HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-06-02, Page 2-parture,
Until theyactually take their de
Irom the of course, it would be bad policy to uith-
V. PIGEON particuiaise
f (ver v volnnteer, every 'Me lbxp6sitoe on M. C. Cameron., thaprietoof theircoal tcertain figur ILL fronithe front. 170
nflicer, ever� dei, ". ON 1HE WAY TO THE draw tile volunteers
and!,. if the Americans could afford, to ;ps are coming
C rati vi, wro meetsa Fenian foot to foot It hns long been remarked that peraons pose. of their article at a lower- rate than 4 United States trot from the
east to -night in ddition to tb?)RO lready
i d h � id to hand, be --No QUARTER I SAUI�T
T-io, latest news sbows that Great Britin deficient in both logic and common-sense- they havo- heretoforti been doing, there (Globe Correspondent.-) to
1870, basspoken out clearly and decidedly I I I) FURTHER PARTICULARS OF Tll� mentioned, making 4' in all in this ace-
3UNIE 2nd; 'their very want of tion now.
GODERIC do- are- able on account of n4lit perhaps be some force in this argu- ON BOARD THE FRINCE ALFRF
ment.. But ib is w well known fact, that FIGHT AND RETREATs Huntingdon. ST. ALBANS.
------ manfing that nicricasball provent�Feui- capacity, to,litter unTeasoning. platitudea -HEfNTiNGi
ans from crossing' her frontier. Tt ii . there is- not such an abundance of coal it) �F?om the Special Correspondent of the May 27. 27.
THE FENIA FIZZLE. I lit a complacentlyoractrlar and dictatorial' that country, as wilt enable theta to dis Signal. ST. AtrA-Ns, VT.,
pleasant to Know that we have the entire i I have just returned from the frout,bay-
-olr Fci-,:,r compnnies 'United States Infantry
The olevelopments of the past week are stre.upth of Britain behind us. ri,e union way, as if the mantlo of propheNo anth-irity pose of it at a, smaller profit than they To rom the Telegrctph- ing spent the afternooll 4, ecting infur-
Jrck, for ever had fallen ontheirshoulderzand t have dne- heretofore, so that'instead of Oollingwood, Wednesday, 25th May,. 0 ion on the Americau side. The Fe- arrived here yesterday, ailel are encamped
such as to convince its that if the duped. he people ling upon the prudu6er, it Noon. mat ilpserted by all but some in the Park. They are from PlattsbnT,,
were bound to believe, without controversy, the citity fal ACCOVINT.OF THE FIGHT. nian canip was
R e r v ru packing and and are stationed here as much for tile
giris %v iserl the money to send will fall upon -the consunimer as we must have lie fight is 200 men, most of whom were
AT ATTACK. whatever these 'lesser prophets' might be their coal no matter what price we must THE PAsSAGE The following account -of t Liling tip their boxes of stores; the rest purpose of protecting the property of
the " B vs in G reen " agrainat Canada had mornin,, gathered from both Canadian and Fenian n-, -nians as to
The tar puts in a silly defence on be- pleased toassert in hollow and Iiigh-sound- may have to pay for it. and the Nova At 5 o'clock oa the informa- were lounging abotit'very disinterestedly, American citizens frout the Fe
coinie on themselves, th3v could not possi eriods. Scotiam are not so foolish as to sell their of sources. On Tuesday morning, One or two less discreet, preserve the neutrality laws.
blv 1mve made a worse job of it. From half of NXr. %Vyatt and Col. Taylor with 1419 P . c the Queen's birthday , gun was. tion with respect tothe Fenian raid reach- and saving little. ca lovernni
*al, to the people of tbis provin d at a The fight which t,)ok place at Pigeon
th'e hullabulloo that was made about the referdnee to the gunboat Rescue. It speaks The Senforth Expositoris %good example c fired and the 1rince Alfred, with the'ed the neighborhood, and an independent were raging at the Ameri n ent bybthe
lovt eir leaders Hill on Wednesday was opened
or ptice than its inrket value.' in thd richest brogue. One of th
-Of this class of public mystifiers. Union ack proudly flying, steamedslowly companyf St. Albans, consisting of farm
about the urg He haa� Would it be possible to put anythin in raid by the Fenians one might reasonably ent necessity at the time for era and citizens, organized at their own on hearincr a ctlual laugh, said : ",no Canadians, after the Fenians had gotabout
however, made a grave erkur in choosing l, ligh t' in wbich �Lhe Expositor out of Goderich, heartily cheered by
have expected a battle, almost as salignin'- the purchase of tha boat, and so on, but could see the -h that day." in ten varscross the border and nere cb-
. expense, 40 in number, under Captain Irishman had cause to laug
ary s that of Waterloo. In-%tead of that, it entirely fails to prove that we were his arena. -The inhabitants of Huron are it ? We have it on the very beat authority friendly spectators who had assembled at: Thomas Shepard,occupied the &ound with app6arance they were eq tial to any of th e ploying into line. The fire had We effeEt -
that a 'foolish' Nova Scotian, wbo'in no- ntown or Stanl�y of completely demoralizing the enemy. The
however, we have seen a mbhle that ske- wrona in callino, her a tub, which site i n4 ignorant enough to mi�take assertion r of the Grifli 0
I - body has tried to':06111pel,' is arranging to that early hour to ibid its "God Speed" on ; abcut 20 men of the Stanbridge Volunteer same ittimbe I ral looked well In Fenians could not be iuAuced to cress the
-to all intents and purposes. We have a for arguni-elib and bombast forsupbrior in. 0 itge. The tri up was a very fair Company under Captain Bachus. They street boys, -and seve
daddled across the line almost at the first shrewd ide asto where the Star derivedits ielli At 5 coal to St. Cat rines and 'to dispose Our VOY p toA up position on the hill side, about 500 their uniform. One Zoastingly declared border again, O'Neill addressed them.
y tion in reference to this matter; but gence. In s,)me localities the Epositor. (if tu articte'there -it a lower price than its one, althotigb nearly all on board were sea- vards on the. Canadian side of the line, they would have another with his officers
shot, cemmanded h generals who either inspir. hance ot a hit tellingthem that if they would not ad -
gave themselves up to the United States let that pass. What we said we repeat : ial 'stasce thunder' inigbt pass for theavoice market va lue,'as tb at value has hitherto been, sick and lay stretched about on deck in �bout':half way on the road between Cook's at Canada, before long. There were about vanco to the attack, be
alitheritics to escape Canadian bullets if That the Rescue is totally unfit for active of J ove ;, but it- certainly does not with estimated by Pennsylvanians, and that he all sorts of attitudes with a view to comfort C(trilqs, Canada, and, Franklin Centre, fifty boxes of stores of every description, would cross the line and die fighting. Even
service. And here comes therub. If she our intelligent yonnien, who. of Ali men, will make a profit by the 6peonlation. And rather thah gracefulness of posture ; not a United btaibs. and 1 was surprised to see how complete this faied to raise the spirits'of 1119 follow -
lit -t the worse fate f beina lynched hy this foolish' person is not even to ask the ack towards Franklin
is in tell a dilapidated condition, why in are too well-read to be 'caught with chaff.' Americans if they can.'afford' to let him very pleasant way of spending the Queen's their preparations had been. A'large era ; anj he started D
their own men, or elrpe,l instanter, with- 8 THR POSITION. number of bbxes had left before I got tip, forreinforcements. His sul-sequentarrbst
the rmme ofsense was ittint discovered The B xpositor in -his second.atfack on WT. undor-sell them. Well, if Nova Scotia birthday,but/we are content." All the way The ground was well chosen, as it com- escorted by the departing bodies of Fenians. by Gen. Fostor'and incarceration in Btir-
out waitiiw to see the b-nive bova liberate durina the winter or early Spring ? That ha3 already
C_ Cameron, in replyto our refutation of can easily compete with Pennsylvania at to the Georgian Bay,wbereit began forain manded the road, and a number of large Two United States officers had seized tl '�bere he yet lies,
Irelaiul. Heaven help frehii,d if she bas is a ques Lit sn we- defy the Star or any other St. Vatherine8, to our advantage, it can f rocks on the hillside form. hatUral breast le ling n' i
or ima- mail' to answer stisfact.wily. It may his first are, is quite as ninch astray as we had a splendid vieiv of the, 181anrls and boxes that remained, buttheFeniaiissay betpublislied.
to %vait until libention from real more easily do so throughout Quebec, Bays of the Northern shore. As we move(! wor1cs. The Fenlans thi same night uc- they would have to take them by force. Governor Hendrie �has offered to furnish
U(,h tile not be very nice to talk about Itmobocrat usual ; while ve have the satisfaction of New Brunswick and Newf0undland ; and ediately oppnsite
ginnry wring% cemes to her thro, Alonathe weather began to get so cold that cupied a bill rising imml The officers kept their places on the ground the Fenians free transportation to their
LaSpection,'lint still when national interests knowi�g that our position is heartily sus- could compete very closely even in the
raids (if lf-t of pior ragamufflus on our are itivnived, we think a word oillonest rest of Ontario. Clearly to areasonable we were compelled to assume our overcoats, oil the American side, also % est of the and intended to remairt until the Americn liquics. The Massachussets men have ac -
borers. Wecannot help wonderin if tbev truth is not t all out of place. The Re- tained by all the representative men Of the and mits, which was rather a stranue ex- road. They received reinforedments on troops arived from Malone, which they ce ted the offer, but the New York Feni-
-111ind coal and wood, in concert, tire to be Wednesday morning, and about half -past
e-ioxw! t cue is practically non. est and we defy the Reform puty, with wboin ve have had perience for us at the end of May. had not done np to 5 o'clock. a?s have advwiced, via Plattsburg, to
thought we werecoustU-nmatt foo's I t 0 cheaper and not dearer, on account of the twelve a firward movement was vinble in s really Malone, where a Large force of the enemy
allem ovir cmintry to be �Lyer-run by nent. Atar to prove anything to the contrary. tbepleasure of conversing. The ExP01it" Tariff, and when Seaforth is illuminated AN 1EFISODE. their ranks. The command of General The Fenian position of battle w ade U concentrated. Amon- the Fenians who)
Somebody is to blame. ONN'ho is it ? will find that lie has fallen into an egrogi- withgas,tbe Bxpositorperhhpa will 'see itin Intense excitement pre'ailed on board O'Neil to form fours and forward on the a very strong one, COrWiStil)g of a barrio. the Burlington
The Cnadian troops acted with a degree of raiLs thrown up by the side of a dry have returned home are
of rim and bravery which has taught the .Mystified. ous error in imagining that traduction of that light.' Where did tho.Exposit#r got the w - he i it be me krow that the Quarter- double was distinctly andible on the 0ana, ditch and extending two hundred yards. company, who ledthe advance in the shir-
N1. C. Cameron was an available stepping- statistics leading lihn to the conclusion master Serjt was nowhere to be found. than side. They came on in column of , ge fields. mish at Pigeon Hill on Wednesday.
Fenianq bitter lessim, anti inspired the that there is not an 'alintidance' of coal in The vessel was hinuted allover, and we fourabreast,the attacking party beindcom- Their Lre swept two pretty lar. this
It is great misfortune when the under- stone by which to raise himself in th ex over which our troops baA to pass to got A body -of 300 Fenians left :.ere
better clns of Americans with retipqct.- standing of a paper or an individual is so Pennsylvania I came to the conclusion that be must have posed of the following :-Capt. Cronyn at them, while they had ood ctivered morning on foot for Franklin Ceutre, for'
There was no 11it1gowy humb"90c., this estimation of the Reformers of the The subipet of fuel hasartned the Bx- tallon overboard nd been swallowed tip and company. of 75 men ; Capt. Marra' line of retreat behind. Hdof they stood the pnrpoz-e of recovering the body of a
darkened that a oJear statement is incom- County. Positor -and no%v he sbouts :--Does the by, the greed v waters ef Lake Ruron. No company, Burlington, 50 men, :tnd Boston th
tiire- o pusillanimous Peacock -no prebensible. We are sorry to fiad that the The main qnestion the Expositbr. of' jual say thk amajority oftheRefor- pen of mine could describe t1fe relief we company numbering about 50 men, in all their ground they might haverdowed d,mn Fenia kille! in e late i3kirmisb-
a large number of our men. As it vras, Gen. Dana&ly won
sinie-foted.-L, ergns(vn, All honor to Gen. merp, or even of the electors -of the North experienced when we ascertained from the about 175. Col. Chamberlin, who corn- "_ on Hill than vras at
Star is continually to be found in thig Piti- course, shirks ; in his own I& rignage. find- they only bred bne volley before otar ed in tho Q�P at P4
Lirulmy' He has vindicatedtior lorions and South �Ridings, would recommend officers that lie had been permitted to re- manded the Canadians, ordered them to
m troops were within proper range, and then -3. Uo in tho back
able condition. Qur,town contemporary ing it 6unnecessary to enter into a debate their representatives to veto, to retain Sir main in Goderich to aid in protecting our get into position bob ind ttle '
country froini the imlintations of brugTrt 0 ded with thq uttncst precipitation, Icar=9 vbiZo ft -,m a bana, and mu a mik
so implicitly and unquestioningly follo 3 upon the merits.' Weprosume, therefore, John A. Macdonald and Sir Gen. E hearths and homes from the dastardly 'the base of the hill, %nd not to fire until I -
2 ba.uten of every kidney. - All honor to behind a quimfity of accontrement!3, Tbo ball glanced
the leading -strings manufactured for Ci6rtier in power, and against the best in Fenians if they should land in our ab- the Fenians passed the line. - 'I be moment upn-ardB and
it lie is willing to concede what we argued and a few Villes. They never lacdtcA in 7t:3 ---, ) - "
the ;Allant 01minberlin, a brother prih- by its mandlin oracle bbe'rorunto- Leader, a tercsts of their party, and certainly of scpnce. Though we miss his pleasant they ,rossed, their race ontil'they ot across 45 ' Whv U7, --z,3 v-= Lm turL�Ie. At has not yet
ter, lie leaded,ap the Finnegan columns in for, that Mr Cameron did not give up his their country, in rdt-r that the prayers of society,we cannotgrudge our fellow towns- I L - c_-t==J, a- Lo Itc3 at Fmnlftlinr
that it is astounded we darc,for Pmoment� , E?Tee Trade principles, or renounce any these petition$ mialit be granted men such a protector. THE CNADIANS OPENED rME. men so well posted afid equippe Ca1v t-13 'Zo r, is r,'-.
true sl.vlu and then knocked them effect,
at a have acted in such a manner (--n t=!:;- C Criv.
in any occasion, to dispute the dictum of doctrine of the Reform party, in voting We deny altogeler that it was a lost With a visibly domoralizi
into w -at Josh Billings cafls "ever- 'COLLINGWOOD. accoun(edforonthe sappa3itionnfinItcrCot F:7-ZC�3 tc=> ho i6 mulchb3tter,
h , the Globe. ",N-hile weare free to confess that, for a National Tariff to, in some question and have no reason to believe distance of 400 yards, whIch" was replied
la3ting pi." By the way it wm, pre- rheasure, Id have left office had * thev May 25, 6 a. tn.-We arrived here safely to. The Fenians sy they were a t load- cowardiep or fear of the red cnats. Ito W0 Z�,2070r.
Ministers won autburi- The splendid advan by tb e Can anakm h CS
een defeated. It is all very well, besides, 0
60115 little pie- the poor deluded devils from the generally be.1thful nature of the liberate Our' products from the incubus b this morniu , having -slacked off the previ- ed When fired ispon, but this is cefthe UPMED-11an
weat to have g,,t when they retnrn- medicaments, e would sooner swallow thrown upon them. by illegitimate Amer' ous night, 'so as to allow us to get into tatively denied. At 'the second fire they Borderers, under Colonel [)y t1lio Amcri= authori-
to analyse a vote after it has been taken port ivith daylight. - Thiere was a crowd commenced to retqat, having were given the place Of honour, i3 tho tLC2, -_=a, is br,-Z;cT1cd. bere that the Cana -
ed to) St. Albans. Uncle Sam wt-uld have the entire Globe-ular pharmacopoeia, than can compeition. Conceding this' the and say if so -and so had voted differently, Do by this
notning, to d(#ith thent-the Narniounters a I waiting on the dock to welcome u and time, got about fifty yards over the border. theme of universal admimtion. - Itacenm that
one dirty bolus from the Leaderlaboratory, auch-�nd-such would have been the result. 's
turned tail against them-atid the great Expositor virtually forsakes his stand- poin t. It was a mesure of national and not they cheered us lustily. We fired tho They took refuge in the hDUSCS and barns There were no� over 401) of our men ac- it wm P%a4cf1 an this side of the lines and
armv of Lineration was reduced to actual any number of which the Star is ready Very . 9baracteristically, however, he en. usual salu . to of 4 guns, the report front the in tbe� valley, beetween two hills. They tnally engaged, i the rest followin_ in sup- uscd by the r, anirms to cover the retreat of
ministerial conception (as indicated by the I do not think any of the Fenians vannpll� from the barn. It was dter-
beq.-rary. Instead of feasting on the fat ,f daily to bolt without a qnestion or a wry dearors to raise a cloud of dust about vart- vacillation of Government in regard to it) P41b howitzer shaking the light -house in left several dead, and wounded on the port -
W were killed, and could only trace one who v7ards abmdoned, and was captured by
s, they wore led to expect, the face; we must still claim the right of de- ons minor issues and e must follow him and our representatives were justified in the harbor: We are now lying at the dock. ground. One John Rowe who was in the
Liberators were forceil to cravo a criLs. of ciding whether the prescription is the best - The weather is cool to -day The - Tu-.vn is foremost band was shot as. lie was crossing was wounded for certain. They ran too Canadinns. vFh-o conve3 edit to the Cana-
intD the aloud, in order to clear it away. voting as they did
bred at the hand of charity. "Able in our local condition. We must *. a cat in the bag"' the very sandy and much like Kineardine I a small bridge, and his body fell into the sonn, and the ground was too broken for than side.
There must be I The population is our men to get aims at them right. The dettehment, of the U. S. yegulars
We opine tuat we have heard the last of still say that the Globe I.as failed to com- We quote from the Expositor, a -q fOl- Byositoir thinks when his opinion on the very muc� scattered. water;. They tried to r;Llly but in vain, Much indignation ws expressed by the leave to -day.
Fenian raiding f,ir some time. Why the prebend public opinion in Huron on the lows :-"After tendering to us a little about 3000. A great lumber bdsiness is bein.., repulsed before they got to the line.
w question is so much at variance with that transacted here and any quantity of square men at being checked in reaching the ST. ALnA.Ns. Vt., May 27, 7:30 p m.
g I
hasbco,me, so, ontemptible, tht even Tariff quastion. Cameron and Whitehead ratnitous advice. fur hich we are tru y of everybodv else. If our representatives GENPR iL o'NErL HIDES.
Ricl, it is said, refues Ux recognize its have followed the instructions of their grateful, the Sigl proceeds :- timber iallying at the Harbor. So many' line. They wished to follow them right At 4:30 this afternon the bodv of Fe
ur i prom iseld anything at their electio when they wnuld niaus that left here for.Franklin returned
promoters. There is a grave international constituents, and gained the object iA "Does the wholesale price of flo in troops be �ug here give quite a stirrint, General O'Neil took refuge in the brick tip, on American soil,,
sitle to the qtiestit,n which we are forced to view; and any antou at of "read ing out" Montreal re-tilate the p -ice of what is re- promised to consult the interests of the military a?pearanue to the town. 01 house of'Alvin Richards, and commenced certainly have killed every:nian of them to tovrn. Ilie advanced guard was in a
C, entire Dominion, but specially the advan-
p;m over thi.s week on aceount of the on the part of city_�ppers will.stifl" leave quired for local consumption ? Ex�erience tage of their o' *THE EXPEDITION. to reconnoitre tbrou-h the'windows. when and captured their stores. Our troops are tolerably organized condition, but the rest
wn constituents. Who but 0 he ny
crowde,l state of our columns. We have them"With tha� Reformers of Huron at says, not. to fault-findin It is mected that the Prince will leave Col. Chamberlain, who recognized him encamped for the night within a mile of straggled through the streets wit tit a
.i nor one given .,for the ]eye f t =I n -;torsk place. They attempt at order. A, more raggged and
Spared neither Imin eKpense to keep their backs. Until we bear on better We certainly tnink, that both ex perienee it, would blame them for doing so ? at 6 ' I A this evening, -filled up with brough',his field a, ass, directed the men where the encou ter
-our subscribers fully informed of the authority than the Star- that thi influence and common sense, say Yes ! Ifthe whole- troop Oic are in great spirits. Major Steven4on's forlorn party could not be imagined. The
Listen to the Expositor's eloquent obn a (or the Sault Ste Marie. The de- to fire upon the house, and the proprietor
vveek.i doings in the belief that our eff-irts of some one else has secured to. this locali- sale buyers of Montreal, or elsewhere, can clusion tachment a to consist of a part of the 60th compelled him to leave the window. He Battery arrired this afternoon. -Whole party of upwards of 300 men pos-
One'of the Feuians -Yho was taken sessed only 10 rifles and about 20 sabres.
will be appreciated by the readers uf the ty the advantages of a Protective duty on pay a high price for our flour, surely our "Just so !'exactly as we anticipated. Rifles -1 men and officers (and a fine- came, out into the road, when. United
Siqual. Sals and a Harbor of Refuge, we shall manufacturers will not be so generdna as Hell a- prisone a misera
as acrificedhis party, sacrificed his i6oking body theyare)who are camped States Marshall Foster took him prisoner. r, ble Wretch, is kept by A. few wore uniform, but the majority were
the 69th boyv. dressed in fustian clothes much the orse
credi' . these bo,,ins to the influinee of M. to dispose of it to the local or retail deal- principles, and thrown himself into the out heXe roady to come on board ; al8O,5O The Ounadians havioy'2 repulsed the at -
0. Cameron and Joseph Whitehead, and ers at a lower price than they can obtain for wear'and covered with mud and dust.
arrits of Sir George Cartier, in order that men and Officers of the Steel battery. The tack, deployed tto 'Rne and held, the k&LONE- Immeaiatelyon theirarrival taeirleaders
to the votes given by them as. ias�pir- for it from the wholesale dealers ; and if the town of Goderich might receive a grant latter are 4s soldier -like men as one co-ild
ed by their constituents. flour is a drug in the wholeaale market,-, position until aWlit 3 p. m., when they were arrested by the United States troops
ofsome830,000 for the establishment of wih to see. Of the boats for the Red May 27. 11 p. m.
We present our readers with volnininous "Name! Name!" We want the Star or if by'lively competition of producers, were reialbrood by a detachment of the stationed here, and they will be brought to
a Harbor of Refuge in that placti. In order River,exp�dition,12 are waiting transport- Feelifig a grood deal of doubt in -relation trial at once.
spepial despatches, from all parts of the to conde-%cend to give "a -local habitation the wholesale market be fully supplied, to obt . ain this sum of money, to be spent atiud-' T�beir appearance indicates that, Mont real Victoria Rifles, a company of to the vositio-ri and numbers �f the Fenians
frontier. on both sides of the line, from and a name," to that -hitherto, unseen, un- retail dealers and local consumers will be in Goderich, for the belle fit of a few specu- they will be thoroughly adapted toAhe the 52nd Battalion-, Capt. Kempt'13 Com- north of tl ' The men, many of whom have been
o its point near the Canadian line, misled by unprincipled demagogues, mur-
which each will form his own conclusion known, nameless and mystrious power enabled to purchase it at a lower rate than lators an:i jobbers, nd which, the farmers purpose fot"which they arfa intended ; but pony 60th Battalion, and a Montreal I determined to settle the matter by actual mur loudly against the apathy and mis-
I that was, according to, the Star, more bene- if there was a scarcity in the wholesale of Huron ill be compelled to contribute that will soon be tested now. TheSttery cavalrytroop. Anirregular and desul- examination, and according proceeded by
a to the present position and future ficently influential in our cause than our market. In short, it is the wholesale that to n inanagment of -their leaders to whom the�
wards, Ito has "given a proper measure have 30 horses with them, and their guns
JDeCt3 of the movements of the respected representatives at Ottawa. a1w regulates the retail." tory fire on the Fenians in the buildings waggon to Fort, Coiington this morning attribute their misfortunes. The liquor
-ays of support to the views of other sections." are lying in the cars waiting shipment.- - enquiry from a fartnerI found thZi
0 was kept'up. As the latter endeavored 01, law is etrictly enforced ; and the con -
Fenian crew. Moro or less conf7s, .i i�- For the same reason, we suppose,' Mr. 700 of the 60th Rifles have already gone Hogansburgh, . hat amid all. their reverses,
FartmersWpe- Really the Rxpositor is very welcome to Cameron's name does not appear in any forward and also a portion of the Ontario to escape everal were picked off. At there wore no Fenians near su
always apt to creep into s f irward nor any near Fort Covington. All of them the Fenians continue sober and orderly.
ports -and it is very difficult, amid so ma -1-1. the good advice for which be is so "truly of the divisions which took place on the Battalioni Capt Cook and -his No I about 5 o'c o k ur force moed c had proceeded to join those at the camp at Niany of them are, penniless, -and on their
Those interested will please bear in mind grateful.." It is to us a duty as well as a amendments to the Manitoba Bill." company have arrived at the Sault. to pick up the dead who -had fallen on Trout River. I was informed that as late 2
41viDg rumors,. to distingi arrival here they'Were supplied with bread
g tisb fact froni that the new Act for the registration of our side'� f the lines. and to dislod-a the ort
4ction. There i§nodonbt, [however, th,-.t . pleasure toshow him where he goes astray, Just so ! exaotl y as we :anticipated, FEIAN RUMORS P 0 as S�x O'clock some had passed near F by General Foster. He says he wil.1 not
co -partnerships comes into force on Ist and we are "traly grateful" that he is be- he omits the sa,lt protection secured be- in any quantity, are afloat in this vicinity Fenians from "Stoddard's tannery. The Covington, bound for Trout River camp. permit them to starve, though in the
the sci-nndrels 'in green' are in motion Jane next. All partnerships nlust be cause its application to the whole County ene4 a heavy Ore on otir -men. The collector of that port, acting under
The Collinolwood Volunteer Battalion bag Fenians op
sfrom their head qnartters in the various coming so docile and amenat)le to - wise is too apparent, and he s6lect the -Harbor . I but vvitho'ut hitting any. President Grant's proclaulati6n, had en oxercise of his duty he prevents them
cegistered previous to that date, under a been warned to hold itself in readiness to advancing to the frontier. fie is exercis-
cou'nsel. Our "advice" has at'all events gaut-that he may make out Cameron be called out at a moment's notice. cleavo'ured to 4oize their arnis, but they ing his influence to get them to disband
Statesaud. have"appeared in some stren.th 2enalty of $200 ; for which pealky any one hact the effect of stopping his pro had only lang�hed s6t him, as he had no
at-�tnts along the boundary of the egatern n the country and the County, for the TH4 'PRINCE ALFRED THE RETREAT. and return to their homes, having made
vious' 'r
so disposed has a right to sue. Men in miserable drivel about "the poor man's saite of the T n. - It would be very with- They �drove the Nuians from the tan- soldiers to assi�t him i. carrying out his by whicli they will be tmn&-
Vvoxvince. there is little doubt aL-o that business will therefore have to, see that loaf of bread," and this is a point gained. eruig, this rebuke, if its want of truth did snce her new. wheel has been put in runs As many as 33 waggons loaded arrangements
not mal nery, and *hile-they were conveying some purpose- . ported there at half price. A large number
-Zome Of these marauders have set their tbis is �ttended to. ce it stingless. Cameron 4'sacrific- splendidly. Site made about 12 miles an M with arms, saddlesan biscuits, were near
Would the Expositor pray inform as when ed' his party " by doing exactIj as his con. hour three fourths of the wv&y ; and i -Of Lhe descl for burial on our side, the arailed themselves of thin chance, and went
f she Fort Covincrton yesterday afternoon ; but toney
.-Aesecrating feet on Canadian soil, at the to'wait for day light latter who hid fled in an easterly direc- South to -day. Several who had noti a
of Vilgeon Hill, some sixty miles the price of flour in the County of Hurou stittierts told him. He "sacrificed his had not slacked off, the teamsters did not go to Trout River enough to pay their fares were carried
TOWN COUNCIL. has been compargively lower than the Principles," by voting according to his we would have arrived at Collingwood last 'tion, fired 4 volley in return, and killed with their loads. It is. sai-I they went free. The majority of these wh3 returned
east of Montreal. Many-torigned rumor tion night (24t4 insl;.) at 11 o'clock.
canselence on the lately mooted ques This is two, and +onnded two of them. ThL West. The question arrises-Where did
price of the same in Montreal I If, for ning. Capt. Wyatt is on board and to town this afternoon express the wish to
.describes their intended objective -points 27th May, 1870. f a national policy, on which the people good run Fenians oOthe bill had a six p3under they take th ir arms to? All the arms ethome. Afew have determined tojoin.
example, we export to the United States �as stretching all the way trom Quebec to The Council met -Present, the Mayor have expressed no opinion at the polls.- is going up with its to the Sault. riflt-d cannon. from which they discharg- used by the Fenians in the 5present raid at
Foat Garry. i* They are said to eon mplate in the chair, the Roeve- Councillors Clif- flour to the value of$10,000,000 and im- " He threw himself into the arms of Sir THE HURON BOYS ed tieveral.TOunds to draw the fire of our this point were stored near here ]oil.- ag-,-, -the party at Malone, which is under the
to 7 . commaud of Gen. Gleason.
r port to the value rd $3, 000,000; as long as George Cartier." Did he? When and are all in� good health and spirits, and man, and,�bve those in the villey an op- and it is supposed their teams have only Gen. O'Neil is still in confinement at
paying special attention to the destr�ctian ford, Sinclair, Smith, McKay.- Gardiner, how ? Weave to look to the last clause
we export $7,000,000 it is the market of anxious to get on to the Catial. Won*t conveyed them to the old hiding plae. Burlingtn, and Gen. Spear reigns here in
portunity to escape from the building
-of the Welland Canal, to an attack on Howell, Runcintan and Detlor. Minutes fdr an explanAtion. He was not present we fix the Fenians if we can only get at On arriving at Fort Covington about his stead.
-gnine po#ion of the Red River expedition, of last meeting approve$. Sundry ac- the�world that will reogulate our prices,and fnrtioth to vote on the amendmentsta them? Vie, are " spoiling" for a brush. noon, I was told there, had been &itig� at
f not the $3,000,000 worth imported, the Manitoba' Bill." We never heard be- i GENERAL PONNELLY. Tr6u t River, 10 miles distant, wid ZKat a A runiour was %iraulated t1lis mornin"L
and one pleasantly re-assurin despatch counts were disposed of. The petition 0 As soon 9A ever we get properly settled 0 0 that two companies of Canadians were cap -
kept out by the Tariff. So that'the fore that 0 as in the way ot You wilt hearagain from YouitCoss- second ia command,, who was in Riebard -
a e the or ug Fi e rvo collision had most likelyectirrect between tured near AIalone. Later advices, how -
_wxta that 800 men from Milwaukee are James Skimmings praying to hav shirki: te. But tbe-Exposdor ,son's house. with others, tried to escape, the Feniand and the Canadian troops.
state of the ranaries of the world, as long ' ' I - PONVENT. ever, state that the Fenianij were4eaten
on their way to -descend on poor, devoted stagnant water removed from his garden, -has a splen nose for heresy. Would it but was kbot in the back and several After dinner I drove to Trout wvevaud
we export any quantity, is what fixes rnoon, and com-
'Goderich. was referred to Road and Bridge com- as alter the case any, if wq explained that Mr
ZURIUR. others. were wounded. The Fenians.were found, sure enough; that they had been pelted -to retreat teross the line to Malone,
their first experience on Canadian soil initte. The offer from the Meehanics' the price of "tb:e-voor man's loaf." As CamerouwascompeUedtbrougsieknes to re- not pursued over the lines. Three of the driven out of Canada at 11 o7clOck- Col.
Institute of tbeir'rights to the Grammir the Globe, of 29th March last, before the tumhouieaiewdaysbeforetbei;essionclosed P- where 300 of their number deserted and
h3s, been to be repulsed to whence they Schoollot an another lot on Nels bodies were brought in by our men and Bag,t �*mtnanding th . Regulars, a;ndCDI. started forhome.
in t1te and that he is now confined to the house�- McEacIrren the Volunteers. Ali wast'Ga- There are so many conflicting rumors
On- street debateable resolutions were carried, buried docedtlyi the others were taken fusion at the little vulage, which i
-cas, and compelled to leave their woun- was accepted. John Crai a license was The mean and pointless insinuation, about The birthday of her.. Majesty the Queen mpartl
A3 reduced slo.00,. The street Inspector's On"leavor to prove that they',wrAdd itot bene- , y respec#ng the movements of the Feniaus,
ded and their bantago behind them. speculators and jobbers" is just worthy was celebrated by the Loyal Inhabitants aW9y and interrrej by the Fenians. One in the 'United, States and partly in. Canada.
report was adopted and the Road and fitthefarmer as they would mt rc6seprices, of the Expositor. We think it. conduces was killed at a di4tance of 900 yards. A great many fartners'liad driven. for milea that lannat vouch for anithing that oc-
T3 cur out of St. Albans. If thia. rumor be
900a as an -intended mid became a certainy, ridge Committee was* instructed to ex- concisely put it to the benefit of the Count that every of Zurich and vicinity in a most enthusias- to learn the. partic t1ars. -
y THE PLETRE&T. true, -and each ucceeding accountgoes to,
Gm Lindsay, in whose ability and ex- amine the t5ridge Hill, with the view of town and village within its bounds shop� tic manner. The usual athletic sports Thrown among AMericans and Fenians
prove it, the raid
periunce every one confides, took effectual having certain necessary repairs executed. tually ovzr at this
"Now, did it ever orcur to to the farmer prosper and increase and afford a growing w ere ptrticipato at I be Feniaus in* their retreat t hrew away I had t is vir
01 "how much such protection would amou n b d in wi.th a great amou o exercise caution, its faid not wish end of, the, Province. Beaten. at every
Measures to repel the wretches and he has A committee was apointed to wait on C -to iind %, gain by it ? Look home -market for produce. Does the of spirit ; and the usual feats of Running, their afms and accoutrements immense to attract attention by shoiiincr anyBritish t they have ttacked,d.seartened by
I rhat he would cominniticatio I I
eded. Prince Arthur too, Ross to obtain 20 - or 30 to stand of arms st County. need c2nstant lake n quantities,of which are being picked up feeling. I soon found the Volunteers or Polo
.811ccc with a for the use of a Town Guard. -Adjourned. , at it even from the standpoint of the withlChicago and other ports. throughout Jumping, &c., were performed in a man- , delays and filure, vith6iit money or com-
Cs rankest Protectionist. Tahe flour for ex- by the citiens from botir sideg. Their red coati, as they , are called, got high missaiat, the Feniarts dest�ar Of meeting
igallantry w orthy of his royal ancestry, was the summer I What is the reason we have ner that reflected great credit on the
amoilpt the foremost to fig�t in our cause. The Sault Canal. ample. Against some $2,069,274 worth - lot a regular -line of propellers a t present? muscle of the young meun in this neighbour- pidee of artillery was taken. The volun. credit for their spirited attack- on the Fen- with success this time. No doubt, they
"of which we have imported from the I teers -did not arriva until most of the hard is,1113, who ha -d taken a position about a have SyluVathy of a large portion. of the
The va'gueness of the intelligence is excit. "United States, we have exported tu the The want of a safe and efficient Harbor. hood. One of the most amusing parts of mile from the line, and had, tom. dovvm
The United States Government has an- , Once we have the Harbor the conimuni- the days performances was the Kalithurn- fighting was over, but participated at the American ppople, but as it does not as -
1A9 oar people ; but throughout the thorized the an United about $10,000,000 worth. Shut cation will. fb1low. What farmer, fruit- pians ; a; troupe of which appeared at 9 e encra-ement. fences.and piled up the rails for breast-
-perintendeat of the Canal , out $2,000,000 worib, and we will export close of th * 0 0 works, between which they had kept tip a surne the tangible form of money aiid pro.
D"Mininu there exist -q not a shadow of :THE FENIAN LOSS. sharp fire fof about ten minutes. Finally spoken to some of the men, and find them
t ass aUCanadiauvesseL,;,exceptthosecon- "to thd value of $8,000,000 nloro�than we grower, cattle -raiser, salt-manufactutei o clock presenting one of the mostgrotesque visions, it does them little good. 1have.
89M Every loyalvolunteer andsnbject OP ould not like to have the option of enter- and Amusing spetales ever witnesseduil they were compelled toretreat. Some ran
'taining troops and munitions of war. This "consume. Now, if we -.did not produce w vas six killed and hbout twice that num- earnest in the belief that their periodical
aiis re3olate and c&6� 'ready, aye ready,' is buta graceless concession. What right cenough of flourfor our owneonsumptio , ing the Chicago market?- Cameron has Zurich or vicinity The comp y had off to the woods on either side of the road ) demonstrations on Canada advance the
a drilled,
:'there would be a possibility of secured the speedy certaintv of this, and been thoroughly �rgat&id andan her wouudpd, and four prisoners. The and others went straight down the road to
and -Oe be to the miscreants wherever or have they tu stop a peaceful exp6dition, aAranciiij cause of Irish freedom. The great mis-
whenever they cross ; for the word i3 -.No to our own Territory T "the price of what we have by putting a Town and Count should 66th stand by each one appearing in character; a few of f6ilowing a�e the nam,es of the killed and thoir.catap, a, fet� hundred yard;s south of f public,senti-
y the the most worthy of notice were I Brigade Wounded. 90' far as ascertained --Killed, the line. The wdraen in tho village were take lies in their ignorance o:
6(protective duty on foreigii produce - but him. As long as Huron flourishes, Ment in Canada,-inorance which seeras
QUAMB ! A desire is universally ex- 'h. it Expo8itor is welcome "to b Oon.1; General;' The Indian Chief ;', The 0
a::)- -The Stai has not yet answeted our "so long as we export $8,000,000 wort ay the ra John Rowd Burlington ; Michael O'Bun, terribly alarmed. Some -retired to the to be shared by a large portion of the
maa and lady ; N4gger weich ; In the X. The-oames of the other cellars - and others ran out oftlwirho es
Prem9d bhat the Fenians may now mdlce "is the world's market and not the Do- Moriah, B I'
artioleanentthe 'unfortunate party. In latest style, Paddy and the loafer aror.ud aAtnericau people. They fancy if they
Stich a decided demonstration as will give I'm M'Iou's that must fix the price ; in other four are -Ger. Cartridgespassedover their 'beads- across
fact he completely begs the question and THE ORNAXENTAL TRzEs.-This morn- Town. The rear of the - Whole land bein * the line into the States. . A*fevv Feni-4ns could once obtain a foothold on eamdiam
no the OPPortaility of terminad "words the Dominion not being able to . g Donnelly, in the back ; Joe. Halligan, soil at least one-third of aur people ould
`Z virtually gives in beaten. We shall be , control the world's market the world will Ing a bo'y Fitzwilliams was brought before brought up - by a personification of His C, were wouded. It was noticed that very join their cause. They believa the Sritiall,
once fez all this chronic magnanimous enough to let him offeasy, , 'Satanic Majesty' begrinted, and be' in the arm tieut. Edward Hops,Brid-e-
'control the Dominions.' His Worship the Mayor for inalicioitaly dos- ost. orth Frank ar- few of them came back by the road ; the -army to be with them at heart, and think
decked in the In o4ox infernal port C4'nn.,, in the thi-h; I
annnyance and letting them know how a 0 greeater number escalied, by the woods. that one decisive victory would' bring the
peace -loving people, long outraged, takes WooL Buyzits.-There are now some The �Xpositor continues troying one of the ornamental trees . on h&bliments of horns tail &a After parad- raher, Bridgeoort, Conn., in the'gron ;. Their -oudd defeat at *once led them to.' majority of the regulars over to their aide.
'Again,. says our conteinporaTy Ctiurt House Square. On "this occasion ing the town andleing yi�otographed by E. Urouan,- Bridgeport, in the leg; James ea
veniea=0 To -hen it proclaims N -o QuAnTEr. 7 or 8 parties engaged in this business, in- "The flour consuming public of Huroft hp was let off with a warning. If this our edterpriging/artist, M;r George Hess, determinq to' retire altogether -, dnA - at 5 When such absurd ideas are 'entertained -
stead of 2 or 3 as formerly. There ia con- will pay the local.m Kearao Fort Ed the ankle;
Officers ill Command will do welltoremem- arket-price for that'- wanton practice ispersistea in, an example thov inarched Abut met and escorted the -Ward, ia o'clock not more than twenty-five of them by intelligent Americans, it caunot 'bo.'
sequently quite. a keen competition and commodit *hatever the middle-mert of will .1lave - to, be made. The punishment band into Town. They next ap -eared in Ohas. Carleton, 0ambridge, Mass; Ddvid were to be seen in the ntiighbourl�ood of wondered at that the Fenians should think
be7 tb4t.this i� the measure Canadins g:cat, are ranging pretty high. p their camp. A. good mny of them to-dav
TW13-b as Montreal may offer millers ; and the flour- ioli could'be inflicted,, by tatute, is Ahdrn, Winooki, Vt., in the hip. so too.
wil the public suare dragging a oe- begone,
Wish to have meted out tothiii, toiiiietrz. g to be. consuming public of Quebec Will 7paY 4 three yearo in fhe Penitentiary. Wellope! w I Are ort�was eurient some time after were diessed in the Fenian uniform, Al- Thegeneral impression here is, that this6.
rag bedeck d� straw stuffed, figur labelled p
Americs has fostered the murderom price for the article corresponding exactly parents of boys inclined to mi:chief will i W the I we left Franklin that Gen Dorineny was thd'ngb Mr Benedi4Vuited States Marsh-
:D12e, Fren2lerI& Illness. W the t1rderer of Scott which they aL of Ordensburg, was in th�ii cam p this raid will be the last, and that the Fenians
broad, bllowing their circles to organize to what the midle-men charge the retail- warn -them of the penalty, and do what proceed to suspend by the neck on an dead. will wait for a war -betiveen Britain ana
dealers." wel asseveral United States the United States before strikini anothei:
agaimt us on her Territm7, and we do not We are very sorry to hear, by latest they eau, to prevent His,Worship from extern rize4 scaffold, after which a firing afternoon, as 11
According to this argiirawit, supposing beiLg coinpened to pass such a sentence. collectors, who endeavouredl to seize tne blow for Irish freedom.
admi ardy procla- telegrams, that the condition of Sir John the wholesale men of Montreal were pro- parb discharged a couple of volleys into Capt.MurvIly and another were very 0
the imic object of popular hate, he was arms, they have managed to get'tteir
?nation which President Grant has issued A. Macdonald (of whose speedy recoyery pared to pay Our millers $10 per 100 IPS. ACC=Ni During'the performance of d n out down by some of his excutiouois cleverly.;captured.' OaTuesday morning arms transferred to parties in ordee to be
abthala3t minnfe of the twelfth honr; they were met near the lines by some of LATE8T VROX FORT GARRY.
"P� 3 nine hopes were entertained) has for flo'ur, the retail dealers of Seafoitli and some of the games on the Qtteen's birth. o, proceeded "itf a mock manner. ta per ioncealed, but a good many, sold" their
cWly when a-Uniteil, States Arar.3hali eVaged very much for the worse. Gaderich might be able to btiv the same rat the religious Obsequies over the body the indepeiiaeut company, Mini -were re-
hm fA) confm that; no troops have been n
sju#lity of flour from the same miller at day i ZuHch, 6ur respected townsmen, Connoiten.ng and Murphy "ked his wav to arins at a small figure. (By Special Tekiraph from Gtobe Germs.
,of their victim, but this ceromo, y was out 300.
FLUed at his command to prevent a`breaclk the rate of $321 R Browii, Reeve aln . the Penian �eadqnarters, they offered td It is believed there wero ab
MIr . �. Of -H4y) met witfi /� suddenly interrupted by the app ance
Of noutrditY. I oither such trdy, caresses FATAi, AcciDeNT.-Olt Friday afternoon That may be the logica-I se4tience in the Tather severe accident -by colliding Oth Of Ventans 'in the engagentent, and;about
his Is4tanio majesty' who with ntic guide thera'4ad led. them ipto our lines.
nor the bug be3r Of Fenianism, will induce Last Expodito�s'8 mind,and it 'might' b junipei!x wbos6 boot * sti-tick 1 a c dimed wo more pKsoneti were taken this mOrn- 300 at the camp in the United States *ho, '!ST I
a mid4le aged man named Thos. e the one of the vlls afid demoniac gesticulatici PAUL, Minn. May 28.
result if a dozen millers in Seaforth were him fo . 'the culprit as his own, and seizing him ing by
us to, be annexed to a nation that has 114t Tumor lost his life �hile engaged In the hih rcibly on the leg, inflicting a braise; Lf6t.-Ool. Miller, commandin took no part in it, and All have, it is pre. 'It Lsyeported that at a ri enian weeting,
strangth or self-respect enotteh-to compel competing for the. local trade. When. I was &�fiisb supposed to be a fracture� bore bint off tothe security ofanadjaceiii; the 52nd battalion, i ttat inside the little. sumed departed for the frontier. held in thiE city on the evening of"day
iO� ditizens to keep within the bounds 4f ditching on the farm of Mrs. Brown, wholesale - men of . Montreal are prepared - but our�worthy physician Dr Moore �6in itable. This figure was again produced in _, The - Ind6peudoot Company hold the
the intermatinnal. law reo0gaised by sLU Huron,Road. It seems thbt -poor fellow to pay our - millare $10.00 per 100 lb,' or � 9 On reaching Malone to-nigbt,. I find 26th, 0 -bout 60 mqn were enrolled, and
on hand -pronounced 'it to be nothing the evening -after having beeft saturated ground, butiare t6return homd to -night if Lt fiffi -rrived
civilized PeoPles. lVe � fear noither our vtss a box at the bottom of the -$19:60 per barre4 then wheat will be K�l , I . a no. further �demnnstratiou. takes place. - tht _V (Juited States troops- a ffereatheir services to go on the expedi-
serions, and ituder his Rkillful trfatment with petroleum and charged with gunpow- Vay this
074or-grown neighbor nor hia obstroosrous drain at a depth of 13 feet from the surface 50 per bushei and, weventure to predict this a. M., -and I 00.�re n tlid. tion-, or any movement their leaders might
Brown t1fough still coniined t0hid der* was - burnt amid the vociferous ap, lihe 52nd bAttalion is.- at Freli&h9burg
Xr i C� 9
chiHton and ZZ keep 6n. our own way that, in such an impossiblocase, fl6ur will. -threeiundr6d stroka. The position of the ' nin(r. Others are to be i posted at arce upon. Large subscriptions were
under thf braveolilgag in spito of both. when the earth sudeuly caved in on him. i0ora is progressing favourably. plause of the spebtatorg. 'The evening was e!ve
be sold lo.cally atl?,2.50 per barre. A furiher enlivened by a very cr 60th bat . tuJign is at Sta4bridge. sevaral staotions on th� road to protect collected -many liberal men sub8eribing
-HT RU, 'fr�m the Fenian'
We, di3,'n-t know where the, peni, a t little acquaintance %ith would :PIG LYPRED CANADTAN, VOLIMTEURS
ns, B�oing covered with thrpq feet of r It, lay of fireNiorks, arid,'the Oundon of the
us that wa Would be found life was, of e e, extinct ere heould be prevent - the Eximsitor from writing such FRE IN AINLEYV p I r7op!Le 8 OU tber liberally. 'Two ex-officeu of the Unitei
west from the. direc- 4
OUTS ILLE several monster air brillons, - this pArt of passed to 36410, point retu States amy Pf this city ara said to be
nDPMP3ro11 to meet them. TheSouthern, dugont.- He leavesa wife aul two child. rubbish. We repeat that-locat consumers tion of Montreal tbia afternoon. Not � a
0 , antler is already bristling with bayonota; rem quite destitute. will pay for their flour just as.mac (By Telegritph tti thb Sipal) the - performa ce -being 'terminated by'a Anowfeatureinthe heatinentofthe thb leaders of & Fenians'in this uefihbor-
h ali the guntie'b=rre in th:6-cefitre of the pub. single Canadian was hurt in the figglit. The
p1&tioUed 5Y CANulmand, ere Alesseri., Sheriff& Niel's stearn griA gi, Fenians by the Upited fttesauthoritics hoocl.
this', protec- price. of wheat - at home will allow millers nd df the fight waa to. -day -visited by a
ted- by ArtWery. , Thi& P-fiftc6_41frodso � lrOXATO P 'I was''barnea WeIn lie square which illuminated. hold - frou oX people from S. I to be carried -TheNew Nation of the t .3 th Na is re.
LAINTS, tO. ask-. Matreal market reborts ay mi F eaday worning village d all the sarrounct large iininber toth side is, that they iire no free back
pinke, he W and do, qyote "Flour parFlofii up -nd on Notbin , cr;aav ed.. I .�Oiiggin of fife:' takingitvisi During the no attempt, at milita4 to the places whence they catne �by.the celved. It contains no news of import ance.
atson has dii hand and fior sale aa 0 unktiow'.2 ing neiglibburhood.- The- -whole were,
serVicei misilable eithet-on the shore& of the wai�u "' according to speculation and volutiops wo�e mhdQ, both sWes fightiig GoverELmentnor are the_y. td be permitted A, ldr,,e
so quantity as -yet.. 3�ifid up -by a ball irt,-thttViotoria, Rotal P space is occapmd by the doings of
Ltkt� Huron or at the sult , Ste. Maiie men of ffine Strong tomata the aup, y and- d6inand 6r export, while ia guerilla. �yle.- - fhe Railroad ze the fol-
lants *hOp'the 4;�noing and meniment w4re to ride fiee at the eip6nW of the 1p&lativ Assembly. I taL
CaIW. - And where are the sirroo of "R ee uo��o
P -411ve him an early call. He haa� that mar et reports',of Huran, formontlis -Cait.-Co6ko, t up till oue.of the 'wee holatt; ayant ompanles. Ab6ut 200 Fenbus arrived
that & jo"Vihil. rather thau aunen&�r, may and do quote, Jkol WHOM HON10A.- M=.10AX&T1W_ POSIT10y. C ldwinc� ektrats from a long e
irstationary.; It
also a jar�ge amrtment of beifigap, lupeptwil/ Which, We are not c(Ftain. -7. by the 3:30 p, m. train from C ea "Schemes in Canada-2—
woul,lnistpreferto havo hig- dead- b,,&y 'F9tb0V49r -fus- W'Ouldoniduee to the cotapre- of Goderich has the honor, of TneCaa:i4i�;n�u'lid6tihtedlyholds-ver hicago. A
mout-1 ---Tnt�.Px , The perpletigies a"broad eauieernio,-
streWaed �itpiri? We would rlter and other �eddlagout plants hension of the quesMon.if he vioulddiscon- �pothfdd t6lead the tioneettletach strong 13o3it 10,in,the face of wj!liab, tho -car load is also ou'the way. froin the east. 14
st hout A inach. Thes6 arrivab mill 'm akda t
tprw- we' XXY'RSAD1XG&�XaW10 'Id- Fanians`aAvl Incedi-Ad, viit O�ht Ofl,100 this nufortimate coantry and miserable
me trio Feniamwoul(I "e�'ofikebPstyarictie.. bir.-W.- t the local'and the export trade' Raiiis
the c7 es 10L a nec s in ar- on the Red. River., a
framt4a Itlyca inimyltants if 90 r. ing'other9mcitent6rit, A.tef fairattand- r,iro�l& have been perfect ;n the -New York. "frontidr. None have ,people seem to `bjecome gteatervery day�
W, cry gm -was 4iven to ildaja 'Ans siate, that they
L��) are %Lre:,dy in e;astacies over -tila an- grdut dc*l Oftr0410 aud deadrVea appeal to:the -I T, e :Ve4i
slanitob2, gament, as they are eparate in (iiet. '' We tisfaction thus fa
.1 eni
ZMV v�r an rt
experience, of every hoille- to ain- returned back by tfdLin.'. Judging by tho contents of our Wer
;icipatetlarrivalof Britisil m6nt.' i�,Doyle. F4sq., 09611pie(l the _Keneia ba4 th6addresympathly. -of the of _Course the taia *
%Tow A lbased chia is ve
and Canadian agement. keeper who bas seen -flour reported falling vvi:�re p now ov and it ig let6i,&, Canada ana R-, r have
: A r. ro%bnis mere ema #UI ving
in Tocouto, andhubeen grie*ously: di4 pi. M J. T., Ameri pe'. ationli iii thitsectiou..
-pointed to, find to learn that'Kr- ohnstdn t cross pui
lt this raia fs ana more, 01.N1�11 tw,� Smartt Jan You arid is, a.g,tproft.#4 it would be, fizzle, 't 11 been plying �Poswq, trid
Fred. W J as GavtC ng,
1 mone3r- 9W- The iveather an xetin very hatand that 4t. home the prim,w." Xo1),oI;ga1J 'presided not pi�ObAlo that.the� will attempt to
I . . ... P - on before the Nise . . 14 If they do, 0 will continue to dd',so n
thO deR1911stmtion 4 prob3fh- Sultry for the seasonskud a sp?d rrrowlig - We r6gret, learn. just- before going to cimeeatrate at arty new point. a
the "oldj- old story." �izask a cro4itable 6xamintiti Crn ertij. as rles�
an 9t th6,m6ladeq B. Smith.alad ambitious men ra allowed to
If this oettrrving'at-o L Cw Socioty'aild been du�y idmitted as. It an&XTs R. Igninig,
ip - wbnfd. be w6lcor�ea, -,Regarding t -ho �Qcal quqatiou t�ja Ex. -.press -6sra & Mason's howp tb6y will be certain tQ -get their
showir'just u(W' tfiat 41 �,Xiller _Ver
ali Attort;05 AG Rf#riy, Snifiltsimpivoral caIi tat xonqs
we trou. 4 r pos4ur says Mr. Johnston isi�411 known ist 8�_d S- !W-11fifi; Riviersdale -deserts. 'I will 44vise You,'Whell this 0 influ&ee the lie Dow,
inSto4al Gr a at soc-. ublic minds oft
MissBarnes pUyW$ tho, e
3.3) CIO prV111 excepting faU wh vzry tif fatur qaEetue a grar aps NVO canao)t ace ull, and- e wish hint 0 11031d
-rid ok i4e FeniaUS. LOU. NY�Q nro SO�Fylto r'Ce tho ��-_3d5
A0#4yfA bu ral) I'
could compelflic. Nova Scotia" 'fe, kepi
e _K 11
�d .
t n
m t
qqq�� -_ -_ .- - I
4, 4.
47 _1k
Lettcco Cnral
T E e �V, L- Xz
the f3C1 �(,'n Cf �11&
,a Offers in Ix
feeling wamt -1
End late of Seat
Vhich to cull-st ti
und "'sel.fing flkm,
"1Ovq!istS.` - T��
"We Cre
ion Gaveranxa
by the craG-11,
ppu�nr cxv�itc- ,
to talk abaut c'
&C., a8 if C
fion CS TZ -11
"sister W, Gmv ; b
"ber that it 'is, -)s'
91autither er —,rcat-
vLatei-er' ,
t4attack pusple �:)-1
"ance as iIEL.H.
9 Iment alou e t!bL-
q.tice, if iu jqmki�
Ze 0 p Ic ; ann d I , Ic
"agTeed upan, a
"still the Rtd R!
"the rig"Ra"s thfe5l i
&'cud whic' la in aU
4.stand for zighn
11 i pprcniom, Cna
LIMB a few &�5:.
re U G1 a to on r
*borrow the iilli_
-arms We "l
11-cout inqla5to7z
"aw, to sow&mt,
ratain for jilar-tZ
"be inftenccd em
"of men -'re knvw�
The 17V�Z- NG!�Cl�
'Winnipe- of 1'14r. L
broalie, and Bidyi(
Biel 11aes act
Ut is reportccl he
that President Ric
that their_-orricc3
Red Rivbr, and tb
Qrnment wculdopj�
Tho American ed
frantier recentiv aT
of Manne2ota 11;71
selves in case Of a f
the Siou-, Indknals.
chipped 100 stand,(
<Iistributcd atnGng,
A tremcu&wus
Vidnity of Fort
five Mi�es the Tii�
devastating evqyt1d
tact vith. SO= i
-cia Dawebv's rond
destroyed, pud thr
Icen setim
=-a rayid I
-batitonts at the -01
*haft of tbe mice, a
mine in the moming.
0 t.T CC - L1
Col - I to gn-cm C�, I
the u * 131-,ZtL1C1y ti
with vC1=tC-,re0=pa.%y
rtzes ce zrg
67irms Aycce!C3 tz�
youmz CmTks 6�7%111a
The irhnb1t=ts cl ttt
co=trF edebm�d Ce=t
Pie n!e. r
�Gt up by Mr. t�;
alia YZI -t.s. �,C:d in a,GMI-(
'22e:� t�?113
to L-3-C=V-`Zz0b.7 —`Yfut
'!-he aftcmcrn r,
in. -to dLd'1C-,_C3
rca; 4- 1 7mt f=
faculties fer deye�Lx:_-3 C
by Tery of WS yy&fe�'slf U.
bothtmcte.7=1 p-a2s.
ralfticzl=y tvx cf; tl=-
Buirmt's, Afle-rtte cti�(
thEir emerieL, ES,
time z2ca_-_�Utly and EDT,'
.ereninp bc�;an ft d=T cm
to t4cir te=o " C'CV-.Z:2
zrc�,,irZ a "'m t ea=z�G,,
Od ttL 4dy in a tmDy zuvi�l
zaitracts. Ar--cm�--t'Vies
mctic�� cur much rctpc2tq�
"y0=3 Z=1 his tatly ar,
N7sw=eqb, ano bis ZaO.7.'
public Men t!=L8Zz,1:uUft'
cvc-,-y 4,-�Tm
am e s"t by 4tte NKC. T
Curen TGV2 Absl�Lcngl-' ,
gyailw.S.3 nai lct:L
At au C -10y tcnu- f,20 U.2
I%MreaToUb�'d t -y t_�C,
The ETA oibzct atly--cis t
dircz!ten. Abmit 0-�ec
�a froall every ojua5t,7 t='.
tarer7tIttl witi a uf��zt
r, C uple of allzaQ3 =d'c ILIC;
numplans =60 ttd,- a
g=t tical of =-11s=nt
A.1thIctie 8==3 C -1 -r -
were a lamge numbzT CT Z,
V 0 C TO 4" al �a3y tO !G t'AO ttC
vae,nugzatc�,l ti -2,—L.5 -,I =�_,
but rzp= 1cawZ=[, t'�2 ra-
V-P pienic gm=� a
4d2amn=dxl� tteic"ic(
Zp7ca'a UP= neav=n a:=
=d nfter ,I- efcf
.4c= fLe
rnf�-bt e=
a5 e3a"dCa�1By lba r
TIC13ty CM'C5:) A�b', fd7l[
-vp for _xrrat�e, nt,, tLe Z
,of cbUdtcoa- Ul= mc�`
.drast!c auh5=CZ:5
-3 to S7212C,21 V7CERLO C
cno, b -cat up %7M u-,' M% c?
tLe =bztl. e�--O br-d. c-17
by ic?=,
10 ten &e.P3 Cf Ux
craz;p a::d C5,rr:,7 CIM
.ca tte t�mat -=1 Clcnl 1� -
vlat r, a!s -"--F
tjtJc-_e7- 'In *M-wTl f�=Zl
Rca�y rx:zcr,
67 Z1a!ZCn L
V�� r =t Tea.
Cr a =ezct fi;r C�,T
ccr,6=t CT thC17
In the
b=t, acic�:3
to Eliv Czat
ca a fbr,-*,_-,,n C37 U
r,27 tzi'�
cc=o" :-m5
Republ�e rm�fa L". r -f it'!
I.,," 1xco =cntm-ned to V:
C1 Only to
fml,C�Zrapy 0? t'-- P �Tzc=4 Z�:.(
tv Drzz�L-ts,