HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-06-09, Page 16,7.11 N ;.; `',013E.MECH. • -• l• ' t" • ••••,A. Las: 07 7,0 e er. %.% • c,-3.•3:1, . 0.1 aatr..3 welt a•-‘. caw a. In tee CrZETG4 6; :t9 FL.Q07.0 c -a froc.2 ▪ . v,11:41.1.Ca IN() SALE. v. •..t V^.L:7 'f . • N. - a. rw. rex • .* azro SALE VL E: ROAD, .7? Iv z.-ven 1st c Gr. Ed. SAT. •-t-,. •=:41. .413,-,171" 111 Isms. a • - 0.3 -.der', 51 C:rnren. . . • - tel P rt-r's E:r.s. P.O '11.-kNCE. DIY PR SALE a FOR SALE. TRE: LMGS f • g b.:37.se .rn•di s nee Im DYNT. i7 M.!, ON BAT - In 3 and 4, e eon, p4 15,4 acres, at is to rent for sach n. The land Li a eemfort- &a-d excellent .7.7) is well ws.tered. an the premises tsw65-11 f)r SALE the Toe= atr.12 y Crth - SAM GOSHEN' LINE, • 7.7 ,--11 Earco, 1120 r.-;" ••-:.twat•_, The a '7 +7 feet, granary, co.• -bard of ver..:s with goad • cza a pave! tberte fin.9._•-57:b ttet Eayeed 4 Fr C-rst.9z- z tLtil GT t9 te▪ (aS 1.7.431T.C. ' pren!cez. ) RING L XM E Til ANES cl.p:aragemen Ie haa ouszness a es Gude- :e cover oce-ha o qt.season iinvtng lares,fo- ig Extenslie y ist-ctans t re -fez -mem recce as Cutter s ..e.tavingearrtecl on ••:fullyo n Elanniton, rs.and illavnog been es..,sblis5men sr ra, irzessaptater to a, BE, MADE ien,•=es grtablfs1). awl? 3 POTATOES, IRV,. A c,,i5J cr kocc7;1tz C 2 3 a "zo EA= Cin01> • craaLantst,. 'El Apart"- • I,n tree Torn- •enehec fl a, enetahee a CI ar:,30 Geed :nee sIea.e. itee, watle7;fe, p 0 - 0 a w.r. JOX, selditor IndProprictor. t.00r.mn I1NN. IN Al" V AMIDE, END OF - 77 Business Directorv. Business Mirectorv. 13 r. I. A. Mcnonsall WIlhn . eAl` non uFout CONSULTAT:0.4N0' Y up to 11 o'clock, a. m. every day. Will vinit tome at any hour attorivarde, night or day •••• - - C.O. qhrinnon M.D. rlYSICI AN, SU RC; E0N, &c. att a., Goer Poen. C. W, 13:40-ly MoLIC A.N. VTYSti'T tN. RPM) CON. CORONER. Jer. Office and Itaat.lettee third door eon of Central School . 40 (4. M. McM °ICING. M. 1). I10ENTt %TR (4OLLEGF. PHYSICIANS asp SIM - t: P,!)NS. C. E. Reaufence. the house formerly decepied lay Mr. J. F. C. Holdall, Elgin Street. 1.111, 0 AS A./3'Y, . (o( McGill College) IITITSICI %N. SITRGEON,&c.. Office, °mills Drug tore, Goderich, Ontario. 8w102 .T. F. Danter,. M. D. ETR( EO, ACCOITHEUR. Homceopathic I,..7Physician, and Medical Electrician. Evaraining Phystrian of the Athletic Mutual Insttr nee Company of Albany, N. Y. ILV• Oce and Residence Park at., St. David's Ward ,Godench 1 vw42* 'Dr ICH RD MOORE, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND • Aeeouchenr. Nlanchester, C. W. February 7th. 1367. w3yr ffim NICHOLSON, • SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, Ooderieh. November 27th. 1960. w45-tf Ira LA -a -tens. lee .teerseett ..AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, axe It s +U.:nor-in-Chaucer-v. County Crown Attorney, Goierieb, CanadaWest. Office in Court House. v141140 NT- C Cameron. D kRRISTER. ATTORNEY: CONVEYANCER. &c., _La Kingston it., Goderieb,. Ont., w49 Cameron Ss 4...4-nrrow. kRIITSTE RS, somerroes IN CHANCERY, &c. ▪ Offiee. Kingston street, Goderich. - M. C. CsnERON, w52 J. T. Gatutow. an 1=3. (4-orrion, A TTORNEV-AT-L A.W.SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY 11,_ Nolan- Pahlte, Conveyancer, &c., &c., Goderich. Ont. Office, oft the south side of West Sweet, third door from Conn -House &mare. w49 Isaac IS'. Toths. 110 UIRTST9R. ATTORNEY -a f -LAW. SOLICITOR .1.3 in Chaneerta &e., Goderich. Ontario. Office- rabb's bloak, Kingston street sts-77 "Doyle Ss Scitaier, -EIARRisi ENS AND ATTORNTES, SOLICITORS - 13 in -Chancery, &c. Goderich. Ont. E. L. Dom, sw5 W. R. Sedan. B.A. zs..a.yrs Elwood, mei AR RI STER & ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, SOLT- 13 ohms in Chancery & tnaolvency,Cr nvev • r cer, &c. 331orie7 to Lend. OFFICE: Crabb's SI els, ever AreTabrakt's Store. sw37. William R. .ain, R. _A: (I11kNCERY AND LAW OFFICE. CRA1313,S RENT/ buddings. Kingston, Street Goderich. N. B -Conceyanciatr.„ Money lent on reasonable erma. Dlaputei4 and defective titles to real eSlate :aieted. Goderich„ Dec, 24 1866. sw34 P. F. WAINER Atioreev-at-Law , Solicitor-in-Chan- cerv. Conveyaneer, Notary Public. &e_ Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Court House, Goder- eh Ontario sav91 -r. B. Stoles, AGENT FOR STRATFORD AGRICULTETUL works. (Joseph Sharmanrproprietor). Residence, ay debl Road. a711-1y-sp S. lalalcoixtsont., , ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, &c., &c. 1-10 Clinton, Ont. w35 MONEY TO LEND. Strong Si Scitaier. tor EAL ESTATE AND INSURA.NCE AGENTS, NO. n, 6, A rea.de Bundle.- Buffalo, N. Y. efrA0tES. C. aranyro. Attorney -at -Law. H. R. Swum. Nov. 13th 180. w43 I-1. -Vic 1:3 ors 10ENSF.D ATCTIONF.ER, BAYP1ELD, County of .L4 Heron. Sales in village or country punctuntly at - ended to. w9-1yrg Le. 13. Hamlin, ENGINEErt AND SURVEYOR, LAND tJ Agentand Conveyancer. Ktneardine. C'EtOOI:5E ARUM:I:Zan. PLANS and spacitlications °BE dngs, &C. got np in a neat and eorreet style. (13.• Office over J. C. DetioreOes store, Goderich, May 10,1869 HAELEHURST &COOKE AUCTIONEERS, CONESSifiN AGENTS, Ilk &A Crabb's Block, (VanEvery'soldstand) KINGSTON STREET, GODERIOR ONTARIO. fl.* Sales in town and country pimetnal- attended to Goderich July I2th 1869. w24 EDWARD SHARMAN, BRICKLAYER. PLASTERER AND SLATER, STILLeontlnuca to do any Work lit the above braneli- ea on reasonable tonne. Widtewaftlang and Job - Mug attended to promptly. Parties Gentling through the country who &Aire to put on a fenbeitontint Coverton would do well to rodeapond with the anhaerlber, Mel !IWO their Hama (aimed with sla,tes, ari they will find them Cheaper than any other coveting In the end. 9 Ooderieli, 10th Marc!., 1870. • w8 -3m . S. R. 1\I'D 0 1) GALL, PRACTICAL VETERINARY -5 U • OEON, Goderich. Veterinary Medi- . cities always on hand. Will be In Dangtunon every Wednesday, and at Luckomv every Thursday and Friday. *** Horses examined as to soundness.*** ew56-2m IMPORTANT NOTICE. P. R. MANN, House Sign & Carriage Painter.. DEsfEES TO ACQUAINT THE PUBLIC THAT he has fitted np a shop on North street next to the Wesleyan Methodist Church, with varnish room at- tached where he is prepared to fill all orders promptly, and at reasonable prices. Thankful for the patrionage of the last 7 years solicits a eoutinuance of the same. Now is the time to Paint your Cutters, Sleighs, and Carriages. fee Orders from country Carriage shops attended to with dispatch. Sign Painting, Gilding, Graining, Glazing. Paper- =ging. &c., &c. F. R MANN. Goderich. Nov. 8, 1869. w42 HURON HOTEL, ZURICH, CO. HURON. JOHN PRANG, - - Proprietor. Prilis house is fitte 1 up with every convenience for the travelling public, tar Good Stabling:and prompt attendance. February 1st. 1870. w2-tf MRS. DAYS' HOTEL WROXE.TER. ON the direct road from Seaforth to . Walkerton. Every necessary ace= modation tor the travelling. public. HANNAH DAYS. Wroieter.14ev. 5. 18A7. w4 COLBORNE 1101EL, CODERICH. E. MARTIN, Proprietor. Good Accommodations. Ample Stable' Room. This is admitted to be a First class house kept in Good Style. Dene 20th, 1870. sw44-tf Cerontercialliotel,MitchelIC.SV rOHN: HICKS, Proprietor. This is th ▪ largestanci bestCountry Hotel in Wester ..lanadit.and caarges as moderate as any Heirs in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Good ssi_blin g for 100 Horses Horses and Carriages for Hue, on Shortest Notice. 14:7 nee • • NOMIKI..11( EDITION I • I . . -‘111MMINSIIMIMIANali- *. 1. \WW1 The Greatest Possible Good to the,Greatest Polsible•Number." - • GODERICH, ONTARIO D. C., THURSDAY, JUDIE 9, 1870. 1 •••••••••••••• 111 - • • - • Buoittees Elirtctorp. CABINET ROW INDIC WAREHOUSE. GODER1C14. ON BOARD Tar PRINCE ATJFRED NOW Is youa CHANCE Prices to Suit Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., OR 75CtS. PER HALF DOZEN. Large Photograph Reduced in 3.Proportion. Also will make the largest Photographs made in Goder lch. very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar upwards at D. CAMPBELL'S . Photograph Gallery. Goderich. Oct. 19th, 1869, w27 IFeed iFeetil I ,TITST 1R,MCM:ENTMD - AT ' Shephard & Strachan's, 20 TONS OF BRIN, . SHORTS it, Millings, ••• WHICH THEY WILL Sell Cheap for Cash. Goderich. June 7th 1869. w19-tf 1)1 w 0 jzz 1-1 lc) 4 rircD j:1- FL, (214 AUW-4NC) (#2 ° 6'9 CrZ r.T4 r4 fr4 E-1 AI " TM -2M Oldest Establishment in Town. filHE subscriber in returning thanks for the libera, I patronage so long bestowed upon him, begs to in- form his numerous customers ..ad the public generally that inconsequence of' the late fire, he has removed his business to the store formerly occupied by Mr. Booth, West street, next Bank of Montreal, where everything n his line will be found and All Kinds of Job Work will be Done the same as usual, G Goderich 29thjIlar ch; N DAVIS. SIM AND TOOR FACTORY. FREDERICK ARMSTRONG, - • LAND AGENT, VALUER, &c, WEST ST.. 04Dr.mEacEi. MQN Agentfor the Canada Landed Credit en., and the Im- perial Bending. Savings and Investment Co. - - ft:" X* Male, Crown Land. Patents taken out.Debts Collected. Gederieh, Oct. 1stv 180, - aw4-tf - Auction & Commission. GO DERICH &CLINTON -stablished 1.035a. ••••••••••••••• SLES of Miscellaneous Property in Goderich every_Saturdayaanden Clinton every Wed- nesday. Moueyacivaneed on Property fcr immediate, salnaatt promptreturnsm e. Fenn Stock and other Sates punctually attend- ed to throughout the County, the Me TBUBMA NeS Anction Mart, veffet ' Mark.ettleuate,Godench CHEESE,..CHEES$ ep ar stracnan, GROCERS, GODERICH. /ME been re..appoint;at sole &genie at 11 God�rieh for- the sa e t celebrated„ teeter Factory dheesa. Local dealers supplied. at the Factory rricese SITEPUARDaIr STIVA:CITSIZ Gafaliela, Mir 21a 18:11; wI9if lrelE undersigned -having purchased *be Main - in, Mill and Sash Factory owned, and oc- copideby Donald Cumming, are now prepared to carry on the business of manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring. and elf kinds of C I EL C LE wORI. such as Circle and Gothic Sash and Frames They thmk from their experience in Factory Wort,that they can givesansfaction to all wtto may favor them with a call. N, B. -A libera discount to the trade. 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flooringon hand; JAS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, WM. ROBLNSOM. Godermandlarelieth,1667. • swe5 0 -11 CC ALLAN:1‘,1:.,11:A.CLEANI 7 _ ..s VS,i 4 )... 1- 1 1. 41 ttAS JUST RECEIVED ALA.BGE ASSORTMENT tili-OLOTI18 Consisting in part of West of England Broad- cloths, _avers, Whitney*, Bearskins,Fancy 'English. Scotch. and French Tiiiteds,Cashmeres, Boenkins, „and a yaiiety of °mouth& !noels; Plain, Bien, and Flowered Vesting, Shins, /Moves, Caps, &c., &c. Reach; eonddent of giving satisfaction to alt who maytavothim withtheir orders. TWEED SUITS(all wool.)V2 andupwards. dant ta Otionalait Gadikricbeffept 25th, reilft MARTIN AMANN EGS TO INFORM HIS OLD CUSTOMERS kJ that ho is till able to sell for cash, at the owest rates, ALL HINDS OF FURNITURE, At his shop on Kingston Street, opposite the Huron Hotel, Goderich. Give him .a call. Goderich. Oet.3. 1868. swllw37. REMOVAL • ALEX. WALLACE WATCHMAKER ' AND JEWELER, . WEST STREET, c E. einem Subscriber having removed to the Store lately occupied hy A. Naysmith, West Street, opposite the Post Office, wislies to thank his friends and the pubte, or the liberal stMport with which their have favored him fur the last 26 years, and begs tosssure them that no effort will be spared lomerit aconttnuance of their patronage, his adZious study will be losupply , Watohes:Clooks and jewelery which will give satisfaction to the purchaser, and will work has‘been done by myself customers may depend on havina•11 well executed. A.good assortment of Gold and Plated Jewelry Wadches, Clocks &c., always on hand. .• • ALEX WALLACE, - • Goderich Oct. 26th 1868. w40 Agents, Read. This! ws WILL axe -AGENTS A SALARY of 530 VV .weekaad expenses, or allow a large commission! to sell our new wonderful inventions. Address, ' w47 in W WAGNER do CO, Marsha, Me WASHING MACHINE ! A PERFECT CEM. • ••••.1•••••••• DANIEL GORDON', UPHOLSrEnt, AND • Undertaker, &el &c.,•f -lora ow on hand a A lar e stook of tarra; 4j111 rmitihri "L".•! FURNITURE (ft? iu every variety, which cannot fell to command the favor of all in want of furniture who may favor him with a visit, whether in style- or price, such as Bureaus, Wood Chairs, Cane Chairs, Bedsteads, Sofas, Lounges, Tables, Bookcases, Cupboards. Extension Tables,EaSy Cfrairs, Rocking Chairs Wardroes, Side boat ds, Chiffioners, Wash Stands, Kitchen Tables, Stands. Sea Grass Mattresses, Wool do, Moss do Bair do, and 4 or 5 differout kinds Spring Mattresses N. E.- Keeps always on hand a large assortment of Washable gilt and Rosewood Moulding -frames, square or oval, made on the shortest notice. Having made arrangements with JACQUES & HAY,Toronto, can furnish auything her or at their Warerooms in Toronto, Irl- Has always a complete assortment ot Coffins St Shrouds in the Latest Style. Also, IfEARSES to htre. 4011.earso POR.4t1445121. Goderich,FebruarY 1st. 1870. w2 PHOTOGRAPHS • MO Per. Dozen. 11ALF DO ZEN FROM BACK NEGATIVE 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from back negative 87 cents, postage free, to any adefess. n- Particular Attention paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes, For either large or small photographs. The subscriber in returning thanksfor the liberal patronage heretofore extended t him, would Just say that he had made s ch im- provements inhis gallery as will mer t a con- tinuance of the same. tia- A Great Reductt n 011 Large Photographs. a E. L. JOHN. ON. Goderich, Oct. 26, 1865. - RDREsgtgli iVewiltjqg in olieBoLae BY LTB USE Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, rind with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. It will awe Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth. PALLING HAIR is iinmediately checked. 5o1d by all Druggists. Price One Dollar. Manufactured by Si R. VAN NEER & CO. Wholesale Druggists, 35 Barclay Street and 40 Park Place, New-York,,and 266 Kiel Holborn. London. Bnea, Land- Office, A BEGISTER of Improved Farms and Wild IXLand for §ale, •G. AI . TRU EMAp: (led -rich .March I. 1867. Matte t Square •"'••• Prom Me Special Correspondent of the Signal LEAVING COLLINGWOOD. Yesterday, 25th Inst., a largo Malibu° of the inhabitants and others assemblekon the dook to see the Prince AVred; an4 all were delighted *with hor size, appearance and equipments. Many friends of Capts Wyatt, Fraser and Parsons were visiting on, board. We left Clollingwood for the Sault this (20th) a. m., at 5 minutes past 12 e'clock. We expect to, be out all sum- mer. . THE TROOTs AND MUNITIONS. - The Steel battery and 60th Rifles were working hard all night getting on board their stores and; ammenitien. Among the rest, as a cholera-fuge, I naticed a, good many cases of old cognac brandy of the choicest brands. The following are the officers and men, of the Steel battery, now on the Prince. 1st Lieut.,Henage,2nd Lieut. Hillage, 19 Engineers, and 2Q artil- lerymen, who have with them our deadly little seven -pounder guns. Thentrength of the 60th Rifles, on board, is as fellows : Lieut's Mitchell, flenness and Bingham, Capt. Northey, Ensign Burstow, Dr Oliver and 105 men. The deck of the Prince Alfred, last night, presented, I assure you quite a warlike appearance. Capt. Thom- son and all of us are -doing our best to make our comrades comfortable. We are taking up, on this trip, 500,000 rounds of ammunition, and have in tow the Schooner Snow -Bird, loaded with hay and other stores. The gene belonging to the:steel battery are splendid little piece, of brfaiie metal, their weight without the carriages 'being only 156 lhe so that one man can handle them with ease and two men can draw them in harness. The range they are calculated to carry with effect is 6000 yards. Altogether they are just the very thing for Red River service. THE SPEED OF THE PRINCE ALFRED is very little affected by her heavy load - not more than '3 hours on the .370 miles between Collingwood and the Sault. LONELY ISLAND which we passed at 1.80 p. m. on the 26tht lies about 86 miles above Collin je wood and contains in the neighborhood of 3000 acres. It has only one white inhabit- ant and that one is A GODERICH GIRL, the grand -daughter of James M who left home some years ago and is now living with an Indian. The Island is partly cleared up and its fishing -grounds are very prolific. The centre is prominent and there is a gradual slope towards the water's edge, which is dotted with Indian huts. . We caught some very fine fish here with a trawling line and hook thrown out aft. LITTLE CURRENT is a port: on the North Shore. of Great nitoulin which we sailed past at 6 p. in. 2'6€h,) the first port from Collingwood. Here we came very near getting aground; the Prince touched but passed over all right. At 9 o'clock we passed CLAPPER.POINT LIGHT -HOUSE. • The scenery on the Bay is delightful. The breadth of the channel varies frem one to six miles. This day has been very fine, a nice, cool breeze from the Noetth • West blowing throughout. No over-coets or mits required now. 1 • FUN The Signal likes a good joke itself and will easily believe that we are having a 'high old time' of it, of course keepteg within the bounds of the strictest discip- line; not even deterred by then ell -known veteran who occasionally remarks- el--- "D'ye see now, boys, this is goine too fart." E .en he, however, is nothing loath to join in a larkafter dinner. BatfdE MINES I began to recede in thedistance at noon iiii. the 27th. We had a fine view of the last night. The anchor had to be let go in consequence of the mist risme so thiqk that it was impossible to sail. We set sail again and at the mouth of the Sault river we met ; at a moment's notice. The Chicora will twenty days. At least 5,009 UnitedSta.- tea troops would gather, should the excite - THE CITICORA. • ' take on board 25 horses for the expedition. l , expected here to -day, by the afternoon ' • where reinforcements would be liable to going down to Collingwood. At 6.15 p. m^ matt continue for ten days, at any point CAPT. WYATT , we arrived is . AT THE SKETLT STE MARIE : train from Toronto. cross. The Feniansheatitiot, then even and, after firing a, salute, (which was me- - O'Ult BOYS form and march on our territory then, ponded to by the Americans by a salute are all in excelleht health and spirits and liability te arrest by our own trotips. They very anxious to be allowed to go up to cannot cross into Canadian territory with - from the big gun at their barracks,) land- ed at the wharf all safe, with our detach- Fort William. With 2 gunboats here and out insraidfig,hting. in short, the Fenian ment of troops. Colonel Boulton 'and several other vessels at the wharf takinglin mob has neither time nor space in which several officers of the. Ontario Battalion militaryhtores,Collingwoodllooks to be full - teiconvert itseniseellaneons materials into f "th d ir nista f I. an army If it bad all the men and means imaiewliamaimaneatimeeemeaeLell 111117 I I XXIII.-NO THE MOPS AT THE SAULT are now -the right wing of the Ontario Battalion, 3 companies- and those bi•ought up by the Prince Alfred. Those who loft last wont up on the steamer Brooklin; CAPT. THOMSON is the same popular commanding officer, as even; respected and willingly obeyed by all. He had several friends ob board last night, who appreciated very highly , the appearance cif the boat. On Sunday, May 29th at 4.45 a te., Ivo LEFT THE leAtILT for Collingwood. The morning was beau- tiful and we also enjoyed the pleasant ex- ci men o A RA011 with the Tug American Constitution, down the Sault River. . ENGINEER KILLEY was altogether too much for her and the Prince Aifred left her far out of siglit in short notice. We return by the West Channel through Mud Lake. Befiire touching this Lake we passed two Islands CHRISTENED BY CAPT FRASER I am informed in 1851 the Tonga islands. Very pretty little ones they are too. We enter Lake Huron at the - POINT DE TOUR 45 miles from Mackinaw, North Michigan. Last night when we left the Sault great excitement prevailed in eonsequenceof the FENIAN MOVEMENT pal over the States and the rumored pro - liability of a raid upon our troops now on their way to Red River. I will relate the case of the SENTRY FIRED ON • 04 the Sault. As the dock -boat came across the river, the Sentry challenged it and received no answer. A party in the boat then fired at him, the ball passing through his shako just above hie skulL It ,was a very narrow escape indeed. THE PRINCE ALFRED makes splendid time now. I never saw her ruu better than she does. She is highly spokeneof by all practical men who have seen her. Capt. Fraser and Chief Engineer Killey deserve credit for their exertions in trying to bring her to _perfec- tion. It really seems as if there was now no room for improvement. She can walk Away froth any boat in these parts. We arrived at tX)LLINGWOOD AGAIN Thi tt Monday morning (30th inst.) at 8 o'clock -over 300 miles in 27 hours. The weather was fine on bothithe up an4elown trip. We wait here for further firders. On Sunday the USELESS GITNBOA.T RESCUE arrived here and will. be in the harbor, for at least a week, undergoing repairs on her boilers, one of whichis almost used up. The Engineer save she is worse than ever he anticipated and that it would take a year to repair her engine -and boilers efficiently. She is totten too in her hull to a fearful extent and the Engineer does not want to go out in her. The Prince Alfred will take on to -day (Tuesday 31st) 100 MORE TROOPS to gram the completeeces of its political folly. 1,.7:, Dart of the. Irish grievance wee Wleat YbliliallkILD1 10. - , Canada Ilea donethe Mel' has been to offer intlieted . by Canada. The only wrong %moil A UM= MADE IN New nom oj them a free hotne and land, as we have enewean. Fenian arms, would leave Ireland ail done. The complete conquest or indo- It was renianiam clinch ficillava through lesely under Englich thrall as ever. p. Id Woud for the leraefitiee fleeing. fron! the pillcir of lire, arid fringed the eurtael pendence of Canada, if it could be won by The uffence of Canada, therefore, licl- oppreceion through divided -nem it stool. -sista in adjoining the United States. Cana- ed with Stimeori, lietween the main Para da is not represented in the Britieh Par- of the temple, end danced for toy pp el !lament, while Ireland is. Canadians,there the ruins in which the tyranth Were hurn fore, can exercise no inflaelice over the gov- he smote Goliath. It flamed befiire MI. ed, It throbbed in the Heart of David . g eminent of Ireland, though Irishmen in °hamar the Fenian motto, Nene %IMP tda j'arliament holli to govern Canada. The vphamin. It inspired the Athenian tritium - 3 1==.• oppressions of which Irishmen complain, virato to oppose tho Persian hordes whime . armaments darkened the stonily Ageatie were inflicted years, some of them contu ries, ago and the qtra,rrelsomeness of the crowned the centie of freedom rtitli the Irish people was such as to render it fore- victery through Miltiailes et Ilteratlion: igu Sivey inevitable.' The English have defied defeat under Leonidas al Tiler- • broken some Irish heads yory ruthlessly mopylai., and scattered the hosts of des - job as heertily as the Irish like to break Salamis, Platea. and Mycale. lt 'wielded Themistocles and Eurvhiadee at and enjustiy. but they never relished the Prthlun by each other's • heads. Indeed, when the at will the fierce democracy' of Pericles; English had Irish heads to break; they inspired the accusing tongue of Lucretia; have generallyeent Irishmen to do the hurled Thrasybulus upon the thirty ti ai work, and have found plenty ready to ants, and struck for Thehaia indepeudencee serve.. A third of the Canadian volunteers ---byMpairairionda•S at Letictiii. It pulneered who _will face the 'Fenians in Canada will- -the advanced of the youneer Cyrus awl. be Irishmen, and, should English regulars covered the Ana,basis of Xenophon. It participate, the proportion of Irish will be fired the tongue of Deniosthenies, nerved still larger among them. If the Fenian nthe mit of Maccabeus warmed the soul of forces were capable of conquering the un- Cicero, strengthened ihe arin of car -lineal aided strength of Canada (as perhaps in preached the crusadee, Wrung Mail mere numbers they might be, if they had Charta from John, guided the arrow of 6100,000,000 of money to pay the cost of a Tell tie cleave the apple or drink the blond of Gesler. It laid the prdiallistlepens low, twooiflc eyreeacir s: andwa r, and eq2n5i p, Op0e0d, men, .pr ope ri organized,y and tyrants fell at every blow from Wel- and provided with artillery, teams, and lace and Bruce at Falkirk and Bannock: military stores), what then? They would lifirn. It welcomed to their gory bed oti not even have humbled Great Britainitheir to victory every Scotchtuan whose blo, il soil onwhich it grew. It clothed itself id dyed the heather, for the freedtini Of thd only acknowledged enemy, unless Great Britain felt in honor bound to. 'defend Canada from their assault. Bet, if beauty in Joan of Ara. It stirred up 0'.Neij SO bound, she would_ push forward the 'against Elizabeth_ It eronehed under tir. whole strength of the British Empire to, bridge, and slept iii the eahe if West R, mit with the regicides, ittnd wrche its conden: defend it. Irishmen well know that, what-ei ' sed creed over its entrance : 'Resistenee ever failings the British Government may have the lack of energy in defending to te tyrants is obedimace to Gude" It Britikh territory to the last inch,:and with 'tipped with with diamond the pen of Jef: is ferson to write its own gospel m the DC the last man and the uttermost penny, not one of them. But if the Fenians de- claratiothof Independence, and gave power: not to the sword of Washington to vino:Ira-he sire to fight the British Empire, why it in the field. It kindled the' Ore im go to Ireland at once? Th.at power weld mkke no more of a bite of 'crunchinghhem Prague's prend arch, and crimeoried the waters murmuring b'eltnie It fiew id in one place than in another. In fightin,g Englishm_en in Canadathere isne moresense murmititti along the bannerk 'al'ad iiihiSper- ed revenge or death as the vidtchwerel and or justice khan in fighting Englishmen re- _ reply of those who fought and fell fialr" siding in the United Statea. In the poli Somata It mounted the scaffold with tical sense, Fenianiem is insanity. It is an R-obert Emmet, and stood beneath W alert, put forth without any adaptation shadow with O'Brien and Meagher. - it of means to ends,to conqner a country and gave john Barry and Paul Jones tis otti: a people against whom the Fenians heve no grievance, in a trianner which is only mfant navy and Monegomeey arklIaa' fayet: to our embryo army; and counted tied calculated to make lriehmen ridiculous in. the eYes of the world, and to raise serious ' arms which Cornwallis surrendered to lee doubts in. the minds of those who have legions at Yorktown. It gave the lieht of been wont to regard Ireland as an oppress; helve thrinigh long ages of despotigin UT ed countet, as to whether a people so ir- ' O'Neil, O'Doharty, O'Toole; &infield; repressible,. lawless, passionate, aad un_ Tone, Fitzgerald, CurrapeGrattateEmmet; calculating can ever be without grievances O'Connell, Meagher, 0' rien, Mitchillt in any country. • and the Manchester martyrs. It. is the Viewed as a military question,the Fenie oofxytgheciihtelavaetise li.,11iIrtersieenliinthine gelbecenhieeatirthl - ans.are attackine a natibn, sulistentiallY "free ancl indepen.dent, centeiedng three and anitshordxomnidedizin.reofhegeystehroryeunirdoeds6Pe, he worm to . ahalf millions of people. stronger by more on ft illvetIrl: ILlii3111-.1iniit; than half a million than the thirteen colo - for the Sault and several tons of stores _a nies were when Patrick Henry deelared *h.lttlesiaarenliestinusle, the breaking ad/411BIT Fee., for the Red River, expedition. The them invin-ibleli an force Greet Britain - Danube, sleeps on the Shan' non, with claovueldthseenirdparescra 0 einEnttinthdeempendTehnece Caannacl diwn:181_ the Seine, disturbs the Tatenise and watIT 200 MORE ehooes they may, since they are backed' by all the closed neettilii Ural& liver the TlidiiiEs; 1T for Fort Wilham. She was taking on power, while.sustaining none of the bur- foaltis on the deem, flowS witr tlib rivers; soars With the eagle; siiigd ilia the lark: -A stores yesterday. The 4/gonta•arrived last dens, of the British Empire. In their deal; flashes with the lightning, peals in thei night and commenced loading with provisi- : ings with England, they have always had thunder, and dances in the titans. ons and a number ot the expediteonary 1 the best end of tbe bargain,as Ireland in Lives through all life, extends throngh all extent; small boats. The Prince will sail at 4 hers has had the worst. Were the.y verita- e Gives tuidlyidett, operates unspent," p. tn. and an . * ble hounds, instead of Americans like our- e _ • selves they would tight forever rather than EXCITDTG RACE suffer 'defeat and conquest at the hands of between her and the ChiOora which in also - Steamer Cliicora will leare 'this port to -day 3' It floats down the Rhine =id hip a fast beat is expected. A close run is ex- - so disreputable -a, foe ael this whimsical - rne (Applausel: government, a country, except that in Mr. alieeTander Maekeraela,' army, who are without a base, a flag, a pected ; but in the meantime heavy bets are offered in favor of the Protei Alfred. svhich they prefer to De outlaws, and, so The Neme-sis arrived hero last night from far as Canada is cancernechutterly without thoderich, laden with salt for this market. The Algoma left Fort William on Saturday a grievance or a mdse. The volunteer force of Canada, excInsive of tne enrolled last, after landing the troops. All quiet militia, consists of 10,615 infantry, 1,687 then and no Fenian news. Capt. Thomson artillery; 1,615 cavalryeand 202 engineers. and 12 men went on shore this morning for The enroll6d militia (liable to draft) num- TARGET PRACTICE. ber 200,000 men. The British regulars now in Canada, exclusive of those employ - Capt Thomson and Sergt Potts made'the two best scores. The Nemesis expectsto get ed. on the Red River expedition, number about5,000, though, with communication a -cargo of stores for Fort William. The by cable with England, and steam tran- Battalionare under orders to hold them- . selves • sports, 75,000 British regulars could be READY FOR ACTIVE SERVICE forwarded to the scene of action within o e pomp an c cu nce o g orious came down to meet us. Everything wah required fir the conquest of Canada, it unloaded except thegans and ammunitiou, war*" as we expected to go through the Oanal, AN OLD GODERICH FRIEND, W0111d still need two months and a free , with that on board. On application to the Charles Thompson, late of the Colborne -command of eampinggrminds. for organ - American authorities we were t Hotel, keeps a very neat saloon on beard izatio'n, before its men coul& possibly be • the .-Chieora. Several of us paid him a handled by any officer on the fleld of bat - REFUSED PASSAGE. visit, during the past two hot days, and tie. In view of all these insuperable Olin' accordingly to day, Saturday 28th, all tht woe treated to a fine glass of pop or gin- stades whichrender succesaabsolutely im- aanmunition belonging to the troops wa, ger ale. We have onr awning up on deck possible, as if attainable, it would be in - unshipped. The authorites would not eveit now and are very. comfortable. If we ever tolerable and unjust, the Fenianreid must get a chanceto show ourpaces we be regarded as either a clear act of lunacy .allow us to pct.ss with the boat stripped of . - ` ' • in ever with Great Britain. if the 4atter detain the troops. here for some days; till THE FENI.A.N_CAMP.AIGIN. , Fenian campaig,n, in a military sense while resnlis-were possible, it would justify the further orders, a,s lie thinks the Atnericans . From the Chicago Tribtmti. .• • P erythi but the ee w e visited the ehore t to KEEP UP'THE CREDTT OF GODERICH or an attempt to involve the 'UnitedStates r To LEND ON IMPROVED FARMS, e . THE TRIP frothy effervesce Wg . efi and am informed that Col. Boulton are raising the difficulty purpose/y to malie damning it with still more overwhelming trouble at this point. It is expected that To the practical, calculating mind of the gra, Rolekana and morally. But le as permission tf o us to pass through will Arrherican people, the ntovennents of Feni- madness as welt as crime to think of allow - shortly comefrom Washington. Vegetatioh anism are an incomprehensible absurdity. inn ig e hty nullions of people in Great Bei - We nave had a hiage experience of the tai and America to be i volved in war b on both shores locate well. AlP 8 ' PEI% CENT I ' -ALSO,- was really a splendid otie ; the , sailing the ferocious weakness and passionate effervescence of the , people e in-- ing, for notoriety. We pity folly every - a few hairbrained tatterdetnalions; thirst - where too deeply to thirst for vengeance on • cupyilig about 36 hours. into a fig,ht,' onlyto lie whipped for the I capacity with which they, rush unprepared it. But tlIe fervent prayer of th7a mass of Some to Inve8 t in Town .. Property - THE' SCENERY the Aineekhn people is,jtbat .our Orem- Goderich.Sent.13.18 Barristeratc.,Gederich U there is a choice, perhaps, the nies -Erwe.n romanttc prospect lies between ISMICO ' I thousandth times for wept of preparalion `1' mere brute willingness to -abed blood and will s re them victory militia of Can You - all nobly came , • Mines and the.Sault, where wehadto Pass at whereas it is the coinmonest of all the spill their own, en xi ; send as many of - their leaders to. cross into Canada ea possible mad will forward; siatemy remlity ana in „vent Prison As -can be caught. Let the mile State adeh We have in it previous isSiri. 0 =Ski re: marks off the position occupied by4. Met kenzie, Esq., memher for Inenbtofi; and leaderof the Reform party in the Boast; of Commons, during the Session jent dos; ed. We then candidly . expreesed oni opinion on both the 'ability and dourtesy shown by Mr. Mackenzie in dealing with alt questiotis that came before the Housel and _extended our humble timed of efrffii'ie to that gentleman for the manner whicil he had filled. his iinportant and iliE6rilt position. It is satisfactorY to note tlaet it has not been left to it ConservatiVejournal alone to pay this tribute to the getitIbmari named. Several prominent Reforro jonr: nals have also alluded to the eanie, gen; tlemen in terms the most latreetoen ang one, the Guelph Mercury, advecatO a fit: ting testtmomal to Mr. Machenele for hig unceasing and able efferts the HOnse iti behalf of the Reform party. -We cordialig agree with the remarks of our contersjAir: ary, and trust to hear that its recomm: dationis turned to Lecount.-Galt llepore er; Thanks to the Voluntezea On Monday, Gen. Lindsey, Prince AP - thut, Col. Earle. A.D.O., Capt.-Gas:coigne:, nd other, went to Frelighsburee Caere. Gen. Lindsay, ;unhealed fire hrie;cle.Ho cong,ratulated Col. Ohananra, ,w2i6 dt; tributed the stOpping a the Fenian ad= vance bathe acenraey. of fl* men'is fire. lin2 -conclusion he skid/ - "As Lieut-Genetel efientriandiihe Her Majesty's forces in Canada, I thank yid., buena simply in -that unlit:eery ,cepaeity as: Lient.-,General. 1 also represent theQueeli and Governor-General, who ee'preeente 'Mc- Queen, and in tifeir nen* Islehthank yone I have .also the very gteaf eatisfriction of being accompaniedb'y His_Reiyal Highne.ea Prince Arthunnwhn is also in service iu Canada nith ineregiment fhe Rifle Beiet ode; who is now, on fi-i6 'Stair of Colonel' Lord A. Russell; Healso was irnmly to' help the f orce_s to repel any attack made' uponyon." 1 thaliayou, therefore in the name of the Queen; the -Geiecrtior:Genenalt and :Prince Arthit, and withyinithe whole P GORDON over the whole route was very pleasant or plan. They seeintothink courage,the ment will allow ae few of these Femans to 1. FREI)ERICK. lea.st important in modern warfare, and is officers are taught comfiulsory obedience to din , .ae. having sometimes to run as close to the* na Lee unman/nen may feel Frau • as 20 feet. and that too towing a heavily not poseessed by the Irish,. as a race in • the laws they have attemred to defy. of the manner in Jahich they rt empire led intervals huge' rocks, smooth as marble, qualities of all races of men, is one of the and file escape to their homes, while the numbers. Indeed never eate greaten laden vessel. But we have ail confidence I -Scotch, German or French. A modern- the Fenian leaders have held a "co degree one whit higher thanby theEnglish uncil ' , • tn. er- you the officers end each -Pa ' t en - . The latest neivs, from he front, is that He . war. FRASER • army which goes into . the field relying of war,"and have decided thatthen asked for three acers for the the best - without every respectcav thing tobe done is toreturnto theirhmes. i e timers' foi thb Governor-General and` Queen', which were given, followed bye e thoroug who does his duty well and shows hineself upon the cowarclicepf its enemyratirts de- thorough sailor in . , , 1 feat and invites"disgrace. If. besides its The net reaultsof t ' ty vanity, it h.as aLso an empty trees- ,'heeampaign, are three Irishmen killed. end twe ve. therefore, Priebe, Alt . _ - -find the charter of the defunct B. A.. 0.'s or ertillery ; without wagons or means of ball a.dozen :Fenian leadeta, athich they women squandered in giving notoriety to TEMPERANCE ' • emP Priceonl3r ' $2.00 each wilav . is talicedof , no -doubt thecaptain will be have never been organized into regtments willing to act as . If y9.71 can and brigades, and if it is t , th f ti f aLo e ury an undplined horde of men who 0 eirY the hardeamed money of Irishmen and unded and missing no Canailianiehurt, MILER. JEWELER &c.. • and several hundred thousand dollais very wof WEST sr GODERIOH • inine a errnanent supply of foad ; of Credal* please send it alialg. The maanta p , change of would be befter without: p offi talk f e except by plunder - withoet • mHZ SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE little venom) the Washing Machineilinepatent- ed and manufactured by Israel Kinney, of Woodsthck. It is the cheapest machine ever invented; can be at ached to any ordinarywash-tub ; can be adkuded by apringa th'snit either light or heavy goods ; washes as rapidlyanteftielentlyas more cumbersome/0d dostly machines : aid does fess injury to the cicithes; and leaves them nearly es dry, desired. as 'regular Wringer, Thelow *price of $2.trir brings it -within the reach -of anyfamily'. With it any housekeeper can do haTelrowacAngtwathitz 'without either getting sore hands or Call and See thelEacliine AT Igal3INSON et YATES' • allir'aCterOCaa Gedivietr.. ;:i5t1rDec,,,,18§9:, • ° W19 -Near tb.e ost ce.± 0 a .r , •-•': • CANADIAN CANAL withont it base of operahons or at, a, A prorniiient citizen or Philadelphia, EG8310aRESPECTFULLYTO RETURN MIS • • _ . clothing �r a medical'. stun, and, :Wove all e being in Contemplation has caused proper- burlingitaelf againsb the power ef Greet who was displeased at an article in the • d to d ance 300 • • • Though VIII Of:Reral of the realam. Cana . 1:11 tell them Tua. oink te,ES4 ex to die. . . . ,. . . lint youlmotrvery wel that's arfrOgay .Pyc4. Mesa tee that-v.1=1a rabid them g.'.'..1.r.i.i.V.: Mat fob they ranat be to belfot v11 -..at if ale? But they'll ace vbs,1 t'ile.o vlav ssar.t to a frav, 2.10.ith 19111mlan la theexael):::;11..gt eater tri.s. trey Last Song of the OSTealla , • the Feld -welder. the brave O'Neill, Jlat I think 111 spend this night in -jail. Por the Lion micht give r. -:e a ran eftis tail, • Though General of the likainno. The werithogpeople. .dive tiaam rel1 a Vo take their -money 11 like very veil. tidies fora fgbt. they vaay von a one% Though General eine rviiam. sincere thanks to the people of Godeoch and ty uCt. . Britain, In e ance oe e 10150 11t1U ots entl sold h U 'twist I's' r Ledger, met the proprietor and s.$id, "I vicinity for their liberal patronane dating the 'past 8 •per cent. 'Some villa e I rec y f t years, and new that the holida; season haw arrived ,40d. tg: jot) mo troops o e atea•-i eve y state that all who wish to.purchasejeweh7forepresents partS -a Iittle baek, ,Yott can htiyilaaid, for, .Toltrt II; owo's raid aigainst Virginia --as "Do you mean to die -continue zour eery with allIts Social 0l02 00.0 amenities, Ile WMIkl 5wn nw ring • ne° military-1point of view, crazy" than WW1 tostop your paper " He answered, k hi ' la 4 0 otherwlse of warranted material and wer mans twenty cents per acre o- sure to ed in disaster and the gallows. or stop the whole edittou, as At makes: would dowell to buy item lum afrrates emnparatively, covcioan....s • It ittlatnenta,Me -b.1 000 :54 many thoue- some difference." Jiwelly Sold forGold Warranted Battar four cadranies of the 60th 'et,: e d e of sense thus Fort, Williarn. The Goderich boys are puitning a illy as bloody a‘s it. is stupid. then. It exam be more Bri ' to ask Elm to pay ISAAC, FREDERICK. Pron cheaper than that asked, for worthies/stub. • wit,h his No. 1 company of the, Ontarici and men. who haeSahad opportunities -of 1 G d 'eh De iOth. 1.862. .. itila•tf whet° Wort gcila e2inions for himself,, - • - 10D an n avera eere d to find that the captainnime every- La us Leakage inutginakion.for a Rules left 10,0 Tuesday (23rd far -(1)31 rdAnyn,gauart on. mere bediamite to'actirhylrnn'llen• tb; GeraBartfitishorthempinistrotirtittudeWofhispgbarocfamu is - the aannee Inekte i en the Dominion 'by the disbar - done in the best style ofb • • notrrrkintsPhlrip.ng ul°raeat bete° tabusinese throne nes rale 0 en . • • I .7.Isthagtiritt Lamer -40'a° 1:'c3ings. , • .e.-."--, • • - • ..,- The' Tafinto elily calmed has rain:ad to r.,,rnat -t' it Grand Jrapit 111.R. a fetv extra feet ot gise-44(10z IL e.g. 1..,treetovineh is likely to heuetl -Stratiorl ty Ike ... - 4 tun of a the rml way :Tel...lop...11m ni. • ••••