HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-07-14, Page 1.'q ............. Z i", A. FOR SALE o -V )y Tll r, le A A 05% A V Z, 0 A D. �7t�qln fj­t�"_ Va 1) 1-41 i�N on rst to G. IL N We GDod tb the Greatest P ssible Number." W. -P. 1) 11., Uitor t n0ropriotoi. The Greatest Po" I F 0-1 ISSALE. 7. U, 3 A C r r.q. Vo. Ill.—NO - xCIC'. 'T11URSDAY, JULY 14,18T& XX GODERICH, ONTARIO.) D.',C,. i% f�n­m and as ft:U7 a Wte iu E T R Y household 'panic called house -cleanings, ''ched Iiiin through -&y'eye1w91iei. I heard li=py, PZ MaPQ -4 ti, vppgyjast. - three or him iumbhu with the lock, and once he when. -the combined strength of t 'th tion, Business joirectorp. 18115�11esq mirectarp. Stoves! Stoves. GODERWEL For the Siguril. er toward the bed.—My eyes. The.4ijDcpjty2jcz ju knowbag jq§t �hov� four en was jealled into requisition to � loolterl ov draw it into the middle of *the room. So' lieiie wide open, but I dosed them in-tinig muclx.=d;ho Jittle to.syprk-fhgt�*. 01ma "he alaold' t3treet `00' l0orately. carved was -iLthat it 4v e�nt by' not to be detected. W&chiw1fimstealth. De a. P Niii6ns : - � �7 CABINET FURKISHING: ane of ters 1 .6 'T MIML m fm Sale. HURON HOTEL, JtOW IS YOU FL CHANCE 1-4 IV BY A CLACKITT STREET FOLICE-NIAN. The btitt& s!hoxa1f2 iml hp. too `tmz93 M the name of 'Westminster Abbey. in the. ily, I saw him open the do;7r of the safe, Ist. when nor sl iii -u 3o�u , pi� 1;wL jP4 ZURICH. CO. HURON. L W W A RIVE F1 0 USE. family. AA'6ne eiid of theroom,at noi go ba&to thestandforthecandle, and worked, A In ?tie Perhaps ye'll has beard wthe Clackitt street coo ­ke woxking diffloult -1mr—nome 't I lu q C'n -z 0 ifn,)yoveac nee -r -to -earn ernou� grea ance o Qte . I A Large return t e s , e eu r�_ Csnerftj jOHN PRAXG, Proprietor. 0 It P3 N ac cow in thokoanin Wl hel' could compare safe built into *the huge chimney"tif the out witlidraw, - in.;n- -the �ey f r6ii-i the lock. ' ladle for a few minutes,in boilink Fra=e id DANEEL GORDON, Sae rowth was her milk and its virtL es sae rare Z The brute grew sae famous, that -,ar 3!�IZA 0111'es rmra- ig whar.yelillelit fflallaiftl Vith a :doqr -high enough f(jr ii, . Here w.0 ?tlw oppi)rtunitylor wbi�h I -ana ccitl-�elzfeqtly li 6�1 vrater ;. T, e;; Free the grey dawn o'mora Vill the mirk hour o' tilcht peraon:t . onter Standing upright. Uere I waited aud watched. Liprang lightLyfrom the 1 ter-ja 11 b C71ALIBYX 7L T'aiq I-,; ttcA up with every convenience, for w. to Mr. W1QU1NL The theme olilkgossiP the neighbourhood' he 1461ia the trwelling public, Was aye sure to turn on the Ciackat oreetcZ" as accustomed to place, every eviening, the boa, with one bound reached the safe admit puttill,,.1 L4 0 0 ivr-HoLisrERER our-Isilver plate on shelves which e4euded dp 9 whole mass without s;,T G,,, I StAlig .d prompt ittendance Secure the ed the Iq turnetl he key, and vLA at. d Shadow ere the around -theei es, on which also wej� -plj t�_ 1:1) Ai4t) Twim said, by someowne wlW pr4tanded to 416 ind fen pros- it up without cirollubling, and ztilL Pehru%ry I st. 1,,-, 0 Thatlier milk was a eure for an �cue �r . . tai%t every ill, ed -boes egntaining - papers and other, ;triie- and,iAiseless'bn aeogr of the darls enough to cleiz and smooth, not FOR rum. L Substance fades. Undiertaker &C.9 And folk that were shAple and eitlily OL(telveil, 0 be&: rooiti.. 4C.1 The woudetin'statemoutao deftly believed'I - valuables. Opposite the f ot of th slightest particle 'adh9ring to the It - MRS. JL)AYS HOTEL AS now on band a They at rn-to buy it wrcredulous hasto '--stead, between the windows Vk& rtm 10. 0 , _�M I wag,% mirror, How Lima I IV upon Ithe 114br, 3: 49 not is in the dg1jt par.di � ­j­ largestockof , When ony inishanter thi ir health wad molesL Id ff-tbhofit- -16� _'371thardhil 23 0 Till the craft o' the doctor a fallure imna �raw running from the floot��Imost to eeil-- ltnnw-probablyafewmhi�teoioj� -:�-bnt,; H - WIROXETER. unconscious, itseemed,"when I i4t; com ing. . Like all h"ther.(urnitiAre ju -the as I was uud ge&l�, yet tellingle V, alid Em 04 URNITURE' Throthe wonderfa'juilkw the ClackitAti the ir -of room, it was old. and bancliipr4o. How came to myself, as i -terval had been' M.;, It r I L)L a KIN. IT the direct road from S�aforth to 0 iin everyvmiety, which' 2. roused by his blows* frnuding� agraiiiit the mand Beside -R, it bad Ither peculittrelmum many happy scenes it haid -reflected �n Oie along one. J wa A -ImAiiitga au(I Walkerton. Every necessary accom C1 t: Which,= strive to rehearse in poetical terms - and fo elf week th -modation ter tho travelling public. I in wan X I years it ptoiid -there! upon the iro# 400r, _Und myh boid Tlie bi;tter 'is Prices to Suit the Times I of furniture fid thatauld Spijeiters, and Bachel;rs ioo hundrec Pd favor him with a ni n e ing was exce Ing V an a r a Tig . ervo rtshed byll:�$ JLII) SALE, DAYS. visit, 95 That It banish!d the freckles and P;rrowso'time I w4 -vbether :in style or 1 -stored 0 the ardour and hues. o' life's prime I tlieriefoWleft-tUe -in 0 o en, thdugh I calip. rememberedthe a 1-1 a aarele�s haq in tho price, such as blade wedlockAye certain. and spouses aye tras drew the curtains b* ore sea d myself wWclr- 1-thQvight whilej Iny Photomraphs red-acea to $1.00 per Doz., 0 there core Bureaus, -Wool Clxalrq, CaneChairs, The wonderfa' muk o' the CLackitt street coo I 66t`66pe - in e retain eazk, in tv I lcc nges, at -tlie -table hi the, centre of the rooiii, rising, that a e' the time of pack . iiig, at. wor r OR 75otS. PER HALF DOZ=. 1311fes, lighted -the candles, and bega� to read,.in with a and foOili Ire �X C! COLBORNE HO'JL'El Bedsteadsi, 1ou flifea Tables,: Bookcase$, Cupbnard tured and dun, 7 9- - Gifis, lassie were dwarfisb, I order to pass the heavy time;,,before :,the piighf ih hf-3 ra�e burn the valimMe a n,_ the bowl gadiev6r st CIODERICH. H Extension Tableahasy Chairs, Rocking CIWM And use Jo's affections were likely to win. Large PhotograFfh Reduced in Gif she eftled. the ban o, qome chiel too attalp return of my husband. tents -df the safe; -He poiniaeddeapti 0 �d Wardroes, -Side boaids, Chiffloners, iaely.- the ladlo. m Wash Stands, Kitchen Tables, Stands. THE GMUN Proportion. Sea Grass Mattresses, Wool do, Ibloss do And plied a her force ol attractions in vain.: After a w i -1 heard fearfully at BM- 3d. T6 butter -should not'be of9a Tho' big [is a giant. and proud as a duke, h th� clock otrike bn the iltvr, and svvdre OhT� our E. MARTI11T. rroprietor. lso will make the largest Photographs made in Goder- air do, and 4 or 5 different klids Spring Afal tresses, As firm as a gudge*on held stick on her book nine, at whi inab always went to ng 'himself en�rapped. But as 1 took 'no untit it is perfectly Ary. When id # large aisortuient Of� Gif she in his tea, but as tb fu tb -bed. Her all mber was in the attic On the ' otice of his outcries, he soon.grew quiet. pach, it should have a dight -i ich. very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar 3: MT .4L 3M :M, N. B.- Keeps always on hdn ImIlle few en the r.113. Washable gflt and Rosewood I tb6 woudeffe, milk ou claciatt, st.T�etcoo,.i upwardsat —0— goulding-frames, s.quar o tie I th V Meat third story of the house. Remembering Presently, T rose, and, lighting a candle about it, a sort of insensible D. CAMPBELL'S or oval, made on the shortest notice. ant Havjrg made arrangementv- with JACQIiES The Templar's wha never. encourage a vim some household matter about. which I dressed myself with all possible ha�re, and plepr brine whi(,b has Ve- S�Go q-_j_1=Dt Good Accommodations. Ample Stable Photograph Gallery. COAL 014 tn' v&-I-watercd Goderich. Get. IStb. U69, -27 I AY, Toronto, can furnish anything her -4 or Outhei'r nieoting-nic-htsqtiairtl.it4nLLi-oiv'd itwas at the last eqoug�, so:fba `41 en a er 1.0 nice wished to speakto �er, 11 started 1 urriedly with trembling fingera, turning often to -PCT' - . at their Warerooms in Toronto, I It aLrv'd them to fang Ideality's F . ;.intolt a drop or two .'61 brinn, ,tyju i;,,? Pn v is WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. pring, li,jaud. went into the entry to intercept look atthe!Eafe,from undertlie clmed� turI10. 0:::P- This is admitted to be a First class K -3m Has always a complete 'assortment oi MadE, fluent thqir.tongues, and inspired them to sing I tt� gthend 1.eir lungs,. and It 'mellowd their her befoce'ahe got up stairs. I had to door of y1lich I more than balf e,7.pected ooze out around it, and y tz� ge- Coal Oil Lamps, &o., &e. Old Iron.. kept in Good Style. NEW CABINET Ithroats wait al�oivt a minute -befor6 she came, and to -,see blood -triakling-�- p �ffl dew. 7dr- Cop why, I cannot tell, sliglitly wnt, r, IT -1 per., Brass, Wool Pickings, and Sheep Skins Cofm & Shroads in the Latest 9t, �Ie- -bleating of goats -ilestro�4,01 the eantiful con Dece 2ath. M. sw14-tf I Ill their cadence outrivau'a the our ges of M AND taken in exchange, And fifty inair virtues forbye these. 1 trow colloquy con.tingpd, three or four except that my mindwao fall of im workink sis ! 1. & J. STOR 0 Vo 1E AkSES to hilire. They fouiLd in themilk ol the Chickitt dtreet 000. miantes more, horror. I had no ency,oftlie butter nialtes itdry and stit 4 Y Alsog 11 1 ivqs soon in readiness. I CommerelaiNatelWltch�el IC*.VF n -bed-ropm,: feel- means of a reasy in summer, and tallowy in wig U-P.—HOLSTEIRING S310T, Do-sict of th Large Coal Oil Barrel,, C:4,]a0ELjP FOIL 40V&0]U- Them1witier used it for statchin' hdr frills;- When I retumed'ta my scortaining the time, ag he �ad s it a dull a ter Goderier. March lst.IS67 ing somewhat tired, -I resolved to 1go.to rny watch in his pocket anil there wa� no _pa nee tetiftjoy C all2riage ShOP WEST STREET Godrich, February Ist. 1870. The Apothecar' Used it to -lozen his pills I vovbnconte The Minister quatild It, 1�; help him to preach I body as, at� that -late hour in the country, - clock in the' room. TAking the cautilb, ill The Dominic drank olt to help him to teach I W 'Eutter should be pac1ced per -featly 1301i it was quite certain that no vis"itors would hasteneatoarousel)inab, 'bn,s_R.T!3hoo1c` OITNT TTTCRS, Proprietor. This is tb OPPOSITE BANK OF MONNTREIL, PHOTOGRPHS ungd wi% they o4y, The soile I paper co!lars he sp The tab st� it !;xr-gestind bstColintry Hotel in Wester call, and my husband could let himself in :her, slowely opened her -eyeg, and with leaving n space for air. aana,la.and enarges aq moderate as any Huns Forthe iact-wastoo frugaltothrow them alrAy- be completely fillea, twil calm.red GODERIC31. Andshampoon!d his ringlets-aR some folks allow, with the latch key,, which he alwXy-s' car- scarcely any more than. her usual slowness, -4tage Proprietor. Good s�p bi ingfor Wl'the rich creatily milk o'Ahe.LU&At street cobi before kis iieaaed up.' 37110 S=4 rJoRtirstes I'lorsesandCamagesfor Hue,on $1.00 Per Dozen. ried. I thought, however, I would try to pronounced her formula in 'Miss Millie what �shall'l-fl fancy butter to marhat ut it up '1118 ERM VcKAYv Be't fact, or Ve't fable -I've heard oo of -late, keep awake by reading, and accordingly WeD, I y� -.0' a Laird and his Lady. o'h4rless e4ate at the ord a massy 1 what a de matter wid (le or other styles to suit their custonlo!4 dwre 'head Of My bed. Pails are used for the purp placed-& light,4taiid.xud the candles Wha advised'by the spaewife, as callft stepp' tben,ZlostA and fas- �hild ? yop Aia!t soexi a ghust-bave yQu3 ose. Ifn tradc7 nounce that he has opened a Ro;olved forto test its miraoilious pow'r 1 19 'treet, opposite mark is stamped on the butter, u to �T At L 0 RIN ...3b.p in the above11ne. on West Th. -y drajik o't wl' freedom and vne slir.pit hame- ned the windows, undreaged and got!into honey 0 pod� G tht Bank of ontreal, where he will keep constantly And taVine short months after just wat ye what came bed. The -key of the safo I p�laceo, ap 'No, Dinah -, -'but I've se(m Something butter should ever receive the mark. on hand or make to order Ye may g ess'twas an beir-but I tellye'twas two. usual tin -der my pillow. hn a ghost. I've caught Z rabbet, U the worseX Thr6 wiuderfu mflk'o' the Ciabkitt streeto FURNITURE OF ALL KMS- After reading perhaps ialtan hov'r, aud in the safe. What tit0e.is it?, V.; -S HI -1 110STSINCERRTHANK ETUR.\ HaNing on lian-1 all assortment of UpholsterLog -book, and, quietly aud loolcin at the c conddcrc8 Nae doubt Ot-a coo o'sle virtues as she grew weary of the lay lock, that ticked slowly Sla.-A the public r L fort he very datteringencouragemen the hato iLg it down, remained some minutes niedi- and deliberately -as how could Dinah's I-eerved-sinep hecommenced business in Gode material, he will be prepared to rin promptiyall orders Wad sees turn a mark- ror ilk covetons e*e : I the meditun of exposing public grievanceiir ich, not being able to execute over One-lia I o in that line. Nae wonder gifenvy lnfriendl� disguise tating with my eyes fixed on the ni,uTor cick help doing ?-I saw to my great re - .9 tarc�z; out super d D seize sic a prizel n Imiseason t16VL1lg B: -S- A quantity of Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings on orin fell on a projeftt, ir:d his wife isite the foot of the b �ich I lief that it was n arly inidnight. I would claim a sb art space im your Xdu. heordersbrou.-Ift to hia They.1hinderd the owner, and glamoi e , inv e C) 13 And bred sic a storm ol Connn bial. hand. Oppd see rayself reflected, tj geT.her , with We had scarcely got down stalfs when I able - paper in or4 IIALFDOZENFROM BACKNEGATIVE: Asa, their domestic arrange er to Wagons <,I 1, isXw -jund of wheels. 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from. the yellaw silk curtains'behi my Lead, I heard the s oment livilijiv, ktt street coo. back nebritive 8.7 cents, postage free, to any' 0 M Piettire Framintr to Order. 14 o" Resolv1d to gk haud o' . th I o wa An wvqs, Business Extensivel Was thlbiking, ndt unnaturalll how pretty more nd husband 9:3-Hetra3ts by strii-A atte-nuou to busin:!ss to address. 0 Agmidtura I Society of this collutwrriu� �012- niaze an Ablength-to evade a bit crook in tba,laW, I joo�ed, and how happy I was with such listening'witb m z'6 a rapid na- wIttit �q in the Una tL3V and employing none but first-ciass tradesmen mer. a shAre of public patronage. SI made amock sale o! to Eli]p-le McCraw 4eldon with waa formerly knov-M-.6o 't 'waV r- w44 -ti: to C bush- a loving 1jusband ajid such &-lare stim. af rative oof my shigular ladventlire. , I would 1-- the County Andag D.A. behevshisexperience as Cutteris Goderieb. Nov. 17.1869 133' Part kular Attention paid Q tz iWet. ukthe piels coonsel her coiiscienee to 0 - Ing aud.Pv Qp� 0 J=4 T our si�fa, whe open the safeuntU Sites tl�e Kj�pen 'Mow �i4 I'll grane" . Irom,the neigh T-fitse iftateheigir wed thi =4 --P t 3 w --;,n a-md careg econdto none in the Province, havin.-ca rried on hat 'a bird in, the han'W(W w6rthrwaiulU bush. money secure in n suddenly not suffer him� to Quo' she-1here use langer in puirtith 4vig6t; f4 �brsmessextensiveiyandsucemsful tilaamilton, 1.110' old Ambrotypes. �P-, 02 1 1 saw in -the tuirror a sight that mad6 my- had suminoned assistauce I M C) This coo's just as vude's the philosophers staue' 11having been heart stan principally or either large or small photographs. The 6% Un thestrength o' her Milk, and her butter, I trow. d still. A hand appeared be- lioring houses. I feared that my 4espero" inclivi( uglB in the vicinity of mppen an turning 0 owly pris When -the Catterin one of the Principal Establishmen sin thpnks for tl�e liberal PT 10 to 1,-iiijunespeeitoweaithivi�the Cluket-tstreet,co-o- twoeu th curtains drawing them�l oner might still escape. have been conducted suc2essfully an, subscriber in re 4. safe Ndinblurgh,geotland, he eariesalvit Establishmeat 'in Town'l " apart, and grasping cautiously the head� was opened, there tmt my burglar on ning public t ha t PaEronage hdretofore' -extended to him, 'But the loftiest castle we bigg In Me. a cknowledged to be the test wouldjust say that 'be 'has made such im- man's hand, large 'and the trunk boara. It was half stupeftpd for want �i ale CLOTEMTG CAN BE MADE H However see strang, and however r- provements inhis oalleryas will merit a con- >4 The first sweeping stLrgp 6! adversity's storm. coUrs e and dark, as is belongin to a u- icnife7in onehand, thepachage.of 'noneV taxi� -fer a.jumbQt f �Carfg To the�Chaos o'vapours will scatter its form I t candle at van -in Toronto orMontreal.. linualice of the saie. latto,'or to one great] y tauned by expopilujo iu:the 6ther, crid the burned OU Livery Stable his)stabliabinenequattotheliftes 640's of tlie S. I - See faredthegmild structure o'EppIcAfeCraw given into zkhe�l oderich. Octnber 3rd. 1863. Deceitfully based on her neebours doonfa to We weather. his feet. Ue was recognizeiI waun 9.1d. of, ­' S�-n -,-, Ural odift, j1pr dffie A --ND 0rHERS. Great Reduction on' may bonour aye cling just whar holiour is due, feuder, -who 'llad not been IOUg, OUt -0V as 'it as Andthe er -Aye has the ClackUt street Ppo. My first mpulso was to start frm dve owly a branchof A�,, Lar -we Photocrraphs. richt ow. w. is, bed, and scream for -help. I repressed �t State Pelson, -t�'Whih in due COUT56 Of condnet awl 7 law, Ike was sooit sent back for a term of t�ey ivere,th ir Your by a strojag effort of xill, zmd, lay pe4ect- gi .. , . pt tbgl� E. L. JOHIT90N. years, which, f devoutly hope may last theSodety.�ft vin., y MARTIN AMAYN Goderich. Oat, 26. 1869. -44Cf. .1y motiouless, except that I r. A 11 a r�'g F. H as Ion- as helives'; Mir I confess X should an- y 2 - 0 closed my eyes, keepingtbem gavzthem-whdfupc evialued 134, ! b attLz'_wenY-0--e Ye= to he)ir thqi he was ap. ip at EGSTO INFORM WS UL D CUSTOM ERS A SAFE INVESTNENT. A fed'easy I . - U, a �Qib66 o1a 0 ciently open to watch the mirror As 0 - t, UtW dollars, an nrzUl dl9=seT HI able to sell for cash., at the large. The that ba W ti lbbik ofxk� gaio me oil 'second year of . the I t cli il var, quick as lightning my mind took in� .. . . . * 'IL VUk owest rates, 8, n of 'the Big B) r 0 0 M. In:thQ' tha noViodit be ig cc -he -ming oxit 6f f live w7itlilmy iiituation. In the few minutes of Xpy. t I was -married, and went to ab- .7 ILL KINDS OF FURNITURE obliterated.from my memory. �the exppss conaitioi that thep m husband in a small village on the Hudson, sence from the room, while-tdking to Dtnah Aly husband, I need hardly saj, Was were to bprbda u�uually,��cl lw�pa A-hqy some fifty- or sixty milesfrom. NewYozk- in the entry,u thi�f a To .1�100M UACTORY Huron Hotel, Goderich-- (.ixve him a cali. B ibber, a pm4ible At his shop on Kingston Str-t, oppogie the The house we occupied wAs a large, rambl- murderer, had stolen in by the piazza- M-0 greatly pleased with my safe investmel#, failed to� so the money Gaderich. Oct. 3. 1868. swIlvr3:7. sion, of considerable antiquity for dows, and had hiddeuk either undek the and orimplimented ufe highly on the cour- A N D ing.man a(,e- and coolness whichhad doubtless saved ed and thpy.-were to 'em this -ountry-and stoodalittleapaWrotn'the bed or behind its 4raped head. He a§ �7y life as well tis our money. The love to the Dynainometf AU" P. T-9 AL C1 L E rest of the village, surroun4ed bj br�4 doubtless armedL; a;id) if .1 oried out, ed vie, and eSpap from and pride wa.whIch iwegard the con4itiona,but'.Wbat have thosp gent e� WRY STORL -fields, and commanding a glorions view of ttempted- to 6 the *�rcrnm�� ho ipl-debzhe alwayz. to this day re. - with ShftTV'?'- ould easily reach tbe oo.rbeforel the river and the hills of the Highlands.� r i hearses my.expluitwere of e O'G.VAN th, 6ervo a =.my RosE roTAToms, r[M Sabscriberg have removed their Broom Factory It had been built before the Revolution, and for his o vn security woijil-prob4bly sufficient cbm�ensatiou for the horror dad 1PP 0 by my -husband's. great grandfather, aad, Tilt me to death. Dinah -was too distAnt, lopg.t e�iaea to old no movang 6�, r r is si, _L to th� ep e S , rear ef the Store formeVly occu�. T the acrony of -that p#uu,= Vigb pie d by J IF A quantity of 0 :th HOMSON (two 6ors South of PRICE REDUCED though destitute of many Modern ifa- and too. feeble and clumsy, to afford. me n s3je. at 1--e Our H t.1, -t. and beg I o in- ApBl�tojs*s Tournal. matches this ye4r, but they do not &3!db -rown from the original Kingston strec Y. a7;�3y This popq.tar Fryr-.%TO. ats I was still a comfortable and any a4sistance, and besides was by ;his imate that having facilities for purchasing broom -corn provemei to them. ReA4" n the cheapest market, and neVULNell, Esr��Lvs 94 Butter FOR GOOD DRY] My husband was'a, la we 4hink Aim a� luvro &nJ_VC sto�-k an4 mu­rzanted maine. Also EARLY GOOD- having secured the ser- pleasa t residence. -time fast third storp. to return-th� mo TmDii Ra:, -7 IRICFI from J. A- Bruce il Co., seed merchants, in asleep in the - Fri vices of A firs"lass broom -maker, they are now turn cfonbtress knew that my husband wyer -an4 a large gp The W ing out me# MA I S real-estate owner in the neighborhood,and, that day received a large stint of . 41 icultairist has pu%lishea a prize wrong couc u-ston g at the period of which I write, was greatly au& had gotte �off across he river, feajiug essay -on butter making by Mrs. M A. juatches, as I have only to �efii 4mm t WesWde of Market quare, CIVED A LARGE AN EXTRA HEAVY -BROOXi ttl . P perplexed,-ii4e many pther persons in. the me alone, or nearly alone, -in theh6i'�;--::- Deane -of Farina, Illinois. , It preseiiLts, the who attendd� *6 lat're number -of people* cerich, April ISth 1870. North, by the,periloup state of the times, He had entered caring onlyfor -tlie*ino�ey2 leading, points of g6oa butter in�king in '-.them at that busy season ofthe year, t9 ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS ELacx OF THE PINE 1UNIOERY pe rest fakm i part of W"tof;England Bro and especially �bout ille safe investment and anxious, abdve all things, i.to.esda plain language, but lacks a good' dehl df zonvincetheip.of the lively�ntp ad - sed, exhausting subject. bitneys, -If I let him W-eTertheless, in th MPORTANT 1q0TI0E,,',Con 9, 1 Bearskins, FaLCY BEST QUALITY WORKMANSM of his funds, As the suspension of specie undeteqtedand unrecogni the am in 1pths, Beaver rold,'and the' know thatj as awai�e of�hlspresencp,-I . eewehaveso' 3.=ypWNtte!;-Wake 9 not ashamed to state our grlevjiqo�3 �ilb En-lish. Scoieh,"dFrench Twteds,Cahmeres, payments, the -great rise in g W sm 13 1 r -s 77�c . militar ys�if o murder, and per- and the stZgestiaxs of a prj�e sg4y may bZkinis, and a -40%y of Ganadian C�Iojhs; Which theyareeuirgas-c any manufacturer in y disasters in Virginia, made it at- should expose m, licly,- we hopethese geutle%6Z.1 V;1q.9XR. Plain -tin, Flowered Vestings, shifts murder. My %thp,4arp . e . -vkai4ner,, H,12nilten onto; b -P or Tr LATH, SHINGLI98 siole to tell where it would'be baps to butrage worse than Le,t6 isoline th4u. suggeations lain �tbejgjgohako most -Imp(lA have more valr, GI r. Its MANN-, eve _ps safe to deposit or anA to othpiwie conveyed, we giye -the sifttanco W� h4re troubled yauml�4 tv. JEW e1.0 t of giving satislaet to use one's money .4u. obvious,�polizy was to keep quiet fe� witto 'It ]Bath, Wholesale & He fe�n siee . I thought -also of the nii were it not that flis House Sig & ivarr1a,,re with their orders. any atriount. p V, of Krq. Deape7s essay. -thig comrs012icatian I real- and was not.altogether villin to OP as foorLm. -e are very. man$ kim I; reqign E,51RES TO ACQUAINT THE PUBTAC.TMLT In the course of his transactions in Milk thould be cooled to 6 public are interested, ther -and to, possible after mil4ing. None. I 40,50bs estatq. -it 1tap pe : dAdd lberally 'b*0 Dhe bs att-M up a shop oa North streetnext-to-t-be.. TVMED SUW-S(all wooh)$12 andapivikTaq., They have also purchased the balan6e of Ur Xame.: AND GwOR OSTS, lieped one day, that he I - -that without 4u effort to sa,�e it, Dut tin' Tails ija jupligr �tivegq Thoulson7a h..�VeZEG ItO -Wesleyan Methodist Charch, with varnish -room at-' ceived, Arbat Was for�us then a"large s�m-' have at lqpst.some-guidefo the identity, of �4j�uld 4e jigod 1r, milk in. -The i0le matche are. e ',that V . B. -Cutting done to Ordar. -qj-4 Stock of Grocefles' d difflari; tilef-hief. leonfess,howeverthatthis.114 when cooled shoulil be set in deep tin t�,Ar*m6iiioy -tached. where he is.prepared to fill all orders promptly thousan ,wwatreas,mabieprices, Thaulifulforthe patrionne of money, about ten in iderpi jentlemen of ther-hist 7 ye= soucits a --ortivar-ce of the same. GoAerifi1h,SeDt26th.1866 ZW8 and made large addtions thersto. and intendto carry- which he b ire of 6V. 4a 6) yought home and placed in. my cons on -Was not a very strong oUe, pails, and iept af a temperah Ptbbti t on (in biaold stapst) A Ilret-class I - if bo This �ifll secure ll he -cream. But ple% that ,they are short of u ANT S EL §ame.time-t tlke and - am afraid that, if I could havo swl U an t Now is the time to aint your Cutters,- chargq, telling meat the milk is.,nqt co�le . d imm milk- these ng-the.aven- eA Family: Grocery Business on thi hould have -to be bsent!dim my . y after matches are too expe-usive bi# 1.4 Sleighs, ana Carriages. ia; a the house, I should have 11�a iaaon- be C=?s M Ca2 by 1. business on t n� wity clear to an escape from ,pt qoj, much cream will Sbaretar of their TOFARNERS AND OTHERS- in r, attendiug to some I Ing and 'ki -C)ASI-I PRIN5 r, and Qiould not Pe inently,. without'waiiiing to 900 move t�W fhay tlt be set in what way# formeriv Pgol Orders from counU7 Carriage shops fttended to The sabseriber iias now on hand oler side (if the rive' wasad, le - lviig "IHE UNDERSIGNED HAS LARGE -BUYS OY at home till abo-it midnight. thatle e &=4. V m tL Great twith digpatrlL r6bi 11 delap im shallbw dishes 41ifferently, Graijaing, Glazaig. Paper- I money belonging to pri�ate parties, as well p A completw asso*�aqit of in the safe, icb seeffiell an hour p ed " sign Paainting� Gildmg. YOU can place the mo;iev A monidnt wh airy -tfi�ta,thev werb )hlw�u� It ill be 8-eeu. at once that.A cool d V51 -AiMM S. Fu=DY -aid, as he gae it -to me, Companies, for Teas, Coffees,, Sugars, Fruit ar, 11 he s Aile these.thouilits1rushed throng forsumtpdr,-thatc0P bekept wv,,rm f44 ilunds 4ii L I lay p t thel -r. Fv. MANN- Investment onImprolv(d Farms, 1,500,000 feat Fine Lumbet, de erfectlystni, itil rAy half, 0 jt milat U tQ g* to- morrow I will try ana,.fta. some W?,Y tto mind. d wtather, i4 �sseuifal- enabled I'To m 0 map Goderich. Nov. 8, 1869- eye Spices, Flour, FseLt POtatoes), closed w42 deposit it securely- s wAtchip- the mirror, and lhli Tt vitors 'of all kinds, Qyen dBr -and property dry, free frot .4 y . =islng Rate of Interest from 8 to 10 lier caut &c_ &c., always on ]land At the 3.roovvest Prices Xx AL W 3EX ft' at.me with fierce yet wary eyes.- hitt" and kept 9�rupuloiisly bf jaoI&yj. Hoping_wp sft�,lj r-VC�CJVO o, saying, he ptepped-ftito --the buggy, glar Fd from tIje kite] -as a mulatto, w it Of thege-gontlelien J very h to currents TQPIY..Iwm 1 which was t;. dirk, 4 ox�obure in y4ur nex. WASHING XACH_ per animm, payable half yearly ar yearly, witih the and delivered in Town. inding'at the door, and drove Theiman =a nit th= Ll the P- 04- option of paying the mortia,-e (any time after the end of3 Oidy one call'reTmled to sectwe a con-; "th,liiin our hired man� Silk ey4assiob. written in every lineame;ik- ?.there muA be free circulAtiO�.,Df ir. a;�Ve Qt�eliw-p years) bygiving three months notice or of away,takingm Psgej I hae the ple of Cc2s=--_V_!rn ;or tisuawa of 1-ublic Patro)wge. PUM IND GERH SHINGLES e . lau" 64, mi* ft account of P and le&vinj me witli -go one in the hous I 91pld c rnAhudder�pg 'all in anysum of $100orover d Thotigh' ventilatioti lu wath �16ifs jpttere.-t being chargable on the balance only. -F but Diu- an at the sight:of 14 ll�ieful. �111 thitigs,muilt be WI�v�ibedauarinsed,aud xtledk IC -DAR POST ma!i, whoful f' The subscriberlso-londs money re -payable by ap- COX & MCDONALD, old colored we Aias �lint it out. Hot water.. FECT 0 speeai, e4 ;ny eyes to s --.in boiling V r that of John I I A PER anal inswineats. 1SKingston litreet.L filled in our modest household the fund Xn thou icalded W. G, who had yet-,qiRite readyfor the ordevJ -will pqt ay�wqr't�e 'boe-It must be aV in 'rf an ircau Ap?ly to ia.-Farra iroduce taken in E7 tions ofoopk, and maid-bf-ail-worli;, as she was Ot which he.iB pyopared ge lor Goodw- h Febrqqy�th, 1870. W40 temporataux� of 24 Eippou fit Inly. 1670. we::. had long done -the. -family'of my own through which1 mmst?Popti-pam. - ��-nittbr the Canada a ed.credItCompAmy ri-I get a Cam-a!aros ngtCo n TO-SEWINLARGEOItSkM LOER parents, A0, -had yolded I #auted to move my lig'4t stayid P, -Ii�tlo Qfr Ju on y marriagie The preatp 4 W Str GFNA'X 80M. vac a, t. LEF07the 1-Prw cb, her to me a of my (folm e cream is r,::� The ri e&njy;92_0O- A rer. outlof the Way,' and to so arrange the"bed Th .12tf s a valuable part c before the milk WEST WAW. C�_'j J?nArl[S, =1 April Uth. iv� I could spring frota the bect -and is taken FIRE & MARINE a . Dinah -was indeedA pharacter. She wax hen bright aud yellow, all and very stoqt, -Weig Id I therefore pve a Lur' Cash rhina ihe wou withpii� impediment. This ivill siecollsitvte skimming at iew easily. ][J --i 8ula.�&rf io.00" ID-aduced Pr -apamoved, as if about awake, least twice a day. never tell how much, m0re than 200 lbs. little Tho =ght!s..m4 Ana jD_-2:CM t2 Aleds ffmp, SU13SORMERS OFFER FOR t She . was very blac�, and s lazy as se was. my eyes at the same., tioie. the movRip arA Pegar JL Iftth wonderin tLe Mashing Machine A-10VA-L H)SNIX FIRV ASSOURANCIr COMPANY Of -1T0a­ ghtlypenijig g's ti4�will aeldni'-13e t -to RE autly,44SPLp- ... B, t & ilgitlo - ared by Israel Kinney, of Woodstock. abn England istablished in 178%one ofthe olde n1bom orcscnf� ,ed and m P black. I do not think �nyolie could qipgo Thehead au4 thp,�vkn4jnst �tm, at the same time. -FL Ap ice, over M'a pneq,, VAid tho It, is the c1leapest machine ever invente&; can be at jsi%estLd best ��s inCaiiada 1W ply at the of mogeeliberately than Dinah,. did, that- i6ia!eA. de tii�_Ae­ milic may be shimmed fit An 'tu WC ) achdL t4) any ordinary wash-tnb..; can be adjusted by DetlorA �Qa atom i of, the stand all ;A �qprjn_ if ds : washes as ALEX. WAMCA, KTO a,.yro:ftde;;fu1 sired changes -in t e positio TT ght or heavy goe Xj Agent moraines milk at anoftr tim s tosuitpitwx I 'I. - I to moV43 at. all. *d, by and the, arrange AyEs more cumborabine iind costlk mentof the, clothes, put To det4nijue the proper. time to '!a impIdly and aMcfen a W&TCHMAXER dispensation, s hat what once. ),y XT hkpAry to thd Not1w -. and he see med-todee Igement. 4erience and juc ram hines ; mikid does less it desired, as a a AND J E W E. L.0 471ROMCM INSURANCE COJTPAXY of Canadag shi was my wch vith key i)t the tafe, under my V, leaves them n =Iy as dry, regular -rul JE- HoadOfrjd'e;,Tornnto. Will,ake r.sks on Countr7iy 'ever her other faults might'be, Wfter. Th9jovr price of$�*.vv brIz&9 It within, the P near the e&le that .1hey could da city g, ly. -Madne Aski taken at-49,4oW: ratqs strong on the p6mt of locomotion. . For pillow -ac e u be,alloVil to Ao twelvo rods of ercssway,: �=%jy. Tj ith it any hougek-per cart -do 362M aram, a ropei -wotiid, Th vream she ld be kept at a tempera-, er- be easily taken kuew'�hey ture of,6o9., and wellstin JnA t1re-CwR my r d -.J)qen I�novh2g with a.pond out, ,od as often ting sore hands or asanyot er first class oiuq.e when'she ha, ing on side lihc�between Lots -18 & -a% 4tt Ageuto Otis e erawawashipg without elthel go _slownesA filled oil of 44ded. Thi" cream shUld h . t maddening to ap6r- be' extiugai a2hing. bael;_ HOJ%ALUE HOUTONi Agfll� lmonew creamA Ta c=a. gremoved to the store lately son. of ordinar sin g4e4 hA cj�jirnedbut concession im lieu of his li�our �i 7, Subsenber haibi qIypray&s,.And,,cl0 gMVQYes,r6si-. ve a vie�n'f6ur,tmto, *h0h E 5 y4uickness,ouomf her,fav a^ th X Id 'rroccupledby.A.Tfaysmith West 6treefoppagiletke (todekich.W1xv 10.,A84.9, �4 24tf- was ",Well, Miss -Lillie my�selfito -my fat -ifiortot be kept to6 long. Sweet cream orite exprossip'" e, mi.th 49 very sangtilue yar, cld Vorh to b� dopo nal -call ad me e ae ne Ltomce,svisfictto ibank Rs faends and the-publi T6- LOML us % MON i or definild1ope of,�rtri"- fO* PY jus -before ithwhich-they1mve favore neitV, How, sh;� t tDe7pixed with -it 4200 000 n good firm sequrity payab, whatsli�lll fly onto UPS TLQ prie liberalsnppon 111an. 15th -of Augurit tam forthp pusure them that fe fromi, jut 2,5 years. and begg-U' . IF "iedll on. asit wil rs Forsy*fh vkppjies1 ppriva'aVy almo arg of ameso =6 j�ocom�llshed all she did, the br6wni" Qu- perilous.positi &T --and a"40- h -jrst her laig(t AT ROBINSON & YATES' a of their IF -e, ed I vaste by T-ot iettifig no �TortAjli WXpared toment acolitinuaric ronroxiolo nxfta;tco� ly know, % used sipmetiiites sttd mke my WAthiiig,r09 hurned, qPI in," Vitrquage, his anxidus SmAy.will be to.4UPPIT retained! I sufficiently � -siveet cream re arr 2 L Z!q, agee - . . wake, and""y I more �cbilrning than.4pur ere Godarich. I -Mb. Dec.' 1860 fL0AALCE.RqJF*T0X iremble. wha.theie wa an 4hou i ;r" am cloes' The Will, for the ybar'*37. Wunlc any. spdcipi burry tlelonder th Watches Olocka and Tew4leryl IT-TSW 3RMOM Lbrtts-, and yet 'with my on my han4, counterfeitipg I tili OoArie!x, 10rch 31.11868 cheek 1e.creAra when thehur hip. about our ilomestic,arkangew emperatur"f which willgives;ttisfietionto the parchasert and asajI affairs to, 41ciap. AtJast the becaine,mor inffbegins shduldbe-60`i6r 63P. Thenit next L ca=1.7 At Dinah always Infinjigea to --or;ug stfllneo a -, 81dki main, yscy, caftomers j depeM myfirst,agol tenance ofp and atttudaniz work -has been done'bV M may Er.l�.Vtlie i�me the but, �o 6 tho late a consummation just *heyt P, minute more terfiblo� than. e,�oa ris on having itlycilexectil.44. fl, RITO Ps I Uearda Soft will " e -to abov-01 Henry Douglass from Xai4o � tall tho FREDERICK U ooatep�perature for 0111 A g 9d asgortment of Gold alla ter Como, whiolf-Is a 9. pla�Dd av6;iained.gwrythinc;,, mid With ral times I fatdod ilt is -an advanta(ye kS &e., allya)F04011. h4ftd. C egg 'BRANI vndisturbed-fraiit wild Ison Pee. b livould h. ce 0 th' throw 4 poriod of hiS MCI�S)Was UC2 wfrh 406 slowri enunciate. istep appr6ha ficin'the TAYLO Illonj - -As';okt�n I wasp a. Tfien 'ALEx wArtAcm 4'Well, miss, wbatE4141114 r - I 1utOX e bemning tb sented. Aloved V BIT Wi Ontor n6Xt., I" koeive oll n � he cream,bef t been wellzialli- -to MRS erjah 40.ct� 26th 186 W4Q ag-�dn, that dreadful stillness in which I churn cows have no Stuart 013t i$� twignearlyd,,rkvvhe�my.111mbaiidde if the 10 biT,�ja ter It -110� cows. A Witit 116r�Great Europea-ii Herb lteiik C�. (3a7Z12'_'y God -8. ;.tickingof the witphtlirougl -3 best 1. toga orders o 66unte�ibe 4� Th sy full ef all domarAES ijal� 411`5 arted, and, gtvlug T6y a positive - H r-O.P. SAME. -W - . w I Dina oil at a- 6H or rather gly: sugge 3 J left the'pill6w I Ttwas should bousea to, aeterinme count of tho LtoH JL iism.'Drip �-Uer -Andm-adethe1our, Ahebousb' epalq� headache, 1,oss of Ap- '�ie olltt�rojn behind the atTrWn, stop or is *o, be nb. 0 n nATp ov LOT XO; m7 IN tnn ist oto 'sto�a look" t me t ved. An4itoi statom(402 ac- 'Pollork, E 84.,'of.'tQr _y -loched pedtt1he tabld, 7 aeresi 0111Y twi) 1111148 *01111 and �y Putting-carro jkuntis to the end of Demrabcr last was ne peitte, 94a, Rigestionj rjatnrrh,'and Noises- in ie temperaWro, Tf the butt, 0 %Wgn s j OD 9A I I Ch ee that f Eqfe a piq�pejl uld be dortebv I �horo to S. the Head, $ire adirised to try this.tltoniiedyy in e i� sbo This duty afte aration, Bilio tf. ul juic .6r a prep IL C. ONMERM us, biver. 60 Sto Inut. it �ixie_ - as fwas ell. awarot --.though In e �. y 4- 'of apriatto it, the aud txatnined.., Aloyll i)y Mr intever ind sgdei. co!d to �ais 1he tiaiil 14 cibed. ljorced myself 1b breathe re� jonch compt 6doijoh. June _!ITT9, - .1 1 , be -rc JEW GoaOrIch, ceolu whe4 bthors. all, iim, inteliaig by Xr wilion t tho sufa Gaunt, s( -;ncs k o ,41t. reading.till oiy husbAfid duld.'retfirh. la [y. �Hnq catile:.closer;j-he The buttPi.Mi1kf'hhA1d U MaTy il. $1M 1)3 Talsea by taxation foX ."0 oweatsafidphills,,it was Pev0r,kno.*r a:0d audiV 3fiathroughou tie pas to lighted 4alf- well mashea. over III -Q, -WPST ST., WDERIG It *A$ a arge ile b t 'sod tl jt0a�mir=dedbr1Vhysiah I* workedpb.an4 the buttdr' Ao tii 'HOUSeg b e ofher vr7aN T mediAo- or thved y S%lt ennug-n prrnepts 47 f �peuiuir6h P,- wly before my face STOV64 Thli-I's lick humbug as one ti� I bef6ra.tbibalt:is added, 'Oul will prove . I)t* not saller *h can ger R90M8'*'- 'Ith French vkaaows c d1b sip tit PO4 01sce. Plidreshm V ae ai e I saw the light rity r1l" tit roomt *oad T04ndah�- Theii;ififlaws-vier6 drape i- I Olt thd h 3insipiaity should be M4 by 31r SeD by Ne'. fo. roma,�e th( utNo$ Colborno I su b WZSj. prpr, $QUA_RE,, t witY.Jong -yollow-silk efirta4wi bet , eu tbroiighmy_Aos6a1i4s,MAah None bjit-tfib pureat salt'sholffild Ve Vtlt 6 - -dinx - t i i4e rnoiiiili�ht faihfty� =6 .0 4idmot seem tthe bul tf) bokxpard ffe. XowRe4poie4_ -Ane Ne*,�B­411d' Ir TuotLOIL Vejj gave -Me-, nient veaplff 60feich *lid CottW adjlstsM ,*UW#X7 x"im, ASUdeaWlt), me by We sha --o whid reg tjiyered thougA b 110 Lzflitc 0 buitAie-41av& luti ., sud-in am Quibee street, Goderleb, 'embracinz, e �ter. �T;rs. Wafio fhink�, improvew,� c it will b idtenQ at'th t 3 M,937 Awo. VnsmAts, sbm tQf reat or for s96 the *Brick T;z, t,:nry tha uolonqb, 1Q111 Aug. wa�hinfr may f C:'_30 Za) An, -arrived IV. ` ­ " _', . ­ oaliale by AIx (4autit$ 21 p3trorvga daring the past 9 issary out m"d'nM Apply to t3as proprietor' a pairtlyintdrcept.od-b�r!tU;fringe-Pf eVe4th ii -A to presses tie�ppwo�fi: thit the ]:,,is is n6v that Ilia b,)IIUV I�Vjlsan tat tho )YOE, onA be$. 11, W- B1 r alte x hiT It, '-,My bed !jd�_ a y, he- wan a6r C41mah, Gddftklft ig fr�fij �j Imt, ba* the of oyment d A, . ppairep tl, or to a. M. ? _4T S00A-WATZ9:.4LXD O"Bo ilj, Idnils in. seakojil- o with t6 bO wou A ied by getting x, 1�i- *n -it d htick cin, .'the ih�a Movauty, R. %Asejowelry, for pre!%enta 4hb win qwa�. ,.And his baild &ep6 ikaolibp _-V _4Ntll t!jjt all fghg, Wish to pure termilK After starding6shorl . " . 7 �4 uo.derlo0unei liffl, JL permce,1306rages, Frnitbf oa it,% towat pl4U j-1 -6�2 Worlcrnansli* -if a� yara -from, *16wly, over aer the ��illo to W- a, 15�,4 , I er and softly, -,uu Ft littiret sh&fld he wd&ed over thQ i4w 7rrWjntej qj�terjaj wa , = .1 -, axtff r4is. 3ftdk will; t* gjxd� t6.seg h old 'a�dan its headab6a'�Iia W'Adgwel toFbuy ftonil TAM a�Tate.v Coparatively 3 C--,'-7 OfEh3til)V, UH ftntAe old stalaI oved'd *Uould lb - wour six 6147fil by 6ne herem d Alavea by 37r14 W -MON L19ND. L SIV T ON 1W OR T G A OV.: �'hioileiltrfi ly wa�tch lit nearly all the'water., Ter� May A2)3 a To t6 lce�of the safe. �'Ho st6iid. i6 brine of what with- vc y a Pon t 4ilk Ap tfie win be ialt enou to The next day. WM R. aA1.X19 l b7t I sle�t withthe. banengs,diawn wate f 4xp Lzr Wvle, JTn ris -t4nd 9ra ris]( 11d j till Friday -the 12th tLyy of Am Tewelly. sav for Gold Warran e �okbfg.:at'-me thif I felt im� the butt4 j 5�r Stat� that tl3e 1myl un, nd packed, It, .'shoi -of Iniproved-. r FA MX1-14"Wila Walked sof ity t, X6, T 1j. itepsiring-done in the best stYle Of EASY TERMS. Officei qrjbj�g �loc�, NREG1159TER baelcandfasteued to.-thollead-boatd., ycii sud(lelily -ds-EliesU should be workedsc Carried. -0 f7A -,ChaUeery MCI. Law -Laidlor Sale, bed was so large,t4at uo,one e�cr thouRl't he b6alldiedt,6 -Istaud t: , ou no a0cou -G aind.01wtio sly z:-3 Bwr r#cr,­._oTy to fjw T. 13. ju,�thoj'$ oa &rtly � C 0 moVm9 ex!:-�,pt T154 tIjaMj Ur W 1. 3 r- G.) ri 14d tZarali stbi 10M (lode, T j zy A