HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-06-16, Page 4''••••• • • . ' ; .,11e1 *is liaktlail. fe'lowin2; is the 1 1 H respoctin Sir John A. "° a. mi—Sir John .A. ,t• iona,fs prop -Jess has been so r inirked during the p3st weel: • e 4111;0r:11de hopes of a perf-..et r.c• : v. a'vigneii) J. A.. Grant nd S. . . t'an:pb‘ i'ON TowNellIP Ro .Kr \ r DECISION. — An action was Ir. -j. lva Clis Township of Barrie, in the v of _Addington, against -Messrs. M, Laren, 'timber merchants Of ring timber on the road allow- ance of that mwnship. The defendants m t he iii.I t to cu t under Crown Tiny: ber 1.;cense, although the Township passed a LI\ -law protecting timber. A verdict at tst Assizes was rendered for the plaintiff, 82,2i4) damages. A rule was granted by the Court on motion to enter a non -suit, the defendants contending that the Croxn License protected them; that the property was in the Crown, and it could do as it liked with its own. The Court, however, gave judgment in favor of the Township, NO:kit entitles the Township to hold the verdict. The decision is most important, as it clearly establishes the right of Town- ships to deal with the timber on Township roads. The Urand Trunk Workshops, We hare received a copy of the fbl- lowing telcgram throurh a Stratford _Beacon extra addressed to the Mayor of that Town. which indicate g positively that the Grand Trunk workshops are to be removed there. MONTREAL, JUNE 6, 1870, T. I) A LY, Mavor, Stratford. Thanks for your message. You must pass a resolution or By-law closines the street Ecross the .property. The build- ing will be comtnenced immediately. I have many offers along the line, ask- ing us to establish the workshops there. They- offer land free from all taxation for any period we like, and in some in- stances: actual bonuses of money. My invariatle reply is that the works are located at Stratford, and hope the con- tractors will commence the roundations without delay. C. J. BR YDGS. SE AFORTFI- ____ rErem our own Currespontlent). RUNAWA Y AND ACCIDENT. —Mr. John Lattimer met with an accident on Friday last which may proveatal. He was driv- ing down Main street in a buggy, when his horse became frigixned at some object on the roadside ancl ran away. Lattinur was immediately hurled with a heavy thnd out of the buggy, breaking the poor fel- low's back, and also sprained a leg, which circiimstance renders his case almost hope- less. ,But, under the §kilful treatment of Dr. Coleman, his recovery is -not altogeth- er despaired of. Connecfed with this case is a painful warning to those who imbibe in the poisonous cup, under the influence of which beverage Lattimer was.— Otherwise, ha lb he been in possession of his reasoning faculties, he would have saved himself front the accident above . narrated. and, for ceight we know, "pre- cious life.' A sweet old gent is about starting a Confectionery manufactory in Roli's old stand. , Onr farmers are anticipating a good crop this season if the frost but keeps away a few w eeks longer. A Mammoth Rotel. Potter Palaier, t4ct.well-gown Chicago millionare, gives i?neti krough the pub. lic press that he. '14,44$,Iilalp 1st of July conamence thd ofialhotel on the, ▪ south east cc'rner of4 St* and Monroe Ftreets, which will prob414ibe the largest in this country. At will ,I?1,,ave ar frontage a 253 feet on §tate str0~;$ and 230 on Monroe. It is fo be eight stories high, and will contain r 750 rOonas. It will be in the style of ate Louli.e Palace, built by Louis Philippe, 4n.I will cot, in- cluding the grounds, oyr $2,500,000. • Meenett” Department. Urated StaeIa. a • • 1 Warelthitse, R. R. R. Lihoratory 57 Meilen Lane, NewVo01, Nov. 23n1. 1867. To xabom t May con,..ern In MN- sapaeitv ef United States Inspector of the M,Th• Bolide-1 Warehouse, at the Eat:oratory et Dr Ft•t•I‘C:ty e7 Maiden Lane. New York. 1 eertify that the iogrediente nsed in the formation of the re- medies knew:, as hadway'e Ready Relief, Re.noving Reseda. na eel Regeattlaa Pills, prepared (under my ineoect'oe, have beau •r -fully examined by me, and I filet there te he f .,at, purity and virture as remedial agents, ani that In my opinion the procesa of the pharrearenrical eurn i n in of their several ingredients as prepared 1,y DrBadway, secures a more perfect icompen lei than eonhl be obtained were the formula of same same pia:pared or made up by the best Phar- maceutiet aisles etty or elsewh'ere. e (Slane I) A. Li, OLMSTE AD. 3f D. All tba reedielnes of Di:Railway sent into Canada.are orepared under the enpervision of an officer appointed the Uaitesl Settee Government, hence ;the purity of Dr Railwayatialeilli•inee are Tat:rond doubt. Sarsafiarilian Reeelvent $- ',er bottle. 6 bottles for $5. Reedy Relief 25 cts te• ttle. _ Pills 25 cts per Dr Radway`e Remedies ate Sold by all Drugg•sts and Country 31erchants and at Dr Radwav's Medieal Warel ouees, 87 Maiden -Lane N Y and 489 St Paul St /Montreal ap..4T Read False and True. acne one letter stair -1p to Dr 3' Rsulway & Co, 459 St Paul St., Montreal -information worth thousands will be seat yuu. The Lumber Trete.-We cannot deny that we are auffering severely in our lumber regions for the want of a market for our coarse lumber. The Americans,on aecoant of their troubles have not made any purchases In the Province the past year, and beings unable to compete with the North of Europe we can't ship it to England, but serious as this matter is. it is gratifying to know that the 'Canadian Pain Destroyer' is a great favorite among our Lumbermen, for curing couelts, sudden colds, cramps in the stomach, burns, bruises, frestehites, chilblains, Ice.. and they do not depend up- set a foreign market for it, it is sold by all Medicine Dealers at 25 ete per -bottle. The Mieroseope-One of the most interesting ex : periments, and one which is easily performed, is to; watch the change in the blood of a delicate or very pale person while using Fellows' Compound Syrup of ypophosphites. The colourless or dead corpuscles are steadily re- moved from the system, and are replaced by the red or = eitalized particle, sorecessary to vigorous existence. Pnce $1.50 a bottle: 6 for $7 50. Sold by apoth- eearies and by F Cundill & Co., wholesale agents, lientreaL COMMERCIAL. GODERICH MONEY MARKET Correeted for the Signal:by W F. P. Smart, Brok es, West Street. ' GODERICH,'JUNE 14, 1870. AMERCIAN KsfeHANGE OR GREENBACKS Buying at s . 89 - Selliag, at ., . 88 Canada funds , SILVER 87 Buying at . . 43 :discount Selling at Carders by mail or telegrap1 . executed with prompt- ness, and on the niost favorable terms. The highest premium paid for bilLe, and tee highest price pail for greeabaeks. IV F. F. SMART. THE MARKETS 'ormi••=•••• Goderich, June 14, 1870. Fall Wheat 'O:95 a 1:00 Spring Wheat 0:98 1:00 Flour ,.. 3:50 _ib4:00 Oats Peas " ?)::347 a 0:35 0:50 Barley ...° 0:40 CO 0:00 Potatoes .4 0:35 a 0:40 Butter . 0:17 ® 0:17 Em -is 0:15 1- 0:00 Hay, li?' ton............ ' 8:00 @ 10:0 Hides(green) .. ..4, . 5:00 g 5:00 Wood 2:50 @ 000 Beef, per cwt. ' ' . . 500- @,7:00 Pork . , leip 7:00 a 7:70 Chickens per pair . 0:.30 0:30 Sheep „, . . 9:28 029 Wool . 3:00 i 4:00 Lanibs . , .:00 ® 2:25 Ap,ples , 6:75 ® 0:751 • z• 16.4 • ••••-•." • ••'•‘••......•••••,•".••••••••••,# ..,..111. -.••••..C....11••••••••••:4••••••.. -•••••••••••••-•••••‘••••••••••••11....•••••t•••,..-.-* ".•,•••-••‘...4-4••-,,,•'••-••=:•;1•:4•••••••;i44.•••,:i.>••• rculiuice Icrocity was fundy developed the other day an the grand protnenade of the Prater, at Vienna. Two leading singers of the Grand Opera, Mesdames Telhaim and Rabatimiky, exhausted the vocabulary of wrath upon each other in public, the latter fair one coming off vie. torious. —The Minister of Militia ha3 issured circulars respecting annual drill. Reports from Central and . Southern France say tho wheat crop is not promis- ing. tirtrtarntg THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Moses' Periodical Pills 'THIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILING Lin he cure of ail those palatal and d.engerous diseases tem which the female conetitution is subject. li moderates ell excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure Inahe relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES • It Is peculiarly suited. It will, In a short time, bring thi the monthly period with regularity. These should not he token by Females &aria..? the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnam-y, as they are so re m hringan .111earriaje. but (it any other time they In all 1,-..:IAt•A of Nervous and Spinal Affectiivne, Pain in the Back and lambs, Falai tie on slightexertion. Palpime tion ot the heart. Ilyetenes, tied Whites. these Pills will effect a cure wheal aft other means have failed ; and although a powerful r imedy, do not contrun iron, calomel, autimony, or anything Maffei to the constitu- tion. Fultdirectiens in the pamphlet around each package. which she Id he carefully preserved. .1011 MOSRS, NEW YORKAOLE PROPRIETOR. :31.00 and 14 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop 3t; Lyman. Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Dounnioe, will insure a hottleattentainingover 50r ins, uy return mail. NORTHRUP &I YMAN, Newcastle, G..W.,genera agent foreandde tr. Sold in Goderteh by Parker Cattle ana F Jordan ; Vraidiner o Go., Bayfiald ; J ernes Benthinn, Rogetville ; J. Pickard,P teter ; J.H. Combe, C21Inton, S. cord, Lucknow; E. Hick,. son.Seaforth. and alt Medicine_Dealers. wig CINIDIAN MN DESTROYER A Family Medicine, well and favorably known for the past teo years .never fading in a single instance to give permanent relie when timely used, and we have never known a tingle case ot dissatisfaction where the directions have been properly tollowed, but on the eontrary all are •delighted with its operatioes, and speak in the hie:heat [firms of !Is Virtue and Ma--gical effects, THE CA2VADIFIN PAIN DESTROYER has won for itselea reputation, as a blood puri fie! , alterative stomach ton c, unsurpassed in the histoi y of medical preparations. It seldom/ails 10 cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complainia Indlues- tion, Hearthurn,"Stck Headache, Kidney -Com- plaints, Acid Stomach Phthisic or Asthma, and restores to ital activity the system debilitated by suffering and disease. Itsemazical and ondertul success in curate sudden colds, Sore throat, Coughs, Diptheria pains in the sule,lions and back, neuralgia,tooth _ache, rheumatic and other pains in any part of the body and from whatever cause, has given it a plaee in every houSehold and ts fast supersed- In:: all other preparations of the kind. it is also an eller twit and prompt remely for Scalds, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Chilblaine, Crost Bites, Cramps in the Stomach, Diarhcea, Cnolera morbus, Billions Cholic, Cholera Intau- aim, Dysentery, &c. Place only .26 cenie per bottle. NORTHROP 4- LYMAN - Newcastle. C. W. General Agent for Canada. Sold in Fioderich by Parker &, Cable and F. Jordan; Gardiaer tia Co. Bayfield; 'James Bentham, Rodgervd le; J. Pickard, Exeter; J H. Combe, Clinton; Secoad,Lncknow; E Hu-kson qa faorta and all Medicine. Dealers. tv3S A_TtlaM' S ARABIAN. OIL FOR HORSES & CATTLE. A NEVER FAILING REMEDY. THIS VALUABLE PREPARATION COMBINES all the medicinal virtues of those articles which ong ex perienee has proved to posses the most safe ann -efficient propertiee, for the cure of Flesh Wounds, Spriame, Bruises, Galls of all kinds, Cracked Heels, elarl'aics: in; :cniietsallor(Ge,Fietulo, Sweeney, Intern - Mange, Whitlows, Coornr, e,re;:net..1 Strains, Forininerineersegd Feet, Horn Distemper, Swellings, and many other atieeases whi -la horses and cattle are euhject in. This celebrated Liniment has been used for many years, And its curative properties thoroughly tested, an 0 is conceded to be the cheapest anti most re - able remedy tor all external complaints ever offered thithe public -it never fails when timely used and faithfully appaetl. To'aiethad ot all Drne,giets and Country Merchants throughout the Dominion. Price 25e. per bottle. NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Ne se • is Ont.. Proprietors SF old in Goderich dy Pa Cattle and Jordon ; Gardiner & Co. Ba I fie', ; James Bentham, Rodg,erville; J. Pickard Exeter J. 1-1. Cum be, Clinton ; ecord, Luc new; E. Hickson, Seaforth, and all DfecPca we- oealers. PAINTERS ATTENTION ! H. GARDINER & Co., ARE SELLING WRITE LEAD at $1.95 RAW OIL " .85 BOILED OIL " .90 FURNITURE VARNISH $1.75 per Keg. " Gal, eg 66 FARMERS ATTENTION 11. GARD—ITN Is the best place at which to buy Agri- cultural Tools of every description, suit- able for the season. BUILDERS ATTENTION. H. Gardiner 86 Co., will supply you with 'Hardware chea,per than any one else in the trade. Cut RiAls $3.35 per keg 000PIIRS ATTENTION! A new assortment of Cooper's Tools, at the lowest prices, is to be SaC11 at the store of H. GARDINER & Co. .Market Square. Goderich, llthJune, 1870. w43-tf Houses for Sale. rrHAT DESIRABLE DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE & garden on Quebec street, Goderich, embracing two tenements, also for rent or for sale the Brick Cottage adjoining, containing 7 rooms, a garden with necessary out buildings.Apply to the proprietor 4. W. BOYCE, on the praises. Or to G. M. Trueman,Goderich: Goderich June Ilth, .1870. w21 -1m INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864& 69 tht County 'Court of the County of .ffur- - on. in, the matter of James Mercer an Insolvent. (Canada Province of Ontario County of Huron ) To Wit . . N Monday the eighteenth day of Jul nextOat twelve of the clock noon, The undersign'y edwill apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharue under the said acts, - JAMES MERCER bv Hays 4- Elwooch his Attorneys & Solicitor. Goderieli Salt, wholesale, f o.b. per bb Dated at the Town of Gofferich) 1:20. in the County of siurion thie.7th `5 day Of June A. 11. 1S10. aLuRbbt rtiscutents. T II E ONTARIO LAWYER Being a handy -book of' Legal Forms de signed for the use of FA RMERS,-MERCEIANTS ,C OTHERS. Price $1.15 at 11100111IOUSE,S N. 13.--Thie is '20 per cent lower than the same book s offered elsewhere in town. WRITING PAPERS have advanced 15 per omt in all grades in tha BRITISH MARKET, 1=31 C:P3EUE3C 01:1 -MM s'eCured a heavy stock just before the rise, and offers the satue WHOLESALE & _ RE ulna At the very Lowest fpossiblo prices. ••••••••••..-.••• SUMMER ISCOMING A. -Nr• D. FERGUSON Is izt.MA..13POIA,IT - GI EWE, LARC-,,Ei n SEASONABLE STOOK OF GROCERIES LIQUORS AND DRY GOODS: Purchased in the BEST MARKETS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AND TO BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASHI He has made extensive additions tO • THE DRY GOODS ]E MT VIE JEA CO 1-lIES WHITE, I3UFF and TINTED of a superior make CHEAPET IN I OWN AT MOORHOUSE'S. Goderich June 7th, 1870. THE PEN OF 'I HP, PERIOD. The Best Pen Ever Invented. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOt. - can be had at Telegraph News Depot, Office of the Montreal Telegraph Company, WEST MARKET SQUARE. Goderich. 7th June, 1870. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869, Canada, Prorinee of Ontario, In the County Court of County of Huron. the County of Huron. In the matter of William Dunn Shannon, an Insolvent O it the eleventh day of July next. the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said court tor a dis- charge under the said act. hoderich, June fith, 1870. , WILLIAM .DU.NN SHANNON. w20 -8th, lath. 22nd, & 29th 0 - CIJ 02 •-• Ladies' & Clients' Prunella Boots &Shoes rin 5.< 1:7 3:• r". 3:0 ICZ) 2M. 5.14 THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Firitic WOTflES IS AT THE STAR OFFIO3-43001C. STO4E, where the largest and cheapest ;stock is to be found-. TACKLE OF ALT, KINDS, CONSISTING .I2 of IOUS, LINES, ELAND NETS, BASKETS; sec, Rods from 25 cents to $5,t0, and from 9 feet to 20 feet in Itngth. • RODS TO HIRE 13 X7"rrJj 1E El AY" . Rods repaired at reasonable Ives. Stationery&FancyCoods JEWELL 1.1' IN WHITE, BLACK, JET, AND GILT SETS, Cheaper than ELSEWHERE. ter Dont forget to call at the STAR 'Office Book Store. CAMERON'B BLOCK KING- STON STREET. GoderichMay 20th 1870, sw66-tf VEREY'S NEW PANORAMA Will Exhibit G 01) M Pp 1 C ON THURSDAY & FRIDAY _JUNE 16 & 17, The Lakes of Killarney, The Clyde, The Thousn,ful Islands. The Mississippi, The Ohio hirer Scenery, The Pilgrims Progreso, Ten Nights in a Bar -room, &c., dte., de. Price of Admission -Reserved seats, 30 db., other parts of the hall, 20 cents. Children 10 eta. Doors open at half -past se eon. Performance to com- mence at 8 o'clock. For further particulars, see descriptiveprogramme. August 10th 1870. sw84-tf HORSES- ASTRAY.. f AME INTO THE PREMISES OF the subscriber abut the last of May, a span of sorrel horses, the owner is re- quested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. THOS. GREENWAY, Devon, P. O. w21 -3t* Er. Any stock not on ban& ordered on the shorted notice. House-:-Maitlandville. Goderich P. O. DEPARTMENT OFNEW • AND FASIDUNAB,LE DRESS GOODS NEW & FAST-UOLORED PRINTS NEW & DURABLE COTTONS andd is detertnined to give every customer fall value for all money lett him. Bring along your cash or ny,ocluee and betore buyingThlsewhere, just call at the New No. I Stand. HAMILTON STREET GODERICH5 Goderich April 16th, 1870. w13-tf MISS SKIMMINGS TEACHER of Music, (Pianoforte and Cabinet Or- , gam) 'Feral-is:36,00 per qr. in advance. I Goderich 20th April, 1870. sw70-3m Extensive New Premises AND SPLENDID NEW STOCK of:A. C. Barry &Bro., .,,,or.as..••••••••••c., • • • - - • HAVE RECEIVFD Dress Goods in great variety, Cheap; T-31-ITTN9LIS, Very Choice; from 10 cents up; MUSLINS, Brilliants anti Marseiiles ;' WidlTrissul Oloak(ngs and Ve1vet3ens ; BROWNTIOLLANDS, very gooditor 20 cents; 130C)9USInii4 TtXEFi,CfCC', - Dundas -Cotton Yarn, white and colored. Goderich, April 28th, 1870. 114.• w.t•••••• • • p_•• NEW ••••-• w43 4. .-.1,-...—.....s o — -E• — _ • s. i.. •• :.-. i-.. ,.,.. F••-• 0_ - _ , • 0, e- ,ii z :- - r• '-•:: :-, IQ iT w 5. 4? - •7••••••7•,2 i • . ''' t m...-,?: ,„•;-..;..0.. g ka to E"' "6-‘,-- -54 L-•.:. --.' ;',.: ..-- •,-. 0 , :.., - ,.. • „ ,0,-. r - CI .., w 00 r..., a a ‘c; ...., .- a e - N 0 : .;,_ z., ....,...,i.! t, ..1 ;I. .;_. zi,,..... ig : 01...„ c,::::::::.: CnI g ttl p..,t ... ?--. 4 -... il.7...' 70:. . 4) ';-.0 i-..-' A70' ----', ' g•55 lo 7.: ••• •••• .,‘• .,••••• 17-1 .11. 0g .5 -j --.4-4.-.V.117-5: F-•-0.1 : s ....,.; '....47- ; ; iTs: PUil c,4•4 ct -.-F-7-4-;:•lf:.-IS..932-13 ,...., „v.?. c ▪ :4it vz-' 4? 5'.-t-••=4:"F_i-• Po ' 41 C t- t.-,,- 0 E.,5 g -,-.. 2 7; .- . z .:,.. g • .. d PM c4p, ,C, .4.! ,...r: Ti! .:::,: 7 .,::". 77;:s 7:5i :: :;•:F:s ' Z-'4 taale-t• ET'37.3!:-`,jTa,... c^ a si •,:". ..7,- 1-', 4.1 :•.• -......- - Lit. r.:, r•;! iT. 4 .. w,7 ,:i ; : .;::;::: :.; 8; 0• r_..... .,it.: .. .,.. ,,,,..0 ,5:. '.:.: 1--2,: >,:=;. ,21 iz.'-• E -,- c. f... p ....71. g -:-..-`,-',F.4-.; 8 .....'.:i',7141illilLIPAI 0 c&ci !--,•• E-1 t!-:' 4,..,-.5. 5-:--22=-.0!:,. Pee...0:5:0-G • DRY GOODS! A CHOICE SELECTION of NEW and BEAUTIFUL GOODS is JUST TO HAND • eraa Cabinet Makers, Undertakers tt Wood Goderich, Aprill2th18'70. - Turners, JOHN HARRIS. w12 Ezzi_mimer- <jag -p i NI& II.IIi ji, 1411 L111011111 461WhirliiCill &•11.1111.11 1•A•61.641.• 11•1•11 • I R. B SMI Have removed across tue street to the store next door to Win. Acheson's Harness Shop, where will be found A GOOD ASSORTMENT ! of Kitchen, Bedroom. Diningroom, and Parlor Fur- niture, such as TABLES. CHAIRS. (liar, cane end wood seated.) - CUPBOARDS, BEDSTEADS, WA SII STANDS, • MATTRESSES, LOUNGES, SOFAS HAS RECEIVED •Itilt1:411:Inlikl••••ilkillil Mil 1 I '•1 1 LIAO INT W S XI I IN S 40 C WHATNOTS, LOOKINC GLASSES, STAPLE & FANCY Dia GOODS, GJLT FRAMING. ns' G. 13. 4- a aro prepared -to sell everything in their line • Cheap for Cash. - N. B. A complete assortinent of Coffins and Shrouds . always on hand and a Hearse to hire ; all on reasonable tennis. A CALL SOLICITED. , Goderich, 12th May, 1870 w16-tf THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER TS a coating of pure amstattaie aurae 1 silver overthe BEST SICKLE. plated by the patent proeess ()Messrs Flking- ton Ss Co.. and is beyond all comparison. the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such either usefully or ornainentally, as by no pessible test can it be distinguished from real silver •• SIGNAL" OFFICE Goderrch. • A complete set. gnarranteed of firstquality tor finish and durability. as follows :- - Fiddleor Bead King's Thread old silver pattern pattern pattern pattern '1 - $ cts. ft cts. Sets. $ cts.. 12 Table Forks 9.00 950 10 00..12 00 ' 12 Table Sp000ns 900 e.55 10 00 12.00 2 Desert Forks 6.00 6.50 ........7.50 ... 8.50 12 Dessert spoons 0.00 . 650 750 .... 850 12 Tea Spoons 4 00 . 450 500 ....550 2 Egg gilt bowls 2 40 -----250 . 280 .280 1 Sauce Ladles 200 220 ... ..... 2 40 ....240 2 Gravy Spoon 200 220 240 . -.240 Salt 'gilt bowls 80 ......91) 100 ....1.00 1 31ustard `• " 40 . 45 50 .... 30 I soup ladle 2.50 2 75 300 - 300 8 Sugar Spoon 50 55 80 66 — — --- — 44.80 48 06 52.86 59.25 Any of the aliove articles to be 'sad singly at same prices. ' N. B. -THE BEST QUALITY ONLY of above kept in stock. Inferior goods entirely exeluded. Profits based on the ready money principle,- not credit. ONE PRICE ONLY. TERMS C A S H. " T. J. MOORHOUSE. Goderich, Oct. 21th 1869, > w40tf GODERICH AUCTION MART. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership between 13. Haziehurst and 11 Cooke, Auctioneers and Commisson merchants was dissolved by mutual consent on the first day of May, last past. The business will be carried on as usual at the Goderich Auction Mart by B. HAZLEHURST AUCTIONE R. Goderich June 9th. 1870, sw84-1in JAMES STEWART •••••••••• • WHOLESALE ACENT OF/ The far-famed and reliable St Catherine's Nursery of D.W. BEADLE, ESQ. FOR ALL KINDS OF 11RUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, GREEN- ': house Plants, GrapeVines, &c., &c. ABRAHAM SMITH, Merchant Tailor ce: Clothier .ftlarlc_et Square, HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS ERINE SUMNENG OD orders for A/VD 0 THE SUBSCRIBER Eolf1 il..61,zzi4NTP811.17) TO hhlo'Llbwene n'nacelferrYicitiCaltigandraponsibility• 10 04:IAY taldng 0 irtante, Fruit eilat attrh000fbutaseintooloers ollaoslty, on Goderieh 18 May, 1870. sw78-11 NURSERY BUSINESS. Which will be found thnplete. IS now offering Great Inducements in Ready -Made Clothing% HATS and CAPS. A splendid assortment of • CLOTHS AND FANCY TWEEDS. As he is now prepared to make to Order in First -Class Style on short notice -a good fit guaranteed or no sale. A good assortment of • Sewing Machines On hand of the Latest style, for sale on time or liberal discount for cash. Machine Needles and Machine Silk for sale. ABRAHAM SMITH, Goderich; April 29t1I, MO w4• .FRUIT &ORNAMENTAL TREES - of every description for delivery in the spring, 44 begs to solicit a continuance of the patronage of AN friends. 113''' ORDERS stourmpt IN UN OR BEFORE lOret APRIL. . , , All stock delivered Will lati of theTiest qualfty ati true to name. AYOKE OF GOOD OXEN FOR SAT,F.• ROBERT GORDON, (Near the RailwaygCrassing) Huron Road Goderich, Maich 26th, 1870. sw93-tf- - IN MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, &c Stock Very Large and Cheap—Call and See, „Goderich, April 19th, 1870. sw67 CARDS & BILL -HEAD Plain and Fancy, Printed at City Rates AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. SPR1E & SUMMER TRADE. The Subscriber has now received a new and com5 pieta stook of, Cloths, Meitons, Light Tvi-eucle, Checks, &a., &c. From the Best Markets AND IN The Most Fashionable PATTERNS. TOTE IS PREPARED, AS HERETOFORE, TO MAKE _Da up the same on the shortest notice. and the low- est prices, aid in the latest style. RUG I I DUNLOP, Merchant Tailor, (Next door to the :Bank ot Montreal WEST STREET, GODER1CH, tri• A good workman wanted immediately. GoderichApril 7th 1870. w39-tf DESIRABLE PRIVATE BOARD. C03fFORTABLE BOARD INA PRIVATE FAMILY may be had on reasonable terms. Poi- particulars apply at the "Signal" office, -set Goderich, May 13, 1870, w26 -6m Hurrah for the 24th FIRE CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS, and TORPEDOES, WHOLESALE &RETAIL AT BUTLER'S. A Beautiful Assortment OF JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS !JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold CHEAP AT BUTLER'S. Fishing Tackles, - OF ALL KINDS, CONSISTING OF REELS, BASKETS, BAITS, HOOKS, and LINES' of a superior kind AND SELLING AT COST! AT BUTLER'S. EGoderich, May17, 1870. av11 SELL. • frIHE EAST HALF OF LOT NUMBER 8, FOUR!. .1. teenth concession of Hallett, on the boundary line between Blythe and Walton,post office each way; Goad hardwood; tvatered with a never tailing creek and never failing spring. Also well close by the house Forty acres cleared, Well fenced, 77 acres in all. Log house end barn. a thriving orchard, 8 kinds of plains, black, vhite and red earrants,. pears, red and yellow sciosel erries. For further particulars ap1y on the premii0., TO RANKIN LAWSON an his: Mother. a Maa 10th, 1870. W16-tf FOR SALE. sorrn HALF OF LOT NO. 18, IN THE 1st crn., Wawanosh, 90 acres'only two milee from Ne tillage. Apply there to S. Polinuk, Esq., or to 1 M. C. CAMERON. " Goderich wo 4 V:. Lazarus, Mortis& Co. OPticians and Oculists, zwica‘rmixtm.A.x., HAVE. WITH A VIE -V TO MEET TEM IN- CREASED demand for the celebrated Perfected Spectacles, appointed F. JORDON, chemist and Druggist, Goderich,, Oiit . as their 150!e Agent for this plate. They -have taken c,are to give ali iTthedefuirl Aingsetrnuto,to the and have confidence in the ability o An opportunity eberequ ihuirseamffoernofdtsedtoparlioccuunstt,oameretal. iiininng.es.oSodecnor paecsleer;vni:itgeguaglIentos dby. any tor their strength- e Too rnueh cannot be said as to their superiority over the ordinary glasses worn. Phere is no glimmering, wavering of the sight, dizziness, or other utipleaaant sensation, hut, on the con;rary, from the peculiar On- uction of the Lenses, they are soothing and pleaeant, causing a feeling of relief to 1.e wearer, and producing a elearard distinct vision, as 'n the natural healthy stglit. They are the only Spectacles that. PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT. nd are the cheapest because the best, always hitting anv years without change being neceseary. 0:3- We employ ito Pedlars, t F. JORDAN, Solo Agent for Goderich" Goderich April 26, 1870_ w13 IS UNRIVALLED for Purity and Cheapness. It saves Eggs, Rutter 3fiik, etc., and is warranted to contain nothing injurious. For sale by the Grocers. ROBINSON & YATE3, Agents for Goderich. E. PLUMMEtt & CO., w8y Chemists, London, Ont. PIANOS, MELODEONS; HOUSE ORGANS, CHURCH ORGANS, Piano Stools,.&c,,&C-„ 3.(anufactured by the celebrated Firm of R. S. WILLIAMS 85 CO., TORONTO. [The Most eitoisive makers in the Dominion. TflE undersigned begs to intimate, that he bas been appointed agent for Goderich and the surroundieg country of the above justly celebrated firm, and is pre- paFed to sellallartieles made by them, at ItIA.NUFACTURE 117S1 PRICES. Samples may he seerimill terms asee-rtained at theSub- Ware-Roams, West Street. • DANIEL GORDON. oderieh.28th April, IVO. w15 - ALEX. MITCHELL - IITHO left Stanley, Ont, five years ago for the Lum- l'af ber woods of Michigan, and has not been heard from for -fur years, will hear of something to his ad- vantage by writing to this office inunediately. SIG NAL OFFICE, Goderich, Out., June 3, 1370, w10 -3t iiiyer's Sarsaparilla, CH EMIC A L PRINCIPLES 1\7 10 'VT SOU FIITRINTING THE BLOOD. The reputation this ex. tellent medicine enjoys, Is derived from its cures, many of which are truly. marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous dis. ease, where the system seemed saturated with corruption, have been purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affections and ▪ disorders,which were ag- gravated bythe screfu- lous contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost every sec- tion of the country4hat the public scarcely need to be informed of its vutties or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destrnetivi enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism tuidermines the constitution, and invites the attaek of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, It seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some-fayorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber- cles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tninora formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the s.kin, or foul ulcer- ations on some part of' the body. Hence the occa.- skonal use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is ad, visable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear; . Persons afflicted With the following coin - plaints generally End immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this SARSAPAJI117 .LA: St..Anthony's .Fire SoSc or Erysipelas„ Tetter, Salt Rheum, 8dTiZ Head', Itingtvorm, lgore Eyes, Sore .Ears, an other eruptions .or Visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, _Dropsy, Heart Disease Pits, Eptlepsy, Neuralgia, and the various 1iceroits affections of the 11111SCU- lar and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long time is required fot subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. Bat long continued use of this malleine will cure the complaint. ZencorrIttea or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, are com- monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its puri.ing and invigorating effect. Minute Direc- tions for each case are found inotr Almanac, sup- plied gratis. Rheumatism tuad igFout, whe caused by accumulations of extraneous matter* in the blood, yield qiuckly to It, at nisei Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion or /tali:den 'nation of the Liver, and Jaundice, When arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is - a great re- storer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those w.ho are Languid and Listless, Despon- dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap- prehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of As federative power upon trial. PREPARED B Dr. 7. C. AYER it CO., Lowell, Moss" Practical and -Analytical Chemists. SOLD Bt ALL DRUGGISTS VALLI yxjjtst., NORTH RaTP a LYMAN, INewca.stle, Ont., geeran age!' t 6 fOrCanada. it3=' Sold in Goderieh by Parker ca Cattle and Jordan. Gardiner & co.. Daytield. James Benthu Rodgerville. J. Pi.•kai d. Exeter. J. H. Conibe, CH ten. seconl, Lueknow E. Islick.son, Seaforth, all Mediciue Dea1e31. w-17 STRAY BOLE; ..• QTRAYED 1711011 GODERICH ON THE 23rd of la) ?la) last, a light hrown horse b or 9 years old, 15 bands high •and inteteres in both hind and fore legs any person giving information eading to his recovery will be suitably roiva6led, By, J & J. STORY. Goderinit I Juue. 1870. sw81-tf INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. Itt thc matter af Janies roinig the elder an Tn4ali,Lnt. faTOTICEis hereby -given thatpursuant to the tamers L vested thine as Assignee oi the above nanied !u- se:vent a 1 t,y it hi title and interest in the follieving lands and premises its AsPignee as aforesaid will he sold by Public Auction at the Auctiou Mart of Mr. heerge M. Truetuan in the TOW11 of Goderieta, County of liuron on Nednesday the 27th day of Jaly, A D 1870.4 AT THE HOUR OF TWELVE O'CLOCK -NOON viz. All and atiigidar that certain parcel or tract land and preiniees eirue.te lying and being iti the Tusvii =hi of McKillop in said 0011111t of Huron ttnd Province of Ontario, and being composed of the Wee- terly half of lot No. 27,-i the third concession of the said towuship of MeKillop Thesaid property contains by admeasurement 50 A.0 RIMS. be the eanie snore or less, of which about 45 pores are 'leared. The land is a (day loam ofgood quality. The buildind. thereon consist of a Stone Hnuseabout 18x28 feetswith a frame Kitchen attaithed, and a Frame Barn 313:55ft There is'also a good Yount, Orchard on said premises. The property is well situated being a mile and a half froin the flourishing village of Seaforth, For ft:tether particulars apply to the Aseigitee or to J. 13. GORDON, JOHN HALDAN, Soliciter, Gods tell • Assignee. . Dated at Goderiele this Ilth day of May, 1870, wlatd 3a.-2 Waggon acd Carriage FACTORY. I11••••••••••=, !BATES & ELLIOTT ix AVE pleasure in intimat- ing to the publie of town and eountry that they have opened a Waggon feel carriage Shop on St. _David's sit, (Lewis Elliott's old stand,) im- mediately adioinirtg the Western Hotel. B. & E. attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, and are prepared to win out Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and everything in their line, of the very best material and workmanship' and at the very lowest remunerative rates, 0 Mt 313 1%1'' Promptly attended to. ON HAND, a large assortment of ..M .1C GI- ICA: la which will be sold Cheap for Cash or cerd.. wood. Goderich, Feb. 24th, 1570. ww5y B. McCORMIA, TAILOR, &e. (MeLEANS OLD HAND, EAST ST.) PREVIOUSLY CUTTER, TO J. C, DETLOR, & Co .TESTIMONIAL: pERICII 19nt, SEPT. 1869, Mr. McCORMICK has been in our employment as Cutter for over 1 year. He is capable of cutting for any first class establishment, We bespeak for him the confidence of any who may employ him. ralIN C. DETLOR & Co. wil-tf IDITSOLVEATT ACTS OF 1864 1865 & 1869. In the matter ot Thomas Barry j VatiEvery and George Rumbelljusolvents. i VOTICE is tiereJiy given that pursuant to the powers Pi vested in ine as assignee of the above named In- solvents all rnv right title and intereet ia the the follow. mg lands mid premise. RA assigeee, as afctesaid Will he sold by public auction at the Auction Mart ot Mr ! George M. Trueman in the Town of Goderich, County of Minot; on , Wednesday the 27th -{lay of July, A. D • 18701 AT TEIE-TIOUR OF TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON riz. All ani singular that certain parcel or tract offend and premises eituate lying aad being in the Township otGoderibh iii the said County of Huron and Province of Oinarie, s nd being composed of Lot Na16, in ilni Flurori road eoucessicti of the sold Township of Goder- ich. The said property contains by admeasurement eighty Beres, he the same more or less of which the greater part is cleared, the usnal farm buildings are erected the; eon. The farm is desirably situated on the ravel road, within 3 miles of Clinton. For furthe partic.tlars apply ao the assignee Goderich. J. 13. GORDON, Assignee. Goderich May 13th. 1310; sel6td - 6 TO THE WOR 52 0 CLASS. -We are now prepared to furnish alt classes with constant employment at home,tbe. whole ofthe time or for the awe momenta Bsusineas new, light and profitable. Persons ofeither se -easily earn from enc. to 45 per evenin• g, sada proportional sum by devoting their whole time tothe business. Boyaandgirlsearn nearly as much amen. That'll who see this notice may send their addressa, and teat the business, we make this anparaneled offer: To aneh mare not well satistled, wewilleend•I to pay- - for the trouble of writing. Fedi whet:tars, a valuable sam. pie which wind(' to commence work on. and a copy of The People* Literary Conipcntion—one of the largest and best family newspapers published -all sent free 'by tattiL Reader, 1f_you went permanent, profitable work, addries , .0‘ E. C. AL.LEN & CO. ,ILDOIISTA. Kann. CARD OF THANKS rpo those who responded to my Last Call for money j. and would respectfully invite the balance of my Debtors to do likewise. by so doing would enable nie t t pay 20 shillings to thepound, and sell Goods CheaPer than ever. A. SMITH. Goderich, 25th Feb , 1870 sw54, APPRENTICE WANTED. . , • MO the 131acksmithing business A strong youth frotn the errantry preferred. Apply to STRACHAN &•11CKINNON, Go& rfeh March ffist. 1870. sw61-t Tenders Wanted. • • VOR GRAVELLING SIDE WALK ON SOUTH L' side of ,HurouRgadafrom Elgin street to George Wilscm's. Also, for gravelling Britannia Road from Victoria Street -to Huron Road, and for gravelling Newgate street from Victoria Street to Cambria Road. Sealed Tenders for the above will be rectired up to inne. 15tia 1870. Specifications to be seen at the office iof P. Adamson, CountyClerki T 101), St. ct-or Goderich, 30th 31ey, 1870. , w19 -t4' APPLIED stt THR 05" Caroni° an. liVasti2p; Disoases. TH-z,. EiWA-V' GLIZSA,FARIL.LTAI RES01.\ N.B.—Thef" l'redi 10 Hein(' ! Iretram nil nirn.• .1- th,f7 or disagrepubl,)e,ferts ttpot-to.q.1 her.-, 11.125.1 P ILLIABT111,941014N7EITT, prep(frf'd mi a ni-tt• iilr I (oil Cit Mo. i.4/71/, from th, art flpt, earatte,• rai ehoi,e amp+ wee est /Ito iespeeba• Litho Ppm i'le• Sarsararilliau aqd ofl,, jr' y.1 roots /per: nn• ertrach, (brit e,,/, -r rtI, Mr' r ••,1•11101 11.1 Mix 1, MI derful Roo,(, Tissue, Herd, 1,:a•-.11.1.1.•int, aia are .YdeCied (Ind ft. tlh• f •14-•'•1?...,./ (.0 • •44 (114 pr0,Pr :::;y11/1.11:11.//, 11,1, 3011141 no V117-1,11.5 w,rth45-81 ea 4 it costs be. Ila.ltroy s:3u,n410 (-an 2,,ssibly be mit-ed wpm II ,,• pure, iliculNaltd C1011(1110 per • u ft 11,- 1;1, erpon.ces qf seemlier, Hof (ps six 1,1 f1ti5 ity,e0(.14 (I, op • . But /45 11CtL''1 14 reeithliare•;e1,yiltr•ii:,1•' 5,17a;14''s'l c. SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT, Pa Jor iss?/1": 5ii ,1;rey",•;711P1.7. '. c. „"'",.0 ;" . •;1hPr :a,r.rie •t:: 1'i Ti. Up, rep,(11-V, (11,1 of, a ,'s Mt" stra,,,a :la 1 b. ,t411 ..1ta With14.,114 11;eak ttrol.•:•n-;4..,en enntailithott., 41.8 D. JIdD II: r'S 8.11i..5.11'..I11'IL LI.1.V R. b,'S Liv.T.1.7'. knpOrtaii t l'tincipies supplied to die wasting body thrwigli tlie SARSAPARILL1AN RESOLVENT It supp:ieS the blood with untirisithient. IT CONTAINS TI:5`51.-I5-11.1P.ItiNti ANO INLIZN timall A ICING Izt:A T I CS. It Sati5rOie5 the sj stem with calorie or heat- 111.5.s114g inr0jo43tie#4. It tuxes ail Ei Mil 1 Ur; -C Ate" eases of the eeese. Ears, Mout 'flirot` and 5- lit ItZinti bt.d: • It WC:IV:, . • 6.1"4Il.z.;14( and a1),5e414e. IT STOPS ka_ WEAKENING DISCIIA Rae GES. It increases the repairs and stinaluis lace t•ae wastes. 1Itt le.:..stoeirluetisiaTriLe,sutnbse, rfddeLzi.z.p.s. 14 makes the sa. (:car It heals Fevec S•5, -es anti It eau eN Gravel. Gleet, an :I S tri ,tures , It nuti.es the Ivatei• clime and pas5; 1:-/:•,.cl It cau-cs Barrenness, ttnj hives. s IIIP vt.: gor Of litaz10104641 It160:44. 64 tato, 111:6O Wes. Ness or disease, are adeicot or ettaust. It rescues woutan Irmo the rep 145 1:t1 lent to change, of i1e - essatl-n of MelLb541. _TO thOse who seek Jjealih. There ie not a tnan. aromari or child. however Wfi•qeti by .1.e:e.c. if their saateins ar • still a •••• (Aaiun CO iTts,IVe itour,!dlitieta itt tlt LI V Ell. h1.11.\ l atei oL110/ v.(11 organs not ed beyond the prueees ut teeeir, et if ceemble 4 sustaining the reparat.r5- arocte. of RAD W say Vesolpfat, - bot can be either wa and decopositione stopped. aril CI et-ttit, decay that new exist rebsteoirieit l,tiiiit:sherdallitw. m . othE:rtroertrigaene7aree'l WhwItsetreed..ht(:1-1;e1-,1;1V.i.. 11: hte: ti o t in te rru pt ed a reparative power of mode ne. nay. and vall. hy 174 perhapsufi1 for )-ears: e8alsA:iallaic no matter hew low lie vital forces may be. if' the system (1111 be brodv under the influence or this ieeliel auak niedieine. the a, pai rs will lie great e t thee the witereiid• I itghteh .1111M4r!oliS fr41111!:Urtet:sZie etitIV.1 kt di telgTe 1 heal thfal eoluaion ail it: iesestituente, atal btu', process ut decay and deeote mai t iuti. 'CONSUMPTION. L A. Briuhre diaeasis of the hansays. iI CljN ,• A 1,y ,!.."yi•Liti,is, 011,1 Venereal. are develope I throligh the pro -e -s °Ida. p03118 11010 the blood either in the Linea. akin. la t- neys, Bladder or Cellular Tia5ue alid those ta - eases in their advaiieed stage Call Letii 1.e elotels, 1 and cured by the use of the a4ut4apaiitie.0 solvent. TIIE CITA NGE5 perA.50 seized with any Chronic Ci1XPOISP' Lungs, Lil'er, Skill, Kidneys. TVonth, ar Urinary diffieulties,, tetU erveriener .4 marked change in her health fathe better all,n• taking the Sarstapariltlan Lt. -solvent. thc blood becomes mos e purr, .TLrony, dna and et enabled to hold iv zoffaion anriaeoj r-onatituents, the deposit's of reberetalous molter usol alter _elent-ents of dise«se, decomposition clout (tempi ?I'll/ be glirminished tlw Lungs, Kidneys, skin a, 1 other Organs; and eruth ofahese Organs wid ZPI•71 • theirproper constituent sceretions. Instead of Crow, Bile, the Pancreatic .Inice and other .1 had& tre4n absorbed in the .circadatian, these surretions tvW II directed for e.rpulsion from the system through diet., proper &wan -nets. If medicine jails in its influsu on the system, to correct these sccretious, and in 053 sist each organ or secreting gland in discharging proper functions, health can never be restarect: 5.• pity for suffering humanity, Radwayisi Sarsape." iHhIan lIesolvent secures this important want L.15 hoot heretofore existed in all these rensediai agen5.5 adrertIzed as Blood Parifgers. No matter how deeply seated or engrafted in tlai tissues, cartilages, glands, orfrans, or bones .disen and corruption may he, the itifhtence te. Vats .poevr- rairntos t1ebl aiio11teifistdli4soi elit,wbDa1;2.iepr3,utIs:eic:1he; tem with such ennslittiesits as to resolve and eziert minute the dead and decomposing matter, and ;Up-, jiI it•V Pare with sound and tiring strut:tare, n1,11&•••-• ishmi by rich, pore; and strong blood. lipuit chemical action which the Sarsapurillian Br-soh:ea; has on the substances taken into liw stomach (hiring its process of digestion tido Chyme and Chyle, bcfort it is made blood, as well as the nourishing salvo., tuents it converts Into blood, and its specific action, when entering in the circulation, It extermisassies every atom of 2.1211$ from the bloo 1, and resolees away all deposits of disease, whether caused by the action of some spes5ific jusisonrcr virulent disease, or Mercury, Corrosive iS`ablimate, l e. the Corrossek Chloride of lifer -tory, (lulopnel, and other tiaaeoat that MAW have accumulated tra the bones, tissues,. cartilages, or jo.sils, or from some transmit,- •4 family complaint that may have run through hatf dozen generations. Scrofula., Consumption. stypitHis. IttleurtAi and badly treated Venereal k /Is sunny form.* Glandular Disease. Ulcers In the Throat onitohu'ertipilarTts of Qit1119ie til°4-stieegin:riltoirle!ee E64,18.eitli.daStarle.! 1610148 Discharge,' from the Ears, mud worst forms of Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Senlit Ilenil, Itittgavertit, sa Ithettm, Erysipelas, Acne, fititela apotass. Wmans its .tIte Flesh, T Cancers in tile Womb, and all sveabenitag wait palatal 1)15.55 -aeltarges, Night Piss -eats, Loss of Sperm, a5.4 all wastes of the Lite Principle, are within. the curative range of the Sarsapartllisat Resolvent, and a fess, days' use will pro. e 24r , any person using it for either of these fore,. of Disease, Its potent power to cure them. Uncured Venerettl-Gleet. Gravel, Strictest -en and all {Complaints. of the Urinary 0..5, gaits, Bladder, Kidneys, Womb, Ifropsyt, Diabetes, and all who rare rinisuptiestel hba.yrgSetslpapraegeltolifel‘kViyatererilefivret7 fteiz effectually cured through the SARSAPARILLIAN RE3OLITEili; Recent Cures reported by E. 3. Chapman, Commercial Traveller. Montreal. G. Dennailt. of St. Timothee. County of ReanifOre nois. CanadaEast. had for nine years TWO LA Kt ULCERS. one on his thigh. the other on hir that resisted all Kfids of medicine and the skill -et. the most celebrated doctors in Montreal and other. parts of Canada,. Last 1.'it.11 he cuititneneed the laaa of 'tad wa y 98 Sars,1 oat Iteshl rout, aide I, with Rodwn.y,s Pills and Ready Ilellef. Ilc used only Ihree bottles or thoaa.areeparillia ftemola vent, and two or three. beaes Ratlway'e Pine, aril used, as a lotion.. a wash of the nelnity .K.ettr Saraaparilliatt Resolvent, diluted with water; which completely cured him. Ilere ta i man that had pre,yiously saent hundreds of dollars, doetorat tor nine years, and cured at a cost of less than 4.09 dollars. "ONE SOLID scAn," STROP:11A CI7RED at Wells Elver, Vermont: M; Durant. one of the wealthiest citizen, of Welts River. owner of nearly half the town, beeidea a nn We- ber of Paper Mills. lintels. &c., told nte of his knew. ledge of yonr medicine. His snn. a,gest 1,3 YeatrPstantels corered with one SOLID SCAB, covering (tie entlea body -head, trunk. chest. lege. and all I saw hire in September last. and he was the twist revel Gne aol diseased object I ever saw. At iny request lie was. put under the treatment of itathvayes Saran pa • riltiau Resolvent., .Rendy Relief and Mlle.: One month Since. on returning to tai nada. I saw the. father. who then told me that his son was cam:Moiety cured. I know .of many who hare been cured ii( 4 Fever Sores. Eruption o,f the -skin. lIeils. ['leers. Soria Ilead, Sore Legs, and in fact all knels ut gores. Threatened Consumption, . Night Sweats; Bleeding frOlkt 415e Lungs, cured with one bottle of It A.DW Ale /S SARSAPARILLIAN RSOLVENT WIDDEB Stalatoit, Ontario, Canada West, Mareh 11. lari9. Dr RADITAY :-Tbis is to certify tlint I was take, with bleeding at the lungs, and night sat-eate, awl was intim-et' to use your aarsapavillinn itesour, vent. After hiking iwe doses I was enabled tt. sleep, a boon for whieti 1 wns thankful. After using one bottle the bleeding was cured. ,anot the night sweats ceased I smut inited tp uee vie bettlee, and now all signs of sieknees. disease ittni threatened Consumption have dieatieearati. I feel. nay health fully recovered. . JONATHAN FRE,ELAND. N. B--'1'hia gentleman eau, well known te have been under the troatinent of the best physicians its Sarnia -he received no benetit frain any medicirtf until he commenced using your Salli"_Pna'rsn' Resolvent. GEO..3-1011TIMER. Agee t .fue Ontsaii, PRINCIPAL 14.1EPPT, 439, ST. PAUL STREET, ICONTREA.L. ;ars Sold by Druggiete 'tnd getterak•AfarukcielAri; at $1.00 per bottle, or $5. for 6 botaca. ENGINE FOR SALE • • 4 - • 13 herse Power portable Engine, as good as new, 41, made by. A3'aterous & Co, Brantford. Apply aLtit factor, to SoHN McPBERSON Godeiich,25 January, 1810.„ - LAND WANTED.; , •• A PARTIALLY IMPROVED FARM OF TWO Old i. THREE HUNDRED ACRE16. ill Or nett' the Couriry of Huron, ;muted to purchase- . Ad •re.ss with -par- ticulars, WILLI.A31 C. B INE, Land and (aien Agent , nein', teit ses S-_,•• Improved Farms in Wellington County for Sala Goderich, 25th 3la7, 187 4V a