HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-05-26, Page 40 • -.---LL-••••-• • - - - _ ••cc H .ive These Know The Yanhee. Tne It. er ational Yacht Race- , Night's Oonatng. - ° , nee day last fail, says a writer, in emelt- Tus SAPPER, Vieronicrus. I -" Dear me ! what teal that bov be ,tnto • ne e it a au enina nt eierevtuan i.i leennee — . I next ? Well, two hours t , bedtime, ahd , ,,ee tealsitio Inv a as tee anis the Thame3 ! The Brat of a series of three races. bet- then he'll be out of mischief for awhile - timed., we e ere stepteel by an itinentrit 1 ween the American yacht Sappho and that's ene comfort 1' and Mrs James set- , , ndr m incite -es who seemed to know I English Cambria, sixty miles to windward tled herself in her melting chain. and take ei v senile:nee:1. .h„y s,„„e of these pie- ; and return, .which begun on the 10th, ter- ingnp some ruffling, resemed her chat with aine of the etilese buildtngs of Lendoe, ' minuted on the following morning in the her friend. eits' he seal, 'end von can give them te j decided victory of the Sappho, which beat j ' Bet what are you thinking of 2' she %eta. Amcriean fnend de take home with i lam.' Pim Cambria front the start at the latter's ! asked suddenly, ten minutee afterwards. " best point of saihng, namely, turning to -oton wouldn't be so sober over myths I e as in a berry- -bnt my wonderment , windward. The yachts were towed veiy nig we're talking about, I am sure.' i A Deeiraie e Trio. Some sensible person has git en publieity to the followial wadi, which is certainly beantiful : Theye thinge to loae-Conrege, gentle- ness and affection. e Three things -to admire—Intellectual power, dinaity an I gracefulness. weeld have stopeed tf I had -been run- • early on the morning of the loth to a point 'Shall tell you asked Mrs Wheathly. tette to a tire Three ;flings to hate—Cruelty, arrog- , ance and ingratitnde. Three things to delight in—Beauty, frankness and freedom. -LARGEST I , 8, e__ 1N ANTICIPATI6N OF THE EXTENSIVE BUILDING OPERATIONS contemplated this Spring, the subscribers have laid in an unusually • • Fax iWar-JZZEHEAP LANDS FOR SALE 111, I BEST ! AND - CHEAPEST 1. I - COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE PAINTS, _OILS Allan' and every thing required by Cerpecters,! Painters and others, "sat All which they have marked at the Lowest Possible Rates, expecting that by lining st Three thiegs towiah for-Healtlafriends they will double their business. As they -deal • exelu4ively with the best Houses i• south-east of Cowes. As a strong easterly 'Perhaps you wont like my thought.' and a cheerful spirit. the trade, their assortment is not only the cheapest but .1.1,,e ereatiou dd you kuow I was art wind was blewing and the race was to west- `Well, don't misunderstand me- or think Three thinge to avoid -Idleness,. loqua- ericau 1 asteel. wurd, the course was up- .channel. The , blame you, for I do net. I know a ,;itrand flippant jesting. The BesrObtainable AnywhEire in the Cowaty LOT 24. CON 4. 2'ownchip of Godoich,tontaining 80 acre:. 9 STOBY C9NCRETE 110USE. •NredTltiE GROUN about 55 acretclea lioor, Vining Room, Parlosa Kitchen, Hall and Bed room ; on the Becond floor, Sithng Room, Lovee Fair /IV Bedroom, and lour other bedrooms ; the Base tient, Dairy Room Frait room Store room, Meat room ,orame Barn 82x32 feet. 7 Miles from Clittonand 7front Soderich. • Gond large orchard of eve- 500 superior ant 'bees. Soil. aeep clay loam well watered by -wing creek and flowing welt The pmperty is sine sed a miles from Lake Huron, of which good vice 411136 had from the door. Apply to James Wilkin • on, Esq., ou the premises or to G. M. TRUt MAN Land Office. Goderien wl-tf ,t,t; anoldn't misedte that,' the American yacht Dauntless and the Eng- bright, active, restleSs . child does try Three things to pay for -Faith, peaso eieture-seller replied, at; h a quaint lish yacht Pleiad, and a number of other patience and nerves, and yours bear the and purity Of heart. • et re Anterentt eel ever. E,nghsh crafts and steamers accompamed strain pretty well.. But- I could not nelp I perebased a picture, and then asked the contesting yachts. The scone at the it -your words just now .awoke thoughts hue te expisan himself. Edict wise very tine aud exciting-. It was and feelings sienewhat sad. For I have 'I would kiesw von hy your seft beaver arranged by the umpires that the flying kno en, dear Anna, what it is to have a 1,et, he said. 'filet's an Atuericau fashi7 start should be given on'a, .port tack hy night come, -when one misses the clasp of or .' which the yachts would gain greater offing little arms, aikd is kept awake, not by the it were not for that id' - towards mid -channel in case of a change child, but sorrowful yearning for her. ganiced dew?' at. tity feet. of wind. The Cambria having won the And I have seen a mother, watchirig ever •Yetir heote %%1)111.1 betray yen- NohodY toss, took the weather position, and thne a little lame boy, trying, with every. ben Antereans wear square tuts.' . had all the advantage at the start. The 'We,1---what else ? Sapphacarried32 hands and a cloud of can- •Yenr chat la hisk era. Englishmen al vaa, including, with her regular fore and s e ear mutton -chop style.' aft saila, nutiatepantst stay sails and flying ed -anything mole jib, While the Cambria only sat one jib 'If veil ween be offele d, sir 1' addition to her fore sail and other racmg 'Net at ; I atu seeking for itifor- sails, and carried 26 hands. The signal to t14.11.' go was given at8.28 a. 'in. The Sappho '1 eheuld knotv you by your thin, peak- wok the lead front the start, and by the fel face.' time she was otf• Beachy Head and about eil, my friend,' I said, 'fancy yon are fifty miles front the starting. point,she was at nil, of your C -CL taio_; no hew. Suppose titer 1 were &stiff, high-cree lied haaround teed beets, iitten -chop whiskeft, and h el a awe as red and chubby es any in tein-te yon be alne tu knew me tor an American thou I' 'eertain/y I shoeld, as soon an I heard Toe speak,' the fellew triumphantly an - s ered. 'Yon Americans einvertably cum- menee every senteuce with a. well. My Enelish friend laughed long and heti at the nien's adroitness. 'I believe he is more than half right,' he said. 'See if your nanottatity is not de. %tested every where yon ' I t was even so. lu Paris I was iinpor- tuned to buy a pheateraph of La Fayette, bee:ease he was 'ex friend of all America.ns' in (fewer:, a dirty vagabond -was clamorous tet exhi'eit to rue the house where Celeen- bus was horn, bemuse he discovered 'the signer's great ceurtree ' and at Alexandria tac &telex eel eappe'd by a raeged little &et:en:lent nf t -ie Pharaohs, who besought hati to take Lb ride on nis donkey. ‘.3trong ti (Ink ey---fant donkey --nice Yankee Doielie titinkeyr -VP*i his irresistible appeal n the eel). English words he knew. Arithmetic for Feniang. A railway ticket from New York to St. Peril cests about et35. The price of traae- port thence to Fert Abercrombie is -a:35 mitre, teeth an extra charge of $3 per hun- dred foa baggage cr supplies. And it is then onty that the real trouble and ex- pense begin even In undisenrbed times, c.f reaching Fort C-arry. To cam ble the abiwe tents of joerney weuld be much to under- rate the expense. Add to this the providing of untforms, iffles. artillery, ammunititta cematissatiat Su pplies- ady fer one theusand men, the len est num- ber that could hope to have any success - and end ina.v well &sk where the money to pay for it Is tnentne from ? The dispatches ef SA:Inlay last, frinn the great city of Illinens, on Fenian movements, are by Ito means releable ; they mey be regarded only as one of the farms which the Clues - vans adopt in the place of saying their prey ers, Tae Ye.cht Race. London, May 18. -The third race of a series bete-een the yachts Sappho and Cambria, was won by the Sappho. Evening journals concede the victory of the yacht ,SVrepha: but the report of ahe Press Associatieu awarde the rave to the Calabria on the around that the Ne' ppho Assessment Roll. the Assessor was pesent- is °singed to allow time furethe difference of size, to the amount a 5 seconds per ton, by Acker's scale of measurement. Third yacht race between the Atnerican yaeht Sappho and English yacht Cambria was won by the forister. hs stated in a pre- vious despatch. rhe evening edition of assessed to H. Farmer be struck off L - the Time.s h&t the following details of the contest: -Both ya.cles were becalmed for a long time. rhe Cembria was the win- ner for the first 20 utiles an the raze, which was heat to ainilw tie!, and weathered the AS,'sopho under 11 n hurch C.iff; between there and St. Catheriues she tacked te windward of her 14 times anccesst% ety.- In orking alerng an Island iftsitort boards from St Cetharines the mark steamer, cempleting her fimt tride of triangle, the dappho, femn her- greater length, fore- rea,chted and weathered en the Gmbria, doubeirtg the wark 40 secends ahead. -- Here _interest _in the race ended. The mark steanrer had to take the Cambria in tow. es, she -drifted with the tide. A good breeze prevailed fur tbe first score of miles. The struggle for weather position owe- artmed considereble excitement- A dense fug prevailed during the greater -part of the - time. - 'Three things to contend for---"-•Hunor, country and friends. Three things to govern -Temper, ton- gue and conduct. Three things to think about-Life,death and country. 0 • ....ea e Questionable Tipple -They have been analyztne some whiskey, gm and port - CARPENTERS TOOLS, - COOPERS TOOLS, PAIN Fs AND OILS, RED AND WEIITE LEAD. GLASS AND PV TTY, NAILS AND SORE WS, GENERAL •HARDWA RE, Meats of the Best Quality in Se2son, TABLE CUTLERY, &a &re ro sun receive a share of their custotn. B. -The •t .1 orbscriber would direct the attention of the public to ale stock pf Christmati Meat on hand this week. STEPHEN° ANDIteWS, aMarket Haase, -Goderich. DecemberlOth, 1869, , w48-tf Ontario Carridge Shop Goderieh. Goderich 25th lanuaryt 870. 311R,ISTMAS CHEER1 1111E SUBSCR'BER BEGS TO RETURN TrIANK.. L to his customers and the citizens ria isoderich, tor patronavelthey hate favored him war, and hopes by keeping' . • - Sing litmus a their weight of pain and wine in gtonington, Conn., and the result money by Ooing -to the means she cenhi devise, te lighten the pas- • I h • h h t h must be very comforting to the tipplers in ate eat t a mot er say and round tha district. 1 he port wine JA iur-IF; sty p3 a eat nese. again, hew 1 would welcome noise and mue besides - various coloring and astringent You will save -401i, if he could only use his Iliad contained oxide Of lead and sill phitric acid, chief !' Tears ?toed in Mrs. James eyes, art 4 she sitid--‘Yes ; it is even so. How strange I never thought of it before ! The night may come in mere than one sense.' 'It will come to ns all, sooner or later,' fully ten miles to windward of the Catub- returned her friend. There will be a . clings. Prof. Sabina bays of this preci- ous decoction that it w ld he hard to 6nd I k S (.1 i h your 1.11SP & H. GARDINER & Co , D ar et guare, o er . Goderieh 1st A ril f870 is43-tf a 'viler or more pernicious falsification ef a wino or liquor than this sample.' A pint bottle of whiskey was found to con- tain sulphinic acid, lead, hem and fusil nil. The gin consisted of lead, -sulphuric ria. Tilt:latter, seeing it was impossible tune when our opportunity of doing and acid oil of jitniper oil of turpentine sitoar and other' ingredients. Such are the liquers upon which people make merry in Connecticut. A repast of wooden hams and untineen, washed down with Nail oil, ntust beeacellent for the digestion. to win, gave up the race, and wIthout reunding the Umpire's steamer retnined , to Cewes, where she, arrived at four next morning, accompanied by the Datuntless.1 The Sappho returned to Cowes %bout two hours later. Ashbury frankly admits his defeat. - The Two Indian Policies. [From the New York world.] One of the most auprising things about the Red River imbregno is teat the Cana- dian ludia.ns have been the steadfast ad- herents of the Dominion goverunteut. So warm, in fact, has been their friendship thatat has been with some little difficulty they have beeneestreined front swooping down upon the contumacious opposers of British sovereignty in Manitoba. It is to be observed that thmse red men are Dot of a different race from these on our Western herders, but to the full as savage-aum- bering, indeed, as chief among them, the fierce confederacy of the Six Nations, which formerly, under the leadership of the Mohawks, held their herelquarters in this State. To this day they still roam wild in the woods, and are as rnuch givee to paint and feathers, and scalping, knives and tomahawks, es ever; but, under the wise Indian policy of the Dominion, they wear their paint and war weapons for show only, living itt peace and aunty with the white man. Why, then, when the Eng- lishman can maintain such friendship with the desperate Mohawk, is it that•we of the United Stetes must be perpetually nngag- ed that- 'sickening barbarism known as wnr on the Plains 1 The Canadian policy leads to no wars, no slaughters, no disturb- ed borders, no costly and frequent expeda dons, but in addition to perfect peace. procures the constant keeping on foot of a wild but attached and serviceable light militia that will turn out any day and die for the Dominion. Our side of the picture is too black to talk about; and, mortifying as is the confession, it must be admitted that here at least our neighbors excel nit as far in humanity as instatecraft. • S-TANLEY. Council met to hold Court of Revision at Varna, on Monday the 16th May at 10 o'clock a. al. All the members present As there were no complaints against the ed with a pair -of white gloves. Moved by D Weeds, sec. by W J Biggins, that ae there are no appeals, the Roll be confirm- ed as correca-Carried. Moved by G Castle, sec. by Dr Woods, that 4 acre!. 'The Men Who Aelvertise."-- This is the title a a new beck just tamed, gtving an account succensful entarpriee, teneetEter with hints on the various methods of ad- vertising. 'rhet famous eheiniet, Dr eT C. aurae, who ought to bei in the Senate of the United Statee, instead of his own la- beratory, has approached a perfect avatent of advertising. He regards .6100,000 per annum expended in the proseeotion of his task aa a mere bagatelle. The name spirit is to -day advancing Helmbold tae pnseession of millions. As a matter of theeey smite carpers naturally arena that advertising ie a Inemling„ and tat good wares will recommend themselves. We ;May mention that A T Stewart, aand Her- eon Bras. are men wits) amazed:eta their alt'orisaticla of dollars by 'expending tens. The work tto which we hate called the popular atte.ntion seems telt be calculated to e.chieve its initteion, aad to result in abundant attecess. Of course, in a statisti- cal volume of 700 pages., abjectis and not subjents must be spIecten. to armee the iessitilie lathed to the heneliteof advertising. and we take thespeeial pleartire, inasmuch as wo advertise ourselves, in calling public attention to a work which fluting in such eorliplete measure the purvoses of it anther. TEM CIAT-Cii-NIitEel'AILS. ••• John Redford wait fotindgnilty of an indecent assarett npon liannali,Rosser, little girl of eight years of age. The evid- ence stenvedcondnet oa .the part of the prisoner of a very elevating character. The judge, after coannenthig on the dis- neeteeful &Attire of the offence,. referred to tide new eximina.1 statutes rotating to this offence, which awards imprisonment and weipping in such a case, and proceed. ed to seatence the prisener tu one month's imprisonment and a whipping, to ,consiat of -twenty strckes, be inflicted with* r.4-e'-nine-taile, The judge remsriredthat suit brutal conduct as the pXisoner had been guilty of seetlied to hint to call for an. rample such as Chia punishmene wouhl Impose,. Seneeri him right ; lay on the *trip, The punishment is to be -inflict- ed within the preeincte tbe jail, under the supervision of the jail surgeen.-free .Ftess. , . Bushy's assessment and reduced 830 -Car- ried. Meved by Dr Woods, sec. by G Castle, thafJ Row's assessment for a bitch which he does not own, be rednced-Car- ried. Moved by Dr Woods, see. by T Kers that J Hagan's assessment be re timed 840 -Carried. Moved by G Castlt sec. by Dr Woeds that the Clerk be direct- ed te instruct the iiounty Treasurer to re- tuit back taxes against lot 2 range M foi 1867 -Carried. Moved by G Castle, sec. by T Keys, that the N of lot 13 in con. 7 be assessed to 8 G McCaughey of Seaforth -Carried. Moved by G Castle, sec. by W J Biggins, that 83.60 back taxes be re- funded John Esson-Carried. Moved by W ,1 Biggins, sec by G Castle, that the Council do now adjourn to meet at J Shaw's Hotel, Kippen on the first Monde, iu J uly-Carned. WILLIAM PLUNKETT. T'p Clerk. ••••••*•••• Emigration. Prospeets. • The operation of' the British and Col - °Olaf Emigration Fund in London appears to be of an extensive' character; The ship _Medway with nearly 600 emigrants arrived at Quebec- a few days since, a enduring for those we love, will De over.' And for this reason, let us try to ' work while it is day.' A Human Colt. The residents in the Eighteenth Ward have been recently much excited over the birth of a child so malformed that nothing like it was ever 'seen. On North. William street, between Meeker avenue and Her- bert 4treet, residesia Gernian family by the name of Aufnacht. Nick and his wife Gertie live in a shanty nu the rear of a lot surrounded by stagnant tootle of water. These hard workine and worthy people were childless unaill the 3rd ultimo; • at which. date their family was iucreased by the birth of a little girl. Ar. that time the child wail not so badly formed. Within the past ten days its head has been rapidly developing into re- semblance of that of a horse. The fore- head slopes at an acute angle with tbe lower jaw, and the tipper jaw overlaps the und,er one. The eyes are bright and hungry lookina The nasal bone and cate Wage extending down over the tinder hp,' and endiug in an oval-shaped fleshy pro- tuberanee, which merely joins with the upper lip. The upper lip spoken of is double. The 'whole front part of tlie upe per jaw is wanting, and looking into 'the inouta tio pa'a*.e or roof is seen. The ton-. gne is bifurcated; andthe gums ot the hot - tete as well as the top double section in the mouth are flattened much more than in au orilinarn child. It receives nourish- ment only by hand,being nuable to nerse. Is devours voraciously the food given in it, and eats as much as could be- stowed away by three children of its age. Des- pite its appetite, a gradual decline is noti- ceable. When born it was quite a, fine child bodi.y, but within Iwo weeks past • the limbs have Leen gen% i.sg thin, and the leg joints have swoden. The monster breathes stenturioualy, as an equine does. The sound made by it in respiring would deceive one into the belief that a -horse was near. The father, Mr Nicho Aufnacht, isa native of Hesse Darmstadt, and Gertrude, his wife, coMes from Hesse Cease!. She is thirty-four years of age has been married titre° years, and the wonder deseribed is her first and only et The cause of the malformation is sim- p'e. Last summer, while enceinte, pas- sing the carcase of a dead horse. the ef- iluvia so overcame her that she threw her haud to her heat', uttering an exclamation of terror. The poor abode has been run down with visitors who have seldom: been generous eneugh eo contribute to the sue - port ef th •se peer people. Nicholas is a hard-working mair, whose ill-healtle and ignorance of our language have made his aoj 'ern here a tedious and etiffering one. Lie emigrated from Germany a year ago. -Brooklyn Eagle. - _ ; The Editor of the Lexington (Mo.) Caucasian, who some weeks ago uttered a wail, a howl, and a groan of despair coin - Wiled over the ratification of the Fifteenth Amem men , or "bedatnnedment,' as he eloquent.), calls it,- continues to indulge in greekly spasms ou the same subject. One of his later offusinns is an original negro melody in an awful strdin of de,sparing sar- casm. We present a specimen stanza : Go 'way w lite. men Don't cone nigh, Gizzard -foot and shinbones Chalk in the eye. We are now all vottsts, Ekil 'fore de Iasi -- Ching -a -ring -ring a clung, Ciadg-a-ring chew. This is, indeed. very cutting, very bitter particularly the last two lines which are supposed to indicate an eesta,tici_ 'break- down' on the part of the 'deg -toothed, gibbering chunk of a Yile-udoied Egyptian blackness.' - - We believe Nessus has for ea, long time enjoVed a distinguished reputation on ac- enunt of that little taateaetien of hie in the shirt business, but at hest Nensus has met more than his match in iv man who dwells in the romantic village of Hopkins - vine,. Kentucky. This man had the small- 1:Seee proportion of whom are now in pelt and lived through it without changing f.ronto awaiiing location. The ship his shirt. When convalescent, he gave Ganges with upwards of 51 0 statute ad- the garment le a colored woman to bury. tilts Is on her way to Canada; the Tweed But utiltarianism and temptation overetune fihe gave it a cireless washing, _and the Awn and tlielViger are to follow by her• on the following ;Sunday, her tole -man' the 28. of May, bearing 850 more,making appeared in all the glory of a white %lied allueether with those who arrived in the shirt., In due tittle he was taken with Medveoeh 1,800. 'the Society has now saiair.pax end diecl soon after, atid,strange on its hooks 2,500 eeplicetions for pass to say, so did live others who snecessively ?gee. At a recent meeting of the M meg- came mat possession of the fetal garment. lug Committee of the gand,the Secietary Nessus killed his one man, Hercules; With said pat the.titended emiorants as a rule an. efibrt, but this HaPkinwittiai hillea paid op -the-contribution. oe'f' Z3 towards.. his half dozen Ltri_thent. half, trying- , - their passage. The brrths engaged _by -RE( R4vErt BOATS.—Tne trial trips the Sueiety, at a post of £5 5s. each. ad- to the Red River boats ware algae in To- m/ would amount in round numbers to Foto on, Saturday ia presenee of • ca ZIO-,000, of %thick the eniigranta • would Wolsley, And - others. The. boats *ere pay over £5,500. The fundsof the Su launeheci at Hamilton's iTharr and man- ciety amounted to X8,900, and deducting ned. The. ope intended for 0°1. Wittig IWO that the £4,5011 expended as above, is a perfectitiumph, or art. Tne little a sum of £4,500. would reinaiti for future prepelleria engine works hpautifully, . bit shipments. . • the flanges of the screw are not large. . , enough. New ones are to I.)o Stibstittited TIIE PARIAtit OT in ., sAuvr The. boat 'has thirty feet keel, and fiVe ' feet two inches beam, bUt _can be pulled - CANAL. - easily by six men,. though intended" for, i - 0,11,••••• SECOND TROVOLT'S. . VASE *P ABORTindia—lpr. PERMISSION GIVEN -TO SEND SUP- Oronhyatekha held an Inquestin Prank - PLIES riiitouGH. - ford on ithe body of a girl named :Mary Wagner, who had died under. suspicious, (By3Te/egrapit.) eircunistanees. Dr. Day 'held a .pest mortent, and testified that the girl, 'had WURINCIT", MaY 18° come to her death by an abortion pioduc- Vpon the assurance 'of Minister Thorn- ea by mechanical Meng. Ifranktord is on that the Expedition tu the Red-,Rwer getting rather notoriout for casco_ of thia country was of a friendly character, kind, hid wo howl some clownt stepi President Grant has given permission to icud tupplieu through ,tho &wit sto. will be taken to brifigthe guilty parties to justice. This horrible crude must not Marie Caual. be allowed te take root in ..Canada. • The .prese of Paris do not realise any of . - ' -- ' 'it—S--- •- ee the visioned greater froecicint they were Mr, Monsen, the Under-Secretary -of Eimund Bennett la on Ins:. trial, at led to expect fronithereeentradiadchange flute for eft amioniee, stated inthe House Pembroke assizes for malfeasance of agile in the polio,' of tha Severer, The -Mar- a Ocumuotut yintorday evening that the in big poOtio i of roaming. offieer at * -10iilalle hes heeltelitieteided twemolithe for Government bad refused ' to allow their aketion of Sir Francis mucks-. . _ : - publishing est ea`desirpf- article., the writer troop, kr remain in New -Zealand hut The last cue of indolenoe reportedie of the artiaie onaiiieseted to six months' would guarantee &loan to tbat emmtrY of that of 11, matt nautedA. Hole,,, who Was so imPril"olueoto awl to p4I'lt nu* or 5,00a S10,000 per anutnn, for five Itedne for the lazy that, in writing this Dame, 110401ply frarwit„ and Oa memegtrur tallitor get* one promotion of emigration anti the 1112Prove" used the latter ‘A,' and then punched' a ;,, .-. .,1, ,,,.- - , - ;.,.. i*: c: V, ..9(.0 franca. ment of meant of iisSernal coomlomesttion. bole throuili the paper. . • Lord Eldon, whn recently died in 'Aud- en, left his whole fortune to a lunatic asy- lum, alleging that hte had gained it by pleading in Chancery; and that, therefore, it -should go to the benefit of mad men, since no one but a mad man would prec- tice in a Chancery Court. • The IJ. S. census takers get two cents for every name taken, ten cents for every .farm, fifteen cents for every productive establishment of industry, two cents for every deceased person, and two per cent. of the whole amount for names ennmerat- ,ed for social statistics, and ten centa a mile fer travel. Two young girls at boarding schonl,devo- tedly attached to one annther, finding that at the close of the term they were to be separated, concluded to take poison and .die together rather than live apart. -It was accordingly done, bet, discovered bv the teacher, powerful antidotes were ad- ministered, mei the girls lived. Each ae- cased the other of treachery, and, after a dreadftil quarrel, they seperated, the most deadly and bitter enemiese As the members of the Massachusetts Legislature mnved slowely in hacks through New Bedford's streets, an old lady, attracted by their solemn and digni- fied appearance, . stepped into a store and asked, Whose funeral is that ?' The shop -keeper renlied, 'Why, that's the Leguilatnre."Dn tel,' said the old lady, 'when did he die ?' • Mr. Mackenzie, witit striking and generous courtesy, refrained from review - ng the -Sessi, n, account of the absence of the Premier. He was honorable enough not to attempt to criticise an abeent foe, who was lying on a sick -bed. This is a lesson to all of us worth remembering. - • The' latest advices from Sydney are to March 26th and from Auckland to April 4th. Great floods had prevailed on. the southern cnast of' Auetralia causing im- mense destraerion of property and great loss nf life. The gales had been very heavy, and numerous shipwrecks had been reported. From the easy expectoration, iner-avil resptratory power (Alas Love, and the renewa/ of irritation. mani- fest from cessation of Cough and other alanningaymp- toms after using Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hy- nopeospnite.s. it is clear that the formatien of tuber- culous matter is not only stopeed, but that alreaay de- posited is being carried away. - Price 81 50. a bottle 6 for 37 50. Sold by apothec-- aries and sty F Cuirdill &Co., wholesale agents, Mont- seaL • Dr. 3, Briggs., Threat, and Lung Healer is pleasant o take and unstreassed for its effieacy in curing Joagh, Bronchitis:lye. Sold by Druggists. To those Who suffer from Corns, Bunions, Bad Nails, Chilblaius Frosted Feet, &e • try Dr J Briggs' Cur- ritive. If Reed liberally as directed, relief is imme- diate, aad cure certain. Sold by Druegists. For ColdS. Cough, Bronchitis. Consumption. and all Diseases of the throat, Chest. and Lungs. Dr I Brier% Tbroat and Lane Healer is a certain and relLable.R7 tidy. Sal& by DruggIsti. Frosted Feet. Chilblains, Corns, Bunions, Bad kalif; .ke., are positively cured by the use of Dr J Briggs holent Ctirative. This Remedy has been compound ed with gh•eat eare. and tised as eireeted, never fails .aohl by Drnggis to. Catarrh, a disease w-hich distreases us and dlignets onr friends, can bei tautly relievedandquickly °urea by using Dr J. B iggs' Alilevantor, an invaleable Rentedy for alt pain nd inflammation. Sold by Drug- gists. Dr. Brig,gs' Allevantor. ior the Cure.of Catarrh, Neuralgia, Riteunmtion. &c., Is unrivalled. In a thorough trial of its virtues, all will acknowieage sits superiority. Sold by Druggists, If with Piles you are much afflicted, And sought for a cure in vain • Use Briggs' Pile Remedy as dliected Yon Will both health and peace again. • Dr J Briggs' 5' Co, go. 6, King Street, Weat Toronto Dr .7 Brigis' Remedy is acknowledged by all wha nave tried it (and their name is Legion) to be the beet, most sty:cassia' and efficacious Remedy ever used foi hat disease. -Fold by Druggists, All persons mitering fronaPiless Internal, Bleeding, External. or Itching Piles, will be immediately relieved and eventually eared bruins D.rJ Briggs' Pile Remedls Sold by Druggiats • . Suffereis from Corns, trunione,Dad an.dthOse torttning afflictions Chilblain% are wan reccimmend- ed nse Dr Briggs' well-known Curative for certain: reliefand pesitivecure. 'Sold by Druggists. Consumptivee, try Dr. J. Briggs' Throat and Lung. Heider It will relieve and eine you. For alt diseases ofthe.Throat, Chest, atid Lungs, nothing caii surpass ts beneficial olfeets. Sold by Druggists. BARVE--,-310SE -POTATOES, - oessoo e 114 .!.• 2 *. ,• .dRii113.' it IC ilinelatti4iiilititiL - this- pinnelannoTaregedeffiffdrit'ethetlmienal stork 04 yatratitge g. -Also EARLY; GOOD- RICH- frOm st.''.da•Bettee 4'; Co., • seed merchants,. Hamilteins M Veaffilde of Market -An -49* odericla. Api1118th 1870. 3:). .41. 3iet RETURNS tirtifmosTsi NCIOKErTH AMC'S fortheveryilatteringeacouritetement be hae PIANOS, 141}MDEONS, RUT. 1111431C, THE SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING THA NKS FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONRGE -•• He has received -luring the past year, respectfully begs to jutimate tient he is now pee pared to furnish Pianos, Melodeons. Cat.iinet Churcia Organs OF ANY :MAKE MANUFACTURED Ai prices and terms which defy competition in 'this section. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. SHEET MUSIC SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE. *arch 1870. R. J. WHITELY, - IS still in fall operation, and is turning out super10 Carriages, Bugoles Wagons of all kinds, SLEIGHS, CUT muss 4.e. A number of hrst class 'Buggies on hand, and for sale cheap for cish Prices of all articles In the line that will compare favorably with any in the County nptedald to Wagonand Carriage Re- pal,,,rrinrtigAceil,liatwoartktenwtairraon Goderich. gov9th 1869 R. J WHITELY. as42 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. —0-0-0— MATTA CALLAWAY. Goderich. North Sile Markat S Imre. 9-m " Mattrifantarer of and dealer in ERICH AR D PIKE. mv- Ls CD V EL A. 11Q* 1170 M 3D or ALL ' A very large Stock of Crockery. SplenAlid China, Sets. BIERAL GED LEREES <of' A3.1. MS -1/3.01.01 • , CHEAP AS THE MAPEST. ',Platform and Counter ScaleS of best make END1-1. ROBINSON & YATES. Cloderich, Sept. 29th, 1868. ' w4.7 . r.12 E CAN An/ Permanent Building & Savi'ngs Society DVANCES Or APPROVED REA ESTATE SITUATE IN WESTERN CANADA, 1 t o N THE FOLLOWIN. G FAVORAII!..E TERMS : , 5 syenti.r9so. 10 ya2ra. 15 years. Amonnt required to redeem each $100 advanced in .. ..: ... .. . 26.b5 16.4b 6.50 If pa) able half -yearly . ... . . It payable yearly ..... . e as well astne lin3telrest , TLobrosboavt eprino:noritotioennattsei oractiood.ofoor s21,n1c,i6ig.lirpourndlt2wyehajorsti. nays 0 fr the prim ;04 of the loan, so that at the exturati an of the term agreed upen, the debt is enirelv wiped out. The full amount ol the loan is advanced. and on payment is required before 'the end or the halt -year -or veal. Payments :nay be made in a lvanee.and interest mellowed therefor ; cer the mortgage men be re:leem. ed i ni full at any time the borrower desi,es, on el titable term& EXPENSES STRICTLY MOD ER49 7E. -For furtherinformation,appisr (prepaid) to HORACE HORToN Fsn., Appraiser to the Social.. 0 odertch . HERBERT MASON. Secretary and Treaserer, Toronto: landerich.16t1 Oct.. 1866 w38sw IMPORTED SEEDS. New Seed's I New Seeds ! P tl C TTL -1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR A.NNUAL STOCK OF ported Field and Garden Seedsd Whi h for quality and price cannot he surpassed by any respectable House in Canada. — A li eral discount allele& to C until Dealers. Remember the stand% PARKER it CATTLE'S DRUG STORE, Goderieb, Feb: 24th, 1870. vr21 • Market Square. E STANDARD LIFEASSURINJE '3EistECIalishecl 1825. la:f. whip!' is now united- the- Celonial, Life AsettranCa -Conipanye --Head office- .for 1 Canada :.-Alonireidatandard Compahy's Buildings, Nei 47 Great SL Jamee Street. i(anagere-W.M*,,Itamsey. Inspector—Riceard Bull. ' ' •- , , - • ACCIIMULATED FUND - , slo,00d.Y000* ANSITAL nycoftz - ;,, , . ..... 3,5000300. The Zontipany haviogdeposited the sum orszso,noo tvith the Reiieiver General, invonformity with le Insurance Aet pulsed high Session. Assuranceritill continue to be carried out at nod ate, tales- and on,all different systems in practice, ''' e ferees i—Dr.-DICDou-rall,'Dr. McIdickiug.. v 1. xii Ilb. 42: ;'.. CALL0*-Alr, Ii., ' i-, ... . , .., . 1. - Agent f?-fzeoferlph. . 1DERICIII WOOLEN FACTORY (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) HE MARKET GROCERY c ".N! s Plug. Fine Cut Chewing and Smokjng Tobacco. 9 EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Pipes & Smokers/ Fancy Goo da etc., etc., T aE BESTBR 1.NDS of all the above named articles always on hand. SUPrrTs OLD STAltD, MARKET SQUARE. Goderich, April 1st, 1870. NEW PATENT 1-3: "Y" R "iTRACHAN & McKINNON, 1111LACKSMITHS, Nelion stree Godetich, would ..1J intimate tofarmers and others that. balling was *staged therightfor Carter's 'Hay Lifter, they are now prepared to furnish them at $5.00 each The are made ma neatand substantial mannerosnd have given •emeat satisfactionto those who have nsel them. An agent will be out for thessaleeof Eal. isisee in a aays. Goderich 25th.1864. TOWN- OF CODELUCH. T OTS 1328, 1324. Et 18'4 $2,0 each, a eaaneisess, park .L1 Lots 2 and 3 in env A. Lots 116, 149 and 150 24110. Towissiepof Wawnt osta North 24 acres lot 18, ere, 160. 'resemble of Ashtletd, Soutfierly 10 acees of E 4, :co aleuth lot 1, con 4, W. D., SLOW 21,ppiy to THOMAS WEA THERA LD P. L. :surveyor, (Student+ Godench Dee 18th 1168. le eta. TO 2— MO let the ,Tonsa of Goderich. for a term ef years, ▪ Brick Cotthee with a large orehard and Mx acres of good land Fer particulars dpply to. w. D. ALLEN. Gaderich Sept. 27th 1869 Farm for Sale. LO'" 5,q nett 54, Mayfield Concesgion, in the at% Township railectlench Containing 68 acres, el These over 51/arms cleared with gord Frame Barn, and Log -House, shunt 2i miles from Clinton. For Terms of sole uppiy at t Avow/a Court office at oderich, or to Mr. WiCiteiNG ToN on the premis.es. Goderich. Ont.Seet. 21, 1F68. 'Oh tf. FARM FOR SALE, mitie•••010 T OT 10, CON. 10, W. D. tOILBORNE 100 ACRES. la 90 cleared, gond dwelling house. frme 22a36. with a commodious kiteben attaebed also gond barn and shell accommodation, good bearirg orchard. well watered bytwo creeks running through the farm, and gond wells (Metall from gravel load. e smiles front Gederich. For particulars apply on the prendee3 to undersigned, orto Mr. 1) Ferguson, grocer Goderich. C STEV7ART. October llth 1269. FARM FOB SALE. •Bill•m1M•• VORSA.LF, .0B TO RENT.- Lot No. 6, eon ie. or. .r Ashfield, Co. baron, containing 80 acres. 2.5 cleare-d, with house and barn. 1 here is a living c reek on the farm. It is a :sorrier lot. Price 518.00 pet acre eents$40.00 and taxes. MA It 1 DLPKI N London. Feb.2. 18% yr 2. FARM FOR SALE ON THE BAYFIELD GRAW,L ROAD, DEING lotrai firskeoneesaion Goderich Township. 11111 116 acres. 0 of which ar cleared. a never failing creek runs through the lande. The lot is situated on the Gravel roadahout miles from the town of God- ' erieh. Tholand is a rich elay loam being very unit- ' able for wheat or Malt growing. The lot will be sold cheapend oneasy terms. Possession can be given 1st October, for particsslars and terma. apply to G. IL PARSON:, or to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderich. Goderich, March 21st. 1870. w941 FARM FOR SALE. riF 147 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ABOUT 0 V acres cleared and the balaace gond hard ad 311 - her, a comfortable house and first -el s ra tirz. good orchard, and well watered. alanosti otn'eheballidn' 39 ,ersonwennse_nit clay. Tire farm Is let a19,, 5th con!, goleadeitt I tp mile_s from Coderich aud237tyfrothilembeipertlitninistoens.:0 On payment Of pan cash gond term: the balance For pante; tars apply °yen f" 22ndjanat870. seltf jOHNII'laistPill9;sis'HilFiti, P.0 A TURF. CHANCE—. LAKE FRORE ARIIEMOR SALE 4 N GOOD WORKING ORDER, 11 POT ASH KETs 1 tles, 7 Ctiolera, 1 Soap Curb and Kettle. 3 soap Moulds, 2 Horses and O.arness. 2 geed new Waggons, 3Sleighs. 2 Wheel Barrows, 4Shovela. Pewter Caliche Mould Stands, 8 lb in a stand, 2 Chain Primps for ley 1 Water Pump and many other appendagestoo laser aw64-om ons to mention. Its good stendand will be sold cheap for rash. - 2,000 loads leached Ashea, *7 cents per load. rnquire of J BARNES, at the Ashery. Goderielegsav. 2nd1869. wa: IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. vii -u are pia:pared to make arrangements with a few resnonsible farmers to grow the RAMsDt LL NOICWAY 0 Ts for us on contrast for the emp Farmers wishing to grow a profitable crop shbuld address the proprietors, as ;ethane D. W. RAMSDELL Sr. CO , • 218 Peall Street, N. Y., or, - e 171 Lake Street. Chicago Ills. Z sw64-2t . fonowing yemasks _on Tem:mown& of mom 1 wonderful nun extraordinary cures t anade theGREAT INDIAN PR..; vurv 'they are awn!, un deniable and ilmonteetible terra sufficient to convince the most iskepticalthat thetireat Corrupoun. limed after for ages is ileac/accessible in the Great SHOSIFINEES R:EMEDY-- for Diseases ore tne 1 limos Litugs, ,Lwer, Digestive ' rga . , 013 Skin Disease*, Eium4s, add all ;flambee arisiitg from reinetif has 'NI:1c Isal RP.Ro4 1:411ALLBIL Where was there ever such a cure as that in the petann ot Impurihes ofthe I toad, wr boldlo state that tins great WilerneStorme of Brighton, C. W., of Coneumption - or yr NI, 0 Milt thatof Peter V. V. Miller, Earnestown, C. W.. of-C"ons ship „resftr:onagay.ofioeuldratrinoithe Tu017,4)ii- of Dyspepsia and Liver Complanit, of that of John us a: epyti.00nf, oNrathimattioefe A. ern.11,7eatiVirKohde,ou inf Catzsnek,Co nw,hC:lbta',,d, „beitio_Lot-5,--BvfieId Reed, south. COntaine actually been on crutches tot tears in spite of all treat- inse isia aeres of' land 1110r6 Or 14'88 Good as Kidneys *e as unit as Scrofula tnn van HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBERWILLSELTOTHE BUILDINGS and Isot at present occupied as furniture wan - morn& cheep, as he wishes to build Larger and 17103re ;Suitable premises. Ihe buinlings are in good con- dition. and wouldmake agoad dwelling house at Brasil expence. DANIEL GORDON. Goderich April 8E1,11870. syra8 lisa DIF'AR TO ItriiT. THAT DESIRABLE FARM, ON BAT- A field road, Seine Lets 3 end 4, 2 eon. sendelich rp. Conteit.ing 16t1 ecres, ot whieh 100 are cleared, is to rent for such eel iod as. may lie egreed cn. The land is a •olid, elny loam, and the buildings cerafort- 0,1e, with n large eitehard in excellent osaring order. The farce is well watered. For further particulars apple.' on the premiees 0 JOHN SALKELD. April 46, llP70 tee65-tf IWO FABT43 IT SALE ra'sOlt sale twc very vain ble FAR in the Toon 1.? ship of Godericia For p mtieulars appsy to 'OSEPI3 tv, oieeoe Read. Goderich Tocensh,p i7ovember 25th, 1869. IT451O FARB! ilk/ lair ED% COMPOSED OF LOT al, GOSI1EN LINE. JJ, T,ownship et Stault y, onuty of Huron, IfS0 notes, 100,aeres are in a high etate ofeultivation. Tam tend is of the hest quality mad wellfencal (agoad heard fence along the front.) There are on the promisee a dwelling house, frame bam 16 by e7 feet. granary, atableand blhed 105 by 24 fres, well fenced orchard of too bearing trees. two never faihng wells with goad pumps &e. This fine property is situated on a ..,-,ravol road. andeonneeted by good gravel roads with C11nten (10 -miles) and by a road, said to be the finest in tte provinee, with the excellent markets of Bayileld (4 Miles) and teaforth (12 ntiles). For furtber penitent- areapply tri D. feemi-egall. Auctioneer, Dayaeld, or to FRA.IsCIS MARTIN, unties premises. Dayheld. 7th Dee. 1869. wa6-6m• Farm for Sale. .1,11•••sl, men* heretofore. and is now well. 'Scores ofeuelicases brick house frame bares. sheds. &is turogNestuhoistahRlehhcieErtir antesd .pionbis. might be mentioned 33811 we ellaeteli.e Glitea r sooS• and satisfy your s .. a selyPerice of the Remedy in itiadvDgeemper.ittit: te*di ciF1'ie. AliFflgre6ntsalefoleYallodieDrirachg,g1IP.A.lacircian and Parker & Cattle , tl-pull nt the Drug Store and get a. Circular ot Good orchard, good Striae/ pi water, lee. t . Twins easy, apply toi3„ ufie}30 P. 0. April loth 1870. JOHN ESSON, sw70 4t . . IVHOLF.SALE AGYNTS: 3...T2INER & Co., trOkfif,rt,ttorrfr ( a., „moray. DUNSPA11011& WATSON, 4 ."`" e's riT,qinog.K TARE, runturom - A HAMILTO ken_ - VO Messrs. _ AL MBE/MATS & STU:89 cOnWity T. O.. . County Of Lettimx,Ontario Canada, • ress s Mabee', County of Hastings, _ Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1868. t "nuts erteeertirethittdering the winter et 1868 I 'IvaStaketi with* weakness of the sinees,.which - t12117,41tedurabesiirlag of 1867, extended th ,aaden uptomy inps, and I becatim so Weak that I could not walk. but war tA ntined to my chair,. aee Forabotettwoyeare. while this weakness was coming tiritON SMNAL. and afterwards.lisottglit raedlealadviekemnloy- ing. atilt -thereat times.three 'Warne sno 'medicines of difermtkinds, ereseribedbytrituda bt. tof no *oath FOBLISITED-SEMZ-WEEKLY AND WEEELF Glenburnie 'rum for Sale TOWNSHIP or GODERICE. ••••sor 1.0 Vtizawte8dromnirliltharamircelblineclifionerlasna fulroCroldginslt rich to Bayfleld, from which it Isseparated by the Day - field Riv`r. It contains 212 ;sterns. 110 Pettis sander feuce, 70 acres clear of stumps and Ina high slate of cultivation, soh:dela clay loam; beels good herdwitscl. It is sell watered by two living 611-611111S. .4112 orchard of140apple trees in bearing --fruit very ebeice; ease, a few pears, plums, peaches and cherries. and e few grape Nines. Two storsteonerete henee, a2 by 42 feet, cellar size ref thelionse. Ratio barn 45 by al ft. This is arare epportemity teficcure a geed feint cane Lake Sluire, wheels fruitzaisingis muds thore success fat than her inland. Apply 4o - WM. ITAILL, a G. IL TRUE3IAIT, Land Agent, tsciderieb, Marcb 15 1870 w0tf ESTABLISHED 1848. _ T H E r ct- T. I S .Sz 'S (:) IN: S, : . , _ Iventinued toget -worse and wease. until therammer 1 Et aiV ea was ineuesetotrytheareateeesiumess Remedy byreadingtherurespertormea, in a paniphict. time Iliad begun to feel the' weaknees in mv .ESPECT F CM'S intimate$ to farmer5 and others tbat 'they are prepared to fdl mud' aceetedsinceltecenuneneed businerti in Gode- , . • ail oruert in . . c - boxes oftharrillsand 1 tin etttirely restored to health. R ,, , .,_ . . . - , . . . taltealtwO'bottleatif the Sit slimiest; Beniedyene two Lilllia"E6 '-'171"mez-eatve/e'elive:,40'1%°na a a?2eac').F.' Y..(si bands; la -heti leas getting altnot belpless. 1 lifiv'e . - heordershrought to him lnateentott !laving J. , . 7.. _ .- watecaseriveteouebutknown to an my neighbors . re) _ e. se s TES el. ADVBRTISING 40W Seottredtaflaitiesi0 D . c to s . tilos . Dyeino. zattootto . ana meads ; Adtoanyineoinkted iti 1 waa I have p.u.itime , 1 ichendt being able to execute twee one -hal o InevereXpectedto get better, hut stimply tried the ROLL–CARDINC medicine pa tort offoxiorn hope This ease of mine OlOth rosin& us ni pm _ a, garryinE on Business Extensive y - t 8ets. per line only to Islay try the Skoshonesa Remedy: believe it. XaCh subeespieet insertion fieth. • yott. F ed: Cloths Flannel% Blankets , . Ilfrorteto before reeittlEadee County of Hastings, MAJIT DorauTT- Noticesof Births, Mosnages, and Deaths this 9thdayofFibmarla 1800 j. 1 F. Woon,a1 ete. and employing nonelut firsteteasstrtdesmen 1 herebyeertify that 1 have 'known- hlra' Katy Ann Andfle D,A.beiteveshieeapertencess,,Cutter 10 On e shertest notice. . Partlea 4ig la exchange their.Vio01 for goof! -henna made - * ter et U.-given/310i% US We IWO .13111ifitied 11)1Ve -the_ iDro°n4taltsintititallerleratiunliAlless. 1!ftheleatinealcit'Yieenrao.eivitarhltemrtieribeal fitriore,:duritaonhbenf, enoildttrnettein the ProVinee,haVillgearrietki0 gqodg wiWititt tO t e ensinessextenewetyandsuccesefullyntliamilton _ , • a Partiesootning from a distance 'With !fool to eat carded mav in 2 mak_ wad •heme witly.ihem ,the same day. was -declared hopeiees 1- mid 1 knowthat she base since - - • -- tine in every particalar. I know thatwhile illheficase THE OMIT; JOB 0 -Fr_ ICE. _ Catle.rua one of t he Prineistalfeteablishnien st n 1 neari evoiy tusttioce frail on getting. arinelptillyarsteelliasetistennerirsandsaavsna• eses g000te yeu', require. supplied with potver.. presses, laand same,yglie eot end, artesslystaie to * _ lacerems nublic-that - l 110 e • • WORK:1W IiihoshOneet Remedy. `Whatever may be the peculiar r - - proprieties ofttlia Medicine one thing is certain test !presses, and possessescvcry facility for . her recovery, always, attributed her recovery to -the 3.3usineesgOtteee nets. Faith ,Alladvertiseasentscharged by aselle Ofeelldnotipaam "Zio notice taken ofnupeniemateatutiestions DLOTIIIINTO CAI ME MADE eria, woolen ka-0,0" x7, - illudratle. A. FeWooll J. P. 1111144tabliebusen eget* aothereve lietsblithe tontiaTeroato orMontreel. 1June 8the 1851 - wil warden's itbeCounteetHastingea'revinceetontstie ti°u 'or 11,1,aa'n and fancy van' tin?, Ixiete In her resent has aeted ahtiost late the performAei or rapid and neat execution of ovory &scrip- tioderielz, -October 3rd:1863. - swit , 1 11111 11111 ' • 111 1 11 1 11111 11111-1i !Aka 11 HI. 01 11_11 11 .1 nembeateef eastaar- wee te as low as any establithment. e, 0 - r. .?, lite2 2. 11.002P)Ift111. as1N-N 32.00 el.T sf) Bushtme EDWARD S PLASTERER .A1 TILL eztatitan te do any w es oa reasmatee t2rms. 1 t.tgettmf;led prompty. t:-...2C.Dattr7 tt) gr-lt COVering Tra:dol do s -re"-;:,. entssritter, and Lave C`,F.i7 SlatIOS. neY Win Cad cheer eel -veins ta tee esel. Gadeeich, wee Ltare_%, 1570 S. R. M1-30 pitLoTthAL voel, -t- (mon. Godermh. eines always on hand. Will be in Dangannee eve leseamew every Tearsday az nereeseeneencests to E. IMP TANI] 11/1 House Sign & ira-miams TO ACQr essioe .11.Y Le has atted up a &Lep ea WEEZETaE Mabel:at Camel. - enema weere, he is prep:reel t< nnd at reasetaahle paces. Tee of hie last 7 pease essiteits a eo Now is the time to f Meig,hs, aud .eez Oraere from country C with dispateh. Sign. Painting, Gildieg. Ge , angles. Att. , &as, Goderieb. Nov, S. ISZD. HURON ZURICE1. CO. JOIEini PRANG, firszta house is fated up wit the thavelling Getal Stab:Mg:and pee; Febraarv tat. 1570. MRS. -0 AY, , 11713,0X' —, ON Cho (Urea ribati 1 Walkerton. nve modation tor the travel Wrozetor. neva E., I COL *KM CODE 1 E. MARTIN P Goa AteenamorlEtii 001h. Ina This is admitt< Zionso kept Graed DCL3 23th.asee. Commerettaallog rorm P7c torgostand hastCor arinado.3-od enarges es Nittebell. Btaae prep -300 Horses - Roma aria Shortest Iklotteree eubserlhor in eels 11. gathoaage ED 107.3 110E germ his nurnethasessame: Claat theoaccquenee of th beeline:es to the ethers fene Vest streets neat heati taa' line with be fussed a 5 LH Madan of -Job no F.= - -C Gederach Mere' SASH A FACr PflfiEnedeemaaerl SL nog Mill arid taas et:ale-ley Dozetd °err to el:trey-en Inc bee 'Sash, Door apo c_ C finch as Circle end t T.Ley from tte tgerls.that they ear) e feany !event= taiga N.B.-21.1ifeera 2%000 feet of 1 Yilleerlue7 et GeNetca. Eleseb 4* 127 V.,at.:.;.Yfi;27 haw eeerosica to Na yestef,looe,' er Gee thaemlereesseen Lao fee the isea fa era vC..7est 'aT-3Lasocz-'. pateeemaseeata eereese Watens 'whin eivewatieass SWErit LEE beeadene za tavisee et ater1 =ea aff • LI' gaeal vase ran Weas?ses, Cleeelts tem.' ATA Ce1.2Co. Agents uz.L.T.. PAY nests cad ce•e-•:„. to ea:least aseve nessa io47 IV 7 . =