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Huron Signal, 1870-06-16, Page 2
- • it na •t‘ W.12. Zlitor Lud?ropriatoy. a enassatinhe A.NN IN ATIVLANCE, (11)4) ,A...r.ENLI ()V Ortsuteag Omani!. EDWRD SHARMAN 9 Bit Veg. LAY nit. PLASTER AND SLATER, •,tatinaoa e ),Io any worts in the adnut e bra:34'11- k) ,s=i mi ts eornan. Witatewanhilla and Job - at:, talc I e t piottiptly Partici) imtl,lins throat/11 • • , pit on a f•iittbsttaraitisal C %Do or/ tla wont I dip well to correnorond with Um r, liavo their Ilaunen rincred With Sloattiou. Oki, will find them alit -ever than any tho emit. 1,114 h. title lltrett. 1873 tvg.3in --- - S. fl Nrix) GALL, pRACTECAL VETERINARY S noon, Goderach. Veterinary Aledi- einel alwave on hand. wai bi m Dutagatanstaa evory Wednesday, and at h privy Thurnilay and Vritlay •0° iLtnosen=lacel tIf3 UT. soundness •.° st7S0aean IMPORTANT NOTICE, P. R. DIANN, nom Sign & Carriage Pointer. To ACQU A INT THE PUBLIC THAT he has fitted ap a shop on North street neve to the Wesitkau Methodist Church, with varnish room at- taettea wkere he as prepared to fill a,',1 orders promptly, an 1 at reasimaitle prices. Thanktad for the patrionage of the fast 7 years solicits a contiquance of the same. Now i '‘47 s the time to Paint your Cutters, Sleig,ts, and Carriages. 173'Orders from country Carriage Shops o.Ltended to it!) lispatch. ' sign Painting. Gilding. Graining, Glazing. Paper- . ang.ng. , Nov. 8. IStiO. F. R. MANN. w42 HURON HOTEL, eunten. CO. HURON. JOEIN PRANG, Proprietor. T1lis `tause iS titte 1 up with every convenience for t'ac tr 'veiling public, &T 131.1 Stablinf,and prampt Itteudance• February 1st. 17G, MRS. DAYS' HOTEL WROXETER. ••••••••• ON the direct road irorn Seafortb to Widkertota. Every necessary accom modation Mr the travellinff HANNAH. DAYS. Wroseter. Y^.7. 17. w4 COLBORNE HOTEL, CODERICH. E. MARTIN, Proprietor. ••••1•0 Gond Accommodations. Ample Stable , Room. (e.'el.• This is admitted to be a Furst class house kept in Good Style. Dee 2,7th. 1870. sw44-tflin Cora uneretalliotel.niteliel 1C.W *87 IMIN HICKS, Proprietor. This is tb argestXnel bestCountry Hotel in Wester Cana/ft...and enarges as moderate as any H nu* in Matt -hell . 'Stage Proprietor. Good s•e_blin g for POO Horses Horses and Carriages for Hue, on S'iortesr Notice MM. • ][3icriric_)IN , e, The GreateStPossible 31-ood to the' Oreatest Possible Number." 11.111.16. GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C. Stoves 1 - - - CABINET FURKISHING Stoves ! Bit:line:15 Director!). GODERICH Brow YOU1 CHANCE w A It E 0 U S E . ef4 CIEtABB'S 1 IF4Cr) -- Secure the ;hallow ere the 41th:damn fad. IN/Mamsm. • 0 tri Prices to Snit the Times! mairximi••••••11 Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., OR 75CtS. PER HALL' DOZEN, Largo Photograph Reduced in ,Proportion. Also will make the largest Photographs made In finder icb. very cheap. Porcelain pictures front one dollar upwards at D. C AM PI3ELL'S Pho6traph Gallery. Goderich. Oct. 19th. 1809, w27 _ r'eed. F`eed I erT.TSPIC' RECEI-VED AT Shephard & Strachan', 20 TONS OF BM, SHORTS & WHICH THEY WILL Sell Cheap for Cash. Goderich. June 7th 1869. w19-tf .13;8 0 4.; 4 2 0 ©ptA 48 51 0 e4c$4 c)e',-1Lwry40 5 in rr.13 0 ,aeD.Z 'j •=1 raiz E-4 5 63" '11-1 LHOce 0 '11 0.1 Oldest Establishment in Town. flIEIE subscriber in returning thanks for the libera patroof--:,e so long bestowed upon him, begs to in - is numerous customers 2.102 the public generally tint in eonsequence of the late tire, he has removed his business to the store formerly occupied by Mr. Booth, West street, net Bank of Montreal, where everything n has line will be found and All Kinds ofJob Work will be Done the same as usual, G. N DAVIS. Goderich 29th March SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. Almommoommi lpi71Z unCerstgued having purchase(' *he Hain- ing L',1111 and Sash Factory owned, and or- Cupied by Dunaki Cumming, are now prepared re carry on the business o/ manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, - • , acid sit kinds ciriCLE1,NT CO Ft, 2 suet/ as Circle and Otalatc Sash and Frames They think from their experience in Factory Work, that they 'an ;me satisfaction lo all Who may favor them with a call. N S. -A Eibera disuount to the trade. 00,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flexing on hand. JAS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, WM. ROB1NSOM. Godorsea. March 4th. lEfis. sw55 REMOVAL. ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, WMT STLLEET, GODERICH. PUNE Subscriber triving,i•ernoved to the Store lately oecapiecl by A. Naismah,. West Sireet, opposite the Post Oce, wishes tet clank lus friends and the publ:e, thc- liberal support Twilit tulifela they' have favored lore for the last `25 years, and begs to sssare them that no eaiort ha spared to mont acontintiance of their patronage, EN maniocs study will be tosupply WatCheg Clocks and Jeweleryi Which will give satisfaCtion to the purchaser, and as all work has bean do:ae by myself, customers may depend on having a well execuved. tar A good a.s.shrernent ef Gold and Plated JeWelry, Watches, Clocks &d., atways oa hand. ALEX WALLACE. OcuIcerich Oa2. 25th 1S. w40 Agents, Read This ! WS WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY of $30 yeah and expenses, or allow a /arge commission si.11eur new wonderful inventions. Address, W waoaars & CO . Marshal. Mit; pt MARTIN AMANN pp EGS ToiNFORiVi HIS OLD CUSTOMERS 13 that he is till able to sell for cash, at the owest rates, ILL KINDS OF FURNITURE. At his shop on Kingston Street, opposite the Huron Hotel, tiodench. him a call. Goderzch. Oct.3. 1868. EW1 I w37. PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per' Dozen. 11ALF DOZENFROM BACK NEGATIVE 51 cents, postage free. One dozen flaw' back negative 87 cents, postage free, to any address. Particular Attention paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes. For eidier large or small photographs. The subscriber in retarningethanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to bim, would just say that he has made such ins- provernents in his gallery as will merit a con- tinuance of the same. PCS -i, Great Reduction on Large Photographs. E. L. JOHNSON. Goderich. Oct. 26, 1869. sv44tf. TAI LORING 1:1. 49. I> Ikr ETURNS HIS MOSTS.INCERE THANKS 1 1.. fo r t he very fiatteringencouragemen t he hail 'aceivedstncelecommenced business in Gode ich,botbeingaPie to execute over one -ha 1 o heordersbrought to him I astseason havuig aow securodiacilitseisfo 1:artymKon Business Extensively .nd employing none but first-ciass tradesmen And al D. 4. believes hisexpenence as Cutter ti econdto none in the Province,havingoarried on businesseitensiveLy andsuccessfullyin Hamilton, principallytirst-classcustomers,and having been Cutter in ontof t he Principal Establishmen s n Falinbargh , Scotland , he earlesslystat• to a liscerning public that . CLOTHING OAN BE MADP is.tstablishuien eque it ottrefe'S Br :: tune ti n Toronto orMontreal. odetich, October 3rd, 1863. 41=11••• .1•11111•••• DANIEL GORDON, C.:IA.131N 1VL.A. tz, urrioLsTERER, AND Undertaker, 840., &eg, 111:11;111, TIM; now on hand a .ILL largo ravels of FURNITURE th every variety, which eannot fail to eointriand the favor of all in Want of' furniture who may favor Wm with a %loft, whether In style or price, atudi au -Wood Chairs, Cane Chian, Sofas, Lounges, Tattles, Bookcases, Cupboards, Exterusion Tablet), Easy Chairs, Hocking Chairs Wart trues, Side boat CIA, Clittliontag, Wash Stands, Kitchen Ts bleu, Stands. Sea Grass Mattresses, Wool (to, Noss do flair do, and 4 or 5 different kinds Spring Mattresses N. 13.- Keeps always Olt hand ii large aesortment ot Washable gilt and Rosewood Monitling-fraines, square or oval, made on the shortest notice. flayit.g made arrangements with JACQUES .5c NAY. Toronto, can furnish anything here or at their Warerooms in Toronto, 1r3"' Hns always a complete assortment ol Coffins ST, Shrouds in the Latest Style. AIN.), HEARSES to hire. Dia.eistro FOB Caisala Godorlch, February 1st, 1870. w2 GODE WAGON &CARRIAGE ra, Mt z‘, t c2 21‘ HE Subscriber would announce to the pub- lic of Huron and Bi -1100, that he is now man- ufacturing first-claas Carriages, Waggons, Sleighs Cli1ttc3ts, which will be'sold CHEAP -0R CASH. Wanted a wood -worker, and two apprentices -one to learn wood -work and the other blacksmithing. JOEIN PASMORE, Victoria Street, Goderich Coderich.Ma v 16th. 1968. w49 FREDERICK WATCHIVIAER, JEWELER, &c.. WEST ST., GODERICH, Near ,the Post Office. DEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TO RETURN ins 1.1 sincere thanks to the people of Goderich and vicinity for their liberal patronage (luring the past 8 years. an I now that the holiday season has arrived with all its soeial enjoyments and amenities, he would state that all who wish to purchasejewelry for presents or otherwise of warranted material and workmanship would do well to bny from him at rates eompatatively cheaper than that asked for worthless trash. Jewelly Suld for Gold Warranted. ne -Repairing done in the best style of workmanship. ISAAC FREDERICK Goderich Dec. 20th. 1869. w39-tf MLL Jh 0101Zarter4an nja, RESTO ItAIR DRESSINg )yewotyre in oneBode BY ITS USE Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. Et will cause Rairto grow on Bald Sped& It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING BAIR is immediately checked. Sold by all Druggists. Price One Dollar. Manufactured by S. R. YAN DIME cfs CO. Wholesale Druggists, 35 Barclay Street and 40 Park Place, New•York, and 266 High Holborn. Landon. Enz. FIRE & MARINE rz4suktAlvc I 13rneHiENIX FIRE ASSURANCF COMPANY of Lon- st and best offices in Canada. don, Enin gland, established 1782,one of the oldest, HORACE nouTow, Agent 110110vINCIAt INSURANCE COMPANY of Canada, HeadOffiee; Toronto, Will ,ake r site on Country mil City property. Marine risks taken at as low Meg assay othet first elan office HORA.CE HORT01114 Agent. • • :MONEY TO LOAN. $20 000 ori good firm security 'dyable from from ono to twelve years. No interest retained 111 advance. HORACE HORTON, Agent: GJIcrith, liareh 31, 168 THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1870. vanuola.a ... .a.scirs2„4: )VOL. XXI1L---NO 2i THE POLICE COURT; WEDNESDAY, 8 June, 10 a. rit. Atil The hall of justice was flooded frith the gorgeons rays of the June 'sun, whieh lit 14 up the countenances of du) distinguished Iv assembly this morning convened, to give 0 their encouragetnent to the dispensers of CI law, in their efforts to advance the cause of virtue and morality arid to become "a PIP terror to the evil doers and a praise to them PLAIN AND FANCY COAL OIL,' -- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. de- Coal Oil Lamps, &c. &c. Old Iron. Cooper, Brass, Wool Pickings. and Sheep Skins taken in exchange, J.& J. STORY, de- Sign of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, IGoderict. March Ist.1667 6 - NEW CABINET AND UPHOLSTERING S s !WEST STREET, _ OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL GODERICH. ERIC IIROKAY 'WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN - VY nounce that he has opened a new shop In the above line. on West Street, opposite the Bank of NIontreal. where he will keep constantly on hand or make to order FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Having on hand an assortment of Upholstering material, he will be prepared to littpromptlyall orders in that line. ra-r A quantity of Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings on hand. Picture Framing to Order. Za= He trusts by strict attention to busiusss tiler a share of public pattonagq. Goderich, Nov 17, 1869 w44-tt MfOINT 1E417- r.FC) At Reduced Rates, on Improved Farm &Town Plop) For Periods extending from Three to Ten 'Years. to suit Borrower . Re-navable in Monthly, Half Yearly or Yearly Instalments, by thej Imperial -Building, Savings -86 Investment Co. OFFICE -50 Church Stree4ToVto. PRF..1 JOHN CRAIN-Eon!). ESQ., Q. C„ 3(.113. V IC,E-PRESIDENT. JOHN GORDON, Eq. DTRECTORS. JOHN CRAWFORD, ESQ, Q. C. M. P.'s JOHN (-Kin DO V, Eso., Messrs Gordon & Machay. J. G. HARPER, ESQ., Manager Merchants' Bank, JOHN TURNER Esq.. Messrs Sessions, Turner & Co. JOHN FIsKEN, Esq.' Messrs J. Fisken & Co, NOAH BARN Esq, Merchant JOHN M ACNAH, ESQ , Messrs Lyman & Macnab, DALRYMPLE CRAWFORD, ESQ,, Messrs D Craw ford & Co. llsotterron. D'ARCY BOULTON, Esq. SECRETARY & TREASURER. B. MORTON. bso. Baukcrs-Merchants' Bank of Canada. IL -The full amouut of the loan is advanced without Deduction. Conveyancing cha, ges reduced to the vet v Lowest Rates. Agent at Goderich. FRE D'h. ARMSTRONG, wlOtf West Street, WASHING MACHINE! A PERFECT CEM. Priceonly • $2.00 each THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SAE " 1 little wonderin the Washing Machine line" patent- ed and manufactured by Israel Kinney. of ‘Voodstock. It is the cheapest machine ever invented ; can be at ached to any ordinary wash -tub ; can be adjusted by sittings tosuit either light or heavy goods : wadies as rapidly and efficiently as more cuinbersome and costly machines ; and does less injury to the clothes; and leaves them nearly as dry. if desired. RS a regular Wringer. The low priee of $2.uo brings it within -the reach of any family. With it any houselceeper can do her ownwashing without either getting sore hands ot an aching back. Calland See thelliachine AT ROBINSON & YATES' Market Grocery; Goderieh, 28th Dec.. 1869. w49 Maitland Salt Well PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, f The undersigned is prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT, IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE Lowest :Erice, -"FROM THE ABOVE WELL: S. H. DE'TLOR• Goderich, August 3rd1 1869; w2 MONEY TO LEND. EASY s TERMS: J. B. GORDON. Gjdorieli;Jan. 14th, 1868. -51 5 Money to Loan on Real Est:ate, A PPRAtS ER to the Trust and .LoanCoinpany rt pper Canada: M.'fRIIEMAN, 4 Market Square , adent h • that do well.' Our artist anti reporter who has an for all the bearings of a situation, as well ass to describe and deli- neate, was duly at his post. The crowd spontaneously parted in two to afford a triumphal passage for Mayor Hays and Joshua Callaway, Esq., J. P., who grace- fully acknowledged, as they entered, the enthusiastic plaudits of the crowd, His Worship, the Mayor, assumed the throne of state with the above gigantic volunnf of the 'Statutes of Ontariobefore him ; supportedon the left ny Mr. Cada- way. His Worshipnwith several flourishes, doffed his ' nicely adjusted, after wiping with his hand- kerchief, the of judgment, and proceeded to business. The case on the carpet was the adjourned trial of skill Poeezv ns CRABS ; the latter being charged with `unnecessarily, cruelly - or wantonly' cudgelling an unfortunate The Mayor suggested that the Justices and spectators should hereafter appear in their good. as it was intended that the business of the Court should, ia future, be illustrated by the special artist of the Huron Signal, A. M. POLLEY, sworn, on Saturday last .was indulgiug • in a buggy -ride around the Court -House Square. When nearly opposite Dark's Hotel he heard a tremendous squealing as if some one was killing a Whdi he turned the corner of Kingston street he saw Mr Crabb, with a stick 3 feet long, belaboring a which he held by the nape of the neck. He lought Mr Crabb was killing the (Arnie and asked him to stop. Mr Crabb _kept hammering away at the animal, The witness weuld hate to lick a as Mr Crabb licked that quadruped. Witness felt as if somebody was running a through his feelings when he heard the hosvlina Witness turned back and told Mr. Crabb if he did not -stop he would haul him up. Mr Crabb looked up as much as to say it was none of witness' business how cruelly he beat the dog. It was a cross between rat, tan and New- foundland like Mr Crabb's risa before they shed their hair a kind of Gentles was in the buggy With witness. Cnoss.Ex. BY ME. Ogans.-Did.n't see beginning of shindy. The instrument was a stick about a yard long. It might ha,ve been the handle of oneof McPherson's famous or the csin.e of some old, dilapidated It might have been a whip. Didn't know whose dog it was. Heard since that lie Int a large piece out of ono leg of Mr. Truematili In x ibles about two hours before. Pitt. Crabb had the animal by the nape of the neck and and was boating him on the posterior and all over. Asked him 3 times to stop the 'elimagpell(!aytitionnd. G hoheanstlielsttn o inflitentinw ticeoveit't111)13: He did not say he 'had a pick against Mr Crabb and wcnild put him thrbuglif JOHN GENTLES, sworn, was in a buggy with Mr Polley, heard the howling, saw the castigation and thought Mr Crabb was using the dog crnelly. With the exercise he was pulling and blowing like ati running tip hill, Polley asked him to stop, or if he didn't he wotild haul him up. Crabb stopped then. By the time they were at Saunders ean- depot the howling began again and Polley said he would haul him up. He thought it was cruelty to the dog and that Mr. Crabb was not drawing it mild. Caosa EXAMINED by M r Orabb, wcittld ra their have 2.a11ect out the artillery, loaded the oft the bourt House. Square and blown,the deg into smithereens than have thrashed him so. To Al R. POLLEY, witness was not aware if castratus fvit cants, recently. (Our. reporterial modesty compels us, in this case to use [dog] Latin.) G. M. TRUEMAN, sworn, exhibitett thb dangerous vicinity in which Mr Ora,bb's cur rent his unmentiotiables. Mr. Crabb potonled the dog iti 4 or 5 minutes after the fact, while witness was hunting in Hazlehurat's store fur a with which to shoot him. Thinks the dog was whipped severely but as he spoke feelingly -not tooseverely for theatrocious crime committed. It was the butt of the whip he was thrashing the dog with. Mr. Trueman has the dog's brother and Mr. Crabb suggested that his dog therefore bore Mr Trueman `malice aforethought' as these brethren sometimes fight and Mr T. uses his freely on Mr Cra,bb's pup. MR. SILVERTHORN, sworn, corroborated the other evidence, in part, belt could not say, in answer to Mr Polleii- if rcastratus frit canis. NEIL CAMPBELL, sworn'saw the beating. The dog after biting Mr Truernan ran under a as if he knew he was guilty and commenc- ed 'baying the moon.' The brute got no more thrashing than he deserved. The instrument was a whip. This witness, in answer to Mr Polley could not say if constrains fuit, The dog was produced and did nothing to vindicate himself but sliok into a corner. No medical gentlems,n being present the Mayor declined to make a surgical examin- ation of his physical condition. Ma CEA BB in defence of Mn. CRABB made an eloquent appeal to the Scriptures declared "Train up a child in the way he should go. and when he is old he will pot depart from it." If the law allows a parent to chastise a child (which of coin se Mr Doyle knows nothing about as he is an old bachelor) how much more does it allow a dog to be punished if that dog knows he is guilty. This dog is an intelligent dog and a pup, in fact a "child" among dogs and punish- ing him now would make 'm'him amenable all his life to the law concerning dogs. If this dog had been an old dog he might have shot hitn, but he was a young dog and had made an impression on Mr Crabb'e affectionate bosom and punishing him now would make him a gond dog as long as he lived, and he held that under the statute 'necessary' punishmet was permissible. The effect of the chastisemettt was already apparent as he use,cl to cherish `malice aforethought' to Mr Triteman ; while, since the thrashing he had been in Mr. Trneman's Company without showing any desire to miitilate his nether garments. It was only the other week he had seen Mr Polley's man unmercifully beating a baulky and he might have prosecuted hini bUt for his extreme "ge,ed nature' and this was his reward. B. L. DOYLE, Esq., tn.addraged the beach for the prdsectition and the Mayor announced that the Court deferred its judgment till 10 a. rri. on Friday, to give them time to Wok up anthorities. The company separated singing to the tune of 'old dog Tray' the following ap- propriate song ;-- - The Fate of a Fighting Dog. - - A than, he dwned a terrier dorg - A bob -tailed, onery cuss. And that there purp got that there mad In many an ugly nines; For the man he was ori his muscle, And the dorg was on his bite. So to kick that dorg-goned &Mantle Was stile to also a tight. A Woman owned aThomas cat; That ht fifteen' pounds ; , And other cats got np and slid , When that there cat was round. The man and hi3 dorg came along one day, Wherethe he woman she did dwell, And the pdrp be growled ferociously, They so eat fo: the cat file h -L He tried to ehaw the neck of the cot, But the cat, he wouldn't be chuwed, So he lit on the bach of that tiltre dog And bit ! and clawed! and clawed! 01:1 the hair it flew! and tho purp he youled 1 Anne elavis went into Ids hide. And chunks attests were:peel:4j from lila Wit: Thoubit fluintnuml, and-kW:oil, and died!. The man he ripped, and euticed, and 13Vinret AtI gatherid a nig brickbat, Tient he would bodarned If he didn't kW that cat 1 flan tho wooi,in allowed olic'd In blesocd if ho slid And t111i1td9Rd UV an old shot:loth, Which nlw Ikreit,and pepperal Ian dluroilraiatri With bl,d-ritutt 4,410, tAtfal lilto IMMO Oil a window blifid, ;Aid the doctor cured him t,p; But be never tvaR attown to fight again, or in own another pulp, Police may torn Uri their SiRtiOta Uthia I don't cPre n cuffs for that I All 1 wanted to olu,w 111, that lighting &IV - May tackle the wrong Tom eat. On Friday morning, at 10 o'clock, Mr. Crabb was lined 1,,i2.00 and costs. - • 0-n Tuesday afternoon, before Christo- pher Crabb, Esq., J. 1). the following caeo of embezzlement was brought up). BARON DB CADIIN V8 TIMOTHY HP -AMAZON. Brabazon was charged with ensbeezling _ while acting as agent, in ordering printing, hiring places oi Meeting, distributing bills :and selling tickets for The case was adjeurned till this (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock *hen the charge was withdraan, THE 6ALT WM.1;6.. Dr. -Sterry Hunt, of the Geelogical Sur- vey, has just published an elaborate report on the Gbdericli regime The first part gives a description of the gedlogical for- mation of the region, whioh is interesting to those who are in search of wells and which gives a large amount of information as to the results of boring in different localities. The second part of thhe report igoccupied with details of the processes for making salt., and shows clearly that the manufacturers of Goderich have not yet adopted the best means toy working to advantage the brine which is so abendant in that region. To realize the enormous waste now going on at Goderich, it is only necessary to show the different results ob- tained from the Syracuse brine and from the Goderich brine. The brine from Syra• ousts mark from 590 to 65° of the salometer, while those of Goderich give from 81° to 90° and 95°. A pure brine of 600 contains 15.6 per cent. of salt, and 38.9 gallons of i it are required toyield a bushel ot salt ; while a brine of 900 holds 23.4 per cennand yield a bushel of salt for 24.4 gallons. At Goderich, as has been shown, there are obtained 35 bushels of salt to the cord of wood, while with a much inferior brine Syracuse yields 30 to 38 bushels. At the same ratio of production as that of Syra- cuse -and it must be remembered this ceuld be largely increased-Goderich brine should yield 52 bushels salt to the cord of wood, again of between two and three hundred barrels a day in the busy season. it will be said, no doubt, that the evapora- tory are the sante as those used in Syra- cuse. Even suppose the brine to be the same, tlie Syracuse evaporators are by nn means the most perfect that could be ob tained, and it would seem to be the busi- ness of those who complain of being exposed to unfair competition, as the Goderich men have done, to endeavor to make their salt as cheaply as possible. But 86 far from this being the case, they hate adopted the process which -granting it is found suitable at Syracuse -is not suited to the stronk brines of Goderich. Even this process, according to thtl re- port, has been cOndneted in a slovenly, careless manner. This is nonffritted by the report of Dr Goessman, who, in 1868, recommended that a different method should be pursued, either, evaporation by moderate heti oti the European plan. of large pans, or evaporation 14 solar heat in wooden vats, on the Onondaga plan. - Each of these plathS, he believed, would produce, with less trouble, not only a good marketable article, but i'3otild make ahdiffetence of fifty per cent on the re- turns. Since then the pan system hag been tried in Clinton the reduat being the producticnof fifte bnshels to the cord, the maximum strength of the brine, being stated to be 85° althrottgh the specimen analysed by Pr. Hunt shoed only 80. That the Go derich brines old be worked nitre cheaply than . any other, seems to admit ef no doubt. The analysis and the deductions from them made by eUr Fl ant and Mr. Goessman shovis that salt from the Goderich brine not only compares most favorably with the best forergn salt, but that Chat from Saginaw brines is made at much greater eXpense; the brines being much inferior. What is required, therefore, to enable the God- ericu salt well proprietors to enter on ad vantageiks terms into competition WW2 American produces is proper tininess management. -Montreal Bead. Mahone of grasshoppers have triaie thee appearance at Corinne'Kansasf where the grasshopper has indeed become a burden. There are two htineditiiniodn e fifietysoiotea: e reAt realer saei n for rt h teh Danube.e d ranaiestere_is bleildnog, in a Louis. tioui2tCoinleti of Halms TUESDAY, 7 .Ratto, !Oa. tn. The Council met pairsUantaajoneno- ie. Arnestrchne, Itaitain :Young; thent. Present, the Warden th MedrLe.cliairs Fa,ckierran,„ Sheppeed, rahdaa Le; I MeDonaldi Candela :krninoe -Wade, Morrow, Snell, .Slnon, Govenc: rock, Kelly, Hingeton, McCaut7,hesn Siarlr eon, Caen°, Greeetvay, Yearly, Ceeeswell; Messer, Ocott, rialtrob, WPM; Help,Girvin and Gantit. Tilb tadinateg. yedaseaday *orb 'dead Wired by Mr Orbeewel lectionded by l5les Perkins, that tho haniebg,f tho follown0 gentlemen bo added to the Equalisatiod Committee, thile giving each muedieipalit a repreeentation, vi,2.-mcEsto vaaetWolivi4 Shopperd, Perkitte, Shannon, Kelly Greenway and Cress(eoll. 'Moved Sal Amendment by Mr Leckie; seconded br Mr geeser, tlnit Mr Carrick end Mr Kelly be nibtabaro of the Equalisation Committed duriug the abgence of Mr Brodm df and Mr Helpe of East Wawanosh, Amend: talent carried by ta inajority of one. llovea further in amendment by Mr Pattoii seconded by Mr Ca-etle, that on abeonnt the absence of Meeere Brown and Helpsi on the Equalization Committee, two he ale pointed by ballot to fill the vecancy. Leet on a division by a naajority of eight. Moi, ed further in amendment by Mr Gimp: sun seconded. by Mr Gaunt, that no eel dition be made to the Equalization COM- mittee. Lost on a division by majority. of nineteen. A communication from Mr Fialey, agent of the Batik of, Montreal; was read and reierred id the Plliaiice Committee, Moved' by Mr Govezileck; seconded by Mr Dallae. that M.r :Manned be added to the Equalisation .Committee: Carried on a division by a majority of one; Letter from the County Treasurer ec: companied by a statement of the amount of Taxes cailiected on account Of Noil Rresid.ent Lands was read and reketred ti the Finance Committee Accountof J. St J. Story, and Mr Donaghy were referi: ed to Finance Committee. A niteulrir read frond -et -he, Connty Clerk of Elgin and Megsrs Leckie, Greenway and Farran ',ere appointed a Special Committee to repoq thereon. Moved by Mr Gaunt eevonned by Mr Castle; that as a certain charge lead been amide through the public press agained the printing Contractor for last year, hav7i ing charged more than contract prices, and that the matter be investigated by thd Printing Committee and report at thisl - meeting of Council.. Carried. AdjenetaeA • to meet again to -morrow at 9 a. in. Wednesday', 8 Jidda, 9 3. na.; The Council met. Present -the Wardeal in the. chair, .Messrs Armstrong, 1121i:hill; Young, Ferran, ItOrton, Shepperd,Pattoni Leckie McDonald, rown, Carrick, Per- kins, Wade, Morrow, Snell, Shannon; Gcvenlock, Kelly, Hingston, McCaiiilley: Simpson, Castle, Greenway; slArly; Creswell, Dallas; Blesser, Scott, Bishop; Willis, Girviii and Gatttit. 'nab minatte4 of yesterday were read and approved: Tied' Repart of the Engineer 0111 the Ceilant§ Bridges was read and retorted to tha Road and ridge Committee. The Report Of the Engineer on the Gravel Road § Seal r‘ead and refetred to theGratel RdLd eche: _ mittee. The °port of Messrs Bay and McPhillips as to the value and Conclitiorl of the Northern Gravel Road was fead and referred to the Finance Committee: A Letter from the County Auditors with a synopsis of Receipts and Expeilditiere; for the year ending 31st tecember 1869/ was read and referred to the Finance Com: mittee. Report of RevJohrtFeeguson,L.S., was read and referred to the School Com: mittee: A letter from Mr Tome, respect- ing taxes paid on unpatentied Ends wad read and referred to the Fie:mice Commit- tee. Moved by Mr Ferran seuonded Lee Mr Scott .-That an appropriation oi n00. be ailed° towards building a Drill Shed at Clinton and that the Same shall become pay able only 019 completion of said shed according to Government regai latione, Carried. Accounts of INW Joh1 Ferguson'L. S., Rev H.; Gibson., L. S.; T J Moorhouse, John Walker, Copp: Clark & Co, Luke Eilard,- and Engineer'd accetint were read and referred to Finance; Committee. Adjourned till to -morrow at 9 a. m. THURSDAY, 9th June, 9 a. Tai. The Council met purettant to rsaliouen-7 ment. Present -the Warden in Chair; Messrs. Arnistroug, Dalton, Young, Far - ran, Horton, .Shepperd, Patten, Leckie; McDonald, Bron, Carrick, Perkins: Wade, I'vlorrow., Snell, Si. Goven- lock, Kelly, Hingoton, Sinap: son Castle, Greenway, Yearly, Creeewell; Dallas, Diener, Scotty,'7Biehop, v7"i1lie3; Helps, Girvin and Gaunt. The minuted ef yesterday mere read and apphoyed:- Abstaact of Estimates paid by the ConiiV Treasurer between the Couneil nieetingd of January; and June, 1370, was read and referred to the Finance Cointaiittee.- Let= ter from the County TVeaf3lifer acoompa: niecl by statement of the amount cif the Non Renident tend collected by the Mu- nicipality of fficiclulpli fieted ferred td the liinatteL' Cdan: Accriunt of James Sharp„waS referred to the Fiteanca Com; Moved ISY Mr Armstrong, eecinriel-. ed by Mr Dalton, That this Connell gent the sinn of S399 to OfinIpleto tle ,.(4';1176115/1g of the Aslatield Gravel Road, and that the Engineer be instructed to let the came forthwith; referred to the Finance Com. -- Petition of James Fendry Wag read and, referred to Finance Corn. Moved by Mr Simpson, cec. by Mr Yearly, That the En- gineer be instructed to ealemine that P3Tt of the Gravel Road running through to village of Varna for the purpose of: reenov.: ing a /111li2aT3ltil eatIP-VR,hy titantllat water in said Village-cariled. Movoi by Mr Patton sneonded by Mr ShOppersi. That Ole Bum of &SOD be ranted to aseiat irl rebitildina a Bridge on the first cont`eoenon iri the,Township of Godevichsconaosting Godeeich with Bayfield, refeeeeel to Fig. Com. Adjeurned to 4 p. m. 4 o'clock P. M. The Council remained the WaYden jisthci chair. Moved by Mr. neaten, coo: UtS Mr. oLtitazz, That a gant be made ecelt Grammar School in the eimatty errer..,1 toi that raised by the !IttirdleipalltiesofOrider7 jab aiikl Clinton, respentiii, ely, pr the same does net exceed fin cabease thei sum of $269.0-careled. 51ti;eed by Mr. Shepieerd, eeensided by Fainese,i, that this Council geant the sum 617 81011 to tiad csrd attalim gift Mgt4th tit take plae next fall -carried. Accourate ef S.. Hstaat,j, ford, LliSata Moomand Dr. Stokes rogerriA to Finance Committee. Repart dfEquals'. ization thimanittee W3,6 TC4f1 and Report pWat'altalittt-2-6 intan Cateeol- ar frLird eridtity Council of Elgin, was ees.4 and adopteth cecina of Ur. Sloan ansl Mr. Insaton refor'reil to Telesis -ice C..tEla eldeourzed to Se3 a; as. aannareans