HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-06-23, Page 3• a -••A ,,••••••••,,.C.• x;r,. , tee E,Gror if tile C'obe.) St—My at tenti)n was to -day drawn -to a par en -AO il y lur paper, headed as nbove, and, in ja,tice to the salt manur e- 1 asi; for a limited space for reply, 'Every barrel of salt, when.it leaves th_e vtork4. wt.ii.ths 300lbs.-- `2S0 lbs of salt, ani 01) ibs for the barrel. I am occasion - :1;1v at the works, and know that the state - `mem inads by your informant is not cor- rect, so fsir as the weight of the barrels, when shirped,-is elneerned ; but if, as no do•ibt your informant -does, he allows his s.dt. to be exposed to the weather, without n v coy(' ring over it, a tri'l 'caste. I 'have fisted this to -day, by weighing some Amerie-in salt barrels which have been exp)sed to the weather since Last fall, and En.i them short 3) lbs per barrel. I often hive occasion in my business to -weigh the salt, and sometimes I have found them overrun considerably, and but very seldom 'find them sh,rt. Yours, &c., C. 1. IfURREL, Goderich Salt Agent. Toronto, June 9, 1S70. _ 11,C 7' mi. -To prevent or conquer disease rt tee e: el.,st tit unetents ever :timed at by matt i 1:.'• 0.Wefrra W11.1 as sure curt, coughs ..• le, :I is. tee throat ene palm inary complaints as i s:: e• U.:41,1,2,4m.y. :Severe cobie if not Ire 1 -• : • • sel: ,,r erteeleal to ineurable etatsunip- te•e. et ;:i-• •;retteth of the strongest S00111 f.tit$ if nee le. tot Ili -41 Al1.1 theaue known for the ree-e •••' eeee.tiets sBryan's Pultnoute Wafers; recigley trted tor the last twenty -a- • a: •. 1 lee a kn,iwn to fail. Singers and •• el. • •1 • ik•-•-s w•" d.•rive vreat benetit front the ,if S.•Icl by all medilh. dealers, at 25ets per Nee The Me•rose-ope -tme of the most interesting ex eareerses. 47; 1 ..71• wel-ei is easily performed, is to •.% the blood of a alO'ivate or very ea.; eere Compeued. Syrup of ;reeliesp s. et ei.ertess ar ilea:1 eorenecles are steadily re- m •• •1 f.ote te.•• s:, 1.•allt1 rept:wee by the red er • 1 tere:-.• es se no, e-s,:ary t.., existence. a 1,,ott:e • 6 tor S7 50. Sold by apoth- .ri he F C.adii1' . wbulesale agents, rereal. ••••••11— Tee fie -IVe enot dens- that we are siert. e 41, • y : ,,r lr.7212-42,r regi it. for the %emit et a te.a.k,,' lirtuher. The Americansom a,•. 4 .r tr,.uh:es have DO: 111341.1.. Snyl.T11.4.11:1.SeS in :h-- 1.:tee zee pier yeer. and being enable to tee N, rth of Europe we can't ship it to eee t111.$ 111.1.tter Is. it is gratifying eatewr. : •teitet, ilea Peet Destroyer' is a great fe --ere ece tee -et leeeeerinen, for curing eim hs, S:t . 1 in the ty,..rns. bruises, ani they do not depelid up - f r it. It is selit by all Medicine Dee:. rs ee, :es r eettle. Chronic Sores. In ell eases weers 'r. -s. Eruptinus, rtr Worms.Spets are sase,1 br nts.re temporary derangement 01' the sts•rettouse er frem :halter re season from tend to heat. the !et: eess oespeine or summer. a few doses of re1.11./Ve. 1.4 tecte is Chronic, &Tor:eons Skin Salt Rheum. Ague, Erysipelas, Eczema, U1- -errs. Fre er Sures, Syvh:,itic .Diseases. and elasured eaereel —in fact, all those terrible diseases -that reinioe the pi:1-at undereetneaeoastant waste- tSarsapare..en Reselvt nt requires more time to et- f•etee seire, bet; in tee most of these chronic diseases is sure to cert.. Semen:Tire. f The bowels are costive, and tlse food is nt cony...I-tee rate nourishing constituents, and tbe lever is.elnezi.e. tee e'yes yellow, and, skin discolored, t :ten a fee- ri.'1,11va3's Pills (euated) in eonnee- tem with tee Saasaperillian, will prove uf great res- sist.anee. :Y.:harges, Emissions, -Thousands of une•rteueres tare been restored to vigorous health who have bee.enelmed to mere skelet,ms, through the reperatlye pewee, of this merle:Me. Leneorricrea, Wletes. Diet/me:es front the Uterus, (Beet. Gravel, all Urmaty Difficulties, all leseases of the Kidneys, Bleite,•s werne. and 1:rietary Organs, involuntary dis- senargee of the Spermatic Glands, ani wastes of all leteds are arrested by this wonderful reparative re - reedy. and elie weak. net-. ons, melancholie of both sexes restored te sound and vegoreus health. Sarsaparelian Resolvent $1 per bottle, 6 bottles fir ,$.5. Ready Relief 2a ets per bottle. Pills 25 ets per box. Lr Rarivray*e Rey -nettles are sold by all Drutest.s. anti ee•eintry Mcrehente. and at Dr Radwav's Medical Werekonses, j: Maiden Lane NeY end 439 St Paul St Montreal. Z.4711"Real Fel-.e and Trne. eend one letter stamp to Or J Reilway & Co., 439 St Fell St., et iatzea.1-iaformation worth thousands wile he seut v9u. COMMERCIAL. 0GODERICH MONEY MARKET ('orreeteil fer the eigsza: by W F. P. Smart, Brok VT, We t. Street. • • nt t.,•07. ...••••.••••d•T'•••rd,,W+d,%m,,....“s'A.;;',..1,...;,. • .•;•..ddp7.,...•••••••••••". ..1•••••••%•••••••• ..'•;.:1447:01/•••••••,••••••••••• TILE tilt AT EMALE R$A1EDY T A NDs FOR sALE su' r , IISOOMING Job Moms eriotrcaI Pills i Mil IS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAHANT4 .1. 10 the cure of all those petal .1 and dansterous, diseases to which the gernale con:stein ton is subeeet. It mo tern•es all (-awes ,, and removes all 'obstructions, I and speedy eure ma Ore relied on. TO :WORRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. ' It will, In a short time, bring • on the monthly period with regularity. Thee, pea sewer, hos be takenby Females &Urine ME F I RST TURF R M() NTH'S tf Preanctney, as they are see., to briogon Alisearriage.eat at any other time they ore wr..'.e. to all CaSC:2 of Nervous and Spinal Allectione, Pain iee, the Beek and Limbs, Fan ; ue on shglitexertion, Palpitn- eon 01 the heart. Hystenes. Rild Whites. these Pi -t will e fleet a cure wh in all other ineans have failed ; and altherovh a pot% er:ul r :reedy, do not content iron, calomel, alinatteiry, or anytheug hurtful to the constitu. tem. 2 P,111ilirect ions in the pamphlet around each package, which shoe Id be carefully preserved. Joe seeies, NEW ToRK, SpLE PROPRIETOR. ; $1.00 and lee cents for postage, Onclesed to Northrop: permit ion, will insure a bottle,coutaining aver 501 -ills, ' GODERICH, JUNE 21, 1870. amEtt.. LAN, EXCHANGE OR 1111EE$L1ACKS tenvina at- 91) Selling at S$ taneda.fautds SILVER 87 Yineeng at 4 discount Selling-. at 3 Orders by meii ir tele•eraph. executed With promp'- mess, aud OR the moet favorable terms. The highest gore:rem paid fur eine, and the highest price paid fur vreenbecite. TV F. P. -2.1:1/4 MARKETS MMER AT BAYFIELD. HAVE RECEIVFD: 4.11 LOTS NUS. & 72. BAYFIELD CONCESSION, Township of Goderich, comprisiug 146 acres ofthe best quality of land, within about 2 miles of the Market place of the Town of Baylield. There is a clearance of 23 acres which could readily he prepered tor crop. The remaieder of the land is closely covered with the best of beech and maple timber of splendid growth, an ex- eeherit pond passes on two sides of the property. which. is situated in an old and well settled neighbourhood, ALSO.-, Lot 14, eltange A Township Stanley, containing 39 acres of well reserved timber land, which would produce a large quantity of firewood to the acre. The lot-rinis to the River Hayfield with a eoneicierable waterfall which could be made available for milting or manufacturing purposes. For terms apply to, JAMES D. ALLEN, or W, W. CONNOR, Esq. Bayfield. Guelph. Guelphl3th June 1870. w21-tf HORSE SHOT D. FERGUSON Dress Goods in great variet Is IR.M.A.I5'ZiFOrtIT . 1:311.IIN'TS, Very Cluiee, from 10 cents up; WX.11111 431- *IITSLINS,13rilliants anct Marseilles ;: L A Reg -As 1-111 Wide Tissue-Uloalcings and Velveteeus • SEASONABLE STOCK OF pROWIVHOLLA.NDS, very goodjtor 20 cents; GROCERIES LI4I.JORS AND DRY GOODS. ........•••••••••*••••••1 (,Cheap LV111111, NOWC:Oille, Ont.. general agents for the . Purchased- in 'the uy return mail NORTHRUP & 1 YRAN, Newcastle, U. W.,genera agent foreanado ler' Sold to Godeneh by Parker. Cattle tine [.Jordan; Gaidiner et Co., Baybeld ; James Elenthum, ; .1. Pickard,e ceter ; J.H. Combe, (Theton, S) cord, Locknow; E. Hicks son. :_lett. fort h . and n II Wiedieine Dealers. we8 CANI9IIN PAIN DESTROYER 4, A Fatuity Medicine, well and favoratilyknown for the past ten years. never failing in a tungle instance to give permanent relie "hen timely used, and we have never known e single case of dissatistaetion where the dieections have been croperly bellowed, but on the eontrary all are dellgtOed with its operations, and speak in the highest thrms of as Virtue and Magical effects, TIIE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has won Ier itself a re_putetion , as a blood purt fi et , alterative stomach ton c, unsurpassed in the histoi y of medica I preparations. It seldom tails to cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complainer, I ndiees- firm, Heastbuen, Swk Headache, Kidney Com- plaints, Aced Store ach. Plith tsi e or Asthma,atn:d ten etores to v al ietivity the system debtatd by ell tiering teal disease. Its magtcal aad eonderltil snceess in curing sudden colds, Sore throat, Coughs, Diptheria pains in the sole,lions and back. neuralgia,tooth ache, rheutr ow and other pains in any part of the body duel .rotn wh ttever mese, has given it a place in every household and is fassupersed- ing all other prepaeations of me kind. It is also an etier rya' arid prompt remety for Scalds, Borns, lietuses, Sprains. Chilblains, Prost Rites.Cramps in the Stomach, Dtarhcea, Lnolera morbus, Hilhous Cholic. Cholera entan- tem, Dysentery, &et. Price only 2. oen is per bottle. NOR1 HEOP 4. LYMAN , Newcastle. Q. W. General Agent tor Canada. "Sold in Coderich by Parker & Cattle and F. Jordan; Gardiner: & Co. Hayfield; James Bentham, Rotel:era/II le; J . Pickard, Exeter; J. H. Coinhe, Climloo-, reeeord, Lueknow; E Hu kson et :eaten and aLtgerlicine Dealers. w3S RAMAN OIL FOR HORSES & CATTLE. A NEVER FAILING REMEDY. rreHIS YALUA134.E PREPARATION C0MI3INES 1 all the medicinal virtues of those articles which one .e xperienee has preyed Le posses the most sate ano etecient properties for Inn cure of Flesh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Galls of all k•-ructs, Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, Spavite Callotie,Fistuln, Sweeney, Intern- al Poisons. Scratches or Grease. Strains, Lameness, Mange. Whitlows, Come, Sand Cracks, Foundered Feel, Flom Distemper, Swellurgs, 4001 malty other eiseases which horees wed eettie are subject ro. This ce'ebtated lemment has been used for many yeate, and its carative properties Thoroughly tested, ani it ts conceded to be the cheepest and most re - able remedy tor all eternal complaints ever offered feiThe public -it never fails wheu timely used and faithfully app-ied. • Toebelhad nt all riluggists and Country Merchants thronghout the DomMion. Prree 25e. per bott/e. NORTHRUP at LYNI AN, , Ne w • is Ont.. Proprietors Sold in Goderich dy Pn Cattle and Jordon; li-ardiner & Co.. Ba iti. James Bentham, Rodger/Me; J. Pickard Exeter . H. CC1111lbe, C I nton ; ecord, Luc now; E. Hickson?, Seafertt, and all Medieg ')ealers. we- Goderich, June 21, 1870. Fall Wheat ..v........... $1:05 a 1:::01.58 Spring Wheat _..,•. • 1:05 Flour 3:50 ® 4:00 Oats 0:35 CO '0:35 Peas 0:50 ® 0:50 Barley .. 0:40 Potatoes ® 033 ® IV0 40 Butter .... ..... 0:17 g 0:17 Eggs 0:15 ® 0:00 n ay, ton---------8:00 ® 10:0 r 5:00 R., 5:00 Hides (green) Wood. 2:50 R 0:00 ?() Pork 7 Beef, per ewt. ...... ... 5:00 Chickens per pair '03000 g 77:: ® 0:30 Wool 0:28 ® 0:29 Sheep 3:00 N 4:00 Lambs 2:00 (0, 2:25 Apples 0:75 ® 0:75 Goderich Salt, wholesale, t o.b. per bb 1:20. MARRIED. • At the Huron Hotel, on the 1.6th inst, by Rev. R. Wright, John Sourby Esq. to • to Miss Louisa Campbell, both of Goder- ich Township. , DIED. - • • ••••• • (Tor MilrertiOtturntO NEW GROCERY STORE. Telegraph Niws Depot, REWXRD OF 10 DOLLARS VrIIEREAS on or about Friday morning last thi 171h instant. some evil disposed person or r•er- sons having discharged the contecuts of a shot gun lets to the body of a valuable colt -belonging to me, while said colt was :standinabout the centrem of the co - mons in rear of the leg. ge prrptrrty, townelep of Col- borne, and of whielt the said colt immediately died. I will pay the above reward ti any aim who will euable met ) Mid out aud convict Die offender,- . . PRINCE MORRIS. Go:lerteh June 214, 1870, sw87-2w 3. mecoRmuK, TAILOR, STc. (MeLEANS OLD SAND, EAST Sr.) PREVIOUSLY CUTTER, TO J. C, DETLOR, & • TESTIMONIAL : rionEntento-rn, SEPT. 1869, Mr. McCORMICK wr has been in our employment as Cutter for OVE3T- 1 year. Ile is capable of cutting for any first class establishment. We bespeak for him the-eontidenee of axy who may employ Witt. IfeLIN C. DETLOR & Co wll-tf PAINTERS ATTENTION! H. CARDINER & • ARE SELLING WHITE LEAD at $1.95 per - Keg. RAW -OIL , " .85 - " - Gal. BOILED OIL " '‘ .90 " " FURNIITRE VARNISH $1.75 " FARMERS ATTENTION —0- 11. GARDINER & Is the best place at which to buy Agri- cultural Tools of every description., suit- able for the season. BUILDERS ATTENTION. H. Gardiner & Co., will supply you with Hardware cheaper than any' one else in the trade. Cut Nails $3.35 per keg COOPERS ATTENTION! A:new assortment of Cooper's "Tools, at i the lowest prices, is to be seta at the l store of II. GARDINER & Co. Market Square. Goderich, 14.th June, 1870. w43-tf THE PEN OF THE PERIOD. The Best Pen Ever Invented. rrticE 25 CF.NTS PER BOX. can be had at WHITELY & ELLIOTT DEALERS IN GROCERIEq, / PROVISIONS, WINES & LIQUOR. Corner Kingston Street & Market1Square G 0 1)F_;RIC1-1. Goderieh June 20th 1870. sit87•tf At Allanclale Mills in the County of Pe- terboro', on Monday the 13th June, Mr. David Gunn, late manager of the Mills of Standly & Co. in Goderich. On the 14th inst., in the Township of Us - borne, Mary Munro, alias Mrs Camp- , bell in the 70th year of her age. On the 16th her mortal remains were in- terred in Warrensville Cemetry, London road, the funeral cortege being one of the largest ever seen. in the southern part of the County of Huron. Deceased who was the mother of Dr. SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES A large assortment of Sabbath S. Libra- ries now to hand„ off which a liberal discount is allowea to Sabbath Schools AT 111 0 OB,HOUS.E'S 131 1E:LAE 113E1_41?S. Dictionary of the HOLY BIBLE. Con. taining 'a world of most valuable know. ledge, explanatory of the Bible.' $1.25. Companion to the Bible, by Rev. E. P. Barrows, D. D. $1.25. Locke's com- mon place -book to the Bible $1.00 The Family Testaaient and Psalms, in the Notes, $1.25. Pmket Testament with notes, royal octavo. 15 cents. Happy Voices, a favorite among Sunday r choral's. Music-b.oks-30 cents. By the quantity to Schools 25c. Hymns of Happy Voices without the Music, 20ceins- 82,00 per dozen, Songs of Zion, 436 Hymns and 177 Tunes, the very best that could be culled ram all sources, for use in the family, prayer meetings and even in Churches, 50 cents. 1 liberal discount by the quantity. Campbell of Seaforth and of Mr W Camp- bell of Michigan Univ., was a woman of Ane natural powers and originality of mind. She was friendly, philanthropic and kind, even Ito a fault. She had an ex.- pansive intellect, good reasoning powers, warm poetic ideas and strong common sense. Above and beyond all she was a. sincere and devoted Christian and was not ! Afraid to die. She is not lost, but ',gone before.' Peace to her ashes. , Nell) saDberitsrments. LA_DDER,S FOR, SALE. mum SUBSCRIBER HAS A STOCK OF LADDERS ;For sale, all lengths. Goderleh 201h June 1870. w22 -if. EL HORTON Senr. BRICK COTTAGE FOR SALE. "IN THE VICINITY OF -THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, J.For particulars apply to 11. HORTON Senr. Goderich 20th June 1810. w22 -if LAPID WANTED. A :PARTIALLY IMPROVED FARM OF TWO 011 THREE HUNDRED ACRES, in or near the County of Huron, ;treated to purchase. Address with par- ticulars, WILLIAM C. BAINE, Lend and Loan Agent, Guelph, Onturio. 113- Improved Farms in Wellington County for Sale Got:rich, 25th May, 187 . w19 -1t MOORHOUSE'S Goderieh Julie 11:412) 18'i 0, Lot 23, eon. 1St, Bayfield Bowl, Goderich Township. Auction Sale of a good 0 acres in parcels to suit purchasers, G- M. el 'r-EtTJ ERMAN is inateneted by Mr Colin elark to sell by Auction on Lot 2', C in lat. Goderich Township, on Tuesday the 5th of July 18/0, at 2 o'clock p. m. About 50 acres of Superior Meadow in par- cels to suit mtending buyers. TERMS OF SALE. -3 months credit allowed by furnishing approved good notes. Goderich-Jime 18th, 1870. w22 -3t. 2 - voiLt 4-.11`.‘ „„., • GODEilICH ARTILLERY, ATTENTION. The company will parade at theArmoury, Thursday evening at 74s o'clock. DETLOR, Lieut Commanding, June 20th 1870. • ENGINE. FOR SALE Oftece of the MonteealTeleeraph Company, WEST MARKET SQUARE. Goderich, 7th Jane, 1b70, INSOLVENT ACT OE 1869 A13 horse power portable Engine, as good as new. madeby Waterous & Co. Brantford. Apply atth Axe factory to JOHN McPHERSON Goderieh,25 January, 18f04 Canada, Province of Ontario, In the County Court of County uf Huron. the County of Huron. In the matter of William Dunn Si an ion, an Insolvent. Othe eleventh day of' July m xt, the undersigned will apply to the Judge uf the said court for adis- elaaree under the_said,, act. tioderieh, Jemeffi, 1870. \WILLIAM DUNN SH,eNNON. w20-Sth. 15th. 2nd, & 29th OLSI .Su}Q'11LS 111011°P00 •sazass LS JWI FD. DO,. rFl rt1 •-•t• ciDs. 0 -cif o = =f G7 rn it= Pi* C4 44 CD LSIlf SYR ►3IZRaNOI1I affimaso THE PLACE TO BUY BEST MARKETS AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AND YOUR Juli_ft,JOW"Clat,IKS IS AT THE STAR 0FFIO..1,BO0K STORE, where the largest and cheapest [stock is to be found. TO BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH., He his made extensive additions to rrITE DRY GOODS DEP AR T,IiI,ENT or NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS NEW & FAST-VOLORED PRINTS NEW & DUFIAGLE COTJONS andd is determined to.,zive every customer fisti valde for ail money lett with tfr- Bring along your cash or produce and hotore buying. elsewhere, Just cali at th. New NO. 1 Stand. HAMILTON STREET nonEracH. Goderich April 1Gth, 1870.- w13-tf Mt7SIO. MISS SKIMMINGS MEACHER of eliteic, (Pianoforteand Cabinet Or- gan.) 'Terms $6,00 per qr. in advance. Goderich 20th April, 1870. sw70:31e Extensive New Prelisef AND SPLENDID NEW STOCK VISHINGTACELE ()FALL KINDS, CONSISTING _le of R JDS, LINES, HAND NET 3, BASKETS, rec. Rodafrona 25 cents to $5,GO, and from 9feet to 20 feet in length. RODS TO HIRE 13-5r 'Llr IE 21.1e. Rods repaired at reasonable lees. Stationery&Fancy Goods C. Barry &Bro., Cabinet Makers, Undertakers 6z, Wood Turners, IFJE.A.3/JETTJTC:i1V Have removed across tue street to the store next door to Wm. Acheson's Harness Shop, where will be found A GOOD ASSORTMENT 1 of Kitchen, Bedroom. Dimugroom, and Parlor Fur-. uitere, such ae TABLES. CHAIRS. (ha'r, eane end wood seated.) CUF.130 A It DS. BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, ;AIATTRESS ES, - LteUNG ES. SOFAS WHATNOTS, LOOKING GLASSES, GILT FRAMING. /cr. G. B. .4. B. are prepared to sell everything in their line Cheap for Cash. ''` .. , . .. .I., a ...ii..I.R. ....- .. -. ,I,.la. I i, 1.1 w•md. dl • I•10 ii ...:. 111 .. I I la . .. i 1 . I ..... SP RRI G & SU .11 t ERI'll.ADE , , Lazarus, Morris& Co. ) N.. A complete assottinent of Coffins turd Shrouds always on hand and a Hearseto hire ; all on reaseuable 1 teens. • . lE3 4CP I Cs M Si tic a-. ace- D-andas Cotton Yarn, white andIcolored. troderkh, April 28th, 1870. il W43 re • tr. ss e: • -; -17 5 4 44 • E. -E- 04,4 :El, ;Zit!: ; •-• t.3 Rif.; 4.04 P -•.t. . t • O.) '14) ii°5 1:C9i —1;"•- >•7, •Z, `.!.' f: 5 f, E „.• - e.32 _e.tee:co•-•1 rzeel..E=ac 4- a - ••• t- "E-- 5 :r..2 •1 1.4‹.i.ia2.0747.242A4Z.-4M2• ill 0 .1.5.4 NEW DRY GOOD& I T. -c55 — Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Por all the purposes of _Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no one medi- cine is so universally re- quired by everybody as n cathartic, nor was ever any before so universal- ly adopted into use, in every cenintryand among all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative Pill. The obvious rea- son is, that it is a more re- i liable and far more effeo- I tual remedy than any I other. Those who have- ' tried It, know thatet cared them; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that whet iteloes once it does always -that it never fails through any fault or neglectof its composition. We have thousands upon thou- sands of certificates of their remarkable ettrestif the following, complaints, but such cures are known in .every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all -climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterionsdrug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasarit to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action -remove the obstructiont3 of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular motion to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange- ments as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, ethich these Pills rapidly cure: - For 'Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listless. nese,_ Languor and Loss of Appetite, flow should be taken moderately to stimtdate the stom- ach and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint -and its various symp- toms, Bilious MMadache, Sick lieadacilse, jaundice or Green Sickness, Bilious Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be ju- diciously taken for eaeh case, bp correct the diseased aktion or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or "Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Ite heumatiem, Gout, G•ravel, Palpie ration of Vie lEteart, Pain en the Side, Back and Leine, they should be continuously taken, as required, to c.hange the diseased action of the syntem. With such change those complaints iisappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should bp taken in Liege and frequent doses to pro- duce the effect Of a drastic purge. For Suppression a large dose should he taken hs „it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to pro- mote digestion and relieve the stomach. - An oceasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates die system. Hence it is often ad- yantageoas where no serious derangement exists. One wlao feele tolerable -well, often ends that a dose of Mese Pills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renotrating effect on the dive. tive apperatus. DR...LC. AYER .0 CO., Practical Chemists, .3rASS , S.t. NORTH R ''F a LYMAN, es ewep tle, Ont., geeran tgents forCattede. ee-r• Sold in deri •h by Parker cf. Cattle and fordau. Gardinte & Co.. ilaytield. James Beurhu Rodgen ilk. J. I iterate'. Ex, ter. J. H. ombe, (11 ton. S.aford, 1.fnei Low E. Hicksun, Seaforth, ill Medicine Leahlr. w-17 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. In the matter of James Yonny the elder ail THAU1VC 0: ICE g hereby elven that pursuant to the powers let vested 411 lee a• A ,stgare of the alno-e ,iveiIi til my litre and amere-st ei The (0,10wine antis dud pr,offek-s Aeegitee ite &force:lei win be . e,e1 by Public Auctioe at the Airetion Mart uf Mr. etierge AL Truetnan in The Teter' of Goderiele Comity • of Helton on A CHOICE SELECTION'of NEW and BEAUTIFUL GOODS is.jUST To HAI\ D Nednesday the 27th by of Jul v, A D Goderich, Aprill2t111870, 111111111=0112110511111. JOHN HARRIS. 1370. w12 CARDS &Jr EAD Plain and Fancy, Printed at City Rates AT e HOUR OF"rWELVE O'CLOCK NOON etz. All and that ee. min parcel or tract ; an (1 and lir riln4VS 6,111111.14. lynte TORT heing in the Town •hi , of MeKiihip in said County ‘,1 Huroi aird Previmie of Ontario, and being e onposed of the Wes- terly half or lot No. 21, ni the third voneession r the liy adawesureinent sk.itein Else. be the :ante more or less, of about 45 acres are cleared. The 'awl is aelay leam ofgood quality. The hu. thereon consist of a Stone douse about 18x28 feetavith a frame Kitchen attaeheil and a Frait-e earn 34x55 ft. Mere: is also a good Yertuer Ore:harden said premises. "Me property, is well situatect being a mile and a half from the fionelsiireg viietee of Seafitt•th, For further I parte:agars apPly to the AssIgnee or to AT THE SIG.NAL OFFICE. r J. B.' oteitOoN, Jun N HALDAN, &Metter. God, rieh • Assignee. Dated at Goderich this 11th dev of May, 1870, wItitd A CALL SOLICITED, Goderich, 12thlfey, 18,70 wleotf THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR The Subscriber has now received a new and rem- ,' pIete stock of, Cloths, Meltons, Light Tweeds, Checks, &e., &e. From the Best Markets AB!t RAM SMITH, Merchant Tailor r6 Clothier MaJ:ket Squ•are, ZIAS I JUST. RECEIVED lEILS I%) - AND IN OPticians an Cu. is Thel Most -Fashionable PATTERNS. , AVE. WITH A VIE '14 TO MEET E IN- R SILVER • • IVE01\TIMMLIE.A.7-4 Which 117111ti.e found COMPaele. IS now offering Great Indeeements in CREASED demand for the celebrated 'effected " eady IYIade Clothing, 'Spectacles, appointed F. JORDON, clierntst • he sable on the shortest notice. and the low- Agent for this place. They have taken care Ira give al, Tsi a coating of pure est pet s • and itt the latest style. imedful instruction., and have confidence in the abilite A splendid_ assortment of p their Agents -to the requirements of all customers. Au opportunity will be thus etibrded 01 procure, at al CLOTHS AND FANCY TWEEDS. • - I silver over tbeBF.ST 1 NTCKLE. plated by the patent process ofMessrs Flking- llE PREPARED, AS HERETOFORE. TO MAKE Druggist, Godmich, Ont as their, SW; RATS and CAPS. UGII DUNLO be t times:Spectacles unequalled by any for their strength- As he is now preparerl to make to Order in Fiest-Class tun & Co.. and is beyond all comparisen. tbe very s , article next to staiiing silver that can be employed as ening end preserving qualities Style on short notiee -a good fit guaranteed or no h i f 11 • entally its by no possible test eau. it be distileguished from real silver. SIGNAL" OFFICE Goderich A complete set. guarrauteed of firstquality tor finish and durability, as follows sue , tether use ti y or oi tram 1'iddleor old silver pattern - cts. 12 Table Forks 9. 00 12 Table Sp000ns 9 00 2 Helen Forks 6.00 12 Dessert :spoons 6.00 12 Tea Spoons 4 00 2 Egg gilt bowls 2 40 „ 1 Sallee Ladles 2 00 2 Gravy Spoon 2 00 Salt !gilt bosvls 80' Mustard `• " 40 I ooupladle , 2.50 2 75 - 6 Sugar Spoon 50 65 44.60 48 05 Bead King's ihread. pattern pattern pattern f C ets. $ cts. $ ets. 950 10 00..12.00 : 9.51 19,00..12.00 .... 6.50 --------7.40 ... 8.50 • 650 750 .... 8 5,I0 450 5 00 50 .... 50 . 280 . ..280 .220 --------240..240 220 2 40,.... 240 . 90 00 ....1.00 .45 50 .... 50 300 300 60 65 — — 32.85 59.25 JEWELL .11. IN WHITE, BLACK, JET, AND GILT SETS, Cheaper than- , ELSEWHERE! Mar Dont forget to 9a11 at the STAR 0 flee Book Store. CAMERON'S BLOCK STON STREET, . Goderich May 20th 1870, sw66-tf Any of the above articles to be 'tad singly at same prices. N. B. -THE BEST QUALITY ONLY of above kept in stock. Inferior goods entirely 'extended. Profits based on the ready money principle- not credit. ONE PRICE ONLY. TERMS CASH. • T. J. MOORHOUSE. w4Otf Goderich. Oet.M111868, NURSERY BUSINESS. elf1FIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INTIMATE TO .1. to the public of' 1-1111:l.01Ne ae "71 RTJCIU that, since 6th of -Oetober last, he has been carrying on the Fruit tree business solely on his own accountand responsibility. now taking orders for FRUIT &ORNAMENTAL TREES of every deseription for delivery in the spring,. He begs to solicit a contmuanee cf the patronage of his friends. ORDERS SHOULD ,BE IN ON OR BEFORE tOre .A.PRIL. All stock delivered will be of the best quality an true to name. Air A YOKE OF _GOOD OXEN -FOR BALE. ROBERT GORDON, .(Near the Railway' Crossing) Huron Road Goderich, sw93-tf March 2tith, 1870. Merchant Tailor, . 'foe much cannot be said as to their superiority over sale. A geed assortment of the, ordivary glasses worn.. Phere is no glimmering, - (Next door to the :Bank ot Montreal wavervig of the sielin dizziness, or other uopleasant WEST STREET, GODERICII, A good workman wanted immediately.. Goderiell April 7th 18XL ' w39-tf DESMiBLE PRIVATE BOARD. (10311FieRTABLE 1301111) tlti A PRIVATE FAMILY V May be had on reasonable terms. For particulars apply at the." Signal" office. w26 -6m Golerich, May 13, 18;0, (IA1.71101. THIS IS TO FORBID ANY PERSON OR kePersoni purchasing or negotiating a Note of hand, drawn in favor ofJas. Brown of Wawanesh by Ma'colin Stewart, dated tne 11 February last for $99.00. As the said was lost on the 18 Julie inst. JA3IES BROWN. June 20th 1870, w22 -3t5 Hurrahforthe2-4th FIRE ellACROKEMRASN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, and TORPEDOES, WHOLESALE &RETAIL AT BUTLER'S. A Beautiful Assortment ,OF JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold CHEAP AT 13 UTLEE'S. 'lishing Tackles, 7. OF ALir KINDS, CONSISTING OF REELS, BASKETS, BAITS, HOOKS, and LINES of a superior kinde AND SELLINC AT COST! AT BUTLER'S. Goderich. May17, 1870. eel FOR "LE AGENTS VII ANTED sir ne, If ri,LidN HOUSWfITH TIT Lei7i To Sell the Revised Edition of' Chambers's Eneyelopmdia A re -issue of 1870 with e e,en it an v e one mite tom eric M the centre of the Goderidh—Salt Works. Ilotise and Store entirelynew. and commodious with vod Stone Cellar and Lot in Excellent condition. Terms easy. ,; Apply to H. SPENCE, Got rich P. 0. - or W. STANBURRY, Bu-gessville, P. 0: Houses for Sale. KING - INSOLVENT ACTS:RI-864 & 69 • • • • • • • ,1•• In, the County Court of the County of Hur- on. In, the matter of James Mercer an Insolvent, • {Canada Province of Ontario, County of Huron. 4- To Wit OMonday the elehteenth day of JulyInext at twelve of the cloek noon. The undersigned will apply to the Judge of the- said Court for a discharve under the saidleicts. JAMES MERCER by Hays fr Elwood„ his Attorneys & Solicitor. Dated at the Town cif Goderichi in the County of alarm this 7th day Of Jude A. 1): 1870; e MaPS, PLATES, AND THAT DESIRABLE DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE d; garden on Quebec street, Goderich, embracing - KNOLL A.V1NGS. two tenements, also for rent or for sale the Brick Cottage adjoining, containing 7 rooms, a garden with necessary out buildings, Apply to the proprietor 11 W. BOYCE, on the »remises. Or to•G. M. Truman, Goderich.] Goderich June llth, 1870. we1-1m mo BE COMPLETED IT TEN VOLUMES OF S32 .4. Pages each Illustrated with about four thous- and Engravings and fortyMaps, together with a series of trom eighty to one hundred elegantly engraved Plates. illustrative of the subjects of Natural History, now for the first time appearing in the work, ALSO LIITIXCOTT'S Pronouncing Dictionary ot Biography and Mytholegy. Containing memoirs of eminent persons of all ages and countries, and ac- ' cottnts of the various subjects of the Norse. Hindo and Classic Mythologies, with the prononctation of their names in the differeat languages in whiehthey occur, with a numbebf other new and highly popu- lar works. These Nrorks are sold only ty agents. Largest commissien allowed to Agents. For particulars enclose stamp and address REV. J. BROWN, Loudon, finft. I General Agentior On w77 -6m f• JAIVIES STATART . • • • • • • • • I • • • • • I WHOLESALE iACNT OF! The far-famed and reliable St Cathering's Nursery of D. W. BEADLE. ESQ. FOR ALL KINDS OF PRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, GREEN - 12 house' Plants, GrapeVines, &c„ &re' /Er Any stock not on band, ordered en the Shortest notice. House-Mattlandville. Goderich P. O. - Goderich 18 May, 1870. swie4y sensation, but, on the contrary, from the peculiar cou- sti of the Lenses, they are soothing and pleas -etre 0 using a teeling- of relief to tee wearer, and producing a elearard dretmet vision, o‘l 0 the natural healthy sight. They are the only Spect tt•les that. PRESERVE AS WEU. AS ASSIST THE SIGHT, nil ere the cheapest beau e the he always lasting anv yea -s without ch ng being necessary. II:Z" Wu employ 110 p titrs. F. JORDAN, Sole Agent for Godenchl Goderich April 21. 1870. w13 IS UNRIVALLED for Purity, awl Cheapness. It • saves Eggs, Blatt+ Milk, etc., and is warranted to eontain nothing injurious. For sale by the Grocers. ROBINSON St YATES, Agents for Goderiele E. PLUMMEtt & CO., Chemists, London, Ont. w8y PIANOS, - MELODEONS, HOUSE ORGANS, . 'CHURCH ORGAN, . .Piano Stools, Stc., eze,, Manufactured by the celebrated Firm Of • R. S. WILLIAMS & CO.., TORONTO. tThe most extensive makers in the Dominion. VIIE undersigned begs to intimate that be has been L appointed iteent for Goderich and -tee surrounding country of the above justlycelebrated firin, and is pre- pared to sell all articles made by them, at iTILLIVILI Is' tit T ricE PRiegS. Sampies may he seen and terms ascertai Ted at the sub - Ware -Rooms, West Street. DANIEL G'JRDON, Goderich, 28th April, 1870. w15 • ALEX. MITCHELL IXTH (1:1)elrefictotito(ritsnoteriii0eirtfive ill,nzzar:ago 0r has nt b tehe eLn h euainni from for four years, will hear. of so -nettling to his ad- vantage by writing to this office immediately. SIGNAL OFFICE, Goderich, out., Jnne 3, 1870, w10 -3t On hand of the Latest style, for sale on time or liberal dist:mint for cash. Machine Needles and Machine Silk fmesale. A BRAHAM SMITH. Goderich, April 29th, 1870 w4 • 302 W Waggon aLd Carriage FACTORY.' IMIN•ww• MATES ec ELLIOTT • fl I AVE pleasure iu intimat- ing th the public of town and eountry that they have ' aesO, opened a Wageon tied Carriage -140:e• Vivel Shop on St. 1.1a-vicrs s -t, ewis Elliutes old Haid) im- mediately adioiiiing the Western Hotel. 13. & E. attend personally to all the work entrusted to them,_ and are prepared teem ti out - TO SELL. relHE EAST HALF OF LOT NUMBER, 8, FOUR teenth entice ;leen of Ralletere oa 11 boundail line between Blythe and Walton,post file • each way; Greid hardweod ; watered with a never 1 Ming creek and never failing spring. Also well close by the house' Forty acres cleared, well teneed, 77 acres in all. Log house and barn, a thriving orohard, 8 kinds of plums, black,white and redcurrant's, pears, red and yellow gooseberries. .1`tu• further particulara apply on the premises. TO 'RAN KIN LAWSON and his Mother. May 10th, 1870. • • w16-tf FOR SALE. rriuE SOUTH HALF OF LOT iST0. 12, IN THE lst Wawanosh, 90' acres. only twd miles from Ne villager APply theieS to S Poflotk, 81 -q.. or to M. -C. CA fil Eli ON, Ooderieh vee4' Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and everything in their line, of the very best material and workmanship and at the very lowest remuneratii e rates. :X 0 Mt Mt I 1\1" Promptly attended to_ ON HAND, a large assortment cf St JO X GI- ta which will be sold Cheap for Cash or Ccrd- V7GoOod:11:1011, Feb. 241b. 1c70. sywhy INSOLVEA- T 'PACTS OF 1864 18;5 & 1869. In the mutter tat Thomas Barry VanEvery and George Rumball, fusel yen's. j lieTOTICE is hereby given that pureuant to the powers en retested iti inc as assignee of the above lam :d In- solvents all Inc right title aed iittereet ia the tle fo!low. tog lanes and premises as assigiree, to. 0f,Te`illii WI 11 be sold by public aection at the Auedon M toi of Mr George M. Trubman in the Tovim uf Goeerich, Comity of Heron on Wednesday the 27(1 day of July, A. D 1870 AT THE HOUR OF TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON viz. eell and sing -Mut that certain parcel or tram of land and premises eituate lying aad being 10 the Township ot Gederich in the eaid Ceunty tit -Huron anti Prov hire ef Ontario, 'ltd being composed of [nt No le, in he Huron read entices:4n of the odd Township of Go«T- kit. The said properly se -interns by admea.sue•rmeir eighty times, he the'earne mole or .ess ot which the greater part is ciente te theepial fai m lerildrogsare erected the:min. The farm 0 d,eserably /situated on the ravel road. withre 3 miles of Ctitithn. Fur furthe panic:ears apply ;Li the assie J. B. 1"--.GoGORDON, 4 Assigaee. Godertee ?gay 13111. 1970. wield CARD OF THANKS mo those W110 responded to my Last Call for money and would respeetfully invite the balance of my Deb rs to dn2oltrh.kereF.ne•berellb8y70A,151so doing would enab'e ole t p sr 20 shillings to the pound, and sell Goods • A. 1383,Hi. ChGeaTOecTBrir ettlhEa. VirORRRnG CLASS. -We are now prepared to furnish all cisme with constant employment at home, the whole ofthe time or for the spare moments. Businessnew, light and profitable. Persons ofeither sex easily earn from Doc. to Viper evening,andaproportional tum by devoting dude whole time to the betimes. Boys and glrls earn nearly as muchaamen. Theta whosee thle notice may send them addrese, and test the business, we mzke this unparalleled offer: To finches are not wellsatisfied, we will send el to pay for the trouble efwriting. Full particulars, a valuable sato- re which winde to commence work on, and a copy of rhe eople's Literary Companion --one of the largest soS st family newspapers pubilshed-all sent free hy marL Rearhir'it=1.°Ca. ALwanLtr-ri'lltilrlw)Its COPnot'llirfiGUt8SThAle, elevlimad. d'e") HORSES ASTRAY - AME INTO THE PREMISES OF ‘-1 the subscriber abont the last of May, a span of sorrel horses, the owner is re- quested to prove property,pay charges an.d take drem •• THOS. GREENWAt, Devon, P ,". w21 -3-t8 111E0111 OF APPLIED TO IND LIVER, KIM% E; STEM & BOWELS, ,444-6.--4411112. •••• DR. RADWAY'S PERFECit PURGATIVE Rif. MATtIttA MEDICA conteins itt tte retie..cers many purgative and cathartic agents thanfer purpoeeseopen the bowels, und through w hat is fta Ile 4 " peristaltic " movement, purge from the al': mentary canal the fax -es and this ie all. 'Suck agentp for the purpose of cnre. or removal of any settla disease, aro utterly useless. De. &LIMA Y has complete:1 on el' the most eesexte tint discoveries in tr.edical chemistry -in the co•tetirt:- nation of veeetable sabetances, for the purnesce (JO. PURGATIVE, APERIENT, CCit'.\-12EfteeR111 , ANT ALTERATIVE PILL, that can betaiteitr administered with the absolute certar:nty of seeurei THOROUGH EXP ULSION OF ALL DECA AiiD DECOMPOSING elements in the human bode and also safe to take in the mostetualignant ofei-up. tive Fevers; in cases where the mucous membranes of the internal viscera s,resuftorios from Ulceration, Infiainetion or from Gastric, Bilary, Pancteati,44 Complaints. MESA INSCOVERIE3. Hundreds of medicines are put up under different names, al! made alike. in imitation of smut) sueee ful originator. There aro. however, but very few these medicines that are eat. tied to any distinc. or exclusive ,e --...les. All these common pill:, :1. e made generally elate, with some active drestic dr For base RADWAY 1! PILLS possess proeerties that Ceti eia.teria Mediew bee failed to discover in eithc, r e ere:fa-able or mineral kingdom. Ca.lothel and tee tna-uy preparations of mercers', for cent iir.es eu lel es an ale reeve. Oind the most popular. for it is neve - instered it; elle eases out to' IOW • a nui elrese. teasel, el.. Scaunnony. Antimony. PodeeThs leiter( eine , drugs supplies the Cathartic. not only for 110 ince .1 practitioner. but for all sorts of the ndeertieed PLUS:, DR. 1111DWiiTS PLL:!i In RADWAY'S PILLS [Which are tl k oily re- Purgative l'illaj:sou emetic a Pill supereor in ell , properties to the most t horee remedial agents lin we to Medical 6cienee Tity uiaer in every rt.S.Itoet all oilier pills in general use. and the ouly 'V egeta Medicine that supplies a subetitute for Calomel or .3-teren23'. T.1-1 .RADWAY'S PILLs you have one inedieinl that will eecure rote -Lee wore thorough and be. r results than will hs given in trona „three or more - ferent preecriptiune ot the medical potetitanforeee_A - t proof of this : You arc seized with a r lions at:a 1 Doctor prescribes Blue Pills or Calonlel I next so a drastic *docile pill or powders to work off the tree. If of the blue pill. This prostrates you ; andh tont • ir next given, or a gem le aperient. whereas ONE D11 OF RAD WAY 'S 1 ILLS trill do the trod: th.o three or more prescriptions are given for, without 11.1e fling any risk from mercurializing or salivating to e;;;; iS Purgation Asecessary . There are two principles which exist in ever i'wing human body; °lie is the precinct of decay k decomposition, [those humours or elements that tee rejected by the absorbents and lacteals as me:Le ! the other is that qf nutritition. It becomes necessa; y for the life of the body that the deeayed and exeti• mentitious elements be dientessed and the nutritio adopted. For the removal of the first the hune body is supplied with lanes, •kidneys, liver ek bowels, &e., but when, from any cause, the furiet:4 . of these organs are stiapended, then it is esseaticl . resort to art or science in supplying assistance, ar 1 of all medicines ever given to the human race t this purppee, there is none in the arcane of MAT. 7 11.1A MEDICA or CHEAT ISTRY that secures Important results so thorousdee, LLAPPILY, such 0021.FORT • RADWAY'S PILE In RADWAY'S PILLS, the true priaciple of 2 et gation is mcured-notaloue to the officeeof distniss., the faeces and excrements front the bowels, hut tle humors that are checked er stopped in their pass:, through the Akin, Kidneys, Lungs, and all excret . and secreting functions, for if these excrement io secretions belonging to the skin, liver, lungs, a ree ia terrupted in their escape, they become product. decay and decomposition, and must bp purged fe, the living body, through their proper channels ; he.. 4. the purgativp qualities of RADWAY'S PILLS ex 9 to the secretions of the SKIN, KIM El 6. LIVI . &c -whereas, not ono of the advertised Pins eia;:-.1' to Lt beycs-nd the bowels. • Strainthq Hurifit7. There are many emplitimis of the system irk• • graining 9clien at ..itaal is hartfol. especially per, autfering from weektiess ir disesees of the le 1 - NEYe. BLADDER, Woeill. 1"fEttiee UR INA D I FPI C ULTIES. and INV01.1 T AR 11' EARL - ING DISCHARGES of the GENITALS. - LADIES Annoyed with weakness or fate lig oft he wop- t, 'LlStICIIORRI.LEA, and in nil eases of w. aketi, discharges, shottiti, if they iliel any t melee 1111 - dismissal of tile preys, take RAJ faa',a1"'S 1'11.! Ln sufilcient quantity (2 to 4) ei secure a free e 1 thorough diselinrge, wit hont being emal tilled stra-n. ItAI/e1' AY'S will as -he tti& eee It PARII,L IAN It ESOLV }.:NT, rengt !teeing secreting funetiOlie of tile impair est orgii es., 1 y are too weak to hold their Cowell .eeret , ILII iu cases of Involuntary Enintissions (it . or the fluid of (i/o, and In Leneliorrlitin, in les, in constant anti panicul dischargee of water . 1 drops, also in TITZES.- - • Ono violent rtnd severe strain when at. stool 9, e rupture and destroy the healing 1 rovees 4)1 i month's medication. Pereons of co Hee lin bite. - :- feriaig from these difficulties elm !..1 never 1 the common drustie purgative I), tx, Mal, Of 1 . • common aloes disguised under e ei at (if sue • , that, scour and inextitee :ere, of yet iy.‘ taqr.. i discharges ; such pies as t hese art al ail l•, ; hurtful, and will espeeinlly tit all ealses s,ve e there is weaknees iu tne sore -ming glen& „ deeet the repaired strueeurre and en 011 eeees re' rov .; of an eruptive elute:neer, as any doctor will t I you, prove very tlangerons. In any .eondition of veetileness RADW A PILLS are the only purgatia .• !elle t bet ere fa:- i take. This is shown deer to the uwee-trinillee • 1 ale from t he peeulinr cernbi•i reeoti '4.11,, p,ez:... - ents of their corneositioi i tied the treeLeif ei e - perties secured. (/111' or 1 wore it A I (2, e A i ..e I •i i. . ; as orditutry eiseistante ween 1)1 • 11AVO! AN. 4-.4- 1 N9111 TellnWe all dead rend dee. ini ere if .:.; (et Mf• • , an restere regularity tier he ft••aeitele re tee L.. VER,' eleLN, lel IAN F.YS, deo Se' ELS. HOW TO TAK7 RA WAY'S PLLC RADWAY'S PILLS are so nicely b eaneert their chemical equ1valen4e, t lief :. os i ees,ip 4 obtain such effects that are essere nu to the coo, tion of their system to prone ee lueitile I. If a brisk or thorcnigh riurge Oey t he wont t1 -oug4 we mean to convey tItat Op -,r, leiresee aualities be applied to the tle'eryee or checks 1 . • - wements of the skin, liver, kidneys, as well Its 1. oetained execs in the bowels) is require:I, Pot:, I liz will/ ree the e)/stein from the preeeiree of . 1 aiatter ready t',0 be putted out of the bo ly. res2.ulItl a Mild and gentr le aiperient and laxati v action is required, two to three will produce t. s & If merely a dinner appetizer, and to prone s. healthy digestion, one pill two or three houre le fore dinner: _Their daily 17:ce. In doses of one or two pills, by .all 'per -ons of 1. full habit of body, subject to gel:into s, ru li,i, it:, 1. to the head, paieitation of the le•ari, atel ell i li, t subject to nes, will not only keep tun trims I it- • becoming col sgested or cloggrel II it i ft 11e • oli 1 vessels, but will equalize Re eirculate if 1, i lei i - vent sudden attacks or appop.eey, 4„,e:e e 4 ( . • heart, congestion. Persons mom will Ink • few • ' thorse pills every day will not suer r 10 na e, . aches, Dizziness, Ilyeter.e.s. I tede leg t ; ., se t arolinct the heart, and a hundred caber die:eel-tee - 1 symptoms. DYSPEPSLI. • One of R ADW AY'S PILLS1wo tor 1111...e hnee; before dinner, taken <Lally; will ka•••0 se it t free from DYSPEPSIA, INDIOleeTiteN, Cu- 4 STIPATION, COSTIVENESS, etc. _Dear in 'Wind. RADWAY'S PILLS are the only inventive te• wIU secure an alterative, diuretic, emit/tux, se, e rient and tonic infinepee. They are the oteey vegetable substitutes for Cal omel or Mereery. They promote the seereti n of brie and with lree It from circulation. They psaist through the nutritious "Ironer!, 1 the chyme au.d ehyle;and arstric juicee itt the 1 cess of digestion. • They are elegantly mate with guna,PleltFlet LY tasteless anitttiree from mei L PRICE twent -ve cent, per bex, or floe less- c for one ays ask r RAD tV es1 PI lo and see that the letters it. U02(1 0•I 0.it• 1,2' label, and the worth; Rarlw ye, it-- tl.l , 4 .1 other. Sold by ail driver AN art 1 erre • te -.tees Iteopere and at Dr. Bads aly'R Duiluzakia WA, 04,-st,..Nittiat.:Litauto-va• • 44Z-1'