HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-05-26, Page 2-es a- dirmn. Tbits intellectual spechnei, of . I TM, cattle, -.and there ire tuan
FOR rANUIVE—FOR ofstrick lt-110111 Ito like rushed ts4 tile bedside. and Ily Sol -row ftt, LASH. Runnin' awap" wl' the Harrows. Beoond Thougts. SALT FL shosp ; slid thst fill, the P`QPared food (if Inanity (
dt-partvd mothbr. 000PS—Y OUIVE STOCK- 1311"R4 is 'a tl;u eu)IJ111v f al%lr. 6urviog his faue atitong the clothusst-blmt Brighter duys r re coming now, and we cattle requires it alio-113V� fO ined, Itay dealery &c., of Lot;d"
PitetArsly. Agaiii the iiii,ther tried tt v drop It the curtain oil- tLis New Year's of -lash ra a m in its �,Th� American government ha4 apparent- shrieks I etc gland it i5. ascerta aThe ust the eall of Film 7110 Star, litest issuo, is gility 6f, am 'ride', In En-
01--ak, but the J.alf nt,ered wordn weri ishing those who are.not capablp of feelin JYthought better of its ungracious and Atexandur - Grah cf East Kilb that sheep req, each a
'Night. g logic which throws Sji �Yillbvm 406miltQn. ig the effects of by e%perience po, 'irl �iuintcllljlf-le. The hist alutueut had, a been observii inds Or half
fixed and glassy, and tilt- -Well thb Chicora, Glasgow ha 'Otch half a poulld it week, thl�t is 28 The Greek Tragedy.
The OV"t"S II (IT fcarU4 anything short of &he cut.ol-nille intq the -,740, )Vb were going 4�mpplcxble egisign, nd writes to a 8
'salt, as a itisnure. a
ir�,ht Viand uhieh still bLIJ, that of J,.hn 24, Xt New Year's Day, John I iving- 1, tnlls�, has bowl revived. in Suglimd, where, *e ulein the 01 th� Swil and is even bushel per anuum; uws re
sulight'. It h attiarti- from; gofflythr , subject the fbilowincreoin- c.11storn bous(
W paper on the fe a bushel an4a -half perann-IM,T011".9 CrrLcUXSTA.1qTn1 ACCOVST 01' piaving -that 61., C. .0ftmeenti, void o.t. -0!pe�llflt the P!ioauige with storei Imunication, witich deserves at; nd, draft
tr`w chtniniv anxi rigid. ()no gasp fir. tone and Grace Fallen were waae hits. a a fivir days ago a batch of garrott r ou,board* tenJon by qllf
.or& OW. �04 asbel, draft litiraL514,
thl'se, and Jenny buti-I and nPe. Wide liA improved I other rulsans, iiere put throngh.itl rogtilae I.White'lleadweie ptartectly tight iia voting blr� , lorniolYthe British Auibassadbrgtvm farmers, as coutainiing, so ug-restions at cattle a ;bi coltsund yountrattle f:olu
r'the assitriatrace thilb-the expedition is - a To tile Its ante il tile farm-, I cattle a �usliel. r ygone year, and evei thing they,,di O;t He sys, : J th Pei
Lioo illufstotte had en-sietl the dark river and the b� r e of this substmes
land.' Y. orthudox fashion. It was also established as thq tariff qv�jitiqn -(wbich n0 economical. rpe pe�ks to a nW before tile
oil their protpLets of hapPill which luay - prov plated in Eligla
In Canada by the Act Of 1869, with regard e land done before by -the -bye), aiid then oil any lands that the A letter from Athens in 'he Auzs
town clock chimed tile hour of pe.40eable con�. Stich at least is the fur- . , I and it was coni
For some twenty years) alt tax there,
Oue (if the principul, weddiul, guests wus to, a-cekain olass of offences, but its, iwiI follows -it tip by another &I headed, # e, tof Gazette-Ves 9 --somewhat
tviehe. The i);d.vear was pw"ing away. po -offilielateattelezratit. from Washing-,, (if Clipellie, in Ren&wshiri I have used abolisbaileut of the s r wit
The chnnes % a soldier, an -1 his canuve ws ton, and we hope, f,)r the sake i if the g-)od all kinds stck of "the English f. ru fo
fQl(I anlittiwhere tip tfie and physical effacts were not tested ti'til A musit m6rtui 11 which we was injured to The
ittaste. party," i rsalt, year after year, ingrowiw, aecount of the trgedy -
Swedes pplies of salt,
q -4A" �va healid the 'Hurrah ! 109stone. 10harlie-had left Gowariturn fth TuitedS. tile effect, of making adequate Be - after grving reasons whicti,in hi -opi ic,-
a agj when uns Johimitatiford I nsitice a number of very queorlyJambled. name a e L tates anion" etviliz'ed 1 (if crops, with all a mount, of far beyond the Pro
04 T&I welconatwgin New Year's tud with his futher's, consetilt. etili-itod, in' a 0, few day' I . aruips certain to grow, md to grow - rannal a
luonilig but to till-- convicted of a vross vuqage upon, & little it p idens. - It says that the reform -party nhtlons,, that the news is' true, bertainly aad t, uct of the mourners in that Johu'sreazritnent� As-asldierblewuslie. the, errand. of the troops iir a peaceful one, healthily, the roots b;comidg firm and I d 'tee Of the ustifiem thot course, s,-.ys that tht Greck 1
h1Tklkl-:e cottage there %%ai no joy in tilt: coming a credit to his nulive ton whilo girl of 13, was tiQd up im the, yar4- of Lon- not satisfied with the just repres6ritation-of Coll. �orspade.l before arommit Gow-riament ave orders that the less rebel] ions subjects- niake ft the solid, so as to be $plitliv a hatchei
his (lu'llidaul -18-sociate, r4ck Kiulay, bad don guiol and received, 2W lashes,on the W111 Cityley Made- 4 CatS-P.%W of John a bammer—of British House of Commons, and upon oath ded
trary ; and we hardly think the 7Cuited I ike whiustortes by causing. tifjj�.d to ilia b elidf that tlfe use if alt should be suroun 110tuith
ey, a (if gooi, tes 13
-back. John: tcok Ilia flkving with Holmes. The representation of Cityl StaWaL wouidisay that the sending thrOugh potatues -toyield plentifully, all of tukiii- ofiensive measures against It$!
it lubt -t-illto.the mral
CHAPTZR 111. r, Zrip oftbe law, and bare sit territDry.cof & haugman-and a; rope �ilualitvof saving -cabbages from vermin, free (if tax would benefit the a--nctllt aceept th
imscit on t& tread -mill in much firmness, but we think i I ighl pr wit t w it He was a prominent inem- th
was t, I a as I interest, in the increitsed - TIL1116, Of their but to comppl it to 1
soltlier fullyacein-red in heavviliarch- to executea 11111rderet,.on _onr owito, soil, find' inaking thern umirialit—aild of aild the exile, beyond ividell CI
P,-rth Pouiterattary. Lust tinte we saw bable that -he will, ift, future, 'vivo little berof the government, and yet all he ever I
'ihg III with ninsket shtideivd coidd be -construed into a breach, of in- streugtheniiig ilia atiaw, and giving weizrht stock alone, to the annual giriollitt (A three
lmyi-not fixed, was ritit it, LNI r. Paton, Ire wps I'l-ovost ol'Gowauburu . rls a wi& bert . h. III this day of morbid did for its was to appoint a batch of inagis- ternu,tional law.. millions sterlin, near fifteen millions of siorts 31. Zaimis and his coller"Oues, in
very cintinitin Vetrust the American, to, tye grain, of -white crops. -Such was the injury of the salt thiy inteuse regard for the
Right in Gowarthurn. It thereft-re cansed mid Ilia.- odly girth was a credit iu the phituntfirophy it is probable that a great' trates some of *hum could not sigal their government will continue in this `sensiNe- 81�nce- euming to; reside here, sometbree I dollars.
1-0 tural intered
glaild tar the: agrie'll could not go. nod proceeds to describe tEq
ninsiderable surprise aiid consternation in mag steriul lat tich. fhe.marked, soccess tax in Eng
nany of the unto :uid " will rift their *own names, nd th,6 securing tf,a grant of frutn,) of'win and not compel iis. to, re- yeg-os go, wb4t; w
9 n the single art,cle of' stock-- 'What -the iscquvnbes of that dechion.
the little rt,wii, when, (in the aftern-itin of talloe.. witnessed. in d the conver- I I - IT e vo
hands '111 holy borror at what- will be coal. $12,000--cair the Stitr tell for w1lat. Our my gal -den an ui'i�fit be to t1ad agricultural inter- cor
b"Iewbaving with farmem, injury o
the dv a corporl anil two) pri- sati( Its I ave arti- The substance f his story T� hf.0
-p'resent reform naotialiers as 'we have I *EEXLY OPE$ (if salt have been br
ought est in. the United Stas )n the saint
itlered a resuscitation of the practices ki4
—tit Re-giment a in -AIRPROXEXADZC�McEuT. him reds of tons -was
vmtes 44 the� iltil d'iu dura. ele on account of =it bri-ands found that the troops vver
from Ladvhill ge the feirdat ages; and ret P1%)ven, have iii. one session one more 7_�,Nrr. tothi%pniolt inwhich, tillthen,salt the gtimted use of cry all slJrB they cc with thii Getc-7-
by thetax,� might be vaguely preaching them-.
-in search of a tttsertLr. The warlike visi- is quit-. possible, to-carlry such seatittlen- fur the county.:than has ever -been accom-' 33rd, Ban never appliad,,to the sitil. I find that some occasioned flon and A mined, on Thursday, the 2 Ist or
do has arranged to ton- f era have beet conceived from gene -I observa tiors s )n discovered where the missing tality ton tar, The �Cashiort is now -a -da a plishI before, lthough we are. bound to arm I usina salt in- gro%% ing facts Tn the first,plane, it at 4 in the afternoon, to escape -flere
y 0
tinul weekly a species of out -door anitise-.1potates differ few, estalilished f3le
mail %I to bt- iwind, and hent GODERICH,. MAY 2&h; _187), ently frolli't what Vstiggest.
I Oil this Continent tu- I egard- the criminal say Mr. Dickson did ii-itich grood serVice. — mlI4 which will be very acceptabler -to the They put the manure in the drill, the sait was known to eveybody'that stock in our Asrpug to the sea coast, in the int
lms1vi:l%_ � - . i It that neither
had n -,t vet v,ot -�er the I SDITOMAL ME WS SUZkWARY. as more of a atate-pet than the haide'ritid As to Mr. Holmes everyqudy was deceired' it, the marture, and the potat-) seed on -the country -was stinted for sa I of croin- over into Butce:&- Thev d
� I I collibitulnity-especially the more youthful 0 - -cattle, nor sheep received shilva 4-f his inepther's, deatli. He wu -at-1 He passed ail .1 salt, -to the destruction -of the seed. What hogshnr�es, wcl
sL wretch he really -fw. Hence, capitl in him. ct far I . he'!prorep porti:)n of it. The Baud will pl# in the L 11; g near the quantity tbatexpet oners. wet though czlin
r_�- A, rather peattliar revolution has a t 1, rience Iged their prit
Ln1 in tile kitchen, with his head leaoing ciugcrh�tco be done is to plant the seed on the by fatigua 00-3 siche, to t
punilliment is abolitbA in. some (A the tion of tvild geese, and there his legislation M&it� d H I gro-
01.11 hi -3 hand, lr.,todiug tiver the events of taken place- ill Portugal. Duke de Said- a Oto unds nd all vantamuso,, manure, And,' when the eartti is put oi er found to be necessary in England ; and as
the Inevvins ni-flit. He was winking,t401, atilia lilit himself at tile licall o treighboring Sutes, whRe ill others the began and ended, if we oinit laiii. subser- 11grave ft, to eow q�lt broadcast over the dI and fbr their food, that little ir no salt i us, Dud
f the armv, therwQlves in their own way. This vas put swollen by the r�cerrt beavy j:ni
%Ehatneither Grace mir Strmed- the palace in Lishou and got the. CO ered t; bem loswim
h-sw stratige it. U-0- aidenined—who, may. have murd" 0, vieut voting for any of the goVernmicint and 4everentl signions" with their ladies thert let lb lie till the groana -is being' upon it -in the United States -, while in! endeavor8d to comp 11
England 10 or 15 p,)unds of salt, tothe ton' Count Boyl, who% was suff.ring from lv�,,
her father h.ul tip -visit them,norvot. Idotisent of the King to torin a new tuiniRtry; whole fatuily in cold blood—is dly pre. measures which came tip. If John atilbles call %Ialk and talk, the youth can daAce ow worked, n
f., Intinire aftt hich was all the object be had in view. etc., as used in curine it. disease, refused. He was haid hol d q,
-r them all the day. Ar. w pared for Resverr and theit been in Parliament or forty, years, the.preen, and the juveniles ca As til white crops, I have -this yDry week of ha, zlover,,
a switap.
dropped off had I and would have beenarried across, tuz
patall's l"t w4pras tip hilli had beau that t')P- The Atlantic Bank of New York quietly tinder the influence Of chlorofurin. he alone iviiiald have beenthe 0' ly mayr. -Othe? hfiads of sport are also pr3vided. been treating ail , oat stu bble fi-eld of' TO Paking a single branch of the stock of the
P nited States, that of sheep. and more
'he a toild -ee him in the morning. uci haa cashed a forged cheque. The irst evening will be on Thursday 20th acres thus,'instead of green cropping it. -it U the robbcrs perceived the guntsat
Stich mawkishuen is. eiAirely out of place, in Huron Vrho would have profited by his. decided evidence of the deplorable defici-
Lmiglit perhaps be able to help him out of A bridge to Staten Island is to be as calculted to fuster- rather than dimin- Itgislativa efforts. blay X tho weiither is favorable- Partica- had been ploughed deeply in the beginning 'it . be roduced. -The ApimI off the coast, and a numbor of I
'litadiffimity.' Hs fathdr awl, his brother begiar-a zot once to cost a million dollairs. -laraic tu be seen from the hand Ila which of winter, strongly hrrowed lately, a good ency. of salt cann couiputed i soldiers suddnl appeared Oil the G%�r
were 6 -nit 'beside hitit. The latter hat) ish crinte. 'The peeple of the Western ' The Star says that a farhons, telegrdm are bto�njr circulated. quantity f farru�yard manurespreadon it.,. sheep in the UnitetI.States were
I r_)- The- 134ilfolo Express estimates that e of the stream. ";-2hey imm
spunt a w-t-tche ay. J"1111 1110 cwthlied States, liwlersianditig this, ha ie estAlish- was sent to the Pust Matter General when then salt sown over the dung at the rate by %he wool growers in 1832, in their peti- sidi ediately
t the 15th anieudment has out the ballot in- is, at 20,00o,000 out him clown with their at
top his father ]its own utif,irtnuato pisiti-in. I tip tim hanxis. of about 800,00 -,blacks ; ad a Courfof their (own, presided oyer bir the Goderich Qffice was declared vacI TIH TA Maw oF GoDBUICH. I 4L c rial acre, and tbom ti�)nsfo,Congre acuns find
_18 x
jo JuRy of , wt. per in e
-a a letter muderaAely bar Red, taking with fliern the rest of the
bur. be itI ri.-t snitl a word aboutCharlie's Judge Lknot., and woe lie to the tiulpHt ploughed. On beiu� rowed, beri at half a bushel each, would require
'aw .a,
Jf 19th, publishe ciatseed, then about 10�000,000
explijit thq previons niht. the -South. who falls into the.clutches of his officers follows .vacancy in the Quderich I I it was sown thinly u of bushels. Nw the prisoners. The troops plunged into tior
rj, Eapmrtero I It th bove is part if the 1 li I tly hartow6d with a common harrow, whole supply in the United States, both
— Post. Office,—make no appointment till is tgI
Tire wiise -if tin approatbing car,)wd was hits written Marshal It is a stout rope, and the nearest tree. stream in a terrible rage, Many cif z3,jera
Prink dechning to becuino a candidate ft -r The W-, iter has neither name nor tion de next harrowed with the Norwegian harrow home made -and impoited, barely exceeds
heitrd. It v;tiue neltrer nuil nearer, nd' This is rather summary justice, but it is you hear from its.' No such telegram was ar. 10,000,000 : so that, if the sheep roceived vvere carried away by it, but the rpq
W the grnish Urto-wil, far—h .)tit heing ineffectual. Arguinz f-rinti ae but the last two words of' the effus. I
athered round the atjor,,f James Living- If plur the grass atid clover seeds sown, then I climbin- the shore hotly pursued tho
Mime's house. Saddeilly ohn started np. ri- Civil Mrriages are now sanctianed this stand -point, ther Lash may yet proi'e ever sent to the Postmaster General.- ion. "--Grand Humbugs" describe very ar'"vid % ith the disc or quoit harrow, and at. adequate. supply, thore would not re
He had seca thv�ed ct%ttspaas the -vindoxv, I by the Spanish Grtes. A great s'ep in a more Isotent moral pemnade� than a cin a- we are wicing let the SYar set us.right. ftorcibl. � the heresymhunting genits to which last of all sown over with salt 7at the rate maitt a putind,for any other pur�08e A)f briggands. They bad notgot far be%��-
and he at tint;!& divuwd their erran.l. He I religious freedenn Fur that country. fortable prison. -At le of 2 cwL per acre, the roller being to go course the sheep did not receive ati aaeqn- they ;came' upon the bloody and kt�,J
ast that is tile vic" The fact of the matter is our Kingston
he bellngs. Theharg he makes is that
hailu, -t tium tip speak 1phen the det, or open- ej* '0hri3t1Ld01VI1.ia;ll3 is the title of the we take of it, harsh us it may seem. street friend takes the utterances of the over the field'afterwards. My object ili ate supply, nrpr perhaps the fouirtla part t quivaing eor7se and Mr
s of R1r yner
ail, and th4ys.ldiers, without much care- latest now sect- The members live at the Re.' Air. 84nuel Pollock appears more -frequent- salting the dung is ti) assist the decon, plysi_ what was necessary-; and so of 'all other I ibert, killed by*the knives of the b
Sesforth paper as -the voice of. n rim
atThe gal uboat Pn?we A 1fred left Port formers f Huron, which is an absurity ly tharl some other people -.s foreman of tion (if vege aaa� stocks. Togivean opinion of the ttal
m4pov, trered. *rhe C�)rporal advanced Sefferson. Indiaza. table inatter, to fix Haw ands. The'shots :fired drew other detach.
iestro� girnbs, fliesi, worms, loss to
tip Joun, Living&toneaiid, placing his hand frip- Sir John A. ToLaediafa was, so Colborne yesterday for0ollingwood. Tile onthefaceofit. In aformer article we Grand Juries. So much the worse for monia,, and, to i the agricultAlrat-iiterest in the Unit- nients of soldiers to, the claase, and before
on hisshotibler, said— Rescue arrive! at Goderich oil Thursday, have shown 'conclusively we think, that Mr. P -Mock and so much the better for and any vests generated by dung when not ed States for want id the free use of' this
lunch better (in FI that he was able ni"htfall nine of the brigands were arrest ytin as a deserter from Her to sit tit) and partake of fuu& where she received her stores, and took oil the course, pursued by Messrs Camerou'and treated wi+h salt, fluts reiidering the drip article wo.uld.require the minute, compre- en
� 9
the call; ie qf both civil and criminal justice. I in every way more effective ; -and my ob- hensive, sagacious and peculiar turn of One, severely wounded, was taken prisn-
k3p- The House of Representatives at board a batter�y of volunteer artillery. Whitehead is consonent with the feelings m be suf- er, and the interpreter had escaped. Mr,
'I'Ll, rter, Corporal Jackson I She then sailed for Sault Ste. Muria, where of n-ine-tentlig of the people of uion. It all d mmon sense, large business ject ill top dressing with salt to kill verm- mird of Dr. Yo�tirlg ; byt it Ir.
* Washington has appr.,priatud -:190,000, as xperr!-y caooit, well-bolanced mind and a in which may be on oi near the surface, ficient for the argumenI and for-RII Prlp Llcyd, however, still alive, was in
was the repiv, 'aud you kn,pw iLl I a reward tip the crew- of the Keareaqe fur she will remain until f urther orders to, lyro- By way of contiast, lot its asli the Star 0 * to �o every dittv fearle the
11 kmpw nothillo ahtnt it further than tectur transport from attack by Funiaus. " what its petman Isaac0arling has ever d esty slid and by attracting inoisture 'from the at- tical purposes, to assinne that our loss, In baoCs of Vie briands i7lio, nine in
Z� 'Ire % I sum, -
r -destroying the Alabama. i'tholl favor are qualificationsinuchneedi. muspheri, toma6 the. crop - very- much proportilin to the number of our stock, is ber
the fact th;tt I have beon, sent - to convey AVe have often to go fr9in home to re- d,6u in'tlie locid legislature ?- When did w with tbrt:e woundeG, had taken io.
y4ou tutck to) eJr- Prince Arthnr is making prepmra- se -Whixt ad
hurls fur leavi' ceive home news, and. this time -we are he ever titter a word in the hou �y CArand Jurors, Mr. Pollock has them independent of rain, greater than that of the English fariiiers, fa -a in the thicket. A later -tulegram
'I non �;ertai tky ahI without leave,and ng Canada, it &built I all 111.8, re-emineut degree. I am aware that land near the sea is and amounts to 15 or 20 times -the value of
indebted to our entor�rii;ing friend the waR from Thebes, the correspondent Ev�s, an- 1
there lies in v t:xcuse,' cotitintled the ser- 0:5, -The Hotme of Lords has,refrised, by Cameron and %Vhitehead did spa* and said, not to require ralt, the spra anti, th4'tax itself 1
Adill,r to) the Te1eqraph for a piece (if extraordinary in- work, and the results are now, in dollars B<o Da C&xrN's LECTURE, in 11rabb's 11. "In England the tax was denouncid by the tariff nounces that the mutilated rorpsd*f"151r.
geant, to the bed on which lav the ty of four. a second re bruezebeing fancied to supply salt en,ti,
13 . formers as little less than impiety and an a;ttack
,dead body of his mother.- V111ritIileglise marriage with a deeas,d telligenee. The Rescu� did arrivast Gode- and cents, before those whom we confiden- Ha!h on Tuesday eening was attended by But compare the analysis of soil near tile tre on Lloyd had been found in tile thicket.
he g0000dndgs and merey of God.',trbo bad filled the
'L have no,t come here to listen to exens-; wife's sister, rich, but in such a vouditiotti that 0110 is tly believe would rd -elect them to -mor sylthsialtThe correspondent scri a
a lrge tid respectable audience. 'The sea, arid (if soil at a'distance from it. The bowels of tile earth ani the waie�*"Ilo sea proceeds to tie b
k for the ugo an,] blessing of man, and to whrut It iv
es. at, make read v to accompany as. Wu anent local insti- row, The Star will do well, in future tf; subject 7as "File present political ispbot one contains as much stalt as too other, donled, It �s use clogged and filtered by vile, odious allo the effect of -this rievra inAthens. 110
rrVveit. D,13 le sailed from Halifax for " ('IV to become a perin.
-k lies in Rimei. make a distiiwtion between tite enAments of'Europ" with which tt.electure appek. Somewhat in the -imine mannerscientift abominable taxes, They demanded the pictui-es the� grulips - in the streets :on
E -i -land oil Fridaylast. tution. Rer'smoke-stal;
It was is bad -maen for John Livingstone mail 4% Co.'a foundry yard, arid -her, boiler expressed by the -$fjafvrth Exp6�itor and men tell you that soil resting on, w1iiii. rock and.wben the ministry and, the inanufac=
red to be thoroughly familiar. to give up three fourtlig of the tax, tho friendsof re- Good Fridny morning—Lbe Greeks, it
that Corporal Jackson had beet% selected W A hrrible Initricide has occurred may as well he sold for old iron, while her tostif the-Refrtners of Huron. did nost require lime,, becanso uhinstone form bra--ely rusisted the prol)01.1 on, stoad out for, must be remembered, still use the ol
in the County of Lauark, Two lanithers, crew are fretting and fumiug to be oiT If
fur this dutv. The man. was his persowd nitains a good deal of little, but my ex- tuul TePeal, 4nu carrietl It:' d
I James auti George Doran, were dr.uking the authorities wait until site - conveys 0:)- Mr.' Donaghy of the Star Book 1twouldlibeuriouetoseeth e'reetident"Orair- style—alid the gencrAf4elingoftlism
eileiny. A pitiful sneak was Jacksonwho Geurge's - hasonhand anyamount 'F. perieuue satisfies me that such land and e P vhIrb, the salt and ay
und quarrelled. James beat tp Thme Wise men of Gotham went to son in a bowl. Stao of ire- guments andathnnst of vords byIT atud disgust. And momover, a though
ains oat with it pitchfork ht!lql
had titdied his snperiors till he was pro' br istores they may as well one the ex. even stjil resting on limestone rocivitself is Dtber monopolists or Euglaud Is' ght to -perpetuate
1�0_8 if the bowl W becat stronger any stury'd beau longer." works &6 -for the 24th as wffbo seen by theirlegallitJustlee. Attlie risk ofundulVextending eVid t y friend of t
t summer. 3 he Gvern-
moted, to thp rank of corp,3ral. apd now he peditioa till nex greatly benefitted-hy lime in the producti- en I U warni
dvertiaWient. this article I will -iltiote crom tlietistlitionIViu.
Several detachments of troops are We wish it, however. to be distinctly
I -n -ked forward % ith no small assitrauce to The Laaminion tub boat the Aveue� tin of crops of every description. In re* Rome, the agent of the British salt mc -lit, and repudiating with iudig
uaanufhxturcrs, 1
the pindezqsioa of the sergeatit's strips now at the Satilt on the way to Fort Wil- understood that we do not blame Mr. gard to lime,. it it is mixed with salt, it Wlio being duh- 1worn salit
I file -charge broualat in, the most 41stin III,
'whic'i wuld be taken front Livingstone. liain. Amoing the arrivals we witice the Wyatt, the inspector, for eereliction if our "devil" has substituted tub for tul— Lvoxr;9w.;Dr. Garner very properly ta I will coininctice by referringto the avl3ence that. 11 . - .
kei effedt the first so in, but, if not I gave upon the subje�tt ofrock alt. Inarder-lo estab. maniier by I he Opprsition orgaus aguin�t
name of our to'Wristuall, (,apt Cooke ut the duty. He isatraining every nerve to make arrived hereon tfie'een;ng of the 19th, animadvatts. in to -day's issue of the Star, mixed, it 'scrcti-ly tells as' -8
hn to --k a last ltir)k at his mothees On the first crop. lish the preFtumlition of the natiolial importalare of tho; O`tZos
cona, letter Whichappeared ina *revious. My practice is, wbe'li little shells re being salt - trado arising from tho largo ektent of British 1, 1
let Red River Corapany. 'tlio*best tif a bad bargain, and any cenIture the Alinister of lVar, of com.
faceau-i anu-puneed himself ready tip go. and a prOCtOUS 4ffllir she proves-toI In p - capital emuloyed In the trade, and the considerable - plicit v with the brigandei, he records ns a
'Now, theu, Ratttsav,- said the Corporal a:)- The government shows its economy must of course fall upon those who Fur - 5 : issue of the same. That letter wa offered slaked, to have salt thrown. among them at number of persons dependent upon it for supI I f. e '
ace. fact the only thin.- about her wortily of" a t that the Gioverilments were awaie r
to sane I f hisuiou, 'whereare thellandeifis?" in a remarkable way. Oxen were botight chasid such boats ill the first pl to) tin for publication before it was to the the rate of .4 cwt. to the ton of litueI I at the same titne stawl that the saft trade was in a
'For Gud's toke, Jazksup, don't h it at Callingwoud to the value of 8400.00; admiration I is theUttion ack which floats star and we refused to Me it publicity. think it might be Letter t6 giv ery do redsedAtata,anrl that It etontinned -to fall off. the irruption ofthis particular band into
a 5 owt. in. IV tZuk ritcamant be doubted tha; the salt trade, In
I -an "red tape" vo oold not allow the uiat- ran -.40H Lr . s t aT Y, at the mas't-boadi The am-oke-otack is stead of 3., The result Of."tho mixture is common h Kit all staple British manufactures, Is en- Attica when they allowed zind encournged
tie - arbonate of soda titled tothaprotectlotiotGummment
Ltutistdinydrity, serf*,ea ter W be arranged like ordivarybustineiss. 0::�-Sevoral 6 brick buildins in to�vn tha.t muriate of little aild-c attal the BrItish Lord Aluneaster an
Liberty, tit France, is to-dy as great burned: out—the toiler is ready to burst, are'forniqd; Muriato of lime is a mlinu, nllilliecturers of salt cotisider thitt; in common with . d his Wends to mukAl
'I shall w- with oll qtlkf-.tly There is A -man is sent from Ottawa td pay the are being,zapidly pushed to completion. r0o other manufaeturersf this country, they aro entitled their trip.' Writing upon tile 23rd the
nts necessity fur your indictim, such a dis- apd, it is �ncire attractive of ninitithre eien -to suc)t poteetion, in p3rticular from a competition
84CO at ail expense of 475, while a Batik ananumalv as it was in the days of Madame and in short, site is pronounced parlect�y When finishe4 they will be a real orna- at home with. foreign manufacturirs. and -cribing the nrrivl
qv3ce in me in my native tmvu.' would have done the business for a single Roland, almost. We say almost because -he town. than salbi itself. -Cfarbpn4tetof soda is it iinamothey bopa to sceaprohibitot correspntident, after deki
Vay;_.1 put these lanitictiffs on, inen 11 dollar. unseaworthy.' The consequence is� that sh;b me'lit to t mI And possesses thqyower of dissol- Salty. 4y dutv cn Yorcigu of the be ics at the railwd
_V station nod
sh -so much of its will have to lie here for saule time, The it and. ving, for being lutbIlbed Ty zhe roots of Nnusyll"tua and the reli-nous' ceremony, proceeds to givo
the ir.,t, the guillotine is not Apiria 'Let trits inillee to show that tho I n
corporal., O:J-Ottav basiness is at a "dead -look!' bloody work. flowever, thqre is a stort of 0:jp- Fruit prospects in this t6w Michigan prohibitionists are following in tba footste 81heso detailR: 1.Xr. Herber and All-,
Meantime, the nows of what 'was going for want of small change. guillotine at work jusp now which kills out Prince Airred is not in a a wuuh better vicinity are really splendid. _ It is it W plants.1he magnesia, potash,, phosphates, of tho monopolists of England. ind Wtitte mis- I Lloyd had se — t
and other untritioui alkalies inthe soil, as named American systern is thit tlia onco i2totent but Veral mortal stabs,
forward had spread rapidly through the 200 mail of the 60th Rifles left Ot- cabdition, and the only conclusion we cin markable fact insect posts have thus far,
Wwu, and the cruvrd r-,und the d,t,,r %;I's I taa oil Friday, en route for Fort Gar the free expression of opint. in., and liberty been more rarely seen well as, bilim' for givinx strength, to veg. now exploded system of Great Brlt�lu. R. H, but the life ol'both
ry. than for years be- was prolidbly taken in
fast im-yeasing. As the manner in which' arrive at is that there boo beva gross etation, firmnesa to straw, and weight to the soldiers wore executin their errand 0*- The CotelI St. Hgacithe report arp, all escape theta al. GalUngs of the MoI Ocean e m or both had gunshot
a Of speech qc.ite as eftectually as theRh fore.- We hope wo-sh grain. wav I
Jobbery somewhere. The ideal7buying, tr,,uther. wounds under the right afid left or. Tho
lbecatnes knowts, naurmurs, not loud but thitt Mr. Dunkin -is to be tuade a Judge implement of Robespierre nipped off the azeamslilp 0.6mpany.
I 'Let me. stiggest to your aricultural
deep. were heard, and it seemed' doubtfu and Mr. Cauchuri a Minister. heads of the nobleas of the old feqiine. upA lot of old rotten tug boats ana trafis- Alb readerR that they itisy save much Of the From Liverpool. From Quebec. oevem-13 -wounded pi;isDuer had been sub.
jeeted, in rhebes, to &n examination, in
niti4b valuable portion of druviall ano Scandinavian rith May 28th MAY.
y WoTniVaTER RzVizw.-1Va are in ra- Pf Peruvian' 12th 4th June.
witiether CmInind Jackstin wivuld be able 0::)- The neighborlasival of Montreal is The ptebisicitum, what wa& it I A vote forming them into wrr Yessels is Reirced, gil
heywere to mix dqual weights snci Alolavian loth Which lie made rwarkuble revelations,
sidely to leave Gopwanhurn with his pdsi)n.. obscured with smoke from burning woods of the pe6ple to perpetuate the dynasty absurd, in vkw.of the fact that any num. 1�elpk from,- the Le0ard Scott Publiabing all woul On Sunda
or. 111side, the List preparations had been in ibe vicinty. d The salt d combine With A utitrian Jgth
founded by the coup d'etaf of' the ainnioniaof the guano, forminer Prussian 2ah-june i the 14thof'April the bona
Made to starb. lamc3 Livings, .$aP1110on ber of smart spicy little British gunboats Co. of IN Y. of thb April No. of this'eale- muriate . '
ton,) linil told 0::'j- The-Rer. R. Stewirt Patterson, of was in the nei-ghborhood of I
11T. That vote was by ballot, ind such a co-ild We beLn tought at half the p` Nestorian 9th Athenso and a
Charlie to stay beside the corpse, �vhjle he. Strathroy and the. Riav Father Mari rice brated-Review. The awticles, which em- ofatitmoniaandcarbonate (if soda. Alr1110- Scandiraulan ldtb gf
a ith Person6ge unknown to the banits inlorm-
wouil accompany John. The soldiers iselill-Royer, of0ttawa, are gazetted as ballot! . At the point of the bayonet.— paid for.the tubs. arace sevotalAreating upon the leadina lia, ni it presents itself In gitann, is- Perilvian 23rd ed theav of -the prejected trip -of tile
2L_; shouldered their muskets, when suddleall the preots gagged—liberty of speech de- Arid then, what a farce we are paying for! Volatile, being a cirlionate, but the intiria- ill 14 23rd
political problems Au*trlan 7th 11
Chaplains to the Red River expedition, III Ad of the day, too aoi Of ..It. A. f0rigliers. . On the day 4DILord un
Is, an , is crowd Cplonel Gray, if mileage celebrity, nim—Qovernment agents busy every- are 9 a r. yatt getting some! 85.00 1- oper, x-ruirian JQU f Gth Aug.
ttian by finished sabolars with a making it a fixed saR.-the - 2ist caster)s liberalion there appeared in tha-z�,
apaned, leaI a clear p:tsaage to thedoor. pe! day' as tub -inspector, Col. Taylor are wri murlate of aln- 'Nestorian -, I- : I$tll 11
is suitig, the Globe fur libel. where I And oil the-strempth of nch a Scandinavian 28th 20th
breadth of tone and ehaustiveness of. niouia—and thus pre'lPrVinz it for t 0 use amp
Treurtilin., wi It excitement, herfitzie fln,,h- 0-imes tip at say 1512.00 per day to see h course of the iliht in hp brigand e
The Rev A. E. Griffith has been vote the result is receivea I the Corps twentybrave fellows duly* abippea on:a finiolisuchasis not attaiiied-by any other of Olants, while fho carbonate acid, drI two maeed pertonages, receivcj 1itbt
he St. FarIck from Qttabeq, 26M My. Caspian -do
ed, antL her dress disordered with rapid appointed W the Suaforth Station of t Legislatif with enthusiastic illivas. Bah! boat thait is not fr( tit the amnionia of the ivilano unites with sth jun, =6 ravefetice by the leaaers, who arged
walkin. ' Greze Patou rushed in. Site M E Ch2rch. tit to steam from, here to 'work of the', kind in Britain. Hence the
11pok-ed rt-uuti at the scene and tried to, What about PAris. the -pulse of Fr6uch Bayfield,. 'arid so bat ad in the soda ot the common
The VVestministe Nit. How much the br�vnds to insist upon' -nn 1m;0esty
spesk, but her strenLth gave way, mild she Lrjoo, The Teleqraph says Berlin - is to be Iono and short of it is that if all the Red r is eagerly lookea for by in -
!Pas ghaho, -would be required—whatasa.;, Wn$T- WAWIANbSN. Thr correspondebt of -tile Augsburg
fell on the in a swo,sin. At the same Pi�claiffled & tuvll inA fevy days- sentiment? It refused. to aectipt the dic- River expeditionary arrangements are like tellictual persons everywhere. The con- incr would there be�if mixing salt with I
970. Inapremon
9th, 1 GaZette,eabsbqueutly'states hi
tam of the Emperor. ' To any intelligent uanoo were ur
;mt-mentapacierdroppedfroin her band, 4�07 London, theless, is given to swear- wl t we have pointed ou r --and w6 Imve tentearo :—Vnpublished Letters writtell W ilvertallyprac.1
The and Abreal for ti.etownship lual Ily th e,lablishment,of martial law
and, while Tames Livingstoine and Charlie inf, the Advertiser says. person who has read French history this spoken the honest truth—the sooner 61ir, -.,by Samuel Taylor Coleridge ; American ed,.! -And tbenas twmnot.* Sootb itself of West Wawautish wo held ON d*� all the inem-
era Can gut down Mailed to, harmssiatatlI ono ofthu soldiers Riel and O'Donollou are getting un- Is a most significant fact. much -ab -ti 11 ves an Offensive taste to harb- bersioresent. West halt Itit 14, coal, S.' and Nortia. half
0 bu
sed volunteers go home and, to The Para�ruyan War;
p4 -ked it tip, and, unfoicling it, exclaiia- t, let us suppo. * work the batter. All italtuepse sum: has 2 Alix-it with s_�It arid it does not f East half lot is, con 40, were sti nelc oll, non -rest.
Now, by way of contras se -. nglish P&�A�ment and the Irish Land ; , 9 dpnt roll and placed on �reafdants 1011. Dy request Df
popular at Red River aud never venture been granted for this -expediticon","'and. -The tin. .. co say nothing of the greater ease owniI Ther being no appeals and the roll Itaqu-
outside, of Fort Garry.. that P. vote was to be- -taken in our own. pelia� Library of -Paris I Patipar-K go,
'it be-examinedby the Courf, ltwas itinved
'A fortnight's furlough forSameant Liv. surely the, pecple whci'pay thf knoney--h4e Girls ;. Proatitti Lion How. to Deal with. it; with w4ich it, can b 0 -sown. And, b by 32r,
2:jr-Sir John A. Macdonald is recovering free Canada which would'decide its fliturIe right -to demand something bWor in the Th Actiod . ' - romembomd; that, guano, and soot &like Mellwain, seconded by Bin Stuart, that the rolt The Llq'dor Tr-siffloln Engiand-ZOOD
_11191botte. signed by tile C-3101101 !, I a of Natural Selection on -Naa . as
very slowly and is still in a prouarlutis cuI deitiny. '.ell& governing power solids the- 0 3r uowTsvised.bDsdnptLd--carrW1 The court then or- Beer-Zourses Closed.
'Then zaluase your erguant, my men,' dition. editors -if the Hiw�rre,_Gazette, Globe and gunboat way than such hulks.' Leei,have -contempo Literature.-. should qacll. be mixed with salt in a dFy gartized for the transaction of pther municipal bnsi-
�Wid John. leas snobocrat, inspection and morw�, re4l pla�e attlider cay6ft, and remain so . for -aless. Militates orlastregular meeting in -era readan. Among the ==ygrrreat reforIgon
The aoldier3 at once remoreal the hand The 4wrdian denounces lidVralih to the Penitentiary, and the P - vtd� A circuttx-frian the Cow uIssion of 4-ri-
value for cash received. NVhat sap ye\ , :�h I and,American companies the bett4S—before being Public Works, repectin' .9
May- g the employment n Bit land ;xt presenz, the inosi iziip(;rt,- t
cuffk. while the crest -fallen, virpor4l looked horse -racing and regrets to hear thiiit Prince editor (if � the Signal oil -the Red River ex- Voluntecral Just Ada of eudgrants, was placed before the council.
that :pasbures.-arp_ AftLr appears to be the efftort beiz2z made to
Arthur, the Governor General arid Lient- pedititfu�prevents the iron lor aniz!eed. to nilda izilway bridge over P30 -
-on in mutesurprise. -pilblic eipressi iOe Niagara it Buffalo have united theii greally 10proved by salt, -sour pasture (wAsideration. it� was unanimously resolved iliat,
thou6h the sdpply� of labor may ba - deficient at IntAr-
John LivingstortatookGrace in bisarms, what boin etened by ityan u it is sweeia- iag. Perhaps it will.be recoliected that
overnor Howland havia accepted Invita. A holiest opinion, and diatates suppress the liqn6rtraffic and Sirnduytraa-
'i capital, and, f -rued the, Buffalo Railway 'vats* tile probability or continuous employment ii, not
Course shall be pursued by the masses.— The JanuAry, Minutes,
ned by' �lime 3fter the Aptid on which i
t such its tojustitythe council in making, all,- Bintement at the last sesgon of the Imperial Farlia.
and placed her in fam fathees Verily,. we, in this happy land do not fully Low, looke-A for come at toinducelialualgrantstI more thaA titrui em -
.arm chair. tiorw to, the 1VhI raceff. Bridge 0611i,tv yi with -Mr. 0. J. Bryd
0 - kiliasbe� gtows hao Deen -mined, and dr
lu 3,4ew minutes he, w4s quite rqcoverid. C:3F- The General Assehibly, of the Cana- s President. Xr. 0.�S. GroW8 y, spindly, iilipymeatatbusseasoalra. Thepiparrieflals6'r'esolved IlICTIta law'Was passed trausferring the
appreciate the liberty se enjoy under thi3 &-positar has Ill-aI aoill, to etnlent tbatt r positiou. to answer - tbo licensing of beer-bouses from the excise to
. .., V -bridge f.
wArded -the c ntract to build the lAiltitritious &ftifs being rendera�d ail was not In a lirop
At 5rs& site w-,nid na szy huw she ha(I da Presbyterian church, which meats at c subinitteA by the Ontarto Institute for the 'kin
of June, is try. of sitle and' (vorishilig. querice,
rolito, during the first week Constitution and ag of our gloriotis coull, through hii contract by delayi e close I magistrates. 'The wor of -this new
obtained the but p6t length she To 119 the hich must e finished by th �Vhen hay is cut slid
edunation of the deaf and. dumb. within the tit�e
ackunwledged that she had received it to be favored 'with the presence -of Dra. lication of, A/ the January mins gatheredi -salt the land,,and the second cut limited. A circular from. the Toronto 1�ye and Bar, reul-ation-has been atisfactory. At
ouncil, for h�fiii qliali�filian tlx� first- and ordered to be Oled A Itst a,reeent meeting
froin the' bands of the 0,lontal himself. Edinond,.Arn.)t, Blaikite* and HoLood,four County 0 iVillb Tit Disliefigary wAs read.
LAXEST ME VVE.J. three months, f bitauts of the vijW in Lo d n of the nation -
now, asking aid to I-onstruct sidewalks sit sala viiiap,
iteed in, and the fact was thaj an effort wih be made- V.), give us the privt. A We are ill recei 0 till bout gilring tilt to aritmals. This U too wasexhiliftedbyJas ksomerrilleAsq. Dlovedby3fr..
Grua knew the unfortunate position her diminglaished Scotch divines. We hooe Fabr ary tilllay.- xemt'-relates the following Will'ifill illow life to say a few -words of names of certain inla. 130fL'u"k- al aisociation for the promotion of amend-
lover'was pi idle�atat :'The asitudes of lif,e ments tothe law' reiatiu- to the sale of
to c ing -
ssocEafa Press Despakh.' a copy of the sante through th� it Wilson, seciinded by David 31(fliwain That the sum of
tile, heruie e cour6s were lagi week in th6 return of much ne�olected in thiscountry, and Pe - liqors, preside&O.ver by the Archbishop
girl had grot tip erly- in the lege'of heaI some of them, in Godericla- Thetar says cord-wood"is uotimporL- the , co haps to !�his neglect much r $50 bd apliropriated totvai-d 'Aie ma -Ing of sidewalks
murningo �nd withatib in5irm' I - unty.clork ; the printrbeilig t.. a well-towdal linhabitant of, Stratford, 'with disease may in. buckilow; pyable in oveinher uext-�4arried. 'Jf York, the chairinan'said that the best
in -11 any one, 0::3-- The Advertiser sava brine Ila& been ed into the County- of El u'ron,
Im! taken the first train for Edinburgh. struck at Wari6k, at a deptl� a 1300 milch ashamed o f his-band1w6rk,* to-, ite tha-modest teiqi,itiest to be sent to gaol. — justly bdLascrib-d. Bu,, f shall say litti� Xiowd. by Mr. Mellwaln. see -I by 31r. Wilson, -,Tesults haa followed thlas. meaiure and tant
Thattliefollowing-offleees-be4l pintedfortheturrant
a -copy His eet were bound in undles. �f rage -to i ' long a letter. . Let a $, 1 Bpi)
-r in the I (Aunty. car� viz -. Found Ke4em, J� ; Jackman; Edward ;
ly'th 't'le courage a:ld tact Of a true 'fo- feet, contaillingf-50 per cont of pure salt.. -to any pap6 bhe &iso of sc had been the meam (of cIoI
find S.TRAIT LA- CE6, M
and he painful way on A,,aud 1)
crutches foc. , &I gry. John Robinson, H. Vithtra ; F. 0. Vhl en't,to thia law
-The Pope Cq�risto- wonder if he was ashamed. In the, firS" FS ai W::of to Salt, AwlithaldAuderyon. veneaviewers, John Gorcion;
"Itt Obtliir;4' ail i in- iy made his horse lia+satt hiscooked eer-houses. An ramepdra
ithe had siI in
through thiI itreets, to revent recog- wa.1 ck salt in his crib. WQ3 put to the meeting bya gentlottian to
In as. Cumings : Win. Orr; Jaq. Fagn it; Jas. Dan -
After runniqg about.. louse for several place, the tit -b say oz 4 diy to ate full-grown cow as9isis an;Jas.-W Roa. Pathmastm. joinirentland; transfer the posver
,kerview with the allollel of #Yuhn't reai- per Columbus ;L h(,pe he has
amca told fier stary- in euck .1?1�tOs are' spuft ot t ditioaby his, eorly acquai Tances, to the 4 of giving ut licenses
an been iso, already many a hundred Years; ars, 'talking at random on all,sorts. o,
im"iatilda wa7 that the efrnold martm"et. f douWAlm liecessary'lengtX.''Thett; th office of the Active, to , eg cointuittal s. Utterung nd- promotes th -Watson -, Geqrgd. Hp uton ;.J. Baylpy -. T. Jones;
Is production of ew. Relionald Java atins : S=nuel Johnston : G., #ofii th� magistrates -to therateptycra,and
Twat and at once muted the ser-' *W Elva. Mr. Archibald hs. been ap- a bjects, the Star lias suddenly resolved vaunted pajaer which "he vas -wont, in hi 'a vagralit. OhlenquiarI was fofind that insay 3 or 2 oz.. aaych to was carried unanimously,
P mor he� was ones gool circia nistanaes in Ratlediao.; G: Campbell; Jolin Strong; John oss. � - I
younger cattle according to Agre, and say, I - Wm. 81oftrs, X Yoiuh,-,Ja% WhIker, AildreWS11roat A numerous ad
a farhou h, He ointed Lient'- Gove of Mallit"13a, to, wear corsets tind vialfc-softly and ra�t early di
told Iii& fair petiti cluih� to boast 'about has influential deputation
rp -a file cf-men hall The Mijierve, Sir George Cardir's prI '864tford. AfthrletwingStratford, he had tor,10 441f, cotitributes ;o health and P" Dowers, Ben.. J. Truax. John Finne4all, E
Praland C. Boyle. of a briLuch cof&he above named association
whispers any o It a w is inibibiJ.. e nits o UPI K. NrUrion. J. HIg.pubotbauX.J. Roolihison. 'P., Me-
even tell in f t 6 naugliq appeared and. i f, rt - D_'! to k�ve his Over Successive AINter, Mirikael WLabe Thowas Mimu. G. Brayby,,
lzfres.dyleft tBe bamacks to fetch Jura back, says the app6intmentis inittle in the, in- ih i feet so badly. 6kwth: Oalts spli t Manchester, 'waited uport the ome-
bue if sba =turu- he Frouch and priests., thingat Care bairir doue and said i eld.' Then, before being printed, t. " 1. W Ctmnort.J �Robinson. C Roblu
licapAcitate tiri.for emplo.v- layers of 14&en out clover preirents hOVII �$ou,,R, Thoulligon.
S Donaline, G. Mite' Thips air, Jas. Miller, vas.
Heappeafed to ha,' sheep, 1%it preserves froin Taylor,'P. Devereaux, Wan. Cuminins, G. Tisdale. T, rc
at once, Ae. might tere-sts of t la. the' tilt -frozen as- to, -h- SerretfirSilfewdays-ago o further urgm
iezw�,, gowanliank in lhzne ut, prevetit her &3 Photographs(of the maI Them. wIV his ashurt our. C-reder, to be charitable, has iieenflrl�nb df any kidd, And,, as. ft6 striations in the licensing law. They
loveVs arrest. Aud Grace had act carried as ScOtt are soldr-in,70ronto. P�for over a thousand typographicialflived -frugally, cousiderable time. on axilunt, J. Smith, Alex.Canieroal G MclEttizie, spasted the i
coifitemporarfaliver aird- made him bil hr xy; a aspecific- for rot. Where
I th Trq. E, C nerease, cf �entl of beer-
tVorst descriptictit def6riTi ill, 66ings, bift ivas at last com- ere at dry stone tlycke in a ab 6ep ivalk 4m-,Cui8mmg,AV.AIle ittlierfod
grrorlt of :ndi it JL R
on her way lfsha",wb otnirki 0::�-Theo town of Henderson, Xrth go that he is now; extrom , , W. Tooke. D. houses as a means their
Its Rutherford, Jhn CGuIt9rp A XcArtlitir,�,john Forster, of diminishing
pe enongh to DravI Carolinat, has been detitt'4744 by kV AV01`80. tOz pages of the. pamphlet, tvhich an a very vetled to'con2back and -seek admissi6n, to 'Pat bits Of zo'ck Sakou-projectincy'stones Archibald Anderson win. -Btims, J. I glis, AV XCAI
exe-rdozi alid pteforis-1 elt?pipg with, galling -to Our respected Count lerriki ',6' ha' . ere 'Id have the power. to prevent the
number ; tht4j wriers of dirwent p`raperty
ia trimaRanly raless- thega6l. Ij?!6vigusly It (I vainly� at- and,ptherwise on,afones or ter, 11. TI J. Tkylor; E Potersou.'J. Romake, A. mhou
A::)-Governmeut as sabit a ititend 'to the scissors to writing wlth�the pin, oud is- the writteu,pages of,whooe Minute .'0( tempted t bb4iti relief in tile of ooks, and; the �o McDonald. ji'D.Shuraib, W. L WlAaia, , Treavp.n.
I . "o ii, ck w -i had them'
oba LI the Ad� goo,
01 4 & Of the ed RiVAr c6atiligbilt iii4dells p f or openin, of public -houses, ud th t licenses
gatonafrour th n n -to are thogfuji, 31,,,d by 31r. Mellwalia,secondedby Mr.0anutp iKit
because it 19 -4y ind iieatuess. be; n tk Inall P, i The orilers haissited for payment of tlie-.'Auditors .�Pfld I .Itot,be granted unless certificates
eery wrath with the &I Joihirig Ownships, where he had li0ed . -Out, lcothe�savi f y
60.04 would W searar the pro- But the araivest are the errom of tci*ii. A6 Was in. a,'deplo- each - also, one for tile aessor foy 3870 -$0M. ratheneigkbors. ishould be pl�oduced
20 ihould
011 froi
iiside w uproarious with r marle-, not content,,wlieu racy � h6me—news is to fact-, -W& the- Cou -th A ad uPs illy Uoancillora'plliitie,� rable',tiondRion, wiier head suggested �and the chairity by IneXt. lJourried till the- 20tit of that the local anihorities should hae the
0:5P, Ztv Allwm aa ciflicial pWr states to -prqfari r4print to tZ; tip the� Ilookand say how thayL rocoI ; -turi JAMES SCO7, Clerk.
as dorid ihluiover_tothecarb-�f
U.'ri'se lying in t"s that Sir G Cattier Itas amda - ar. =tobject, to-tho'Starlacio ltaeTf i tic., - battv�ell 'to Xey sait, orloilk. ower to preventpublic,liouses being open -
*Jorge 'cilotho:d. frove a. Vi, mon
ed on Sunday, und toclose them at proper
wots14 be taorew seently to retil!4, rZ132-OULOI fi)r 4. Catholic- prieetti 1Wkwin- tight as- uits, its notionot -, bat the Stai_ Rages 76, 78and 30 1 Where and'What is,. &'Laborz-r Who Never Hea-raof Goill
,44111 tb'0� U*V 1wMbs tia -sep: 0 -
IsUr rated, ITS Viluvo, VrzCTV1io-.qTHz hours on., or days of the veek. The
c we the account Whie t raises the total on -.04 e doI taI Secretary -of thI League
140 soldiers pale do notear that, any arrangeLmI have win plema ex Ilse us 0 -nearly $1200. kbove that -on 'page At1heUxbridgeSessiona, h.�asel;as who was �oue of
beelteard inWhich f".Vo named
41* riige, aoil muwzi0QWmm -John. Liv-.. a Iforin divi it? from' Nve, gets, itSpowlipre. does the tioly flud-146. 441 t1lat theJ`Zo.+hoF4t�riifTh&Da held mectings all over Eng
beenauvlaf idea of the newspgper* At . /I the deputation, sid Kat the League had
AOW . ga has rey ,
d his clorgYman. There. should be rtioria.L We tralliTribI Jand, aI bad
.Pt9r-0,# zoinit UDW #aax�, an its stunied, propo 'would als tr I John Tivantlers and Tiiola as Hammond. id
r Is
r I
faii Play 0 of pigd 00_r6.V.'ppe.ar ail pa&4 ar Is " -
a ' A Wi
r t alt ]red ��tria s otly ltirmt4s, and Bucks, �wereharjed',with- As- aeenreason. somehow to inodifyr the* r'
1VIten. in this nAtter of ell plai 0 wifid theSta p that Lboirespundenkof the Free -Loudwater,: t
A ny to r that it is no; Uir, i4 its in�j.irtthe iriteiv in'bigpages teeaTia -taker. . Air. Baker
Uer# 44dqunfs. J�)hu AyW to zFam- -desire to Ixonci Ila, to tob tha Toronui by . Is' M Omer "is .41.). iloiia 6- cler rethitrks that ik opens tile eys f saultink it toll iginalprogramm-e. Wivished to see pub -
0:) -;The I dir th adddion. of an I an, If .1 - 'the tarweia'wheii it takes �kx bu-shels of for the( 4 1 16 Call Smith, he houses vlosed at ten!W,'clotic elverylatight.
ei of sulphate and- carboni�,
tliaa4. but. Gracer In by which he believed hamonut of crime
wom mustering atDuluth proyeata. beii as �ofthe title of The e.G4zttt_- fijurais thA4 441id. oft.e6ked itigltic k%cid gas 1ifincew tt�d one defend -
A" qviotly, Oat 41he AUVA go of CanOAk, so JustlY its due. Kee ]l yipr1r, correct Ito w1tent tw bq AL of salt Let this -ant4"ive e6iencaon
the sla.1- ilays wheit it is short of argainuilt, Vah YOU -trI td tIA,bither ulig f9w Vo0anie �op nings in' the behalf Of the otb-
taorn Ir alaw" -an intriAnctior, toarL Iiixtra4t r. The betichlacquiesced would be re4uced by One-half. Oth-r
bue and, wilful fabricatiom, own lawnetollou road Alrr, 414- and let figuresthAt e on, Ther, -a f statement be -,and 11ammond
Ountat be check itlidlit be- ea als Amous-1,
'Yuull let nwgo w1rhyou,6ra.ce?sazd. us walk we ey, of IrOm MCMIgressionlipeech of It x,. when �the. fol- OelltI aillong wh9m, were several M.
Plea". the on was put in the xIvitness.- o 2
tlia-, L P.sandAr. Cruiek8hank, addressed tbuL
3p- 740 ritia 11.,!Bent6n (30 years- it U'. 11
lifix-Expreaurges a, com- 110, S.' lowing stringe colloquy took plue : The Home I ecretary t4) tile same purpose anil,
i 444idini'rqu� Arifting, itr Jaa', whoto wo I i -in 1837, preceded by�
*TY eo' billatiotitif the pulWaiallsof therblaritime, INTE3I* 8k]. statement �jerjMjrpm,wh&t I -know f this class of
yfg, my Uth" UM U t era und it pI ibud, of dea.d of btax by thospecial Rev- meni r I fh17nk'1 ullaalt*jh�gtlLte beforlaswear, 'in replyi lie informed the deputation that
We werv�aab aware before thst tho arilmalo orvArious, kinds so-, 40(y enUfl VomlWtijoner they had not told theita.6ne point which ho
Fri-svitum t-3 outituter b1iii1sace the influimcm Be(Qje Jiff ITOI 4 U4
paton X16 "e 06*,uW�--Q>10_, "S'L cats to. � go-wit4esi) Do you know the d an%i
rathor 4 p" Thin �Ing lill
I Friday, 20111ilist. 1 View .0cercial",squirrels till . re I had not lo3g an 6fi#lyconsidered,and
and ht amount receive&into thepTressury nato - nfai �coitth I viftness fritlibing a;
the prjtaj4g�,
4601 Y& -allg Wd Wi*�*t ;IIAV f 'th noW_ j��o . OL f V4a about 1606,00, an that in the cutirse of,& week the SUI
to likes, UsiWpartsof th PIP a&I d 041; Ilead)—ldun Ito -know 'what; ybu', tile&
to tis, - wo
is now-*"- ill a-06moleth": -Qr-,Bx,,( W. J6, H T ValtADY, Watilti IhOi skin, liili4 muFtlis, And h uport an artic n would be 'braught before ParIlaiumit.
,Jr 'Ahat YS)U*V@ done tbij 1y
admim, le -cwting
ZW bin Of One� -Theder1c7---:0a1m you read--�-hav
Itht ford bli:F# you for savits' all we fro'.3uit. of uow and. be*utiful type, with. tko r It They thaukea him and retired.
Incidly amwig A -41l114tfi6Uneackmb1*e tat received, goes fqr fishing the Bible I 'Wituena;—Ilo� Tb
Ulviato 0,90WIn Doyle for defatim Urs railgemont, n�r Lie It was III- gre, prOverVe
ad ail in,.-*Jph� '010mdvlleted that her husband.made, Vi __ W, U _ I , .1 1 . . e-
botluties and' allowances founded upon Can vou -write I Witness Tit clork
The daily, circulmion. v6n -of our ek-poinlreof -ad di No livi6g4hing it'roUld
he Wild hae tt* Jet*4 'ai6atletto, orda . . 4 tdappI �
tbi� #Izbti-but noci L can 1oQk forirsird .414itilud it over2_ A114I upo 1$W avi. the� Put miwofikk of the ZII, to _&Sollt i6o per can,
=:kor anahokea It thelti, it) thit what upotf JI16 TolLord was it low your name, how 4o you,
O,OW! to rVu whiI or, 1& 40 tj L of t
fi4b thievicinity sftv�atlhe -U,0�tre% and itL X *as -4 noits—I duWut THE PAoTzCrr0Xor9a1ALTi11RD8._TIIe
3, 4iidar press -L,�(M7 4enoo fully suat4illed tit in -to? i I I I L 11 . i,., The cleric
to 5 We forfuJabi 4a� ban company! hu no 14urpr* " that, -30m tai 'society for the prevention of cr.114tv to:an;
re 0 "o- Q -t' t -wag icitto Witness
f W Aeau&&I titi -non. - x. (if 20a oe� dent, nud that'uport an - Have. yon ever I*en to ell-urch?
-14 ArtnL-lif, ii I ye J4_ v cri.-d At exprioidj btaltr by floe tt W. at a 000it. of a all -Attlad ocim-. ons of itii -m. lhe 310 of Prime mals, in MontreSt will ilf future protect in.
V# the Treas o6;e nrtvrioe whe
ng Jd4. urer il;rio�s p6wer uld I have Arti, —yea n1w&*&youn,,'un
appeared in This is noxilv,mbaa L 'the 0 Cla es sectivorous birds, an4 prosetutop-3rsons
y4ad Xr, P%tvj,, who aq -8ye are XIV14 Vii A, U&A61 a ispriaid-�- Tha true.-caus'e as 46D The chaimall—Wecanot tak,1A mat
W nthLb
ouOQ -think it QV514 zw. R�owua Voz&r,,AwwI4, Acit vrali* to bill rintpilod. b a Me 111 very'obvioui Xr. Smitl%T-But, rq thorn-, or
-i tht* beevidwir who take the nest or - a �oulig or eggs of
t-ia 400�,Wuy. Whu wad y aw tho keepia. xhWf ira iZ�tgsw alt-monoI ,,.who,attempit a, Friend doith . �yf iod4j, concerning whf 9i Mr. Smith
i -r;,( the faith(U106111mi"lonerI A. Wells air hecannotbosobad no that. I will:
ava? ting! is much Af4 ind openitigs in ;,th
ounty. PA4
JOI my Mari, r7a. ta"I t1se i -lot ar" van(tewat iW444to �Wdishihutinghf* - in UVA - - - I I I says, that It the- tR;k vias villeated in the put the queationsin a different form. (To r these creaturL By lAw.-ofrenders of fbit
ell car -
form of tithe -i it Lvould. "Wre, that- each *Ittiess) Now, my man,. toll vue� do you'- Mad v&y be fined -not less tban : 1, Tzor
f in fut
.*tlay to b4y pit, alf. 11tid wad you, propurty ta W& lm*s,� Aftm the ulwuori
. �s � : . � we (VA110hiltilus umes are -V re than 610, with all feas and costa im-
liko to Lilo Pt 4 JQhb AMob, A4*x bb� bkw easel arriving'with a cargo of- foroigit salt re rewards and 13nnish- In()]
011w .4tiarts a"the tither to i ArA no VAYW half emitted in gnat q4autlttj%�� It Wig' - U
hdrits I NVitness seentail to I rplozed. prisoned for not lefs thall two nor more
farA vtsO(I for worpw 00 td the Planting of t the Oiler --- Pliny' and than twenty days.
wl butiuw au! to , 400wris two fa tialef
Marry 4�)tlide"km #I
My 430 At otme, sotd. a thiid amoller traft of fruneight than ever, andlid not answer. Irsmith Parianti; and teachers
t wbl& wl 1 '*--A d(I'dorkh.' We Oiw'appre e -the 111�p *)n,
V* Mlkp.r of OU'r- p0i"Kwire.-sufftilated, �at' the' tP fifty Fall bent, ti�.,00nvey the dtity�, 'We —Come, hxvb yort ever hearaoI God or 'should in#*ruct the youngthat it is ascruel
th4 - can, only give &ptesenb a statement on- &,devil f Witness -1 dun7noI. Mr. SWth an it is 16olish tO destroy birds; or steal
0toW tbLt
W ton mush rw J.4a, 1 WvsterI Tax" is s4itl to be 1�4430"w the tnitple
tims of lbo 40st=4404 pf Herculaneum
Jr. AV BC jp�t Jim. krow 44 "Flag coming the divniage -this s4lt montipoly'luts -'Do you Joan* how iold-yotj are Witness their,eggs, strod all persons wl-co-limrof
1WW of &Itin trollir of Dr U01) I ou�iou'141 -the
Grao,-�& Ww*Wr. sold, toking of its tb*y wtie *11"
1i beei
f b%ftt 1"to "rt, the whulo a a tow Alwoy J'om Vpc3u- been to f4ining intorest both of Great _� I be more hor twenty. - Mr. gmitb_�-J such itiffences should couiranniclite full par-
oup . rosideNe, 4ong everyit idor Thim.
g foresu a* W,W hearty. - - - - e.
twould rot BrI and the Unite4 stattes. _,zve -ticiilarsoftliesamotatli6'ztl)tjvcm -C
amy 149 ry think I hatiat give him up, your woriiI Smiety. en lou.
practicalmall kuoi�s t;hat evory description Tile "wituess7i was then ordlured -to staud 04 4
T 1�
CCRS!nnt, C-Mlic
'un 1:�Sj TaCFJ_
cz I ra El t ra _-, C z:,
Vxcitt-��Zcnt bV
diazu, lan 13"e i -T.,
�aay ke
tyns at Rant V T'-'cs[
L -7 f =- -a t = 3 cz
C a r:z. n C, I
!Lai t= Cf"= U;__0 t1i
fal =Cml
cz:a C=2 Ir-n�c'--r-qu
AM=_=1 rmwz
P't ...............
cmp, and 4n C:z =C_11 4ra
At GOO craeb on tba:
f"I tTr. IS analte
7101 GREITI F1
Job NOS,"" IP
U�"R,FZ:23 t7cl Z4 tz
Pf'RET mnf,
iava S;�14
Lvc=� NVVc=V0. gk,
-�;02 fmmrc CL L�e�,
NQ J%_'jr
N c
f 'Ila
osm - el v-zd
ar'sZacce to gava
zse�, Jqr� W4 ha7em7c?
wab ils cp�ymlm�.
ttwmns 01 Ics 7t4cc
2 WE CA, '&;.4 MPA 4 7 PJ1
bap wen �Iorftmftl cC7�1--a
tic), tc:,-
ek 9 2 0
tLe tis Oy onnil &=n v6 1'aLilc-Vr_�
18 ZTff4,:!E1:La1cF9
F,Px6e e3y !n oen t F; Tpc 7 t;
Ne 40
GC-nC-:L znj
lt it
rM. r's V'ArnAn.Tm,
*fff,�;tc-j T,- flar C-,
-, U,-ekeq, Gf-.Cz
reel, 11,)m
4tergra S.17"Mh�=,�8M:::JqMZ
1r,Es cc:�etmtcd r -'=en Li-
yrtscap mud Z�s �=M-24vvq
4n4 ti Z4 to ��3 tttza C-
V Is,