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• w one of the party made the
es* *
Wen *cltte Iona ir were. The citptain then said Set go flie jwho i8 one of the mait ex'act ofti. (Ards w;
• it True to our policy of snubbing aed therii presents from the Queen, which termiped one, and'. seeins tee have beet's.
reply that they' heb to intake a botch- of it Mr Lime, • EDITORIAL NEWS SUMil;ffilizit THE CRISIS IN EUROPE
I wish to state that there is a warehoace In s,pite of our knowledge that the Fenians overntnent. Some of the half-breeds are
e head line and let hen swiug slewly.' «leering at oar colonies, we have been re- they aee anAoes to receive. They e
ever knew must have been horrified when f -Le Chtidsll• deiversity isle have ehihain
„re stesoltillee 'Note from Prussia. cently robbing Canada of all her strength. /Hese . them idea. loyal te the Britis
of Chinese and' Japanese and to' send ,
e. furthered by the feieeds oetee prisoners.,
h At once the Depiity Wa,rden, 3olart
Flanienn, Este, took energetic measurea
1870. on the deck, and from the bridge the Car-
Or/BROIL a 14tia Ile saw the awful mess made of hia ached- acientificetipeclition to Brazil., LiFFORTS FO MAINTAIN PEACE. were ready to atteek her on the south, for the capture of the murderers • ne met
• tain coalelnot see the Party in the tsar ele; especially when lie is made to appear SeeTatesf despatches . frond Nutt). e • while the Red River rebels were ahead under, the 1st reseion that the troops are
p •- rr ra s but :ell ave een inox:e ac e. no eiteoti
Id h b
the mejor
1 eaY, used wa may mention is Lone Primer entire Continent hi a' blaze. her d the Imperial troops. It was plea-
coming, toward tl , achs were all called tit ftenti the varaou
Mere are some more cotnine. We have coming to turn t )eru o t eir rm
• • or 10 oat certifying des correct. The size of type in another column; Any dee' may ae : nedh EHABOR AND wee eatustetes. assailing her on the north, we deprived her
let go too soonde Heethen ordered his men
to lower a say,. Vet, small boat. I heard
some one on the dock cell out, 'Captain,
oack the hoet.' Re replied he could net,
as he waeafraid of breaking the wheel, as
the stern wee touching bottoin then. He
then tolil them to let zo the line to allow
her to swing away from the dock. The re-
ply was 'that the line was jammed.' He
said, cut It or she will break her wheel.'
lnimediately the line was cut. Then sho
steamed away slovvly about a, quarter of a
mile outside the rocka and came back
again to the dock and took on board the
remainder of the party. Then she started
on her way back for the 'Sault.' About
haff hoer afterwarde, I was talking, with
the Captain on the bridee, when one man
calls out -`Look hereaCaptain.' His at -
attention was drawn to two men scuffling
forward. He left me then, saying 'I must
stop that.' He went forward. ; and, while
there, I heard hint remark, dStop
think Captain .Thompson's attention was
called about the sante time, as he ordered
his men to 'fall in.' Then -Captain Fraser
at once proceeded back to his position on
the bridge, and made the retnark to me -
think the Bruce Mine whiskey is too
strong ; the boys have got rather too much
of it.' Everything from this out, during
the trip back, went off well.
And this is the man who they amine of
itDMIRA lens ECIONOAKT. , sweng round I heard the 'Captah • ity of the people understan 1 works and locked in thele cell*, and all
which is three sizes larger than what 0::)e Two car-loada _of Ciiinheci" Beret left' • THE' ',FRENCH ARMY READY.
San Francisco bound tor Georgia. • • • • '
we used. Of course the Ex . e, ,.
will charge space of smell typo and ' tere-,. .See latest despatches front Fort , BY Cablee
' It ,ntattered not a jot to fight, or in a state
nine columns as usual ! The Co. Connell i in in ensely s a tis fie d with the -Manitit ha still- causes Mach uneasinese. There weie pence was the --thancellor's one thought.
The Reformers of Herne are tegnested
to mark that the expenditure on Red
_ River aecoent, ep atti April /est, pre-
vicele expeditimeary expenses, had only
I.-earl:ea the anninetivototal of some 820, -
ami. • Bishop Tache. the eminent peace-
maker. a nil Vicar eh:Laval Th ie ba t, the
equally eminent ditto, received 81000,
even, to carry them te Fort Garry on their
glorions misaione Cant Cameron hasbeen
peed $1.500 for atljusting his eyeglass and
oriering the half-breeds to take down that
" Idawsted fence "-which 'they did not.
Embryit-Cov. McDougell was to receive
87h00 per aninun of gubernatorial salary;
but tve suppese it was quite right that, to
comemasate him for disappointment and
peivation wintering at
Pete bina,he should hare been allowed in a
month or tee) to overdraw his whole year's
salary. The sum of 83000 to Jacques and
Hay for the furniter? of a palatial resi-
- deuce in Fort Garry, is no doubt very
moderate. We think Capt Cameron shoiikl
receive $1300 more to see where that fur-
' aitare item, ist and look after it in the in
etteests of the Dominion_ The following
" intle of three" is propounded for any of being drunk. If soberaess did not prevail
fn this ease that day, I never aaw a sober
man in my life. He commanded the boat
well and carefully. passing through all the
dangerous places along the route to the
'Sault,' where boats of a lighter draught
often touch bottom.
I heard the Captain say he vrould have
liked to have got back to the Sault that
night very much, but the river was rather
too dangerons to navigate in the night. He
said it was running rather too much risk
to do so, and especially at this time when
the vessel's services were most needed by
the Government.
The awning was spread. and lights plac-
ed in every part of the ship, in order that
all on board might enjoy themselves dar-
ing the night in the dance, -and I noticed
that there were very few but got full bone -
6t of the music on board during the whole
The next meaning early we got under
way again,and arrived safely at the 'Sault.'
We landed the party on both shores, all
expresaing themselves highly pleased with
the trip.
So far as the using of bad language was
concerned, between the officers,it is a false-
hood. I noticed that the greatest of friend-
ship prevailed between them, all the way
up to the 'Sault,' as I was on deck diming
the whole of the time.
I am a man upwards of fifty years of met
and have seen a great deal of eport and
sant to Mr Lowe to know that he was sav- mattere pretty well, andeare glad the
iny, `,erioney. What cared the eminent trines are coming for the seouilly of the
mathematician for the lots of Canada T- Settlement.
oar readers arithmetically dispnsed:- If it
ciot 820,,e00 to take McDougall and suite
to Pembina, how mulch will it, cost to take
the expedition to Fort Garry when it re-
quires 810,000 toepay for the use of one
Yankee proaeller for 25: days.
Thalia:sane ha our Gaols.
Under this heading the Globe of Thurs-
day Lest, quotes the sad ease of Capt , Earle
de given in thit S;gnet and adds a -
"If pessible, o, still more clistressIngcase
is mentiened by the Ottawa News, as hay -
me lately come before the Police Colirt of
that city. "A man named W. Aby, living
near the sulphur springe in Gloucester, re-
cently came into totin with a wife and
seven children in a cart. The mother, a
eiimpatatively yoring tvoman, was a hope -
lees lanai; and the set -en little children,
the very picture of helplessness. The
e -mail -gest of them, only two months old,
was mused by the eldest boy. The third
youngest child, dumb and subject to
epileptic fits, was also an object of isympa-
thy_ In fact the whole group was a most
pitiful sight. While the car was going
Meng Rideau and Sparks streets the woman
kept singing psalms and praying, and ex-
horting. The sight attrauted a, great many
people ep the street, whom she addressed
m an eartnest manner upon their religions amusement, and many ups and downs dar-
donee. Mr. Aby brought them into tewn mg my lifetime, but I never saw a happier
to ask for astistance from the authorities. party, nor a man more shamefully used
His wife, he said, had been insane for than Captain Fraser has been in this case,
thieteen months, and his little careolespite all about nothing. I may just say I am
hismetannst efforts, was going to rack and not speaking in favorof one any more than
ruin. AeOmMitment was made oet against the other.
his wife and she was sent to gaol."' I was treated with kindness by both
Nor are sizeh mere isolated cases. The Captain Fraser and Captain Thomson dur-
thingis eetv too common. It is altogeth- ing the trip,and so far as my short acquain-
er a shame that the authorities in Ontario tance with them goes, I consider them
'should allew sneli a state of matters to gentlemen -every inch of them ; and in
entitinue ewer/ fit: the shortest period. The short, I can only state that the whole story
relatives rideraelaiunfortnnates,ifat all able-, circulated about them is false.
onght to he ,abliged to provide for their You will please have the kindness to in -
being cleceally eared for, and failing these sert the aboso in your valuable coltinms,
the communteer ought specially to charge and accept my thanks for the same, and
;ellen' with thetietty. If the law aa it stands -oblige,
the law is so firtchanged the 'better ; for G. BESSAY' I
tvill not permit -this to be done the sooner = Yours truly,
it is in the la.stedigree discreditabie to us Collingwood, July 2nd, 1870.
.as commutnitymehat every now and then
we should reed oftaelpiese, hnpeless luna- The above corroborates in every partieu-
tiws teeing. consignek it° our common gaols
as the only refugerinenarently proyided.for
them " mirible in many respects, the Telegraph is
often too apt eo write " tall " editorials
The leader is quite- indignant that such
haying for fotmdatiort only the "baseless
_a ehargeslieniales fastened upon the Gov -
fabric " of a puling correspondent's im-
-errament, aliich 'basset -ft -is doing so much
Garry in another Column, Rid St chdt7stire Paris, jult. 8 -The Spanish question forcing her to huccunib. How to save four
shoulcl pay the Ex. his contract prices and Bill and so they -might . • 4.11, transactions ; the Beings at llinclozle last matteted not to hint at whose eacrifice
expend the overplus he now recetves in n- London, the less, hatl two tiro ,on night. Ren es touch° 34 14c., the that four pence was obtained, at what risk
hiring an efficient proof-reader. Saturday meening in a Tannery and • Re- lowest for yea
finery resulting in a loss of $8000. it was gained. So long as Mr Lowe had it
Cartier Doomed, i The Constit tionel (Imperial. organ.). an- in his power to wax eloquent about his re-
_ .
— ezy- Up to 30th June, the • Doe -tenon nounces to -d0 that the Spanish Minister trenchment in the House of' Commons, it
6 . has been -instructed to give official notice mattered not to him whether Canada held
Revenue for the month was $1,442,398.
' to the Frenth tvi9eirtiollwtene,rsorlfell into tshe hands of the —,
The Orangemen of the Dominion at their d h E p e ) • Government of the candid-
lyard Cameron frora the office of Grand- bodily vigor of Mr. Brieht !completely re- . ature of the ohenzollern Prince, and adds
Belleville gathering, unseated John Hil- redthe Lancet reports the mental and
master, censuring him for supporting the stored, Pa
, when. hFranc becomes convinced that
pe stence shall terminate dip -
Government m carrying the French -Cana- 03- The Merchants of Brantford have in?tilitniegrdeelafitni tntisfrwoirath phreunsatthao:IFghrantheeerwe 117
dian Manitoba Bill. 'I hey did more.- agreed to close their places of business not be satisfie with the evasive declaration
They pledged themselves to work against every Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. of Count Bis arek.
"head and front." lf they koep to their on 4th inst. He was a resident of Canada F. rom the tvarious semhofficial journals
the Government that has Cartier for its Ze Senator Crawford died at Brockville
compa,ny in '37. t,lit,s morning are gathered the following
details touching the Hoheniollern candi-
uate 1—
pledges the remark of the Belleville Chro- for 45 years and commanded a volunteer
nide as to the Prince Edward election, viz:
-that."Mr Andersen beingan Crangernan, The Duo de Grammont says Fra.nce
ft•- Wm MoDougall has again acldtessed
of course secured the Catholic vote to ind Ottawa Times and Toronto -Leader throw
' He recalls the services of France in the
'hones that SPaitt will renounce her project.
the North Leuark constitueney. , '1'1 e -
man," will not be applicable to any finder° ffiguratively)-- rotten eggs' at -lithe bat, S4notans.ish - affairs byh interdicting Carlist
Parliamentary candidature. We hope yet wenderful to relate, the London Free PreS8 r No :answer has let been reeeived frora
, pats him! on the back. McDougall says
to see every party voting honorably Prussie since the declaration ot the &ere-
' Lta* some pertinent thinga about Cartier dining t r f F rei Affairs f d a
. .
own ticket. ,Let Dr Ryerson also take
proper action to tvipe out the insult offeted
to the large and influential body he repre-
sents, and we may topesoon to hare some-
thing better in the shape of a Gevernment
than the present rotten combination. -
Cartier in slighting the Wesleyame has in-
sulted his coadjutor in the Cabinet, the
Hon. J. C. Aikins. It will not be possible
for the latter, who is an influential mem-
ber of the Wesley -an body, to silently
brook the slight offered him and his co -
_ _
No Amnesty.
Mr. Riel is just now shivering in his
boots. He murdered poor Scott and he
now wants to get out of the serape. -Why
did Ric! order the shooting Of Scott ?
was simply thus -and we know what we
are talking about :-Riel was in a bar-
room where Scott happened to be. -He
(Rid') was talking loudly about his half-
breeds and Senouncing everything Can-
adian. Scott contradicted him and at
once was called a liar. His Scotch blood
could not stand that, and he gave Mister
Riel a back -handed blow across the month
wbich sent him sprawling and led to poor
Scott's cruel murder. Give an amnesty to
such a ruffian ! Never ! Our Government
can never be base enough to let him off;
and if it were, we believe the bullet is
moulded which will give him his quietus
as soon nettle first line of red -coats ap-
pears in the Settlement. It is pitiable to
contemplate such an affair and yet who
will say that Riel's approaching (loom is
not richly deserved.
TABS OAHE or Youn Hous. -We un-
derstand extreme mdesures are to be taken
against all hog,* found running at large.
So many are now "rooting' around fences
that they are causing great annoyance to
our citizens. All who do not want to be
put to expense by having to relieve their
pigs from pound, hadbetter shut thein up.
In a day or two, we believe, a. party is to
be employed to pound all he can lay his
hands on. So look ont I
and wunng the murderer Riot's delegates On' tins moroiug of thae day, however, &
and, at the same time, Snubbing loyal
Canadtans. . • - • • a cie.spateh Was received front Prussia to the
effeet that that Goverothent knew nothing
nehlr Archibald, the Lieut. Gov, of the of , the Hohenzolleta candidature for the
Northwest, la , in Montreal, andeenill start -Spanish throne.
soon fel-Red River. A, report,. which seems well founded, is
1/e The Earl of Derby and the Dowager in circulation here, that' the Prusinan
Countess of Salisbury were married on Minister of War has otdered all general
Tuesday. • , officers, ot the Prussian army to join their
, .
• carps immediately.
Heavy floods continue in Austaaha, ., •
The General Convention ef the Y.
• - -Paris, July 8.-Nothieg definite has
and 2 persons have lost their lives.
been heard from Prussia., The Spanish
M. C. A., held at Indianapolia, elected a, .,3tabassador goes to -night to Madrid, to
Canadian President to show their hatred etideavor to make a satiefactory, arrange-
of Fenianism. . . Aleut..
• • The Ambashdors of Austria, England
tar A terrible massacre -of Chinese and Italy had a conference to -day with the
Christians took place at Pekin on 21st Due de Grammout. They seem favorable
June. 'I lie Secretary of the French Le- to France.
gation and a number of Priests and She- The Emperor conferred this morning
ters of mercy were also slaughtered. with the Miaisters of War, Navy, and
0:3- The Government of Hungary urges Justice.- Military measures are already
the Bishops of that country to resist the mentioned. Marshal Bazaine will 03MM-
dogma of Infallibility. • and one, aud Gen. Lebrun tlae other, of
I3- It is almost certain that the dogma two corps to be made ready for immediate
of Infallibility will be proclaimed befure mhvement. Marshal MacMahon will havn
10th inst. • ait army, and Gen. Le Beeuf will be en-
trusted with important command. Count
roe Irish M. P. s want a reaidenee for
the Prince of Wales purchasedin Ireland. Palikas takes command of the troops to
operate against Spain. There is great
ee: n, The gunboat Benne has been laid activity at the seaports.
up for repairs in Kingston. ., d - It is reported the Duke of Montpensier
(1•• The Boulton Masqueraders are -Only haid ordereclehis adherents tiot to oppose
rtoelebase etrdieodnfbornimi. isdemeanor and will ' be the candtdature of Prince Leopold.
- _ — . The Epoca opposes -Prince Leopold, but
complains of France, because she acta as
The Great European Otrous.
— if the Cortes was in no wise engaged to
. take care of the dignity and. interests of
- Dan Castello's great Circus will show in Spain. •
Goderich on the grounds opposite Hos- Vienna, July 8, -Official journals ccn-
kerh Hotel on Satitigay next -afternoon tradict ell reports of the interference of
the Austriana in the pending difficulty be -
and evening. It hi represented in the tween France, Prussia, and Spain, and de -
Press as being the most magnificent thing dere that Austria woe not, undeaany cir-
Fortunately for us, the rifles of the
Anglo-Americans aee good and well han-
dled. For the second dine the volunteers
have beaten the Fenians without State
assistance. This is encouraging, very en-
cmintgitig. It is pleasant to find that, al-
though we have lost all erithusiasm in
Britam, some of ourown flesh and blood
recognise and defend' the colors of - the
Queen. If we were not go crowded, it
would be almost worth the while of some
patriot to import a few loyal Canadians to
show us the way to resent insults; to teaeh
ine how to keep the honor of England
bright and free from dein, Yes, in spite
of the braying of tifie bands, and the sil
ver and uniforms of vatn elieesemoogers
and martial pawnkroliers, we have lost our
taste for distinction our thirat for glory.
We know not how t'o gght,. but we have
learnt thoroughly how to etenge ! '
We ean cheat, and bbaet, arid bow, but
we have as mucheaobility in our natures as
a cur has mirage, as much patriotism as a
snail has activity. ,
Cui hone? Ah, indeed, etc/bane What
possible good will all the weeting in the
world do ? The taunt of the First Napo-
leon, that we were " a nation. of shopkeep-
ers," is nuw regarded as a compliment. -
We are a nation of shopkeepers, and we
are satisfieu to remain so. Now -a -days it
is considered a grander action to sell a
pound of cheese than to win a battle. -
Our army is gradually disappearing,. In-
stead of soldiers, we have crossing, sweep-
ers ; in lieu of generala,. paupers and
thieves. Every possible insult is heaped
upon our warriers. They are regarded as
expensive tops, and ere treated with con-
tempt and ridicule. A hundred years ago
would veteran ofifieers have been classed
like dishonest clerks ? ,A. hundred year§
ago would regiments of tried soldiers have
been disbanded without rhyme or reason ?
A hundred years ago would a colonelcy of
militia have bestowed upon Alderman Sir
Win Rose. No, a thousand times no. -
But, then, ie 'those days, the Duke of Wel-
lington was ad tiers a general and a minis-
ter ; in those days, that horrible night-
mare, Prince Christian, had not even been
dreamed ef. '
Still the old spirit of England is not
quite dead. In the mother country it
sleeps, but far away it burns quite bright-
ly. Yes, Canada has taught us a lesson.
Surrounded with fawning enemies, snub-
bed by sneering friends, she still has been
true to her care. In spite of the arttul
tribes of the Yankees, and the friendly
violence of this Fenians, she has fought
for the good cause, Robbed of imperial
eupport, with only untrained youthit for
soldiers, and peaceful men for leaders she
still has driven the enemies of England
" Being aaked how soon the expedition
will reach Fort Garry, Bishop-Taeho re- ,
plied that: they will not likely do so until
some time in September. Ile said that
there are twenty-six Portages between
Fort William and the Lake of the Woods
-that the swamps, make travellino very
bad, and that it will be necessary &the
soldiers to rebuild the roads as they come
along. He does not think that the mill.
Iery can be taken across the eountry:
" Bishop Tache left ley this morning's
train for Ottawa. The object of his 'ids -
simile net known but it is supposed he
goes to show the 'Dominion -Government
the uselessness of &endure a Canal:Eau ex-
pedition of the magnitude of the present
one through to Fort Garry, and to pro-
cure a pardon for Biel."
' lOseape of the Murderers.
(From the Kingston :Whig.)
, Yesterday afternoon the neighborhood
of the Kingston, Peniteotiarywasthe scene
of anothet tragedy, which vies iu wilful -
nein and brutality with the murder of the
kindly remembered Cornelius Driscoll,
near the same locality in September, 1867,
and -which excited the horror of the com-
munity and brought condign punishment
oh four guity men. The Penitentiary
grounds have been the scene of many bold
attempts at escape, but never has design,
on the part of the convicts, taken such a
deep and murderous intent, as that which
cu lminated yesterday in the deathof Henry
Traill. The news reached the city at 2
o'clock and cretted a feeling of horror and
sympathy which is rarely excited here. -
The deceased was very well known and re-
spected in Kingstoa and that added to
the intensity of the feeling.
The immediate scene of the murder
was the lime -kiln, situate in the well known
Penitentiary quarries, north of Union st.,
and about 500 yards from the prison itself.
Yesterday en the return of convicts and
guards to the kiln after dinner, guard H'y
Trail was found to have been murdered in
cold blood, and two convicts who were left
in his charge, named John Smith and Dan,
Mann to have escaped. The kiln is work-
ed regularly by s large party of convicts
with an efficient staff of guarea to superin,-
tend and decure them. At noon hour, this
party is marched into th.e prison to dinner,
but as it is necessary to keep the fires np
constantly, a guard and two convicts are
left until the return at one o'clock to at-
tend to them. Yesterday it happened that
Trail was left with the two convicts nam-
ed, and they ayailecl themselves on the op-
portunity te carry out a deep -laid scheme
of the kind that ever travelled in America. cumstances, oarticipate in the Gnaw-
, effecting their-- escape . at a fearful cost,
For particulare see large adv.' . veiny. A however. Oppoeite the kiln, and at about
- London, July 8 -Much infqrmal cern- 40 or 50 feet from it, stands a large stone
ir_Z" G. N. Davis has now opened out Mein, t in h Commons to-ni ht on Prussia's
t e g building, the lime house, and in the door
inithe large, new, Brick store, erected by :' d• eLay in respo ding definitely to the note from her frontier, the foes of Britain from of the building the guard was accustonaecl
him immediately in ' the; rear of Mrs, :of ,r ranee. T e opinion. is -frequently ex-
pressed thet this indicates a spirit of mis- her council. This has done•unaided,
the workmen. ' The 'convicts had free pas -
un. to sit and exercise his surveillance over
befriended, alone. "Well done, Canada!'
Mack's Refreshment Rooms, Give him a. -chief, if not a More dangerous purpose, on We repeat a thousand times, "well done .' sage in and out of this house, meving be -
call. , the part of Piessia. , — hind and in front -of the guard without
_ ../Ma 41. • • 7 ': Penis, jely 9, 6 p m. -The Government ordinarily- occasioning any concern what -
ler IL lIaziehufel is selline. cheap a •
, ,,, has • reoeiv.ed tit answer from Prussia. In , Latest froral'ort Garry. ever to him. Yesterday they appear to
miscellaneous Stock of Dry -goods; glass it Pruszia melees the following points : have taken advantage of his confidence in
ware dee., &o. see advt. First. Diselainling all participation in the THE MANITOBA BILL ACCEPTen)
them, to have gained the interior of the
_ ...., e candidattne: of Hohenzollern. Second. UNANIMOUSLY.
building, then to have advanced noiseless-
, That the Wince is not even a .relation of ly on Trail, and dealt him two fearful
Common SpitoOL TansTEER:-The the Royal familed; aed, Third, as Gen. THE BXPBDITION TO BE RECTUM/ WITH
blows with a heavy dub, which seem to
taken pains to secure on the subject. Ad- The. Seaforth Salt Well. present. Sundry accounts were- passed.
Trustees met on Thursday evening, all Prim negadated with -the Prince,' he must
be responsible, ata,denet Prussim This is one/ ABMS.
expectedly,. fatal. They then, in pursu-
tar the reliable information which we have have been ale:rent immediately, though oot
We heartily rejoiee at the success -of the - - 1., _ •
tch , to '-Berlin Two divisions of the The New Nation of 21th J une contains
. ----
clothes, which they wore underneath, and
No business of importance Was transacted. ;,11- ° t satisf,actory to-Freenheand the Duke The following despatches have been re-
anee of their kilan, threw off their prison
, -,,de Graminent has forwarded another des- cei,ved via St. Paul ..-
clothing, haring already secured other
(le• The Chatham Banner records the --P.I. - -- • ' - an editorial article as follows : -Yesterday
boring foreSalt at Seaforth. - The .absence, after tying and gagging their victim and
of accident during the proem, and the Argyleshire,Scotland,in his eightieth year, -" ,At a ,,enerieting of the diplomatia corps
013r 4vtitheeu. ordered to Chaione. one .of our Most important meetings ever
robbing him ()this pritson rilleand 'revolver,
death of Mr. Duncan McNab, a male of -',4
which occurred at Mr. Alex. hicLarenh in held by a legislative body here *as held
inexhaustible nature of the stratum(which, hitt evening, the Duke de Grammoot «aid
the township of Caledon, on• the 24th ult.' that' 0116 rentaining by the Legislative Aseembly of Assiniboia. and bis watchand coat, ran oft to the wood
Mr. McNab, who was uncle to brr. - MchlmxiaOstim. e- swithin the limits of .
A special !session of the Legislature was to cover their escape by ;security.
raryei character has been specially obser- we are inferrned,has been found,the borers When the 'main party retnrned to the
that the G....ann.:1 fins !edam& something France would abandon none
kiln, they foond Train lying inside of the
in this dlr. eetioh, we think our contempor- vable in reference to the false charge havingnowstruck rock, to-beahnost100 feet Kellar, M. P. P., Bothwell, emigrated in of•her".legittinate •preteusions. He hoped convened by President Riel for the 23rd
1814, and settled in the township of Aide et"t inst., but little business was done till the
ary jnnaps at his conclusions.too fast. For against the officers and irien. of thielPriace in thieknesomay well be rejoiced over by the
Powere, 'ef Fatrepe +would pteserve peace ;
Pie eolleotive efforts of the Great following day -when the Rev Mr Riehot,
feet (facing the door) were -tied with a, rope
door of the lime house quite. dead. His
esample, here in Goderich Gaol are three Alfred. A littie less editorial agony -prior whole community, Once reciprocity, which boro, where ho, in common with his fel-
and his head wen laid On Smith's prison
low emigrants shared the hardships, trials but Franceheitirdecided not to depart from one of the delegates to Canada, appeared
lunatica, apparently hopelessly insane. to (Commodore) Wyatt's " investigation" seems approaching, itsecured, it svill not coat, folded up, on whiehhhere was some
and privatiops incident to a life in the the line of coat:tact traced at first. befere the Assembly and reported the re -
Now, vre contend that a public prison in would, to say the least, have been a inure be possible to sink too many wells in this At Toulon and other French ports on suit of the mission to Ottawa. The late
blood. Mann's prison jacket was found in
bush. For past years he was known as - - hour at which the proceedings of the
not a proper place for such people-. If the charitable _use of editorial power. We locality.. We look forward to the time the Mediterranean, a large number of one corner of the building along with the
"The Chief,l' a name by which he was ex-
traneports are being fitted. up, enough to House closed yesterday, and the little
vest and overalls of Smith, near these was
re te- pa eraluve to ' tai th d t expected, in the face of the above letter whea Huron -will become the Champion tensively knOwn among his eld friends. b • g y apace at our command, prevent our
giving the stick with which evidently the deed
pay for asylnms beeitles, why shan't(' they and other inforrnatien which must have County of the Dominion. But, for pity's n- Sir F. Hincks and Hon."- Messrs in - Algeria,. a tull report of the proceedings before our
Was done. e It is the•ooken handle of a
not he sent to asylums where they
• tinder the care of medical men who
would come under Oh Tele ra Ws notice, that sake, Dr. Coleraane order the Fonpositor to!. Aikins and Morris have been named be
our contemporary wougldPhave made the k ' b th kis cerebritle and ,cere-
eep ice on o the Dominion Government a Committee to Florence, Jitter 9. -The press of Italy
quite -thick ancl heavy. - '1 he wounds, two
- next issue. - sledge or piele about three feet long and
ernmen in bparCusek Flara.11,00 On the question at issue with "When the Rev Mr Richot had closed
in number, are in the back of the -head.
haveeteade the ewt,:s of insanity a. life_ amende honorable by acnnitting these offi- bellum, fer between heat and excitement! reference to the constiuction tof the Cana- . his report, the 'House pa.ssed a corwlfillyhohtee
near the carotid artery, and on the fore -
It • h h ,
stedy ? Take oae cum edowe. P-oor Cspt. eers of "rowdyism and neglect of duty," we are afraid to see himlose hisequilibriura 1 dian Pacific Railwriy. Tho consultation — -- - of thanks to him for the straight forward,
head, near the right temple. Both are
Canada to the Rescue. ',' courageoua and successful Way in.
contused wounds,. and yerV little blood
Eerie. He has been In gaol for a naonth,'s 4i. 4..
or at all events by a temporary cessation and fly °fiat sortie extraordinaty tangent, will be held in a few days. • .
h• • ., • ••-.-. . had discharged his important mission.
seems ,to have flowed from them. On the
perfect maniac. Hellas eaten away_ portions to ..noader, until it verified its corres- which we should regret "consumedly,"
. e • " From the Tomahawk, June lle ," It was then unanimously resolved by
discovery hf the bodv, medical assistance
pondenth leation. But no I Still the for the sake of the County printing. the Leeislature, in the name of the people,
was sent for, and hurried to the spot, but
of hiS hand; Vhag amte wor8e---tjain431 shout it -"dry •eation, inveseigenien 1"
we cannot /peak ef-besides woundin ---- It has•hecome the fashion to sneer a,t our that the Manitoba A.et should be accepted
the vitat spark had fled, Parties for the
himself grtevously. Harnanity demended It is astonishing to as that the verneions : Prereez RZAHINOS. -The d'ommittee! Connell met . at J Shaw's 'Hotel, Ei17- public opinion, hile'pointed out more than enter the Donainion on. the terms specified
celopies. 'The Times, that mighty ruler of as satisfactciry, axed that the country should
have name to the conclusion to discontinue il. pen 'on Monday the 4th Jut Alif the pursuit of the murderers were th.en set on
he should have been gast at once to en correspondent who was so prompt, ha' mak- once that in: ustralia, hulls, and Canada in the Manitoba and Confederation acts- foot, and the ,greatest exertidne inede to
asylum. ing the sweeping charge, hag aLat bee4. &hi e:atertitiament for & month or two, mamba . '
• ,, rs present. Minutes Of last meet- •
Ilea the sec . weakness of the British era- This conclusion was hailed with loud and
secure them. The body was removed and
elariag the heated term. It will be return- . pire.• The cession of Gibraltar to Spain, enthusiastic cheers. an inquest will be held this morning at 10
The Lectkr says rrereer ,thatz, ,,where equally prompt either in re -asserting it •or ing read and adopted The Inspector's and Ienian files to Greece has been dis- "We offer oar hearty and sincere con-
ed in the fall iyith increased vigor. Due et_ •
.reporting ite grorthdlessness, when inves• cussed with tho most philosophical sang gratuIatiors to the Provision.al Govern- o'clock at the Prisen.
A French sonvien name Mocquin, seein-
seeond rePort read, atso a letter front the .
:ebeltrfieLPeri5ucel leir"lhellte5 in ;greet lie sus" ' tigated. "It is clear," says the Telegrailh. Clerk of Hey with motioo passed by that froicl. The - rise of the republic , of the ment and people of the Northwestgeneral-
ed to be in some way acquainted. vsith the
notice will be given: „eh ' ,
' - - - - '.---- reaSe'en --"'3''';__ ..c"'n,„ " nrce -"there was a row of some sort, large or
urgent cases are aurnitted meo toe .asynne ttmar ttt).- Sir John A Macdonald's health is Council offering $50 far greyelling. itte.i faatiool. "Infect, times here so changed bold stand taken for liberty and right. -
',United: States ire 110Ve regarded with satis- ly, on the success ehich has attended the
design of the Murderers, and hiii statement
vta,s taking in writing, and we are permit -
in preference, or theitheritrhas failed to . e * * • and therefore an inves- steadily improving. He is now able tO take Townline pro e tan ey g ye a i e
via d 's I - i I k that" es a wonder that our ancestors, do 'We have achieved a. great victory; end well
make proper application ta &be
, .Govsern.,.. ideation should be held at _once," lf two
meal took to fiaticuffs on the deck of a short walk and will remain in Prince eum. By-law No 5: empbwering Path Ilml.twilasmliiinn gtihtewii&sgraoirsr PriWieheanadGbeooragest may we, as a community, be proud of it." facts, which Would not otherwise ba dist-
ateodsetod /:_u_blish ilt. It contains a number of
went.' Edward Island till middle of Anguat. • LATER I .
1 4, the .Plince.a4fred and Capt Thomaon, hi. Masten and. others acting _under the that where once -the 'Union Jdack haid wteadv- 1., Bisho-- •
We °WI itlarrn tile rlater Ihe irt "le thenroner elizeharge of authority, put a neill ,to searen inr but time has "charged p Taehe and Arehdeacon Mae -
SCHOOL EXA3fINATIONS. -The public authoriq of the Coil , k., ed, no other -standard wo era
Goderich nue the SheEffhasdenelis duty — all that," tke policy
' loan arrived here (St. Paul) last evening.
ri -wale working in the Lime Kiln this
and yet one of er.e three lrinatics has bee; guard niader arras -to arrest the offenders, etamination of the Central and Ward end take gravel to. improve the roads, of ikhpresencti, nriliketit tatehiatfve tnhoe They bring the important intelligence
teeing to commit suicide for three niontne
, does the Teteeraple meantensay because its Schools will take place on Friday next frained and passed. Moved- which morning at sevp o'clock; I was alone with
bY' " 'nerrititlison. Iciee:rielvryno &tit. .£ a. d. are - that the legislature of Assiniboia,
John Smith, at llama and Trail., Dan
' fanciful letter -writer, Irth.a • ,perhaps was commencing at 9 a. tn. The announcement Biggins sec. by T Keys that It Rouebee aseembled on the 23rd ult., to receive the Mann told me, and setdid Smith, that they
in various ways. e Let as for merefe ssk-e miles distant from the scene, etas pleased
. of the result will be made in the afternoon Paid the sum of $2.82 for -9 cords of -kileaterhletteiti than GLORY. Pena is report ofirather Richot, had unanimous- were going to tun away todlay, They told -
at 2 o'clock. - Parents and friends are in- gravel, and 3 Tomlinson $2e1 0 lath h f iiignitelyeprefereble to respeetability, So
- dune desirable : than boner. Wealth is ty accepted the teems of settlement eon-
noereise Enwianity firse and tala of hois.• to magnify ebruise" hetweentue, dru-neen me they were goingto hill the Guard with
tering up Gorerraneuts afterward. Aeneas. into a _general scrimmage between tained in the Manitoba Bill7and that a stick -the handle of the' sledge, When
cords-rearried. Moved- by Dilitdaodte'djoe"owrnb-on, "mad grub on, daily hourly
yassengerse officers and men, thin the vited t° attend-
- --
- . „country .shall be put to expense iu mart. ' sea. by da Castle, that, -tor maiiy yearkAdding"te our at. -re of gold, and in the toil pRoiretel wrsa.s one of its most enthnsiastie sup- Dan Mann told methis he told me he had
The So-called Gunboat Row: ,martialling without cause, good, reliable .A. Coinpanson. past, the Stanley Council. hats,e*pentled 'do?, ,ing le
- w*an i lower in the scale of a n, I saw theclothes then on him ; both had
a black 'mit under his prison clothes, and
enshop Taahe, on being .intervieweld,
a suit of plain clothes trader his -prise 11 -
In the Torento Telegraph, of 6th there .alleers aud wallebehaved men ? Thereis
The Star of this day (8th hest) says
,,. from 50 to 100 --pet oent..-: mere meney narwens. Once:- the . veicie • of Britannia
Areas. They seid they would go iuto the
. appeare d letter, written br an American -which- rests eitt.tharetegrayh.
,em investigation neceseary, the emus -of
Who it this in ePeekli?ag of the idierchargee by the utli tt tiel
th boundary . li.u.eii?f Iltnytt-S.taol secured the rave •eotialnAtentioo of thaws- -stated- that .he had been nine days on the
woode towards ithe Depet. They intended
gentleman, who was one of the Pleastue ' .Fricpatitar on County printing ,e-ae"We .a . fe h ay. Cannel/ tins, . itectuddaleenYt ands; nay milli7s of listeners ; now that road from Fort Gurry ; and that the
senney,oiee gee] " s as. unheeded as the - Legielative Assembly met on the Frida
wanderfninorenepondent, did the fabric*, y to go to Toronto, and, from Toronto to the
perty on board the P:riwe 41fred•frotarthe li'4333' Arigulate .can't see any difference between Reif- "lea er. In tne-- res° 1 °"r q'u mu dOnketedsbraye as httle resPootod I etl4th :2titte).. before leo left to receive hldniited Statea ;Smith and Mann told me
iwith ,tbst, .horrespondenh,
cil, dated 14th irittiet hat, has been much 1 We ere the laug mg took of Europe, the -
:and Son whatnea,sgrinlidithe reitorapft_so :fettatein, who has to serve a term iie the Father Richotia Report. - He said that that they had Money, but 1 did not see it;
Sault: 'gte '431.14 te 411° Ilkli°6 Mine4" -..suthdtitatiady dinplement it3 more than provided, -and this Comieil does deridon of the wbrld ! .
That is peneemittapy, and the. man who makes a the thnitoba Bill he brought from Ottatva tizoitter mtliMemigtowf:tehgune a (..);!1,tr:sia__,-epothet
Dein a •cireismatantialand, eveoheliene, elthatthep.ubliadif,thk Ticinity demand to delibecate overcharge and .pockets the- not feel dispased to make- further advances Few people-wopld declare war to be the
we pnblish it Iniell eiefollcreesee- <exonerate the officers and -crew ..of the .."- Th. " I a
n 0 •
. _ . ,_ proaoh-Carried. • ' Moved by' Dr Weeds of our volanteees was received, with much satiefaction by
would kill the Guard ; When I. went
accurate aceotint of the Wheleesettanion, know, Thenthey expect the Teleintph. to till Hay shall have tnade a nearer .tipo at .Kingston t they distinctly told. me thet
natural pastime of the English. Ia spite
Editer Daily Tel'eire. pe,.
e il5i1SCCAlfreetiO. an plaitaterms .as.thoise in
A. ,TheovxhierruP ESCAPE. --On Satnr- sec by G Castle 'that for
-Ito gardaiice or4 ne.t .t military eci ntry, To the English- by the Logielatexe. -
1 inniii,e 019, cram h.orses andfoot we are, Riel and. the people -arid unanimously i
cement - of ostilitiets s' Bishap Tube further:- stated that the guard trade they told me, thetas Sleuth
thaelk to the Lime Kiln after dinner I sa v
s23.e.e, was rely ruuth sttrprisee to ntibcingh it2Idati raised se 'mail adoabout
The characters etable ufficeri Alef bat a Young, .newlY married man; the Cleric is makinit outthe,- eolledtor's
af and Mann, tivet their wives got them. the
'rolls,. he is hereby itistrueted to ehaege ..taaell;eialtnedneBe uch addittenal ocome
-4deema on Satrattannelf the -reports Shot with impunitylar thesake of a newspOner inr Homad's Pereonal Property -die Solider thilfrench-it is heirforta, they hike'eit, Rid' is Oad of a peaceful settlement
Lea; 4us, MY arrivalat•Cm•Iiiagwoodf bi the and• respected citizetis can,ust he sacrificed lammed. Wilson, had a Very narrow esca,pe ay -be all very welV.:with, _ troubles, and 'is willing to relinquish any clothes:. end tImafwootilttlieomnittgihn: tishinetie.elfidleinear the
nisaye been priten enctilaticm respecting Sits atulastione from Anstant death. He wail shingling on Section •No 8 Stanley -Carried: 'Moved btit 'With us itiii"i? ry different, ve personal ambitien that may have tempted
!lot:es twill°. sda,wwer:
so -aa ..e row on ard the guribeatProge ithe noof of Mr. John McKenzie's new by w e- Biggins, sec.,by T 4eys. .that I not a ruslefor tine e' gaudy pictur:401f ebsa-cdnhi,t1; the -clothes they had en -this morning • 1
A if -ea' gt igruce Mines. 1 was one of the - - -
• • time when he slipped and felt a distanee the Reeve be . aiitherrzed to , purchase if for the good of his country, He
haw theta pot maths clothes this morning
rmn3ber- invited to ga dosm to the Bruce • An Awful Mess.
of some 25 feet. By 'a ' leeky chance he . , -gee thet cuMber the walls of the Tuileries , welcome the_ new Governor -turnover
e use, AS en t e Guard went
felLiato the top of an apple tree, a branch avel its ot ramie.. of laud t r 1 avel
•• - - xatisfied-e-oothiu,g mote The hero of the rivate life He -is -satisfied with the ' - '
and Versailles -ii we win a. fight we are the. Government to hira-.-and retire into
• crti ,ts- t to breal:fast ; the Guard took his break -
f which retarded his descent; - He esca,pt - purposes, where -the stipie'• be required; -,-
liour is raised to the pee'rage, arid' . the new fast outside-. near the Lime House door ;
PmilitaryItipe i on, now on 1 way wes ,
,eod with a scratch or two and a dislocation eand can be had eonveniently-r--Carried: - noble is secured. fl;r a show at' the Crvstal
agination. This trait of our contempo-
for the insane of Canute. While it is ttue
Mutes Erni the 'Sulfa' 1 being at ,. ,
grew:n.314 f‘e4ak Fanieville, Olii.,-and sob • TAN rIP`OSITOR PILLOIIIYA. ;
......... '
present On try way from AIlemy, amid, •of ii, ,as webeliev;;' the publisher of the
,coIrse, na dedrnaktdi wibit attY dithe Of' SeaforthPaperelantriVaStooVerdrawlargely
.'.3ers on' boar4 the Calast,iatt nian-of-war the lea gorolt for eta, council
'Prince Mired' 'any further thai lormeet- ;,(111 PeQP / . tied. hig
ing them on the- shove oecasioa. I ow work•dom. alke calaaclt 4 l'int '''' flmi"
lave no bitereat in the rrlatter one- wirer Auctions la that linear° exAssples of tYpo-
a-notiter„ Bt4tinefice compels me too opeook onside period:Joe. The last raiialfes he'
tlic truth. I gyre below Al 4:errezt Aceeent k le
for th.e benefit of your smaller', and es -i- '1.-;t- kt.of v-v.tiess.
uhlithed. were cram full of blunders et aft
,. ci3cly for the benefit ef tile mcdierities kizaisi lost the last 4e,"w-1.1 e°31 3
wit() have control over this vessel. i is,,*is Evositor is 'imply 414‘trageora. Tie
khope it will he more istisUctoilutaictopy „welt the law cami.on tile derk 44.
the" report already in cirettlatton.
%Fa Ieft the Sault deck °lathe Celia* th6 P to poet in tke Court House was
slioreati0o... ro. We hail onboardeeVeral of abKletcly unintelligible untilafter wady
the officers connected with this Red River. exchouodred serieus errors had been ear-
ikxpeditiort, with several ladies had ti
"nath Teets& For example Carline is, spelt Cos -
that shore. also several A
can offh000rs and their ladies. We mewl- " ' tainl Id -
pa ,ii,iwiu, the river torBrnow Mines ; wont to Poi fOr two mouths aro set down, as will 0" t" popular excursions from 1 Mr. Gabriel was toldibis.'but he thought 1 •
' --he e probahly.aa old as any other country, and Garry to insure srunty and proteetton. als
np,anel eieiteen.the *wars" copper mule* arria , airtiiimci$ Vid oso 011424 igaXgean#4, 'In' fu.t. Goderieh to #5!iginsw and return on the , there wa4 no .dauter, . ru v.. aaare. ,• biome.- Ails certainly dear,- ibly dearer than
other cofintrY ; but it is simply absurd to- fliroemsatilciletlinddillan°S41, bnuietrhewreasSeasalitalitteigd
. . the eon
of Re
siorpt. Akitoit akost4+0* hour and a lialf 1, there are hardly two lines of this verr tat. .-16th and 29th inst. Particulars of which however, the bull id koritlhoth horsewSw .,.
whist's', blow J410 alb. 1 4arne aboard I ; document correct., Surely to too& .
f • • • tne Other la not likely tO recover, ' ••• -le
badly that one dted in a short .•titue,. Ma -• - - t
grew sent mental over a land containing a of uneasiness among the settlers. The - itt
. . 4 • . . mra , an
returned tp ilw boo* utter hearing the! . - ' -maybe seen elsewhere. In view of the ,
guards and keepers who cauld be spared
were sent out in every direction to track
the convicts ; the telegraph was in requisie
tion to all points in the district, and emelt
boats were pnt eut let° the lake,toprevetat
any escape if it should be attempted ny
water. Six troupers.of Major.DufFe Vol-
unteer Cavalry were called out to 'scour
the country in the afternamnand at -night,
and the city police joined in the pursuit,
The prisoners in theirstainpede evident-
ly took to the woodnestato men,anewering,
their desmiption, were seen by a woman
on Macaw -laid s farm near the Crystal
Palace, to be making their wayat a Tall.
ning gait in a westeily direction towards -
the Bath Road. This is all- the trace of
them obtained and as they had an hour's'
full start of the guards and officers may
make themselves secure from eaptitre en
some hiding place until starvation force*
them out. Their escape by the ordinary
routes of travel is now impossible almost.
Jas. O'Reilly, Esq., Q. C., JohnOreighton
Esq., Police Magistrate, end A. S. Kirks
patrick, Esq., County Attorney, procedecl
at once to the Prison, and rendered active •
and valuable a.esistanee to the Warden and
his officers.
The deceased guard, Henry was
an active and efficient officer.- He leaves &
wife (a sister to Dr. Maclean ef the eity,)
and three children to grievent hisaadfate-
He belongs to a very (rood Scottish family,
and was a cousin:to Acgnesittrickland, this
celebrated authoress; and to Mrs. 3loodie,
of Belleville, also of literary fame. Mre
Traill was lately overseer of the Frontenao
Lead Mine. His mother lives in Peter --
The following is a clescriptior. of the
murderers :-
John Smith -34 years old ; 5 feet ei
inches high ; fair complexion ; blue eyee;
fair hair ; weight 144 its ; Methodist e
Upper Canadian.
Daniel Mann -38 years old ; 5 feet 8 in.
ches high • sallow complexion ; grey eyes;
hair light brown; Methodist ; Upper Cate,
Smith belonged to the township of Ol-
den, in this country, and was sentenced by
the -late Judge Draper at the Quarter Seta
sions in blarch, 186S, to 6 years' imprison.
ment for killing cattle, Mama wait wee
of the welleknown Malahide raiders in
the western parts of the Province,and was
senteneed on the 18th June, 1865, to 14 ,
years.' inaprisonment, !dales mother jar
now in the Penitenteary for the same of --
fence as her sou was vonvicted of.
Fot the Signal ,__,
my Little Ones Asleep.
Deep, deep in their infant tileep„,
So tired from yesterday's plav,
Scarce a a hisper earn° from their violt.#
As they lay.
The dark fringe curtains those darker eyes,
The sweet mounth half ope'd as they lay,
Lookiug like wild-finweranot:unfolcled yet,
For the day.
Sweet things of mine, Lorde sweet thingt
of thine,
Fashion them unto thy wayr
Oh, mould them tothee, monldthene to thee,
In thy holy wisdom and way.
Godericb, July 9th, 1870.
WAEINGTON, July 6. -Mr. Dawes,
from the Committee on %Appropriations,
reported back several &nate Bilis Wintry
into effect the decrees of the United States
Courts in regard to the illegal seizure of
several English vessels by -United States
cruiser; the claims to be paid with inter-
est, &c., which were passed. During the
pendency of the Bill,Mr. Butler expremto
ed his unwillingness to vote for them,
while within the last week six Americia
fishing vessels had been captured by Brit-
ish war vessels, and carried into Candies,
ports. Mr. Calkin also opposed the pay-
ment of claims unt1 indenioity gloat
by British Government for damages done -
by the Alabama.-nissociate .fircss
The London Times approves of tho ret
ported change in the English Ministry, by
which -Earl Granville is to enter the
Foreign Office end the Eatti of Kimberley„
Secretary of Stone for the Colonies.
New Pri neIes of ,,ItecIleatImmo
[Viz : Emlway's Ressly Relief, Regulating 1.,Xs Ina
Saraaparillian ncsolvettd
Dr Radway's Remedies ere prepared en entirely -tame
enemies and Diet is why they stop pain so quick, and
cure iherneet dangerous diseases 80 rapidly, sad with
eo little incouvenienee to tho patient Sumo of -our ,
eontemporaries: heast ha their advertisernents, that
there benothingnew in their medicinese:etbat the tn. -
gredients are al! to be found in the U. Selma ether
dispensatories 6 their, ,publisbed formulas are cepa*
taken from N Pharmacerfpia. hence, claim.
superiority of ment /ea their pills, pecterals and
earsaparilla, fortheir eimilarity to a lot elimperfeet
inert and worthless compounds. Were it not for the
nenprinetples employed inpitaleing medical virtue*
from newly disdovered remedial agente.peogreesinthw
science ormedioine would be a slow coach. Take Air
streare, the most popnLarremedial agents of the day -
Sarsaparilla arld edjuncts, forming tte dtcliaa
compound or of the purgatives -of etoes, jeep, &
Fhysiciaus, Chemists, pharmaceutists. physiologisti„
all, more or less, condemn these agents as tecertain,
unreliable, tee The Materie Medics. is deficient Or
,good, sterling, reliable recaleines. The formulas of
preparing the oftleinalpills are band on wrong prin.,
eiples, and those who claim topnt unspecific remediele
on the old uncertain rules prescribel, ere contributing
nothing of value to the public. liadway's Ready Whet,
Sarsaparillian and inmate row medicines, prepared on
new principles, and' will cure the sick witheet
aed inconvenience.
SseeeparilliauResolveut V per bottle. 6 bottles for
e5. Ready Relief 25 eta per bottle. Pills doper
Dr Radway,e Remedies aro-sold hyail Dreggtste suet
Conntry Merchante. and at Dr Radwayer Medical
Warehouses, 87 Mader' Lane N T and 479 St rani Et
:yr Reed Falseand Tree.
- Send ono letter stamp te Dr J Radway & Co., 4,3D Bt
Paul fit, Montreg—information wozth thenssuisWili
be seat Ton.
Correeted tie- the Sfg 'lathy W.:411. P. Smart, Broke
er, Welt Street.
GQDZItlerf, JULY 1870,
88 eanedateraet
Buying at 4 discount
Belling at A. •B
Orders by mall or tedievaph ereented with rom
noes, and on the most tene,4; The highest -
premium paid fel' bilis, a;4-tl'emi4e44.at liner) paid for
because i s under much more hoaorable Dan Mann t,Old Me that he would catch the V P. n. Move
ofthe thigh. . • Moved by Castle, see by Dr Woods, Palace. But with Ois transaction tbe hero
• • .
auspices tiAte was MoDouaaIrs arrival as Guard when he (the, Guard) WAS sleepiug
, - - that this Council do now adourn to meet retires into private life -in a, fortnight he
'LONDON SOCIETY. -The Holiday .No. agiin on the first gatiday in August at lias beentonte g
for otten, and ha,s to pgye
• Governoinf th people of the North-West. 1/11 the pin of boards 'outside of the door-
- I saw the Men :taking the clothes into the
.....MBOD,18 - up his popularity, to. t n " Bishop Ta,c e, in reply to a question
of this. aplendid magazine is jag ;received 2.o c k p. m. at` ' lames Wit"
' led he ext favorite.
• une House and putting them on ; the
is full of spicy articles, end will be eager- 1/7P1.41MIRVV,T. 1. • ..•
the,y would steel hia watch andiais elothest
- ' • .., . T /telt:inner , . •et oewet aatomshiag that with this tin- TO.uard WAS then at breakfaat, t they said
they were speaking a week before this of
from Mears. Chewett 4ft Co. Toronto. It Hate!, Bayffeld--Carried" - But as to painting htg pictures of sanguin- as to the, probahili of' an amnesty being '
:. : •ary battlesthe idea is too absurd--eit iti ex.tendeffto Riel, rep "ed that the Goyern-
lymngnewndsde011nbusineds llifn 1 e ment at Ottawa has HO Wor to grant an
amnesty, . • it must oonae m the Imperi- killing the Guand, steelinghis clothes and
. estetatlerne'S Jotentato,•-The current • •: :L.; • we ,onnot appreciate t e pa
a! read. • •
nutuher of this favorite, journal is -ou our _ A SP/at Oif itOBAISS GoltaD BY .k.biliLL.--.- 1
. • . • - 1 -'" ... h triotisra and
hove of Fadharbend eo 4oramou„among our • .,
that Riel *ill suffer at the b ds of the t4darAnbee thfaiare mthoirns winenek,
al Government ; but that t re is no fear going awaY ; Itold the Guard what AO
;atnheiti at-154111.ndetvheilt
' 4 . ''' Virna-6th Icily, 1870. -'• - ' : tradesmanlike spiritaleve among us that t•
The Crungevilld 820 iiapi-.•i—Ont5:.tay 1.41.flus° ts,,,,,. .
that paid any attention to them when they Went
table from iVli. bleothouse, Every paper /at week 4tit 0e4trrence of this, kind.401.
in ibis well -worth perusal: ' ° , pened near Coleridge; . izt Attiarantheh- t
- eainies our colonial countrvinAm to feel there wai no foundation. for .watim vet,
r'°Perhiiii•it is the heat of the sun that • "Bishop faChe farther state
British GOvernment. - •
the re rt. -,i •,_ i
sitt ng at thesloor -tile •WoUlt1
into the Linie•'-}Inuat!, ; svhile An Ouard
Grand Excursions. •apmpeaors that Mr. FfisGabbritleel hy.4
igbee°. atd. such alliail reiirel for our institutions. that Riel was raising a force te atta pas into the Ltme House to the ack pf
. -- put his b .
ea a, fieed.in -which Tiitiabwil Inniectiodefogel drearY London itdeanir dr.. ..ii_
be ove struck with " • id, tedo iseetionth;e tarnoodpsthatatF:rItl
\ the Guard ; they spelt.° to Me in -English,
and 1 coald understand theta ; theY Snake
lise(only think afitirarties whemere seat The splendid steamer City,of 'Sandusky that sumo two enders ago- had killed, a horse:Ivaig' n -d.0 0 :h: pee aonpalde idaenZrxeP
epic! in French. Some a few words,'
ght appear from the eiroumstanms
ard being gagged and tied, that.
" ts did not intend to enurder
Goderiall 01ILY /2, 1810,
Fall Wheel , , 1:95
Spring Wheatee „ ,e e 0:05
Flour as..." las* A:50
Oata • e •• I, 49**,8 ••.•••••• 0:33
Pea,s Ail., oar's,/ • .4 .1,410 • 9:60
Baxley eitarislAmaka a, • 11:' 0;40' -0:4fie
I ;011
Potatoee ...a...-. ee - e ;.- 0:&T @ OM
33utter....".....- .....; 0:17 07,4 -0:11'
Oati i'" IMO
a,y, # ton8:00 a 9:00
Hides (green) ..e . - .. --- E:00 5:00'
'Wood. . . . ..,•••• 2:50 „,c6 D92
Beef, per ewt. 5:00 W -dm'
Pork...-,.. O. ... . . 7100 (a) /:70
Chickens per pair .
Wool - - . - 0:28 0:29
0:30 i 0:30
Sheep ..... S:00 ; 4:00'
nese,the PO lw g P were not aware of the fatal re-` Lambs .,. ee e 4. * / 2;00 fp 2:24 -
"w Ili"e"`" • Ameti°1411 Pr9.441ril Pak/ euuugh t° turn °lit teith our t3sginaw friends, to say teething A. Montrea,1 pa:tett, states:- fOrty -deed Arany rat., .tirAi!--the-er"d 9:E the 2Ntne
Irak op. op, the bridge. I booed. the his work decretly-•or. if.he thinks he is ig the vidence of this convict goes A es . . ... 0:75 a, 0:75'
impression.] oderich Salt, wholesaleef -o,b. per Iblie
1 • '" • Y, inga iceater Square. Indians understood that things.wera bad1.7 suit hut the ,e
04 the soldiers ;were brInging The plot- is• atm, standing, and denkl.-.200 ; ;..
st- mixed up ;between the governing kowers fin to disprove oaneeetneee
plensure these excursions: nbould Fenian.% have been elispovered by American an , ea journfid hae nylmy • f
d thed den
itfrAt elk bo(ni- "PlorPothi hit should- not u. ildertaki the ,
, be largely patrotazed.. farmeta-near lieminingforde ' • • • . • :inane
_ . . • 4 s
• . •
- ' •
• e
. •
- 7
P. .
• -• ••••i•
a reeeteetii
fretteh Cir.:Fee hes aeelee
eereeem c7eteepedist leas tee
zwauy G•t_Eti r teeet -terienle
ns well as geetle_enen. "ince
filauterz:, vita. 6"r:.41 tnverteel
pain tp" 2;:"Zc:,..strx.;-::3, cad dee
hed tri‘el„,en ce'erieate neem
"erisatility• Few irelieflenle
of the feet. -1-71" met fatal to ce_
moyieg :teen be, crel r -
the cuee 07 ;,..-17C,Z4
end carrefel'ry treatd, cud
The enly nuy ol,-,teee
Breeze te pen:ee, aed eee f
%WET. 114 IS: •le, cm-
Tonenc.'etteeEe 0.1.seo---e
tee rueez
ative eeel -..reze,"•
rae Lz-eeleiertineile.--ti7e
matieringreever4Y In our
of a mo.,:Lettrer e'er C-CaliMr.0
CC:88008 aftlach•t:a;c,"..;:cs 12a
In Frennee the 21e:et yea
oceepete wIththeeNCITt5eTE
reee,-reena,'hut. ecriens cer'e
'to Leese teat
faventemeceg czn
Eraldell 8, c.raz-.73 ;La ILee.
frear-hitesechiltlatee. eta, -
en a eel-el:re, rearlme for it, Et
Defers et 23' eb lertLlie.
Ememeer:-I et-incele Zee
,Syrap efelepe--ehosKel„ end t
peerracent cure el'
acted nearly two yeiatn.
Freeport, inithy Co.. 7.7.
Pricee'LED a bettio . rcr
les wad hy Cut-Ile:1M re' Co.,
frErt-F1 sehreellhee
fn the Vilicee ceareefleid.
:geed fremetletelleg. teeer gee
-9ertleutees apeleg
.7uly z
• ._
en tees. eged rieetie-e,
A cow, (eat 'tee cee car Elva':
letw Sea:he:id
mitten leeelierfee ti:elereceve
f Gezdal; 0:721elita ler0,
1 6th JUL
C1APT, -
City efeemderhyeeal
ca 2C11Zely
..r..172vir:jatiGadcac.,:1 =.2.41
Alsy fer Zatcf.t.
eays.740ing trieaacrin an '17
Dzittit f,13 A M. t.f.:
110 Eagtawf,4 A BICZy. Tact:c*
erne In had :le nz2fiteatitea
Ty L-:=1*--ktc,t E=0:::3
IRE ifillOD11011
GE -71311d2
eceeeee, Tee feller/lee; em me -
. it'sO
,1nc.i.gcb tt°..ecAuLmet.,-2.-glet
rezate and feeerat r:de'ret, gym2entr
nrITI 11\c•ag,
4GUOI1G-t 13fISMP,
ND. DUCELEY, ,•`.,E•12