Qf str;;xi With re- Now, TanyraUt means 'under. the itself, Rubstanc� fades. pired on board, in ttLe Telegraph and Globe senoe or Ken driving back tbb IIAL.FDOZENFROM BACKNFGATIVIS AS now -on baud a gard. to auchotini in the river it was im- Although dose to the sea -shore', the diffs from thoeyes, �qicHirw the flutt*Xirgi va heart tq.t*,o.a -gew zwore bents el lifo. large stock of -and other papers, <these acco 1
CVVTI.ALTEC0LLrG11PRTS1C`tANS AND SM M 51 cents, postageTree. One dozen from ttnts��'hay'ng peratLvelypecessalry as the rivet cannot be which shelter the mansion from the east Al
GUOX& C. 0. Restienee, the house formerly been me es as
back negative 87 cents, postage free, to any FUNITURE fommented vfou.n so jIPtAkc uavigated by night without grpat danger. Windsardnat now`x6a-diffs. The-honse W44 47OPa'n N74ozW4 tv his W -
Ir =_es zecapied by 11r. J. F., C. naidan, Elffiu Street e I En. if bulej I flijilk it but just to ttLq PaPties to boat and pssengerg. Every hing, 6tarxds ADn the s�L address. every vxtiety, whitli n�mit of -4 wao4ed mwLnt,' side eannotfalltanommP4 xharge4 with the indis*tio which. slopes do.wn nearlyto t4e:kea-leml; glass ISOMO ZWOrat
a that the that..cotild be done was done by capts -, Q e favor of a3l. In want with ive C, (of 31frGill College) D3PardeularAttenffou paid to COPY -i, who may facts of the case should be known :as they Fraser and Thomson to make the passen- I but a - long rauge 91 xa-ativ - atrfaea and ed it to the Ups of ter lord, and ha
�f furniture -a comfortable; -all the - berths in cabin broken lifflocks atuat he crossed ere on. BPOke � "IVY John, I Want a17 J"hn,J1h9
�DMSTCTANI.S�URGROI;,&c.. Office, over his Drug ing old Ambrotype,% favor him with ai v1sit, E!el
SWI02 Prices to Suit the Times I whether in or occurred. The account ia hose p�uexs is ch L tore. Goderich, Ontario. to iud en'Cline room being given up to them. reach thefringre of the * ver -sounding sei. AMV1Y1b_- —speak to Ine.one W0_Td09&-. For ei cher large or small plaotograpits. �e .4D V price, s= vidently got up froto a few items'fur-uish- The boat being put under way ar, dayligght The cli% beldud the house rise precipit6as- givenes%.' J. F. Danters, M* 0. ubscriber in re.turning thanks for the liberal -Bureaus. WoodChairs, CaneChairs, ed by some oft�Le parties on board'to the and the dy'sal IRS table URGEON, ACCOUCHICUR, Horruzovath. Photoraphs redaced to $1.00 per Dor., age heretofor. extendeA to 11:1111, Bedstead 84-fas 1�6unges passengers landod #11 �ell. ne lr,��red fee,+ ; and from tl)dtr "Call Yolxr , Ldy. e Such iiij� Tables, Book6ses, cupboa;4 xeporler., but are not true qitUr i All in- stateme;Lt th&tevery mgku and officer was suitimit's stretches &�broafl tract of table At ip to the nurse. pa'ron
ust 4 sPhysician, and Afedical Elo-cineian. OR 750tA. PZIL XEALF DOZFJ(. would Say that he has made Extension Table hairs, Rockilig Ch*s drdak md incapablq of discharging their land., -formed of not u"dly pastures and "No ; not him -not Dow: Jolan I war. D Examinw-, Physiekin olfthe Atlantic Mutual Insur t a.con- chifflZaTs. cideA p9sd Of auties is entirely -untrue- Every mao AiAd Ann � le Speak to ine, ear son of ety yout1b
provements in his gallery as will meri -Wardroes, . a`iI8'!_d.Yb'.h.,,ds . t . or tiniq. A partv com ICompan of Ubany. . Y. Large Photograph Redueed in tinuance of the same. Wuh Stands, KltuhenTNles, Stands. Americavt and British ofters together with officer -did.dischargetheirAutizamiMb �Wab 01nee and Residence Park st, St. David's - Sea Grasa Mattresses, wool do FMoss do Y-4117 li.eyon.l V.Z tealr -09 Bair do, and 4 BY5 differeut. kinds Spring Mattresselt Be gn-mly the M0 a Ward,Godench. Xroportion. a number of resideuts from 4each s othiu� di-onk woula heights -of Brinodi, the great and small A Casl t Mwsziniitea t% , vit
V3', A Great Reduction 911 T* -say that themwO n Z4. B.- Keeps always on hand a large a*sortment of
i �=bl.eflt and Rosemead 31ouldbig-riames, square the Irau. *I' ii=4 the ',p2jwe_be absued-but tile �oberest meft on board and between there lies a W&jrners of' face, and the all fien ra',fir (4 .0 Also rvill make the largest Photographs made-in4oderl It, embarked h ich.verycheap. Porcelain p1ctUre8ftm—;w&; Larg Phatograpbs. e on the shortest notice. were the-officerp of A�e ship who were per- splintered rock, of dashing stream ; whilst; anser hi,3,apeal. The flash of light aitno
upwardsat 'QUES Alfred on an e-scuraon to the Bruce Wnes, feady,capable of dis through thewindowitnd 4 Vtmea dear tit
F,. Lo JOHNSON. Hwitginside smqg�iMagts with JA(, dwging all the duties here and there the deep black WA,era of
%taucheslerC. W. Photograph Ga4U;7. Goderich. Oct. 26. 1869.. -44tf. !1AY, Toronto, can furnish auyttir4� here or I believe by invitation from Capt. ThIn' deirZlvint., on them. � I I -, where Uenellsm . . I I the mountain tarns are set lijw magic mir- the Octagon Room
February wsvr Goderich. Oct. loth. 186D. at their- Wareroome in Toronto. i son. 1tw-7sori yintendedonly to go as i and, through a rif-I in-ilie Fitall i - rory in tile 4f the hill& I
ornplete assortment of far as Garden River. But the day� b tch of zzug4ng -Z:I- Has always a c eiug CHUROR BE-OPENI*G fa, ciag to the south and vva there 17aS visible a stre
W-AltTED Co&s& Shroads ip kbe,Latest le. fine and - the river breeze exhilaratin, a or Go�zuwm nd w e*U sheltered from the north and east and a black masm drifting helples5r DO
AND GENRUAL 7ROGRESS Y ba" Editor Signal. is a very oasis of, warmth, fertility, and the wind. N E E -T IGENTS V6 number of the most pro-mitient �f the a E
SIJRGEON DENTIST. W CA B1 N. L Msog HzAns I ES to bireq On Sunday last the Cathol.ie Church cultivation. About it grow the rhododen- 'Afthur-dcclt Rooms over �he Post Office, West Street, AN D agers including the officer passe in, com- here, which through rgies of its dron in great�rw_ e;fu&da as a �&hrub, Our To Bell the Revised EffltieA of the ene C!YLeEL3P FOR mand of the American fort, prevai�ed -and the claster-, Athur tk,�ea 4��a lrt tvw I V4 w45-tf UPROLSTERI i0p o-padia ..present Pastor the Rer. B. Boubat, has �he a!butus and myrtle,
November 2-1 tb. 1969. Qambe.-Os Eneyel goderleb, Febr' eaftation' ng vine. From the window of tbereak- cOuldu'i ViAcll the last Struggle Df all : Ito
I L I uary tat, Igo. WEST STIEBET the commander to e.ha%e the rlatelybeen materially ealargAl was ze-
CZ _-Z-2 U LI, trVL T�OWIR. re-issae of I M -_with :to Bruce Mines, which was accordingly Bisb6p of faat-parlour arevigible a. widestretchof tried topray,but onlythepmver ofhi$ opened by His Lordshtp. the _kRFtI1q= AND lita, ildhood camointo his mind-aUth4
AND AT'rORVEVAT-L,XW, K OF 190,NTREAL) London, 2asisted by'tg'Rev., Dean ff,r- ocean -.and sky, and the mou ms of cht BSa,1;�;zr_in-C1mncerr. County Crown AttorneY9 OFFOSITE BAN Aoue. As is usual on such occas�pvp % th a. W,�a leftof it it b�lt, .19 4Godarich, CaaadaWest. Offiace in Court House. v,14n4O FAaPS,: PLATES9 IsANID, phy of IriBWwn, Father Kilroy St. RaOrl0m, UendiPg IV, Out into Osc Fni, - one .0 GODERICHo reat deal f eatables -avAdri4able$1 'w, as Mary's, FAAer White, of Londop., Father They would be -visible, that is, on an or- -_n -3 Cn tte B_-� . i 1 .7- - I ENGRAVINGS, MV4Y, it had tome XQ:QLV% -1y ret, I ibrou me of. vo�bato diu Pr AY M eat rl�, j'. gh� on bgArd bythe guests; �po Gerard., Qj Luoau, aAid Father. gy morning, iur on this particid d C� nd - fr-, t3 I 4?ray
�e s(b a I
00 but mast and peatea -a :the Zold, -?� it; -w
-rfawsp --nymqem &c., triv!eri to -UXs 3harlesworth, who'has ah��j� been thexe is nothing tobe seen
RIM. it, CO�, ERIC MeKAY9 hich was coneumed " board qr, 4C BEIngston st., Goderleb. Out.. w49 q3O BE COMPLETE D IT TEN VOLUMES OF 932 distin4nislied lorber urban' -rapour, =4 a howlijAggplefriini the south- God MOS'S MV dear brother, * and 115
13 RES CTFULLY AN- IJL paes each nlustraUld with about four thous-� the met. We passed through the n.i..agni,- ity art.4 gener- both into his
uounee that he has opened a accomplihments, kin(Ry aouseqted to west is tattling thocasaxnents interm�dent ineray, Jor Tesua cavarelmori. RD C4-avrovv. and Engrar,ings and forty Maps together withaseries; al . . 6centiver scenery from the Sau be 4raws his . Bak
new shop In the above line, on West treet, opposite of train eighly to one bapdred 'elegantly eagrared It W the 7 t-, J:�ARRTSTSRS, SOLICITORS IN CHA'XCERY, the Bank of.Moutreal.,wbere be will. keep constantly Plate$. I tj c lend her talented seiviois, 4 the ly. Tile enerff�hudders e ; amen." And when he -turnel4
Ilu. V of the subjects of Naturat Histev" Bruce Afines at. a rapid rate. Thenal diairel�4eto the fire, and �ffimhesveatz,'! headagr?in, 1 cej &In,-4ton street, Goderich. on hand or make to order now for the first time appearing in the work, ver organ, for the occasion. I here was ayery aT. T. GAnROVV� 13>LOCIR CUEr taking a meandering ourse through large attendance, the church being uncoin- a;td xecedes, as a bqrope *ddy, whirlizg &c in driyeoa puffof black. a gan V�
ceFURY9URE OF ALL XM ALSO LIPPINCOTT's d iqlW4is i�ovewdith� lu fortably crqwde4, ;�he,Aeretnog th� Again th )Hed CiratA
assortment of Upbolst ters of rocks a . .4-- . j#8 of the smoke.ii�� wans�oYt ofTauyrallt. It VEY-AT_LAwseLicnoR I.NCHAZYCBRY hand an crius day began at ten o'clock a. in. ud, con- the room- He riugshe beR TTOP- g- *rdera urlaut herbage. The banks of the ti�u at himself be- Notary Pubtlic, Convevancer, &c., &c., Goderich. Street, third in that line. Sale. V�nL, (yjc�, on the south side OfWest he will be prepared to fill promptlyall Pronouncing D.ictionary and,being high and mountainous; wiJ4 e�4.411 nearly one ci'dociL p. nL-After liercely, and then swears signallrom . thefat ra It ' - - the sqregiony of blessing the Church was cause he forgot his dek brother's irriltated ito, Idoorfrom Coart-House Square. XV49 B:3- A quAntity of Gilt and Rosswood Mouldings on or Biography and Mythology. Containing memoirs, a At but no emiti d I ofeminentpersous of all agesand countries. andac- .9 cquqjuded His Lordship, the Bisho,,ex- nerves. n. -A MAV.E VEsu VEw* hand. nuts of the various subjects of the Norse. Hindo o -of the - soil visible from -the bop. "or by bis
6R m! -Cs, !tr AD No Do= EUMB xormr B �h plaipedini fe words the nature and The geveral"s man, an old a
1sa--te 1P. 'ronits. d Classic Mythologies, wfth the prononciallon ot IkAqi'g .�ppare.utiy for no d,
an cleari4gs n
_�e_ 1:7M q -d Fictue Framing to Order, origin of the ceremon:,. High -mass v,a&-Xkeai4nj, answers the 4369, ftm _tTTOP.W..7-AC-LAW� SOLICITOR. their names in the different languages in witich they purpoke thau to supply the passing r, tPagl then sung by the Rev. I ather Gerard. The "Parker can nothing be 4one 0 occur, wit h -a numbe.- of,4her netv and highly popm- in Cbmacer, &e�, Goderich. Ontario. Office- let attention to basiuss*to lbp L�,VTTan SW77 M1171itetrtists by str larworks. These works are sold only ty agW4.'_-. (rzssels viiih fliel. Whetherhe 4nd is 4t Sermon oUtihe morning was preabbei b this c0nio`x`inde4 smokeF -q &iuk *e -M f2mle -011 we can, W- 2%,
rabWa blo,-k. Kingston street , 0 mer a share of public patronage. y cr co Lir. ViduiKe Largest eommiss! in allowed to Agents, forcultiva4ou or not;, I a' n * -not 'in a j�sf_ w44�tr the Rev. Father Whit' W ro*qr suggeaw a xLe'vtTap -.Us one gams I lia 91r, 'AMthur t-9 wzjua
JiGoderich. Nov. Ks. IS69 Forqri.tculars enclose ua4prd address e. Thesubject as sl R V. itth Holy sacrifice of the Maw" -aud %,as .30 with4c4u* OffOrUs E - 4 -the 'P4 (12 tioti to say, but jud&ug, fror4 the appbar the c, imney-, N
]Doyle A-, squ2er, R V. J. BRO"', to Va
C2. ;1 k t@g - Apr.[SrZX--� AN -D A7rOR-Tl`ES, SOLICITORS— 109p4ou. Ont. all lb E-4 L 0 .0 ancei of the foliage on either bank: of the li�jdlQdju-a vl_-,ry able in j ijece,.4nd master ana man stiriey the d B in-chastzery, &c. Godertch. 00. -General Ageubfor Opt - pw _hAt sidle him On the sew4exo. Tbp -aiau was IU WOVId , , tier by t I "Y: ientlenjAiiLfll� lo iawus forcible arld in- vice with complacent looks. But a heavier obbin
gi T E. EIOVLF- Z ver, which is very profuse�� 8V6 W_ (L Sourm &A. of the cipiWoq id 'Oust bf wind drives ImOke and fiame, liud ztrau it.was. And I *am. further telf1gible ; hi's volce ar a*d diadnct*ax Nod Wablishmat in Town, to that before many years this section' of-th Ia. W. nowspaper,foks and 'E- r 4 lvmquage choice and fitteat. The get. iz � citing wag preach 'Yes, indeed, Sir rthur, v ISISH I N -D I 00 R E-1 0 1>4 -i Couutry willl�e oequpied qj�.han Jn 4vdt&,r 'covering the kwakfiu
m(. - n of theE ed by the roomi ous agricultural population. Thenavigi- Rev. p ather Kilroy. Thfis entleman's. re- blad�, suRyin theseoo fello" diftt f0i 40 Vukii
a= m4hopurity ofhe general'
uis tion of the river is here-Vgxy
putation as anrator' so well established P.mt PPtles an& causing him to 90, wily, they =W�� wAea out larp FACTORY* watqrbeixig shallow. in alany place4 full that it is unnecessary for me to do mor-, into a paroxysm of spiechleasrne. -Bttf� fijj6(j.P 0 -fierce roar of'the vftd
Q - , cif rocks, and insugicieuxly buoyod-the than mention his name'. hark 1 above the ?t ten that, WHRame. IM, 0-
13. The 4ubjedchoz- 'They could,
course -uf the boat 'being altered iilrtost I nHAN-M= AND Lk%V OFFIC13. CRATITS's 351Y 'PRE undemigned finvipgpure 4 . - I t . en b there fises a lOuder roar, rattling the win- mastvr thonght ho was r1gbt in tating to
hasek the y. ,bimmas. lh0ViVu Mary,'.Vd was 'd theidden #aps�- dee,:,�ia in his ueersu the'boatsz 110e"o 4 actorvowned,,nndoc., minute to avoi dows, shaking, the cups and sa bntldin- in- every �ual eLoquent and im 3, F sion� Street Goderich. �u gr After a mome *0 is pressive manner. ;6&so, Z#4,go, B_ -Conveyaneinc, Money tent on�rewtonable. cupied by Donald Cumming, are now prepared The mystery to me is how the -cour- breaK fast -table, and, o'rew; Ad
�11 tVQ3. Aro= 110 & jDj4pate-esaj detective inies to real estate remon MiRTIN AMAMI to carry on the business ot manufacturing mrdp Qut &A all. Although I have b�ela - Y throtig! Ve
Thee iont *ft� ate grand. Goderich, Ree. 24 28GO. sw34 b; kv�r sWveral times 1 4ii- t r,d D EGS TO I NFORM HIS OLD CUSTOM ERIS up and downt -the, 'echoes from th% AWi�. 'NO, ind&ff, Sir ATftuv. ttatwaFOtll'
b, tit t e Sash, DoQrs,, Blinds, most imposing, I eivrhad 41, Y -that he is till able to sell for cas not recognise man parts of it. The 4if-
pleasure of witnessing in Godeficli. The &�,�V;s a gilal' cried the general, wondorInIthat all thope vreatstron",jmM Aranin a est rates, Xouldings.,Flooring, i tia ,e how that sound 'trarieformea 'shouia be 10, and � ow ficulty ii still greater in a vew Ppest
7 P. F. WXLxETt,1_8A.ta=tr!i.3%Lh music. Was Excelle#� -A%LW�m qf OP 41=. Coaveyaneer,Yot=7 Public, &c. ILL KINDS OF FURNITURE.� Sidin. as mudA water as the Prince A ljra-�he difficult, kind. the �Wter and his ma, 1 The peeirlsh children washed gshorp alivjl� 1 use, Goder. Adore V 'The strong moo, is%= OMce of ths Clerk of the Pe3ce, Court No utmost care and skill being required. to. 4 Eidirgenient the church was discont6nt of the mastees eye, the easy
Street, oppositw the and all kinds of th ant=iQ At his shop on Kingston avoidaccident. Atapoint.about-16amiles- oply 46 by 50 feet ; it is now 461pr_,.96 feet, sensualism. 6f,bis mouth, gaTO F*8 in4w for J� fe overea
-4,4r lives, and a , me K;n4
Huron Hotel, Godericti. Uivebam aeftli- 1, IF, -W 400 ]a 1c, i instant to the bright dec _ifitdren, liht a bate of goads, wgpp
awllvi,37. isionof -domulatid, 'the
3race with an iftlimen
parl__ea Era__q. P-0 Godericb. Oct.$. 1868. and otherwise 'very materially- improved such ti Circle and Outtive Sash and Frames tionable name, you, pass through clusters Ir. inappearance, Itnow,looks the fiim lines of war!�*p pqm��! whe,�Iap" -Xaaedashom.�,
-T of rocks divided into innu -to m6h bet- ia ooa fodh. tho WIMZM-s�
GB% POP. qTRATFORD AGRICULTURAL They think from their experience in Pactory Aba.va 1he 3 merable chatin Is ter advau tage besidelhe,Pa�toral resf,dence, firom . the smooth, 14011 4 st UIL Awarks, (,ro�jffph shar ATIAN P. 19ILMMS give satisfaction to all who L. 6i, alert and.self-possessed, 'Fair lay fc, 4naW
man, proprietor). Residence, one of which the boat has to pass tbrouLb easoidf ze�el apleld It -'ad. may favor them vrith a call. which oy -tlie, way, is, I believe as substau- Praeti$ C-) SAN TOB SfiCo. You could not conjecture on sailing tial and wall,finished ae.-building as, there the liolit of battle s4ining in his ieye. that-m-totin CIGAR MID wards them which was to be the passage _4 ihich Preceded the roar -�But wasn't he a kind goad rmwa ,who tica r 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter - :-is, of the kind, iu the Diocese and, while 46.;49 -su .0-0- earsuce the � aiii, they fler this warlike those hfe-bupys to the 2ittle bb on, n
RRISTE .xTTORXEY, SOLICITOR, ft.,&C. _0 until you approach, to all4p referring io'these1mprovpmeuts4 iiiav'add 6f the un R"Chmon, Oat. W35 0 Floorine on hand. unlikhtiest of thent'all, paasigg so close- to A outsiders, chano Ziathen, ogoeR�6i were -Amply never j MONEY TO LEND. 0 -1 forthegeneral inforia%tio4 4 JAS BUCHANANY.' I RICHAD PIKE41 the rocks, that, if so inclined Von might jhat these ure' I &6,91d j,?ur a t his iN .n ,, t,,a n a th e tj:je was a only two among the'ver' fellov7, D&Vl;) LAWSON Manufacturer of and dealerin. �.Jumy upon terra firma -there not being., �maay im . - ' * Y� rog,ompiats, wiii�h G'4?aerieh can the 0ext" 44iu- off fib oin for two vessels to pass each other.' -Qf,Ktely. �t is admitted by all wit') i 'Ahip in #istress --eh, raricer I' said the y6n WK. ROBIX8UN boast it wc-5 likellt Avf�t&o
'ZAL ESTATE AD INTSURVCE AGE gener IGet my ouat and overalls obildrees fathor ; j7ou know wjmt it -fa
I have been informed that many accidents hve f C I G A Ift S; -r bad opportuuitte� o U.,ing C* arcade Buildin Y -tve occurred here. A is impossible 0 Goderich has improved w §tautially, as - must g? down to the beech.' iIt. 'describe the beauty of the at th 5 entered then a lopg Zmy l3th w43 i1AS JUST REC= OD A LARGE AND much as, if not more tlr946 81XV,Ahex Town Thf-re childt6n '10) *ry
t. 4 4. the same popul4tion I'la'Ontario, with' reverently, and AV at in ier Arthur, tw� L FREDIERICK, It must be,seen to be appreciated. cl�aixi blwX. 09 boweA
GLO S� - Plug. Fine Outghewing rocks rise one from another in mag 'Has A99ORTMENT OF Ti� the last two years -Our Salt ManufactoriesAgiaid PZ 4
I - - � ficent proportions falling t9-wWs, he -jien d t ly -a fasf; he would see you once more ere Ki an cad- re jM BlypIELD, Count -7 of Consisong in part of Westof Engl � d Er Shioking Tobacco. ii out, ed destined to inalee Wonl&4 yr -n Me A0 *Go Che Pon? jL,j tjaron� sates in v9lage or country panetually at- eloths, seavers, Whitneys, Bearskin$, the mainland on all ide-s, 86111cofth departs.'. ein large and prosperous Towd of Godeirich. tlethinggilriald wlfliuple" 4T4
�covered with n,+
ansoc�-Xe uy Ebe-r-CT*. �eaded to. w9_1yrS English. Scotch,and Freacti TWteds'Cashmerest j, ILI forming groups of islands soul I is it oompto this 2 -Doiskin.ap -and a� Vayiety of Canadian Uloths; Our population *has increased already trom. -Uod -Dle$'; My my r-ottage E'lain, Satin, and Flowered -Ves EVERY DESCRIPTION OF vegetation -while on others but a solitary three to four -hundred since we, began to -Parkek, stir up someof thnselan4WIio ungiss Shirts, ?I 1,. 73,. EXaMi2n, tree of stunted -growth is to be seen. On anufacture.s LAND Dioves, Caps. &6-j &c. in alt, and there is still to 4e- are guzzling.416 iz t-U,kitchen, I fancy, d the gd%zool buildinp, whicit
ImInL r 9MVEYOU, Pllpes& Q,md3ker0Fa 0 cieboiside is the high land with the trees , - n.1,
MN_ IN. P. A" I - licy Goo mand, here, f9r-mecbaaics,. 104rponiters,,. =4 _peiid them down to flia beech; and stood on a wasto pleee ofland fqnczy
ons, He feels conildeia of pvwg satisfaction to a Ii Agentaud cenvesneer. mucardine- who mity favorWia with their orders. �ete. , to., reaching to the summit, except in p niakers. upallthe rapethere isabout th,�
laces' blacksniiths, carnage Painters, 4 look S where the rock crops outwithout soil-:-' �o ouse. I'llse6my brother, aut[th6uloll. C opers and'othermeebanics, arenowso. It And in the ventre -t3ie maskFt Zwd� #ize
'UR CASU. TWEED ST-TITS(all wQol)$12 andupwiaras. WATCHMAER. MLEl�. these ojen. paces 0varsify the scene.-- comedown and-takehe command.' rlacid pressWiin all sides --'not to laa eano 2 FREDEPUOK ARMSTRONG, THE BESIBRANDS y MA�ing window's of it lookea over 040 lue and
iothees bu�- IY48�=$ GODERIOH9 This taken Ax connection with the a:
=1 twa .. 4hat 'it is kviW 71ke geWal fQ31owed his b Y. B.-Catting done to Wrtr.-iag of aU the abovename� azKzqle; always 'On' ter which y4u. can f91190 i of the when the -tidowas Mgt ud 1V6 eca ru, MMA
it till 116 V=l k aT-4 'th. 1866 qxpau�e of wa, oomp I'm -eat gto, et t. em.to o woma 3 Ole suray won1d dash in showers oaminst LAIND AGITINT, VALUIRRI Godaritlat Sent To �d' 0 an octagor, vat a tfiropoi, besido'paying in will for, it. I sg'Near the Post,Qfilm.v ha.& h the eye into every openii�iv entexid I. room, the its walls of L�
tho,rocks�and islands, ;ad far.u'PA4e main' the ime, 9f fl, Coopers, whose -nninhers aAonisbed our 0wei which 1:wmea 1 bd" the tue D, _bays.or creeks all form & scene, " Town, on the occasion � to' which I tefen the man tile hiss TOFARMERS AND OTHERS.� SUPPLE'S 'OLD STA -N land oli sio#. Throi o(Ahe' i14es the' A PAS,jonal T-Pupg,;a -�),V M401N 19-V IV<:> rlllmxjlk� "EGS MOST R135PECTFULLY T9 RETURX HIS XA3�KF,,T SQUARE. which to the lover of xtatur� must gi Y -h th� room __er6pieried szra-�t, Geerfepk MHE HAS LARGE SUM$ OF " slun.cre. thanks to the i6ople of Goderich aTtd'--. vro un- struck for wages and ma-rched tbrotig Wi & tandej Credit Q w �na Iviniawgi y and the Im- vioiDity for theit liberal patronage during the Pas 9 swiSI-3m limited dnjoymeut. (kw-evklj ing a wide prospect over p" and lanA Agmt for the C2n% L ranney belonging to private parties, as well is 00aerielt, Ap* Ist. 1870-c d, To 'n in -a bodl. 11he lucrea�e q�jtea - for vr,43� perial Btfilding. Savin'p, amd ravestlfi=t Co. CompX904 for years, an -1 now -tbxt tho holiday seitsou-Iias arrived greasing. Imayaddbeforegoineiinwith' was given them,at onem, audfafter,:a�e - 0vo were coveied by 'bookc -b IMPT witb.all its soMal eiijoyments atid, amenittest,lie *gTtld 0d
ffr(,yanlS, - &101iq 8-Y ,r4cb T,4D_A_W my narradve� on one of the most beautital �jjied books ; and the other sides -wers 43cpapied the schoja;wbuis vife, fat y thebc& ! 40 ^1r toga jolq-.day together, they, reA $I I otherwise ofarmut ed in -46 1 � � state that all who wfsli to �urchwejeweqfor'pres
93VL1 I %S . scenery by fireplacesaj;id t. a fteilal dud -wde.'WaM _P spots 4 - this. fascinating 'fbeir labors �witb renewid eftrgy,. jy9 oo slip At Reduced Rates, on r 0Q41a ZC#tW- Crown Land Patents tal-en out. 4)"- RateDf hterest fromi $to 10percent wUld do welt to buy from blin at ratcS comparatively iiain cams formed, their wigwams $,p,sea �'autyu foreign Standina hstl 16 &B, pollected. che*er than that asked for Wortltleaa trash�. 9 _tj I Ind per animm. payable halt yearfy or h tbe being romaitti6ally'placed in a valley form-. -SA.t ihe d6m f6r, salt here . has -been. 'into th� braze, ritoo(fa ioung man ofbout t1flngs 11 sr�xl Inr Ar,,+,bnYj eaIend d.- Fal T. top I ed b Godailab- O&_ lst� 180. XW4-tf option of paying the mortgage (any tint=r-th All JeWafly Sold for Gold Warrante M two projecting clusters (if rocks from 'gja�t�r aitfu the ou twerity-pne' year#, of shortimil ark turning awa. bo for-piga.
Ice or of paying pplyp The
f a yens) bygiving three mouths nott -land. - Tie Indmns W" ih"v-- 11i4 told, abou t,' thousa �mla Or- brp rs, nd yet _Vki *Iww-t *1 *4
in any sun%-. of WOU or over on amount or prlucip4 done in the beat dle 9C sar Penods t I xtendfir; fjout lx%ivea to IV, the, main n _�ual b sud naiToi-aaaked, witi). Interept being chax-gable; on the b,;i1mea ;)uly. �ut Se �uppli- low forehead beady oyeB, Be -payable In ]Kdntb -i. and sparkling
by ga. ty, squaws -and papooj�_18 to the' llufnhar��t mi�� tiila�u .1 ii ji.re .1 young Cymry.l Ths�xnbscriber also leadi'moneyrepayable W=ePZplw NO -Yearly or Yearly Initiameots, by thel about twenty, having clinibea 6 ilie, ium� short cHip, `hali. et W 1 fresh #V, fcoi�iu iideed, Sir tj h
I.�AC PREDEPrCK. �or_ era, At ttr, what 11 + e t 0 iv our o urse -a very ta 4� r** Aqat* The ljimi� gupply 'her& -&Zah' is only. moustwhe Z Oil 44i, you zould "-ak & -mit of th 06derich.Dee.20th 1862. bnpkial- Ill n -S b_jrAZ a s't Co. Aie stream ��(j ixiseW hoj� thij *,ts;et tjj�t would., sityj and in your mind eye could_ Mteia it wastet fik 09 -nod W01.514 I'll
RICKARMSTItnNG, temp ftogotixp, Ag, -a forthe CanadaLauded C�re=Coiap th after,(inr -dout his panoply, in est -Company- Retifiiiiiq, to, 0 eicuigouists welli here, ai-64xchanging the picture, him. a breoch �sojpe- of #e. Ad the gene�af, lis i;fmanu actun
&T�4 ap it Strcet� Goderfoli, W Arough scenery deseff r this war-paintof bl.U6 Wbad, leaPing jieiclY Iiiiing", for a momeut, au4 howing, thq
"o offiee over J. C. DetlotCes stor% newer aid mioiWiiiiiroved mbaes-; and at' 6 he -is � the liek, gleani of &m white tev-+,L alt Well ;I bed abo� 'ng by kettles. fo
ar to A LEV80y, wl2tf adf his tribe,aw
W09111116' a ' wider expanse ofwate Z6,iiiuueato the bruvabliqes This also fields of -Cheshire, intentun, V4 nd nently obliged, toxtispend opera- der 401i Ai X P. w1jag to the 01- tious f I �w a short time.. Oub -ol tbaistRing- troiably i=ky 1istaie 9t the c�uittrj very;, 39ityarth 4%p W pactio & JOHN GORDON,,ESQ, fs; of the prosperity r4'r';eliv� . una see tbe a Vity tojocig
OR WOK A0. a, f our Town is - I
0M_ M1901(g. �Iiejefatioxxiv'v-isible. 'Wearrivedat 116,;-1101wo poyd, kAgWA
littil am
Lug T N �.he Mines all ' Ia. IL P. elf, ille Pau n t'iu Or of �v houses bera *.to day T ley went it is �not intimT03 a* -line, GdN &Mackay, �Alow�d.otlp li,our f& tiqe �what J� G.-HARPE-11, Em.,313paser'Wimbants'Bank. easy -matter to, -find qua'; and niany �as,Vjndhata. tj rned ro a -.IORNTURx9R Esq.'. Messrsiffessions, Turner &Co. pu 4 new 08 46� c beo disus,
3@Stft1bUS1LeC1 ]LIF E1W OVA L-0 i�eu there. '104pb Vira,ser bdil& , have In incr 'entered, ifidscauxteA P AT ONCE JOHN FISKEN, Eiv Vim in niN '1110. ts reptitation Aa V. Fiken & Co. h that lie mQ jan eagel t1lat fl -Youth of Aber. - AVWiama igrely t4Y tho
e tilue pothaf, e mijfi
NOAA BABXHART, Ti�Z. erebalat, i fKV43fessrs V"ftal& a le to navigate the vessel back to the: worse. I he,ar, YV�N'_ttid -the AMVA. WALLA(% lyraga & sumtner rt-Scoolhealthyaod plea�ant tL
W d�Tawii oftton tver D V. *es�n I rvr every Wbd- -do - Afteiaboutorle hour 3 f 4aul� �by iylight. 'Wateft lace, tb �u,, him0dii4ly by the and. WATOMAKER I three- he - during a �hof iiiimper general,, " Sir Attlinroast acareless look qyp? them
n6' Wyn odded. Heil seen manya -tow ofBtntlt GbAws im
AID we nl� 'wants to see m
on Pro ixnf� �: auc 4narters had e*,pqj4 audt'
PATENrEYA-PDXAT seve;�l m6ikt1iW;1s - . ighistle had be6iiRwn Pte -rts iioe ND SEWELE.U. PIATrs the vi 0; d �u inhis 4p6y laid out for a bacial ill 4.4
Weand r��Ptreturns made IGVARbY 11blYLTD141, E from -tile most pa have isitors I Farm toek and otherSalespanatu A*(4d. IZCRLT�� Y & T"�hflr P.m. - ap ain Aupoaing the"who State a t e of the guests bo�rd, trdired ths b-ow'line-to be imel-eng bere froniAla-
'04toti0otti P�atha co"Y;V to ba on r 1 0 3EL have plpa�sur ha 'Ban Bok of Oqnaia. let irb-ir vina 'bifiiq ��ff jand the vee- 1$jr Arthur entereel the be&oom. IV W.. cad _%�UUOIiiiigllOdig lookiig Io the nortk f4w b 9 api,, with two Vizidowj0' .0
crua. bat'. go. bama,-from. new. Orleans, -from Chi roui O�Z�Aeln7 i on dy St6re lately ana- 84 �66 swung ,;er was a I tow ro L _YV
j�the "it i6ittift'll -mlho& sel's blead iurbed t6ses . Detioit, Cleavelap r ax . -o 1R, -
Foaff",wiiiestat auk 34 friends and repared W -the d� Saginam id wm
to Ir
w451. . u. Cony a -kreiduced0the vei"v� ;�$St the -i ad of upon 4 bleak LT, t t
voted RAteif, Agent ai 66derte o- Th -4, was and g;; isup" with hleh they bave d igat itnove biia. But, R his eyes reste;l inu CL� q lure viem ths - FURNISH -,Nbx I w I ex -'FREWX-AVXAT3i0NG, *Mrf' he saw a iiiiiiibe -,6*, g doj�r tfL.@ dr himforthalwA26 ye*i#VAbeV to- parts bf aii is a sp en t inom -itf the 'houv, b.Vfi it had =4 h= -1C-4 la - atpreseub -6rn pliterpris-
it 5"'a -WIlitf been fi�#f last of the raw, he strtz
IN'"Y 4VANTITY'AT VIM, e 4, Ifta no effort VvM 1* spitred toment acontimumee, of & �rivyp sed t& ,o passen -,�qpenjng ere CHI�ESES big itn*Jb" I - I d time? tho xaptial Aamh6f and VW10f UP to VI6 cOrPsc- It was r nt gets; capt F1 �Wit ly brided fr�A-ccat, 17LIC11 'yk,+, V4�i Wit, be4swag 9 the Uoyde : thm it wax 'the gener0s Military eye tvul Wl, till UWapda Vlooks WC1 JeW410V e x- 3-L_ AA, IV E *dtdd. be a'sure and inadt sWild ba born t he yourit heir,
imohe 4qA-.#.w 4j headbut -a which*111gWesitturactionto the jarc�x--rana"'Jul - thire w4s, it #,dt that theold loil sliotxI4. undress 6hephard �y a ABQ4 WYML. 1 imd Asipt'Thomson wfih tb aw-passeng,, j 01Y $70 0Rj �D= �hoiioilved:attheeiid6ftlfe wharf.- - on the
To GROOF mADAMx,`.TAYL_. ZrA good xworimen�df Gold and Vkw# _av o snow was sti,etcheA �out by s, Wjj�jjer ft 4 olftsoll-toningCapt Frdser W46ux Acotoreauc V1 te4eyo,ofSir WaIC11914 P alwars, h��- ITAVZ been reAppointed' so.lo *�Orits itt DUTPOR. 'so. -the 'a ford frout r0 -
but he, wld not 0 q ur in iju.; haink been oent then ..t ,,used to death in
curlOPI: Y, is d in amo
ookrick X tiara. Dyspep acd6ficli for� %�4 Salo of th% eafeboited Vtj omwrisp itiiia$eudi, A tlif) Tit loti6ua. Belaga-h- 41- RjAirtirille fbrineqdiamj� ment, that fac The -awful the at oA5, a match. At'the
DMW itavised to. try thix Pi k rAL. d Offide 10 ,* , 4b accident 'be r4W e hi i fee bi,gh, ind line- f death AvA F, d the boit- it� be, if faC0; r7 "Blifl VVZO
4%tipod sit..tfio Ficto Wen � m
00411, b6itOln � -Of Wo hueay breath wu raftlilt,� iu hig rr pe Lan popplaintik it sue vhi WAS A�oiafing-ly-donie;'but- seeing-, 'ea4h,tja door in the j%it is �% small hole.' raring blauWpr d Was not t 81HPAc. Liver. anastpmac� tbboxt ; hix yeUow tapjb wet clt.tt- d on going.- aiij and eighl; high, througgb hat 1 (7 keo h 14 10 ovii in tbebeil-cloffies, A ut-audc4ponfing thent; t4(iing -w a th 414 iffii h6 decide lidigs wiae Phi6linii throu 'to 0 fti t "rour old -4 T the sweats an4 c4iiji; it. vn�s_ never kiao �iaa gaim br Wxtsre passed to. th
igoitrfell, N36VL 27, MI. likritliete was ro"in iurn, i�u;n� 'key wl� trOtigh this weroir 04 tlnwxt Thu , - era i0ruts _qinefl ta Tj Stf 094prieb,Atareb j,1867. 1 1"q* Aw ur Int
;Vh64iitn6oj tw buti Wide fter relgil . I , U 00 YOU jCOWD backtayourlol V . , h, yipy k"nl�, for long
"at jouffir whe' 6 tit It e
=20 iltstinihiromthfaw arf.4Ad fiWja his owu�celt wim perfect lease. iqul Slic-Ire yeat, AMA as, "bid dii1led. Ym fraternal love ana Dwat I taught him JAN EWAUT 46M*i It 4 tools gettiiti, the V&. 6 yo mKid m ieft g"s th6rotinds o0tisfellow
it nbl _.g6j pars . anathousea g161>01 &ad how 0 Ve a -No %F joi the Smilt, agO _Cav$'� Fraker. t0r%gaII1rveRheVjeaso*. :'Rehax notYet over thany. lands, aud,joymis thL'
20 TOXI&op BRI gTS% 460 %1i . e, - - Jr- to �Csj I te ax It, es. r to - it mptea to go *Y b&4- rml FrX&TDIWl1RA8MD0UBrX VVAXX OV88111; - Thomson wkc i toike te through the key-hol of _hasfe"r' the eU4 iD,,t 1 0 JX* two it miau oor o
Pj tx7 W., , � I _� - rh WH "Wthe Ddek - I'A , f . JMCV# Wby 41
i time from here t*T*ayriU4.vx4 this
x 1ardft on qnsboo, street Gododon; Vdth. "feti. the -the �Zdn. but
motor rot *e V*, to A, .rUS tiPe STA Still, Cottoga adjoining. wittOO-W7 roouui�, rZ44eavftk geb the boatiip bofbii 'Aark; sit othey 1K, as 14 -brother 90 89 was, i -lay, therexibihil Q M_
g late. At, --fbe V felt a- Cash) _R W_ OOT Belt, now, 'kittin a wealthyold lad V fiving in *0*1. 'devd j�r-" AA& TVU*U* 'StLp""W#1 V". *W-46is aloue ip 'of the Great Muter, he �0. W. Cheap for eq&r mentof la=forgatten days -of the q9ja troilbi lor, 40 -AWtki MO
a' t oror now,
As one WX 1869. froely.,:- week'; them t6 'eftjUgg- in The 01a Ull,'Wht h merii distnbi tbingin thshouse. J%bay went sherg4ti- 0 01 Ana h* xt,__ a� ON, OU OAJ eneral g -Wpt up f�qd*l z t them. Q tug pretty liberal B 'PRIVOR App] ..Scisite of lord 6d M AXII wprkand lie�oran try j4AW* *W1 Wftfi r�knevit; t as n t awarticle Of ftirni-
tratsoumuryor unsa. 11� nr T" IA. nierry dayo 6 Y had ho t e I li,-Wijliam ! Lave boomm i fl�tl
t -b
men wicb. occmda qn -the�L' to 4id it; awl',
-ftm _tjje Usi Wo#t con. Vxw*4oxb.W 40"g, owy two nfl$ii e, Cxwaatid�Osirinion, or e body be sit- 4 Law 0 'o ture I aft mani*
the shafmf AVply than to S. Pollock, lkq., or to CIDWORrAM BOAAD ItA PAIVATDIFAMMY c for f 1114 0V CAMROM. tj',Oa&�d -With y b d the now, leg4 f0m im! tr*.*o,4et them !)�' Q� Ile it tit tarm& I bQ I 86T* iupre- - . -_ I Y "4 f. job, jp - - ed bi t4 oq .7 -C 0