HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-06-02, Page 1i uit idottaLt IN ▪ CODER:CH. r 4 Iv • .!.) , • ••••. - - • . ca 1.4.1 r4 81 V E! 8 I it CoS M.1 'IC :a a '•a A ;cs „Ls Itle ALLEN. -set a for Sale. C•.t.,;.e's•oi••••n• 8t1 fpe .•••-5 Z 6S s8sce-a„ • c cairn; cs•:: arc. d Fr•scrae •••'••s fro= s. sn:e• or • • Ptv,8rl • Cu- t 9er. W1',A.;/ 03. • 'Olt .116S„ 3oit. Fon SALE. N.) ACRES• e a•ta. • b, ..:••••• barn zutot. N'',71,Z. 7 •••• rm.-•ntngthr••••.„....b r be 73. and gm8.-1 -7aa, • ::.•7es frora • , 31'0 tc, Pergmsna. gr.:.eer •.:•tdear.r.b. •SIEWArtr a .os-tf E FOR SAT.V, ,n7N1-- No A. re'n 10. W • ":0 h7.-.•1 barn 3 -cre :••• a th :no: a reek prn e a3:* or• acro 11.8h. 1 EN 191.PRIN. FOR SALE ON TIM ) GRAV.r,L :OAD, Gealorr.:•h Townstep, wf•mb a. -e eared s not-er faaling The 4'31: 1. situated on nnIss fir m tbe n God- rti-b ivarn bean; very snit - t The :ot u-•., be nt,dt tr=st. ean bo -gn en 1st nra; rn•ply to G. H. r. alitsas, SEQ. G.alerich. 2383. isea 11 FOR SALE. w9.„tit rrliER €41 EOrT 119 and hardw•atel onse flrst-crass faun e barns, a we.. watered. 1.1,st c! the land is r..arrn is lot bth cc -ca.„ Soder-fob e a::11 :from Cart:don. ••• gnusi terms all; be Oaven fer: .32.11-1272al8 ar-r:V on ne er•tnis to .sotiN v,•RENZ/F. ; w•t• s.P 0 .Etr CHANCE. AsHERY FOR SALE S.'1.7C1 ORDEP.',, III POT ASEI wade 3 Cartt and Kettle 3 Soap. <oral -lavas 0. &rod ne.w Wag7i, ns, I 4S_‘•37.-ets.. 6 Peutms Candie dTfla s -ant. Prmps for ley mr.---rc other 87.1.-ormdzgestaut rat. mer stand:ma well be soldre er:zerrp 7 e et -Is per las& ErSii..S. tle. .1s.1••..ary 1. • • LuT FM SALE- L7.1EFIMI.E. SELL TRE rLD3s6s a,cc=u--.ed fnrniture wan wtsbes -r.-ar d Larger and mcre • lite bni -trgs 043.771 good -;we.ffmg ts.case 80 DaVIEL GOP...DON. ••-•••,..,, 1570. swiS Ira • tiM TO MT. IR4FILF, FARM, dliN t Ede!, L ts 3 mad 4, 2 con. 7 Co:dolt:eine, 16o acres, ot " eretsred. is to rent for sneb hettowereed co. The heed is a in, anti ahe haalinea c oafert- throe ore/wed in ezeellent rr The farm is veil teetered. efetnees aetld on the preetiets rt, JOHN SALKELD rse.65-tf a. - LM 3 f r SALE reee ral'nbe pan es !al the Toast L. Fta p:rt:,2.r„n78 app yr to •CSE,Plisa w, Enron Road. Tatrnal..p w -2,5U — - roz SAT. CF EAR 21, CARSEIEN LINF, Szan1, y„3 cnrity of Huron, 10 ,a a Erg) elate cfceetivatem. Tho ;rc fagoodbcuL rze CD the premises a Trn00 try, s7 feet. granary. fg-e. weL fece.A orchard of eee never fa:hag wells th geed 7:to ooteete is sitnuted on agravel •-• P>T,, ten_ds with Clinton% rr,r-gd, erria to be the atest th no =ekes of lanyee:d (4 (IV.= -51.24. For. fart!..',er Anztloram., .EayEe:81,, or to F2ANCIS STADTIN, Ofl w•ea-Cm• tts prencian. for Sale. ......... i Etee RayUcl in the Town- dedeuded, Oeuraty of waren, leeedehl Rued, Seat% contait3.. efland mem or lege, Goted deacla Ewes. sheds. le. goo Z atream ode watee, le. . ateel'y te, deried; ESSOIT, 8,70e Daydettle P. O. . „ sw70 4t Late Farm for Sale IP -OF GODERICIE. in • 9 nar-2f,...at rnsC.:welfloaa.1P:-+^-in fro Gado- ty tee day- otweeee eez aces. eta razes =ear •ece3 sae Ina t!. -g !cafe et Iden take Team: teeth g 1::y•t..-rgis. An cimita.-d a 33Z-- x1er.-0.77z3, 2O0O few averew=eweeteliceeze.S2 by42feek, Eeeee 1.:ra45 by 80 ft. tesa,a•,•on ogee eera a Sete reageg 1.11:=1,71 =cm stecaes thew- waehe to WM. EALL,,,r Dyttald rira710,',(An„F.2-1/ Agszt, ticdaraib„ , sr= MIMED 1848. T RE SIGIVAL ea,./1-.45.Kzr Arze IvEzazy 044.4444144.. telara-weez`yeas.taie e/CariF71-45 g07 Areynir.1-za r warden oda. d waiwb-„ati4Lutlas tat% re71:11 tirliged?Taseet ofeolidaewe=e, Reeenoweeseettleatt NAL jOB OFPWr. (it'd power presses, hand esesse.4 facity ftw the executiox a every dtierip- il fancy krintv ErZcts W. P. .1 3 , litor Lnd?roprietor. -4•••;•11••••11 The ireatest Possible loOd to the areatest Possible Number." 6 ▪ - Logi-3'Rn edS7N IN IV&NC IC, et 2.00 eter N.D ore Yin A. te. Business Directoru. EDWARD SHARMAN, BRICKLAY PLASTERER AND SLAT7R, STILL continues to do any work in the almve branch - el on reas tria'de terms. Wpitewaslunz and Joh- blug attended to promptiy. P ties building through the country who desi?e to put on a Stubmtantiod. COVerirjr• WI.):114 do weil to eorresoond with the euboeriber, am1 h.tve their ilOUSC3 covered with Slfste•A. as they unit find them cheaper than any other coveting in the end. =deride lath March. WO. wri-3m S. R. iNI'DOlf (-1-ALL, PRACTICAL VETERINARY S U GEOn. Godertch. Veterinary Medi - eines always on hand. Will be in Daii.rinn-or every weeneseay, and at see:know every Thur*.l.ty aml Friday. `e• Herses examined as to 4ouudness.0.* sw.56-2m IMPORTANT NOTICE. r. E. ma ANN. Rouse Sin & Carriage Painter. T\ESIlUiStitM ilnt1NotpNoTn ZIgh stret7le3t/Mti.ti-1.11se -Wesleyan Methodist Chun. h. with varnish room at- tached where he is prepared to till ail oniers promptly, and at reasonable prices. Thankful for the patrionay,e of the last 7 years so.icits a••ontinuance of the same. Now is the time to Paint your Cutters, and Carriages. ,1-7 Orders from country Carriage shops attended to dispat..h. Sign Painting. Gilding. Graining, Glazing. Paper- . anging. &e. F. R. MANN. Goderich. 7.Zov, 8. 1869. w42 HURON HOTEL, ECRICII. CO. HI:RON. JO EN _PRANG, - - Proprietor. gr This binge is itte•I up with every convenience for the travelling public, BIT Good eteettnedna prompt attendance -February tat, 1870. w2-tf MRS. D&S' HOTEL WROXETER. nN the direct road from Sea.forth to Welkerton. Every necessary accom la:iodation tor the travelling Dublic. HANNAH DAYS. Wroxeter.Yev. 17. w4 COLBORNE HOTEL, CODERICH. E. MARTIN, Proprietor. ..16 Mod Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. id7e This is admitted to be a First class house kept in Good Style. Hew Oth. 1470. sw 44-tf Com mereialliotel.niteb el IC.14' (COHN FUCKS, Proprietor. This is th targestand bestConntry 'Totel in Weider Canada.and cnarges as inoderate is any Hens n •inehe I I . Stage Proprietor'. Good 4. sill n g for 400 Horses Horses and Carriages for Hue, on Snorteet Notice, 140 GODERICH, ONTARIO, 1). C., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, /870. FedI 1, IS YnU CHANCE I j.serrecip./ NOW _cm.rv.mr) ca - 1 20 TONS OF BRaNI'l SHORTS & Shephard Strachan'e, 'AT wmcs THEY WILL CAA B B S - Secure the hadow ere the "leen nre. fades. Prices t) Suit the Times! Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., OR 75CtS. PER HALF DOZZN. Large Photograph Reduced in ,P-oporVon. Also will inake the largest Photographs made in Goder ich. very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar upwards at D. CAMPBELL'S Photograph Gallery. w27 Goderlch. Oct. 19th. 1869. Stoves! Stoves R4 VAN it; N NAT A. M, - COAT: OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. dar Coal Oil Lamps, &c. &e. Old Iron. Copper, Brass, Wool Pickings. and Sheep Skins Laken in exchange. J.&J. STORY, tala- Sign of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, itiodenct. Nrarch Ist.1867 6- GODER1on GASINET FOE ME W A RIE 1--I a.0 6_1; . DANIEL GORDON, 0.A.131•N•r TYPHUS FEILER, •1 4 AND Undertaker, &c., &c.,, 11AS now on hand a large stock of FURNITURE In every variety, which 4 cannot fail.to command the favor of all in want of furniture who may favor him with a visit, whether in style or price, ench as Cane Chart, Lounges, Cupboards. Rocking Chairs TBE subseriber in returning thanks for the libera patronage so long bestowed upon him, begs to in- form Ins numerous customers and the public generally th.nt inconsequence of the late tire, he has removed Ins business to the store formerly occupied by dir. Booth, West street, next Bank of tiontreal, where everything n his line will be found and AU Kinds of Jab Work will he Done the'same as usual. G. N DAVIS. ocelerich egthmarch 1 SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. titHE undersigned havitigiettrehasenehe ohnn- -L mg BIM and Sash Factory owned, and oe- • curled by Donald Cumming, are now prepared to carry on the business o manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings,Flooring, Siding, and all kinds ot CI IELG W" TK, such as Circle and authic Sash and Frames They think from their .txperienire in Factory Worg.that they can give satisfaction to all who way favor them mein] a eali. N.B.-A libera cluknount to the trade. 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flooring on hand. JAS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, WM ROBINSOSI. Godermti. March 4th. 1E67. sw55 REMOVAL ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER %MT STPCEZT• maim eabseneer havingeemnvedwilie Store lately occupied by A: Naysninh, Weialitreet,opposite the - t'oat Mee. hostwi.so desalt his(fiends and the pubfe, or the liberal support with which they have favored hat/211/r the 1333 95 years, and begs to sasure them that no effort will he spared to ment acontunianee of their patronsge,his anxionsstudywill be tosupply Watches Clocks and Iewelery vAti.h wili givesatisfacflon to iht purchaser, and asset work has beea done by myself, cuStomers raw depend' 4on b init well executed. tir A. gnodasiconinent of Gold and Plated Jewelry Watches, Clocksicc., Jeavsys ou astid. AtaX WALLA.C.E. - Gotten -eh Oct. deth 1818. • w40 Agents, Read Thiill /171014 -ILL PAT AGDNTS A 'SALARY of tee ), wesk anl experises„ or allow &largo commis/aro to sent ow; ;or wonderful inventions. Address, 14t W WAGNEtt lc MarsItal Mit Bureaus, Wood Chairs, Bedsteads, Sofas, Tables, Bookcases, Extension Tables,Easy Chairs, Wardroes, Side boards, Wash Stands, Kitchen Tables, Stands. Sea Grass Mattresses, Wool no, Moss do air do, and 4 or5 different kinds Spring Hattresses N. B.:- Keeps always on hand a large assortment of Washable gilt and Rosewood Moulding -frames, square or oval. made on the shortest notice. 1 -laving made arrangements •with Seodil'ES & HAY, Toronto, can furnish anything here or at their tvarerooms 3mforonto. arde Has always a con,piete assortment cal Coffins St Shrouds in the Latf-st Style. Also, REA RES ti) hire.. 3C1.4S,EL17.1 FOR Castesia oodericb, February 1st, 1870. w2 • '111-1M Olds! Establighroant in Town. MARTIN. AMANN EGS 'ro 1FORM /LI) CUSTOMERS that he 13 till able to sell for cash, at the owest rates, ILL -HINDS OF FURNITURE, At his shop on Kingston Street, opposite the Huron Hotel, Godeneh. Give lum a can. Goderieh. Oct.3. 1868. wl1w37. GODERIon WAGON&GARRIAR t- eettennene-Wo 17 BiCaiizEa� tcxy ) ?Flag Subscnber would announce totbe pub- ". hoof Huron and Bruceelbahhe iattaw'inade . • ufacturing first -chats • :a Carriages Waggons, Sleighs , CJIXttea2"$39 4:10404- - which wilFbe sold CHEAP d'Olt. CASSIS • 0:5- Waiged a wood -worker, and two apprentice/1,...,04e to learn wood -work and, the other blacksmithing. • • - j'011N PASHORN, -Victoria Street, Goderich EC.oclerisl,fda!Ifitlf, 1868. we9 Sell Cheap for Cull. Goderich. June 7th 1869. w19-tf PHOTOGRAPHS MO Per Dozen. pIT ALF DOZ F ROM BACK NEG ATIVE -1-1- 51 cents, postaee tree. One dozen from back negative 87 cents, postage free, to any address Da- Particular Attention paidlo Copy- ing old Ambrotypes, For either large- ur small photegraphs. The subscriber in returnine thanks for the liberal patroimee heretofore extended to him, would just say that he ha.; made such im- provements in his gallery as will merit a con- tinuance of the same. tC_ I Great Redaction on Large Photog:aphs. E. L. JOHNSON. Goderich, Oct. 26. 1869. te44tf. ft RESXORER R DRtssflig fiew0tyrg in oneBoifte BY ITS 'USE Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the'first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. Et will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spot. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING ILUR is immediately checked. Sold by all Druggists. Price One Dollar. a Manufactured by S. R. VAN HUBER & CO. Wholesale Druggists. a 35 Barclay Street and .40 Park Place, New -York, and 266 High Holborn. London. Bug. . Land Orfice, REGISTER, af Improved Farms and Wild tn. Land tor Sale, M.TRUEMAN, 1.104.rich March i. 1867. Ma ricet &mars MONEY TO LEI`irll. EASY TERMS. J. B. GORDON. delerieh Jan. 14tb, 1868. -61 1. FREDERICK, WATCIIMAER, JEWELER, 8L0.. ,WEST ST., GODERICH, Near the Post Office. IIEGS MOST RESFEe---TFULLY TO RETURN HIS JLS sincere thanks to the people of Goderich and vicinity for their liberal patronage dining the Past 8 years, and now that the holiday season has arrived with all its social enjoyments and amenities, he would state that all who wish to purchasejeweiry for presents or otherwise of warranted material and workmanship would do well to buy from hini at rates comparatively cheaper than that asked for worthlesatrash. A.1 Jewel.ty Sold for Gold Warranted (r.J-. Repairing done in the best style of workmanship.: • • ISAAC FREDERICK Goderich.Thio, 20th, 1889. w39-tf ALLAN P. MACLEAN, r- 0 - ITI buS jUST REeEIVED-A 'LARGE. • • • . ASSORTA1ENT OF CLOTHS Veasistang in Part of West of -England Broad - Blahs, Heavers; Frhitneys,_Bearsktuir, •Fatcy Ettglieh ScoleaeandFrench Tweeds,Cashmeres, -Doeskins, and a variety- of Canadian (Mother; Plain, Satins and Flowered Ve tangs -Slat g1,11"eell'ieeli°tiaePconli:14;etrfiiivi salst; eel -..4-17-ria' who may tavorhun wi_tlethelrgoedeires 5 -11°3- '411 , TWEED SITIT iirnol)-Si 2 and nprrards. .04r i14, liono to ibtler,Iiilt Goderith, Sept 2fith. 1856; lew-8 • _ FENIAN MOVEMENTS. 1 immediate v, her owners fearing her seiz- !VOL. XXIII.—N01.9 BATTLE OF PIGEON HILL.) FENIANS DEFEATED! GEN. O'NEIL IN JAIL. MISSING ON THE FRONTIER. SODERICH THRELTENED -are by the Fenians. Several car loads of' Fenians, ticketed for Malone, passed through here from the West last night. Cificeon, ILL, May 26. -Intense ex- citement among Fenians. T he headquarters, corner of Randolph and Wersetreets. are erowded,500 being present, and the sidewalk in front is lined with I, ishmen. About one hundred Fen- ians left lastnight, reported forMilwaukee, where they will join 800 others, and mil - barked on hoard a propeller to lana in the vicinity of Goderich, Canada. One hun- dred left thisevening at 5:15 o'clock on Lake Shore and Michigan Southern rail- - - - 'General Sherman has arrived with his com- mand at Ogdensburgh. The telegreph lines elmig the front have been cut. ISi. ALBANS, 26 May. -The notorious 'Gen. Spear hasarrived. Gen. 0'?"eill ts in Burlington 43orumon Jail. ALer 1118 arrest, the officers consulted and d mi led that they could not invade Canada with 1so small a force. The roads to Franklin are lined with retreating Fenians, leaving guns, ammunition, blankets &o se4ttered about. The men complain bitterlytof the officers' mismanagement. On the Arrest , of O'neill, Boyle O'Reilly took com- mand. VERYi LATEST: The Fenian Retreat. were not allowed to go to Detroit. in a :body, but by twos and threes. They kept ST. ARMANDS, 26 May, 7 p. m. There very quiet and were not armed. Some fa a rumor here'that there is fighting in h id satchels. and others no baggage. to and E They are of' all ages and of the laboring the ttroopstbeatvimoare em 9uop. Tu.ouvainvg othe 1 and working class, BOUM being dressed just returned from the scene of yesterday's well and oth-rs poorly, very few people saw skirmish. The Fenians are onmpletely them off, and even some of these did not routed and . demoralised, Oar troops are i officer has know wl.o they were. They were furnished still at Pigeon Hill. A Fonia with tickets at Fenian Headquarters, been captured. Con. Dounelly is badly Sdecial Despatches to the "Signal"front all points. OTTAWA, 25th, 3 P. M. The Fenians to thenumber of 3000 are at Pigeon Hill. They are throwing up entrenchments. Lieut. Col. Russell and P 0. 0. have gone to the frent with the Montreal Volunteers to attack the en- trenchtnents. Prince Arthur is with his Battalion Quebec, 25th. -The cite is again excited with rumors about the Feniaus • and the calling out of the Volunteers. The 69th Regiment left this morning by special train for the West -were played to the ferry crossing by fife and drum. The Royal artillery occiipy the Cltadel. The Volunteers are all under arms. Several vessels arrived, their tames as yet unes- certained.Wind still last night with slight rani. Potsdam Jtinction.-About 370 fenians arrived hete about half an hourafter report for the frontier line; about 259 arrived at Malone too. It is expected tiry will make a demonstration in .the ity of' Cornwall Canal. The volunteers are hurrying thither, and every precaution n as undertaken to prevent surprie. Ottawa, 3 P. M. Intelligence has been rec ivd,d that fighting has been going on with 'between the Mops and Fenians. Hi ii Reya _ Highness Prince Arthur is there with his tompany of P. C. 0. Rifits. Tile troops have left Montreal under the cemnaand of Lord Alexander Russell, who lie mass- ing his command with gteat judgment, The volunteers are pouring into Montreal from all parts. The Vermont milnia can- not be called out to preveet ruidinge for thee are uot reliable. Thei eare nol7. S. troops to check them they ,are so much scattered as to be useless. Therefore our rogutars and volunteers will have to meet the scoun- drels, and as we hope there will be no iinarter given. Freligeburg, Vt.. May 25. o -The fight at Pigeon Hill has resulted in therepulse-of the Ft -miens they are retiring,' reported, ith great loss. Major Gene; al Ltusday has full authority to use the .eloitary resources of the Dominion to de- fend the Country, and in the hands of so able a soldier we may not fear. 25 -Dispatch says 100 men provided with 40 reunds of ammutotioo left St. Albans for the purpose of protecting 6 steel - batters cuncealed -near the frontier. 1000 boxes of-atumuitition at Franklin where Gen. O'Neil is. Gen. Smith has left Mon- treal with pod men and artillery. Gen. 0' Neil is reported to he arrestecl by US Govt. and lodged in St. -Albans jail The Feni- ans attacked thu Home Guard at Cooper's Corners and were repelled with consider- able 1093 ;n killed and wounded. where others_are being suppliOt now to wounded 5 miles from the front and not depart on next trains. About 100 more expect to live. A report says that trouble will go to -night, and to -m d•row a few bold may he expected at Huntingdon toenight Fenians start east or!iNichigan Central The Fenian prisoners captured have been end Great Western railroads. There are taken to Montreal ; one of them is a hid - 1500 Fenians here in all At a large open ther of the.man buried last night The meeting last night, Morrison, a proi-ninent IL S. authorities ac Franklin found -Fenian ,made a speech pledging t he asistanee several Fenians dead. Gen. O'neill was of all Chicago Irifihmen to O'Neill, and sent to Burlington under arrest last night. saying the recent split was a blind. He 8t Catherines, 26 dfay.-The artillery was foremost in starting the withdrawal of have left here !amid great nothnsies ne Chicago Fenians from O'Neil's support. Two . officers of the U. S. gunboat The Fenian con) nissioners are actively Michigan came down fromPort Col - engaged in getting money to send off men, borne to -day. 'rhey say that twhiey are The pub to are somewhat excited, and it satisfied the Niazara frontier will bo is believed to be in earnest. The pirers invaded eels. Dude and Villiers are are filled With despatches concerning the here and the men are wiling for a fight. raid. There will be a large Fenian meet Fort Erie,27th Ilay,I.20 a, nt.-Great ing tit -night. excitement prevails here to -night owing SYRACUSE, May 25.-500 Fenians to rumors that the Buffalo Fenians in - have left thie part for the movement on tend to cross to -night. The volunteers Canada. 300 left tor the east by last are under awns all night and e taw c oni n paaory night's midnight train, and about 200 had of cavalry patrol the fiver be,he gone previousiy in stnall squads. ColOWALL, Mny 25, -Five hundred Fenians have appeared at the mouth of the Ruckert River opposite Corritcall. MILWAUKEE, May 25. -About a thousand Fenians left here to -day for Red River, under command of Col. McCau- ley. ST. PAUL, MINN., May 25 2 p. tn.- and Chipeewa All seams gaiet now. Ottawa, 26th May. -Fighting at Hun- tingdon, at 7 p. m, to-clAy is reported. No particulars have yet been reeeivtd. The eity is excited and fall of minors, put nothing, definite can be obtained. The *eneation about a collision between the rifles and the Indians at Fort William was a , pure fabrication. Guards have A private Fenian session was held here been placed on :11 the batiks and the pub last evening. Gen. McMahon aud other he buildings. There is talk of farming prominent members of the order address. e homegaard as a number of suspicious ed the meeting, tirginiz the. Brotherhood strangers are in town. Access at the here to wake up and prepare to id the Eastern block, where Sir John A. Mac - cause should an etnerg,ency ocean! Con- donald is lying ill, is denied to tll per. siderable money as subseribed lby the sons not in possession et' tease and leithful before the meeting closedl and signal hem McMicken coantdraigned This is trona reliable source. The by • Bernard. newspapers here mention nothing about fluterraremoie. Fenians within a few the meeting, but it is known to have token miles front here. Our troops marebed to place. atteek them. The volunteers are ordered Gen. McMahon started for Duluth this to the front at Pittedu Hill. morning, *here he will arrive todnortow UP :TO 2 P. M. evening or next morning. He evidently Ottawa, 27th May. needs watching. Sir J. A. Macdonald is progressing most SALBAN26th330 a: favorably. We have just heard that an w. 8, , . m. -At this hour all quiet at this point. - TORONTO, 2tith.-The news of the ar- - rest of O'Neil aad Canachaa success 13 fully confirmed, Pazscorr, 26th, reported that Fenians retired from the front near Pigeon Hill abandomng all their supplies and wound - ed. Freligsburg, 26th, 10 a.m.---Fenians are still encamped across the line. Thepickets Montreal10pm. shot a number of Fenians that were at- , , . tempting to carry the dead off the field. Washington, May 26th -The president ts ill with a serious attack of cholera morbus. NEW YORK, 26th May. -The city is full of. rumors in regara to the Fenians. That many of 'hem have left the city within the last 48 hours, there is no doubt, but for what point is not known. Special deg - patches with reference to their movements on the frontier in substance are the same as last night. • Washington, May 25th. -Advices state that several dispatches have been received at the state department from U. S. Marsh - ails on the Canadian border giving infnr- mation of the gathering of men more or less numerous aloug the United States line but the Telegraphs give no details of their intention or of there probable place of rendezvous. Prompt measures will be taken for the suppression of riotous proceedings. General Sherman has orders for. general McDowell to give every assistance to the U. S. Marshall in preventing armed men- from invading Canada The U. S. Steamer Michigan is on Lake Erie and Adaiiral Porter states that her commander has orders te give the civil authorities all thd assistance in his power to suppress disorder and arrest of- fenders against neutrality laws. Ottawa May 26, 12 o'clock noon, word has reached here that 12 men on picket duty were shot last night near Freligsbure by the Fenian bush whackers_ Ail qttiet at present at ' • the Fruit except massing ef Fenians along the, frontier on the American side. An attack at St. Regis is expected to -day orto-night: The Raid by all iv:counts is more exteu- sive than anticipated; the Fendins have field gnns and horses ▪ Busineas here is - Fenians stil'at the frent -but demeralized badly. 12 of them killed or missile,. Fenians attaeleed outpost at Frt7lighs burg .' Fenians a,d vanced in column abt tut 200 strong. They were repulsed with 3 killed and 20 wounded. Our lnss none. Fenians have fallen back and U. S. mar - shall has arrested O'Neill lodging ,him in St Albans gaol. Col Smith reports Feni- ans deinoralised though still at the front. One of their Capts was wounded. Re- ported movements of Fenians towards the frontier in northern New York con- tinue to be received. • Huntington, 25th, 9 P. M. Just receiving full details of the Fenian rnoyetnents at the Trout River, from sources on which full reliance can be placed. They are in camp at half a mile from our frontier, by the side of -the road. This afternoon there were not over 100 of thent and .they had guards posted. The main body lounging about 'With their rifles stacked. They are without uniform and are a Mean looking lot, evidently all from large claw; Tawee number of boxes of arms bat 'ley informant dailed to count the pumber there weuld be enough for 2000men. The Rifles he saw were all breach -loaders. They are very quiet and -do nothieig to fear, with passers. The Americans are gioing them' provision and ading them in eve manner. Reinforcements were dropping' n mostly front _Malone. The- party left here this afternoon. The report th t they h,ad -cammenceeato Move and w re pillag- ing Holbrook's Store • was . fal e. Now that their number is known- -les anxiety prevails here. gUE.BEC, May 25th. - Th raid is the whole .theme o gen here; and newspaper extr are issuedalmost every two or thee hours, are sought-after anxiously. Th Battalion paraded strong this afternoon and were addressed iu patriotic speech by Cola McEachren. entertained that troops may he Montreal ,before. morning. bad taken every precaution that &crew could suggest a portion of the -69th Regimentlaeft for the front by special train after Mid light, and l i h e hathis f ance o cum A spad Fenian at a stand still andseveral firms of dwisheiicish- emdecided s city have to apes are ere from cEachern the em - nal the rt of the_Quebec hnisars left hy tioat for 'Montreal at 4 p. in. and it 1attery . of Royal Artillery goes by the traii to night, -LI the volunteers are called out and the city tolunteera are finder arms a.t thecitadel; he was readily seconded by 0.c. people. Every- road will be' gaaTcla paigbt, but it is not expectedthat, any mov :meat will be made until morning.. - Fcni1ns arrived at Freligsburg, 25th, U. S. 'Marshall crossed to the °abide side and informed Col. Smith that he had no .trOls to pre-. venithe Yenta* erossinie •- QuarnvsrON, 25th, Capt. Curry's nionne tea infatit7 are out patrolling between Queenstou • and Niagara. 0/pt -Char- b9urne's infantry .Company i els° ont. a guard has also arrived 'At Lewiston N. V. from Fort :Niagara on the -American side of the river.- - • . -.1toOliEsTER, May e steamer Norseman came in thiti"mornk and left - • "rt --14"- n P pay their hands who have gone to the 'front .ss volunteers full wages while they are away. Intense excitement. All the volunteers called out. Gen. Sherman in cemmand of 500 Replital• American troops passed theough Water- town N. Y. this it. tn. bound for the frontier to suppiessFeman read,. The Ottawa Rifles eleave by train for Preseott'at one o'clock to du. 43rd bat. called into garrison Ottawa. 'From best of • ornatt ion received, as Pigeon concern,ad is an nn- - doubted failure. They have retreated leaving arms, baggage and wounded. behind. Piescott May 26th -No 6 company Gar- rison Artillery arrivedeani billeted.pa Pres- cott at Holy Port. all told numbers 159 gunners ; 11 officers g field battery, alllea-ye,,for Cornwall by boat at Ottawa, May 26th Itis rutnored here that our government has -received notification front the British Government that Minister Thornton his. been dirtcted by -the Secretary of foreign affairs to demand tlic protection of the Cimadiati Frontier tafe 'President Grant. 10 a. In. Orrawi, May 26th, 12.15 P. Mee.--Aele vices just ecelved 'here indicate it 'battle' imuninent near Huntington. The Ortehee ,Yolunteers are being pushed forward-. P ac •,r*etweeis 8a field and St. Helens. Troupe encamped at different peints to repel enemy, Oast & west. The Fenians crossed bouadany from Malone yesterday, penetrated 4 Miles & retreated to Trout River opposite. Large vol force encamped.Sufficient reservesready to -meet any etnergency. 43d Carleteit bat. under Cul. Beaman is ordered to aseetuble .at once here. They are 600 strong and very efficient. Number of suspicious strangers are in < town but they are wat,ched.Several Fenians took train last night to Malone U. 8 regulars guarding train. Have seen telegetain to this effect. Cincinnati May 27. One or two secret Meetings of persons friendly to Fenian movement, was held last night and it was understood that a public meeting would be held to night if favorable news from Cana- da arrived to -day_ New York, May 274 when Gen.. Gleeson crossed over to Canada from Malone yes- d•erciay, he had 1000 men and wassince rein- forced largely. He now occupies position 4 miles beyond the lines stronglyentrench- ed and eon fident of holding position. News jest received that after Gen. O'Neill's arrest and incarceration in Burlington jail, Gen. Spears was appointed Commander in chief and proceeded at once to issue orders in spite of F. S. Marshall Foster. Gen Spears will cross the Canadian fronter et some point not heretofore attempted and rein- force Oen. Gleeson now in the enemy's country. This statement is by authority of the private press.. Great dissatiefaction with Gen O'Neill.Some say he is too young to plan and too unexercised tolexecuto and that he is practically and oratically in- competent. A despatch from Gen Gleeson dated Trout River says that they would .fight before daylight. Special to the World from Malone N. Y. says an engagement will doubtless take place. .._ Details of the 13attle. O'NEIL'S SPEEL-11 AND CAPTURE, FENIAN 1111,11:ED AND WOILS D k31). -THE ICETREAtd. (From the_Telegraph.) THE FENtANS FIRST SKIEhH014. FRELIGHSBLEGH, May 25, 6p. ine-The Fenians, to the number of about 300, crossed here to -day, and had a skirmish %nth the volunteers about 2 miles front Cook's Corners, on the road leading to Franklin Center. Half an, bout after erossing, the Fenians commenced their attack on the 60th _Battalion, uader Cot. Chamberlin, and the -Independent Corps, -under Capt. Westener, by opening tire from the shelter affinded by a , group of houses; but they soon left their cover and made a bold dash on the volunteers, un- der whose return fire some of their men fell. The fire was then continued irregn- larly for some time, white Capt Gaseoinore went to Stanbridge, and returned with the Victorians, followed by Capt Munn's troop - of eavalry.The. Atm' ms seeing the in- creased numbers of our forces retdred nue der cover, and only an occasiehal shot wait heard for Boma time after: The U. States Marshall came over and _ inforraed Cole Smith to -day that he had no fnrce at -his" aisposal to cheek th.e Fenian fortes and payout their crossing. It is rumored that the Fenians ate inov- - Ind round to amass of rock, near Pigeons" Hill, 'which will form a, neutral fert for them. T.L . 1"03.: • Montreal, Hay 25t4.-orge Verir,Atie ai-a• tacked CoL ' Stnith's outposts at Frelig,s burg, •abotet 100 merle The Fenians ad- - vanced in colontn, with advanced guard Anon t 200 strong. 0 nr men repulsed the attack, The Fenians lost three kilted am, several weitteted. We have no: lost any so far --The Fenians were uot fired on till they crossed the lines. I'The Fepians have fallen back, and the U. States Marshal has arrested General O'Neill, taken Jinn to St. Albans, and lodg- ed him in Jail: Between 200 and 300 men left POrtlarirl for Island Pend this morning. The offiners were in uniform.- . The U. States anthorities have seized two packages of anus at Portland. There is a wery serieus el onstr tn • towards Hun- tingdon. Fruit' three to five hundred men have marched to Trout River, the Cana dian volunteers opposing thena. Other Fenton squats with arms and ammunition are marching. rapidly in the diredion of ' Trent River fie ) tzt Fre 1 ighsbn rg. . Eight p. m. -Col. Smith reports the Fe- nians still in frent, but demoralized. It i, was reported that they beep lost 1 vtaptain nounded; 12 killed.a.nel missing. \ FOR MALONE. Rouses Point -A car load of Fenians r passed this evening -for Malone. road for Malone and other points. They REMISE OF THE FENIAN& ; St. Armand, May 23 -The advance guard of the Fenians, nuinbeting about 300, crossed the lines at 12.30 to -day at &sties on the Franklin road, 7 miles frnm here. About 70 of onr volunteers were ou the grainy', who imnaediately commeuced firine at them killing 3, who are still on e the ground. 'The Fenians retreated baok across the lines. One of their officers . brmaght a flag of truce, requesting the bodies, and was told they could not be given. It Is believed a great many more Fenians have been killed as the situation of the ground and .its dose promimity to the American' slat) prevents our troops from ascertaining the exact number. None 1 I of the Canadians injured. The rifle Brig- adem came to St. .101nOs to -day. Prince Arthur is with it. More troops are coming I front Montreal to -night. Our men seem anxious for the fray. I will go immediately to the scene of action and telegraph the full particulars. " THE ENGAGEMENT. Mon/real, 8 p m. -In the fight to -day a couple of hundred Canadian volunteers tydre engaged and about 100 Fenians. A rindinber of the Feaians are wounded and killed, said .to be a Captain aod 13 mere No casualties on otir side. The Canada troops are lining the front, and volunteers arefollowing. PARTICULARS OF THE ENGA.GESIENT. • Montreal, 10 p. m.- The Prince of Wales, Victolias and Royals left for the front this afternoon. The 69th and gar- rison Artillery leave to -night. Prince Arthur is out on Lord Russell's staff. From St. Albans we learn that General O'Neill opened the campaign with two 'hundred aud fifty_ "nen, crossing the lines just beyond Frank -lira They were met by a shower uf Eastern townships bullets from the Wilsonville Company, under command of Capt. Robt. Manson. For a while the raiders u ere checked. -Fighting was resumed, and centinued for an hour, a nn nber being wounded on both sides. i Finally the Fenians were repulsed by the l Volunteers; fighting in splendid style five to one. After an Interval, the fighting was again renewed, null is now going on wit h the Ft:Inane from across the United States boundary. General O'Neil was ar- rested and taken into custody by the United States hIrrshalL A 'limber weive wounded on both sides. The Fenians are now in a strong position among the hills, i and appear determined to fight it onat. Captain W. Cronan led the Fenian ad- vance with a Burlington company, and was wouuded in the thigh. The volunteers behaved like regulars, coelly obeying cora- tnands, and neither wasting shot nor gett- ing confused. The Fonians, especially in the rear, were very inuch demoralized. The fighting, hting, idis thought, is ended for to- night.Oheenii'S ADDRESS TO HIS SOLDIERS. St. AlBane, May 25. -The Fenian camp is at Franklin near what is called. II at/barters Comore. During the forenorn they were busy. unpacking their arms • and uniforms and get .ing ready for action. Gen. O'Neil was present with Gen. Don nelly and Cols. Brown and Bulmero and Captain Tonernaii.• They forbid anyone • passing by their camp going north until the afdival of Goa Goo. P. Foster, Unit- e] States Marshall for Vermont, at 11:30 when he caused the road to be opened, upon *telt orders were given to fall in and forward march. On arriving within about a 'hundred rods ofthe line, the order - was given to load, and this being done the march was resumed. Very soon the red coats were seen skirting the hill top of the woods, upon a side hill to the left ol the road. Ifiv hen the Fenians arrived wit hin 20 rods of lin ., they halted and Gen. O'N il d a h foll e ma e rpeee as ows: - , "Sold ers-As the advance guard of_ ._ the American Irish Army for the fihera.. South American ' traveler -tins' tion of' Ireland from the yoke of' cur op- scribes the Adea favorite weapon of the pra;ree pressor, for your own country you enter ranger -the lasso :-"Theso- people of the thatotictr of arefyeoureupnyu nelnoy, tho, fewati. eeye:orf' your.for compos are seldm oeeen with firs arnis et but they always carry a long knife in 3110 the march." - girdle. and a coiled lasso .et the eadclie : bee?. Sometimes,. tee. they rere armed : The advance company was cotsaman- ded hy Capt. Cronan of this city, who re- with a lasso hiving thee leaden belle or lews:- other bevy vnitaltreereiaile, ssaenrdthltan?g,V plied to the addre3s of Gen. O'Neil as fol. main cord b 1 Otonothoef. these balls they grasp in the hand and. " .G.ENnRAL- I am proud that Ver. • swing the other two a few tinteeeever the mon t ha( the honor ot leading this ad. head to give them velocity and aim, and vance. and may depend on us to, d., then with such force and precision that --_ _ . _ they are pursuing, in tura a mauner as to . • - ole o hatnper it, till they c,an tome alongside.- 11,-" It is all rery well to say that the in the Spanish South Arneadern countries men are frequently garnoted in this man - U. States Gover.nment has come in et t e ner, witha fracility that would r.stoniali the man - last hour, after things had gone so far that chevahers d'iaolue-trie of our large cities,* an overt .act, as that is usually under -stood, In the early daya of the Paraguayan war was inevitable. 'The whele pr. company of Southern Brazilians oatotgi•ea meedings nee of the enemy's steamboats with las. of the Fenians for years have been 'overt,' aa dime know better than,the authorities $ sees; They coneealed tl omeelaed it.tho at Washington. And the Way these pro-. ceedings have been treated has been morematte or :hick bushes ou•the bank -of the likely to lead the 'wearers of the greendto. river, where they knew that the vetteel judge of - the real wishes of their rulers, must tome close to the shore, aud when it than any proclamation put out at the mo- watt within thein -reach a .partv of the . th new ropes around the Ego Ire hea-daerd ever. . rhea when thee are just about to cross the border, and when they have already done available projeetion. while theothere, tvith more injury. to the -object of theer malice t-t•idfidoannutsdrode theTaraghayans front than their could by the mere plunder ot a "inking any resistence, till the lasso don e hauled the phi= toland aud the Arazillem- fewsteres, or the burning of it few build- ings, We do notsav-that PresidentGrant took possession of it " • PINCLAM A.VION .AGAINST TUB FENIANG BY THE PnESIDENt OF TELE UNITED STATI.T.G. Proclamation :- The President has issued the following Washington, Nay 124. , By thd e President of the United Stained of America -A Proclamatinn-Wheresn in has cotne to my knowledge that sundre illegal nailitary enterprizes and eopeditiohn are being set on foot within the territorf and jurisdiction of the United Staten odell a view ho carry nen tke same from auela tete rit-ory and jurisdiction, against the peopb av,iintheiittdistnD(mi district afheroininionMott je,.?„tyt anad vistra Queen of the United Kingdom ot Greed tsritain and Ireland, with whom the Unit' ed States is at peace -Now, theawatre, Ulysses S. Grant, President ef the United States, do hereby admonish all pod citizens .of the 'United States, and all persons within the militery jurisdiction of the 'United States, against aiding) countenancing, abetting or taking part in such unlawful proceedings; and 1 du here- by warn all persons' that by committing such illegal acts they .vill forfeit all right to the protection of this G-overnment, or to its interference in their behalf to rescue - -them from the consequences -of their owe acts; at.d I do hereby enjoin all officers in the service of the United States to etnpley all their lawful authority and p ever to tpreerveleand defeat the arrest arid bring te justiceall persons who may be engaged h In testimony whereof t have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the U. - States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, thin 24th day of May. in the year of our Lord 1870, aud in the independence of the U. States of America the 94th. (Segued) By the President, 13.8. GRANT. HAMILTON FISH, Seeretary of State. GREY. The Council met here this day aceorelied to advertisement for the purpose of -Res 'rising the Assessment Roll and other business. Members all present. Tho Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting having been read and passed. A letter received from W Geant, Township Clerk tendering his resignation of the of. Ace of Township Clerk was read. When it was moved by T Williamson and sec. by John Straehan that the resignation of W Grant as Township Clerk be and le here= by accepted -Carried. Ditived by A Mc-- Doreald, sec. by T Williamson that tho sum of $3.00 be refunded to 8 Hannah* being the .anummt paid by him at gale of Land for Taxes on it certain -lot purporting to be itt Anileyville while no such let - exists, and the Reeve do make ont debenture for same -Carried. The CORa. cil then took the matter of revising -tee aeseestraent roll for the an when the following alterations were made, viz.. &enemy assessed fe790, reduced to 0700, Grieve. do $631, do to a531 W Burges assessed for south half lot 1, concession ig instead of T Fitzakerly and that T Fitz alterly's assessmiat -be reduced acecerde ingly. D Breckenridge assessed e195 re= duced 30 $915 J lletvttt assessed $1198 reduced 30 331148; R Cameraidn hasesea ment for a hitch taken off. Moved by T. willtainson, sec. by A McDonald that J. R Gram be appointed Township Clerk during the pleasure of this Council at eatery of seveety dollars perplex- Carrie ed. Moved by A McDonald, see. by -8 Stamen that the Reeve do make a deheria% tura in favor odd Malel in the earn of 332 00 for extra services as Collestor bg order of Councll-Carried, Dioved by $ Strachan sec. by T Williamson that tho Reeve make it debenture in favor of - MoNaughton in sum cif one hundred -dote lars being amount of his Balmy as aesessor for the current year -Carried. Medad by 3 Strachan, sec. by T -Williamson that, as the Treasurer has failed to produce the necessary bond or security respired by this Council, the Clerk be and ia heeeby instructed to write hint againasking him c to produce the same intmediately at the Township Clere's office for the appnoval cod the Council—Carried. Moved Iddi Slemon, sec. by A McDonald that the Clerk is hereby instructed to advertiet fh2 Tenders for putting two nen eananzied ten abutments and building new superstruee tare of bridge at Town plot, Plan teat* same as superstructure of bridge_ ret Lot 19, con 10 -Carried. Moved by J sec. by T Williamson that the Camel' de now adjourn to meet again on Wednesdaty the 15th protenno a Drawee Hotel at usual hour.-Oarried. WILLIAM GRANT, Townelaw • our duty." they wrap.armiud the legs ef any animal does not desire to act in every respect as a 'Bill Jones,' said a, bultying arzitiiat* .. Br -jet: hPh itbe :le etr 1 erebut thoseshowswe'13:7 ihIst;eYwathuhaoinifitgibl:idt - altrl'Itrilbe,sr ni aold' 'next tPatitii3Zintgoe7 41Vveliln9241:: oComPfeanua5vtrfelyiSilp weaver character. - -Globe.. hed Bill, 81 ain't often much altano---t commonlyhave iny legs atagets Witlas..es' The qua-mitten:1e wife of a New Y ric drank " 'alibis husband in Non's-ich, Omm-9 letelYt 2'6' An old laav bought a thrond don ner cyanide of pritessinm, the &her clay, and 1 photograph.er spitefully meridian that Ile wps Toot deal yet, tit vodulttulirer 10_73g, enough to enjoy _his elie__ s shed lave", ablo b b;137,i,,t_la acv f dartieularly ailing. big 6310 'didn't think esfAsi .gbeengtsletmoanin-etvilimoatehatsbantecteenhaotly Inctoswt at,e)46,2,14,4$,, - Vacancy for it pinvii.)