HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-05-26, Page 3IN 0 NINE- I ..... IN. I I I- IN, I I, OTn U,101�1 fia v9p; a L Z.211 -Inv ko han Th I cannot de- Sim /,m Xr Sarsap C14 Suffering severtly In ILI lumber regions for the wait' i The Amerlears,on elve Editors PL t by one of the Milt ot a market for our coarse lumber. H ra Tjh' 24th'SUI -i 0 ON I X a L P R U1 0 R'V. Mr. Hichot lvis be -3n I 'n or The-ttimber Trad ni-that wit are. urrahfo 14111S flnT ,tIted, that two 46 medillal men, aTid. a arcomit-of their troubles havat not rainale any purchases J t .1. N, J L 1� A TMA 3111AMUNI, tit the Province the pastycar, and being unable to a number otmaster matons, sli3emakers &W Thb roputittilan this ex. lvmum IV VnN CUP0,13V In we van't ship, It if) VIRZ dRACXERS,, -Or cellent; 5edlgnu enjoys, To,% 'England. but ug earpenters, agricultural implement makers unT I compete with the North of Euror HAVE R, E, ,I'VFD Isderiet fro serious us this matter is. it Is M116.1 ROMAN CANDLES, 's enmsi a tearandlaii PaIn Destroyce Ina great ell,are truly t4k know that th ring con. ]is, e rn cases of Scrofulous d1S- TORPEDOE ease, :where the is t I'M hr"'Res hu li�Ig I - I end' p S Two young bnId about 14,were P. 1 21 U .11 a. I.lue WHOLESALIk & RETAIL Us �Ins,,,Je.,.nd t cl , Very Choice, from 10 cents up; iffi seemed saturaterwith ic� would -findouhtedly find favoriteaulting our Lt L Consont employment at tted River. kinhernien, for oil A IF E IXGUSON typ Ch sKy-nocKETs,.otia . Dress Goods in great. varie f al � " .11 f1re In I a k Of. per ait Mb �eo"Ptlon, have becir .,;-Z,4 n ReOD.Es. drowlitd in the Rideau, at Smith's Pulls, D 'I. il 25 la t AT BUTLE MI. 11 enred by It- Jgrri%j � 'ill diesstooy thattheitanceess 1119611ts ana Xqwseiiles Ire't jr—, on ItIst Tuesday ovening. 'I he names of preat surcess—it Isnee MUSLIVIS, 38A -1pV4Vfi (!J which Dr Priggs ban achieved lit his prolesiqlaut as 11 ty cro d- 'Wit" an sthge--n chirIpodist has been unparalltl.-d in thise, I .1ta Q�.ja, 'he unibriunate vouths are Gallipeau d " KWO LLARG-g, fh%wo_ to J5, n 0 ation unlfl The bI had' a A 130aUtiffil AsaortMeht W1d*nTfssnNz Cloakinw-is and Veivatewi L been cr.,qsin as well an gentlemen. have been lieved ftoin earns SEASO VIR - _11* - ftey were raht C have becn radienily e y . ezr—jr1h., % Natthouttlici slighteNt OLL AN IM, ver gooXilor 20 C CAd Ina such In almoEtc- f-1_-C,dV TE3 "pid in a earive, below Jone3's dam, w'hen bunions, clul, anti inverted nails, r OP NIBLE STOCK -OF BROWN'E' ants :. am, �Vax',Z wz� ch -in 11haey were uPslit. The bodies are IrDt yet P in or uneasiness -and tInubtle,411'111111 more winil tion of the countMthattfitplibliq =1 eEdet qtr17,1rI?ntVre4W-iV, 'a, VII : 0P!0L3a 1 1 d JEWELLERY 6F ALL KINDS GltOCERIE�. NI -n. it d thev an adequate it predation rV knowledge of be informed of its virtues or xi-tO� *NI r7oitle-lit X I? remered. 13 C> CP 9c, laj ema 41 4_G31T M; 4j% ."Cb, " iMbA destructivat SasisaynRillgan isablifly- Fowindl 'ISO S&PI111110115 pOiSOn 18 One Of the �,&11 t,41e AT LNJUST RECEIVED, nails are aw`hre that the dine ftlelmespf our race. 0 Md'unfelt 1Wrae1at1hatC,.1J-;, avo f the feet. ifetut fatal t.6 one's life, are certainly nit an LIQUORS oying as enn'lac,and the remedy is Simple and.Hure - I Dundas Cotton Yarn, whij tonant�ftheorgantemundemineitherinstAuCidnI ler/41R.'ond, M3.2-1. It."Ij A Nrmoi6 - ' and to besold a and. colored. sin farmer wants a diVorce on ILI must hd skillftl1w. and invites the attackof enfeeblingor fatal diseasesi me zellaselcd and y afiejed atri.A 0A mr, if the corn butiolon oi xted nail . 1. cases. presei1ce, At:�J NIJ�w pr?��?rz lh- e zfzv�-? .1.7"i the ground that his wife can't split hRlf and carefully treated and the patri III c AND DRY GOODS. I withoutelr0ti son, fraom ae"! e -tion. throu IT -19 '1�ve Ut =Nnres Cgainet E, "sptc 41 The only way- to obtain this relief I- to apply w Dr. iftfee gliouttliebody, ct valbeml 0 finlarli-le'da the ELTUoUnt of wood she boast3d she could Bri-gs In person, and In a few m1nuten the troI I- 01-IEAP A'.V-B1JTLE.R'S. Goderieli, April 29th, 1870. W43� JeeemI b= ell'i J.)). fl.- AN, 1-c' k mrsczit dition 6buiefavorable occasion,rapl, develop ;::� J-7,2plolled exchwit: IzWrva -:as -,�PJM Jptbvriebr other of its bideougfoms, el eronthe vOthat 310 Alalffifflfs Dr Briggs can be ennsu IWI at No 6 Kin—treet before their marriage,, -Ja Toronto. where aildiseases of t kirflaim '10I ambM the vltd& In the latter, tuIxr. CGII 2,0SSV)fzJ be mia-cd Trill, 1.147 In' - r r : xi:4 Cklesi cles mmy,,ble sit denly.debbsited in -the lungs or tu V- A he feet are tr;",I Purchaqed. In thd 'd iii the liver, or it thows 'holl-vaital doll"I'X) III anawn for -rele- 1ho most Rkilffil manner. Dr J. Prigg, Modern Cur :Flshling Ta J4 CQ3!,2 J)4 R t'I it- P.% .0i TheQucen opened the new built'llng ative is sold by drugglatsand country niewhants 13 FES T MARKFETS11, heart, or thinlors foliiie - th �, os Its: p r e s e n c e by e V tp ti o i a s i D n t he izk I I I D 1 r fo ul U I ­.rpi-pxc�r qfsek.-a! Jip Ila this hemat-deA t0ra - generally- 2 Of thC Vniversiq of London, in Burli%­ OF ALL KINDS, CONSISTING OF REELS�. A,r THE LONVEST PRICES, _AND ev V 4ftUtt,-C,ti Ad *11.8.91110 artof the body. Rene* 11,.8 OCC44 1jul thr wipa-IoNTal iinpr BASKETS, T), 'he ej,"Mr. 14 liwazP's leen2cd.'ar"; ;,:I Tr Cas t4la sl= uEe of a, )Ottlia Q1 this fiarsqVarilla is ad - to" Gradcns, 01i Wednesday. From increued physical and mental strength of per BAITS, ,tV HOOKS visablie, even when NoAclivb eymptairrm of 111seasid �V�a I TO I mWo I T H, appeal-. IlersousefflieWdWIttill',cfollo*iugzoma -ELLOI ND SYRUP 01' H' -'PO- OLVERT. lianaWbON ASO V COMPOU slid p)aInts generalW-And' immVd1hW rMf mid; at 5A.RSAPARILLIAN RES . a nn el-eateal sram 6 0. sIN.rrEq, their augmented faculty of nd ratic . t fop n Ali in=e mian at Chip- 0 U 6 be LINES Nr f_iae durlity orer a,#,l IgAi�Wnyzl aoalf-.r� ---Z'em, I., of a IRE. SOLD CHEAPTOR 11-Ingtb cum, by - oaseof this 9AR,, It I/w ILE.00iII m. -lief a I I rzq a le's .1 F -at 1�e C7,ivps wero excitement by goilig on glinnivg exhibi- regular a�d healthy action of the Heart. Pungs !or kind XA: hi. AinfhoAI Xtre, Rescor XVVJSjPeJa8j super C n 2 ri principal'Aftets. The Itither and their Improved appearance Tdter BaU JiViegtap Read Ifead, Rfntr tions on the Stomaaach and Bowels. :1US RECEIVED _wormv .0 compleff,111 bed".4d qIrr .14 they dez AND C A .6 gore 4es, Bore Zara, and 9thiprelgons-or = &WI vkj�if. iq M1 6 Idf 1! t 4 `SJ)'7, Ille 2 IS day he Indulged in the harmless psstime (If demonstrated in thousands of cases within our know Visible forms of Scroftaotts oJisease. 60 n lid 11rokest-4 ffi�-I �,�wz!ztt f A Ahooting ist��t-cur hokses ill the eyes, and lectize. its poVer of rentoring the greatsymPathetic alld' ISSMELLING AT C08T- He It is madeevter.s;ve additions to bore concealed forms, as -_D#St;eps1a, Dro the Dr. BdD M-4 1-,S =Lastallor sqstnz on which fall mad healthy derdaiI Dithease. n, to, zpj?,�FBI)y Nrurnivia.0 arrested. I ends.1seertain. Price 81.50a bottle.6116I 1? IEZ I E 1N C,- S; rip 4C XK "N1T9bvnrIOu6 ZWerotis vffectaonis of the -muccu. the -UMS at last J-, I. - I. I in ti -e intent AT BUTLER'S. 21'd kv aliothecarlea and by F Cundill 0,0,, wh4I THE 'DRY GOODS hr land bbrvous: systems. It JI )'V L J W" im 0 a Cz l: They - d. ale agents, Montre2l Godericla.3laity17, 1870. W11 a Ong 11 A wor.derflill -PoAVC1CNN 0e icureft. though I ime is required for we: IN Im. -Ant (*hpm;eql 1a.ineiplos fmililficki V1 i'llese Pil;q vary from tit o1bers"Tritrodlaced. 'MeT 't.long cont1hutdilse of this 3nedicitlewM ctire port %h-*TC*fi!0uIWtriVUS catLarttra; fitninnypoill's tuth Of6poinpLint -4recor-rhTallor White#, X-ferivae Szric'n _q� t1re wasth.% barly tb: 11 tht, first pl— RadVWs RRgulating Pit Is- are `pI reget STAPLE & FA�-CY DRY GCODS 7%:Cc Dt heaVy raing, ani UrNwaritIfts'. V.114 Fetnale 2Xseases, are 'com. inem.a !oofa;dnous Ingredients. Fxtens We NF.VN Premis6s Ok NEW al YCIMVdit =.d -0tilluttely cured by its SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT C- ; hem ! 0, Swim Q2.z0S7,. c—Onddly, tit are so elegant3y thfirum as to mol. . soon . . Posted wit AND MILLINERY S T It. 1 TV GOODS W_ - d %UZorn effect. Unute Vree. mg '9'4�' ,, 1W - d it bhrAlmn tadelegs, and leave M smell. Andtheynever AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS Cps �Or ase naiI :T VOINTAIAS TIS� FTC-= uce any otthadirastrouq u cousequenees plied grab�. RhfnAnIztbiIn blill Gotet, vhen F,1,F.811NNNNB1JA1CI1NG it I too often fullowr the indise-eet Law. of those power- W3- -NEW &TAST-40LORE caused by accumuladons-,of t1litAttolis mntte�e WaS L,04*d C11 SPLENDID NEW STO"T 'D PRINTS BO TS ABD SHOES, Ina multerul medicines.. They are an excellentremetly in the blocad, vield �mckTv to it, as also -TArer maulaI laropevilfes. , I., I - It i�� n amarritid, czro!-�s, or Dyspepsia, Asthma, He.Viia4te, verstata -ratia. Iiuuh 1JUU1 k"'! UIABLE COTTONS C.UJIVS bar, I !Morpi Lill r_­tltire an"I luicI On nia, in adjusting the 14,ter. Bowel% KidLeya, NEW& 0 . a , GROCERIES, S 10 e,Avlkh !Or Alf the M zl. .1 a ensell o Laits, Dloal- It T` iacI They �W6 andd itidtelmined to give e.ery, enstatmer C �_=tw be rAver, and travaindic rn#,. Bladder. and racarbeig so I for Vervousness. as thpy often 4o, Iforat -Of "11:d ture, the PlIesetteetrially, when taken according to full value for all M,'nPv left with him. e kli pot"s in the 1)w is 4.% gkftt rb� blood. This SARS irlY �11T JRILIC114CMINF" ihO Wreptions, For alldis orders -of the stomach, and the' lilt part of Ist Book ...... 3 !,euts ot the tyk*m; 11'ATOPS A isLN IV-JBAM4.z;A all- C. Barry& Bro., stairier for thestrength and vigiol p�ortd on the et%z�, Various &uds of the system, tliere ars. no Pills so 2tid do do .......... 7 8:JNNN Bring along your C-811 or Itrodace and Thosewho am Zartiouid zind Xisth4s, bi!nm Gr's. They have stoodbigh in value in every climate, _n. 0m. They immc­,ijzte�dy =-been the in - 2nd Book ......... :14 VabIllet Makers lJrdertakers Wood hetore buvinz els.6where, Just Call ut the dvit, fflee;Aess, itud troubledwith Nemous 4,p. ra�mlaz ana eabsni'savirg teas and teus*ftbous md Cheap—Call and See, prehetisions or Fears, or any of the affecti6vil and& oflives durin -ti% do ......... kneit' vill And immediate 11-zcir yatagans Uzi t�ttza rast .1f century. Theyare 3.d do New 2�0- .1 Stand, ptomatle of V it exteriadozatirs tine proilizrtq ofO.c -ay. always effectual an tpesaly. 'Xiever -cramp no Tprnem, NITZIC"of its TeEtbiativt the rt:st relief and convine! t1_3 r p 4th do do ...... 30 4. heavily, bat posse§s the wonderful power of C.= power upon triaL a. Dalselses. 5th do do ..... .... 35 :E3E.,gL1W3[3c&cMC:>1NT MW, HAMILTON STREET -as xpevvr*3 It Rurnaparillinat Resolvent $1 per bottle. 6 bottles for Have removed across t,ie Street to the Store next do6r Godertielt, Aprir 19th, 1,870,, D B. y F inlotLa IGODERWH avv67 �'t 2za 05. Ready Relief 2S cU Iier bottle. Pills 25 cts per to Win. AchesoXwHarness Shop,,where will be found raz��e, man IN -S. V. 4 .7 And all ather School CO., Xqvreil, 'MaLlI it; euivit Barii enuess 11 L -A April 16th'. f8710. v; itt but tile rL.-m, ft R-1dw47s 'Remedies are sold by all Drugg'sts amal 7`0derich gair of timnlaard tande NvILI al%vill A GOOD ASSORTMENT I PiNdefteat UWA Aftftt"r Chemist,. -411iiezw -Vi C�untry Merchants and at fir Radway's Medical B00K-S uesso� 09alt i a Warekouses, 97 Maiden Lane X Y and 439 St Paul St of Kitchen, - Bedroom. DIrLingritiam. and Parlor F ft 1-I ".I vI It refirlurs tsvr4nn zkoni. tile I.V�Es ir I ent &13 bOW BY ALL DUUGrAS Menset. La3 co�__Aot fbr bereze Iforittva niture, such as 011101 14c --Nue"all-n of Z .3 REDUCED IN PR10E NEW D11Y GOODS 1 t -ho seeA- YfrizIlle. tte. UMdy ana X;jr Reand False and True, . -TAB16ES' 'TaI III nqPWfyX.:L9, j%awcutle, out., zeeran _7b t1i ose ;v -end one letter stamp to or J Radway It Co.. 4ag St di T XOORHOUSES!S e Land wood seated.) I rCatiadii. o" MrVvner nnd Mr Paul St- Montreal-infoarmation worth thousands will CELAIRS (ba*r, can gents fo There is not a ittara. nmonir or !hil-i. ho,rern't I CUPBOARDS. be sent you. 112- Sold In Goilerich by Parher & �Cattle *nd rasted byiivqcn,,I i�zheir ar illa I, lordan. Gardiner A Co.. ffayneld. James Ileuthra A CHOICE SELECTION ol-nW and BEAUTI.FUL G OODS is JUST TO 1dNTD .1odgeriII J. 11julard. Fxeter. J. H. Combe, (3t Jition to reve've nour shincia tit% I tit -ir k r; i bmg- 0 t�._ s ef the BFDSTEAVS, iz - --- ' WASH STANDS_ J I det%01,1- , UATTI -_e, a-eI3 0:hev 3P.2LIPIM1131 . I , on, &cord, Lucknow E. Hickson, Seafo VeryNatural. rth, ed beyond the praI W mynir. o. tt' raot:)w -it LOUNGI '-J)_ th': ch-Asi�, and berom t�SIOFAS - JOHN NA'PRIS. -sustaii)-na the riqq)-vilve jfri,cu- of RA 1AV.ij: A Qneston.-Why will people r live ill- 'a- b'T', -0 W112 Iticalking sickly horses to do 11m k=kfaituhrato one good. A fresh lot of new patterns Goderich, Aprill2t1lis', W-17 I -anaJs were kiheAl. �1, c J, , 7� as taken porse might perfinut ? Ifthe horse has tIft alleavesN Is GLA;SESj 1. air 41te 17:1-CIR I)rokezx win -led, bas a cough or cold, o� ItWwind i WHATNOTS, ILOOKINC K "c"Od toll"'t' nany CHISAYE-11, MAN EVER, APPAIM-Itt VANTED. tile CII 41 ba�l eseap�ed. Mr, way affected - if his appetite is bad, or his di 'tive GILT FRAMINIGJ I ges de deranged�basa roma-h skin or is hide tionnil. we p E,.N h. D our Jeny, that ou"f"e.4%.Fil qyn �dWi',,rtehl f1I tile sy"twa, In ,�t " - �Y-� JUST Q:ive, was in th-- =ivalleaeesTecommeml the useof,Darley'sCon- 13- G. 33. B. am pre�areal to. alill everything In ditiout Powder and Arabian I eave Remed)'-it never their line '110 the Blaeksmithln� busidess. A strong TOI othLrae-raw are %I 111"e..1-11CILL all) A thlirf -al- fails to benutit and almost always removes the disease v reparat7tvai IiIiI ofined:N; me, way. and %vt1l. bv vi-' wh-l. rine in DUM- AT ApjdytoSfW#iHAN tions liaterruptod zaid iscerpfit-we altere I beyoll a 1.00 nlllci, Lad take so- it tit free from anything that can injure, and may be MOORIE10USLIS. Cheap f0t. OaSh' CARDS BILL—HE Goderich lildreh 21st. 1670. Nise of f116 SaigattinaiLl.11an Itni alvaen .. i-imzh�ze Vat 3 Itsed. at all times with salpty. Try itand you will be IL. complete asso�iment Nif Collins waid- Shronds th-clierhapsfor years. -for io inatter hoty low ai- i:u,t. A iQtLr satisfied. Remember the name, aind see that the Big- alwaysonliandandaHearseto hire; allouremitable ritul lorpeS may be� if the �.vslclo NI Lr ba, wl.' Plain and Fai�by I under the inquence ofthi.,; ti�suc nit i imAj ­nah;na C��,zn2spn'R-at S958, an- natureof Hurd a Co.. i3 on each pakage. Noithrop 1 Printed a ty Rates CARD -OF THANIKS & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont. uroprietors for Canada. P terms. IV -ill Ira grealer luau 4,11c mu:uated carp-_ Of Mr. Sold byallMedizine deaf4s. FILHING TACKLE , TS UNRIVALLED for Purillir. and Cheap' ness. It 0i at JL saves Kg%s, Butter lifilk. aI Bud Is warralrated to "P01laose w:io res1ran-lod to my L%st Callf-I -money and the BLOOD thal Wgo al"n .... 1. 4 LIP A CALTI SOLICITED WIC contain nothing Injurious FaI - siteby the Grocers. A HE SIGNAL OFFICN. X. and wnaild respe,-ttittly iuvibB the II31=0 Of Day 1 5 f�un&i in thethick Goderich, HthVXV, 1870 tf ROLANSON & YAl'EAN, Qatatorilto d;) likewise. lay So 41 would citable me I 4plicnill3fill sultition till 4,­.,�iaisutuentd, aiflttup Nail deszrlb If 9 A CCOMERmAj... Agents for GoderIcb. pt- '10 shillings to the pound, -And ]sell Goods proects or demy itud dcc,�mllm!itiva. 11111111111111111U Asheitierthan f5mif-,H. - T Over 41, &PLUMNINK Nk CO., i cews in Athens. 11ta T 0 W N. Godericla, 2;�, peb 1876 Avg xsm Ich irMits, London, Ont cm , PTIO's-scm-ol-TI'A. Drialit's diFeMcIalm 7up M tlue stmets an I WSV the zaal.,I GODMUCH MQNEY MARKET AT MOORHOUSE'S ENGINE FOR SALE Venereal. nro diI I thrulng!1 !he oI - - 01LMLIX, T putaitsirmn the b4iodeitherin the b-ir;s -hm h a - J.(7 13N, M veys. Blailder vr Cellular T!:�soe; awl -1 ClorrecI the Sigital by W. F. P. Smart Brok- NURSE�Y BUSINEL ,er, WwiI 13 horse power pottableStigine, 0 good as tie! TRING & SUMUR I E. ier,2-3, Sti.11 use the ml& I ff. is TO THII WORRING 40WES-We via norr Frei dto in tbeir advanced Ftnue jedu 63tb Lv rhin-h, -a i EMYTHING YQ W made by Watereaus & 00. Brautford; Applyatthe- faralth 611dareca with constantemployment ilt hometho =ured by the uts pf the b-salitts Udam ILr� Fl;elm- of dism-ay 10. A 6WeLFUNS OLDSfAND, EAST'ST-) 33agnailainew, GoI, MAY 23, 18' 1111101VIcut. I - Axe factory to B4�oks. -Stationery, Fdnev Coods tBER BPGS 'TO INT111ATIC TO tandlarazlitotale. Temusafelthersex. M,2:,avag-, A]MCIAN EXCHh_V0X OP. GRMSBI The Subtdiber It" now rddi,4ved a, ttpvv almal Own, f1PHE -4UB; RON 74G�j_ X cul:X Inntiacaw-10119 metothebuflneis. Bo naI frizm-3 , �T the Go CHEApZ�T Godertch.25 J 'nsm 180. WL-tf to tI 1�h i ; or I -vu PRE VIOUSLY CUTTER. TO J. 0, PETLOA 'Do to414 zo! olea Zia 101 Buying at ...................... ... 85 A of.; Claiths, 3deltons, Ight Tweeds, Cheeksi, -JL -a- d. he yz1I limi S4,I _541,rtot; -XIII1z pletesto 1-3 till .0 ath of Odtolier yCE that, uk tat. AWMnelaaaaaamen. Thatallyhowettisnoice m2yaiend their eyrytog ;I e ru O!LIY ais, LaddriI r amallat the bukinew, wo rilcke 1111 -rW!Cltd _jdaLr­ With iziignati SaI at ........................ . 85 Canadafands C" -'-BE GOT has been 10 th F It. tree lagpincoas s TESTMONIAL Tz mvz *113 U� 10til na c w taking -r: 7biludinsian mLtvrJIsatkfie!AxvcVj StI 2 SILVES; 97 9 his utiumad responsibility. HeI, II OD'ERICHIft-K, SEPT. 1869. 3Ii-_3rcC0AMICK t& OV for tholrouble ofwrltinmg Fiffivaut- Over I - Iculama, ple which -will da tocor5menes work am, itnI pycfUe. fq of �n: in tEa mest dis%ia r, Baying at .......................... 61 discount Iffoorhousess. From the Best Iffarkets ordow Ghts been in oar employment as Cutter for year lie is capable of - cutting for 'Any first class I I t and 0, Webespealkfur-him. theconfidenet-aii. best 4�1.ly newspapers pulalkhed-Al vent 77�za,23 2�,2112�rl Selling at .......................... 4 estaia fim2tI inj jaw _pwoun,taLI3 Orders by mail or telegraph executed with prompt- 4oderich May 23rd 187J. 'lay THP, 'AND hi IT &0RN-X!AENTAL RWIII I 1%5U V oZorn�ttAp=t.rl ,wnrk, 4 -4-mrp F F0 laighest A R111.3 'aq 1:1.11, !;Lt,t14r of War, of ca -m- ness, and am the most favorable terms. The The Most'. -Fe "y who nak.-MVIOI iri�*HN _Q DBTLORIkeat 1 mill Imodf IIII all -IS gulan ilomloml pm, iniza paid fbrt�, aud tbebi.-hest price -pal for pawspaw lo"'aJ 101laq oupwql."14 irree-b-lus. Rev. r."Brock, W. A.0 Oshlonable T2 E E S! wli-q Drp zapaii"u ,,I P-ATTeRN S. Jo 2uotnivan I I , rt;MM:S wereawa�eer W F. P. SMART. )6f tMe-ey aescription for delivery in t�a sprhig. He Fall Principal and Itivinity-,Profarisior of'Hurah College, rivil AI jlc�ta si'm aunlopue:11 .I. NN11111NN"­` a Qt1prOp onvirl floi;duni- q to a lecturil delivered by Rev Father begs to solicit a continuLlUce rf the p SALE., N Damen iniportubt leddrai may be had,in ttrot'age of big AUCTION prtf--Jar baafl TO ITA friends. 111'.13 TTE IS PREPARED, AS E1311,70POAP. FUND omp l4luo lr� laou i md ena3urag Pamphlet form. Prim 18 coats t1up, the witits on the II !,OR BEFORE gad rtestuotice. tind thelo B3- ORDERSSHUULDAI� IN 0 S.5' hL- ftien-b- to mak-i DIED. THIPS PLACE INMY IKT*TIIE est prices, and in thelateststyle. I 10TRAPHIL t L aco rmi i Altstock delivere will be of the b4 qualltyand There will *be sold by'auction, at ot 4, 401JV Inqui:111 fwa I zft) unhil T d.u. 0 ;r�,a tile 23rd the YOUR so: 11,1191:U5 �vm I irb."ifl, Aims D name. 2nd con., B -Aeld road, en ph NeW DT) L tree t GI I ORGAIV55 Telegra s Depot 11 U 1101TSE _,-x-Ria- tfaa arrival At Goderich on the 19th of May, Thomas, __X,_ - - CHURCH ORGAW811 itel Piper, aged 25 ye WEST OF THE MARKET SQUARE, IT aildr,� FRIJAY 20th -MAY, 187M. pi%n stool -.3, &c.. &c 0 -out X­Av�nadvu za timpa I 14:11i �3.�,zoa 04!q1 81% and son of Mx. Sam; ars. SW- AYOXE O.F OOOD.OXEN FOR- 1.111.10111:Z33f ;JiMn- '11 pnu Merchant 0 P=,_-els to IS AT THE '�,Godericb May 17.1870. n eal SALE It I I (Next door to tha- Bank of bl� t YX 31aitufactitredAwthe polebratetlFirin of W's WEST HE WITOLI V TUR F ABU STOCK AN IP F, )3r. U-7hrt an -2 IITRE�T, G�. R 9,9 ROBERT GORDO* Tments, NI R. '19. AVILILTAMS Tiono 0 `70-- JMAMSM STAR OFTIG -BOOK STOM, R Y 0 NE K A good workman,wanted FPRNAt;ly. (Near the Railway 1Crdsx1qg) whent the lau-4e3t and cheapest stock Is to be found Huron Road TERMS01? SALI, inostextengive malzersinthe Volattalon. a Vz 1 .7 0 Q1 z ldq Goderich Aprit -7tit am W39-tr =7 �v takea in All sums af$.5,00and uvI ctigh; above that amount va .Wag �rol THAT 1:11111110 ";b153 atizat;,1.5 z1ap:z"qu -t -I 3urtk WtN Ifrdo� I SW93-tf .22: poiliks �crcdst will be zliatived by funtisluilig apa. Thr"dersignea iwgs to intimate1bratlae Ittsbeen ZT� Eztll haa gmnshot NGTACKLF OF ALT, KINDS, CONSISTI 'KEtNZIE'S AT3, ;K11TT4S � I -SRI. No G prativedJoint mI country ofthe abrivejust!yeelebrat/A firin, atid Is pre-: 4*4 a 9 r SP aill't 10 V. 4 In I pub �v !!07 Q.1 o.q p 1! Merc_kanl lailor& �aft eur. Tho TliE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY ofR )DS, HAND NSTS, B A8KETS, Matrkef Square, AV For particulars, see "stem qp la F ain, at qq -111!1 - I)Ij 16"Ondalon Rodsfroiu 25 cents to ated. from 0 feet to 20 fees BOO T & SH OF, ILI DY MADECLOTHING SU - r )a 10,1na tiw�fl 0AW11-milta in leOgth. 11ASi JVRTME6 IVED HIS 0. X Tl%[MiAg JOHIZ S=ELD, Semr. 11ANUF 4-VT1i RE R1 M 1`111 01FAI.P. Auctioneer. piroprield M, Inj sia"Al GON F211 IT111 �Ml a I , 110111 miantion, nm BEHIS31 -E X-OHAWO 01HOUL I � r.. .11. .010. 83 Job NosW Periodical PAIS Samples may re Seen and t;m iseeTUlned attliesub. IDIllAW-0 Godench 10 May, ISM WIG-ld' w4re-It"ma. W�!st street. `0111cli pHU'Jollall -.CJDr,;aU RODS TO HAT AN&, AP GODI[. . . - I . -11� re;SIX.121ii 10 .;nor. V0.1; i0q).10I G DANOL ORDON. iatmi zq Isonlias sm M -,mis J�mo I J-zaf.�Jo VISVA �Iil 'Apr -VALUABLE MEDICINE ISUN-FAILING 'I ays hbade ST 03? LFIfTEns the�cuire ofail those Fimf.1 and d..n- Departments are Inla cz 1R, the bon rrn.19 IN _U yX ]B " qpr--us jizs r JIM" am11',1-0kVtI a 'IS first; class Hotel hiving undergone a thorough 1". WIS das a,, th-cs Qa-d a tau dt repairs and refurnished withi new FiLLrid- z lopq �w-, I 11a; ])Ile -5-41 dioultaNesta-witich the female constitution is iiijert., r ID) T. .. a thbdaiderich To4t Office,,onthegi ture. is AdV6, open for the atenommodation itifthepublie. B31AINING I taual 1pin Pap. tc, -tr- �acE� M** !0.,M- At moderates ad excess and removes all obstructions, Rods repall red at reasonable U\3- 19F A-pleaccommodittlautfor Commercial travellera. _R May. 1870. hi $-I 120.-v -elisi,:Tj -pacq,"Mm und a speedy cure ma, bi� relliad on. -C IINSOLVE-Tr II -ACTS 0,V 3,804 Ila 111112 -11 `qjq�ZZLI "o -3 'Cd 'P OF tr2a There you P3 1'rel. an get and Summer guests, AThistraiang Elphraim. Jessu]p Richard -05 & 1869. SiI Briggs J Xrmi . Nail Is 'Junit u saptFaq -umtq oqi 11iiij sp zuAo Nio.% TO lfAnRIED LADMI wulch wn be fo-ift. d domplete. JOSH. 16ALLOWAY,: �roprietor, Capt d-17 cfLsrei Ha -z- It is peentilark-stailed. vilt will, in a short time, bring GOODStYLEI. III i - -- M It. 11. W MIKIN'S�1, Bnriitt George 1AMI) Is "is , silitit jai ehbz!;!,D 7sot llilBn PtJqa ZUNI ;nr.1bq -j, on the anoLLI period with regularity. Stationeryak; Fancy Coods GOOD FIT9 Nevr ofrering Great ludtcer tents id Hittschen B Jswnb -Iii-th.matipr (it 'Thomas Barry ymaoacu - the let, W-aw. X, Y) durir. (14te of tile AmiNtricatlHo Burke John 2(rea) Kellyl-110mas bz,11*31 Camp FIRST TUP.EH.M0Nr1fSqfPtrgnNznV. as Azymm itWELL&Y IN W111TE,.BLACK, M, GOOD WIRA24; V"s Black bilunia Mugent-Fatrick vaoEvery aud George SiLI alrics axo azzli-13 BurkeWnI mossop Thotilas s lierclor given ibw purspiant to the ptriverm mlliz Oulu re_-ivai- 'Mith sure to brirgaz ftf r2 =9 aI time nzy G- OTI XE, Rdady Xade Clothingi, ATOTICH It -Ire liamed Tit, L'Alf nuill V.zol 30 4saD msw .1b Nint: are s2fe. AND GILT SETS, Che3per tba'a VAL MeBrieu Caroline AND S�VE YOUR 9ON-9r.. 11.oyd. Thomas L'1 -VEI fit me a6pqptec jai tile ab, C is 110AT1111111 Lz_'Lan, wLzo, urga!d lmx3l Capes cafNervatusandliffinal Afrections, Phin in A Or Charles 316Deunott Donald oolrel$$ al. m3: right title and inierem1i lbethefolli;w- V-1- -)'T 4SMITOP P 1; fATS aud Ps. s Caerther Peter 31c3falwit Jaines jug fan,'I sai-ii preniises " assaigree, us atcreinid will Iril r!ULL;13 lq�nl .1� U[---" am amuessy. the Back and Limbs. Fai i rue on slightexertion. Palpint. ELSEWHERE. oJolvatt. till -n U1,11 tillual; -CaWs 2' 9,3 lion al the heart. Hy-nenes. a..d Whitex. viese Pills fMlendld�!�rt�aent of 4Druicksbank Robt McXfflan 3Urtha 1liesold by patille nuction al the Auction' qztrl ormr. GaT tha will effec: scare virt�= all cattatarmeang have failed; 'cw- Pont foi- L Al��FA 'Y'TFOE T1 Civnpbplt B Thomas me"ween'Alalcohn. GrorgeliL�Tfllcmauinth!a T111 -VII efaGodorleb,Culaity Putr-t-'401 yet to callat the STAr SUMMER COODS CLOPHS EDS. futiroll Olt PI '1911,11 0 So VQXG TO.1111 zo 0.zTVzlTJ nta. !I and abhutighat, poweitut t�medy, do not'conlato iron, Clayton It W McAuley'Neil 1111:9111.1 sput 31�, a is is now prepared to riaLke V UTE Case win Atelittyro-Sautuel.7 Offles, Bnak Store. U13 ITT CoxJoh 29cLeau.Nargraretlift-Atteg calowelaulumony,oranything hurtrulto, the coristitu his assortment is complete and Ilia prices are the very As h Order In Firait-Class '%_ � t 8 lUdimsday te 27tti day of My, A:. D (2 marvL-1 I.&W ioweskeouipatible with afair profit. on short notice -Ji. good --it guarante4 or U*7 e n Son (reg) IL Bill _U ,;A 0 Nit r M, Al %A� LVTY" Q1111 Vill 9214r; PZIP e4m -1 n Dodge E Byron XoI pzpi�l IOU V;q slic. A good aluortment St. D 1970 FaIldireell- IN in the lamphlet around each package. CAXBRON"S BLOCK KINGININ T lkneyEdintand Patterson James P0JVJq0l0D;tzO1U which� athaild be carefully preservLM IN In"t Wi, Dart James Park Thoin" 11E HOVR 10 TWLI-VE VCtMIK V'Wiq HU 011pipoul To tpunj lit, poirgs-if .90 Iffact Ines Jo 110,14stp it JOB mc3ES, NEW Yons�, SOLE P10PRIETon. STON STREETI F art 411cl�irdsou Thomas HIS GROCERIES or,titimitior the. Latest style, for kale on time or Bharat v E I& rut All *OPP -'!,1 110 JaII3410111 'S.12;112 slq,ub SLW Ectd 121 cenis for if .),II _�ostage, enclosed ter 35orthrop, discount faur cash, A461aine Neelles and Machine SA Fisher Leonard Smith Allan Zu;U JaI qsvg zlmut r I - iii,dprtxnjsesi-itunie,lyiiigmELd beirI flaeTravra-hip N ! 1) 1 ff fiAl J, . I N& Lvm2 , Newcasfle. (Int., go.nerdt agents for the 30C>MV4LCw4XX`NN3r- . foroaIa .1. . I Glover Ff W Xicipson John Capt -obt I -QSJP qtnt�ziofj ii Vadinion, will itastrie a bvttlecontaininzover to r dis, Goderlachlilay 20th 1870% BW86-tf* &re. as siway;i, T,5j&cqafIngofp:nre HuntBalward - .4miley It Filtri ofaGoderichinilletaitICII-buly ofHaroli unit Provhtco ABRA:IAM SMITH. - *., :.. � I by return msil. JL silver overtheliNsT Hobert john.. Whitely X J livingcorn 5ed-,dfL61 N"Kinthe siva.41tto'le -1caofire' siiia Tow.taship btGntler- "Uvitantlitilla -jrsiff A41 inA.TC60A V:iXili5 ILattozzu NORTHRUP & �-YMAN, recess orbfeqlsr� FlIchig- Tledger&�,eb Wilk -en Joseph 00derleb, April 29th, 1870 flur6ia r4d tomes I;ICKLS plated'by ill a plf�nt P tell. The said iwnperlY eNantaws by anniciaurement Wn & Co.. and.is biLyond all comparison the very best, Hughes WAaraft AVoadway Thoibits NOW 113 THE 'IMMEE BOA'RD. Unt 'eiglar antes, be lilt! r-rame more -or Less at which ilia 11611"FaITIM11 DESIAABLE - 1'XIVAlb Wide neitt to Sterling silver thit can be. eta!iployed its Behley A VAVy Wisit Wit' . I A tbe-vitual fann I'VildIII&VInee Later itirt iscienrl To 1paint your builditagg. NO . uIlyorqrnamA`dWIV,SS0Y40� ss'Rle H=torGrL - - I tL:o mazt imirtatirmnt, IT, Sold I n Goderteh bv Parker Cattle and Welt either usel real silver. I Islnecledthevon, Tim faftis deAraidy siMaled 4n 11119 OqIL 11.1votoI Y.Ala.5 qIvq-&.,m.UP be -4-'a made to T I& ]ff RS M 14 test catat it be dititifiguished from .WAIM rP -vIS 41; AROWD DICKSON, rostmaster. SIravel road, wilhiii 3 miles 4 Ciintian. For further ivniat lraa.tallaz Ninnfillia Qrc Paz F.Jordam; Vraidirlin.ar or 'Car., 79&yt 4d ; James qzL Sl And to induce you to do so, 0. UcKenzie J-1QMFORTABLE BOz IN JI PRIVATtFA3HLY d 131enthu Ltozeiville;L-t.Fit-tard,l-ceter-J.H- July I _.partictlartz, tmd- )a bad -oirreasonablo. te"s -For particulars It -At j m has laid in..& stock of arrIiariteed of firatcluslity for finish J. B. GORDC's, ulto'st Uta J�nv Luackirow; EII, w4a. ..Apply -it the. 0 Sigmil" olflce� 3 `=Ir, vl C-omhe' , ' Clinton, S� cord A 2implete not. In dion.Nuforth. and ill hlediejnt�,Vealfiar - WHOLESALE AGENT -RED, =XD, Goderlelf,194y is, Ito, - al rability. as follows WHITB 1XAD. - . "(I _ _. 'Goderich IAI my !Bill. 1370. X.111glizil .11101 J0 flu W.=tr P=Ha- - . . '­"L'� NOTICE r.."LI , FAINTS. Fiddleor Bead King's . Thread I OP patterit: pattern OILS. otasilver- pitti5ru FRUIT TRE4S, W fza:�3 E,; ez,11,15-17 to 7 14targer of 41 J0. al, tttid CANI-9110 FAIX, DENTUOYER Th­-T2r-r-=ed;%,ua-11sbi6 st 'd;lberines y a pattern 196PBtI90 !fO 'tAX SUb. .4. 4141.).103 TA t"11 T-ISEILL VEAT S cts. r, pts. Icia. $ qtg A xeribe, lor -grocery -aceountsor iotlit�f*194 0W a itio-141 til.m. 41912 4t,fibla, A%.�z W is -ACV 6;t1aATG.& NI I this zsw W, BF.ADLE 'P.Q. w][11CHHE"WITIN 'I N Gig tt VARTM53 y orctk f0t A Family Medbacine, viraill and Javoraf.4yknown IfEtEstiverlborbas gowainl=dat lils garJen, East .50 0, TOU ALL KINDS OF 112V�le'Vorks 9.0 ...... 950 ........ 10-M..12 00. --requested ta call and eettlowith'the Pepu A-5 OHE 1p' MISS SKIM , , AQlay And save INO)Stt. Street, 4 lal�za zto6L- Of Smadard aild Dwarf b-tililAi ;iNiall Galtil.-aul"d -16-1q #'414 jo tobDitral, -.11 and' �t6t 0 0.51 . ....... 10.00 .1200 the Division CourJ6 without ,ze M, forgize past Wart years. never fitiling. in a xingle 'HER ofliftiqla, olit'itoo r a C. r' 12T��Iale Spi)(10118 9 OD ...... tW- A lar-ge stool- of Nailsjust to'hand - in .1. JA= S IVHpMS0 114113 f4tvialls Jai; .1 NTALTREES GRE T`g`u',x 'Xierms 0,00 per advance..', 2Dg&QrbForks 6;00--.-(1 ........ 1.50 - APPLE$, 12L Of aman, d- zlistancetc, give permanent relic lyhen timel! RUIT AIYD ORVA= 5thLXSy�"1S70, 'Nimaitta pl.1%qual laiii Fhouw Plants, Grape Vines, -k w146h he is bound. to sell at- a, very small GoaiftteU 20M A�pj* _jS O.L r 0-t '..sobo Goderleb -) stc -1 , 1 4 W311 -3t PEARS, '500 Gf 4b6 4 50 ...... -550' vo tLq- Sy useill and vre ha7a1lfLver lgnR�vn a ifingle mae., L . . L' - I . taliav Jiiwqylt,�15.9.la 4 Atv steck not on hand, ordered. -)n the AoI IftAnce on mat 12 Te& Spoull. 12 86. ".1 So "Ma% � g gilt baI .2 46 2 50 altqw, itiamo., itir still ripta,,611 a-letS 4coaus .1,3A0 f tL7a tistaeftoa where I tie directEtIAS have beea 2 ` 140.z.440 �11)1111111,tq otillissa notice. House-31altlanalville. "erialik. 0.1 ee. tmaes tob ...... 2V 419"VIVtil 11111171,1�R SO f -Before bilyiUg elsewhere call at th 2 60 Z :: _S9l2ZM 'JB110A* 2 Gravy Spoft 2 07 lit I piataii 'IWA%f,,4 6%g t avei-Iiii, v-41.1imilanla witcof ...... 1 la"St.1 40 46 ..-;-50 ZO Ore- - 7 7 alal% adeligh:elt with its opratin 1:0 411IR teptirl'T *ll its SRtMQL;lbL 64;4231.ri,�7 wItind speak tit %be St Itra 6 M FOR tha,l tLD ba3t property tollo,,wed,baut on the- contrary *all are goderich 8 May- , IRO. r -,i tr a t. 11 GEN a." W ANTE S -ALE 6", du3im;; SAC fligliem, tims of its Virtue a nd Ma mcal effif Nets, leap RSVi _4,tdifXOU of 13Y =13-f,to v3b law NOT _T6 Bell- the ..... . 65 THECANADJUNPAZP DESTROYER 109- Hamilton Stree esug�rspooiia . - - - . Za Alsip i0arrants, G6oseberr1Ps5 Ritspberiia�s; ImAlie, Alho, 04idmentil Trecs, inelbilibg-Elime tion. I. L , `;� 14ains"ItLAsIllaildgm Go. 52.85 0.25 B - .14 "Wilmarond& Weelill5l; VillorsI Cutleaved y a g-'amt1oxam t4> haswomfori(selfareput--ti6q,asra I Oth . 3 Chambers% Ea, 6yI410Pffld14` . ublic Auc 0670 C, ej, itIterative stomach tome, unsurfaame... uc=3C3 b of �7 WeelAng Dare , &a. large JAdif _!ao r_-!q,-;IzyerSAn .1 kistoiXof'ruedidalpr6parations. It xeitioi�laift e�-M e -with -taidsingIvO 24ult, Aborittfil6oth Iiiii j-0,ft4 Diack lao.1f ro -��pvcf io Any of tht Awto At r 9 to At EU900 AtCTiOlt "govog oq2- V� v4pel IDA�zijprg fie _* �_. - -_', rV0_ BE SOLD., -o Via) 4j4tiiiI 4.17.mam;f, Jb t:)1z)iqj a adache, Kid Dr- OOM - AND at Qtf *I[IbAvez 4,vcuraDyspPpsiz,'L*er Comptaluve, Indict-- SIP- 0 0 �ig P, prices. Xresent stook. . Heartburn, Sick A - 1MYLON Llf of xboiekalat GivemaAcaubeford LATE, -lit-III off? -0-1 ca -Plithisicor Asl M A PIS ney'r P Ints, Acal St6mach entirely ex,Auded.. Pf011tli 25tit MAY, 1870,it otdted .14114toek. ralerlair goods yegon-sto vital ilettvity the 3yAefn dolit ­)*ilad - [ff IMIrdrou win eetiie C XN G ti�. WEDUSM, QIi;dez1cb, AI!41 12, 18�0a 241 0. � FPNOU A eipki�uot credit. ay; liq l') 0) i > Ja?r, 3:1. n Sir, 'by. suffenag and disease. TOR pri, - * . - - , _ - - , - tXf x1i 21,0of Noot Irt L 0,111 ip A - I a". IRS X. T RUX71 A X MIN 7 andaonderful sureen in U -5a Its -MOINDAY t BROOM -NE-Plack 61q T to &.rtt ilk 61h day of JUNE AeX 1V Diptlwrra aJf1,W10 A21 plds> N`JW.N V;vJ tru.) ;I qU'PI04 SUJ&n cordg, gore throat. Coughs, BP6 COUPLIft 0 JT TEN VOLU308 Or 11ris-Imall �u 3L 44V A7 11 pllijaill ja the., sule,lions and back. fieutts lglklaaoth "A. N -1) Lfts each Mastrated with �Lbcant four Vtous-�,. r pams in *4*ny- Plitt Of PETER - AM.M80I T ift M 8 0 -A _9% U. DOM. w At 169 _nOtIonLROLials in Wagirou'ard Carriag Ache, fbefil"tiLe and of hisl county Clerk T. J., 1001t the To #It rtcoil -lu the body And froln, whitiver canw, has gtv#ll- it of.jr6in eigittf to one- handryd:etegiffitlY engisred fivainp I/aI Jill NII mri;Ji Ito, I - - Iota 29 and 39 lit tlfd' 2­111t�"#rhl ' �4,1 231 ju� (�DuntyCterk!s Plates', fullstrai IV's N�If the subjects or. Natural �Ifstoryv - OdLtith 180. w4ftf Liable parcels',of land, being 'I iffth litignift: cameessloutirtheTownshiptif Goilerl6k 1410'.9 rl!j 2;_)Jy�at _.e try every h r wiss co -A 0 T 0 R Y a jt[w _owreholo al GOI ;L n. mw Aw Naimnm I Goderfacbldly19 OCERY STU. tiow.teithe first time _'Work, lax 211 of tee L -or le0. 2wrz-4 -gpn 0�v)gz vNivu, other preparial toRs t1flujog 142 arces more ti-aimilmly xfiz�2� t��, rzevent prompt Ternie Tfor Ovlsr 100 itaires,irecleamal and. 1 11 1? I - -g�—_ I I L 7 A -L90 LiPPIACOTT'S grty!L 6110 t1160 It ag6ad BATES E14LIOTT Pow Aillfva.a: 01 Av 11;14a si, 2 t_-�:3 -Waies, Spraiax. Chilblains, ta;t, -A ING. thaas is outile Rog milt t se", Hurni, rJ1111t Subsellbers-bave rimicafedtlieIr Broom Fate HILITURY DU38 1KT Z!z3x in t5e stom-ItA, Duirlices, Lazarus, - Orris& road in trant of the land wbI6 is 0 Wile -4 6-ont I.Godel- IlAt'VE pll�mre in intimat- *vffr aill oE.#:I W, 2�.V.0 14"IL104'a.1 qpj� ivill.17; cookminorbus, _L to the, proiniies in rear a wilwi.� Id Ing to the pubIle pffown pic4 IiV Mr, JA31ES THOMSON (two doors South 0, 9 pr6poty. there is sixti, an and rn ill; fo,3"Pliouffiq aiI rimn w�.,;47:0,moa pl, I t -pr. nounel. 10.16tionary I lehL and 3 untes from Clinton Pre is P, Frame' L -a VFCJrm;eu birith the untry that they 11ave .4ownarts. HurdiiHi at Blogrisphy and � 3fythotogy,' IDnitain ng mew -on the prinalses. opened a Wh;;xnnw*4var-ir-re 0slaivIR A'171,0,9 tit avir;I llrjplw;j� tx4*;:2?;,7P1.:a ako2w -com of eminent p Imatithathavinglacilities for purchasing broom uutries. andac. orchard Sonia, atel), on Xingston street. and I*j fai lu:� 4boa4--:L;ti,!tF ifttitftata,� t6th . - t3za -only 25 111 per Wife. Y, _ersons of all es atid. On The - property will lie Put !A bile lot stau upset b1i ?,rice ot Tile pitt)iltitu *iIV-11tive t p At lin- raI NORTHROP 1� LYMAN, cowits of- the varionli sub Ortspr 'the Norm Hindat' d G Ay 1he cheapest, market, and'having Aecured, the, ser- . olu jankindai,of (IAwIs'EUlotVj; bid vicialit Of a trst-clu* broom-maRer, th�y ara now turn- 016 - iel� 6 Innuth & E. b '142OD-and, the lialaaco withir. on8a Month �ntjdilat th Newcastle.c. WIN Classle AlYtIlt late oftWe , ieln -e Wtstvsn flotel. Ing, out NO4, [a wMaltitlipt ItItLIN-t4rf -DRO$0,911t -it train ilav of sale or at his nit- latteod.W 21"CE-11 Ar. raitmes lit III d3l6r6at 1P.11 jup"maym! X:DJJ oka.l 111MIql .L_0 wce� a _theractaftetwith bitery orI t lilt the work entrusted to them, #D I cur, WIWA illh liter Lit iNther', 'its* and ilighly vopuz� - S6 A MmIsr-1 I Vili if o vin al eiayll, yB4 a 4*111 ftft&d, M tlr,Vt i$i0oo;: part of the, Ualinct, may be tiecured by land ari prep" to tilin out -vrily ty '4geut&- NNJ uou Inpi 511pL.P21 a�(m,"'.;v; v� -vzs Gca YTArker Catirst A. N�:EXTRA HEAVY The-- . vorlm are sold JIit,1*,sgeon the premises for DVArsAtS percentper J?ZpJXJA.,fJ,Z "f jr,40M 4n Coderwh b flw�)p mmILI alloweaVO Agents 1`990 "Vip 0; fun) ervaq; pm_ ­w I;; NLv10;VQF arl;N1.4 V; Jmdota; Gardiner & Go. - 130field J **Xt-olujillitvi andstmederxtw A&I W M, Buggies, find.,J);q'IsI vq ?;2wil; 1". J -kriourrint'it's - wq0qN -ard,'Exet4i ud UAress, OPUCians and Voulists, V=G1. JujimAk. BROWN, Termli.inai Oodditions of '$Ale Mild 011ttorls, S16108, -1 ." aw,411I all nail L"d ba'A" ROV.-4. I n,.L.0 ';fp41. per ftirther-particurartia apply to The Aloe- coml>_-, vintop; -Secor4tLucknow; B Hick$031 or 71111 '7 tit.- 'MAPALOAR -ST ifAffv tIzoir, or; i[Nd aft us&iliaii, Nalars. W38 3fflCX.-q *NN,"39NALXj.. Iiiindq +Na, A_ Lefrity Fsq.. BaTrIarteri Godericb; to. In their line, oft1w very lost nmte'r:111 S%W-7-1 in Alir anil ere tang PQ illa) - N$Hjp Oen* _41'r OZI 11I CA* AVOt _(Ifut lot to.Buchatian and LotwaWig 8"k Dingle Ander, 'Toroldo. lud, thei 3aeltv aet�� P3_ AV& %VITH A VIVV TO -X9E!J[! TI 114- 1 - lat"r-111 a , � =blpa lid -at tile Toy lowaiit remunerative Iff for the celebriiI I"crfeated REST WA�JTY .4 W044A Xactory.) I ygadeez Solicitor. M."uDdentautd. . - . L Ti Lt*L 'r. jORDI abetralst snd ACTI I � eT C�11 33 33 3: 1V Cgr 10 18 J011 I -T ]a S I Spla Which t Allymmulottifier Ill &sot# ktltiAL IS6,01iII01'rRA DraWst, Gotlarich, 01 Rainitton. or Toronto. VaE, waolloltor,, i's -X12appr W Agent for this place. 'They IIII fakencarts to sive Oil* 60th 1370,' AV14 4t 1:); lit; and ailift, en Gc4aii& AI*U lrorainto,AV41204d, '10. r SW' r _' 1� � -!--inz wivoa�,�;a 44-1; ;:n" IN ARABIAN VIL rifidericatina Ilift abil* r!* ju %aftep of Jatnre$' irou, g th6 R& T V110.14P1111 sn"m ot their Agents to Mill Milt of 1,1 an catomer - 180th Wholesib, 6, Adag ON 11"Dii la?,L An opix 11 MOP, fle lit mm-'aleg pa�,.;J triallity will h I 4= to re, at al TID 519LL Vr- TO LEND. r1l"i, strongth. 41% X-4 M X 401Iil T_.IL AQ4115 times. sp"ckis une"alw by any W ieby 'it ASIPurins"t I* lbat powers XON J. 70-ich wIll, be -W.d Clmy? for 40asU Nov Ccrd* 'falf" Iall.49 op "Of 71ilf"J"I .-1 171 Xiw.2"a 2; AI FOP, VORSIRS I& CATTLE. IIAEP OMIT .3 r1:11 -j ose an L� give 8, If= If WrVIII 4ft'i(INLI parobnea th6 balance. of Ur Ji"" GTIM h MRS BAST . w4n 4of RulletI tbe houndAry X t"4b co -so apal ha#1 it ilia* lollt, I ameat, PACU way, ON RM USTATE V odeilah, Teb. 24th. 115,70. over ThfiYATOA11110 '16tvinj *# 1l!T line between Dryi1m W Walton,post 1?7)UtAtT;n t rkem hima glimmering, aizzlitem or adw.ruir.01imat fight title saild �Giie& havdIff4iii -, WAtered vftlt a nev f it , k FAILIN(; R=Dlft AffsI A r, aillia 'Will ha Or a Ing i0ree ETER 'A Ili W11L.1 lick A 14 . _(;:;I1"r Stocir G IT sold by F0110 Auction gi, the 10"tiviiii b0I a* ti 0 jii;iyllar Coll. 01 roftriw _Oe rftIlC6Lmty stud rurraffitithlig Al:;* well close *the hoaxe TES OF a r"JLTftXw1W_the Town e psitty vres otex 1191 fon!Ad, 77 acm AT' LOW RA WtJ4 XUVM actionof t1littlow", I%air M* soctlaing alid pleamitt, ituilmdoUrgeadditionaltbin*tp.a" futwititooArry 6" W.rlwal i in 144 . To FARMR0 AND OMER$ qNiI vALuABLz ImEVARATION COXIIII rwA , piroducing 06 11106sexitil III ailthriving Larelatard, 8 kinds.of plums, s of thra OAUMX a ke1hP4 otralifit4w 1-'* Wit 0 _bliek�whlte and c 3M30SW. allthemediarinat vjruaw, a ankles WItic A. 1). vilaurmI pealri� rod and ypIlow' 3:W e 27tb 400f 111Y, Turther pirticub "IGNED If" LAROX 1517YS Or 'D pro,&* $wlirl- They AM *V to. , alward to polimp thI. mailat SNAN SPA a ekarited d~9 "lilisif, will Ow �11I ksd*y gooselitirries. "Por Itirs lipply at:� the fun V".1.11% n*u:,eh";w Naw- 6114 raidly Gruiery 8891ness on the Seheaal th I Iter.- ApPlY nienity Wouging to I)riv&tb partlits, 0 woll $9. Mfwtl;c#L Mir VN* curo o(FICA I r: prentism To RANI�1XL,1WiO$z*L1n1s Not L : , L , _ $PM&01, SMI&W, G*& K all kism, Cracked HAW4, N '0. W16-4; I Comirmuties, for torn- PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE CASH PUI MCDONALD J; CHADWICK- Xcru 40P 1fWSLV9-aO Ili CHAQ rms, pirijooW stifitklies or Gras#4. btiriatitil, LanwriNIIIIIII, MINIT. Wr =X80t% BARIII SOIJC hve.stmeDt valreprLmd a MAW, whaTOWNIN CortiaNN, Slind Cmeks, Tov*&rsd - skob"I lawityl; With* in -cre I or Invej; a 130Y -W A N T ED-- , i I I - Difill(NIIIII "Ofillra, A "plet6l anortmetit of viz. All 11131411111gula!r 'thitcat"it in'llitkTo I , Bateof Interest fromi 8 to 10' paI er.w.ry to ai%� - *rA many Loiker WAMy XsI witb6ii 4an N, mises #KWa lybig ittid Wit TORONTO, 7466t, 11-119 'Ir being 1)"40017 OjAeafta whichhoratesiond cattle ire $01iieq to, Taim coffas*,. sugars,' 7ndti "tol 11 pure.l.R., in. 0 .1011 Huron. -slid. Tiiianto'Apill-16.1b, 1870- Iblf, JmIf veavy or 5,(*rly. witb The -,-6 pmu IrIfit, arlwy Pe !00D -1110I Jkle been v"d for w"y 7.24&�JU vines or4jiltairio, and boug com otthiwev- MHE SUBSCRIBm. *ISHF8 7OQ9C'XMF A q per suntim. III otaPro Ion of the JLSnwtboy to lem this busims of& biarbeI isvimp the mofigage (any time tafter theend oem fitly bilfaiflot fqd[ r , a � , , The"14P Ivying Isis coftedeit to 1W ilia Chem I* TAL WILMAX u6pa It latImelillitrarlien ko... , 6H0 00 rOR SAL110 kill or �d totirvAlli Of X rat V lit "b� I I wont, 5"o* 1� Oro, _;Waal a" alloo re lia forstlatzfernat compkInts twer 40fistad 066"kIt April 36, 190, 118", at tho 1how"t"Prkma, t3o* 5.Tb, then, laint 0o6rich, X&TU1,I *udd#Vve*dI*T6w= N -U illaitfar ra" vilwo tausly U494 =4 X ONTEF A T [.10c=4411 tr $p'xea, r1our Xii.or le"'of a 0 a an Ir C 19-41 to. and its turalve pro FftLg,, P -perflars lbomoghly trow Jilt Mm third 00I vi no gf .9111f or *9 b 45 acros At* cloared. u ab If od-aknality t I! - - . . OT-mj X fAitlOw Tke UvA Is I R U X I �.N a X t I % Il '13 J. QT 0 W X f F 0 0 D_ r, I IffelidelS Of t1lilL LOIIiY - kr haltaildingo J.&r Tit wurI -V -callingliqu da I huei� STEAIKGF' I? C031 'ANY - T$ "dotall Dm V16 ftu" "gitired to 4 Stonalt Howle about I 48feet;W11:11 bI ggidis luid Cmuitry C01M f L 1, 83 slid onthouses t bli, d% III 'Id promises. therrin farriddy cupfral- by that late L gqod'rt)nnr Orebatird. J IN Tilt- Ist Agetit OR TICERTS to nia,u . us 1 7 md aosts fix- NORTHRUP a 1AT14AX. rrz OUT11 HAT -POE LOT NO. IS, 1, ro thiiiiiig*ut the Dowitsiob. rrwsW,rerbottla�. I-Vuic Fatrow, go. frarno yitchlut attackedt jutd, a FrA, I* 13iLmI L Ari)ly to VREDERICK Auv"RnXG. COX,& MaDONALD, Thit*14 also I And s1lift 00, Me& ouf3t t*,,V lyinn, A T1. V1 M raty i i Jairalby zotMed Milt X Th6 protaftty Is 11I taltuatod li,e_1nigra For fUl W. r.R.'. George V. Traernart.,rar to for the Cox4a Ja4dral V 4arry by t1to above Me 0 f- ",4 cai'L, 121; Apply1a) cottlo $04 F AlstAhs, W due too tb* bolim Olk not* of batld, or bitia Xintgstbn StreeL rroj� the I36hr:xI v11129111, Or'SellatO 'IN. VIN. Walker, Salk -If qr., 40P P.R. C. fiTi,-13. tw,v w)r xvm* Sold to CUlderich dZ Pa F I V r11rl;6XtM0gt24d=, A I tate�ras to Pailloa k. Z;� q to., zA uA ttwUrx coo 0i"t. )OWN ritialaillagicialI to tbe A It. 0'. IQ.-,AfERON -.Or f,5 A 1, 710PY, ion 9. 5 ouptalt-raid unIL suit IhMd 7:X1 " - , r it -b N Ne3. m.t:,f Uardil to himself TIT 4i 1 April. IMA 04 , as taI it, B._�jj4rroftca tAkwiala ExeMogs for 4 Go4erlI llt� 14T. IMN.A. WiL J. I?ickxfd 'Fxcwr 0"";31 5t4 WM re R% a OHL GodirrilI bw* or e4cord, I've II)SEP11 HE Fobrusqlth; 10(f. Wifeltor 'in' ?9"& A at GoilcrIch, this 11th 4W Wit *1 iww of 11=500, J10d Wt '3f9dirg C,,4,rjI Dttr. 2 IM "kAt# hill por- A ely ad Ing rit 0 4;-