HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-06-23, Page 2An Irish Judge on Political 1 riests. - - - - - - - Bishop Ta e evidence of former prosperity; but' che bad paid ULtImely firowing. dusurve credit. The Nlay,jr and sov,rn,L, ON BOAR THE PRINCIS AERED 11,110Y over Canadian soil. During this tb py Indians, who have been 3 wa-r6hbusea and stores are all Swam I aron Hughes, in dismissing the Tippr state (if things -men and officers were in wharve! , ing Riel, with a vivW 'to pacify them by and certifying othercitizens aided greatly in the superin- ei I a - going to -decay. 5he people state that, rary petition with Costs, Itmas our inicriti(m to allow the "o -ii *- 11 I Front, Cte pecial C rrespandent of the 0'igiial 'Ale greatest state of excitein nt-a 1 wi h a telling them that they must respect exist- that Mr. f1cron was duty elected, referred tendence of he Principal of the canal, ice, their the games. Prar extiortioncx of the County t, fatten (in ing tp be back to their respective localities �provious to-' the buildinc ing 'authority. If enry to the cliKrues f spiritual -illfilletiCe and feels specially indebted to M rs. D. Fergu- Ill, 1870. 1 to repel the bated invaders. In fact they onsiderable amount of trade was done *110 is the son Of -the celebrated aid, had not GODERIaH, JUNE 21 d; 1670, ilis ill-g,)tten gains, unmolested by its until J tine 11 g the depot for all goods up Chief, -"AltboUh attar intim�dation, which, be a, I Sol%, rs. f.l. Gardiner and Mrs. Alayor The', Chicora hat, were (in the tip toe (if expectation awaiting. there; it beir But, now the 11 Geguis," replied as follows been proved, and dc4cribed the legitimate next meeting of Council. ThtlExpositur. illIvs , just arrivedlieke with %%-Iiotindertoi)lc;iii(leari-io(I out hd- i rder.-to return. It was known that the and dune Lake Superior. Dowinicii, Day. inails and general merch"dize but pass through w h the we are Indians, we hive been t4ught that influence which the priests mig it use thus:. makes it impossible for its to keep silence mim.bly.the oricrous du�y of -baking and the. Frinc3 Alfred and Chicura. would leave voisels simply it ne man steals all axe fron I amotber I regard wi th tof ere tice and' respect the issup" plittilly in proper shape the supplies. -- CO very few governmon e is now, Collir gwood on the same da, , an a sharp Aealth formerly and i Vnd,r the leadcr�lii p of ',Nr,%vt-)r Ha3 a, by the rabitt article appering in his t stores, Sh ' deposited there fur ship- when o Y man's doorl the thief vrill'be punished, clerav of the religion -vhich I ant happy tn of I-stil. Instead of digesting his degrada- these ladies the Sig -ma tak,-s oft his bat. 61), ill., ()it the Atilerican side coaling, and look �)ttt was kept for the Chicora, but nieut each way. that if one mail �killed another, tile mur- flut [ cnnot avoid 'saying that are bolllg ulade f prof6ss, V ter short addresses from Mayor Hiiys, much t-) the astonishment the Prince At- X GARRISON- THR AMERICA quietly lie prefeivli to 6-s- will after she passes th.0 canal re air to - 4 bring, and how is it that d useful influetice-is weakened celt-brat ing wit4 ee'�it, ozi 1.1y, Loti ot Ilia face p he Frt with four derer %yould be who ll;Lve their ivist an Col Rmis, Rev W. H. Violo and ,the the portage .on our side and take on one fre4 mas first up witli the news of the de- Lowor down still, is t en the llirt�day vf t1w NrAile likea, flint" and shout defiance at us and Principal, licarty choersforall their friends, 0 feaC cf tl-e FonianqL. When slie appeared anus A barbette and a garrison of onelitin., YOU Lask us to respect these in IJI v closea ,("r destroyed when they eugage in altar dred men of the Quabdo battalion, M For done both." The Bishop abrur, denunciations, spiritiml intimidation, Of our brethren of the New Era and Star. Ale (the children showing their loyalty by �Iillll with tile British Ensign flying, proudly, died and twenty men . all praciical nd li- i­,equired for the re except it the Cou ncil) durinui which , we believe, t le violence. It lowers thent in the would reppectfully point out to the E abot,tin The in real on -e to' tile and stich stores as are -rutpi-ng close to the Ameiican side and purposes, they are ilseless he d to -smoking the ";alunil personal Illost evtll'V storukeeper in town li.is pro- i posi- -1 0 in -Chief objecte respect of the'people, and thell the people qlwstion who should get the first trip to Fort William. The he%vy freight '-sallt4rig Fort Brady with three guns, the. inay be to protect this part of Canada fro -fcteyra 11'. Ist d a pi*L7t, f,,r in' 0 ph. cease to regard thein as their friends and hso-called "inves6gation",.evoli Ad by the officers that or peace pipe tile largoilt, happiest and most pe6�;e on shore felt the countiT was safe Fenians. I an, t( A priest's Erue -influence is like the r' -,e chll,lren if the in the view of the Cutlaity-Council, is at - at the portage will be taken by the Arcti. rriBon; but directors. 11-labool icnic, ever givq�i iu Goderich W" as, hor very Dresence was a -proof of it. - there are no Fenians in this ga that ing. ited into Crode- a large Yankee ropeller expected here of a landlord's true influence, spri yet eudett. As a senible Councillor re- brout'llt to a close to the satisfac,tion if All Wlieh we got to -the Wharf at the Sault, n the contrary nien and officers are oppos- 0 DEATH6 OF TRE ]PORLS. rich wf,ere they %%ill be eiitertaiuia long of their ing from the Same source -respect. regard, oi the owmarked to-ws .:-If the disinterested pub- cuuccrnotl�-May there be many more such. front Collingwood hourly. The mails and which we did just -three-quarters of an hour ed to them,az,d were as glad to hear hics for their tr(mbics and their Thu fllowing is the Frize-list a 3 sympat -a were anxiousl ex- befoi-a the Chicora, eacrer hands, and ears discorn ture as were our boy nace is t�tlke,l of. The u.-mill-gaules! lishers, who are requested to statto nevsppers per Chicoi Y EY BARON DE .CAM11q- w"li be I he Re. Ppen and,tongues�clamored for naws, congmtulatioiis -having taken place. lusses, Bound advice, and generous asist. for future guidance what is -pected, five (Lays having elapsed since we w0I?C F, Inn bad news from, below. Wehadafullsup- inc4i ling Col. Boulton, the commandincr 'THE CLTMATE OF SAIiLT. nd kind remonitrance. And where '1W.Wtt;tickLtoPi r ma; 2 3 0 'There have been two hiindred and ance a The aiiht.iry prade. 1kud the d.ty 1110- ply of Sijnals by her, but only until the officer here and -his staff; -which mews was From all I can learn from the Tesidenta . ic Church, these exist, the pviest call ex(rcise big n, of Cotvictions. as advertised, N 4 'The ex- ninety three chiefs of he Oathol N%lcPherso-i, do ; 3 A McKay, do of q kly supplied. here, tile climate is temperate. ifluence witho4t dentinciatu-n-3, and the ,11 cb,se w,th t gra-i,l exhibitimi f Fir p ink ; 5 10 Somerville o knots winter cold called Popes, fron, t. Peter down to w. should re urt alptinat the mode Fraser, oney Bi 3 �d . Tli; boys grouped int tromes of suinmer heat and landlord can use his influence without will be publish- Circes and futirs while one .Af their number WHZERS FOR VICTORIOUS'CANADA. I -Ping thO 'Ninth- Thiz ty-olle Of these adopted by the in 1869, -the Neck -tie ; 6 1� Kerr, do McNeil, do being less than lower down. This ovio, it 'were accused -of bein- 'threat or violence. A prleA is entitled as C-41 lu 1111C tilliC ll C1 III tell) J)l3t Im! visit rtflection ugainst him IL -111 bed'i,14 (ts dativig- read th6 news from. home. While others' On theii reading the position of matterg 8 T 1ortork, do.; .9 A Aloor�, Tin,cup. no,doubt to e attributed to the coutigni- cbiefgof Cho Church, fiil�l the more ilag (m if the -witroded acccWnt hod been were more intent oil written mattler Pro- belovr and the total and ignominous dig- surpers. wild called Anti,)()pef;_, jiust as,the atry oher subject to his political orlinions 9 Ly -of such a large body of fresh water it and to exercise his legitimate influence th�ol ever before. bably epistles front theirs weethearts. �- 5 it is a misLake to suppose sabirtitted to ilicir The Expositor comf ture of the Fenians witbout the loss, which takes tip a portion of the summer Bou tboris considered Nar)mleon the first a leo, timately. Scarcely anything has happened here of a singlecoiarade in arnia, an involuntar ' the Ninth X ing Victor c' is mistaken if he thinks thathe �a "out of 1 M Zooding, Bottle perfume-.-, -9 L. 0 y heat, hoards it until the winter, and -then Usurper and Pit -is a5 that oEi a melli taking holy or4ers lie ceases i c the Fenian s�a� of Friday night a ruel. Of the two hundred and sixty- 1-wd River E_-cpeditiom. �tlie w(,ods' alredy and has a right to Adams, knife ;03 INI Slialinum, broncti 8 a 0 nd spontandous ebeer arose from alt verse (if which E nitual I distributes it. The con to be citizen, or is not clothed with all a 4 L.Thoitipson, do., .5 A McIntosh, do'; last t9vary-the munotonv of our life on- pr�st nt which echoed and reechoed froul takes -place in the summer, Qcausingthat two Pope$ who were called legitimate, ;en's ri�dits and privileges. But I as - We woultl kl;roct tht, ttention kif our 1. We klettv that we linve liad rhe.inveti- 11 N1 MvFarlant�, air cissurs A board. The sailoijs under Capt Fraser are. the American shore and fort -opposite, an4 twenty-nine died by violence at the bands citi2 0 has no p ri vi le -e t4) violate Paintingi clualaii ings of the wi d t tl equalibrity of climate climed by the resi- iaries Bert that a priest ti�'ati.111 tre C(,dbAfi4r.* We asked. that the Shadierl, do ; 8 H Hzlehurst, pocket ig and ather%deltuprov-, n , Eighteen other P, Tei to a valued was orne on the w dents here. They further state thatepi- of their advt he .1' w or to interfere with the a.:eutivit for 1869 should be referred to one book 9 J Ferguson, crochet needle ; 10 ling fidlf�and rigging. 'While engineers ca,mr -�sunle half a mile off there it - be rd-, al- were poisoned, namely, John X1, Clement or abuse t gas of other su tthe Cy 0 demic diseases are not known in this loc rights or privile i or more disinterested publishers ;.and t1tt 1vt Swatheld, lin pil ; 11 Batc-,�, amd firenieR are preparing for a trial of mscus I 1, S te phen IX, � oh n X I I [, 00 peated with even greater fervor. Ii Da -is aJs,,, , mistake to etippose that every act 11 is re:a.ti ks -is t(� the f Liture C- the publisl-.cra of the Expos itor and the tin cup ; 12 �l McCue, croellet needIt h -anythin (y that may come in the PIscllal 11 Gelasius 11, Benedict IX, speed wit I I CUBAP LIND. ofapriestisa spiritual act. An assault 113illAll :uilt t'-inal des special atton- other County papers should be called for 13 31 J 11eid, tin pale. way, Canadian, Ya.nkee or in chase of a I RETREATING FUNY-EGANH. cts of lan(l here fit Alexander V7 Pius Ill. Alexander V19 19- a -Lilt, and not' ,11,fellt's Fenian. Considerable anxiety is felt here Tl�'* late Fenian scare here has been There are large tra Marcellus 11, UTban VII, by a pFiesti simply an ass as e at- examination This was not done. GIRLS RACE. tle of it is made Adrian Vil, priestly inti fit li'm to bc ll intelilgelit 1 2. We deny that the publisher of the for the Algoita bein,r now over -du tis: acturily explained within the last day for cultivation; but very lit mi(tation and the assault of a = .6 from a, Clement VIII., Clement XIV, LeoXL. jlltl��o or Such even by the action -of the Print- I E Elliottl vase ; 2 M A Addison, Fort William. Ruttiours are Very plenti- or ti to. The one hundred l'onians who Use of. The people claim that they grow sorne historians priest can and onglit to be resented, prose, all,mul.; 3 E Robinson, set -t dishes ; 4 F jul in co being rich and Leo X11 according to I O' anything here; the land d, and punished, like that of any other in,, Committee as sanctioned by the Coun usequence, no donbt, of the Tecent pass(d upwards on the propeller HadIs A t n Sianituil. ne of the fruits Usually and, finally, Leo X, (if whom it i's no cute L 'ej ecissors. Passage of -some 100 men thcough the were a portion of Q)e contingent sent by fe ritild, I see nd . sely whether he'died of poison individa Serisib4a Howick. 1, was rell exonerated from a single canal 0 upwards, who were supposed to be Dtil� th, Marquette and the North shor�3 grown in our gardens about Goderich known preci chat go that wfui brought against Mill. The BOYS RXCE. -h, f the or of both at the same Josh Biiiing6' Apophtheguis. 0 1.) .- Fivedays have now elapsed sinte of LF,ke Superior -by Marquett6, to O'Neil here, the people asserting t a;t.nobody has or o 1 Fenians Four Popes were psaasBinated We are gfakl bt learn that the By -Lw Council likes Ibiaprint in the Minutesin-d-is 1 W Smith.. kit of tools ; .2 J Wa3lace, L ever tried tbem. On the high land two time - willing that tric 110 the Algoma left here. It oniffib to be previ ous to the late, raid and wbre return. f. -r extensl,)n of time to Wellington, Grey atepayersshoul(leontiibute knife ; 3 F Casidy, do.; .4 A Mulaworth, = _� miles back from here, land call be bought., Jobu V1117 Leo Vf, Leo VII, and John It takes a smart man to conceal from to their oculAr comfort. Does this alter stated that thereas not been ady sickness ingi to their homes from their ingloriuu� d X11. Thirteen others died by ditl'eretit au -1 I�rnel,, was ci,rried ill II0%N_1 pocket book 5 .1 Abrallam, nook tie ; 6 catupaig%stheivater route being the cheapes4. I am informed, at 20 cents per acrie, an others what he don't kno,. a harder than a the fact that the Expositor introduced the . Gordon, do 7 T Morris, d.0 ; 8 J Bates, on bodrd since we left Godericb, sea-siok.- Th#iJr demonstration t the Sault being they claim. it to be good and easily clear- violent ways : Stephen V I, and Benedict A lagy man always work k I kno ov iz Y I knife ; 9 R Ker.r, neck tie ; 10 P Tomlin- hlthandpirits. Some of them."ne daj mer�lya pieceof cowardly bravado whep ed. Village lots here of one-half acre are VI, were strangled : Leo 111, -and Job" bizzy one--tbe hardest wur C1 bN a rn.t*,,r,ty of 36); te vote beinz;. boated t pe to sivel1h*s bill? The CountY ness excepted- all tbe mon being full of , 0 yes 409, wtys 41. 0 t,,) $150. 1,ile popula- XV1, were so hckin-uly mutilated that ll r Treartirer sent t6 the Expositor for n to grunt -it iz harder to son, pocket book. Ivin theyl knew that they were perfectly safe worth from $10 estimate of what it would c, at per lot t,, his week fouild rather a laigge dfall, i, however, sparse there being few cleared they clied of their wounds John X, was flies than it iz to 01it up and escape frora Y. M Ohristia-i Association. 1minely, an Indian canoe, and have been froraharm. Wz have heard nothing more 11 0 advertise the Tax- Lands- tor -sale. The ULGH JL:21M hoidings in this section. The sm�,therd to death ; J'ohn' XIV was hem. faris or t occupied in the -time that emn be spared of them since. which, accordiog to Ve usitor makes up an approximation, 1 A McKay, knife,. inu and THE FUTURE CAN-ADIA2T CANTAL. soil is black loam. but full of large stones starved to death, The man who kan conceal hisrealkarak F,.--1-he Y. NJ C. A. of Gotle- --P from their other duties in improv of Gregory ta-�-iiig care that it shall be .I large surn 3 Jr1IPS. a coming up almost to the sit rfaee, and frm Gualterio, was also the fate ter when he iz drunk or in a pa.shuz, h&z paintLia her; Sorat Potts is to becoxswain 11, was ston-ed to death , ri,:h, jiist orgmulzed vader the Presidoncy moretabeiientitledto. 'Tisprobable, " n got a giant kRrakter. I have been through the bush and the conformation 'of ihe land and the xp- :�Vj ; Lucius 1 R Reynolds, knife. tA hev. E. L. J. T. Garraw, Estl,. my have of hor. She iseKilectedo be la*uuched (in a when uncovered, Gregory Vill. was imprisoned in an iron that happiness ecnsLRts say his jitdges, the Exposito) arou Lid the I have found out 0 site of the proposed Canadia pearance of the stone STANDING JUP.' ionda.y. Conidtrable interest -is taken Secretary, reolved to inauurate their" p,-cketed,aii uv,,-,rQbor,,e, but the buyers cf Sault- canal. On the end of the portag�' they have been very evid-ntly under wa- cage like a wild beast, ard perished mis,,r- -intend to have workig bizzy twelve hours, sleeping by the boys in her,'as thoy t Celestine V was cruelly killed "a the Tax-lans paid oit and not the rate- 1 A 3loore, knife. next -to Lake Superior a temperary wharf ter at some pa-st period of theearth. abiv in i 7 ghr hours, and playing checkum four colistlitutivo by a lectiire. They hve beerv. her all to tlieniselv�e's, It has not been ing a nail driven througr1i his temp- el i payers. Doe2 this alter QW Complexion Of is erected at which a flat bottom scuw liqs by havi 1. I hours oui of the twentY-f0ur- �)rtuiiate iii scelirin- the serviees of a dis- RUNNING JU31P. stated how long she waa- lost the Indiana lea ; Bondace V111, committed suicide Ole in the ic- 3 Fill; 3 the swindle ? Ali, the Suhedtdo of Conv* hich is used to take out goods and troops Mankind lov Wr s -a h 'tiligilis I It Reid, knife. befoe t ey found her. t4e ANuma has w THE VERY -LATEST. hed Exeter IIII lecturer, the Rev. tions ! There is nobody here to draw the h to the various transpi:ts encraued i Clement V, was burned to death ; Urban ground eu'ites more ondertAian a star in i arriv4 just as I aia closiu& to catch tke M 0 1 XI, was killed by being thrown froin his Gervase Smith, 31. A., of Lond-us, i Expositur out of the dirt. We believe the the,, -service. Oil ay arrivl there, -no JUNE 15th, 1870. the heaven& ad no doubt there wits The residence Of mail. horse ; Paul It, Succumbed Under the Expefience is a gowl "ichool-master who is at prest�nt in Toronto on a Gout;Lty CouTicil It. A PLEASANT RAID. transpert was in sight, but L ws iformed American propeller -4 llctic an overobarge in this case, but the Finance Rey. T, Jacksori, Goderich Township, was 4ht the boats had to he to when loading The large heavy burdens of his tiara -, Pius IV, died visit to the Rev. W 31 Punshon. The Corniii�;tte�e passed Mr. Luxton*s account, arrived froul. Collingwood this day with ill consequence of his sexual excess es, but reason is a better one. forcibly entered, oil the evening of Mon- SAULT ST9 MARIE, f ully three quaxters of a milefromthe Whaef, two companies' of the Quebec battahon Thus sixty-four of the two hundred and A pedant iz a lerrit phool- -pedantry iz subiect ot his lectum is ��lie it was paid accuriuwdy and the Frintoig is., e on parade -pedantry Jnne 14th 10. &,Q that the water was shoal in n, 3 died all unnatural dep,6 a little knoledg' Io iz hypocrasy, without enny malice iti.it. nearly 50 -all being -the rear guard of 'theexpediti c;%I one of the -Strinish which Committee pi-eferreti Rut to Fill,- daY, 13 June, lai a, party of directions to that distance. A little below sixty-twu Pope forty horses and a quautity of freight, but �vti niet crowiled houses iu Turoittq. ance Comin itteefor the past year for pwss- ladies and p9ndemen. Their Pleasant XTVSTIFfABLE DELAY. this portage a ntural channel has been without counting sonze twenty others, who SUILI folks, as they gro older, gro wiser After -a close observance for some three she had not over half a load. Immediately died very suddenly of grief aud disappoint- The is 23 cents and we expect to illy an (towunt withut &l�ocieiit investitla- smiles and kindly words showed however weeks of some of the various phses which formed by a porGion of the water being on her arriving here the troops disem, ous cal- ' but most folks simply gro stubborner. ment in consequence of di astr see otir c,,tizens Orn not in force, in ti"a. if tile &,.-posdur likes to keep an directed from the main stream by an_Ig`_ Peple travel to learn ; tuost of them that.no harm was intende& The object the Red River expedition has assumed in ba-rked and marched over the portage to- is K!iox's Church on 29th June beatin,_r "his sounding brass*' about this as land or cluster of rocks; which excavation arnities which had befallen their cause- (bef ore they ttart) should li�arn to traveL 0 )end an evenin with transit, I proceed to give you la2v 1111- ) gether with one company ot the same bat - at S p. m. The loccure is I. splendid effort I "an 1�ouorable diicJiax,g-c"` the xpositur of the visif was'to sl 0 the work of a(res, weax by the water li�s Stich was especially the case with Gregory I diln't believe in fighting ; I am solemn- -r, previous to hils removal to an pressions of what is, passing, round. It is talion who were in camp here, the whole IX, Inn,,cent IV, Paul I11,Patil IV, mnd 0 0 and th,,so who hoar it will enjoy all in-' must certainly be more"brazen" than even tkeir pasto 0 accomplished partially what ought t,-) have IV aLrainst it ; but if a an gets tew fight - now nearly four weel-s since the principa of which reembarked in the Arctic after we take him to be, and w`e L�ive hiiu credit importalA field of labor to which he had 1 been completed by man lZing age. There The store.% wtiich Gregory XIII. Twentv-six fopes,exclusive ino, I ain also solemnly aginst his getting part of the expedition arrived here; but I she passed the canal. on, were de- 01 for Veing p.)ssessed of no ordinary amount d in IA-icknow. On the part � l ar-e no doubt a great mainy bstacles in of those who resided at Avig eked. After a fight is oil& Opened. all been apporinto &III ollite un;Lble to give your readers the accumulated during t�e last week weie a!- d, expelled, or exiled. They were The Gra-y LIbEl. of that metallic substance, -of the Con.o-Te-aaf4ou Ts1r. Rall Rutledge 0 the way of the completion of the canal - She left this pose tile virtue there iz in it iz t lick the other .1 " , leas� idea of when the rear Guard will de- ' so shipped in this vessel. Instead of "ackiiowled.g,ing ur sin by the mone formidable beiu(,- the deeperdn'o, I �gius 111, Benedict V, Leo VIN, John read an address in which was expressed part hence for Fort William. About two- afternoon at 6 for Fort Wiltian. X111 Benedict VIIT, Sylvester IH, Grre- party. The Court of Common Pleas lins rant- swallowing our charges," as the Expositor Slander iz like the tin kittle tied, to a deep rer-at -it Mr. Jacksoia's departure thirds of the intended number of men.will of the rock bed of the bay or inletat the -eila, rule a-ainst the The pro- puts it, we repeat that the pbliilier o-i4le ory V, VII, -a ver%vgood kind of kittle, so nd waia appre�iation of his labors among ere you receiv this, have arrived at that Portage: Allthe excavaCingat the tipper CAPT_ FAILSONS IX, X11, AlexatiderIll, dora's tale i Expositor is guilty of the gross overcharges end would also havQ to be, done in solid Urban V and V1, Paschal 11, Gelasius I Ll seentlim being a crim'inl one will now have ZD The Arctic was in charge of Air James long as it ain*t our durg's tale. them - atid praying fur his ifutar-e zuccess point. Rtat the geneial impression here, 0 t-, cwiie befote a jufy- which wotild hardlv on County Printing of which -we accused: rock, as alae the deepening of the bed of Parsons of Goderich on her trip front here Innocent Ili. -tud IV, Ruganitis III and and prospority. After whirlk, Touch- both among it-Lilitary uen and civilians is IV Adrian IV, Lucius 111, Marti 1V, b�3 :lk,-Iv to send and sti.11 accuse him, aud; in order t6 ju3ti the river at the lower end of the portage. to Collingwood and back. The Prince I the LIon. George horne,'od behalf of the zongreration, pre- that a lar(,er number of men will be re- 0 Z�3. f the course we haye adopted, we infend The lenath of the land work would not be -ed left here at, noon X, and John XXIII., Widow on her Mettle, and after Inud", i1a the pecultr circumstaIl for Lke Huron PilLS IV, VII, and I Y smted Mr. Jack -son with a purse cuatain- guired before themecessaf the undertak- 0 - 1_4 V whom Martin V, persecuted in the most the Metal I to briva the matter before he Press As . over one quarter of a mile ; butT'�T4 not ----th-e- --icticioner Pandora loaded 0 ing the suni of $22.00. '111" is Secured. to pick�up i tentless manner. Very gravercharges, sociation of Canada, at its first nieutiog. 0 think that the amount of work required to with stores and boats for Fort William and re An amusing incident occurred yesterday A complixixen. Mr. Jack -son was deeply affected and in - TWO DASTARDLY DESERTEZ& - I a feolinu manner thanked them. for 010 The volunteers iii camp and the troops complete an undertakin of this sort would which had beeR cast off by the AJ`Ctic at including that of murder, were preferred fternoon-being nothiag less than afoot The T)rvnri, Tde- be any less than that of our iiei-hbors op- the mouth of the i iver. ga a a me of the Popes. Leo V, was a jeaph. to waora we can The ChUdran's Jubiled. uniform'D kinan'ess experienced by him It of the line that have been here, have been t She arrived back a. in t o race -a dash of a mile and a half -between nnfeignedly return the compliment, giver, I most in every instance, allowed to visit posite. One th'D- cart nat be' doubted at the Sault this evening with the Pandora woman. Twenty-eight Popes caled ;I he hands of the Con,,regatiou and in bid- al prominent contractor residing in the that, is that we have been put to a large which will load the hay brought up b� the foreign troops into Italy in oMer to sits - its wer-liet regarding us thus CENTRAL SCHOOL PIC _xrc.-Friday, 17 ding them an affectionate farewell trusted the land Of StaTS ndStripes whendesired. d of the city, and a newly -made em. on their thrones. Stephen 11. eastern en amount of expose, a great deal of annoyance o'ner Nemesis of Goderich and then tain thl taken scho widow, for the surn of $222 -the starting The I iest June 18710, will be a green spot in the khey might firelviently meet agun here, Not the least advantage was and national humiliation for the want of proceed to Fort William. called the Franks and Pepin thither-, zodt�rich one of the spi ,of our o,untry exchanges, is out if not that he would see -the fruit of !of tkis liberty by the men until Adrin I, �Charlenfagiie ; John VII 1, the point being near the general hospital, and %ho, mustcred cn such 4 canal, and that the cost incurred and to 0 iUu-- memory of the children, h! s labcrs by meeting -hem all again here- yesterday, when one of the Qupbe6 CAPT. THOMPSON the winning post the Bank of Montreal, be iUCUlTed, in the Red, I on inder King Charles ; Formosis -Erateql police reports. tiver expedill Franks, i that occasion, as long as they live. Perhaps &'ter. battalion refused to confe bac'k and joined' alon not mentioning aU futAire require- of the Gunboat passed ever to the Americ- tlte German Emperor Arnalph; John XIi f('Ot Of . YODge street. It seems that the Soule "children of a larger growth" too -the American forcEs at the Fortonthe .1 an fortto dayto make application again race originated in this way :-The cont- C:�7- Their old friends will'be alad to see 0 . men a would cro a long way towards the the Emperor Otho I, ; J,)ha XV and -3sri� W.t celv a I Eillot i tho Grocery will recur to te happy scene as one of kLe Uounty Court and Gen6ral Sessions The craven scoundrel was seen 0 while the want for the passage of the Prit" Alfred, Greo,QryVtbeEniperorOtho 11 1; Lec IX the ractor having plenty of money, and being d of the Peaca.. with the Canadian Uniform at p&rade with . com11ruction.of suchworks ; I throuh the canal. He was refused though I ever ready to helv a friend -purchased Store (ne o Cattle's,) 'most pleasurable they ever saw. 'Such milit ,'have 6feated and rnay yet, Emperor Henry III of Germany ; Gregory . the Yankee troops soon after. The'Officerg ivery courteously treated. There is no horses and waaons from the woman -where tboy bave received a larg,e stock'. defec t the whole of the present expedition VIL,,the Emperor Renry IV and Robert I some was our feeling regarding it and such will Thes only one company of trcops tinder canva above referred to for a young man, a lGive thein a call. 0 a e Courts opened before Hi; Flonor say be was one of the most worthless mer. tfiral gh our inability to get armed vessels a Gaiscard ; Nicholas 11, the Emperor 0 -)ur remembrance of it. A more com- Jud(,e Brovioll oil Tuesda last, Peter in the corps, and are not' sorry - for here, but the general impression seems to Frederick neighbor of his, and in payment handed 0. :5 Y on (ur own waters �when required ' or Barbarossa ; Urban IV, and k of Montreal for iFzN-Nf VE,kD,!_N6s.-Another of those p! ,to cOmbiUat4DU of perfect discipline aa a a hisdeparture. Elis name is Nettle. The mae of opposition to our troops be that more will have to follow ani that Clement IV, Charles of Anjoiv ; Boniface her a cheque on the Ban d Ad in on, Esq., associate justice. possi oly in c y tho men who arrived to day are. not by any the amount of $222, Ele then desired her -excellent eiltertainments takes place in unfaltered enjoyment we never witnessed, - men are most indignant at his treachery, sto )pa . 0 of the caual kgairwt all Vauadian V111, Charles of Valois ; John XXII, the There beiag not a sinle case; in the the last. Gol Fieldina who was in to give a receipt for the same in order that -M Temperance Hall on Friday At 1: 1 5 p, in, the various - sections of th c' r' of and loudly assert that they will nettte him is.. 9 means a Austrians of Frederick the Fair; Innocent evening criminal calendar rendered the duties if they get hold of him. Some of them command at Collingwood "as passed UP Vf,tbeEmpororCliarles IV,of Gerniany-Ur he might get possession of the property- next. A spicy, musical and intellectual Central and Ward Schools and, by- invita- the Grand Jury, merely of a formal nature. - THE CIMP AND IT3 SURROUNDINGS with the troops to Fort William. she not havin, yet administered since her actually offered to extradite him if allow banV1, King Louis of Huiigary;John XXI I I 'bill of fare' is'prepared. tion, the Grammar School assembled, in fter their e.T&minatioa of the Gaol ard ed, but of course this could not be listened: T1 e camping ground of the troops here THE WEATHER AND mrsltAXA�'GEMENT ' the Elliparor Sigistwind ; Sixtus IV, the husband's death ; but acting under the ad- VIca of a friend she refuse('. She would FZST holiday attire, at the entral &hool num.- I the usual presentment in such cases they to. A member of the same battalion is teautifuly situated and has a very Turks, for the purpose of destroying X-VIL OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST.— It hasbeen raiding heavy for the last - in all over 8504cholars. After pre-, named Rae, 'was also missin-a when the roll picti resque appearance from. the deck of M wing V61iice ; Innocent VlIf, King Charles 49t give a receipt and she would not re- MaWan Lodae No 112 meet in their bering were `ischared,� We understand the three days and most of the titne blo ' n m C. was called after the last trip up of the.L4- the , Irince Alfred. This vessel is anchored the tnrnthecheque. The contractor felt him- -rn,-3tn_at12 noon onFriday, 24th liminary arrangement, at 2 p, w., headed Sheriff fulfilled the duties of his high of- goma� By some he was supposed to be in t a hard, it being also very cold and chilly Vil, of France ; Alexander VI, self to be in a tight place, and especially Lodge centre of a semicircle, forming a FrenGh of Kincr Louis and the 13-pauiards by the Battalion Band, in its graceful uni. t like the last of Octber with you. Tile so as the woman was about to start for iba llation c Officers and e general intpression now - bay or creek on the Sault River, and im- ffane, fcm the insta- flee by presenting the Judge with a pair drowned, but tl hay which was brought here bv the of Ferdinand the, Catholic ; Julius 11, the other business. Immediately thereafter form, they proceeded' towards te square. of white ki:i gloves, the usual eastorn at is that he s:kedaddled also. inediately below the falls. On our ribt ximilian, of Austria, the Span- States. And to maNe the circumstances 4Goderich Lodge NO, 33, svill'ineet in the -THE RECEPTION OF YANKEE DESERTERS. lookia aft ii§ the village Sault St. Mqry IYemesis has been lying on'the wharf in Freucb, Ma eEmpe- still more aggravating he overheard the Each section waa led by 'its teacher and at courts when there is no one for trial. the rain for the last three days, although iards and the English ; Leo X, th Both same place tor the satue purpose On Friday an American soldier who do- on - 0 ror Charles V, King Reury Vill, of Eng- woman's brother tell her to start off to the the head of it thare �aarcbed a standar- The following is a summary of the case o Canada side, with a substantial there are any quantity of tarpaulins lying a . ldges will then adjourn to dine �ogether a serted from the Fort presented himself wharf and buildin-s and several stores and 0 t bank as fast as possible and draw the a Brthr Hosker s. ' A good tiiiae may, bearer. The banners- were very tastefully on the civil docket. before Col. Boulton for enrolment btuL-t lie 0 Immediately above' a about, which if made use of would save land, and Ferdirand, of Austria; Clemen money. She instantly darted out of the t 0 got up with a scarlet fringe, - maple leaves Livbujston s. - Kay. Action fOr a was yery properly infortnedithat n'o desel- priv, te houses. - the hay. Nobody seems to think it tbeir V11, the Emperor Charles V ; Paul 117', door and took- to her heels in the direction ba expected: AD 0 Merchant's account, Verdict for plff S11I.- ter would be received Ln his commad, littl f urther in the concavity of the semi- duty to make use of them. for that purpose King Henry 11, and Sohnian. ; Gregor -Y of the bank, and the contractor also made OPEN-AiR, Battalion a back of red, white antl blae aud bore the J. S. Siaclair for plff. J. r. Garrow advising him to go back and place himself ciele are the Gaol and Court Ronse,'aa alid the chances are that the twenty-eight XVI, twice the Atistrians of the Emperor C4.A_NcERT.—The ' also blie public offices' with the land cover- -1 0 Francis ; Pius IX,the Austrians twice, the vigorous strides in the same direction, but followiric, inscription tons of hay brought up here at so much bv differqnt streets for a part of the wav Band doncert will be civen as usual in the for df t. under his officers again. HeleftthecatliP ed with thick brush wood forming a French,the Neapolitansof Ferdirtand1l, Stocklart7tv Jarv*s et al -Action by pIff iiinid the general execration oi our mcii. e" cost and which ruay soon be urgently t6n those taken by big wily opponent. blAitland Hotel rounds on Thursday. "PubIicScbo*, plat"ri about one hundr d feet bi2h Lamoriciere's soldiers, and the Zouaves, i needed will be totally lost to the country. ing. Guderich e. - centre of the The blame of course r . ests with the officiala igners and very good time was made by both par - even as the assignee of a Bail -bond for the TUE QUEREC11ATT&LIO.N. alloy' Further on in the ho are mostly composed of forei rhe distance was about a mile and a -half, forthcomirig of D L Sills -verdict for plff The men of the Quebec battalion are not d No. of Section. concavityur,crecent isthecamp stwide here. It seems such a farce to have a from,,%11,11 parts of the world. ties. When the corner of Jarvis and ACCIDENT. -We are. sorry to hear that a I 11 a of the tl�povs nd officers re a for $193.20, with leave to defts to move in any respect equal to that of Ontario.- with� the te t To re pitulate: niiiety Popes died a vio- "Religgio, Scientia, Libertas to enter nonsuit on legal objections taken; gentry night and day on it while the ele- rbe discipline being or having, been more with� I cr a unnatural death�, or were expelled, Qoeon streets was reached, it was found their camp fires continually b irnin- lent or fine little daut,hter of Mr. E. Hosker had ents for want of common precaution are 0 while numberless"Unionjacks"and other I F Toms for plff, 3 8 Sinclair for (Ifts. lax, and the men apparently -much inferior The Hudson Bay Coulpany's abandoned in deposed or exiled,and twenty-eight of them that the woman was actually ahead by ab- her le- badly broken yesterday by falling Johnstoa vs Lomas.-Actian, on an ac- allowed to destroy it. My next wia be out fifty yards -one mile of the race hav- flags added to the cession, in point of intelligence and stamina. They P would have lost their throne but for the aiety of the pro for� and buhdings being the quarters of the from a swi count fur board, lodging, refreshme n, and the from, FORT WILLLAM. 11-2 oil theg-rounds. nts, are, however, improving since their arrival couimanding officer Col. Bonito intervention of foreign froopa-. Which one ing been passed over. A spUrt was then The circuit of the Court House Square was &c , for def and men -verdict for piff for here; being subjected to extra drill and otWJr buildin gs in the fort being made rise of the above has been a friend of the Put oil by both part_,es, nd they ran al lFie-NIc.-On Wednesday afternoon last' made to a lively tune, the gathering form- $113; Hays Elv;ood and Sinclair for plff. the� rigid enforeemen*of discipline. Only most neck and neck ti delaide street of for stables and' other pur L' sea. ' The people. 1`9 was feached, when the rave contractor, A very pleasant party assembled in the ing, in close order four deep, a complete C-Lmeron &-- Garrow for deft. about orie-�hird of the men are French it) office of the company . is still intact as, in RED RIVER. Town Hall of C.ilborna, (Smith's Hill�, the semi -circle, around the South side,extend- - Hicksoa,-t al vs Carter. -This was an ac- this battalion but fully half the officers are its/ palmiest days- ; the old day books The (Jurculio. who was pretty well exhausted, turned tion for the recovery of a store account- so. The English portion of the LedVera and jour'nals together with thong westward, and flew on rapidIv to the cab men are cAmpariv.being composed of the MellLbers in from the Store of 31r. Jordan to that Expected. 9 verdict for plff for $170.06; J S Sinclair for the best lookina, and show to advantage i. — The following plani'of destroyino, that stand, followed by a newspaper reporter, n anda'Of letters and invices. lying about the .,ht's congregation in 'that of Rev J Sieverei , 0 of Mr. Archibald. This was one of the plffs, D S Gooding for deft. alongside their cimpanions when onparade. flo ';having been Useless for years. No St. Pauls, Minn.,.June 18. 'The New peat of fruit growers, the curculio,has. been who saw about half -an hour's very active .1fpeality and thcir`frieud*. The intention -roost Dicturesque sialits of the day. On Killoran et al vs Mellady.-This was an THE ONTARIO BATTALION. Or by some fruit growers, in service four year'B ago on the Niagara pie-ni(; in the woods, clerk or chief factor is now there but all is Natimt, of June the 3rd has been received. discovered was to aching the - grounds of the blAitland acti,)n on a -promissory note given for a- But to the Ontario men the meed of praise bare, desolate and forsak6n except by the It ontains no news of importance.-- Miebigan, and is said to, be quite effectu- frontier ! Upon reaching a cab the con- bqt t f the foliage prevented re he dampness r matter connected with the prosecution of must be given, as they look the trtW Brit- t tractor a'-prung Upon the box, and begged 0. Sheriff McDonald presided in his usual Hotel, which Mr. Hosker generously threw ein orary sojourn of the troops destined Everythin quiet in the ettlement. No al : Put the orchard in the best order ; I the deft's deceased brother and one Dono- ish soldier and could notbe distinguished t 0 1 down the soil about the roors of the owner to drive as fast as possible tu eie delivT O tlke, possession of the forni-er owntAr a military movements going on, except a leve 0 urbaae ruanner. and speeches W o?en f Dr the occasion, tb e sports began by van on a charge of murder- verdict for from, regulars by the most critical eye. territory. The old wharf so often used for small force of cavairy drilling near Fort every tree, and smooth a circle of two ar.d the bank. Coffee flogaed his horses and eved y Rev's Messrs, Dunkley. Dart, a series of military evolutions -; the band plffs for $119.66, subject to legal ques- SPORT. ave barely reached the bank- a length ahead of the i shipment of furs downward and Garry. The people have- evidently con- a haf feet frt)m the tree as a centre. H 0 1 Sieve�nifrht, and others. The ladies had S Sinclair. for plffs,- W R -Ths amusements of the men during the pro ions and supplies upward. is fast fill- cluded that a free amnesty will be granted the ground very clean around the bae of the woman who had hoped to get the playing at intervals. The girls' Egg and tiOns raised; J v on hand a rand supply of all that was Squier for deft. hours of relaxation are principa% by fish ing o decay together with tl�e hulk of a to' Riel and big followers and supporters. the tree. Leave no place where the cur- money ; bint she was too late, and wilen good in the eatable line. The cause is a Spoon race presented a very coraic appear- �c Adam3 vs Ker. -Action for work d(ne- ing and boating- The fish here being very schobner, a remnant of this-- abandoned The New Nation q-trotes Minister Thorn- culio can hide, except the shelter you pro- she presented the cheque she was told that good one and we wish it every success, alee it being difficult to attain the ntaxi- verdict for plff, W R Squier fur plff, Jas R ' erous an , i I UM d being the principal tradial. Winding round the back of this ton's declarati-)n to the LT. S. government vide for them. Then put close to the although there were plenty of funde, its mum of both speed and steadiness of hand. Fisher of Stratford for deft. portion of the foo& of the In- port is the old portage road formerly cpn- that the Canadian expedition was a peace- tree,'and close to the ground -about four pay ment had been stopped .4 JZ -NT. —Or- Saturday afternoon last, -The boys Sach race was equally ludicrous Bowie appellant vs Leitch respondent.- dians,and half breeds on the Fort- structed by the Hudsons Bav Company, ful one, to support the belief that no hos- pieces to the tree ither a chip, a piece of while Dr. %'y estover and big wife (an age,d The appellant not having entered into re- age. It has been quite a God -send to the but recently put in order by"Mr Dawq�n tility is intended against any portion of of bark, or board, or rag, r corn cob, or d resulted in much laughter and a good I Brigham Young and hits Wives. couple) were leaving Goderich for their an cocniisance, the court refused to hear ap- troopgs, as fresh ineat is scarce, and for a Gov4prnment Engineer, who ha � r 0 0 d two hupd- pe sons in the Red River country. old leather, or anything else,for a covert. hoine i Colborne, the horse ran awa on deal of heaping of boyheod on inDther peal and awarded the respondent 010.00 piece of salt pork you can get quite a quan- red 'Imen engaged. on it for several weeks The followin,g, is an extract from a long Tile curculio will conceal themselves Under 1here is a story that, one day, a woman n Hamilton street, throwim, them. out. Mrs earth. The most romantic episode of all costs; appellant in person, 4 S Sinclair for tity of white -fish, perch or speckled trout to -Prepare it for the heavy traffic which editorial in the New Nation:_Our action this shelter and may be destroyed by tho us- went to Brigham Young for counsel touch - W had one of her legs" broken, and her waq the simultaneous racing of several respondent. Z5 0 from them. The, Indiana have a peculiar it ha's since t)een subject to. I should state as British subjects has been such as will ande. , They will generally adhere to the ing some alleged oppression by an officer liusbaud had sustained several severe hundred tastefully dressed girls. lt�eem- Lark appellant vs Lamouby respondent. way of fishing ir�i the rapids. They have a I in:;pe.-te.1 a veryold piece pf ordtiarice with calming down of prejudice and ex- chip, but may of teii* be found on the ground of the church. Brigham, like a true , attached to a cross piece on the here being an old sixpounder gun of the citement, and with cool iDvestioation, under the chip. politician, assumed to, Imo%v her ; but, The court refused to amend, conviction for large bag as if all the ny m'phs and dryads malicious injury to property. - C ed Ld us onviction, end of a pole. Their canoe is moored in gain(' type as- those seen. on the walls prove to the world that we are worthy of Mr. Win. B. Ransom has made the cur- when it became necemary to record her Ladies' of classic times were following the chase qnashed without costs; B L Doyle for- ap- the rapids coming down from Lake Supe- Deiry.t The cirriage is crumblin to Oe- the name of Britons. * Base insiu�uations culio, and its habits a study for many ye 'A case, hesitated, and said ST-MBPRRY FF,3TIVAT4, - The pe ars. ureli are to the sound of Diana's huntin-horn. Ilant, W T Hays for respondent.'� rior to the Sault River- the moorings being cay u the Iron work is still intact. 'On ha-% e been thrown out by Ontario journals Last year, when hunting for the little 'Let me see, sister, 1 forget Your name.-' Aid Socitdy of the Wesleyan Ch Ireland appell�nt vs Walker respondent.- two long sticks inserted in the stones of ourl -.ft lookingfrom the boat is the ebaunel that our real object Was annexation to the turks, he discovered that they all bad I.My name !' was the indigmwit reply, inaki , *tuck of ne arrangements for holding a g -mad Called to refreshment by the No papers returned by convicting Justice. the rapids and attached to the loter I hl,ve spoken of, in counpetion. with the U. States..' This we throw back in their dropped within two or three feet of the Why I am your wife Strawberry Festival on, Doinirtinn Day; drum, the children formed into sections Nothing done, B L Doyle for 7ppellant. aide of the boat, she being broadside on to carkat. Still further o - the left are ille face with the scorn and contempt' it de- peaoh tree,, and sheltered themselves OIL 'When did I marry you a in the building, now being finished on the and at the word "down" were all in "the AfeGrattan. appellant vs McIntyre re- the ourrent,and in an easy position for the grea; falls, where Lake Superior empties serves, and we can well do so, as after- the trunk, in'the holes near the base, and The woman informed the 'President, Sqnare, -next to Mrs Mack's Furthr twinkling of an ey a" seate4 on the grass in 8pondent. -Appeal from conviction of 0. Occupants. Usually two men 'work the itsel�` into the Sault River with dull rdar,-, investigation will prove. the underside of the principal limbs. who referred to an account book in his particulars will be given in a f (jays, Craub, Eq., for using grossly insulting bng, which they do very dexterously, tak- ing sound, ceaseless as 'tbe sun in'its The New Vaion sa vs the delegates from Some idea of the q-tiantitv of curculio, desk, and then said ew 'race having been sung, a solid jiquare, G n . language, Conviction quashed with half ing a large quantity of fish in a short time. cour,;e. Standing out from the falls and Ottawa are, expected to arrive at For� which will gather oi a single tree may be 'Well, I believe you are right. I knew ft::I�- The prixes acc(irded to the Grar4malr in the wor4a of a hymn recited by Rev. W, usts, J Y Elwood for appellant, B L SHOOTING THE FALTS.0 on 1he American side, is the ship channel Garry about J Line, the 7th, and on their understood from the following facts :-Mr. your face was familiar Sekocil pupils of this town will be given 1j. poole a bag of hiscitit and cake was Doyle for respondent. Last week four of the officers in camp into Lake Superior. Nothing but rocks arkival something of -an official character Ransom says that on the 14th be took out, on Friday, next. . By the way we are distributed to eaQh sello,lar, a pleotibi here, with two Indian guides, conveyed an ;si;�ib on all sides b6rderin& on the laike.' will be laid before the peopleof Red River twenty-five, on the 15th, siftty'five and on Cost ofjthe Fenian Raid. 0::3w We feel pleasure in giving 0a ie a - glad to say that Mr Preston, the Head pply of eake hauded roand to the spee- - insertion Indian canoe made of bark to the top of rds and onwards in Ie lake re as to what concessions Canada has granted the l6th sixty. Of this number forty-one Raster, is recovering big helth, and vill SU to the fullowing address by PIr. Sheriff the -Portage above thefalls -and launched it eldplers of pinnacle or sugar-loaf-forro'ed them. It has been calculated says the Quebee tators, and the amusements were, for a Tfiat it will remain for the Red were taken in a cluster tinder a chip, two 1 soon be able to resume his laborg. Macdonald tothe J udme of our C,)unty and themselves into the stream; their ppr- rock,; studding the margin of theshore and River people to accept or reject the terms, by three inches. He gave the Ch ron icle, that tb e cost of I e i thousand .4fter a distribution following ghort time, r6sumed, pose being to run the rapids which they thrle: Ltening destruction to any unfortunate and it is hoped and believed the concessions facts in regard to the habits of the eu re 'D volunteers recently in the fie'd iva $50,1000 - ' I Court. U4:- for the four days, to which an eq- ual amount T�rE POPE AND THE PZoP1E,-The Rer. of sweet&, the procession was reformedan did witbAhe rapidity of lightning. The four mariner who might be unlucky enoug1l to are such as to bring about a happy settle- lio :-In the fall they seek a warm and MR. JUSTICZ BRouGH. The abseucib 0 aL ed a lecture again headed oy the Ban4, marched to t e of all difficulties. From parties daily safe shelter to hibernate. This is either T. J Dowling. Ot Paris,delivef h f officers being placed I the oars' while the 'get east on them. These rocks have all a men may be added for incidental expenses.- To, any criminal trial at this court t am sure Indiansguided the boatwhich doteddown �op 1 ry appearance and when closely klxr- at figg front Red River country we learn the ground, or leaves, stamps, logg, old this 8190,000 we must put the outlay for in Crabb's Hall, on Tuesday evening, Dr. Square where, AXiefroy Vsq, 'the chair- PC fall antired are studded,with copper pyrites that� it is generally Velieved no armed re- fences, woons and other lilaces of conceal- �IcD- jugall in the chair, to a considerable man of the Board, distributed to the win- 'ust be a very gratitying circumstance to the six hundred vardis of rapids with a moving, the regulars to and from the front, 0 - RZ you, Sir, and not only to you but :to all o� twenty feet like a rooket-though not or some such minneral. substance. The sistance will be -offered, if the amnesty is ment. The first warm day in spring that and other services equally indispensable. B. L. Doyle Esq proposed a nera irt the races &c, 'the prizes plentifully and his supporters ; but starts vegetable life, calls the curcul, The Ottawa Times estimates the c au4ience. wi thout nearly filling the carioe with vrater boullers, at the entrance of all the creeks I intended to Riel i to ost of the the well thinking people of this county, and wetting its occupants through and and wa�er approaches ar,- rounded, " if I if the authority be nof granted him, he forth, and it proceeds to its feeding and , vote (ifthanks to the lecturer, renjarking wipplie4 for the occasion by our citizens. military preparations in connection with 0 It betokens a better state of thing% in the tbrough. This experiment is not without disi4tegrated by the - action of runn I ing will at a late h6ur raise a force and make a breeding ground. They Ik yery fast, that he might PA soon en,leavor to add, by To J. R? ]aille, -sq,' the Principal, the wa scare" of a few weeks ago at $140,000, r F ponimunity and I beg as the custom is on so peril, is, seldoni attempted, and was wit- wat r or being rolled on each other by fight. ane they fly and feed generally at ni t, expenditure entailed by the late r%id 1�t his owintenance, to the light of the sun as QoUtr( ins of the assembly, thii atlsi,)icious an occasion as this to present e�h AlitIg 9AII - ob,ular v our honor with'a pair ot white kid gloves. n.,ssed with some exoite'ment by a large' violqntflooas; which boulders m" some in- From an occasional correspondent at the eating the young and tender leaves. They $250,000, inaking a total of S390,000. to iticrea4e the beauty (if the lecture by public is indebted for the pleasant number of spectitors. The experiment stante - are of enormous size.- �.ed River Settlement, we have just1earn- crawl on cold days and nights, and hide NOW, if England is liable in full damages any speech uf his. A. Nif� Rags "Esq said demonstration thAt WO are uot paying �Xr 1own was not repexted. ed tbat�Riel is about convening 4is Legis- under the shelter of the trunk of the tree, -rong On the �extrenie left is the great S4ult Ca or the Alabama's ravages, th h ueg Win ubisholm of Goderich ait RED TAPE. nal4bout which we have heard so much lature, to consider the report to be waiting to feed when the nights become I gence dr inefficiency in the discharge ot that an beludf of PriAestants lie had -great School -Taxes for nothing - The crusti sl�ilp, brought in the fwst reen peas of the I 0 pleasure inseeonding the motioij. Behad have been informed that t�e clothing latelY. There is a light -house on each end brought by Father Richot in -regard to his sufficiently warm. her international duty,why not the United Id bacliel6ir extant WM now willingly seasoa. 0 0 seldom had the privilege of Iistenin4 to a " of the tr6ops is very inferior and is fast of iti The approaches are of timber crib missiorl. The English members who have Stitea, as re-Lrds our losses by "hostilO inore profound an a Pfork oue'llia assessment, There is not ­ I - I M Iphilo ophical discourse. giving out. No -doubt its decay- has- been work, but the canal proper is of masonry', been forced to attend hitherto, in order t operatiorls. of 'A iri��rican subjects in time, of ried. See Whitely& Elliots'Grocery Advt. 0 G- eat bUCeess- t is needless to say that the* uece.qs The motion was car massive looks and gates, and really a �Which Dr Briggs has achieved in his pro 8 a 2 M have .avoid Scott's fate, are now becoming bolder fession as a peace btween both countrie much fear of decadence of population here, accelerated by the heavy labor of the men withl surgeon chiropodist has been unparalleled in this city, when we think of the wonderful faob that and give them a call. in loading and unloading the vessels here substantial piece'of engineering work; but since they have heard of the sympathies paid for our short -comings in the matter _.- . 7--- __ matLy ofonr most estimable and worthycitizens, la(lies (of the 8 r ed -Lodge one out of every ton' souls in the cQVPOra land conveying the 'material across thq by no means rivalling the great Birken- expressed in Canada, an t. Albans raid, besides maintain- 4kANCE, AT CLINTOV.-Tbe d will refuse alto'- as weu as gentiellien. have been ve.liev froul 00 0::)P- Farmers -Help Prince Morris to Portage. But the men themselies say the head or Liverpool dock' works; being in gether to attend if aioyth like bi�tdonqj club an&inyerbed nails, withoatthe ing for a long time a force alon. tl)e front- %Uit DivWuri i_p Tawu have received -notice tion is at present attendin- sahool. Tt is ing an aninesty pain or uneasiness. and doubtless wany 'more would, 0 fizd the ruthan who shot his horse. bee mhterial and the workmanship are alike conception, workmanship and dotail much i is part of the Northwest policy. Riel de- had they an adequate appreciatinu I ier to protect the American from the h0B- that the Corti;ty Convention of the 1. 0. the, highest complimen whi could b and knoledge of t reh 0 defective, and that if they aie not soon iuferior. However, it answers the pur- 1 clares that he has been promised this, and hisabUity. Few individmais are aware that the dihease tilityof Southern enerni4ps. supplied m itb riew ones, but a. slight trace pose- well, and is better han most engri- t 1P. meets, in the Flmzali Hall, Clinton, paid to Mr. Miller's system of training to hat undoubtedly Richot has it with him. of the feet, if not fatal to one's life, are certainly as an- noying as ean be, and the remedy iB simple and stixe ; 0aThinJa,ynsmtat 10.30 r'..m. and tip in. hear Mr.1losker's testimony -that not a 0::ji- We are requestelte remind the of them will be left. i ueering, *orks on this Continent. hi�re Fear that this is really the case is produe- the com. bunion or inverted nail must be skillfully FALSE AND TRUE FENIAN NJWS. is a very large amount of shipping passlUg ing a desire for annexation or anythin and earefally -treated and the paiu entire]), ceales. -The cable between 'Ungainil and U; Ample refreshments are provided, good tree wa3 damaged, scarcely a scrao of pap- young nien and others of,�thia; Town that V3 m T When the news of the Feni�n raid on thropgh it, much more than I anticipated. else which will free them'from , - he only way to obtam t4gs- relief is to apply w Dr land has not yet been repairecT.". "e,iking hs been. rranged for, and t4e their pre� lin'ggs' " -have been called on to pay up,StatateTabor in person, and in a few minutes the trouble is er left On the grolind, and nothing like the Oanada came here it was -cofiv�,,eyed thro' Still, farther round and right opposite th ent miserable state. over. Dr Briggs ean be consulted at No 6 Ki e aplinton Brass Baad will furnish MUSIC. - U 113t I Sir John . Macdo- al I is somewhat I eti . are car'llestly in ­CoOtisiori usually occuioned bv a party of Taxes for this year, to Pay as 'I' unPa'd Yankee channels, and led to the impres- Canadian camp is the ancient American Chief Clerk ohn McTavish is to. where all diseLwes of the feet are ,-.g iedrle.l ter. V;en.ds of emperance gonday wil(be ptit in- t4e, Bailiffis the most skiffitl Tnaliner. Dr J. Brigg' Im W-1chil4rannot one-tenth of the num-ber. "" On sion that the C nadians were beaten on all same in name in full oron the J�ouuustriktioik, the towq of Sault St. Marie, the 1 charge of Fort Gary, in pAace.of Dr. ative is Bold by druggistand coutry hands for: collection. side4 aud tho Fenian flag floatin: triumpli, a's thip PArtWian one, TUis place, be= geuerallv. The Greek brigands fi.%ve escaped intt Cowan. Tha WtorAgqate tq, ard. VUers worked h and Turkish Territor.