Huron Signal, 1870-06-02, Page 3L
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clisunion son; There was a large athering of distio- Pectora,
If 49
ne a 'a and on r people, r. hen of Strict PADT' 3HEMSSS *F the Vh:=ZLt cmd ZuW- 3 Tff�,o T 0, 1 P I
g dshed Masors at the Lod, mwh -,.s C04gbz!:�10-N 'Whowdng
ccmi r.,ry el or fort sheuid be' Obtervance in Hamilton on Tuesday Astl=-.
ad- 11AVE RECE1T7 D tud Conm=pt�cn-
a pror� r understand- evening, when I beautil'tiliv engrO&Sell u V1 IN Go
r,, ilitich misunderstanding drem was presented to V. W. Bro. P". prob-nuy never br-fore in the whole histaror nf
medicine, hati illavthingwon so widely and to deeply
esteem in od -n -grantvarie Throw-hato
SON DMSS-G'D S i ity -Cheapq upt,:; the confidence of miltilsind, as this wicellent
Pritigle, the w. IN1. of The Lodge. The �For One Night OUly FklIGU
T? orcoonr�e. condemns address expressed the litigh MMA --072- 0-7& _TW serie� *ofycars, andamollf mort -of The --s uf and Mair, which be was held by t!;e member" of IQ4,"Veroy Ulloice, from 10 -eents up; -
men, itims, risen higher and bighoi,ria. Their oe--Ilma-
Td triinz to) stir up bittter the Lodge, and was accompanied by a tion as it has become better knon. its nifon.n.
FRIDAY EVE 3rd JUNE chaiL;ter and,powier to cure the various zfferticus
Red River, by using the splendid msiter's jewel. Grand MIstpr -eaubjui, rMUut ann Marseides NEW9 ARV, g AND liable protar-tor axam�t ibma. While adapted to
to,,ie—by Stevenson, of Montreal, Deputy Grand =-4 TAI..LOR VidnlTissupXtoakings �and'Velvetee-q.q. laster Seymour and others were present. COMIAT10-11. it illiesame, time the 1120S
-WA ':tLULLA-ND3 7 ftff 20 - e6ljt�j i be giveii for incipient co
hof Canadi, effectual remedy Unit cau
V -e nsumplion, and lbe da
-0 71 --crousaffe !.':, A
SEASOMIX 11TOOK 13R -ctiousofthet1uoaLudlmigt,- Jisapit
th(Itiseive�s tin vs hercies and EnIgIand's Royal Comedian _7 gojDff
TI.i.; editoriai eontinues:— Among the ves-,-I.q in the port. of Mon- I GROCERIES i ;Ision ngm,t t-lulden =chs tf Cro"P. it should
at yacht be- be tept oil hand lit every'family, and indeed us nil
however ttf-a tbo Domlii- treal ii; a beautiful small stCal are si)mctirne, subect to colds nd coughs, all
IQ, 1 ti.�v2ruuwut brs not bect, le astraV longinZ to the Messrs. Allan, which was i AMES TA YL JTL.JO-Rq' ralou'lil be provided uith lilts antidete for 1hem. Dundas 0ottonam-White nd-colorad. ifthough settled cronew" thought the ou;btirst tind uncertaintv of brought out by the zz - Etill reat numbers o"?,vases whet c the di-
Xestorian. She The World-renowned prestirligitateur and curable,
ease seemed settled, have been completely cared,
trial trip on Saturday, Godbrieb, April 28th, 1870. v43 and the paticut restored to sound heallb by tile PILLSO
tern(lnt.' It is all very well went out tin her wilsiollist iND DRY GOODS.
to'talk ab;,ut r-spedition, armed iorces, down to the foot of the current St.. Mary cile"ry pertol-al. '80 complete is its min Eery against the Current in NTI�Jby Purchased in the ever ifie, disorders -of the Luu-i,3 and Throat, that
i: ca,nadol lit-ld the pozl- �-ind steame.1 back - I R019 - I the mot obstinatcf them Field to it- 11lleal"0111-
Her bUil-I anti encrine are- (From the Royal Polytechnic, London, Eng.) in.- elt-c could reach them, under the Vzoarry Pcc-
tion cf r I_,, 1. : tt-, ubjugate a gallant style. tovwl they bubside and dis-oppear. ITA=A =,DICA C-17trIns in its 2-ormtriye,
sufficient coal c s,stc- burit mitst trst remeni- �irst clasq', aind she carries Miss Ada Alexander, sillgersaamlp2:51i t' '%Ve understand that 16 � AT THE LOWEST -PRICES, AND tectiolf froln it. hat is. ve-. oniv dependent on for a ten hours sail. HE YOUN G PRINIA DONINA.THE CELEBRATE c -4stjtma is always Telieved mid toften mholl
power'.andit has a bear hun't- TFreemau Family. uonipos�dvf amist, R Be 5 M I T 1p=a tra no she is going to Anticosti On TO n =d bk it. samooment,
Ni er io war for wbich her size and Admission, 23 cents. Reserved seats 50, Dronellitis I,, gmerliv cured lar Uhig the
expedition Prwral in small aBol frequ�utf)se! MMnt=7c=--1 the V�io ia a�:- 32"" -80IM CIMAP FOR Sno -thatwe need -EDr the Tmrmsar (4 care. ocr zcuioml uf ZW r021101
1-fli'l,ir. wit., c.aiin the sarie minentiv qualify her, D(fors opent 1 �. Ill. jam ;,�nerallv are its Ticlues hilon
Ti the Inilivrial power e rerfurmance to commence at s o'clock.
-RAS ItE r"'El IV ED assure Dr� RAD17-4y h --s comnictei Vne ef the nest
for jns- lectrlreriii'�\ew York recentiv said E. RUSSELL, A"ent. C A &H. than The public That ns qualiti,
A 0 romb2tained. h" djsga,�erjes, inmedical the ct�
s I that 'lati-Ilinz was one of the best sanitary Goderich 31stMay, 1870. Re has made extensive additions to
aii�t snoula Canada pay the pri(e to) the inedical fculty, and 1111fi n ofvngetablo otto punveEca
agents knowa *- X -j:9 Ayer's Ague Cure2� VUIt0ATIV1.,, apEML�NT, owas withal ii indicatiou of intellectual ANT- ALTERZT1VB PTIM , 1hat can btt t, kcaa!'
till"(11 t 11
llver settlers will look iW -rHE DRY GOODS
vig r anti moral soundness.' 'Pcyr Waver 2nd A=q, Yntermiftsut 74 over, adminiG'--red with the Ascluto ezrtalWy *'the mt Mau" a stantl for, ChM 'Pevior Renzit+.-ent Yevar, Xr=b TMaOUG11 =MKON 01'ALL DIX-111, �17
q to them be too anxious to slilve a, Cio- Ague, Fario&cal-oor Micuis WOVEr. &C.,
a,., roctituklt, beirin, We know a mail %vbo got two ID E P AR T'-Iq Z T Zind indeed, -pll tale ._iffecticl-js v71tich -2ri a AND DEC-021POMNG eicnpWs 3n tao tuiiiaan IoNt. have xnade a!llutidruni.
fe0m. Mialiriolls, Dr
es in endeavorin.g to find out the STAPIE -FANLCt D-Itt GCOI)8)*
we believe biack e NEW Eve Fevers; in C=M Vli=70 the MWOUS 9
and cannot submit to the ditference bet%yeell- a mail and a woman or
Asits mame implies, It does cirre, nnd does mot ui nter anj V:L-. =a am Z 2 &Z 1W 1�x M L,
lighLiag in the str'ect. MILLINERY &-STILAW GOODS, fall. (,Iuntainin,-iieftherArr,03ic#Qninine,Bisrarith,
"I' ns iew men wish t.)-=ry AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS 1wl" ti even thouall thev =W Zinc, itormny other minera14Drpo15cMQus. --
Ui NEW & FAST-U00RED -PRINTS i30OTS AD S'HOES, whatever, if in nowNe injures VgY Patiz!Ut- rTlle i.,- ll�rltlsa ciok to, hide their +-3
e Eociliiinod Florseq. numbernud importariceofits -bevolidnecourityandue eli,-e
11 Id b . Ifias Ukry, R ca.. oiri the Cariad:ans to I P = - = tpi I
_It . rr '& DURABLE COTTONS Gro(LERIES, &o aliteralli
to the inte-reit of all w1a, = NEW without a parallel in ibe histeror taf A=e medirille. I
CID M 0"
ii--, w lit t heir mitist seek- iiorsv� it) keep thein ill it healthy anti Sound -11- M tL d by the
= -3 andd is determined to grive every eustompr our pTide is grdifie
nd we deDend on I experielw h:u� proved that 'Darky's Coudi IP full value for all money lett With him. receiv-e of lite radical 6ms effected I]v failed.
ralown llea%e Remedv'is'tiil� 1110.1 ere other remedies had who
tZ casses, and wh
belevin she witi not r resident' in, oT
Saudi will() rr lish or produce and Unairlimated persons, althe
it ha� I -evil T.srll 1,V thuu 0:5-Brina alon, your c' Ia= -will be pro- DIM T)artiintzo bV the schemes cherfallv von:i-mth,sstateinei,-% �t-r traveltingthronch iniasrontit, litieg
hettore tectedbytkingthe GUE CUM7 daUN'-
bovinm elseivilere, just callat the
s I Wei.. I j�L,l all which alloiettlie wind ot horse. rf,
Stock Viery.Large md- Cheap—Call ii(l See, urlsing iaitv Elm
�t hs no u,�r is it equalled a, a vonditiou nie.h- New No. .1 Stand. For- XArer Complaints, . frorn torp .
the arrival at torreets au'l 1111prilves tilt ?1P I oftheiirer,itis-ine.-ce�llentrenied3,,stimuLitingimamos..iBmn4I
the Liver into healthv ctiritV. ThOF0 PTO. LOWever. but S-CTY IV w
Sher� ppetitc, ands6ftellstheskir . in tac-t) great istlit
L).-. v, an wiie, ppearance of Ile Complaint -s, it is
17 p,.ner Canada. Godencli, April 19th, 1870. For !Bilious Disordi?.rs end Liver I., HAMILTON STREET
ltlie le an excellent remed intan, 11hese medici!== that aroataled to cmy -Oul,l tj GODE' sW67 oproducing Lit thc�e aramil a.� to have led ivativ to d.ubt if it c Riel in the paper. nanik, iwl see that the ',other mediciiies Itnol fraleoi.
co. isoneacipavILUo. Nnrthmp marl:ttble cures, where
G-oderich April 16th, 1870� W13-tf PreWmed by, Dn. J. C. ATER & CO-, P=cdcnl
and AiLdvaical Me Low Mas-,., and i3eld -or a baso
o,.1 !,-nod authorit, LAND WANTED- z111 rouDd'&e world.
I RADIVA", PMJ�1, Tassesq 1;rcp2rE,-9 thni iiit,)ruie the Fenians T A X"E; IlaterlaZlediva Ila" 1--iicd W (It2crWeT iti Wen- not PARTIALLY TMPROVED FARM 01� TW(')- OR STLEWAT our hiin7deia that t lit! NEW DRY GOODS nirc
]Re ! 4vie imis;de�t Ji TUREE: HUNDRED ACUL.- iu l,r iii-ar the Couniv NORTH RUP & LYMA7%, Peweastle. Out., geemil many larepilmliun" 01 mere37Y. for cc-,,', _: � triat tno Provi.,it,ri I Gov- txy;,i as Stile cure 1,X llurun, wanted to lonichas, Adtlres.,t with Ifar'- ag-chf forCauada. zn aftem!rrr. (and the mr:,t Aur "M :s iuo!
erninierit xvL�111 L 1. rp— the'r. crossiub, the I ticulars, WILLIA'M (. BUNE HOLESALE ArAENT- �:�- t5ul in Goderich by Parher J- �Cattle rind ML-tered in ca.pz, cut cr lkf�;J.
nwwo-w-to � 3ti-.e;-e'eoIds if not Latiol.and IA)an �-�gcnt, W ordui.L. tiartlinvr& C- Bayfield. James lienthu borde- BEAUT11FUl GOOD S is JUST TO EAND
�,r laterjea-I to monrabie consu �4uelpli ' Onturio OF! Radgervillf% J. Pickard E:i�cttr- J. IL Ch
-r tho Britis at,! ti.t. oi &of il;e stron--,e�t soml Nitsif 1 ouproved Farin s in Wellingtn. County for Sale ton. SpearA, Lunknow E. Ifickfull, 12SWortil, 4V1=titt=t:r- but ter LDxi-*1 cf=c
Tij, America -t citizens nea b
fronner appited it, the Governor lTile fior-fained and relialile St Catherine's Nursery of J 14fUHejRR.tS. llWafers' Goderlzli, 25th 31a�, lb. w19 -4t
oi-f 3iinnesota ior arm., to, rirotect thent- 1:11" 11. W. BEADLE ESQ, whii h hi e been thoroutzh: v trie-1 V�r the II't twerity Goderich, April12th1870. w12
a MLJ il� 44
selves in ea2 tenea ttCi� tfOul vear anti ha% v neverilet u known to fa:1. Singers and oia thre n*,e sm-at. &Mflutfrointhe Folio ALL KINDS OF
-Ehe JuLijan�. 6overnorAustin has 1 Tenders Wanied. ArlihnTiGE -WAITTED.
b_ lot. oftbcoLL Suid toy ail medicine dealers. ut 26ets Per 'TALTREES, GREEN-
which wil' va r -0 a F131 Eum-,,cr in cli I
bo. Pawratire ---pus
OR GRATELIXN6 SIDE WALK O' Barr house Plant- 0 rupc Y ines, & C., &c. Aness A strolo,- volith pro rlie 'most eamce 5-oxic3LA 11='s us to ILO
anion-, tno settlers. Ap1)IytuS1=C1lAN to dical Lit%. uli�,r in every .4)111 Ll_-tn Street to ticorgo. lie shorte-t
side uf Huron Itoad, fl t3�-,Anv stock not on banol, ordered )n t
lve years old, son of Wilsou'�. Also. for gravelling Britannia Road from Goderich I t). Zli other, pifis in "ne.-al 4�31 .7=1V;0kM1y, vi�.
Alla about two Victoria Street too llurun Road, and far gravelling notice -US &T IL A .2 Lf
FL -e earFoi-r, 'Xilli-M. Mr.' Adam-, farmer for LNMr. Jacob Jones Ncwgute strectfrorn Victoria Street to Cambria Road. GodeflchISMay,1870. BW78-1 y C A 13 h GoderMI-514rch 21st. 1970. svel-t Siludialic that 5aplie
on tile front of Sydney, Co. of' Rastinas, Sealed Tenders for lite shove will be received up to
tremenitious fir,: occurrcol it) the L� June 15th, IMO. Specitications to be seen at the oflice :Plain and Fancy.'Xi-intedat Cfty.-RateZ CARD OP TH-A=S
I was drowned oft Idonday in the creek of P. Adamson, County Clerk, T. nOOD,
For twen-ty D, resp. -m -led to my Last Call far numm that %-,Ill aer-L: e tho-Timril �3 L-:
i near -Nlr. Jones' house. lie was fuld Goderich, 30th Mav, IS7, wl9-td To tlldo,�vet3�uvlhdore.i.)c.--.ftilly invite the bahmeo of iny r,snim than wili b3 givea in trurn %,r zw-)av
five ujitvi tt,..-. nre swept over the countr AT THE SIGNAL OFF-TC3. DehtIonmto do) -ould enable TZezcnp1 itins ufthe melliCa I 4 C front the bTid-,-. and by some means fell likewise. I -v too doing -n um r n
Ceti MISS SKIMMING 9 to Inv '210 shillings w t1icpomid, and sell 43tiodf;
devastatinz evervt1itu-! it came I i off iuto the stream. A little boy who Chnaptrthoin evi.T. A. snirfu. =prc5eribvSDLUo -PAUSC3.
ges I was H u --r r Ci hinet Or- Gaderich. 21ttii Feb. 1870 -drasLic, P -1c, Dtic 01 cr POW&M tact with. Some twenty ot, the brid - ah for the, 24—th EACEFER OfMtlsic- (Pianoforte 'in"
itli him was too mu4h frightened
cn Dawsori*sroa-1 had been completelvi T gan.) grewrns$6,00pertir. in adva3ce. *f the blue pill. 111hts pre:ityates, YaL atid , tcn,
sw70-3m most A - - �Tc. whozeas
�o give the alarm at once, and by the (;Gderich 2fth April, 1970. )ORM11K, TAILOR, -&e -zriUt
B. Mc -0 a UDIVAVS IT 1.7
destroyed, nn.j thre-- hundred men h I time some women who -were near by bad �FMX CRACKERS been ss�t on t1le roadi ) renew them. So fierce CAN`DLFS. 'NURSSIERY, BUSINZSS. S cr LL
reached the Lri . J -C, lite was extirct. SKY ROCKETY,, and c -LEAN xD, ri T ST.) nt buolho
nnd rapi-i WaS theTUSh ofthe fire thatthe in-' SOLD srA AS
wheloofthe time orforth-a rp====t& 2z:K:ncm=e1r
balitanti at ti�� ziivcr mine. five miles TORPEDOES, DETLOA 6; Co
0 UATr, To PREVIOUSLY CUTTER, TO J. C Profitable. ColuffaRrIT A I togycrv:= C rfICVZI�r.' P
had to ti -take them- sive NevoYr-entiseS T"t. vivniblic of 1-1T-THC>1%To" GUUMN' atisacto bt:6n=.
from Fort WHOLESALE &RETAIL louXten TESTIMIOXIAL *Iv There M two rzincivles r7hich C=t M AND kir, 13 Et 019.1 that, since 6th of Ultber,tist, he deza.� en an I children, to the I xddr=-%- t Eying human bn4y ; cno Ls The T�Zaftnct Cf
AT BUTLERS. h been carrying on the Fruit7' tree basilnensdielyon [IODERTCH19TH. SEPT. 1661). 31r. UeCORXICH ol mt ci r
,off -r -
M02= MARTC T as L -E=- is own accuumand responsibility. He now iaLing M has been in our emplovin-stat as Cutter forver I Lthe-zo hum. mi-, and remain there trom I GODERICH I year. He is ca -teleated by thil ab�o.-h2zts nil rcv,, .6haft Of It' T r1V
PLM11) NEWQJL U13o. ardersfor ble of cattiug for aiy first class of
live in the after- I ; e 0 1 said
minedu themornimz dil Corrected f,,r tre Signai 1,v W. F. r. Hmart. Brol- establLqhmeat. besitaakfurldin the-confidenei� of 'X-Pla's Xkm=v 00 0
dersommoaft.- famil newlipil 19� , -FRU IT :& OR N AMENTAL any who mayemploy him. T" X 1C. MMOR&Cu. in
er, We -;t Stre�:. -�-rLM4
for the lifoef il,
GODFRICH, MAY 31, 1870. A -Beautifal Assortment %71 1-ff i=tltiom element E0 L,1 tho IC BACI-L OF TRX 18 zdWted- 7cr the cf thof=3 910 hum:; .
The 24�h in Dungannon. AUU.CLAX FMCIZANGE 011 GREF- E_V�t!LERY OFALL KINDS C. 13arry of every des--rlption for delivery in tho spring. 'He th lu-z, ��dzeys. t . or :�Z.
...................... J ABRAHAM 8A,1Ir17F11 is raliliea :a:
........................ . 97; Comadoifom begs to solicit a contumalted Of 1lLe P=0111196 Of lit' RON
LJUST RECEIVED, va WoOd friends.
BEFORE ORDERSSHUUL1)-.BE'1N ON OR -USrP UR9,JUA V JJ!1D HIS LME0101 mortto art-cr ceic= 2n cT13)Z3Y1E:3 B�villz at .......................... . ) discount "JAS
11,c Sul Z and to be sold IOT'h APRIL. - 4J
; , :of Was I
riz:4 .,t A sho6ting Inat4rh an 1 4 "ers hv mail c,r telezralih executf- i with promlot- "stock delivered will be ofthe best quiditfato .......................... 4 4() -RG.& NS, q cf rill =cdicirx.9 ver zi�zmn to -the hn-an zaco a
U: I CH-Ei AP AT BUTIr—R'S. m - I . 7
Irm.annw.. ir. connection I nesA.and on tile most fiviaraVe tem� Th- highest, Anic to nanoo. CHURCH 0:01AXIV-9
At,'v ! it tt!o nirning prentinin paid fur bills, ati-I riiLliigtiezt price paitt fur Have removed mffoqs tile street to the store t door TM 2 -a -
f die' to,— Iliesolillarness. Shot), where will efound 'Fin- no Stooh. 'y 1-trc-- �Bfh-
grecubavl-�- AYOXE OF GOOD 0= F0 Manufactured by the -coilebtuted Firm of
prtz M, i7i sl --rite a4ld W F- P. S-11 A b T. 7ishilig Tackles" I SAU- r1% 01s .
A GO -03) ASS013'TXE i FO)
MN ; � :11. S. r: I,. a aL Laprai... At IL'aku dejot� i OF ALL' KINDS, C62MIST!"NG 'OF REELS, of Kitchen, Redrom�. Diningroom, an Parlor Fur- ROBEIff Iny t
art �7y BAITS. Huron Road 1 0, lonud complete. -mmmostextansive Matteis in the Dominion. Calebrazion at t1fte Nile. BASKETS. niture, such as (Nearthallailway Crossing) . wMeh-will b
HOOKS, TABLES. wood seated.) C"derich, , - HE untlerisigned be�-s to intimale that he has bern
all -I CUAMS (ba4r,caneand 8 now offering Great Indmemairts in Tzppoitited zigont for-Gaderichnnid the intrrooniding In BADWAYI PILLFZ. 6�e 41=e of
The th., anil surrou LMF'� CUPBOARDS, March 2atk IR70. -swM-tf country of tile ahave justlyeelebrat44 firm, and i3 pre- r
by T11E GRE.1`1 FEMALE REAMV t -Ziga to kho ra--ocre, country 1 me attendizogaffrand ofa BEDSTEADS, -DS, pared tosell bythent'.
t; M7 tl tenvilt.r. and superior kind W-kSH STA
u -zp� to A Roead-y - Made Clothiw. .1us to Ir Uirvin. Job Moses' Periodical Pffis -AND LOUNGES X
Aftf�r DartAk!::4 of a repst! Samples may -,P- seen and terms zsi� ed
ertain, atth d Q fu
SOFAS vare-Rooms.weststreet. _ ,Mair- rtii, tr 'altlei:,u thil vicin1tv re no)t -HATS wid,"PAP-9 -tectetinin b2L uzolL
to e try a, -. lot M. claintry oil gletzl ups'tch SSLLINC AT COST A splendid assortment of "terpted in they IS IVALUABLE Is GLASSES1 SPRING SUMERTRU ZcmqFn rnd ==In �=ixd ar.1 ldus.- tram the (-lit ATBUTLERS. CLOTKS AND.FANC.,Y TJFBEDS. Godrria,2sthArtrit, ir
eatable-, Tt.e tras -Idasant;v, rent in liste in the cur� or a I those r4itafA ajid "iver-cur, WHATNOTS, LODKINC U15
,.I dialr2n the ren; ail ' W L;: h �('.L* tar show that If r. to which the female cow-litutiol, is rubject. GILT FRAMIG. TheSubscriber has now reeetred amewand . -sl I is - vossesse t M;�erates ail emeegs and removes all ol trucuous, cOm As he isnow prepared to make tv Order in Firiit-aass
01 pletia stock of�, Cloths, 'Ys,
facnItles the V athlizi rnm surTuLssed ILFGoderich, My IT,, 'IS70. prepared to sell everything I' MCUIDDA, Light Toweeda, Chsg styl, on short nottee -a good fit gaamateed or u T� T.3 EccrctLmm oft -he E7.0 t,v few,,f 4 Th� manner in �ihioi tile I and a speedy cure, ma, he relit d at �11. are INSOL —VrJ1 Ac W mt rm sale. A good assortment of
TO MARRITto LADIE� their hue ,4aecutiarivsuited It wi iji a short time. bring, Machines
both r Tile %a, It is 1855 &
4 -au tn� monih!v period witri rel-aiaril; Cheap fOr ZaSh- 7romi the:Ber Xark-ets On hand ofthe Latest style, for sale an time or I
Thp,? PiiA shoid ant : I t4�n bi .1,s dprin- the N. B. A, complete ssortniellt, nf COBIUS and Shrouds A N WLq dicountforeash. Machine Needles and Machine Silk Inthe-matter of Thomas Barrr
-t thranwh with t ol Pei nere =,a Were dellver'.1 I.v 11�1 Mr. FIRST aiwav on band aud a Hearse to hire ; all on MR unable VallEvery atul 43corge Ittimball. Insolvents
1� - gt 11 `100L BUOOKS
A!t� . c,,. ai they are
their r* but c4 any othf, Ionic t&,,y1J SJkJ-U terms. The MoSt FaShlo-nable A13RAHAM SXrM,
_sleverei-11.t. I.- I L I ln-,. Mesqr� Fo L-, lioarek,- smrp, ta bringoa Mu, OTICE ir- nerelty thatrurnlilant to e9d' 13tiffering from ozllweER cr McFaul ar-,l 11A whiif-4 roneupie-1 tile, arc =/,. 0 1 '- A CALL -SOI-ICNED- -ATTE-11. N'S Goderich, Apiil,29th, 1670 v4 Nvested in in-- as liolzigitce a We abuye t IT NBY-�. MADDEU. y unt,l the snadi of I In all Caqes afNer7ousland Spinal Afrection-. Pain in solvents ali my right tillemill interestLI thelhojiollour. DI MCULTM, S. and ln0111 NTARY the Bactc mid [Ambs, Fail r ue on simlitexertion. lalpistt- Ist part of I-st Book ...... 3 reats Goidericia, 12th'May, 1370 I
-!wtwnr12Pcomparvd ing inuds and Premiser. as Qsstpvea, as afeiem-d X71i
to the:r th.C� A ali't lu theor richr mmds," "On Of ttle heart. art w Mr
_FY-Fterl". at d ',ol;htie.. th&se Pids 4, EtE. TO 31 be said by public moctionat the vucaDu 4L
ffeehrg:. hve failed; 2�d do do .......... 7 1 1 Ifforris & Town llfGoder.ah, Ooanty
,a cure wlv-,n all oth, r means JE
celehrat-! xvitieffeet J]rE IS PREP RRD. AS EMUMFOI I W fjazams5
ron, JLL up tile saute on the shortest no*jm and the w-
1�".a walm,.r as heLomea Briti�h I ant! Wllioavh a powestut T.-medv, di not Contain I LADI 1Z lo
2nd Book ....... 14 11 nfH1110M AJR
sair,ect- n4.��e Pres,21i't we �era happy to f cafocuel, anumouy. oranydang hurtful to the consmu- est prices, and in tht: latest, style.
Mr. Win. 31d do do .......... 20 Wriludday the 27th -gay of July, -L D X7 L I Pulldiractim*m the pamphl�t around each package. 4th do do .......... 30 "-TT
Young ar,-: aL . A, and In p:I
V, e won' d hegMd to seethef willan shr) i Id becarefutly preservea. 1JUG I I , DUI iftht?'Y'Mid My pub;:i- Tn�-, Vi- Dominion fattov. tLe:r ex JOB IMSEa. XWW VGP.r� SOLE FROPRYETOR. 5th do dG ---------- 35 410,,10 0 XB W -ARD - uit;-e ATTIMHOUR Or TWELVE OTLOCK X001 --s' of the, =p!eav:,l eL Lord tLpi; S105 dold 1*24 cents for postage, elielosed to orthrop Merettant'TAlor, at cenainarcelar umet ofland In sufficientqualAtity (:1 to .1) to a fav zz;,
pre&=� Iv -;v a: -..I village the ex- & Niweast!e. olint., general awrios ftir tile 4 ol LITRAYED FR09TUE PREMISES OF THE UN- (NeXt door to I he 'Bank of Montreal, VIZ. Allnudsvigularlh theTownchip '%lie - the w1r of May last prarru" o,,ituale WingCaol Iming In
niap;es ti.p. TLe next mp�ting of th - . Damanion, wiii insure a bottle,containingover 50 r ill&, iO dersigned in Goderich on WEST STREET, GODERICH, ;iijoledch ill the saidiCilaiitY ofHuriou will p�rovjac 0 rt.7aiv
Union T .1,., w�IlWiie!don Friday toy return mail. A small White Mare h1hint 9 orJ10 yearsold, anda Opticiams A71A DeuRsts) DfOntariil,,ind beincompused or Lot Nol6jolib RAR L -%N- eventiLg iuL, -� ()2�: Bright Bay Colt 2 yeatsoill.- He has �Iacic legs unit t3- A goodorkman wanted immeiatolly. . - of-Gader- fRereting funclions Gf tha 1MVRhtA
NORTHRUP & I YMAT ith m4o. Huron read conces,-icu ofthe "d To-vashiq In
Newcastie, G. -*V.,genara REDUCED IN -TYPICE a white star on the fa%e, , Witta, list so= tJtey were -GoderWhApril ch. The -aid proptry contauls by Zolmezonturell. -relcower-1to hold Lhe2r CqnnIL zlt
Queen s Buthodzy izL Bluevaae - passtrogthrou-bRav township Any Perron giving esluca-'es
agent for Canadi, �A_T 3yE00RHGUSZ51S information JL�uag'to iheir recovery Ivill receive the ITAVE. 1%A71TH A -nn 7. TO ME T TfiE 0-- eighty aeres. be the s2me morp r less of which the At an ear"; tfr:r t.,,e anti vielafty ELIJAH M -MIN, DESIRAElE PAIVAT-E BOARD -11CREAEIMemand for the celeL"Ied Parfectelf- greater Pan iscleared, the usnall farm buildingsure
1:3 Sold in Goilerich by Parker % Cattle anol above reward. 9 � te n 2 t=t, und 1: L a
Colborne Hottil.Goderich Spectil - cicz, appointed F. JORM, cbemist and ereetedthe-,eian. The falmisleArahly Z=ated un the
me cannot, n honor Jamej3 Drugrist Goderich, O.,t their Stile grimcl road, withia 3 miles of Ciiaton. For further
,af our i. l, t i oi Qz;evii azid Au,:,qt.t FJ�Zn; Gaidinr.r cc Co., BaO-dd Veekly and ChaTht rt: to give a to paiuc
Rozeiville ; J. Pickard' Pree -Prm please c . op) zt in, eWfor'thisplace. They havti sake" ca hars apply Goticrich. TLa tir,t thiz eve :a dars living in avery Bellthun`17 E cete r ; J. H. C. OMFOItTABLE BOARD ITNA PRIVATE PAMY A--- 5 needful instraction,mi GOELDox,
Combs, Minton, , cord, LucLrricrw; E. Hicicu' Goderich, 31st May, 18�0. W1943t clna�behaodoureasonabloteruls. Forptirticular ;ignee. I one vidlent mnd mvem aln-11" 17hen --t EtG3� -221, "!
d-navecolifidencein the abilitv
SoD. Ortliforth. amd a It edicine at their Agents in the requirements of all auslo=rk AE!
vorer.� densely vealms. w38 ly at the signal" office. -d to procure, at at Godericir"May mipp,,ttabe an fav-thgent etass Gf apfaderich, Xay� 13, �18, 0, An opportunity will be thusmifibrilt rupture and t!eSL-1V L32C ITe.
Afresh 10t Of HOW Patterns times-gpectacle& noteitaitiled by an), tar their ELrcuZth- Fem I've =bh--i
peztp-e,of Reford 10 a baud ofCali- -i& U P, ET E Ll F, ningaud preservirtV
e� s:puvoo. thilrNpians t--e;r appearnnc� which excited a C&,MLLT p d2s T the comimon =00 Cf
I)E THE PERFECT Too much cannot to their superiority tive
great deal of auillSeTUCT'i t 2nd lr-7iMeZ1t- NZ31t the M STROUU CHEAP EP. TH AN EVER, 13Y F 9 47'aslic jlthlet,c g=!!s comnia-Lee which decided that them the tildivaryglasses-worn- 11ere is ut, glimmering, alties CMA
were a large numher rf active gyratia-st. uresent. and A Family Medicine,,weliandfavo.-ablyknavvn JUST 0 P EN., FID egrog of Abe sight, dizzii ies�, or other unpleas Waggon and C' -U' Aevo. -1.733-rock" so 7w that it the !nsntc.,% but, oil tile contrary, from the Peculiar -vA falell lili'z as cre C4 GH I—
fertile past tert yen rs. never falling in a single ri. 'Itl en %7e ama sti alt ended mildpleaFaIll. =d Vill in %?, 171"
0 R glid ilmdulaing aL,� �w
A- Principal and Divinity Professor of Huron Colle.p. caus nigateeling afreflefm t-ewearer, 10 tMa!11312�3 tn ih0l
siqrs of misantrophy or dtssatisf;�ii. T -F f the Lenses, thev are soothing T -A 07 DR Y
but npu:;L leavinx the parting tel -I and retirm- to tnstanw- to give permanent relie mhen timely :as 'it the natural hea-ittlY and iii nA 1; M,
-lit mL -t our gaze that 06itt X002HOUSE'S. London, in reply to a letturc delivered by Rev �Fatfiar a clearard dismict, vision,
r da=e tte eye of PT.v hpPolder. The used, and we have never known a single case Damen theabove important lecture may be had in sight. They are the only Spectacles that.
re as -:R MAT -M- S MLM-10-77'
8 iravi betit Pamphlet form. Price IS cents STL�VX ,yu, pmve very da, nggcrqm�
zprezd ur4m aima4 ail the daintiesof-apicius of dissia-tistact.on: where The direction PRESERVE AS WILL AS- ASSIST T -HE �My condalon i.,f U*Q!
AV.E ploinsure iiatutitant-
itf(;a Ilcilazeaus repast we were E AT THE. 8 a coating of -pure P1LLS=e Vw onlY pzli=livo VV3
—.operly tollowed, ba; on the eoutrary al are `TA I * SIGHT, -H lug -to the public oftown
L,,wed a numt2r,3fbom-i pieces of musne from isilvilrovertheBmsT to 1'afj
lee -iffimp UELIJ and runtry that the7 bare fl
bo;, Pefora dazli the people began to delighted with its operations, and speakin The 4at *tJ
ritmoter vho ra-mained to 1 ]Dqp0t; wrcmtF- plallziibythe patentprocess flAessrs FlIring- ndureiheeheape--t�bLcauqethebea, always lastkng 0 Peculiar b.6-helit ttirms of tts Virtue and Magical effects, eagralffi ton & Co- and is boyand all compartwo n. the Tery Uest Isav yen -s v.,ithaut -change being necessary. !be lcrllac�!,U4
-cic�;e ttn 4,43 with a social party. "We We, aroploy no Prdtnrg.
icltglj*� rate that. metv v=e aconsidembleaamit CAIVADIANPAZI DESTROYBE Irlul ONIAPE9 17 VEST OF TH I, MARKET SQUARE, article um to sterlingilver that eaubeemployed as 4LevisEllitiMsldstandj Jul- such either usefully or ornamentally, as �y nor possIble Flb JRDAN,, -E .cT spart:mg dovic ipardim on the cc- lias vvon for itself a repittation, as a - blood pun Goderich, May IT. 1970. InediatelyaElioildnif, the, Wedere R'fltP) B. I . still ==-eve allli3�, nrid
gentlar Uadertchi -mrk ezi�� --in, asuittLI W could eaasi.'y te bya'a obs-arviu.- eye. Aiei, afterativestomarb ton c,,unsurpn&sed in the - "T 0 W test call it be distingaished fronlreal-silrpr. SaleAg attend liem, tionally t; nil the i i�i�& Zd i!- and ETGNAI;"` OFF.TCH Goderich. GOderiel April 2C4 1NO- :and areprep=ad to lain out
Ciilfdren2s Ailmexas. histoiyofinedicalpreparanons. It selifouxtails A -complete Lgoioarmuteedoffiriltqu�litylarTmi* waggps9-13ugj#m
Ia cure Dyspepia, 1wer Complaints, ludige.- MX00RHOUSE'S and durabilitivwas follows
Ven -v alfrpslin�r, simpled,11et. =Ipwroper optiartui- tion, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Kidney Gonit- tioia- fi�r ae ex, bem;t Asthma, and
ards ;f thehinIth plaints, Ac;d Stomach Plithisie or Of tha-1-1- ig 13 r o o me Fiddleor Mead Xhmls Thread
Wten rnedt-zime L%zibuininteredit.holid to Titaij J and e v mAld to I n ib ir I Lne, a f th e very I oe-, t materl 1
activitythe sjystam debtawted
be 6, ti.e uare3t kind. a -A en-11rely free from or tysuftering and disease. old silver pattern pattern pattern Cud r. very lowest sem
pattern i -
-dri:g;t�c sz:Chata-1 ces Tt-- Rcef in qa=tit�es vatving rates,
F, Itsi mZgicalandmonderful -sacems in auriag Back& St0;tiO Tatlev Condo s. It cts. Sets. $ -eta. �4` MADA�-
fto=1 ave drimps U- baZf a teaWanful - to a tunabL-ral u&en colds, naryl, Amo -=3p --N,-LV
.wzt.r- b3 fourd a voaperfal, mmedy 6r the pains and - Sure thro2t, Coughs, Dilithrria BRO OM. F AICT-ORY,Tbig Pork. 960c0t ...... 9-40 ...... 10'00. -M00 xrwl ,=y I pains in the- aldelions and back. nenralgiatoolk i. �- I - - -t= Lle ILINI
leg to v7lj� �h thetirtle�childreu are rul�ect� atilthe -part;dl' 12,Table.Sp000US 13 100 ...... 9X0 ........ 10XD-.J=jZ711 a4=
dosen offrol= halfa aultole ache, rhatimatic, and ottini-paip4in. Ii" 2 -Desert Forks I '6X0 ...... IL -50 ........ 7.50 ... S.50 4()'y 31"D, a lar ---a IlEmtment lDf to
-t up with wil k r vrater-ig tho bez par-, d a fromwhatever cause, bas iven it
,�e the body n 2
-11 - V ou-houses,7SO ....... 650 ........ 700
�Can 11�35 given to the, - 113'laitc� mi7hiefis 40ue a plare in every household and is fast supersed- -12�T6a-gpomLs -4M.-....450 ........ 60D byeos,�pgc-L;Rdrea oftender7aw. witftmLaeral lire- Zj�.—ggiltbmrls -240 ...... 250 ...... 2SO --M =Cnn to =nvey
al Ing! till tither pfc-parationsf the kind. vYicli will be sold Cheap for Casli =:4- l0crd-
Frao, � It-TsiaLsoutivflectuatand prompt remedy -for iE&a7jadIes .2;00 2�20 ........ Z40 .... 240
infanta I tlie =oatb tirye he -ad. cam and e7neswlielftaTreduced Scalds, Burns, 6-mlifts, Sprains. Chillilmns. :Salt. Vltbowlsfo ...... �:90. ..� ..... T4)0....LVq 0 . aderich: Feb. 24M1870. =9 -to bv%eet;. , T747=9, 07 a.7 give from ave VrOaSiles, Gramps. in the Stomach, Diarlicea." firc is =1=cj, )rv fid
to trea dta" of tlie ta wat,-,r trilee a day. Liledera mozbzis,lhlliou%Cholie.C-holera.laian- scri erg lurveremolved theffRroam Excita.1y I 1111stard 40 .... -45 11zwjUfrce the C. -cm lh�� b.-azv cough vh!eh to thil.premlses: in Ttarf, the Sboredniineriy Dam- 1�Outtlaffle 2,60 OLV-= ACT Crorpy Goa& ---he its 1uhl. Dysenterv, &c. 'TA03ISON i(P70 Ann ims X W
he of c:r6tip. and characto� rg Z&IL Of a8uprrSpooll .60 ........ 15
milleateatt hee only.26 cents per b6ttle. pied brMr. JAMES — ardisnaver fcirgoMa. As sestirs tha flurnuXotel), KiFtgatoll'istreet 'and b4ig Ia ill- Z Xf a =Ud Md goWle =1
.771egenze. tr bc- Inttet lltla' 4M;0 In, the 7naffer of Jimies Yvzmy Eta t1der t% -,o to, 2,br-cu 171il, iva the IX-lisf in sWnp of uo I
: AM
NORTHROP A far piar—chus'ing-bro )m;cmu
it =H1 tb ser -
S UNRI[VAIZED for Pmjt,'� -4md Dkeapaes�.
MT, hi I grau the, Eel 1 ef In p- -:salu Batter Milh, ete., and jswa� to
is: NeteLaayt�%. ' - .191 IL
a. w7tian AmyoftlmnCiove nrlind stq I)a :iadisinglrai
tte, tb=��t =,bl tha bum. and 13 -Sold in Goderich by.1arker Call le znd 017M 1* bereby, Invotin 11hat It I th Pavers
prices- ForzalebytheGr"es. is 111:ghly racessm7in Gardiffer'M 00. -Bavfield' Jgmes fZth0VM7b-ntbat
Thia F. JB�—MMTIEST QVA-0TY OMY of Abon kept
-1L X - -ROBINISON4 YATES, �Z%-Zntell Pt7lig-littal (1-4411vre-41, =the UIM7121t:
ty -Exe;;r; J.:H. In staiik. faferfor goads entir4ly- ev.ludiul- Trollts Agentsfor.
x,an bo ad7f:- AW Z r _M JOX
am ad I- PkIntrd, lu MEA T
-a-tl. Mjab_�Voq) Henth , P. ernAfe'-J
F.,& 00.1 byPublie Atician atlb- Artlina 31arlaTZIr.
00mbe; aliator; 8evvr4Lucknow.';,B -,H ickstl4 !JLJLtli�, W- based on the ready.mimey princi�fi>-not icredit. cc ZM4,fbm-aid A7,111be
zind aILXadjeftioo� Dealers. ---*28
RFWTP-- IL Ttuem-liq in The Tova Ccauty
3IT Z4,hll wqg,- c�Xtor 6Y tha 0)51!r,-VGsd (C. V., JDF THE leavil 0:0 life ef a hild IS -AT THE. n"D -U t
-W -T-Z.RX8 in t-,= z=tip ths 'STAR ST -04E, Q ALITY1, -ORKNAMM Wtdnegay the --271h &Y of July, A D. -T- fle. Gbs*-Iles st'latockistio-ba found.;
37LInt 01 V27 Mt eape wble�atheyare se in asehoeqiv�ymauufax4werin 011� a
k tou-i)r Tdronto, Goderleb. 0.ct;.2lth18G9. -C -S�a ocz cl=
VC,Zr;F, 1) re--dy PC Zictl'perl -1870. AT
vcnt, ISHI OF 8 C
ban. iaef viz. lit antilTmIguba- lbetrenain oar V;,o C, e -=I at Dr i ul7avya 3 ?Cal IMCO ym, mca7 fty -9 St Paid St -of ill Zilid Joicst2ty 7nW-,Zl 'HAL17' K)T- LOT A-MMEWS, To GUIL' T
a lopgth. th,,,. ol'of Ift! James --L te.enth voncessioir ill: �Hullett,-.oxt. the-�ihaimd:%I7
'T.Wo lenimell. of fte r-orptirtEou ar the coant-yar te71-Vh--lfcr IOZ 114L 21, Ju the t%ird of tL
'HuriOrraillaneat ja -thaBoart RoaDin in the 07,7 re- gzat - A M, VX11', IMLI N -G llue1stween. Blytheand-Waltoppost 3 the =we
illwatered-with. a: mever. fallhl�;- ere— of G01--nich, upon
rUffiqgsprint� Als ellcloxebythehouse
]Eli AMAy 21 tberef* and intend, Tha is ac'y loam qfgntia
virmes pf i sudInadelMdaitition he filh jay of ME. ReXt. 10M
Ilbse,articles wMall houseaud. a we ft:ie -a=d a of, Flesh -wounds Clak. LT;,er6jS4JSqh fwg fmm
for t4-wmit ;B;ienz far tile curet eLitll pa
I - . tctIL9 4 ZnNo CM11
-;Z=C g
P! �,y 10thil
nd lx:ng ab'4j to al, liiiiwts- Scrstdws or Stmips, Tdmene!;: ftm Etc noiaesdlig jE r, or fca-Ltm
-)TP me cf L- 3 W41 S*Mn' ttfO *Lq0,' V12ftliMit Vh -90 Slind 0 kii, F411114 F-MM14
-vect. V r, Serel!inga, 91141 ILA= 's T
_T(M.-SAM , ;".; �L) Ar
-JEWrI.LL'.tY-I.V,M=47,Blf&ClclzkT,, I Y W A =�ED
Thi's ceeblated Linimetz 104 beell: vited for -w.g . - ()
31M. ZZ, mt If Lz 2 L 7 n 73 iza Zuranvoi -Pm�rdes, _A- U -h ors eT# Dre r T. ortAbild. -En�gld e;o ms g a o d
ram re- ChWp& A -W -A
T AND �Gli& ---EZT ;11-madeby
c4leede ell ntooes, )Ur
-.TDH 1, -itba rrv'cr!a2s wheii Untely. used �wtl
.Ir� T
a *jr'.Dorjze ':for 11 the 11 ri. t cl 71.1�! 7j h, vl? 2 n na T.-: - �'a
�t-fj.'Nilf oltall and Vmw� 10tchamts yet.,& va av _,jr
a _Con -
.0 ona va
LY51 --offlea Bok �,'Storc.' YE
A', ofVi t
in Gode
Cattle -ind F
',0NT9'MCfaK v 61, -NO.-18 4)
V B, Sxl)-N� no
=,I 4 B tllx J- PiCk-ard to be VIM Ao Innisolf pemanfly. to;
J I,,. %remd, wa vir-J co sesfort,441id aft Blediez
y ro-
lidert r8 1W00(
oreetile store init do.
will to..,